Treasury Bills: Frequently Asked Questions
Treasury Bills: Frequently Asked Questions
Treasury Bills: Frequently Asked Questions
A treasury bill is a short-term investment product (from 91 days to 365 days) offered by the Bank
of Ghana on behalf of the Government. Treasury bills are backed by the credit of the
Purchasing a treasury bill is lending money to the Government.
Upon maturity, the government will repay the amount it borrowed plus the determined interest
rate given at the time it borrowed (or the time you bought the Treasury bill). The interest rate
payable depends on how long you lent your money for.
The good and interesting thing about lending to the Government through the purchase of treasury
bills is that you may collect your interest upfront on the day you purchase the treasury bills. The
money given you upfront is referred to as the discount value. The discount value is always
slightly lower than the interest value that would have been paid on maturity date.
There are three things that you may do when you lend the money and wait till maturity date:
You can take all your original money together with the interest.
You can continue with the investment (roll over the principal) and take your interest.
NTHC is a primary distributor of treasury bills. You may buy your treasury bills at NTHCs
Front Office. The advantage with buying from NTHC is that when you need the money you have
lent to Government before maturity date, NTHC will give you back your principal and interest
earned to date.
We send you periodic statements that indicate the position of your investment, and
how much it has grown.
Treasury Bill Rates
Monday 16th February, 2015 To Friday 20th February, 2015
Discount Rates
Interest Rates
91 - Day
182 - Day
1 - Yr Note