Ectomorphs Ss
Ectomorphs Ss
Ectomorphs Ss
Brown rice
Whole wheat pasta
Sweet potatoes
Whole wheat breads
Lean steak
Chicken breast
Egg whites
Whey protein
Green Beans
Skim milk
Nonfat yogurt
Low fat cottage cheese
Natural peanut butter
Olive oil
Ok for ectomorphs:
Essentially most any other source of protein so long as it is low in saturated fat and
Sweet potatoes
Oatmeal, oat bran, oat bran cereal (i.e. cheerios)
Bran cereal
Brown rice
Wheat bread (try to limit to 2 slices per day)
Low fat popcorn (low fat butter spray makes this a delicacy)
Fruits (limit to 2-3 servings per day)
Malto dextrin (during workout)
Dextrose (during workout)
Omega 3 capsules (i.e. fish oil capsules)
Flax seed oil
Primrose oil
Borage oil
Olive oil
Peanut butter (as long as it does not contain hydrogenated oils)
Egg yolks
Fish (salmon especially)
Junk Food
Junk food can be a useful tool to the ectomorphic bodybuilder trying to put on size without
worrying about body fat levels too much. But with anything in bodybuilding there are rules to
how you must employ junk food into your daily diet to aid in gaining size and not just
satisfying your taste buds. The selection of junk food must contain adequate amounts of
protein to meet your needs.
So, this can be Wendy's, KFC, Pizza and foods like that. Just think about it, if you eat a triple
cheeseburger from Wendy's you are getting around 50g of protein, but you are also getting a
whopping amount of calories that will go along with that, that you will not get from eating
your standard chicken and rice meal.
Try to limit your intake of carbohydrates when you go out for these meals, which means, at
Wendy's skip the fries and stick to the burgers, KFC stick to the chicken and ditch the mash
potatoes, and when having pizza skip the bread and just stick to the pizza.
Weight Ganer Shakes:
High Calorie weight gainer shakes will be your friend also, it may be smart to invest in a
weight gainer powder if you don't have time to cook or eat the foods or just need that extra
calorie kick!
A very simple recipe I used for a high calorie, weight-gainer shake was simply blending:
132g Carbs
60g Protein
18g Fat
Chug it down and enjoy!
By eating a lot of healthy nutritional dense foods, while combining with weight-gainer shakes
and some junk food (IN PROPORTION), their is no reason why a ectomorph cannot build
some nice muscle mass and obtain a well-sculptured physique.. Just think about it, if you eat a
triple cheeseburger from Wendy's you are getting around 50g of protein, but you are also getting a
whopping amount of calories that will go along with that, that you will not get from eating your
Workout A:
Day 1 [Chest + Back]
Day 2 [Legs]
Day 3 [Cardio/OFF]
Day 4 [Shoulders + Arms]
Day 5 [Cardio/OFF]
Workout B:
Day 1 [Chest + Back]
Day 2 [Legs]
Day 3 [Cardio/OFF]
Day 4 [Shoulders + Arms]
Protein Sources:
Lean Beef
Poultry (Chicken, Turkey...)
Fish (Salmon, Tuna...)
Protein Powders
Carbohydrate Sources:
Whole Grain Products
Fat Sources:
Nuts (Cashews, Almonds...)
Fish (Salmon, Tuna...)
Healthy Oils (Primrose, Borage...)
Natural Butters (Peanut Butter, Almond Butter...)