AN848 Dynamic
AN848 Dynamic
AN848 Dynamic
Maxim > Design Support > Technical Documents > Tutorials > Power-Supply Circuits > APP 848
Keywords: multiple-output, flyback, dc-dc converters, power supply, isolated, primary-side, secondaryside, voltage snubber, transient voltage suppression, suppressor, suppresser multiple-winding,
transformer, MAX1856, telecom supply, power supplies
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leakage inductance in the flyback transformer. Snubbers control the effects of the leakage inductance
and improve the reliability of the power supply.
Snubbers can be either passive or active networks. Passive snubber network elements are restricted to
resistors, capacitors, inductors and diodes. Passive snubbers can control either voltage or current and
may be either dissipative or non-dissipative. If the energy in the snubber is dissipated in a resistive
element it is classified as a dissipative snubber, but if the energy is returned to the input or moved
ahead to the output it is classified as non-dissipative. This application note provides an overview of the
different types of passive dissipative voltage snubbers used, guidelines on how they are designed, and
their various limitations. In particular, snubbers used to reduce the stress on the switch and improve
efficiency in a flyback topology are discussed.
The first section enumerates the need for a snubber on the primary side of a flyback converter. The
second section explains the need for a snubber on the output side. This is followed by a discussion of
the various types of dissipative voltage snubbers.
The primary leakage inductance L LP in a flyback does not participate in the primary to secondary energy
transfer and so has a negative impact on efficiency. Since the leakage inductance does not find a path
for the current built up in it during the switch on-time, it leads to a voltage spike at the turn-off of the
MOSFET and also delays the transfer of power from the primary to the secondary. The parasitic
elements in the transformer and the switch determine the magnitude of this voltage spike. At high output
voltagesthe circuit parasitics become large relative to the amount of output power delivered.
The primary leakage inductance, L LP , and the primary winding capacitance in the transformer, C P , and
the output capacitance, C OSS , of the MOSFET form a parasitic LC network. The peak voltage is given
VPEAK = IP ((L LP /(C P +COSS ))) + VIN + VOUT /N
Where IP is the current level circulating at the time the MOSFET turns OFF, N is the ratio of secondary
to primary turns, VIN is the input voltage, and VOUT is the output voltage.
The square root term in the above equation represents the characteristic impedance of the parasitic LC
network. Note that the highest voltage transient occurs when switching the highest level of current. This
voltage overshoot may cause excessive power dissipation in the MOSFET even if it is within safe
operating limits of the device and thus reduce the total efficiency. Also, it may cause instability in the
loop due to (dv/dt) induced spurious turn-on of the MOSFET as a result of the transient voltage spike.
The transformer secondary leakage inductance may couple with the reverse recovery current IREC of the
output rectifier diode to cause ringing when the diode turns off. The transformer secondary leakage
inductance L LS and the capacitance C D of the rectifier determine this resonant frequency. The ringing
may generate significant radiated and conducted noise. There is typically very little loss in the resonant
circuit so this network will cause many cycles of ringing after the spike. The ringing can therefore affect
the current sense signal used by the controller in a flyback configuration. The overshoot caused by this
ringing may exceed the diode voltage rating and cause damage to the diode. The maximum positive
voltage across the rectifier can be estimated as
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The damping of the resonant circuit should be optimized as excessive damping can also lead to
increased switching times and result in increased losses.
A snubber could therefore be used to clamp the voltage spike or damp the ringing to reduce noise in the
system or both. Depending on the function performed by the snubber it can be broadly classified into
three categories:
Rate-of-rise control snubber
Voltage clamp snubber
Damping snubber
Damping snubbers are dissipative by definition. Rate-of-rise control snubbers and voltage clamp
snubbers may be dissipative or non-dissipative. Non-dissipative snubbers are generally resonant type
snubbers. Snubbers can also be classified as polarized or non-polarized depending on whether energy
moves in or out of the snubber at either switching edge or at both. The polarized snubber is not very
good at damping since it is not active during much of the cycle. It usually provides rate-of-rise control or
clamping. Depending on whether the parameter being controlled is voltage or current these snubbers can
be further classified as voltage or current snubbers. Only dissipative type voltage snubbers are discussed
in this application note.
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RCD Clamp
In the clamp mode the purpose of the snubber is to clamp the voltage during turn-off at the drain of the
MOSFET. The parallel RC circuit may be returned to ground or to a voltage other than ground (i.e., input
voltage if the drain can go above input voltage) since this will reduce the power dissipation in the
resistor. The MOSFET switch itself will have to sustain the peak power dissipation during turn-off. The
value of the capacitor, C CLAMP, and resistor, R CLAMP, is based on the energy stored in the parasitic
inductance, as this energy must be discharged into the RC network during each cycle. The voltage
across the capacitor and resistor sets the clamp voltage, VCLAMP. The turn-off waveform at the drain of
the MOSFET switch is as shown in Figure 3.
topologies with a clamped inductive load since it does not reduce ringing.
Simple RC Snubber
This is probably the most widely used snubber and is applicable for both rate-of-rise control and
damping. In inductively clamped topologies, where there is still some stray inductance, the RC snubber
can be used to reduce the peak power dissipation in the switch by controlling the rate-of-rise of drain
voltage. The RC snubber, however, will absorb energy during each voltage transition and can reduce
efficiency. Also, the RC snubber will reduce the switching speed of the MOSFET switch. Care must be
used in choosing the value of R and C to optimize the total performance. The main application of a RC
snubber is to damp parasitic ringing in the circuit due to unclamped inductance in configurations such as
the flyback converter. In these applications, the value of the resistor must be close to the characteristic
impedance of the parasitic resonant circuit it is intended to damp. Choose the snubber resistor to be
R = (Lres /Cres )
Where L res = parasitic inductance causing the resonance, C res = parasitic capacitance causing the
The RC time constant of the snubber should be small compared to the switching period but long
compared to the voltage rise time. The snubber capacitance must be larger than the parasitic resonance
capacitance, but small enough to minimize dissipation in the snubber resistor. The snubber capacitance
is generally chosen to be at least 3 to 4 times the value of the parasitic resonant capacitor. The power
dissipated can be estimated from the snubber capacitance as
P = C (VC) f
Where C is the snubber capacitance, VC is the voltage across the snubber capacitor, and f is the
switching frequency.
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It is very important to pay attention to parasitics in the components used in the snubber since these may
render the snubber ineffective. The diodes used in snubbers should be able to handle large peak
currents, but the average current is relatively small. The PC board layout may need to provide some heat
sink area for these diodes. Capacitors have series inductance and this should be minimized to avoid
introduction of any unwanted resonance in the circuit. Some electrostatic capacitors (ceramic and
polymer film) offer extremely low ESR and ESL values. Capacitors can be paralleled to reduce circuit
inductance. Care must be exercised in using this method. The series inductance of a large capacitance
is capable of resonating with a small capacitance in parallel with it and the resulting resonant circuit will
have a high Q.
The resistors used should have very low inductance to avoid excessive overshoots and ringing. Avoid
using wirewound resistors. The layout should not introduce stray inductance, especially in high current
paths. The transformer used in flyback converters should be designed to reduce leakage inductance and
minimize overshoot and ringing. The actual design of the transformer is, however, beyond the scope of
this application note and will be discussed elsewhere.
The switches in the circuit are usually the most susceptible devices that need snubbing. The switch is
also in the input stage of the flyback circuit. In practice, the best procedure is to start from the input and
proceed to the output stage when introducing the snubbers into the circuit. Once a node has been shown
to need a snubber, the purpose of the snubber should be determined before selecting the type.
A flyback topology application circuit using the MAX1856 is shown in Figure 4. This is an example of
using two snubber circuits for different objectives. D3, C11 and R11 form a clamp to limit the drain
voltage and R5 with C10 forms a RC snubber to damp the ringing at the secondary rectifier (D2).
Comparing the waveforms in Figure 5A and Figure 5B demonstrates the effect of the RC snubber at the
secondary rectifier.
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Figure 5A. Voltage at the D2 rectifier cathode without a snubber. (CH1= Voltage waveform at EXT/pin 8
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Figure 5B. Voltage at the D2 rectifier cathode with a snubber (R5=150; C10=330 pF). (CH1= Voltage
waveform at EXT/pin 8 of MAX1856; CH2= cathode of rectifier D2).
In conclusion, this application note has discussed the use of passive voltage snubbers with particular
reference to flyback converter topology. A properly snubbed circuit is more efficient, more reliable and will
perform well over time, within temperature and production tolerances. It is important to understand and
use the snubber circuits when it is necessary to control switching voltage transients.
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