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Baltimore Afro-American Newspaper, January 23, 2010

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Volume 118 No. 24 www.afro.

com 75 CENTS

JANUARY 23, 2010 - JANUARY 29, 2010

Business Leaders For Worried Homeowners, Forest Park National

Participate in Summit A6 Information is Power A9 Champs Celebrate B5

Baltimore City Crime Wyclef Jean Weeps for Haiti,

Defends Charity
at 20-Year Low
By Melanie R. Holmes Baltimore City police
Disorganized relief and security concerns loom
AFRO Staff Writer are partnering with By Kristin Gray
different agencies,

AP Photo/Diane Bondareff
AFRO Managing Editor
The nickname “Bodymore, federal officials and
Murderland,” suggests that community members With tears dribbling down
Baltimore is no longer a city to bring down local his cheeks and his voice
of charm, but recent crime criminals rather than rely splintering with emotion,
statistics show otherwise. on their own resources Wyclef Jean’s message—
Within the past two years, Continued on A5 spoken partially in his native
Baltimore City experienced Kreyol at a press conference
a 20-year low in homicides. in New York—captured
Furthermore, between 2000
and 2008, all violent crime
in the city dropped over 40
Mo’Nique Wins Gold the devastation felt by
Haitians worldwide after a
7.0-magnitude earthquake
percent. plunged the Caribbean nation
The decline was steady into further economic decay.
except for an increase from “I’m not the one that was
2004 to 2005, after which the reporting the news,” Jean
numbers continued to fall. said. “I’m the one that was
“The bottom line is, the carrying the dead bodies on
Baltimore Police Department the street. After the camera
over the years has changed its is off, I still gotta’ report
strategies as to how to fight back for duty. That’s just the
crime,” said Baltimore City reality of my life.” Haitian-born musician Wyclef Jean is overcome with
police spokesman Donny But Jean spoke these emotion while discussing his recent visit to earthquake-
Moses. “At one point we words before a 6.1-magnitude stricken Haiti and how is organization, Yele Haiti, is
were zero tolerance. Before aftershock jolted Haiti once helping with relief efforts, Jan. 18 in New York.
that, we were trying to do the again in the early morning
community policing. As crime hours of Jan. 20, according to tent cities outside earthquake prone on the city’s streets.
changes and time changes, the U.S. Geological Survey. ravaged Port-au-Prince so “We need to migrate at least 2
the police department has The aftershock is one of aggressive cleanup measures million people.”
adjusted its crime fighting many powerful tremors to could begin and aid could The Haitian entertainer
strategy.” plague areas in and around flow more freely into the also counted on his own
Currently, Moses said Port-au-Prince following country. celebrity status to facilitate
the initial Jan. 12 disaster, “Port-au-Prince is a what could become one of
and sent droves of shouting, morgue,” Jean said at the the most colossal modern-day
Listen to “First Edition” tearful people onto the press conference, describing exoduses.
streets, CNN.com reported. the blanket of corpses lying Continued on A4
The effects of the Jan. 20

The guests this week will be

seismic convulsion have yet
to be seen, but the additional
quakes have done little to
Haitians Respond to
Media Portrayal of
POLTICO Reporter Carol Lee AP Photo/Mark Terrill restore the Haitian people’s
and Blogger and journalist
Kris Broughton
Baltimore-born comedian and actress Mo’Nique is sense of calm and safety.

seen here on Jan. 17 at the 67th Annual Golden Globe At the Jan. 18 news
Join us Sunday @ 8 p.m. Awards, where she won the award for Best Supporting conference, Jean urged
on 88.9 WEAA FM,
the Voice of the Community.
Actress for her stunning performance in Precious. international relief
organizations to construct
By Kristin Gray

Arenas Pleads Guilty to

AFRO Managing Editor

As many Haitians live in peril amid indescribable

Your History • Your Community • Your News

Felony Gun Charge

destruction and death, their American relatives are vexed by the
media’s depiction of their native country as an uninhabitable,
poverty-stricken no man’s land.
By AFRO Staff While Haiti’s history of widespread human suffering is
irrefutable—something most Haitians recognize—some believe
Washington Wizards star Gilbert Arenas the Caribbean nation has been particularly demonized by
pleaded guilty on Jan. 15 to the felony charge of international media following a 7.0-magnitude earthquake
carrying a firearm without a license in Washington, Continued on A4
Arenas entered the plea in D.C. Superior Court
as part of a plea bargain, which will guarantee he
receives a sentence at the low end of the sentencing
Conservative Icons
guidelines (six months to two years). Without the
plea bargain, the 28-year-old Los Angeles, Calif., Draw Fire over Haiti
native could receive a maximum five-year sentence
for violating the District’s strict gun laws. Arenas
will remain free until his sentence hearing on
March 26. He is suspended indefinitely from the
By AFRO Staff
Arenas admitted to federal authorities that
Two prominent conservatives came under fire over
he illegally stored guns in his locker room at the
comments made about the massive earthquake that hit Haiti on
Verizon Center, and took them out in effort of a
Jan. 12.
“misguided joke” played on his teammate, Javaris
The Rev. Pat Robertson, a televangelist known for
Crittenton, on Dec. 21. Crittenton is also being
controversy as much as being a devout Christian, was the
investigated by federal authorities based upon
first to weigh in. During a Christian Bible Network telecast,
allegations that he brandished his own pistol during AFRO File Photo
Robertson said the Haitians made a deal with the devil to free
the incident. Gilbert Arenas
them from French colonial rule.
“They got together and swore a pact to the devil,”

Living for the Annual MLK Robertson said. “They said ‘we will serve you if you get us
free from the French.’ True story.”

Weekend Parade The comment has drawn the ire of many, including top
White House officials.
Join the AFRO on
Twitter and Facebook B5 B1 Continued on A3

Copyright © 2010 by the Afro-American Company

A2 The Baltimore Afro-American, January 23, 2010 - January 29, 2010

AFRO National Briefs grandparents in Dr. King spoke of so many highest of any annual rate
Mom Charged For
Tennessee at the time years ago,” UFE spokesman over the past three decades.
Ditching Duty of their arrest, and Mazher Ali told the AFRO. While the country as
A Black single mother
authorities found The report claims that the a whole experienced only
serving in the Army faces
weapons including a economic downturn has an economic “downturn,”
charges for failing to report
high-powered rifle, a further put King’s vision in Ali said communities of
to duty after she said she
handgun, a sawed-off jeopardy and that his dream is color were exhibiting Great
needed to watch her young
shotgun and several far from being realized. Depression-like symptoms.
son instead.
knives and swords at the “I think we all agree [on He said the amount of
The Army filed charges on
home. that],” Ali said, “and it’s time that African Americans
Jan. 13 against Spc. Alexis
Statements compiled going to take more than these and Latinos will grapple
Hutchinson, a 21-year-old
from the two describe color-blind broad spectrums with recovery depends on
Army cook from California,
their plan as murdering of policy approaches to policy decisions and whether
for missing a flight to
Obama, and then driving remedy that.” any social movement is able
Afghanistan, including
off wearing white The nonprofit UFE began to change them to be more
being absent without leave,
tuxedoes and top hats. its research for the report last favorable to minorities..
dereliction of duty and
An informant offered year and focused on areas UFE also blames growing
insubordinate conduct. AP Photo

Hutchinson said she did Angelique Hughes, center, poses with her grandchild Kamani a tip to authorities after where unemployment rates instances of joblessness
Hutchinson and a picture of her daughter, Kamani’s mother, seeing the two pulling up and poverty were the highest. on rising foreclosures,
not have anyone to watch
her 1-year-old son if she had Spc. Alexis Hutchinson in her home in Oakland, Calif., on Nov. to Cowart’s grandfather’s The group found that African which have stripped
17. home in a car bearing a Americans and Latinos “unprecedented” wealth
deployed on Nov. 5. She
huge swastika on the hood continue to bear the brunt of from communities of color,
could receive up to two years Hutchinson’s attorney, Rai The 19-year-old faces and the slogan “Honk if the economic recession. according to the report.
in prison and a dishonorable Sue Sussman, hoped to settle up to 10 years in prison if you love Hitler” on the rear of According to the report’s Among the report’s list
discharge if she is convicted the case without a military convicted. the car. summary, from December of changes recommended
in a court-martial. However, trial, as Hutchinson’s only Federal officials said Authorities say the two 2008 to December 2009 the to speed up economic
an officer must first be reason for not deploying was Schlesselman and an met over the Internet, where unemployment rate increased recovery for minorities are a
appointed to decide if enough fear of what would happen to accomplice conspired to kill they discovered they had by 4.3 percent for Blacks recommitment to affirmative
evidence exists to bring a case her child. Obama on Oct. 23, 2008. similar views on White and 3.7 percent for Latinos, action policies, better tracking
against her. “There are other routes “They also planned to supremacy. compared to 2.4 percent for of job creation efforts and
Hutchinson originally if they really want to punish murder dozens of people, Whites. The unemployment imposing an immediate
said her mother was going to her,” Sussman said. mainly focusing in on State of the Dream rate for Blacks currently moratorium on foreclosures.
keep the baby while she was African Americans,” the
2010 Report Shows stands at 16.2 percent, the “In health crisis situations,
deployed overseas for one
year. But after Hutchinson’s
Ark. Man Pleads Guilty Justice Department said in a people tend
statement. Unequal Recovery to look at the
mother, Angelique Hughes, In Plot to Assassinate Even as the U.S. economy
“Despite great civil rights most vulnerable
watched her infant grandson Obama progress, hate-fueled violence recovers, African Americans which include
for two weeks prior to her An Arkansas man has remains all too common in and Latinos continue to children and
daughter’s deployment date, pleaded guilty to plotting to our country, as illustrated by disproportionately experience the elderly,
she realized the responsibility kill many African Americans, this unthinkable conspiracy,” hardships in their frantic and make
combined with other including then-presidential Assistant Attorney General efforts to find work and sure that they
commitments would be too candidate Barack Obama for Civil Rights Thomas Perez maintain homeownership, get attended
much for her to handle. With in 2008, according to said in a statement. according to a new report to quickly,”
no other family members to blackmericaweb.com. Schlesselman’s from the Boston-based United said Ajamu
count on, Hutchinson skipped Paul Schlesselman, of accomplice, Daniel Cowart, for a Fair Economy. Dillahunt, one
the flight. West Helana, Ark., pleaded 21, of Bells, Tenn., remains in Release of the 25-page of the report’s
“She didn’t do her guilty in U.S. District Court custody. report, “State of the Dream five authors.
duty,” Kevin Larson, an to one count of threatening to Authorities said the two 2010: Drained – Jobless and “We need the
Army spokesman, said. kill and harm a presidential White supremacists had Foreclosed in Communities same kind of
“They [soldiers] know their candidate, one count of enough guns to carry out their of Color,” coincided with the approach in
deployment dates. They possessing a firearm in plan, but were stopped before annual commemoration of this economic
have to show up. Otherwise, furtherance of crime-related they could do so. Martin Luther King Jr. Day. recovery.”
they have to face the violence and one count of Cowart and Schlesselman “The report’s release is —Dorothy
consequences.” conspiracy. were staying with Cowart’s the highlight of the dream Rowley

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November 1, 2008 - November 7, 2008, The Washington Afro-American A3

Jennifer Hudson and Relatives Identify Body of Her Slain NephewA3 January 23, 2010 - January 29, 2010, The Baltimore Afro-American
By Alan King sport-utility vehicle sought in from a neighbor about a suspi- posted fliers bearing his photo-
AFRO Staff Writer connection with the murder of cious vehicle. The man noticed the issue still wafting in that when money comes to to bearound
graph on topthe of city.
what’s Ongoing
Hudson’s mother and brother. the vehicle while walking his the air from Baltimore to Baltimore it’s being used on and the city delegation
Sunday, Jennifer Hudson asked is
Jennifer Hudson and other The white, 1994 Chevrolet dog. According to the Chicago Annapolis—Sheila Dixon’s wisely and I don’t think that forgoing to makehelp
the public’s sureinoffinding
that and
relatives positively identified Suburban with Illinois license Tribune, the boy had been shot pension. there is a confidence about thenephew.
her city delegation is behind
In her MySpace
multiple times in the back seat “I think that this whole that. I think we can achieve Baltimore
blog, City 100
she thanked fans percent
and sup-
of the vehicle. The SUV, regis- issue about the pension, it’s that confidence, but I think it and therefore
porters for their behind
prayers theand
tered to Hudson’s murdered a distraction when we have would be a mistake to ignore mayor—old
offered mayor
a $100,000 and new
reward to
brother, was towed with the so many major issues on the and deny that there is an issue anyone
mayorwho returned
coming in.” the boy
boy’s body inside and is being table right now. Let’s focus on on the table, like an elephant alive.There are those who
processed by evidence techni- those issues first,” she said. in the room, about the way Since thetoinvestigation,
continue carp about Dixon
cians and workers. The body Hudson – who gained stardom
I asked Sen. Gladden if that City Hall operates.” securing her $83,000-a-year

U-N-I-T-Y …
was later removed and taken to after appearing on “American
she had a problem with Dixon Still, the overall consensus pension after being forced
the Cook County Medical Idol,” and then won an
Examiner’s office. receiving her pension. “No,” of the delegation is – to to resignAward
Academy in thefor
Hudson and other family was her one word response. borrow a phrase from Patrice the movie Dreamgirls – has and
misdemeanor conviction
members arrived at the Medical However, there was Lumumba –”Forward ever, Alford
stayed outplea. People
of the publicseem
eye. to
When the Rev. Dr. Delman very strong … I think that City delegation’s
Examiner’s 2010 Unity
office mid-after- one who sees things a little backward never.” forget Dixon was a pretty
The Chicago Tribune report-
Coates, pastor of Mt. Ennon if some of those key players playbook.
noon to identify the body. differently.
Julian King, Jennnifer Hudson’s nephew.“I don’t believe we’ll miss edsolid
that apublic
of carsformoved
Baptist Church in Clinton, stay in place that we’re going “I think
Given the City
the choice Council
between look- “What I may differ from a beat,” said Sen. Verna Jones, Baltimore for more than
slowly past her family’s home20
Md., delivered the invocation to do relatively well.” president
ing directlyhas been
at the wellor
body some of my colleagues
A spokesman for the office D-44th.
the murders but is being held in years. It seems like
Monday morning, past the she earned
on, the newspaper
I think that to
it is going Hudson
be jail for parole
“She violation
(Dixon) after
has her her pension.
during the Senate’s opening Of course the woman on receiveditinonAnnapolis
viewing … she’s
a wall-mounted news vans, reporters and curi-
session of the 2010 Maryland the hot seat is Baltimore Courtesy City
Photos been warmly received. I think important to establish that same legislative team … Is it excessive? I think it
ous onlookers.
Baltimore City has integrity the agenda that we’re going was Jay-Z who said, “Can’t
was killed,
Hudson the
the doors as well
of the
her mom,Council
Darnell President
as her brother, Jason.
Donerson Stephanie
who “She held hands with her family. It was obviously a very emotional moment.”
that everybody recognizes
that it is a hard transition, but and is accountable when on is an agenda that she put
knock the hustle.”
quietly and

hushed chamber was clearly after McFadden accepted she comes with a great name it comes tostrong
“remained how for
we her
fami- together
being and toofthe
convicted best of
attempted Dixon is reflected
moving on on in
video screen, the family chose our funds and the way that my knowledge is endorsed violence.
February and so should we.
audible. his nomination as speaker and I believe that the state and ly” and was clearly its leader. murder and vehicular hijack-
the body of her 7-year-old plate X584859 was found on the latter. According to the our politics works In front of the Hudson’s
Even as Rev. Coates
nephew Monday, just hours
pro tem ofWest
Chicago’s the Senate,
Side after he legislators
Tribune, are going
Hudson said, to respect
“Yes, “She held hands withtoher
thefami- by the incoming mayor and
ing. Cook County records show home, men in heavy jackets
prayed for peace
after his body was found in a – among introduced the future
police received a 7 a.m. call mayor her and respect
that’s him.” the city in ly,” the spokesman said.of“Itour
benefit or non-benefit thehe
that incoming
pleaded mayor
guilty towas here
both and hooded sweatshirts came to
other things – the din in the of Baltimore in the Senate light of the budget issues that people,”
was said aDel.
obviously veryJill Carter,
emotional today, she had a presence,”
charges in 1999. He was also Sean Yoes is a veteran
kiss the twin white crosses bar-
D-41st. “We need to give Jones continued. "She

ACORN Fights Back

hallway, generated by a vast chambers. we have,” Gladden said. moment.” convicted in 1998 for posses- journalist and host of WEAA
ing the names of Donerson and
assortment of the state’s “I’m feeling encouraged,” Gladden also spoke to other
Thepeople a comfort
boy – the level
son of Julia (Rawlings-Blake) is going
sion of a stolen motor vehicle. FM’s
Jason. “AFRO First Edition.”
political operatives, indicated Rawlings-Blake said as she Hudson, Jennifer’s sister – had He was released from prison in “Everybody is sick of going
there is much gnashing of was being engulfed by the been missing since Friday, 2006 after serving seven years
Leader Calls Voter Registration Fraud Charges ‘Bogus’
through stuff like this,” Artisha
teeth in Annapolis over the media. “We have a strong when a relative found Julian’s for the attempted murder and West, a former resident of the
state’s $2 billion budget package and I’m looking grandmother, Darnell car hijacking charges. area told the Tribune. “We all
By Alan King and Dallas Cowboys players No wonder Obama’s campaign is Donerson, 57, and his uncle, The boy remained missing
shortfall. forward to making sure that have to stick together. All these
AFRO Staff Writer Tony Romo and Terrell Owens, trying to distance him from the Jason Hudson, 29, shot to death through a long weekend in
And, of course, in the citythedelegation[s] on both young children are dying, and

among names submitted to group, saying, “Barack Obama in his grandmother’s home in which police and volunteers
Baltimore there is
Presidential candidate Johna lot of sides of the hallway
election officials. know I Never Organized with ACORN.”
for what?”
the 7000 block of South Yale
trepidation in the
McCain’s attack on ACORN –
Associated Sheila
Dixon’s fall
of want
to be a
doingI those
Hurd said those workers, who
her about
But Obama’s ties to ACORN run
long and deep. He taught classes
An Amber Alert – a desig-
from grace.
Organization for Reform Now – the pace
ACORN’s and progress
knowledge orofpermis-
the for ACORN. They even endorsed nation for high-risk missing
But onthe that first day of transition her answer was
confirms success of the sion, were fired. him for President. children – was issued Friday
the session there
organization, was of
the head nothe succinct. “So far,that
“The evidence so has
good,”sur- But now ACORN is in trouble. after Julian was discovered
says. evident on the she
so far shows they faked Reporter: There are at least missing after the murders.
of theismembers
testimony of thework forms
to the That waspaid
to get the for
work they 11 investigations across the Police arrested William
we’ve doneCity and delegation.
success we’ve theme
didn’t do,of most.
not to stuff ballot country involving thousands of Balfour, the missing boy’s step-
contrary, Hurd, thepresident
men of “I know
boxes.” ACORN, budget sheissaid,
major is the potentially fraudulent ACORN father and estranged husband
and women I talked to were
ACORN, said in an interview victim of fraud, not
and No. 1, but I think that the perpetra- forms. of Julia, at his girlfriend’s
with the AFRO.
essentially of one accord and tor of
the it. is going to move
city Announcer: Massive voter Southside apartment several
“When this attack started, we Hurd said the only things fraud. And the Obama campaign
displayed more unity than forward,” said Sen. Catherine hours after the murders.
had just announced that we had bogus are the charges them- paid more than $800,000 to an
I think I’ve ever witnessed Pugh, D-40th. “Our leadership Balfour’s mother, Michele, has
registered 1.3 million new vot- selves. And factcheck. org ACORN front for get out the vote told reporters that her son had
ers,” the
she often maligned
said. “That’s just to say in the city has relationships
agrees. efforts.
delegation. both nothing to do with the slayings.
that someone’s running scared It with the governor
concluded, “Neither and Pressuring banks to issue risky Balfour remains a suspect in Jason Hudson
Of course, a cynic
because of ACORN’s success.” would with the General
ACORN nor its employees Assembly, haveso loans. Nationwide voter fraud.
argue it was just the
McCain, who is running for first day I think we’ll be fine.
been found guilty of, or even Barack Obama. Bad judgment.
the session.on the Republican tick- charged “It’s with,
not like the fraudulent
casting city was Blind ambition. Too risky for
et, "We’re
lashed out going to get in the
at ACORN in turmoil, I mean that was
votes.” America.
final debate this.against
The transition
Barack moreTheofproblem
a personal
cameissue aboutthanpri-
I think contending
– from Dixon to “is itmarily
the group was related
because to of how
the waythe city Since McCain’s comments, SQUARE HIGH
on the verge of maybe is going to be was
perpetrat- ACORN run … I thinkRather
operates. we were than ACORN’s 87 offices have been
ing one ofsaid Sen. Nathaniel
the greatest frauds in doing
rely onavolunteers,
great job and I think
it pays peo- bombarded with threats and
McFadden, D-45th.
voter history in this country, we’ll see that continue.”unem-
ple, many of them poor or racist mail.
maybe destroying
“Mayor Dixon has laid outthe fabric of ployed,
Thentoitsignwasup41st newDistrict
voters. The day after the presidential
an agenda at the beginning of Sen. Lisa Gladden’s turnthose
The idea was to help both debate, vandals broke into the
Factcheck.org, a non-partisan being registered and those doing organization’s Boston and Seattle
her administration that was to read from the Baltimore
Web site, found those claims to the registration. offices and stole computers.
be “exaggerated,” with “no evi- Maud explained, “We have a After a Cleveland representative BREAD NOT ON THE LIST
dence of any such democracy- zero tolerance policy for deliber- appeared on TV, an e-mail was

Conservative Icons
destroying fraud.”
Hurd believes the McCain
ate falsification of registration.”
Most news account neglect to
charges were politically motivat- point out that ACORN is
sent to the local office saying she
“is going to have her life ended.”
A worker in Providence, R.I.,
ed. from A1 required by law to turn in all reg- received a threatening call say- LEFT RIGHT
suffering, somebody says
She said, “Because it’s low- istration forms. And they also fail ing, “We know you get off work
and moderate-income
something that could be so people, to note that it was the organiza- at 9” and uttered racial epithets.
and people of color, I believe the tion, in many instances, that first A caller to one office left a
utterly stupid,” White House
McCain campaign thinks those brought the phony registrations message on the answering
Press Secretary Robert Gibbs to the attention of authorities. machine, saying: “Hi, I was just
voters are going to vote
told the BBC.
Democratic, “Butisit,
which notlike
neces- The McCain camp apparently calling to let you know that
sarily true.” happens with isn’t interested in those fine Barack Obama needs to get
some regularity.”
ACORN is no stranger to points, preferring to air mislead- hung. He’s a (expletive deleted)
In an effort to defend
controversy. ing ads that seek to link Obama nigger, and he’s a piece of
For 38 years, comments,
the non-partisan to ACORN, thereby undercutting (expletive deleted). You guys are
organization has pundit
fought Rushfor social his political support. fraudulent, and you need to go to
and economic made controversial
justice for low- McCain: I’m John McCain hell. All the niggers on oak trees.
comments of his own.
and moderate-income and I approve this message. They’re gonna get all hung hon-
Americans. Withsaid on hismem-
400,000 Announcer: Who is Barack eys, they’re going to get assassi-
radio show that
ber families the tragedy
organized into more Obama? A man with “a political nated, they’re gonna get killed.”
“will play right
than 1,200 into Obama’s
neighborhood chap- baptism performed at warp Another message said, “You
ters in 110 cities
hands, [casting him as] nationwide, speed.” VastAPambition.
Photo/Kevin After
File liberal idiots. Dumb (expletive
ACORN has over the years seen lege,
humanitarian, compassionate. On Jan. 13, a day after a he moved to Chicago. deleted). Welfare bums. You
its share of criticism while advo- devastating Became a community organizer. guys just (expletive deleted)
They’ll use this to burnish earthquake
cating for affordable housing, There, Obama met Madeleine come to our country, consume
their, shall we say, credibility hit Haiti, Pat Robertson
Talbot, part of the Chicago every natural resource there is,
living wages, healthcare for the
with the black community,
underserved— and while organ-
said that Haiti has been
branch of ACORN. He was so and make aIt’slot ofamazing what you can accomplish when you focus on the details.
babies. That’s
bothvoterthe registration
light-skinned drives.
impressive because
that he wasofasked whatto all you guys do. And then suck
and dark-skinned
But none has been as withering black he
train the ACORN staff. the
called a “pact with Discover
up the welfare for yourself
and expect every- how paying attention to the details can really pay off when it comes to your money.
community in this
and baseless as this one. country. devil”
Whatindid itsACORN
history. in Chicago one else toLet
pay SunTrust
for your hospital
help. With our simple and convenient online tools, you can stay on top of your money today
It’s With
madethe to presidential
order for him.” election engage in? Bullying banks. bills for your kids. I jus’ say let
and in the future. We even make saving easy. To find outBefore how you agecan getevery
five, started,room visit
is asuntrust.com/solid.
than two alsoweeksrefuted away, success
he has,Disruption
and not your kids die. That’s the best
ACORN’s detractors statements. allege the feel some measure forced
of business. ACORN of sorrow move. Just let your children die. Fun learning opportunities are everywhere. Simple things like
“I don’t know
organization how in mas- for
has engaged bankswhatto issue risky homein
has happened loans. Forget about paying for hospital counting and identifying shapes activate a child’s learning ability,
sive votercould sit where
registration fraudhe The same types of loans that
after Haiti,” Gibbs told CBS
bills for them. I’m not gonna do and help them enter school more prepared. That’s why PNC
does, havingdiscovery
the reported enjoyed of thebogus caused the financial crisis we’re
it. You guys are lowlifes. And I founded Grow Up Great and its Spanish-language equivalent Crezca
names, such as Mickey Mouse in today. hope you all die.”
con Éxito, a 10-year, $100 million program to help prepare young
Hurd thinks the hate calls will
children for school and life. Pick up a free bilingual Sesame Street™
cease soon.
“Happy, Healthy, Ready for School” kit at a PNC branch. It’s filled
“In two weeks, I think these
attacks will be over. But I think it with all kinds of simple, everyday things you can do to help a child
will be harder for us to get our learn. Together, we can work with our communities so an entire
name back on good graces generation won’t just grow up... but grow up great.
Identification Statements
Baltimore Afro-American — (USPS 040-800) is published weekly by The Afro-American because they really trashed us in
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A4 The Baltimore Afro-American, January 23, 2010 - January 29, 2010

Wyclef Jean Weeps for Haiti, Defends Charity

Continued from A1
“I give you my word, if I Yéle Haiti has raised more Despite efforts to restore MINUSTAH, to augment its “People feel secure,” quickly as we can to bring
tell them to go, they will go. than $2 million in the days normalcy and the millions 9,000 uniformed personnel Rivera told the AFRO. “There medical care in concert with
But they need somewhere to following the massive natural raised through media-driven already on the ground,” the has been some looting, but in the international community
go to,” Jean added. disaster, mostly through fundraising efforts, little statement read. isolated situations, especially to save lives and to provide
However, Jean’s mobile SMS donations. The can be done to expedite the The 15-member council around supermarkets, but it immediate medical care to
seemingly heartfelt address foundation kicked off the translation of these monies swiftly approved Ki-moon’s has not been widespread.” those in need here,” said
did little to assuage claims largest text-based fundraising into substantive necessities recommendations and to However, Haiti’s Capt. Andy Stevermer in a
that Yéle Haiti, a nonprofit mobilization for relief aid in – food, water, housing– date, the Dominican Republic President Rene Preval transcript reviewed by the
charitable organization that history, according to Time that legions of Haitians has pledged to deploy 800 pointed to discord and AFRO. “Currently we are
began as the Wyclef Jean magazine. desperately need. troops to its ailing neighbor. miscommunication accomplishing that with 265
Foundation 12 years ago, has Shaika Therlonge, a According to some media According to the press among international relief personnel on the ground in
misappropriated funds in its Haitian-American Howard outlets, gnawing hunger, fear release, other nations are organizations as the country’s Port-au-Prince engaged in
five-year history and provided University student from South and frustration are slowly expected to boost military most pressing burden, or preparing to be engaged
little aid to Haitians caught Orange, N.J.— a town where pivoting Haiti’s already presence in the Caribbean according to The Associated in health care, including
in the throes of poverty and Jean once lived — said unlike delicate social framework country. Press. Preval, who has been doctors, nurses, paramedics,
hunger. other celebrities inspired to into havoc, spawning violent U.N. Peacekeeping left homeless by the quake, emergency medical
In a Jan. 14 article entitled thrust millions into Haiti after altercations on the streets of Chief Alain Le Roy said the implored the international technicians, and a variety of
“Wyclef Jean Charity’s Funny the earthquake, Jean has been Port-au-Prince. additional forces may be community to “keep our cool other health professionals…
Money,” TheSmokingGun. a lifelong advocate. In response to the growing needed not only to protect the to do coordination and not One team saw over 300
com unearthed an Internal “Of all the organizations threat of an uprising, the Haitian people from looters to throw accusations at each patients in a Haitian
Revenue Service (IRS) out there, I trust Wyclef’s United Nations Security and violence, but to “escort other.” orphanage. In addition, a
document pointing to the pediatric surgeon [supported]
charity’s inconsistent financial “People feel secure... There has been some looting, but in isolated situations, especially a complex surgical procedure
record keeping and a copious with a victim from this
number of expenses for studio around supermarkets, but it has not been widespread.” event.”
rentals, public relations fees In addition, former
and a $100,000 payment more. That’s why I push his Council announced Jan. 19 it humanitarian convoys…in The U.S. presence in Haiti Presidents Bill Clinton
for Jean to perform at a organization. I tell everybody would escalate peacemaking case the situation unravels has been marked, with the and George W. Bush cast
benefit concert. The article to trust Yéle Haiti,” said efforts proposed by Secretary and security deteriorates.” U.S. Agency for International partisanship conflicts aside
also claims Jean and Jerry Therlonge, 25. “He’s Haitian General Ban Ki-moon in But according to Catholic Development providing and united to form the Clinton
Duplessis, a Yéle Haiti board and he was born in Haiti; of hopes of accelerating stability Relief Services Acting $55 million in humanitarian Bush Haiti Fund at President
member, paid $250,000 to course he wants to see better in Haiti. Media Director John Rivera, assistance to Haiti, according Barack Obama’s request.
for-profit TV station Telemax for our country. He’s not “Following his visit on who has been in contact to a press release posted on The current president has
S.A. for “TV airtime and trying to profit.” Sunday to the capital, Port- with an aid worker on the their Web site. Similarly, the also pledged to donate $100
production services” as part To further refute the au-Prince, Mr. Ban asked island, images of Haitians Department of Health and million in relief aid to Haiti
of the foundation’s outreach accusations plaguing his the Council for an additional brandishing machetes and Human Services announced and has provided amnesty to
efforts in their native country. foundation, Jean visited the 1,500 police officers and pilfering precious items left Jan. 18 that it had made Haitian nationals living in the
However, Jean and Duplessis “Oprah Winfrey Show” Jan. 2,000 troops to reinforce unscathed by the tumult are improvements on the ground. United States for the next 18
both own an alleged 20, where pop star Rihanna the mission, known as infrequent. “We are working as months.
“controlling interest” in the and vocalist Maxwell, who

Haitians Respond
Haiti-based company. is of Haitian and Puerto
“Did I ever use Yéle Rican descent, performed.
money for personal benefits? In addition, MTV Networks
Absolutely not,” Jean said announced this week that Continued from A1
at the press conference. Jean, actor George Clooney
“Yéle’s books are open and and journalist Anderson which pulverized its capital, Port-au-Prince on Jan. 12. international media outlets, many come to know the citizens
transparent, and we have Cooper will host a live, “The media has been giving Haiti a bad rap since I couldand the land —the first independent nation in Latin America—
a clean bill of health by an commercial-free telethon on remember,” Pamela Vaval, a 25-year-old Haitian-American as the “poorest country in the Western hemisphere.”
external auditor every year at least 11 major networks to nurse living in Florida, told the AFRO. “Haiti is not the richest
Haiti has been linked to vaudou, Satanism and zombie
since we started.” raise funds for the embattled country, obviously, but neither is Jamaica, Bahamas and alllore in contemporary films such as Live and Let Die and
Despite the fiscal scrutiny, country. the other islands in the West Indies….I know a lot of people
The Serpent and the Rainbow. But Vaval believes Haiti’s
who have lived here for many years and moved back to overwhelmingly negative representation abroad has more to
Haiti because they lived better over there than America. Mydo with the media’s attempt to craft cookie-cutter images of a
grandmother, who has a big beautiful house in Haiti, did not
nation it does not understand.
Looking for an entertaining, have to lift a finger in Haiti because she had maids.” The images have been reinforced by round-the-clock media
Because positive stories from Haiti are rarely publicized in
coverage of the disaster which has consistently highlighted a
affordable evening out? lack of infrastructure in Haiti.
TOBY’S DINNER THEATRE “Honestly, I don’t know
OF BALTIMORE why the media talks about Haiti
5625 O’Donnell Street
as if no part is good,” she said.
CALL 410-649-1660
“Probably the same reason they
Bold, bright, and told with portray Africa as if all Africans
the cheeky humor for which
live in huts and run with lions…
Thomas “Fats” Waller was
known, this Tony Award I’m born and raised in America,
winning musical has become [and] have been to Haiti only
NOW PLAYING a classic of African-American once when I was a toddler, so
theatre that is sure to bring
THROUGH the house down and keep
I can’t tell you any memories.
FEBRUARY 28 you singing, and swinging, But from pictures and what
Seats are subject to availability. Due to the nature of theatrical
bookings, all shows and dates are subject to change. into the streets. my friends and family who go
to Haiti all the time tell me, it
FEATURING: Broadway-style award winning musicals
• 7 Main Entrée Buffet • 2 Salad Bars • Vegetarian Friendly is just like any other island [in
• Make-Your-Own Sundae Bar the Caribbean] — beautiful
beaches, rich culture, wonderful
TobysDinnerTheatre.com people. Hopefully after all of
this, people will see Haiti and its
AP Photo people in a different light, but
Some Haitian Americans hope the international media continues to focus on helping I’m not so optimistic. [The] only
those left impoverished by a devastating earthquake, instead of concentrating on the thing left to do is educate and
Caribbean nation’s blighted economic and social past. enlighten.”
AP Photo

1988 Laura Murphy to Head ACLU Washington Legislative Office

Moved In. NEW YORK - The American Civil fundamental rights, and I look forward
Liberties Union today announced to once again being part of that
the appointment of longtime civil important mission and leading the WLO
1990 liberties and human rights advocate in non-partisan advocacy.”
Anthony is born. Laura Murphy as director of the ACLU Murphy has testified more than a
Washington Legislative Office. Murphy dozen times before Congress and is an
previously headed the WLO from 1993- experienced national spokesperson. She
1994 2005. has been a frequent guest on national
Anthony tests positive for elevated lead levels.
“Laura’s career epitomizes effective, public affairs programs on PBS, NBC,
dynamic leadership and advocacy and ABC, CNN, Fox News and National
1998 she is the perfect person to head our Public Radio.
Anthony has difficulty learning. legislative office as the organization Both major newspapers on Capitol
approaches its 90th anniversary and Hill, Roll Call and The Hill, selected
enters a new era,” said Anthony D. Murphy as one of the 50 most influential
2007 Romero, executive director of the lobbyists and one of 17 top nonprofit
Doctor confirms Anthony suffers from lead poisoning. ACLU. “I know she will have an AFRO File Photo lobbyists in 1997 and 2003, respectively.
enormous impact on advancing the Laura Murphy In 1997, and again in 2003, the
cause of civil liberties on Capitol Hill. Congressional Black Caucus honored
I am delighted to welcome Laura back liberties, and has managed high- her for her significant contributions to
into the ACLU family.” profile legislative and communications legislation that advances civil rights
Murphy has 30 years of policy- campaigns on criminal justice, First and civil liberties. In 2007, Murphy
making and political experience at the Amendment, equality and national was given the President's Award for
national, state and local levels. She security issues. Outstanding Service by the largest
comes to the ACLU from her own “I am very enthusiastic at the national civil rights coalition, the
firm, Laura Murphy & Associates opportunity to head the ACLU's Leadership Conference on Civil Rights.
LLC, which has provided government legislative office during these exciting Murphy replaces WLO Acting
relations and public policy services to and transitional times in Washington,” Director Michael Macleod-Ball, who
corporate and nonprofit clients. Murphy said Murphy. “There is no other was preceded by Director Caroline
is well known for her legislative organization like the ACLU when Fredrickson. Murphy is a graduate of
advocacy on human rights and civil it comes to protecting Americans’ Wellesley College.

PTN000209_Afro American Meso Ads.indd 3 1/6/09 3:58 PM

January 23, 2010 - January 29, 2010, The Baltimore Afro-American A5

GOP Senate Win Likely to Temper State of the Union

By Zenitha Prince back down.” aftermath of two devastating earthquakes will
Washington Bureau Chief Jason Johnson, professor of political science take center stage in terms of the president’s
at Hiram College in Ohio, said the president foreign policy agenda. And besides the
The stunning Jan. 19 cannot afford to be too aggressive, however. economy—jobs and home foreclosures,
win of Republican Scott “There are certain things Barack Obama especially,—education, the environment and
Brown in the race for the will never be able to do [or say] because of the “greening” the economy will remain among his
Senate seat of the late economy and because he’s Black,” Johnson top-tier concerns.
Edward Kennedy will said. “Most political strategists would advise But no matter what he says or how he says
color President Barack [that] you need to come out fighting….He can’t it, some will find fault with Obama’s first State
Obama’s first State of the do that because Whites will be upset. of the Union, Walters and Johnson agreed.
Union address on Jan. 27, “The tone he has to take, unfortunately, “Realistically speaking, he can’t win for
political analysts said. is what he’s been taking all along,” which losing,” Johnson said. “He has a [progressive]
“He will have to go has been pragmatic, unruffled and not overly base that has lionized him…and they’re
into campaign mode,” emotional. whining about they want a Dennis Kucinich
said Ronald Walters, Like his oratory style, the content of the (outspoken progressive congressman and
professor emeritus of AP Photo president’s speech will likely be familiar— former presidential candidate.) On the other
political science at the The last time President Barack Obama addressed a joint except for the degree of attention paid to health hand, you have those [to whom] it doesn’t
University of Maryland, session of Congress, seen here in this Sept. 9, 2009, file photo, care. The issues of the war in Afghanistan matter what he says or how he says it, they’re
College Park. he faced a tough crowd. He’ll have an equally hard sell when and Iraq and the need to rebuild Haiti in the going to hate him.”
“So far, they he delivers his first “State of the Union” address on Jan. 27.
[Obama’s detractors]
have been better at
framing arguments about the character of this
administration and presenting them to the
diminish the level of confidence Obama takes
to Capitol Hill for his first State of the Union
outing and will certainly change the speech’s
City Crime at 20-Year Low
Continued from A1
public,” he continued, pointing to Brown’s content.
campaign as an example. “They have been “The economic crisis is behind a lot of as they had in years past.
totally on message in describing the president’s his negative ratings,” Walters said. “He will “Before, we were trying to combat the Crime Rates in Baltimore City
health care bill. And at some point, the have to explain to the American people what problem on our own,” he said. “Now we’re
Democrats—especially the president—if the heck he is trying to do. He will have to in targeted enforcement. We’re figuring 2,500
they’re going to be successful have to develop reintroduce himself and his goals. [But] the big out who [the criminals] are and we’re

the same discipline.” thing is going to be making the break from the trying to make their lives miserable. The

Brown, a little-known Massachusetts state concentration on health care and refocusing on [police] commissioner’s plan of trying to 2,000

senator, rode the wave of public discontent over the economy and jobs.” get bad guys with guns off the streets is our 1,750

the high unemployment rate. And, his promise The political analyst said given the problems foremost challenge.”


to block healthcare reform legislation—a dream at home and the ongoing tragedy in Haiti, which With an increase in security cameras, 1,500

of Kennedy’s and a chief domestic priority has dominated the news cycles, Obama’s tone Moses said the extra eyes have helped solve 1,250
for President Obama—gave Brown the extra needs to be “upbeat.” He has to “give people some cases. However, he emphasized that
impetus needed to trump Democratic contender, hope,” Walters said, especially with so much they are not an “end all, fix all” but have 1,000
state Attorney General Martha Coakley. captured crimes while they were occurring 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08
riding on this speech. 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20
His win divested Democrats of the 60 “He’s going to have to be aggressive about and certain drug corners have cleared from Baltimore City's crime rate decreased
votes needed to block GOP filibusters and his domestic agenda; he’s going to have to their assistance. consistently between 2000 ad 2008,
could signal the collapse of the health care defend it,” Walters said. “This sets the tone not “A lot of open-air markets are no longer,”
and homicides in 2008 and 2009 were
bill, especially given the recalcitrance of some only in the country but in the House and Senate Moses said. “For instance, the Pennsylvania
at a 20-year low.
Democrats. Such a loss or further stalling could for the rest of his agenda so he can’t afford to Ave. area at one point was probably one of
our worst and biggest headaches.”

BCPS Helps Students with

In 2000, over 2,400 violent incidents previous rate.
were reported, topping incidents in several But despite the decline, Baltimoreans
large cities including New York, Los are still urged to “Bmore careful” since last

Tuition Aid Applications

Angeles and Philadelphia. In 2008, over year’s crime rates were still above 1,000.
1,590 violent incidents were reported in “Of course we’re not satisfied with that
Baltimore City, still above many other because one life is too many lives,” Moses
cities, but a vast improvement from its own said.
By Melanie R. Holmes of our kids have the ability CCBC Dundalk
AFRO Staff Writer to go to college and money 7200 Sollers Point Road,
shouldn’t be something to 21222
Baltimore City Public prevent them.” 2- 4 p.m.
Schools (BCPS) is hosting For more information,
its first community-wide call the BCPS Office Saturday, Feb. 6
push to encourage students of Partnerships, Loyola University in
and families to complete Communications and Maryland – Main Campus
Free Application for Federal Community Engagement 4501 N. Charles St., 21210
Student Aid (FAFSA) forms. at (410) 545-1870. FAFSA 2- 4 p.m.
The school system has teamed help sessions include the
with several organizations following: Saturday, Feb. 27
that will lead FAFSA help H&R Block Offices from
sessions at each high school Saturday, Jan. 23 Noon- 4p.m.:
and other sites throughout the Success Academy Erdman Shopping Center-
city to increase the number of 200 East North Ave., 21202 3909 Erdman Ave., 21213
people filing for the financial 10 a.m.- 2 p.m. Mondawmin Mall-
assistance. Last year, only 59 2301 Liberty Heights Ave.,
percent of high school seniors Sunday, Jan. 31 21215
filled out FAFSA forms. Goucher College – Van Southside Market Place-
“We’re trying to get all Meter B10 891 E. Fort Ave., 21230
of our kids to do it,” said 1021 Dulaney Valley Road, Highlandtown
Zy Richardson of the BCPS 21204 3817 Eastern Ave., 21224
Office of Partnerships, Noon- 4 p.m.
Communications and
Community Engagement.
“We’re missing a large
portion [of students] who
would most likely qualify but
didn’t complete it.”
Through the initiative,
parents can complete their 1967
tax return and fill out their First day at the steel plant.
FAFSA at the same time
as their children. Officials 1970
from H&R Block and the Became a journeyman.
Baltimore Cash Campaign
have signed on to help,
which Richardson hopes will 1997
reduce the fear some adults Retirement lunch.
experience during tax season.
“We want to make it
supportive so they are not
alone,” she said. Diagnosed with cancer.
Students and parents
are asked to bring their
social security number;
driver’s license number (if
applicable); alien registration
number for non-U.S. citizens; Black History,
copy of most recent Federal an American Celebration
Income Tax Return; 2009 W-2
forms; 2009 untaxed income
records including income SO WHAT DO WE DO NOW?
©2010 The Coca-Cola Company.

from social security, welfare

TANF or veteran’s benefits;
and information on savings,
investments and business
assets. open happiness™
“We’re trying to do
just a coordinated effort,”
Richardson said. “So many

PTN000209_Afro American Meso Ads.indd 2 1/6/09 3:58 PM N0KP0000_BHM_542x10.indd 1 1/14/10 10:09 AM

A6 The Baltimore Afro-American, January 23, 2010 - January 29, 2010

Red Line to Create Thousands of City Jobs

By Melanie R. Holmes economy. Major findings The study also found Administration (MTA) is residents have voiced and opportunities and trying
AFRO Staff Writer show that building the jobs that the project will directly currently in the process of opposition toward the Red to work through them with
created by the Red Line will engage the existing labor planning the next phase of the Line, including the proposed the community,” Diggs said.
A recent study predicts offer opportunities for people supply in the city. In the construction project, which locations of the stations and “There are a lot of various
major economic relief for with diverse backgrounds communities surrounding will last between three and the fact that some will be milestones that have to
Baltimore City. The proposed and experience. Only 17 the planned Red Line four years once the actual above ground rather than in happen now before the 2012
Red Line will create $2 percent of the jobs will route, a higher number construction begins. tunnels. “We’re trying to date.”
billion in new economic require a bachelor’s or higher of residents are already Some Baltimore City look at more of the benefits
activity and 9,801 new level degrees, whereas the employed in construction
construction-related jobs majority of the jobs created and transportation-related
according to the Jacob France
Institute (JFI) of the Merrick
School of Business at the
or supported by the project
will not require higher
education. Expected to
occupations than the city as a
whole.  When completed, the
Red Line will provide a rapid
Business and Diversity Leaders to
University of Baltimore. generate $539.7 million in transit connection between the
Participate in Minority Business
“This study illustrates clear potential to strengthen Summit
Baltimore’s economy and promote economic opportunities By AFRO Staff
by transforming a corridor once known as the ‘highway to On Feb. 18 – 19, Visionary Marketing Group will present The 11th Annual Minority
nowhere’ into a vibrant and thriving footprint of economic Business Summit during the 24th Black Engineer of the Year Awards (BEYA) weekend.
The Minority Business Summit affords small and minority businesses the opportunity to
activity.” participate in networking, free workshops and resource building. All summit events take
place at the New Baltimore Hilton located across the street from historic Camden Yards.
“In today’s economy, more than ever, it is critical for small, minority and women-owned
Pending environmental salaries and wages over the Woodlawn area of Baltimore
businesses to understand the new rules for business in 2010 and the tactics and strategies
and federal agreements, whole construction period, County, West Baltimore
required for success,” said LaRian Finney, president and CEO of VMG, the event’s
construction of the rail project jobs include freight, stock and communities, downtown
producer. “The Minority Business Summit provides a platform for networking, information,
is expected to begin in 2012. material movers, heavy and Baltimore, Inner Harbor
strategies and tactics led by top business minds and corporate leaders.”
“The Red Line is a tractor-trailer truck drivers, East, Fells Point, Canton and
Thursday represents networking and deal making at its highest level. Featured highlights
tremendous opportunity for accountants, bookkeepers, the Johns Hopkins Bayview
include a reception sponsored by the Presidents’ Roundtable and M&T Bank, the Diversity
Baltimore to stimulate the auditors, plumbers, pipefitters, Medical Center. 
Trailblazer Awards and a keynote address on the future agenda for small and minority
local economy, create jobs steamfitters, civil engineers, “It’s the first east-west
businesses. The summit is designed to provide access to Fortune 500 and government
and revitalize communities carpenters and office clerks. connection that we’ll have
executives who can directly assist with information and insight for growing small and
along the East and West sides “This study illustrates in Baltimore,” said Red
minority businesses.
of the city,” Mayor Sheila clear potential to strengthen Line coordinator Danyell
Friday provides a unique opportunity for small and minority enterprises to gain valuable
Dixon said in a statement. Baltimore’s economy Diggs. “With this Red Line,
tools and resources to expand their businesses via free workshops. Featured highlights
The Baltimore City and promote economic it will lead us into a more
include a continental breakfast and vendor showcase, workshops, The Women of Influence
Department of Transportation opportunities by transforming comprehensive system. It
Breakfast and The Men of Influence Luncheon. Workshops will focus on opportunities in
hired the JFI last fall to a corridor once known as the will have connection not only
energy and healthcare, marketing, accounting and financial tools, federal certification, and
conduct an economic and ‘highway to nowhere’ into a to the existing subways, but
the importance of charitable giving in growing a business.
job impact study to gauge vibrant and thriving footprint the West Baltimore MARC
The Men and Women of Influence Awards recognize significant contributions in the fields
the real-life impact of the of economic activity,” Dixon station.”
of advocacy, business, education and politics.
Red Line on Baltimore’s said.  The Maryland Transit
Sponsors for the 11th Annual Minority Business Summit include VMG, The Presidents’
Roundtable, Career Communications Group, M&T Bank, Metro Transit Administration,

National Urban Fellows McCormick and Bacardi USA. Media partners include the AFRO-American Newspapers,
the Baltimore Times, The Daily Record, Radio One of Baltimore, BMorenews.com and the
Power Magazine. Tickets are available now.
Seeks 100,000 Leaders
See more details at afro.com.
For additional information, contact Visionary Marketing Group at 410-235-4427, ext.
214 or log onto www.minoritybusinesssummit.com.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★


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January 23, 2010 - January 29, 2010, The Baltimore Afro-American A7

Community Calendar Upcoming NAACP Events

Jan. 26
information: 410-366-3300.
Feb. 23
takes place from 6:30-8 p.m.
at Union Baptist Church,
volunteers from within
their respective units and
Childhood Obesity – State The Baltimore City 1219 Druid Hill Ave. For through local churches, labor
Jan. 22 Baltimore youth will develop of Emergency Branch NAACP will hold more information: 410-366- unions and other grassroots
What’s Your Story? Art the essential work skills that Union Baptist Church, 1219 its 2010 “Yes We Count 3300 for more information. organizations. Volunteers will
Workshop today’s employers require. Druid Hill Ave., Baltimore. Mobilization and Community be trained as door-to-door
Reginald F. Lewis For more information: 6 - 8 p.m. NAACP Baltimore Information Discussion,” a Ongoing canvassers and will be trained
Museum of Maryland AA 410-396-5627 or e-mail City Branch panel discussion national movement organized From now until the end to use canvassing software
History & Culture, 830 E. summerjobs@oedworks.com. and community dialogue. Free
Pratt St., Baltimore. 11 a.m. to increase awareness about of January, lead organizers and other technology that will
and open to public. For more
– 1 p.m. Maryland artist Gina the 2010 census. The event will recruit campaign be used during the campaign.
Lewis guides youth through
the process of storytelling
and illustrating their stories
using a collage. $2 activity
fee for members. $6 for
non-members. For more
information: 443-263-1800.

Baltimore Restaurant Week

Charles Street and Pratt
Street, Baltimore, Jan. 22 –
Feb. 7. During Baltimore’s
Winter Restaurant Week,
more than 90 restaurants
throughout the city offer
special three-course pre fixe
dinner menus for just $35. For
more information: visit www.

Jan. 23
Freedom is the Message
Reginald F. Lewis
Museum of Maryland AA
History & Culture, 830 E.
Pratt St., Baltimore. 2 p.m.
Presentation by Dr. Floyd
Coleman, Howard University.
Dr. Coleman, artist and
art historian, discusses the
impact of the Civil Rights

Movement on the works
of Romare Bearden. $2
activity fee for members.
$6 for non-members. For
more information: 443-
263-1800 or visit www.


Money Talk
Enoch Pratt Free Library,
Southeast Anchor Branch:
3601 Eastern Ave., Baltimore.
10:30 a.m. The Money Talk
four-week workshop provides
information in a clear and
simple way to eliminate the

6O -85 off
% %
intimidation that keeps people
from reaching their financial
goals. Free. For more
information: 410-396-1580.

MLK Scholarship Breakfast

Martin’s West, 6817
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A8 The Baltimore Afro-American, January 23, 2010 - January 29, 2010

“From the editor’s desk”

Let Them Come

I have purposely avoided the running news commentary,
photos and videos of the devastation in Haiti. Not because I didn’t
want to know about it – I did. I’ve been listening intently when
people discussed it around me and reading about the country
and the current situation. I wanted to think about and react
intellectually to the situation, not emotionally.
With a natural disaster, more than any other type of
devastation, it really could have been me, or us, instead of them.
“There but for the grace of God go I,” is what I’ve been thinking
and feeling since the earthquake. I didn’t want to add the visceral
response actual images and firsthand accounts would invoke to
Talibah Chikwendu what I was already experiencing.
Then I caught a press conference with Yéle Haiti and Wyclef
Jean held on Jan. 18. It was totally by accident and I stopped to listen because I thought it was
going to be about the allegation that his organization wasn’t getting a majority of the money
collected to the people who need it. A lot of it was. But Jean’s time at the podium was about
something else entirely.
Jean spoke of going to Haiti, his homeland, and helping to retrieve and relocate the dead.
He talked about carrying bodies to the morgue and when the morgue was full, carrying them to
the cemeteries, where there were fights about what bodies would go in what holes, despite there
being too few holes for all the bodies. right a wrong and fix a problem and an obligation – moral and ethical – to provide substantial
He was moved to tears when he spoke to his Haitian brothers and sisters in their language, assistance.
letting them know he would be soon returning to help them further and reminding them to stay I am but one voice, and I imagine my perspective will surprise some who would describe me
strong. as an isolationist. But a more apt description is a compassionate pragmatist and it is from that
But he asked for something on behalf of the Haitian government, which according to the perspective that I offer this solution.
president of Yéle Haiti, Jean While we certainly should be sending food, supplies, blankets, clothing, fresh water, tools,
was approached to do. He said food and rescue assistance, we should also be sending
the Port-au-Prince area needed “I don’t know how we accommodate the Haitians that need to transport to bring people from the devastated area to the
United States and making them welcome to stay.
to be evacuated and asked
countries to step up and provide
be relocated, where they will go, or how they will get here, but I Oh, and as individuals continue to look for a way to help,
a place for Haitians to go. He know, deep inside, that this is where they should be.” please do not discount sending funds for assistance to Yéle
Haiti. While many of the programs of this organization have
described the country’s capital
as a giant morgue and said living people needed to be removed. ceased because there are simply no schools, athletic or art
When I heard him, my response was, “Let them come.” facilities for them to operate from at this time, Jean vows they will be back and that in the
I don’t know how we accommodate the Haitians that need to be relocated, where they will meantime, his organization will work with all non-governmental organizations to provide aid
go, or how they will get here, but I know, deep inside, that this is where they should be. and assistance to the Haitian people. Jean also said, if you don’t feel comfortable, donate to
And, not only should we let them come, but we should make all that come eligible, upon another organization to help the people of Haiti. But even if you don’t choose Yéle Haiti, he
arrival, to begin the process for United States citizenship. will be there, trying to make the situation better.
We owe them that much.
We owe them for the uneven, unfair and untenable immigration practices of this country A luta continua ...
for the last 50 or more years. We owe them for being this close and seeing the troubles in their
country – infrastructural, political, and educational – and doing nothing concrete to assist. Talibah Chikwendu is the executive editor for the AFRO-American Newspapers and a
Now, in the midst of a devastation almost too large to comprehend, we have an opportunity to former columnist for the newspaper.

Letters to the Editor Open Letter on ‘Newsweek’ Cover

MLK Day Reflection Re: “The Children of Bin Laden” Magazine Cover (Jan. 11, 2010)
To Newsweek,
Back when I was a student at Benjamin Stoddert Jr. High School, located in Hillcrest Heights, I think this is the most careless, inconsiderate, irresponsible piece of journalistic artwork
Md., we fought for the establishment of MLK Day ... in our own juvenile way. It would be 13 I have ever seen on any newsstand. You purposely anchored the photo of this Black male
years later in 1986 when MLK Day would become an official federal holiday.  What do I think (which is what it looks like to the viewer) with the words “Children of Bin Laden.” Thus, many
about on this 2010 MLK day?  people viewing this magazine cover will associate Bin Laden and terrorism with Black youth
 Well, I assume that I am the direct descendant of a brave African warrior and his proud (both consciously and unconsciously). It is quite difficult for me to view this as anything but a
African queen; but unfortunately, the only thing I can prove through documentation is that I am terrorist, propaganda attack leveled against Black youth (especially those of African and African-
the descendant one of 119 slaves owned by Gen. Alexander Gray (August 1768-July 1864), a American descent).
wealthy plantation owner, of Randolph County, N.C.  It is highly improbable that you did not foresee that your magazine cover would have this
Of the 119 slaves, their monetary values are listed to range from $100 to $1,000. My heart is affect, as I hold no educational degree whatsoever and could immediately see the anchoring
heavy when I think about it, but I and my family have chosen to focus on the fact that in Gen. technique employed on the Jan. 11, 2010, Newsweek cover. Irresponsible journalism such as
Alexander’s last will and testament, he directed that “no separation be made between husband that employed in this magazine creates an atmosphere of distrust among Americans and fans the
and wife or young children or from their mother when sold.” The general was a “socially flames of fear and intolerance worldwide. As your magazine is in Wal-Mart, Barnes & Noble,
conscience” humanitarian. However, Gen. Alexander Gray or one of his sons may share DNA Safeway, and on newsstands everywhere, you must be held responsible and accountable for your
with my great-great-grandfather, Charles Gray.  That is a piece of history that I hope I shall never actions.
know. How many citizens of this and other countries will be able to
On this MLK Day I pay tribute to Charles Gray and his son Jerry Gray, both slaves of distinguish Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab from the many Black youth
Gen. Alexander Gray, born in 1830 and 1848, respectively. Without their struggle, pain and who walk the streets of major cities? Do you not think that you
determination to survive, I would not be here. We simply cannot ignore how slavery has should have been more responsible, especially in light of the racial
influenced our racial amalgamation and the current state of our union.  profiling and police shootings that occur on a weekly basis in urban
I feel that we, the graduates of historically Black universities, fraternities and sororities, have centers throughout the United States? Why was the Nike sign on the
the responsibility for continuing to study Black history, in as much as it will influence the future jacket digitally enhanced? What is the motive? What am I to think of
of our children.  I recognize my father, Charles L. Gray Sr., and mother, Ernestine H. Gray, who American journalism, the American educational system, and the present
spent many years and thousands of dollars to research the Gray family history. Their efforts have state of American society when I can walk into a bookstore and see
provided me some personal perspective about Martin Luther King’s dream of freedom, equality such filth on the top shelf?
and the coming of the Lord.  While in the store, two Ethiopian teens were there also. They were
Perhaps the next challenge for my son, Kevin Dream Gray and I is to research and find our taken aback by the same magazine cover. Just reading the titles of the
descendants, that lived on the continent of Africa. We must find the brave African warrior and his various articles in the magazine, I could see that the whole magazine
proud African queen whose names and identity seem to be lost between the pages of history.    was designed to send – with military precision – the message that
America is clearly divided (or will be divided) by you and those who
LTC, (Ret.) Herbin L. Gray share your thought patterns, and that we are to get with the classist, divisive program or else.
United States Army Interestingly, I saw no mailing address or e-mail addresses to which someone could respond to
this “journalistic assault” on the American and international reading public anywhere in your
Are America’s Black Elite Helping Haitians? magazine.
Some readers of this letter might think I am going too far. OK. Well, imagine it was a photo
Have any Black/African-American celebrities or professional athletes donated or set up of someone’s wife or mother on the cover, with the words “the New Prostitution” below the
fundraisers for Haitians? I’m an African American helping with the Red Cross. But what are you photo. Even if that woman was wife or mother of the year, we would associate that face with
as African-American newspapers, celebrities and professional athletes doing? To me it looks like “the New Prostitution.” Well, I now associate your magazine with filth. I pray you take the rest
NOTHING! of 2010 as an opportunity to clean up your act. It’s 2010, people; wake up.

Bertha Richmond James Will Power

Director of Advertising/Sponsorship Development & Sales Global Markets

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January 23, 2010 - January 29, 2010, The Baltimore Afro-American A9

For Worried Homeowners, Information Is Power
As a local radio station Once-healthy savings accounts and rainy day funds are Relief Program I had proposed in an earlier bill. I’m hopeful
reminds us: “Information is nearly exhausted, and the extended unemployment benefits we the administration will join me in urging the Senate to include
power.” In the wake of near- authorized are not enough to cover all the income homeowners comparable help for financially distressed homeowners in its
record unemployment and the have lost. version of this pending legislation.
most severe housing crisis in This is why it’s so important for our communities to hold Closer to home, I know the knowledge and contacts
decades, the power of relevant on to the jobs they have. Government is doing all it can to help available at my free Foreclosure Prevention Workshops can
information can help people people hold onto their jobs and homes. Our best estimate is that also make a difference.
save their homes. the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act – the “stimulus” Many homeowners are experiencing difficulty
That’s why I’m sponsoring – we enacted at the federal level is directly or indirectly communicating with their mortgage lenders or loan-servicing
my third free Foreclosure responsible for nearly 14,000 Maryland jobs – either created or companies. That’s why I invite representatives from 25-30
Prevention Workshop from saved. major mortgage firms to our Foreclosure Prevention Workshops
9 a.m. – 3 p.m. Feb. 6 at Last month I joined my Democratic colleagues in the for face-to-face meetings with their homeowners.
Woodlawn Senior High House of Representative to pass and send to the Senate for its Other troubled homeowners are unclear about their legal
School, 1801 Woodlawn approval the Jobs for Main Street Act (H.R. 2847). Among rights, so our workshops include legal and practical advice
Drive. other features, this legislation includes nearly $27 billion in from knowledgeable experts.
Elijah E. Cummings Every person worried additional federal support for teachers, firefighters and police Although a congressional office cannot force a family’s
about paying their mortgage officers. lender to work things out, in most situations, we can bring
should strongly consider attending. I offer this advice whether Much of this initiative will support an Education Jobs homeowners and their lenders together. This is what we will be
the cause for your concern is a predatory loan or the loss of Fund to help states like Maryland pay for 250,000 education doing at the Foreclosure Prevention Workshop.
income. jobs during the next two years and I remain hopeful that more Those seeking to modify their mortgage loans at this free
During the Bush administration – when this foreclosure economic help for our community is on the way. workshop can call 410-685-9199 for information. They also
epidemic began – the driving force of the crisis was predatory The critical challenge is to help economically stressed should register in advance on our website at www.house.gov/
lending, resulting in loans that shouldn’t have been made – the homeowners keep their homes until better economic times cummings so their lender will be better able to respond to their
“sub-prime” and “adjustable rate” mortgages. Many of our arrive. Meeting this challenge is why the growing network of individual concerns on Feb. 6.
neighbors are still heavily engaged in fighting those battles state, federal and non-profit assistance to worried homeowners Then, they should bring copies of their critical documents
and, fortunately, federal and state assistance continues to be is so important. with them to the workshop – the school will not provide
available. In some cases, federal funding may help homeowners copiers. These copies should include a detailed hardship letter;
Today, however, my office is also receiving an increasing modify their existing mortgage loan. For example, the Making two most recent pay stubs; two most recent monthly bank
number of calls for assistance from troubled homeowners Home Affordable Refinancing Program has been designed to statements; 2007 and 2008 tax returns, any default letters, late
having difficulty making ends meet because they have lost their expand access to refinancing for up to 4 million to 5 million notices or foreclosure notices and a detailed list of monthly
jobs or had their hours cut back at work. families, who are current on their mortgages but unable to household expenses.
With unemployment at 10 percent nationally and 15.6 refinance because their homes have lost value. Information is power. For anyone having difficulty paying
percent within African-American communities, it’s hardly I believe federal help should also be extended to the their mortgage, the time to learn about available options is now.
surprising money is tight for an increasing number of families. growing number of homeowners who have lost their jobs Working together, we can make it through these difficult
Economists inform us that nearly 220,000 Marylanders or had their income temporarily reduced during the current
economic times.
are now actively looking for work. That, however, is not the economic downturn – a position I emphasized during a recent
full extent of the economic challenge we face. Layoffs and conversation with Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner.
Congressman Elijah E. Cummings represents Maryland’s
furloughs continue and overtime hours have been reduced or On Dec. 12 I voted for House passage of the Wall Street
eliminated. Second jobs that previously allowed families to Reform and Consumer Protection Act (H.R. 4173) that Seventh Congressional District in the United States House of
make that monthly mortgage payment are gone. includes $3 billion in funding for an Emergency Mortgage Representatives.

Showing What Crazy Looks Like

(NNPA) — As President ought to be storming the airwaves denouncing Rush Limbaugh, your nose and call me back.” He asked his audience, “Have you
Barack Obama directs aircraft the mouthpiece of the GOP. Limbaugh has become so zealous ever noticed how all composite pictures of wanted criminals
carriers and transport planes and frothy in his crusade to smear President Obama that he has resemble Jesse Jackson?” Of civil rights groups, he said, “the
jammed with food and become the symbol of a lunatic. NAACP should have riot rehearsal. They should get a liquor
medicine, and as physicians, How can Republicans put up with this kind of callous store and practice robberies.” Recently he has enjoyed playing
relief workers and journalists political venom? Why aren’t their leaders denouncing the song “Barack the Magic Negro” on the air.
risk their lives to help Limbaugh and Robertson? Is it because the GOP is so intent on It is not our president who is failing but Limbaugh who
beleaguered Haitians, the making our president fail, as Limbaugh has decreed, that they is failing as a human being. In addition, it is Pat Robertson
callous, venomous statements will twist every presidential act, no matter how noble, to satisfy who should know the devil is not confined to Haiti – which
of Rush Limbaugh and the their own pathetic objectives? incidentally is 80 percent Christian – when evil abounds
Rev. Pat Robertson show just Where, for example, is RNC chairman Michael Steele? If everywhere.
how irrelevant the GOP has there is any hope for the GOP to be anything but a Gross Old In stating that Haitians made a pact with the devil, the
become. Party, he should be out front putting Limbaugh in his place. But GOP’S vicar is apparently referring to a voodoo ceremony
Rev. Dr. Barbara With gifts to the American the last time Steele corrected Limbaugh, it was Steele who later that in Haitian national mythology initiated the 1848 French
Reynolds Red Cross totaling about $35 cowed in a corner, backtracking on his statements. revolution. In the ceremony, Haitian leader Boukman
million in the first 48 hours By allowing the GOP to be painted as “haters,” without a supposedly said: “The White man’s god asks him to commit
of the disaster, U.S. citizens text-messaging millions, school challenge from the top, the party has segregated itself into a crimes. But the god within us wants to do good. Our god, who
children chipping in their spending change and CNN showing corner reserved for the greedy, the blamers and the spoilers, a is so good, so just, he orders us to revenge our wrongs. It’s he
the tragedy to the world, the ugly words coming from the place few people of good will want to reside. who will direct our arms and bring us the victory. It’s he who
Republicans have me saying “Thank God America is not like The ability to look at human suffering and make judgments will assist us. We all should throw away the image of the White
them. Not anymore.” only based on skin color is what we saw during Hurricane men’s god who is so pitiless. Listen to the voice for liberty that
At a time when thousands of Haitians were buried under Katrina under President George Bush. We saw U.S. citizens speaks in all our hearts.”
concrete, the best Limbaugh could muster was a twisted – war veterans, school children, teachers, soccer coaches, Most people reading these words see an oppressed people
political statement about how the president was offering grandmothers, some wrapped in the American flag – stranded rejecting the God of their oppressors, just as Black slaves once
humanitarian aid to “build credibility with both the light- on roof tops, sweltering on asphalt highways, knee-deep did in this country. In the minds of people like Robertson,
skinned and dark-skinned Black community in this country.” in rat infested waste shared with human bodies – while our however, those who reject the god who champions oppression
Then he said it was doubtful that “money being donated to government headed by George Bush relaxed at his Texas ranch. must be devil-worshippers.
Haiti through the White House Web site would actually go to We recoiled as we saw the U.S.-born Black population of New If the devil is running things as Robertson alleges he
the relief efforts,” suggesting the administration would use this Orleans labeled as “refugees” as justification for aid being slow clearly has found many cohorts in the party of Limbaugh and
money for their own special interests. to come. Robertson.
If that were not enough, televangelist Pat Robertson, who We are not fooled by a party who allows Limbaugh, who
once ran for president on the Republican ticket, said on his has announced the failure of Obama as his mission, to be its Dr. Barbara Reynolds, an ordained minister, is an author
“700 Club” TV show that Haiti’s troubles came from their mouthpiece and de facto WPIC (White person in charge).
of five books, including “Out of Hell & Living Well,”and
leadership making a pact with the devil some 200 years ago. Limbaugh stands for race hatred. In recent years, he reportedly
“Healing From the Inside Out.”
Every Republican who still has any semblance of decency told a Black caller on his radio show, “Take that bone out of

Haiti: Crisis and Opportunity (NNPA) — Much of what a policy followed by U.S. presidents since Jimmy Carter. on the country’s growth or human service needs. Much of this,
I feel about the monumental Despite the fact that over 10,000 Haitians attempted to come to I suspect, reflects the same bureaucratic paralysis characteristic
crisis in Haiti is similar to America in 1991 seeking political asylum for fear of retribution of the World Bank agencies in dealing with Africa and other
the Katrina hurricane in that after the popularly-elected President Jean-Bertrand Aristide Third World countries.
it was a man-made event was overthrown in a military coup, most were sent to Third I would propose that a separate independent agency be set
waiting to happen. Haiti has World countries or returned to the island. up answerable to the United Nations that would have the ability
existed in the backwater of Now, President Barack Obama has moved swiftly into to move with flexibility and speed to effect the reconstruction.
the most powerful country in the morass of this crisis, posing a striking difference to the It should have Haiti as the primary planning agency, but other
the world for 200 years as the manner in which George Bush handled Katrina. In this, he members such as the United States, China, the Dominican
poorest example of human has enunciated a short term goal of American leadership in Republic, Brazil—in effect, countries with the regional and
hospitality. providing relief, such as food, water, medical assistance and development capacity to move large-scale projects quickly.
But since the defeat of finding survivors. He has pledged $100 million, more than the Cuba should be considered for the excellence of its medical
the French by Haiti in 1804, paltry sum of $130 million of U.S. assistance per year now system that will be needed by Haiti for some time.
the character of U.S. policy given to a country that has an 80 percent poverty rate, the Then, a closer relationship between the United States and
Ron Walters Haiti must be developed that deepens the inter-play between
and relations has resembled highest in this hemisphere. The long-term set of policies must
Western resentment and focus on the reconstruction of Port-au-Prince and surrounding skilled Haitians and their interaction with their home country.
as such, Haiti has been left essentially to its own devises. damaged areas of the country to set it on a path to enter into There are thousands of skilled Haitians in this country, but
we have not developed the mechanisms to address wage
Frederick Douglass, who served briefly as U.S. consul to the 21st century. This could be a legacy that might far surpass
differentials, etc. and other problems that would allow them
Haiti in 1889 said in a speech that, “Haiti is so near us and so much of whatever else Obama confronts among Third World to easily transfer skills to their home country. Right now,
capable of being serviceable to us... [yet] she is the one country countries. remittances constitute one-quarter of the Haitian GDP, a
to which we turn the cold shoulder.” Given this, I disagree with the major recommendation of magnet for leaving there and keeping skills in this country.
He felt that the deep reason for the “coolness” is that “Haiti Jeffrey Sachs of Columbia University whose closeness to the The opportunity that could come from this crisis through
is Black.” He resigned when it became clear the United States World Bank has caused him to propose a special redevelopment an era of intense, positive involvement of America with Haiti,
aimed to annex the major port in that country against the committee attached to the Inter-American Development Bank. so close to our shores, could not only create pride in what
wishes of Haiti’s rulers. Part of the problem with his strategy is Haiti’s development Douglass called “the Black man’s country,” but contribute to
Since the days of Shirley Chisholm the Congressional may be placed at the doorstep of the IDB, since it, like the the reduction of racial animus here as well.
Black Caucus has attempted to influence the development of United States, has allowed the utter fractionation of economic
a positive policy toward Haiti. It tried to replace the current development and human assistance. There are more private Dr. Ron Walters is a political analyst and professor emeritus
at the University of Maryland College Park. His latest book is:
racist policy of allowing Whites from Cuba and other countries development and human service agencies in Haiti than in any
“The Price of Racial Reconciliation” (University of Michigan
to enter the United States, but denying Haitian immigration, other country in the world, yet they have not turned the corner
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January 23, 2010 - January 29, 2010, The Baltimore Afro-American B1

Gov. Martin O’Malley and wife

Catherine Curran O’Malley walk with
two of their four children
The N-Full-Motion Band

Band pauses
The New Edition for a musical
Marching Band breakdown

Photos by Anderson R. Ward The 2010

City Council President Baltimoreans gathered at the Rawlings-Blake, local NAACP Census float
Stephanie Rawlings- intersection of Martin Luther King branch President Marvin “Doc”
Blake walks with Jr. Boulevard and Eutaw Street to Cheatham and Maryland
supporters commemorate the life and legacy Gov. Martin O’Malley and his
of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. family.
Now in its 10th year, the annual Various city high schools, civic
parade featured appearances organizations and social groups
by Baltimore leaders like City also participated in the parade,
Council President Stephanie which drew thousands.

The Baltimore Westsiders Members of Attendees honor Dr.

Marching Band Baltimore’s Liberian Martin Luther King Jr.
community with posters and cheers

The third annual BET Honors award and Mary J. Blige’s medley of R&B
Recording industry show featured a bevy of today’s hits like “Be Happy” to celebrate P.
executive Kevin Liles top Black entertainers and several Diddy, who received an award for his
and guest moving performances that honored entrepreneurial work.
music icons and legends in the BET also honored educator
making. Ruth Simmons and renowned
Actress April Woodard Some of the night’s standout neurosurgeon Keith Black for their
moments included Jennifer dedication to the Black community.
Hudson’s powerful performance of Actress Gabrielle Union
BET Honors “I Will Always Love You” in honor of hosted the 2010 BET
Executive Producer Whitney Houston, vocalist Jazmine Honors, which was held
Lynn Harris Sullivan’s jazz-infused rendition of at the Warner Theater
“Rock Steady” and “Unforgettable” in the District. The show will
in entertainer Queen Latifah’s honor air Feb. 1 at 9 p.m. on BET.
Soul vocalist India Arie BET Honors
Photos by
and Shanon Sanders host and actress
Danita Delaney
Gabrielle Union

The Family Football star

that Preys star Clinton Portis Jazz saxophonist
Taraji Henson and guest, Sybil Sly Johnson

Author and actress R&B crooner

Victoria Rowell Honoree Keith Black Trey Songz
and wife, Carol Barnette

Former “Apprentice” Omarosa makes

an entrance with two guests
B2 The Baltimore Afro-American, January 23, 2010 - January 29, 2010

By Rosa Pryor

We are truly still blessed Night Club’s regular patrons. Open House on Jan. 31 at 3 Mr. Heath, saxophonist, These musicians will do
even with the good and Judson “Juddy” Hughes, the p.m. They are located 4210 composer of more than tunes by Mississippi John
bad things in our life. DJ, says you can wear your Primrose Ave. For more 100 jazz pieces; three-time Hurt, Louis Jordan, Bessie
Well, my dear friends jeans on Friday nights only, information call 410-358- Grammy nominee, and Smith and Baltimore’s own
please continue your prayers but no tennis shoes. The Arch 1105. performer on more than 125 Billie Holiday. Former Dan
and gift of giving to Haiti. Social Club is located at 2426 To my jazz lovers, a new albums, has earned a place Hicks swing guitar maestro,
Such a sad situation. Some Pennsylvania Ave. on the book called I Walked with of honor in the history of Baltimore’s Tom Mitchell
things that we complain about corner of North Avenue. Giants was recently released. jazz. Over his long career, sits in. The event is presented
seem so insignificant now. Ladies, do you have plans It is the autobiography of Heath knew many jazz giants by CA & Baltimore Blues
The Silver Shadow Night of tying the knot? Are you renowned saxophonist Jimmy such as Charlie Parker, and Society.
Club in Columbia, Md., getting married this year and Heath. The foreword is by played with other innovators, Many friends welcomed
closed their doors forever on you need help with anything Bill Cosby and introduction including John Coltrane, Charlie Butler home a couple
Jan. 2. The Arch Social Club and everything? Then Nikita by Wynton Marsalis; written Miles Davis and especially of weeks ago, although
has opened their doors to Haysbert invites you to the by Jimmy Heath and Joseph Dizzy Gillespie. wheelchair bound, he was
welcome all of Silver Shadow 2010 Forum Caterers Bridal McLaren. In his new book, Heath the same Charlie Butler with
Mark Wenner is a well his usual smile and since of
known blues musician humor.
Yours truly and my “Boo-

with his custom Hohner
Harmonica. He and his Boo, Shorty” are sponsoring
group, Akousti-Kats with a cruise. It is designed so
SHAWN EDWARDS, FOX-TV Esther Haynes and Tom that all my friends and fans
Mitchell will be performing with their family and friends
WANTS YOU TO WIN A FREE DVD! on Jan. 22, 8 p.m. for the can share a wonderful week
Creative Alliance at the of fun, partying, sand and
Patterson 3134 Eastern blue waters and give me
Ave. an opportunity to meet my
readers. So come on and go
reminisces about a South cruising with Rambling Rose
Philadelphia home filled on the Carnival’s Pride from
with music and a close-knit Baltimore on April 3-10,
family that hosted musicians 2011. My travel agent, Paula
performing in the city’s then Dozier, of DTS Midway
thriving jazz scene. His book Vacations has put together
is available for purchase a dynamite package with
and signing. For more a breakdown of affordable
information, call 215-462- payments scheduled to make
2000. it easy for you. One of the
Mark Wenner’s ports is Nassau, Bahamas,
Akousti-Kats with Esther where we will spend a day.
Haynes & Tom Mitchell, First deposit is due this
renowned blues group, will month. Call her at 410-580-
be performing at Creative 5880 to get your application
Alliance at the Patterson, form.
3134 Eastern Ave. on Jan.
22, 8 p.m. The Nighthawks We Have Lost a Few Loved
blues singer and harmonica Ones This Month
icon Mark Wenner assembles • We send out our love
and prayers to the families
of Keith Covington for the
loss of his mother Helen
Covington. The memorial
service was Jan. 9 at Howell
Funeral Home, 3331 Brehms
AND REGISTER TO WIN! for the loss of their brother-
in-law, Marvin Harrison.
No purchase necessary. Supplies limited. One DVD copy per winner
on a first come, first served basis. Employees of all promotional The services were Jan. 16
NOW PLAYING partners are not eligible. Decisions final. This film is rated R. Nadine Rae, a well- at Vaughn Greene Funeral
SORRY, NO PASSES ACCEPTED FOR THIS ENGAGEMENT known blues vocal artist Home, 4905 York Road.
Baltimore area, was
• Our love also to Joyce
Gates, former owner of
involved in a bad car a local night club and
accident on Christmas journalist, whose soul-mate
Eve. She is now home Phil passed away Jan. 12. His
recuperating. funeral was Jan. 19 at John
Wesley A.M.E. Zion Baptist
an all-star District-based side Church in Washington, D.C.
project. Multiply WAMMY We pray for the people
winner, Esther Haynes, Big in Haiti. It is about that time
Joe Maher on vocals and my friends. If you need me,
drums, Mac Cridlin on bass, please feel free to call me at
J.C. Veve on national steel 410-833-9474 or e-mail me at
guitar and Keith Grimes on rosapryor@aol.com.
electric. Together, this crew’s UNTIL NEXT WEEK,
worked with the likes of I’M MUSICALLY YOURS.
Chuck Brown, Eva Cassidy I’LL SEE YOU AT THE
and the Pointer Sisters. NEWSSTAND.

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January 23, 2010 - January 29, 2010, The Washington Afro-American B3

See more at afro.com: ‘Post Black’ Book Review

BET Honors Rings in Star-Studded New Year

By George Barnette “I love being in D.C.,” said Union. “I have a lot of great that hit Haiti.
AFRO Staff Writer friends in this city. It’s gotten so sexy. I love walking around, “Obviously, that’s very devastating particularly for a country
driving around and seeing great, beautiful, accomplished Black without resources like Haiti,” said Dr. Black. “The process is
On Jan. 16, the star-studded BET Honors came to the people running this town. I love it.” going to be a long road to rebuilding and healing. I think we all
District. The event exemplified Black power, drawing stars Meanwhile, Trey Songz expressed how much he’s enjoying are working to do everything we can to make sure Haiti has the
from all walks of entertainment, from music and movies to TV the success of his current album, Ready. “It’s a blessing, man,” resources that they need to get through this process.”
and sports. said the Virginia native. “I’ve come a long way and to be where “The difficult thing right now is we’re trying supplies into
The third-annual event, held to honor the achievements of I’m at now is definitely a blessing.” Haiti and we can’t,” said Omarosa Manigault-Stallworth of
African Americans in entertainment, took place at the Warner For local football fans, the Washington Redskins’ Devin “Apprentice” fame. “What I’m telling people is to make sure
Theatre. Thomas and Clinton Portis worked the red carpet and expressed they were credible organizations like Yéle, which is Wyclef’s
Honorees included Dr. Keith Black (public service), their excitement about playing for new head coach Mike organization, to get money into Haiti and make a difference.”
Sean “Diddy” Combs (entrepreneurship), Whitney Houston Shanahan next season. “I’ll definitely be a Redskin next Perhaps the most stirring moment of the evening was when
(entertainment) Queen Latifah (media) and Ruth J. Simmons season,” said Portis. “You know I worked with Shanahan Combs spoke about his mother’s work ethic and how it inspired
(education). before and I’m glad I get the opportunity to do it again.” him. He described her 20-hour work days and the lengths she
The event was hosted by Gabrielle Union and featured Added Thomas, “It’s a new step, a fresh step for us. It’s took to provide for her children.
performances by Trey Songz, Stevie Wonder, Jennifer Hudson, what we need... change and change for the better and hopefully Combs said, as a result, his one dream growing up was to
India.Arie and Patti LaBelle among others. it leads to a successful 2010.” make sure his mother “never had to work again.”
On the red carpet, Union expressed her new-found love for While the evening was meant to honor luminaries in their
Washington, D.C., and all it has to offer. particular field, thoughts weren’t far from the recent earthquake See B1 for photos from the 2010 BET Honors award show.

Book Review
Virginia Hamilton:
Speeches, Essays &
By Kam Williams
Special to the AFRO

“In the 35 years between the publication of her first book “When you rise in the morning, in Randallstown, we reflected on the Wanda Watts for an afternoon of tea
and her death in 2002, Virginia Hamilton earned a place of give thanks for the light, for your life, coldness of this Sunday compared at the Victorian styled house. We
honor in the pantheon of children’s literature… Hamilton’s for your strength. Give thanks for to the original date when 22 inches arrived dressed, or so we thought,
books were about illuminating black experience in America, the your food and for the joy of living. If of snow cancelled the ceremony. until the staff informed us that we
journey of black people across what she called the American you see no reason to give thanks, the The sweet spirit in the chapel had needed to go to the parlor and get
hopescape. She stated, more than once, that she saw her fault lies in yourself.” - Tecumseh everyone glowing with the warmth of dressed up. We entered a parlor
work as helping to portray ‘the essence of a people who are a family and friends. filled with colorful hats, scarves,
parallel culture community of America,’ while at the same time The gathering at the charming gloves and jewelry. Oh, the laughter
revealing the universality among peoples. Greenbelt, Md., home of Beautiful Guests in attendance witnessing and giggles as we tried on and
This collection of Hamilton’s essays, speeches and Black Crystal creator Barbara the renewal of their vows and selected accessories to compliment
conversations is significant because it sheds light on the genius Foreman was a splendid afternoon. later celebrating at the Knights of our already stylish outfits.
behind her profoundly important body of work. These pieces The invitation inviting Beautiful Columbus on Liberty Road were:
show Hamilton as a serious scholar of history and folktales and Black Crystal (BBC) members to an Evelyn and Mitchell Pollack, Dr. The five-course tea consisted of
make clear the importance of place, time, family, and history to afternoon of dessert and champagne Louise Johnson, Odessa Goodman, scones, sweet potato biscuits, jams,
her and to her work… For those of us who knew and admired
set the crystal tone as Black Crystals Robert Taylor, Frances Jeffries, creams, finger sandwiches, soup,
her, this collection offers the chance to ‘hear’ her voice again
Sherre Washington, Glowdean Calvin Hill, Sir Peter Albimira desserts and of course assorted teas.
and be reminded once more of the enormity of her talent and
Catching, Virginia Hubbard, Sylvia and wife Rita, Father Andy, I selected the chai. I was the guest
the richness of her legacy.”
—Excerpted from the Introduction by Rudine Sims Bishop
Sharp, Jeanne Fields and Isabell Father McCovern, Father Collins, of Wanda Watts, who graciously
(pgs. 11-12) Pettiford arrived dressed in shades of Steven and Nancy Roscher and informed me that when you order
black. granddaughter Madelyn Wilson, tea with cream you say, “I want a
Over the course Renn Roscher, Delaphine Watts, cup of wet tea.” Our hostess Cash
of her illustrious The spectacular table with Keith and Kathy Goins and staffers Hester, the event planner, toasted
career, Virginia black crystals sprinkled throughout Nee Nee, Adrian and Shirley from everyone with champagne, a perfect
Hamilton earned the table setting was resplendent Club Climax. “It’s a family affair.” compliment to a lovely day. For
every major honor with assorted cakes, pies, gourmet Their children Rodney, Darrell, Kim reservations call 410-889-7112.
for which her chocolates and cheesecakes. and their spouses, along with the
children’s books The champagne, wines and teas grand and great-grand children, did “But it’s no use going back to
were eligible: the complimented the desserts as an outstanding job preparing and yesterday, because I was a different
Newbery Medal, we indulged in the calorie-laden hosting the reception for Ann ad Ray. person then.” – Alice in Wonderland
the National treats with guilty abandonment. “When you’re young and in love.”
Book Award, the The hostess’ favorite pomegranate They met at the Sphinx Club in May “Its celebration time.” Happy
NAACP Image champagne was a healthy but 1959 and married at St Peters Claver birthday Dr Charles Towns, Candes
Award, the Hans elegant mixture of champagne and in December 1959. What a “love Daniels, Ora Reed and Daisy Reeder.
Christian Andersen pomegranate juice. story.” Special birthday wishes to Scott
Award and the
Peaker and Janice Lyons on their
Coretta Scott King
We were delighted when a few “Straight no chaser.” The Water 50th birthdays and Connie Smith
Award, to name a
of Prince George’s County’s movers Street Jazz Club at Vellegias, located celebrating her 65th birthday.
few. Among her
many masterpieces were works like The People Could Fly, a
and shakers, including Greenbelt’s in an area that used to be brimming
collection of two dozen, magically-illustrated folktales relied Mayor Pro Tem Emmett Jordan, with nightclubs, is back. The Craig Flowers to Chef Emmy Distance
upon by Blacks to cope during slavery. political strategist Carletta Fellows Alston Quartet featuring Greg Hatza, of Sista’s Place, who is recuperating
But because Hamilton’s work was aimed at children, her and James Williams, legislative Eric Kennedy and a stand up bass at Good Samaritan.
readers never got much of an idea about what motivated her to director for Rep. Carolyn Kilpatrick, player was awesome. When I closed
create such a bounty of inspired literary treasures. Fortunately, dropped in to welcome us to my eyes it sounded like Thelonious “Behold, I tell you a mystery;
Arnold Adoff, with the help of fellow editor Kacy Cook, culled Prince George’s County. James is Monk, Coltrane and Art Blakely were we will not all sleep, but we will
through his late wife’s papers, and the upshot of their efforts also the owner of New Clothes to playing. The club has table seating all be changed, in a moment, in
is Virginia Hamilton: Speeches, Essays & Conversations, a You in Lanham, Md., a high-end for dining or sofas for lounging. The the twinkling of an eye, at the last
veritable, posthumous memoir which offers a compelling peek consignment shop. staff was very attentive, the mood trumpet.”- Corinthians 15: 51-52
into how the innovative author’s mind worked. mellow and John Lee of Zenith
For instance, she shares that The People Could Fly was “one “But the Lark is so brimful of Hospitality was the perfect host. Prayers to Lee Stokes on the death
of those thoroughly pleasurable projects that one comes upon gladness and love, the green fields of his mother Georgia Stokes; to
occasionally... It didn’t feel like work; it felt like an exploration below him, the blue sky above, that “Happiness is that state of Victor Batts’ family, his wife Valerie,
of my own heart and being.” he sings, and forever sings “I love consciousness which proceeds from his brother Handsome and sister
Overall, the collection paints a rich portrait of a literary my Love, and my Love loves me!” - the achievement of one’s values.” - Linda Batts on his death and to the
icon revealing her to be a brilliant, opinionated and, fiercely Samuel Coleridge Taylor Ayn Rand family of Phil Brown on his death.
independent soul whose legacy and innovative approach to
storytelling deserves to be the subject of study not merely by
Congratulations to my good A Mad Hatter Tea Party “Turn off the lights” for
African Americans but by English scholars of all hues for
neighbors Ray and Annie Butler, I felt like Alice in Wonderland Teddy Pendergrass Jan. 23 at Enon
generations to come.
owners of Club Climax, on their 50th when I entered the Thir Tea First St. Tabernacle Baptist Church, 2800 W.
Virginia Hamilton: Speeches, Essays & Conversations wedding anniversary. Café & Tea Room to join Jannette Cheltenham Ave. in Philadelphia.
Edited by Arnold Adoff & Kacy Cook “Baby its cold outside.” Witmyer, Sheila Goodwin, Claudia
Blue Sky Press During the “high noon” service Randall, Janet Waters, Madelyn
Hardcover, $29.99 as we gathered to worship and McCraney, Oletha DeVane, Joyce -Valerie & the Friday Night
368 pages witness Ray and Annie Butler’s Scott, Dale Alston, Pat Tunstall, Bunch
ISBN: 978-0-439-27193-6 celebration at Holy Family Church Randi Vega, Carol Reckling and A luta continua
B4 The Baltimore Afro-American, January 23, 2010 - January 29, 2010


See more at afro.com: Howard Basketball Hosts FAMU

Gilbert Arenas Spoofed in Online Comedy Film

Exclusive interview with film writer and actor Dylan Moody
By Perry Green It’d be easy for an actor to go too far one way or the other, but
AFRO Sports Editor Dylan nailed it.”
Moody said that up until recently when Gilbert was
Most personal friends or associates of Wizards suspended charged for felony gun possession, the basketball star had
guard Gilbert Arenas would describe the 28-year-old always carried himself as a clean cut, hard working, and classy
basketball star as a one-of-a-kind character. Some would even gentleman, so he really had nothing bad to draw from Gil to
say Arenas does things that you’d expect to see in a fiction help during scenes that involved negativity. 
movie. “It was my own inner creativity that had to manifest a more
That’s exactly what up-and-coming actor/film writer Brian sinister mentality when portraying his character,” Moody said.
Spaeth thought in 2005 when he first began putting together “More than anything, Gilbert’s essence has always been one
characters for his full-length feature film, Who Shot Mamba?, of charisma - he’s a presence. I tried to bring that through
an NBA-focused comedy that will become one of the world’s
whether he was being a good guy or a bad guy.” 
first Broadband Motion Pictures streamed online upon its
While you’re waiting for the release of the film online—
release this month.
which also co-stars basketball legend Bill Walton—you
Spaeth took on the film’s lead role, Merri Sherman, who
can take a sneak peak at video clips of the parody at
was framed for the murder of his best friend, a charismatic
WhoShotMamba.com. In the meantime, Spaeth says they’re
talking snake named Mamba. Spaeth’s character must follow
currently brainstorming for Who Shot Mamba? Part II.
the “ominous, doom-laden instructions of the Prophesy of the
Orange Roundie – a magical basketball – in order to unravel “We’re hoping to be able to do a sequel, and the real oddity
the truth and clear his name.” is that where I’ve always seen the Stadiums character going in
But while Spaeth was developing the characteristics of the Courtesy Photo the next movie is very close to what’s happening to Arenas in
villain of his film, he was inspired by the unique, charismatic
Actor Dylan Moody portrays Calvin Stadiums, a blatant real life now.”
parody of Gilbert Arenas.
personality of Wizards star Arenas.
“At the time I conceived WSM?, Gilbert was just making
his name nationally in that first NBA Playoff series against the or fate or coincidence - whichever of those you believe in,” NFL Conference Championship Preview

Final Four Face Off

Cleveland Cavaliers,” Spaeth told the AFRO. “It was right Spaeth said.
around that time his blog was starting to blow up also, and the The similarities between Stadiums and Arenas are so close
guy was just so unique.” that Arenas nearly agreed to play the character himself a few
At the moment Spaeth—a Cleveland Ohio native—speaks years ago.
By Stephen D. Riley
of, the Wizards had just been eliminated from the playoffs by “We talked to Gilbert’s people about this and there was a
AFRO Staff Writer
the Cavaliers, which triggered a three-year playoffs rivalry loose handshake agreement for him to be in the film,” Spaeth
between the Wizards and Cavs. During that season, Gilbert had explained. “His schedule was tough to work with, but what Peyton Manning’s Offense vs. Rex Ryan’s Defense
begun a web blog that displayed his goofy, unusual and often really sealed the decision for us was meeting Dylan.” It may not be the matchup most viewers wanted, but it’s
unpredictable behavior off the basketball court. That’s when Dylan Moody is an actor from Santa Barbara, Calif., who certainly what they’ll get. The New York Jets (11-7) will
Spaeth decided to make his villain a parody of Arenas. nailed the role of Calvin Stadiums. Moody played basketball travel to Indianapolis to take on the top-seeded Colts (14-3)
“It just sort of made sense to me,” Spaeth said. “And when in college so it was almost natural for him to portray an in the always marketable
the name Calvin Stadiums popped into my head, it screamed NBA player. After watching several online interviews and battle of David vs.
‘iconic’ and that was that.” documentary specials on Arenas, Moody was ready to breathe Goliath. The Jets, fresh off
Calvin Stadiums’ character - who goes by the title, life into the Stadiums character. their upset victory over the
Henchman Zero and wears the jersey number 0 – is known “I didn’t want to do an imitation. I more so wanted to find second-seeded San Diego
as an iconic basketball star with a quirky personality. In the the foundation of where this quirky personality was,” Moody Chargers, defeated the
film, Stadiums performs over-the-top jokes and leads a cult told the AFRO. Colts, 29-15, in a week 16
obsessed with the NBA’s shortly used and retired synthetic “I went back and read a lot of his old blog and read up on meeting during the regular
basketball. Stadiums also fuels a situation that involves gun him, as well. I’m a basketball fan, so I was pretty familiar with season but Indianapolis
play, which heightens the fictional reflection of real-life Gilbert him already. I threw a little Michael Jordan into Calvin, too.” rested several of their
starters after halftime of
Arenas. But Spaeth said Moody didn’t really need to research
that game while New York
“The film was finished in the summer of 2008, so that Arenas’ personality too much because they already shared
was fighting for a playoff
this is all happening now during our release is a bit of karma similar characteristics.
“He had the charismatic presence of a pro athlete, is a New York first-year
phenomenal and fearless actor, and instinctively knew the quarterback Mark Sanchez will make the third time in the
delicate balance between serious and ridiculous [that] we last five seasons that a rookie quarterback has started in the
needed in the character,” Spaeth said. “We’re talking about an AFC’s Conference Championship game.
arrogant professional athlete who’s also completely insane. The Baltimore Ravens’ Joe Flacco made his appearance
last year while the Pittsburgh Steelers’ Ben Roethlisberger
started as a rookie in the 2004 title game. Sanchez
will be hoping for a better outcome as both Flacco and
Roethlisberger lost their championship starts.
Indianapolis quarterback Peyton Manning will be making
his fourth AFC title game appearance but 2009’s MVP will
face a difficult task against defensive guru Rex Ryan. The
Jets head coach has transformed New York’s defense into
an aggressive blitz-heavy group, the kind of defense that
Manning has struggled with in past playoff appearances.
FOR The Jets’ defense is led by third-year cornerback Darrelle
1-800-827-0764 Revis, widely regarded as the best cornerback in the league.
Revis’ play this season has been one of the headliners in the
Jets’ success and his ability to handle marquee receivers in
one-on-one matchups has been widely acknowledged across
the league.
Revis will likely matchup with Manning’s top target,
Reggie Wayne, and that battle will be critical towards the
game’s outcome. Manning and Wayne have made a living of
exposing secondaries this season, but Revis’ presence could
influence Manning to look elsewhere with the football.
While the Colts will be heavily favored, the Jets actually
Booklovers’ B R E A K F A S T matchup extremely well with Indianapolis. The play of
Revis and the Jets secondary could neutralize Manning and
featuring the Colts explosive passing attack while New York’s league-
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Serving your community since 1908 Continued on B5
January 23, 2010 - January 29, 2010, The Baltimore Afro-American B5

Forest Park National Champs Celebrate for MLK

By Perry Green marching bands was the regular season with a 10-0
AFRO Sports Editor Forest Park Little League record, Forest Park fell to the
Cadets’ 7-10-year-old football Spirit of Faith Warriors, 21-
Many of Baltimore City’s team. The young athletes used 0, in the state championship.
finest attractions participated MLK Day to extend their But the Cadets bounced back
in the annual Martin Luther celebration after claiming shortly after with a lopsided
King Jr. Day parade held on the Little League National 28-8 victory against the
MLK Boulevard. Championship on Dec. 9, Arizona Timberwolves in the
Among the fancy sports 2009, in Florida. first round of the National
cars and high-stepping After finishing their Championship tournament on
Dec. 6. Forest Park followed

Final Four Face Off

up in the second round with a
14-6 win against the Addison
Cowboys on Dec. 8, and then
completely dominated the
Continued from B6
Upper Marlboro Gators, 27-0,
missing a slew of key players. for the national title.
The Vikings will be mostly healthy and will make a strong “My kids went out there
push on the road to get All-Pro quarterback Brett Favre, 40, and played disciplined, sound football,” said Cadets head coach Robert Frazier III, who has led his team to a 21-4 record during
one last shot at a Super Bowl. The challenge will be daunting the past two years. “It was like they put all emotions aside and played disciplined football until the final whistle.”
for the Vikings who will be up against a raucous Saints crowd Some of the players who stood out were runningback/linebacker Shamar Barnes, fullback/linebacker Joshua Curbean, tight
hungry for the club’s first Super Bowl appearance. end/cornerback Jordan Moore and quarterback/safety Jamal Pope. Barnes, who says superstar tailback Ladainian Tomlinson
Including their 34-3 over the Dallas Cowboys last week, is his favorite NFL player, scored five touchdowns during the national title playoffs. Pope added five touchdowns of his own
the Vikings have outscored their last two opponents, 78-10, during that span.
and appear to be on the right track after a late season slide. “I’m so proud of these kids,” Coach Frazier said. “They earned the championship the hard way.”
Minnesota has all the ingredients needed to advance including Coach Frazier said that winning the title not only proved how physically talented they are, but is also a testament to their
a strong running game, smothering defense and experienced good grades in school.
quarterback—the same ingredients the Cowboys used to cook “If you can’t perform in the classroom, you can’t perform on the field,” Frazier said. “We always tell them that education is
up an upset victory of the Saints at the Superdome earlier in first, fun is second and winning comes last.”
the season. Coach Frazier said some of his coaching staff couldn’t make the MLK parade, but he wanted to make sure folks knew
But when focused, New Orleans has been dominant at just how important assistant coaches Harry Davis, Rodney Davis and A. Cole were to the team’s success. He also expressed
times this season and will undoubtedly be tuned in for their appreciation for team parents Keisha Turner and Kim Bey, as well as Forest Park President Curtis Covington.
biggest game of the season so far. It will be the third meeting “None of this would have been possible without Curtis,” Frazier said. “He does so much for the youth of our community. We
between Favre and Saints quarterback Drew Brees with their really need more leaders like him.”
personal series tied at 1-1. It will also be Favre’s second NFC
title game appearance in the last three seasons.
The Saints will host the Vikings at the Superdome on Jan.
24 at 6:40 p.m.

Looking forward to

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ret005058 LF printAA 7.28x12.M.indd 1 1/18/10 1:00:31 PM

B6 The Baltimore Afro-American, January 23, 2010 - January 29, 2010

Ford Hopes to Win Consumers Back with Awards

By George Barnette American car and truck of Fusion for a very reasonable
AFRO Staff Writer the year awards, respectively. price,” said Betancourt. “The
According to a Ford press Fusion appeals to age groups,
Over the past several years, release, this is the first time anywhere from 20 to 70, so
American car companies have in 17 years one brand has it’s a very good car.”
taken a hit publicly. From bad garnered both awards. While the Fusion is well-
business practices to having to Local dealers are hoping known in the United States,
accept government bailouts, this news will bring the the Transit Connect is new to
the news out of Detroit hasn’t promise of new sales. American consumers. After
been so good. However, the “Hopefully this will sell more testing the concept in Europe,
only U.S. automaker to refuse vehicles,” said Clarance Ball, Ford decided it was time to
bailout funds believes it is a sales manager at Waldorf bring the vehicle to consumers
seeing the sunshine of a brand Ford. “It puts a positive back here at home. “In the
new morning. image in consumers’ eyes.” North American market,
On Jan. 11, at the North While this news was great there’s no vehicle to serve the
American International Auto for the Fusion brand, sales small business owner,” said
Show in Detroit, the Ford for the car were already the Anne Marie Gattari, a Ford
Fusion Hybrid and Ford highest they’d ever been. It spokeswoman. “So, we saw
Transit Connect won North seems the American public an opportunity in the market;
Courtesy Photo
The Ford Transit Connect won the 2010 North American Truck of the Year award. we had this van that had been
on sale and doing very well
in the European market since
2003, so we made the decision
to bring it over.”
Freedom Temple A.M.E. Zion Church Gattari also agrees that
(formerly John Wesley AME Zion Church)
900 Church Street having the media recognize
Brooklyn Park, Maryland 21225 Ford in such a way could be
Phone: 410-636-4747 • Fax: 410-636-4454 a game-changer. “The North
American Truck of the Year
Sun. Jan. 24 award is very prestigious,”
@ 10:45 a.m. Gattari said. “To have 50
Worship Service people come together and give
Former Congressman Kweisi Mfume, Guest Speaker
us a vote of confidence like
@3:30 p.m. this is a tremendous honor.”
Lift Every Voice and Sing Concert Although Ford is excited
Featuring about the awards, it also wants
Voices of Praise of Maryville College, The Singing Sensations,
Ashia Borders people to know that it has
Free Ticket Required for Admission St. Michael the Archangel consistently provided quality
vehicles and services.
*For free ticket, call 410-636-4747 or email freedomtempleamez@gmail.com
Become a member on our website www.freedomtempleamez.com
Afro American Paper Courtesy Photo
“Ford has been taking
The Ford Fusion Hybrid won 2010 North American Car of the Year award.
and Befriend us on Facebook! 3.55" x 4" steps along the last 15 or
already knew about the Heights, Md. “We should be 16 years to keep their price
Fusion. “It’s a good American- selling quite a few.” factors down without adding
made hybrid vehicle that gets “The Fusion in general a lot of unnecessary trim to
extremely good gas mileage is comfortable, has a nice keep the reliability of the car
and allocation has improved size trunk, it drives very in line, but also to keep the
from last year,” said Evelyn well, overall appearance price in line,” said Betancourt.
Betancourt, sales manager of the vehicle is great, and “Our price increases in the
at Sheehy Ford of Marlow you can basically get into a past 15 years have been very
minimum. It has been a great
accomplishment that we did
not suffer as much as a lot
FAITH of the other American car
DISCIPLINE [companies] did during this
KNOWLEDGE time period.”
While Ford stands in a
position that’s better than
MORALS some of its counterparts
in Detroit, there still lies a
negative perception about
American car companies and
St. Michael the Archangel School the product they put out. Ford
invites you to join us for our believes it’s ready to remove
any doubt about its name.
Open House on January 31, 2010 “We are making a
from 1 pm - 3 pm in the Gymnasium. commitment in every area,”
Our school starts at pre-k and finishes with the 8th grade. said Gattari. “We’re focusing
A before and after school program is also available. on our product launches
We have an all day pre-k and we also have one of the and our plans, making our
oldest in the Archdiocese (35 years) part day, part week
3 and 4 year program called God’s Little People.
company profitable for
stockholders and presenting
For more information please contact: good products to our
410-665-1054 • www.smoverlea.org/school
10 Willow Avenue, Baltimore, MD 21206

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MADAP is a program of the AIDS Administration
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B10 The Baltimore Afro-American, May 16, 2009 - May 22, 2009


T:20 in


YES! By taking just 10 minutes to answer 10 simple questions, you can

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Paid for by U.S. Census Bureau.

B8 The Baltimore Afro-American, January 23, 2010 - January 29, 2010

l ad 410-554-8200

Buy it • Sell it
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Rent it • Hire it


MUCH MORE! 1 Col. col. inch (an inch consists of up to 20 words).
Inch Mail in your ad on form below along with
CAN CO., 2519 N. Charles St., Baltimore, MD
21218, Attn: Clsf. Adv. Dept.
FRIDAY -- 2 PM Preceding Tuesday FRIDAY ONLY -- $26.54 Per Column Inch


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Delaware and DC, you
can reach over 2.5 mil-
lion households every
BALTIMORE CITY 11 12 13 14 15
week for only $495. For
Case No.:
more information contact 24D09004026
us at 410-721-4000 x19 IN THE MATTER OF 16 17 18 19 20
or visit our TAHVON
w e b s i t e : w w w. m d d c - FREDERICK
press.com JACKSON
Bedford Crossing FOR CHANGE OF
7221 Pahls Farm Way NAME TO NAME_________________________________________________
MLS#: BC7223836
Price: $215,000 IRS TAX DEBT KEEP- FATIU ADDRESS_____________________________________________
Long and Foster NOTICE BY PHONE NO.___________________________________________
CPA firm resolves all
Goodman Team PUBLICATION CLASSIFICATION_______________________________________
Federal and State tax
George Goodman The object of this suit
problems for individuals is to officially change (Room, Apt.,House, etc.) INSERTION DATE:_____________
and businesses. US Tax the name of the peti-
Resolutions, P.A. 877- tioner from
Diop Amun Kamau
for International RENTALS It is this 4th day of PUBLIC NOTICE CITY OF BALTIMORE
in Havre de Grace
hrs/mo. Cash & travel Ski Free/Stay Free! Circuit Court for Bal- AND DEPARTMENT OF RECREATION
accepting applications.
rewards. Must be 25+. Deep Creek Lake, MD. - timore City, APPLICATION ACCEPTANCE STATUS AND PARKS
#877-216-1293 Long & Foster Resort ORDERED, that pub- NOTICE OF LETTING
Must be 62 or older
Rentals 3rd night stay & lication be given one Effective January 31 2010, the Housing Authority of
or disabled. Client based
RV delivery drivers 3rd lift ticket free with 2 time in a newspaper of
on income. the City of Annapolis (HACA) will begin the implemen- Sealed Bids or Proposals, in duplicate ad-
needed. Deliver RVs, night rental & general circulation in dressed to the Board of Estimates of the
No phone calls. tation of a Site-Based Waiting List system. Current
boats and trucks for multi-day lift ticket pur- Baltimore City on or Mayor and City Council of Baltimore and
applicants on the Public Housing Waiting list will be


Pick up application at PAY! Deliver to all 48 chase (non-holiday; before the 4th day of contacted by mail and offered the opportunity to marked for RP 10809-Patterson Park En-
100 Revolution St. states and Canada. For restrictions apply)! Ski- February, 2010, which select up-to three developments as their potential trance at Patterson Park Avenue and Bal-
Havre de Grace, MD 21078 details log on to in/ski-out shall warn all housing choice. When the individuals’ name reaches timore Street will be received at the Office
between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. www.RVdeliveryjobs. and ski access homes. interested persons to the top of the waiting list, they will only be contacted of the Comptroller, Room 204, City Hall,
com 800.336.7303 www. file an affidavit in op- Baltimore, Maryland until 11:00 A.M. on Feb-
for a unit at the development(s) chosen.
DeepCreekResort.com position to the relief ruary 24, 2010. Positively no bids will be
requested on or be- HACA will continue to accept new applications to its
received after 11:00 A.M. Bids will be publicly
public housing program for prospective applicants
HELP WANTED fore the 15 day of Feb-
sixty-two of age or older and will accept new applica-
opened by the Board of Estimates in Room
OCEAN CITY, MARY- ruary, 2010. 215, City Hall at Noon.
SEARCHING - SALES LAND. Best selection of Frank M. Conaway tions for persons who are disabled, 55-years of age The Contract Documents may be examined,
affordable rentals. Full/ Clerk or older (near-elderly) for the Glenwood without charge, at the Department of Public
Financially burned TELEMARKETERS 1/22 Development only. Works Service Center located on the first
partial weeks. Call for
because of your P r o f e s s i o n a l HACA’s Public Housing Waiting List will remain floor of the Abel Wolman Municipal Building,
FREE brochure. Open
church? Dutch TV Telemarketers Wanted!! closed to all non-elderly applicants (i.e. individuals 200 N. Holliday Street, Baltimore, Maryland
maker is looking for daily. Holiday Real
people who took (sub
Work A Three Day Week
Estate. 1-800-638-2102. who are 61 years of age or younger and/or persons 21202 as of January 22, 2010 and copies
selling Classified with disabilities who are 54 years of age or younger.) may be purchased for a non-refundable cost
prime) loans encour- Online reservations:
aged by their church Advertising for a Any questions should be directed to HACA’s of $50.00.
(fe. wealth building Statewide Network of Admissions Office at 410-267-8000. Conditions and requirements of the Bid
seminars). Newspapers. Only LEGAL NOTICES Individuals in need of TDD Access should dial 711 on are found in the bid package.
Netwerktelevision@ Proven Sales Closers their telephone All contractors bidding on this Contract must
gmail.com Need Apply!!! Put Your IN THE CIRCUIT first be prequalified by the City of Baltimore
Gift of Gab to Work; Must COURT FOR Contractors Qualification Committee.
AD NETWORK Be Willing to Start BALTIMORE CITY Interested parties should call 410-396-6883
Immediately!!! Excellent Case No.: or contact the Committee at Room 634,
Ad Network Sales Phone Skills A 24D09003989 Charles L. Benton Building, 417 E. Fayette
IN THE MATTER OF Street, Baltimore, Maryland 21202. If a bid
Classifieds Must!!! Will Earn A Very
LEE ERIC BURNHAM Baltimore City Public Schools. is submitted by a joint venture (”JV”),
afro.com Your History • Your Community • Your News

Generous Commission.
are published Send Resume, Cover FOR CHANGE OF INVITATION FOR BIDS: then in that event, the document that
NAME TO BCS-10040 established the JV shall be submitted with
in 65 Letter to MDDC Press
LEE ERIC WITTHAM Provide Automatic Sprinkler the bid for verification purposes. The
newspapers. Association, Fax 410-
721-5909; E-Mail to jmur-
ORDER FOR Systems Inspection& Service Prequalification Category required for bidding
NOTICE BY at Various Baltimore City Public Schools on this project is G90017 Architectural Pav-
25 words $175 EOE. The object of this suit The Baltimore City Board of School Commis- Cost Qualification Range for this work shall
be $100,000.01 to $500,000.00.
(For more than is to officially change sioners is inviting interested companies to
submit bids to: BCS-10040. A ”Pre-Bidding Information” session will be
25 words there HELP WANTED the name of the peti-
tioner from conducted at 2600 Madison Avenue, Bal-
is an additional - TRUCK Lee Eric Burnham In order to participate, interested bidders timore, Maryland 21217 on Tuesday, Feb-
need to visit eMaryland Marketplace website ruary 2, 2010 at 10:00 A.M.
charge of DRIVER to
Lee Eric Wittham at https://ebidmarketplace.com Principal Items of work for this project are:
Asphalt Block Paths
$7 per word.) It is this 4th day of
January, 2010 by the Solicitation BCS-10040 will be available for The MBE goal is 22%
NEEDED! MORE HOME- Circuit Court for Bal- review commencing Friday, January 22, The WBE goal is 6%
Call TIME! TOP PAY! Up to timore City, 2010.
$.43/mile company driv- ORDERED, that pub- CONTRACT NO. RP 10809
(410) 554-8200 er! 12 months OTR lication be given one The Bid Due Date is Thursday, March 18,
required. HEARTLAND time in a newspaper of 2010, at 11:00 a.m. local time. No bids will APPROVED:
general circulation in be accepted after that time. Any questions Bernice H. Taylor
All ads must EXPRESS 1-800-441-
4953 www.heartlandex-
Baltimore City on or related to this solicitation should be directed Clerk, Board of Estimates
be prepaid press.com
before the 4th day of
February, 2010, which
to the Buyer.
David E. Scott P.E.
shall warn all Director of Public Works
HOMES FOR interested persons to City of Baltimore
file an affidavit in op- Department of Finance
SALE position to the relief Bureau of Purchases City of Baltimore
requested on or be- Department of Finance
Live & Online FORE- Sealed proposals addressed to the Board of Bureau of Purchases
fore the 15th day of
CLOSED HOME AUC- February, 2010. Estimates of Baltimore, will be received until,
AUTOMOBILE TION 700+ HOMES Must Frank M. Conaway but not later than 11:00 a.m. local time on Sealed proposals addressed to the Board of
DONATION Be Sold! Auction starts
Jan 30
Clerk the following date(s) for the stated Estimates of Baltimore, will be received until,
but not later than 11:00 a.m. local time on
1/22 requirements:
DONATE VEHICLE: REDC/View Full List the following date(s) for the stated
Receive $1000 GRO- www.Auction.com IN THE CIRCUIT FEBRUARY 3, 2010 requirements:
Shelters. Advanced ACREAGE IN THE MATTER OF B50001345 CONCRETE MIXER TRUCK B50001353
Veterinary Treatments.
on site, county approved WITTHAM www.baltimorecitybuy.org
ORDER FOR www.baltimorecitybuy.org
DONATE YOUR VEHI- & bonded. Excellent
CLE RECEIVE FREE bank financing, low down NOTICE BY
BREAST CANCER www.landsalelist.com is to officially change PUBLIC NOTICE
Mammograms, Breast FREE LIST of land bar- tioner from
Cancer Info gains 20 acres & up from Dori Deanne Witt The Chief of the Engineering and
www.ubcf.info FREE Only $79,900. Easy to Construction Division, designee of the Direc-
Towing, Tax Deductible,
Non-Runners Accepted,
drive, DC/ Balt. Excellent
financing. Call Now! 800-
Dori Deanne Wittham
It is this 4th day of To advertise in the tor of the Baltimore City Department of
Transportation will be in his office, Room 732,
Charles L. Benton Jr. Building, 417 E.
1-888-468-5964 888-1262 www.land- January, 2010 by the

salelist.com Circuit Court for Bal-
timore City,
ORDERED, that pub-
AFRO Fayette Street, Baltimore, Maryland 21202
on January 29, 2010 from 10:00 a.m. until
12:00 noon for the purpose of hearing and
considering protest and explain matters in
lication be given one connection with establishing the grade of the
Cherry Bedroom Set. time in a newspaper of
MASSAGE THERAPY – following new street in the plans for Contract

Solid Wood, never used, general circulation in
brand new in factory Learn fast, earn fast. No. TR10010.
Financial aid if qualified. Baltimore City on or
boxes. English Dovetail. before the 4th day of
A new career is at your This includes:
Original cost $4500. February, 2010, which

Sell for $795. Can deliv- fingertips. Call Centura
College 877-206-3353 shall warn all 1. Lowering Monument Street under Amtrak
er. 240-482-8721 interested persons to Bridge #MP-92.61 between Haven Street
file an affidavit in op- and Kresson Street. Station 2+00 to Station
SERVICES - position to the relief 6+00.
HELP WANTED MISC. requested on or be-
fore the 15th day of ALFRED H. FOXX, DIRECTOR
MUNITY TIES? EF February, 2010.
EARNINGS IN 2010 by Frank M. Conaway
Foundation seeks coor- Advertising in 116 news- Published
dinators to find families Clerk January 22, 2010
papers across Maryland, 1/22
January 23, 2010 - January 29, 2010, The Baltimore Afro-American B9
y ,
PROCUREMENT OF CONSULTANT AND PARKS PURPOSE: The Maryland Environmental Service (MES) is soliciting
SERVICES competitive sealed proposals from qualified firms to provide all labor and
NOTICE OF LETTING associated services required to install the main propulsion and two
PROJECT #1132 - ON-CALL auxiliary engines on marine tugboat, Kaleen McAllister.

CONSULTANT Sealed Bids or Proposals, in duplicate ad-
AND EVALUATION SERVICES - Mayor and City Council of Baltimore and
PARTICIPATION: This project is being funded by American Recovery &
CONDUIT DIVISION Reinvestment Act (ARRA) through the United States Environmental
marked for RP 10810-Patterson Park En- Protection Agency (USEPA). Offerors responding to this solicitation are
The City of Baltimore, Office Boards and trance at Baltimore Street and Linwood required to follow the Federal Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) six
Commissions, has been requested by the Avenue will be received at the Office of the good faith efforts (as described in MBE Attachment A) for Minority and
Department of Transportation to certify the Comptroller, Room 204, City Hall, Baltimore, Women´s Business Enterprise/ (MBE/WBE) Participation. The Offeror
qualifications of engineering firms to Provide Maryland until 11:00 A.M. on February 24, shall include a detailed discussion of the work to be completed by any

SUBSCRIBE TODAY...410-554-8257
services to the Conduit Division. 2010. Positively no bids will be received after contractor/subcontractors hired to meet the Minority Business Enterprise
11:00 A.M. Bids will be publicly opened by (MBE) goal established for this project. The proposed means of attaining
The scope of services will include, but is not the Board of Estimates in Room 215, City the goal must be fully explained and demonstrated and will be a factor
limited to, conduit and manhole design/ in the evaluation of the proposals. The Offeror should also document in
evaluation, traffic control, preparing cost es- Hall at Noon. his/her technical proposal all good faith efforts undertaken prior to
timates and develop contract documents The Contract Documents may be examined, proposal submittal toward achieving the established MBE subcontracting
(plans and specifications) and other related without charge, at the Department of Public goal and subgoals. The MBE goal established for this project is
civil tasks. Works Service Center located on the first twenty-two percent (22%). The subgoals are twelve percent (12%) MBE
floor of the Abel Wolman Municipal Building, goal, and ten percent (10%) WBE Goal. MBE/WBE goals will also apply
The firm must be familiar with manhole and 200 N. Holliday Street, Baltimore, Maryland to contract change orders and amendments. State certified MBE firms
conduit design standards, roadway design 21202 as of January 22, 2010 and copies can be found in the MDOT´s online MBE directory by accessing the
and maintenance of traffic standards. These website: http://mbe.mdot.state.md.us/directory/.
interested firms must possess experience in may be purchased for a non-refundable cost
Civil, Utility and Traffic Engineering. of $50.00.
All contractors bidding on this Contract must All offerors must return completed and signed MBE Attachment A
first be prequalified by the City of Baltimore (Certified MBE Utilization and Fair Solicitation Affidavit) with their
Project design fees have been estimated at technical proposals and MBE Attachment B (Disadvantaged Business
$1,000,000. Duration of professional services Contractors Qualification Committee. Enterprise Program, DBE Subcontractor Utilization Form - US EPA Form
contract is estimated to be two (2) years. Interested parties should call 410-396-6883
One consultant will be awarded this contract. 6100-4) with their financial proposals. Proposals submitted without the
or contact the Committee at Room 634, MBE Utilization and Fair Solicitation Affidavit (MBE Attachment A) or
Should you have any questions in this matter,
Charles L. Benton Building, 417 E. Fayette Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program, DBE Subcontractor Utili-
please contact Mr. Emil Feldsher, at 410-396- Street, Baltimore, Maryland 21202. If a bid zation Form, EPA Form 6100-4 (MBE Attachment B) may be rejected.
6807.Projects must comply with the 2006 is submitted by a joint venture (”JV”), then in
edition of ”The Specifications for Materials, that event, the document that established the Both the minority and non-minority prime submitting a proposal shall
Highways, Bridges, Utilities and Incidental JV shall be submitted with the bid for attempt to achieve the MBE subcontract participation goal established
Structures”. City personnel will utilize the City verification purposes. The Prequalification in the Invitation for Bids. An MBE prime contractor may not use its
of Baltimore Guidelines For The Performance Category required for bidding on this project workforce to achieve the established MBE subcontract goal.
Evaluation of Design Consultants and is G90017 Architectural Paving
Construction Contractors for this contract/ The following forms will be required of successful offeror as a condition
project. Cost Qualification Range for this work shall of award:
be $100,000.01 to $500,000.00 Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program DBE Subcontractor
Firms intending to submit a proposal as a A ”Pre-Bidding Information” session will be Performance Form (EPA FORM 6100-3)
prime consultant for this project should sub- conducted at 2600 Madison Avenue, Bal- Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program, DBE Subcontractor Partici-
mit a ”Letter of Interest” to the Office of timore, Maryland 21217 on Tuesday, Feb- pation Form (EPA FORM 6100-2)
Boards and Commissions, Room 601, 417 ruary 2, 2010 at A Pre-Bidding Information
East Fayette Street, Baltimore, Maryland session will be conducted at 2600 Madison INFORMATIONAL CONFERENCE: An informational conference is
21202 (FAX: 410-625-4667). Since these Avenue, Baltimore, Maryland 21217 on Tues- scheduled for 10:00 AM on January 26, 2010 at MES Headquarters,
letters are utilized to assist small, minority located at 259 Najoles Road, Millersville, Maryland 21108. The purpose
and women business enterprises in identify- day, February 2, 2010 at 10:00 A.M.
of the Conference is to allow potential Offerors the opportunity to ask
ing potential teaming partners, the letters Principal Items of work for this project are: questions requiring clarification. Attendance at the informational con-
should be submitted within five (5) days of Asphalt Block Paths ference is not mandatory.
the date of the project´s advertisement. The The MBE goal is 20%
letter should contain a contact person. Fail- The WBE goal is 6% TIME FOR PERFORMANCE: The successful contractor may be asked
ure to submit a ”Letter of Interest” will not CONTRACT NO. RP 10810 to complete installation of the specified equipment and provide final
disqualify a firm submitting a proposal for the invoice for the project by July 31, 2010, in the event grant funding expires.
Each prime consultant applying for this Environmental Service will receive sealed Proposals at its Headquarters
Project will be required to complete and Clerk, Board of Estimates
submit an original Federal Form 255, along APPROVED: in Millersville, MD. Proposals must be received before 2:00 pm on
with five (5) copies, to the Office of Boards February 18, 2010. Offerors are solely responsible for the timely receipt
David E. Scott P.E. of their proposals. Late Proposals will not be accepted. Electronically
and Commissions. The Federal Form 255 Director of Public Works
and the five copies must be submitted on or transmitted proposals will not be accepted.
before 12:00 P.M. (Noon) on 2-18-10. Sub-
To ensure timely delivery to the Procurement Division before the
mittals may not be accepted after this dead- UPDATING MARYLAND´s CONSOLIDATED PLAN established proposal due date and time, both the exterior and interior
envelopes - particularly those delivered via courier (i.e. UPS, Fed Ex,
Insurance Requirements Under the guidelines established by the U.S. Department of Housing USPS, etc.) - MUST BE marked as specified.
and Urban Development (HUD), notice is hereby given that the Maryland
The consultant selected for the award of this Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) will hold Completed proposals - one (1) original and four (4) separately bound
project shall provide professional liability, a series of public hearings as it develops its new Five Year Consolidated copies of the technical proposal and one (1) original and four (4)
auto liability, general liability and workers´ Plan. separately bound copies of the financial proposal - shall be properly
compensation insurances as required by the signed with all required attachments, and placed in sealed envelopes
City of Baltimore. The Consolidated Plan is a five-year planning document required by addressed to:
All architectural, engineering, and surveying HUD that sets out overall Statewide goals and priorities for housing, Maryland Environmental Service
firms listed in the specific proposal for the community development, and economic development activities. Special 259 Najoles Road
Project must be prequalified by the Office of emphasis is given under the Plan to provide assistance for extremely Millersville, Maryland 21108
Boards and Commissions for each applicable low-, low, and moderate-income persons. Attn: Kelly J. Ryan, Assistant Chief, Procurement & Contracts
discipline at time of submittal for this Project.
The Consolidated Plan also makes it possible for DHCD, public housing RFP ID 10-07-46
It is the policy of the City of Baltimore to authorities, local governments, nonprofit organizations, community action
promote equal business opportunity in the agencies and others to apply for funding under HUD´s competitive grant PORT OF BALTIMORE: CERTIFIED CLEAN DIESEL PROGRAM
City´s contracting process. Pursuant to Arti- INSTALLATION OF MAIN AND AUXILIARY ENGINES
cle 5, Subtitle 28 of Baltimore City Code programs. Local public housing authority Plans must be consistent with
the State´s Consolidated Plan, and USDA Farmer´s Home housing ON TUGBOAT KALEEN MCALLISTER
(2000 Edition) - Minority and Women´s Busi-
ness Program, Minority Business Enterprise programs and Federal Low-Income Housing Tax Credits are also PROJECT ID No. ARRA-10-07-46
(MBE) and Women´s Business Enterprise coordinated with the Plan. Lastly, while not directly covered by the
(WBE) participation goals apply to this con- Consolidated Plan, HUD funding allocations for the Section 8 Certificate Do Not Open Until: February 18, 2010, 2:00 p.m.
tract. and Voucher programs may be made in a way that enables jurisdictions
to carry out their Consolidated Plan. Mark each envelope clearly as to contents and include your company
The MBE goal is 27%
The WBE goal is 9% name.
In addition to being a planning document, the Consolidated Plan also
Both the proposed Minority and Women´s serves as the State´s application to HUD for Community Development BONDING REQUIREMENTS: For all contracts in excess of one hundred
Business Enterprise firms must be named Block Grant (CDBG), HOME Investment Partnerships (HOME), Emer- thousand dollars ($100,000) the successful bidder shall furnish a
and identified as an MBE or WBE within Item gency Shelter Grants (ESG), Housing Opportunity With AIDS (HOPWA) performance bond and a payment bond for the full value of the contract.
6 of the Standard Form (SF) 255 in the and American Dream Downpayment Initiative (ADDI) funds. Based on
spaces provided for identifying outside key OBTAINING RFP DOCUMENTS: **THE SOLICITATION PACKAGE IS
preliminary information, DHCD expects to receive $8.3 million in CDBG SENT ELECTRONICALLY. RFP documents may be obtained by con-
consultants/associates anticipated for utiliza- funds, $8 million in HOME funds, $608,847 in ESG funds, $357,000 in
tion for this project. tacting the Procurement Office Monday through Friday during the hours
HOPWA funds for the State´s Rural Program, $575,000 in HOPWA funds of 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM. Please provide the contact name, company
Any submittals that do not include the proper on behalf of Montgomery and Frederick Counties in the coming year. name, shipping address, phone and fax number, when requesting
MBE/WBE (in some instances DBE) partici- These funds are used primarily in the State´s rural areas, as many solicitation packages.
pation will be disapproved for further consid- communities, including Anne Arundel, Baltimore, Harford, Howard,
eration for this project. Montgomery, and Prince George´s Counties, as well as the Cities of Fax: 410-729-8280 E-mail: procurement@menv.com
Annapolis, Baltimore, Bowie, Cumberland, Frederick, Gaithersburg, Ha-
Verifying Certification gerstown and Salisbury prepare their own Consolidated Plans and QUESTIONS/REQUESTS FOR CLARIFICATION: Bidders having ques-
Each firm submitting a SF 255 for consider-
receive their own funding directly from HUD. tions and inquiries regarding either the technical or the procurement
ation for a project is responsible for verifying sections of the bid documents shall contact the Maryland Environmental
that all MBEs and WBEs to be utilized on Service Procurement Office (Attn: Kelly J. Ryan) at procurement@menv.
the project are certified by the Minority and In developing its previous Consolidated Plan, the State determined it com or via fax at 410-729-8280. Failure to follow these instructions may
Women´s Business Opportunity Office would focus its resources on three main priorities: Community Revitaliza- result in a delayed response to bidder inquiries. The deadline for
(MWBOO) prior to submitting the proposal. tion, Homeownership Opportunities, and Expanding the Supply of Decent questions to be received by the Procurement Office is February 3, 2010
A directory of certified MBEs and WBEs is Affordable Housing. It is to this purpose that we are holding public at 2:00 PM.
available from MWBOO. Since changes to hearings - to develop new goals, change, retain and/or modify the State´s
the directory occur daily, firms submitting SF previous goals, or develop other policies and procedures affecting Irene K. Hoffman, CPPO
255s should call MWBOO at (410) 396-4355 Chief, Procurement & Contracts
to verify certification, expiration dates and housing and community development activities.
services that the MBE or WBE is certified to

provide. At this point, nothing has been written for the draft Consolidated Plan.
These hearings are to gather initial input about what should be in the
Non-Affiliation new Five-Year Plan. DHCD will then write a draft Plan, which will be
released for 30 days of public comment (including written comment) at
A firm submitting a proposal may not use an the beginning of April. After the public has had several weeks to review IT Specialist
MBE or WBE to meet a contract goal if: Health Care for the Homeless, Inc (HCH) is a not-for-profit that exists to dramatically decrease the burdens
1.The firm has a financial interest in the MBE the draft Consolidated Plan, a second set of hearings will be held
or WBE beginning around the third week in April. Additional comments and of homelessness. HCH goes out on the streets to get people off the streets. Last year, we provided a
2.The firm has an interest in the ownership suggestions will be received at this time, with the final version of the comprehensive range of medical care, mental health services, social services and addiction treatment to
or control of the MBE or WBE Plan submitted to HUD on or around May 15, 2010. more than 5,000 men, women and children in Baltimore (nearly 9,000 people statewide). In addition to
3.The firm is significantly involved in the direct health care, we helped people find shelter, food, clothing, and permanent housing. HCH also works
operation of the MBE or WBE (Article 5 The first set of hearings on the development of the new Consolidated on local, state and national levels to advocate on behalf of homeless people and to change the public
subtitle 28-41). Plan will be held at the following dates, times, and places: policies responsible for poverty and homelessness.
A firm submitting as a prime consultant that POSITION OVERVIEW
fails to comply with the requirements of Tuesday, February 2, 2010 at 1:30 p.m.
Article 5, Subtitle 28 of Baltimore City Code Caroline County Central Library The IT Specialist will play a critical role in helping HCH to maximize its significant potential and further
when executing a contract is subject to the 100 Market Street define its strategic focus in the coming years. Among the key short term areas of focus for this role will
following penalties: suspension of a contract; Small Meeting Room be to continue the support of highly capable systems and infrastructure in conjunction with the IS Director.
withholding of funds; recision of contract Denton, Maryland
based on material breach; disqualification as ESSENTIAL JOB DUTIES
a consultant from eligibility to provide ser- Wednesday, February 3, 2010 at 7:00 p.m. 0
The IT Specialist administers and maintains information technology systems (including PC and LAN
vices to the City for a period not to exceed equipment).
2 years; and payment for damages incurred Maryland Department of Housing
by the City. and Community Development 0
Provides IT operations functions to offices for the organization´s standard hardware, software and
First Floor Conference Room voice/data network solutions.
A resume for each person listed as key 100 Community Place 0
Responsible for the installation and life-cycle maintenance of PCs, and LAN network connectivity
personnel and/or specialist, including those Crownsville, Maryland equipment.
from MBE and WBE must be shown on the 0
As appropriate, provides escalated support of hardware, software and network connectivity issues.
page provided within the application. Thursday, February 4, 2010 at 10:30 a.m.
Fairview Branch Library OTHER JOB DUTIES
Please be advised that for the purpose of 0
Performs network/telecom management and administration.
reviewing price proposals and invoices, the Small Meeting Room
City of Baltimore defines a principal of a firm Rt. 4 and Chaneyville Road 0
Manage and troubleshoot network connectivity issues including user access to network shares, user login
as follows: Owings, Maryland 20736 issues, email access issues, Blackberry enterprise support.
Record and maintain hardware and software inventories, site and/or server licensing, and user access
A principal is any individual owning 5% or Friday, February 5, 2010 at 1:30 p.m. and security.
more of the outstanding stock of an entity, a Allegany County Office Complex 0
Responsible for installation, configuration, troubleshooting, and life-cycle maintenance of IT hardware and
partner of a partnership, a 5% or more 701 Kelly Road software (includes PCs, peripherals, networking equipment, operating systems and other software
shareholder of a sub-chapter ´S´ Corpora- 0
Perform & document complex software/hardware troubleshooting, patches and re-installations in
tion, or an individual owner. Commissioner´s Conference Room 212
Cumberland, Maryland cooperation with the IS Director.
Out-of-State Corporations must identify their
Provides backup for IS Director.
corporate resident agent within the applica- All of the hearing rooms are accessible to persons with disabilities. 0
Responsible for performing and monitoring data backups to ensure that they are completed on a regular
tion. Persons requiring a translator should request one at least three days basis.
prior to the hearing they plan to attend. Any questions or comments 0
Handle problems from initial contact through resolution including escalation to senior staff when appropriate.
Firms will not be considered for a specific should be directed to John M. Greiner at the address, phone numbers, 0
Provides technical support to end users for a wide-array of technical issues ranging across areas including
project if they apply as both a sub-consultant or e-mail listed below: network communications, application issues, desktop, printer, file server, and others. May require an on-site
and prime consultant. presence (network or PC equipment failure), including data backup recovery.
The applications for this Project (Form 255) Mr. John M. Greiner 0
Provides consulting/training/education services such as data management and staff training/orientation for
cannot be supplemented with any additional Housing Policy Officer standard systems.
information such as graphs, photographs, Maryland Department of Housing and 0
Assesses and documents user needs and requirements.
organization chart, etc. All such information Community Development
should be incorporated into the appropriate 100 Community Place EDUCATION/WORK EXPERIENCE
pages. Applications should not be bound. Crownsville, Maryland 21032-2023 0
AA degree and 3 to 5 years related experience or equivalent combination.
Applications should simply be stapled in the 0
Professional certifications as appropriate.
upper left-hand corner. Cover sheets should (410) 514-7191 or
not be included. Inclusion and/or submittal of Maryland Relay for the Deaf at 1 (800) 735-2258. 0
Knowledge of Windows and Exchange servers
additional material may result in the applicant greiner@dhcd.state.md.us. 0
being disqualified from consideration for this
Active Directory/Group policy
Windows Professional support and installation
Symantec Backup Exec
Failure to follow directions of this adver- PORT OF BALTIMORE: CERTIFIED CLEAN DIESEL PROGRAM - 0
Excellent written and oral communication skills.
tisement or the application may cause INSTALLATION OF MAIN AND AUXILIARY ENGINES ON
High level of motivation, initiative and responsibility
disqualification of the submittal.
Robert B. MacLeod PROJECT ID No. ARRA-10-07-46 To Apply - Please email resume, salary requirements and cover letter to hrresumes@hchmd.org.
Executive Secretary No phone calls. EOE
BID DUE DATE: February 18, 2010
10.75 in.

B10 The Baltimore Afro-American, January 23, 2010 - January 29, 2010

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