Marketing Mix Decisions 2 Unit
Marketing Mix Decisions 2 Unit
Marketing Mix Decisions 2 Unit
Segmenting is the process of dividing the market into segments based on customer
characteristics and needs.
The main activity segmenting consists of four sub activities. These are:
1. determining who the actual and potential customers are
2. identifying segments
3. analyzing the intensity of competitors in the market
4. selecting the attractive customer segments.
The first, second and fourth steps are described as market segmentation. The third step of
analyzing the intensity of the competitors is added to the process of segmenting in this process
description. When different segments are identified, it is not necessary that these segments are
attractive to target. A company is almost never alone in a market -- competitors have a great
influence on the attractiveness of entering a certain market. When there is a high intensity of
competitors, it is hard to obtain a profitable market share and a company may decide not to enter
a certain market. The third step of segmenting is the first part of the topic of competitor analysis.
The need for segmenting a market is based on the fact that no market is homogeneous. For one
product the market can be divided in different customer groups. The variables used for this
segmenting in these groups are usually geographical, psychographical, behavioral and
demographic variables. This results in segments which are homogeneous within and
heterogeneous between each other. When these segments are known, it is important to decide on
which market to target. Not every market is an attractive market to enter. A little filtering has
been done in this activity, but there are more factors to take in account before targeting a certain
market segment. This process is called targeting.
After the most attractive segments are selected, a company should not directly start targeting all
these segments -- other important factors come into play in defining a target market. Four sub
activities form the basis for deciding on which segments will actually be targeted.
The four sub activities within targeting are:
1. defining the abilities of the company and resources needed to enter a market
2. analyzing competitors on their resources and skills
3. considering the companys abilities compared to the competitors' abilities
4. deciding on the actual target markets.
The first three sub activities are described as the topic competitor analysis. The last sub activity
of deciding on the actual target market is an analysis of the company's abilities to those of its
competitors. The results of this analysis leads to a list of segments which are most attractive to
target and have a good chance of leading to a profitable market share.
Obviously, targeting can only be done when segments have been defined, as these segments
allow firms to analyze the competitors in this market. When the process of targeting is ended, the
markets to target are selected, but the way to use marketing in these markets is not yet defined.
To decide on the actual marketing strategy, knowledge of the differential advantages of each
segment is needed.
When the list of target markets is made, a company might want to start on deciding on a good
marketing mix directly. But an important step before developing the marketing mix is deciding
on how to create an identity or image of the product in the mind of the customer. Every segment
is different from the others, so different customers with different ideas of what they expect from
the product. In the process of positioning the company:
1. identifies the differential advantages in each segment
2. decides on a different positioning concept for each of these segments. This process is
described at the topic positioning, here different concepts of positioning are given.
The process-data model shows the concepts resulting from the different activities before and
within positioning. The model shows how the predefined concepts are the basis for the
positioning statement. The analyses done of the market, competitors and abilities of the company
are necessary to create a good positioning statement. When the positioning statement is created,
one can start on creating the marketing mix.
Management Association (PDMA), superior and differentiated new products ones that deliver
unique benefits and superior value to the customer is the number one driver of success and
product profitability. Product management may be defined as the entrepreneurial management of
a piece of business (product, product line, service, brand, segment etc.) as a virtual company,
with a goal of ling-term customer satisfaction and competitive advantage.
3. Associated attributes.
4. Exchange value.
5. Consumer satisfaction:
Levels of Product
Product Hierarchy
Need Family Core need that underlies the existence of a product family. Eg. Security
Product Family Product classes that can satisfy a core need with reasonable effectiveness.
Eg. Savings & Income
Product Class A group of products within a product family recognized as having a certain
functional coherence. Eg. financial instrument
Product line Group of products within a product class that are closely related because they
perform a similar function, are sold to same customer group, are marketed through the same
channel. Eg. life insurance
Product type group of items within a product line that share one of several possible
forms, of the product. Eg. term life
Brand The name associated with one or more items in the product line that is used to
identify the source or character of the item. Eg. Prudential
Item A distinct unit within a brand or product line distinguishable by size, price,
appearance, or some other attribute. Eg. Prudential renewable term life insurance
High price
Unique characteristics
Brand identification
Few purchase locations
i.e can be anything
4. Unsought Products
New innovations
Products consumers dont want to think about these products
Require much advertising & personal selling
i.e Life insurance, blood donation
Industrial Goods Classification:
1. Materials and parts
a) farm products
b) natural products
c) Manufactured material & parts
d) Compound material
e) Compound parts
2. Capital items
a) installations
b) equipment
3. Supplies & business services
a) maintenance and repair service
b) operating supplies
c) maintenance & repair services
d) Business advisory services
2. Generated better cash flows and improved management and productivity of assets
3. Reduced or even eliminated the need for regular infusion of fresh capital investment
needs can be met out of internal accruals and extensions of a successful brand can give
the benefits of new benefits of new product launch at reduced cost.
4. Created an entry barrier for would be rivals, who must now spend heavily to counter the
brand and
5. Insulated the brand from economic cycles, since a successful brand immediately reduces
the impact of prices alone on demand.
There are certain basic categories of brand or corporate name:
1. Descriptive name
2. Associative name
3. Freestanding name
4. Abstract name
5. Coined name
A company has five choices with regards to brand strategy. They are
1. Line Extensions:
Existing brand name extended to new sizes of flavors in the existing product category
like Cinthol Cologne , Cinthol Lime. Extension may lead to brand name losing in
specific meaning. However there is a much higher chance of survival than brand new
2. Brand Extensions:
Where a company may use its existing brand name to launch new products in other
categories like the brand Rin being extended to both detergent powders, detergent cakes.
The new product may disappoint buyers and damage their report for companys other
products. The brand name may be in appropriate to the new product. The brand name
may also lose its special positioning in consumers mind though over extension. Brand
dilution occurs when consumers mind trough over extension. Brand dilution occurs when
consumers no longer associate a brand with a specific product ore highly similar products
3. Multi brands:
A company will often introduce additional brand in the same product category.
Sometimes the company is trying to establish different features or appeal to different
buying motives. A multi- branding strategy also enables the company to lock up more
distributors shelf space and to protect its major brand by setting up flanker brand.
Hindustan lever limited produces three different brands of detergent powders. Company
inherits different brand name in the process of acquiring competitors Smithkline beecham
consumer health care owns the acquired brand names like brook bond. Hamam Kissan A
major pitfall introducing multi-brand entries is that each might obtain only a small market
share and none may be particularly profitable. The company will have dissipated its
resources over several brands instead of building a few highly profitable brands
4. New Brands:
New brands are created when company launches products in a new category it may find
that none of its current brand names are appropriate. Yet the cost of establishing a new
brand name in the market place is costly.
5. Co-brands:
A Co brand is a combination of two or more well known brands in an offer like the
combination of SBI and GE Capital in the issue of SBI credit cards.
Brand Repositioning
However well a brand is currently positioned, the company may have to reposition it
later when facing new competitors or changing customer preferences. Consider 7-Up,
which was one of several soft drinks bought primarily by older people who wanted a
bland, lemon-flavored drink. Research indicated that although a majority of soft-drink
consumers preferred a cola, they did not prefer it all of the time, and many other consumers were
non cola drinkers.
Brand stretching
Brand stretching is applying an existing brand to a completely different business area or a
new product or service- such as Cadburys entry into cola market. The risk attached to brand
stretching is that failure in the new field may affect the core product
Brand equity:
Brand equity is a set of assets and liabilities linked to a brands name and symbol that add
to subtract from the value provided by a product or service to ad firm and / or that firms
Packaging includes the activities of designing and producing the container for a product.
The container is called the package, and it might include up to three levels of material. Old Spice
aftershave lotion is in a bottle (primary package) that is in a cardboard box (secondary package)
that is in a corrugated box (shipping package) containing six dozen boxes of Old Spice.
During the market introductory stage, there may not be ready market for the product.
Sales are low; the product undergoes teething troubles, profits seem a demand has to be created
and developed ; customers have to be prompted to try out the product. This stage poses several
problems for the marketer. The complexity of the problems and the duration of the stage depend
upon the nature of the product, its price, its technological newness and the consumers view of
the product. the management can pursue one of the four strategies
1. Rapid skimming :
Launching the new product at a high price and a high promotion level. It will take advantage of
early entry and the realitive novelty of the product in the market introduction stage. Those who
became aware of the product are eager to have it and can pay the asking price and the firm faces
potential competition and wants to build brand preferences.
2.Rapid Penetration : Launching the product at a low price and spending heavily on
promotion. This strategy make sense when the market is large, the market is unaware of the
product, most buyers are price sensitive, there is strong potential competition, and the unit
manufacturing costs fall with the companys scale of production and accumulated manufacturing
3 Slow penetration : Launching the product at a low price and low level of promotion.
This strategy make sense when the market is large, is highly aware of the product, is price
sensitive, and there is some potential competition. Another crucial area demanding attention at
this stage is market development and promotion. In this stage, demand has to be created and
developed. The firm has to invest heavily in promotion and visit for the reward
4. Slow Skimming : Launching the new product at a high and low promotion. This
strategy make sense when the market is limited in size. Most of the markets are aware of the
product, buyers are willing to pay a high price and potential competition is not imminent
Low sales volume
High costs
No or little direct competition
Basic product configuration
Develop primary demand by building awareness and educating consumers
Stimulate opinion leaders to buy the product
Build channels of distribution (selective in the beginning)
Two pricing strategies:
price skimming introduce at high price
price penetration introduce at low price
II Growth Stage
During this stage, the demand for the product increase and the size of the market grows.
There is a rapid increase in sales. Early adopters like the product and additional consumers start
buying it. Now competitors enter attacked by the opportunities. They introduce new product
features and expand distribution. Price remain where they are or fall slightly depending on how
fast demand increase. Profits increase during this stage as promotion cost are spread over a large
volume and unit manufacturing costs fall faster than price decline owing to the producer learning
During this stage the firm uses several strategies to sustain rapid market growth as long as
It improves product quality and adds new features and improved styling
It adds new models and flanker, products i.e products of different size, flavours
It enters new market segments
It increases its distribution coverage
It shifts from product awareness advertising to product preference advertising
It lowers price to attract the next layer of price sensitive buyers.
Sales volume increases significantly
Engage in product modification
Build selective demand; stress differentiation
Move toward intensive distribution
Practice more aggressive pricing
III Maturity Stage
In the maturity stage the demand for the product reach a saturation point Price
competition become intense and pioneer tries to distinguish his brand by subtle company.
Maturity divides into 3 phases:
Growth Phase
Stable Phase
Decaying Maturity
Market Modification
The company might try to expand the market for its mature brand by working with the two
factors that makeup sales volume.
Volume = Number of brand users * usage rate per user
The company can try to expand the number of brand users in three ways
A. Characteristics
Sales growth slows then levels off
Profits decline for the industry
Marginal competitors leave marketplace
B. Strategies
Rejuvenate product change packaging, new
technology and
some cycles more quickly to maturity, then have many product modifications so the
decline stage drags on and on
Fashions - currently popular products that tend to follow recurring life cycles
Fads(A fashion that is taken up with great enthusiasm for a brief period of time; a craze )
- Fashions with abbreviated life cycles - only popular with certain groups
- Music
- Fast food
- Childrens toys
- adult toys
use market segmentation in maturity stage to maintain strong core customer basis
development as the first stage in generating and commercializing new products within the overall
strategic process of product life cycle management used to maintain or grow their market share.
What is the current or expected competitive pressure for the product idea?
What are the industry sales and market trends the product idea is based on?
Is it technically feasible to manufacture the product?
Will the product be profitable when manufactured and delivered to the customer at the target
Testing the Concept by asking a sample of prospective customers what they think of the idea.
Usually via Choice Modeling.
Stage 4. Business Analysis
The company has a great idea, the marketing strategy seems feasible, but will the product be
financially worth while in the long run? The business analysis stage looks more deeply into the
cashflow the product could generate, what the cost will be, how much market shares the product
may achieve and the expected life of the product.
Estimate likely selling price based upon competition and customer feedback
If the test marketing stage has been successful then the product will go for national launch. There
are certain factors that need to be taken into consideration before a product is launched
nationally. These are timing, how the product will be launched, where the product will be
launched, will there be a national roll out or will it be region by region?
New Product Pricing
Behaviour Modification
To Inform
To remind
Specific Objectives
Type of product
Nature of market
Budget availability
Company policies
Buyer Readiness
According to Philip Kotler, Every producer seeks to link together the set of marketing
intermediaries that best fulfill the firms objectives. This set of marketing intermediaries is called
the marketing channel (also called as trade channel or channel of distribution.)
A system of marketing institutions that promotes the physical flow of goods and services, along
with ownership title, from producers to consumer or business user; also called a distribution
For marketers the distribution decision is primarily concerned with the supply chains front-end
or channels of distribution that are designed to move the product (goods or services) from the
hands of the company to the hands of the customers
Characteristics of Distribution channel:
1) Route or pathway:
2) Flow:
3) Composition:
4) Functions:
5) Remuneration:
6) Time Utility:
7) Convenience Value:
8) Possession Value:
9) Marketing tools:
10) Supply-demand Linkage:
Channel Functions:
1) Information Provider
2) Price stability.
3) Promotion
4) Financing
5) Title
6) Help in Production Function
7) Matching demand and supply.
- Contractual: Finding out buyers and sellers.
- Merchandising: Producing goods that will satisfy market requirements.
- Pricing: Process of attaching value to the product in monetary terms.
- Propaganda: Sales promotion activities.
- Termination: Settlement of contract, i.e., paying the value and receiving the goods.
8) Pricing
9) Standardizing Transactions.
10) Matching Buyers and Sellers.
Concepts of Channel Management:
1. The Ex Ante phase: The ex ante phase involves all the activities that are associated with the
design and establishment of the distribution channel actually starts functioning.
i) Designing channel structure.
ii) Establishing the channel.
a) Appointing processing Entities.
b) Infrastructure Development.
c ) Miscellaneous Functions.
2. The Ex-paste Phase:
While these activities are just preparatory activities, the main task of a channel manager
starts only after the channel is set up and starts functioning. It comprises following two set of
i) Motivating Channel Members:
ii) Resolving Conflicts among Channel Members.
The Role of Marketing Channels in Marketing Strategy
Channels provide the means by which the firm moves the goods and services it produces to
ultimate users
Adjust for discrepancies in the markets assortment of goods and services via
C & F Agents
Semi- Wholesaler
attributed to the need for facilitating exchanges by speeding up the time consuming matching
process between buyers and sellers.
Channel Management Decisions
1. Selecting Channel Members
During the selection process, producers should determine what characteristics distinguish the
better intermediaries. They will want to evaluate number of years in business, other lines carried,
growth and profit record, solvency, cooperativeness, and reputation. If the intermediaries are
sales agents, producers will want to evaluate the
number and character of other lines carried and the size and quality of the sales force.
2. Training Channel Members
Companies need to plan and implement careful training programs for their distributors
and dealers because the intermediaries will be viewed as the company by end
users. Microsoft, for example, requires third-party service engineers who work with its software
applications to complete a number of courses and take certification exams. Those who pass are
formally recognized as Microsoft Certified Professionals, and they can use this designation to
promote business.
3. Motivating Channel Members
The most successful firms view their channel members in the same way they view their end
users. This means determining their intermediaries needs and then tailoring the channel
positioning to provide superior value to these intermediaries. To improve
intermediaries performance, the company should provide training, market research,
and other capability-building programs. And the company must constantly reinforce
that its intermediaries are partners in the joint effort to satisfy customers.
4. Evaluating Channel Members
Producers must periodically evaluate intermediaries performance against such standards as
sales-quota attainment, average inventory levels, customer delivery time,
treatment of damaged and lost goods, and cooperation in promotional and training
programs. A producer will occasionally discover that it is paying too much to particular
intermediaries for what they are actually doing
5. Modifying Channel Arrangements
Channel arrangements must be reviewed periodically and modified when distribution
is not working as planned, consumer buying patterns change, the market expands,
new competition arises, innovative distribution channels emerge, or the product
moves into later stages in the product life cycle.
Horizontal Conflict
Most often, horizontal conflict causes sparks between different types of marketing intermediaries
that handle similar products. Sometimes results from disagreements among channel members at
the same level.
Vertical Conflict
Channel members at different levels find many reasons for disputes
Example: when retailers develop private brands to compete with producers brands or when
producers establish their own retail outlets or WWW Sites.
Multichannel conflict
Exists when the manufacture has established two or more channels that sell to the same market
Causes of channel conflict
Goals incompatibility
Unclear roles & rights
Managing Channel conflict
Super ordinate goals
Exchange persons
Vertical Marketing Systems
Vertical marketing system (VMS): planned channel system designed to improve distribution
efficiency and cost effectiveness by integrating various functions throughout the distribution
Types of VMS
Administered marketing system: VMS that achieves channel coordination when a dominant
channel member exercises its power
Corporate marketing system: a VMS in which a single owner operates at each stage in its
marketing channel
Contractual marketing system: VMS that coordinates channel activities through formal
agreements among channel members like:
Retail Cooperatives
It compasses all the tools in the marketing mix whose major role is persuasive
Most familiar outlets are broadcast (TV, radio) and print (newspapers, magazines) media
However, there are many other advertising vehicles, from billboards to T-Shirts and, more
recently, the Internet
According to American Marketing Association, Advertising is any paid form of nonpersonal presentation of ideas, goods or services by an identified sponsor.
Features of Advertising:
It is Mass-Communication Process.
It is Informative in Action.
It is a Persuasive Act.
It is a Competitive Act.
It is a Paid-For.
It is Non-personal Presentation.
To increase Demand.
To build Goodwill.
To support Salesmen.
To Neutralize.
Classification of Advertising:
Basis of Geographical Area
National Advertising
Local advertising
Global advertising
Basis of Target Groups
Consumer Advertising
Industrial Advertising
Trade Advertising
Professional Advertising
Basis of demand influence level
Primary Demand
Selective Demand
Institutional or Product Advertising
Product Advertising
Remainder-oriented Advertising
Institutional Advertising
Advantages of advertising
1. To Manufacturers
Increased sales
Steady demand
Lower Costs
Greater dealer interest
Quick Turnover and smaller inventories
Supplementing salesmanship
Encouragement to better performance
Creation of goodwill
2. Advantages to Consumers
Facility of Purchasing
Improvement in Quality
Elimination of unnecessary intermediaries
Consumers surplus
Education of consumers
3. Advantages to Middleman:
Guarantees Quick sales
Acts as a salesman
It makes possible retail price maintenance
4.Advantages to the society
Encouragement to Research
Sustaining the press
Change in motivation
Multiplication of needs
Misrepresentation of Facts
Consumers deficit
Increased cost
Wastage of national resources
Barriers to entry
Product proliferation
Deferred revenue expenditure
Managerial difficulties
Marketing activities , other than personal selling , advertising and publicity that stimulate
consumer purchasing and dealer effectiveness such as display shows and exhibitions,
demonstration and various non-recurrent selling efforts not in the ordinary routine
Characteristics of sales Promotion
Sales Promotion does not include personal selling , advertising and publicity
Activities are not regular
Makes advertisement & Personal Selling more effective
It encourages dealers, distributors and consumers.
Methods/ tools of Sales Promotion
1. Consumer Promotion
Free Samples
Money Refund offer
Temporary price Reduction/ price Off
Bonus offer
After Sales service
P-O-P material
Exchange Offer
Product placements/tie-ins
2. Middleman Promotion
Buying allowance Discount
Buy-back allowance
Display & Advertising allowances
Dealer listed Promotions
Push Money
Sales Contest
Free Gifts
Advertising materials
Credit Facility
3. Sales Force Promotions
Bonus to Sales Force
Sales force Contest
Sales Meetings
Advantages of Sales Promotion:
Introduction of new brands
During inflationary stage, to increase sales
For stimulating demand
Creates feeling that it is intended to sell sub-standard product
Discounts are artificial as price is inflated
Activities are short-lived and so the result is also short-lives
Brand image may be affected
Effective activities easily copied by competitors
Personal selling involves the two-way flow of communication between a buyer and seller, often
in a face-to-face encounter, designed to influence a persons or groups purchase decision.
Advantages of Personal Selling
Provides a detailed explanation or demonstration
of product
Message can be varied to fit the needs of each
prospective customer
Can be directed to specific qualified prospects
Instant feedback
Personal persuasion can be used
Can not reach mass audience
Expensive per contact
Numerous calls needed to generate sale
Labor intensive
Public Relations involves a variety of programs designed to promote or protect a companys
image or its individual products. PR can take many forms, including newspapers, annual reports,
lobbying, and support of charitable or civic events
Functions of PR
Promoting goodwill
Promoting product, service, corporate image
Corporate communications
Counteracting negative publicity
Major Decisions in PR
Establishing the marketing Objectives
Build Awareness
Build Credibility
Stimulate sales force and dealers
Build a core consumer base
Hold down promotion Cost
Build one-one relationship with customers
Influence the influential
Choosing Messages and vehicles
Implementing the plan
Evaluating Results
Advantages of PR
Very credible and inexpensive
The sum or amount of money at which a thing is valued, or the value which a seller sets on his
goods in market; that for which something is bought or sold, or offered for sale
Objectives of Pricing
To maximize the profits
Competitive Situation
Capturing the Market
Long-run Welfare of the Firm
Price Stability
Achieving a Target-Return
Ability to Pay
Margin of profit to Middlemen.
Resource mobilization.
Factors Affecting the Pricing Decisions:
1. Internal factors:
(a) Organizational Factors: pricing decisions occur on two levels in the organization. Overall
Price strategy is with the top executives. They determine the basic ranges that the product falls
into in terms of market segments.
The actual mechanics of pricing are dealt with at lower levels in the firm and focus on
individual product strategies.
(b) Marketing Mix: Marketing experts view prices as only one of the many important elements
of the marketing mix. A shift in any one of the elements has an immediate effect on the other
three- production, Promotion and distribution.
(c) Product Differentiation: The price of the product also depends upon the characteristics of the
product. In order to attract the customers, differentiation
Pricing Process
Non-price competition
II Demand Analysis
Measure the impact of price change on total revenue
Predicts unit sales volume and total revenue for various price levels
Different customers have different price sensitivities and needs
Price Sensitivity
Unique-Value Effect
Difficult-Comparison Effect
Total-Expenditure Effect
End-Benefit Effect
Shared-Cost Effect
Sunk-Investment Effect
Price-quality Effect
Inventory Effect
Target Costing
Cost can also change as a result of a concentrated effort by the companys designers,
engineers, and purchasing agents to reduce them.
Many Japanese firms use a method called target costing.
First, they use market research to establish a new products desired functions, then they
determine the price at which the product will sell given its appeal and competitors prices.
They deduct the desired profit margin from this price, and this leaves the target cost they
must achieve.
IV Analyzing Competitors Costs, Prices, and Offers
Within the range of possible prices determined by market demand and company costs, the
firm must take into account its competitors costs, prices, and possible price reactions.
If the firms offer is similar to a major competitors offer, then the firm will have to price
close to the competitor or lose sales.
If the firms offer is inferior, it will not be able to charge more than the competitor
If the firms offer is superior, it can charge more than does the competitorremembering,
however, that competitors might change their prices in response at any time.
V Selecting a Pricing Method
Customers demand schedule,
Cost function, and
Pricing Method
Mark up Pricing: The practice of adding a constant percentage to the cost price
of an item to arrive at its selling price.
Value Pricing: Occurs when prices are set on the basis of fair value for both the
service provider and the consumer.
Sealed Bid Pricing: Price quotes solicited by governmental and other public
agencies to ensure objective consideration of competitive bids.
Psychological Pricing
Cash Discounts
Quantity Discounts
Promotional Pricing
Loss-Leader Pricing
Special-event Pricing
Cash Rebates
Low-interest financing
Discriminatory Pricing
Image pricing: Some companies price the same product at two different
levels based on image differences.
Location pricing
Product-Mix Pricing
Product-Line Pricing - Companies normally develop product lines rather than single
products and introduce price steps. Rs.200, 400, and 600.
Captive-product Pricing- Some products require the use of ancillary or captive products.
Manufacturers of razors, digital phones and cameras often price them low and set high
markups on razor blades and film, respectively.
Two-part Pricing - Service firms often engage in two-part pricing, consisting of fixed fee
plus a variable usage fee. Amusement parks charge an admission fee plus fees for rides
over a certain minimum.
By-product Pricing- Any income earned on the by-products will make it easier for the
company to charge a lower price on its main product if competition forces it to do so.
Product- Bundling Pricing- is a marketing strategy that involves offering several products
for sale as one combined product. This strategy is very common in the software business
(for example: bundle a word processor, a spreadsheet, and a database into a single office
suite )
Cost inflation
Over demand
Customers reactions