Weather and Crime
Weather and Crime
Weather and Crime
1 WINTER 1990
In studying the causes of crime, most criminologists have concentrated on traditional socio-demographic variables, such as age, sex, race, and socio-economic status. However, some researchers have
investigated the influence of the physical environment on criminal behaviour. There is a recent theoretical basis for research into the influence of weather on crime: the situational approach, rational choice
theory, and routine activities theory all suggest that weather could significantly influence crime rates
and criminal behaviour. This paper brings together for the first lime the accumulated research on
weather and crime. It discusses the theoretical background, examines research into the influence of different weather conditions (such as high temperatures, rain, and wind) on various types of criminal
behaviour, outlines problems with the current research, and suggests ways of advancing knowledge
about weather and crime.
* Graduate of the Institute of Criminal Justice and Criminology, University of Maryland, College Park and currently a Ph.D. student at the Institute of Criminology, University of Cambridge.
I would like to thank Dr David P. Farrington and Dr Lawrence W. Sherman for their invaluable assistance and support.
1951). However, the relationship between weather and crime and criminal behaviour
was not studied seriously until the 1960s, after a series of riots in the United States
sparked a popular belief that the causal factor was the summer heat. This belief was
reinforced when the United States Riot Commission (1968) published a report showing
that the majority of riots in 1967 began on days when the temperature was over 80F.
Since then, a number of researchers have focused their efforts on studying the relationship between high ambient temperatures and aggressive behaviour. A few have also
examined other weather conditions, including precipitation, sunlight, wind, and
The aim of this paper is to examine the accumulated research on climatic variables
and types of criminal behaviour in an effort to establish which are the empirically verified relationships among these variables. This review is limited to research published in
the English language. All research conducted before 1950 (e.g. Bonger 1916; Dexter
1904; Morrison 1891) has been eliminated because of the highly questionable data collection techniques used. The research on weather and crime is widely scattered in a
variety of different journals and disciplines, and has never before been collected into a
comprehensive literature review.
The Theoretical Background
There are also two major biological theories about the effect of weather on behaviour. The first considers weather changes or extremes to be stresses. As some individuals are more highly stressed, or more sensitive to stressors, than others, 'if an
additional stress is applied uniformly to everyone by a weather change, those who are
already highly stressed are more likely to exhibit behavioral or mood changes' (Moos
1976: 101). The second theory considers weather to be 'a simple stimulus to the human
organism' which can have both physiological and psychological effects (ibid.). The
psychological effects may be mediated by physiological changes, by environmentinduced changes in arousal that are not physiological, by individual preferences for certain types of weather conditions, and by 'socially learned definitions of certain weather
phenomena as significant and important' (ibid.).
It is thus clear that the notion of weather affecting criminal behaviour is supported
by routine activities theory, rational choice theory, and the situational approach to
crime, as well as possibly being biologically based. The remainder of this paper
examines current knowledge on weather and crime.
A number of field studies examining the correlation between heat and various crimes
have been conducted over the past twenty years. Because they were conducted in the
field, with no control of extraneous variables, they do not allow for any unambiguous
inferences about cause and effect. Uncontrolled variables may account for the fluctuations in crime that occur as ambient temperature changes. Among the types of crimes
that have been studied are collective violence, assault, homicide, rape, robbery, and
domestic violence.
1. Heat and collective violence. Baron and Ransberger's (1978) examination of archival
data of serious civil disorders in America between 1967 and 1971 found results that suggest 'a curvilinear relationship between ambient temperature and the incidence of collective violence' (ibid. 354). The frequency of riots increased with ambient temperature
up through about 85F, and then decreased sharply as temperature continued to increase. However, they did not take account of the number of days when the temperature was above 90F. Carlsmith and Anderson (1979) suggested that fewer riots
occurred on days with temperatures over 90F, not because such temperatures lowered
the probability of people rioting, but simply because there were fewer such days. When
they reanalysed Baron and Ransberger's data, controlling for the probability of hightemperature days, the relationship between temperature and crime became linear, so
that the probability of a riot increased steadily with ambient temperature up into the
mid-90s. It can be concluded that collective violence tends to increase with temperature at least up to about 85F.
2. Heat and assault. Research on assault provides extremely consistent findings, possibly because the high daily frequency of assault offers greater statistical reliability.
With the exception of the cross-jurisdiction study by DeFronzo (1984), all the available
published research, as discussed below, has found a positive linear relationship between
temperature and the assault rate.
An examination of daily assaults by Feldman and Jarmon (1979) produced a significant zero-order correlation between temperature and assaults (r= .33) for one year in
Newark, New Jersey. Their multiple regression analysis showed that temperature variables were the most important daily predictors of assault rates, in comparison to precipitation, air pollution, and barometric pressure. Harries and Stadler (1983) also found
a significant zero-order correlation between the daily maximum discomfort index (a
combined measure of temperature and humidity) and the daily assault count in Dallas,
Texas, over an eight-month period in 1980 (which included a record heat wave). A
later analysis of the same period plus data from 1981 confirmed these findings (Harries
and Stadler 1988).
Michael and Zumpe (1983a, 19836) examined sixteen locations around the United
States for two- to four-year periods and found that the monthly mean daily temperature and the monthly mean number of assaults were significantly correlated in fourteen
of the sixteen locations with within-jurisdiction rank-order correlations ranging from
.58 to .97. An ordinary least-squares regression analysis showed significant linear relationships between temperature and assault, and there was a significant positive correlation between the dates of the temperature maxima and the dates of the assault
maxima in all sixteen cities. Rotton and Frey (1985) examined daily calls for police service in Dayton, Ohio, over a two-year period and found that the daily mean temperature was a significant predictor of the number of assaults (r=.48). Perry and Simpson
(1987) found a significant correlation between the monthly minimum temperature and
the aggravated assault rate (r=.28) in Raleigh, North Carolina. A stepwise regression
analysis showed that monthly minimum temperature was a significant predictor of the
assault rate.
On the other hand, DeFronzo found no relationship between the number of days
with temperatures equal to or greater than 90F ('Days Hot') and the rate of aggravated assaults in 142 SMSAs (Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas) in the United
States. However, unlike all the research discussed above, which focused on single jurisdictions, DeFronzo conducted a study comparing a number ofjurisdictions.
Thus, all the intra-jurisdiction research on temperature and assaults has found that
assaults tend to increase linearly as temperature increases.
3. Heat and homicide. Unlike the assault research, studies of the relationship between
homicide and high ambient temperature have produced more contradictory findings.
Michael and Zumpe (1983a, 19836) found positive relationships between heat and
homicide over time in Los Angeles, Puerto Rico, and Texas, the three jurisdictions with
the highest homicide counts of the sixteen they examined. They also found a strong correlation (Spearman r=.58) between the annual mean temperature and the annual
mean homicide rate across all sixteen locations. These cross-sectional findings were supported by DeFronzo (1984), who found a slight positive association between year-total
homicide data and the number of'Days Hot'.
On the other hand, Feldman and Jarmon (1979) found no significant zero-order
correlations between ambient temperature and homicide in Newark over twelvemonth and fifteen-year periods. Michael and Zumpe (1983a, 19836) found no significant correlations between monthly temperature and the monthly mean number of
homicides in thirteen of the sixteen locations they examined. Perry and Simpson (1987)
found no significant relationship between the monthly homicide rate and the monthly
minimum temperature in Raleigh during a ten-year period.
Thus, two studies within single jurisdictions (Michael and Zumpe 1983a, 19836) and
three studies between jurisdictions (Michael and Zumpe 1983a, 19836; DeFronzo
1984) have found positive associations between heat and homicide, while fifteen
within-jurisdiction studies (Feldman and Jarmon 1979; Michael and Zumpe 1983a,
19836; Perry and Simpson 1987) have found no significant associations. This suggests
that, while the daily influence of heat on homicide is doubtful, there is evidence of longterm association of homicides with high-temperature climates. However, this association could be mediated by a variety of cultural, regional, and historical factors. There
is also the problem of small sample sizes; homicides occur more infrequently than other
violent crimes, such as assault, and the small number of homicides examined in many of
the studies may have seriously reduced the power of the statistical tests employed.
4. Heat and rape. Only very recently have researchers begun to examine the link
between temperature and rape. Michael and Zumpe (1983a, 19836) found significant
positive correlations between the monthly mean temperature and the monthly mean
number of rapes (Spearman r=.64 to .97) in thirteen of their sixteen locations. Perry
and Simpson (1987) also found a significant positive correlation between the monthly
average minimum temperature and the monthly rape rate (r= .26), so that the rate of
rape offences increased with temperature. In addition, a stepwise regression analysis
showed that the average minimum temperature was a significant predictor of the rape
rate, independently of other predictors. On the other hand, DeFronzo (1984) found no
relationship between the total number of'Days Hot' and rape across 142 American
SMSAs. However, this study has been criticized by several researchers (e.g. Rotton
1986) because of the possible unreliability of the 'Days Hot' measure of ambient temperature, and because of the large number of predictor variables used (fourteen in all),
which increased the probability of Type I (rejection of a true null hypothesis) and
Type II (accepting a false null hypothesis) errors. In the light of the other research evidence, it may be concluded that there appears to be a linear relationship between
ambient temperature and the rate of rape.
5. Heat and robbery. Both Michael and Zumpe (1983a, 19836) and DeFronzo (1984)
examined robbery. None of their analyses found any significant relationships between
high ambient temperature and robbery. Anderson and Anderson (1984) have suggested that this may be because robbery is motivated primarily by economic need and
is not a truly aggressive crime.
6. Heat and domestic violence. Rotton and Frey (1985) found that daily mean temperature was a significant predictor of the rate of domestic complaints (r=.68) in Dayton
over a two-year period. They also obtained cross-lagged correlation coefficients to
investigate if temperature had any delayed effect on domestic violence complaints, and
found that high temperature significandy tended to precede disturbance calls by one
day. Michael and Zumpe (1986) found a positive linear relationship between the
monthly mean temperature and the monthly number of crisis calls received by batteredwomen's shelters in five locations around the United States over a two- to three-year
period. Also, LeBeau (1988) reported that the temperature-humidity discomfort index
significantly predicted domestic assault calls over a six-month period in Charlotte,
North Carolina. All three researchers appear to have found similar positive linear relationships between ambient temperature and domestic violence.
7. Heat and non-aggressive crimes. DeFronzo (1984) also examined the correlation
between 'Days Hot' and burglary, larceny, and motor vehicle theft. A multivariate
Experimental research has several advantages over field research, chief of which is the
researcher's ability to make valid causal inferences from the results. In field studies, it
cannot be established whether uncontrolled variables other than the weather, such as
social, demographic, and economic factors, can explain observed relationships between
weather and crime. Because of the experimenter's ability to control conditions and randomize physical variables, the impact of high temperature, for example, in isolation
from other variables, can be established more securely in the laboratory. On the other
hand, experiments often use unnatural measures of aggression that have no real-world
analogues and only a tenuous relation to criminal behaviour outside the laboratory.
The laboratory conditions themselves may be extremely restrictive and often differ
greatly from the naturalistic social settings of field research.
It is, of course, very difficult to study actual criminal behaviour in a laboratory setting. However, a series of experiments has been conducted on the influence of high
ambient temperature on aggressive behaviour (Baron 1972; Baron and Lawton 1972;
Baron and Bell 1975, 1976; Bell and Baron, 1976), with aggression measured by the intensity and duration of electric shocks directed against a confederate by the subject.
The researchers used two temperature conditions ('hot' being approximately 93F and
'cool' being approximately 73 F) and two arousal conditions (half the subjects being
negatively aroused or angered by the confederate in various ways before being given
the opportunity to administer shock). This research suggests that there is a curvilinear,
or inverted-U, relationship between aggression and heat (as a measure of negative
affect). In other words, aggressive behaviour increases with heat up to about 85F, and
then decreases. This suggests that 'there is a critical range of uncomfortably high
ambient temperatures in which aggression may well be facilitated. On the other hand,
extremely high ambient temperatures, especially when combined with other sources of
irritation or discomfort, may become so debilitating that aggression is no longer facilitated and may well be reduced' (Bell, Fisher, and Loomis 1978: 126).
A later series of experiments (Boyanowsky el al. 1981-2), examining temperatures in
the high 80s, failed to find support for the inverted-U relationship. Instead, the
researchers found, in three separate experiments, that aggression increased with heat.
The decrease in aggressive behaviour under conditions of extreme negative affect seen
in the Baron research was not observed. However, as Baron generally combined several
methods of negative arousal (e.g. the influence of an aggressive model or the lack of a
cooling drink in hot conditions), while Boyanowsky el al. only used one method (negative feedback on an essay), it is possible that Boyanowsky et al.'s subjects were not as
highly aroused and therefore were still in the rising portion of the inverted-U curve.
Anderson and Anderson (1984) proposed that the curvilinear effect may be an experimental artifact, because the temperature manipulations were extremely obvious to
the subjects. They suggested that subjects who discerned the experimenter's purpose
may have attempted to sabotage the study, or to assert their independence, by behaving in a manner opposite to how they thought the experimenter wanted them to
behave. The types of subjects used in the two experimental series are relevant to this
theory, as Baron's experiments invariably used students taking a general psychology
course (and participation in the experiment was a course requirement; the subjects
were not volunteers). Psychology students would be more likely to guess the research
question, because of their studies of human behaviour. In addition, if Baron, Bell, and
Lawton's subjects resented their forced participation, they might have been more
prone to 'attempted sabotage'.
In general, the results of the field studies do not concur with those of the laboratory experiments. However, one cause of this seeming inconsistency may be the difference in
the settings that were used. In the laboratory, 'hot temperatures are a salient part of the
. .. manipulations, and the subjects know that they can escape the aversive temperature when the lab session is over. Ambient temperature in the field, however, is neither
as salient a causal factor nor is it as escapable' (Anderson and Anderson 1984: 92).
Although temperatures in the laboratory are held constant, this is not true in the field,
where temperature varies during the day. While heat in the field can be alleviated, at
least in part, by turning on an air conditioner or taking a cool drink, it cannot be
escaped completely, as in the laboratory. However, while in the laboratory, the subjects
may experience the heat more completely, as they are unable to make any effort to alleviate it. It is possible that the subjective experience of temperature is different in the
laboratory setting, where the heat is unnatural and, during the period of the experiment, inescapable, from what it is in the real world, where heat is part of the natural
environment. Thus, heat in the field may not be experienced as totally as in the laboratory.
One possible consequence of this is that, in the field studies, the inflection point may
not have been reached and only the left, upward, side of the inverted-U curve explored.
Of course, at some unspecified high temperature, aggressive behaviour and crime will
undoubtedly decrease, if only because extreme heat eventually causes death. Therefore, the presence of an inverted-U relationship is not in doubt; the key issue is where
the point of inflection occurs. Another problem is the varied measure of aggression.
Laboratory studies use electric shocks, which may have only a tenuous relationship
with aggression in the field. Field studies examine a variety of types of criminal behaviour, some looking at rates of specific crimes and others looking at calls for service
received by police departments.
Although the influence of high ambient temperature has been a popular subject of
study, very little research has been done on low temperatures. (The Baron studies of
'cold' actually examined conditions near room temperature.) Boyanowsky et al. (19812) found that under uncomfortably low temperatures (about 45F), 'angered subjects
showed significantly increased aggression' (ibid. 85). They also discovered that the patterns of aggression seen under hot and cold conditions were markedly different:
When uncomfortably hot, subjects took longer to respond, their intensity of aggression increased
slowly and escalated over time until they were no longer discriminating between occasions
where they were being insulted versus those when they were given merely neutral feedback ...
By contrast, aggression in uncomfortable cold was swift and very specific to the degree of insult
of the verbal feedback received from the accomplice ... [and was] .. . more instrumental and
appropriate to the situation, (ibid.)
DeFronzo (1984) found a significant positive relationship between the number of
days with a maximum temperature equal to or less than 32F ('Days Cold') and robbery rates in 142 American SMSAs. However, he found no relationship for any other
type of crime, including homicide, assault, rape, burglary, larceny, and motor vehicle
theft. The positive relationship between low temperatures and robbery, and the earlier
findings that showed no relationship between high temperatures and robbery, may be
explained by the belief that 'robbery may be less an anger or frustration response than a
way of making a living' (Anderson and Anderson 1984: 94). Thus, individuals may
commit robberies to obtain the additional goods needed to stay alive during cold
weather (warm clothing, shelter, heating, etc.) but are not induced to commit robberies because of emotional upsets possibly caused by extreme summer heat.
Sunlight and Crime
Three studies of ambient temperature and crime have included an examination of sunlight or photoperiod (the length of the day) in the analyses. Heller and Markland
(1970) found that the number of hours of daylight was a significant predictor of calls for
police service in three United States cities (Chicago, Detroit, and St Louis), so that the
number of calls increased with increased hours of sunlight. Michael and Zumpe (1983a,
1983A) found no relationship between photoperiod and homicide, assault, rape, or robbery in any of the locations they studied. However, while Heller and Markland (1970)
examined the average number of minutes of sunlight each day, Michael and Zumpe
(1983a, 1983A) measured the annual change in photoperiod by looking at the latitude
of each location. Michael and Zumpe (1983a) have suggested that, 'since the changes
in photoperiod and temperature tend to covary, it is difficult to separate their effects,
and the effect due to temperature may have obscured that due to photoperiod' (ibid.
270). Finally, Rotton and Frey (1985) found no relationship between the daily percentage of sunshine and the rate of domestic violence in Dayton, Ohio. However, unlike
Michael and Zumpe (1983a, 1983A), they did find a significant, positive linear relationship between sunlight and assault (r= .13). Because of these contradictory findings, no
definite conclusions may be drawn about the relationship between sunlight and crime.
Rain and Crime
The relationship between rain and crime appears to vary with the type of crime examined. Feldman and Jarmon (1979) have examined the relationship between rain and
crime on a day-to-day basis, while DeFronzo (1979) looked at the number of days on
which the amount of precipitation exceeded 0.25 mm and Perry and Simpson (1987)
considered monthly amounts of precipitation. All three studies found no significant correlations between precipitation and the homicide rate. Neither DeFronzo (1984) nor
Perry and Simpson (1987) found any relationship between rain and rapes, although
DeFronzo found a positive relationship between rain and robbery.
The relationship between assaults and rainfall is uncertain, because the empirical
results are inconstant. Feldman and Jarmon (1979) found a negative correlation
between precipitation and assaults (r=.19) while Perry and Simpson (1987) reported a significant positive correlation (r=.18). DeFronzo found no significant relationship between precipitation and assaults whatsoever. Given that Pokorny (1965)
has argued that homicide and aggravated assaults are 'basically the same category of
behavior' (ibid. 497), one would expect homicide and assaults to be similarly related to
other variables, including precipitation. However, while the findings on assault are
conflicting, the research results show that homicide and rape are not significantly
related to rainfall.
Wind and Crime
Only two studies have considered the influence of wind on criminal behaviour. Rotton
and Frey (1985) found a significant but low negative correlation between daily
domestic violence complaints and daily windspeed (r= .09) in Dayton over a twoyear period. In addition, cross-lagged correlation coefficients were examined for
delayed effects, and they showed that changes in wind speed significandy preceded
changes in domestic disturbances by one and four days, and preceded changes in
assaults by two days.
Miller (1968) examined the relationship between the occurrence of the Santa Ana
winds in Los Angeles and the daily homicide count over a two-year period. A sign test
Cohn (1988) performed on Miller's data showed that there were significantly more
homicides on 'Santa Ana' days than would be expected by chance alone (p<.05).
While these results appear to contradict those of Rotton and Frey (1985), Miller (1968)
studied a special form of wind. The 'Santa Anas' are extremely strong local winds,
which occur concurrently with relative humidities below 20 per cent, and reach speeds
of fifty miles per hour within Los Angeles. The prevailing direction is generally northerly or easterly, and considerable amounts of dust are often carried along by these
winds. It is possible that they produce more emotional stress than the more 'normal'
winds studied in Dayton, because the Santa Ana winds are associated with increased
physical distress. The Dayton winds, on the other hand, may have reduced air pollution and any accompanying irritability.
Feldman and Jarmon (1979) found no significant correlation between daily changes in
barometric pressure and the rates of homicide or assaults in Newark. Similarly, Rotton
and Frey (1985) found that daily barometric pressure was not significantly correlated
with calls relating to assaults or domestic violence in Dayton. However, Fisher et al.
(1984) suggest that, as changes in barometric pressure are generally associated with
variations in other weather conditions, it is possible that fluctuations in temperature or
other weather variables could have masked the effects of barometric pressure in these
Humidity and Crime
Finally, only Rotton and Frey (1985) appear to have examined the influence of humidity on crime. Although they found no relationship between humidity and domestic
violence calls in Dayton, they found a slight negative correlation (r= .11) between
daily humidity and the assault rate. Rotton and Frey have suggested that air pollution
may be responsible for the latter effect, as humidity levels are higher before and after a
rainfall, which removes pollution from the air.
Problems with the Research
Research on weather and crime, like other kinds of criminological research, has numerous methodological problems, including inadequate sample sizes, weak or inappropriate statistical techniques, and poor control of extraneous variables. Our ability to
draw conclusions from the literature is also limited by the lack of consistent definitions.
Definitional problems
Researchers are rarely in agreement when defining high and low ambient temperatures. Some studies have created dichotomous measures of temperatures as uncomfortably hot or not, or uncomfortably cold or not (e.g. DeFronzo 1984), while others have
simply looked at the average daily temperature (e.g. Rotton and Frey 1985) or even
the average daily minimum temperature (e.g. Perry and Simpson 1987). In some research, a combined temperature-humidity index has been used (e.g. Harries and
Stadler 1983, 1988). DeFronzo (1984) considered the number of days when the maximum temperature was equal to or greater than 90F, a seemingly arbitrary figure. Rotton (1986) objected to this measure, pointing out that 'though every one of his
sociodemographic variables had attained significance in past research on criminal behavior, DeFronzo did not cite any studies that had employed number of warm, cold, and
rainy days as measures of climate' (ibid. 355).
Similar problems are found in studies of other climatic variables. Research into the
relationship between sunlight and crime has considered the number of hours of daylight (Heller and Markland 1970), daily percentage of sunlight (Rotton and Frey
1985), and even annual change in photoperiod (Michael and Zumpe 1983a, 1983A).
Also, it is not always clear whether snow is included in the analysis of precipitation as
well as rain.
There are also problems in measuring the dependent variables. For example,
Michael and Zumpe (1986), in their examination of the relationship between heat and
domestic abuse, studied crisis calls to battered-women's shelters. However, the number
of calls by battered women may only have a tenuous relationship to the number of episodes of domestic assault. Other field research employed measures ranging from calls
for police service (e.g. Rotton and Frey 1985) to official crime rates (e.g. Perry and
Simpson 1987), which are all subject to similar problems. The experimental research
used the intensity and duration of electric shocks to measure aggressive behaviour, a
measure of questionable external validity, as mentioned earlier.
Improper sample size
The number of time period units of analysis is often extremely small or very large,
which may affect the statistical power of the tests employed. For example, Feldman
and Jarmon (1979) examined daily homicide rates over fifteen years (about 5,480
Statistical and methodological techniques
A number of the studies used questionable statistical methods. For example, DeFronzo
(1984) examined fourteen predictor variables. According to Rotton (1986), 'forcing a
large number of predictors into a regression equation simultaneously increases the
probability of Type I and Type II errors .. . [this can be seen because] . . . DeFronzo
(1984) failed to obtain support for obviously valid and previously confirmed correlations' (ibid. 356). A number of DeFronzo's (1984) predictor variables were highly correlated, which may have resulted in unstable regression weights and inflated standard
errors. Similarly, Rotton and Frey (1985) employed an extremely large sample size
(over 10,000 calls to police about assaults), which will have increased the probability of
a Type I error.
Miller (1968) did not perform any significance tests whatsoever, although he did
provide raw data which allowed such tests to be carried out subsequently (Cohn 1988).
Even when significance tests were performed, researchers frequently did not report the
results and/or the significance levels, especially when the findings were not statistically
significant (e.g. Feldman and Jarmon 1979).
Few of the studies addressed statistical issues such as multicollinearity (intercorrelated independent variables), or employed any of the time-series modelling techniques
that can be used to investigate changes over time.
A few firm conclusions can be drawn from the research conducted to date on the relationship between weather and crime. It appears that assaults, burglary, collective
violence, domestic violence, and rape tend to increase with ambient temperature, at
least up to about 85F. The relationship between heat and homicide is uncertain. High
temperatures do not appear to be correlated with robbery, larceny, and motor vehicle
In general, it appears that most violent crimes against persons increase linearly with
heat, while property crimes are not strongly related to temperature changes. A number
of mediating factors have been proposed which may explain the relationship between
heat and violent criminal behaviour. These include several variations in social behaviour patterns, such as alcohol consumption, vacations, and leisure time, and the
availability of social interaction. Alcohol consumption tends to increase when the temperature is high, which may be a contributing factor to many violent crimes (Amir
1971). Vacations also generally occur during periods of warm weather, resulting in in61
creased social interaction, especially with family and friends. It has been shown (e.g.
Walmsley 1986) that the majority of violent crimes occur between family members or
friends, rather than between strangers. Uncomfortable heat also tends to cause increased frustration, reducing one's tolerance for annoyances that otherwise might be
dismissed. However, non-aggressive and property crimes are less influenced by emotions, which may be the reason why high temperatures do not greatly affect the rates of
these crimes.
It is not currently possible to draw any firm conclusions about the relationships
between cold temperatures and crime, sunlight and crime, or wind and crime. The research on rain and crime suggests that rainfall does not significantly influence homicide
and rape, although the relationship between rain and assaults is not clear. Barometric
pressure does not appear to be correlated significantly with homicide, assault, or
domestic violence. Humidity has been found to be related to assaults, although not
to domestic violence.
It is clear that criminologists have failed to consider many climatic variables that
might explain short-term fluctuations in crime rates, despite the strong theoretical basis
of routine activities and rational choice theories. Little research has been done on any
weather variable except heat, and many weather conditions (e.g. fog, sleet, etc.) appear
to have been completely neglected. The research that has been conducted has produced contradictory and conflicting results, and the majority of the studies have
methodological problems. In addition, much of the prior research is completely atheoretical.
Future research on the relationship between weather and criminal behaviour must
be theoretically grounded and use measures of crime and weather that are justified by
theory. The timing of the criminal events that are studied must be as exact as possible,
as weather conditions can change between the occurrence of a crime and the time the
official report is filed. The most appropriate type of crime data may be calls for service
received by police. Taylor, Gottfredson, and Brower (1981) have shown that several
types of crimes, including violent crimes, are highly correlated with related calls for service. It is also necessary to employ a causal model that examines a variety of weather
variables together, as well as separately, especially considering the weak predictive
power of most weather variables in isolation. The analysis of the data should employ
more advanced statistical techniques, such as multivariate analysis and time-series
Currently accepted theories of criminal behaviour, such as routine activities theory,
rational choice theory, and the situational approach, support the belief that weather
may significantly affect some types of criminal behaviour. Better research into the relationship between weather and crime is necessary to incorporate these variables into
new explanations of changing crime rates, increasing our abilities in the areas of
explaining, predicting, and controlling crime.
AMIR, M. (1971), Patterns in Forcible Rape. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
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