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The 9 May, 2006.

No. 4/4(2)2003-2FR .-In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to article 309 of the
Constitution of India, the Governor of Haryana hereby makes the following rules to regulate the General
Provident Fund, namely :Short title and



(1) These rules may be called h

t e Haryana General Provident Fund Rules, 2006.
(2) They shall come into force on the da te of their publication in the Official

Application and
effect of rules.


(1) Except as otherwise provided, these rules shall apply to all the categories of

Government employees who are under the administrative control of the Haryana
Government and whose pay is debitable o
t the Consolidated Fund of the State of
Haryana, namely :(i)

members of State Service, Group A to D;

(ii) members of State Service belonging to Haryana Public Service

Commission and Haryana Legislative Assembly;
(iii) any other Government employee or class of Government employees to
whom the competent authority may by general or special order, make these
rules applicable.
(2) These rules shall not apply to the following categories :(i)

employees working on contract basis;

(ii) employees working on ad -hoc basis;

(iii) work-charged employees;
(iv) daily wages employees;
(v) employees working as apprentices;
(vi) any other category of Government employee to whom the competent
authority may by general or special order, direct that these rules shall not
apply to them.
(3) Nothing in these rules shall be deemed to have the effect of terminating the
existence of the General Provident Fund as heretofore, or of constituting any new fund.



In these rules unless the context otherwise requires,(i)

Accountant General means the Head of Office of Accountant General

(Accounts and Establishment) representing the Comptroller and Auditor
General of India, who maintains the accounts of the Haryana State and
exercises audit functions in relation to those accounts on behalf of the
Comptroller and Auditor General of India;

(ii) Administrative Department means a department of the Haryana

Government, other than the Finance Department;
(iii) Child means a legitimate child and includes an adopted child, where
adoption is recognized by the personal law governing the subscriber or a
ward under the Guardians and Wards Act, 1890. In a case in which a
person has given a child in adoption to another person and if, under the
personal law of the adopter, adoption is legally recognized as conferring
the status of a natural child, such a child should, for the purpose of these
rules, be considered as excluded from the family of the natural father;
(iv) competent authority in relation to the exercise of any power under these
rules means the Administrative Department concerned of Government
acting in consultation with the Finance Department or any other authority to
which such powers may be delegated by or under these rules. A ilst of
such authorities is given in Annexure-I;
(v) dependent means any of the relatives of a subscriber in a fund, namely,
a wife, husband, parent, child, minor brother, unmarried sister and a
deceased sons widow and child and where no parent of subscriber is alive
then paternal grand-parent;
(vi) family means,(a) in the case of a male subscriber, the wife (or wives where permissible
under personal law), children, widow (or widows where permissible
under personal law) and children of a deceased son(s) of the
subscriber and also includes parents, unmarried sisters and minor
brothers of an unmarried subscriber:
Provided that if a subscriber proves that his wife has been
judicially separated from him or has ceased under the customary law
of the community to which she belongs to be entitled to maintenance,
she shall henceforth be deemed to be no longer a member of the
subscribers family in matters to which these rules relate, unless the
subscriber subsequently intimates by express notice in writing to the
Accountant General that she shall continue to be so regarded;
(b) In the case of a female subscriber, the husband and the children of a
subscriber, widow (or widows where permissible under personal law)
and children of a deceased son(s) of a subscriber and also includes
parents, unmarried sisters and minor brothers of an unmarried
Provided that if a subscriber by notice in writing to the
Accountant General expresses her desire to exclude her husband from
her family, the husband shall henceforth be deemed to be no longer a
member of the subscribers family in matters to which these rules

relate, unless the subscriber subsequently cancels by express notice in

writing to the Accountant General through he r Head of Office.

Finance Department means the Finance Department of the Haryana


(viii) first appointment means the appointment of a person not at the time
of appointment holding any appointment under Government, even thoug h
he may have previously held such an appointment.

foreign service means service in which a Government employee

receives his pay with the sanction of Government from any source other
than the Consolidated Fund of India or the Consolidated Fund of State.


Fund means The General Provident Fund of Haryana Government



Government means the Haryana Government in the Administrative



Head of Department means the authority declared to be as such by

the Government in consultation with the Finance Department.

(xiii) Head of Office means the authority declared to be as such by

Government/Head of Department.
(xiv) leave means any kind of leave recognized by the Civil Services Rules
applicable to Haryana Government employees.

leave salary

means the monthly amount paid in lieu of pay to a

Government employee while on leave.

(xvi) nominee means the person(s) conferred upon the right to receive the
amount at credit in the account of the subscriber after his death.
(xvii) Pay means basic pay drawn monthly in the scale by the subscriber. It
also includes dearness pay, special pay and personal pay.
(xviii) quitting service means and includes retirement, dismissal, removal,
resignation, retrenchment from service, disappearance, death and
absorption to bodies under the control of Central/ State Government(s).
(xix) subscriber means the member of the Fund.

subsistence allowance means a monthly allowance paid to a

Government employee under suspension who is not in receipt of pay or
leave salary.

(xxi) Year means a financial year i.e. commencing on 1 April of any year

and ending on 31 March of the succeeding year.

(2) Words and expressions used in these rules but not defined shall have the same
meaning as assigned to them respectively in the Provident Funds Act, 1925 (Act XIX of
1925), as reproduced in Appendix A.
Constitution of


(1) The fund shall be maintained in In dia in rupees.

the fund.

(2) All sums paid into the Fund under these rules shall be credited in the books of
Government to an account named The General Provident Fund of Haryana
Government employees. Sums of which payment has not been taken within six m onths
after they become payable under these rules shall be

transferred to Deposits at the

end of the year and treated under the ordinary rules relating to deposits.
Conditions of


(1) All temporary Government employees (including all pr obationers and all re -

employed pensioners) and all permanent Government employees shall subscribe to the
Fund. Probationers shall be treated as temporary Government employees for the
purpose of this rule. They shall subscribe to the fund immediately on joi ning service
after obtaining General Provident Fund account number. The subscription shall
commence from the month following the month during which the General Provident
Fund account number is received in the office. A subscriber, who is re-employed without
break other than on contract basis shall continue to subscribe to his existing Fund
account immediately after re-employment.
(2) In the case of an employee appointed on transfer or otherwise to a post under
Haryana Government from service of another State Government or from the Central
Government shall subscribe to the Fund on joining the post in the Haryana Government
after obtaining the General Provident Fund account number. The amount already
standing to his credit in the previous employment may be transferred to the new
General Provident Fund account number by his previous employer with the written
consent of the employee concerned.
(3) In the case of an employee appointed on transfer or otherwise to a post under
Haryana Government from service

of Boards and Corporations controlled by

Haryana/other State Government or Central Government shall subscribe to the Fund on

joining the post in the Haryana Government after obtaining the General Provident Fund
account number. The amount already standing to his credit in the previous employment
may be transferred to the new General Provident Fund account number by his previous
employer with the written consent of the employee concerned.
(4) In the case of an employee of Haryana Government is transferred/absorbed to
a post under Central Government/any other State Government or Boards and
Corporations controlled by them, the amount already standing to his credit in the
General Provident Fund Account of Haryana State may be transferred to the new
employer with the consent of the new employer and employee concerned.
(5) In the case of an employee of Haryana Government is absorbed to a post under
Boards and Corporations controlled by Haryana State, the amount standing to his credit
in the General Provident Fund account of Haryana State shall be transferred to the
concerned Board and Corporation with the consent of the new employer and employee

Allotment of
Provident Fund
account number.


(1) Every Government employee on joining in the Haryana State shall require to

submit an application for admission to General Provident Fund in triplicate in the

prescribed application form No. P.F.1 (Annexure A).

(2) The application form as mentioned in subrule (1) shall accompany the
nomination form in triplicate in P.F.2 (Annexure B) .
(3) The Head of Office shall forward the application along with nomination form in
duplicate to the Accountant General for allotment of General Provident Fund account
number and acceptance of nomination.
(4) The Accountant General shall allot the General Provident Fund account number
and also return the second copy of application form indicating General Provident Fund
account number thereon along with nomination form duly accepted to the Head of Office.
(5) The Head of Office, on receipt of the General Provident Fund account number
shall record the same on the first page of the employees service book. Necessary entry
of contents of nomination shall also be recorded in the service book.


(1) A subscriber shall, at the time of joining the Fund, send to the Accountant

General through the Head of Office, a nomination conferring on one or more persons
the right to receive the amount that may stand to his credit in the Fund, in the event of
his death, before that amount has become payable or having become payable, has not
been paid:
Provided that if, at the time of making the nomination, the subscriber has a family,
the nomination shall not be in favour of any person or persons other than the members
of his family;
Provided further that a nomination made by a Muhammadan subscriber in favour of
his adopted child should not be accepted, as adoption is not recognized in
Muhammadan Law.
(2) If a subscriber nominates more than one person under sub-rule (1), he shall
specify in the nomination the share payable to each of the nominee in such manner as
to cover the whole of the amount that may stand to his credit in the Fund at any time;
(3) Every nomination shall be made in Form No. P.F.2 (Annexure B) .
(4) A subscriber may at any time cancel/revise a nomination by sending a notice in
writing to the Accountant General, through Head of Office, keeping in view the

conditions mentioned in sub -rule (1) above. The subscriber shall, along with such notice
or separately, send a fresh nomination, through Head of Office, in accordance with the
provisions of this rule. If the subscriber fails to furnish a fresh nomination and the
General Provident Fund deposit becomes payable as a result of death of the subscriber,
the payment shall be made in accordance with the rules of the Fund as if no valid
nomination subsists.
(5) A subscriber may provide in a nomination, (a) in respect of any specified nominee, that in the event of his predeceasing
the subscriber, the right conferred upon that nominee shall pass on to such
other person or persons as may be specified in the nomination provided
that such other person or persons shall, if the subscriber has other
members of his family, be such other member or members. Where the
subscriber confers such a right on more than one person under this clause,
he shall specify the amount or share payable to each of such persons in
such a manner as to cover the whole of the amount payable to the
(b) that the nomination shall become invalid in the event of the happening of a
contingency specified therein:
Provided that if at the time of making the nomination the subscriber has
no family, he shall provide in the nomination that it shall become invalid in
the event of his subsequently acquiring a family:
Provided further that if at the time of making the nomination the
subscriber has only one member of the family, he shall provide in the
nomination that the right conferred upon the alternate nominee under
clause (a) shall become invalid in the event of his subsequently acquiring
other member or members in his family.
(6) Immediately on the death of a nominee in respect of whom no special provision
has been made in the nomination under clause (a) of sub-rule (5) or on the occurrence
of any event by reason of which the nomination becomes invalid in pursuance of clause
(b) of sub-rule (5) or the proviso thereto, the subscriber shall send to the Accountant
General through his Head of Office, a notice in writing cancelling the nomination
together with a fresh nomination made in accordance with the provision of this rule.
(7) Every nomination made, and every notice of cancellation given by a subscriber
shall, to the extent that it is valid, takes effect on the date on which it is received by the
Head of Office.

(8) Nomination made while in service can be revised even after retirement by the
subscriber so long as the amount remains unpaid:
Provided that the revised nomination is made in accordance with the provisions
of the relevant rules.
(9) Nominee facing trial for the murder of the subscriber may be denied payment till
the decision of the court. If on the conclusion of the criminal proceedings, the person
concerned is acquitted of the charge of murdering or abetting in the murder of the
subscriber, his share shall be paid to him. If the nominee is convicted for the murder or
abetting in the murder of the subscriber, he shall stand debarred from receiving his
share which shall be payable to other nominees or eligible members of the family or
legal heir(s) of the subscriber, as per provisions of these rules.
(10) The payment of Fund money in accordance with the nomination earns a valid
discharge for the Government but if any court of law decrees that payment should be
made to persons other than the nominee(s), before actual payment has been made to
the nominee(s), the orders of the court shall be complied with.
(11) If a subscriber dies having no family member and valid nomination then h
payment shall be made to the claimant on production of succession certificate from the
court of law.



Accountant General, in which shall be shown

An account shall be opened in the name of each subscriber in the office of the


his subscriptions;


interest, as provided by rule-12, on subscriptions;


advances and withdrawals from the Fund; and


recoveries of advances.

Conditions of





A subscriber shall subscribe monthly to the Fund except during the period of

Provided that a subscriber may, at his option, not subscribe during leave
which either does not carry any leave salary or carries leave salary equal to or less than
half pay:
Provided further that a subscriber on reinstatement with full pay and

allowances after a period passed under suspension shall be required to pay the arrear
of subscription in one instalment from his arrears.
(2) The subscriber shall intimate to his Head of Office regarding his election not to
subscribe during the leave referred to in the first proviso of sub - rule (1). Failure to make
due and timely intimation shall be deemed to constitute an election to subscribe.
(3) The option of a subscriber intimated under sub -rule (2) above shall be final.
(4) When a subscriber is transferred to foreign service or sent on deputation within
India or out of India, he shall remain subject to the rules of the Fund in the same manner
as if he were not so transferred or sent on deputation.
(5) If any subscriber, who is transferred from one establishment to another
establishment within the State he shall continue to subscribe to the same General
Provident Fund account number.
(6) The subscription to Fund shall be stopped six months prior to retirement on
Rates of

10. (1) The amount of subscription shall be fixed each year by the subscriber himself,


subject to the following conditions: (a) it shall be expressed in whole rupees;

(b) it may be any sum, so expressed not less than 8% of his pay, leave salary
equal to full pay and not more than his pay, leave salary equal to full pay.
(2) The subscription as mentioned in sub-rule (1) will be fixed by the subscriber
and intimated to the Head of Office by taking into consideration the following
(a) in the case of a subscriber who was in Government service on the 31


March of the preceding year, the pay, leave salary equal to full pay on that
(b) if the subscriber was on leave other than on full pay on the said date and
elected not to subscribe during such leave or was under suspension on the
said date, his pay shall be the pay to which he was entitled on the first day
after his return to duty;
(c) if the subscriber was on deputation out of India on the said date, his pay
shall be the pay to which he would have been entitled had he been on duty
in India;


(d) if the subscriber who was not in Government service on the 31 March of
the preceding year, the pay to which he is entitled on the day he joins the
(e) if the subscriber joined the Fund for the first time, his pay shall be the pay
to which he was entitled on the date of joining the Fund;
(f) if the subscriber was on foreign service on the 31st March of the preceding
year, by the amount credited by him into the treasury on account of
subscription for the month of April in the current year.
(3) The amount of subscription so fixed shall not be varied due to increase or
decrease in pay during the financial year subject to the condition that the subscriber will
be at liberty to (a) reduce the subscription once at any time during the course of the year;
(b) enhance the subscription twice during the course of the year:

Provided that when h

t e amount of subscription is increased, it shall not be
more than the pay or leave salary on full pay and when it is reduced, it shall not be less
than the minimum subscription prescribed in sub-rule (1).
(4) If the subscriber is on duty for part of a month and on leave other than on full
pay for the remainder of that month then the subscription shall not be made for that
(5) If a subscriber dies during the course of a month, no subscription shall be made
for that month.
Realisation of

11. (1) When pay of the subscriber is drawn from a Government treasury in India,


recovery of subscription shall be made from his pay bills.

(2) In the case of a subscriber on foreign service to a body corporate, owned or
controlled by Central or State Government, the subscription shall be recovered and
forwarded to the Accountant General by such body through Demand Draft or Treasury


12. (1) Subject to the provisions of sub-rule (6), Government shall pay to the credit of
the account of a subscriber interest at such rate as may be determined for each year
according to the method prescribed from time to time by the Government.

(2) Interest shall be credited with effect from the last day in each year in the
following manner:(i)

on the amount at the credit of a subscriber on the last day of the preceding
year, less any sums withdrawn during the current year = interest for twelve

(ii) on sums withdrawn during the current year = interest from the beginning of
the current year upto the last day of the month preceding the month of
(iii) on all sums credited to subscribers account after the last day of the
preceding year = interest from the date of deposit up to the end of the
current year;
(iv) the total amount of interest shall be rounded to the nearest whole rupee, 50
paise counting as the next higher rupee.
An illustration in this regard is given at Annexure J for ready reference.
(3) When the amount standing at the credit of subscriber has become payable,
interest shall thereupon be credited under sub -rule (2) from the beginning of the current
year upto the date on which the amount standing at the credit of the subscriber became
(4) The date of deposit shall, in the case of a recovery from pay, be deemed to be
the first day of the month in which it is recovered and in the case of an amount
forwarded by the subscriber/borrowing agency shall be deemed to be the first day of the
month of receipt, if it is deposited in the Treasury or received by the Accountant General
upto the tenth day of that month, but if it is received after the tenth day of that month
then the first day of the succeeding month:
Provided that when the amount standing to the credit of a subscriber has become
payable, interest shall thereupon be credited under this rule in respect only of the period
from the beginning of the current year or from the date of deposit, as the case may be,
up to the date on which the amount standing to the credit of the subscriber became
Provided further that in the case of an amount forwarded to the Accountant General
of a subscriber on deputation by such body, the date of deposit shall be deemed to be

the first day of the month, if it is received by the Accountant General upto the 10 of that


Provided further that where the pay for a month is drawn and disbursed on the last
working day of the same month, the date of deposit shall, in the case of recovery of his
subscription, be deemed to be the first day of the succeeding month.
Provided further that the lump sum subscription recovered from a subscriber on his
reinstatement with full pay and allowances, after a period passed under suspension, will
be treated the subscription of the month in which it has be en deposited in Treasury.
(5) Payment of interest on the fund balance upto the period of six months after the
month of quitting service may be made by the Accountant General. For this purpose the
period of six months should be counted after excluding the immediately succeeding
month i.e. to say, when a subscribers last day of quitting service is in the month of May,
the period of six months should be computed from July to December and not from June
to November. The interest shall be allowed upto the preceding month if the authority is
issued upto 15th of the month and the interest shall also be payable for that month in

case the authority is issued after 15 and the same shall be made payable on or after
the first of the succeeding month. The interest beyond a period of six months shall be
authorized as under:(a) The Administrative Department upto a period of two years after fully
satisfying that the delay in payment was occasioned by the circumstances
beyond the control of the subscriber or the person to whom such payment
was to be made and in every such case the administrative delay involved in
the matter shall be fully investigated by an officer not below the rank of
Group A and action, if any required, be taken.
(b) The

Finance Department upto any period after fully satisfying that the

delay in payment was occasioned by the circumstances beyond the control

of the subscriber or the person to whom such payment was to be made
and in every such case the administrative delay involved in the matter shall
be fully investigated by an officer not below the rank of Group A and action,
if any required, be taken.
(c) However, if a Court orders that the interest be paid to the subscriber for the
delayed period of payment and the court orders have attained finality or it
has been opined by the competent legal authority that the case is not fit for
appeal, the payment of interest may, after recording the reasons in writing,
be made to the subscriber and action, if any required, taken as per clauses
(a) and (b) of this sub-rule to avoid further accumulation and payment of


(6) Interest shall not be credited to the account of a subscriber if he informs the
Accountant General through his Head of Office that he does not wish to receive it; but if
he subsequently asks for interest, it shall be credited with effect from the first day of the
year in which he asks for it.
(7) In case a subscriber is found to have drawn from the Fund an amount in excess
of the amount standing to his credit on the da te of the drawal, the overdrawn amount,
irrespective of whether the over drawal occurred in the course of an advance or a
withdrawal or the final payment from the Fund, shall be repaid by him with interest
thereon in lump sum and in default, be ordered to be recovered, by deduction in lump
sum, from the pay of the subscriber. If the total amount to be recovered is more than
half of the subscribers pay, recoveries shall be made in monthly instalments not
exceeding 1/3


of his pay till the entire amount together with interest is recovered. The

overdrawn amount along with interest in the case of final payment shall be recovered
from the pending dues of the employee, gratuity or leave encashment, if unpaid,
otherwise consent of the retiree may be obtained for recovery from his pension. If the
consent is not given by the retiree then recovery shall be effected through the court of
law, if necessary. The rate of interest to be charged for this sub -rule on overdrawn
amount would be 2% over and above the normal rate of interest admissible on
General Provident Fund amount for the relevant year(s). The interest realized on the
overdrawn amount shall be credited to Government account, under distinct sub -head
Interest on over drawals from Fund, under the Head, 0049-Interest Receipt of State
Government-800 -other Receipts. Besides responsibility should be fixed and action
taken against the erring officials certifying excess amount in General Provident Fund
subscription etc. However, if the General Provident Fund statement issued by the
Accountant General shows excess amount in the credit of the Government employee,

matter may be brought to the notice of Accountant General by concerned

department .
(8) When a subscriber is dismissed/removed from the service of Government but
has appealed against his dismissal/removal, the balance at his credit in the Fund shall
not be paid to him until final orders confirming the decision are passed on his appeal.
Interest shall, however, be paid upto the preceding month in which such orders have
been passed but the date of quitting the service shall be reckoned, the day on which the
final orders are passed.
(9) No interest shall be allowed on the amount recovered on account of the
subscriptions to the Fund in excess of the maximum limit prescribed in these rules.
(10) In respect of persons found absconding/disappearing leaving the family, the


family may be paid interest upto six months succeeding the month in which a report has
been obtained by the family from the Police Department that the employee has not been
traced after all efforts made by the Police:
Provided that the family/nominee submits application in the prescribed form for final
payment of General Provident Fund amount within one month from the date of receipt of
the said report from the Police Department. If the family/nominee does not submit the
application within one month or submit incomplete application in any respect then the
family/nominee shall not be entitled to the interest for the delayed period (the fraction of
a month shall be construed as full month) of submission of application for final payment.
(11) When a subscriber retires on the last day of a month, the period of six months
should be counted after excluding the immediately succeeding month, i.e. to say, for

instance, when a subscribers last day of service is the 31 of May, the period of six
months should be computed from July to December and not from June to November.
(12) In the case of subscriber, who dies in the forenoon on the last day of a month
before retirement, he should be deemed to have quit the service the following day as
according to financial rules the pay and allowance can be drawn for the day of the
Government employees death even though he may have died in the o
f renoon of that
day. Therefore, in all such cases the period of six months should be reckoned from the
second month following the month in which the subscriber dies:
Provided that the family/nominee submits application in the prescribed form for final
payment of General Provident Fund amount within one month from the date of the death
of the Government employee. If the family/nominee does not submit the application
within one month or submit incomplete application in any respect then the
family/nominee shall not be entitled to the interest for the delayed period (the fraction of
a month shall be construed as full month) of submission of application for final payment.
(13) In case of quitting service, the final General Provident Fund balance of the
subscriber along with interest is to be paid in accordance with the provisions of sub-rule
(5) of this rule but the subscriber shall have to apply for final payment in the prescribed
form within one month of quitting service. The final payment shall be made to the
subscriber within two months from the date of submission of application complete in all
respects to the Accountant General and the interest shall be admissible

upto the

preceding month in which the final payment is made. If the subscriber does not submit
the application within one month from the date of quitting service or submit incomplete
application then he will not be entitled to the interest for the delayed period (the fraction
of month shall be construed as full month) of submission of application for final
(14) In case of retirement on superannuation or other than on superannuation, the
final General Provident Fund balance of the subscriber is to be paid in accordance with


the provisions of sub-rule (5) of this rule but the subscriber shall have to apply for the
final payment in the prescribed form within one month from the date of retirement. The
final payment shall be made to the subscriber within two months from the date of
submission of application complete in all respects to the Accountant General and the
interest shall be admissible upto the preceding month in which the final payment is
made. If the subscriber does not submit the application within one month from the date
of retirement or submit incomplete application in any respect then he will not be entitled
to the interest for the delayed period (the fraction of month shall be construed as full
month) of submission of application for final payment. These provisions will also apply to
the subscriber retiring on superannuation, who applies for the final payment after the
date of retirement.

13. (1) The Fund is designed solely for the protection of a subscribers family against

principles for the

his sudden death, or, if he survives until retirement, to provide both him and the family

grant of

with additional resources in old age. Anything, which interferes with a subscribers
normal accumulations, detracts from these purposes and tends to defeat the true object
of the fund. Rule 15 merely permits an advance and wholly exceptional departure from
the real purposes of the scheme, and unless it is strictly interpretted, there is a danger
that subscribers will come to regard the Fund as an ordinary banking account, the
existence of which absolves them from the necessity of providing for the normal
incidents of life with the prudence which a private individual would exercise. The
inevitable result, if this tendency is countenanced, will be to discourage thrift, and to
leave the subscriber with a depleted account at h
t e time when it ought to be most
helpful to him or his family. Sanctioning authorities ought, therefore, to have no
hesitation in resisting any attempt to use the Fund as a cheap loan account, and in
enforcing the altogether exceptional character of rule 15 as a provision to meet urgent
needs which would not ordinarily have been anticipated. Every prudent married man, for
example, should be prepared to meet a certain demand upon his resources on account
of doctors bills, and it is only when the burden is exceptionally prolonged, or the
necessity usually grave and sudden, that he ought to think of making use of the Fund for
this object.

For the same reasons, a careful scrutiny should be applied to requests for

advance on account of betrothal, marriage or funeral expenses. Even where ceremonial

expenditure is by religious custom obligatory, its extent should nevertheless be limited
by the resources of the family, and no subscriber should be enabled to enhance such
expenditure on the strength of deposits in the fund. An advance from the Fund can
legitimately be made for obligatory ceremonial expenditure where no other resources
exist but not in order to raise such expenditure to a more pretentious scale.
(3) All sanctioning authorities, while sancti oning advance from Fund shall take into


consideration the date of retirement of subscriber and fix the number of instalments, in
such a manner that it is possible to recover the entire amount of the advance before six
months of actual retirement. No advance shall be sanctioned in the remaining period of
six months of retirement.
Drawal from

14. Drawal from Fund may be admissible in the shape of advances, withdrawals and


final payment explained as under: (i) advance means the amount sanctioned to a subscriber as a refundable
advance for any of the purposes mentioned in rule 15 and as per conditions
mentioned in rule 16 and the amount so advanced to be refunded in monthly
instalments as fixed by the sanctioning authority.
(ii) withdrawal means the amount sanctioned to a subscriber as non -refundable
advance for any of the purposes mentioned in rule 18 and as per conditions
mentioned in rule 19 to rule 23. The amount so sanctioned is not required to be
refunded by the subscriber.
(iii) final payment means the amount finally payable to a subscriber as a final
settlement of accumulations standing in the accounts of the subscriber as
mentioned in rule 24 i.e. on quitting service, on retirement or on death while in
service or disappearance.

Purposes for

15. The Head of Office is appropriate sanctioning authority as shown in Annexure I to

grant of

sanction the advance for the following purposes :-


(1) to pay expenses in connection with the illness, confinement or a disability,

including where necessary, the travelling expenses of the subscriber and
members of his family or any person actually dependent on him;
(2) to meet the cost of higher education including where necessary, the travelling
expenses of the subscriber and member of his family or any person actually
dependent on him in the following cases:(a)

for education outside India for academic, technical, professional or

vocational course beyond the High School stage; and


for any medical, engineering or other technical or specialized course in

India beyond the High School stage, provided that the course of study is
not less than two years;

(c) for attending coaching courses conducted by Government or by an


approved institute for entry into professional courses, administrative or defence

services in Government of India or in any State Government.
(3) to pay obligatory expenses on a scale appropriate to the subscribers status
which by customary usage, the subscriber has to incur once in life in
connection with betrothal, marriages, funerals or other ceremonies of the
members of his family or any person actually dependent on him. The marriage
also includes self marriage of the subscriber; and shall not include any
personal religious ceremonies performed occasionally such as Jagran, Akhand
paath, Ramayana Paath, Birthday and Marriage anniversary etc.
(4) to meet the cost of legal proceedings instituted by or against the subscriber,
any member of his family or any person actually dependent on him;
(5) to meet the cost of the subscribers defence where he engages a legal
practitioner to defend himself in an enquiry in respect of any alleged official
misconduct on his part;
(6) to purchase house-hold items such as television, video cassette recorder /
video cassette player, washing machines, cooking range, geysers, solar
heater, solar energy generation set, invertors and computers etc.
Conditions for
sanction of

16. (1) The subscriber may be sanctioned an amount not exceeding six months pay or
50% of credit in the Fund, whichever is less, for the purposes mentioned at clauses (1)
to (5) and six months of pay or 50% of credit in the Fund or actual cost of items not
exceeding Rs. 20,000/-, whichever is least, for the purpose mentioned at clause (6) in
(2) The subscriber shall be sanctioned only one advance at a time, from the Fund,
for any of the purposes as given in rule-15.
(3) In case the first advance has not been availed of to the extent of permissible
limits, the second advance may be granted after the expiry of a period of six months
from the date of withdrawal of first advance by the same sanctioning authority to the
extent of difference of amount of admissibility and sanction of first advance.
(4) Further advance shall not be granted unless and until repayment of the last
instalment of any previous advance is effected.
(5) All persons on deputation/foreign service from or to State Government
Departments shall continue to be governed by the rules of their respective parent
department during the period of deputation. Therefore, the respective parent department
will be the sanctioning authority for the grant of advance under this rule.

(6) The advance shall not be admissible to the subscriber simultaneously for the
same purpose for which he has obtained withdrawal under rule 18.
(7) The subscriber may be granted advance from the Fund even after incurring of
expenditure, if he applies for grant of advance within a reasonable time of two months.
(8) The advance may be sanctioned to a Government employee under suspension
or on extraordinary leave. The admissibility of amount of advance shall be calculated on
the basis of pay, the Government employee was drawing immediately before
suspension/extraordinary leave.
(9) The advance for education purpose will be admissible to the subscriber for
approved institutions or institutions run by the State Government including Government
of India or any other State Government/Union Territory for the approved courses as
mentioned in Appendix B.
(10) The advance shall not be sanctioned for the marriage of child/children before
their attaining the age of 21 years in the case of son and 18 years in the case of
daughter or any other female dependent.
(11) The advance shall not be sanctioned to the subscriber for the purpose
mentioned in clause (4) of rule 15, who institutes legal proceedings against the
Government in any court of law.
(12) The subscriber, who has submitted the application for final withdrawal and the
same has been forwarded to Accountant General and further applies for any advance
from the Fund for the purposes mentioned in clauses (1) to (6) of rule 15, shall be
sanctioned advance only on receipt of prior concurrence from the Accountant General,
who will arrange the same, as soon as possible.
(13) The subscriber shall utilize the advance within one month and also submit the
utilization certificate accordingly. In case of non-submission of utilization certificate or
misutilization of advance, action shall be taken as per provisions of rule 26.
(14) The advance in the case of Head of Office shall be sanctioned by the next
higher authority.
Recovery of
advance (s).

17. (1) An advance shall be recovered from the subscriber in such number of equal
monthly instalments as the sanctioning authority may direct, but such number shall not
be less than twelve and more than thirty-six. However, the subscriber may opt for
recovery of advance in less than twelve instalments. The sanctioning authority may fix
the number of instalments in such a manner that the advance is fully recovered six


months prior to the date of retirement of the subscriber.

(2) Recovery shall commence from the month following the month in which the
advance was drawn and the same will be credited in the subscribers account. The
subscriber may at his option repay more than one instalment in a month.
(3) Recovery shall not be made except with the subscribers written consent while
he is in receipt of subsistence allowance. However, the same may be recovered in lump
sum from his arrears on his reinstatement, if he is paid full pay and allowances.
(4) The recovery shall not be made from the subscriber, if he is on leave which
either does not carry any leave salary or carries leave salary equal to or less than half
pay. However, the recoveries can be made with the consent of the subscriber.
(5) If the second advance has been granted to a subscriber under sub-rule (3) of
rule 16, the same should be treated separately for the purpose of recovery.
Purposes for

18. Except as otherwise provided, the Head of Department is the appropriate

sanctioning authority to sanction the withdrawal for the following purposes: (1)

building or acquiring a suitable house or built-up flat for the residence of

the subscriber including the cost of the site or any payment towards
allotment of a plot or flat by Housing Board, a House Building Society
and any Development Agency approved by the State Government or
Government of India or any other State Government/Union Territory ;


acquiring a built-up house/flat for residential purposes from open market

through authorized agents;


repaying an outstanding amount on account of loan expressly taken for

building or acquiring a suitable house or built-up flat for the residence of
the subscriber ;


purchasing a house-site for building a house thereon for the residence of

the subscriber or repaying any outstanding amount on account of loan
expressly taken by the subscriber for this purpose;


reconstructing or making additions or alterations to a house or a flat

already owned or acquired by a subscriber ;


renovating, additions or alterations or upkeep of the ancestral house or a

house built with the assistance or loan from Government ;









establishing business for settlement of unemployed children ;


meeting the cost of higher education of any child of the subscriber ;


meeting the expenditure in connection with the marriage of the

subscribers daughter(s) or any other female relation actually dependent
on the subscriber ;



meeting the expenditure in connection with the marriage of subscribers



meeting the expenditure in connection with self marriage of subscriber;


to purchase motor vehicle(s) i.e. Motor car and Motor cycle or scooter or
moped ;


90% withdrawal within one year before retirement on superannuation.

NOTE: -The subscriber, who has submitted the application for final withdrawal and the
same has been forwarded to Accountant General and further applies for any withdrawal
from the Fund for the purposes mentioned in clauses (1) to (13), shall be sanctioned
withdrawal only on receipt of prior concurrence from the Accountant General, who will
arrange the same, as soon as possible.
Conditions for
withdrawal for

19. (1) The application complete in all respects shall be submitted to the Head of
Department keeping in view the conditions prescribed against each withdrawal from the

house building.

Fund for the purposes mentioned in clauses (1) to (7) of rule 18. However, only one
withdrawal shall be allowed for the same purpose during entire service career. The
objects as mentioned in clauses (1) to (4) of rule 18 shall be treated as the same
purpose for which withdrawal can be allowed upto 90% at the credit of subscriber or
actual cost including registration charges, whichever is less, after completion of five
years of regular service.
(2) While forwarding the proposal for sanctioning withdrawal from the Fund for any
of the purposes mentioned in clauses (1) to (7) of rule 18, it shall be ensured that (i)

the subscriber has completed five years of regular service;

(ii) the advance has been applied for the construction of a house on a plot of
land already owned or acquired, the subscriber has undisputed title of
ownership individually or jointly with his/her wife/husband to the land on
which the house is to be constructed; or if the plot on which the house is to
be constructed, is on lease, the terms of lease should be such as may
entitle him/her to the grant of house building advance;
(iii) in case of purchase of built up house from the open market, it should be
free from all encumbrances;
(iv) if the withdrawal has been applied for: (a) making additions and alterations to a house already owned or
acquired; or
(b) repaying any outstanding amount of loan expressly taken for the
purchase or reconstruction of a house or making additions and
alterations to a house already owned or acq uired, the subscriber has
undisputed title to the land and/or house already owned or acquired,
as the case may be, either individually or jointly with his/her


(v) where a subscriber has to pay in instalments for a site or a house or flat
purchased, or a flat constructed through the Development Authorities,
State Housing Board or a house building society approved by the State, he
shall be permitted to make a withdrawal as and when he is called upon to
make a payment in any number of instalm ents subject to the condition that
the total amount of the advance does not exceed 90% of the amount
standing to the credit of the subscriber in the Fund at the time of sanction
of first instalment;
(vi) if the house is to be constructed/reconstructed within the municipal limits of
a city/town or any urban estate, the subscriber should also be required to
produce attested copies of site plan along with estimates duly certified by
architect(s) and if house is to be built in rural areas, the revenue authority
will certify that the subscriber has undisputed title to the land/property and
the same falls within Lal Dora of the village. However, the subscriber will
give the estimates along with site-plan duly certified by architect or
approved building contractor or civil engineer ;
(vii) a subscriber who has been permitted to withdraw money from the Fund,
shall satisfy the sanctioning authority within a period of six months from the
date of withdrawal that the money has been utilized for the purpose for
which it was withdrawn and if he fails to do so, the whole of the sum so
withdrawn shall forthwith be repaid in lump sum and in default of such
refund, it shall be ordered by the sanctioning authority to recover the same
from his pay either in lump sum or in such number of monthly instalments,
as may be determined by the sanctioning authority:
Provided that before repayment of a withdrawal is enforced under this
sub-rule, the subscriber shall be given an opportunity to explain in writing
within thirty days of the receipt of the communication why the repayment
shall not be enforced; and if the sanctioning authority is not satisfied with
the explanation or no explanation is submitted by the subscriber within the
said period of thirty days, the sanctioning authority shall enforce the
repayment and the subscriber shall also be debarred for five years as per
provision of rule 26 for any type of withdrawal under clauses (1) to (7) of
rule 18;
(viii) for the purpose as given in clause (5) of rule 18, he
t withdrawal to the
extent of 50% at the credit of the subscriber or estimated cost, whichever is
less, shall be allowed to the subscriber after five years of the sanction of
first withdrawal;
(ix) for the purpose as given in clause (6) of rule 18, the withdrawal to the
extent of 50% at the credit of the subscriber or estimated cost, whichever is
less, shall be allowed to the subscriber after five years of service for


upkeep of ancestral house in which the subscriber has the specific share
and after ten years of first withdrawal under clause (viii) of this sub-rule;
(x) the subscriber shall also be allowed a fresh withdrawal for the purposes
mentioned in clauses (1) to (4) of rule 18 even if he had previously taken
withdrawal from General Provident Fund or loan from Government for the
said purposes and intends to dispose off/disposed off the said built up
house/flat/plot. The admissibility for fresh withdrawal shall be determined
on the basis of total amount at the credit of the subscriber including the
amount already withdrawn minus 10% of the amount so derived and the
amount already taken on an earlier occasion as withdrawal from the
current available balance in the General Provident Fund:
Provided that the cost of the plot and the construction of house thereon
or flat or built up house to be purchased is more than the sale proceeds of
plot/flat/built up house including the withdrawal now required. The cost
price also includes registration charges. The purchase on power of
attorney shall not be considered for this purpose;
The amount of admissibility for fresh withdrawal shall be calculated as under: ILLUSTRATION: Mr. X had already taken withdrawal from General Provident Fund
amounting to Rs. 2 lac for the purchase of built up house/flat/plot. The
present balance at the credit of the subscriber is Rs. 6 lac. Now he has
applied for fresh withdrawal amounting to Rs. 3 lac for the purchase of
another built up house/flat/plot at a cost of Rs. 6 lac after the disposal of
earlier one a t a cost of Rs. 3 lac.
(Amount in Rs.)
1. Withdrawal taken earlier

2.00 lac

2. Credit in General Provident Fund (presently)

6.00 lac

3. Total (1+2)

8.00 lac

4. 10% of Col. 3

0.80 lac

5. Withdrawal admissible (Col. 2 minus Col. 4)

5.20 lac

6. Deduct withdrawal already taken (Col. 1)

2.00 lac

7. Withdrawal now admissible (Col. 5 minus Col. 6)

3.20 lac

Mr. X can be sanctioned upto Rs. 3,20,000/- for the purposes mentioned in clauses (i)
to (iv) of sub-rule (2).
(xi) for the purpose as given in clause (7) of rule 18, the withdrawal to the
extent of 50% at the credit of the subscriber shall be allowed for each child
after completion of five years of regular service. The withdrawal shall be
permissible only if the unemployed children including unmarried daughter
have attained the age of eighteen years;
(xii) a subscriber who has been permitted under clauses (1) to (7) of rule 18 to


withdraw money from the amount standing to his credit in the Fund , shall
not part with the possession of the house built or acquired or house-site
purchased with the money so withdrawn, whether by way of sale, mortgage
(other than mortgage to the Governor), gift, exchange or otherwise, without
the previous permission of the competent authority:
Provided that such permission shall not be necessary for
(a) the house or house-site being leased for any term not exceeding
three years; or
(b) its being mortgaged in favour of a Housing Board, Nationalized
Banks, the Life Insurance Corporations or any other Corporation








Government of India or any other State Government/Union

Territory which advances loans for the construction of a new
house or for making addi tions or alterations to an existing house or
purchase of plot;
(xiii) the total withdrawal from the Fund including house-building advance taken
from the Government shall not exceed Rs. 18 lac or as decided by the
State Government from time to time for house building advance;
(xiv) the withdrawal in the case of Head of Department shall be sanctioned by
the next higher authority.
Conditions for

20. The withdrawal under clause (8) of rule 18 shall be permitted to the extent of 75%

withdrawal for

of the amount at the credit of the subscriber or the actual amount required as per


certificate from the concerned Institution, whichever is less, for each child for initial
admission and 50% of the amount at the credit of the subscriber or actual amount
required by the institution, whichever is less, for each child for subsequent academic
years subject to the following conditions: (i) for education outside India for academic, technical, professional or
vocational course beyond the High School stage; and for medical,
engineering and other technical or specialised courses in India beyond the
High School stage; provided that the course of study is not less than two
years duration;
(ii) the withdrawal will be admissible in respect of courses approved by
Government from time to time. The detail of approved courses is given in
Appendix B;
(iii) in case where payments are to be made on semester basis for subsequent
years, the subscriber shall be allowed withdrawal twice in a year not
exceeding of 25% of the amount standing at his credit or the estimated
expenditure involved as certified by the concerned institution, whichever is
(iv) the subscriber shall utilize the withdrawal within one month and also submit


the utilization certificate accordingly;

(v) any amount withdrawn from the Fund, which is found to be in excess of that
actually required by the subscriber for the purpose, shall be repaid
forthwith into the Fund;
(vi) the withdrawal in the case of Head of Department shall be sanctioned by
the next higher authority.
Conditions for
withdrawal for


The withdrawal under clasues (9), (10) and (11) of rule 18 shall be permitted to

the extent of 75% of the amount at the credit of the subscriber for the marriage of each
daughter or any other female relation actually dependent on the subscriber; for each
son of the subscriber and for self marriage of the subscriber subject to the following

the age of the daughter or any other female dependent should not be less
than 18 years and 21 years in the case of son. Necessary proof of age will
be required to be given by the subscriber while applying advance for
marriage of daughter/female dependent and son. The age of subscriber
shall not be less than 18 years in the case of female and 21 years in the
case of male for the purpose of self marriage;

(ii) if two or more marriages are to be celebrated simultaneously, the amount

admissible in respect of each marriage shall be determined as if the
advances are sanctioned separately one after the other;
(iii) in respect of the same marriage a subscriber may either withdraw the
money under this rule or under rule 15;
(iv) a subscriber who draws an advance under rule 15 may convert, at his
discretion by written request addressed to the Head of office, the
outstanding balance into a final withdrawal from the competent authority on
his satisfying the conditions laid down in this rule;
(v) the withdrawal may be allowed to a subscriber not earlier than three
months preceding the month in which the marriage actually takes place;
(vi) the subscriber shall furnish a certificate to the sanctioning authority within a
period of one month from the date of marriage, or if he is on leave, within
one month on return from leave that the money withdrawn had actually
been utilized for the purpose for which it was intended. If the subscriber
fails to furnish the requisite certificate or if the amount withdrawn is utilized
for a purpose other than that for which sanction was given, the entire
amount shall be repaid forthwith into the Fund in lump sum by the
subscriber, and, if he fails to do so, it shall be ordered by the sanctioning
authority to be recovered from his pay either in a lump sum or in such
number of monthly instalments, as may be determined by such authority;
(vii) the betrothal ceremony and marriage ceremony should be treated
separately. The subscriber shall be permitted withdrawal from the Fund for


the purpose of marriage though he had availed of advance under rule 15

for betrothal ceremony;
(viii) the withdrawal in the case of Head of Department shall be sanctioned by
the next higher authority.
Conditions for

22. The withdrawal for the purchase of vehicle i.e. a motor car and motor cycle or

withdrawal for

scooter or moped, under clause (12) of rule 18 shall be allowed to the extent of 50% of

purchase of
motor vehicle(s).

the amount at the credit of the subscriber or the cost of the vehicle, whichever is less,
subject to the following conditions: (i) the pay of a subscriber should be Rs. 9750/- per mensem or more as decided
by the Government from time to time in the case of withdrawal for the purchase
of motor car. There is no condition of minimum pay for withdrawal for purchase
of motorcycle or scooter or moped;

the subscriber should have minimum 5 years regular service at his credit;

(iii) the subscriber may be sanctioned withdrawal for the purchase of motor car and
motorcycle or scooter or moped only once in service career;
(iv) the subscriber may be sanctioned withdrawal from the Fund to the extent of
difference of the cost of vehicle and the amount of loan taken from the
Government for the same purpose;
(v) the subscriber may also be allowed withdrawal from the Fund for


any loan expressly taken from the Government or Bank for the purposes
mentioned in clause (12) of rule 18;
(vi) the withdrawal in the case of Head of Department shall be sanctioned by the
next higher authority.

Conditions for

23. (1) The withdrawal under clause (13) of rule 18 shall be allowed to the

90% withdrawal

subscriber within one year before the date of

before retirement

retirement on superannuation to the

extent of 90% of the amount at the credit of the subscriber in the Fund


assigning any reason or purpose.

(2) The withdrawal in the case of Head of Department shall be sanctioned by the
next higher authority.

Final payment

24. The accumulation of the subscriber in the Fund shall become finally payable in the

of accumulation.

event of his quitting service; on his retirement; on his death while in service, as per
conditions given as under: (1) ON QUITTING SERVICE(i)

Whe n a subscriber quits the service, the amount standing to his credit in
the Fund shall become payable to him.

(ii) In case a subscriber, who has been dismissed/removed from the service
and is subsequently reinstated in the service shall repay any amoun t paid
to him from the Fund along with interest thereon at the rate prescribed in
rule 12. The amount so repaid shall be credited to his account in the Fund.


(iii) When a subscriber quits the service from one department for taking
appointment in another department under Haryana Government, it shall
not be treated as quitting of the service.
(iv) The retrenchment of the subscriber shall amount to quitting of service.
(2) ON RETIREMENTWhen a subscriber has been retired on superannuation or otherwise or
permitted to retire, the amount standing to the credit of a subscriber shall
become payable. The Accountant General shall authorize payment of that
portion of the amount standing to the credit of a subscriber, in regard to which
there is no dispute or doubt, before fifteen days of the retirement of the
employee on superannuation and within three months in other cases, the
balance be released as soon as possible.


When a subscriber dies while in service, the amount standing to his credit











(ii) When a subscriber disappears/absconds and his whereabouts are not
known, the amount standing to his credit in the Fund shall become payable
to the members of his/her family/nominee(s), after receipt of report of
police that the employee is not traceable.

If a nomination made by the subscriber in accordance with the provisions of

rule 7 in favour of a member or members of his family subsists, the amount
standing to his credit in the Fund or the part thereof to which the nomination
relates, shall become payable to his nominee or nominees in the proportion
specified in the nomination.

(ii) If no such nomination in favour of a member or members of the family of

the subscriber subsists, or if such nomination relates only to a part of the
amount standing to his credit in the Fund, the whole amount or the part
thereof to which the nomination does not relate, as the case may be, shall,
notwithstanding any nomination purporting to be in favour of any person or
persons other than a member or members of his family, become payable to
the members of his family in equal shares:
Provided that the widow or widows and the child or children of a
deceased son shall divide between them in equal parts only the share
which that son would have received, If he had survived the subscriber.
(5) WHEN THE SUBSCRIBER LEAVES NO FAMILYWhen the subscriber leaves no family, if a nomination made by him in


accordance with the provisions of rule 7 in favour of any person or persons

subsists, the amount standing to his credit in the Fund or the part thereof to
which the nomination relates, shall become payable to his nominee or
nominees in the proportion specified in the nomination. In case if a subscriber
dies having no family member and valid nomination then the payment shall be
made to the claimant(s) on production of succession certificate from the court
of law.
(6) STATUS OF POSTHUMOUS CHILD Subscribers posthumous child is a member of his family at the time of his
death and if born alive, should be treated in the same way as surviving child
born before the subscribers death. If the existence of an unborn posthumous
child is brought to the notice of the Disbursing Officer, the amount which will be
due to the child in the event of its being born alive should be retained and the
balance be distributed in the normal way. If the child is born alive, payment of
the amount retained should be made as in the case of minor child; but if no
child is born, the amount retained should be distributed among the family in
accordance with the ordinary rules.

(7) WHEN





WHEREABOUTS ARE NOT KNOWNWhen any employee disappears leaving his family, the family can be paid in the
first instance the amount of General Provident Fund having regard to the
nomination by the employee after observing the following formalities: (i) the family must lodge a report with the concerned police station and obtain
a report that the employee has not been traced after all efforts made by the
(ii) an Indemnity bond should be taken from the nominee/dependents of the
employee that all payments will be adjusted against the payments due to
the employee in case he appears on the scene and makes any claim;
(iii) the family shall not be allowed any payment which is facing trial for the
murder of the Government employee till th e courts decision.
Manner of

25. The payment from the Fund can be drawn by taking advance under rule 15,


withdrawals under rule 18 and final payment under rule 24 in the following manner: (1)

ADVANCEAdvance from the Fund can be obtained for the purposes mentioned in rule 15
subject to the conditions prescribed in rule 16 in Form No. P.F.-3 (Annexure
C). The competent authority shall issue a sanction in the proforma No. P.F.-7
(Annexure G) for drawal of the advance as per admissibility to the subscriber,
a copy of which shall also be endorsed to the Accountant General, Haryana.
The competent authority shall categorically mention the number of instalments


in which the advance is to be recovered. The amount from the Fund shall be
drawn from the Treasury/Sub-Treasury as per their jurisdiction and the same
will be disbursed to the subscriber. It shall be the responsibility of the Head of
Office to recover the advanced amount as per sanction of the advance. The
Accountant General, Haryana will deduct the withdrawal from the Fund as per
procedure followed in his office.
(2) WITHDRAWALWithdrawal from the Fund can be obtained for the purposes mentioned in rule
18 subject to the conditions prescribed in rules 19, 20, 21, 22 and 23 in Form
No. P.F.-4 (Annexure D). The subscriber shall apply to the Head of Office for
any of the intended withdrawals, in the prescribed Form in duplicate. The Head
of Office after scrutinizing the application shall forward one copy of the same
along with the supporting documents to the Head of Department, if he has not
been delegated the powers of Head of the Department as mentioned in
Annexure I to these rules. The Head of Department shall issue sanction in
Form No. P.F. -8 (Annexure H) for the withdrawal from the Fund after
satisfying the conditions and admissibility of the withdrawal, a copy of which
shall also be endorsed to the concerned Head of Office and Accountant
General, Haryana. The amount from the Fund shall be drawn by the Head of
Office from the Tr easury/Sub-Treasury as per their jurisdiction and the same
will be disbursed to the subscriber. In case the withdrawal pertains to a
subscriber working in the office of Head of Department, the withdrawal shall be
made by that office. The Accountant General , Haryana shall keep a proper
note of the sanction for the withdrawal from the Fund as per procedure
followed in his office.


The Head of Office after obtaining the application Form for final payment in
application Form No. P.F.-5 (Annexure E) in duplicate from the subscriber,
shall forward the same to the Accountant General, Haryana six months in
advance from the date of his retirement. The Head of Office shall also
indicate the recovery to be effected against the advances which are still
current and the number of instalments yet to be recovered and also
indicate the withdrawal, if any, taken by the subscriber after the period
covered by the last statement of the subscribers account sent by the
Accountant General, Haryana.

The Accountant General shall after

verification with the ledger account, take necessary steps to issue the
authority to the Head of Office or Treasury as per option of the subscriber,
for the amount payable to him at least fifteen days before the date of
superannuation, payable on the next working day of superannuation. The


Treasury Officer shall allow the payment only after receipt of a copy of
authorization issued by the Accountant General meant for Treasury Office.
(ii) In the case of death of the subscriber during service, the Head of Office
shall get the application in Form No. P.F. -6 (Annexure F) for final payment
of accumulation in Fund from the family members/nominee(s) of the
subscriber for submission to the Accountant General immediately for
initiation of action. The payment in the case of minor(s) shall be made
through legal guardian, if the minor has no natural guardian alive. The
other pre -requisites/formalities as mentioned in clause (i) of this sub-rule
shall be completed and authorizati on be issued accordingly.
(iii) If the person to whom, under these rules, any amount is to be paid is a
lunatic for whose estate a Manager has been appointed in this behalf
under the Indian Lunacy Act, 1912 (Act IV of 1912), the payment shall be
made to such Manager and not to the lunatic:
Provided that where no Manager has been appointed and the
person to whom the sum is payable is certified by a Magistrate to be a
lunatic, the payment shall under the orders of the Collector be made in
term s of sub-section (1) of section 95 of the Indian Lunacy Act, 1912 (Act
IV of 1912), to the person having charge of such lunatic and the
Accountant General shall pay only the amount which he thinks fit to the
person having charge of the lunatic, if any, or such part thereof, as he
thinks fit, shall be paid to him for maintenance.
(iv) Payments of the amount withdrawn shall be made in India only. The
persons to whom the amounts are payable shall make their own
arrangements to receive the payment in Indi a.

Misutilization of

26. Notwithstanding anything contained in these rules, if the sanctioning authority has
reason to doubt the money drawn as an advance or withdrawal from the Fund under
rule15 or 18 has been utilized for a purpose other than that for which sanction was given
to the drawal of the money, he shall communicate to the subscriber the reasons for his
doubt and require him to explain in writing and within thirty days of the receipt of such
communication by him whether the advance or withdrawal has been utilized for the
purpose for which sanction was given to the drawal of the money. If the sanctioning
authority is not satisfied with the explanation furnished by the subscriber within the said
period of thirty days, the sanctioning authority shall direct the subscriber to repay the
amount in question to the Fund forthwith, or, in default, order the amount to be
recovered by deduction in lump sum from the pay of the subscriber even if he be on
leave. If, however, the total amount to be repaid be more than half the subscribers pay,
recoveries shall be made in monthly instalments, as may be determined by sanctioning

authority not exceeding 1/3 of his pay . The subscriber shall also be debarred, for a


period of two years for taking any advance, and, for a period of five years for withdrawal
from the Fund.

Maintenance of
Provident Fund
accounts in the

27. (1) All sums paid into the Fund under these rules shall be credited in the books of
Government to an account named The General Provident Fund. Sums of which
payment has not been taken within six months after they become payable under these

office of

rules, shall be transferred to Deposits at the end of the year and treated under the


ordinary rules relating to deposits.


(2) When paying a subscription in India, either by deduction from pay or in cash, a
subscriber shall quote the number of his account in the Fund, which shall be
communicated to him by the Accountant General. Any change in the number shall
similarly be communicated to the subscriber by the Accountant General.
(3) The Accountant General shall, if required by a subscriber, once, but not more
than once, in a year inform the subscriber of the total amount standing to his credit in
the Fund at the end of the last month for which his account has been written up.
Issuance of
annual General
Provident Fund


28. (1) As soon as possible, after the 31 March of each year, the Accountant General
shall send to each subscriber a statement of his account in the Fund showing the
opening balance as on the 1st April of the year, the total amount credited or debited

during the year, the total amount of interest credited as on the 31 March of the year
and the closing balance on that date. The Accountant General shall attach to the
statement of accounts the date of birth of the employee concerned, if available in his
office and an enquiry whether the subscriber: (i)

desires to make any alteration in any nomination made under rule 7; or

(ii) has acquired a family in cases where the subscriber has made no
nomination in favour of a member of his family under the first proviso to
sub-rule (1) of rule 7.
(2) Subscribers should satisfy themselves as to the correctness of the annual
statement and errors should be brought to the notice of the Accountant General within
three months from the date of the receipt of the statement.

29. The Heads of Departments may re-delegate the powers delegated to them for
sanctioning advances/withdrawals under these rules, on their own responsibility and
subject to such restrictions, as they may like to impose, to any officer working at their
headquarter /district / any other office(s).

Relaxation of

30. When it is felt that the operation of any of these rules causes or is likely to cause


undue hardship to a subscriber, the Finance Department, may notwithstanding anything

contained in these rules, deal with the cases of such subscriber in such a manner as
may appear just and equitable.


31. If any question arises relating to the interpretation of these rules, it shall be referred
to the Finance Department, Haryana whose decision thereon shall be final.


Repeal and

32. The Punjab General Provident Fund Rules 1936, are hereby repealed. Anything


done or any action taken under rules so repealed, shall be deemed to have been done
or taken under the corresponding provisions of these rules.


F O R M NO. PF-1
(see rule 6)
(To be submitted in triplicate)
Name of
applicant &

Date of
of joining

and Official

Nature of post
(i) On probation
(ii Temporary
(iii Permanent

Scale and
Basic pay

Rate of
per mensem

has a
family or

number to be
allotted by

Signature of Applicant

Head of Office


No.____________________________ Dated: __________
Provident Fund Account number allotted as mentioned in Column 8. This number should be quoted for
all future correspondence connected therewith. The nomination form duly accepted is also returned for
office record.

Accountant General, Haryana.


F O R M NO. PF-2
(see rule 7)
Account No.-----------------I,__________________hereby nominate the person(s) mentioned below who is/are
member(s)/non-member(s) of my family as defined in rule 7 of the Haryana General Provident Fund
Rules to receive the amount that may stand to my credit in the Fund as indicated below, in the event of
my death before that amount has become payable or having become payable has not been paid:

Name and
address of the

with the

Age of the

payable to
each nominee

on the
happening of
which the
shall become

Name, address and

relationship of the
person(s), if any, to
whom the right of
nominee shall pass
in the event of his
predeceasing the

If the nominee
is not a
member of the
family as
provided in rule
3, indicate the

Place --------------Dated this__________day of ____, 20____

Signature of the subscriber

Name in Block Letters____________

Signature of two witnesses:

Name and Address




(1) The form of nomination shall be filled in triplicate. Two copies will be sent to Accountant General,
Haryana, who will return one copy duly accepted and signed to the Head of Office for office record.
(2) In column 4, if only one person is nominated, the words in full should be written against the
nominee. If more than one person is nominated, the share payable to each nominee to cover the whole
amount of the Fund shall be specified.

For use by the Head of Office

Nomination received from Sh./Ms_________________________________________________

Designation___________________ on dated ______________________for onward submission to the
Accountant General, Haryana.


Head of Office

For use by A.G., Haryana

Nomination made by Sh./Ms._________________________________________
Designation__________________, O/o _________________________________ is hereby accepted
and returned to____________(Head of Office) for office record.



F O R M NO. PF 3
(see rules 15 to 17)

1. Name of the Subscriber:
2. Designation:
3. Account number (complete):
4. Existing Scale of pay:
5. Basic pay including Dearness Pay, Personal Pay,
Special Pay, if any, in the existing scale :


6. Date of joining se rvice :

7. Date of Superannuation :
8. Balance at credit of the subscriber on
the date of the application as below: (i) Closing balance as per latest General Provident Fund statement
for the year________________(copy enclosed)


(ii) Add re gular monthly subscription plus lumpsum

subscription, if any, after the date of General Provident Fund
statement mentioned at (i) above:


(iii) Add refunds of advance(s) after the date of

statement mentioned at (i) above:


(iv) Total (i) + (ii) + and (iii):


(v) Less amount of advance(s) and Withdrawal(s)

taken after the date of General Provident Fund statement mentioned
at (i) above:


(vi) Net balance at credit:


9. Amount of advance required:


10. Purpose for which the advance is required:

11. Date of ceremony:
12. Rule under which the advance is admissible :
13. Full details of advance taken previously :
Purpose of advance

Date of Drawal


Name of the office

from where
payment received

14. Whether full recovery has been made of the
previous advance:

15. If the reply to item 14 above is negative then give

the following information: Serial
Amount of Month of
No. of
Installments recovered
for recovery


Certified that I have utilized the advance(s) taken from my General Provident Fund

earlier for the purpose for which the advance(s) was/were sanctioned and I have already
submitted the utilization certificate to the Head of Office as required under rule 16.

Certified that the person for whose ceremony/education etc. the advance has been

applied for, is fully and solely dependent upon me.


Certified that the information given in this application is true and correct and nothing

has been concealed or mis-stated therein. I am aware that in case of any concealment or misstatement of facts, I will be debarred from taking any advance(s) from my General Provident
Fund Account for a period of two years.


Signature of the Applicant



F O R M NO. PF -4
(see rules 18 to 23 )
Head of Office_______________________
1. Name of the Subscriber:
2. Designation:
3. Account number (complete) :
4. Existing Scale of pay:
5. Basic pay including Dearness Pay, Personal Pay,
Special Pay, if any, in the existing scale :


6. Date of joining service:

7. Date of supperannuation:
8. Balance at credit of the subscriber on
the date of the application as below: (i) Closing balance as per latest General Provident Fund statement
for the year________________(copy enclosed)


(ii) Add regular monthly subscription plus lump sum

subscription, if any, after the d ate of General Provident Fund
statement mentioned at (i) above:


(iii) Add refunds of advance(s) after the date of

statement mentioned at (i) above:


(iv) Total (i) + (ii) + and (iii):


(v) Less amount of advance(s) and withdrawal(s)

taken after the date of General Provident Fund statement mentioned
at (i) above:


(vi) Net balance at credit :

9. Amount of withdrawal required:


10. Purpose for which withdrawal is required:

11.Rule under which withdrawal is admissible:
12. Whether any withdrawal was taken for the same purpose
earlier, if so, indicate the Amount and the date: Serial
Date of
Number drawal

Sanction Number
and Date


Name of office from where

payment was received



NOTE: All withdrawals taken for purchase of plot, purchase of house, construction, addition
and alteration, repair of house and repayment of loans taken for these purposes should be
treated as same purpose. All withdrawals taken for purchase of motor cycle, scooter, and
moped should be treated as same purpose and withdrawal for motor car can be obtained
separately subject to conditions mentioned in rule 22.
13. Additional information be given in the relevant

(Part- ___attached)

part i.e. acquisition of Plot/flat in part-II/detail of

marriage ceremony in Part-III/details of higher
education in Part-IV/details of motor vehicle(s) in Part-V :

Certified that I have utilized the withdrawal(s) taken from my General Provident Fund

earlier for the purpose for which the withdrawal(s) was/were sanctioned. I have already
submitted the utilization certificate to the Head of Office as required under rules 19/20/21/22.

Certified that the person for whose ceremony/education etc. the advance has been

applied for, is fully and solely dependent upon me.


Certified that the information given in this application is true and correct and nothing

has been concealed or mis-stated therein. I am aware that in case of any concealment or misstatement of facts, I will be debarred from taking any withdrawal(s) from my General Provident
Fund Account for a period of five years.

(Signature of applicant)
Designation :__________


(Examination/Verification by the Office)

This is to certify that the office has checked and verified the details submitted by the
subscriber in this application. All the details furnished by the subscriber are verified to be

The subscriber is entitled to the withdrawal being applied for under the rule 18; or
the subscriber is not entitled to the withdrawal applied for and has requested for
relaxation in rules on the following counts:

(Signature of the Head of office with Seal)

F O R M NO. PF -4
P A R T - II
If the application is for seeking withdrawal for acquisition of a plot and construction of house
thereon/acquisition of flat or house/construction of house, the following additional information
be provided:






Acquisition of a plot for house

Acquisition of a built up flat
Acquisition of a built up house
Construction of House
Re-payment of loan taken from a
financial institution expressly for
acquiring a dwelling unit
(vi) Repair/Renovation of a house

Source of acquisition (please give details

of the agency e.g. Haryana Urban
Development Authority/Co-op. Housing
Society/ Open market or any other
Person in whose name the plot/
house/flat (Clear title). Enclose proof of
ownership/copy of allotment letter
Amount of House Building Advance
taken from the Government under its
Scheme, if any.
Whether withdrawal from General
Provident Fund taken earlier for this
If the answer to above is yes , please
give the details:
(i) withdrawal taken for the same unit
(ii) withdrawal taken for some other
(iii) whether the previous unit has been
disposed off and the advance taken
for the same deposited back in the
If the withdrawal is being applied for a
plot in the name of spouse, please
indicate who is the first nominee to
receive the General Provident Fund

Yes / No


(Signature of applicant)
Office ____________________


F O R M NO. PF -4
(withdrawal for marriage ceremony)
dependent Sister
Name of the dependent for whose
marriage advance is applied
Date of birth of the dependent
Has any withdrawal been taken earlier
for marriage? If yes, the amount of
withdrawal taken with detail:
Amount of withdrawal being applied for
Date of marriage ceremony

(Signature of applicant)
Office _________________________


F O R M NO. PF -4
(withdrawal for higher education o f children)
Withdrawal is being applied for Son/Daughter
higher education of: 2.
Name of the Child
Details of the Course of Study
Name of the Institute of Study
Evidence of Admission
Evidence of fees to be supported
to justify the advance
Details of withdrawals taken (i)
earlier for the purpose:

(Signature of applicant)
Designation _________________
Office ______________________


F O R M NO. PF -4
(withdrawal for purchase of motor vehicle(s))
Withdrawal is being applied for
motor vehicle i.e. motor car, motor
cycle, scooter or moped
Particulars of withdrawal or loan Amount
taken previously, if any.
Date of drawal
withdrawal or Loan
Cost of vehicle (proforma invoice
to be attached)
Amount required for purchase of

(Signature of applicant)
Designation _________________
Office ______________________


(see rule 24)
The Accountant General,
Haryana, Chandigarh.
(Through the Head of office)
I am to retire/have retired/have been discharged/dismissed/have been permanently
transferred to________/have resigned finally from Government service/have resigned service
under ________________ Government to take up appointment with______________and my
resignation has been accepted with effect from_______________forenoon/afternoon. I joined
service with_______________on_______________ forenoon/afternoon.

My Fund Account No. is ____________________


I desire to receive payment through my office________________________or through

the______________Treasury/Sub -Treasury.







identification, left hand thumb and finger impressions (in the case of illiterate subscribers) and
specimen signature (in the case of literate subscribers) in duplicate, duly attested by a
Gazetted Officer of the Government, are enclosed.

I request that the entire amount at my credit with interest due under the rules may be

paid to me/transferred to________________________

Yours faithfully,


(To be specified)


Forwarded to the Accountant-General, Haryana for necessary action.








discharged/dismissed/has been permanently transferred to.../has









under_________________________________________Government to take up appointment









from__________________________________forenoon/afternoon. He/she joined service with


The last fund deduction was made from his/her pay in the Office Bill No___________

dated_______________for Rs____________(Rupees ______________________), Treasury

Voucher No_________________of______________Treasury, the amount of deduction being
Rsand recovery on account of refund of advance Rs.












which_________________instalment of Rs______________are yet to be recovered and

credited to the Fund Account. The details of advance(s)/withdrawal(s) granted to him/her











service/proceeding on leave preparatory to retirement or thereafter are also indicated below Serial

Amount of

Place of encashment



Voucher Number
and Date


Certified that he/she has not resigned from Government service with prior permission

of the State Government to take up an appointment in Central Government or under State

Government or under a body corporate owned or controlled by the State.

Certified that no advance/withdrawal will be sanctioned to the subscriber henceforth

without the concurrence of Accountant General, Haryana.










(Signature of Head of Office)


F O R M No. PF - 6
(see rule 24)

The Accountant General,
Haryana, Chandigarh.
(Through the Head of office)
It is requested that arrangements may kindly be made for the payment of the
accumulations in the General Provident Fund Account of Sh./Ms______________________
_______________. The necessary particulars required in this connection are given below: 1. Name of the Government employee :
2. Date of birth :
3. Post held by the Government employee :
4. Date of death :
5. Proof of death in the form of a death certificate :
(issued by the municipal authorities, etc.)
6. General Provident Fund Account Number of subscriber (Complete) :
7. Amount at the credit of the subscriber at
the time of his death, if known :
8. Details of the nominees alive on the date of
death of the subscriber, if a nomination
Name of the

Relationship with
the subscriber

Share of the



________ ___________

__________________ _____________



__________________ _____________



__________________ _____________

9. In case the nomination is in favour of person

other than a member of the family, the details
of the family, if the subscriber subsequently
acquired a family:


Name of the

Relationship with
the subscribe r

Age on the date

of death










10. In case no nomination subsists, the details of the

surviving members of the family on the date of
death of the subscriber. In the case of a daughter
or of a daughter of a deceased son of the subscriber
married before the death of the subscriber, it should
be stated against her name whether her husband was
alive on the date of death of the subscriber:

Relationship with
the subscriber

Age on the date

of death










11. Name of the Natural/legal guardian:

(in case the amount is due to a minor child)
12. If the subscriber has left no family and no nomination
subsists, the names of persons to whom the Provident
Fund money is payable (to be supported by letter of
Probate or succession certificate etc.) :

Relationship with
the subscriber













13. The payment is desired through the office of

__________ /through the_________Treasury/
Sub-Treasury. In this connection the following
documents duly attested by a Gazetted Officer/
Magistrate are attached: (i)
Personal marks of identification
Left/Right Hand thumb or finger impressions
(in the case of illiterate claimants)
Specimen signatures in duplicate (in the


Case of literate claimants) :

Yours faithfully,

(Signature of claimant)
(Full Name and Address)


Forwarded to the Accountant General, Haryana for necessary action. The particulars
furnished above have been duly verified.
The General Provident Fund Account number of Sh./Ms. __________________
He/she died on__________________A death certificate issued by the Municipal
authorities has been produced (copy enclosed).
The last General Provident Fund deduction was made from his/her pay for the month
of____________drawn vide Treasury Voucher No______________dated_______________in
this Office Bill No____________________________dated___________________ for
Rs______________Rupees________________Treasury Challan No______dated________
Treasury, the amount of deduction being Rs_____________and recovery amount being
Rs.___________ .
Certified that he/she had taken the following advances in respect of
which________________instalment of Rs________________are yet to be recovered and
credited to the Fund Account. The details of the withdrawals granted to him/her during the
twelve months immediately preceding the date of his/her death are also indicated below Serial

Amount of



Place of encashment

Voucher Number
and Date


Certified that the claimant submitted the application on

(Signature of the Head of office)


F O R M NO. PF - 7
(see rule 15)
Sanction is hereby accorded under rule_____of Haryana General Provident Fund
Rules for the gran t of an advance of Rs_______________ (Rupees__________________
________________only) to Shri/Ms____________________from his/her General Provident
Fund Account Number____________to enable him/her to defray charges on account

The advance will be recovered in_______________________monthly instalments of

Rs__________________each, commencing from the salary of next month succeeding the

drawal month ____________________.

The balance at the credit of Shri/Ms ___________________as on the date of sanction

is detailed below: (i) Balance as per General Provident Fund Statement for the year___________ Rs.
(ii) Subsequent deposits


(iii) Total of column (i) and (ii)


(iv) Subsequent advance/withdrawals, if any


(v) Balance as on date of sanction column {(iii) minus (iv)}


Endst. No.

Head of Office

Copy forwarded to:

1. The Accountant General (Accounts and Entitlement), Haryana, Chandigarh for information
and to make a note in the ledger account of the subscriber.
Shri___________________________His attention is drawn to the provisions of the
rule____________of Fund rules according to which a subscriber who has been permitted to
withdraw money from the fund should satisfy the sanctioning authority that the money has
been utilized for the purpose for which it was withdrawn. A certificate to the effect that the
amount withdrawn has been utilized for the purpose for which it was sanctioned be furnished
within one month from the date of drawal.
3. Treasury Officer, ____________________________.


F O R M NO. PF - 8
(see rule 18)
Sanction is hereby accorded under rule _______________of the Haryana General
Provident Fund Rules to Sh/Ms ____________________(here enter the name and
designation) for withdrawal of an amount of Rs ________________________ (Rupees______
_____________ __________only) from his / her General Provident Fund Account
The amount of withdrawal is within the limits as prescribed in the conditions meant for
this withdrawal.
The balance at the credit of Shri/Ms. _____________________ as on the date of
sanction is detailed below: (i) Balance as per General Provident Fund statement for the year____


(ii) Subsequent deposits


(iii) Total of columns (i) and (ii)


(iv) Subsequent advances/withdrawals, if any


(v) Balance as on date of sanction columns {(iii) minus (iv)}


Endst. No._________________________

Head of Department
Dated ____________

Copy forwarded to:

The Accountant General (Accounts and Entitlement), Haryana, Chandigarh for
information and to make a note in the ledger account of the subscriber.
Shri____________________His attention is drawn to the provisions of the
rule_______________________of General Provident Fund rules according to which a
subscriber who has been permitted to withdraw money from the Fund should satisfy the
sanctioning authority that the money has been utilized for the purpose for which it was
withdrawn. A certificate to the effect that the amount withdrawn has been utilized for the
purpose for which it was sanctioned be furnished within ________months from the date of
Head of office __________________.
Treasury Officer, ________________.

(Signature of Head of Department)


Annexure I
[see rules 2 (iv), 15 and 18]
List of authorities competent to sanction Advance/Withdrawal



Nature of power
To sanction advance for:-



To whom
Head of

illness, confinement or
higher education
obligatory expenses
legal proceedings in court
of law
defence in departmental
To sanction advance for:- Head of
purchase of house hold

To sanction withdrawal Head of

for :Department
18(3 )


Building or acquisition of
Government agency.
house/flat/plot from open
repaying of loan for
house/ flat
purchase of house site
To sanction withdrawal Head of
for :Department
additions or alternations
in house/flat
acquiring commercial/
industrial establishment
or establishing business
for settlement of
unemployed children.

Extent of power
Six months pay or 50% of credit
in General Provident Fund
account whichever is less and
further subject to the conditions
laid in rule 16.

Six months pay or 50% of credit

in General Provident Fund
account or actual cost of items
whichever is least and further
subject to the conditions laid in
rule 16.
90% of credit in General
Provident Fund account or the
actual cost whichever is less
and further subject to the
conditions laid in rule 19.

50% of credit in General

Provident Fund account or the
actual cost whichever is less
and further subject to the
conditions laid in rule 19.



To sanction withdrawal Head of

for :Department


higher education of child

To sanction withdrawal Head of

for :Department



daughters marriage or
female relatives marriage
sons marriage
Self marriage
To sanction withdrawal Head of
for :Department

90% Head of
before Department

(i) For initial admission

Upto 75% of credit in General
Provident Fund account or the
actual amount required by the
institution whichever is less for
each child and further subject to
the conditions laid in rule 20.
(ii) For annual payment 50% of credit in General
Provident Fund account or the
actual amount required by the
institution whichever is less for
each child and further subject to
the conditions laid in rule 20
25% of credit in General
Provident Fund account or the
actual amount required by the
institution whichever is less,
twice in a year for each child
and further subject to the
conditions laid in rule 20.
75% of credit in General
Provident Fund account and
further subject to the conditions
laid in rule 21.

50% of credit in General

Provident Fund account or the
actual cost of vehicle whichever
is less and further subject to the
conditions laid in rule 22.
90% of credit in General
Provident Fund account and
further subject to the condition
laid in rule 23.

Note 1 : The Head of Departments may re-delegate any of the powers delegated to them in
the above table, in writing, on their sole responsibility and further subject to such restrictions
and conditions as they may like to impose, to any officer working under them at their
headquarter/ District / any other office(s). The copies of re-delegation shall be endorsed to the
concerned Administrative Department and Accountant General, Haryana,
Note 2 : The following officers shall exercise the powers of Heads of Departments so far as
these rules are concerned in respect of officers/officials working under them and
subordinate establishment under their control :(i)

Commissioner(s) of Division(s).


District and Sessions Judge(s).


Inspector General / Deputy Inspector General of Police (Range/Railway).


Conservator of Forest(s).


Controller of Printing and Stationery


Superintending Engineer(s) of Public Works Department(s).


District Education Officers / Sub Divisional Education Officers


Principal(s) of Government Art and Professional Colleges.


Sub-Divisional Officers (Civil) in the Sub -Division of the Civil Department and
City Magistrate at Headquarters of the District.

Note 3 :

The advance/withdrawal for the Head of Office/Head of Department shall be

sanctioned by the Head of Department and Administrative Department respectively.

Note 4:







advance/withdrawals sanctioned by them, to the Head of the Department




commencing from April of ea ch financial year, mentioning therein complete details of

advance/withdrawal such as name of the subscriber,

General Provident Fund account

number, amount and purpose for verifying the actual debit of advance/withdrawal to the
concerned General Provident Fund account of the subscriber. The Heads of the Departments
will consolidate the advance/withdrawal sanctioned by the subordinate offices including
advances/withdrawals sanctioned at Headquarter(s) and the same shall be reconciled with the
Accountant General, Haryana.
Note 5 :

The subscriber, who has submitted the application for final withdrawal and the

same has been forwarded to Accountant General, shall be sanctioned advance/withdrawal

only on receipt of concurrence from the Accountant General, Haryana.


(see rule 12)
Example of an Interest calculation on General Provident Fund accumulation for
the year 2003 -04 from the following data: Serial

Opening Balance as on 01 -04-2003

Rs. 2,25,980/-


Monthly Subscription


3,000/- p.m.


Arrear of D.A. deposited in 6/2003




Advance for daughters betrothal ceremony

paid on 12/12/2003(to be recovered @ Rs. 1000/p.m. in 25 instalments



Arrear of D.A. deposited in 2/2004




Withdrawal on 04 -03-2004 for Higher

Education of Son
Rate of interest during the year




8% p.a.







Monthly product







3000x12 =36000
























































(-)22000x4 =(-)88000























Annual Product
(1) Opening Balance

Rs. 2,25,980.00

(2) Product during the financial year

138210 divided by 12 = 11,517.50

Rs. 11,517.50

Total (1 + 2)

Rs. 2,37,497.50

Interest = 237497.50x8%=18999.80 Say




[see rule 3 (2)]
Whereas it is expedient to amend and consolidate the law relating to Government and
other Provident Fund, it is hereby enacted as follows: 1.

Short title, extent and commencement: - (1) This Act may be called the Provident

Funds Act, 1925.


It extends to the whole of India except the State of Jammu and Kashmir.


It shall come into force on such date as the Central Government may, by
notification in the Official Gazette, appoint.

2. Definitions. - In this Act, unless there is anything repugnant in the subject or context, (a)

compulsory deposit means a subscription to, or deposit in, a Provident Fund

which, under the rules of the Fund, is not, until the happening of some specified
contingency, repayable on demand otherwise than for the purpose of the
payment of premia in respect of a policy of life insurance or the payment of
subscription or premia in respect of a family pension fund, and includes any
contribution and any interest or increment which has accrued under the rules of
the Fund on any such subscription, deposit or contribution, and also any such
subscription, deposit, contribution, interest or increment remaining to the credit
of the subscriber or depositor after the happening of any such contingency;


contribution means any amount credited in a Provident Fund, by any authority

administering the Fund, by way of addition to, a subscription to, or deposit or
balance at the credit of an individual account in the Fund; and Contributory
Provident Fund means a Provident Fund the rules of which provide for the
crediting of contributions;


dependent means any of the following relatives of a deceased subscriber to,

or a depositor in, a Provident Fund, namely, a wife, husband, parent, child,
minor brother, unmarried sister and a deceased sons widow and child, and,
where no parent of subscriber or depositor is alive, a paternal grandparent;



Government Provident Fund means a Provident Fund, other than a Railway

Provident Fund, constituted by the authority of the Secretary of State, the
Central Government, the Crown Representative or any State Government for
any class or classes of persons in the service of the Government or of persons
employed in educational institutions or employed by bodies existing solely for
educational purposes, and references in this Act to the Government shall be
construed accordingly;


Provident Fund means a fund in which subscriptions or deposits of any class

or classes of employees are received and held on their individual accounts,
and includes any contributions and any interest or increment accruing on such
subscriptions, deposits or contributions under the rules of the Fund;


"Railway administration means


any company administering a railway or tramway in any part of India

either under a Special Act of Parliament of the United Kingdom or an
Indian law, or under contract with the Government, or


the Manager of any railway or tramway administered by the Central

Government or by a State Government, and includes, in any case
referred to in sub -clause (ii) the Central Government or the State
Government, as the case may be;


Railway Provident Fund means a Provident Fund constituted by the authority

of a Railway administration for any class or classes of its employees.

3. Protection of compulsory deposit. (1)

A compulsory deposit in any Government or Railway Provident Fund shall not

in any way be capable of being assigned or charged and shall not be liable to
attachment under any decree or order of any Civil, Revenue or Criminal Court
in respect of any debt or liability incurred by the subscriber or depositor, and
neither the official Assignee nor any receiver appointed under the Provincial
Insolvency Act, 1920 (5 of 1920), shall be entitled to, or have any claim on any
such compulsory deposit.


Any sum standing to the credit of any subscriber to, or depositor in, any such
Fund at the time of his decease and payable under the rules of the Fund to any
dependent of the subscriber or depositor, or to such person as may be


authorized by law to receive payment on his behalf, shall, subject to any

deduction authorized by this Act and, save where the dependent is the widow
or child of the subscriber or depositor, subject also to the rights of an assignee
under an assignment made before the commencement of this Act, vest in the
dependent, and shall, subject as aforesaid, be free from any debt or other
liability incurred by the deceased or incurred by the dependent before the death
of the subscriber or depositor.
4. Provisions regarding repayment. (1)

When under the rules of any Government or Railway Provident Fund the sum
standing to the credit of any subscriber or depositor, or the balance thereof
after the making of any deduction authorized by this Act, has become payable,
the officer whose duty it is to make the payment shall pay the sum or balance,
as the case may be, to the subscriber or depositor, or, if he is dead, shall

if the sum or balance, or any part thereof, vests in a dependent under

the provisions of section 3, pay the same to the dependent or to such
person as may be authorized by law to receive payment on his behalf;


if the whole sum or balance, as the case may be, does not exceed five
thousand rupees, pay the same, or any part thereof, which is not
payable under clause (a) to any person nominated to receive it under
the rules of the Fund, or, if no person is so nominated, to any person
appearing to him to be otherwise entitled to receive it; or


in the case of any sum or balance, or any part thereof, which is not
payable to any person under clause (a) or clause (b) pay the same,

to any person nominated to receive it under the rules of the

Fund, on production by such person of probate or letters of
administration evidencing the grant to him of administration to
the estate of the deceased or a certificate granted under the
Succession Certificate Act, 1889 (VII of 1889), or under the
Bombay Regulation VIII of 1827, entitling the holder thereof to
receive payment of such sum, balance or part, or


where no person is so nominated, to any person who produces

such probate, letters or certificates:


Provided that, where the whole or any part of any sum standing to the credit of
the subscriber or depositor has been assigned to any other person before the
commencement of this Act, and notice in writing, of the assignment has been received
by the officer from the assignee, the officer shall, after making any deduction
authorized by this Act, and any payment due under clause (a) to or on behalf of the
widow or children of the subscriber or depositor

if the subscriber or depositor or, if he is dead, the person to whom in the

absence of any valid assignment the sum or balance would be payable
under this sub -section give s his consent in writing, pay the sum or part
of the balance thereof, as the case may be, to the assignee, or


if such consent is not forthcoming, withhold payment of the sum, part of

balance, as the case may be, pending a decision of a competent Civil
Court as to the person entitled to receive it.


The making of any payment authorized by sub-section (I) shall be a full

discharge to the Government or the Railway administration, as the case may
be, from all liability in respect of so much of the sum standing to the credit of
the subscriber or depositors as is equivalent to the amount so paid.

5. Rights of nominees.

Notwithstanding anything contained in any law for the time being in force or in
any disposition, whether testamentary or otherwise, by a subscriber to, or
depositor in, a Government or Railway Provident Fund of the sum standing to
his credit in the Fund, or of any part thereof, where any nomination, duly made
in accordance with the rules of the Fund, purports to confer upon any person
the right to receive the whole or any part of such sum on the death of the
subscriber or depositor occurring before the sum has become payable or
before the sum, having become payable, has been paid, the said person shall,
on the death as aforesaid of the subscriber or depositor, become entitled, to
the exclusion of all other persons, to receive such sum or part thereof, as the
case may be, unless


such nomination is at any time varied by another nomination made in like

manner or expressly cancelled by notice given in the manner and to the
authority prescribed by those rules, or


such nomination at any time becomes invalid by reason of the happening of

some contingency specified therein and if said person predeceases the


subscriber or depositor, the nomination shall, so far as it relates to the right

conferred upon the said person, become void and of no effect:
Provided that where provision has been duly made in the nomination in
accordance with the rules of the Fund, conferring upon some other person such right
instead of the person deceased, such right shall, upon the decease as aforesaid of the
said person, pass to such other person.

Notwithstanding anything contained in the Indian Succession Act, 1925 or the Bombay
Regulation VIII of 1827 , any person, who becomes entitled as aforesaid, may be
granted a certificate under that Act or that Regulation, as the case may be, entitling
him to receive payment of such sum or part, and such certificate shall not be deemed
to be invalidated or superseded by any grant to any other person of probate or letters
of administration to the estate of the deceased.


The provisions of this section as amended by sub -section (1) of section 2 of the
Provident Funds (Amendment) Act, 1946 also shall apply to all such nominations
made before the date of the commencement of that Act:
Provided that the provisions of this section as so amended shall not operate to
affect any case, in which before the said date any sum has been paid, or has under
the rules of the Fund become payable in pursuance of any nomination duly made in
accordance with those rules.

6. Power to make deductions. When the sum standing to the credit of any subscriber or
depositor in any Government or Railway Provident Fund which is a Contributory Provident
Fund becomes payable, there may, if the authority specified in this behalf in the rules of the
Fund so directs, be deducted therefrom and to Government or the Railway administration, as
the case may be

any amount due under a liability incurred by the subscriber or depositor to

Government or the Railway administration, but not exceeding in any case the
total amount of any contributions credited to the account of the subscriber or
depositor and of any interest or increment which has accrued on such
contributions; or


where the subscriber or depositor has been dismissed from his employment for
any reasons specified in this behalf in the rules of the Funds, or where he has
resigned such employment within five years of the commencement thereof, the
whole or any part of the amount of any such contributions, interest and


6-A. Withholding or recovery of Government Contributions in case of Central

Government Officers taking up, without prior permission, commercial employment
within two years of their retirement. (I)

In this section, unless the context otherwise requires,


Central Government Officers means a subscriber to, or depositor in, a

Contributory Fund constituted by the Central Government, who,
immediately before his retirement, is a member of a Central Service
Class I, but does not include an officer appointed under a contract of
service for a specified term.


Commercial employment means employment in any capacity

(including that of an agent) under any company, co-operative society,
firm or individual engaged in trading, commercial, industrial, financial or
professional business and includes also (i)

a directorship of a company;


the holding of any office, whether elective or otherwise, such as

that of president, chairman, manager, secretary, treasurer, by
whatever name called in a co -operative society; and


the setting up of practice, either independently or as partner of a

firm, as adviser or consultant in matters in respect of which the
Central Government Officer,

has no professional qualifications and the matters in

respect of which the practice is to be set up or is carried on
are relatable to his official knowledge or experience, or


has professional qualification, but the matters in respect of

which such practice is to be set up are such as are likely to
give his clients an unfair advantage by reason of the posts
held by him under the Central Government, or

(C) has to undertake work involving liaison or contract with the

offices or officers of Central Gove rnment,
but does not include employment in or under a corporation or
company wholly or substantially owned or controlled by
Government or employment in or under a body controlled or
financed wholly or substantially by Government;

Government contributions means contributions made after the

commencement of the Provident Funds (Amendment) Act, 1975, in
respect of any period after such commencement, by the Central


Government or by a State Government or by a local authority within the

meaning of the Local Authorities Loans Act, 1914;

prescribed means prescribed by rules made by the Central

Government by notification in the Official Gazette.


No Central Government officer shall have any right to the Government

contributions made to his credit in a Contributory Provident Fund in any case where he
takes up commercial employment at any time before the expiry of two years from the
date of his retirement without the prior permission of the Central Government.
EXPLANATION 1.- For the purposes of this sub-section and sub -section (7), date of
retirement in relation to a Central Government officer re -employed after retirement without
any break either in the same or any other class I post under the Central Government or any
other equivalent post under a State Government, shall mean the date on which such Central
Government Officer finally ceases to be re -employed in Government service.
EXPLANATION 2.- A Central Government officer permitted by the Central Government to
take up a particular commercial employment during his leave preparatory to retirement shall
be deemed, for the purposes of this sub-section, to have obtained prior permission of the
Central Government for his continuance in such employment after retirement.

Subject to the provisions of sub-section (4), the Central Government may, by

order in writing, on an application made in the prescribed form by a Central Government

officer, grant subject to such conditions, if any, as it may deem necessary, permission, or
refuse, for reasons to be e
r corded in the order, permission, to such officer to take up the
commercial employment specified in the application.

In granting or refusing permission under this section to a Central Government

officer for taking up any commercial employment, the Cen tral Government shall have regard
to the following factors, namely: (a)

the nature of the employment proposed to be taken up and the

antecedents of the employer;


whether his duties in the employment which he proposes to make up

might be such as to bring him into conflict with Government;


whether the officer while in service had any such dealing with the
employer under whom he proposes to seek employment as might afford a
reasonable basis for the suspicion that such officer had shown favour to
such employer;


any other relevant factors which may be prescribed.



Where within a period of sixty days of the date of receipt of an application

under sub-section (3), the Central Government does not refuse to grant the permission
applied for or does not communicate ht e refusal to the applicant, the Central Government
shall be deemed to have granted the permission applied for.

Where the Central Government grants the permission applied, for subject to

any conditions or refuses such permission, the applicant may, within thirty days of the receipt
of the orders of the Central Government to that effect, make a representation against any
such condition or refusal and the Central Government may make such orders thereon as it
deems fit;
Provided that no order other than an order cancelling such condition or granting such
permission without any conditions shall be made under this sub-section without giving the
person making the representation an opportunity to show cause against the order proposed to
be made.

If any Central Government officer takes up any commercial employment at any

time before the expiry of two years from the date of his retirement without the prior permission
of the Central Government or commits a breach of any condition subject to which permission
to take up any commercial employment has been granted to him under this section, it shall be
competent for the Central Government to declare by order in writing and for reasons to be
recorded therein that he shall not be entitled to such part of the Government contributions
made in relation to such officer as may be specified in the order and if he has received
payment thereof, to direct that he shall refund to the Central Government an amount
equivalent to such part of the Government contributions:
Provided that no such order shall be made without giving the officer concerned an
opportunity of showing cause against such declaration or direction:
Provided further that in making any order under this sub-section, the Central
Government shall have regard to the following factors, namely:

the financial circumstances of the officer concerned;


the nature of, and the emoluments from, the commercial employment taken up by
the officer concerned;


such other relevant factors as may be prescribed.

(8) Any amount required to be refunded by an order under sub-section (7) may, if it is not
refunded within the prescribed period, be recovered as arrears of land revenue.
(9) Every order passed by the Central Government under this section shall be
communicated to the officer concerned.



The provisions of this section shall have effect notwithstanding anything to the

contrary contained in any other provision of this Act or the rules applicable to any contributory
provident fund.
(11) Every rule made by the Central Government under this section shall be laid, as
soon as may be after it is made, before each House of Parliament, while it is in session, for a
total period of thirty days which may be comprised in one session or in two or more
successive sessions, and if, before the expiry of the session immediately following the
session, or the successive sessions aforesaid, both Houses agree in making any modification
in the rule or both Houses agree that the rule should not be made, the rule shall thereafter
have effect only in such modified form or be of no effect, as the case may be; so, however,
that any such modification or annulment shall be without prejudice to the validity of anything
previously done under that rule.

Protection for acts done in good faith No suit or other legal proceeding shall lie

against any person in respect of anything which is in good faith done or intended to be done
under this Act.

Power to apply the Act to the Provident Fund (1) The appropriate Government

may, by notification in the Official Gazette, direct that the provisions of this Act exception
section 6-A shall apply to any Provident Fund established for the benefit of its employees by
any local authority within the meaning of the Local Authority Loans Act, 1914, and on the
making of such declarations, this Act shall apply accordingly, as if such Provident Fund were a
Government Provident Fund and such local authority were the Government.

The appropriate Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette, direct

that the provisions of this Act (except section 6-A) shall apply to any Provident Fund
established for the benefit of the employees of any of the institutions specified in the
Schedule, or of any group of such institutions and, on the making of such declaration, this Act
shall apply accordingly, as if such Provident Fund were a Government Provident Fund and the
authority having custody of the Fund were the Government:
Provided that section 6 shall apply as if the authority making the contributions referred
to in that section were the Government.

The appropriate Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette, add to

the Schedule the name of any public institution it may deed fit, and any such addition shall
take effect as if it had been made by this Act.

In this section, the appropriate Government means (a)

in relation to a cantonment authority, a port authority for a major port, and

any institution which, or the objects of which, appear to the Central


Government to fall within List I in the Seventh Schedule to the

Constitution, the Central Government; and

in other cases, the State Government.

EXPLANATION The State Government in relation to an institution registered under the

Societies Registration Act, 1860 (XXI of 1860) means the State Government of the State in
which the Society is registered.

Savings as to estates of soldiers Nothing in section 4 or section 5 shall apply to

money belonging to any estate for the purpose of the administration of which the Regimental
Debts Act, 1893, applies.

Repeals.- [Repealed by the Repealing Act, 1927(12 of 1927), S.2 and Sch.]
(Not added)


[see rule 16(9)]
List of approved courses as mentioned in rule-21
Serial Number

Name of the Course

Diploma Course in the various fields of Engineering and Technology, e.g.









Engineering, Textile Technology, Leather Technology, Printing Technology,

Chemical Technology, etc. conducted by recognized technical institutions.

Degree courses in the various fields of Engineering and Technology, e.g.










Engineering, Textile Technology, Leather Technology, Printing Technology,

Chemical Technology, etc. conducted by recognized technical institutions.

Postgraduate courses in the various fields of Engineering and Technology

conducted by the Universities and recognized institutions.


Degree and Diploma courses in Architecture, Town Planning and allied

fields conducted by recognized institutions.


Diploma and Certificate courses in Commerce conducted by recognized



Diploma course s in management conducted by recognized institutions.


Degree Courses in Agriculture, Veterinary Science and allied subjects

conducted by recognized Universities and institutions.


Degree and Diploma courses in Art/Applied Art and allied subjects

conducted by recognized institutions.


Medical courses (including Allopathic, Homeopathic, Ayurvedic and Unani

systems) conducted by recognized institutions.


Bachelor of Science (Home Science) courses.


Degree and Diploma course in Hotel Management conducted by

recognized institutions.


Degree and Postgraduate course in Home Science.


Pre -Professional course in Medicine if part or regular 5 years course in



Doctorate of Philosophy in Biochemistry.


Degree and Postgraduate course in Law.



Honours course in Microbiology.


Associateship of the Institute of Chartered Accountants.


Associateship of the Institute of Costs and Works Accountants.


Degree and Masters course in Business Administration or Management.


Master of Science course in Statistics, Computer Application.


The Company Secretaryship course or the Institute of Company

Secretaries of India.


The course or pre -sea training imparted on the Training Ship Rajendra to
prospective paginating officers on merchantships.


The course in Marine Engineering conducted in the Directorate of Marine

Engineering Training.

Bhaskar Chatterjee
Financial Commissioner and Principal Secretary
to Government, Haryana, Finance Department.
Endst. No. 4/4(2)2003-2FR

Dated Chandigarh the 9th M ay, 2006

A copy, for information and necessary action, is forwarded to:1.

All Heads of Departments, Commissioners of Divisions,

all Deputy Commissioners and Sub Divisional Officers (Civil)
in Haryana.


The Registrar, Punjab and Haryana High Court, Chandigarh.

Deputy Secretary Finance,
for Financial Commissioner and Principal Secretary
to Government Haryana, Finance Department.
Endst. No. 4/4(2)2003-2FR

Dated Chandigarh the 9th May, 2006

A copy is forwarded to the Accountant General (A&E), Haryana, Chandigarh for information
and necessary action with reference to his letter No.Fds.I/AS-9/05-06/668, dated 25.11.2005.

Deputy Secretary Finance,
for Financial Commissioner and Principal Secretary
to Government Haryana, Finance Department.


Endst. No. 4/4(2)2003-2FR

Dated Chandigarh the 9th May, 2006

A copy, alongwith an attested copy, is forwarded to the Controller, Printing & Stationery,
Haryana for information and necessar y action.
He is requested that this notification be got printed in the Haryana Government Gezette and 500
spare copies be supplied to Government for record.

Deputy Secretary Finance,
for Financial Commissioner and Principal Secretary
to Government Haryana, Finance Department.

A copy for information and necessary action is forwarded to :1.


All the Financial Commissioners and Principal Secretaries to Govt. Haryana.

All the Administrative Secretaries to Govt. Haryana.

Deputy Secretary Finance,
for Financial Commissioner and Principal Secretary
to Government Haryana, Finance Department.
1. All the Financial Commissioners and Principal Secretaries to Govt. Haryana.
2. All Administrative Secretaries to Govt. Haryana.
U.O.No. 4/4(2)2003-2FR

Dated Chandigarh the 9th May, 2006.



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