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Research On Automatic Sorting System Based On RFID: Yonglin Zhang Zunyi Wang

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2013 2nd International Symposium on Instrumentation and Measurement, Sensor Network and Automation (IMSNA)

Research on Automatic Sorting System Based on RFID

Yonglin Zhang

Zunyi Wang

School of Electronic and Information Engineering

Zhejiang Wanli University
Ningbo, China

School of Electronic and Information Engineering

Zhejiang Wanli University
Ningbo, China
further reading distance and accuracy. Compared with the
active tag, its price is cheaper. In this paper, passive RFID
tags are used.
The reader will emit a certain frequency RF signal into
the space surrounding by transmitting antenna when the
system is in working condition. The tag will sent out
information by the antenna when the tag into the RF signal
coverage range, the antenna on reader received signals
reflect from the tag, and then transmitted to the reader
through the feeder line. Finally, it will send the signal to the
computer which has been demodulated and decoded.

AbstractCurrently, most of the logistics companies use

manual sorting method to complete the sorting work. However,
with the rapid development of commodity economy, there is a
trend that the demands direction of development towards
small-volume and multi-species. With the increased species and
large quantity of commodities, the sorting task has become
increasingly heavy. In this paper, RFID tags are used to
replace the bar code in processing of logistics businesses. Based
on the composition and working principle of the radio
frequency identification system, the automatic sorting system
based on RFID is designed.
Keywords- Radio Frequency Identification ;RFID tags;
Automatic sorting



The sorting operation is the most complicated and the

largest part of the workload in distribution center. With the
popularization of the bar code, many express companies
have introduced barcode technology to the auxiliary sorting.
Barcode technology has played an important role in the
express company. As the SF express, In the sorting
operation of the SF express, they used bar code technology
to improve the sorting efficiency. However, there are also
inadequacies to use bar-code technology. For example,
barcode and scanner must be aligned when scanning
barcodes. This will not only increase the labor intensity of
workers, but also will increase the error rate.
The automatic sorting system based on RFID relative
to manual sorting has the following advantages:
Firstly, this system can sort continuously, regardless of
weather, time, and other physical conditions of the human.
The system can run sustainably and efficiently, because the
workers cannot work 8 hours in this labor intensity. The
automatic sorting system of RFID can improved the sorting
efficiency greatly in the unit time.
Secondly, this system can reduce the sorting error rate.
On the basis of experimental result, it is prone to error when
manual method is used because of tired. If the barcode
auxiliary sorting is used, bar codes may be wrinkled or
damaged, etc. and barcode reading method is contact
reading, automatic sorting cannot be completed.
Thirdly, the purposes of using automatic sorting system
are to reduce the use of workers, the labors intensity and
improve efficiency. Automatic sorting system based on
RFID can minimize personnel using and reduce manpower


Radio Frequency Identification is a non-contact

automatic identification technology, and it makes use of
radio waves to transmit identification information. It is not
limited by space, for which Can quickly perform object
tracking and data exchange. The distance of tag and the
reader can be less than 1cm, or even more than tens or
hundreds of meters. In this way, it can recognize all kinds of
objects in different states (moving or static) and achieve
automated management or control. According to the
different application purpose and application environment,
the composition of the RFID system will be different.
However, from the principle of RFID system, the system
consists of RFID tags, readers and antennas generally,
which is shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Tag, antenna and the reader

Electronic label is divided into active tags, semi active

tags, and passive tags. Active tags require batteries to
provide energy for the communication between the tag and
reader, so it's working distance is far than other, and the
accuracy is relatively higher. Passive tags do not require
batteries to provide energy. It convert electromagnetic from
reader to obtain energy, so it's read range is shorter, and the
accuracy is lower, but it's cost is also lower. Semi-active
tags require battery-powered only when the circuit is
working. Compared with the passive tags, it provided

978-1-4799-2716-6/13/$31.00 2013 IEEE



2013 2nd International Symposium on Instrumentation and Measurement, Sensor Network and Automation (IMSNA)


Figure 3. Diagram of Timing


As shown in figure 2 and Figure 3, the workers will put

the express on first conveyor belt once the system starts
running. After a certain time, goods reach the end of the belt.
In this moment, the RFID reader can read the tag's data, and
the computer will send a control signal to the
microcontroller after process. At the same time, when the
object reaches the conveyor II, the microcontroller will
receives a pulse signal when it passes through the
photoelectric switch A. Then conveyor belt I will stop
running, servo motor III will rotate according to the signal
from the PC. Shipment will be transported to the designated
crossing, for example, the number four crossing. Then servo
motor III stops running and the motor II start to work. At
this point, the shipment will arrive at conveyor IV, then the
conveyor belt III return when the express pass through the
photoelectric switch B. After that, motor I run again, and do
the next sorting process above. Process of sorting system is
shown in Figure 4.

A. components and function of each part

Automatic sorting system based on RFID consists of
control device, the classification system, the delivery device
and sorting crossing. System configuration is shown in

Figure 2. Hardware Structure

In the practical application, sorting crossing can be

more than three. This system can be used according to the
actual application requirements, for example, the fourth
conveyor can be used as a delivery device, to meet the
application requirements.
Control device includes RFID reader, PC machines as
well as microcontroller. The role of the classification system
is that according to the control signal from the control
module, control servo motors take the package into the
sorting crossing or right place. There are many categories of
classification devices, and it can be divided into delivery
type, push-out, surfaced style, tilt and branch type generally.
Different classification devices have different requirements
for cargo volume, weight and packaging bottom surface
smooth degree, in this paper, a transport-type classification
system is used. Delivery device is composed of a conveyor
belt or conveyor, the main role is to deliver the parcel to the
corresponding locations for subsequent operations. The role
of sorting crossing is to focus goods which have been sorted.
B. Analysis of Process
Design of the control module is the key point of this
system, which is shown in Figure 3.

Figure 4. Flow chart


Database module
Courier will write related information to the tag by the
handheld terminal when he receives the information about
Parcel, such as sender information, recipient information,
Database and table design:
1. Package information: parcel information including
number, category, weight, cost, and the time when parcel
are send and received.


2013 2nd International Symposium on Instrumentation and Measurement, Sensor Network and Automation (IMSNA)

2. Recipient information: recipient information contains the

parcel's number, recipient's name, the recipient's exact
address and telephone number.
3. Statistical information: time information about the
package arrived at the transfer station or outlets, for
customers to query.
4 .the administrator information: account number, password.

F. The drive unit

Due to the limit of 51 microcontroller's resources, as
well as its week drive capacity, 51 microcontrollers cannot
directly drive servo motors to work, so we need to design a
driving circuit to complete the drive work. The block
diagram of digital PID driver based on TMS320LF2407A
DPS is shown in Figure 6.

D. Data acquisition module

Data acquisition module mainly refers to radio
frequency identification systems. The reader identifies and
receives data information of tags. The computer's function is
to accept tags information and send back the control signals.
The reader's core chip in this paper is austriamicrosystems
company's AS3992, AS3992 chip combined with the
excellent performance of the leading RF transceiver, and it
integrate gain filter, PLL, mixer, voltage controlled
oscillator, and the ADC-DAC etc. and it support
ISO180006A_6B_6C protocol. In this module, we collect
data One by one, so we read one message only at the same
time. We introduce the RSSI Technology to read the tag
with strongest signal.

Figure 6. Block diagram of PID control

G. software structure
On the basis of the functional integrity of the system,
in the actual design process, we generally divided the
system into a set of interrelated subsystems. Here is our
block diagram of the system which is decomposed, On the
basis of this, we design the detailed module. As shown in
Figure 7, the system includes the login module, registration
module, sorting module, modification module, information
query module, delete module and information input module.

E. The control unit

The control module makes use of two photoelectric
switches and three AT89C51 microcontrollers to achieve
scanning their corresponding pin level to complete the servo
motors timing control and the external interrupt port INT0,
INT1 collect the sign of the photoelectric switch which is
stored in the flag register. It is expected to get a interrupt
signal which has low to high transition (upper edge trigger).
However, the 51 series microcontroller only have two style
of external interrupt which are level trigger and edge trigger
style. So we use a 74LS04 inverter. Signal pass through the
74LS04 inverter and then deliver into the external port INT0
or INT1, the interrupt flag register will be latched interrupt
request. Temporary storage will reset by hardware until the
CPU response to the interrupt service routine. The diagram
of control module is shown in Figure 5.

Figure 7. The structure of software



The protype of the designed system is shown in Figure


Figure 5. Diagram of control module


2013 2nd International Symposium on Instrumentation and Measurement, Sensor Network and Automation (IMSNA)

The authors would like to thank all the anonymous
reviewers for their insightful comments.
This work was supported by the College Students`
Technology Innovation Project of Zhejiang Province China
under Grant No. 2013R419003.
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Figure 8. Actual diagram of system

We conducted a systematic test after the completion of

the system design. The experiment proved that the system
complete a sorting in average of 2 to 3 seconds according to
the distance between the packages. The system can
complete the sorting task about 1500 packages an hour, and
have a relatively higher efficiency.


In this paper, an automatic sorting system based on

RFID is designed. Firstly, the system for acquisition and
managing Information is designed. Secondly, the circuit of
control and circuit of driver are shown. Finally, the
mechanical structure are processed and made. With the
gradual improvement of the logistics environment, the
automated sorting system on RFID in the field of circulation
will come in handy.


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