Caller, February 15, 2015 Final
Caller, February 15, 2015 Final
Caller, February 15, 2015 Final
In This Issue
From Dales Desk
Remember in Prayer
Spiritual Disciplines Wk
Prayer Requests, Feb. 8
Serving in the Military
Save the Dates/Janelles sermon 4
Girls Night Out
Wedding Shower
Listening Session
Senior Adults
Thank Yous/Letters
Mission Trip/Office closed
Cookie Bakers Needed
Founders Day
Homeless 101
Week of Compassion Ideas
Pathways of Hope
Get on the Bus
Fair Trade Coffee
Summer Camp
Lent & Easter Activities
Serving Sunday
The Caller
is published
(Deadline Wednesday
at Noon)
First Christian Church
(Disciples of Christ)
109 E. Wilshire Ave.
Fullerton, CA 92832
Interim Pastor:
Rev. Dale Suggs
Donna Woodbridge
Issue 07
Remember in Prayer
Michael Anderson, 2
yr-old grandson, who
has pneumonia
Mother, Flora, who
has a blood clot in her
Girlfriend, Abby, who
is having tests for
breast cancer.
Jeremiah a newborn
who has been in and
out of the hospital.
Junior, former student
who had a very
serious surgery.
March 1 All-church
wedding shower for Emily Steward-Styffe
and Jaime Garcia. We will be having a salad
luncheon in Fellowship Hall. See related
article below.
March 13-14 Founders Day Weekend
at Chapman. Check Caller next week for more
info. Nancy Malotte is our coordinator.
May 19 & 20 Sr. Adult Retreat at Loch
Leven Camp and Conference Grounds
June 28 August 1 - Summer Camps at
Loch Leven. See Donna for registration forms.
Wedding Shower
We will be honoring
Emily Steward-Styffe and Jaime
Garcia on their upcoming wedding at an AllChurch Potluck Salad Luncheon shower in
Fellowship Hall after the 10:15 service on
Sunday, March 1. Please let Sammie Adams
know you are coming and what kind of salad
you are bringing.
Emily and Jaime are registered at
Target. You may also contribute to a Church
gift if you would like. Donna Woodbridge will
be collecting those donations.
We Get Letters . . .
Chapman Universitys
Founders Day
Chapman University will hold our 32nd
Annual Founders Day, March 13-14, 2015. The two
day event held on the Orange, CA campus has
many strong options for participants to enjoy:
Eleven members of
FCCF (Luanne Bailey, Leslie
Beck, John and Cyndi Cairns. Phil Forbes,
Bill Martin, Ada Rodman, Laura Schaffel,
Amy Styffe, Pat Vannoy, and Donna
Woodbridge, attended the Homeless 101
workshop held last Saturday sponsored by
Fullerton ACT.
Speakers from Pathway of Hope, Future
in Humanity, VISTA and the Fullerton Police
Department Homeless Liaison Task Force gave
us great information on homelessness in
general and in the Fullerton area.
Michael Shepherd began his session
with the question What is Homelessness?
Answer: No home. If you do not have a
home, you have no bed, no shower, no food.
You are in constant crisis to find basic survival
needs which then affects and causes lots of
other issues. He challenged all of us to think
about our circumstances and how close are we
to being in that situation. Unless you have a
good savings to tide you over, if you lost your
job, you could be homeless very soon. I was
very impressed and it sure made me think as I
am sure it did for others. This is only a small
sampling of what we learned.
On March 7, there will be another
Homeless Training Seminar where we can all
learn some of the solutions for Fullerton and
the agencies that are making them happen.
As we are a downtown church and very
close to the homeless situation, I encourage
you to put this date on your calendar now and
plan to attend. The location will be
announced later.
Sunday Statistics
February 8, 2015
100 (Remember Service)
6 (Reawaken Service) 98 (Casa 1 P.M. service)
Weekly Giving: $2,995
Missions: $332.80
Budget Goal: $3,777
Souper Bowl: $100
Week of Compassion: $315
Annual Food-Loving Guys and Gals
Amateur Chef Competition is coming Sunday,
March 15, 2:30 4:30 at the Fullerton Community
Center, 340 W. Commonwealth, Fullerton.
FCCF will have a couple of entries. The
Monday Night OT Bible Study and the Greek Class
will be joining Barry Woodbridge as one of the
entries and Tom Beck and Dirk McCuen the other.
Still room for some of you other chefs to enter.
There will be food tasting, you get to vote for your
personal favorite, music by Creamin Color and a
silent auction.
Trader Joes, Brea, the Dhont Foundation
and St. Andrews Episcopal Church will be
receiving Friends of Pathways Awards.
Tickets are $50 per person in advance and
$60 at the door. Opportunity tickets are available
for $10 per ticket or 3 for $25.
$.92 of every dollar given to Pathways goes
to serving the clients. RSVP at 714-680-3691, fax
714-871-3032 or online at
Easter Lilies
Kids Page