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Bio Factsheet: Transpiration

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B io Factsheet

January 2000

Number 64

Transpiration is the loss of water from the aerial parts of a plant. It aids transport of water and salts throughout the plant from the soil
to the leaves and helps to keep the leaves cool.
Water is essential in the life of a plant (Table 1).

Plants absorb water through their roots. Despite the fact that plants have
adaptations such as waxy cuticles on their leaves 95% of this water will
be lost by evaporation, mainly from the stomata. Some water is also lost
via evaporation through the cuticle and through pores in the stem known as
lenticels. Wherever it occurs, the evaporation of water from the plant is
called transpiration.

Table 1. Functions of water in plants




Keeps stems and leaves rigid, increases

light absorption and photosynthesis

How is water transported up stems?


Provides hydrogen for reduction of NADP

Enzyme Reactions

All metabolic processes must occur in solution


Ions, eg. Mg2+ are absorbed in solution and

transported in the xylem. Sugars, hormones
etc. are transported in solution in the

There are 3 hypotheses put forward to explain how water is transported

up stems. The most important of these is the cohesion tension hypothesis.
To understand this hypothesis, consider Fig 1.
Water evaporates from spongy mesophyll cells into the air spaces of the
leaf. Water then diffuses out of the leaf via the stomata. The loss of water
from cell X (Fig 1.) means that the water potential of that cell decreases.
Since water always moves from a region of high water potential to a region
of low water potential, water now moves from cell Y to cell X. This causes
the water potential of cell Y to decrease. In turn, this means that the water
from cell Z now moves into cell Y, and so on, all the way back to the xylem.
The loss of water from the xylem causes a negative pressure or tension
which lifts water up the xylem. Within the xylem the columns of water are
held together by cohesion (the molecules are hydrogen bonded to each
other) and by adhesion (the attraction between a water molecule and the
side of the xylem). Movement of this column of water (often hundreds of
columns because there are hundreds of xylem vessels in the xylem of a tree)
is known as the transpiration stream.

Fig 1. Passage of water through the plant


Cell Z
Cell Y

water moves from cell vacuole to cell vacuole

by water potential gradient

Cell X

Xylem in root and stem

Water diffuses out

through open stoma

Water moves upwards due to transpiration pull,

root pressure and capillarity. The column of water
is kept intact by cohesion and adhesion

Root hair

Water moves from soil solution to root hair and across cortex to the xylem , in the cell walls (apoplastic pathway),
through the cytoplasm and plasmodesmata (symplastic pathway), and through the vacuoles (water potential gradient).

Bio Factsheet

There are two other forces which are thought to contribute to the
transpiration stream. The first of these is capillarity. This results from the
adhesion of water to the sides of the microscopic xylem vessels and tracheids.
The maximum upward movement of water by such capillarity in vessels is
about 1 metre. The third process put forward to explain upward movement
of water in a stem is root pressure. This can be summarised as follows:
1. Minerals are actively absorbed at night and pumped into the xylem
2. Water potential of the xylem cells decreases.
3. Water, therefore, moves in by osmosis.
4. This increases pressure within the system since the stomata are closed.
5. Water is forced out of the leaves by guttation. Root pressures of this
kind can push water several centimetres up a plant.

Evidence that the transpiration stream occurs in the xylem

1. Tree ringing - removing a ring of bark from a tree does not significantly
alter transpiration, however, because it removes the phloem, it
stops translocation.
If the xylem is removed as well, transpiration stops, proving that
the water moves through the xylem.
2. When roots absorb a soluble dye all of the xylem elements in the
stem are stained but no other components in the plant are stained
3. The system of xylem vessels provides the only open 'pipe system'
in the plant.

Environmental factors affecting transpiration

The factors which affect the rate of transpiration are summarised in Table 2.

Table 2. Factors affecting rate of transpiration

Environmental Factors


Soil moisture

Inadequate soil moisture can cause damage to the roots which decreases their ability to absorb
water and this will decrease the rate of transpiration.


1. An increase of temperature increases the rate of movement of water molecules, so diffusion

increases and transpiration increases.
2. Increases in temperature provides energy for the latent heat of vaporisation so increasing
temperature increases evaporation which increases rate of transpiration.
3. However, if transpiration increases drastically, stomata close, enzymes may become denatured
and transpiration will decrease.
4. Temperature also affects the normal 24 hour (circadian rhythm) of stomatal opening and closing.
Normally stomata open just before the light period and remain open during the day and then
close at night.

Light intensity

Light intensity affects stomatal opening they close in darkness or extremely bright light.

Water potential gradient

The greater the water potential gradient between the air in the leaf and the atmosphere outside the
stomata, the greater the rate of diffusion hence the greater the rate of transpiration. Winds effectively
blow away moisture which may build up in the boundary layer - the layer of still air around a leaf.
This effectively increases the diffusion gradient increasing the rate of transpiration.

Carbon dioxide concentration

Carbon dioxide concentrations will influence the circadian rhythms of the plant (responses which seem
synchronised for the length of the day or the night).

Hypothesis 1
1. Photosynthesis occurs in chloroplasts in guard cells making sugars.
2. Sugars reduce water potential.
3. Water enters guard cells which become turgid.
4. The guard cell expands so because of irregular walls the pore opens.

Exam hint - The questions on the transpiration stream usually offer:

1. 1 mark for describing an upwardly moving column of water
2. 1 mark for mentioning in the xylem vessels or tracheids
3. 1 mark for mentioning cohesion and adhesion
4. 1 mark for mentioning water potential gradients

1. Not all guard cells have chloroplasts.
2. Guard cells chloroplasts dont possess all the enzymes needed in the
Calvin cycle to produce sugars.

Mechanism of stomatal opening

This relies on the fact that the inner walls of the guard cells are thickened.
Thus when the guard cells are turgid the pore between the inner walls is
opened, due to unequal wall stretching.

Hypothesis 2
1. The light reaction of photosynthesis produces ATP.
2. ATP provides energy for the absorption of K+ ions by the guard cells.
3. Chloride (Cl-) ions are absorbed and maintain electroneutrality.
4. K+ ions decrease the water potential hence water enters.
5. Thus cells become turgid and open.

There are 2 commonly examined hypotheses for how the cells become

Bio Factsheet

Practical exam questions on transpiration

Exam Hint - Questions often ask candidates to describe the method

of using a potometer and to describe the precautions which need to
be taken when setting up the apparatus.

Questions are sometimes set which test candidates knowledge of how

transpiration can be measured practically. Transpiration is measured using
a potometer. There are several designs of potometer (Fig 2).

Fig 2. Two types of potometer

leafy shoot
Capillary tube
filled with water


air bubble



leafy shoot

PVC tubing
Suggestions for practical investigations


1. To measure the effect of air currents or temperature change on

the rate of transpiration.
2. To compare transpiration rates in hairy and hairless leaves.


3. To compare transpiration rates in deciduous and evergreen shoots.

4. To assess the affects of metabolic inhibitors on transpiration rate.
(If transpiration is completely passive they should have no effect).

with water

to introduce bubble into system:

Examples of precautions which can be taken when setting up and using the
potometer are:
ensure system is air tight by connecting capillary tube and PVC tube
together under water.
cut shoot under water and connect to PVC tube under water.
grease all joints.
use hairless leaves as hairs can severely reduce transpiration.
remove excess moisture from leaf surfaces by blotting.
maintain air tight system.

1. lift potometer from water.

2. gently blot the end to the tube capillary tube to create a small air
3. lower capillary tube back into water.
wait until bubble is at suitable position and start clock.
record bubble position at suitable time intervals eg 30 secs, 60 secs
have eye at same level as bubble
when bubble reaches top of mm scale, gently squeeze PVC tube and

Bio Factsheet


Practice Questions


1. The table shows typical values of the water potential at various

points between the soil and the top of a tree.

Semicolons indicate marking points

1. (a) Water moves from a region of high water potential to a region of
low water potential;
water potential gradient exists;
favouring movement of water from soil to root / root to stem / stem
to leaf cell / leaf to air;
max 3


Water potential values (MPa)



Root cells




Leaf cells




(b) atmospheric humidity;

internal CO2 concentration;
water solubility;
light intensity;

2. (a) In both parts of the tree tension decreases until noon then increases;
as a result of net water loss or solute / sugar accumulation;
water tension greater / negative higher in trees;

(a) Use the information in the table to outline how water may be
drawn from the soil to the top of a tree.

(b) Credit reference to circadian rhythm; reference to stomatal opening;

stimulates photosynthesis hence ATP production;
ATP allows uptake of ions / K+ / sugars;
which lower water potential;
turgid guard cells lead to opening of pore;
photosynthesis decreases internal CO2 concentration;
max 4

(b) State 3 environmental factors which affect the rate of transpiration.

Total 6
2. The graph shows water tensions of cells in twigs from two parts of a
70 metre redwood tree measured over a 12 hour period.

3. cut shoot under water;

set up potometer under water;
seal all joints with vaseline;
introduce bubble of air into capillary tube;
use a fan to generate different air speeds;
allow 10 minutes to equilibrate at each air speed;
measure distance moved by bubble per unit time;
repeat several times at each speed and calculate means;

Tension in xylem (Mpa)


twig from
21.5 m


twig from
6.6 m


max 3





(a) Comment on the data shown in the graph.

(b) Suggest how light affects the rate of transpiration.

Total 7

3. Describe how you would use a potometer to investigate the effect of

air currents on the rate of transpiration.
Total 8

This Factsheet was researched and written by Kevin Bryne

Curriculum Press, Unit 305B, The Big Peg,

120 Vyse Street, Birmingham. B18 6NF
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ISSN 1351-5136

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