Non Disruptive Road Crossings-1 DOT
Non Disruptive Road Crossings-1 DOT
Non Disruptive Road Crossings-1 DOT
January 2013
Draft Edition
Abu Dhabi Department of Transport
Al Bateen Towers
PO Box 20
Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
Copyright 2012, by the Abu Dhabi Department of Transport. All Rights Reserved. This
manual, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any form without written permission of
the publisher.
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List of Figures .................................................................................................................................. v
List of Tables .................................................................................................................................. vi
Introduction .............................................................................................................................. 7
Overview ............................................................................................................................. 7
Direct Pipe.................................................................................................................. 20
General .................................................................................................................................... 22
Overview ........................................................................................................................... 22
Client .......................................................................................................................... 23
Consultant .................................................................................................................. 23
Road Authority............................................................................................................ 23
January 2013
Geotechnical Investigation................................................................................................. 32
Borehole Positions...................................................................................................... 33
Overview ........................................................................................................................... 35
Concept Stage................................................................................................................... 35
Hand excavation......................................................................................................... 59
Design calculations..................................................................................................... 59
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Figure 1: Impact moling/soil displacement hammer ........................................................................... 8
Figure 2: Pipe ramming diagram (Earth Tool Company, LLC)............................................................ 8
Figure 3: Impact moling ..................................................................................................................... 9
Figure 4: Auger head ....................................................................................................................... 10
Figure 5: Auger boring ..................................................................................................................... 10
Figure 6: Process of the horizontal directional drilling (HDD) ........................................................... 12
Figure 7: Micro tunnelling ................................................................................................................ 13
Figure 8: Slurry shield micro tunnelling (Iseki Poly-Tech, Inc.-japan) ............................................... 14
Figure 9: Stages of pilot pipe jacking with auger soil removal .......................................................... 15
Figure 10: Backactor shield ............................................................................................................. 16
Figure 11: A cutter boom shield ....................................................................................................... 17
Figure 12: Open front pipe jacking ................................................................................................... 17
Figure 13: A slurry shield (full face excavation) pipe jacking machine .............................................. 18
Figure 14: Earth Pressure Balance Machine (EPBM) ...................................................................... 18
Figure 15: Easy pipe Method ........................................................................................................... 20
Figure 16: Direct Pipe Method ......................................................................................................... 21
Figure 17: Process map of NDRC.................................................................................................... 25
Figure 18: Pipe jacking worksite and shaft ....................................................................................... 26
Figure 19: The different cutting heads ............................................................................................. 39
Figure 20: Principles of a hydraulic mucking boring machine (Herrenknecht documents) ................ 40
Figure 21: Locating systems ............................................................................................................ 45
Figure 22: Basic components of rig.................................................................................................. 46
Figure 23: Slanted face Drill Bits ...................................................................................................... 49
Figure 24: Modified Slanted face Drill Bits ....................................................................................... 49
Figure 25: Modified Slanted face Drill Bits ....................................................................................... 50
Figure 26: Rock Drill Bits ................................................................................................................. 50
Figure 27: Tri-Cone Rock Bits.......................................................................................................... 51
Figure 28: Experience guidelines for the application of different NDRC methods............................. 55
Figure 29: Working shafts ................................................................................................................ 56
Figure 30: Stability Vs Volume Loss ................................................................................................ 66
Figure 31: Typical Settlement Profile for a Soft Ground Tunneling ................................................... 70
Figure 32: Assumptions for width of settlement trough (adapted from Peck, 1969) .......................... 71
Figure 33: Example of Finite Element Settlement Analysis for Twin Circular Tunnels under Pile
Foundations ..................................................................................................................................... 72
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Table 1: Parameters to be considered in relation to each soil type .................................................. 34
Table 2: NDRC methods related to soil types .................................................................................. 37
Table 3: Different applications of NDRC .......................................................................................... 38
Table 4: NDRC methods with typical pipe size, length and accuracy ............................................... 42
Table 5: Rigs types and specification............................................................................................... 47
Table 6: Drill Bit Types and Application Guidelines (Courtesy DCCA) ............................................. 48
Table 7: Operational risks in HDD installations (Baumert and Allouche 2003) ................................. 54
Table 8: Design of working shafts in Dry ground .............................................................................. 56
Table 9: Design of working shafts in wet ground .............................................................................. 57
Table 10: Shaft Dimensions ............................................................................................................. 58
Table 11: Shaft sizes ....................................................................................................................... 58
Table 12: Relationship between Volumes Loss and Construction Practice and Ground Conditions . 68
Table 13: Risk summary for typical NDRC methods ........................................................................ 80
Table 14: Type of records for NDRC projects .................................................................................. 83
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In 2010, the Abu Dhabi Department of Transport commenced with the Unifying and Standardizing of
Road Engineering Practices Project. The objective of the project was to enhance the management,
planning, design, construction, maintenance and operation of all roads and related infrastructures in
the Emirate and ensure a safe and uniform operational and structural capacity throughout the road
To achieve this objective a set of standards, specifications, guidelines and manuals were developed
in consultation with all relevant authorities in the Abu Dhabi Emirate including the Department of
Municipal Affairs (DMA) and Urban Planning Council (UPC). In future, all authorities or agencies
involved in roads and road infrastructures in the Emirate shall exercise their functions and
responsibilities in accordance with these documents. The purpose, scope and applicability of each
document are clearly indicated in each document.
It is recognized that there are already published documents with similar objectives and contents
prepared by other authorities. Such related publications are mentioned in each new document and
are being superseded by the publication of the new document, except in cases where previously
published documents are recognized and referenced in the new document.
The purpose of this Manual is to provide specific procedural guidance on Non Disruptive Road
Crossings (NDRC) for staff of the Abu Dhabi Department of Transport and other concerned
government highway agencies (Municipalities), designers, Contractors and utility agencies.
However, due to the specific technical nature of this type of construction, the Manual also provides
guidelines for the specialized Contractors experienced in the utilization of plant and equipment
fabrication, in order to select the most appropriate method for such operations.
The Manual is specifically aimed at recognizing local conditions related to the present legal
framework, existing geotechnical conditions and practices presently employed by the local
construction industry which perform successfully. However, global best practices are studied and
improvements recommended as appropriate.
The overall objective of this Manual is to provide guidelines for the construction of NDRC which do
not result in either short term or long term surface movement, nor in road collapse due to drilling
mistakes or obstacles.
The Manual is intended for use by the Abu Dhabi Department of Transport and other road agencies
of the Emirate (Municipalities) in specifying the requirements and approval procedures for NDRC
It is however also to be used by utility agencies, designers and Contractors in selection and design
of NDRCs.
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A number of soil displacement methods exist. Impact moling or sometimes called soil displacement
hammer is one of the more common methods. The method involves driving a moling or hammering
tool with a tapered head through the ground (see Figure 1). The hammering tool can either work with
compressed air or hydraulically and it displaces the soil as it moves through the ground.
The piping or cable material is either pushed directly behind the tool or, in stable soil conditions it
may be pulled in afterwards through the cavity made by the tool.
Pipe ramming with a closed pipe is another soil displacement method often used. Like impact moling
or soil displacement hammer it uses compressed air or hydraulically activated ramming device to
push a closed steel pipe through the soil (see Figure 2).
Figure 1: Impact moling/soil displacement hammer
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Generally very quick and easy to use and thereby also very cost effective. Moles or
hammering tools are available for many soil conditions and can penetrate soft rock.
The methods require relatively small entry and exit pits. When installing the pipe or cable
directly behind the hammering tool, surface settlements are minimised.
The methods require that the soil is displaceable and surface heave may occur if sufficient
soil cover is not available above the tunnel.
A minimum cover of 10 times the outer pipe or hammer diameter is recommended.
Pipelines installed in this manner are necessarily straight as there is no steering mechanism.
The alignment of the tunnel can be influenced by the soil conditions, especially obstructions
or stratifications that may alter the direction of the tool or pipe.
Installation of pipelines that require a precise alignment should not be undertaken using nonsteerable methods.
The poor alignment accuracy also reduces the typical lengths for which the methods are
appropriate, and safe distances to other structures or utilities must be maintained.
Figure 3: Impact moling
Pipe ramming can also be carried out with an open pipe end and thereby without soil displacement.
Instead the soil is either removed during the driving of the pipe or afterwards. Soil removal is typically
undertaken using water jetting, flushing, compressed air or mechanically, for example with an auger.
These are some points to consider with this method:
With the use of an auger, a cutting head can be attached to the head giving an improved
method for application in harder soils. Examples of pipe ramming and auger boring are
shown in Figures 8 and 9.
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The pipe material is usually a steel casing or sleeve pipe inside which the product pipe or
cables can be pulled or pushed after soil removal.
Entry and exit pits are required for this method, where the entry pit may need to be very long
in order to accommodate the pipe and auger sections along with the ramming or jacking
Below ground water levels the methods must be used with caution or dewatering must be
Pipe ramming may be achieved if the pipe can be driven completely through before soil
removal and the soil "plug" inside the pipe is sufficiently stable to withstand the ground water
pressure while ramming.
When auger boring, the auger may become flooded underground water levels giving way for
excessive soil loss and major surface settlement. Some manufacturers have designed a sluice
system for the auger to counter this effect.
Figure 4: Auger head
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These methods, like the other non-steerable methods, are generally less expensive than
similar sized steerable methods due to the need for fewer and simpler equipment and
The method can be used for significantly larger pipe sizes compared to displacement
techniques (2000 mm diameter or larger). The larger diameter pipelines are typically stiffer
and less susceptible to altering direction during installation.
Horizontal direction drilling is likely to be the most widely used NDRC method, due to the extreme
versatility in uses. The method can be conducted from the ground surface without the need of deep
entry and exit shafts.
The installation size can be anywhere from small diameter single cable crossings up to 1200
mm diameter pipes. Drilling distances can reach as much as 1500-1800 m in a single drill longer drills have been achieved using intersecting methods.
The method requires a HDD rig capable of applying torque and thrust to drill a drilling pipe
through the ground. A steerable drilling head, specially designed for the soil conditions, is
situated at the front end of the pipes.
Directly behind the drill head is a probe or transmitter sending signals through the ground.
These signals can be tracked from the ground surface, thereby determining the position and
depth of the drill. The direction of the drill can be altered by the asymmetrical steering face of
the drill head.
After completing the drill, the bore hole is expanded to the required size by attaching reamers
to the drill pipe and pulling back in one or more steps. The desired pipeline is typically
attached directly behind the final reamer.
Drilling fluid (typically a bentonite suspension) is continuously pumped into the borehole in
order to remove the spoils and support the borehole. An example of a HDD setup is shown in
Figure 6.
The reamer is generally larger than the pipeline being installed creating an overcut or annular
space surrounding the pipeline through which the soil and drilling fluid mixture can escape.
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The wide size range and the ability to undertake HDD without large entry and exit pits and
without groundwater lowering are very clear advantages of this method.
The direction of the drill can be altered while drilling making it possible to install a curved
pipeline. This can be a great advantage when manoeuvring around existing structures or
other utilities.
The achievable alignment accuracy may be insufficient for pipelines that require high
precision alignment.
Maximum pipe diameters are limited to about 1200mm.
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Sudden changes in soil type from say clay to sand can lead to loss of control of fluid
pressure which in turn can lead to collapse of the soil annulus around the pipe.
In certain situations, the pipe may become stuck leading to loss of the HDD string.
Micro tunnelling
Micro tunnelling is a name generally associated to unmanned pipe jacking methods for pipes smaller
than 1000 mm diameter. However larger diameter machines and equipment are readily used and it
would be more appropriate to use the term micro tunnelling for any unmanned pipe jacking using a
steerable tunnelling machine.
Figure 7: Micro tunnelling
In micro tunnelling the pipeline is installed by pushing (jacking) the pipes forward from the starting
shaft as the tunnelling machine excavates the soil at the front of the pipeline. The excavated soil can
be removed through the already laid pipes by various methods. Examples of this are auger soil
removal or slurry shield micro tunnelling as shown in Figures 7 and 8.
In the auger method the excavated soil is removed mechanically with the continuous line of augers.
In the slurry shield method the excavated soil is mixed with a bentonite slurry suspension and
pumped out of the pipeline. After being pumped out the soil is settled or separated from the slurry in
a tank or separation unit and the slurry is reused.
When working below ground water levels the auger soil removal may pose the same problems,
where the auger may flood and give way for excessive soil loss. The slurry shield micro tunnelling
machine is typically designed with a pressurized bulkhead, where slurry is pumped at a sufficient
pressure to stabilizes any loose soil and balance ground water pressure.
The tunnelling machine can be controlled by an operator outside the pipeline. The alignment is
usually controlled by laser or by gyroscope and water level. The line is typically straight, but using
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Micro tunnelling works in almost all soil conditions and cutting heads can be modified to deal
with weak rocks.
Pipes of up to 2000mm diameter can be installed and can be constructed to a high degree of
accuracy which makes the technique suitable for pipelines that require precision in alignment
or gradient.
Obstacles (large rocks/boulders or other materials) may stop machines not designed for
cutting through these materials. In such cases there may be no other solution, than to
excavate from the surface to remove the obstacle. If this is not possible, the tunnel and
machine may have to be abandoned.
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Working in mixed face conditions can be problematic, particularly where slurry support is
used below groundwater as the slurry pressure may be difficult to control. Loss of slurry/face
support can lead to instability and ravelling leading to large surface settlements and, in the
extreme case, abandonment of the pipe and machine.
Micro tunnelling is generally more expensive than many of the other NDRC methods,
requiring relatively large entry and exit shafts and more advanced equipment and materials.
This method is basically a variation of the non-steerable auger boring method. In this method
however a steerable pilot pipe is initially jacked or drilled through the soil. The alignment of the pilot
pipe is controlled by laser and a small camera at the head of the pipe.
After installing the pilot pipe an open steel pipe with an auger for soil removal is attached to the pilot
pipe and pushed/jacked through. The steel pipe is usually just used as a sleeve for the product pipe
which is pulled in afterwards.
Variations of the method include attaching a reamer followed by a plastic pipeline and pulling these
through in a similar manner as HDD.
Figure 9: Stages of pilot pipe jacking with auger soil removal
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The method is very accurate (unlike the non-steerable auger boring method). The pilot pipe
can generally be installed to an accuracy of +/- 20 mm and the steel sleeve pipe will typically
follow this line with little deviation.
The technique is a relatively cheap method of achieving a pipeline to a high precision in
alignment and gradient.
Large rocks or differences in soil structure surrounding the pilot pipe can give problems.
Ground water may give some of the same problems described in sections on non-steerable
auger boring and micro tunnelling.
Manned pipe jacking methods are very similar to the techniques given as micro tunnelling the
difference is basically that the manned methods are sufficiently large in diameter to accommodate
workers inside the pipeline.
A wide range of tunnelling machines designed for varying types of soil and groundwater conditions
exist. The machines can generally be divided into open or closed face machines the selection is
dependent on the soil conditions and the required support necessary for stability of the soil.
Open faced pipe jacking can be done in stable soil conditions with little or no ground water inflow.
The method consists of a tunnelling machine with an open front, where soil is excavated
mechanically and transported with conveyor belt and/or buckets out of the pipeline. Examples of
open front pipe jacking are shown in Figure 10 and Figure 11.
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Working below ground water levels, pressure may be applied to the front using a chamber lock
system as shown in Figure 12. The pressurized front allows excavation without losing soil stability
due to ground water infiltration. This will generally only work in cohesive soils or rock - in very loose
soils, an open front is very questionable.
In loose soils or conditions with high ground water levels, a closed front machine may be used.
Closed front machines can be of the slurry shield type as described in Section 4.5 on micro
tunnelling or alternatively an earth pressure balance machine.
The slurry shield tunnelling machine works as described previously with a bentonite slurry
suspension that is mixed with the excavated soil and pumped out of the pipeline. An example of this
type of machine is shown in Figure 16.
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Manned pipe jacking methods have the general advantage that access to the driving front is
relatively easy - making it possible to remove obstacles (larger rocks/boulders etc.) with
manual methods.
Open front machines obviously have the most direct access, where closed front machines
may need to be designed with access gates.
There are many health and safety issues associated with manned pipe jacking, not least the
need to work in confined spaces with the dangers of face collapse and groundwater
Detailed and robust health and safety procedures dealing specifically with the hazards
related to this construction method need to be implemented for all manned pipe jacking
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Tunnelling equipment is large and expensive and requires relatively large site areas for the
launch and reception pits.
NDRC techniques continue to evolve and new techniques are constantly being trialled and
implemented to overcome some of the disadvantages of conventional techniques or provide faster,
cheaper installations. Two such techniques are the Easy Pipe and the Direct Pipe methods
Easy Pipe
This technique combines conventional micro tunnelling with an innovative method of using the
jacking pipes to help install the permanent pipe. Once the tunnel has been bored, the micro
tunnelling machine is removed and the permanent pipe is attached to the installed jacking pipes.
The jacking pipe segments (which are bolted together) are pulled back through the tunnel, pulling the
permanent pipe with them. In this way, the permanent pipe is installed quickly and easily and the
jacking pipe segments can be re-used for the next project.
Easy Pipe installation requires a micro tunnelling unit to be prepared and assembled in the launch
pit. The cutter head is launched and guided in the conventional micro tunnelling way along a planned
The difference between the jacking pipes used by Easy Pipe and conventional ones is that the
special design allows them to be used as jacking pipes in the forward direction while allowing them
to be retracted from the completed bore to pull in the product pipe.
This is because the joints between the jacking pipe sections bolt together with a design that will
withstand thrust and pullback forces of up to 6,300 kN (630 tons).The close proximity of the jacking
pipes' outer wall to the bore wall also avoids the potential for collapse of the bore in unstable ground
After the cutter head has reached the target pit, it is separated from the jacking pipe string and
replaced by a specially designed connection pipe that also connects to the product pipe. The jacking
pipes are then pulled back using the bi-directional jacking frame, simultaneously pulling the product
pipe into position. In the launch pit the individual jacking pipes are successively removed along with
all other equipment until the product pipe arrives at the launch shaft.
The connection pipe and jacking frame are removed from the pit leaving the product pipe in place to
be finally connected to the remainder of the pipeline on either side of the obstacle(s) crossed.
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Direct Pipe
The direct pipe technique is a hybrid of the HDD and micro tunnelling methods. In this technique, the
micro tunnelling machine is pushed in to the ground using a jacking frame that grabs directly on to
the final production pipe and uses this to push the micro tunnel machine forward. In this way, once
the tunnel is bored, there is no need for a secondary production pipe installation process as the
production pipe is installed directly as part of the tunnelling operation. Installation of the pipe is
limited by the thrust that can be applied to the pipe without causing damage and the need for
sufficient space to lay the pipe out behind the micro tunnel machine prior to commencing boring.
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Application options
Range of application
Pipeline diameter: - 28 - 36 38 - 44 46 - 52 54 - 60
Excavation diameter 805 / 990 mm 1,140 mm 1,325 mm 1,540 mm
Maximum pipeline / drilling length 300 m 700 m 1,200 m 1,400 m
Geology: - Clay, Silt, Sand, Gravel, Cobbles, Boulders, Rock (up to 150 Mpa = 21,750 psi)
Pipe material: - Steel
Coating material: - . PE, PP, GRP, FBE
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This chapter provides general information for undertaking Non Disruptive Road Crossings including
an overview of the parties involved and their roles and responsibilities.
The chapter further covers the general requirements for environment, health and safety along with
requirements for site survey and geotechnical investigations.
A number of local and international Standards and Codes of Practice along with guidelines and
specifications have been sourced during the process of creating this manual. The documents and
information listed below were chosen as they are typically viewed as being best practice
internationally, in the field of NDRC and trenchless technology. Particular reference can be made to
the following existing key documents:
Abu Dhabi Municipality Road Department - Requirements and Recommendations for Non disruptive Road Crossings
Abu Dhabi Municipality Sewerage Projects Committee - General specifications for civil works,
Pipeline construction by Non disruptive method (2003)
The Pipe Jacking Association (UK) - "An introduction to pipe jacking and micro-tunnelling
design" (1995)
Horizontal Directional Drilling Good Practices Guidelines - 2008 (3rd Edition) USA
Standard DWA-A 125E Pipe Jacking and Related Techniques, German Association for
Water, Wastewater and Waste. (2008)
Microtunneling and Horizontal Drilling Recommendations, FSTT, French Society of
Trenchless Technology (2006)
Euronorm EN 12889: Trenchless Construction and Testing of Drains and Sewers.
There is a wealth of globally available documentation about 'trenchless' or 'no dig' technology
and the list above covers some of the more important ones. Additional information on
methods and equipment can be found in these or from technical associations such as:
International Society of Trenchless Technology, ISTT -
Pipe Jacking Association (UK) -
North American Society for Trenchless Technology, USA -
This section describes typical roles and responsibilities of the parties involved in undertaking NDRC
works. The specific responsibilities and authorities of the different parties involved can vary from
project to project depending on the contract agreements between the parties.
Road crossings and in particular NDRC works are typically contracted as part of a main project
involving installation of utility lines in an area, along roads, etc.
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The Client is the owner of the pipeline or cable to be installed. The overall responsibility for the
installation and operation of the pipeline or cable is that of the Client.
The Client can delegate certain responsibilities such as design and calculations along with the
responsibility for safeguarding of the road to others through contract agreements.
The Consultant is typically hired by the Client to design, tender and supervise the overall project.
The Consultant will typically undertake preliminary site and soil investigations to collect information
on existing utilities, surface and sub-surface constructions during the design stage. The consultant
will supervise the installation and NDRC work during construction.
Contractor/Sub Contractor
The Contractor or, if delegated, the specialist Sub Contractor is responsible for the correct
installation of the pipeline or cable in accordance with the specifications.
The Contractor/Sub Contractor is responsible for obtaining approval from the Road Authority prior to
commencement of the NDRC work. Approval is only given after Submitting a complete and
acceptable method statement including all required information in accordance with this manual.
Road Authority
The Road Authority (Abu Dhabi Department of Transport or any Municipality) is responsible for
giving approval of any NDRC work. The Road Authority's main interest is in protecting their assets the road, footpaths, structures, etc. from any harm, settlement or heave resulting from the NDRC
work which lies within the highway Right of Way.
Abu Dhabi Town Planning will give initial approval and assign a corridor that the Client may use. This
is done only after checking with, and obtaining NOCs from the Road Authority, other Utility Agencies
and any other relevant authorities.
After giving approval and assigning a corridor Abu Dhabi Town Planning will refer to the Road
Authority for final approval of the NDRC work.
Utility Agencies
Other utilities agencies may be affected by the NDRC if their pipelines or cables are located near the
proposed NDRC. The Contractor will need to obtain No Objection Certificates (NOC's) from all the
concerned utilities agencies. These may be accompanied with certain requirements or restrictions
concerning the NDRC.
Process Map
When following the procedure below, it is imperative that the Consultant follow the guidance
contained in this Manual, and if any of the processes are not completed to the DoTs satisfaction,
then the relevant stage will not be approved.
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The stages are illustrated in Figure 17 below showing the main activities and responsibilities
in each stage.
Detailed information and requirements of the various activities can be found the subsequent
sections of this manual.
Check lists of required submittals to the Road Authority are given in Appendix A.
The estimated processing times in the approval stages are based on complete and full
submittals. Any missing information may result in prolonged processing times.
Anywhere along the process factors may arise that will require the planned NDRC to be
revised and the process to be returned to an earlier stage.
All applications for approval with the DoT must be submitted using the No Objection
Certificate - Right of Way (NOC-ROW) online system. Please refer to the DoT website for
the latest information on this subject.
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Concept Stage
Size (diameter) and level
Preliminary design
Site investigation
Other utilities
Method selection
Design calculations
Design drawings
Letters of undertaking
After construction
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All parties involved in NDRC work have an important role in establishing safe working conditions.
During planning and design all foreseeable health and safety risks likely to arise shall be identified
and taken into consideration in the design. All health and safety information known to the Client,
Consultant or designer must be given to the Contractor prior to undertaking the NDRC work.
Figure 18: Pipe jacking worksite and shaft
The Contractor must ensure that prior to commencement of any project, a Health and Safety Plan is
prepared which covers the specific requirements of the project. This plan shall be submitted prior to
approval of construction along with the Method Statement, and approved by the relevant Consultant
(usually the Engineer).
General requirements for Environment Health and Safety must comply with the EHS Manual for
Road Projects. All issues relating to EHS must be raised and addressed along all stages of the
At Concept Stage
During this phase, it is important for the design team to establish the route of the NDRC to minimise
the risks to safety for any persons working on the construction.
When submitting the relevant design information to Abu Dhabi Town Planning, the Consultant must
take into account the safety impacts of the size and material used in the NDRC works, if they are
available at this stage.
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At Pre-Construction Stage
This is an important phase for safety considerations as it maps out the construction processes and
methods via the Method Statement. The appointed Contractor should submit:
A Method Statement which should detail all the construction methods and programme
A Risk Assessment highlighting ALL risks to safety, rating each in terms of probability and
A Site Emergency Plan to show evacuation procedures in an emergency
A Traffic Management Plan to set out the specific requirements for the site.
During this stage there are many considerations for the Contractor to consider.
A daily checklist for inspection of the works is included in the Appendix and this is to be
checked back and corroborated with the Method Statement.
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Provide an adequate means of trench exit, such as a ladder or steps. Locate it so no more
than 25 ft of lateral travel is required. Extend the ladder from the bottom of the excavation to
at least 3 ft above the ground surface.
Do not place excavated material closer than 2 ft from the edge of an excavation.
Keep all tools, working materials, and loose objects orderly and away from the excavation
Keep tools, equipment, and excavated material out of open traffic lanes.
Take work breaks, rests, etc. at designated locations away from the excavation.
When resuming excavation after heavy rains or freezing weather, inspect all banks for
cracks. These may indicate earth movement and the probability of cave-in.
Frequently inspect the sides and rim of all open excavations to guard against cave-in.
Operate earth-moving equipment from a position that will not imperil personnel or property by
a cave-in due to vibration, stress, or dead weight.
If it is absolutely necessary to work above an overhanging bank, use a safety belt and a
lifeline. Have a helper nearby to assist in an emergency.
To avoid striking electric or telephone conduits, gas lines, or other sub-structures, locate
other utility installations before starting work.
Require workers to wear adequate eye, ear, and foot protection when using a jackhammer or
when exposed to flying particles or falling objects.
Workers should always be aware of locations of running machines (backhoes, trenching
machines, etc.). Workers should keep clear of the sweep path and try never to turn their
backs toward the working machine(s).
Use proper shoring and bracing to prevent cave-ins while vaults or similar openings are
under construction.
Proper shoring cannot be reduced to a standard formula.
Each job is an individual problem and must be considered under its own conditions.
Place advance warning, instructional signs, barricades, and delineators well ahead of the
construction area to warn motorists and pedestrians of the area and safely take them through
or past it.
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Protect the work area with barricades, barriers, or planks to provide a safe working space. If
necessary, use flaggers to direct and slow down traffic. When used, place trucks or air
compressors between the work and the traffic.
During periods of reduced visibility, use adequate lighting on all barricades.
When no work is in progress, place adequate barriers, barricades, flashing lights, and signs
to warn and divert traffic. Use reflecting tape on all barricades.
All personnel should wear protective clothing including hard hats and high visibility traffic
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When cutting sections of pipe, keep feet in the clear and use adequate blocking, chocks, etc
to prevent pipe movement.
Wear safety goggles
Keep tools and appliances in good condition for handling, cutting, threading, or treating pipe.
Always use the right tool for the job.
Do not let tools or materials become stumbling hazards where pipe is being handled.
Avoid shortcuts and makeshift methods that may increase the hazards of handling pipe.
Accidents and risks that may be particularly related to NDRC work will include, but are not
Environmental requirements
General environmental requirements for any construction works in connection with main roads,
including undertaking of NDRCs, can be found in the EHS Manual for Road Projects.
Prior to commencing any projects an environmental permit must be acquired from The Environment
Agency - Abu Dhabi (EAD). Points that will need to be addressed for the environmental permit may
January 2013
The Contractor is responsible for establishing, operation and decommissioning of the work
site in an environmentally safe way and this can be controlled by using a daily checklist
report which will be followed in line with the Method Statement. Such details will be included
in the Contractor's Method Statement.
All waste materials shall be collected and disposed of in an appropriate manner, and the site
shall be cleared and void of any waste matter after the construction is completed.
All materials and equipment shall be stored in accordance with manufacturer's guidelines and
in a way so that spills or emissions are avoided.
Drilling fluids (slurry, bentonite, etc.) shall be recovered for
reuse or disposal at an approved location in accordance
with the environmental permit.
The environmental issues that typically concern HDD
However, approval must be obtained from EAD permit received for the works.
A site condition survey shall be conducted during both the preliminary design and construction
stages of the proposed NDRC. All surface and subsurface construction within a minimum of 30 m
from the proposed centreline and any shafts must be identified and the exact location determined.
These will include, but are not necessarily limited to:
A building and structure assessment plan documenting the condition and including photographs of
any existing damage must be included in the site condition survey. This shall be submitted for
approval of both the preliminary design and final design. In connection with the final design the site
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Geotechnical Investigation
The geotechnical investigation shall be conducted in accordance with the Manual for Geotechnical
Investigation and Geotechnical Design including determining the projects geotechnical category and
the procedures for managing geotechnical risk as described.
Evaluation of soil conditions on NDRC projects is critical, but often under-emphasized. Success or
failure is intricately tied to correctly matching equipment and methods to soil Conditions. It is the
designer's responsibility to ensure that sufficient geotechnical information is available for the
complete design and safe installation of the NDRC.
For all NDRC work, a minimum requirement of a desk study shall be carried out, assessing the
available literature, maps, aerial photographs, utility plans and existing site investigations. The aerial
photographs must encompass as much historical information as possible, that show for example
lowlands swamps which have since been backfilled. Existing geotechnical investigations may be
acquired from the road department, adjacent building owners or structures and other utilities
If insufficient geotechnical information is available for the area where an NDRC is proposed, then a
thorough geotechnical investigation must be conducted.
The soil investigation analysis is necessary for:
Selecting the appropriate NDRC method, jacking technique and jacking works
Selecting and designing the supports for launch and reception shafts
Selecting and designing jacking pipes
Planning measures for soil improvement in unstable soils
Planning of soil disposal (landfill, treatment, recycling)
Planning of measures for the control of groundwater
The field exploratory techniques selected should be appropriate to the type of ground and the
planned depth of the NDRC. The laboratory testing programme should include tests relevant to the
ground conditions and the NDRC techniques likely to be
employed. Table 1 below suggests parameters to be
considered in relation to each soil type.
The soil conditions shall be investigated and documented in
accordance with the Manual for Geotechnical Investigation
and Geotechnical Design. The investigation should result in
information on reliable soil parameters which are necessary
for the adequate design of the drives, shoring, and
dewatering details. Analysis and design (calculations for
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Number of boreholes:
Depth of boreholes:
Borehole Positions
Exploratory borehole positions should be chosen to provide information on the nature of the ground
that will be encountered by the NDRC. Under no circumstances should boreholes be sunk on the
line of the NDRC.
All boreholes should be properly backfilled and sealed. Piezometers should be installed where
recommended. Boreholes should always extend sufficiently far below the invert level to identify
changes in the strata below the NDRC that could affect both the construction and long term impact
of the NDRC. Boreholes should be sunk adjacent to shaft locations. Additional boreholes should be
considered, if required, to identify the location of significant changes in geology or to resolve other
geotechnical uncertainties.
All geotechnical investigations shall be carried out by qualified personnel and in accordance with The
Manual for Geotechnical Investigation and Geotechnical Design.
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This chapter contains the general procedures and requirements for undertaking any NDRC works
under DOT roads. It is divided into sections relating to the process map described in Chapter 1.
Concept Stage
At this early stage, the concept of each project will be considered by the Designer, and as per the
stage gateway process, the options will be considered from a financial and environmental impact
point of view before progressing to the next stage. This will be in line with the requirements of Town
Planning as detailed in Chapter 2.
For NDRC, if applicable the impacts will be established and examined, and put forward into the
report generated by the Consultant. Depending on the project, it may be the case that different
routes for the NDRC are considered.
Method selection
In this section more detailed information about the guidelines requirements and criteria related to the
two major NDRC methods are currently used in emirate of Abu Dhabi are given in order to help
select a method appropriate for the given project. More information on the various methods can be
found in Chapter 2.
The Client/Consultant should, before tender, determine which methods may or may not be used for
the NDRC works. The selection should be appropriate for the intended installation and meet the
requirements of this Manual. Method and equipment should be selected to avoid ground loss and
minimize settlement or heave. Also, a geotechnical section along the drive path shall be provided
with the ground surface and groundwater elevations shown. This will assist in determining the
The selection of route and method shall be based on the information gathered during the site
investigation and geotechnical survey along with all other relevant information. The line and level of
the route shall be selected so as to avoid driving through weak/strong soil boundaries, weathering
interfaces and groundwater surfaces.
The methods presently available are many and diverse and new techniques are continually being
developed. Existing methods and equipment are becoming more advanced and variations or
combinations of different methods are also being developed.
The selection of method is also dependant on the:
Cost The cost of construction can vary dramatically depending on the method, materials,
and route chosen.
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Traffic Impacts Designers and Contractors need to consider the negative effects on short
term traffic flow impacts
Depth The depth of the crossing as a wider effect on the extent of trenching required and
safety of personnel.
Risk to surrounding utilities Alternative methods should be considered when there is a large
impact on any surrounding apparatus. Risks should be assessed.
Groundwater impact The level of ground water can affect the ability to construct in a safe
and efficient manner.
Required installation speed Due to construction constraints it may be required to carry out a
fast installation. If so, the most appropriate method should be chosen.
Settlement risks Depending on the soil type encountered, the risk of settlement of the soil
may be high this should be taken into consideration.
Pipe size The size of the pipe crossing effects the depth and type of construction chosen.
Length of crossing The length of the pipe is a strong deciding factor in the type of
construction to adopt.
Required accuracy All crossings must follow the route decided, however in some cases it
may be that a method is chosen where the required accuracy is not as high as others.
Feasibility of open cut It may be the case that an open-cut dig is found more appropriate.
This will be decided early on in the process.
Below is a Table 2 detailing NDRC methods depending on the different soil types.
Below is a Table 3 shows detailing the different applications for NDRC works and the options for
alternative construction methods:
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Impact Molling
Guided HDD
Systems Mini
Guided HDD
Systems Midi
Hard rock
Soft rock
Hard clay
Soft soils
Auger Boring
Tunneling Pipe
Slurry & EPB
Hard rock
Soft rock
Hard clay
Soft soils
X Not Suitable
- Suitable
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January 2013
Tunnelling Pipe
Slurry & EPB
Gas lines
Oil lines
Potable water
Force mains
Gravity mains
Suitable at appropriate diameters and lengths - Small diameter only - Small diameter only
Typically for Crossings only
S Siphon crossings only
Micro tunnelling and Horizontal Directional are the most used methods in Emirate of Abu Dhabi, so
more discussion will be explained.
The head of the machine is equipped with a cutting wheel whose tools are used to last the
soil under the combined action of rotation and thrust. A crushing cone located behind the
cutting wheel and intended to reduce the size of larger elements to allow their mucking, is
present on most machines. There exist different cutting heads for various types of soil. (see
figure below). They can be distinguished by their cutting tools.
For sandy or gravely soil, the cutting wheels are equipped with teeth (figure a). In rugged
soil, these teeth dislodge the blocks, which are then crushed.
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For coherent soil (silt, clay ,marl)the cutting wheels are fitted with tools which cut out chips of
soils (see figure b).on some machines ,high pressure water jets are sprayed on the wheels
and in the stope to prevent sticking of clay and clogging of the mucking system.
Finally for rocks (see figure c)the cutting heads are equipped with rotary cutters having
small openings .with the help of the thrust ,the rotary cutters crush the rocks by means of
shear and tensile stresses, which create cracks and loosen the fragements.these machines
can bore through the rocky soil with a compression strenghth of 200 MPA.thi s type of cutting
wheel ,also used in soil containg large b;pcks,is not suitable for clayey soil .
To ensure the stability of the face ,the contact pressure of the cutting wheel and the confing
pressure must be equal to the earth pressure and to the pore pressure of water if the boring
is done under the ground water table.thus the total pressure thus applied on the head must
be :-
greater than the active pressure of the earth so as to avoid over excavation leading
to the settling on the surface or even subsidence .
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less than the passive earth pressure so as to avoid facing back the soil at the face
,leading to elevations of the surface or lateral movements likely to create disorder for
already existing networks(Stein et al.,1994)
In the case of hydraulic mucking ,this pressure is ensured by the slurry injected into the
chamber located at the back of the felling can be controlled more easily than the
pressure exerted by the soil mixed in the stpe of the scew type boring machines(Bennett et al
Hydraulic mucking Removing the earth in suspension in a freely flowing fluid to the outside.
That fluid can be water or pressurised bentonite slurry.(See Figure 20)
Mucking with a screw conveyor The rubble is extracted from the stope using a spiral
conveyor (see Figure 20)
Pneumatic mucking This is a system that is rarely used and consist of mucking by suction
where the rubble is extracted from the face into an airtight vacuum container.
Controlling the actual trajectory of the boring machine in relation to its theoretical position ,is
done using a laser beam with the sensor located in the start shaft whose impact on a target
placed in the machine helps visualize the deviations in trajectory with the help of a camera on
board the boring machine
When the deviation s become excessive it is possible to correct the direction of the machine
whose head is articulated by moving the three cylinders placed 120 c apart.
4-installation of pipelines by jacking.
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This is done by successive jacking of pipes behind the boring machine ,this pipejacking is
ensured by a thrust frame equipped with hydraulic cylinders and located in the starting shaft.
Pipes Materials
Concrete pipes represent the majority of pipelines that are currently laid .
Pipes made of composite materials, known as glass fibre reinforced plastic offer very good
resistance to corrosion and thus are efficient in transporting corrosive fluids or for carrying
chemically aggressive soil, moreover they offer a high resistance at a lower weight the
external diameters available are between 400 and 2400 mm.
Steel pipes have the major advantage of offering strong resistance but they are sensitive to
Clay pipes available in diameters of 150 to 1200 mm offer greater resistance than the
concrete pipes at the same thickness .when their surface is vitrified ,it is extremely resistant
to water absorption and chemical attacks.
In terms of corrosion resistance the jacking pipes and their joints can be subject to internal corrosion
caused by the transported substances or to external corrosion caused by the surrounding soil or
ground water.
If the materials used are insufficient ly resistant ,measures of corrosion protection have to be taken
and approved by Dot.
For steel and ductile cast iron pipes the internal protection shall not be damaged during the jacking
The methods vary in size, length and accuracy as shown in Table 4. Due to the limitations in
accuracy, non-steerable methods should only be used over short distances and where suThe soil
conditions and groundwater levels are of great importance in determining the most suitable method
for a given NDRC. In Table 2 a number of the common methods are shown with their respective
application in various soil types.
Some methods can be used in almost any soil conditions as long as the equipment and tools are
appropriate for the present soil types. Horizontal directional drilling (HDD) is an example, where drills
and reamers are available for nearly any soil type. HDD can however have limitations in coarse noncohesive soils where the cavity created by the reamer can have a tendency to collapse. This is
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January 2013
ground cover
Impact moling/soil
displacement hammer,
Pipe ramming with closed pipe
Up to 200 mm
25 m
1-2 % of length
10 x De
Min. 3.0 m
Up to 2000 mm
80 m
1-2 % of length
3.0 x De
Min. 3.0 m
40 - 1200 mm
1800 m
2-5 % of depth
Micro tunnelling
400-4500 mm
1000 m
+/- 20 mm
3.0 x De
Min. 3,0 m
100 - 1200 mm
100 m
+/- 20 mm
3.0 x De
Min. 3.0 m
1500 - 4500
1000 m
+/- 20 mm
3.0 x De
Min. 3.0 m
Min 1500mm
3.0 x De
Min. 3.0 m
Manned steerable:
Pipe jacking
Hand excavation:
Hand dig + Mechanical
Micro tunnelling or pipe jacking with closed front can also be applied in nearly any soil condition with
the suitable bore heads and spoil removal systems. However, in very loose non-cohesive soils, with
high groundwater levels, there is a risk of removing excessive soil in front of the bore head, which
may lead to immediate or future surface settlement.
In very loose soils or areas where soil investigations have indicated subsurface cavities, a decision
must be made either to construct deeper in an attempt to find suitable soil conditions or to apply
ground treatment methods prior to undertaking the NDRC.
In Figure 2 a number of grout types are indicated for use as ground treatment methods.
The final selection of an NDRC system should be developed using available factual and reliable soil
data and surrounding constraints. The system should include the recommended route (line and
level), boring size, NDRC method, pipeline details, equipment, and operational variables, all of
which, in combination, will achieve the required tolerances. The proposed system should then be
analyzed for:
Jacking/pulling forces.
Lubricant characteristics.
Face stability.
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January 2013
Please refer to the Tunnelling and Pipe Jacking Guidance for Designers table which is
shown in Appendix E
Drilling fluids
Generally, the fluids used for boring may have several essential Functions:
maintaining the cutting in suspension and ensuring its removal by hydraulic channels: this
obviously is a function that is directly applicable to boring machines with hydraulic mucking;
guaranteeing the stability of the bore, strengthening the walls and preventing loss of fluids by
creating an external or internal cake that is as fine and as resistant as possible. This is a
supporting function;
lubricating and cooling the tools, drilling strings, on-board equipment and pipelines;
facilitating digging by jetting. This function is sometimes necessary in clayey ground
The drilling mud is essentially made up of a stable colloidal suspension in a Dispersing agent
like water. Two families of colloids are mainly used:
This suspension is rapidly altered by solids in the ground and possibly by water contained in
the ground to be crossed and the minerals contained in it.
The bentonites are industrial clay of the smectite group. They are characterized by a foliated
structure, which is negatively charged on surfaces and positively on.
Main characteristics
Main characteristics parameters of drilling fluid, which determine its behavior and which must
be regularly measured and recorded as the digging work progresses:
the density, which is an index of the content of solid element in the polluted sludge; it must
generally be between 1.0 and 1.2;
the viscosity, which characterizes the ability of forming a cake as well as the ease in
transportation of the mucking; measured at the Marsch cone, it must generally be between
32 and 40 seconds in clayey ground, and greater than 50 seconds in sandy ground;
the yield point, the thixotropy and the filtrate that determine the formation of the cake and its
ability to reform rather rapidly; in a filtration test, clean sludge must present a cake less than
4 mm and a filtrate less than 40 cm3; in polluted sludge the cake must remain less than 3
mm, and the filtrate must be in the region of 6 cm3 in clayey ground, and 10 to 15 cm3 in
sandy ground;
the sand content, which results from the separation result of solid earth and which affects the
permeability of the cake and therefore its stability; it must generally remain less than 4 to 5 %
(measured with the elutriator); Guidelines for a Project Design 297
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January 2013
the pH, which affects the ionic balance and thus the physico-chemical properties of the
sludge; it must remain within a range of 8 to 10;
the conductivity and the hardness are also indices that may be useful.
NOTE: the values indicated above are only to indicate the order of magnitude generally used in
trenchless work. They must however be adjusted according to predominant performances, which are
dependent on the ground.
Implementation of drilling fluids requires suitable manufacturing, storage and solid treatment
main and auxiliary pumps,
mud tanks, vibrating screens, hydrocyclones, centrifuges, and possibly a plant for the
physico-chemical treatment of waste.
The equipment as well as the quality of process water and the temperature will significantly
affect the performances of the sludge.
On the other hand, it is very essential to emphasis that the storage conditions (long periods,
humid atmosphere, etc.) can significantly alter the characteristics of the bentonite powder.
fractures. Upon contact with water, the flakes disperse, swell and possibly exchange the
charge compensating cations.
Beyond a certain concentration (relatively low) of the order of 4 to 6%, and depending on the
quality of bentonite, a stable structure develops and has certain
Rigidity under shearing.
The bentonite can be combined with additives for various functions:
Viscosifying, fluid-loss additive, water reducer, clay encapsulator and stabilizer,
The most common are water-soluble polymers which, in addition to their ability In increasing
the viscosity, present special physico-chemical properties.
There exist several types that are natural, artificial or synthetic, which can remedy
specific problems relating to certain soil materials, such as:
A drill string is inserted into the ground applying on the bottom hole assembly a combined
thrust and rotation action. This bottom hole assembly has a special feature of being
asymmetrical in relation to the longitudinal axis. Mere thrust forces it to deviate, but rotation
combined with the thrust gives it a straight trajectory.
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This bottom hole assembly consists of an electronic tracking device and more or less
sophisticated cutting tools. These tools are either simple drill blades or drill bits driven by
hydraulic or pneumatic motors.
constantly locate the position of the drilling head in the ground so as to respect the specified
trajectory and avoid the already existing utilities: this is the tracking function;
know the pitch of this head and its direction to guide and divert its trajectory: this is the
guidance function.
It is in fact the asymmetry of the head (wearing blade and nozzles in the case of a conventional head
or a bend in the case of a mud motor) which by stopping the rotations of the rods diverts the
trajectory, thereby correcting it.
The success of pilot drilling depends on the locating system, its accuracy and ease of use.
Two types of locating systems may be distinguished:
Walk-over systems
These systems are suitable at most sites.
This technique is easy to implement, is safe for data transmission cables and has a low
investment cost.
The walk-over systems have disadvantages such as the reduction in accuracy of
measurements increasing with the drilling depth, the influence of underground magnetic field
interference and an operating range dependent on the life of the transmitters batteries.
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Once the pilot hole has been made, the drill string comes out of the exit pit (most frequent
Generally, the drill string is towed behind the reamer. The hole is enlarged by successive
stages of reaming of increasing sections until the desired section is reached (generally
double the section required by the pipeline).
This reamer is equipped with injection jets for drilling mud. This mud washes out and
disposes of the cuttings created by the reamer, lubricates and cools the cutting tools and
strengthens the borehole.
After the final reaming phase one end of the pipeline built earlier will be tied to the pulling
head fastened to a suitable reamer. It will be pulled from one drilling end to the drill rig.
Drill unit.
Guidance system.
Drilling fluid system.
Drill pipe and down hole tools, including bits and back reamers.
Drilling fluid mixing or recycling system.
Figure 22: Basic components of rig
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The composition of drilling fluid and correct/constant pressure are keys in successful
installation of HDDs.
Too low pressure may cause collapse of the bore cavity or clogging of soil removal. Too high
pressure may result in blow out, where drilling fluid is pressed through overlying soils to the
Horizontal directional drilling can be undertaken in both soil and rock, and there are no
specific limitations under ground water. Some restrictions may apply in very loose coarse
sand or gravel. These soils will have a tendency to collapse in the borehole giving either
excessive spoil removal or stopping the pipeline.
Pipe materials are most often plastic (PE, PP or PVC), but steel and cast iron pipes are also
manufactured for use in HDD installations. Pipe materials must be joined and have the
strength necessary to withstand the pulling forces applied during installation.
The accuracy of HDD is dependent on the accuracy of which the drill heads location and
depth can be determined during drilling. Accuracy has typically been set at 2-5% of the
depth, but more accurate transmitting/receiving equipment is continually being developed.
Drill Bits
The latest bit designs are for specific types of soils, including rock, cobble, and other difficult
conditions. Carbide makes todays bits more productive and last longer.
Bits are designed to run smoother in difficult conditions, with less vibration transmitted to the
drill unit.
A truly universal bit that is effective in all soils has yet to be developed, but some of the latest
bits can be productive in a much wider range of soils.
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For much of todays short- to medium-range utility applications, slant-face bits also make it
possible to change the direction of the path of the pilot bore.
Many new bit products are for rock work, and drilling and steering through hard rock remain a
challenge for both tool and drill-rig designers.
Some drill bits are used for steering and to excavate the soil or rock at the face of the bore.
The types of drill bits commonly used in HDD applications are traditional Slanted-face bits,
slanted-face rock bits, and hard rock or mud motor bits.
Table 6 provides some application guidelines for the various types of drill bits.
Table 6: Drill Bit Types and Application Guidelines (Courtesy DCCA)
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GW = Ground water
Cementitious grouts
Ground Treatment:
Micro tunnelling
Directional drilling
Non-steerable methods:
Soil classification
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Medium dense
Figure 28: Experience guidelines for the application of different NDRC methods
Firm to
Very soft to
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January 2013
For DOT Main Roads, a minimum distance of 5.0 m from any shaft to the edge of the
embankment shall be ensured. For Municipality roads in cities or towns, this distance may
be difficult to achieve due to buildings and other structures. If 5.0m cannot be achieved, then
Consultant/Contractor shall present the reasons and the methods proposed to protect the
asset affected by the crossing. Special care must therefore be taken in the placement,
excavation and backfilling of shafts to avoid any damage. Slope stability must be examined
and taken into account when submitting solutions to the DoT.
For horizontal directional drilling (HDD) the entry and exit points should be at a sufficient
distance to ensure the acceptable radius of the drilling equipment and piping material.
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January 2013
The dimensions of launch and reception shafts shall be kept to a minimum necessary to
construct the NDRC. Examples of shaft sizes for pipe jacking or micro tunnelling are shown
in Table 11.
Table 11: Shaft sizes
External Pipe
Diameters (mm)
Dimensions of
launch shaft
Dimensions of
reception shaft
200 - 300
Up to 406
1.0 m
2.0 m diameter
or 2.5 m x 2.0 m
2.0 m diameter
or 2.0 m x 2.0 m
400 - 800
556 - 970
2.0 m
3.2 m diameter
or 4.5 m x 3.0 m
2.6 m diameter
or 3.0 m x 2.5 m
800 - 1400
1100 - 1720
3.0 m
5.8 m x 4.0 m
or 6.0 m diameter
4.5 m x (2.5-3.0 m)
1500 - 3000
1820 - 3600
3,5 m
10.0 m x (4.5-6.0 m)
or 10.0 m diameter
6.0 m x (3.0-4.6 m)
Shafts beneath the water table shall be water tight and the base concrete shall be capable of
withstanding external uplift pressure of groundwater in addition to other loads.
Entry and exit seals or ground treatment of the soil outside the shaft will be required to
ensure that there is no soil transport into the shaft when initiating the drive.
When deciding entry and exit points, it is important to allow for a safe soil cover throughout
the crossing length under the road.
Design drawings
Map of location
Plan and profile showing the line, level and diameter
Plans of existing utilities, buildings and structures
Geotechnical profile along the drive line (showing ground water elevations)
Plan of working areas showing approximate size and location of shafts, entry
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January 2013
Hand excavation
If hand excavation is considered appropriate (when no other option is available), then this
must be planned very carefully in line with the specific Health and Safety requirements of the
project. The most appropriate tools must be used and all personnel must be adequately
trained to work in confined spaces. Please refer to the Tunnelling and Pipe Jacking
Guidance for Designers table which is shown in Appendix E and e consult the EHS Manual
for further details.
Pre-construction stage
Prior to commencing construction the final design of the proposed NDRC must be completed
and approved by all relevant authorities. This is often undertaken by the specialist Subcontractor, who has the experience and the detailed information about the method and
equipment to be used.
All calculations, drawings, method statement, etc. must however be approved by the
Client/Consultant before submitting to the Road Authority for construction approval.
Design calculations
Calculations for any thrust and receptions pits/shafts which shall be designed to
resist external soil and water pressure and stresses resulting from the jacking
Pipe calculations showing capability of pipe to resist jacking and friction forces in the
axial direction along with soil, ground water and traffic loadings in the vertical
Calculations of friction loads, face loads, interjacks, jacking pressures etc. for the
complete system including thrust walls, which demonstrate how pipes will be installed
with no damage.
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January 2013
Design drawings
Comprehensive plan, profile, and section drawings of the proposed drive showing all
necessary details (such as internal and external diameter, wall thickness, joints or
Working drawings showing on plan and section the method of supporting excavations
(Temporary Works).
Drawings showing the location of pits/shafts
including those indicated as permanent
works in the design drawings.
Foot print plans showing the working site
areas at the thrust and reception pits/shafts,
control room, pipe storage area, craneage
area, slurry tank, generator, etc.
Plans showing proposed traffic and
pedestrian diversion proposals around all
Details of entry and exit pipe seals and seal rings in pits/shafts.
Jacking and receiving pit configurations (plus design and construction details)
Ground support details
Any relevant requirements for thrust blocks, backstops etc
Site logistics including storage areas, excavation and backfilling procedures etc
Plans for de-watering
Settlement Monitoring Plan, including monitoring points, benchmarks, and survey
Jacking and receiving pit working drawings, including configuration, support, storage
details etc.
The goal of any NDRC undertaking should be to avoid ground surface movement entirely.
Unacceptable ground surface movement (settlement or heave) shall be defined as
movement greater than 6.0 millimetres vertically anywhere in the centreline of the NDRC
drive or adjacent surfaces and structures. Some important considerations include:
During pipe jacking, ground movement may occur due to the instability of the face of
the bore, or from the elastic unloading of ground caused by excavation. These may
be referred to as short term settlement and heave.
Providing good practice is followed, the effect of such movements should not be
Long term movements may occur due to closing of the overbreak.
Pipe jacking has the advantage that the overbreak is minimal and may be
pressurised in certain soil conditions.
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January 2013
The combination of NDRC drive methods and pipeline details are the key to
preventing excessive surface movement, which may be related to:
January 2013
Smax = 0.025.Vl(r2/z0)
VL is the total volume loss of ground per unit advance in m3,
When tunnelling through granular deposits such as sand however, account needs to be
taken of the modified shape of the settlement trough. Jacobsz, Sanding et al suggest that
the profile of the settlement trough in sands is better predicted by the formula:
S = Sm.exp[-1/3.(x/i)1.5]
Rather than the usual formula:
S = Smax.exp (-x2/2i2)
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January 2013
Volume loss
The volume loss method is a semi-empirical method based partially on theoretical grounds.
The method introduces, although indirectly, the basic parameters of excavation into the
analysis (these include mechanical parameters of a medium, technological effects of
excavation, excavation lining etc) using 2 comprehensive parameters (coefficient k for
determination of inflection point and a percentage of volume loss VL). These parameters
uniquely define the shape of subsidence trough and are determined empirically from years of
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January 2013
A - excavation area
Z - depth of center point of excavation
k - coefficient to calculate inflection point (material constant)
VL - percentage of volume loss
The roof deformation ua follows from:
r - excavation radius
VL - percentage of volume loss
Recommended values of parameters for volume loss analysis:
Data needed for the determination of subsidence trough using the volume loss
Soil or rock
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January 2013
Soil or rock
cohesion less soil
normally consolidated clay
over consolidated clay
clay slate
Sequential excavation method
Several relationships were also derived to determine the value of lost volume VL
based on stability ratio N defined by Broms and Bennermarkem:-
v - overall stress along excavation axis
t - excavation lining resistance (if lining is installed)
Sn - undrained stiffness of clay
For N < 2 the soil/rock in the vicinity of excavation is assumed elastic and stable. For
N < 2,4 local plastic zones begin to develop in the vicinity of excavation, for N <
4,6 a large plastic zone develops around excavation and for N = 6 the loss of stability
of tunnel face occurs. Figure 30 shows the dependence of stability ration and lost
volume VL.
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January 2013
Ground settlement is of greater concern for soft ground tunnels than for rock for two
Settlements are nearly always greater for soft ground tunnels.
Typically more facilities that might be negatively impacted by settlements exist near
soft ground tunnels than near rock tunnels.
With modern means and methods, both the designer and the contractor are now
better equipped to minimize settlements and, hence, their impact on other facilities.
Sources of Settlement
Although there are a large number of sources or causes of settlement, they can be
conveniently lumped into two broad categories: those caused by ground water depression
and those caused by lost ground.
Groundwater Depression Groundwater depression may be caused by intentional lowering of
the water during construction or by the tunnel itself (or other construction) acting as a drain.
When either of these occurs the effective stress in the ground increases. Basic soils
mechanics can then be applied to estimate the resulting settlement. For tunnels in granular
soil the settlement due to this increase in effective stress is usually reflected as an elastic
phenomenon requiring knowledge of the low stress modulus of the ground and calculation of
the change in effective stress. Unless the soil contains silt or very fine sand, this elastic
settlement will typically represent the majority of the total but its absolute value will also be
relatively small.
For fine grained soils, the situation is a bit more challenging but certainly manageable using
normal soil mechanics approaches. With fine-grained soils, the conditions are reversed. In
most instances, the settlement is mostly due to consolidation brought on by the changes in
effective stress and hence is analysed by the usual soil mechanics consolidation theories. In
some instances, primarily if lenses of sands are contained in the soil, there may also be a
relatively small contribution by elastic compression. In comparison to the settlement of
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VL (%)
4.0 or more
When there is no record to rely upon, the design would have to be based strictly on empirical
data and an engineering assessment of what the contractor could be expected to achieve
with no track record to rely upon. In that case the above evaluations might be bumped up
one-half percentage point each as an insurance measure
State-of-the-art pressurized-face tunnel boring machines (TBM) such as EPB and minimize
the magnitude of ground losses. These machines control face stability by applying active
pressure to the tunnel face, minimizing the amount of overcut, and utilizing automatic tail
void grouting to reduce shield losses. Typically, ground loss during soft ground tunnel
excavation using this technology limits ground loss to 1.0 percent or less assuming excellent
tunnelling practice (adequate pressure applied to the face and effective and timely tail void
The volume of ground loss experienced during tunnelling can be related to the volume of
settlement expected at the ground surface (Peck, 1969). For a single tunnel in soft ground
conditions, it is typically assumed the volume of surface settlement is equal to the volume of
lost ground. However, the relationship between volume of lost ground and volume of surface
settlement is complex. Volume change due to bulking or compression is typically not
estimated or included in the calculations. Ground loss will produce a settlement trough at the
ground surface where it can potentially impact the settlement behaviour of any overlying or
adjacent bridge foundations, building structures, or buried utilities transverse or parallel to
the alignment of the proposed tunnel excavation. Empirical data suggests the shape of the
settlement trough typically approximates the shape of an inverse Gaussian curve (Figure
The shape and magnitude of the settlement trough is a function of excavation techniques,
tunnel depth, tunnel diameter, and soil conditions. In the case of parallel adjacent tunnels,
surface settlement is generally assumed to be additive. The shape of the curve can be
expressed by the following mathematical relationships (Schmidt, 1974).
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= A diameter of tunnel.
Table 13 summarizes likely volumes of lost ground as a percentage of the excavated volume
and a function of combined construction practice and ground conditions.
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For geometrics other than a single tunnel, adjustments of the types given below should be
made to obtain settlement estimates:
For parallel tunnels three or more diameters apart (center to center), surface settlements are
usually reasonably well predicted by adding the individual bell curves of the two tunnels. In
good ground and with good practice, this will often give workable approximations up to the
point where the tunnels are two diameters apart. On the other extreme, when the tunnels are
less than one and one-half diameters apart, the volume of lost ground assumed for the
second tunnel should be increased approximately one level in severity in Table 13 before the
bell curves are added. Intermediate conditions may be estimated by interpolation.
For over-and-under tunnels, it is usually recommended that the lower tunnel be driven first
so that it does not undermine the upper tunnel. However, driving the lower tunnel will disturb
the ground conditions for the upper. This effect may be approximated by increasing the lost
ground severity of the second (upper) tunnel by approximately one level in Table 13 before
adding the resulting two settlement estimates to approximate the total at the surface.
(Monsees, 1996)
As shown in Figure 31 the width of the settlement trough is measured by an i value, which is
theoretically the horizontal distance from the location of maximum settlement to the point of
inflection of the settlement curve. The maximum value of the surface settlement is
theoretically equal to the volume of surface settlement divided by 2.5 i. Figure 32 illustrates
assumptions for i values (over tunnel radius R) for calculating settlement trough width in
various ground conditions.
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The ground settlement also can be predicted by numerical methods. The numerical method
is extremely useful when the tunnel geometry is not a circular or horse-shoe shape since
analytical/empirical method is not directly applicable. A sample finite ement settlement
analysis is shown in Figure 33.
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Architectural Damage: Damage affecting the appearance but not the function of
structures, usually related to cracks or separations in panel walls, floors, and finishes.
Cracks in plaster walls greater than 1/64-in. wide and cracks in masonry or rough
concrete walls greater than 1/32-in. wide are representative of a threshold where
damage is noticed and reported by building occupants.
Functional Damage: Damage affecting the use of the structure, or safety to its
occupants, usually related to jammed doors and windows, cracking and falling
plaster, tilting of walls and floors, and other damage that would require nonstructural
repair to return the building to its full service capacity.
Structural Damage: Damage affecting the stability of the structure, usually related to
cracks or distortions in primary support elements such as beams, columns, and loadbearing walls.
Where determination of the surface settlement trough is critical, for instance where
settlement sensitive structures are located within the settlement trough, more sophisticated
methods of modelling should be used, such as finite element or finite difference numerical
models. In some cases, 3D numerical modelling techniques may be appropriate. Where
numerical modelling is adopted, use of small-strain stiffnesss can be used if appropriate.
However it should be noted that numerical models using small strain stiffnesss often
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A discussion of some of the various elements influencing settlement and damage relating to
tunnelling can be found in CIRIA Special Publication SP 201 (2003)
For purposes of monitoring ground surface movement on the roadway, the Contractor shall
install flush-head pins (35.0 millimetres to 50.0 millimetres in length) in the road pavement.
The pins shall be installed in a grid pattern at approximately 2.0m centres.
The location of monitoring points and reference benchmarks are to be submitted before
approval to construct can be provided.
The grid of monitoring points shall cover the entire width of the roadway along the drive and
shall extend outwards in each direction from the centreline of the drive to a distance of the
drive centreline depth below the road surface.
Measurements shall be replicable to a level of 0.5 mm and shall be done on a daily basis
during construction. Ground surface movement outside the acceptable limit shall be
immediately reported to the Road Authority and remedial actions taken. Ground surface
movement limits in the specified area shall remain in effect for 2 years from date of
completion of the NDRC and shall be monitored on a monthly basis.
All surface monitoring shall be referenced back to stable benchmarks located well away from
the influence of the tunnelling works. If no existing permanent stable benchmarks are
available within 500m of the tunnel centreline, then a temporary deep benchmark shall be
Depending on the requirements of the design, additional monitoring may be required. Such
monitoring may include but may not be limited to the following:
January 2013
A construction monitoring report shall be prepared prior to start of construction works, setting
out the methods of monitoring to be used. The report shall detail:
Alert levels (when readings reach 80% of the expected design values)
Action levels (when readings reach 105% of the expected design values).
Alarm values (when readings reach or exceed values beyond the design
values and deemed to be excessive). Alarm values shall be determined on a
case by case basis for each instrument.
A detailed action plan describing the procedures to be adopted at each trigger level. Railways
Special considerations may apply when crossing under or nearby railways. The railway
authority must be consulted for further specifications or requirements. The requirements are
not therefore available because it is under preparation till that time, the following are
proposed guidelines from the international practice used in USA.(9).
All utility crossings railroad trackage should have a minimum depth of cover of three (3) feet
below the flow line of the ditch or ground surface and five and one-half (5-1/2) feet from base
of rail. In fill sections, the natural ground line at the toe of slope will be considered as ditch
For all boring and jacking installations under main and passing tracks, greater than 26
inches in diameter, and at a depth of between 5.5 and 10.0 feet below top of tie, a
geotechnical study will need to be performed to determine the presence of granular material
and/or high water table elevation.
The use of plastic carrier pipe for sewer, water, natural gas and other liquids is acceptable
under specific circumstances. The use of plastic pipe is satisfactory if the pipe is designed to
meet all applicable federal and state codes, and if the carrier pipe is properly encased within
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Jet Grouting
Compensation Grouting (during and/or after tunnelling)
Curtain walling (Sheet piles, diaphragm walls, contiguous bored piles, mini piles)
Strengthening of affected structures
Consolidation grouting
Vibro compaction/replacement of soils before tunnelling
Ground Freezing
Property purchase
Contract specifications should clearly state the settlement limits to be adopted for the
tunnelling works and should require contractors to provide detailed method statements
describing the method of tunnelling and precautions and procedures to be adopted to control
surface settlements.
Remedial actions
January 2013
Groundwater Control
Due to the risk involved in possible soil displacement, dewatering shall always be kept to an
absolute minimum necessary for satisfactory installation.
Dewatering for NDRC work will generally not be permitted, however localized dewatering for
construction of shafts or for the launch or reception of the tunnelling machine may be
permitted for a limited time.
Dewatering systems, including an appropriate filter around riser pipes, should be carefully
considered and designed properly. The dewatering solutions/design shall be submitted for
The filter design should ensure against the
possibility of any internal soil erosion that might
cause ground settlement and collapse. Filters
can be either conventional soil filters or geotextile filters. The use of geo-textile filters are
preferred and recommended.
Once shafts are constructed these shall be
water tight. It is highly recommended that the
pits be fully sealed using either concrete slabs
or an injection plug. Any pumping of inflowing water from the shaft will be considered
All water removed from any dewatering system must be disposed of in accordance with the
environmental permit.
A detailed description of the required dewatering along with the estimated amounts of water
and their disposal must be submitted for approval along with the Method Statement.
Pipe materials shall be selected in accordance with the specifications given by the Client. All
materials shall have the capability of withstanding the pulling or pushing forces exerted
during installation along with the long term loads of soil, groundwater and traffic.
Piping and cable materials shall be chosen to withstand corrosion and other chemical
reactions from both the intended media and groundwater.
All joints and connections must be water tight and be designed to withstand the forces
exerted upon them during installation.
The following information must be supplied for all pipe materials:
Outside diameter
Material composition including any coating
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Manufactured date
Model or type
Thrust and/or pulling capacities
Calibration certificates
Method of statements
The Method Statement shall include all requirements regarding the Contractor's method for
undertaking the works in compliance with relevant designs, specifications, site controls and
restrictions, inspection plans, programme, equipment resources, staff etc.)
A complete Method Statement shall be submitted and approved prior to commencement of
construction, including:
January 2013
Owner's name, address, telephone and fax numbers, email address, and
contact person
Client's name, address, telephone and fax numbers, and contact person.
Employees in charge of work at both head office and site.
Description of relevant work successfully completed, including ground
Features under which pipe passed, depth below the water table, photos, and
published articles if available.
Additional information as necessary.
Supply full details of procedures and resources that will be employed to carry out work
including method and sequence of:
January 2013
Design mixes for all concrete, grout, or flowable fills. Casing pipe including
manufacturer, grade, and specification, outside diameter, thickness, and any
coatings, if required.
A risk assessment shall be conducted in accordance with the Risk Management Manual.
The main risks involved in undertaking NDRCs are surface settlement or heave. Other risks
that may be encountered are road user safety that may be derived from surface movement
and risk of damage to existing utilities or structures.
The Contractor must undertake a risk assessment listing all the possible occurrences in a
risk register and evaluated the likelihood and consequences of these occurrences. The risk
assessment shall include analysis and procedures for mitigating risks along with emergency
procedures for dealing with specific incidents.
The various methods of NDRC will have different risks associated with them. A summary of
the level of risk associated with each method is shown in Table 13. This table shall be used
as a guide, and the particular conditions of the specific site shall be taken into consideration.
Table 13: Risk summary for typical NDRC methods
Impact moling
Pipe ramming (open
Auger boring
Horizontal directional
Micro tunnelling
Pipe jacking
Principal risk
Road user
Surface heave
Damage to
existing utilities
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No Objection Certificates (NOCs) must be obtained from all concerned utilities agencies or
stakeholders that may be affected by the NDRC. A list of the Authorities as a guide but not
limited to those are contained within Appendix A .
Note: Some of the utilities or other authorities may require 2-4 weeks to give NOCs or even
longer, if insufficient information is supplied. The Contractor must make sure that the Town
Planning approval is valid.
During Construction
The Contractor/Sub Contractor shall keep updated records at the work site for the duration
of the work. A checklist of minimum daily routines for monitoring and record keeping is given
in Appendix D. The records shall be checked and signed by the supervising Consultant.
A Project Board must be generated and installed detailing the specific project details and
contact details of the relevant stakeholders.
For purposes of monitoring ground surface movement on the roadway, the Contractor shall
install flush-head pins (35.0 millimetres to 50.0 millimetres in length) in the road pavement.
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Directional Drilling
Auger Boring
Pipe Ramming
Impact Moling
Reference of
pipe run
Date of work
Start time
Finish time
Details of any
Diameter of
Pipe material
Pipe diameter
Joint packing
Length installed
Main survey
Soil conditions
Ground water
Support Fluid
Jacking &
winch loads,
w.r.t. progress
discharge, flow
Shield role,
Thrust rate,
cutting torque,
soil discharge
Interval at
should be taken
Grout materials
and volumes
Instrumentation Requirements
Closed face capable of providing positive supporting pressure to full excavated area (face) at
all times and capability of controlling and measuring pressure at face.
Achieve balancing of earth and ground water pressures by use of slurry pressure, auger
earth pressure balance or a combination of the two.
System capable of any adjustment required to maintain face stability for anticipated ground
Control slurry pressure systems, using slurry spoil transportation, earth and groundwater
pressure at the face by use of variable flow slurry pumps, pressure control valves and
minimum of 2 flow meters, one on feed side and side, and one on return side.
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Spoil separation system sufficient capacity to remove solids from flow while system is
excavating spoil.
Operates in such a manner that re-circulated or excess fluid can be discharged
safely and with negligible remaining fines.
Overall control system that enables remote control of all main operating functions of system
from one location, either at surface or within jacking shaft.
Main jacking pit capable of exerting uniform load to casing pipe at a speed commensurate
with speed of excavation advance.
Set jacking hydraulics to relieve pressure at maximum safe working capacity of casing pipe.
After Construction
After construction, all details of the completed NDRC work shall be collected and submitted
to the Road Authority including test certificates and relevant Contractors notes/reports. A
checklist of required information and documentation is given in Appendix D.
Pipe inspection and testing shall be carried out according to the Clients specifications.
An infiltration test of the permanent construction should be carried out to verify that the
pipeline, joints/connections are water tight. The infiltration test shall first be carried out after
any dewatering is stopped and the groundwater has attained normal levels.
If requested by the DoT, CCTV inspections should be carried out to ensure that the inside of
the pipeline is structurally sound. Man entry pipes shall be visually inspected only. The
inspection should include:
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Any leaks shall be recorded, and repaired as appropriate. All records should be submitted to
the DoT. The grouting will also need to be checked and certified as applicable to the ground
After completion, the working areas shall be cleared and reinstated to their previous
condition. All equipment, materials shall be removed and excess spoils and waste shall be
disposed of in an approved and environmentally suitable way.
Working shafts shall be backfilled with suitable compacted materials in accordance with the
Specifications. Shoring or other temporary shaft materials shall be removed or cut to a level
minimum 1.5 m under surface level.
A checklist should be developed by the Contractor and submitted to the DoT.
suggested points are contained within a checklist in Appendix A
The Contractor shall carry out monitoring of ground surface movement, as described in
Section 3.4.1, two years after completion and report monthly any changes to the Road
A visual inspection of the working area and surrounding structures shall be done at the same
time and any defects that may have been a consequence of the NDRC work shall be
included in the report.
QA/ QC Methodology
Quality Assurance and Quality Control are key factors in a successful NDRC undertaking.
The Contractor shall implement a Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) outlining proposed points
where quality controls will be performed.
These shall include but not necessarily be limited to:
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Plan of work site area showing working shaft locations and sizes
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The following information or documents shall as a minimum be submitted for final approval
of design and approval of construction:
Approval request letter from design consultant for design and supervision
addressed to highway section (Arabic)
Undertaking letters from the Client, main Contractor and NDRC Sub
Contractor as per DoT forms
Plan of work site area showing working shaft locations and sizes
January 2013
The following are considered potential Health and Safety risks for NDRC work to be
considered by the Contractor. This list is not exhaustive and is to be expended depending
on site conditions/location
Potential Risk
Confined Spaces
Damage to Equipment
Surface Heave
Surface Settlement
Excavation collapse
Adjacent structures
Adjacent works
The following is a list of Authorities who will need approaching for approval to dig. This list is
not exhaustive.
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The following is a list of potential QAQC issues to be checked and signed off before
construction commences.
The following is a list of potential issues to be checked and signed off following construction.
This list is not exhaustive and is to be expended depending on site conditions/location.
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The following forms and letters must accompany all applications for undertaking NDRC
1. DoT Road Crossing Application Form
2. Approval request letter from design consultant for design and supervision addressed
to the highway section (Arabic)
3. Approval request from Contractor with confirmation of the SubContractor name
4. Undertaking letters from the client, main Contractor and NDRC SubContractor as per
DOT forms (Arabic)
5. Bank Guarantee (Example)
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Owner Authority:
Micro-tunnelling Works Contractor:
Excavation Details:
No. of
Depth (From
Surface to the
Top of the
Tunnel Length
Under the
The (NOC) is limited only for the above indicated excavation areas, and in
accordance to the details shown next to them.
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If the site geotechnical report shows a layer of weak soil at the excavation
level, the Contractor should do stabilization to the soil prior to commence
excavation works.
The submitted bank guarantee does not represent the cost of repair of
land subsidence in case of occurrence, it is a guarantee until the end of
the period of supervising the excavation area by microturnelling and the
real cost will be determined at the time, no matter how much.
The depth between asphalt surface and the top of the tunnel should not be
less than what is stated in the submitted work method (shown above).
The tunnel diameter should not exceed what is stated in the submitted
work method.
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The distance between the edge of the push pit and the receiving pit and
the road (sub-grade) edge should not be less than 5m minimum.
All security and safety precautions should be taken at the push pit and the
receiving pit, and also the suitable warning signs to ensure the safety of
the pedestrians and vehicles day and night according to the necessary
conditions of Abu Dhabi Police and DoT.
The two pits should be re-filled after work completion on layers and to
remove all the debris and reinstate the site.
To submit to DoT two copies of the As Built Drawings for the works
already implemented approved by the project Consultant after work
completion, along with an official letter from the project Consultant.
We recognize that we have learned all the conditions (1-20) and confirm our
agreement and our commitment to them, and we accordingly sign:
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Microtunneling Sub-Contractor:
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Department of Transport
P.O.Box 20
Abu Dhabi
United Arab Emirates
Dear Sir
We, (insert name and address of bank) hereby guarantee to pay to the Depertment of
Transport, P.O.Box 20, Abu Dhabi, UAE, the sum of AED___________ (UAE Dirhams
____________________________) on account of (insert company name and address) as a
guarantee for the due and propert performance of the subject work.
1. This Guarantee shall be paid to the Department of Transport on first demand without
any proof of condition.
2. This Guarantee shall be valid for 1 (one) year from ________ until ________ and
shall before expiry, be automatically renewed until the Final Acceptance Certificate
has been issued by the Department of Tranport.
This Guarantee is issued under the official seal of the bank and signed by the required
authorized signatories.
Yours faithfully
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Daily requirements
The following checklist contains the minimum requirements of monitoring and data collection
on a daily basis during construction. This shall comprise of, but not necessarily be limited to:
Inspection of work site fencing, traffic barriers, signs, safety checks, etc
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After construction
The following checklist contains the minimum requirements of monitoring and data collection
on a daily basis during construction. This should be collated and submitted by the Contractor
or Sub-Contractor and shall comprise of, but not necessarily be limited to:
Report showing that work site has been cleared and all waste removed
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Appendix E
Internal dimensions for pipejacks and tunnels below 3.m diameter and indicative drive lengths
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Specialized terms, abbreviations and acronyms frequently used in this manual are listed and
defined below. Where a term, abbreviation or acronym is defined in another Department of
Transport Manual, that definition is applied to this manual by reference.
Auger Boring: Method for forming a bore, usually from a drive pit, by means of a rotating
cutting head. Spoil is removed back to the drive pit by helically wound auger flights rotating
in a steel casing. The equipment may have limited steering capability. See also Guided
Auger Boring.
Back Reamer: Cutting head attached to the leading end of a drill string to enlarge the pilot
bore during a pull-back operation to enable the product pipe to be installed.
Bore: Void which is created to receive a pipe, conduit or cable.
Cased Bore: Bore in which a pipe, usually a steel sleeve, is inserted simultaneously with the
boring operation. Usually associated with auger boring or pipe jacking.
Casing: Pipe to support a bore. Usually not a product pipe.
Cutting/Cutter Head: Tool or system of tools on a common support that excavates at the
face of a bore. Usually applies to mechanical methods of excavation.
Directional Drilling: Steerable method for the installation of pipes, conduits and cables in a
shallow arc using a surface launched drilling rig. In particular, the term applies to large scale
crossings in which a fluid filled pilot bore is drilled without rotating the drill string, and this is
then enlarged by a washover pipe and back reamer to the size required for the product pipe.
The required deviation during pilot boring is provided by the positioning of a bent sub.
Drill Bit/Head: Tool which cuts the ground at the head of a drill string, usually by mechanical
Drilling Fluid/Mud: Mixture of water and usually bentonite or polymer continuously pumped
to the cutting head or drill bit to facilitate the removal of cuttings, stabilise the bore, cool the
head and lubricate the passage of the product pipe. In suitable ground conditions water
alone may be used.
Drill String/Stem: The total length of drill rods/pipe, bit, swivel joint, etc. in a bore.
Drive/Entry Shaft/Pit: Excavation from which trenchless technology equipment is launched
for the installation or renovation of a pipeline, conduit or cable. It may incorporate a thrust
wall to spread reaction loads to the ground.
Earth Pressure Balance (EPB) Machine: Type of microtunnelling machine in which
mechanical pressure is applied to the material at the face and controlled to provide the
correct counter-balance to earth pressure in order to prevent heave or subsidence. The term
is usually employed where the pressure originates from the main jacking station in the drive
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shaft or to systems in which the primary counter-balance to the earth pressures is supplied
by pressurised drilling fluid or slurry.
Face Stability: Stability of the excavated face of a tunnel or pipe jack.
Grouting: Method of filling voids, usually with cementitious grout.
Guided Auger Bore: Method of auger boring in which the guidance mechanism actuator is
sited in the drive shaft. The term may also be applied to those auger boring systems with
rudimentary articulation of the casing near the cutting head activated by rods from the drive
Guided Boring: See Guided Drilling.
Guided Drilling: Method for the installation of pipes, conduits: and cables using a surfacelaunched drilling rig. A pilot bore is drilled using a rotating drill string and is then enlarged by
a back reamer to the size required for the product pipe. The necessary deviation during the
pilot boring is provided by a slanted face to the drill head, an asymmetric drill head, eccentric
fluid jets or a combination of these, usually in conjunction with a locator.
Guide Rail: Device used to support or guide, first the shield and then the pipe within the
drive shaft during a pipe jacking operation.
Heaving: Process in which the ground may be displaced causing a lifting of the ground
Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD): See Directional Drilling.
Impact Moling: Method of creating a bore using a pneumatic or hydraulic hammer within a
casing, generally of torpedo shape. The term is usually associated with non-steered or
limited steering devices without rigid attachment to the launch pit, relying upon the
resistance of the ground for forward movement. During the operation the soil is displaced,
not removed. An unsupported bore may be formed in suitable ground, or a pipe drawn in, or
pushed in, behind the impact moling tool. Cables may also be drawn in.
Impact Ramming: See Pipe Ramming.
Jacking Force: Force applied to pipes in a pipe jacking operation.
Jacking Pipes: Pipes designed for use in a pipe jacking operation.
Jacking Shield: Fabricated steel cylinder from within which excavation is carried out, either
manually or by mechanical means. Incorporated within the shield are facilities for controlling
line and level.
Launch Pit: As for drive pit but more usually associated with launching an impact moling or
similar tool.
Locator: An electronic instrument used to determine the position and strength of
electromagnetic signals emitted from a transmitter sonde in the pilot head of a boring
system, in an impact moling tool or from existing underground services that have been
energised. Sometimes referred to as a Walkover System.
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Microtunnelling: Method of steerable remote control pipe jacking to install pipes of internal
diameter less than that permissible for man-entry. In North America the term is used to
describe remote control continuous pipe jacking in all diameters.
Pilot Bore: First, usually steerable, pass of any boring operation that later requires
backreaming or other enlargement. Most commonly applied to guided drilling, directional
drilling and 2-pass microtunnelling systems.
Pipe Jacking: Method for directly installing pipes behind a shield machine by hydraulic or
other jacking from a drive shaft such that the pipes form a continuous string in the ground.
Pipe Ramming: Non-steerable method of forming a bore by driving a steel casing, usually
openended, with a percussive hammer from a drive pit. The soil may be removed by
augering, jetting or compressed air. In appropriate ground conditions a closed casing may be
Product Pipe: Permanent pipeline for operational use.
Pull-Back: That part of a guided drilling or directional drilling operation in which the drill
string is pulled back through the bore to the entry pit or surface rig, usually installing the
product pipe at the same time.
Reception/Exit Shaft/Pit: Excavation into which trenchless technology equipment is driven
and may be recovered during the installation or renovation of a product pipe, conduit or
Rod Pushing: Method of forming a pilot bore by driving a closed pipe head with rigid
attachment from a launch pit into the soil that is displaced. Limited steering and monitoring
capability may be provided, usually in conjunction with a locator.
Subsidence: Process in which the ground may be displaced causing a settlement at the
Target Shaft/Pit: See Reception/Exit Shaft/Pit.
Thrust Pit: See Drive Pit.
Trenchless Technology: Methods for utility and other line installation, rehabilitation,
replacement, renovation, repair, inspection, location and leak detection, with minimum
excavation from the ground surface.
Uncased Bore: Self-supporting bore without a lining or inserted pipe, whether temporary or
Walkover System: See Locator.
(Reference: International Society of Trenchless Technology, ISTT)
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