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The document provides an overview of surface electrocardiography and its use in diagnosing ischemic heart disease. It discusses clinical correlations and prognostic implications.

The book discusses the use of surface electrocardiography in diagnosing ischemic heart disease. It explores clinical and imaging correlations and prognostic implications.

Topics covered in the book include ST-segment changes, T waves, vectors, infarction patterns, and more as they relate to ischemic heart disease diagnosis.

The Surface

in Ischaemic Heart

The Surface
in Ischaemic Heart

A. Bays de Luna,


Director of Cardiac Dep. Hospital Quiron, Barcelona

Professor of Medicine, Universidad Autonoma Barcelona
Director of Institut Catala de Cardiologia
Hospital Santa Creu I Sant Pau
St. Antoni M. Claret 167

M. Fiol-Sala,


Chief of the Intensive Coronary Care Unit

Intensive Coronary Care Unit
Hospital Son Dureta

With the collaboration of A. Carrillo , D. Goldwasser* , J. Cino* ,

A. Kotzeva* , M. Riera , J. Guindo* and R. Baranowski*

the Institut Catala de Cardiologica, Hospital Santa Creu I Sant Pau, Barcelona, Spain
the Intensive Coronary Care Unit, Hospital Son Dureta, Palma, Mallorca, Spain

C 2008 A. Bayes de Luna and M. Fiol-Sala
Published by Blackwell Publishing
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First published 2008


ISBN: 978-1-4051-7362-9
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Bayes de Luna, Antonio.
The surface electrocardiography in ischemic heart disease : clinical and imaging
correlations and prognostic implications / A. Bayes de Luna, M. Fiol-Sala.
p. ; cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 978-1-4051-7362-9
1. Coronary heart diseaseDiagnosis. 2. Electrocardiography. I. Fiol-Sala, M. (Miguel)
II. Title.
[DNLM: 1. Myocardial Ischemiadiagnosis. 2. Electrocardiographymethods. WG 300 B357s 2007]
RC685.C6B36 2008
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Foreword by Gunter Breihardt, vi

Foreword by Elliott M. Antman, vii
Introduction, ix
Part I The ECG in different clinical
settings of ischaemic heart disease:
correlations and prognostic
implications, 1

1 Anatomy of the heart: the importance

of imaging techniques correlations, 3
2 Electrocardiographic changes secondary to
myocardial ischaemia, 19
3 Electrocardiographic pattern of ischaemia:
T-wave abnormalities, 30
4 Electrocardiographic pattern of injury:
ST-segment abnormalities, 55
5 Electrocardiographic pattern of necrosis:
abnormal Q wave, 128

7 Patients with acute chest pain: role of the

ECG and its correlations, 199
8 Acute coronary syndrome: unstable angina
and acute myocardial infarction, 209
9 Myocardial infarction with Q wave, 275
10 Myocardial infarction without Q waves
or equivalent: acute and chronic phase, 289
11 Clinical settings with anginal pain, outside
the ACS, 297
12 Silent ischaemia, 302
13 Usefulness and limitations of the ECG in chronic
ischaemic heart disease, 304
14 The ECG as a predictor of ischaemic
heart disease, 308
References, 310
Index, 325
Colour plate, facing page 12

Part II The ECG in different clinical

settings of ischaemic heart disease:
correlations and prognostic
implications, 195

6 Acute and chronic ischaemic heart disease:

definition of concepts and classification, 197

Foreword by Gunter Breihardt

It is a great pleasure and honour for me to present

this foreword to this new and exciting book.
Until recently, correlations between the ECG and
the structural changes of the heart have relied on experimental studies and on studies done at autopsy,
and only to a limited degree on modern imaging
techniques. When invasive coronary angiography
came into broad use, the general interest shifted
away from the simple tool of the ECG that was considered as low technology, leading to a gradual decline in interest in and knowledge of the ECG in
ischaemic heart disease. This is in contrast to what
has happened over many years in the field of arrhythmias where there has been a continuing learning process with increasingly better interpretation
of arrhythmias based on more and more sophisticated invasive electrophysiological studies.
Fortunately, some prominent and expert clinical
researchers have kept their interest in the ECG alive.
Among them is Antoni Bayes de Luna who, jointly
with Miquel Fiol Sala, now can be congratulated
for the present book on clinical and imaging correlations and the prognostic implications of the surface ECG in ischaemic heart disease. Both authors
rightly state that they are authors and not editors of
a multi-author book. Look at the result: This book
has a quite homogenous and unified presentation
which can only be achieved if there is a common
genius behind it.
The aim of this book is to present better correlations between the structure of the heart, its
various walls, especially those of the left ventricle,
and their relationship with the torso. This will help
to eliminate much of the confusion in the interpretation of the ECG and the terms used, which
has arisen over several decades and still continues
today. The authors not only point to the limitations


of still used classifications and correlations but they

also present solutions to these problems based on
recent anatomicelectrocardiographic correlations.
Their presentation is based on the recent pioneering
work, initiated by Antoni Bayes de Luna, on the use
of magnetic resonance imaging and its correlations
with the ECG.
This book deserves the attention of all those who
take care of the ever-increasing number of patients
with ischaemic heart disease. It is a treasure and
a must for everyone who is involved in managing patients with ischaemic heart disease, be it as
practitioner, internist, cardiologist or as intensive
care physician or interventionalist, as teacher or
as student all will benefit from the vast experience of the authors and from the information from
their own studies and the literature that they have
The reader and eager student of this book will
appreciate that the most important messages of each
chapter are summarised in a box that emphasises the
didactic claim of this work.
This book has the potential to become the bible
in this field for generations to come, hopefully
Gunter Breithardt, MD, FESC, FACC, FHRS
Professor of Medicine (Cardiology)
Head of the Department of Cardiology
and Angiology; and
Head of the Department of
Molecular Cardiology of the
Leibniz-Institute for Arteriosclerosis Research,
Westphalian Wilhelms University of Munster,
Munster, Germany
May 2007
Munster, Germany

Foreword by Elliott M. Antman

Medical decision-making consists of a five-step process including obtaining a medical history from
the patient, selecting the appropriate diagnostic
tests, interpreting the results of the diagnostic tests,
weighing the risks and benefits of additional testing
or potential therapeutic interventions, and agreeing on a plan of a therapeutic approach in conjunction with the patients wishes. A diagnostic test
that optimizes sensitivity and specificity is particularly attractive clinically, since it is used to amplify the prior probability that a particular diagnostic condition is present. Given the escalating
cost of health care, a diagnostic test is especially
attractive if it is inexpensive. Diagnostic tests that
contain these features and utilize equipment that
is universally available are more likely to stand the
test of time in clinical medicine. One such diagnostic test the electrocardiogram stands out as
a shining example of a successful diagnostic test.
It is a well accepted component of the diagnostic toolbox of health care professionals around the
Einthoven is often credited as the individual
who introduced the electrocardiogram to clinical
medicine. After applying a string galvanometer to
record the hearts electrical signals on the surface of
the body, it was in 1895 that he introduced the five
deflections P, Q, R, S, and T. Willem Einthoven was
honored in 1924 for his invention of the electrocardiograph by receiving the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. In 1934, Frank Wilson introduced the concept of unipolar leads, and in 1938
the American Heart Association and Cardiac Society of Great Britain defined the standard positions
and wiring of the chest leads V1V6. In 1942, Goldberger introduced the technique for increasing the
voltage of Wilsons unipolar leads, thus creating the
augmented limb leads aVR, aVL, and aVF. In com-

bination with Einthovens three limb leads, the six

precordial leads, and the augmented unipolar leads
form the 12-lead electrocardiogram recording pattern as we know it today.
With the passage of time, many new and highly
sophisticated imaging and biochemical test have
been introduced into clinical medicine. Some might
argue that the 12-lead electrocardiogram has lost
some its luster but a more penetrating analysis of
the situation shows that this is not the case. The new
imaging and biochemical tests amplify and extend
our ability to interpret the 12-lead electrocardiogram in ways that we did not realize were possible
in the past.
One of the most important applications of the
surface electrocardiogram is in evaluation of patients with ischemic heart disease. This elegant textbook by Drs. A. Bayes de Luna and M. Fiol-Sala is
a refreshing modernistic look at the surface electrocardiogram by two internationally recognized
experts in the field. They provide the reader, in
a single volume, a richly illustrated resource that
integrates clinical findings, contemporary imaging
modalities, cutting edge biomarker findings with
a 100-year old diagnostic test the 12-lead surface electrocardiogram. The book is divided into
two parts. First, electrocardiographic patterns of ischemia, injury, and infarction are discussed. Polar
maps, vectorial illustrations, and simple diagrams
illustrating the relationship between myocyte action potentials and the surface electrocardiogram
are appealing for both the novice and experienced
reader. The second part of the book explores the
use of the surface electrocardiogram in a variety of
clinical settings of ischemic heart disease, touching
on the correlations with coronary anatomy and the
prognostic implications that can be gleaned from
the ECG.


viii Foreword

This textbook by Bayes de Luna and Fiol Sala is

Elliott M. Antman
a marvelous example of what can be accomplished
Senior Investigator, TIMI Study Group
when clinicians who are comfortable at the patients Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School; and
bedside also have the visionary insight to incorDirector of the Samuel A. Levine Cardiac Unit
porate new knowledge from contemporary cardiac
at the Brigham & Womens Hospital
imaging procedures into a fresh view of an older,
Cardiovascular Division
but still extremely useful, diagnostic test. As with
Brigham & Womens Hospital
the classical 12-lead electrocardiogram itself, readBoston
ers of this textbook will find themselves returning
to it over and over again because of the depth and
breadth of its clinical usefulness.
May 2007
Boston, USA


The electrocardiogram (ECG), which was discovered more than 100 years ago and has just celebrated
its first century, appears to be more alive than ever.
Until recently its utility was especially important
for identifying different ECG morphological abnormalities, including arrhythmias, blocks at all levels,
pre-excitation, acute coronary syndromes, as well
as Q-wave acute myocardial infarction, for which
ECG was the gold-standard diagnostic technique.
An authentic re-evaluation of ECG has been evidenced in the last years as a result of the great importance it acquired in the risk stratification and prognosis of different heart diseases. Every year there is
more and more information that demonstrates that
ECG provides new and important data, and its applications are growing and will be expanded in the
future. It has been recently confirmed that ECG allows us to approach with high reliability the molecular mechanisms that explain some heart diseases,
such as chanellopathies. For example, the correlation between ECG changes and the genes involved
in long QT syndrome is well known.
Although the usefulness of the surface ECG is important in all types of heart diseases, it stands out
particularly in the case of ischaemic heart disease
(IHD), for various reasons. The ECG is the key diagnostic tool both in the acute phase of IHD (acute
coronary syndromes, ACSs) and in the chronic one
(Q-wave infarction). Furthermore, it is crucial for
risk stratification in patients with acute ischaemic
pain. The ACSs are nowadays divided into two types:
with or without ST-segment elevation. This is extremely important in the decision making to use
fibrinolytic therapy. In the case of an ACS, especially with ST-segment elevation (STE-ACS), a careful evaluation of ST-segment deviations in different
leads allows us to ascertain not only the occluded
artery but also the site of occlusion. Therefore, it

helps to stratify the risk and, consequently, to take

the most appropriate therapeutic decision.
In the chronic phase of Q-wave infarction, the
ECG is also very useful, since the identification of
different ECG patterns of infarction permits us to
have a reliable approximation of the infarcted area.
Lastly, the ECG is of great importance, as the
number of patients with IHD is very large, and
therefore the repercussion to properly understand
the ECG changes may have an extraordinary social
and economic impact.
Nevertheless, in spite of all above-mentioned arguments, there are few books that have dealt in a
global manner with the value of ECG in IHD. Over
30 years ago Schamroth and Goldberger wrote two
important works, dedicated more to the chronic
phase of IHD, which have inevitably become outdated in many aspects. More recently, two groups,
those of Wellens and Sclarovsky, which have published pioneer studies on the importance of the ECG
in the acute phase of IHD, have published two excellent books that brilliantly deal with the ECGs role
in the acute phase of this disease. We nevertheless
considered that in the overall context of the ECGs
importance in IHD there remained a space to fill
in this field. That is what we intend to do with this
One of the most important and new aspects of
the book is the great number of correlations not
only with coronariography but also with echocardiography, isotopic studies and new imaging techniques, especially cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR), and also in some cases with coronary
multidetector computer tomography (CMDCT).
All these correlations have given us a huge amount
of important and new information.
We explain the ECG pattern of chronic Q-wave
myocardial infarction (MI) based on the correlation



with the VCG loops. We consider that the ECG-VCG

correlation is the most didactic way to explain ECG
(Bayes de Luna 1977, 1999). However, we only comment in this book the ECG criteria for diagnosis of
chronic-Q wave MI because there is not agreement
supporting that the VCG criteria present better accuracy than ECG criteria (Hurd 1981, Warner 1982)
T and the use of VCG is more time-consuming and
has not become popular in clinical practice. In order
to set up its real importance could be mandatory in
the era of imaging techniques to perform a comparative study of ECG and VCG criteria with the
standars of cardiovascular magnetic resonance.
When necessary, we also comment on the
role of other non-invasive electrocardiographic
techniques, especially exercise ECG and Holter
monitoring. Just a few remarks are given on other
non-invasive electrocardiological techniques. The
invasive electrophysiological techniques are usually not useful for risk stratification but are necessary in case of resynchronisation and implantable
cardioverter-defibrillator implantation or ablation
We have two parts in this book. In the first one,
following comments on the most important aspects of the hearts anatomy related to IHD on
the basis of coronariographic and imaging correlations, we discuss the concept of the ECG patterns of
ischaemia, injury and infarction, the electrophysiological mechanisms that explain them and the correlation that exists between the presence of these
patterns in different leads and the myocardial area
involved. Correlations between ECG curves and
vectorcardiographic loops constitute the key to understand the ECG morphologies. For this reason,
the two above-mentioned techniques of electrical
activity recording are often represented together in
this book. Nevertheless, in clinical practice the surface ECG alone allows for making a correct diagnosis in most cases. Of particular interest is the
possibility to locate the place of coronary occlusion in patients with STE-ACS, thanks to the application of sequential algorithms, and to identify
the typical and atypical ECG patterns of STE-ACS,
and to define properly the classification of non (N)
STE-ACS. Also important is the new classification of
infarction in case of Q-wave MI based on our experience with contrast-enhanced (CE)-CMR correlations. All this represents a new approach to

understand the ECG curves generated during acute

and chronic ischaemia.
In the second part we explain a detailed global
approach that has to be done in patients with acute
precordial pain, emphasising on the importance of
ECG changes, first to diagnose the ischaemic origin
and later to stratify the risk in different types of ACS.
Other electrocardiographic features of ACS, such as
coexisting arrhythmias, conduction disturbances,
ECG changes following fibrinolytic treatment and
mechanical complications and the ECG characteristics of atypical ACSs, are also presented. Furthermore, we comment on the new, current concepts
of MI with and without Q wave, the ECG markers of poor prognosis in chronic IHD and the ECG
characteristics of other clinical settings with anginal pain outside the acute phase of ACS as chronic
stable angina, X syndrome, silent ischaemia, etc.
Finally, the capacity of ECG as marker of IHD is
also discussed.
The information given in this book may help to
perform the best diagnosis in patients with acute
thoracic pain and to take decisions, sometimes in
an urgent manner, for the best approach of management in patients with acute and chronic IHDs. We
would like to emphasise that we are not the editors,
but the authors of the book. This is important, because all the information is given in a homogeneous
manner, without the presence of contradictory
opinions that often appear in edited books. Also,
the presence of frequent cross-references within the
text makes the content of the book easier to follow. We are aware that we are often repetitive, especially when we comment on the new concepts of
ACS with or without STE and the new classification
of Q-wave MI based on CMR correlations. However, we consider that this may be helpful especially
for the readers who are not too much involved in
the topic and also for consultants of some specific
We express our gratitude to E. Antman, pioneer
in many aspects of IHD, who has written a generous Foreword to this book, for his support and
collaboration. We have written together a monograph related to the role of surface ECG in patients
with acute thoracic pain and ST-segment elevation
MI, which has been mostly included in this book,
and for that he may also be considered co-author of
the book. Also my thanks to Gunter Breithardt, an

Introduction xi

expert and pioneer in electrocardiology, because he

has also written an outstanding Foreword emphasising the electrocardiographic aspects of the book.
We also appreciate very much the advice and friendship of Y. Birnbaum, J. Cinca, P. Clemensen, A.
Gorgels, K. Nikus, O. Pahlm, G. Pohost, W. Roberts,
S. Sclarovsky, S. Stern, G. Wagner, H. Wellens and
W. Zareba, with whom we shared many aspects of
the new ideas expressed in this book.
Finally, we would like to thank the help especially of J. Cino, A. Carrillo, A. Kotzeva, M. Riera, J.
Guindo, D. Goldwasser and R. Baranowski for their
collaboration, and also of T. Bayes-Gens, A. Boix,
R. Elosua, P. Farres, J. Guerra, A. Martinez Rubio,
J. Puig, I. Ramirez, J. Riba,
J. Gurri, M. Santalo,

E. Rodriguez, P. Torner, T. Anivarro, M.T. Subirana

and X. Vinolas, who collaborated in the selection of
iconography and in many other aspects. A special
mention of gratitude to the Cardiovascular Imaging Unit of Saint Paul Hospital (G. Pons, F. Carreras, R. Leta and S. Pujadas) for its outstanding
contribution with the CMR and CMDCT figures.
Many thanks also to Montserrat Saur, who gave
us her valuable secretarial support; to Josep Sarrio
for some of the drawings; and to Prous Science and
Blackwell Publishing for their invaluable work in all
the printing process of the book in its Spanish and
English versions.
Antoni Bayes de Luna
Miquel Fiol-Sala


patterns of ischaemia,
injury and infarction


Anatomy of the heart: the

importance of imaging techniques
The surface electrocardiography (ECG) in both
acute and chronic phase of ischaemic heart disease (IHD) may give crucial information about the
coronary artery involved and which is the area of
myocardium that is at risk or already infarcted.
This information jointly with the ECGclinical correlation is very important for prognosis and risk
stratification, as will be demonstrated in this book.
Therefore, we will give in the following pages an
overview of the anatomy of the heart, especially the
heart walls and coronary tree, and emphasise the
best techniques currently used for its study.
For centuries, since the pioneering works of
Vesalio, Leonardo da Vinci, Lower and BourgeryJacob, pathology has been a unique method to study
the anatomy of the heart. Since the end of the nineteenth century, the visualisation of the heart in vivo
has been possible by X-ray examination. The last
4050 years started the era of invasive imaging techniques with cardiac catheterisation (angiography
and coronary angiography) and modern noninvasive imaging techniques, first with echocardiography and later with isotopic studies, scanner
and cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR).
These techniques open a new avenue to study not
only the anatomy of the heart, coronary arteries and
great vessels but also the myocardial function and
perfusion, and the characterisation of the valves,
pericardium, etc.
The coronary angiography (Figure 1.1) is especially important in the acute phase for diagnosing
the disease and correlating the place of occlusion
with the ST-segment deviations. It is also useful
in the chronic phase of the disease. However, in
the chronic phase of Q-wave myocardial infarction (MI) the ECG does not usually predict the

state of the coronary tree, because the revascularisation treatment has modified, sometimes very
much, the characteristics of the occlusion responsible for the MI. Furthermore, the catheterisation technique may give important information for
identifying hypokinetic or akinetic areas. The latter
may be considered comparable to infarcted areas
(Shen, Tribouilloy and Lesbre, 1991; Takatsu et al.,
1988; Takatsu, Osugui and Nagaya, 1986; Warner
et al., 1986). Currently, in some cases, the noninvasive coronary multidetector computer tomography (CMDCT) may be used (Figure 1.1).
The era of modern non-invasive imaging techniques started with echocardiography, which is
very easy to perform and has a good cost-effective
relation. This technique plays an important role, especially in the acute phase, in the detection of leftventricular function and mechanical complications
of acute MI (Figures 1.2, 8.28 and 8.29). Also, it is
very much used in chronic ischaemic-heart-disease
patients for the study of left-ventricular function
and also detection of hypokinetic and akinetic areas
(Bogaty et al., 2002; Matetzky et al., 1999; Mitamura
et al., 1981). However, echocardiography tends to
overestimate the area that is at risk or necrosed,
and thus its reliability is good but not excellent.
The techniques of echo stress and especially isotopic studies (single-photon emission computed
tomography, SPECT) have proved to be very reliable for detecting perfusion defects and necrotic
areas (Gallik et al., 1995; Huey et al., 1988; Zafrir
et al., 2004) (Figure 1.3). They are very useful
in cases where there is dubious precordial pain
with positive exercise testing without symptoms
(Figure 4.58). It has been demonstrated, however,
that in some cases (non-Q-wave infarction) the

PART I Electrocardiographic patterns of ischaemia, injury and infarction



Figure 1.1 (A) Normal case: coronary angiography (left)

and three-dimensional volume rendering of CMDCT (right)
showing normal LAD and LCX artery. The latter is partially
covered by left appendix in CMDCT. The arrow points out
LAD. (B) Normal case: coronary arteriography (left) and
three-dimensional volume rendering of CMDCT (right)
showing normal dominant RCA. (C) 85-year-old man with
atypical anginal pain: (a) Maximal intensity projection
(MIP) of CMDCT with clear tight mid-LAD stenosis that
correlates perfectly with the result of coronary
angiography performed before PCI (b). (D) Similar case as
(C) but with the stenosis in the first third of RCA ((ad)
CMDCT and (e) coronary arteriography). (E) Similar case as
(C) and (D) but with the tight stenosis in the LCX before
the bifurcation ((a) and (b) CMDCT and (c) coronary
angiography). (F) These images show that CMDCT may also
demonstrate the presence of stenosis in distal vessels, in
this case posterior descending RCA ((ab) CMDCT and (c))

coronary angiography). (G) These images show that

CMDCT (a, b) may delimitate the length of total occlusion
and visualise the distal vessels (see arrows in (b), the yellow
ones correspond to distal RCA retrograde flow from LAD)
that is not possible to visualise with coronary angiography
(c). (H) A 42-year-old man sports coach with a stent
implanted in LAD by anginal pain 6 months before. The
patient complains of atypical pain and present state of
anxiety that advises to perform a CMDCT to assure the
good result and permeability of the stent. In the MIP of
CMDCT (ac) was well seen the permeability of the stent
but also a narrow, long and soft plaque in left main trunk
with a limited lumen of the vessel (see (d) rounded circle)
that was not well seen in the coronary angiography (e) but
was confirmed by IVUS (f). The ECG presents not very deep
negative T wave in V1V3 along all the follow-up. This
figure can be seen in colour, Plate 1.

extension of the infarction may be underestimated

and that in presence of the left bundle branch block
(LBBB) the estimation of some perfusion defects is
The most recent imaging techniques are CMR
(Figure 1.4) and CMDCT (Figure 1.1). The latter is
used for non-invasive study of coronary tree. CMR,
which may also be used for perfusion and func-

tion studies of the myocardium, gives us the best in

vivo anatomic information about the heart. Thus,
this technique, in conjunction with gadolinium injection and contrast-enhanced CMR (CE-CMR),
is very useful for identifying and locating MI, as
well as for determining its transmurality with extraordinary reliability, comparable to pathological
studies (Bayes de Luna et al., 2006ac; Cino et al.,

CHAPTER 1 Anatomy of the heart: the importance of imaging techniques correlations 5



Figure 1.1 (Continued )

2006; Moon et al., 2004; Salvanayegam, 2004; Wu

et al., 2001). This is why CE-CMR has become the
gold-standard technique for studying correlations
between ECG findings and infarcted myocardial areas in the chronic phase of IHD (Bayes de Luna
et al., 2006ac; Cino et al., 2006; Engblom et al.,
2002, 2003). Also, CE-CMR may distinguish according to location the hyperenhancement areas between ischaemic and non-ischaemic patients (Figure 1.5) and may show in vivo the sequence of the
evolving transmural MI (Mahrholdt et al., 2005a,
b) (Figure 8.5). The reproducibility of CE-CMR
along time, especially after the acute phase, is very
good. It also has the advantage of not producing
radiation. The current limitation of CMR, which
will probably be solved in the next few years, is
the study of coronary tree. Currently, this may be
performed non-invasively by CMDCT (see above
Fig 1.1).

The heart walls and their

segmentation: cardiac magnetic
resonance (Figures 1.41.14)
The heart is located in the central-left part of the
thorax (lying on the diaphragm) and is oriented anteriorly, with the apex directed forwards, and from
right to left (Figure 1.4).
The left ventricle (LV) is cone shaped. Although
its borders are imprecise, classically (Myers et al.,
1948a, b; Myers, Howard and Stofer, 1948), it has
been divided, except in its inferomost part the apex,
into four walls, till very recently named septal, anterior, lateral and inferoposterior. In the 1940s1950s
the inferoposterior wall was named just posterior
(Goldberger, 1953) (Figure 1.6A), probably because
it was considered opposed to the anterior wall. Later
on (Perloff, 1964), only the basal part of this wall,
which was thought to bend upwards, was considered really a posterior wall (Figure 1.6B). Therefore,

PART I Electrocardiographic patterns of ischaemia, injury and infarction



Figure 1.1 (Continued )

it was named true posterior and the rest of the wall

just inferior wall (Figure 1.6). According to that,
for more than 40 years the terms true or strict
posterior infarction, injury and ischaemia have
been applied, when it was considered that the basal
part of the inferoposterior wall was affected. The
committee of the experts of the International Society of Computerised ECG (McFarlane and Veitch
Lawrie, 1989), in accordance with the publications
of Selvester and Wagner, has named these walls anterosuperior, anterolateral, posterolateral and inferior, respectively. However, this nomenclature
has not been popularised, and the classical names
(Figure 1.7A) are still mostly used in the major-

ity of papers (Roberts and Gardin, 1978), ECG

books (Figure 1.7B to D), task force (Surawicz et
al., 1978) and statements (Hazinsky, Cummis and
Field, 2000).
Later on, in the era of imaging techniques, the
heart was transected into different planes (Figure
1.7) and different names were given to the heart
walls by echocardiographists and experts in nuclear
medicine. However, recently, the consensus of the
North American Societies for Imaging (Cerqueira,
Weissman and Disizian, 2002) divided the LV in
17 segments and 4 walls: septal, anterior, lateral
and inferior (Figures 1.8 and 1.9). This consensus
states that the classical inferoposterior wall should

CHAPTER 1 Anatomy of the heart: the importance of imaging techniques correlations 7



Figure 1.1 (Continued )

be called inferior for consistency, and segment 4

should be called inferobasal instead of posterior
wall. Therefore the word posterior has to be suppressed. Figures 1.8 and 1.9 show the 17 segments
into which the four left-ventricular walls are divided
(6 basal, 6 medial, 4 inferior and the apex), and the
right side of Figure 1.9 shows the heart walls with
their corresponding segments on a polar bulls-eye
map, as used by specialists in nuclear medicine. Now

we will explain, thanks to correlations with CMR,

why we consider that this terminology (Cerqueira,
Weissman and Disizian, 2002) is the best and it will
be used further in this book. Page 16 shows the evolution of the terminology given to the wall that lies
on the diaphragm.
If we consider that the heart is located in the
thorax in a strictly posteroanterior position, as is
presented by anatomists and by experts in nuclear

PART I Electrocardiographic patterns of ischaemia, injury and infarction

Figure 1.2 Echocardiography: see example of volumes,

wall thickening and myocardium mass in a normal case
and in a patient with post-MI. Above: (A) End-diastolic and
(B) end-systolic apical long-axis views of a normal left
ventricle. The endocardial and epicardial contours are
traced and the built-in computer software of the
ultrasound system allows calculation of volumes, wall
thickening and myocardial mass. Below: Segmental wall

function analysis: post-infarct lateral wall hypokinesis

shown in the four view. The left ventricle is dilated.
Superposition of the traced endocardial contours at end
diastole (A) and end systole (B) shows the hypokinesis and
compensatory hyperkinesis of the interventricular septum.
(C) It shows the superimposed end-diastolic and

end-systolic contours. (Adapted from Camm AJ, Luscher

and Serruys PW, 2006.)

medicine, and in the transverse section of CMR

images (Figure 1.10AC), we may understand that
in case of involvement (injury or infarction) of
basal part of inferior wall (classically called posterior wall) especially when in lean individuals the
majority of inferior wall is placed in a posterior position (Figure 1.13C), an RS (R) and/or ST-segment
depression in V1 will be recorded (Figure 1.10D).
However, now, thanks to magnetic resonance correlations (Figure 1.11), we have evidence that the

sagittal view of the heart is, in respect to the thorax, located with an oblique right-to-left inclination
and not in a strictly posteroanterior position, as was
usually presented by anatomists, nuclear medicine
and the transverse section of CMR (Figure 1.10).
This helps us to understand how the RS (R) or predominant ST-segment depression patterns in V1 is
the consequence of the infarction of or injury to the
lateral, not the inferobasal, segment (classical posterior wall) (Figure 1.12). However, we have to remind

The usefulness of invasive and non-invasive

imaging techniques and their correlations with
r Non-invasive imaging techniques, especially
SPECT, are very useful in detecting perfusion defects during exercise test.
r We will present in this book the importance of
ECGcoronary angiography correlations to identify the artery occlusion site and the myocardial
area at risk.
r The role of coronary angiography, and in
special circumstances, of non-invasive detection

of coronary tree by CMDCT in chronic-heartdisease patients, will be commented.

r In chronic Q-wave MI we will emphasise the
importance of the ECGCMR correlations to
identify and locate the area of infarction.
r ECG is very useful in coronary care unit and is
also used routinely in the chronic phase.
r X-ray examination still plays some role especially in the acute phase (heart enlargement
and pulmonary oedema) and in the detection
of aneurysms and calcifications, visualisation of
heart valves, pacemakers, etc.

CHAPTER 1 Anatomy of the heart: the importance of imaging techniques correlations 9



Figure 1.3 Examples of correlation exercise test isotopic

images (SPECT). (A) Above: Observe the three heart planes
(see Figure 1.4B) used by nuclear medicine experts (and
other imaging techniques) to transect the heart:
(1) short-axis (transverse) view (SA), (2) vertical long-axis
view (VLA) (oblique sagittal-like) and (3) horizontal
long-axis (HLA) view. Below: Normal case of perfusion of
left ventricle. On the middle is (B) the bulls-eye image of
this case. The segmentation of the heart used in this book
is shown (Cerqueira, Weissman and Disizian, 2002). On (A)
transections of the three axes are shown. The short-axis
transections is at the mid-apical level (see Figure 1.8 for
segmentation). (B) Above: In the three planes (SA, VLA and

HLA) see (A) normal uptake at rest (Re) and during exercise
(Ex) can be observed. Middle: Abnormal uptake only
during exercise of segments 7, 13 and 17 (see Figure 1.8) in
a patient with angina produced by distal involvement of
not long LAD. The basal part of the anterior wall of left
ventricle is not involved. Below: Abnormal uptake during
rest and exercise in a patient in chronic phase of MI
produced by distal occlusion of very long LAD that wraps
the apex involving part of inferior wall (segments 7, 13 and
17 and also 15) (see Figure 1.8), without residual ischaemia
on exercise. In this case the image of abnormal uptake is
persistent during rest. See in all cases the ECG patterns that
may be found. This figure can be seen in colour, Plate 2.

10 PART I Electrocardiographic patterns of ischaemia, injury and infarction



Figure 1.4 Cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (CMR).

(A) Transections of the heart following the classical human
body planes: (1) frontal plane, (2) horizontal plane and
(3) sagittal plane. (B) Transections of the heart following
the heart planes that cut the body obliquely. These are the
planes used by the cardiac imaging experts: (1) short-axis
(transverse) view, in this case at mid-level (see B(1));
(2) horizontal long-axis view;

(3) vertical long-axis view (oblique sagittal-like). Check the

great difference between the sagittal plane according to
human body planes (A(3)) and the heart planes (B(3). (B) It
shows the four walls of the heart with the classical names:
septal (S), anterior (A), lateral (L) and inferoposterior.
Currently, the inferoposterior wall is named for consistency
just inferior (I) (see p. 16 and Figure 1.8).

Hyperenhancement patterns
A. Subendocardial infarct

A. Mid-wall HE

. Idioparthi dilared
. Myocarditis

. Hypertrophic
. Right ventricular
pressure overload (e.g.
congenital heart disease,
pulmonary HTN)

. Sarcoidosis
. Myocarditis
. Anderson-fabry
. Chas disease

B. Epicardial HE
B. Transmular infarct

. Sarcoidosis, myocarditis, Anderson-Fabry, Chags disease

C. Global endocardial HE

. Amyloidosis, systemic selerosis. post-cardiac transplantation

Figure 1.5 Hyperenhancement patterns found in clinical

practice. If hyperenhancement is present, the
subendocardium should be involved in patients with

ischaemic disease. Isolated mid-wall or subepicardial

hyperenhancement strongly suggests a non-ischaemic
etiology. (Taken from Marhrholdt, 2005.)

CHAPTER 1 Anatomy of the heart: the importance of imaging techniques correlations 11

Anterior infarct

Posterior infarct




Goldberger, 1953

Anterior infarct

True posterior infarct

Perloff, 1964

Figure 1.6 Above: The concept of anterior and posterior

infarction according to Goldberger (1953). Below: The
concept of anterior and true or strict posterior infarction is
shown according to Perloff (1964). The other part of the
wall that lies on the diaphragm became to be named
inferior (see p. 16).

that in the majority of cases except for very lean individuals (see Figure 1.13C), the part of the inferior
wall that is really posterior just involves the area
of late depolarisation (segment 4, or inferobasal).
Therefore, in case of MI of this area, there would
not be changes in the first part of QRS, because this
MI does not originate a Q wave or an equivalent
wave (Durrer et al., 1970).
The CMR technique gives us real information about the in vivo hearts anatomy (Blackwell,
Cranney and Pohost, 1993; Pons-Llado and Carreras, 2005) (Figure 1.4). In this regard, the following are important:
(a) CMR patterns of the frontal, horizontal and
sagittal planes of the heart following the human
body planes are shown in Figure 1.4A. This allows
us to know with precision the hearts location within
the thorax. In this figure we can observe these transections, performed at the mid-level of the heart.
(b) Nevertheless, bearing in mind the threedimensional location of the heart within the thorax, in order to correlate the left ventricular walls
amongst themselves and, above all, to locate the
different segments into which they can be divided,
it is best to perform transections following the

heart planes that are perpendicular to each other

(see Figure 1.4B), as has been already done in
nuclear medicine (Figure 1.3; see Plate 2). These
planes transect the heart following the heart planes
(Figure 1.4B) and are the following: horizontal longaxis view, short-axis view (transverse) and vertical
long-axis view (oblique sagittal-like). In reality the
oblique sagittal-like view (Figure 1.11B) presents,
as we have said, an oblique right to left and not
a strict posteroanterior direction (compare Figure
1.4A(3) with Figures 1.4B(3) and 1.11B). Therefore in the presence of infarction of the inferobasal
part of inferior wall (classically called posterior wall)
and especially when the infarction involves the midinferior wall if it is located posteriorly, as happens in
very lean individuals (Figure 1.13C), the vector of
infarction generated in this area is directed forwards
and from right to left and is recorded as RS morphology in V2V3, but not in V1 where it presents
a normal rS morphology (Figure 1.12B). On the
contrary, the vector of infarction, in the case of infarction involving the lateral wall, may generate an
RS pattern in V1 (Bayes de Luna, Batchvarov and
Malik, 2006; Bayes de Luna, Fiol and Antman, 2006;
Cino et al., 2006) (Figure 1.12C) (see legend Figure
(c) The longitudinal vertical plane (Figures 1.3(2),
1.8C and 1.11B; see Plate 2) is not fully sagittal with
respect to the anteroposterior position of the thorax, but rather oblique sagittal, as it is directed from
right to left. (The sagittal-like axis follows the CD
line in Figure 1.11A.) Compare Figures 1.4B(3) and
1.11B with the true sagittal view Figure 1.4A(3).
The view of this plane, as seen from the left side
(oblique sagittal), allows us to correctly visualise the
anterior and the inferior heart walls (Figure 1.11B).
We can clearly see that the inferior wall has a portion that lies on the diaphragm until, at a certain
point, sometimes it changes its direction and becomes posterior (classic posterior wall), now called
inferobasal segment. This posterior part is more or
less important, depending on, among other factors,
the body-build. We have found (Figure 1.13) that in
most cases the inferior wall remains flat (C shape)
(Figure 1.13B). However, sometimes a clear basal
part bending upwards (G shape) (Figure 1.13A) is
seen. Only rarely, usually in very lean individuals,
does the great part of the inferior wall present a clear
posterior position (U shape) (Figure 1.13C).

12 PART I Electrocardiographic patterns of ischaemia, injury and infarction




Frontal view



Direct posterior


Figure 1.7 (A) The left ventricle may be divided into four
walls that till very recently were usually named anterior
(A), inferoposterior (IP) or diaphragmatic, septal (S) and
lateral (L). However, according to the arguments given in
this book, we consider that the inferoposterior wall has
to be named just inferior (see p. 16). (BD) Different
drawings of the inferoposterior wall (inferior + posterior
walls) according to different ECG textbooks (see inside the
figure). In all of them the posterior wall corresponds to the

basal part of the wall lying on the diaphragm that was

thought to bend upwards. It was considered that the heart
was located strictly in a posteroanterior position in the
thorax (Figures 1.10D and 1.12A). The cardiovascular
magnetic resonance (CMR) gives us the information that
the inferoposterior wall lies flat, even in its basal part, in
around two-third of cases (Figure 1.13) and make evident
that the heart is always placed in an oblique position
(Figure 1.12B,C).

Therefore, often, the posterior wall does not exist and for this reason, the name inferior wall
seems clearly better than the name inferoposterior. On the other hand, the anterior wall is, in
fact, superoanterior, as is clearly appreciated in
Figure 1.11B. However, in order to harmonise the
terminology with imaging experts and to avoid
more confusion, we consider that the names anterior wall and inferior wall are the most adequate
for its simplification and also, because when an infarct exists in the anterior wall, the ECG repercussion is in the horizontal plane (HP; V1V6) and
when it is in the inferior wall even in the inferobasal segment it is in the frontal plane (FP).

(d) The longitudinal HP (Figures 1.3(3) and 1.8B;

see Plate 2) is directed from backwards to forwards
from rightwards to leftwards, and slightly cephalocaudally. In Figure 1.8A (arrows), one can appreciate how, following the line AB, the heart can be
opened like a book (Figure 1.8B).
(e) The transverse plane (Figures 1.4B(1), 1.3A(1)
and 1.8A), with respect to the thorax, is directed predominantly cephalocaudally and from right to left,
and it crosses the heart, depending on the transection performed, at the basal level, mid-level or apical
level (Figure 1.8A). Thanks to these transverse transections performed at different levels, we are able to
view the right ventricle (RV) and the left-ventricular

CHAPTER 1 Anatomy of the heart: the importance of imaging techniques correlations 13




Figure 1.8 (A) Segments into which the heart is divided,

according to the transverse (short-axis view) transections
performed at the basal, mid and apical levels. The basal
and medial transections delineate six segments each, while
the apical transection shows four segments. Together with
the apex, they constitute the 17 segments in which the
heart can be divided according to the classification

performed by the American imaging societies (Cerqueira,

Weissman and Disizian, 2002). (B) View of the 17 segments
with the heart open in a horizontal long-axis view and
(C) vertical long-axis (sagittal-like) view seen from the right
side. Figure 1.14 shows the perfusion of these segments by
the corresponding coronary arteries.

Figure 1.9 Images of the segments into which the left

ventricle (LV) is divided according to the transverse
transections (short-axis view) performed at the basal, mid
and apical levels, considering that the heart is located in
the thorax just in a posteroanterior and right-to-left
position. Segment 4, inferobasal, was classically named
posterior wall. The basal and medial transections delineate

six segments each, while the apical transection shows four

segments. Together with the apex, the left ventricle can be
divided into 17 segments. Note, in the mid-transection, the
situation of the papillary muscles is shown. To the right, all
17 segments in the form of a polar map (bulls-eye), just as
it is represented in nuclear medicine reports.



Figure 1.10 (A) The heart, shown out of the thorax by

anatomists and pathologists; (B) bulls-eye image as it is
shown by nuclear medicine and (C) transverse transection
as it is shown by CMR. In both cases the position of the
heart is presented as if the heart was located in the thorax
in a strictly posteroanterior position. (D) The injury and



infarction vectors (Inj. V and Inf. V) with the same direction

but different sense may be seen. Compare the differences
in the transections of the heart presented in Figure
1.4(above) taking the body as a centre and 1.4(below)
taking the heart as a center.

14 PART I Electrocardiographic patterns of ischaemia, injury and infarction



Figure 1.11 Magnetic resonance imaging. (A) Thoracic

horizontal axial plane at the level of the xy line of the
drawing on the right side of the figure. The four walls can
be adequately observed: anterior (A), septal (S), lateral (L)
and inferior (I), represented by the inferobasal portion of
the wall (segment 4 of Cerqueira statement) that bends
upwards in this case (B). The infarction vector generated
principally in segments 4 and 10; in case of very lean
individuals (Figure 1.13C) it faces lead V3 and not V1 (line
CD). On the contrary, the vector of infarction that arises



from segments 5 and 11 (lateral wall) faces V1 and

therefore explains RS morphology in this lead (line BA).
(B) According to the transection, following the vertical
longitudinal axis of the heart (line CD in (A)), we obtain a
sagittal oblique view of the heart from the left side. These
four walls, anterior, inferior (inferobasal), septal and
lateral, are clearly seen in the horizontal axial plane (A),
and two walls, anterior and inferior including the
inferobasal segment, in sagittal-like plane (B).

IV: Infarction vector

Figure 1.12 (A) The posterior (inferobasal) wall as it was

wrongly considered to be placed. With this location an
infarction vector of inferior infarction (segments 4 and 10
in case of very lean individuals) faces V1V2 and explains
the RS pattern in these leads. (B, C) The real anatomic
position of inferior wall (inferobasal) and lateral wall

infarctions. The infarction vector of inferobasal and

mid-segment in lean individuals faces V3V4 and not V1,
and may contribute to the normal RS pattern seen in these
leads. On the contrary, the vector of infarction of the
lateral wall faces V1 and may explain RS pattern in this
lead (see p. 156).

CHAPTER 1 Anatomy of the heart: the importance of imaging techniques correlations 15




Figure 1.13 Sagittal-oblique view in case of

normal-body-build subject (A) (G shape), in a man with
horizontal heart (B) (C shape) and in a very lean subject
(C) (U shape). We have found that the inferior wall does

not bend upward in C shape (two-third of the cases), and

only in very lean individuals with U shape, the largest part
of the wall is posterior (5% of the cases) (C).

septal, anterior, lateral and inferior walls (Figures

1.3(1) and 1.8A; see Plate 2). Thus, the LV is divided into the basal area, the mid-area, the apical
(inferior) area and the strict apex area (Figures 1.8A
and 1.9).
In order to clarify the terminology of the heart
walls, a committee appointed by ISHNE (International Society Holter Non-invasive Electrocardiography) has made the following recommendations
(Bayes de Luna et al., 2006c):
1. Historically, the terms true or strictly posterior
MI have been applied when the basal part of the
LV wall that lies on the diaphragm was involved.
However, although in echocardiography the term
posterior is still used in reference to other segments
of LV, it is the consensus of this report to abandon
the term posterior and to recommend that the
term inferior be applied to the entire LV wall
that lies on the diaphragm.
2. Therefore, the four walls of the heart are named
anterior,septal,inferior and lateral. This decision
regarding change in terminology achieves agreement with the consensus of experts in cardiac
imaging appointed by American Heart Association (AHA) (Cerqueira, Weissman and Disizian,
2002) and thereby provides great advantages for
clinical practice. However, a global agreement, especially with an echocardiographic statement, is

The coronary tree: coronary

angiography and coronary
multidetector computed
In the past, only pathologists have studied coronary arteries. In clinical practice, coronary arteriography, first performed by Sones in 1959, has been
the gold standard for identifying the presence or
absence of coronary stenosis due to IHD, and it
provides the most reliable anatomic information
for determining the most adequate treatment. Furthermore, it is crucial not only for diagnosis but also
for performing percutaneous coronary intervention
(PCI). Very recently, new imaging techniques, especially CMDCT, are being used more and more with
a great reproducibility compared with coronary angiography (ORourke et al., 2000; Pons-Llado and
Leta-Petracca, 2006) (Figure 1.1). CMDCT is very
useful for demonstrating bypass permeability and
for screening patients with risk factors. Recently, it
has even suggested its utility in the triage of patients at emergency departments with dubious precordial (Hoffmann, 2006). In chronic-heart-disease
patients, there are some limitations due to frequent
presence of calcium in the vessel walls that may
interfere with the study of the lumen of the vessel. However the calcium score alone without the
visualisation of coronary arteries is important in
patients with intermediate risk, in some series even

16 PART I Electrocardiographic patterns of ischaemia, injury and infarction

In the light of current knowledge, we would like to summarise the following:

1. Classically it was considered that the four walls

of the heart are named septal, anterior, lateral and
inferoposterior. The posterior wall represents the
part of inferoposterior wall that bends upwards.
2. Since mid-1960s it was defended that infarction of the posterior wall presents a vector of infarction that faces V1V2 and therefore explains
RS (R) morphology in these leads (Perloff, 1964).
3. However, (a) infarction of the inferobasal
segment (posterior wall) does not usually generate a Q wave because it depolarises after 40 milliseconds (Durrer et al., 1970) (Figure 9.5). (b)
Furthermore, the CMR correlations have demonstrated that the posterior wall often does not exist, because usually the basal part of the inferoposterior wall does not bend upwards (Figure
1.13). (c) In cases that the inferoposterior wall
bends upwards, even if the most part of inferior
wall is posterior, as may be rarely seen in very lean
individuals, as the heart is located in an oblique

right-to-left position, the vector of infarction is

directed forwards, but to the left, and faces V3 and
not V1, and therefore it originates RS morphology in V3V4 but not in V1. In reality the vector
of infarction that explains the RS morphology in
V1 is generated in the lateral wall (Figures 1.11
and 1.12).
4. Currently, the four walls of the heart have to
be named septal, anterior, lateral and inferior.

The injury vector has approximately the same direction as

that of the vector of ischaemia and infarction but opposite
sense (see p. 35, 60 and 131 and Figures 3.6, 4.8 and 5.3).
Therefore, most probably, in case of injury of the lateral
wall, an ST-segment depression will be especially recorded
in V1V2, and in case of injury of the inferobasal wall,
the ST-segment depression will be recorded especially in
V2V3. However, further perfusion studies, with imaging
techniques in the acute phase have to be done to validate
this hypothesis.

Most common names given along the time to the wall that lies on the diaphragm

1940s to 1950s (Goldberger, 1953)

1960s to 2000s (since Perloff, 1964)
2000s (since Cerqueira, Weissman and Disizian,
2002, and Bayes de Luna, 2006)

Posterior wall
Inferoposterior (basal part = true posterior)
Inferior (basal part = inferobasal)

Therefore we consider that the four walls of the heart have to be named anterior, septal, lateral and

better than exercise testing, to predict the risk of

IHD. CMDCT has some advantages in case of complete occlusion (Figure 1.1G) and in detecting soft
plaques. It is also useful for the exact quantification
of the lumen of occluded vessel that is comparable with intravascular ultrasound (see Figure 1.1H).
However, it is necessary to realise the need to avoid
repetitive explorations form an economical point
of view and also to avoid possible side-effects due
to radiation. A clear advantage of invasive coronary
angiography is that it is possible, and this is very
important especially in the acute phase, to perform
immediately a PCI.

The perfusion of the heart walls and

specific conduction system
The myocardium and specific conduction system
(SCS) are perfused by the right coronary artery
(RCA), the left anterior descending coronary artery
(LAD) and the circumflex coronary artery (LCX).
Figure 1.1 shows the great correlation of coronary
angiography and CMDCT in normal coronary tree
and some pathologic cases.
Figures 1.14BD show the perfusion that the different walls with their corresponding segments receive from the three coronary arteries. The areas
with common perfusion are coloured in grey in

CHAPTER 1 Anatomy of the heart: the importance of imaging techniques correlations 17







Figure 1.14 According to the anatomical variants of

coronary circulation, there are areas of shared variable
perfusion (A). The perfusion of these segments by the
corresponding coronary arteries (BD) can be seen in the
bulls-eye images. For example, the apex (segment 17) is
usually perfused by the LAD but sometimes by the RCA or
even the LCX. Segments 3 and 9 are shared by LAD and
RCA, and also small part of mid-low lateral wall is shared
by LAD and LCX. Segments 4, 10 and 15 depend on the

RCA or the LCX, depending on which of them is dominant

(the RCA in >80% of the cases). Segment 15 often receives
blood from LAD. (E) Correspondence of ECG leads with the
bulls-eye image. Abbreviations: LAD, left anterior
descending coronary artery; S1, first septal branch; D1, first
diagonal branch; RCA, right coronary artery; PD, posterior
descending coronary artery; PL, posterolateral branch;
LCX, left circumflex coronary artery; OM, obtuse marginal
branch; PB, posterobasal branch.

Figure 1.14A. Figure 1.14E shows the correlation of

ECG leads with the bulls-eye image (Bayes, Fiol and
Antman, 2006). The myocardial areas perfused by
three coronary arteries are as follows (CandellRiera et al., 2005; Gallik et al., 1995):
r Left anterior descending coronary artery (LAD)
(Figure 1.14B). It perfuses the anterior wall, especially via the diagonal branches (segments 1, 7 and
13), the anterior part of the septum, a portion of inferior part of the septum and usually the small part
of the anterior wall, via the septal branches (segments 2, 8 and part of 14, 3 and 9). Segment 14 is perfused by LAD, sometimes shared with the RCA, and
also parts of segments 3 and 9 are shared with the
RCA. Segments 12 and 16 are sometimes perfused
by the second and third diagonals and sometimes by
the second obtuse branch of LCX. Frequently, the
LAD perfuses the apex and part of the inferior wall,
as the LAD wraps around the apex in over 80% of
cases (segment 17 and part of segment 15).

r Right coronary artery (RCA) (Figure 1.14C).

This artery perfuses, in addition to the RV, the inferior portion of the septum (part of segments 3
and 9). Usually, the higher part of the septum
receives double perfusion (LAD + RCA conal
branch). Segment 14 corresponds more to the LAD,
but it is sometimes shared by both arteries (see before). The RCA perfuses a large part of the inferior
wall (segment 10 and parts of 4 and 15). Segments
4 and 10 can be perfused by the LCX if this artery
is of the dominant type (observed in 1020% of
all cases), and at least part of segment 15 is perfused by LAD if this artery is long. Parts of the
lateral wall (segments 5, 11 and 16) may, on certain occasions, pertain to RCA perfusion if it is very
dominant. Sometimes segment 4 receives double
perfusion (RCA + LCX). Lastly, the RCA perfuses
segment 17 if the LAD is very short.
r Circumflex coronary artery (LCX) (Figure
1.14D). The LCX perfuses most of the lateral

18 PART I Electrocardiographic patterns of ischaemia, injury and infarction

wall the anterior basal part (segment 6) and the

mid and low parts of lateral wall shared with the
LAD (segments 12 and 16) and the inferior part
of the lateral wall (segments 5 and 11) sometimes
shared with RCA. It also perfuses, especially if it is
the dominant artery, a large part of the inferior wall,
especially segment 4, on rare occasions segment 10,
and part of segment 15 and the apex (segment 17).
The double perfusion of some parts of the heart
explains that this area may be at least partially preserved in case of occlusion of one artery and that
in case of necrosis the involvement is not complete
(no transmural necrosis).
Both acute coronary syndromes (ACSs) and infarcts in chronic phase affect, as a result of the occlusion of the corresponding coronary artery, one
part of the two zones into which the heart can be
divided (Figure 1.14A): (1) the inferolateral zone,
which encompasses all the inferior wall, a portion
of the inferior part of the septum and most of the
lateral wall (occlusion of the RCA or the LCX); (2)
the anteroseptal zone, which comprises the anterior wall, the anterior part of the septum and often
a great part of inferior septum and part of the midlower anterior portion of lateral wall (occlusion of
the LAD). In general, the LAD, if it is large, as is
seen in over 80% of cases, tends to perfuse not only
the apex but also part of the inferior wall (Figures
1.1 and 1.14).
The occlusion of a coronary artery may affect
only one wall (anterior, septal, lateral or inferior)
or, more often, more than one wall. ACSs and infarcts in their chronic phase, which affect only one
wall, are uncommon. Even the occlusion of the distal
part of the coronary arteries usually involves several
walls. For example, the distal LAD affects the apical
part of anterior wall but also the apical part, even
though small, of the septal, lateral and inferior wall
(Bogaty et al., 2002), and the distal LCX generally
affects part of the inferior and lateral walls. In addition, an occlusion of the diagonal artery, although
fundamentally affecting the anterior wall, often also
involves the middle anterior part of the lateral wall
and even the occlusion of the first septal branch
artery, or a subocclusion of the LAD encompassing
the septal branches involves part of the septum and
often a small part of the anterior wall. Probably, the
occlusion of oblique marginal (OM) (part of the

lateral wall) or distal branches of a non-dominant

RCA and LCX (part of the inferior wall) involves
only a part of a single wall.
In fact, whether ACSs or established infarctions
involve one or more walls has a relative importance. What is most important is their extension,
related mainly to the site of the occlusion and to
the characteristics of the coronary artery (dominance, etc.). Naturally, on the basis of all that was
previously discussed, large infarcts involve a myocardial mass that usually corresponds to several
walls, but the involvement of several walls is not always equivalent to a large infarct, as we have already
commented. For instance, the apex, although a part
of various walls, is equivalent to only a few segments.
Therefore knowing what segments are affected allows us to better approximate the true extension
of the ventricular involvement (Cerqueira, Weissman and Disizian, 2002). Lastly, although in many
cases multivessel coronary disease exists, this does
not signify that a patient has suffered more than one
Consequently, in order to better assess the prognosis and the extent of the ACSs, and infarcts in the
chronic phase, it is very important in the acute phase
to establish the correlation between the ST-segment
deviations/T changes and the site of occlusion and
the area at risk (p. 66), and in the chronic phase
between leads with Q wave and number and location of left-ventricular segments infarcted (p. 139)
(Figures 1.8 and 1.9).
The perfusion of SCS structures is as follows:
(a) The sinus node and the sinoatrial zone by the
RCA or the LCX (approximately 50% in each case)
(b) The AV node perfused by the RCA in 90% of
cases and by the LCX in 10% of cases
(c) The right bundle branch and the anterior subdivision of the left bundle branch by the LAD
(d) The inferoposterior division of the left bundle
branch by septal branches from the LAD and the
RCA, or sometimes the LCX
(e) The left bundle branch trunk receiving double
perfusion (RCA + LAD)
This information will be useful in understanding
when and why bradyarrhythmias and/or intraventricular conduction abnormalities may occur during an evolving ACS (see Arrhythmias and intraventricular conduction blocks in ACS p. 250).


Electrocardiographic changes
secondary to myocardial ischaemia
The importance of ECG to detect
myocardial ischaemia: correlation
with imaging techniques
Myocardial ischaemia is the name given to the decrease in the perfusion of a certain area of the myocardium. Therefore whenever the oxygen supply
is not sufficient for demands, a state of myocardial ischaemia occurs. This may be caused by (1)
acute diminution of a coronary blood flow (ACSs
and MI), which is usually secondary to the complete or partial occlusion of a coronary artery due
to atherothrombosis, and (2) when there is an increase of a myocardial oxygen demands. The latter
happens with exercise in cases in which impaired
myocardial perfusion already exists, especially in
the subendocardium when the coronary arteries
have a diminished ability to increase a coronary
blood flow (exercise angina). We have to remind that
the subendocardium is more vulnerable to myocardial ischaemia because its vasodilatory capacity is
less, and this vulnerability increases during exercise
(tachycardia) (see p. 57).
Generally, the clinical presentation of myocardial ischaemia is the characteristic pain known as
angina pectoris or some equivalents (e.g. dyspnoea),
although sometimes ischaemia may be silent (see
Silent ischaemia, p. 302). If the anginal pain is
new or if it has increased with respect to previous
discomfort (crescendo angina), this constitutes the
clinical condition called acute coronary syndrome
(ACS), which may evolve into myocardial infarction (MI) (see Section Acute coronary syndrome,
p. 209). If the angina pain appears with exercise

There do exist infrequent cases of ischaemia without occlusion of the coronary arteries (see Atypical coronary syndromes, p. 265 and Table 6.1).

in a stable form, this constitutes the typical exercise angina (see Section Classic exercise angina,
p. 297).
In case of ACS with ST-segment elevation (STEACS), the ECG patterns of ischaemia (subendocardial), injury (transmural) and usually necrosis appear in a sequential way (see Figures 3.7 and 8.5).
In the case of exercise angina, the ECG pattern of
subendocardial injury is the most frequently found
(see Figures 3.9A and 4.57).
Prior to the presentation of clinical symptoms,
myocardial ischaemia generates, in a sequential
fashion, a successive cascade of changes in relaxation, contractility, haemodynamics and, lastly,
electrical changes (Jennings, 1969), known as the
ischaemic cascade (Nesto and Kowaldruk, 1987)
(Figure 11.3). In clinical practice, in patients
without evident chronic ischaemia after complete
occlusion of coronary artery as occur in some ACSs,
sequentially appear QTc prolongation accompanied by changes in T wave (symmetric and usually
taller) and if occlusion persists ST-segment elevation (STE-ACS) evolving to Q-wave MI is recorded.
These ECG changes, together with a good history
taking and enzymatic (troponin) levels, are crucial
to diagnose the ischaemic origin of acute precordial
pain. When the complete occlusion is transient
(coronary spasm and percutaneous coronary
intervention (PCI), all these changes do not occur
(p. 270, 271). In chronic patients with subendocardial ischaemia due to incomplete coronary
occlusion, the ECG may remain normal at rest.
In these cases the exercise testing is the first
technique used to detect ST/changes, usually
ST-segment depression that is generated by the
increase in subendocardial ischaemia (injury) that
appears during exercise in case of incomplete
occlusion. These ECG changes are suggestive of
perfusion defects and demonstrate the presence


20 PART I Electrocardiographic patterns of ischaemia, injury and infarction

of active ischaemia especially in presence of

symptoms. However, in dubious cases, different
imaging techniques, currently the most widely
used are isotopic studies (SPECT) (Figure 1.3),
may confirm the evidence of perfusion defects and
also give good information about the infarction
areas. However, as we have said (p. 6), CMR is
the gold standard for chronic MI identification,
location and definition of its transmurality. The
electrical changes induced directly by active or
true ischaemia or appearing as a consequence
of ischaemia but without presence of active
ischaemia at this moment, originate the so-called
electrocardiographic patterns of ischaemia, injury and necrosis (Figure 1.14) (see below), which
correspond to different types and grades of clinical

The concept of the

electrocardiographic patterns of
ischaemia, injury and necrosis (Sodi
Pallares, 1956, 1968; Cabrera, 1966)
In the past the experimental occlusion of the coronary arteries in animals was performed with the
animals under anaesthesia, with the thorax open
and with the electrodes on the pericardial sac (Bayley, 1944a, b). Under these conditions, the ECG
changes induced by the occlusion appear in three
sequential stages that were considered to be of increased ischaemia (Sodi Pallares and Calder, 1956).
First, a negative T wave appears, which corresponds
to an ECG pattern of ischaemia. Later on appears
the ST-segment elevation that corresponds to ECG
patterns of injury. Finally, when the ischaemia has
produced tissue necrosis, a Q wave appears, which
corresponds to ECG pattern of necrosis (see below in Electrophysiological mechanism of the ECG
pattern of ischaemia p. 32 and Figure 3.4). Since
then the ECG pattern of ischaemia is linked to
T-wave changes, the ECG pattern of injury to STsegment deviations and the ECG pattern of necrosis to the appearance of Q wave. The areas of injured and ischaemic tissue remain surrounding the
necrotic tissue, sometimes during the experimental
MI. However in the coronary occlusion in human
beings and animals with close thorax, the sequential changes are different (Lengyel et al., 1957): first
appears a peaked and taller T wave followed by STsegment elevation and then a Q wave with negative

T wave (see Electrophysiological mechanism of the

ECG pattern of ischaemia p. 32 and Figures 3.4 and
We will now briefly define the classical ECG patterns of ischaemia, injury and necrosis, and later
on (sections Electrophysiological mechanism of the
ECG pattern of ischaemia to ECG pattern of necrosis) we will explain these in detail.
The electrocardiograhpic pattern of ischaemia
(see p. 30 and Figures 2.1(2) and 3.5) is characterised by changes of T wave generated by prolongation of repolarisation in the affected area.
If the ischaemia is predominantes subendocardial, as happens immediately after occlusion of a
coronary artery in a heart without previous evident ischaemia, the delay in repolarisation in the
subendocardium explains that the T wave is more
symmetric (and usually taller) than normal accompanied by prolongation of QTc (subendocardial
ischaemic pattern) (see Figure 3.5). If experimentally the subepicardium is cooling down equivalent of ischaemia or if it exists in animals or clinical
practice as a consequence of coronary occlusion,
a delay of repolarisation without evident changes
of the morphology of TAP, that involves predominantly the subepicardium or even is transmural
the ECG expression of this situation is a negative
T wave (subepicardial ischaemic pattern) (Figure
2.1(2)). This delay of repolarisation is in general
more related to previous ischaemia (post-ischaemic
changes) than to active ischaemia (see Figures 3.5
and 3.6, section Clinical point of view p. 35 and
Table 2.1).
The electrocardiographic pattern of injury (see
p. 55, Figures 2.1(3) and 4.5) is characterised by
deviations of the ST segment. These changes are
recorded in case of evident active ischaemia and
are generated because as a consequence of this ischaemia a low-quality TAP of the affected area is
generated (Figure 4.5). If the evident active ischaemia predominates in the subendocardium gives
rise to ST-segment depression (subendocardial injury pattern). If the ischaemia predominates in the
subepicardium, in fact clinically is transmural, it
generates an ST-segment elevation (subepicardial
injury pattern) (see ECG pattern of injury, p. 55
and Figures 4.5 and 4.8). The ST-segment deviations
are often seen in acute IHD as a clear expression of
active ischaemia; nevertheless, these may also be
observed in the chronic phase, especially as an ST-

CHAPTER 2 Electrocardiographic changes secondary to myocardial ischaemia 21




Figure 2.1 Different types of tissues (normal, ischaemic,
injured and necrotic from 1 to 4) (A) and (B). In each of
them the corresponding electrical charges are shown
they decrease in a steady fashion. Levels of Ki+ /Ke+ (C), TAP
morphologies and the level of DTP (D), the subendocardial
and subepicardial TAP (E), the corresponding patterns that

are recorded in the ECG (F), considering that it is a

subepicardial involvement (clinically transmural) and the
pathological findings that are found (G). Note that
necrotic tissue is non-excitable (does not generate a TAP)
due to the marked diastolic depolarisation that it shows.

segment depression, and in this case they especially

represent active ischaemia if the ST-segment depression presents dynamic changes along the day
(Holter technology) or with exercise especially in
presence of symptoms (angina).
The electrocardiographic pattern or necrosis
(see p. 129, Figures 2.1(4) and 5.3) is characterised
by the occurrence of abnormal (pathological)
Q wave (see explanation in Electrophysiological
mechanisms of Q wave of necrosis p. 130 and Figure 5.3). Today we know that in many cases of
MI, this pattern is not present (non-Q-wave infarction). Tissue necrosis is the highest degree of clinical
The electrocardiographic patterns of ischaemia,
injury and necrosis are of greatest importance in the
diagnosis and prognosis of IHD. They are recorded
in different leads as direct patterns, according to
the affected zone. On the other hand, they may also
be recorded in opposite leads as mirror patterns

(a positive T wave instead of a negative T wave, STsegment depression instead of ST-segment elevation and a tall R wave instead of a Q wave). From the
clinical point of view, these mirror patterns should
not be considered only as a passive expression of
something happening at a distance but, rather, as
the indirect but evident sign that there exists an
area of clinical ischaemia in some part of the heart
distant from the exploring electrode that generates
this pattern. Understanding the significance of the
presence of direct or mirror patterns is of great value
from the electrocardiographic diagnostic viewpoint
(see p. 62 and Figures 4.104.12).
When we affirm in daily clinical practice that a
patients ECG shows an electrocardiographic pattern of ischaemia, injury or infarction, it does not
mean that we can establish a diagnosis of IHD. The
same patterns can be found in other clinical situations as well. In fact, the recording of sequential
changes of a certain electrocardiographic pattern

22 PART I Electrocardiographic patterns of ischaemia, injury and infarction

Table 2.1 Acute and chronic ischemic heart disease: relationship between degree of ventricular wall involvement and
electrocardiographic pattern of ischaemia, injury and necrosis.
First predominant subendocardial compromise occurs and then, transmural and homogeneous compromise: ACS with
ST-segment elevation evolving to Q-wave infarction or coronary spasm (Prinzmetal angina):
1 Typical patterns
Evolving Q-wave MI:

Coronary spasm

2 Atypical patterns (see Figure 8.3 and Table 4.1)

Compromise is sometimes extensive and even transmural, but not homogeneous.
1 With evident and predominant subendocardial involvement and usually increase of LV telediastolic pressure:
ST-segment depression. Active ischaemia. ST-segment depression appears or increases during pain, usually in leads
with predominant R wave.

2 Without predominant subendocardial involvement: flat or negative T wave. Although is not fully known the origin of
this pattern, probably in the majority of cases represent a post-ischaemic change.

C Chronic ischaemic heart disease

Pathological Q wave may or may not be present.
Also ST-segment deviations and flat/negative T wave may be present.
The presence of active ischaemia is evident only if ST/T changes occurs during pain or exercise
(figure 4.64).
ACS = acute coronary syndrome

and/or its correlation with the clinical setting helps

to ensure the diagnosis of IHD. Even though sometimes the patterns themselves allow one to highly
suspect, or even ensure, the diagnosis, on certain occasions they can give rise to many doubts, especially
in the absence of clinical symptoms. Furthermore,
we should remember that myocardial ischaemia
is sometimes silent from a clinical point of view
(Cohn, 1980, 2001; Cohn, Fox and Daly, 2003; Stern
and Tzivoni, 1974) (p. 302), and that on exceptional

occasions, neither clinical nor electrocardiographic

manifestations exist (supersilent ischaemia) (Stern,

Location of ECG patterns due to

clinical ischaemia: classical
Since the pathological studies of Myers et al. (1948a,
b), followed by others such as Rodriguez, Anselmi

CHAPTER 2 Electrocardiographic changes secondary to myocardial ischaemia 23

ECG pattern of Ischaemia = prolongation of repolarisation (Figures 2.1(2) and 3.5)

ECG pattern of injury = TAP of low quality (Figures 2.1(3) and 4.5)
ECG pattern of necrosis = lack of formation of TAP (Figures 2.1(4) and 5.3)

and Sodi Pallares (1953), Dunn, Edwards and Pruitt

(1956), Horan, Flowers and Johnson (1971) and
Savage et al. (1977), the following relationship
between anatomical location of infarcted areas and
the leads recording infarction Q waves has been accepted: Q waves in V1V2 leads corresponded to
the septal wall; in V3V4 to the anterior wall; in I,
VL and/or V5V6 to the lateral wall (upper and/or
lower, respectively); in II, III and VF to the inferior
wall (the inferomost part of inferoposterior wall)
and V1V3 (mirror pattern) to the more basal
part of the inferoposterior wall (classically called
posterior wall and now inferobasal segment) (see
p. 16). This is, sometimes with small changes,
the accepted classification for the majority of
books, task forces, clinical trials and statements,
such as the Task Force of AHA (Surawicz et al.,
1978), the most popular ECG books (Bayes de
Luna, 1978, 1999; Surawicz, 1996; Wagner, 2001),
textbooks of cardiology (Braunwald, Zipes and
Lippy, 1998) and the Handbook of Emergency
Medicine by the AHA (Hazinsky, Cummis and
Field, 2000).
In acute phase, usually the ECG shows at the same
time patterns of injury, ischaemia and even necrosis,
and in chronic phase there are frequently Q waves
and abnormal T waves. These different ECG patterns are not present exactly in the same leads, because although the areas of infarction, injury and
ischaemia often coincide, they are not usually identical and especially the injury pattern (ST-segment
deviations) in acute phase is present in more leads
than is the necrosis pattern (Q wave or equivalent)
in chronic phase.
Therefore, in clinical practice, the same correlation Q waves of necrosis in ECG leads and necrotic
areas is used to locate injured areas (ST changes) or
ischaemic ones (T-wave changes), although, very
often in the acute phase, the ECG patterns of ischaemia and injury are usually visible in more leads
than the ECG pattern of necrosis. However, in the
chronic phase, the ECG pattern of injury usually

disappears and the ECG pattern of ischaemia usually decreases more than ECG pattern of necrosis
(Bayes de Luna, 1999) (Figure 8.5).
There exist evidences, some of them known already for many years (Coksey, Massie and Walsh,
1960), which show various limitations to the abovementioned Q-wave-MI necrotic areas correlation.
Later, different papers published on correlations
between ECG findings, and various imaging techniques have been key for recognising the limitations
of this classical classification. We will now comment
on these limitations and propose a new classification
based on the standard of CMR correlation (Bayes
de Luna, et al., 2006a).
Limitations of classical classification
We will now comment on the most important limitations in the light of current knowledge:
(a) Limitations due to performing the correlation
with pathologic findings: Pathological correlations
only include patients that have died due to infarction, usually the most extensive, and furthermore,
the heart is studied outside the thorax in a completely different situation of normal assessment of
the heart in humans (Anderson, Razavi and Taylor,
2004; Myers, et al. 1948a,b,c); Sullivan, Klodever
and Edwards, 1978).
(b) Limitations due to technical problems in the
recording of the ECG: Surface ECG leads are indirect leads that are not comparable to direct epicardial leads placed directly over the affected area.
Furthermore, precordial leads are frequently located on sites somewhat different from where they
should be placed, in their positioning from both
right to left and top to down (Herman et al., 1991;
Kerwin, McLean and Tegelaar, 1960). Furthermore,
frequently, they are not located at the same place
while sequential ECG recordings are performed
(Surawicz, 1996; Wenger and Kligfield, 1996). On
the other hand, even if the leads are properly located,
the correlation between recorded ECG changes
and the corresponding affected area depends on

24 PART I Electrocardiographic patterns of ischaemia, injury and infarction



(A) Anteroseptal zone MI

(B) Inferolateral zone MI

(1) Normal lead position

(1) Normal lead position

(2) Leftwards lead position

(2) Rightwards lead position

Figure 2.2 (A) A patient with myocardial infarction of

anteroseptal zone in a subacute phase: (1) normal
recording that displays extension of Q waves up to V6
(qrs). Small changes in the placement of precordial V3V6
leads have significantly modified the morphology of QRS,
now being qR in a lead V6. Therefore, according to the

classical concept we would say that ECG (1) presents low

lateral extension, while ECG (2) does not. (B) A patient
with an infarction of inferolateral zone (R S in V1) and
QR in V6 (1). After having moved precordial leads a little
bit to the right (2) the QR pattern in V6 disappears.

body-build, not being the same in a very lean individual (vertical heart) and a very obese one (horizontal heart). In the former case the heart is usually
dextrorotated; therefore, Rs or qRs morphologies
are recorded up to V6 lead, while in the latter case
it is levorotated such that qR morphology may be
observed from V3V4 leads.
As a consequence, we think that it may often lead
to errors to decide that an ACS with ST-segment elevation (STE-ACS) or a chronic MI affect one area
or another basing the decision only on the presence of an ST-segment elevation or a Q wave in
a determined lead, e.g. ECG changes in V4 and
not in V5 lead. One should bear in mind that
just a slight change in the placement of precordial
leads may significantly modify ECG patterns and
therefore the location of presumed affected areas
(Figure 2.2).
(c) Limitations due to bad correlation with the
electrophysiological data: It is well known since
the pioneering study of Durrer et al. (1970) that the
basal part of LV depolarises after 4050 milliseconds

and that Q wave does not appear in areas of late depolarisation. In spite of this, it has been accepted till
now (2006) that the infarction of inferobasal segment of the inferior wall (old posterior wall) generates R wave (equivalent of Q) in V1 (Perloff, 1964).
Therefore, in strict sense, it is not possible that the
pathological R wave in V1 (Q-wave equivalent) may
be due to infarction of the posterior wall (currently
inferobasal segment of the inferior wall).
(d) Limitations related to different types of IHD:
The traditional classification was introduced to locate Q-wave infarctions, although in clinical practice it has also been used to identify the injured
area at risk for infarction in cases of STE-ACS
(ST-segment elevation), as well as the ischaemic
area (negative T wave) in an acute or chronic
phase of IHD. Nevertheless, there exist many types
of IHD in which this classification is less useful,
e.g. ACS without ST-segment elevation (NSTEACS) or non-Q-wave infarctions that, in addition,
are now observed more frequently. However, even in
cases of NSTE-ACS some ECG patterns exist, which

CHAPTER 2 Electrocardiographic changes secondary to myocardial ischaemia 25

may help us to identify quite well the location and

size of the myocardial area at risk (see STE-ACS:
from ECG to the occluded artery) (p. 98).
(e) Limitations due to anatomical variants of
coronary arteries: The fact that LAD is long in
over 80% of all cases and wraps around the apex
to perfuse the inferior wall explains why a distal LAD occlusion (distal to D1 and S1 branches)
involves, very often, a relatively important part of
the left-ventricular apex. Depending on where the
LAD occlusion site is after D1 and S1, myocardial
involvement may be limited to no more than the
apex and the small inferior parts of four walls (apical area) or may extend to a larger area of the middle
segments of the anterior and septal walls and middle
segment of lateral wall.
The RCA artery is dominant in 8090% of all
cases and the LCX in the rest. Different QRS
morphologies may be observed with similar location of the obstruction according to the degree of
artery dominance and the length of their principal
branches. Furthermore, the LCX and OM occlusion
often result in slight or even no changes in the ECG,
as these arteries perfuse areas with late depolarisation.
(f) Limitations due to the structure of the LV: The
LV is cone shaped, and, as a consequence, the four
heart walls present well-defined borders at the base
of the heart. However, these borders become less
clear as the walls approach the apex, such that it is
difficult to be sure if the infarction limited to apical
area involves one or other walls. Furthermore, CMR
shows that the inferobasal segment of inferior wall
often does not bend upwards (Figure 1.13); thus,
very frequently all the inferior walls present the same
horizontal or near-horizontal inclination.
(g) Limitations due to coexisting heart diseases:
The presence of left-ventricular hypertrophy (LVH)
and previous infarctions may affect both the magnitude and the direction of the electrical forces of
the heart and, consequently, also their relationship
with the precordial leads.
(h) Limitations due to the cancellation of vectorial forces: As will be evidenced throughout this
book, infarct vectors of injury and also infarction
affecting different areas of the heart may be cancelled. This creates the false impression that the area
of infarction or injury is smaller and less important, which it in fact is (see p. 136) (Figure 5.7),

or even infarcted zones may be completely hidden

(Figure 5.40). In fact, it is possible that a new infarction mask even completely the Q wave of a previous
MI (Figure 5.38) (see p. 170).
(i) Limitations related to anteroseptal zone involvement (precordial leads): Acute and severe
ischaemia of the basal part of septal wall (LAD
occlusion proximal to the S1 branch) generates
ST-segment deviations (ST-segment elevation in
V1V2 and VR and ST-segment depression in V6
and the inferior wall leads) (see p. 72) (Figure 4.12).
Nevertheless, it is known (Sodi Pallares et al., 1960)
that the infarction of this area is silent because the
first vector of ventricular activation (which generates an r wave in V1 and V2) is formed in the midto-lower part of the septum, and on the contrary,
the basal part depolarises later (after 40 ms). In consequence, although the ST-segment elevation in V1
reflects the high septal involvement, the presence
of QS morphology in V1V4 does not mean that
the high septal and high anterior walls are necrosed
(Shalev et al., 1995). Therefore in the presence of
QS in V1V4, the infarction may be limited to the
lower part of these walls (apical-anterior infarction)
(see p. 143).
These findings have been recently confirmed by
imaging techniques. It was demonstrated that in
case of chronic infarction with QS in V1V4, usually due to LAD occlusion distal to S1 and D1, in
general, the high part of septum shows preserved
contractility on echocardiography (Bogaty et al.,
2002). This was also confirmed by magnetic resonance imaging with gadolinium (Selvanayagam,
2004), which clearly showed that in these cases the
infarction was limited to inferior areas of LV (apical
part). On the other hand, in cases of LAD occlusion
proximal to D1 and S1, the myocardial involvement
is more extensive, including middle and basal areas
of the LVs anterior and septal walls. In this case the
Q wave (and the ST-segment elevation/negative T
wave) is recorded not only up to the V4V6 lead
but generally also in VL and sometimes I (Bayes de
Luna et al, 2006a).
(j) Limitations related to lateral wall involvement
(so-called lateral leads IVL and V5V6): In case
of ACS due to selective occlusion of D1, the STsegment elevation is especially evident in I and VL
and often in some precordial leads, and in case of
proximal LAD occlusion, before the first diagonal

26 PART I Electrocardiographic patterns of ischaemia, injury and infarction

Although when we speak of leads I, VL and V5

V6 we may continue considering these as lateral
leads, we should bear in mind that the classical
concept relating these leads, respectively, to low
lateral involvement (V5V6) or high lateral involvement (I and VL) should be modified.
Lead V5, and particularly V6, more predomi-

nantly faces the apical part of the inferior wall

than the low lateral wall (Warner et al., 1986),
and lead VL faces, in particular, the middle part
of the anterior and lateral wall more than the
high part of lateral wall. To a lesser degree the
same happens with lead I.

branch, but distal to first septal branch, the STsegment elevation is present in the majority of the
precordial leads and is also accompanied by an STsegment elevation in I and VL. Even in cases in
which there is a very long LAD affecting part of inferior wall, an ST-segment elevation in leads I and
VL continues to be seen, with a coexisting mirror
pattern in the form of an ST-segment depression
in the inferior wall (see Figure 4.20). In case of the
occlusion proximal to D1 of a long LAD, leading
to extensive anterior infarction with inferoapical
involvement, the Q wave of infarction is usually
recorded not only in the precordial leads but also
in I and VL (see ECG patterns of the anteroseptal and inferolateral zone) (p. 134). However, on
some occasions if the LAD is very long, the vector
of infarction of the mid-anterior wall may be counteracted by the vector of infarction of the inferior
wall. Thus, despite there being an extensive infarction, in some cases no Q wave in I and VL, nor in
II, III and VF, is recorded (Figure 5.7B).
Furthermore, it has been demonstrated, thanks
to the correlations between leads recording Q
waves and the areas of infarction detected by CECMR (Selvanayagam, 2004), the asynergic areas
confirmed by echocardiography or angiography
(Takatsu, Osugui and Nagaya, 1986; Warner et al.,
1986), or non-perfused areas observed by scintigraphy (Huey et al., 1988), that in case of proximal
LAD incomplete occlusion involving diagonal but
not septal branches or selective occlusion of D1, a
Q wave of necrosis in VL, usually QS pattern, and
sometimes in lead I, may appear. These Q-wave patterns are due to infarction of the middle-low anterior wall with certain participation of the middle
anteromost part of the lateral wall, but not of the
high lateral wall infarction (anterior and posterior
part). This is explained because the involved area is
perfused by the D1 branch, while the high part of

the lateral wall is perfused by the LCX or intermediate artery (see Figure 1.14). Therefore, the term
high lateral infarction applied to QS morphology
in VL (and sometimes in lead I) is confusing, as the
above-mentioned morphology does not appear in
case of infarction of the highest lateral wall. Furthermore, when the infarction affects fundamentally, all the lateral wall (LCX occlusion) QS morphology is not usually recorded in VL, although
qr or low-voltage r wave may be seen (p. 154 and
Figure 5.9).
Indeed, it has been also demonstrated that the
V5V6 leads reflect more inferoapical than lateral
involvement (Warner et al., 1986) and that the initial
r wave 1 mm in the lead VR lead is observed in
apical lateral infarction (Okamoto et al., 1967).
Furthermore, the rotations of the heart may influence the recording of QS morphology in the lead
VL. In patients presenting with more vertical hearts,
the lead VL may face the intracavitary potential of
the LV. Consequently, in very lean subjects with asthenic body-build, thin and often relatively deep QS
morphology may be recorded in VL, usually with
negative P and flat or negative T wave. This never
happens in case of obese individuals. However, the
QS pattern due to mid-anterior MI is usually of low
voltage and presents some slurrings.
(k) Limitations with respect to the inferior wall
involvement (so-called inferior leads): The presence of ST/T changes or of a Q wave in leads II, III,
and VF indicates not only the involvement of the
inferior wall but also the inferior part of septal wall.
On the other hand, it has been traditionally considered that the inferobasal involvement (segment 4),
classically known as posterior wall, could be recognised on the basis of morphologies observed in the
right precordial leads (V1V2). Classically, it was
considered that the presence of R (RS) in V1V2 indicated the extension of infarction to the segment 4

CHAPTER 2 Electrocardiographic changes secondary to myocardial ischaemia 27

(posterior), and therefore the term posterior infarction was used (Perloff, 1964; Tranchesi et al., 1961;
Tulloch, 1951). Recently, we have demonstrated,
thanks to the correlations with magnetic resonance
imaging (Bayes de Luna, et al. 2006a; Cino et al.,
2006), that an infarction involving segment 4 generates rS, not RS, in V1, whereas RS morphology
in V1 is due to infarctions affecting the lateral wall
(segments 5 and 11) (p. 155 and Figures 1.12 and
Furthermore, there is an inferior infarction in
cases of occlusion of a large LAD artery that wraps
the apex. Usually, the Q waves are only observed in
leads II, III and VF when the involvement of inferior
wall is equal to or greater than anterior wall (Figure
5.16). In addition, a Q wave or an ST-segment elevation in V5V6 indicates more inferoapical than
anterolateral involvement (Warner et al., 1986).
(1) Limitations due to the lack of value given to
ECG changes in lead VR and other additional
leads: In order to establish a diagnosis and the localisation of the affected area, in both the ACS and the
chronic infarction, traditional classification considers the changes detected in surface ECG leads, except for VR. We, nevertheless, would like to emphasise the usefulness of VR and other additional
The VR lead is usually not taken into account by the cardiologist when interpreting an
ECG. Nonetheless, ST-segment elevation in VR
is very important in the presence of an STE-ACS
in the precordial leads because it suggests that
LAD occlusion is proximal to S1 (Figures 4.18
and 4.19).
The same pattern (ST in VR) in case of
an NSTE-ACS with ST-segment depression
in many leads suggests the incomplete occlusion of the left main trunk (LMT) (Yamaji
et al., 2001) or its equivalent (very proximal
LAD occlusion + LCX) in patients with previous subendocardial ischaemia (Figures 4.59
The presence of the initial r wave higher
than normal in VR (> 1.5 mm) suggests infarction of apical lateral wall (Okamoto et al., 1967),
as we have already mentioned.
Lastly, the VR lead may also be useful in detecting multivessel disease during the exercise
stress test (Michaelides et al., 2003).

The extreme right precordial leads (V3R

V5R) are useful for diagnosing an RV infarction and may allow for distinguishing which is
the culprit artery (RCA or LCX) in case of inferior MI (Gorgels and Engelen, 2001; Wellens,
1999). Nevertheless, diagnosis based on these
leads has some limitations, as the ECG changes
observed in the right leads are usually very transient. Furthermore, these leads are frequently
not recorded at many centres (Figure 4.31).
The posterior leads may help us to diagnose
lateral infarction (Casas, Marriott and Glancy,
1997). However, these leads present the same
limitations as seen in right precordial leads; e.g.
they are frequently omitted while recording an
ECG. Recent studies (Schmitt et al., 2001; Zalenski et al., 1997) have shown that the use of
additional extreme right precordial and posterior leads only slightly increases the diagnostic
sensitivity obtained with classical leads for diagnosing an acute MI.
The 24-lead ECGs value obtained by adding
the 12 opposed parts of the leads has also been
postulated (Wagner, Pahlm and Selvester, 2006)
to increase the diagnostic value of ECG, using also the reversal leads. However, although
with this method an increase of sensitivity is
observed, this is accompanied by a decrease of
External body-mapping surface technique
has been used with promising results (Menown,
McKenzie and Adgey, 2000) especially to better
diagnose MI of laterobasal areas. However, in
practice this method has not been popularised.
The need for a new classification in the
acute and chronic phases
Due to these limitations it seems worthwhile, with
the aim of increasing ECG accuracy, to carry out
new correlations between Q waves and infarcted
areas in the chronic phase of MI and between STsegment elevations and depressions in the acute
phase and the myocardial area at risk.
What is important in the chronic phase of MI
is to recognise with high accuracy, based on the
ECGCMR correlations,the location of the infarction and the approximate size of the infarcted area,
as these are of significant prognostic value. Nowadays CE-CMR is the gold standard for diagnosis,

28 PART I Electrocardiographic patterns of ischaemia, injury and infarction










Figure 2.3 (A) ECG of a patient in hyperacute phase of

ACS with great involvement of anterospetal zone. Observe
ST-segment elevation from V1 to V5. (B) After 1 hour of
fibrinolytic treatment the area at risk decreases
significantly, being limited exclusively to septum
(ST-segment elevation from V1 to V2 with ST-segment

depression in V5V6). In a chronic phase the patient

presented a large septal infarction (see Figure 5.11) but
without evident anterior involvement, because the
treatment has limited the infarction to the area perfused
by the septal branches.

location and transmurality identification in cases of

MI (Figure 1.5). Later (p. 139), we explain the most
frequent patterns of Q-wave infarction according to
this correlation (Bayes de Luna, Batchvarov, Malik,
2006; Bayes de Luna et al., 2006a,b,c).
In the acute phase of an STE-ACS, the most important thing is to recognise, through ST-segment
deviations (elevations and depressions), the site
of coronary artery occlusion, correlating with a
myocardial area at risk of larger or smaller size, and
according to this information, a proper therapeutic
decision will be made.
To perform these correlations, and bearing in
mind the perfusion of the heart (Figure 1.13), it is

worthwhile, as stated earlier (p. 18), in order to better correlate ECG patterns and the affected zones
to divide the LV into two zones: anteroseptal with a
certain lateral wall involvement and, frequently, inferior extension (LAD occlusion) and inferolateral
(RCA or LCX).
In the past, in patients without reperfusion treatment, usually exists a clear relationship between the
site of artery occlusion, myocardial area at risk and
final infarcted area. However, the area at risk with
the modern treatment in general diminishes considerably in size. Furthermore, sometimes, even if the
culprit artery was reperfused, this has not been sufficient to avoid an extensive infarction (Figure 2.3).

CHAPTER 2 Electrocardiographic changes secondary to myocardial ischaemia 29

This explains why the ECG in the chronic phase

is more useful to detect the infarcted area than to
predict the site of occlusion that gave rise to this
infarction. On the other hand, in the acute phase a
good correlation exists between ST-segment elevations and depressions, the area at risk and
the site of coronary artery occlusion, although often the same patient during the evolution of ACS
may have variable ST-segment deviations, this being a sign that the occlusion of the artery has
changed usually with treatment. In general, the
degree of occlusion decreases in the case of successful reperfusion, so consequently the myocardial area at risk will be smaller (see p. 23 and
Figure 2.3).
Later on in this book (see p. 69 and 137) we will
explain all these correlations in greater detail, and
we will look at the areas at risk (Table 4.1) and
the areas of infarct (Figure 5.9). Due to reperfusion treatment the correlation of the ST-segment
changes during an ACS with the occluded artery

and the area at risk (Table 4.1) are usually different

than the presence of Q waves of infarction in the
chronic phase (Figure 5.9). Therefore, usually it is
not possible to quantify, based on the area at risk,
how large the MI will be.
Therefore, we use two different classifications,
one for STE-ACS (see p. 70, Table 4.1) and the other
for the Q-wave MI (see p. 137, Figure 5.9). However
in the case of Q-wave infarction we do not know how
the coronary artery is after the treatment, but we
can presume how was the occlusion that generated
the infarct (see Figure 5.9). In the clinical practice,
we will do the opposite exercise: from the ECG
patterns (ST-segment deviations) to the occluded
artery in the acute phase (see STE-ACS: From the
ECG to the occluded artery and area at risk, and
Figures 4.43 and 4.45) and from the ECG pattern
(Q wave) to the chronic area in the chronic phase
(see Location of Q-wave MI and Figure 5.9). These
two approaches will be discussed extensively later on
in this book.


Electrocardiographic pattern of
ischaemia: T-wave abnormalities
Normal limits of the T wave
We will remind here (Bayes de Luna, 1999) the characteristics of a normal T wave with respect to its
morphology and voltage, including situations as vagal overdrive, where a higher-than-normal T wave
may be recorded, as well as the leads where the T
wave may be observed in normal conditions, flattened or negative.
Morphology and voltage: In general the ascending part of T wave is slower, starting at ST-segment
level, which is isoelectric (Figure 3.1A) or presents
slight depression (sympathetic overdrive) (Figure
3.1C) or slight elevation. This latter morphology is
frequently seen in right precordial leads, with STsegment convex with respect to the isoelectric line
(Figure 3.1B) and in vagal overdrive and/or early
repolarisation also in leads with dominant R wave
(Figure 3.1D). Sometimes, a usually tall T wave
in V1 follows an rSr with tiny r that is followed
by small ST-segment elevation (see Figure 3.1G).
Sometimes in the cases of elderly persons or in
women with hormonal insufficiency, the positive
T wave may be symmetric and follow a rectified ST
segment (Figure 3.1F). In such cases it is mandatory to carry out a differential diagnosis with other
causes, such as the early phase of left-ventricular
enlargement (LVE) or even of IHD. This symmetric
positive T-wave morphology can be recorded in the
absence of heart disease and may be seen in other
conditions, such as chronic alcoholism, although in
this case the T wave usually shows a higher voltage
(Figure 3.16) (Bayes de Luna, 1999). Later (see Clinical point of view p. 35) we will comment that in
the early phase of STE-ACS and in coronary spasm
it may be seen transiently, especially in V1V3, a
symmetric and positive T wave usually preceded
by rectified or even olightly de pressed ST segment
(see Figures 3.8B and 8.6). In children it is normal to


observe a negative T wave in right precordial leads

with a particular morphology (infantile repolarisation pattern) (Figure 3.1E). The normal T wave is
correlated with the morphology of a normal T loop
recorded in the vectorcardiogram (VCG), presenting a slower and frequently irregular initial inscription part (Figure 3.2A,B).
It is difficult to define the limits of a normal Twave voltage even though it tends neither to be lower
than 23 mm in the HP and 12 mm in the FP, nor
higher, under normal conditions, than 6 mm in an
FP and 10 mm in HP, especially in men. In women it
tends to be a little lower. The T wave may sometimes
be very tall, without any pathological explanation,
as occurs in cases of vagal overdrive or in very thin
subjects (T wave in precordial leads of over 15 mm
in height). Sometimes a positive T wave may have
a low voltage, without any apparent explanation,
which may have, according to some authors, prognostic implications in the long term. Epidemiological studies have demonstrated that a low-voltage T
wave in lead I is a marker of poor prognosis in the
follow-up (McFarlane and Coleman, 2004).
Location: The T wave in adults should be positive
in all leads except in VR, where it must be negative
(as the T loop falls in the negative hemifield of this
lead). Frequently, it is also negative but of low voltage or flattened in V1 and, on occasion, especially
in women and in blacks, may also be so in V2 or
even in V3. In V1 the T wave is never tall but it may
be tall but asymmetric in V2 (Figure 3.1B), with the
ascending slope of a slower inscription and convex
with respect to the isoelectric line. In leads III and
VF, and even in II, the T wave (even in the presence of
tall R wave) may be flattened or negative but asymmetric and of low voltage. Also, the VL lead may
record a flattened or slightly negative T wave but
only in persons with a vertical heart, generally presenting rS or QS morphology and a negative P wave.

CHAPTER 3 Electrocardiographic pattern of ischaemia: T-wave abnormalities 31








Figure 3.1 (A) and (B) show normal ST segment and T

wave. (B) shows ECG with a certain ST-segment elevation
but convex in respect to the isoelectric line. (C) is an
example of a repolarisation pattern in case of sympathetic
overdrive. (D) shows early repolarisation. (E) shows
repolarisation of childs heart. (F) is rectified ST segment in


Figure 3.2 (A) shows normal electrocardiogram and

vectocardiogram of a man with vertical heart. Observe the
clockwise rotation of the QRS loop in the frontal plane, as
it occurs in 65% of normal individuals. In the horizontal
plane, QRS loop turns counter-clockwise, while in right
sagittal plane in clockwise direction, as it happens
normally. See the T loop with the first part of slower

The electrocardiographic pattern

of ischaemia
This pattern is recorded when a delay in cellular repolarisation exists in a certain area of myocardium
related with a diminished blood perfusion to this








an elderly person (70 years) with no heart disease. (G)

shows the ST-segment elevation, convex in respect to the
isoelectric line following a tiny r wave. This morphology
may be observed in subjects with thoracic anomalies and
should be distinguished from atypical Brugadas syndrome
(see Figure 4.52).


recording as happens with the first part of a normal T

wave. (B) shows normal electrocardiogram and
vectorcardiogram of a man with semihorizontal heart.
Observe the narrow, counter-clockwise loop in the frontal
plane. In the horizontal (H) and right sagittal plane (S), the
loop direction is counter-clockwise and clockwise,

area less important than that necessary to generate

an ECG pattern of injury, or other non-related ischaemic causes. This delay of repolarisation gives
rise to a more prolonged transmembrane action
potential (TAP) in this area (Figure 2.1(2)), which
is seen in the ECG as a flattened/negative T wave

32 PART I Electrocardiographic patterns of ischaemia, injury and infarction

Figure 3.3 Left: Recordings in case of experimental

occlusion of LAD coronary artery in a dog with open heart.
(A) Control. (B) ECG pattern of ischaemia (negative T
wave). (C) ECG pattern of injury (ST-segment elevation).
(D) Appearance of ECG pattern of necrosis (Q wave). Right:
(A) Control. (B) The ischaemic area reaches the epicardial
surface and negative T wave appears. (C) The injured area
reaches the epicardial surface and elevation of ST segment
appears. (D) The Q wave of infarction appears when the
necrotic area reaches the epicardial surface, but still

remains important injury area that explains the ST-segment

elevation. (E) Healing process. The ischaemic and injury
areas are reduced. The ST segment nearly disappears, but
negative T wave appears again and is even more visible in
chronic phase (F) when only necrotic area exists. Therefore,
this negative T wave is related to presence of necrosis, not
to active ischaemia. See in Figures 3.4 and 8.5 how the
sequence of ECG changes are different, in clinical cases and
in experimental occlusion in a conscious dog with closed
thorax. (Adapted from Bayley (1944) and Sodi (1956)).

(ECG pattern for subepicardial ischaemia) or symmetric and usually taller-than-normal T wave with
QTc prolongation (ECG pattern of subendocardial ischaemia) located in different leads according
to the corresponding affected zone anteroseptal
or inferolateral (see Experimental point of view
below and Figure 3.5).
The ECG pattern of subepicardial ischaemia, is
more consequence of previous ischaemia than due
to the presence of active ischaemia. On the contrary, the ECG pattern of predominant subendocardial ischaemia (symmetric and usually taller-thannormal positive T wave accompanied by rectified
ST segment and prolongation of QTc interval) represents the first ECG change induced by active ischaemia (Figure 3.7).
In the VCG the T wave of subepicardial ischaemia,
which is the only one that is usually recorded because the T wave of subendocardial ischaemia is
very transient, presents a T loop of homogeneous
inscription and frequently small and more or less
rounded, although it may be very narrow in some
planes (Figure 3.17).
Firstly, we will refer to cases presenting with a
narrow QRS. Thereafter (see Electrocardiographic

pattern of ischaemia in patients with ventricular hypertrophy and/or wide QRS p. 54) we will briefly
comment on the ECG pattern of ischaemia in the
presence of a wide QRS or other confounding factors (LVH).

Electrophysiological mechanisms
of the ECG pattern of ischaemia
Experimental point of view
The experimental study of ECG changes induced
by ischaemia has been done along the time using different methodologies. In the 1940s it was
demonstrated (Bayley, 1944a,b) that the experimental occlusion of the coronary artery in animals with open thorax (see The concept of ECG
patterns of ischaemia, injury and necrosis p. 20)
induced three sequential ECG patterns: ischaemia
(negative T wave), injury (ST-segment deviations)
and necrosis (Q wave) (Sodi Pallares and Calder
1956; Cabrera 1958) (Figure 3.3). During the experimental acute occlusion, a Q wave of necrosis is
recorded in the area with necrotic tissue. This area
is surrounded, during certain period of time, by
areas of injured and ischaemic tissue where the ECG

CHAPTER 3 Electrocardiographic pattern of ischaemia: T-wave abnormalities 33

Experimentally, the delay in repolarisation induced by ischaemia in case of coronary occlusion

first is predominantly subendocardial. This delay
is responsible for the prolongation of QTc interval
and for the recording of symmetric T wave usually
of higher voltage (taller T wave) (see Figure 3.5).

If the delay is subepicardial or even transmural

(see The concept of ECG patterns of ischaemia,
injury and necrosis) (p. 20). this delay of repolarisation without change of shape of TAP generates
a flattened or negative T wave.

morphologies of injury (ST-segment elevation) and

ischaemia (negative T waves) are recorded (Figure
3.3). However in chronic phase usually the area and
ECG pattern of injury disappear, and the ECG pattern of ischaemia that often exists does not represent
the presence of active ischaemia. This latter ECG
pattern is more due to repolarisation changes induced by necrosis.
In isolated perfused heart of different animals
Janse (1982) demonstrated that ischaemia induced
by the occlusion of a coronary artery produces a
shortening of repolarisation in the ischaemic area
during a very early and brief phase (expressed by
a shortening of the TAP in this area). Nevertheless, after this very early phase, a delay in repolarisation (TAP) can be observed in the same area
(Cinca et al.1980; Surawicz, 1996). Other authors
have demonstrated that, when the myocardium is
cooled down equivalent to an ischaemia the
affected area (subendocardium or subepicardium)
shows from the beginning a lengthening of the TAP
in the cooled area (Burnes et al., 2001).
When acute coronary occlusion is carried out in
experimental animals with closed thorax, it gives
rise, during the initial phase of ischaemia, to a delay in repolarisation (TAP) in the subendocardium,
which is the area that first suffers ischaemia (Lengyel
et al., 1957). This subendocardial ischaemia is evidenced by a tall and peaked T wave immediately
followed by ST-segment elevation (injury pattern)
if the occlusion persists and the ischaemia becomes
severe and transmural (see ECG pattern of injury
p. 55). This pattern may be self-limited if the occlusion is temporary, as in coronary spasm (Prinzmetal

angina) (Bayes de Luna et al., 1985). Nevertheless,

if the occlusion remains, it generates abnormal Q
wave accompanied by the progressive normalisation of ST segment and the appearance of a negative T wave that, as we have said previously, does
not represent active ischaemia (Figure 3.4). Figure 3.7 shows all these changes appearing in clinical
occlusion of epicardial artery. Recently, Mahrholdt
et al. (2005a, b) have shown by CE-CMR the progressive appearance of transmural MI starting also
from the initial subendocardial involvement (Figure
8.6). Thirty years ago (Reimer, 1977) also demonstrated by pathological studies that after irreversible
ischaemia the necrosis first appears in the subendocardium.
The electrophysiological explanation of how this
delay in repolarisation in the ischaemic area generates the experimental electrocardiographic pattern
of ischaemia, a taller-than-normal T wave if the ischaemia is subendocardial or a flattened or negative
T wave when it is subepicardial may be done by two
theories (Bayes de Luna, 1978; Coksey, Massie and
Walsh, 1960).
1. Theory of the sum of TAPs: This theory, which
explains the origin of the normal ECG as the sum
of subendocardial TAP plus the subepicardial TAP
(Figure 3.5A), is also useful for understanding how
the symmetric and usually taller-than-normal T
wave is generated in subendocardial ischaemia and
how a flattened or negative T wave is recorded in
case of subepicardial ischaemia. In Figures 3.5BD
we can observe how the sum of TAPs from the ischaemic area, which is more prolonged due to the
existence of a repolarisation delay in that area, plus
the TAP in the other normal area produces the aforementioned T-wave changes.
2. Theory of the vector of ischaemia: The area with
subendocardial (Figure 3.6A) or subepicardial (Figure 3.6B) ischaemia is not yet fully repolarised, due

A ligation is made when the animal is awake after having

being operated on in order to apply an occluder band. This is
similar to what happens in the human in the case of coronary

34 PART I Electrocardiographic patterns of ischaemia, injury and infarction

Figure 3.4 Electrocardiographic pathological

correlations after the occlusion of a coronary artery in an
experimental animal with its thorax closed. It changes
from a subendocardial ischemia pattern (tall and peaked T
wave) to a pattern of a subepicardial injury, transmural in
clinical practice, (ST segment elevation) when the acute
clinical ischemia is more severe. Finally, the q wave of

necrosis develops, accompanied as time passes by an

increasingly evident pattern of subepicardial ischemia (it is
transmural after the occlusion of a coronary artery, though
it is expressed as subepicardial in the ECG). In the chronic
phase the pattern of negative T wave is related more to
changes that necrosis has induced in the repolarization,
then to a presence of clinical active ischemia (see p. 38).

to the delay in the TAP and, therefore, carries a negative charge (Figure 3.6). Similar to what occurs in
the normal heart, repolarisation begins in the area
that is less ischaemic and thus the direction of the re) goes from the less
polarisation phenomenon (
ischaemic area to the more ischaemic area. Due to
the fact that the ischaemic area suffers a delay in repolarisation, a flow of current having a vectorial
expression is generated going from the more is-

chaemic (negative) to the less ischaemic area (positive) (Yan and Antzelevitch, 1998). Therefore this
vector is directed from the ischaemic area, which
is not yet fully repolarised and carrying a negative
charge, to the normal area, which has already completed its repolarisation and has a positive charge.
This vector of ischaemia has a positive charge (vector head) that points to normal area. Therefore,
the vector of ischaemia moves away from the



Figure 3.5 Explanation of how the sum of the TAP from

the subepicardium and the subendocardium explain the
ECG, both in the normal situation (A), as in the case of
subendocardial ischaemia (B) (tall and peaked T wave) and


in mild (C) and severe (D) subepicardial ischaemia

(flattened or negative T waves). This is the consequence of
the repolarisation delay in ischaemic areas and the more
prolonged TAP.

CHAPTER 3 Electrocardiographic pattern of ischaemia: T-wave abnormalities 35



Figure 3.6 (A) Subendocardial ischaemia. Subepicardial

repolarisation is complete, but the TAP in the
subendocardium still presents negative charges and is
longer than normal (TAP prolongation further beyond the
dotted line) because the subendocardium is not
completely repolarised yet. Thus, the vector of ischaemia
that is generated between the already-polarised area in
the subepicardium with positive charges and the
subendocardial area still with an incomplete repolarisation
(with negative charges) due to the ischaemia in that area is
directed from the subendocardium to the subepicardium,
with the head of vector coinciding with the positive
charge of dipole of repolarisation. The direction of the
head of vector of ischaemia is opposed to the
repolarisation phenomenon, because the direction of this
) goes from the less ischaemic area
phenomenon (
(subepicardium) to the more ischaemic area
(subendocardium). Therefore, the subepicardium is faced
with the vector head (positive charge of the dipole), which
explains why the T wave is more positive than normal. In
subepicardial ischaemia, a similar but inverse phenomenon
(B) occurs, which explains the development of flattened or
negative T waves (see also Figure 3.5).

ischaemic area. This is the reason why, despite

the fact that the repolarisation phenomenon goes

It should be noted that the infarction vector also moves away

from the infarction area (p. 133), while the injury vector is
directed towards the injured area (p. 58).

from the less to the more ischaemic area, the vector of ischaemia faces the subepicardium when the
ischaemia is of the subendocardi al type and generates a taller-than-normal T wave, and vice versa,
faces the subendocardium and generates a flattened
or negative T wave when the ischaemia is subepicardial (Figure 3.6). In the case that the experimental ischaemia is transmural, it is expressed from the
epicardial or precordial leads as subepicardial (negative T wave) (Figure 3.7D).
Clinical point of view
The electrophysiological mechanism that explains
the patterns of clinical ischaemia is different in cases
of subendocardial and subepicardial (transmural)
(a) The electrophysiological mechanism of
subendocardial ischaemic pattern: symmetric
and usually taller T wave with rectified ST
segment and accompanied by QTc prolongation.
It is well known since the 1940s (Dressler, 1947) that
in the hyperacute phase of a total coronary artery
occlusion, especially in the heart without any previous significant ischaemia (coronary spasm or in
some STE-ACS evolving Q-wave infarction), a tall
and peaked T wave may be the first manifestation of
ischaemia (Figure 3.7B). This morphology is probably due to an increase in extracellular potassium related to a hyperpolarisation of myocytes as a consequence of opening of ATP-dependent K+ channels
due to an acute ischaemia. This hyperpolarisation
of myocites is more evident in the endocardium and
prolongs the repolarisation in this area (prolonged
QTc) (Wang et al., 1996). This tall, peaked and symmetric P wave is generated during the second phase
of repolarisation (Figure 3.6A). This explains that
usually an ST segment often rectified is recorded.
This pattern of positive T wave is followed if the
ischaemia persists, as occurs in the case of experimental coronary artery occlusion (Figure 3.4) or
of STE-ACS or Prinzmetal angina (Figure 3.8A) by
the electrocardiographic pattern of subepicardial
injury (ST-segment elevation) (Table 2.1, and Figures 3.7C and 8.7). Usually, this occurs rarely during
PCI. Recently, Kenigsberg (2007) has demonstrated
that during PCI the first manifestation of ischaemia
is prolongation of QTc that is present in all cases,
and due to the short duration of ischaemia it is only
followed by clear changes in morphology of T wave

36 PART I Electrocardiographic patterns of ischaemia, injury and infarction





Figure 3.7 Observe how different degrees of ischaemia

that appear sequentially after coronary occlusion in a
heart without previous ischaemia (A) explain the ECG
morphologies. (B) Ischaemia predominant in the
subendocardial area (T wave symmetric and usually taller

than normal with longer QT interval ). (C) In the presence

of more severe ischaemia evolving to transmural injury,
ST-segment elevation is present. (D) If the ischaemia
persists, transmural necrosis expressed as Q wave of
necrosis and a negative T wave appears.

or ST-segment deviations in small number of cases

(see p. 270). The reason is that, after a short period of
predominant subendocardial involvement (subendocardial ischaemia), the ischaemia, if it is important and persistent, generates a severe transmural
and homogeneous involvement of all ventricular
wall, with the formation of low-quality TAP in the
entire wall. Thus, the pattern of positive T wave
(sudden, hyperacute, predominant subendocardial
ischaemia) changes to a pattern of ST-segment elevation (more important, persistent and homogeneously transmural ischaemia) that may evolve into
a Q-wave infarction (Table 2.1 and Figure 3.7D).
In some cases of coronary artery spasm of just a
few seconds duration, the reversible subendocardial ischaemia pattern may be the unique electrocardiographic change recorded. Sometimes, while
passing from one pattern to another (from a posi-

tive T with rectified ST segment to an ST-segment

elevation), intermediate patterns can be observed,
such as a wide positive T wave without ST-segment
elevation (Figures 3.8A and C). In this case, opposite to what happens in normal individuals (Figure
3.1B), the ascendent slope of a T wave tends to rise
suddenly and is not clearly convex with respect to
the isoelectric line (compare Figures 3.1B and 3.8C).
(b) The electrophysiological mechanism of
subepicardial ischaemic pattern: flattened or
negative T wave.
In clinical practice an exclusively subepicardial area
of ischaemia does not exist, but in case of transmural ischaemia, the onset of repolarisation is
delayed longer in the epicardium than in the endocardium with the result that the endocardial muscle is the first to recover. Repolarisation then occurs
in the involved wall in an endocardial-to-epicardial

Figure 3.8 Morphologies of taller than normal T wave in
patients with ischaemic heart disease. (A) T wave very tall
not preceded by rectified ST segment: This morphology is
frequently observed in a transitory form in case of
Prinzmetal angina (Figure 8.44). (B) A tall T wave, very
symmetric and with previous rectified ST segment
completely abnormal for V2 lead, which may be frequently
observed in a hyperacute phase of an ACS with ST-segment



elevation (see Figures 8.5 and 8.7). (C) V2 lead: T wave with
very wide base and straight ascendent slope of T wave that
can be seen in a patient with an acute myocardial
infarction. This pattern is transition between the typical
pattern of subendocardial ischaemia (B) and the pattern of
STEMI (Figure 8.7) that is clearly different from the mild
ST-segment elevation and tall T wave that may be seen as
a variant in normal individuals (Figure 3.1B).

CHAPTER 3 Electrocardiographic pattern of ischaemia: T-wave abnormalities 37





Figure 3.9 In case that in basal state a certain degree of

ischaemia with subendocardial predominance exists too
mild to produce clear ECG changes, an increase of active
ischaemia still with subendocardial predominance will
produce an ST-segment depression (subendocardial injury
pattern) (A). If as a consequence of ischaemia there is a
delay in repolarisation predominating in subepicardium or
being transmural, a flattened or negative T wave appears
in leads with, but also without, predominant R wave (B-1)
(subepicardial ischaemia pattern). The latter pattern is

probably more consequence of ischaemia (post-ischaemic

pattern) that due to active ischaemia. Especially when the
negative T wave is deep as seen in V1V4 it may be
considered a reperfusion pattern (B-2). In (A) the injury
vector moves towards the injured area, and in (B) the
ischaemia vector moves away from the ischaemic area (see
Figures 3.6 and 4.8). Remember that if the ischaemia is
transmural, it is expressed from the epicardium or
precordial leads as subepicardial. Therefore the vector of
ischaemia moves away also from subepicardium.

direction, the reverse of normal, and it is expressed

in the ECG as a negative T wave, as happens in case
of experimental subepicardial ischaemia (Figure
3.6B). This happens because the ischaemic vector
is going from epicardium to endocardium (Figure
3.9B). The proximity of precordial leads to subepicardial area may also contribute to it (Hellertein
and Katz, 1948). Different morphologies with or
without Q wave and ST-segment deviations, and
with more or less important negative T wave, are
recorded in relation with presence of associated injury and necrosis areas, the side of recording and
the electrode location.
A flat or negative T wave may be present in different clinical settings of IHD and may be explained
by different, but not always well understood, mechanisms.
1. Acute coronary syndromes: A new flattened or
negative T wave in ACS may be recorded in two
different clinical situations (Table 8.1):
(a) As a part of clinical syndrome of NSTEACS, new flattened or negative T wave usually non-deep is one of the classical ECG pat-

terns of NSTE-ACS (Table 8.1). This pattern

may be recorded in right precordial leads and
more frequently in leads with a dominant R wave
(Figure 3.9B(1)). In general it corresponds to a
non-proximal subocclusion of any of the coronary arteries, often two, when the pattern is seen
in leads with dominant R wave (Figure 3.23),
or to LAD occlusion sometimes proximal when
the pattern is present in V1V3 (Figure 8.23).
The negative T wave may be due to active ischaemia, when the changes are dynamic and/or
appear during angina pain. If the negative T wave
is present in the absence of anginal pain, it may
probably be considered a reperfusion pattern.
However it is clear that we need to know more
about the mechanism that explains the delay
of repolarisation responsible for the presence of
flattened or negative T wave during NSTE-ACS
or in chronic state. In any case, if in the presence of flattened or mildly negative T wave STsegment depression appears on exertion, active
ischaemia exists with subendocardial predominance (Figure 4.64 and Table 2.1B(1)).

38 PART I Electrocardiographic patterns of ischaemia, injury and infarction

(b) As a part of clinical syndrome of STE-ACS,

the negative T wave appears in the subacute
phase of STE-ACS and may also correspond to
an atypical pattern recorded in the dynamic
process of STE-ACS.
Negative T wave in the subacute phase
of STE-ACS: In STE evolving Q-wave MI a
transmural and homogeneous involvement
of the entire ventricular wall exists. A negative
T wave appears shortly after the Q wave develops and coincides with the decrease in the
ST-segment elevation (Figures 3.7D, 3.18 and
3.19). When this occurs clinical ischaemia
is decreasing and part of the injured myocardium (ST-segment elevation) converts
into infarcted tissue (Q wave of infarction).
Classically, it was considered that residual ischaemia that exists in the ventricular wall
myocardial area surrounding the infarction
and injury tissue (Figure 3.3) may explain
the presence of flattened or negative T wave.
However, as happens in the chronic phase of
Q-wave MI, in the origin of the pattern of
subepicardial ischaemia that appears in the
evolutive phase of STE-ACS, the changes induced in ventricular repolarisation by the
ACS probably are most important than active ischaemia.
Deep negative T wave in precordials (V1
V2 to V4V5) as an atypical pattern of
STE-ACS: It corresponds to a critical proximal subocclusion of the LAD that has been
spontaneously, and partially, reperfused or
even complete LAD occlusion but with great
number of collaterals (De Zwan, Bar and
Wellens, 1982) (Figures 3.9B(2) and 3.21, and
Table 8.1). This is an ECG dynamic pattern
that may evolve without treatment to STEACS, with homogeneous and global cardiac
wall involvement. In this case, the T wave

The ischaemia that occurs clinically secondary

to an acute total coronary artery occlusion is
first predominantly subendocardial (symmetric
and usually taller T wave) and then transmural
and homogeneous (ST-segment elevation), and
later, in general, a Q wave of necrosis appears,

will first pseudonormalise (Figure 3.21) and

then, if ischaemia persists, an ST-segment
elevation would appear (Figure 8.3B), even
evolving to a Q-wave infarction (Table 2.1A).
However currently in the majority of cases
the treatment aborts the appearance of MI.
It is necessary to perform a coronary angiography as soon as possible to check the grade
and exact location of stenosis in LAD but, in
absence of symptoms or dynamic changes of
ST, not as an emergency. Really, in this case,
the presence of negative T wave in the evolution of ACS is not a marker of cell death but
is caused by changes in ion channels in areas
of the heart that are still viable after severe
ischaemia (post-ischaemic changes).
If this pattern (very deep negative T wave
from V1V4V5) appears after reperfusion
(fibrinolysis or PCI) treatment in a patient with STE-ACS, it is considered as a
sign that the treatment of revascularisation
has been effective (reperfusion pattern).
In these cases there is usually no need for
PCI, although the patients have to be carefully watched because on some occasion
a new coronary event may evolve, if for
instance an intrastent thrombosis appears
(Figure 8.9).
2. Chronic phase of IHD (Figures 3.18, 3.19 and
4.64): The negative T wave may be present in patients with and without previous Q-wave MI. In the
first case usually the negative T waves are recorded
in leads with Q wave. In this case this ECG pattern
is clearly explained more by the changes produced
by infarction in ventricular repolarisation than by
the presence of residual active ischaemia (postnecrosis changes). In other cases, if active ischaemia
exists, ECG changes are usually present on exercise
test, usually in a form of ST-segment depression
(Figure 4.64, p. 124).

accompanied by a negative T wave (pattern of

subepicardial ischaemia). The latter, in this context, is more a post-ischaemic or postnecrosis
change than the expression of active ischaemia
(Table 2.1 and Figure 3.7).

CHAPTER 3 Electrocardiographic pattern of ischaemia: T-wave abnormalities 39

Table 3.1 Causes of taller-than-normal T wave (aside from
ischmic heart disease; Figure 3.8).
1. Normal variants (vagotonia, sportsmen, etc.; Figure
2. Acute pericarditis. (Usually with mild ST elevation;
Figure 4.48A)
3. Alcoholism (Figure 3.16)
4. Hyperkalaemia (Figure 3.15)
5. Not long-standing left-ventricular hypertrophy
(especially in cases of diastolic overload, such as
aortic regurgitation; (Figure 3.12)
6. Stroke (Figure 3.14)
7. In V1V2 as a mirror pattern of lateral ischaemia or
ischaemia secondary to left-ventricle hypertrophy
(Figures 3.10 and 7.4)
8. Congenital AV block (Figure 3.13)

Electrocardiographic pattern of
subendocardial ischaemia:
diagnosis and differential
The ECG pattern of subendocardial ischaemia
a T wave more symmetric and often taller preceded by rectified ST segment and accompanied by
QTc prolongation (T wave of subendocardial ischaemia) is observed in the acute phase of IHD
(Table 2.1A) but may also be seen in other situations
(Table 3.1).
T wave of subendocardial ischaemia
The T wave of subendocardial ischaemia is a temporary pattern that may be recorded during a brief
time in the hyperacute phase of STE-ACS (Figure
8.7) and during a coronary spasm (Figure 8.46)
(Table 2.1A). It is difficult to record in a surface
ECG due to the short duration of its appearance.
This positive T wave usually presenting typically
an appreciable voltage, although sometimes not exceeding 5 mm, is symmetric and appears often after
a rectified or even slightly descendent ST segment
(Figure 8.7) as it arises in the second phase of repolarisation (Figures 3.5 and 3.6). It is very difficult to be sure whether the T wave is really taller
than normal if no sequential ECGs allowing for the
comparison of T-wave voltage are available. It has
been demonstrated that, on occasion, a transitory
increase in the pointing up of the T wave with only
a slight increase in its voltage, sometimes difficult to

evaluate even with sequential ECG recordings, may

be the only expression of ischaemia. Nevertheless,
on other occasions, a T wave of significant voltage
may be observed. In this case the T wave often has
a wide base and is not preceded by a rectified ST
segment (Figures 3.8A and C and 8.46), because
in reality, it is the first sign that a positive T wave
is converting into an ST-segment elevation (Figure
8.8). This morphology is recorded, above all, in the
right precordial leads (V1V4) (Figures 3.8B and C)
as an expression of initial subendocardium involvement during a hyperacute occlusion of an epicardial
artery, in this case the LAD, although it may also be
observed in inferior leads in case of an RCA or LCX
occlusion. The cases of cardiac spasm (Prinzmetal
angina) are usually recorded during Holter monitoring (Figure ?? and 8.46).
We should remember that in some chronic coronary patients, those who present a transmural infarction classically named inferoposterior but with
the new classification we define as inferolateral MI
(Figure 5.9B(3)), a tall, frequently peaked, and in
this case persistent, T wave may be recorded in
V1V3 as a consequence of the changes that the
transmural infarction produced in repolarization
(mirror pattern of inferobasal and lateral subepicardial ischaemia) (Figure 3.10).

Taller-than-normal T wave in other

Table 3.1 presents the most frequent causes of more
positive than normal T waves, different from IHD.
Some examples, including variants of normality
(vagal overdrive) (Figure 3.11), are shown in Figures 3.113.16. Sometimes the morphologies are
very characteristic, as the tall symmetric T wave
with relatively narrow base in left-ventricular diastolic overload, as in important aortic regurgitation
(Figure 3.12) and in a congenital AV block (Figure
3.13), or the T wave with wide base and irregular morphology that may be observed in some patients due to the toxic effects of some drugs and
in some cerebrovascular accidents (Figure 3.14).
Additionally, very tall and peaked T waves may
be recorded in some cases of moderate hyperkalaemia due to renal failure (Figure 3.15) and at
times in chronic alcoholism without heart failure
(Figure 3.16).

40 PART I Electrocardiographic patterns of ischaemia, injury and infarction





















Affected area of necrosis.

The affected area of ischaemia is probably
lesser especially in lateral wall

Horizontal axial view

Transversal view sections

Sagittal-like section

Figure 3.10 (A) ECG with a typical pattern of chronic

subepicardial ischaemia in the leads facing the inferior
wall (negative T wave in II, III and VF) and the lateral wall
(positive peaked T wave in V1V2). There is a necrosis in
the same area in which a QR complex in II, III and VF and
an RS complex in V1 are recorded. (B) Horizontal axial

vision of the heart, transverse vision of the heart at basal,

mid and apical area and sagittal-like vision of the heart
(CMR) (see Figures 1.8 and 1.11). Segments involved are 4,
5, 10 and 11 and perhaps 3, 9, 15 and 16. The RS pattern in
V1 is explained especially by the involvement of segments
5 and 11.

Electrocardiographic pattern of
subepicardial ischaemia
(transmural): diagnosis and
differential diagnosis

Flattened or negative T wave in IHD

The ECG pattern of subepicardial ischaemia

flattened or negative T wave is observed in
IHD (Table 2.1), but it may also appear in other
situations (see Table 3.2). We have to remember
that the ECG pattern of subepicardial ischaemia
(negative T wave) although may probably be due to
real active ischaemia (ACS), more often appear in
the dynamic changes of some ACS as a reperfusion
pattern or is explained by the changes that MI
has induced in ventricular repolarisation (chronic
Q-wave MI) (p. 37 and Table 8.1).

(Figures 3.173.27)
We will discuss the diagnostic and location criteria.
The clinical presentation and prognostic implications of the ECG pattern of subepicardial ischaemia
in different clinical settings of IHD will be discussed
in Part II of this book (p. 289).

Diagnostic criteria: morphology and

The normal T wave (see Normal limits of the T
wave p. 30) is recorded as positive in almost all
leads except VR and often V1, and, on occasion, III,
VF and rarely II and even in VL in cases of a vertical heart with rS or QS morphology and usually

CHAPTER 3 Electrocardiographic pattern of ischaemia: T-wave abnormalities 41

Figure 3.11 Tall and peaked T wave not secondary to

ischaemic heart disease recorded at night (Holter) in a
sportsman with vagal overdrive. Note the significant
bradycardia, the asymmetric T wave and the slight
ST-segment elevation (early repolarisation). There is a


Figure 3.12 Male, 42 years old, with severe but not

long-standing aortic regurgitation. Note the evident q
wave in V5, the intrinsic deflection time (IDT) 0.07 s, the
height of the R wave is >30 mm and the T wave is tall and
peaked (14 mm). There is also a negative U wave.

significant right vagal overdrive (quite significant sinus

bradycardia), but hardly any left vagal overdrive (PR
interval: 0.20 s). In sportsmen with left vagal overdrive, a
second-degree Mobitz type I atrioventricular block
(Wenckebach type) can be seen at night.

negative P wave. When the normal T wave is negative, it is of low voltage (except in VR) and asymmetric. Therefore, the appearance of a flattened or
negative T wave in the other leads (T-wave voltage
lower than 23 mm in the HP V2V6 and than
12 mm in the FP I, II and VL) is probably abnormal (see Flattened or negative T wave in other
clinical settings p. 49) and should be considered as
an ECG pattern of subepicardial ischaemia.
In Figure 3.17 different examples of T waves of
subepicardial ischaemia together with their corresponding VCG loops are presented. It is of particular interest to observe the homogeneous inscription of ischaemic T loop as compared to a normal
T loop, which presents a slower first part of inscription, whether closed or opened (Figure 3.2).
The negative T wave is usually symmetric and of
variable voltage, but in general it does not exceed
810 mm. Its base is usually not very wide, as it


Figure 3.13 Very tall and symmetric T wave that is frequently observed in case of congenital AV block. Observe the
changes of PR interval due to the presence of dissociated P waves.

42 PART I Electrocardiographic patterns of ischaemia, injury and infarction

Table 3.2 Causes of negative or flattened T waves (aside


from ischaemic heart disease).


Normal variants: Children, pertaining to black race

and hyperventilation, women (right precordial
leads), etc. May sometimes be diffuse (global T-wave
inversion of unknown origin). More frequently
observed in women.


Pericarditis: In this condition, the pattern is usually

extensive, but generally the negativity of T wave is
not very important (Figures 3.28 and 4.48 above C).

Figure 3.14 Very wide and tall T wave in a patient with a

severe stroke. The QT interval is very long (640 ms).



Cor pulmonale and pulmonary embolism. (Figure 3.30)


Myocarditis (perimyocarditis) (Figure 3.29) and


Alcoholism (Figure 3.38)


Stroke (Figure 3.32): Not frequent.


Myxoedema: (Figure 3.37)


Sportsmen (Figure 3.33): With or without ST-segment

cardiomyopathies (Figure 3.31)

elevation. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, especially

apical type, must be ruled out.

After the administration of certain drugs

(prenylamine and amiodarone) (flattened T wave)
(Figure 3.39).

10. Hypokalaemia: The T wave can be flattened but

usually the ST-segment depression is more evident.
11. Post-tachycardia (Figure 3.36)
12. Abnormalities secondary to left ventricular
hypertrophy or to left bundle branch block.
13. Intermittent left bundle branch block (Figure 3.34)
and other situations of intermittent abnormal
activation [pacemakers (Figure 3.35),
WolfParkinsonWhite syndrome].
Figure 3.15 Tall, narrow and quite peaked T wave with a
slight ST-segment elevation in a patient with
hyperkalaemia secondary to renal failure.


Figure 3.16 Male, 38 years old, moderate drinker for over

the last 20 years. He presents palpitations, but not heart
failure. In the leads facing the left ventricle, a symmetric
and peaked T wave of 13 mm in height was recorded.

starts in the second part of systole, which explains

the well-defined ST-segment generally observed.
Figures 3.18 and 3.19 show the evolution of two
MIs from the acute phase with a huge ST-segment
elevation until the appearance of Q wave of necrosis
and negative T wave of subepicardial ischaemia. In
Figure 3.20, a patient with chronic MI of inferior
wall presents in the same ECG a different grade of
ECG pattern of subepicardial ischaemia (negative
and deep T wave in inferior leads, tall and positive
T wave in right precordial leads as a mirror pattern
and flat T wave in V6).
The deep negative T wave that may be seen in V1
V4V5 is explained by LAD proximal occlusion that
has been totally or partially opened spontaneously
or after treatment (see Typical and atypical patterns of STE-ACS and NSTE-ACS p. 210 and Figure

CHAPTER 3 Electrocardiographic pattern of ischaemia: T-wave abnormalities 43




Figure 3.17 (A) and (B) ECGVCG correlation of the T

wave and the T loop of subepicardial ischaemia in two
patients with myocardial infarction: (A) of the inferior wall
and (B) of the inferior and lateral walls. Observe that a T
loop in both cases shows homogeneous inscription and is
directed upwards (see FPa) in the first case and upwards
and forward in the second case (see HPa). The QRS loop of
(A) rotates only clockwise and of (B) rotates first clockwise
and later counter-clockwise. In the first case inferior MI is
isolated and in the second, associated to superoanterior





hemiblock (no final r in II, III and VF) (see Figures 5.54 and
5.62). QRS loops in both cases are directed upwards and in
case of inferolateral infarction also forward.
(C) ECGVCG correlation of the T wave and T loop in case
of subepicardial ischaemia of anteroseptal zone. Observe
how the T loop with homogeneous inscription (symmetric
negative T wave in ECG) and a QRS loop that is directed
backwards and to the left with counter-clockwise direction
and the T loop backwards and to the right (see HPa).




Figure 3.18 Acute infarction of
anteroseptal zone with ST-segment
elevation in the prefibrinolytic era.
Evolutionary phases: (A) at 30 min, (B) 1
day later, (C) 1 week later and (D) 2
weeks later.

44 PART I Electrocardiographic patterns of ischaemia, injury and infarction





Figure 3.19 Evolution of inferior wall infarction due to

RCA occlusion after RV branches treated with fibrinolysis.
Observe the ST-segment deviations: depression in lead I,

elevation in II, III and VF with III > II. Along the time can be
seen the disappearance of the ST-segment elevation and
appearance of Q wave of necrosis and negative T wave.

Sometimes T-wave morphology may be . This

is consequence that the ECG pattern of ischaemia is
generated especially in the second part of the systole
(Figure 3.6). This morphology specially appears in
V1V4 as a post-ischaemic pattern due to spontaneous, or induced by treatment, reperfusion in case
of LAD occlusion (Figure 3.21) (atypical pattern of
STE-ACS) (see Figure 8.3B and p. 210). Figures 3.22
and 3.23 show two patients, one in stable phase and
the other in the presence of ACS that presents flat or
mildly negative T wave in only some leads (regional
On the other hand, an evident U wave (Figures
3.24 and 3.25) or even a less obvious one (Figure
3.26) in the presence of a positive T wave is equivalent to subepicardial ischaemia (Reinig, Harizi and
Spodick, 2005).
Subepicardial ischaemia (primary repolarisation alteration) is frequently associated with LVE
or LBBB (secondary repolarisation alteration),
whereby mixed patterns are generated (Figure 3.27).

Location criteria
The negative T wave of subepicardial ischaemia is
recorded in different leads, depending on the myocardial area affected by the occluded coronary
artery (inferolateral or anteroseptal). In general, in
case of single-vessel disease ischaemia is regional;
therefore, a mirror pattern may be observed in
the FP (Figures 3.10 and 3.20). Much probably, ischaemia at rest is usually explained by only a culprit
artery, even may be stenosis in other arteries (multivessel disease).
In case of involvement of the inferolateral zone
(RCA and/or LCX) negative T wave in II, III and
VF with often mirror image in V1V3 (positive T
wave in V1V3) appears. An example of a negative T wave of subepicardial ischaemia in the inferolateral zone with its corresponding VCG pattern can be observed in Figure 3.17A, B. This
figure shows the T loop with homogeneous and
narrow inscription directed upwards (inferior involvement) and also forwards (lateral involvement),

It is difficult to define the strict diagnostic criteria that will assure that we are in front of a T wave
with an ECG pattern of subepicardial ischaemia.
Nevertheless, we consider that this diagnosis may
be done in the following circumstances:
r Negative or flattened T wave (positive voltage
less than 23 mm in an HP and 13 mm in an

FP) in I, VL, II and in V2V3 to V6, especially if

the changes are dynamic.
r We should remember that the T wave should
always be negative in VR and may be flattened or
even slightly negative in III, VF and V1 and sometimes in VL, V2 and II (see Normal limits of the
T wave) p. 30.

CHAPTER 3 Electrocardiographic pattern of ischaemia: T-wave abnormalities 45

Figure 3.20 Old inferior infarction with lateral ischaemia (positive and symmetric T wave in V1V3), with TV3 > TV1. The
presence of flat T wave in V6 suggests that low lateral wall is also affected. Observe the negative T wave in II, III and VF
(inferior ischaemia) and the positive T wave in I and VL that appears as a mirror pattern.














Figure 3.21 (A) ECG with a quite negative T wave in V1V2

to V5, with extension to I and VL corresponding to a critical
lesion in the proximal part of left anterior descending
coronary artery that practically normalises during a chest
pain crisis (B). This corresponds to an atypical pattern of
STE-ACS (see Figure 8.3B). The normalisation of this

pattern is an intermediate situation between the negative

T wave and the ST-segment elevation that would appear if
the chest pain were more intense and prolonged. It is quite
important to bear this in mind and perform sequential
ECGs, as the normal ECG during the angina crisis can
provide quite confusing and dangerous information.

46 PART I Electrocardiographic patterns of ischaemia, injury and infarction

Figure 3.22 A patient with chronic non-proximal

multivessel disease. Observe the basal ECG with the
flattened T waves in various leads, especially in FP and

Figure 3.23 A patient with unstable angina (NSTE-ACS)

with new, flattened or slightly negative T wave in various

corresponding to a symmetric and negative T wave

in II, III and VF (A and B) and a symmetric and
positive T wave in V1 and V2 (B). Isolated lateral
ischaemia may explain positive T wave in V1V2,
and theoretically if inferior involvement also exists,

V5V6. The presence of this pattern in a chronic phase is

usually due to post-ischaemic changes.

in cases of very lean individuals with true posterior

wall (Figure 1.13C) the T wave would be more positive in V2V3 than in V1. If all inferior wall is flat, the
vector of ischaemia will be directed only upwards.
It is likely that the T wave will be more negative in
III than in II lead if the inferior wall involvement is
due to RCA occlusion. The opposite may occur in
some cases of an occlusion of a dominant LCX.
In occlusion of OM branch (isolated involvement of the lateral wall), a flattened or negative T
wave may be observed in V5-V6, and frequently in
I and VL. In case of occlusion of first diagonal (involvement of mid-anterior and lateral wall), the
negative T wave is usually seen in VL and I and
sometimes in II, III and VF, but usually is not evident in V5-V6.
In case of proximal LAD occlusion, the ECG
changes (flattened or negative T waves) are observed in V1V6 and in I and VL (Figure 3.21).
Figure 3.17C shows the open T loop of homogeneous inscription directed to the right and
backwards, corresponding to the negative T wave
recorded from V1 to V6 in case of an extensive anterior involvement.
On the other hand, at times, especially in the
presence of multivessel coronary disease, negative,
flattened or very low voltage positive T waves may
be recorded in various leads due to delay in repolarization without subendocardial predominance that
is usually consequence of post-ischaemic changes
(reperfusion) (see p. 32, Figures 3.22 and 3.23). The
differential diagnosis of this pattern from the ECG
pattern found in some cases of pericarditis may be

CHAPTER 3 Electrocardiographic pattern of ischaemia: T-wave abnormalities 47

Figure 3.24 A patient with unstable angina who presents slight ST-segment depression in various leads, especially in II, III,
V4V6 and significantly marked negative U wave in V2V3. This patient presents an important LAD occlusion.


















Figure 3.25 (A) Basal ECG (V1V6) with ECG pattern of
important subepicardial ischaemia in a 65-year-old patient
with daily crisis of variant angina that always appeared at
the same hour. During a crisis (B,C), there is
pseudonormalisation of the ST segment with an evident
negative U wave. A few seconds later, the ECG returns to

the original situation (D). The five morphologies in the

fourth strip are samples taken minute by minute, with a
total duration of pain of 6 min that shows the changes in
V3 from positive, T-negative U wave during pain to
negative T wave after the crises.

48 PART I Electrocardiographic patterns of ischaemia, injury and infarction













Figure 3.26 A 46-year-old patient with dubious precordial

pain. The ECG (B) presented very discrete changes in V2V3
leads (slightly negative U wave with somehow positive T
wave). These small changes are significant when compared



with previous ECG (A). The exercise stress test was positive
and the coronary angiography showed proximal LAD
stenosis resolved by PCI. The following ECG was equal to
initial one (A).


Figure 3.27 The mixed repolarisation changes (C) are explained by the combination of the primary changes due to
ischaemia (A) and the changes secondary to the depolarisation abnormalities (e.g. LVH) (B).

We should remember that while the vector of

injury moves towards the injured area (see Figure 4.8), the vectors of ischaemia and infarction

move away from the ischaemic and infarcted areas, respectively (Figures 3.6, 3.10 and 5.3). (p. 35,
54, 131).

CHAPTER 3 Electrocardiographic pattern of ischaemia: T-wave abnormalities 49










Figure 3.28 A patient with chronic constrictive pericarditis.

The T wave is negative in many leads, but not quite deep,
without the mirror pattern in the frontal plane. The T
wave is only positive in VR and V1 because as this is a
diffuse subepicardial ischaemia, they are the only two
leads in which the ischaemia vector that is directed away
from the ischaemic area is approaching the exploring

very difficult. The clinical history, the result of an

exercise stress test and the presence of Q waves of
necrosis may be helpful in the differential diagnosis between multivessel coronary artery disease and
Flattened or negative T wave in other
clinical situations
Table 3.2 shows the most frequent causes, apart
from IHD, of a negative or flattened T wave. Figures

3.283.39 summarise different examples of these

patterns, with their sometimes very characteristic
corresponding morphologies.
In case of a negative or flattened T wave we
should always keep in mind chronic pericarditis as a
differential diagnosis. Apart from different characteristics of the clinical history and the character
of pain, the type of subepicardial ischaemic ECG
pattern observed in pericarditis following the hyperacute phase may be of help in the differentiating process. The myocardial involvement is usually
more extensive in pericarditis than in IHD (there
is no mirror pattern in the FP in pericarditis) and
also the negativity of T wave is generally smaller
(Figure 3.28), except in some cases with associated
myocarditis (Figure 3.29). The evolution of the patients clinical condition and the presence of Q wave
are useful in the differential diagnosis. Nevertheless
if two- or more vessel disease exists, alterations in
repolarisation in the IHD are also diffuse and are
sometimes not accompanied by Q waves. On the
other hand, as previously said, if myopericarditis
is present, quite evident negative T waves that are
impossible to distinguish from those of IHD may
be recorded (Figure 3.29). In the acute phase of
pericarditis ST-segment elevation, usually mild and
sometimes with tall T wave, (Figure 4.48) and PRinterval alterations (elevation in VR and depression in II) are frequently observed because of atrial
injury, while no Q waves of infarction are present
(Figures 4.48 and 4.49).
Other examples of flattened or negative T wave
(Table 3.2) are as follows: very negative and transitory T waves in V1V4 that appear in acute overload
of RV due to a decompensation of cor pulmonale















Figure 3.29 (A) ECG of a patient with chronic ischaemic

heart disease. (B) ECG of a patient with myopericarditis.
The ECG does not aid in this case in establishing the

differential diagnosis. Even, the patient with

myopericarditis shows more negative and deeper T waves.

50 PART I Electrocardiographic patterns of ischaemia, injury and infarction













Figure 3.30 A 60-year-old patient with chronic cor pulmonale who during respiratory infection presented ECG pattern
of acute overload of right cavities (A) that disappeared some days later (B).


Figure 3.31 Typical pattern of repolarisation (deep negative and rather symmetrical and narrow T wave) frequently seen
in patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy of apical type. The absence of septal q wave is explained by the presence
of septal fibrosis (CE-CMR) and the deep negative T wave by craniocaudal asymmetry of septum (Dumont, 2006). A tall R
wave is usually seen from V2V3 to V5V6 without Q wave.

CHAPTER 3 Electrocardiographic pattern of ischaemia: T-wave abnormalities 51


Figure 3.32 Female, 75 years old, with stroke. Note the large negative T wave with a quite wide base nearly without ST
segment and a quite long QT interval (>500 ms). The patient died a few hours later.


Figure 3.33 Negative T wave with an ST-segment elevation in an apparently healthy sportsman (normal echocardiogram
and coronary angiography). Pattern not modified during 20 years that corresponds to the type D described by Plas (Figure
1.109; Plas, 1976). However, most sportsmen who die suddenly show similar patterns, generally with normal coronary
arteries, but some of them with evidence of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.


Figure 3.34 Patient with an advanced but intermittent left

bundle branch block. A negative T wave is observed in the
complexes that do not present left bundle branch block
pattern. It is explained by cardiac memory phenomenon
due to the disappearance of the pattern of left bundle

branch block. The repolarisation changes persist for a

certain period of time as the consequence of the lack of
the adequacy of the refractory periods of left ventricle to
the new situation of normal intraventricular conduction.

52 PART I Electrocardiographic patterns of ischaemia, injury and infarction









Figure 3.35 Four sets of leads with basal ECG (left) and
after pacemaker implantation in the RV (right) in a patient
without ischaemic heart disease. Note the negative T wave
in sinus rhythm complexes after implantation due to
cardiac memory phenomenon. Characteristically, in case

Figure 3.36 A 54-year-old man with paroxysmal
arrhythmias and no structural heart disease. After a crisis
of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation with an average
ventricular rate response of 170 beats/min that lasted
6 hours, an evident negative T wave with a slight
ST-segment depression was present and slowly
disappeared over the next few days. (A) Recording


of cardiac memory repolarisation abnormalities in

patients without ischaemic heart disease, as happens in
this case, the T wave is positive in I and VL, in the presence
of inverted T waves in precordial leads.



immediately after the crisis. (B) Two days later, the pattern
markedly decreased. (C) At 7 days, the ECG was normal.
The need to perform complementary tests, or not to, to
rule out ischaemia depends on the clinical characteristics in
each case and the duration and depth of the pattern. In
this case, coronary angiography was normal.

Figure 3.37 Low QRS complex and T-wave voltage in all the ECG leads. This pattern, especially if it is accompanied by
bradycardia, must lead one to suspect myxedema. Generalised low-voltage patterns can be seen in many other processes,
in which there is a border factor that decreases the voltage secondary to cardiac causes (e.g. myocardial fibrosis in
myxedema, as in this case, or pericarditis) or extracardiac causes (emphysema, pleural effusion, ascites, etc.).

CHAPTER 3 Electrocardiographic pattern of ischaemia: T-wave abnormalities 53



Figure 3.38 Flattened and split (A) or slightly negative T wave (B) in two patients with myocardial involvement secondary
to alcohol abuse, without heart failure. Similar patterns can be recorded in other circumstances (administration of drugs).



Figure 3.39 A 47-year-old man, who refers a history of

paroxysmal arrhythmias, with a normal ECG. After 2
months of treatment with amiodarone, repolarisation,
which was normal (A), showed a flattened and dome-like

T wave (sometimes it is bimodal) (B). The QT interval

lengthened but it is difficult to measure exactly how much
it lengthened due to the flattening of the T wave.

Figure 3.40 (A) Acute phase of an infarction in a patient

with complete left bundle branch block. Note the clear
ST-segment elevation. In the chronic phase (B), the

symmetrical T wave in III (mixed pattern of repolarisation

abnormality) leads to the suspicion of associated

54 PART I Electrocardiographic patterns of ischaemia, injury and infarction

Figure 3.41 Symmetric negative T wave (see leads I and

V5) in a patient with hypertension and intermittent
complete left bundle branch block, who presents
symmetric T wave when the LBBB disappears after a

ventricular extrasystole. This is a mixed pattern (ischaemia

+ LVH). Also the T wave of complexes with LBBB presents
more symmetric morphology than in cases of isolated

(Figure 3.30), deep and narrow T wave in apical

hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (Figure 3.31), wide
and very negative T wave in some cerebrovascular
accidents (Figure 3.32), repolarisation alteration
ST-segment elevation and negative T wave observed in some athletes with no apparent heart disease (Figure 3.33), negative and sometimes deep T
wave due to cardiac memory (Rosenbaum et al.,
1982; Denes et al., 1978) (Figures 3.34 and 3.35),
negative T wave occasionally seen after a paroxysmal tachycardia (Figure 3.36), flattened T waves
in myxedema (Figure 3.37) and alcoholics (Figure 3.38), and flattened, and sometimes bimodal, T
wave due to amiodarone treatment (Figure 3.39). In
the case of negative T wave due to cardiac memory
in patients with pacemaker, it has been described
that in the absence of IHD, the T wave is positive in
I and VL, even in the presence of deeply negative T
wave in precordial leads (Figure 3.35).

Diagnosis of electrocardiographic
pattern of ischaemia in patients
with ventricular hypertrophy
and/or wide QRS
The electrocardiographic pattern of subepicardial
ischaemia is a primary alteration of repolarisation
and if it occurs in individuals that already present
secondary alteration of repolarisation, such as ventricular hypertrophy (especially LVH with strain) or
wide QRS especially complete LBBB, the pattern of
subepicardial ischaemia modifies the secondary alteration of repolarisation due to ventricular enlargement or LBBB, producing so-called mixed patterns
(Figure 3.27). In these cases, frequently, the negative T wave secondary to ventricular enlargement
and/or LBBB appears more symmetric (Figures 3.40
and 3.41).


Electrocardiographic pattern of
injury: ST-segment abnormalities
Normal limits of the ST segment
The ST segment should be, under normal conditions, isoelectric or present only a slight (less
than 0.5 mm) upward or downward deviation. A
slight ST-segment elevation (11.5 mm) with normal morphological characteristics, slightly convex
with respect to the isoelectric line, may be recorded
in normal subjects, above all in the right precordial
leads (Figure 3.1B).
Non-pathological ST-segment depression tends
to present a rapid ascent quickly crossing the
isoelectric line (Figures 3.1C and 4.1C). This
ST-segment depression observed during exercise or
sympathetic overdrive forms part of a circumferential arch, involving the depressed ST and PR segments (Figures 4.1C and 4.2B). On the other hand,
vagal overdrive and early repolarisation may present
an ST-segment elevation of 13 mm, convex with
respect to the isoelectric line that is recorded mainly
in the intermediate precordial leads (Figures 3.1D
and 4.1A).
Lastly, we should remember that TP (or UP) intervals, prior to and following the ST segment being
evaluated, form the points of reference for assessing
ST-segment depression and elevation (Figure 4.2B,
C). If these intervals are not located at the same level
(at the isoelectric line) or are not visible well, the PR
interval of the cardiac cycle in question should be
used as the reference. If the latter is descendent, the
ECG recording at the onset of the QRS complex
may be used as the reference to measure the STsegment depression at 60 milliseconds of J point
(Figure 4.2C, D). On the other hand, it is advisable
to record the ECG with adequate amplified measuring systems to assure the correct measurement
of ST changes (Figure 4.3).

The electrocardiographic pattern

of injury
The electrocardiographic pattern of injury is
recorded from the myocardial area in which, as a
consequence of diminished blood supply (more important than the one that generates the ECG pattern of ischaemia) or other non-ischaemic causes,
an evident diastolic cellular depolarisation exists
(Figure 2.1(3)). This leads to the formation of a
low-quality TAP in the injury area which is expressed in the ECG as ST-segment depression or
elevation (see Experimental point of view below
and Figure 4.5). This ECG pattern usually represents especially in the setting of ACS and especially,
when the changes are dynamic, the existence of active ischaemia.
As can be observed in the VCG, the final part of
QRS loop (2 in Figure 4.14) is displaced from the
beginning (1 in Figure 4.14), the free space being
the expression of the injury vector (see distance 12
in Figure 4.14).
We will firstly refer to cases with normal QRS
complex and later on we will briefly comment on
how the presence of an ECG pattern of injury may
be suspected in patients with wide QRS.

Electrophysiologic mechanism of
the electrocardiographic pattern
of injury
Experimental point of view
Many aspects of the mechanism of ischaemiainduced ST-segment changes lack solid biophysical underpinning, although it has been recently
demonstrated (Hopenfeld, Stinstra and Macleod,
2004) that the electrocardiologic response to


56 PART I Electrocardiographic patterns of ischaemia, injury and infarction




Figure 4.1 Holter recording of a very young patient with early repolarisation pattern recorded at night (A) that
disappeared at daytime (B). During tachycardia the repolarisation presents changes typical of sympathetic overdrive (C).





Figure 4.2 Normal resting ECG (A) and the normal

electrocardiographic response to the exercise (B). Although
the J point is depressed, it reaches rapidly the point X so
that QX/QT <0.5. The response is abnormal when QX/QT

0.5 (C). In (D) in the absence of an evident TP interval and

in the presence of descending PR segment, the initial part
of QRS complex is taken as the reference point to measure
the ST-segment depression at 60 ms of the J point.

ischaemia depends strongly on the anisotropic conductivity of the myocardium. In this book we will
not go very much inside all these new types of experimental bases of ischaemia-induced ST changes, because they are not completely known. As an example
in animal models, progressive epicardial coronary

blood flow reduction fails to produce ST-segment

depression at normal heart rates (De Chantal et al.,
According to the membrane response curve
(Singer and Ten Eick, 1971) (Figure 4.4), the area
with significant and persistent ischaemia shows

CHAPTER 4 Electrocardiographic pattern of injury: ST-segment abnormalities 57



Figure 4.3 Observe how an amplified ECG (4x) allows the

proper assessment of ST-segment deviation. (A)
Post-myocardial-infarction patient with slight ST-segment
elevation in right precordial leads. When amplified ECG

was applied, at 60 ms of J point one may observe an

ST-segment elevation of 6 mm that corresponds to 1.5 mm
in normal ECG (B).

an evident diastolic depolarisation, which produces a low-quality TAP in this area (slower upstroke, lower voltage, smaller area, etc.) (Figure
2.1(3)). When diastolic depolarisation occurs in
the subendocardium, an ST-segment depression is
recorded in the ECG (electrocardiographicpattern
of subendocardial injury), and when the injury occurs in the subepicardium (or is transmural), an
ST-segment elevation is generated (electrocardiographic pattern of subepicardial injury). The electrophysiologic explanation for these electrocardiographic patterns may be based on the following two
theories (Bayes de Luna, 1978; Coksey, Massie and
Walsh, 1960; Cabrera, 1958; Sodi Pallares, 1956).
1. Theory of the TAP summation (Figure 4.5): The
normal ECG may be explained as summing up of

the subendocardium TAP plus the subepicardium

TAP (Bayes de Luna, 1999). This theory is also useful
in explaining the origin of the ST-segment elevation
and depression in case of subepicardial and subendocardial injury, respectively. Figure 4.5 shows how
the summing up of poor-quality TAP of the injured area (subendocardium in the subendocardial
injury and subepicardium in the subepicardial injury clinically transmural) plus TAP of the rest
of the LV only cancels out some part of the TAP
of the injury-free area. Consequently, this allows
for the recording of an ST-segment depression in
case of subendocardial injury (Figure 4.5B) or STsegment elevation in case of subepicardial injury
(Figure 4.5C). The ST-segment elevation or depression will be more or less significant, according to

58 PART I Electrocardiographic patterns of ischaemia, injury and infarction

Figure 4.4 Note the relationship between the value of DTP

in mV and the velocity of response (response dv/dt).

poor-quality TAP that exists in the injured area

(Figure 4.5).
2. Theory of the injury vector (Figures 4.6
4.8): The electrocardiographic pattern of suben-

docardium or subepicardial injury can also be explained if we consider that an injury current exists
between the injured area (less electrically charged)
and the normal area (more electrically changed).
One hypothesis considers that the electrocardiographic pattern of injury is explained by an injury
current in diastole and the other by an injury current in systole (Bayes de Luna, 1978, 1999; Janse,
1982; Mirvis and Goldberger, 2001).
It has been shown in the experimental setting
that both currents intervene in the genesis of STsegment elevation and depression (Hellerstein and
Katz, 1948; Janse, 1982) (Figures 4.6 and 4.7). However, only the hypothesis of the systolic injury
current will be discussed because this current is
the one expressed in clinical practice, since the
ECG equipments are adjusted by AC amplifiers to
maintain a stable isoelectric baseline during diastole. Consequently, the original changes in the
TQ interval secondary to diastolic depolarisation
are not recorded during the diastole, but their effects on the systolic period are expressed as changes
in the TAP morphology (Figures 4.6 and 4.7).
Indeed, during the systolic depolarisation phase,
even though all the cells are depolarised, the normal
cells because of their greater previous polarisation

Tissue with
moderated injury

Tissue with
severe injury

Normal tissue
Subendocardium TAP


Tissue with
moderated injury

Tissue with
severe injury

Figure 4.5 How the respective patterns of subendocardial (B) and subepicardial (C) injuries are generated according to
the theory that the normal ECG pattern (A) is the result of the sum of subendocardial and subepicardial PATs.

CHAPTER 4 Electrocardiographic pattern of injury: ST-segment abnormalities 59

Figure 4.6 The electrode located in the epicardium of

anterior cardiac wall records a simultaneous ST-segment
depression and T-QRS elevation after subepicardial

ischaemia of posterior wall (arrow) is produced. (Adapted

from Hellerstein and Katz, 1948.)

more polarised during diastole preserve a normal transmembrane resting action potential and
are more electrically charged than are the injured
cells. Thus, during systolic depolarisation they are
more negative than the injured cells (Figure 4.8).
This could explain the existence of a systolic injury current that would go from the normal cells
(more negative) towards the injured cells (less negative means that they are comparatively relatively
positive) (Figure 4.8(1A)).
This systolic injury current can express itself in
the form of an injury vector, considering that the
current flow runs from the more negative area (less
ischaemic or normal) to the less negative or relatively positive area (injured). The injury vector
is expressed by ST-segment elevation or depression (Figure 4.8(1A)). If the experimental injury
has developed in the subendocardium, the injury
vector that is directed towards the injured area
(p. 60, Figure 4.8(1A)) generates an ST-segment

depression during the systole in precordial electrodes, immediately following the QRS complex.
The slope of this ST segment will decrease during the second part of systole as the myocardial
cells will be repolarised. In case of subepicardial
experimental injury, the injury vector generates
an ST-segment elevation by the same phenomenon
(Figure 4.8(1B)), and the slope of ST segment also
decreases during the second part of systole.
Clinical viewpoint
In human beings, the electrocardiographic injury
pattern is seen in the presence of evident and
persistent clinical ischaemia. When we extrapolate the findings in the experimental field to clinical practice, it could be considered that when the
ischaemia is important, persistent and predominant in a certain area (subendocardium or subepicardium), an evident diastolic depolarisation in
that area generates a low-quality TAP (slower

20 mV

20 mV


6-min occlusion

Figure 4.7 Local DC extracellular electrocardiograms from

the left ventricular subepicardium of an isolated pig heart
before (control) and 6, 8 and 33 min after coronary artery
occlusion. Horizontal lines indicate zero potential. Note
decrease in resting potential (TQ-segment depression in
extracellular complex) and reduction in action potential
upstroke velocity with the appearance of ST-segment
elevation. After 8 min of occlusion the ECG shows

8-min occlusion

33-min occlusion

monophasic morphology. (There is a TQ depression and

huge ST-segment elevation.) Surprisingly, 33 min after
occlusion there is a temporary reappearance of electrical
activity, but after 1 h the ischaemic zone becomes
permanently unexcitable. Characteristically, some time
before the ischaemic cells become unresponsive they
presented electrical alternance of amplitude and duration
of action potential. (Adapted from Janse, 1982.)

60 PART I Electrocardiographic patterns of ischaemia, injury and infarction



Figure 4.8 Subendocardial (A) and

subepicardial (B) injury vectors in case
of experimental (1) or clinical
(transmural) injury (2).

upstroke). The development of an ST-segment elevation or depression (injury pattern) therefore

could also be explained. However, from the clinical point of view, an exclusively subendocardium or
subepicardium involvement does not exist. In fact,
two different situations of distribution of a significant ischaemia in the LV occur, which generate the
ST-segment elevation and depression patterns, as
well as the reciprocal patterns.
(a) The electrophysiological mechanism of
subendocardial injury pattern: ST-segment
depression: If significant and persistent ischaemia
occurs predominantly in the subendocardium, although subepicardium areas with less ischaemia are
usually found (fewer grey areas and with more negative electrical charges in Figure 4.8(2A)), a subendocardial injury pattern is recorded in the ECG
(ST-segment depression). This is explained by the
predominance of subendocardium involvement, as
compared to that of the subepicardium. We should
remember that under normal conditions, during
systole, the subendocardium arteries of a lesser calibre are more vulnerable to compression than are the
subepicardial arteries and, consequently, coronary
flow towards the subendocardium decreases (Bell
and Fox, 1974). Visner et al. (1985) demonstrate
that this decrease in subendocardium coronary flow
is accompanied by an increase in LV end diastolic

pressure. This reduced endocardial-to-epicardial

flow ratio is even more evident: (a) in situations
such as exercise and stress, which decrease even
more the already smaller flow distribution towards
the subendocardium that is observed under normal
conditions; (b) in NSTE-ACS (unstable angina
and non-Q-wave MI), because of an incomplete
occlusion of a coronary artery that generates
an increase in the impairment of perfusion of
subendocardium area of myocardium that already
presented subendocardial ischaemia. All these situations favour the development of an ST-segment
depression (Figure 4.8(2A)).
Both the clinical ST-segment depression pattern
and the experimental subendocardial injury pattern
have a common explanation: the sum of subendocardium TAP, which is of worse quality than in the
subepicardium (Figure 4.5), or the generation of an
injury vector (Figure 4.8). In NSTE-ACS the presence of new ST-segment depression is related with
the presence of evident active ischaemia predominantly in the subendocardium. On the other hand,
the presence of flat or negative T wave is related with
previous ischaemia (often is a reperfusion pattern)
without subendocardial predominance (Table 2.1
and Figure 3.9).
One question that needs to be understood is why
during exercise testing an increase in the height

CHAPTER 4 Electrocardiographic pattern of injury: ST-segment abnormalities 61

of T wave as the expression of subendocardial ischaemia is not recorded, but an ST-segment depression is. The explanation may be the following:
the electrocardiographic pattern of subendocardial
ischaemia (tall and peaked T wave), which is often transiently recorded in the initial phase of the
complete occlusion of an epicardial artery, occurs
in a myocardium that has usually not presented evident previous ischaemia. This tall T wave is the expression of the sudden decrease in subendocardium
flow after total occlusion, which is followed by the
ST-segment elevation because of significant, transmural and homogeneous ischaemia. Therefore, it
is a transition pattern from the normal positive
but less tall T wave and the ST-segment elevation (Figure 3.7B). However, during a pathological
exercise test there is, in general, an increase of
ischaemia in a certain area where the subendocardium is already suffering from poor perfusion
because of an evident but incomplete previous coronary stenosis. As we have already discussed, physical exercise decreases subendocardial perfusion
because during the exercise test the subendocardial
arteries have less vasodilatory capacity than that of
the subepicardial ones (see before). Consequently,
an inadequate redistribution of coronary flow occurs, with a significant increase in clinical ischaemia
that predominates at the subendocardium level, although sometimes affects all the wall but without
homogeneous transmural involvement. This phenomenon is the consequence that the occlusion
of the artery is not total and that the coronary
blood flow to subendocardium is severely impaired. Consequently, the electrocardiographic pattern that is recorded is ST-segment depression
(Figure 4.8(2A)). However, if during an exercise test,
a coronary spasm occurs, the important transmural
and homogeneous involvement that this produces
due to total coronary occlusion would explain the
occurrence of ST-segment elevation (Figure 11.3).
There is a reasonable correlation between the injured subendocardium area and the leads show It should be reminded (Bayes de Luna, 1999) that the T
wave in the normal ECG is positive because the surface ECG
leads face the head of the vector of repolarisation. That goes
from the area with less physiological flow (theoretically ischaemic), the subendocardium, to the area with more physiological flow, the subepicardium.

ing ST-segment depression, though it is less evident than in case of areas with ECG pattern of
subepicardial injury (see ECG pattern of subepicardial (transmural) injury in patients with narrow
QRS) (p. 63). When a large left-ventricular area
is involved, as in the ACS due to left main incomplete occlusion (circumferential involvement), STsegment depression is virtually seen in all the leads,
with the exception of VR and, sometimes, V1 and
III. In these leads, ST-segment elevation is seen
as a mirror pattern, since the injury vector is directed from the subepicardium towards the subendocardium in an upward, backward and rightward
direction and therefore is recorded as a negative
deflection from the majority of leads (Figure 4.9).
When the presence of ST-segment depression is seen
in less number of leads (usually <6), the extension of injury is considered regional and usually involves especially leads with RS or dominant R wave
(V4V6, I and/or VL) (Sclarovsky, 1999) (see STsegment depression in ishaemic heart disease p. 111
and Table 8.1).
(b) The electrophysiological mechanism of STsegment elevation:
Generally, this ECG pattern is related to acute and
total occlusion of an epicardial coronary artery in
a patient without important previous ischaemia.
In this case the presence of significant and persistent ischaemia generates a transmural and homogeneous involvement of all ventricular wall and an
ST-segment elevation, as in case of exclusive subepicardial experimental injury, is recorded. This pattern is recorded probably because there is more
injury in the epicardial area and also because the
electrodes located closer to epicardium are recording more subepicardial involvement. In fact, due
to proximity of the recording electrode to the
subepicardium, the injury vector head faces the
epicardium, as happens in the experimental subepicardial injury, and consequently, an ST-segment
elevation is recorded (Figure 4.8B(2)).
Since the injury pattern develops at the end of
depolarisation, at the end of the generation of the
QRS complex and the beginning of repolarisation,
the electrocardiographic expression starts during
the first part of ST segment and last during all ST
segment and T wave in cases of very important injury. It should be recalled that in the ECG pattern
of ischaemia, the T-wave changes occur during the

62 PART I Electrocardiographic patterns of ischaemia, injury and infarction










Figure 4.9 (A) In case of diffuse subendocardial

circumferential injury due to incomplete occlusion of left
main trunk (LMT) in a heart with previous important
subendocardial ischaemia, the injury vector that points
circumferential subendocardial area is directed from the
apex towards the base, from forward to backwards and
from left to right. This explains the typical morphology of

ST-segment depression in all the leads except VR and V1,

with maximal ST-segment depression in V3V5. As the
injury vector faces more VR than V1 the ST-segment
elevation in VR > V1. (B) Typical ECG of LMT critical
subocclusion. The ST-segment depression is higher than
6 mm in V3V5 and there is not evident final positive
T wave in V4V5.

second part of repolarisation T wave and for that

the negative T wave is usually preceded by the evident existence of ST segment. When the ischaemia
is clinically very important, as in the course of some
STE-ACS, electrocardiographic changes in the final
portion of the QRS complex, as a decrease in the Swave voltage in case of rS morphology, may be seen
(Figure 8.7). On the other hand, during an exercise
test that is expressed by an ST-segment depression
if there is an S wave, this wave may increase.
There is an equivalent to the ST-segment elevation pattern, the negative ST-segment depression
in V1V4 as a mirror image, greater than small STsegment elevation in inferior/lateral leads. This pattern and some atypical patterns of STE-ACS as tall
T wave in hyperacute phase of STE-ACS, and deep
negative T wave in V1V4V5 as a sign of reperfused
STE-ACS, will be discusses in detail in the second
part of this book (p. 212) (Table 8.1) (Figure 8.3).
(c) Reciprocal patterns (ST-segment elevation
and depression): In the course of an STE-ACS, an
ST-segment depression is frequently recorded in opposing leads. This allows to understand which coronary artery is occluded but also to know the site of
occlusion and the anatomical characteristics of the

artery. Figures 4.104.12 show that ST-segment deviations in reciprocal leads allow one to know
whether the occlusion located in the LAD is proximal or distal to the first diagonal branch (Figure
whether the occlusion is located in the RCA or in
the circumflex (LCX) (Figure 4.11);
whether the occlusion is proximal or distal to the
first septal branch (S1) (Figure 4.12) (see section
Location criteria: from the occluded artery to the
ECG and vice versa) (p. 66).
In theory the presence of subendocardial or transmural injury in completely opposite areas of the
heart may decrease or even conceal the two injury
vectors (Madias, 2006). However, in practice, this
does not occur usually, because the ischaemia is
usually due to occlusion of only one vessel and this
does not generate equal and opposed injured areas (Rautaharju, 2006). Furthermore, with the same
amount of injury in two opposite areas, it is more
visible in the surface ECG of the injury area that is
more close to subepicardium. In the chronic phase
it is more often seen that a new vector of infarction
in opposed area may cancel the Q-wave pattern of
a previous infarction (see Figure 5.38).

CHAPTER 4 Electrocardiographic pattern of injury: ST-segment abnormalities 63

Proximal occlusion of long LAD


II, III and aVF



II, III and aVF

Distal occlusion of long LAD

Figure 4.10 In an acute coronary syndrome with
ST-segment elevation in V1V2 to V4V6 as the most
striking pattern, the occluded artery is the left anterior
descending coronary artery (LAD). The correlation of the
ST-segment elevation in V1V2 to V4V5 with the ST
morphology in II, III and VF allows us to know if it is an
occlusion proximal or distal to D1 (see Figure 4.43). If it is
proximal, the involved muscular mass in the anterior wall
is large and the injury vector is directed not only forward
but also upward, even though there can be a certain

inferior wall compromise because of long LAD. This

explains the negativity recorded in II, III and VF. On the
contrary, when the involved myocardial mass in the
anterior wall is smaller, because the occlusion is distal to
D1, if the LAD is long, as usually occurs, the injury vector in
this U-shaped infarction (inferoanterior) is of course
directed forward, but often somewhat downwards instead
of upwards, and so it generally produces a slight
ST-segment elevation in II, III and VF.

Electrocardiographic pattern of
subepicardial injury in patients
with narrow QRS: diagnosis and
differential diagnosis

leads with ST-segment elevation and ST depression, but we make the diagnosis of one or other
syndrome depending upon the predominant pattern (see p. 62). We will now discuss the diagnostic and location criteria of typical STE-ACS.
In the second part we will comment the specific characteristics of these ECG patterns in different clinical settings of IHD specially related to

The ECG pattern of ST-segment elevation (subepicardial injury) is found in IHD, but also in other
situations as well. In the second part we will comment that the presence of clinical signs of ischaemia (precordial pain, etc.) and the presence
of ST-segment elevation of the characteristics explained here (typical and atypical patterns see
Table 8.1) constitute the clinical syndrome known
as ACS with ST-segment elevation (STE-ACS),
which has different clinical and ECG characteristics
(Tables 8.1 and 8.2) than ACS without ST-segment
elevation (NSTE-ACS). However, in both clinical
syndromes (STE-ACS and NSTE-ACS), there are

ST-segment elevation in IHD

Diagnostic criteria: morphology and

The typical morphology of subepicardial injury
seen in STE-ACS is an evident ST-segment elevation, generally concave with respect to the isoelectric line that is persistent for more than 30 minutes

64 PART I Electrocardiographic patterns of ischaemia, injury and infarction



Occlusion of

Figure 4.11 In an acute coronary syndrome with

ST-segment elevation in II, III and VF as the most striking
abnormality, the study of the ST-segment elevation and
depression in different leads will allow us to assure if the
occluded artery is RCA or LCX and even the site of the
occlusion and its anatomical characteristics (dominance,
etc.). This figure shows that the presence of ST-segment
depression in lead I means that this lead is facing the injury
vector tail that is directed to the right and, therefore, the



occlusion is located in the RCA. On the contrary, when the

occlusion is located in the LCX, lead I faces the injury
vector head and, in this case, it is directed somewhat to
the left and will be recorded as an ST-segment elevation in
lead I. To check the type of ST-segment deviation in lead I
is the first step of the algorithm for identification of the
occluded artery (RCA or LCX) in case of ACS with
ST-segment elevation predominantly in inferior leads (see
Figure 4.45).




Figure 4.12 In case of high septal involvement due to LAD
occlusion proximal to S1 branch, the injured area produces
a vector of injury directed upwards, to the right and

forwards. Vector of injury in HP (A) and FP (B). This

explains the presence of ST-segment elevation in VR and
V1 and ST-segment depression in II, III, VF and V6.

(Figure 4.13A). According to the Minnesota Code

(Blackburn et al., 1960), the ST-segment elevation
must be of new onset, 1 mm in one or more of
the following leads: I, II, III, VL, VF or V5V6, or
2 mm in one or more of the leads V1 through V4,
to be considered diagnostic of ACS. In most of the

recent clinical studies on fibrinolytic agents, an STsegment elevation 1 mm in two or more adjacent
leads is required to diagnose ACS (Cannon, 2000).
Recently, Menown, McKenzie and Adgey (2000)
have demonstrated that, using the criteria of the
Minnesota code, 85% of all cases are correctly

CHAPTER 4 Electrocardiographic pattern of injury: ST-segment abnormalities 65



Figure 4.13 More characteristic ST-segment elevation

morphologies observed in patients with ischaemic heart
disease (A) and other processes (B). Type A(1) to A(6)
morphologies are suggestive of acute coronary syndrome;
type B: ST-segment elevation in other processes: B(1) early
repolarisation; B(2) normal variant in V1; B(3) pericarditis;
B(4) and B(5) Brugadas syndrome (B(4) is similar to A(6)

diagnosed with high specificity (

=95%) and intermediate sensitivity (<60%). The specificity of STsegment deviations (elevations and depressions)
has been shown to increase when the number of
leads evidencing this change increases and when
the changes are dynamic or of new onset. It has also
been demonstrated that even when other variables
of the QRS-T are added, the diagnostic power of the
ECG is not increased.
It is necessary to correlate these changes with the
clinical setting of the patient. To use these criteria without clinical judgement would probably lead
to overdiagnose the STE-ACS. Therefore, it is convenient to improve our ability to differentiate ischaemic than non-ischaemic ST-segment elevation
pattern (Birnbaum, 2007) (see ST-segment elevation in other clinical settings) p. 107.
In the VCG, the final part of the ventricular depolarisation moving away from the initial part may
be more or less evident, according to the grade of
injury (2 with respect to 1 in Figure 4.14). Also, it is
followed usually by a frequently rounded loop that
is slowly recorded with homogeneous speed. The
changes of ST segment detected by VCG loop have
been used to monitorise ST-segment resolution in
patients under fibrinolytic treatment (Dellborg et
al., 1991).

but in the latter the QRS presents QS morphology); B(6)

thoracic abnormalities (Figure 4.52C). Some patterns may
be seen also in other processes. For example, the patterns
B(3) and B(4) in acute coronary syndromes. Therefore, it is
very important to correlate the ECG pattern with the
clinical findings.

The cases with transient ST-segment elevation

usually correspond to a variant (Prinzmetal) angina
due to coronary spasm, which is one of the atypical
types of ACS (see p. 271). On the other hand, in
some ACS, there are in the beginning ST shifts (ups
and downs). Usually, these cases finally belong to the
group of ACS without ST-segment elevation. In the
hyperacute phase of an ACS, as well as in Prinzmetal
angina (especially when the R wave is tall), the STsegment elevation may be convex with respect to
the isoelectric baseline (Figure 4.13A(3)). However,
mild ST-segment elevation convex with respect to
the isoelectric baseline is more frequently seen in
normal individuals or in other situations outside
IHD (early repolarisation, pericarditis, etc.) (see
ST-segment elevation in other clinical settings).
On the other hand, it should be borne in mind that
the pattern may change and therefore it is convenient to record sequential ECGs.
When the subepicardial injury occurs in the inferior and lateral wall (LCX or RCA occlusion), the
direct pattern of the ST-segment elevation is seen
in inferior leads and in the leads recorded in the
back (posterior thoracic leads). In these cases, often an ST-segment depression is recorded in V1V3
leads, as a mirror pattern of ST-segment elevation
recorded in the back (Figure 4.15).

66 PART I Electrocardiographic patterns of ischaemia, injury and infarction






















Figure 4.14 ECG and VCG in two cases (A, B) of anterior subepicardial injury. See the injury vector (arrows between 1 and 2).

Typical examples of the ST-segment elevation

more frequently seen in IHD are shown in Figure
4.13A, compared to normal variants and other situations, which may present ST-segment elevation,
such as pericarditis Figure 4.13B. Figures 3.18 and
3.19 show the typical sequential changes of STEACS evolving to Q-wave MI (see Evolving ECG
patterns in STE-ACS) p. 216.

Location criteria: from the occluded

artery to the ECG and vice versa
In the classical ECG assessment of an STE-ACS, the
leads with electrocardiographic changes give to us
an approximate diagnosis of the location of the injury (anteroseptal vs inferolateral zone). However
not much information was given regarding what
the occluded artery was, where the occlusion was
located and how large the area at risk was. Therefore, for example, the classical interpretation of

the ECG recording shown in Figure 4.16 would

be STE-ACS due to LAD occlusion involving the
anteroseptal zone, but without making any mention about the location of occlusion and the exact area at risk. On the other hand, the ECG in
Figure 4.17 could correspond, according the classical interpretation, to an STE-ACS that affected
the inferior and posterior wall but without making any mention about the culprit artery (RCA vs
LCX) and the location of occlusion. However, in
the first case with the current knowledge, we may
locate the place of occlusion between the first septal (S1) and the first diagonal (D1) (ST-segment
elevation in V2V5 with ST-segment depression
in II, III and VF and without ST-segment elevation in VR and V1 and/or ST-segment depression in V6). Therefore we may know very approximately the myocardial area at risk (inferior and
lateral walls) (see p. 72, and Figures 4.20 and 4.21).

CHAPTER 4 Electrocardiographic pattern of injury: ST-segment abnormalities 67

ACS: diagnostic criteria and morphological characteristics of ST-segment elevation in

patients with a narrow QRS complex (measured at 60 ms from the J point) :

r ST 1 mm in two or more leads from V4 to

V6, I, AVL, II, III and AVF.
r ST 2 mm in two or more adjacent leads
from V1 to V3 in the absence of LVE with evident
systolic overload. In this situation a false pattern
of ST-segment elevation as a mirror image of V6
may be recorded (see Figure 7.4).
r It should be either of new onset or dynamic.
r The ST-segment elevation of ischaemic origin is more often concave in respect to the isoelectric line. However it may also present convex
morphology with respect to isoelectric line (see
Figures 4.13 and 8.44).

In the second case we now know that this ECG

corresponds to an occlusion of very dominant RCA
after RV marginal branches (ST-segment elevation
in III > II, ST-segment depression in I, and V1V3
and ST-segment elevation in V6 2 mm) (see p.
89, and Figures 4.35 and 4.36).
We will comment on the following pages about
how we may obtain all this information through
the adequate and careful study of the correlations
between the coronary angiography and the deviations of ST and their projection in the positive and
negative hemifields of different leads. All this information will permit us to better know what the
area at risk due to the occluded artery is and will
help to decide on the need for and even the urgency
of performing a primary PCI (Bayes de Luna, Fiol
and Antman, 2006; Fiol et al., 2004b; Gallik et al.,
1995; Gorgels and Engelen, 2003; Sclarovsky, 1999).
We will focus on the ACS of patients with ischaemia
due to only one critical artery occlusion, although it
may exists in other arteries in other non-critical lesions. Later on (see ST-segment changes in patients
with active ischaemia due to multivessel disease) we
will comment on the ST-segment deviations in patients with ischaemia due to critical multiple-vessel
Now we will discuss two different aspects of these
correlations: (1) how to know the area at risk and
the corresponding ECG based on the location of
the occluded artery, and 2) performing the oppo-

r There are normal variants and many others clinical situations without ischaemia that
present ST-segment elevation even evident (see
ST-segment elevation in other clinical settings)
(p. 107). The differential diagnosis is usually easy
when the elevation is evident but may be difficult when it is small (see ST-segment elevation in
other clinical settings). (p. 107)

We have demonstrated that these were not significant differences in the measurements performed of 20, 40 and 60
milliseconds from the J point.

site exercise about how to know the area at risk and

the occlusion site based on the ECG findings. In
one previous publication (Bayes de Luna, Fiol and
Antman, 2006) we commented all the aspects that
we are explaining now in the following pages The
clinicians receiving the patient with chest pain in
the emergency department should obviously carry
out this second exercise at a first glance for diagnosing and taking the best decision to salvage as
much as possible the myocardial muscle, because
the ECG changes appear much earlier than enzymes
STE-ACS: from the occluded artery to the area at
risk and the corresponding electrocardiographic abnormality. (see Table 4.1; Bayes de Luna, Fiol and
Antman, 2006)
The correlation between the occluded artery
and the electrocardiographic signs that develop
during the acute phase has been possible due
to revascularisation-therapy-related coronary angiograms. The deviations in the ST segment that
are seen in leads other than those used for the
diagnosis of the STE-ACS (precordial leads for the
LAD occlusion and inferior leads for the LCX or
RCA occlusion) are useful for (a) better identifying
the anatomical characteristics of the LAD occlusion, in case that the ST-segment elevation is more
striking in the precordial leads, and (b) determining
which the occluded artery is (RCA or LCX) in case

68 PART I Electrocardiographic patterns of ischaemia, injury and infarction

Figure 4.15 Subacute phase of inferolateral infarction.

The ECG shows Q in II, III, VF, RS in V1 and tall R wave in
V2, with ST-segment depression in V1V3 and ST-segment
elevation in II, III and VF. The inferolateral subepicardial
injury vector is directed towards the injured zone
(downwards and backwards) and therefore produces
ST-segment depression in V1V3, as well as ST-segment

elevation in II, III and VF. The presence of ST-segment

depression in lead I, ST-segment elevation in III > II and the
lateral involvement (ST-segment elevation in V6) is due to
non-proximal occlusion (ST-segment depression in V1V3)
of a very dominant (ST-segment elevation in V6) right
coronary artery. The local vector of lateral injury (see
Figure 4.35) explains the ST-segment elevation in V6.

the most striking ST-segment elevation is recorded

in II, III and/or VF.
All that which is of great interest for the best therapeutic decision (e.g. an urgent PCI) is based on
the concept that the injury vector is approaching
the injured area and generates an ST-segment elevation in the leads facing the vector head and an
ST-segment depression in the leads facing the vector
tail (opposed leads) (Figures 4.104.12). Therefore,
the injury vector direction is conditioned by the
myocardial area at risk, which will be different according to the occluded artery and the site of the
Thus, based on the leads showing ST-segment
changes, including reciprocal changes, it is possible
to know (a) the involved artery and the occlusion
site, and (b)the myocardial area at risk (area with

acute infarction or at risk of infarction). This area

and the risk for infarction in the absence of successful reperfusion therapy could be quantified by
determining the number of leads with ST-segment
elevation (Aldrich et al., 1988) (see p. 224) (Table
4.1). In Figure 1.14 the segments of the LV perfused
by the LAD, RCA and LCX that may be compromised in case of their occlusion at different levels are
shown in a bulls-eye pattern and in Figures 1.8 and
1.9, the same segments in different perspectives. In
STE-ACS such ST-segment patterns will be used to
show the correlation: LAD, RCA or LCX occlusion
at different levels with involved myocardial area.
In the presence of an STE-ACS, the coronary
angiography area at risk and the surface ECG
correlation presents high specificity and acceptable sensibility. The cases with lower correlation

CHAPTER 4 Electrocardiographic pattern of injury: ST-segment abnormalities 69







Figure 4.16 Acute myocardial infarction in a patient with

rapid atrial fibrillation. The ECG shows ST-segment
elevation in V2V5, I and VL. Leads II, III, and VF present an
evident ST-segment depression as a mirror pattern of
ST-segment elevation in precordial leads. This is a pattern
of acute coronary syndrome with ST-segment elevation of
the anterior wall according to the classical classification.

Figure 4.17 Acute myocardial infarction with ST-segment

elevation in II, III and VF and ST-segment depression in
V1V3. This pattern corresponds classically to an infarction
involving inferior and posterior walls. Nowadays, this is the
pattern of STE-ACS of inferolateral zone evolving to
inferolateral infarction due to distal occlusion of a
dominant RCA (ST-segment depression in I and V1V3,

Nowadays, we would say that it corresponds to STE-ACS

due to LAD occlusion proximal to D1, but distal to S1. The
absence of evident ST-segment elevation in VR and V1 and
of ST-segment depression in V6 and the ST-segment
depression in III > II (see Figure 4.21) are in favour of this







ST-segment elevation in III > II with ST-segment elevation

in V6), without the right ventricle involvement (slight, but
evident ST-segment depression in V1V3). Therefore, the
presence of ST-segment elevation in III > II and ST-segment
depression in lead I instead of elevation assure that RCA
and not LCX is the occluded artery.

70 PART I Electrocardiographic patterns of ischaemia, injury and infarction

Table 4.1 STE-ACS. From the altered ECG (ST-segment elevation and reciprocal changes) to the injured myocardial area
and the occluded artery.

Most prominent pattern of

Most prominent pattern of

ST elevation in precordial leads and VL*

ST elevation in inferior wall and/or lateral leads

Anteroseptal zone

Inferolateral zone

Occluded artery


Leads with ST

Occluded artery



(see Figure 1.8)

7. RCA occlusion

Same as type 8 plus

Injured myocardial area

Leads with ST

area (see
Figure 1.8)
1. LAD occlusion Extensive
proximal to


D1 and S1


r V1 to
V4V5 and

proximal to

injury of RV

r II, III and aVF

with III > II

2, 3, 7, 8, 9

aAVF and

r S in I and aVL
r V4R with T+
r ST isoelectric or

13,14, 16


elevated in V1

and 17


(especially 1,

2. LAD occlusion Antero-septal
proximal to D

or extensive

I but distal to




r ST in II, III,

r V2 to
V5V6, I, VL

r ST in II, III

the RV

8. RCA occlusion

Inferior wall and/or the

distal to the

posterior part of the

RV branches

septum (especially

and aVF

3,4,9,10, 14 and 15

1,7, 8, 13,14,


16 and 17
3. LAD occlusion Apical
distal to DI


and SI

13,14, 15,

r II, III and aVF

with III > II

r in I and aVL
r ST in V1V3 but
if affected zone is
very small, almost

r V2 to

r ST or = in

no ST in V1V2

9. Very

Great part of


inferolateral zone

RCA occlusion


r ST in II, III, aVF


r ST in V1V3 < ST

II, III and aVF

3,4,5,9,10,11, 14, 15,

in II, III and aVF. If

part of 7 and If LAD is short,

16 and 17 segments)

the RCA is

less evident

injury of RV if is



proximally occluded

occluded, ST in

16,17 and
8 segments)

V1V3 = or

r ST in I and

aVL VL > V1

r ST in V5V6 2
4. LAD occlusion Anteroseptal

r V1 to


10. LCX

Lateral wall and

r ST in V1V3

proximal to SI

(especially 2,

V4V5 and


inferior wall,

(mirror image)

but distal to

8, 13, 14, 15,


proximal to

especially the

often greater than


16 and 17

first obtuse

inferobasal segment

ST in inferior

II, III and


(especially 4,5,6,10,


(OM) branch

11,12 and part of 16


r ST or = in

r ST in V6



r ST in II, III and

aVF (II > III)

r Sometimes, ST in

r ST in I and VL

CHAPTER 4 Electrocardiographic pattern of injury: ST-segment abnormalities 71

Table 4.1 (Cont.)

Most prominent pattern of

Most prominent pattern of

ST elevation in precordial leads and VL*

ST elevation in inferior wall and/or lateral leads

Anteroseptal zone

Inferolateral zone

5. LAD


r I, aVL, and




including D1

7,13,12 and

V2 to V56

but not S1,

part of 1

or selective

and 16

D1 occlusion


6. LAD


11. First OM

r II, III and

Part of lateral wall

r Often ST I, VL,

(especially 5, 6, 11,

V5V6 and/or in II,

12 and 16

III and aVF usually




r Often slight ST in

r V1V2 and

12. Very

Great part of
inferolateral zone

aVF (II III) often



greater than ST



(especially 2,

including S1

8 and

but not D1,


or selective

part of 1, 3,

12,15 and 16

S1 occlusion

9 and 14



r I, II, III, aVF

and V6


r ST in II, III and



in V1V3.

r The ST may be in
aVL but usually
not in I.

r ST elevation in
V5V6 sometimes
very evident

LAD, left anterior descending; RV, right ventricle; LCX, circumflex artery; RCA, right coronary artery; LV, left ventricle.
* See algorithm in Figure 4.43.

See algorithm Figure 4.45.

present coronary anomalies, confounding factors

as ventricular enlargement or coronary occlusion
in LCX (OM) (Figure 4.40). However, the cases
with wide QRS and LVH with strain pattern are
not included here and will be discussed later (see
ECG pattern of injury in patients with ventricular hypertrophy and/or wide QRS). Other limitation of this approach is the transient nature of some
ST-segment deviations. Sometimes the ST-segment
changes that are important for the diagnosis (e.g.
the elevation of ST in V4R lead in case of occlusion
of the proximal RCA) do not last long. On other
occasions, on the contrary, as occurs in V1V2 in
cases with a proximal occlusion of the LAD, there
is quite a long delay until the ST-segment changes
appear or, at times, they do not even appear if the
ACS is aborted. Therefore, just one ECG recording is
sometimes not enough to arrive at the presumptive
These correlations in the most frequent STEACS due to the occlusion of a coronary artery at
different levels will be discussed as follows: in each
case, the schematic representation with the occlu-

sion site, the involved myocardial segments and the

spatial location of the injury vector are shown. The
correlation of the injury vector with the positive
and negative hemifields of the different leads explains the ST-segment elevations or depressions
that are seen in different situations (Table 4.1).
The correlations that will be presented are based
on the segmentation of the LV into two zones: the
anteroseptal and the inferolateral (Figure 1.14 and
p. 17). The involvement of the anteroseptal zone
corresponds to cases with occlusion of the LADand
its branches (Table 4.1A),while the involvement
of the inferolateral zone corresponds to the occlusion of the RCA and the LCX (Table 4.1B). We will
study 12 different locations of coronary occlusions
that define 12 areas at risk, 6 in the anteroseptal zone
(Table 4.1A) and 6 in the inferolateral zone (Table
4.1B). The ECG patterns that match with these different areas will be commented and discussed in all
(a) Anteroseptal zone: occlusion of the LAD and
its branches (Table 4.1A(16); Arbane and Goy,
2000; Fiol et al., 2007; Martinez-Doltz et al.,

72 PART I Electrocardiographic patterns of ischaemia, injury and infarction




Figure 4.18 STE-ACS due to LAD occlusion proximal to D1

and S1. (A) Site of occlusion; (B) myocardial area at risk;
(C) involved segments are marked in gray in bulls-eye
projection; (D) vector of injury and its projection in three

planes: frontal, horizontal and sagittal. The injury vector is

directed somewhat to the right because the occlusion is
proximal not only to D1 but also to S1.

2002; Prieto et al., 2002; Sclarovsky, 1999; Wellens,

Gorgels and Doevendans, 2003).
The LAD perfuses the anterior wall and the anterior portion of the septum and great part of the
inferior part of the septum and portion of the midlow anterior part of the lateral wall (see p. 17). If,
as frequently occurs (80%), it is a long artery that
wraps the apex and perfuses part of the inferior
wall (Figures 1.2 and 1.14), the first diagonal branch
(D1) and the first septal branch (S1) take off from
the proximal portion of the LAD. Generally, the first
diagonal branch (D1) is located below the first septal branch (S1). It is the opposite in almost 10% of
the cases.
The LAD occlusion may be located (a) above the
first diagonal (D1) and the first septal (S1) branches,
(b) proximal to D1 but not to S1 branches, (c) distal to both the S1 and D1 branches, (d) proximal
to S1 but not to D1 branch, (e) LAD occlusion encompassing the diagonal branches but not the septal
branches or just a selective D1D2 occlusion and (f)
LAD occlusion encompassing the septal branches

but not the diagonal branches or rarely a selective

S1S2 occlusion.
All these cases will be commented on, considering the correlation between the ST-segment elevations and depressions in the acute phase with
the myocardial area at risk. In Part II of the book
(see ST-segment elevation on admission p. 221),
we will comment about all the parameters that are
markers of prognosis. These include the study of
ST-segment deviations that we will now explain in
detail and other factors as the summation of STsegment deviations and the ST-segment morphology as a predictor of the grade of ischaemia.
1. Occlusion proximal to D1 and S1 branches
(Figures 4.18 and 4.19, and Table 4.1A(1)): When
the occlusion is located above the D1 and S1
From the practical point of view, this has to be considered
above the first big diagonal and septal branches. Sometimes
these are the second septal or diagonal, because often the
anatomically first diagonal and especially the first septal are
very short.

CHAPTER 4 Electrocardiographic pattern of injury: ST-segment abnormalities 73














Figure 4.19 (A) The ECG in STE-ACS due to LAD occlusion

proximal to D1 and S1 in a hyperacute phase. An evident
ST-segment elevation from V1V3 and VR is recorded. Also
ST-segment depression in II, III, VF (more evident in II) and
in V5V6 is present. This may be explained by LAD

branches (Figure 4.18A), the area at risk is large

and without treatment could lead to an extensive anterior infarction. However, with the initiation of an urgent therapy, its size could be greatly
limited, and the infarction not so extensive. The
area affected by the occlusion may be seen in
Figure 4.18B, and its projection onto a polar map
is shown in Figure 4.18C. The more affected seg-

occlusion proximal to D1 but also to S1 that generates a

injury vector directed upwards, to the right and forwards.
(B) Coronary angiography before (left) and after (right)
reperfusion therapy. The arrow indicates the place of

ments are 1, 2, 7, 8, 13, 14 and 17, and part of

segments 12, 16, 3, 9 and 15.
In this case, the vector of injury is directed
anteriorly and upwards, and somewhat to the
right or the left, depending on whether septal,
the most frequent, or lateral involvement predominates (Figure 4.18D). The projection of this
vector in the positive and negative hemifields of

74 PART I Electrocardiographic patterns of ischaemia, injury and infarction

different leads explains the ST-segment elevation

from V1 to V4 and in VR (Ben-Gal et al., 1998).
When the involvement of anterolateral area is
predominant, the ST-segment elevation is also
seen in VL because the vector of injury falls in
the positive hemifield of VL (around 90 ). The
larger the ST-segment elevation in VL (anterolateral involvement), the lesser the changes in VR
(anteroseptal involvement) and vice versa.
An ST-segment depression occurs in the inferior leads because the injury vector is directed upwards. Usually, it is more evident in II than in III
since lead II is more opposed to VR (anteroseptal compromise is usually predominant over the
anterolateral compromise) and therefore the injury vector fails more in the negative hemifield of
lead II. Generally, there is ST-segment depression
in V5V6 also because the anteroseptal compromise is usually predominant over the anterolateral compromise and the injury vector is directed
somewhat to the right and upwards (Tamura
et al., 1995a, b) (Figures 4.18D and 4.19). In our
experience (Fiol et al., 2007), ST-segment depression in the inferior wall (III plus VF 2.5 mm) is
quite suggestive of a proximal occlusion of LAD
above D1, while ST-segment depression in V6
with ST-segment elevation in VR, and/or V1 is
quite specific of the occlusion above the S1 branch
( of ST deviations in VR + V1V6 0, see Figure 4.43 in the lower right side). Different authors
(Birnbaum et al., 1996b) have considered that STsegment elevation in VL 1 mm is a good sign
to diagnose occlusion before D1. However, in our
experience, the ST-segment depression in III +
VF 2.5 mm presents a higher specificity.
However the presence of ST-segment elevation
in V5V6 also depends on the relative importance of the arteries perfusing the low-lateral wall,
second-third diagonal versus obtuse marginal. In
case of great diagonal branches the occlusion will
encompass the low-lateral wall and ST-segment
elevation in V5V6 may be seen. On the contrary, in case of very dominant obtuse marginal
branch, LAD occlusion proximal to D1 and S1
will present usually only ST-segment elevation in
V1V4 because the low-lateral wall is perfused
by obtuse marginal (Figure 4.19). Also it has
been demonstrated (Ben-Gal et al., 1998) that the
lack of ST-segment elevation in V1 in some cases

of high septal involvement (occlusion above S1)

may be explained by the fact that the superoseptal portion is perfused specially not only by LAD
but also by the RCA (double perfusion). Therefore the anatomy of coronary branches has a
great influence in the explanation of ST-segment
A typical electrocardiographic example of
this type of STE-ACS is shown in Figure 4.19A,
along with its correlation with the coronary angiogram (Figure 4.19B) before and after fibrinolytic therapy. There is a great obtuse marginal
that perfuses the low-lateral wall and may at
least partially explain that ST-segment elevation
is only seen in V1V3 (see above).
2. Occlusion proximal to D1 branch, but distal to the S1 branch (Figures 4.20 and 4.21, and
Table 4.1A(2)): When the occlusion is above the
D1 but not S1 branch (Figure 4.20A), the area
at risk could also lead to an anterior wall infarction, with extension to mid-low part of septal and
lateral anterior wall (due to the proximal occlusion above the D1 branch). Remember that the
upper anterior part of lateral wall is perfused by
the LCX. When the S1 branch is small, the area
of the septal wall involved will be larger. Without the initiation of urgent and appropriate therapy, the necrosis of the septal wall could be large
(all the septal branches distal to S1) and consequently could lead to an extensive infarction
(Figure 4.20B). The area involved by the occlusion and its projection onto a polar map is shown
in Figure 4.20C. The more affected segments are
1, 7, 8, 13, 14, 16 and 17, but also part of segment
12, and sometimes part of segments 2, 8, 15 and
In this case, the injury vector is directed anteriorly, upwards and somewhat to the left (Figure
4.20D). The projection of the injury vector in different positive and negative hemifields of different leads of FP and HP explains the ST-segment
elevation from V2V3 to V5V6. However it does
not usually explain the ST-segment elevation in
V1 because the projection of this vector in the HP
falls often a little to the left in the limit of negative
hemifield of V1 or close to it. Also, these correlations explain the ST-segment elevation in lead
I, especially in VL, and the ST-segment depression in the inferior leads (III + VF 2.5 mm)

CHAPTER 4 Electrocardiographic pattern of injury: ST-segment abnormalities 75




Figure 4.20 STE-ACS due to LAD occlusion proximal to D1

but distal to S1. (A) Site of occlusion; (B) myocardial area at
risk; (C) bulls-eye polar map with involved segments.
Very often, the apex is involved because the LAD is

(Figures 4.20 and 4.21). Usually, more STsegment depression is seen in III than in II, since
lead III is opposed to VL, and therefore the injury
vector falls more in the negative hemifield of III
and more directly this lead faces the injury vector
tail (Figure 4.21).
A typical example of this type of STE-ACS is
shown in Figure 4.21A, along with its correlation
with the coronary angiogram (Figure 4.21B) before and after fibrinolytic therapy.
3. Occlusion distal to S1 and D1 branches
(Figures 4.224.24, and Table 4.1A(3)): When
the occlusion is located below the S1 and D1
(Figure 4.22A), the area at risk involves the inferior third of the left ventricular, with almost
invariably some inferior involvement and only
low-lateral involvement (apical involvement). In
Figure 4.22B the area affected can be observed,
and in Figure 4.22C a polar map of that area is
shown. The more affected segments are 13, 14,
15, 16 and 17, and sometimes part of segments
7, 8, 9, 12 and 16.
In this case, the injury vector is also directed
anteriorly and often rather to the left and usu-

frequently long. (D) Injury vector in the acute phase is

directed somewhat to the left, as the high part of septum
is not involved.

ally downwards, because the injury vector is directed to the apex which presents a downward
and leftward position in the thorax. When the
LAD is long, as occurs in 90% of cases, it perfuses
a portion of the inferior wall, and then the vector
of injury is clearly directed downwards (Figure
4.22D). The projection of this vector in the FP and
HP explains the ST-segment elevation from V2
V3 to V4V6 but not in V1 and/or VR because
usually the vector of injury falls in the limit of positive and negative hemifield of V1 and clearly in
the negative hemifield of VR. Due to downward
and leftward direction of this vector, there is usually slightly ST-segment elevation in II, III and
VF (II > III). When the LAD is short, the infarction distal to S1 and D1 is small, and no changes
are typically seen in the FP, or if they occur, they
consist of just a slight ST-segment elevation or
A typical electrocardiographic examples of
this STE-ACS are shown in Figures 4.23A and
Figure 4.24A, with its coronariographic correlation before and after fibrinolytic therapy (Figure
4.23B and 4.24B.

76 PART I Electrocardiographic patterns of ischaemia, injury and infarction



Figure 4.21 (A) The ECG in STE-ACS due to LAD occlusion,

proximal to D1, but distal to S1. Observe the ST-segment
elevation from V2 to V5, with ST-segment depression in II,
III, and VF more evident usually in III than II due to the
direction of injury vector. There is neither ST-segment

Also, the ST-segment elevation is seen in the

precordial and inferior leads in the presence of
an STE-ACS due to the very proximal occlusion
of the RCA before the RV marginal branches. In
this case usually the ST-segment elevation in V1 >
V3V4, while in an STE-ACS due to the distal
occlusion of the LAD, the contrary occurs (i.e.
the ST-segment elevation is V1 < V3). Table 4.2
shows the ECG criteria that allow differentiating
the culprit artery (proximal RCA or distal LAD)
in the case of ST-segment elevation in precordial
leads and inferior leads.

elevation in V1 and VR nor ST-segment depression in V6.

(B) Coronary angiography before (left) and after (right)
reperfusion therapy. The arrow indicates the place of

4. Occlusion proximal to the S1 branch but

distal the D1 branch (Figure 4.25 and Table
4.1A(4)): When the occlusion is located above,
the S1 but not the D1 (Figure 4.25), which rarely
occurs (<15% of the STE-ACS), the area at risk
could lead to a relatively extensive anterior infarction when the D1 branch is quite small and
the D2 branch is large. However, usually more
septal and anterior than lateral involvement is
seen (Figure 4.25B,C). Currently, with the new
treatments employed in the acute phase, most of
these cases end up being just an apical infarction

CHAPTER 4 Electrocardiographic pattern of injury: ST-segment abnormalities 77




Figure 4.22 STE-ACS due to occlusion of long LAD, distal

to D1 and S1. (A) Site of occlusion; (B) myocardial area at
risk; (C) involved segments in bulls-eye projection; (D)
injury vector directed forward but somewhat downwards

or even a septal infarction if the distal occlusion

disappears and only remains the involvement of
septal branches. The area more usually involved
by the occlusion may be seen in Figure 4.25B,
and its projection onto a polar map is shown in
Figure 4.25C. The more affected segments are 2,
8, 13, 14, 16 and 17, and generally part of segments 3, 7, 9 and 15. Usually, segment 1 and great
part of segment 7 are spared because they are protected by the occlusion of the LAD distal to D1.
The injury vector is directed anteriorly and
to the right because the injury vector faces the
anteroseptal area and often downwards (occlusion distal to D1), especially if the LAD is long
and wraps the apex, affecting part of the inferior
wall. Then, if the anterior wall is not greatly affected because the occlusion occurs below a big
D1, the involvement of the inferior wall can turn
out to be more important than the involvement
of the anterior wall. The projection of this injury vector in the positive and negative hemifields of different leads of FP and HP explains
the ST-segment elevation from V1 to V4 and

and to the left, resulting in ST-segment elevations in

frontal and horizontal plane leads (V2V6) and with
ST-segment elevation in II > III.

that the elevated or isoelectric ST segment in

the inferior leads is more evident in III than in
II. An ST-segment depression is seen in V5V6
and VL and often an ST-segment elevation in VR
because the occlusion is proximal to S1 (Figure
A typical electrocardiographic example of
this STE-ACS is shown in Figure 4.25.
5. LAD incomplete occlusion involving the diagonal branches, but not the septal branches, or
selective occlusion of the first diagonal branch
(D1) (Figures 4.264.28, and Table 4.1A(5))
(Birnbaum et al., 1996a): In this case (Figure
4.26A) the area at risk usually involves the midanterior wall and part of the mid-low-lateral wall,
but not the basal portion of lateral wall that
is perfused by LCX. In Figure 4.26B,C the involved myocardial area and the polar map of
that area are shown. The more affected segments
are 7 and 13 and, generally, part of segments
12 and 16.
The injury vector is directed upwards, leftwards and forwards (Figure 4.26D). According

78 PART I Electrocardiographic patterns of ischaemia, injury and infarction



Figure 4.23 (A) The ECG in STE-ACS due to LAD occlusion

distal to D1 and S1. Observe the ST-segment elevation
from V2 to V5V6 with somewhat ST-segment elevation in

to the correlations, injury vector projection

in positive and negative hemifields of different
leads explains the ST-segment elevation in I
and VL and, sometimes, in the precordial leads,
especially from V2V3 to V5V6, and the STsegment depression in II, III and VF (III > II). The

II, III, VF (II > III). (B) Coronary angiography before (left)
and after (right) reperfusion therapy. The arrow indicates
the place of occlusion.

presence of slight ST-segment depression in V2

V3 may be seen in some cases of multiple-vessel
occlusion (D1 + LCX especially). Classically, it
was considered that VL lead faces the high-lateral
wall. However, the presence of ST-segment elevation in VL is explained by the involvement of

CHAPTER 4 Electrocardiographic pattern of injury: ST-segment abnormalities 79



Figure 4.24 (A) STE-ACS in subacute phase with evident

ST-segment elevation in V2V4 with isoelectric ST segment
in inferior leads and ST-segment depression in VR with ST

isoelectric in V1 and V6. All these ST-segment deviations

favour LAD occlusion distal to S1 and D1 (see p. XX). (B) The
coronary angiography confirms the distal LAD occlusion.

mid-anterior and mid-lateral wall perfused by D1

and not by the high-lateral-wall involvement that
is perfused by LCX. In case of occlusion of first
obtuse marginal branch the injury vector is often
directed slightly downwards and in some cases if
the injury vector points more downwards, the ST
may be flat or even depressed in VL but not in I
(located between +60 and +90 ) (Figure 4.40)
(p. 95).

An electrocardiographic example of this type

of STE-ACS with QS in VL in the chronic phase
is shown in Figures 4.27 and 4.28. The QS morphology in VL without Q in V5V6 is due to midanterior-wall infarction and not to high-lateral
infarction (see p. 139).
6. LAD incomplete occlusion involving the septal branches but not the diagonal branches
or, more rarely, selective occlusion of the

80 PART I Electrocardiographic patterns of ischaemia, injury and infarction

Table 4.2 The ST segment elevation in precordial leads (especially V1- V3-V4)* and inferior leads (II, III and VF).

RCA (Proximal RCA)

LAD (Distal occlusion of long LAD or distal

occlusion of the LAD + total occlusion of
the RCA with collateral vessels)


Usually ST (V1 > V3V4)

Usually ST (V3V4 > V1)

Inferior leads

Usually ST greater than in precordial leads,

ST usually smaller than in precordial leads

if not (Figure 10.4) there is ST in V1 that is

not seen in LAD distal occlusion
I and aVL

The ST segment depression (usually the sum

5 mm)

Usually non-ST-segment depression, especially

in I

* In exceptional cases of proximal occlusion of very dominant RCA, the ST-segment elevation may be seen in all precordial
leads, in V1 to V3V4 due to proximal occlusion and in V5V6 due to very dominant RCA (local injury vector) (see Figure

S1S2 branches (Figures 4.28 and 4.29, and Table 4.1A(6)): In this case the area at risk involves
more or less extensively, according to the number
of septal branches involved, the septal wall. Often
the involvement is especially of mid-apical septal part because the LAD incomplete occlusion
is distal and also with certain extension towards
the anterior wall. This occlusion is rarely located
in the S1 or S2 branches. In Figure 4.29B, C the
involved area and the polar map are shown. The
most affected segments are 2 and 8 and, sometimes, part of segments 3, 9 and 14.
The injury vector is directed anteriorly, upwards and to the right (Figure 4.28D) and, there-

fore, its projection in the positive and negative

hemifields of different leads of the FP and HP
explains the ST-segment elevation in V1, V2 and
VR, with ST-segment depression in II, III VF
(II > III) and V6, and lack of ST-segment elevation in VL.
In Figure 4.29 an example of an STE-ACS secondary to occlusion of a large S1 branch during a PCI procedure is shown (Tamura, Kataoka
and Mikuriya, 1991). Figure 2.3 shows an STEACS that in (a) before the fibrinolytic treatment
suggests LAD occlusion above D1 and S1 (STsegment elevation from V1 to V5 and isoelectric in V6). After 20 minutes of the treatment

STE-ACS: the ST-segment elevation in the precordial leads

1. Occlusion of the LAD proximal to D1: STsegment elevation in V2 to V4V6, and frequently
VL and sometimes VR. ST-segment depression is
recorded in at least two inferior leads (III + VF
2.5 mm), which in general is less important than
the ST-segment elevation seen in the precordial
2. Occlusion of LAD distal to D1 branch: STsegment elevation also in V2 to V4V6. Regardless of its relation to S1, no ST-segment depression
is usually seen in II, III and VF. In turn, an isoelectric or not significantly elevated ST segment
is recorded.
3. Occlusion of LAD proximal to S1: Regardless of where D1 is, there is an ST-segment elevation in VR and V1 to V4V5 and an ST-segment

depression in V6 because the injury vector is directed upwards and rightwards.

4. Occlusion of LAD located below the S1 and
D1 (distal occlusion): ST-segment elevation in V2
to V4V6. A generally slight ST-segment elevation
is seen in leads II, III and VF.
5. Incomplete occlusion of LAD involving diagonal but not septal branches or selective occlusion of D1: Often ST-segment elevation in I, VL
and V5V6 and sometimes even in more precordial leads, and ST-segment depression in II, III
and VF (III > II).
6. Incomplete occlusion of LAD involving septal branches but not diagonal branches: Rarely
selective occlusion of S1S2. ST-segment elevation in V1V2 and VR, and ST-segment depression in V6 and II > III.

CHAPTER 4 Electrocardiographic pattern of injury: ST-segment abnormalities 81





Figure 4.25 Above: (A) STE-ACS due to LAD occlusion

proximal to S1 but distal to D1. (A) The site of occlusion.
(B) Myocardial area at risk. (C) Bulls-eye polar map with
involved segments. (D) Injury vector directed to the right
and forwards due to occlusion proximal to S1. In case of a
long LAD involving also inferior wall, the vector can be
directed somewhat downwards due to relatively small
myocardial area of anterior wall involved in case of
occlusion distal to D1. The occlusion distal to D1 explains
the ST-segment elevation from V1 to V3V4 and

the patient presents and ECG is suggestive of

non-complete occlusion of LAD involving septal branches but not diagonal branches (STsegment depression in V5V6). As a matter of

ST-segment elevation in II, III and VF (III > II) and the
occlusion proximal to S1 the ST-segment elevation in VR,
and ST-segment depression in V6, I and VL due to injury
vector directed somewhat to the right. Below: Typical
example of ECG in ACS with LAD occlusion proximal to S1
and distal to D1. Observe ST-segment elevation in II, III and
VF (III > II) due to occlusion distal to D1 and ST-segment
elevation in VR and V1 with ST-segment depression in V6
due to occlusion proximal to S1.

fact this patient finally presented an ECG pattern of huge but exclusive septal infarction, although the LAD was open with the treatment
(Figure 2.3).

82 PART I Electrocardiographic patterns of ischaemia, injury and infarction




Figure 4.26 STE-ACS due to occlusion of D1 or incomplete

occlusion of LAD involving D1. (A) Site of occlusion. (B)
Myocardial area at risk. (C) Bulls-eye polar map with

involved segments. (D) Injury vector with its projection in

frontal and horizontal planes and the corresponding ECG

(b) Inferolateral zone: RCA or circumflex occlusion (Table 4.1B(712); Bairey et al., 1987;
Birnbaum et al., 1994; Fiol et al., 2004b; Herz et al.,
1997; Kosuge et al., 1998; Lew et al., 1987; Tamura
et al., 1995a,b): The RCA perfuses a portion of the
inferior septal wall and the inferior wall, including,
generally, segment 4 (inferobasal), which was classically named posterior wall, and sometimes the apex.
It may also perfuses the inferior (apical) part of lateral wall if it is quite dominant. When the occlusion
is proximal and compromises the right marginal
branches that perfuse the RV, the infarction also affects most of that ventricle. Along its final course
it divides into two branches, the posteroseptal (directed towards the inferior part of the septal wall)
and the posterolateral, towards the inferior wall and,
when it is quite dominant, to the inferior part of the
lateral wall especially its apical part (Figures 1.1 and
The LCX, after a certain course, curves backwards
and gives rise to one or several OM branches (Figures 1.2 and 1.13). The LCX perfuses a great portion
of the inferior part of the lateral wall, great portion

of the anterior part especially the basal segment and

sometimes part of the inferior wall, especially segment 4 (inferobasal former posterior segment).
When it is quite dominant, it also perfuses the inferior part of that wall and even a portion of the
inferior part of the septal wall.
7. RCA occlusion proximal to the RV branches
(Figures 4.304.32 and Table 4.1B(7)): When the
RCA occlusion is proximal to the RV branches
(Figure 4.30A), the area at risk involves the RV
and part of inferolateral zone, more or less extensive according to the dominance of RCA. In
Figure 4.30B, C the involved myocardial area is
shown, as well as the polar map in case of balanced dominance. The more affected segments
are 3, 4, 9 and 10, and part of segments 14
and 15.
The vector of injury in cases of infarction due
to non-proximal occlusion of the RCA is directed
downwards posteriorly and to the right. Due to
the RV extension in case of very proximal RCA occlusion, the injury vector is directed more to the
right than posteriorly (compare Figures 4.30D

CHAPTER 4 Electrocardiographic pattern of injury: ST-segment abnormalities 83

























Figure 4.27 (A) Typical ECG pattern of STE-ACS due to D1

occlusion. Observe the ST-segment elevation in I, VL and
also V2 to V5 and ST-segment depression in II, III and VF

and 4.33D). The projection of the injury vector

in the positive and negative hemifields of different
leads of the FP and HP explains the ST-segment
elevation in II, III and VF (III > II), and the
ST-segment depression in I and VL (VL > I).
It also explains why an ST-segment elevation may
be recorded in V1V2 (Fiol et al., 2004c). (It is
shown in Figure 4.30D how the projection of
injury vector in HP may fall between approximately +110 to +200 210 ). For the same rea-

(III > II). (B) See the same case in chronic phase with QS in
VL and low-voltage R in lead I as isolated abnormalities
without abnormal QRS pattern in V5V6.

son, an ST-segment elevation may be recorded

in V3R and V4R. Lead V4R is useful during the
hyperacute phase to distinguish between an occlusion of the RCA proximal to the RV artery
and an occlusion of the RCA distal to the RV
artery and an occlusion of the LCX (Wellens,
1999; Wellens, Gorgels and Doevendans, 2003)
(Figure 4.31). However, ST-segment changes in
this lead are quite transient and, also, are generally
not recorded. Therefore, lead V1 (isoelectric or

84 PART I Electrocardiographic patterns of ischaemia, injury and infarction



Figure 4.28 (A) ACS with clear ST-segment elelvation in I

and VL, and ST-segment depression in II, III and VF. This
strongly supports D1 occlusion (see p. 80). The presence of
mild-ST-segment depression in V2V3 (the contrary that

elevated ST segment) has been shown to be

equally useful (Fiol et al., 2004) for detecting that
the occlusion is proximal to the RV branches.
It also has the advantage of not requiring the
recording of additional leads. Figure 4.32 shows
the similar morphology of ST in V1 and V3R.
In case of RCA occlusion proximal to RV
branches, sometimes if the RCA is very short with
just involvement of the RV (Finn and Antman,
2003), an ST-segment elevation may be seen not

usually happens in D1 occlusion) may be due to association

of RCA or LCX occlusion, as is in this case (70% distal RCA
occlusion) (see text). (B) Coronary angiography before and
after PCI.

only in inferior leads but also in leads from V1 to

V3V4, even with greater ST-segment elevation
in V1V3, but the ST-segment elevation in V1
is usually greater than that in V3V4 (V1 > V3
or V4) (Figure 10.4), the opposite that occurs in
LAD occlusion distal to the S1 and D1 branches.
In these latter cases, ST-segment elevation may
also be seen in the precordial and inferior leads,
but with ST-segment elevation in V3V4 > V1
(Sadanandan et al., 2003) (see Table 4.2).

CHAPTER 4 Electrocardiographic pattern of injury: ST-segment abnormalities 85






Figure 4.29 Above: STE-ACS due to incomplete occlusion

of LAD involving the septal branches but not the diagonal
branches. In exceptional cases only S1 or S2 occlusion may
be found. (A) Site of the occlusion. (B) Myocardial area at
risk. (C) Involved segments in a bulls-eye projection.
(D) Injury vector projected on frontal, horizontal and

sagittal planes and the corresponding ECG patterns. Below:

(A) Control ECG. (B) Typical ECG pattern in case of
occlusion of a large S1 artery during PCI procedure with
involvement of the basal and probably also mid-septal
part. Observe the ST-segment depression in inferior leads
(II > III) and V6, and ST-segment elevation in VR and V1.

86 PART I Electrocardiographic patterns of ischaemia, injury and infarction





Figure 4.30 STE-ACS due to RCA occlusion proximal to

right ventricle branches (arrow). (A) Site of occlusion.
(B) Myocardial area at risk. (C) Polar map in bulls-eye
projection with the most involved segments marked in
gray. (D) Injury vector projected on frontal, horizontal and

sagittal planes with corresponding ECG patterns. Observe

that the injury vector due to RV involvement is directed
more forwards usually in the positive hemifield of V1 than
in case of RCA occlusion distal to RV branches (see Figures
4.32 and 4.34).

The lack of apparent ST-segment depression

in V1V3 may also be observed in the STE-ACS
due to a very distal occlusion of non-dominant
RCA. In these cases, since the area at risk is small,
the ST-segment elevation is not very apparent in
II, III and VF. This is usually, on the contrary, in
the STE-ACS due to an RCA occlusion proximal
to the RV marginal branches.
A typical electrocardiographic example of
this type of STE-ACS is shown in Figure 4.32A,
along with its correlation with the coronary angiogram (Figure 4.32B) before and after a primary PCI.
8. RCA occlusion distal to the RV marginal
branches (Figures 4.33 and 4.34, and Table
4.1B(8)): In case of balanced dominance the area
at risk may involve, if the occlusion is just distal to RV branches, similar part of inferolateral
zone of the LV than in the case of occlusion proximal to RV branches (see above and Figure 4.30).

In Figure 4.33B, C the involved myocardial area

and the polar map of that area are shown. The
involved segments are 3, 4, 9 and 10 and part
of segments 14 and 15. These cases never evolve
towards a right-ventricular infarction, since the
branches perfusing the RV are proximal to the
The injury vector is directed downwards,
rightwards (though less so than when the occlusion is proximal to the RV branches) and posteriorly, even though usually it is directed more
downwards than posteriorly. Due to that usually the ST-segment elevation in inferior leads
is greater than ST-segment depression in V1
V3. Although the segmentary left-ventricular involvement may be equal or quite similar to the
involvement seen when the occlusion is located
proximal to the RV branches, the direction of
the vector of injury is quite different in both
cases, due to the RV involvement (see above). The

CHAPTER 4 Electrocardiographic pattern of injury: ST-segment abnormalities 87
















Figure 4.31 (A) Typical ECG in case of STE-ACS due to proximal RCA occlusion with RV involvement. Observe ST-segment
elevation in II, III and VF with III > II, ST-segment depression in I and isoelectric or elevated in V1V3 as well as in V3RV4R
leads with positive T wave. (B) Coronary angiography before (left) and after (right) reperfusion. The arrow indicates the
place of occlusion.

projection of this vector in the positive and negative hemifields of different leads in the FP and HP
explains why there is usually more ST-segment
elevation in II, III and VF (III > II) than STsegment depression in V1V3 (projection vector in FP bigger than in HP) (see above) (Figure
4.33D). Because the injury vector is directed to
rightwards and downwards, it is common that an
ST-segment depression is recorded in lead I, and
even more in VL because it falls in the negative

hemifield of both leads but more in the negative

hemifield of VL.
A typical electrocardiographic example of
this type of STE-ACS is shown in Figure 4.34A
along with the correlation with coronary angiogram before and after a PCI (Figure 4.34B).
In the presence of occlusion of RCA even
with involvement of inferobasal segment (classical posterior wall), but without involvement of
lateral wall (pure inferior involvement), in the

88 PART I Electrocardiographic patterns of ischaemia, injury and infarction




Figure 4.32 Usefulness of the ST/T changes in the extreme right precordial leads (V4R) to differentiate among the
proximal RCA (A), distal RCA (B) and LCX involvement (C).

subacute phase, there are Q waves in inferior

leads but the morphology in V1 is rS and not
RS. The ST-segment depression in this case is
usually bigger in V2V3 than in V1 probably because both the vector of injury and the infarction
that have the same direction but different senses
are facing V2V3 more than V1. In case of STEACS exclusively involving the lateral wall, in theory according the direction of the injury vector


the ST-segment depression in V1 > V3. However, the presence of ST-segment depression in
V1 > V3 is not frequently seen, probably because
cases of isolated injury of the lateral wall (nondominant occlusion LCX) are much less frequent
than the injury of inferior or inferolateral wall
(RCA or dominant LCX occlusion) (ST V3 > V1
in case of inferolateral injury see Figure 4.15).
The correlation between ST-segment changes in



Figure 4.33 STE-ACS due to RCA occlusion after RV

branches (arrow). At the same degree of dominance (RCA
vs. LCX) the LV myocardial area at risk may be nearly the
same as in case of occlusion proximal to RV branches if the
occlusion is located just after these branches. (A) Site of
occlusion. (B) Myocardial area at risk. (C) Polar map in
bulls-eye projection with the most involved segments

marked in gray. (D) Injury vector projected in frontal,

horizontal and sagittal planes is directed backwards and
somewhat to the right but less than that in case of
occlusion proximal to RV branches (see Figure 4.30), and
the corresponding ECG patterns of ST-segment depression
and elevation.

CHAPTER 4 Electrocardiographic pattern of injury: ST-segment abnormalities 89

















Figure 4.34 (A) Typical ECG in case of STE-ACS due to RCA

occlusion distal to RV branches. Observe the ST-segment
elevation in II, III and VF (III > II) with ST-segment
depression in I. There exists ST-segment depression in right
precordial leads (V1V2). The right precordial leads also

V1V3 and deficits of perfusion detected by

SPECT (nuclear medicine or other imaging techniques) will tell us if this hypothesis is correct.
9. Occlusion of a very dominant RCA (Figures
4.35 and 4.36, and Table 4.1B(9)): When the RCA
is very dominant (Figure 4.35A), the area at risk
involves a great part of inferolateral zone that includes great part of inferior septum, the inferior
wall and even the apex if LAD is short, great portion of inferior and low-lateral wall. The involved
segments are 3, 4, 5, 9, 10, 11, 14, 15 and 16
(Figure 4.35B, C).
The injury vector is directed downwards and
posteriorly and a little rightwards. In the presence of occlusion proximal to RV branches, the
injury vector will be more directed to the right

favour RCA occlusion after RV branches (see Figure 4.31).

(B) Coronary angiography before (left) and after (right)
reperfusion therapy. The arrow indicates the place of

and even may fall in the positive hemifield of

V1. This explains the ST isoelectric or even with
slight elevation in V1. However, the presence of
a local injury vector (Figure 4.35D) is necessary
to explain the ST-segment elevation in V5V6.
This local vector may be visible in V5V6 due
to its proximity to precordial leads. The influence of this local vector is more evident when
the occlusion is below RV branches. In this latter case, the injury vector is directed less rightwards and then counterbalance less the local
injury vector. Therefore, the ST-segment elevation in V5V6 is more visible in the absence of RV
Usually in these cases the presence of STsegment elevation in II, III and VF is very

90 PART I Electrocardiographic patterns of ischaemia, injury and infarction





Figure 4.35 STE-ACS due to occlusion of very dominant

RCA. (A) Site of occlusion that may be before or after the
RV branches. (B) Myocardial area at risk. (C) Polar map in
bulls-eye projection with the most involved segments.
(D) Injury vector projected in frontal and horizontal

important and also if the occlusion is distal to RV

branches the ST-segment depression is evident in
V1V3, although the ratio ( V1V3)/( II,
III, VF) < 1. The ST-segment may be isoelectric
or even slightly positive in V1 or beyond if the
occlusion is proximal to RV branches (see Table
4.2). When the RCA is very dominant, an STsegment elevation 2 mm may be seen in V6
(Nikus et al., 2005) (apical inferolateral extension), but not in leads I and VL. In the latter
leads an ST-segment depression is seen, while in
case of a quite dominant LCX there may be STsegment depression in VL but usually not in lead
I (Figures 4.41 and 4.42). In exceptional cases
of proximal occlusion of a very dominant RCA,
due to typical ACS or dissecting aortic aneurysm
type A affecting RCA (Figure 8.39), ST-segment
elevation may be present in all precordial leads

planes: (1) injury vector in case of distal occlusion; (2) injury

vector in case of occlusion proximal to RV branches.
Abbreviations: LIV, local injury vector that explains the
ST-segment elevation in V5V6 due to inferolateral
involvement (very dominant RCA).

(V1V4 due to proximal occlusion and V5V6

due to very dominant RCA).
In the chronic phase in case of dominant RCA
occlusion, there is involvement of inferior wall
and some part of the lateral wall. This explains
the Q wave in inferior leads and sometimes V5
V6 but not in lead I and aVL. Also, it explains
the RS morphology in V1 because the vector of
infarction of lateral wall points to V1 (see Figure
1.9). In case of occlusion of very dominant LCX,
as all the lateral wall may be infarcted, we may find
in chronic phase QR morphology in lead I and
aVL, but usually not QS (see Figure 5.34), which is
seen much more often in cases of occlusion of D1.
A typical ECG example of this type of
STE-ACS along with its correlation with the
coronary angiogram before and after a PCI is
shown in Figure 4.36.

CHAPTER 4 Electrocardiographic pattern of injury: ST-segment abnormalities 91



Figure 4.36 (A) Typical ECG in case of STE-ACS due to

occlusion of very dominant RCA distal to RV branches.
Observe the ST-segment elevation in inferior leads (III > II)
and ST-segment depression the ST-segment depression in
V1V3 (occlusion distal to the take-off of RV branches).
Furthermore, the ST-segment elevation in V6 is greater
than 2 mm (occlusion of very dominant RCA). In extreme
right precordial leads the ST is isoelectric in V3R and

present slight elevation (<1 mm) in V4R. In this case the

morphology of V1 was more useful than V4R to locate the
place of occlusion. In this case the morphology of lead I
(first step of algorithm in Figure 4.45) is not useful to
diagnose RCA occlusion (isoelectric ST segment). (B)
Coronary angiography before and after the reperfusion.
The arrow shows the place of distal occlusion.

92 PART I Electrocardiographic patterns of ischaemia, injury and infarction





Figure 4.37 STE-ACS due to occlusion of LCX artery

proximal to the obtuse marginal branch. (A) Site of
occlusion. (B) Myocardial area at risk. (C) Polar map in
bulls-eye projection with the most involved segments

10. LCX occlusion proximal to the OM branch

(Figures 4.37 and 4.38, and Table 4.1B(10)): In
this case (Figure 4.37A) the area at risk encompasses the majority of lateral wall and may also
compromise the inferior wall, especially the inferobasal segment. In Figure 4.37B, C the myocardial
involved area along with the corresponding polar map in case of balanced dominance is shown.
The most affected segments are 4, 5, 6, 10, 11 and
12, and part of 16.
The injury vector is directed leftwards and
more posteriorly than downwards. The projection of this vector in the FP and HP (Figure 4.37)
explains the ST-segment elevation often seen in
lead I, the ST-segment elevation in II III and
the ST-segment depression in V1V3 equal to
or of higher voltage than the ST-segment elevation in II, III and VF (Figures 4.37D and 4.38).

marked in gray. (D) Injury vector directed backwards and

somewhat to the left as projected in frontal, horizontal
and sagittal planes, and the corresponding ECG patterns.

This is due to the fact that the non-dominant

LCX perfuses the lateral wall and sometimes part
of inferior wall especially the inferobasal segment, which explains, in case that this segment
bends upwards, that ST-segment presents more
depression in V1V4 than elevation in II, III
and VF. Sometimes the difference in voltage is
striking (Figure 4.47). One hypothesis to explain
that is related with a clear evidence that the inferobasal segment of inferior wall of the heart
that is the part of inferior wall more perfused by
LCX in these cases bends upwards and induces
more ST-segment changes in the HP than in FP
(Figure 4.45) (see p. 98 and 105).
A typical example of this type of STE-ACS is
shown in Figure 4.38A, along with its correlation
with the coronary angiogram (Figure 4.38B) before and after fibrinolytic therapy.

CHAPTER 4 Electrocardiographic pattern of injury: ST-segment abnormalities 93














Figure 4.38 (A) Typical ECG in case of STE-ACS due to

complete occlusion of LCX proximal to the obtuse
marginal branch. Observe ST-segment elevation in II, III, VF
(II > III), I and V5V6, and ST-segment depression in V1V3

11. Occlusion of the OM branch (Figures 4.39

and 4.40, and Table 4.1B(11)): When the occlusion is located in the OM branch from the
LCX (generally the first OM branch) (Figure
4.39A), the area at risk includes a great portion of
both the inferior and especially the anterior part
of the lateral wall (Figure 4.39B, C). The OM takes
off from the LCX in the left-ventricular obtuse
margin and, after perfusing the basal lateral wall

more evident than the ST-segment elevation in V1V3.

(B) Coronary angiography before (left) and after (right)
reperfusion. The arrow indicates the place of occlusion.

(anterior and inferior part), is directed downwards along the border of lateral wall, often
reaching the low portion of that wall. The most
involved area is part of segments 5, 6, 11, 12 and
16. The perfusion of this area is shared with a
ramus intermedius when present.
The vector of injury is directed leftwards and
somewhat posteriorly and somewhat upwards
or, more often, downwards (Figure 4.39D). The

94 PART I Electrocardiographic patterns of ischaemia, injury and infarction















Figure 4.39 Above: STE-ACS due to occlusion of the

obtuse marginal branch (OM). (A) Site of the occlusion.
(B) Myocardial area at risk. (C) Polar map of the involved
area. (D) Injury vector that is directed to the left
(approximately 0 to +20 in the frontal plane) and
somewhat backwards. Occasionally, if small, it hardly
produces any ST-segment deviations. If they occur, the
ST-segment elevation is observed in some lateral and
inferior leads especially in I, II, VF and V6, with a usually

projection of this vector in the positive and negative hemifields of different leads of the FP and HP
explains the usually slight ST-segment elevation
that is seen in the so-called lateral wall leads (I,
VL and V5V6) and sometimes also in the inferior leads, especially II and VF (Figure 4.39). In
some rare cases the injury vector is directed more
downwards and in this case the ST segment may

slight ST-segment depression in V2V3. In the case of

STE-ACS secondary to the occlusion of the first diagonal
(DI) in V2V3, usually there is not ST-segment depression,
and often ST-segment elevation is observed (Figure 4.27).
Below: The ECG in case of STE-ACS due to incomplete
occlusion of obtuse marginal artery (OM). Observe a slight
ST-segment elevation in I, II and III; VF and V5V6 with a
slight depression in V1V3 (compare with Figure 4.27
STE-ACS due to D1 occlusion).

be depressed in VL but not in lead I (located between +60 and +90 ) (Figure 4.40). Since the
injury vector is directed somewhat posteriorly, a
usually slight ST-segment depression may be seen
from V1 to V3 (Figures 4.39 and 4.40), rather
than an ST-segment elevation that is frequently
seen (usually V2V4) in the STE-ACS due to a
diagonal branch occlusion (Figure 4.27). This is

CHAPTER 4 Electrocardiographic pattern of injury: ST-segment abnormalities 95



Figure 4.40 (A) ECG of a 42-year-old man with ACS that

presents slight elevation in II, III and VF, and ST-segment
depression in V1V3 with isodiphasic ST in lead I. It is not
easy in this case to decide by the ECG if the occlusion is in
RCA or LCX (OM). (B) The coronary angiography

due to the fact that the injury vector in the diagonal occlusion is directed leftwards and upwards
and somewhat anteriorly. Meanwhile, in the occlusion of the OM, it is usually directed also leftwards, but somewhat posteriorly and often a little
downwards (Birnbaum et al., 1996a). Sometimes
especially in case of LCX (OM) occlusion the ST-

demonstrated that the occlusion was of a large OM. This

case demonstrates that occasionally, especially when the
changes of ST are not striking, may be difficult to identify
through the ST-segment changes the culprit artery.

segment deviations do not present characteristic

changes (Figure 4.40), and when the OM branch
is small, the changes can be minimal, if they do.
In fact, the ECG is often normal.
In subacute or chronic phase, qr or r morphology in lateral leads, I, VL and/or V5V6,
may be present frequently with RS (R) in V1, but

96 PART I Electrocardiographic patterns of ischaemia, injury and infarction





Figure 4.41 STE-ACS due to proximal occlusion of a very

dominant LCX artery. (A) Site of occlusion. (B) Myocardial
area at risk. (C) Polar map in bulls-eye projection with
the most involved segments marked in gray. (D) Important
injury vector directed more backwards than downwards

and less to the left or even a little to the right as projected

in frontal, horizontal and sagittal planes, and the
corresponding ECG patterns of ST-segment depression and

never QS in VL. On the contrary, in STE-ACS due

to diagonal occlusion, QS morphology in VL may
be present but without Q wave in V5V6.
An example of this STE-ACS is shown in
Figure 4.39, which in this case did not originate a
Q-wave infarction in the chronic phase (normal
12. Occlusion of a very dominant LCX
(Figures 4.41 and 4.42, and Table 4.1B(12)):
When the LCX is very dominant and the occlusion is proximal (Figure 4.41A), the area at risk
involves a great part of inferolateral zone that includes the majority of the lateral and inferior wall
and even some portion of inferior part of the septum. The involved segments are 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10,
11, 12, 15 and 16 (Figures 4.41B and C).
The injury vector due to very dominant LCX
is important and less directed to the left because

due to the dominance the LCX perfuses not only

the lateral wall but also great part of the inferior
wall. Its projection in FP and HP (Figure 4.41D)
explains the following: (a) Sometimes there is
ST-segment depression in lead VL but very rarely
in lead I. (The injury vector is located usually
between +60 and +90 .) This means that it
usually falls in the negative hemifield of VL but
still in the positive hemifield of lead I or just
on the border between two hemifields. (b) STsegment elevation in II, III and VF may be similar
to the ST-segment depression in V1V3, because
the very dominant LCX perfuses not only the
lateral wall but also great part of the inferior wall.
However, in the cases that the ST-segment elevation in II, III and VF is superior to ST-segment
depression in V1V3, usually ST-segment elevation in II > III. In lead I there is no ST-segment

CHAPTER 4 Electrocardiographic pattern of injury: ST-segment abnormalities 97



Figure 4.42 (A) The ECG in case of STE-ACS due to

complete proximal occlusion of very dominant LCX artery.
Observe the criteria of LCX occlusion. ST-segment elevation
in II > III in the presence of isoelectric ST in I (second step of
Figure 4.45). In VL there is ST-segment depression due to
LCX dominance. In the normal cases of LCX occlusion there
is not ST-segment depression in VL (isoelectric or elevated)

depression, as usually happens in case of occlusion of very dominant RCA. Furthermore,

the ST-segment elevation in V5V6 is usually
bigger than in case of a very dominant RCA
(Figure 4.42).

(Figure 4.38). There is also a huge ST-segment elevation in

V5V6 more evident than in case of very dominant RCA
(Figure 4.36). On the other hand, the sum of ST-segment
deviations is much higher than in case of proximal
occlusion of a non-dominant LCX (Figure 4.38). (B)
Coronary angiography before (left) and after reperfusion.

In some cases of occlusion of dominant LCX,

the ST-segment depression in V1V3 is much
evident than ST-segment elevation in inferior
leads. In these cases usually the ST-segment
depression in V3 is greater than that in V1. One

98 PART I Electrocardiographic patterns of ischaemia, injury and infarction

possible hypothesis to explain that is that the

injury area encompasses the lateral wall and
also a great part of the inferior wall that is really
posterior, as may happen in very lean individuals,
and then the injury vector faces V3 more than V1
(see Figure 4.47 and p. 92 and 105). Also in some
cases of non-proximal occlusion of dominant
RCA may be seen that ST depression in V3 > V1.
However the overall ST elevation in inferior
leads is greater than in V1V3 (see Figure 4.15).
If the occlusion of dominant LCX is very distal, the ECG characteristics are similar to the occlusion of non-dominant RCA, because in both
cases the areas at risk are the same (part of the
inferior wall).
A typical ECG example of STE-ACS due to
very dominant LCX can be seen in Figure 4.42.
In the subacute or chronic phase due to involvement of the inferior and lateral walls, a Q
wave in inferior leads sometimes with QII > QIII
and lateral leads (V5V6, I and VL) and RS morphology in V1 (even Rs) may be recorded (see
Figure 5.34).
STE-ACS: from the ECG to the area at risk and the
occluded artery. (Figures 4.434.47 and Table 4.1;
Bayes de Luna, Fiol and Antman 2006; Fiol et al.,
2004ac, 2007; Sclarovsky, 1999; Wellens and Connover, 2003; Zimetbaum and Josephson, 2003).
From a clinical point of view, in the majority of
cases, usually the most striking ECG abnormality
found by the physician is ST-segment elevation located in the precordial leads (V1V6) (anteroseptal
zone) (Figure 4.43) or in inferior leads (inferolateral
zone) (Figure 4.45). We will see how we can identify not only the culprit artery, but also the occlusion
1. Most striking ST-segment elevation is seen in
precordial leads (V1V2 to V4V6) (Figure 4.43):
This corresponds to LAD occlusion (Engelen et
al., 1999; Haraphongse, Tanomsup and Jugdutt,
1984; Porter et al., 1998; Sapin et al., 1992; Tamura,
Kataoka and Mikuriya, 1991, 1995a,b).
The rationale to know the characteristics of the
occluded artery and the site of occlusion is shown

in Figure 4.43. The positive predictive value of this

approach is very high. The ST segment has to be first
assessed in II, III and VF (to check for its depression
or not), and later on the deviations of ST segment in
VR, V1 and V6 have to be assessed. According to the
ST-segment changes in these leads, the occlusion
may be localised as proximal or distal to the first
diagonal (D1) and/or the first septal (S1) branch
(Fiol et al., 2007).
(a) When the ST segment is depressed (2.5
mm in III + VF), the occlusion is proximal
to the first diagonal (D1) (90%). When the
ST segment is also elevated in V1 and/or VR,
or depressed in V6 ( of deviations of ST in
VR + V1 V6 0), the occlusion is probably
also proximal to the first septal (S1) (Fig. 4.43).
When this so-called septal formula involvement
is <0 (Fiol et al., 2007), the occlusion is probably
between first septal (S1) and first diagonal (D1)
(Figures 4.20 and 4.21).
Some cases with LMT critical occlusion that
do not have previous important subendocardial
ischaemia and usually no important collateral
circulation may present an STE-ACS with
ST-segment elevation in precordials and
ST-segment depression in III and VF 2.5
mm. A group of patients of these characteristics
corresponds to STE-ACS due to coronary
dissection affecting the LMT (see Coronary
dissection) (p. 266 and Figure 8.40). However,
usually the patients with ACS due to coronary
atherothrombosis present, in case of critical
LMT involvement, previous important and predominant subendocardial ischaemia with evident collateral circulation, and, consequently, an
ST-segment depression is recorded (NSTE-ACS)
(see Diagnostic criteria: morphology and voltage (p. 111). Nevertheless, in rare cases of critical
occlusion of LMT or equivalent due to coronary
atherothrombosis, an STE-ACS may be seen if
the patient does not present previous important
subendocardial ischaemia. Figure 4.44 shows
a case of active ischaemia due to multiplevessel-disease involvement (critical LMT + LCX
+ proximal LAD) (see footnote and section

Figure 4.43 The algorithm to locate the zone of LAD

occlusion in case of ACS with predominant ST-segment
elevation in precordial leads. In the lower right side is
presented an example to calculate the formula: sum of

ST-segment deviations in VR, V1 and V6 (remember that

(2 mm) = +2 mm) and in the lower left side the
sensitivity, specificity and positive and negative predictive
value of all the criteria.

CHAPTER 4 Electrocardiographic pattern of injury: ST-segment abnormalities 99

Anterior MI

of ST deviations in (VR + V1V6) 0 mm*

of ST deviations in (VR + V1V6) < 0 mm*

100 PART I Electrocardiographic patterns of ischaemia, injury and infarction

ST-segment changes in patients with active ischaemia due to multivessel disease) (p. 105). We
would like to emphasise that cases of LMT critical occlusion (or equivalent) with ST-segment
elevation are infrequently seen especially because they present a highest risk of cardiogenic
shock, ventricular fibrillation and sudden death
before arriving at emergency services.
(b) When the ST segment is isoelectric
(between <0.5 mm and <0.5mm of ST
segment) or shows elevation in II, III and VF,
the occlusion is distal to D1. Then, Ieads VR, V1
and/or V6 should be assessed to know whether
the occlusion is proximal or distal to S1. We use
the formula  STdeviations in VR + V1 V6
(Fig. 4.43). If the sum is <0 (which occurs most
frequently),the occlusion is also distal to S1
(Figure 4.23). When the formula is 0, the S1
takes off after the D1 branch and the occlusion
is distal to D1 but proximal to S1 (Figure 4.25).
The comparison of ST-segment elevation in II
and III also helps to differentiate both locations.
When the occlusion is distal to D1 and S1,
ST-segment elevation in II > III, because the
injury vector is directed to the apex (see Figure
4.22). On the contrary, if the occlusion is distal
to D1, but proximal to S1, the injury vector
will point downwards and rightwards, because
the most important area at risk is the lower
anteroseptal and therefore the ST-segment
elevation in III > II (see Figure 4.25).
(c) When the ST segment is slightly depressed
(<2.5 mm in III + VF), it is harder to classify with
respect to D1, but when the sum of ST-segment
deviations in VR + V1 V6 0, the occlusion
is probably distal to S1 and D1 (Figure 4.43).
Additionally, when a typical right bundle
branch block morphology is seen in the course
of an STE-ACS, this greatly supports a high septal ischaemia (occlusion above the S1 branch),
causing this bundle branch, since first septal (S1)

perfuses the right bundle branch (Figure 4.66).

This sign is quite specific, but not very sensitive
(Engelen et al., 1999).
2. Most striking ST-segment elevation recorded
in II, III and VF (Figure 4.45): ST-segment depression may be seen in V1V3 as a mirror pattern
of inferolateral involvement, although it is usually
not present when the occlusion of RCA is proximal
to RV marginal branches (see below). This corresponds to an RCA or LCX occlusion (Birnbaum
et al., 1994; Fiol et al., 2004b; Herz et al., 1997;
Kosuge et al., 1998; Lew et al., 1986; Saw et al., 2001;
Tamura et al., 1995a, b).
In these cases it may be useful to assess the ST/T
in V4R to know whether the occlusion is located in
the proximal or distal RCA or in the LCX (Figure
4.32) (Wellens, 1999). Since V4R is sometimes not
recorded and because abnormalities occurring in
this lead are often quite transient, we use a sequential approach based on the ST-segment changes
seen in the 12-lead surface to know weather the
RCA or the LCX is the culprit artery (Fiol et al.,
2004b) (Figure 4.45).
Step 1: assess the ST segment in lead I. In the case of
depression, the occlusion is located in the RCA,
and in the case of elevation, it is located in the
circumflex artery (LCX). When the ST segment
is isoelectric, one should proceed to Step 2.
Step 2: check how is the ST segment in II, III and
VF. When the ST-segment elevation in II III,
the occlusion is located in the LCX. When the
ST-segment elevation is III > II, one should
proceed to Step 3.
Step 3: The following relation should be assessed:
( ST in V1V3)/( ST in II, III, VF). When
the ratio is greater than 1, the culprit artery is
the LCX; when it is equal to or lower than 1,the
culprit artery is the RCA.
With this sequential approach one may distinguish whether the RCA or the LCX is the culprit
artery in over 95% of all cases.

Figure 4.44 (A) The ECG at basal state in a patient with

STE-ACS. (B) The ECG during anginal pain. This is a case of
active ischaemia due to critical multiple-vessel occlusion.
At a first glance looks like LAD occlusion proximal to the
D1 and probably not to S1 (ST-segment depression in V1
and slightly elevated in V6). However, the presence of

ST-segment elevation in VR arise the suspicion that either

was an atypical case of LAD occlusion proximal to S1 and
D1 or the global ECG was explained by multiple critical
vessel occlusion as was the case (LMT + LAD + CX). The
ischaemia due to LCx involvement may explain the ST
depression in V1 .

CHAPTER 4 Electrocardiographic pattern of injury: ST-segment abnormalities 101
























Basal ECG

ECG with pain

102 PART I Electrocardiographic patterns of ischaemia, injury and infarction

There are many other criteria or combinations

of criteria that have been used to differentiate RCA
from LCX occlusion. The association of ST-segment
elevation in III > II + ST-segment depression
in VL has good specificity and positive predictive
value for the diagnosis of RCA occlusion (Kabakci,
Once the RCA has been accurately determined
to be the culprit artery, it is important to know
whether the occlusion is proximal or distal
(Figure 4.46). For that matter, lead V1 is important
and, to a lesser degree, leads I and VL. Generally, an
ST-segment isoelectric or elevated is seen in V1 in
case of proximal occlusion (Figure 4.46A) and STsegment depression in V1V3 in distal occlusion
(Fiol et al., 2004a) (Figure 4.46B). This change may
persist up to V3V4, but the ST-segment elevation
is V1 > V3V4. In the distal LAD occlusion, STsegment elevation may also be seen in the precordial
and inferior leads (Figure 4.23). However, in this
case (a) the ST-segment elevation in the precordial
Ieads is higher than that in the inferior leads; and (b)
the ST-segment elevation is V3V4 > V1 (Sadanandan, 2003). Furthermore, generally in the RCA
proximal occlusion, there is ST-segment depression
in lead I and VL, and in case of distal LAD, there is
usually not clear ST-segment depression in the same
leads (Figures 4.32, 4.46A and 4.23, and Table 4.2).
3. Most striking ST-segment elevation in the lateral wall Ieads, I, VL and V5V6: In this case the
STE-ACS may be due to diagonal occlusion (or
LAD incomplete occlusion, involving the diagonal
branches), or the first-second OM (compare Figures 4.27 and 4.40) or, occasionally,the ramus intermedius branch occlusion.
In the acute phase, the diagnosis of a first diagonal branch occlusion is favoured by the presence of a more significant ST-segment elevation in
I and VL and often some precordial leads than in
the inferior leads (in which ST-segment depression
is usually seen). Instead, in an OM occlusion, a slight
ST-segment elevation may be seen in both groups
of leads, since the injury vector is not so upwardly
directed and even may be downwardly directed, in

which the ST-segment elevation may be seen only

in inferior leads.
In case of first diagonal branch occlusion, evident ST-segment elevation is often seen in precordial leads (from V2V3 to V4). This is explained
by the direction of the injury vector, which points
somewhat anteriorly. On the contrary, this does not
occur when the OM branch is occluded. In this case
a slight ST-segment depression or just minimal ECG
changes are seen, since the OM occlusion generates
an injury vector that is directed somewhat posteriorIy. In a few occasions of first diagonal occlusion,
perhaps due to a rotation of the heart, or the association of LCX or RCA occlusion, we have seen mild
ST-segment depression in V2 V3.
On certain occasions STE-ACS due to marginal
branch or diagonal branch occlusions may cause
small ECG changes or even present normal ECG.
ln the chronic phase, the mid-anterior infarction
due to a first diagonal occlusion (Figures 5.9A(4),
5.21 and 5.22) may cause a QS morphology in VL,
or at least qr, and even qr wave in lead I. However,
no Q wave is seen in V5V6. On the contrary, in the
infarction secondary to the OM branch occlusion,
a qr morphology may be seen in V5V6 and also in
I and VL, or merely a low-voltage R wave, with or
without RS in V1, but in general no QS morphology
in VL (Figures 5.9B(1), 5.23 and 5.24). However,
in both situations, the ECG may be normal in the
chronic phase.
Sometimes a lateral involvement is seen in some
STE-ACS of anteroseptal and inferolateral zone. In
the first case, when the occlusion is proximal to D1,
but distal to S1 (Figure 4.20), the ST-segment elevation is present in I and aVL (aVL > I) but usually not
in V6 (Figure 4.21). In the second case (involvement
of the inferolateral zone), ST-segment elevation in
V5 and V6 is seen especially when there is a proximal
occlusion of dominant RCA (Figure 4.36). When the
RCA is quite dominant, the ST-segment elevation
in V5V6 is usually 2 mm (Nikus et al., 2004), but
in this case usually there is ST-segment depression
in leads I and especially in VL (Figure 4.36). On the
contrary, in case of LCX occlusion, the ST-segment

Figure 4.45 The algorithm to identify which is the

occluded artery (RCA vs LCX) in case of ACS with
predominant ST-segment elevation in inferior leads and to

locate in case of RCA occlusion if it is proximal or distal.

See the sensitivity, specificity and positive and negative
predictive value of all the criteria.

CHAPTER 4 Electrocardiographic pattern of injury: ST-segment abnormalities 103

Inferior MI
ST II, III and VF (RCA or LCX occlusion)
Analyse lead l

Step 1

ST 0.5 mm

Isoelectric ST or

ST 0.5 mm

ST < 0.5 mm



Step 3


Analyse leads II and III

Step 2



ST V1V3)




Step 4

ST V1 or

ST < 0.5 mm or isoelectric



104 PART I Electrocardiographic patterns of ischaemia, injury and infarction



Figure 4.46 (A) The ECG in STE-ACS due to proximal RCA

occlusion. ST-segment depression in I and VL (VL > I), as
well as ST III > II points to RCA occlusion, while the absence
of ST-segment depression in V1 is an accurate criterion of
right ventricular involvement (proximal occlusion), since in
this case the injury vector points forwards and rightwards.
As the RCA is dominant, there is also an ST-segment
elevation in V5V6 (local injury vector Figure 4.35).

(B) The ECG in STE-ACS due to distal RCA occlusion. In this

case, the ST segment in the lateral and inferior leads shows
similar behavior than in A (proximal RCA occlusion), but
ST-segment depression in V1V3 indicates distal occlusion,
since the injury vector points backwards (towards the
inferolateral wall). As the RCA is not very dominant in V6,
there is not ST-segment elevation.

elevation is often seen in the majority of lateral leads

(I, VL and V5V6) (Figure 4.38).
4. Atypical ECG patterns seen in STE-ACS (see
Table 8.1 and Figure 8.3): The atypical ECG patterns
seen in cases of NSTE-ACS are also commented in
Part II (see Typical and atypical patterns of STEACS and NSTE-ACS, p. 210).
(a) In some cases of LCX occlusion, the most
striking ECG changes are ST-segment depression in V1V3 as a mirror image of
the posterior leads (STE equivalent). The
ST-segment depression is more evident than
ST-segment elevation in inferior lateral leads
(Figures 4.47 and 8.3C) (p. 97 and 213). Probably, this occurs in cases of occlusion of LCX
involving a portion of inferior part of the lateral
wall (segments 5 and 11), but especially the in-

ferobasal and mid-inferior segments (4 and 10)

of the inferior wall. In these cases if great part of
the inferior wall bends upwards, the projection
of the injury vector of this area is seen better
in the HP than in FP, and more in V3 than in
V1 if the involvement of segments 4 and 10 is
the most important and points more to V3 than
V1. In case of injury, the repercussions of the
changes in V3 expressed as ST-segment depression are more evident than the changes of R wave
in V3 in case of infarction, because also in normal
conditions in V3 there is already an RS pattern
and, on the contrary, is never recorded in normal ST-segment depression in right precordial
leads. Under these circumstances, an erroneous
diagnosis of NSTE-ACS may be established
especially because the ST-segment elevation in

CHAPTER 4 Electrocardiographic pattern of injury: ST-segment abnormalities 105

Figure 4.47 Patient with ACS. The most important ECG

changes are a ST-segment depression in V1V3. In spite of
that, the presence of an even mild-ST-segment elevation in
II, III, VF and V5V6 assures that this case is an STE-ACS. The

II, III, VF and V6 is sometimes very scarce. However, in fact the ST-segment depression in V1V3
is a mirror pattern of the ST-segment elevation
in the opposite leads. Check if a mild ST-segment
elevation, usually present in II, III, VF and V5
V6, is useful in assuring that, in spite of the larger
ST-segment depression from V1 to V3, the diagnosis is consistent with STE-ACS and not with
NST-ACS. When the ST-segment depression is
seen mainly from V1 to V2V3, an ST-segment
elevation 1 mm may be found in the posterior
(b) In an early phase of STE-ACS due to proximal occlusion of LAD, a pseudonormal ECG
pattern expressed by a tall and peaked T wave
may be seen. This is usually a transient pattern
that may be followed by a clear ST-segment elevation (see Figure 8.3A).
(c) In someoccasions of LAD occlusion, a negative and deep T wave in precordial leads (V1
V4V5) may be seen in some moment of the
evolution. This corresponds to a pattern seen
in cases of LAD proximal occlusion that much
probably has reperfused at least partially spontaneously or if remains occluded, present very
important collateral circulation that prevents
the infarction. However, sometimes if the patient is not treated promptly, it may develop an
STE-ACS and impending MI (de Zwan, Bar and

ST-segment depression observed in V1V3 is even more

striking in the ventricular premature beats (first QRS in

Wellens, 1982) (Figure 8.3B). The presence of

negative T wave represents that the affected area
is still perfused and not completely ischaemic,
as happens in the case of ST-segment elevation.
Therefore, in this case, coronary angiography
has to be performed as soon as possible, but
in the absence of angina not as an emergency.
However, in case if persistent ST-segment
elevation appears, primary PCI if possible or fibrinolysis is mandatory.
On other occasion (see p. 228 and 270), this ECG
pattern is seen in cases of STE-ACS due to proximal LAD occlusion, which have been reperfused by
treatment (fibrinolysis or PCI), and the ST-segment
elevation ECG pattern changes to a negative and often very deep T wave in V1V4. This is a clear sign of
reperfusion after fibrinolytic treatment or PCI and
evidence of an opened artery. However, we may not
be completely sure that another reocclusion will not
appear. As a matter of fact sometimes coinciding
with angina due to thrombosis intrastent, the ECG
first pseudonormalises and finally an ST-segment
elevation may appear.
ST-segment changes in patients with
active ischaemia due to multivessel
All the cases of STE-ACS that have been discussed
are due to ischaemia generated by occlusion in one

106 PART I Electrocardiographic patterns of ischaemia, injury and infarction

Usefulness of the ECG in ACS with ST-segment elevation and in the Q-wave infarction

ACS with ST-segment elevation STE-ACS

It is possible to know, generally with accuracy,
which the involved artery is and the site of occlusion. This is of critical importance in knowing the
area at risk and for risk stratification.

This is achieved by
1. analysing the ST-segment deviations in the different leads (Table 4.1 and Correlation between
the ECG changes, the occlusion site and the area
at risk). (p. 222)
2. quantifying the burden of ischaemia (see
Quantification of the burden of ischaemia by the
summation of ST-segment deviations) (p. 224)
culprit vessel, though stenosis may be present in
more than one vessel.
Multiple unstable plaques may be present in more
than one culprit artery in patients with ACS. Recently, it has been demonstrated that this may be
detected in a few cases (3%) by the presence of a
new ST-segment elevation in other area. The electrocardiographic changes that could suggest that
the ischaemia in different cardiac areas is due to
significant lesions in two or more vessels are not
well known. However the following clues allow us
to suppose that the electrocardiographic patterns
may be explained by critical involvement of two or
more vessels.
1. In a patient with STE-ACS with ST-segment elevation in II, III and VF, the presence of ST-segment
depression in precordial leads beyond V2V3 with
maximal changes in V4V5 represents a group of
highest risk (Birnbaum and Atar, 2006). This can be
explained by occlusion of the RCA, plus a significant
obstruction in the LAD.
2. The presence of ST-segment elevation in the
right precordial leads (V1V3) and ST-segment
depression in the left-sided leads (aVL, I and V4
V6) suggests multivessel involvement (Kurum et al.,
2002). In the STE-ACS due to the LAD occlusion
proximal to D1 and S1 (single-vessel disease), an
ST-segment elevation may also be recorded from
V1 to V4, and ST-segment depression in V5V6.
However, in case of occlusion proximal to D1 and

3. defining the grade (intensity) of ischaemia

(see To define the grade (intensity) of ischaemia
through the ST/T morphology) (p. 224)
Q-wave infarction

The location of the infarcted area may be identified with accuracy.

This is obtained by analysing in which leads Q

wave of necrosis or R equivalents are recorded
(Figure 5.9) (ECGCMR correlation).

S1, the ST-segment depression is not usually evident in lead I and is not present in aVL (see Figures
4.18 and 4.19).
3. It has been shown that in an STE-ACS due to distal to D1 and S1, occlusion of long LAD generates
the ST-segment elevation in precordial leads and
in II, III and VF. However, this morphology may
also be explained by an occlusion in LAD in presence of a total RCA occlusion with collateral vessels
from the LAD to the RCA, even in the absence of a
considerably long LAD. There is not any ECG criterion that may help us to differentiate these two
cases, because in both situations the ST-segment elevation in precordial leads is more important than
in inferior leads.
4. The presence of slight ST-segment depression
in V2V4 in STE-ACS due to D1 occlusion (STsegment elevation in I, aVL and V5V6, and STsegment depression in II, III and VF) suggests the
presence of multivessel disease, especially D1 + LCX
or RCA.
5. When in a patient with STE-ACS in precordial leads there are some criteria that do not fit
well with the presumed place of occlusion, the
presence of ischaemia due to critical multivessel disease may be suspected (see Figure 4.44). It
looks like a LAD occlusion proximal to D1 but was
not clear if the occlusion was also proximal to S1
(ST-segment elevation in VR and ST-segment depression in V1). The case corresponds to a critical

CHAPTER 4 Electrocardiographic pattern of injury: ST-segment abnormalities 107

STE-ACS: ST-segment elevation in the inferolateral leads

ECG criteria (ST-segment elevation and depression) supporting an occlusion of the RCA, LCX, D1
and OM
1. Occlusion of the RCA
a. There is usually an ST-segment depression
in I and VL; in general VL > I.
b. The ST-segment elevation in III is usually
higher than that in II.
c. The ST-segment depression in the right
precordial leads is usually lesser than the STsegment elevation in the inferior leads. This is
especially true when the occlusion is proximal
to the RV branches, in which the ST segment
in V1 is usually isoelectric or elevated.
d. When the RCA is quite dominant, an STsegment elevation is seen in V5 and V6, but
not in I and aVL. An ST-segment elevation
2 mm in these leads indicates that the RCA
is very dominant.
2. Occlusion of the LCX proximal to first OM
a. There is usually an ST-segment elevation
in I and VL.
b. The ST-segment elevation in II is usually
equal to or higher than that in III.
c. The ST-segment elevation in II, III and VF
is usually lesser than the ST-segment depression in the right precordial leads. Sometimes,
this is quite apparent.
d. When the LCX is quite dominant, it may
present the above-mentioned criteria but in
occlusion of both LAD proximal to S1 + D1 and
LCX plus 70% occlusion of LMT. The involvement
of proximal LAD + LCX explains the ST-segment
depression in V1 in spite of ST-segment elevation
in VR (see Figure 4.44 and p. 98). In our opinion,
when there is some discrepancy in the ECG findings,
ischaemia due to multivessel occlusion has to be
6. The recurrence of ST-segment elevation in
a different territory after fibrinolytic therapy
is a manifestation of multiple unstable coronary
plaques (Edmond et al., 2006).
The importance to recognise the culprit artery
before performing PCI in case of ACS in critical multivessel disease will be emphasised in

some cases there is ST-segment depression in

VL, but very rarely in I.
3. Occlusion of the OM
a. There is usually ST-segment elevation in
the so-called lateral leads, I and VL and
V5V6, and also inferior leads; usually, II >
b. Sometimes, this change is present only in
the inferior leads, especially II and VF.
c. There is often a slight ST-segment depression in V1V3.
4 Occlusion of the D1
a. An ST-segment elevation may be seen in
the so-called lateral wall leads, especially in I
and VL. In fact, these leads face the anterior
and often the mid-low lateral wall, but not
the high-lateral wall. Since the injury vector
is directed more upwards and, generally, anteriorly with regards to what occurs in an OM
occlusion, it is usually recorded in the inferior
leads in an ST-segment depression.
b. ST-segment elevation may be seen in the
precordial leads, sometimes from V2V3 and
occasionally with evident elevation. In turn,
the ST segment in V2V3 is usually isoelectric
or depressed in the OM occlusion (compare
Figures 4.27 and 4.40). Rarely, in case of D1
occlusion, slight ST-segment depression may
be seen in precordial leads, especially in case
of associated LCX or RCA occlusion (Figure

the second part of this book (see The dynamic changes of ST segment from the prehospital phase to the catheterisation laboratory).
(p. 226).
ST-segment elevation in other clinical
settings (Figures 4.481.114)
In Table 4.3 the most frequent causes of ST-segment
elevation, aside from IHD (typical and atypical
ACS), are shown. At the time of making the differential diagnosis in clinical practice, out of all
these different entities the possibility of a pericarditis or an early phase acute myopericarditis (Figures
4.48 and 4.49) should be kept in mind. These also
cause chest pain that may complicate the diagnosis.

108 PART I Electrocardiographic patterns of ischaemia, injury and infarction

Table 4.3 Most frequent causes of ST-segment elevation, aside from ischaemic heart disease.

Normal variants: Chest abnormalities (Figures 4.13 B(6) and, 4.52C), early repolarization (Figures 4.50, 7.3 and 7.4) and
vagal overdrive. In vagal overdrive, ST-segment elevation is mild and generally presents early repolarization
pattern. T wave is tall and asymmetric.


Sportsmen: Sometimes an ST-segment elevation exists which may mimic an acute coronary syndrome with or without
negative T wave, which may be prominent (Figures 4.51 and 3.33). No coronary involvement has been found, but
this pattern has been observed in sportsmen who die suddenly. Therefore, its presence implies the need to rule out
hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.


Alteration secondary to repolarization changes (LBBB, LVH, WPW and pacemakers)


Acute pericarditis in its early stage and myopericarditis (Figures 4.48 and 4.49)


Pulmonary embolism (Figure 4.54): frequently accompanied by RBBB


Hyperkalaemia: The presence of a tall and peaked T wave is more evident than the accompanying slight ST-segment


Hypothermia (Figure 4.56)


Brugadas syndrome: May present typical ST-elevation pattern (concave in respect to the isoelectric line) or atypical


Arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia (Figure 4.53)

elevation. Sometimes ST elevation may be evident, especially in right precordial leads (Figure 4.55).

ST-elevation pattern (convex in respect to the isoelectric line) (Figure 4.52; Wilde, et al. 2002).
10. Metabolic anomalies (diabetes)
11. Pheochromocytoma
12. Dissecting aortic aneurysm (Figure 7.4) (mirror pattern of LVH)
13. Neuromuscular and cerebrovascular diseases
14. Pneumothorax: Especially left sided. An important ST elevation can be exceptionally observed, probably in relation to
coronary spasm triggered by pneumothorax.
15. Toxicity secondary to cocaine abuse, drug abuse, etc.

We should remember that myocardial involvement

is not always diffuse in acute pericarditis or myopericarditis and that the ST-segment elevation in
pericarditis is not very important but can be concave with respect to the isoelectric line and can certainly mimic an ACS, especially if there is an associated myocarditis, in which there is very often
a moderate increase of cardiac enzymes. The ECG
and clinical evolution of the patient is quite important in establishing the correct diagnosis (Figures
4.48 and 4.49) (Guizton and Lacks, 1982). Typically, pericarditis frequently presents PR-interval
deviations (elevation in VR and depression in II)
due to a trial injury (Guizton and Lacks, 1982). The
presence of precordial pain related with deep inspiration favours pericarditis. Also, the typical evolution of ECG in four phases (Figure 4.48A) supports this diagnosis. However very often the ECG
in pericarditis is atypical and may even present dynamic changes of T wave before the ST-segment
The ST may be mildly elevated in V1V2 as a
normal variant presenting ascending slope of the
T wave, a little convex with respect to isoelectric

line (Figure 3.1B). Also, the ST-segment elevation

in people with vagal overdrive or in cases of early
repolarisation is usually mild (13 mm) and convex with respect to the isoelectric line and is often
observed in many leads, especially in HP (see Figure 4.50). Characteristically, the ST-segment elevation in early repolarisation normalises during the
exercise test, which is important in cases of doubt
(Figure 7.3). Other different repolarisation abnormalities have also been described outside IHD,
including the ST-segment elevation seen in sportsmen, which although usually has no clinical significance; sometimes it has a striking morphology. In
these cases it is mandatory to rule out hypertrophic
cardiomyopathy and IHD (Figure 4.51).
Brugadas syndrome (Figure 4.52) should be
borne in mind due to its potential harmfulness. The
ST-segment elevation in the right precordial leads
is the key sign in the ECG of patients with Brugadas
syndrome, which represents a risk marker for malignant arrhythmias (Wilde et al., 2002). The most typical electrocardiographic patterns are seen in Figure
4.52A. Furthermore, atypical Brugadas syndrome
(Figure 4.52B) should be distinguished from the

CHAPTER 4 Electrocardiographic pattern of injury: ST-segment abnormalities 109















Figure 4.48 Above: Case of acute idiopathic

pericarditis with the four electrocardiographic
patterns that may be present: (A) The
ST-segment elevation with the PR deviations
(elevation or depression) in some leads. See
especially the PR interval elevation in VR and
a mirror image in II. (B, C) Flattening of the T
wave. (D) Normalisation of the ECG. Below:
Other example of pericarditis with associated
myocarditis. In the first phase can be seen in
some leads ST-segment elevation, concave
with respect to the isoelectric line. Lead VR
also shows a clear elevation of the PR interval.

ST-segment elevation seen in athletes and chest abnormalities. The ST-segment elevation morphology
in Brugadas syndrome is usually seen only up to
V3, and it may reach up to V4V5 in athletes. Also,
usually the r wave in V1 in athletes and pectus
excavatum (Figure 4.52C, D) is tiny and narrow
compared with the atypical pattern of Brugadas
syndrome (Figure 4.52B). In case of ECG pattern
type B it is recommended to rule out Brugadas syndrome (good history taking, to check changes of
morphology after ajmaline test, etc.).

In arrhythmogenic right-ventricular dysplasia

(Figure 4.53), an atypical pattern of RBBB in V1
with often some ST-segment elevation, especially
in right precordial leads, may be seen.
Two other entities, which are important
due to their very poor prognosis, may cause
ST-segment elevation: pulmonary embolism
(Figure 4.54) and dissecting aortic aneurysm
(Figure 7.4). An example of ST-segment elevation
in massive pulmonary embolism is shown in Figure
4.54, which coincides with the development of

110 PART I Electrocardiographic patterns of ischaemia, injury and infarction



Figure 4.49 (A) A 39-year-old patient with long-standing

precordial pain without ischaemic characteristics. There is
an ST-segment elevation in many leads and in someone
with final negative T wave but without Q waves and with
PR elevation in VR with depression in II. The clinical history,

ECG and the follow-up (B) with an ECG that shows a

typical evolution of pericarditis confirms this diagnosis. In
this case was small elevation of troponin I that may be
seen frequently in cases of pericarditis.

an RBBB pattern due to the sudden dilation of

the RV.
Figures 4.55 and 4.56 are examples of hyperkalaemia and hypothermia that may also present
ST-segment elevation in some leads. An ST-segment
elevation may also be seen in other situations (Table
4.3), such as certain ionic or metabolic disorders,
pneumothorax, etc., and, obviously, in secondary
repolarisation abnormalities, such as mirror patterns (e.g. in V1V2 in LVE or in LBBB).

Electrocardiographic pattern of
subendocardial injury in patients
with narrow QRS: diagnosis and
differential diagnosis
The ECG pattern of subendocardial injury
(ST-segment depression) is found in different
clinical settings of IHD (Figures 4.574.64),
but may also be observed in other situations
(Figure 4.65). We will now discuss the diagnostic

CHAPTER 4 Electrocardiographic pattern of injury: ST-segment abnormalities 111












Figure 4.50 ECG of a young 40-year-old man. Typical example of early repolarisation (ST-segment elevation particularly
evident in V2V5 and in some leads of FP).

and location criteria of this pattern, and later on

in Chapter 2 we will comment about the specific
characteristics of the ECG pattern in different clinical settings of IHD, especially in relation with

ST-segment depression in IHD

Diagnostic criteria: morphology and

voltage (Figures 4.574.64)
There are electrocardiographic criteria based
on ST-segment abnormalities (Table 4.4 and
Figure 4.57) indicative of a positive exercise stress
test in patients with suspicion of IHD or after MI
evaluation. Some variables could also cause falsepositive and false-negative results (Table 4.5). Characteristically, the ST-segment depression is observed in leads with dominant R wave, especially
in V4V6, I and VL, or even in inferior leads but is
not seen as a most evident change only in V1V3.
Recently, it has been reported (Polizos and Ellestad
2006) that 1-mm upsloping ST-segment depression
at 70 milliseconds past the J point has a sensitivity and specificity of 82 and 90%, respectively,
compared with SPECT image. If we use only as abnormal criteria the horizontal and downsloping ST
segment, the sensitivity and specificity compared

with SPECT are lower (65 and 88%). In the absence

of clinical signs, false-positive results are frequently
found, sometimes with evident ST-segment depression and/or negative T waves secondary to
hyperventilation or other causes (Figure 4.58;
see Plate 3). Furthermore, hyperventilation can
cause repolarisation abnormalities in the form off
lattened or negative T waves or even a generally
mild ST-segment depression. These changes can
be misleading, especially if they appear during an
exercise test. The development of repolarisation
abnormalities in relation with a provoked hyperventilation, prior to the exercise stress test, aids in
the definitive diagnosis.
Small ST-segment depressions in an isolated
ECG must be assessed with caution. But in the
presence of recent chest pain or in the course of
an ACS, ST-segment depressions of 0.51.0 mm
that appear in sequential ECGs in two or more
consecutive leads can be considered diagnostic
in themselves (Holper et al., 2001). However for
other authors (McConahay, McCallister and Smith,

In the horizontal plane, there is no problem V1V6 are

consecutive leads but in frontal plane, the consecutive leads
are the following: VL, I, VR, II, VF and III (Wagner and
Pahlm, 2006).

112 PART I Electrocardiographic patterns of ischaemia, injury and infarction

(A) V1




(B) V1




(C) V1




(D) V1






Type A

Type B


Type C


Type D

Figure 4.51 Above: Examples of four types of repolarisation alterations that can be seen in sportsmen without heart
disease (Plas, 1976). Below: Drawings of more typical changes in V2.

CHAPTER 4 Electrocardiographic pattern of injury: ST-segment abnormalities 113

































Figure 4.52 Above: Example of the ST-segment elevation

in Brugadas syndrome. Typical (A) and atypical (B)
patterns. Below: V1. (A, B) Typical and atypical patterns of
Brugadas syndrome. (C) The ECG pattern seen in pectus

excavatus (see Figure 3.1G). Observe the narrow r

compared to r of (B) and similar to r of (D). (D) ECG
pattern seen in some athletes probably a marker of
mild-RV enlargement. (E) Normal variant.

1971), in order to increase the specificity, an STsegment depression >1 mm is more convenient
(p. 234). It is important to demonstrate that these
findings represent new changes, as, frequently, ST
segment with mild depression is found in chronic
coronary patients.
The morphology of ST-segment depression is
more difficult to assess in the presence of a wide
QRS complex or LVE. In this situation mixed
repolarisation changes can be observed (alterations
secondary to LVH or LBBB and primary alterations
due to ischaemia) (see ECG pattern of injury in
patients with ventricular hypotrophy and/or wide
QRS) (p. 120).

Location criteria: from the ECG to the

occluded artery (Tables 8.1 and 8.2)
The electrocardiographic pattern of subendocardial injury in patients with ACSs is recorded in
different leads, depending on the coronary artery
involved and the location of the injured area. When
the ischaemia is due to left main trunk (LMT)
subocclusion or equivalent, or 3 proximal vessel
diseases, the involvement of the left ventricle is circumferential. In case of single vessel disease or when
in presence of multivessel disease, the active ischaemia is due to a culprit artery or two distal
occlusions the involvement is considered regional
(Sclarovsky 1989). The correlation between these

114 PART I Electrocardiographic patterns of ischaemia, injury and infarction








100 w




50 w

Figure 4.53 Arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia

(ARVD). Note the image of atypical right bundle branch
block, negative T wave in the V1-V4 leads, and premature
ventricular complexes of the right ventricle. QRS duration

is much longer in V1-2 than in V6. On the right very

positive late potentials are seen in the signal averaging
ECG. Below: typical echocardiography image of right
ventricle dyskinesia (see arrow) in a patient with ARVD.

two types of involvement and the ECG is not so exact as in cases of transmural injury (STE-ACS), especially the cases of regional involvement. However,
there are some morphologies that provide useful information. Following, these will be commented on.
In the second part of this book the clinical and prognostic aspects of these patterns will be discussed in
detail (see p. 233).

4.594.61). These cases correspond to LMT incomplete occlusion or three-vessel disease (Yamaji et al.,
2001; Kosuge et al., 2005; Sclarovsky, 2001; Nikus,
Eskola and Sclarovsky, 2006). Usually, cases with
negative T wave in V4V6 correspond to LMT incomplete occlusion (Figure 4.59). Cases with threevessel disease more frequently present terminal
positive T wave in V3V5 and, often, a smaller depression of ST (Figure 4.60). According to Kosuge et
al. (2005) in patients with NSTE-ACS, the presence
of ST-segment elevation in aVR usually 1 mm in
the best predictor of LMT/three-vessel disease.
Figure 4.9 shows how in case of LMT incomplete
occlusion the circumferential diffuse subendocardial injury explains the ST-segment changes. However, we have to remind that rarely cases of critical

ST-segment depression
(a) Circumferential involvement: A new STsegment depression is seen in many leads (7)
with or without dominant R wave, and in some
leads (V3V5) the ST-segment depression may be
very significant (5 mm). A mirror pattern is seen
in VR and sometimes in V1 (Table 8.1, and Figures

CHAPTER 4 Electrocardiographic pattern of injury: ST-segment abnormalities 115

ACS: diagnostic criteria according to the ST-segment depression in patients with a

narrow QRS complex (measured at 60 ms from the J point)

r Flattened or downsloping ST-segment depression at least 0.5 mm in at least two consecutive leads.



r Changes should be of new onset or dynamic.






















Figure 4.54 (A) Preoperative ECG of a
58-year-old patient without heart
disease. (B) In a postoperative period the
patient suffered from massive pulmonary

embolism with the ECG showing an AQRS


pointing sharply to the right, complete

right bundle branch block with the
ST-segment elevation in some leads and
sinus tachycardia. The P wave is visible in
the majority of leads with occasional
premature beats. (C) Patient died within
minutes: the ECG in agonic rhythm.

116 PART I Electrocardiographic patterns of ischaemia, injury and infarction

Figure 4.55 A 20-year-old patient with

chronic renal failure submitted to
periodical haemodialysis during last
years, presenting with significant
hypertension (230/130). The potassium
level is elevated (6.4 mEq/L). Observe a
tall and peaked T wave, as well as the
ST-segment elevation in V2V3. A
relatively long QT interval is due to the
ST-segment lengthening produced by
coexisting hypocalcaemia (see V6 and I).












or even total LMT occlusion, as happens in coronary dissection, and some rare cases of LMT critical occlusion due to atherothrombosis without important previous subendocardial ischaemia and no
collateral circulation may present an ACS with STEACS (Figure 4.44). These patients are rarely seen
because they usually present catastrophic haemodynamic impairment and/or sudden death due to
ventricular fibrillation (see p. 234).

(b) Regional involvement: The cases with regional

involvement present the greatest difficulties to
locate through the correlation with ECG patterns
the place of occluded artery. Although with limitations we may distinguish two types of patterns:
New ST-segment depression not very striking
(<23 mm) and generally seen in fewer than six
leads more frequently in lateral than in inferior
leads (Table 8.1B, and Figures 4.624.64): This

Patients with an ACS due to proximal LAD involvement may present the following:

(a) A clear STE-ACS with ST-segment elevation

in precordials and ST-segment depression in inferior leads (see Table 4.1).
(b) Atypical pattern of STE-ACS: deep negative
T wave from V1 to V5V6 (Figures 3.21 and 8.3).
(c) NSTE-ACS: a flat or slightly negative T
wave in V1V3 and also a negative U wave
may be seen (Figure 8.23).

(d) NSTE-ACS: an ST-segment depression especially seen in precordial leads usually more evident in V2V3 to V4V5 with T wave with a final
positive deflection (Nikus, Eskola and Virtanen,

CHAPTER 4 Electrocardiographic pattern of injury: ST-segment abnormalities 117


























Figure 4.56 (A) A 76-year-old patient with hypothermia

and the ECG typically seen in this condition. Note the J, or
Osborne wave, typical of hypothermia at the end of the
QRS complex and/or the ST-segment elevation; sinus

bradychardia; long QT interval and an irregular baseline

(lower strip). (B) When the problem was resolved after
warming, the J wave disappeared completely (long
recording of V4 during hypothermia).

Table 4.4 Electrocardiographic criteria of the positive

Table 4.5 The most frequent false-positive and

exercise test.

false-negative results of exercise test.

r Horizontal or downsloping ST depression 0.5 mm in at

False-positive results

least two consecutive leads usually with RS or R

morphology (see p. 111; Gibbons, et al. 2002, Ellestad,
2004, Aros, et al. 2000). The criteria is more specific if the
ST depression is 1 mm

r ST segment elevation 1 mm
Also suggestive are

r Horizontal or downsloping ST depression 1 mm in at

least two consecutive leads beyond 70 ms (SE
= 65% and
= 90%)

r Upsloping ST-segment depression 1 mm beyond 70 ms

from the J point. Using also this criterion, the SE increases


r Inverted U wave
r Appearance of serious ventricular arrhythmias at not

important exercise level (<70% of the predicted maximum

heart rate)

r Drugs: digitalis, diuretics, antidepressant, sedative drugs,

oestrogens, etc.

r Heart diseases: cardiomyopathy, valvular heart disease,

pericarditis, hypertension, ECG alterations (left bundle
branch block, WPW, repolarisation alterations, etc).

r Miscellaneous: thoracic abnormalities (pectus excavatum),

female sex, hyperventilation, glucose intake and ionic
disorders etc.
False-negative results

r Drugs: beta-blocking, antianginal agents

r Inadequate exercise: early termination of the exercise test
and inadequate physical training level

r Technical problems

118 PART I Electrocardiographic patterns of ischaemia, injury and infarction






Figure 4.57 Different types of subendocardial injury

patterns that appeared in the course of an exercise test:
(A) Horizontal displacement of the ST segment, (B)
descendant displacement, (C) concave displacement and
(D) ST-segment depression from J point with ascendant
morphology and with rapid upsloping. This usually is seen

Basal ECG

Figure 4.58 Patient with atypical precordial pain and a

clearly positive exercise test (marked ST-segment
depression) without pain during the test. The SPECT test
was normal (see homogeneous uptake in red), as well as

in normal cases (Figure 4.2). The coronary angiography

was abnormal in (A), (B) and (C), and normal in (D). These
changes are especially visible in leads with dominant R
wave especially V3V4 to V5V6, I and VL, and/or inferior
leads present dominant R wave.

Exercise ECG

coronary angiography. It is a clear example of a

false-positive exercise test. This figure can be seen in color,
Plate 3.

CHAPTER 4 Electrocardiographic pattern of injury: ST-segment abnormalities 119

ST-segment depression may appear during an exercise test (Figures 4.624.64) or occurs in a dynamic way during an ACS (Figure 4.63). The cases
with worst prognosis present ST-segment depression in V4V6 and some leads of FP and the T
wave is negative in V4V6 (Birnbaum and Atar
2000) (Figure 4.63) (see p. 237). In spite that
sometimes the ECG changes are small, the patient may present severe coronary atherosclerosis
(Figure 4.62).
New ST-segment depression usually not very
striking and most evident in precordial leads with
and without dominant R wave (from V2V3 to
V4V5): It is accompanied by a positive T wave in
V3V5. In this case the culprit artery is in general
proximal LAD occlusion (Table 8.1B; Nikus, Eskola
and Virtanen, 2004). Characteristically, as happens
in exercise testing, the ST-segment depression is not
usually present as the most evident changes in leads
with rS morphology (V1V2).
Very often patients with or without IHD usually present mild ST-segment depression, related
or not with the presence of LVH (hypertension
or other diseases) or of an unknown cause. This
ECG pattern has to be considered as a risk factor for future events but only if there is an increase in the ST-segment depression with exercise or
pain, can it be considered as a suggestive of active
ischaemia. (fig 4.68B)


ST-segment depression in other clinical

settings (Figure 4.65)
In Figure 4.65 the most frequent causes of STsegment depression, aside from IHD, are shown.
The most striking changes are those secondary
to the digitalis effect (Figure 4.65A), ionic abnormalities (Figure 4.65B) and those seen in different heart diseases, such as mitral valve prolapse (Figure 4.65C). During and following a
paroxysmal tachycardia, ST-segment/T-wave abnormalities may be seen with non-demonstrable
ischaemia. The negative T wave is sometimes
more striking than the ST-segment depression
(Figure 3.36).
Frequently, the ST-segment depression and/or
the negative T wave in the course of a paroxysmal
tachycardia are mild, but diffuse and often quickly
reversible when the crisis ceases. The paroxysmal
tachycardia is sometimes accompanied by chest


Figure 4.59 (A) The ECG of a patient with ACS and the ECG
typical of tight but incomplete occlusion of the left main
coronary artery (see coronary angiography) (B) in the
presence at basal state of important and circumferential
subendocardial ischaemia. There is ST-segment depression
in more than eight leads and clear ST-segment elevation in
VR. Note that the maximum depression occurs in V3V4
without final positive T wave in V4V5.

120 PART I Electrocardiographic patterns of ischaemia, injury and infarction



Figure 4.60 (A) Normal control ECG of a patient with

chronic ischaemic heart disease. (B) During an NSTE-ACS
diffuse and mild-ST-segment depression in many leads,
especially seen in I, V5 and V6 with small ST-segment

elevation seen in III, VR and V1. The coronary angiography

shows three-vessel disease with severe proximal
obstruction in LAD + LCX.

pain of doubtful significance. When the pain is suggestive of angina, especially in a patient with risk
factors, it is advisable to perform a coronary angiography, which is generally negative.
The occurrence of false-positive cases of STsegment depression during an exercise stress test
has already been addressed. These are due to different causes (hyperventilation, drugs, etc.) or are
of unknown origin (Table 4.5 and Figure 4.58). In
some circumstances (neurocirculatory asthenia, hyperventilation, etc.), their origin is unknown or difficult to explain.
ST-segment depression, mild and generally with
non-descending slope, can be observed in the
absence of evident heart disease, especially in
women and the elderly. They are sometimes hypertension related, especially when there is concurrent
LVE. It is especially important to check the appearance of these ST-segment depressions during exercise or if changes in clinical situations are suggestive
of an ACS.

Diagnosis of the
electrocardiographic pattern of
injury in patients with LVH and/or
wide QRS complex (Figures 4.664.68)
In cases of LVH with strain pattern and/or wide QRS
complex, the electrocardiographic diagnosis of injury pattern is frequently more difficult, especially
in the presence of an LBBB or pacemaker. However,
in some ACS, especially those secondary to the
total proximal occlusion of an epicardial coronary
artery, ST-segment elevation are well seen in the
presence of complete RBBB (Figure 4.66), and also
in the course of ACS the presence of complete LBBB
or pacemaker allows us to visualise usually very
well the ST-segment elevation (Figures 4.67 and
Sgarbossa et al. (1996b; 2001) have reported
that in cases compatible with acute MI, a diagnosis of evolving infarction associated with a complete LBBB is supported by the following criteria
(Figure 4.67):

CHAPTER 4 Electrocardiographic pattern of injury: ST-segment abnormalities 121



Figure 4.61 (A) The ECG of a patient with an NSTE-ACS

that presents during angina a huge ST-segment depression
in many leads more prominent in precordial leads V3V5

with positive T wave and with ST-segment elevation in VR

and V1. (B) ECG at rest with signs of mild subendocardial

1 ST > 1 mm concordant with the QRS complex

2 ST > 1 mm concordant with the QRS complex
3 ST > 5 mm non-concordant with the QRS complex (e.g. in V1V2)
This last criterion is of less value when the QRS
complex has an increased voltage (Madias, Sinha
and Ashtiani, 2001).
These criteria have been studied by other authors (Kontos et al., 2001), who have confirmed
that they are highly specific (100%), especially in
the presence of concordant ST-segment elevation
or depression, though they are not very sensitive
(10 20%).

Recently, it has been reported (Wong et al., 2005,

2006a, b) that patients with RBBB or LBBB have
different prognoses, depending on the ST-segment
morphology and QRS duration (p. 248).
Similar criteria are also useful for the diagnosis of
infarction in the presence of a pacemaker (Sgarbossa
et al., 1996a).
Occasionally, the presence of an intermittent RBBB (Figure 4.66) or LBBB (Figure 4.67)
allows for the visualisation of the underlying repolarisation abnormality, such as ST-segment deviation (Figures 4.66 and 4.67) or a negative T wave
(Figures 3.34 and 3.41). Therefore, the evidence that

122 PART I Electrocardiographic patterns of ischaemia, injury and infarction

Figure 4.62 Above: (Left) A 65-year-old man with typical

in-crescendo angina, and practically normal ECG at rest.
Only in some leads there is an ST-segment depression but
not higher than 0.5 mm. (Right) During exercise test
appears anginal pain and an evident, but not huge,

increase in the ST-segment depression (greater than 0.5

mm), in spite that the patient presents not very striking
ECG changes. Below: The coronary angiography shows in
proximal three-vessel disease. The patient was submitted
to a triple bypass.

CHAPTER 4 Electrocardiographic pattern of injury: ST-segment abnormalities 123




Figure 4.63 (A) ECG without pain. (B) ECG during pain in
the course of NSTE-ACS. The ECG shows ST-segment
depression not very prominent (<3 mm) in V4V6 and I

and VL with negative T wave in V4 and V5. No clear mirror

image can be seen. (C) Coronary angiography shows a
three-vessel disease.

124 PART I Electrocardiographic patterns of ischaemia, injury and infarction




Figure 4.64 (A) Patient with precordial pain at exercise

and a rest ECG that presents slightly flattened T wave in
lateral leads. (B) The exercise test shows a clear ST-segment

depression with the presence of the same pain. (C) The

coronary angiography shows obstructive lesions in the
three main vessels (complete occlusion in RCA).

CHAPTER 4 Electrocardiographic pattern of injury: ST-segment abnormalities 125






Figure 4.65 Non-ischaemic ST-segment depression.

(A) ST-segment depression secondary to digitalis effect:
note the typical digitalis scooped pattern with a short QT
interval in a patient with slow atrial fibrillation.
(B) Example of hypokalaemia in a patient with congestive

heart failure who was receiving high doses of furosemide.

What seems to be a long QT interval is probably a QU
interval (T+positive U waves). (C) Case of mitral valve
prolapse with ST-segment depression in inferior leads.


























Figure 4.66 Above: (A) Acute phase of evolving Q-wave

myocardial infarction of anteroseptal zone. There is a
huge ST-segment elevation, especially in I, VL and from V2
to V5, QRS >0.12 s and morphology of complete RBBB that
was not present in previous ECG. (B) Twenty-four hours
later RBBB have disappeared and subacute anterior
extensive infarction becomes evident. There is ST-segment
elevation from V1 to V4. The transient presence of new

complete RBBB (RBB is perfused by S1) suggests that the

occlusion of LAD is proximal to S1 and D1. Below: The ECG
of a patient that presents rapid atrial fibrillation and
RBBB. In the seventh and eighth complexes can be seen
the disappearance of tachycardia-dependent RBBB, and
then the morphology of subendocardial injury pattern
appears. The complexes with RBBB present also a typical
mixed pattern (see Figure 3.27).

126 PART I Electrocardiographic patterns of ischaemia, injury and infarction





































Figure 4.67 (A) Acute MI of anteroseptal zone due to

occlusion of LAD proximal to D1 (ST-segment depression in
III and VF) but distal to S1 (non-ST-segment elevation in VR
and V1 and non-ST-segment depression in V6). (B) After
some hours complete LBBB appears (see q in I, VL and V4
and polyphasic morphology in V3) (see the Sgarbossa


criteria, concordant ST-segment elevation, in I, VL, V4V6).

(C) The complete LBBB disappears but superoanterior
hemiblock remains with the clear evidence of
apical-anterior MI (QS from V1 to V4 without q in VL and
I) (see Figure 5.9A(2)).


Without pain



Without pain


Figure 4.68 (A) Patient with pacemaker

and acute STE-ACS. During an angina
pain crisis of Prinzmetal type, a marked
transient ST-segment elevation is seen.
(B) 62-year-old patient with
hypertension that presents an
NSTE-ACS. Left: Without pain, there is a
mixed pattern of LVH with
strain+negative T wave. Right: During
pain, a clear ST-segment depression

CHAPTER 4 Electrocardiographic pattern of injury: ST-segment abnormalities 127

there is somewhat different repolarisation pattern,

with a generally more symmetric and deeper T wave,
in the presence of a bundle branch block, is very
much in favour of mixed origin of the ECG pattern
(Figures 3.40, 3.41 and 4.66).

In cases of LVH with strain pattern, often also

some type of mixed patterns may be seen (Figure
3.27). The diagnosis, however, may usually be performed if sequential changes appear (increase in STsegment depression already present) (Figure 4.68B).


Electrocardiographic pattern of
necrosis: abnormal Q wave
Limits of the normal Q wave
How the width and height of the Q wave and other
ECG parameters are measured is shown in Figure
5.1. Normal Q waves in different leads show the
following characteristics:
Leads I and II: In the presence of a qR morphology,
the q wave is usually narrow (less than 0.04 s)
and not very deep (less than 2 mm), though it
can measure up to 3 or 4 mm, on occasion. In
general, it never measures more than 25% of the
following R wave. The R wave is usually more
than 57 mm. It is not a normal qrS morphology
in these leads.
Lead III: The q wave, if present, is narrow (less than
0.04 s), not very deep, and is generally followed by
a low-voltage r wave (qrs or qrsr complex). In
horizontal hearts it may be seen in normal cases,
a relatively deep Q wave, with a Q/R ratio 1,
which usually disappears during deep respiration
or in standing position.
VR lead: QS or Qr morphologies are frequently
found, the Q wave sometimes being 0.04 seconds. In the presence of rS morphology, the
normal r wave must be narrow and not tall;
when it measures 1 mm or higher, though it
may be normal, it is mandatory to rule out the
presence of heart disease. In patients with MI
the presence of r > 1mm suggests low-lateral
VL lead: The q-wave duration is normally shorter
than 0.04 seconds and its depth is less than
2 mm. Occasionally, in normal individuals, q
wave measures more than 25% of the following R wave. However it is not a normal qrs
morphology. In some vertical hearts with no
underlying cardiac disease, a narrow QS morphology without notches and/or slurrings may
be seen in VL. This pattern must be considered


to be the expression of left intracavitary morphology. In these cases, P and T waves are usually flat or negative as well. It is not normal
for an R wave to be of lower voltage than the
Q wave.
Lead VF: The q-wave duration is normally shorter
than 0.04 seconds and not deeper than 2 mm
or, at the most, 3 mm. Generally, it never has
a voltage higher than 25% of the following R
wave. Nevertheless, when the following R wave
is of low voltage, the Q/R ratio lacks diagnostic value. Q waves usually with QR morphology may be seen in some normal individuals and usually disappear in the sitting or
standing position or with deep inspiration. A
QS complex which turns into an rS complex
with deep inspiration has been shown to be
usually normal, although exceptions may occur. In turn, the QS complex turning into a
Qr complex during deep respiration is probably
Precordial leads: Normally, a q wave is seen in
V5V6. In a heart with levorrotation, a q wave
may be seen as from V3, but only in complexes
with qRs morphology, while q waves are not
usually seen in any precordial lead in dextrorotated heart. Q waves are never present in V1
or V2. The q-wave duration in the precordial
leads is usually shorter than 0.04 seconds and
of less than 2 mm in depth, or it does not exceed 15% of the following R wave. It is not normal a qrs morphology in V6 with r < 67 mm.
Normal q waves that are recorded in the intermediate precordial leads become deeper towards
the left precordial leads and are followed by a
tall R wave. The R wave in the left precordial
leads is usually higher than 56 mm. Normal q
waves should exhibit no significant slurring in
any lead.

CHAPTER 5 Electrocardiographic pattern of necrosis: abnormal Q wave 129

Figure 5.1 Measurement of ECG parameters: (1) voltage

of the P wave: vertical interval from the superior border of
the baseline to the peak of P wave; (2) PR interval: from
the onset of P wave to the onset of QRS; (3) Q-wave
duration: from the point where the superior border of PR
starts to descend up to the left border of the ascending
arm of R wave; (4) Q-wave voltage: from the inferior
border of PR to the peak of Q wave; (5) voltage of R wave:
vertical distance from the superior border of PR to the

peak of R wave; (6) intrinsic deflection: horizontal distance

between the onset of QRS and R peak; (7) QRS duration:
horizontal distance from the beginning of the descent of
the superior border of PR to the end of the ascendant arm
of S wave or descendent arm of R wave; (8) QRS voltage:
vertical distance from the most negative to the most
positive peak of QRS complex; (9) voltage of T wave:
vertical distance between the superior border of the
baseline and the peak of T wave.

Changes of QRS due to MI:

abnormal Q wave of necrosis and
fractioned QRS

more accuracy to diagnose necrosis than the existence of Q wave (Figures 9.3 and 9.4). However, it is
important to remind that these morphologies may
sometimes be seen in normal individuals. In Chapter 2 we will comment on more aspects of these
changes when we discuss the MI of areas of late depolarisation (see Infarction of the basal parts of left
ventricle) (p. 291).
Measurement and assessment of Q and R waves
can be done according to the Minnesota code
(Blackburn et al., 1960) (Figure 5.1). To define a
wave as having QS morphology, one should have
on mind the following aspects: (a) the presence of
an R wave (R > 0.25 mm) in any of the complexes of a
given lead cancels the possibility of QS existence; (b)
positive deflexion (R > 1 mm) that follows any negative deflexion is classified as R wave and cancels QS
definition if existing in the majority of complexes
in a given lead. Finally, one should not confound an
rsR pattern with an ST-segment elevation. Sometimes in Brugadas syndrome there is ST-segment
elevation in V1 but not terminal R, although it has
been considered that the morphology was of RBBB.

In presence of infarction, a significant diastolic depolarisation exists in the infarcted area. Thus, such
an area is non-excitable and does not generate a
TAP (Figure 2.1(4)). When diastolic depolarisation
is not only significant but also extensive, affecting
the entire or a large area of the ventricular wall, the
ECG usually records an abnormal Q wave (Q wave
of necrosis). The Q wave of necrosis is generated
asa consequence of the change induced by infarction in areas of LV that depolarises the first 4050
milliseconds (see p. 131 Theories to explain the Q
wave of necrosis, and Figures 5.2 and 5.3).
Anomalies in the mid-late part of QRS (as slurrings, rsr or very low voltage QRS in left precordial
leads) may occur, either isolated or with Q wave, as a
consequence of necrosis of areas of late depolarisation (Horan and Flowers, 1972; Horan, Flowers and
Johnson, 1971). Recently, it has been reported (Das
et al., 2006) that in coronary patients the presence
of these anomalies known as fractioned QRS has

130 PART I Electrocardiographic patterns of ischaemia, injury and infarction





Figure 5.2 (A) Normal ventricular depolarisation does not

generate measurable potentials in the subendocardium (1
and 2) because it is quite rapid, as this area is rich in
Purkinje fibres. Starting at the limit with the
subendocardium (3), morphologies with an increasingly
tall R wave (rS, RS and Rs) are being generated, until
reaching an R-wave morphology in the epicardial
recording (6). Consequently, when an experimental
necrosis is produced, it generates only a Q wave when it
reaches the subepicardium, because then measurable
necrosis vectors are generated. These vectors will become
larger, as they are moving away from a necrotic area that
also becomes larger. This generates qR morphologies in
(3), QR in (4) and (5), until attaining a QS complex when
the necrosis is transmural. Likewise, in clinical practice, a
transmural infarction gives rise to a QS complex (B), and an
infarction that involves the subendocardium and part of
the subepicardium, not being necessarily transmural (C),
generates QR morphology. Finally, an infarction that
involves the subendocardium and part of the
subepicardium, but in patches, sparing areas of
subepicardium close to the subendocardium, allows for the
development of normal depolarisation vectors from the
onset, but smaller which will be recorded as an R wave,
although with a lower voltage (D).

The presence of Q wave does not invariably imply

that the tissue is irreversibly injured i.e. dead
because in some cases when the ischaemia resolves,
such as in coronary spasm, the Q wave may be of a
transient nature (Table 5.5, p. 175).
On the other hand, we have to remind that Q wave
of infarction may be seen in absence of infarction
(Q wave without infarction) (see Differential di-

agnosis of the infarction Q wave p. 168) or that MI

may exist without Q waves (infarction without Q
wave) (see Myocardial infarction without Q wave
or equivalent p. 289).
Further ahead (see Diagnosis of Q-wave MI in
the presence of abnormal intraventricular conduction), (p. 170) the characteristics of an abnormal Q
wave in the presence of abnormal intraventricular
conduction will be dealt with.

Electrophysiological mechanism
of Q wave of necrosis
Ventricular activation and morphology
of the normal QRS complex and of the
MI with and without Q wave (Q-wave
MI vs non-Q wave MI)
Since almost 50 years (Cabrera, 1958), it has been
considered that subendocardium depolarisation
was silent from an electrical point of view, because,
as it is an area rich in Purkinje fibres, the electrical stimulus is distributed with such a velocity
through this network that the time it takes does not
allow for the creation of wavefronts with measurable
potentials (Figure 5.2A). Consequently, a QS morphology is recorded in the subendocardium, as well
as in the left-ventricular cavity (Figure 5.2A(12)).
Only when the stimulus reaches the subepicardium,
wavefronts begin to be generated, with the positive
electrical charges directed towards the epicardium,
thereby producing the R wave of the ventriculogram
(Figure 5.2A(36)).
It can thus be understood why exclusively subendocardium experimental infarction does not generate changes in the QRS complex and, therefore, does
not give rise to the development of Q waves. If part
of the subepicardium is affected, a QR morphology
is recorded (Figure 5.2C), as vector of infarctions
that move away from the area are generated. Thus,
increasingly deep Q waves can be observed as the involved subepicardium area increases. When the infarction is entirely transmural and homogeneous,
a QS complex is recorded (Figure 5.2B). When
the infarction spares the subepicardium area that
is in contact with the subendocardium, the activation fronts are generated and give rise to an R
wave, although the voltage of the R wave decreases
in accordance with the patched ventricular subepicardium areas involved (non-Q-wave infarction)
(Figure 5.2D). Thus, it is logical that in the clinical

CHAPTER 5 Electrocardiographic pattern of necrosis: abnormal Q wave 131




Figure 5.3 (A) Under normal conditions, the overall QRS

vector (R) is made up of the sum of the different
ventricular vectors (1 + 2 + 3 + 4). (B) When a necrotic
(infarcted) area exists, the vector of infarction has the
same magnitude as the previous vector, but has an
opposite direction (3). This change of direction of the
initial depolarisation electrical forces of a portion of the
heart, the necrotic (infarcted) area, also implies the change
of the overall vector direction (R). (C) The development of

a necrosis Q wave when a transmural infarction with

homogeneous involvement of the left ventricle exists may
be explained because the necrotic tissue, which is
non-activable, acts as an electrical window and allows for
the recording of the left ventricular intracavitary QRS
(which is a QS complex) from outside. The QS complex in
left ventricle is explained because the normal activation
vectors, 1, 2 and 3, are moving away from that cavity.

setting transmural infarctions with homogeneous

involvement of all wall generates a QS or QR morphology in most cases, according to the place from
which they are recorded (Figure 5.2B, C) or similar
mirror pattern morphologies (R wave in V1V2 in
some cases of the lateral infarction).
As we have previously affirmed, predominantly
subendocardium infarctions can generate an infarction Q wave if they affect subepicardium areas of the
ventricular wall that are in contact with the subendocardium, even though the wall is not homogeneously or necessarily transmurally affected. This
occurs because in these situations a vector of infarction can arise (Q wave) (Figure 5.2C). Only when
the stimulus reaches normal areas will an R wave be
generated (QR complex).
Currently, the CMR images with gadolinium injection have demonstrated in very elegant manner
(Mahrholdt et al., 2005a, b) how, after coronary
occlusion, a wavefront of infarction starts in the
subendocardium and evolves to a transmural infarction. With this technique it has been defined that
there are infarctions predominantly in the subendocardium or transmural but never subepicardial
(Figures 1.5 and 8.6) (see p. 216).

Theories to explain the Q wave of

The explanation of the Q wave of necrosis can be
made on the basis of the theory of the electrical
window of Wilson or on the formation of a vector of infarction. According to the first theory, the
transmural and homogeneous infarcted area acts
as an electrical window. Consequently, the electrode that faces that area records the negativity of
the intracavitary QRS complex (Q wave of necrosis). It should be reminded that a QS morphology
is recorded within the left-ventricular cavity, since
all the vectors are directed away from this cavity
(Figure 5.3A). Thus, when compromise of the wall
is important, even when we now know that it is not
always transmural and homogeneous, a pathologic
Q wave (QS complex) or QR complex in the bordering zones is recorded (Figure 5.3A).
According to the vector of infarction theory, the
infarction Q wave is of the same magnitude but in
opposite direction to the one normally generated
by the infarcted area (Figure 5.3B, C). The vector of
infarction, thus, moves away from the infarcted
area (see Figs. 5.35.5). For this reason, the
beginning of ventricular depolarisation changes its

In summary, according to what has been discussed, it is understood that in the presence of
an infarction that may affect extensive areas of
the entire wall, but with predominant subendocardial compromise, one can find pathological
Q waves on some occasions (Figure 5.2C) yet not
on others (Figure 5.2D).

CE-CMR correlations have confirmed this concept (see p. 10 and 140). More information referring to non-Q-wave infarctions is dealt with
in the second part of this book (see MI without
Q wave or equivalent) (p. 289).

132 PART I Electrocardiographic patterns of ischaemia, injury and infarction
















Figure 5.4 (A) Observe the comparison between the

normal activation and the activation in case of an
extensive anterior infarction. The vector of infarction is

directed backwards and through the correlation

loophemifield explains the appearance of the Q wave in
anterior leads. (B) Example of MI of anteroseptal zone.

direction when the infarcted area corresponds to an

area that depolarises within the first 40 milliseconds
of ventricular activation, which is what occurs with
most of the LV, with the exception of the basal areas.
Thus it is clear that the basal areas of the heart do not
generate Q wave. Therefore, the old concept that
R wave in V1 is a mirror image of Q wave recorded
in the back leads may not be any more accepted as
generated in the basal part of inferoposterior wall
of the heart (segment 4). Very recently (Bayes de
Luna, 2006a), the correlation with cardiovascular
magnetic resonance has demonstrated that the
pattern RS in V1 is due to lateral MI (specially
segments 11 and sometimes 12 and not to infarction of inferobasal segment 4 old posterior wall)
(see p. 139).

Diagnostic criteria of Q-wave MI

and its location in different walls
of the LV, in patients with normal
intraventricular conduction
In Figures 5.4 and 5.5 the changes that, as a consequence of the presence of the vector of infarction,
are generated in the ventricular depolarisation loops
in the presence of two prototype infarctions (anteroseptal and inferolateral areas, respectively) are
represented. Said changes explain the presence of Q
waves in the different leads by means of the loop
hemifield correlation. Some of the ECG morphologies and the QRS loops correlations in the seven
types of infarctions, according to the classification

CHAPTER 5 Electrocardiographic pattern of necrosis: abnormal Q wave 133














Figure 5.5 (A) See the comparison between normal

activation and activation in case of inferolateral infarction.
The vector of infarction is directed upwards and a

loophemifield correlation explains the appearance of a Q

wave in inferior leads. (B) Example of MI of inferolateral

used in this book, are shown in Figure 5.6. In this

figure the morphology of the loops is in agreement
with the changes in direction of the ventricular activation forces, related with the vector of infarction.
In the majority of QRS loops, the minimum number
of milliseconds has been drawn in the initial part of
the activation that must be affected to generate an
infarction Q wave or R wave in V1. Naturally, this
number varies according to the ventricular activation sequence, being lower, e.g. in the septal infarction (Figure 5.6A-1), than that in the lateral infarction (classically considered posterior infarction
see p. 138) (Figure 5.6B-1).
The leads that face the vector of infarction tail
record morphologies with the Q wave of necrosis
(QS or QR complexes). Throughout this book we
will use this concept vector of infarction and
changes that it generates in the morphology of
the QRS loop and its projection in its respective

hemifields to explain the different electrocardiographic patterns that are observed in infarctions
located in different areas of the heart with important and often transmural involvement (Q-wave infarction).
ECG criteria of Q wave (or equivalent) MI
Since the early beginning of the ECG, criteria have
been sought that would allow for the diagnosis of
MI. They consist in the presence of the necrosis Q
wave or equivalents, especially the presence of RS
morphology in V1 as a mirror image of Q wave
recorded in the back leads. The presence of Q wave
or RS in V1 as a mirror image is consequence of the
changes in the first 4050 milliseconds induced by
necrosis (vector of infaction).
Recently, it has been demonstrated by CMR
(Moon et al., 2004) that the presence of Q wave is
not indicative of transmural MI (p. 275). However,

134 PART I Electrocardiographic patterns of ischaemia, injury and infarction







CHAPTER 5 Electrocardiographic pattern of necrosis: abnormal Q wave 135

Table 5.1 Criteria for Q-wave abnormality according to the
classical criteria (Friedman, 1985).

Width (s)

Depth (mm)

Q/R Ratio (%)


0, 04



Q wave is normally absent in

these leads.









* To be considered a Q wave in III abnormal usually is required the presence of abnormal Q in II and/or VF. However
the presence of QS pattern is often abnormal. Sometimes
Q in lead III may be as much as 6 mm deep normally. Check
the decrease or disappearance of Q with deep inspiration.

QS may be seen in normal hearts in VL, usually in the pres-

ence of negative P wave (vertical heart) and in the absence

of abnormal Q in I and V6.

it is important to differentiate between MI with

and without Q wave, because the former usually
encompasses larger area (p. 276). It has already
been described that the infarction of late depolarisation zones is responsible for the changes of
the middle-late part of QRS (Horan, Flowers and
Johnson, 1971) that are expressed by a loss of voltage
of R wave especially in V5V6 and/or rsr morphology or slurrings in QRS in some leads (fractioned
QRS) (Das et al., 2006) (see p. 291).
The criteria of Q-wave MI encompass increase
of the width and deepness and changes in the Q/R
ratio. These criteria were based especially in epidemiological studies (Minnesotta code Blackburn et al., 1960; Kannel and Abbott, 1984; Kannel,
Cupples and Gagnon, 1990) and in different ECG
VCG correlations (Friedman, 1985). According to
this, Q waves were considered abnormal (Table
5.1) when in leads I, II and VF they were 0.04 seconds, equal to or greater than 2 mm in depth with a
Q/R ratio >0.25. The same consideration is for VL
but with Q/R ratio >0.50 in the presence of positive
P wave. When the voltage of R is low (5 mm or less),
Q/R ratios are not useful for diagnosis. In VL the QS
pattern may be seen as a normal variant usually in
the presence of negative P and asymmetric negative

T wave and in the absence of abnormal Q wave in

I and V6. Regarding Q wave in III, its significance
depends on whether Q waves are also present in VF
and II. Also is suggestive of MI the presence of R >
I mm in VR in the presence of Q in inferior leads.
The only presence of Q in lead III especially if is not
wide (>40 ms) is usually normal and frequently disappears with deep inspiration (Figure 5.42). These
criteria present a high specificity (>90%) but low
sensitivity (
With the aim to increase the sensitivity, different
ECGVCG correlation studies have been performed
(Starr et al., 1974, 1976; Warner et al., 1982), considering abnormal a width of Q wave 0.03 seconds
in inferior leads instead of 0.04 seconds and a
Q/R ratio >0.20 instead of >0.25 in the same leads
(Rios, 1977). However this was accompanied by a
loss of specificity. Later, in year 2000, the consensus
document of ESC/ACC (Alpert et al., 2000; Wagner
et al., 2000) established a new definition of MI
and considered the ECG changes that are seen in
stabilised MI (see Table 5.2). However, the criterion
given in this table does not include when Q wave in
III or RS in V1 are abnormal. Recently, Jensen et al.
(2006) in a retrospective study, and using as a gold
standard for diagnosis of MI the myocardial perfusing imaging studies, compared the classical criteria
(Table 5.1) and the criteria of the ESC/ACC consensus document (Table 5.2). This study shows the
comparative sensitivity, specificity and positive and
negative predictive value of both criteria. This comparison suggests that the ECG criteria of ESC/ACC
consensus are much less specific (60% vs 97%), resulting in an inappropriately high number of falsepositive results. Would it be important to perform
a prospective study using CE-CMR as a gold standard and comparing the classical criteria exposed
in Table 5.1 with the ECG criteria that have demonstrated to present the highest sensitivity and specificity in our comparative study with CMR and also
with the VCG criteria (see p. IX). (Bayes de Luna,
2006a; Wagner, 2001) (Table 5.3 and Figure 5.9).
We have to understand that there are subtle
changes in the first part of QRS that may be useful
to diagnose MI (Figure 5.7A) and that, on the other

Figure 5.6 QRS-loopsECG correlations found in seven

different ECG patterns of Q-wave MI according to the
classification presented in Figure 5.9. The numbers around
the loops represent the minimum number of milliseconds

affected by the necrosis that are necessary to generate a

Q wave. However, other patterns of QRS loops may also
be seen (see some examples in the next figures).

136 PART I Electrocardiographic patterns of ischaemia, injury and infarction

Table 5.2 Electrocardiographic changes in established MI.


1. Any QR wave in leads V1 through V3 30 ms

2. Abnormal Q wave in leads I, II, VL, VF or V4 through V6
in any two contiguous leads of at least 1 mm in depth,
although criteria for QRS depth require more research
3. Criteria to establish the diagnosis of posterior MI are not
clear and require further research
Adapted from Consensus ACC/ESC 2000 (Alpert, et al. 2000;
Wagner, et al. 2000, Table 6.2).

hand, sometimes a cancellation of vectors of necrosis, when the infarction encompasses two walls, explains that the ECG pattern does not reflect the true
extension of the infarcted area (Figure 5.7B).
To measure and quantify the mass of the infarcted
area, a score system has been developed by Selvester,
Wagner and Hindman (1985), although currently
CMR is the gold-standard technique for quantification of infarcted mass (see Quantification of the
infarcted area p. 285).

Table 5.3 Characteristics of the necrosis Q wave or its
equivalent* .
1. Duration: 30 ms in I, II, III , VL and VF, and in V3V6.
Frequently presents slurrings. The presence of a Q
wave is normal in VR. In V1V2, all Q waves are
pathologic; usually also in V3, except in case of
extreme levorotation (qRs in V3)
2. Q/R ratio: Lead I and II >25%, VL >50% and V6 >25%
even in presence of low R wave
3. Depth: above the limit considered normal for each lead,
i.e. generally 25% of the R wave (frequent exceptions,
especially in VL, III and VF)
4. Present even a small Q wave in leads where it does not
normally occur (for e.g. qrS in V1V3).
5. Q wave with decreasing voltage from V3V4 to V5V6,
6. Equivalents of a Q wave: V1: R-wave duration 40 ms,
and/or R-wave amplitude >3 mm and/or R/S ratio >0.5.
* The changes of mid-late part of QRS (low R wave in lateral leads and fractioned QRS, p. 129) are not included in
this list, which mentions only the changes of first part of
QRS (Q wave or equivalent).

The presence of isolated Q in lead III usually is non-

pathologic. Check changes with inspiration (see Figure

5.42). Usually in III and VF, Q R ratios are not valuable when
the voltage of R wave is low (<5 mm).

QS morphology may be seen in VL in a normal heart in

special circumstances (see Table 5.1).

Figure 5.7 (A) Two examples of how the VCG loops may
explain some ECG criteria of inferior MI. (1) In case of
superoanterior hemiblock (SAH) the presence of r II < III
favours associated infarction even in the absence of q
wave because sometimes in case of small inferior
infarction the area where the depolarisation begins in case
of SAH is preserved (see Figure 5.58). (2) Also the VCG
explains that Q wave in III starts later than that in II
because the first part of the loop fails in the border
between positive and negative hemifield of III. (B)
Proximal occlusion of a very long LAD whole anterior wall
and a part of inferior and lateral wall are involved. In this
situation, in some cases the ECG pattern may do not reflect
the infarcted area due to the cancellation (more gray
areas) of the vector of the middle segment of anterior wall
(which explains the Q wave in VL) and the vector of
inferior necrosis (which explains the Q wave in inferior
leads). In this case only Q waves in some precordial leads
may be recorded. The more basal part of anterior wall that
is also usually infarcted does not generate Q wave of
necrosis due to late depolarisation.

CHAPTER 5 Electrocardiographic pattern of necrosis: abnormal Q wave 137

Location of Q-wave MI
The characteristics of Q-wave MI in different leads
to locate MI were based on anatomic correlations
(Myers et al., 1948a, b; Horan and Flowers, 1972;
Horan, Flowers and Johnson, 1971). Some studies
performed on haemodynamic (Warner et al., 1982,
1986) and imaging (Bogaty et al., 2002) correlations have also been done. In spite of the differences
in terminology it was generally considered that the
MI may be clustered in three groups: MI of inferoposterior area (II, III and VF inferior MI, and RS
in V1V2 as a mirror pattern posterior MI), anteroseptal area (V1V2 septal and V3V4 anterior)
and lateral area (I and VL high-lateral and V5V6
low-lateral MI) (p. 22).
However, as we have stated previously (see p. 23),
there are several limitations to this classification
that make it necessary to establish a new classification of the location of MI based on CMR correlation, which is really the gold standard for the
non-invasive detection of the infarcted area. In the
following pages we will comment about all the aspects of this new classification.

New classification of the location of

Q-wave MI based on the correlation
between the Q wave and the infarcted
area as assessed by CE-CMR
(Bayes de Luna, Batcharor and Malik, 2006; Bayes
de Luna, Fiol and Antman, 2006; Cino et al., 2006).
The most important limitations of classical classification (see p. 23) are:
(a) The basal parts of the heart depolarise after 40
50 milliseconds (Durrer et al., 1970). Therefore, the
R wave in V1 (equivalent of Q) cannot correspond
to an infarction of the inferobasal segment of the
inferior wall (classically posterior wall), as has been
considered for decades (Perloff, 1964).
(b) An infarction may not be classified as being of
one type or another, depending on the involvement
or not of a single precordial lead, especially V3
V5, since the QRS morphology recorded from these
leads depends on how electrodes are placed and/or
on the patients body-build.
(c) Additionally, classification based on pathological correlations only allow for the precise location
of MI of patients that have died, usually the most
extensive, and furthermore the heart is evaluated
outside of the thorax, in a situation completely dif-

ferent from a normal assessment of the anatomy of

the heart in humans. Other limitations have been
exposed previously (p. 23).
Gadolinium-enhanced CMR, on the contrary,
allows for a real anatomic view of the heart within
the thorax and for the real location of the infarcted
area in all types of infarction. These correlations
have given to us the following crucial information
that can now be summarised as follows:
(a) Often the basal part of inferior (former inferoposterior) wall follows the same direction of the
mid-apical parts of the wall (Figure 1.12).
(b) In cases that the basal inferior wall (segment
4) bends upward this has not ECG repercussion,
even in rare cases that the most part of inferior wall
(segments 4 and 10) are truly posterior as may occur
rarely in very lean individuals, because the vector of
infarction of this part of inferior wall (former inferoposterior wall) faces V3V4 and does not change
the morphology of V1, as it was thought (Perloff,
1964). On the contrary, the infarction vector of lateral wall faces V1 and may explain the RS morphology in this lead (Figures 1.10 and 1.11).
(c) Sometimes, even when the MI involves the segment 4 (old posterior wall), the infarcted area is
non-transmural. This is probably due to double perfusion (RCA + LCX) that often receives this basal
These anatomical correlations, together with the
electrophysiological evidence that the posterior wall
(now named inferobasal segment) depolarise after
4050 milliseconds, allow us to conclude the following:
(a) The posterior wall either does not exist or,
at least, does not have any repercussion on the
changes of the first part of QRS (Q wave or equivalent). Therefore, in accordance with the statement of AHA (Cerqueira, Weissman and Disizian,
2002), it is better to delete the word posterior
and to consider that the best names for the four
walls of the heart are anterior, septal, lateral and
(b) The RS pattern inV1 is explained by lateral MI and not by MI of inferobasal (posterior)
(c) Consequently, Figure 5.8 shows the difference between the classic concept of inferior,
posterior and inferoposterior MI to explain Q in
inferior leads and RS in V1, and the new concept

138 PART I Electrocardiographic patterns of ischaemia, injury and infarction














IV: Infarction vector




IV = Infarction vector

Figure 5.8 Above: Left side shows the involved area in

case of inferior, posterior and inferoposterior MI with the
classical ECG patterns in chronic phase according to the old
concept; right side shows that with the new concept
exposed in this book the name posterior disappears, the RS
pattern in V1 is explained by lateral MI and the MI of the
inferobasal segment of inferior wall (classically posterior
wall) does not generate Q wave because it is a zone of late

depolarisation. Therefore, the MIs of the inferolateral zone

are clustered in three groups: inferior (Q in II, III and VF),
lateral (RS in V1 and/or abnormal Q in lateral leads) and
inferolateral (both patterns). Below: (A) Anatomic position
of the heart that explains the old concept (RS in V1 due to
involvement of segment 4 (old posterior wall)). (B, C)
Anatomic real position according to CMR correlations that
explain that lateral MI originates RS in V1 (see Figure 1.12).

of inferior, lateral and inferolateral MI to demonstrate thanks to CMR correlation that the inferobasal (posterior) MI does not originate RS
morphology in V1, which is generated by MI of
lateral wall (Figures 5.8 and 5.9).
Bearing all this in mind, we study the correlation
between the infarcted area in different walls due to
occlusion in different locations of three coronary arteries (STE-ACS evolving to Q-wave MI) and leads
with infarction Q waves based on two standpoints:
(1) from the CMR to ECG, and (2) from the ECG
to CMR.

1. To assess, based on the infarcted areas as defined by CE-CMR, what electrocardiographic patterns best correlate with those areas: from the
CMR area of MI to leads with Q wave in the ECG
(Figure 5.9). Seven infarcted areas due to first MI
have been found to have a good correlation with
seven electrocardiographic patterns (Cino et al.,
2006). Four of these are located in the anteroseptal zone, while the remaining three in the inferolateral zone, the former being secondary to occlusions in different segments of the LAD and its
branches and the latter due to RCA or LCX occlusion

Figure 5.9 Correlations between the different myocardial

infarction (MI) types with their infarction area assessed by
contrast-enhanced (CE) CMR, ECG pattern, name given to
the infarction and the most probable place of coronary
artery occlusion. Due to frequent reperfusion treatment

usually the coronary angiography performed in the

subacute phase does not correspond to the real location of
the occlusion that produced the MI. The gray zones seen in
bulls-eye view correspond to infarction areas and the
arrows to its possible extension.

CHAPTER 5 Electrocardiographic pattern of necrosis: abnormal Q wave 139



ECG pattern


Q in V1V2
SE: 100%
SP: 97%


Infarction area (CE-CMR)


2 8



Q in V1V2 to V3V6

SE: 85%
SP: 98%




Q in V1V2 to V4V6,
I and aVL

SE: 83%
SP: 100%



2 8







SE: 67%
SP: 99%





14 17 16
3 9



14 17 16
4 9

Q (qs or qr) in aVl (I)

and sometimes in V2V3

RS in V1V2 and/or Q
wave in leads I, aVL,
V6 and/or diminished
R wave in V6


14 17 16
3 9

SE: 67%
SP: 100%




14 17 16
3 9

Most probable
Place of occlusion




14 17 16
3 9



Q in II, III, aVF

SE: 88%
SP: 97%






12 6
14 17 16
3 9




Q in II, III, Vf (B2)

and Q in I, VL, V5V6
and/or RS in V1 (B1)
SE: 73%
SP: 98%


14 17 16
3 9

140 PART I Electrocardiographic patterns of ischaemia, injury and infarction

Table 5.4 Proportions of agreement between electrocardiographic patterns and contrast-enhanced cardiovascular
magnetic resonance for the different myocardial infarction locations and their 95% confidence interval. (Bayes de Luna
Myocardial infarction location

Proportions of Agreement

95% Confidence Interval

ECG pattern*

Expected by chance


Lower limit

Upper limit







Apical- Anterior






Extensive Anterior






Mid- Anterior





























CE-CMR, contrast-enhanced cardiovascular magnetic resonance.

* ECG pattern: A1: Q in V1V2; A2: Q in V1V2 to V3V6; A-3: Q in V1V2 to V4V6, I and aVL; A-4: Q (qs or qr) in aVL (I)
and sometimes in V2V3; B-1: RS in V1V2 and/or Q wave in leads I, aVL, V6 and/or diminished R wave in V6; B-2: Q in II, III,
aVF; B-3: Q in II, III, Vf (B2) and Q in I, VL, V5V6 and/or RS in V1 (B1) (see Figure 5.9).
From Bayes dc Luna (2006).

(Figure 5.9). The infarcted areas, the coronary arteries potentially responsible for the infarction and the
seven electrocardiographic patterns can all be seen
in Figure 5.9. The names given to these areas correspond to the part of the LV that is more involved. We
have avoided names which represent involvement of
more than one wall in order to be more concrete and
because semantically a short name sounds much
better. However, we know that this does not correspond exactly to the reality. Figure 5.9 shows some
of the limitations of these names (i.e. mid-anterior
MI also encompasses some part of mid-lateral wall).
To define a Q wave of necrosis we have used
the characteristics of Q wave shown in Table 5.3.
According to that, the electrocardiographic criteria of the areas of infarction detected by CECMR (septal, apical-anterior, mid-anterior, extensive anterior, lateral, inferior and inferolateral)
can be defined with a high specificity and, generally, except for mid-anterior and lateral MI, with
relatively good sensitivity. However, these results
have to be confirmed in a larger series. Some of
their patterns encompass different morphologies
(see Figure 5.9).
2. Once we found that the above-mentioned detected infarcted areas present characteristic ECG

patterns, we assess if a post-MI patient with one of

the referred electrocardiographic patterns would
exhibit an infarct located in the above-mentioned
area: from the leads with Q wave in the ECG
to CMR areas with MI (Bayes de Luna 2006a).
The concordance of such seven patterns with the
seven corresponding areas has been shown to be
good (>85%), and also the proportion of agreement
(Table 5.4) (Bayes de Luna 2006a). Therefore the
proper use of these patterns may be very useful to
locate the infarction area.
A committee appointed by the International Society of Holter and Non-Invasive ECG (Bayes de
Luna 2006b) has reached an agreement about the
names given to the walls of the heart and the different types of Q-wave infarctions that are presented
in Figure 5.9. Following, each of the seven electrocardiographic patterns will be presented and
discussed (Figure 5.9), focusing on (a) what is the
involved LV (segments) and, with the expressed
limitations, not only what the occluded artery is,
but also the most probable site of occlusion causing
the infarction; (b) how the electrocardiographic
pattern is generated based on the changes caused
in the QRS loop by the vector of infarction moving
away from the infarcted area.

CHAPTER 5 Electrocardiographic pattern of necrosis: abnormal Q wave 141



Figure 5.10 Example of small septal MI (type A1). ECG (Q

in V1V2). Most probable place of occlusion, CE-CMR
images and VCG loops (see Figure 5.6). The infarct

Types of infarctions in the anteroseptal

area: presence of Q waves or their
equivalent in the precordial leads and/or
I and VL (Figure 5.9A)
5.9-A1). Q waves in V1V2 (Figures 5.105.12).
This corresponds to septal infarction.
(a) When is this pattern observed? Its correlation with the infarcted area and the most probable culprit coronary artery.
It is called septal infarction because it corresponds to infarcted area that involves more or less
extensive part of septal wall (especially segments
8, 9 and 14) (Figures 5.10 and 5.11). The midinferior segments (especially segments 8 and 9)

extension encompasses some anterior and septal
segments: 1 and 2 (A), 7 and 8 (B) and 13 and 14 (C)
(Figures 1.8 and 5.9).

must be involved for the Q wave to develop since

it is in this area where the first vector has been basically generated. Frequently, a certain extension
to the neighbouring segments of the anterior wall
exists (1 and 7) (Figures 5.10 and 5.11).
The infarction is generally a consequence of
non-complete LAD occlusion,which has partly
or totally involved the septal branches, but not
the diagonal branches, or due to complete distal
occlusion of LAD after all the diagonal branches
take off. Otherwise, the infarction would be of
the A-2 type (apical-anterior). On some rare
occasions it may be secondary to the exclusive occlusion of one septal branch (Figure 4.29). This
may occur spontaneously or during the course

142 PART I Electrocardiographic patterns of ischaemia, injury and infarction



Figure 5.11 Example of a huge septal MI (type A-1) ECG

criteria (Q in V1V2 with rS in V3), most probable place of
occlusion (more extended than in Figure 5.10), CE-CMR
images and VCG loops. The septal infarction is very

of a PCI (Tamura, Kataoka and Mikuriya, 1991),

or chemical ablation, in the case of hypertrophic
(b) How does this ECG pattern arise? (Figure
Since the high-septal area is depolarised after
the first 40 milliseconds, the infarction of this area
does not generate vector of infarction that can
originate Q waves. In these cases, changes the final
portions of the QRS complex may be present.
For the typical pattern of this type of infarction
to appear, it is required, then, that the infarction
involves the middle-low portion of the septum.
The other parts may or may not be involved.

extensive encompassing the greatest part of the septal wall
less the most inferior, at all levels basal (A), mid (B) and
apical (C). There is small extension towards the anterior
wall at mid and apical level (arrows) (Figures 1.8 and 5.9).

The QS pattern in V1V2 and sometimes in

huge septal infarction small r in V3 (rS pattern)
(see Figures 5.10 and 5.11) is due to infarction
vector that is directed posteriorly and generates changes in the first part of QRS loop, which
is also directed posteriorly or, in small infarctions, is very slightly anterior. An example of the
ECGVCG correlation in the acute phase of a septal infarction is shown in Figure 5.12. Therefore,
the QRS loop is normal, except for the first few
milliseconds, where it is usually not directed anteriorly in the HP (see Figure 5.9A(1) and 5.12).
A-2. Electrocardiographic pattern type A-2
(Figure 5.9-A2): Q wave in V1V2 to V3V6

CHAPTER 5 Electrocardiographic pattern of necrosis: abnormal Q wave 143

Electrocardiographic pattern of the septal infarction (Figure 5.9A(1))

The ECG patterns of septal infarctions may be a

little different, depending on the size of MI:
(a) Small septal MI usually presents QS in V1
and qrS in V2 with a T wave that may be positive
or negative in V2V3.

(b) Large septal MI presents QS in V1V2 and

usually rS in V3 with a negative T wave, but depending on where the V3 electrode is placed, a qrS
or rS pattern may or may not be seen in this lead.

(Figures 5.135.17). This electrocardiographic

pattern corresponds to the so-called apicalanterior infarction. Compared to the A-1 pattern, it exhibits a Q wave (QS or qr morphology)
beyond lead V2 and usually beyond V3.

(a) When is this pattern observed? Its correlation with the infarcted area and the most probable culprit coronary artery (Figures 5.135.16).
It is called apical-anterior infarction because it corresponds to infarcted area usually

Figure 5.12 ECGVCG of a patient with evolving Q-wave

septal MI. (A) The VCG loops with the beginning of
depolarisation directed nearly backwards (see H and S
planes). (B) Acute septal MI (ST-segment elevation V1V4
with Q in V1V2 and small ST-segment depression in II, III,
VF and V6). The presence of mild ST-segment depression in

inferior leads do not assure the place of occlusion in

relation to D1. However, the ST-segment elevation clearly
seen in V1 favours that the occlusion is located proximal to
S1 ( ST V1 + ST VR + ST V6 > 0) and that the MI
involves septal but probably not very much diagonal
branches (see Figure 4.43).

144 PART I Electrocardiographic patterns of ischaemia, injury and infarction



Figure 5.13 Example of apical-anterior MI (type A-2). ECG

criteria (Q in precordial leads beyond V2), most probable
place of occlusion, CE-CMR images and VCG loops. (A) See
the lack of basal involvement. (B) and (C) Transverse

circumscripted to segments of the apical part of

the LV (13, 14, 15, 16 and 17). Sometimes there
is more extension to anterior and septal walls,
involving at least part of the middle and lower
septal area, which generates the first vector but
not arriving the infarction to the basal areas of
both walls. Generally, the lateral wall is the least
involved being the mid segment (segment 12)
usually spared. The inferior wall involvement depends on the length of the LAD (the so-called
anteroinferior infarction).
The typical apical-anterior infarction is a consequence of LAD occlusion, clearly distal to the
D1 and S1. If there is anteroseptal extension, it is
usually due to non-complete LAD occlusion im-



transections involving especially in the most apical part,

the anterior, septal and inferior wall with small lateral
involvement, and in (D) sagittal-like view with important
apical-inferior and -anterior involvement.

mediately below the take-off of the S1 and D1,

which involves not only the middle and lower septal branches, but also the diagonal branches below D1. When the LAD is long, an infarction that
involves the apical area, but also a greater part of
inferior and septal walls, is generated. The involvement of the anterior wall, compared to what
is observed in a septal infarction, is larger, but
the basal anterior wall, usually a part of middleanterior wall, and the basal and mid-lateral wall
are preserved. Should that occur, the LAD occlusion would be proximal to the take-off of the
S1 and D1; it would thus be an extensive anterior MI (type A-3 infarction). The inferior wall
involvement will be larger when the LAD wraps

CHAPTER 5 Electrocardiographic pattern of necrosis: abnormal Q wave 145



Figure 5.14 Other example of apical-anterior MI smaller

than the one given in Figure 5.13. In sagittal view (B) it is
well seen that the inferior involvement is even larger than
the anterior involvement and in mid-transverse (C) and

the apex. Examples of apical-anterior infarction

with more or less anteroseptal extension and with
less lateral extension (no involvement of segment
12) with their corresponding correlation with the
CMR are shown in Figures 5.135.15.
(b) How does the ECG pattern arise? (Figure
The typical pattern of apical-anterior MI (QS
in V1V4) with more or less extension up to V6,
but not in leads I and VL, is explained by the
infarction vector directing posteriorly, but not
rightwards, since not much lateral involvement
is present (the 6 and 12 segment are spared).
Consequently, the QRS loop is oriented generally posteriorly from the beginning and, sometimes, with initial forces directed anteriorly, but



low-transverse (D) transections the MI is seen especially in

(D) (septal and inferior involvement). The involvement of
the low part of septum is well seen in (A).

which suddenly turn backwards with a clockwise

or counter-clockwise rotation; however, due to
less involvement of lateral wall, most of the loop
is located to the left, which explains why no Q
wave (QS or QR) is recorded in leads I and VL
(Figures 5.9A(2) and 5.17).
In some infarctions with QS pattern from V1
to V4, the presence of a Q wave is observed in
II, III, and VF, with qr or QS pattern. This
occurs in typical apical infarctions, but not in
case of important anteroseptal extension (Figure 5.16), since in the former, inferior infarction
is frequently as important or more than anterior infarction, with the infarction vector of inferior wall and the corresponding loop in the
FP, being directed upwards (Figure 5.16A). In

146 PART I Electrocardiographic patterns of ischaemia, injury and infarction






Figure 5.15 The ECG pattern of apical-anterior infarction

(type A-2) with important anteroseptal extension as may
be seen in this example but preserving the basal area of
septum (D) and anterior wall (E). The lateral extension only
involves the low part (D). The lack of involvement of
segment 12 and lesser involvement of segment 7 are the

most important differences between apical-anterior

infarction with anteroseptal extension and extensive
anterior MI (see Figures 5.15 and 5.18). (A)(C) CMR image
of transverse transection. (D) and (E) the septal and
anterior extension.

apical-anterior infarction with anteroseptal extension, in turn the infarction vector of the inferior wall is probably cancelled out by the forces
of the infarction vector of the anterior wall, and
therefore no Q wave is recorded in II, III and VF
(Figure 5.16C). As a matter of fact, if tall R waves
are present in inferior leads, the involvement of
inferior wall is probably absent (short LAD).
This electrocardiographic pattern (QS in V1
to V4V6), as has already been mentioned, may
be seen in apical-anterior MI with and without
evident anteroseptal extension. In case of very
distal LAD occlusion the sensitivity of this pattern is lower, since apical infarctions secondary to
a very distal LAD occlusion allow for the recording of the first vector (rS in V1V2), and the Q

wave may be seen just in the inferior wall leads; in

fact, the ECG may even be normal (Giannuzzi et
al., 1989). It should also be reminded that sometimes an rS pattern is seen in V1V2 in case of
apical MI with Q wave in most of the remaining
precordial leads, but without a Q wave in leads I
and VL. This pattern may be explained by an infarction vector generated in the mid-low-lateral
wall facing V1V3 when the D1 branch is small,
and the perfusion of the lateral wall is shared
by OM branch and middle or distal diagonal
There are also some rare cases in which
a type A-2 electrocardiographic pattern of
apical-anterior MI may be seen in cases of MI
due to proximal LAD occlusion. In these cases

CHAPTER 5 Electrocardiographic pattern of necrosis: abnormal Q wave 147



Figure 5.16 (A, B) Example of apical-anterior infarction

with inferior involvement equal to or greater than the
anterior. There is Q wave in inferior leads that is not usually








seen in cases of apical-anterior MI with anteroseptal

involvement greater than the inferior involvement (C).









Figure 5.17 ECG and VCG of a patient with apical-anterior MI (Q wave beyond V2). The VCG loop explains the ECG
morphology (loophemifield correlation).

148 PART I Electrocardiographic patterns of ischaemia, injury and infarction

the LAD is very long and perfuses, in addition to the entire anterior cardiac wall, part of
the mid- and low-lateral and septal walls and a
large region of the inferior wall. In these situations, which are rare and represent a large infarction, the ECG may be misleading, and a QS
pattern may be seen just from V1 to V4V5, without a Q wave in I and VL, sometimes with a
qR pattern in V6. This is probably due to vectors of infarction of inferior and mid-anterior
walls being mutually cancelled out, preventing
the generation of Q waves in I and VL and in
II, III and VF and leading to a false impression
of an apical-anterior infarction (Takatsu et al.,
1988; Takatsu, Osugui and Nagaya, 1986) (see
Figure 5.7B).
A-3. Electrocardiographic pattern type A-3
(Figure 5.9-A3): Q waves from V1 to V3V6, I
and/or VL (Figures 5.18 and 5.19). This pattern corresponds to extensive anterior infarction. Compared to the A-2 pattern, this one also
exhibits a Q wave (QS or QR) in VL and, sometimes, in lead I.
(a) When is this pattern recorded? Its correlation with the infarcted area and the most probable culprit coronary artery.
It is called extensive anterior infarction because it corresponds to large areas of not only the
anterior and septal walls, but also the low- and

mid-lateral walls (segments 12 and 16), including

at least part of the anterior and/or septal basal areas. The lateral basal area is not involved, since it
is perfused by the LCX. However, the middle and
apical lateral segments are usually involved and
it explains the presence of Q in VL and/or I leads.
Inferior wall involvement depends on the length
of LAD. Thus, the segments more compromised
are 7, 8, 13, 17 and 14 and parts of segments 1, 2,
9, 12, 15 and 16 (Figures 5.18 and 5.19).
The pattern of the extensive anterior infarction is usually explained by proximal LAD occlusion,above the take-off of the S1 and D1
branches. Naturally, the infarction also extends
to the apical area and here the four walls are
always involved (except when the LAD is very
short). But the difference with the apical-anterior
infarction lies in that in the latter; although anteroseptal wall may be involved, the basal portion
of LV is spared and the involvement of lateral wall
is lesser. The extensive anterior infarction, on the
other hand, reaches the mid-lateral wall and the
basal areas in some walls, generally the anterior
and septal walls, but not lateral wall (Figure 5.18),
because as we have already said the basal segments
of lateral wall, even the anterior portion, are perfused by the LCX (OM) (see Figure 5.4C).
(b) How is the ECG pattern explained? (Figures
5.18 and 5.19)

Electrocardiographic pattern of apical-anterior infarction (Figure 5.9A(2))

r AQwaveinV1toV3V6maybeseeninapicalanterior infarction with or without anteroseptal

extension. The presence of a Q wave in II, III and
VF supports that inferior infarction being equal
to or more important than anterior infarction; is
a typical apical infarction.
r A QS pattern from V1V2 to V3V6 may be
due in some rare cases to the proximal occlusion
of a very long LAD and, as a result, the infarction is larger. It is explained by the cancelling out
of the inferior and mid-anterior vector of infarctions, which precludes the recording of a Q wave
in the inferior and VL leads (Figure 5.7B).
r The smallest apical-anterior infarctions due
to very distal LAD occlusion often do not exhibit

a QS pattern from V1 to V4. In 20% of cases the

ECG may even be normal.
r A thorough assessment of II, III and VF provides useful information about anteroseptal involvement in the cases of apical-anterior MI. If
infarction Q waves are present in II, III and VF,
the infarction of inferior wall probably equally or
predominantly involves this wall with respect to
the anterior wall (very long LAD). If tall R waves
are present in II, III and VF, the inferior involvement is probably small or absent (short LAD).
r Sometimes there is an rS morphology in V1
V2 with Q in other precordial leads. This corresponds to apical-anterior infarction with more lateral than septal involvement (R wave in V1V2).

CHAPTER 5 Electrocardiographic pattern of necrosis: abnormal Q wave 149






Figure 5.18 Example of an extensive anterior MI (type A-3)

(Q in precordial leads and VL with qrs in I). Most probable
place of occlusion, CE-CMR area and the VCG loops of this
case. CE-CMR images show the extensive involvement of
septal, anterior and lateral walls, less the highest part of
the lateral wall. The involvement of segment 12 explains
that in this MI there is a Q in VL that is not present in MI of

apical-anterior type even in the presence of anteroseptal

extension. (A) Oblique sagittal view. (B) Longitudinal axis
view. (CE) Transverse view. The inferior wall is the only
spared. The LAD is not very large and therefore the inferior
involvement is not extensive (see (A)). Due to that there is
QS in aVL and R in II, III and aVF together with Q in V1V5.

In this case, significant extensive anteroseptal involvement, especially the middle and lower
portions, and also lateral involvement (midlow wall), explains that the infarction vector is
directed posteriorly rightwards and sometimes
downwards (Figure 5.35), and generates a loop
that usually rotates clockwise in the FP, but in
HP rotates clockwise (QR in V6) (Figure 5.19)
or counter-clockwise (RS in V6) (Figure 5.35).
Therefore, a Q wave is seen in most of the precordial leads, V1 to V4V6 and in VL and I, QR or
RS pattern may be seen (Figures 5.19 and 5.35).
The pattern of extensive anterior infarction with

RS pattern or predominant R wave in II, III and

VF is observed when the LAD is not very long
and does not greatly involve the inferior cardiac
wall (Figures 5.18 and 5.35).
On rare occasions apical-anterior infarctions
especially with anteroseptal extension that corresponds to A-2 pattern presents with an ECG of
type A-3 (extensive anterior), because an abnormal pattern is recorded not only in precordial but
also in leads I and VL (QS and QR patterns). The
changes caused by cardiac rotation (levorotation)
or the presence of LVH, among other factors, may
at least partially explain it. In the levorotated and

150 PART I Electrocardiographic patterns of ischaemia, injury and infarction

Figure 5.19 ECG and VCG of a patient

with extensive anterior MI (type A-3
ECG pattern). Observe Q wave in all
precordial leads and in leads I and VL.
The correlation VCG loophemifield
explains the ECG morphology.

horizontalised heart observed in very obese individuals, the LV may be more exposed to the
lateral leads (I, VL and V5V6) and, under this
circumstance, the Q wave of necrosis with negative T wave may be more clearly seen in such
leads. In verticalised hearts, with dextrorotation,
the QS pattern with negative P and T waves is
occasionally seen in VL. However, under normal
conditions, in these cases, the QS pattern in VL
is thin and narrow and, on the contrary, in the
presence of an infarction, it frequently exhibits
a lower voltage and slurrings, with the negative
T wave being more symmetric and evident and
without QS pattern in I (see Figures 3.27 and
It has already been stated that in some large
anterior infarctions, no Q wave is seen in I and
VL. This may occur in cases of proximal occlusion
of a very long LAD, which may cause an inferior
infarction that counterbalances the Q wave of the
infarction of the mid-anterior area (Takatsu et al.,
1988; Takatsu, Osugui and Nagaya, 1986) (Figure
A-4. Electrocardiographic pattern type A-4
(Figure 5.9-A4): Q wave in VL and often I without abnormal q in V6 and, sometimes, with a
q wave in V2V3 (Figures 5.205.22). It corresponds to the mid-anterior infarction.

(a) When is this pattern recorded? Its correlation with the infarcted area and the culprit
coronary artery.
It is called mid-anterior infarction because
it corresponds to an infarcted area that mainly
involves the mid-anterior wall with extention to
mid-lateral wall and also to the basal and lowanterior and low-lateral wall. It involves segment
7 and parts of segments 13 and 12, and, on occasion, parts of segments 1 and 16 (Figures 5.20
and 5.21).
A QS or qr morphology is seen in VL in
the typical cases (Figures 5.20 and 5.21), but
abnormal q waves are generally never present
in V5V6. A low-voltage r or q wave may
be seen in lead I, and small q or lack of increase of voltage of R wave may also be seen
in V2V3.
This is due to a selective occlusion of first
diagonal (D1), sometimes the second diagonal (D2), or to a non-complete occlusion of the
LAD, involving the first diagonal branches but
not the septal branches. Since the high-lateral
wall is perfused by the LCX, generally by its OM
and not by the diagonal branches, the high-lateral
wall is not necrosed when a Q wave develops (QS)
in VL (and/or lead I) in the absence of Q in V5
V6 due to occlusion of first diagonal branch. On

CHAPTER 5 Electrocardiographic pattern of necrosis: abnormal Q wave 151

Electrocardiographic pattern of extensive anterior versus apical-anterior MI (Figures

5.9A(2) and A(3))

Some limitations exist in the presence of Q waves

in the precordial leads with respect to knowing
the real extension of the infarction. This is especially true when distinguishing between the
apical-anterior infarction (type A-2) and the extensive anterior infarction (type A-3).
r Infarctions with a Q wave in V1V4 and
sometimes qrs or qR in V5V6 usually with a
negative T wave correspond to apical-anterior
infarction (distal occlusion of LAD) with or
without anteroseptal extension, and most of the
cases that in addition to having a Q wave in the
precordial leads exhibit QS or QR patterns in VL
(and/or lead I) corresponding to an extensive anterior infarction (proximal occlusion of LAD).

r As regards the infarcted area, apical-anterior

infarctions do not affect a large portion of the
left-ventricular lateral wall, while in extensive
anterior this wall is more affected.
r In a few cases, the electrocardiographic patterns of apical-anterior infarction (Q wave in
the precordial leads, but not in leads I and aVL)
correspond to extensive anterior infarctions
(Figure 5.7). Additionally, in some rare cases,
electrocardiographic patterns of extensive anterior infarction (Q wave in the precordial leads
and I and aVL) correspond, in fact, to apicalanterior infarctions.

Figure 5.20 Example of mid-anterior MI (type A-4) (QS in
VL without Q in V5V6), most probable place of occlusion,
CE-CMR area and the VCG loop in this case. CE-CMR



images show mid-low-anterior and lateral wall

involvement (BC) but not involvement of basal part (A).

152 PART I Electrocardiographic patterns of ischaemia, injury and infarction



Figure 5.21 Another ECG example of mid-anterior MI (QR

in VL) with small r in V2. The CE-CMR shows involvement
of mid-anterior (A) and part of basal (B) and mid (C)

occasions, small q in V2V3 or decrease of r

wave from V1 to V2 may be seen. This ECG pattern is due to D1 occlusion (Birnbaum et al.,
(b) How does the ECG pattern arise (Figure
The infarction vector from this infarcted area
generates a loop that in FP is directed somewhat rightwards and upwards and then rotates
counter-clockwise downwards and somewhat
leftwards. The loop looks like folded over itself
and is located in the FP slightly in the negative
hemifield of VL, which explains the QS or lowvoltage qr pattern in VL that is seen frequently
and the qrs complex that may be observed in
lead I (Figure 5.22). In HP often in the chronic



anterior wall but only small involvement of lateral wall

(CD). This explains probably that the morphology in VL is
QR instead of QS.

phase there are no significant changes in the rotation of the loop because, frequently, the ECG is
nearly normal. On the contrary, in some cases in
the acute phase, we have seen that a striking STsegment upward deviation in V2, which although
in some cases may become an infarction q wave
in the chronic phase, is often of a transient nature.
The mid-anterior infarction produced by D1
occlusion (segments 7 and 12, especially) may exhibit a QS pattern in VL. This sign is specific but
not very sensitive. When the infarction is small,
a Q wave is usually seen, but often with a QR
pattern (QR) with normal morphology in V5
V6 (Figure 5.21). On the contrary, a lateral infarction due to LCX occlusion (OM) (segments
5, 6, 11 and 12 in particular) may sometimes

CHAPTER 5 Electrocardiographic pattern of necrosis: abnormal Q wave 153






























Figure 5.22 ECG patterns of acute and chronic

mid-anterior MI. (A) Acute phase shows the ST-segment
elevation in I and VL with in this case mild-ST-segment
depression in V3 probably due to association of LCX
involvement (see ST-segment changes in patients with

exhibit an RS pattern in V1 and/or a low-voltage

R wave in VL, or even qr, but generally without QS morphology, and/or a low-voltage qr
or r pattern is seen in V5V6 (<56 mm) (see
Figure 5.23).
We will now remind the ECG differences in
acute and chronic phase in case of D1 occlusion
and OM occlusion. During the acute phase of
infarction due to D1 occlusion (Figure 5.22A),
an ST-segment elevation is seen in I and VL and
frequently in several precordial leads, sometimes
even from V2V3 to V6, with, generally, an ST-

active ischaemia due to multivessel disease). (B) Chronic

phase shows QS in VL and qrs in I with some reduction of
r wave in V2V3 and negative T wave in left precordial
leads due to involvement of LCX. (C) The VCG loop that
explains the ECG pattern of VL in chronic phase.

segment depression in the inferior leads, since

the injury vector is directed upwards. In circumflex (OM) occlusion, on the other hand, it is frequently seen that ST-segment elevation is present
not only in I and/or VL, but also in II, III and VF
(Figure 4.40). The reason is that the injury vector is not directed as upwards as in D1 occlusion
(compare Figures 4.26 with 4.39). Furthermore,
in an ACS due to OM occlusion, there is generally also a slight depression in V2V3 (Figure
4.40), while in D1 occlusion, as we have already
said, an ST-segment elevation may be seen in the

154 PART I Electrocardiographic patterns of ischaemia, injury and infarction



Figure 5.23 Example of lateral MI with RS in V1 (type B-1).

See the most probable place of occlusion, the CE-CMR area
and the VCG loops. The CE-CMR images show that in this

precordial leads (sometimes as from V2) (Figure

4.27) that in chronic phase may or may not convert in a small q in V2V3 or a decrease of r wave
(Figure 5.22). In some cases, in D1 occlusion, the
injury vector may be directed somewhat posteriorly, thereby explaining the slight ST-segment
depression that is sometimes seen in V2. In these
cases usually there is also occlusion of LCX or
RCA. In chronic phase, as we have already stated,
in lead VL, an QS pattern is often seen in case of
D1 occlusion without q in V5V6, and in OM
occlusion abnormal Q wave may be seen in both
leads VL and V6, but usually with qr and not
QS pattern.



case the MI involves especially the basal and mid part of

the lateral wall (AC) but not the apical part (D).

Types of infarction in the inferolateral

area: presence of Q wave in II, III and VF,
and/or RS pattern in V1, and/or qr or r
wave in I, V5V6 and/or VL (Figure 5.9B)
B-1. Electrocardiographic pattern type B-1 (Figure 5.9-B1): tall and/or wide R wave in V1 and/or
low-voltage qr or r pattern in V5V6, I and/or
VL (Figures 5.235.26). We consider low voltage
of R wave when is 7 mm, in VL and 5 mm, in
V56. This corresponds to the so-called lateral
(a) When is this pattern recorded? Its correlation
with the infarcted area and the culprit coronary

CHAPTER 5 Electrocardiographic pattern of necrosis: abnormal Q wave 155

Electrocardiographic pattern of the mid-anterior infarction (Figure 5.9A(4))

r The QS or QR (qr) pattern only seen in VL,

with sometimes Qr or qr in I, but with no Q
wave of necrosis in V5V6 is caused by the occlusion of first diagonal (D1) (mid-anterior MI)
that does not perfuse the high lateral basal wall,
which is perfused by the LCX (OM). Therefore,

It is called lateral infarction, because the infarction is limited to the lateral wall, sometimes
with small extension to the inferior wall. There



Figure 5.24 Other example of more extensive lateral MI.

There is RS in V1 and Q (qr) (in I, VL, V5 and V6). In this
case the leads V5V6 are facing the posterior part of
infarction vector. See the most probable place of occlusion,

this pattern does not correspond to a high lateral

r In some cases a decrease of r wave from V1 to
V2 or even small q in V2V3 can be seen.
r Relatively often in chronic phase, the ECG,
in case of mid-anterior MI, is normal (Figure

is more or less extensive involvement of the anterior and/or inferior portion of the lateral wall. This
electrocardiographic pattern is recorded especially



the VCG loop and the CE-CMR images (AD). In this case
the MI involves more extensively the lateral wall (segments
5, 6, 11, 12 and 15) and this explains the presence of RS in
V1 but also qr in lateral leads.

156 PART I Electrocardiographic patterns of ischaemia, injury and infarction







Figure 5.25 Other example of lateral MI with RS

morphology in V1 but without q in V5V6. CE-CMR images
(AF) show the involvement of lateral wall (AD and F)
without involvement of inferior wall (E). The sagittal

transection (E) shows that the inferior wall is not involved.

The lateral involvement is very well seen in all other

Bayes de Luna (2006b).

Figure 5.26 Diagnostic criteria of lateral involvement in patients that have had an MI.

CHAPTER 5 Electrocardiographic pattern of necrosis: abnormal Q wave 157

when the infarction involves the mid-lateral wall

(segments 11 and 12). Basal segments are often also
affected and sometimes extends up to segments 15
and 16, in which case a q wave may be seen in
V5V6 and II, III and VF (inferolateral infarction).
The culprit artery is a non-dominant LCX or, more
frequently, occlusion of the OM or, in rare cases,
of an intermediate artery. The infarction has been
reported (Dunn et al., 1984) to extend more frequently to the apical area (inferolateral segments
15 and 16) when the occlusion is located in the intermediate artery.



Figure 5.27 Example of inferior MI with Q in II, III and aVF

and rS in V1. See the most probable place of occlusion, the
CE-CMR images and the VCG loop. CE-CMR shows
involvement of segments 4 and 10 and part of 15 and 3
and 9 (septal-inferior involvement) (AC). The lateral wall
is practically sparse. The most apical part of the inferior

We have already commented that the lead V6

probably faces more the apical part of inferior
wall than the low-lateral wall (Warner et al., 1986)
(p. 27). Probably, those cases presenting with a q
(qr) wave or low-voltage r wave in lateral leads
correspond to the predominant involvement of the
most anterior segments of the lateral wall, and cases
with an RS pattern and/or wide R wave in V1 are
usually those with a more significant involvement
of the inferior segments of the lateral wall.
We have demonstrated with CE-CMR correlation that in patients who have presented an



wall is not involved (D). In spite of the clear involvement of

segment 4 (see (A) and (D)), the morphology of V1 is rS.
Therefore, in presence of MI of segment 4 (old posterior
wall) without involvement of the lateral wall, there is not
RS in V1.

158 PART I Electrocardiographic patterns of ischaemia, injury and infarction






Figure 5.28 Other example of inferior MI with involvement of segments 4 and 10 (A, B and D), but not involvement in
apical segment (C), rS morphology is recorded in V1. There is not lateral and septal involvement (E).




Figure 5.29 VCG loops in case of inferior MI. (AD) FP and

E: HP. Morphology (D) is seen in case of inferior MI plus
superoanterior hemiblock (SAH) (see Figures 5.32, 5.54 and
5.62). The morphology QS (qrs) without terminal r in II, III
and VF (although a qrs morphology may be seen) favours
the presence of SAH due to special rotation of the loop in



these cases (D) (see Figures 5.54, 5.58 and 5.62). In the
absence of SAH, even if the entire VCG loop falls above x
axis (lead I), there would be terminal r at least in II, which
does not happen in presence of associated SAH (B) (see
Figures 5.30).

CHAPTER 5 Electrocardiographic pattern of necrosis: abnormal Q wave 159

STE-ACS, the morphology in V1 with R/S ratio

>50%, R-wave amplitude >3 mm and R-wave duration 40 milliseconds are criteria very specific
of lateral MI (Bayes de Luna et al., 2006b) (Figure 5.26). However the sensitivity of these criteria is relatively low (5060%), because this infarction does not frequently cause changes in the ECG
(Figures 5.235.25).
As demonstrated above with CE-CMR correlation that the RS in V1 is due to lateral and
not posterior MI, other papers had suggested the
same, with pathological, isotopic and haemodynamic correlations (Bough et al., 1984; Dunn, Edwards and Pruitt, 1956; Levy et al., 1950), and
even partially this has been suggested in some papers with CE-CMR (Hoshino et al., 2004; Moon
et al., 2004). However, the impact of Perloff s paper (1964) and the statement of AHA (Surawicz
et al., 1978) made that the concept that RS in V1
is due to posterior MI (currently inferobasal segment) was accepted worldwide during more than
40 years.
(b) How does the ECG pattern arise (Figures 5.23
In cases with q wave (qr) in I and VL and/or
V5V6, the infarction vector that moves away from
the infarcted area (especially segments of the anterior part of the wall) is directed slightly rightwards
and when segment 15 is involved also upwards (inferoapical extension). In this case a small q wave
in the inferior wall may also be seen (Figure 5.24).
The QRS loop looks folded, initially directed rightwards and anteriorly, and after rotating usually in
the counter-clockwise direction in the HP, it turns
posteriorly. The loophemifield correlation (Figure 5.24) explains low-voltage qrs or rs pattern
recorded in I and VL, and, in general, qr found in
V5V6, and sometimes in II, III and VF and the RS
pattern in V1. In other cases, the only abnormality
of the loop is that it presents an important anterior part in HP, and thus the RS pattern in V1. It is
explained by the fact that lateral wall infarction (especially segments of inferior part 11) generates an
infarction vector that is directed especially anteriorly, facing V1 (Figure 5.25). In this figure it can be
observed that this infarction vector generates an RS
pattern in V1, while in the infarction vector in case
of infarction of the inferobasal segment of inferior

wall (posterior infarction in the classical nomenclature) (segment 4), there is not any abnormal infarction vector generated because it corresponds to an
area of late depolarisation. Therefore in this case rS
morphology is recorded in V1, but never in an RS
pattern (see Figures 5.27 and 5.28).
Consequently, the infarction that is presented
with RS pattern in V1, with or without small
qr in lateral leads, is not the result of infarction of the most basal (posterior or inferobasal)
portion of the inferior wall, but is, in fact, a
lateral infarction (Figures 5.235.25). Figure 5.26
shows the diagnostic criteria of lateral MI found in
lead V1.
When an ACS with ST-segment elevation in lateral leads does not cause QRS changes in the chronic
phase, such as Q wave of necrosis in lateral leads
or an R wave in V1, this may be explained by the
fact that the necrotic areas are the basal areas of
late depolarisation of the lateral wall, which may
not be expressed by infarction Q waves. However,
in these cases, slight changes in the form of slurrings or notches in the final portion of the QRS
complex (fractioned QRS) may be found (Figures
9.3 and 2.56). Occasionally, the QRS complex is
absolutely normal, but certain aspects of repolarisation may be suggestive. Note in Figure 10.2
how the slight ST-segment depression in V1V2
and the tall and symmetric T wave in these leads
may suggest the suspicion of a lateral infarction,
which was later confirmed via CMR (especially in
segment 11).
B-2. Electrocardiographic pattern type B-2
(Figure 5.9-B2): Q wave in at least 2 contiguous
inferior leads (II, III, VF) (Figures 5.275.30).
This corresponds to the inferior infarction.
(a) When is this pattern recorded? Its correlation
with the infarcted area and the most probable culprit coronary artery.
It is called inferior infarction though it usually also involves part of the inferior septum. Thus,
when a Q wave is present in at least two contiguous inferior leads (see Table 5.1), as the sole electrocardiographic abnormality, the involvement of
part of the inferior septum is frequently associated
with an inferior wall infarction that also very often includes the inferobasal segment (segment 4) of
the inferior wall, classically named posterior wall

160 PART I Electrocardiographic patterns of ischaemia, injury and infarction

Electrocardiographic pattern of the lateral infarction (Figure 5.9B(1))

r The electrocardiographic changes induced

by lateral infarction, caused by OM or nondominant LCX occlusion, consist in the following:
I, VL and V5V6 qr pattern and/or lowvoltage complexes (r, or rs, qrs) fractioned
QRS in leads I, VL, V5-V6
Lead V1 having an RS ratio >50% and/or wide

(Figures 5.27 and 5.28). These infarcts are generally

due to proximal non-dominant RCA occlusion or
distal dominant LCX occlusion. When the LAD is
short, this infarction may also involve entire segment 15 and very rarely part of segments 16 and
17. In the last situation, a Q wave of necrosis would
be recorded in V5V6 (inferolateral apical infarction).










R waves 40 milliseconds and/or R-wave amplitude >3 mm in V1 (Figure 5.26)

r Frequently, the ECG presents changes in
mid-late QRS (fractioned QRS) or even is normal or near to normal, especially when the infarction is small or, in case of transmural MI,
when principally involves areas of delayed depolarisation, as the basal areas.

(b) How is the ECG pattern explained (Figures

The infarction vector generated in the infarcted
area is directed upwards, and somewhat rightward, explaining the change of the loop, which is
also directed upwards and somewhat rightwards in
the beginning, in the clockwise direction and then
suddenly turns leftwards, at least 25 milliseconds






Figure 5.30 Typical example of inferior

myocardial infarction (Qr in II, III and VF)

with leftward AQRS.

Nevertheless, the

left-deviated AQRS
(-35 ) is not
explained by an added superoanterior
hemiblock (SAH), but simply by the
inferior necrosis, because although the
majority of the QRS loop in the frontal
plane is above 0 , as it completely
rotates in the clockwise sense, a small
terminal r (Qr morphology) in II, III and
VF is recorded. If an added SAH exists,
the first part of the loop would be the
same, but would later rotate in the
counter-clockwise direction and would
generate QS with notches but without
the final r wave in inferior leads.

CHAPTER 5 Electrocardiographic pattern of necrosis: abnormal Q wave 161

above the x-axis and, later, usually downwards (Figure 5.29A). Rarely, the entire loop remains above the
axis of the orthogonal lead x (Figures 5.29B and
5.30). The inferior lead that most specifically detects
infarction is lead II (Q wave 30 ms), though an abnormal Q wave may be seen in all three leads. In an
isolated and not very large inferior infarction, the Q
wave (QR or QS) is mainly seen in III and VF, and
less in II, which generally exhibits a qR or qr morphology. The T wave may be positive, though it is
most frequently negative and symmetric, especially
in III.
When the location of the occlusion is distal RCA,
the infarction is small, involving basically the low
inferior wall (segments 10 and 15), and if the RCA
is dominant, the low-lateral wall (part of segment
16). According to the predominance of the lateral
involvement (segment 16), the infarction vector is
directed upwards and somewhat rightwards, thus
usually generating an r wave 1 mm in VR. In
cases of small infarction, the Q wave may not be
very evident and sometimes presents a qR pattern,
but with the characteristics of Q wave of necrosis
(duration >30 ms), and is usually only visible in
one or two leads. In some small inferior infarctions the beginning of the loop may be directed
downwards before it rotates upwards in the clockwise direction. In this situation a small r wave
may be recorded in the inferior leads, especially
III (Figure 5.29C). When the Q wave is not definitely abnormal, small details in the ECG may be
of help. In an inferior infarction, the recording of
the QRS complex begins earlier in II than that in III
(Figure 5.7A(2)).
The diagnosis of the association of inferior infarction with a superoanterior hemiblock (SAH)
may usually be easily performed. The presence of a
Qr morphology in the inferior leads (at least in lead
II) suggests an isolated inferior infarction, without
SAH (Figure 5.29D and 5.30), while the presence
of QS ( ) in the same lead II supports the association of SAH (Figure 5.54). The changes of QRS
loop due to SAH (Figure 5.29D) explain, by diagnostic point of view, these subtle but important
changes in morphology. Sometimes the diagnosis
is more difficult, since small inferior infarctions
may be masked by SAH. However, the presence of
slurrings in r wave of inferior leads and of r in
III > II (Figure 5.7A(1)) may be of help in the case

of a doubtful inferior infarction associated with

an SAH. All the aspects related with the association of inferior MI and both types of hemiblocks
superoanterior (SAH) and inferoposterior (IPH)
are explained in detail in the section Hemiblocks
(p. 174).
Examples of an isolated inferior infarction are
seen in Figures 5.27 and 5.28. The ECG recordings
of these figures are similar (QR or Qr in III and VF,
qR or QR in II and rS in V1). However, the pattern
in VR is rS in Figure 5.28, with r wave >1 mm,
while in Figure 5.27, QS pattern is seen. CE-CMR
reveals that, in general, in the presence of a QS pattern in VR, the infarction extends to the inferior
septal portions (Figure 5.27), while in cases of isolated inferior infarction without septal involvement
and often with low-lateral involvement VR may exhibit an r wave >1 mm. This may be explained,
according to our experience, because the infarction
vector may be addressed more to the left when septal involvement exists and therefore fails less in the
positive hemifield of VR, and more to the right when
low-lateral involvement is present without important septal involvement. This has to be demonstrated in a larger series. The involvement of segment 4 does not generate changes in the first part
of QRS because this segment depolarises after 40
milliseconds (Durrer et al., 1970) (see Figure 9.5).
We have already commented that the presence of
pathologic RS morphology in V1 (R/S >50%, R
amplitude >3 mm and R duration 40 ms) is due
to lateral MI and has not any relation with MI of
segment 4 (Figure 5.26).
B-3. ElectrocardiographicpatterntypeB-3(Figure
5.9-B3): Q wave in II, III and VF, and tall R wave
in V1 and/or abnormal q wave in V5V6 and/or
I, VL and/or low R wave in V6 (Figures 5.31
5.34): This corresponds to an infarction that involves the inferolateral region (inferior and lateral walls).
(a) When is this pattern recorded? Its correlation
with the infarcted area and the culprit coronary
It is thus called inferolateral MI, because it involves part of the inferior wall (B-2) plus part of the
lateral wall (B-1). The typical pattern is recorded
because large areas of the inferior and lateral walls
are involved, which is due to occlusion of a dominant RCA or a very dominant LCX. In the first case

162 PART I Electrocardiographic patterns of ischaemia, injury and infarction

Electrocardiographic pattern of the inferior infarction (Figure 5.9B(2))

The ECG pattern of inferior MI includes the following:

r Q wave of necrosis (QS, Qr, QR and qR) that
may be seen in all three inferior leads, but never
in lead II with QS pattern except in the presence
of SAH. In the latter case, a QS with notches ( ) is
recorded (see Figure 5.54).
r In patients with an inferior infarction, which
very frequently involves segment 4 (classically
known as the posterior wall), the pattern in V1 is



Figure 5.31 Example of inferolateral MI (Q in II, III and VF,

and RS in V1). The most probable place of occlusion (RCA),
the CE-CMR images and the corresponding VCG loops. The
CMR shows the involvement of inferior wall and also part

always rS being RS ratio always <50% and also always with R wave width <40 ms (see Figures 5.27
and 5.28).
r The presence of r wave 1 mm in VR suggests
that the involvement of septal wall is probably
scarce or inexistent and supports the involvement
of low-lateral wall.
r The association of hemiblocks to inferior
MI are fully discussed in section Hemiblocks
(p. 174).



of lateral wall. (A) Sagittal-like transection showing the

involvement of inferior wall. (BD) Transverse transections
at basal, mid and apical level showing also the lateral
involvement especially seen on mid and apical level.

CHAPTER 5 Electrocardiographic pattern of necrosis: abnormal Q wave 163

Electrocardiographic pattern of the inferolateral infarction (Figure 5.9B(3)): diagnostic criteria

supporting the RCA or the LCX being the culprit arteries

RCA occlusion (Figure 5.33)

1. Q wave in II, III and VF (QIII always > QII)
2. rS or RS pattern in V1 (see Figure 5.26)
3. Sometimes, a Q wave (generally qR or qr) in
4. An r wave 1 mm may be seen in VR, but it
is generally <2 mm



Figure 5.32 Other example of inferolateral MI (RS in V1

and ECG criteria of inferior involvement; small r or qrS in
II, III and VF). There is probably SAH associated (no r in II,
III and VF). The most probable place of occlusion, the

LCX occlusion (Figure 5.34)

1. Q wave in II, III and VF (QII sometimes >
2. Rs or R > S in V1 (see Figure 5.26)
3. QR pattern in V5, V6, I and VL
4. Generally, an r wave 1 mm in VR with even
R wave S wave


CE-CMR area and the most probably VCG loops. Transverse

transections of CMR shown in different levels, the lateral
wall involvement (AC) and extension to inferior wall at
mid and apical level (B and C).

164 PART I Electrocardiographic patterns of ischaemia, injury and infarction















Figure 5.33 ECG of inferolateral wall MI due to occlusion

of dominant RCA (Q in II, III and VF (III > II), and RS in V1).
The VCG loop in FP is only clockwise but all above axis x.
The absence of associated SAH explains the Qr

morphology in lead II, because the last part of the loop

falls in the positive hemifield of lead II but as it falls in the
negative hemifield of lead III and VF, there is not terminal
r in III and VF (see Figure 5.29B).

(RCA occlusion) more involvement of the inferior

portions of the septum and less involvement of the
lateral portions will be seen. The opposite occurs
in the second case. This explains the segments that
are compromised when infarction is due to RCA or
LCX occlusion.
(b) How does the ECG pattern arise (Figures 5.33
and 5.34)
The inferolateral infarction due to an RCA occlusion generates an infarction vector that points
upwards and a little rightwards, and anteriorly.

This modifies the QRS loop, which in the FP rotates

in the clockwise direction, after being directing upwards, to end up being usually directed somewhat
downwards. In the HP the loop is initially directed
anteriorly and somewhat rightwards. Afterwards,
its maximum vector is directed anteriorly and leftwards, to end up generally running posteriorly.
The loophemifield correlation explains the ECG
morphology that includes ECG criteria of inferior MI (abnormal q in II, III and VF) plus
ECG criteria of lateral MI (Q in I, VL and/or

CHAPTER 5 Electrocardiographic pattern of necrosis: abnormal Q wave 165















Figure 5.34 ECG of inferolateral MI due to occlusion of

dominant LCX (Q in II, III and VF (II > III), R in V1 and Q in
V5V6 and I, VL). The VCG loop of this case correlation
loophemifields explains this morphology. For example

the exclusive R in V1 is clearly understood observing the

loop in HP as the same happens with the QRS pattern in I
and VL if we correlate with the loop in FP.

V5V6 and/or pathologic R wave in V1 (see

In inferolateral infarction due to RCA occlusion, there are more signs of inferior than of lateral infarction, and, in any case, the latter may be
manifested by an RS in V1 and in some cases by
abnormal q wave in the left precordial leads, but
not by q wave in leads I and VL (Figure 5.33). In
turn, in inferolateral infarction due to LCX occlusion, the lateral wall is more involved than the
inferior wall, and this explains why a Q wave may
be recorded in I, VL, V5 and V6, though usually
a QR, instead of a QS, pattern is seen. Also, according to the loophemifield correlation, the Q
wave in II, III and VF may be more important

in II than in III (QII > QIII) (a specific but not

very sensitive sign). Sometimes lateral involvement
is more evident (R in V1 and R 3 mm in VR)
(Figure 5.34).
In some cases of inferolateral involvement, especially due to RCA occlusion, there is a clear sign of
inferior infarction but no evidence of lateral infarction (no q in lateral leads and/or R in V1). In our
experience the contrary inferolateral involvement
with only ECG evidence of lateral infarction occurs
less frequently.
In front of an isolated ECG everyone should
imagine how the ECG pattern is explained by the
correlation with the way that the electric stimulus
follows in the heart (VCG loop) and the projection

166 PART I Electrocardiographic patterns of ischaemia, injury and infarction

Changes of QRS due to MI: Q-wave and fractioned QRS

(a) The presence of pathological Q waves (Q
waves of necrosis) or their equivalent in different leads reveals what area is affected by an infarction. In fact, they correspond to two zones of
the LV according to coronary artery circulation
(Figure 5.4): (1) anteroseptal (four patterns) and
(2) inferolateral (three patterns).
r Anteroseptal zone: Q wave especially in precordial leads and/or I and VL
This infarction is secondary to the occlusion
of the LAD or its branches. This corresponds to
MI of types A-1 to A-4 of Figure 5.9.
The QS morphology in VL without Q in V5
V6 is due to a mid-anterior infarction with
mid-low lateral wall extension (first diagonal

of this loop in different hemifields. With this aim,

one should draw the loop that might potentially
explain the ECG findings and the polar map of the
area of the LV involved (see example in Figures 5.35
and 5.36).

The ECG in two or more

infarctions (Figures 5.375.40)
So far, we have dealt with the ECGs usefulness in locating the infarcted area in the chronic
phase of first infarction, though in many of these
cases two or more coronary arteries were involved.
The ECG may locate more than one Q-wave infarction when Q waves are found in different
territories (e.g. Q wave in II, III and VF and in the
precordial leads V1V4) (Figure 5.37). However,
on other occasions, the Q wave seen in case of double
infarction could be explained by a single one (Figure 5.40). On occasions, some patients may present
a normal ECG without Q waves in presence of than
more than one transmural MI due to a cancellation of vectors (Figure 5.38). However, often at least
signs of equivalents of Q (RS in V1) morphology of
fractioned QRS (p. 129) or abnormal ST/T changes
(Figure 5.39) are frequently seen.

branch occlusion or LAD non-complete occlusion, proximal to D1).

r Inferolateral zone: Q wave in II, III, VF and
V5V6 and/or I and VL (qr or low-voltage R
wave) and/or RS in V1
This infarction is due to RCA or LCX occlusion.
This corresponds to an inferior and/or lateral wall infarction (Figure 5.9B(13)). In this
book, segment 4, which was traditionally known
as the posterior portion of the inferoposterior
wall, is named inferobasal segment of the inferior wall. The RS morphology in V1 is due to
an infarction of the lateral wall.
(b) The presence of abnormalities in the second
part of QRS as low R wave in lateral leads (Figure 5.9B(1)), motches/slurrings, etc. (fractioned
QRS) are frequently found.

The VCG has been used to locate the presence of multiple infarctions. However, this technique is rarely used in daily practice. Furthermore,
as we have already stated, it has been demonstrated that practically the same information may
be obtained if the ECGVCG correlation is used
to understand ECG morphologies, as is done in
this book (Warner et al., 1982). We need to also
have in mind that, in some cases of single infarction, Q waves in leads of different areas may
be seen, e.g. in an apical infarction due to a distal LAD occlusion, in addition to Q waves in
the precordial leads; these may also be seen in
the inferior wall when the LAD is very long and
there is infarction of the inferior wall that may
be even greater than the anterior involvement
(Figure 5.16).
The ECG signs that most accurately suggest the
diagnosis of a new infarction are as follows:
1. New onset Q waves are recorded.
2. Patterns suggesting involvement of the inferolateral and anteroseptal areas, such as QR or qR
patterns in II, III or VF, and QS or QR in some
precordial leads (Figure 5.37). However, we have to
remind that in MI due to distal LAD occlusion Q

CHAPTER 5 Electrocardiographic pattern of necrosis: abnormal Q wave 167



Figure 5.35 (A) The ECG shows QS in V1V4, and VL, and
rS in V5V6. This corresponds to an extensive MI (type A3).
The VCG loops that explain the ECG and the left ventricle
area involved are shown in (B). The counter-clockwise
rotation in HP explains the rs pattern in V5V6 (see Figure
5.6-A3-B) but in FP presents a clockwise rotation with the

loop directed downwards and a little bit to the right. This

morphology explains the rs in I, the QS in VL and R in II, III
and VF. The presence of dominant R in inferior leads
favours that the inferior wall is not involved because the
LAD is not long (see Figure 5.18).

waves are often present in precordial and inferior

leads (see Figure 5.14).
3. A new infarcted area suddenly masks totally
or partially previous Q waves (Madias and Win,
2000) (Figure 5.39). The ECG may seem even normal or nearly normal due to cancellation of vectors.
It should be ruled out that the disappearance or
decrease of the Q wave is not secondary to the development of a new intraventricular block. Also ischaemia induced by exercise may mask transiently,
due to ischaemia in the opposite sites, the Q wave
of necrosis (Madias et al., 1997).

The presence of two or more true Q-wave MI

may be suggested by the criteria mentioned above.
However, in clinical practice nowadays, after the
consensus of ESC/ACC (Alpert et al., 2000), there
are more patients that present two or more infarctions. Very often some of them are small non-Qwave MI infarctions that correspond frequently to
necrossete type. The CE-CMR can allow us to detect with great accuracy the presence of two or more
infarctions (Figure 5.40), although, as we have already pointed, sometimes the vector of infarction
of two MIs may cancel each other (Figure 5.38). It is

168 PART I Electrocardiographic patterns of ischaemia, injury and infarction



Figure 5.36 (A) The ECG corresponds to extensive MI of

lateral wall due to LCX occlusion (R in V1, Qr in I and qr in
VL and V6) with some inferior wall involvement especially
the apical part (slurred r in inferior leads, qr in V6 and r
in VR). The VCG loops that explain the ECG are shown in

(B). The VCG in HP is similar to the Figure 5.6-B1, but in FP

it has to be different (small and with clockwise rotation) to
match with the ECG morphologies. The area involved
includes all lateral wall (R in V1 and q in lateral leads) and
some part of inferior wall.

important to point that the late enhancement due

to infarcted area has to be differentiated from other
causes that may also induce hyperenhancement (see
Figure 1.5).

changes, but also on clinical and enzymatic assessment. The pattern of ischaemia or injury accompanying an abnormal Q wave favours the possibility that the Q wave is caused by coronary heart
In a recent study (MacAlpin, 2006) it was demonstrated that the presence of Q wave according to
parameters similar to Table 5.3 was strong predictor of organic heart disease (>90%) but its utility
to diagnose MI was age dependent. In the group of
less than 40 years the MI was present in only 15% of
the cases with abnormal Q wave; on the contrary, in
the older group it was present in 70% of the cases.
Therefore, the Q wave has low specificity for MI in
young and higher in older patients. In a group of

Differential diagnosis of an
infarction Q wave: Q wave or
equivalent without MI (Figures
Despite the high specificity of the abnormal Q wave
for the diagnosis of an MI, it should be borne
in mind that similar Q waves may be found in
other situations. Furthermore, the diagnosis of an
acute infarction is not exclusively based on ECG

CHAPTER 5 Electrocardiographic pattern of necrosis: abnormal Q wave 169

Figure 5.37 ECG of a patient with two MIs, one apical and
the other inferolateral. The presence of QR in V1, RS in V2
and qR with wide q in III is the abnormal QRS change. The
QR pattern of V1 is explained by double infarction (apical
+ inferolateral). However, there are not many leads with Q
wave in spite of clinical and isotopic evidence of double

infarction, probably due to partial cancellation of

infarction vectors. The final R in V1 and the R in V2V3 are
explained because the inferolateral infarction is more
important than the apical infarction. The nuclear study
shows clearly the presence of double infarction of
inferolateral zone and smaller apical area.

patients who have suffered an STE-ACS the specificity of the presence of Q wave for MI is even greater
(>95%) (Bayes de Luna, 2006a).
In Table 5.5 the main causes of Q waves or equivalent not secondary to an MI are listed, which include
the following:

1. Transient Q waves in the course of an acute

disease. Sometimes in the course of typical ACS
a generally transient Q wave appears. This results
in the clinical setting of aborted MI and also happened in the coronary spasm (Prinzmetal angina)
(atypical ACS). As has already been commented on

170 PART I Electrocardiographic patterns of ischaemia, injury and infarction

Figure 5.38 ECG with SAH and mild ST/T abnormalities. The patient presented different myocardial infarctions septal,
anterior and lateral detected by CE-CMR that masked each other. This figure can be seen in colour, Plate 4.

(see Changes of QRS due to MI), (p. 129) the development of a Q wave implies the presence of an
overt diastolic depolarisation in the involved area,
which makes it non-excitable, but not necessarily already dead. Also in the course of some nonischaemic acute disease as myocarditis (Figure 5.43)
and pulmonary embolism, a transient Q wave may
be recorded.
2. Persistent (chronic) Q wave. Recording artefacts, normal variants (Figure 5.42) and different
types of heart diseases (among them, hypertrophic
cardiomyopathy (Figure 5.41) and congenital heart
diseases) are included in this group. It is important to emphasise that often the duration
of the Q wave is normal but its amplitude is

pathologic (see Figure 5.41). CE-CMR may detect

in some of these cases the presence of fibrosis localised in specific area of myocardium (Figure 1.5).
The presence of this localised area of fibrosis in cases
of non-ischemic heart diseases may have prognostic

Diagnosis of the Q-wave infarction

in the presence of intraventricular
conduction disturbances
In this first part the electrocardiographic diagnosis of Q-wave infarction associated with intraventricular conduction disturbances will be discussed.
We consider that there are electrophysiological



Figure 5.39 (A) Apical-anterior infarction in subacute

phase. Observe QS in V2V3 with ST-segment elevation
and small ST-segment elevation in II (occlusion distal to S1
and D1) (see p. 1.80). (B) Six months later another
infarction occurs with appearance of r in V1V3 and mild



Figure 5.40 ECG and CE-CMR images of a patient that had

double infarction (A and C), one lateral with some inferior
extension present in segments 4, 5, 11 and 12 (B and C),
and the other septal that affects especially segments 8, 13
and 14 (C and D). The ECG shows RBBB and signs that may

ST-segment depression in the same leads. This false

improvement of the ECG is due to a lateral infarction,
which was confirmed later in the post-mortem



be explained by an extensive anterior MI (type A-3) with Q

in I, VL and precordial leads but that in this case are due to
the sum of Q waves of septal (V1V2 and V3) + lateral
(V5V6 and IVL) infarctions with some inferior extension.

172 PART I Electrocardiographic patterns of ischaemia, injury and infarction

LBB is not so well known and defined. Currently

the Brazilian school (Moffa, Perez Riera, Pastore,
etc) have systematized the ECG VCG criteria of
this diagnosis (see p. 193).
Clinical and prognostic issues in patients with Qwave MI and wide QRS will be commented in the
second part of the book (p. 247 and 287).
Complete right bundle branch block

(Figures 5.445.47)





SE = 2

SE = 2

SE = 2

SE = 8

Figure 5.41 Typical, although not frequent, ECG pattern in

a 25-year-old patient with obstructive hypertrophic
cardiomyopathy. There are no voltage criteria for left
ventricular enlargement. Nevertheless, a deep but not
wide q wave in precordial leads, with QS in V2V4,
probably due to a important septal vector of
hypertrophied basal septum, in the absence of
repolarisation alterations in the leads with a pathological
q wave, suggest this diagnosis, which was confirmed by
echocardiography. The correlation with VCG loops (below)
explains the ECG patterns.

and pathological evidences that the intraventricular

conduction system (ICS) is usually quadrifascicular
(Uhley 1964, 1973): the right bundle branch (RBB),
the supero anterior (SA) and inferoposterior fascicles of the left bundle branch (LBB) and the middle
fibers of the LBB (Fig 9.5). These fibers, that exist
in the majority of cases, may present different morphological aspects (Bayes de Luna 1977, Demoulins
J, Kulbertus H 1972). The diagnosis of RBB block
LBB block and the block of superoanterior (SA)
and inferoposterior (IP) divisions of LBB (the hemiblocks) are well known (Sodi D, Bisteni A, Medrano
G 1960) (Rosenbaum M, Elizari M, Lazzari J 1968).
The diagnosis of block of the middle fibers of the

The beginning of the cardiac activation is normal in

the presence of a complete RBBB and, consequently,
in the course of an infarction change occurring in
the first part of the QRS complex, as in normal conditions. This causes an infarction Q wave that usually makes a distortion in the general morphology
of the bundle branch block. For example, in the
course of an anteroseptal infarction not only a Q
wave appears but also it decreases the amplitude of
R wave from V1 to V3 because of the large infarcted
area (Rosenbaum et al., 1982). Also, the ST segment
may be more or less elevated, instead of depressed
as it is in isolated RBBB (Figure 5.45). When the MI
involves the inferolateral wall Q in inferior leads,
an R wave in V1V2 with positive T wave may be
present (Figure 5.46).
Gadolinium MRI allows for the accurate identification of the infarcted area and its correlation
with the ECG morphology (Q waves). An extensive anterior infarction (Q in precordial leads and
VL) is shown in Figure 5.47. The basal segments,
especially of the lateral area, are spared. However,
despite the lack of high lateral infarction, a QS morphology is seen in VL (and almost in lead I), due
to the large mid-low anterior infarction with midlow lateral extension. It has already been discussed
that the QS morphology in VL is not caused by
high lateral infarction (OM occlusion) but especially by mid-anterior infarction (diagonal occlusion). As the LAD is not very long, the infarcted
inferior area is small see A and D and therefore,
the Q wave of inferior infarction is not recorded (see
also Figure 5.16C).
Complete left bundle branch block

(Figures 5.485.52)
In the presence of complete LBBB, even when large
ventricular areas are infarcted, the general direction
of the depolarisation usually does not change. This

Figure 5.42 Positional Qr morphology that disappears with deep inspiration changing into rsr pattern. It is usually
accompanied by S in I lead (SI and QIII) and corresponds to normal horizontalised and dextrorotated heart.



Figure 5.43 (A) Patient with acute myocarditis and ECG

with signs of RBBB plus SAH and Q wave of necrosis in
many leads. After the acute phase (B), the Q waves
practically disappear and also the superoanterior

hemiblock. In many leads a mild and diffuse pattern of

subepicardial ischaemia is still present. Observe the low
voltage in both ECG.

174 PART I Electrocardiographic patterns of ischaemia, injury and infarction

occurs because the vectors are still directed from

right to left and frequently, in general, infarction Q
waves are not recorded (Figure 5.48).
VCG may be useful in suspecting the presence
of an associated infarction when a Q wave is not
recorded. For example, the QRS loop that is normally directed initially somewhat anteriorly and
leftwards, and then posteriorly it may be directed
exclusively posteriorly and/or with an anomalous
rotation (Figures 5.49 and 5.50). However, if we
look with great detail the ECG we may find small
changes that may suggest an associated infarction.
For example, an r wave in V1 > 1 mm (Figure 5.49) should not be recorded in the isolated
LBBB. In Figure 5.50 the morphology from V3 to
V5 is suspicious of an associated infarction. The
Mexican School described in the 1950s the electrocardiographic signs based on the changes of the
QRS morphology with or without the development of Q waves (Cabrera, 1958; Sodi, Pallares and
Rodrguez, 1952).
Studies assessing the ECGscintigraphy correlation have proven that most of these signs were
not very sensitive, even though they were specific
(Wackers, 1978) (Table 5.6). The most specific QRS
criteria (
=90%), even though they show a low sensitivity (30%), are the following (Figures 5.51 and
5.52, and Table 5.6):
1. An abnormal Q wave (QS or QR morphology)
in leads I, VL, V4V6, III and VF
2. Notches in the ascendent limb of R wave in I, VL,
V5 and V6 (Chapmans criterion)
3. Notches in the ascending limb of the S wave in
the intermediate precordial leads V2V4 (Cabreras
4. Presence of an R wave (rS and RS) in V1 and RS
in V6
Gadolinium MRI confirms that in the presence
of abnormal intraventricular conduction, such as
LBBBs, the presence of a Q wave in VL (along
with a Q wave in I and sometimes in precordial leads) means that the infarction caused by
a proximal occlusion of LAD above the diagonal branches involves all the anterior and septal walls, with also mid-lateral wall involvement
(Figure 5.52).
In some cases of LBBB due to block of SA + IP
divisions (see Fig 5.53), a small and narrow q wave
in I, VL, V6 may be present if the activation of the LV

starts through the middle fibers that are not blocked

(Medrano, Brenes, de Micheli 1973).
With respect to chronic repolarisation abnormalities, the negative T wave is more symmetric
than that in the isolated complete LBBB (Figures
3.40 and 1.58). In clinical practice positive T wave
in V5 and V6 is usually seen when the LBBB is not
too advanced, and septal repolarisation does not
predominate completely over left-ventricular repolarisation. In some cases it may be the expression
of changes of repolarisation polarity induced by ischaemia.
Figure 5.53 shows the location of two classical divisions of left bundle superoanterior and inferoposterior with the middle fibers that are also usually
present in sagittal view and in the LV cone. We will
now examine the following aspects of the associations of MI to block of two classical divisions of
left bundle (hemiblocks) (Rosenbaum, Elizari and
Lazzari 1968).

Diagnosis of Q-wave infarction

associated with hemiblocks
We will refer to the diagnosis in the chronic phase.
The hemiblocks do not alter the repolarisation
changes that can be observed in the acute phase
of MI.
The late activation of some areas of the LV due
to delay in activation of this area explains the late
QRS complex forces opposed to the infarction Q
wave. This was related for many years as periinfarction block. Currently, the combination of an
infarction with some intraventricular zonal blocks
is based on the concept of the hemiblocks, defined by Rosenbaum, Elizari and Lazzari (1968).
Because hemiblocks are diagnosed mainly by the
changes in the vectors direction in the FP, the electrocardiographic changes secondary to the association with MI will be evidenced also specially in the
FP leads.
Furthermore, the hemiblocks do not modify the
diagnosis of MI of anteroseptal zone in precordial
leads (HP), but may modify the presence or appearance of Q waves in inferior leads (inferior MI) and
in VL (mid-anterior MI or extensive MI involving
mid-anterior area).

Table 5.5 Pathologic Q wave or equivalent R wave in V1 not due to myocardial infarction
A Transient Q wave pattern appearing during the evolution of an acute disease ischemic or not involving the heart

Acute coronary syndrome with an aborted infarction

Transient apical ballooning: Recently has been suggested that it is the expression of spontaneous aborted infarction

Coronary spasm (Prinzmetal angina)

Acute myocarditis. (Figure 5.43)

Pulmonary embolism

Miscellaneous: Toxic agents, etc.

et al. 2006)

B Chronic Q wave pattern


Recording artefacts

Normal variants. Q wave may be seen in VL in the vertical heart and in III in the dextrorotated and horizontalised

QS pattern in V1 and even in V2 in septal fibrosis, emphysema, the elderly, chest abnormalities, etc. Low progression

Some types of right-ventricular hypertrophy (chronic cor pulmonale) or left-ventricular hypertrophy (QS in V1V2, or

Left bundle branch block

Infiltrative processes (amyloidosis, sarcoidosis, Duchennes dystrophy, tumours, chronic myocarditis, dilated

WolffParkinsonWhite syndrome

Congenital heart diseases (coronary artery abnormalities, dextrocardia, transposition of the great vessels, ostium

Miscellaneous: pheochromocytoma, etc.

heart and in some positional or respiratory changes (Figure 5.42)

of r wave from V1 to V3
slow increase in R wave in precordial leads, or abnormal q wave in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy) (Figure 5.41).

cardiomyopathy and others)

primum, etc.)
C. Prominent R in V1 not due to lateral MI (Bayes de Luna 2006)
de Luna 1977).
1. Normal variants. The R is prominent but of low voltage. These include (Bayes
a) Post term newborns: The pattern with dominant R due to RV overload, as a consequence of prolonged pregnancy,
may remain till the adulthood
b) Less number of Purkinje fibers in anteroseptal area may generates a delay in depolarization in this area that
explains the more anterior QRS loop.
2. Right ventricle hypertrophy (negative T wave in V1) or septal hypertrophy as in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.
3. Right bundle branch block (negative T wave in V1)
4. WPW syndrome ( wave and negative T wave in V1)
5. Cardiomyopathies with predominant fibrosis in lateral wall (Duchenes cardiomyopathy, etc.).
6. Dextroposicion (not dextrocardia) due to location of the heart in the right side of the thorax (lung diseases).
7. Block of middle fibers of LBB (fig 5.64 and p. 172 and 193). The T wave in V1 is usually negative, on the contrary that
in case of lateral MI.

Figure 5.44 ECGVCG correlation in

case of isolated RBBB (left) and RBBB
plus anteroseptal MI (right).

176 PART I Electrocardiographic patterns of ischaemia, injury and infarction












Figure 5.45 A 71-year-old patient with chronic obstructive

pulmonary disease and wide QRS complex secondary to
complete right bundle branch block. The qR morphology

in V1V2, with pointed R wave, QR in V3 and V4, or in V5

and RS in V6, qr in VL with small r in lead I is explained by
an associated anterior myocardial infarction.














Figure 5.46 (A) Patient with complete right bundle branch

block in acute phase of inferolateral infarction.
ST-segment depression is seen in V1, V2 and V3 with final
positive T wave and Q wave in inferior leads. The high
localisation of the notch on the upward slope of the R












wave supports the involvement of lateral wall. This

diagnosis of inferolateral infarction is confirmed when the
right bundle branch block resolves after a few days (Q in II,
III, VF and R in V1, and QS in V6) (B).

CHAPTER 5 Electrocardiographic pattern of necrosis: abnormal Q wave 177

(a) Infarction of inferior wall associated with an

SAH (Figures 5.54A and B) or an IPH (Figures
5.55A and B)
In first case (SAH), when the infarction is large
and involves the entire or most of the area where
ventricular depolarisation begins (point C and A)
(Figure 5.54A), the vector of infarction counteract
the first vector and is directed upwards, as in an isolated inferior infarction, as well as in the QRS loop.
However, instead of rotating the entire loop in the
clockwise direction, due to the SAH, its second portion rotates in the counter-clockwise sense. Thus,
the entire loop lies above the axis of lead X (Lemberg, Castellanos and Arceba, 1971). This explains
why a QS morphology usually with notches ( w ) is
recorded in III and VF in case as associated SAH
(Figure 5.54), while a Qr morphology is frequently
recorded in isolated inferior infarction (Figures 5.29
and 5.30).
In IPH associated with an inferior infarction , in
case of a large infarction, the first vector moves
away from the inferior wall leads (II, III and AVF),
more so than in the isolated inferior infarction,
and consequently more evident Q wave will be
seen due to the association of a vector of infarction with the initial depolarisation vector due to
IPH (IV +1 in Figure 5.55A). However the second
vector of depolarisation (2 in Figure 5.55A) explains
the presence of an evident final R wave (QR morphology) in II, III and VF. Therefore, since the final forces in the IPH are directed downwards, QS
morphology is not seen and, to some extent, the
IPH masks the infarction, because instead of QS
or Qr morphology, a QR morphology appears (see
Figure 5.55).
(b) Anterior infarction associated with an SAH
(Figure 5.56) or IPH (Figure 5.57). In the first case,
the first vector of ventricular activation (sum of the
mid-anterior vector of infarction plus the normal
activation vector in case of an SAH) (1 + vector of
infarction in Figure 5.56A) moves away from I and
VL and generates an infarction Q wave followed
by an R wave due to the late activation of the noninfarcted area consequence of SAH. To some extent,
the SAH somewhat masks the infarction morphology, since in its absence a QS morphology would
perhaps be recorded in I and VL, instead of a QR

In case of IPH associated with an extensive anterior infarction including mid-anterior wall, the
vector of infarction (B) counteracts the initial depolarisation vector (1) (Figure 5.57) and generates
a change in the QRS loop that is directed rightwards
and downwards. Thus, it explains the QS morphology in I and VL (Figure 5.57).

Hemiblocks masking Q waves

In addition, the presence of a hemiblock can mask
the presence of a coexistent infarction. We will
briefly discuss some examples.
(a) An SAH may mask the Q wave of infarction.
1. In case of a small inferior infarction (Figure
5.58) we can observe how the loop rotation in
the FP, first in the clockwise direction and then
in the counter-clockwise, confirms the presence
of the SAH associated with an inferior infarction. The beginning of the loop is directed downwards because the beginning of the ventricular
activation that occurs in (C) (Figure 5.58A) due
to the SAH is spared. The vector originated at
least partly in this area (1) counteracts the inferior vector of infarction and permits the loop to
move first somewhat rightwards and downwards
and then rapidly upwards (due to the inferior
infarction), and ends up rotating in the counterclockwise direction and directed upwards (due
to the SAH). All this explains the initial and
sometimes slurred r-wave morphology in II,
III and VF that masks the inferior infarction
(Figure 5.58B). If no SAH existed, the entire loop would rotate in clockwise, first above
and, generally, later below the axis of lead
X, and would almost certainly be recorded
as a Qr complex in the inferior leads (Figure 5.29A). The r wave in III being higher
than the r wave in II supports the diagnosis of added inferior infarction (Figure 5.7A)
(p. 140).
2. In case of a small septal infarction, the SAH
may mask the infarction in horizontalised hearts
(Figure 5.59). In that figure it is seen that a high
positioning of the leads V1V2 in the third intercostal space may be necessary in obese patients
to check for a QS morphology, which would suggest the presence of an associated septal infarction
(p. 188).

178 PART I Electrocardiographic patterns of ischaemia, injury and infarction




Figure 5.47 Patient with complete RBBB and myocardial

infarction type A-3 (extensive anterior MI). Observe the Q
wave in precordial leads and the QS morphology in VL. In
CE-CMR images (AE) show important involvement of
lateral, anterior and septal walls, and even the lower part

(b) An IPH may mask a Q wave of infarction.

1. In case of a small mid-anterior infarction,
the area where the depolarisation begins in the
IPH (B in Figure 5.60) is spared. This initial depolarisation vector (1 in Figure 5.60) partly counteracts the vector of infarction and gives rise to
an initial sometimes slurred r wave in I and VL
that masks the mid-anterior infarction.
2. In case of a small infarction of septal area,
the IPH may mask the infarction in vertical hearts
(Figure 5.61B). In this figure it is seen that in case
of IPH, the first vector in vertical heart, the beginning of QRS, is recorded as positive (rS pattern)
in the fourth intercostal space (Figure 5.61B), because these leads are higher than that in the normal heart (Figure 5.61A). They should be positioned in the fifth intercostal space to record a QS
morphology in V1V2 so that the diagnosis may
be confirmed (Figure 5.61B).
3. In case of large inferior infarction, the association of an IPH may convert the morphology
QS or Qr in inferior leads in QR and therefore the



of inferior wall (E). The lateral involvement (B, D and E in

white) is more important than in the apical-anterior MI
even when there is an anteroseptal extension (see Figures
5.15 and 5.16).

IPH may partially mask the inferior MI (Figure


Q waves of infarction masking

Q wave of infarction masking an SAH. On certain
occasions, large inferior infarctions may make the
diagnosis of hemiblock difficult. This occurs because the rS morphology disappears and a QS
morphology is seen in all the inferior wall leads
(Figure 5.54B). In a mid-anterior infarction the
RS morphology in the inferior wall may make the
diagnosis of SAH more difficult (Figure 5.56B).
Q wave of infarction masking an IPH. In large anterior infarctions associated with an IPH, a QS
morphology is seen in VL (instead of an rs morphology in the isolated IPH) (Figure 5.57B) and
in inferior infarctions a QR morphology (instead
of qR morphology) (Figure 5.55B). In these cases
the hemiblocks may be masked to some degree
because the typical IPH morphology has changed
due to the infarction.

CHAPTER 5 Electrocardiographic pattern of necrosis: abnormal Q wave 179




Figure 5.48 (A, B) Ventricular activation in case of LBBB

and how this activation explains the LBBB morphology
according to the ECGVCG correlation. (C) The association
of infarction frequently originates changes in the QRS loop
that usually do not modify the ECG pattern of chronic

infarction (C(2)). However, when the infarcted area is

extensive, it may produce changes in the direction of the
vectors and in the morphology of the loop that explains
the appearance of Q waves in the ECG (C(1)).














Figure 5.49 Example of the usefulness of VCG to

diagnose associated necrosis. The loop presents
double-eight morphology (see Figure 5.48C(2)) in
the horizontal plane that is abnormal and suggests
the presence of associated necrosis in a patient
with ischaemic heart disease. The ECG does not
suggest evident signs of necrosis, as the QRS is
practically normal, although the presence of r 1
mm in V1 and symmetric T wave in I, VL and V5 is
not usually seen in isolated LBBB.
















Figure 5.50 ECGVCG of complete LBBB with signs

suggesting associated infarction. It might be
suspected from the morphology in V5 (qrs) and
evident slurrings in V2V4 (Cabreras sign). Also
the initial forces are posterior in the VCG, which is
abnormal and clearly suggests associated
myocardial infarction.











Figure 5.51 A 65-year-old patient, with

severe ischaemic heart disease and high
blood pressure, who has suffered an acute
myocardial infarction 2 months ago and
presents an ECG with complete LBBB
pattern. The ECG is quite pathological and
shows the classic signs of an extensive
infarction associated to an LBBB (Q wave in
I, VL and V6, rS in V1 with r wave of 5 mm
and S wave with significant slurrings in the
ascending slope and poliphasic rSRs
complexes in V5).














Figure 5.52 The ECG of a patient with complete LBBB and

associated infarction. There are ECG criteria suggestive of
extensive anterior myocardial infarction (qR in I, QR in VL
and low voltage of S in V3). The CMR images (AD)
demonstrated the presence of an extensive infarction of
anteroseptal zone (type A-3) (proximal LAD occlusion). The
inferolateral wall is free of necrosis (see (D)), because the




LAD does not wrap the apex. In the transverse transection

in CMR (AC) is well seen that the MI involves the greatest
part of anterior and septal walls with also lateral extension
but preserving the high lateral wall (A), because it is
perfused by LCX, and the inferior wall because the LAD is
not long.

182 PART I Electrocardiographic patterns of ischaemia, injury and infarction

Table 5.6 Sensitivity, specificity and predictive accuracy of various electrocardiographic criteria* for patients with
complete LBBB and myocardial infarction, in relation to the specific location of infarction detected by 201-thallium



accuracy (%)

ECG criterion

Cabreras sign
















Chapmans sign








Initial (0.04 s) notching












of QRS in II, III or

precordial leads
RS in V6
Abnormal Q in I, VL, III,






















VF and V6
QV6, RV1





Positive T in leads with




positive QRS
* Positive response for at least two observers.

Notching of 0.05 s in duration in the ascendant limb of the S wave in V3V4.

Notching of ascendant limb of R wave in I, VL, V5 or V6.

>2 mm concordant with main QRS deflection or >7 mm discordant with main deflection.

AMI, acute myocardial infarction; AS, anteroseptal infarction; A, antero(lateral) infarction; I, infero(posterior) infarction.
Adapted from Wackers et al. (1978).








Figure 5.53 (A) Lateral view of superoanterior 1 and inferoposterior 3 divisions of left bundle. The midle-septal fibers are
seen (2). (B) Situation of two divisions and midle-septal fibers in the left ventricle cone.

CHAPTER 5 Electrocardiographic pattern of necrosis: abnormal Q wave 183






Figure 5.54 Inferior infarction associated with an SAH: (A)

When the necrosis is rather large and comprises the area
where ventricular depolarisation is initiated in case of SAH
(point A + C), the first vector of ventricular depolarisation
(1), is neutralised by the infarction vector (Inf. V.) and the
loop first goes directly upwards and then, due to the SAH
(see lower FP image) instead of rotating in the clockwise
direction downward, it rotates in the counter-clockwise
direction upward (2). Consequently, a QS morphology

develops often with slurrings and generally with a

negative T wave in III, VF and even lead II, but without a
terminal r wave because the final portion of the loop falls
in the negative hemifield of these leads. In the isolated
inferior infarction, there is a terminal r wave (at least in
II), because the final part of the loop that rotates in the
clockwise direction is usually in the positive hemifield of
inferior leads (at least of lead II). (B, C) ECGVCG example
of the inferior infarction in the presence of SAH.
















Figure 5.55 Inferior infarction associated with an IPH: (A)

the vector of the first part of the activation (the sum of the
normal activation initiating vector in the case of an IPH
see B(I) plus the infarction vector Inf. V) moves away
from the inferior wall more than that would be seen in an
isolated IPH and is opposite to the final vector of
ventricular depolarisation that is directed downwards

because of the IPH (vector 2). This explains why the QRS
loop is moving further upwards and opens more than
normal, generating the qR (QR) morphology in III and VF
and RS in I and Rs in VL (see ECGVCG drawings of isolated
IPH and IPH associated with inferior MI on the right part of
(A). (B,C) ECGVCG correlation of inferior infarction plus

CHAPTER 5 Electrocardiographic pattern of necrosis: abnormal Q wave 185














Figure 5.56 Mid-anterior infarction associated with an

SAH: (A) the vector of the first part of the activation (that
is the sum of vector 1 which is generated in A + C areas
plus the infarction vector (Inf. V) (which moves away from
VL) is opposite to the final vector of the ventricular

depolarisation due to the SAH (vector 2). This explains that

the initial part of the QRS loop moves more rightwards
and downwards and generates an RS morphology in II, III
and VF with RIII > RII and QR in VL and I. (B) ECG example
of mid-anterior infarction (type A-4) plus an SAH.

186 PART I Electrocardiographic patterns of ischaemia, injury and infarction














Figure 5.57 Extensive anterior infarction including

mid-anterior wall associated with IPH: (A) the first
ventricular depolarisation vector (1) generated in A + B
areas in case of isolated IPH is directed upwards. However
in case of extensive anterior infarction plus IPH, the
infarction vector (Inf. V) is more important than the first
depolarisation vector and all the loops move away from
the infarcted area in the same direction of the second

vector of depolarisation (2). Consequently, all the

activation (loop) is moving away from VL and I, which
explains the QS morphologies in VL and sometimes I, with
a dominant R wave, generally pure R wave in II, III and VF
(see the drawings of isolated IPH and IPH + associated
anterior MI). (B) ECG of extensive anterior infarction,
associated with an IPH.

CHAPTER 5 Electrocardiographic pattern of necrosis: abnormal Q wave 187






Figure 5.58 SAH may mask small inferior infarction. (A) In

this situation, when in the presence of an SAH the area
initiating the ventricular depolarisation (A + C) is spared
by the necrosis, vector 1 that is directed downwards and
rightwards can be only partially counterbalanced by the
relatively small infarction vector (Inf. V). This allows the
loop to initiate its movement downwards and rightwards,

and then rotates immediately upwards. The loop (see the

low-right side of (A)) can mask the inferior infarction
pattern (QS in III and VF) and may present slurred rS
morphology and often rIII > rII. (B) ECGVCG of small
inferior infarction plus SAH (see the rotation of QRS loop
in FP and rIII > rII) (Figure 5.7).

188 PART I Electrocardiographic patterns of ischaemia, injury and infarction


Third ICS




Fourth ICS


Zone with necrosis
Blocked zone

Figure 5.59 (A) Normal habitus. In the presence of small

septal infarction with SAH, the infarction vector is directed
newly backwards for the necrosis and downwards for the
SAH, and in V1 and V2, as in patients without SAH, a QS
pattern is recorded. (B) In an obese patient the same area
of necrosis with SAH can produce an rS morphology in V1
and V2, because although the vector is oriented backwards

and downwards, since it is above the normal V1 and V2

due to obesity, these leads at this place record the head of
the first vector as positive. In this case, a higher V1V2 lead
(third intercostal space) records the tail of the first vector
as QS and confirms the diagnosis of small septal infarction
associated with SAH. The two black points represent the
onset of depolarisation.

Figure 5.60 IPH may mask small mid-anterior infarction. In

this situation, when in presence of an IPH, the ventricular
depolarisation initiating area (A + B) is spared by the small
necrosis, the first vector of depolarisation vector 1, which
is directed upwards, can counteract the relatively small
infarction vector (Inf. V). This allows the initial part of the

loop to show slurred conduction but directed as in the

isolated IPH. This loop (see the right side of the figure) can
mask the mid-anterior infarction pattern (QS in VL and
sometimes in lead I) and explain slurred r S morphology
in VL with slurred qR pattern in inferior leads.

CHAPTER 5 Electrocardiographic pattern of necrosis: abnormal Q wave 189





Fourth ICS



Fifth ICS

Zone with necrosis

Blocked zone
Figure 5.61 (A) normal habitus. In the presence of small
septal infarction with IPH, the infarction vector is directed
backwards for the necrosis and upwards for IPH, and in V1
and V2, as in patients without IPH, a QS pattern is
recorded. (B) In a very lean patient the same area of
necrosis in the presence of IPH can generate an rS
morphology in V1 and V2, in spite of the backward and

False Q wave patterns due to hemiblocks

When the V1V2 electrodes are positioned very
high, an initial Q wave may be recorded in SAH,
due to the first activation vector, which is directed
downwards. This suggests the false pattern of septal
infarction that disappears when the electrodes are
located more inferiorly. It has already been stated
that in obese or very lean individuals the higher
or lower positioning of electrodes V1V2 may be
required to find patterns of added true septal infarction (Figures 5.59 and 5.61) (see Hemiblocks
masking Q waves) (p. 181).

upward direction of the vector. These leads record the

head of first vector as positive because they are in upper
position than the normal V1 and V2 due to lean body
habitus. In this case, a lower V1V2 (fifth interspace)
records the tail of first vector as QS and confirms the
diagnosis of small septal infarction associated with IPH.
The two black points represent the onset of depolarisation.

Q wave in case of left-deviated AQRS

without no SAH (Figures 5.62 and 5.63)

In spite of the left-deviated AQRS,

Figure 5.30
shows that there is no SAH associated with the
inferior infarction, since the QRS loop is always
rotating in the clockwise direction. With the surface ECG we can suspect that there is no coexisting

SAH because a Qr morphology is seen in the inferior leads (see Figure 5.30). The final r wave is explained by the fact that as the loop rotates only in the
clockwise direction, the final portion is in the positive side of lead II (Figure 5.29B). Occasionally, in
the case of an inferior infarction without the coexistence of SAH, the loop that makes an entire
clockwise rotation is completely above the axis of
lead X (Figure 5.30). In this situation, a QS morphology can be seen, but at least a terminal small r
wave generally exists in II. In case of associated SAH
the final part of the loop rotates counter-clockwise
and explains that in lead II a QS or qrs morphology may be seen (Figures 5.29D, 5.54 and 5.62). In
isolated inferior MI, the loop is only clockwise and
the morphology in II is qR but not qrS (Figures
5.29AC and 5.63). Thus, though the VCG is the
only technique that can assure the presence or not
of an associated SAH, the correct incorporation of
this information to ECG curves virtually allows to

The presence of Qr in the inferior leads, at least

in II, virtually excludes an associated SAH, while

the QS morphology, in turn, supports it (Figures

5.29, 5.62 and 5.63).

190 PART I Electrocardiographic patterns of ischaemia, injury and infarction















Figure 5.62 ECGVCG example of inferior MI + SAH. There is q wave in II, III and aVF without terminal r wave (qrs in II and
QS in III and VF). VCG loop in frontal plane rotates first clockwise and then counter-clockwise.

CHAPTER 5 Electrocardiographic pattern of necrosis: abnormal Q wave 191















Figure 5.63 ECGVCG example of inferior MI without

SAH. There is qR in II, and qr in III and aVF. VCG loop in
frontal plane rotates always clockwise but is directed a
little bit more downwards than in Figure 5.33. (The last

part of QRS loop fails below x-axis; lead X is an

orthogonal lead, equivalent to lead I.) When all the loop
rotating clockwise is above x-axis (Figure 5.33), the ECG
pattern in lead II is qr and not qR as happens in this figure.

192 PART I Electrocardiographic patterns of ischaemia, injury and infarction

Figure 5.64 An example of ECG and VCG of the block of

midle fibers in a coronary patient with affectation of the
anterior descending coronary artery and no abnormalities
in posterior descending artery. Observe R = S in V2 and r =

5 mm in V1 without q in V6, and the anterior orientation

of approximately 50% of the loop in HP (from Moffa et al.,












Figure 5.65 Above: ECG of a patient with an intermittent

WolffParkinsonWhite syndrome. In all the leads, the first
complex shows no pre-excitation, while the second
complex does. In the ECG without pre-excitation, the
existence of an apical myocardial infarction can be
observed, while in the ECG with pre-excitation the primary

characteristics of repolarisation can be seen (symmetric T

wave from V2 to V4). Observe how the ischaemic T wave in
the absence of pre-excitation is flat or negative in I and VL,
the contrary of what happens in the absence of ischaemic
heart disease (Figure 3.35 and p. 52). Below: Lead I with
progressively pre-excitation activation (concertina effect).

CHAPTER 5 Electrocardiographic pattern of necrosis: abnormal Q wave 193

























Figure 5.66 (A) Acute anterior myocardial infarction plus complete RBBB. (B) The implanted pacemaker still allows for the
visualisation of the necrosis (ST-Q in I, VL and V4V6).

rule out this association due to the presence of a

final r wave (Qr) in the inferior leads, at least in II.
In turn, the absence of a terminal r wave (slurred
QS or sometimes qrs morphology) in II, III and AVF
virtually confirms the presence of an SAH associated
with the inferior infarction (compare Figures 5.62
and 5.63).
Block of the middle fibers of LBB
This block may generates a delay in depolarization
in anteroseptal part of the septum. This explains a
prominent anterior forces of QRS loop and the RS
pattern in V1, V2 or at least R wave greater then normal (Figure 5.64) (Hoffman I, Metha J, Hilserath J
1976; Moffa P, Del Nero N, Tobias et al., 1982, Reiffel
J, Bigger T, 1978; Bayes de Luna A 1977). Recently
the Brazilian school have defined the ECG-VCG criteria for this diagnosis (Guidelines for interpreting
rest ECG 2003).
The block of middle fibers of LBB has to be included in the differential diagnosis of prominent R
wave in V1 (see Table 5.5). To make this diagnosis
in patients with ischemic heart disease the involvement (ischaemia or necrosis) of lateral wall has to
be rule out (coronary angiography and/or cardiovascular magnetic resonance CMR-) (Fig. 5.64). In
the case of lateral MI a positive T wave in V1 is seen,
and in case of block of middle fibers the T wave in
V1 is usually negative.
The evidence that the pattern is transient assure
the diagnosis of the block of middle fibers of LBB

(Uchida A, Moffa P, Perez-Riera A et al., 2006). On

the other hand in patients without heart disease the
presence of prominent R wave inV1, especially if
the voltage of R is low, is much probably due to a
normal variant (see Table 5.5).
pre-excitation (Figure 5.65)
It is difficult, and sometimes impossible, to confirm the association of a Q-wave infarction in the
presence of a WolffParkinsonWhite-type (WPWtype) pre-excitation. In Figure 5.65 we observe that
no Q wave is seen in the complexes with preexcitation, despite the existence of an apical infarction (second QRS in each lead). When the
pre-excitation disappears (first complex in each
lead), the presence of Q wave from V1 to V4 is clear.
However, during the pre-excitation, the presence
of evident repolarisation abnormalities can suggest
the coexistence of IHD (symmetric and negative T
wave from V2 to V6). We need to remind as well
that intermittent conduction by the right anomalous bypass tract, intermittent complete LBBB and
intermittent right-ventricular stimulation (Figures
3.34 and 3.35) can be accompanied by a negative
T wave when the conduction is made via the normal pathway, which can be explained by a cardiac
memory phenomenon (Rosenbaum et al., 1982).
The possibility that a WPW-type pre-excitation
may mask the infarction depends on the type of
WPW. When the infarct is located contralaterally

194 PART I Electrocardiographic patterns of ischaemia, injury and infarction

Figure 5.67 A 72-year-old man with previous apical-anterior MI with anteroseptal extension with an implanted
pacemaker due to paroxysmal AV block. There is a clear latency between the stimulus of pacemaker and the QRS complex.

to the anomalous path, it is most probable that the

infarction is masked. However, when the infarction
is located ipsilaterally, it is most probably detected
(Wellens, 2006).
Pacemakers (Figures 5.66 and 5.67)
In the chronic phase, the presence of a qR morphology after the pacemaker spike (St-qR) from V4
to V6, I and VL (Figure 5.66) is quite useful, being
highly specific, but less sensitive for the diagnosis
of associated MI (Barold et al., 1987; Brandt et al.,
1998; Castellanos et al., 1973). Besides, the presence
of St-rS morphology in VR has been described as a
quite sensitive sign, but with a low specificity, for the
diagnosis of an inferior infarction. Finally, an interval between the pacemaker stimulus and the beginning of the QRS complex has also been described

in patients with associated MI (Figure 5.67). This

occurs when the pacemaker stimulates the fibrotic infarcted area (latency) (Wellens, Gorgels and
Doevendans, 2003).
As we have discussed previously (cardiac memory
in the intermittent LBBB and WPW syndrome), patients with intermittent right-ventricular stimulation, when the stimulus is conducted via the normal
path (Figure 3.35), can show a cardiac memory
phenomenon (lack of adequacy of the repolarisation to the depolarisation changes), which explains
the anomalous repolarisation (negative T wave) that
is sometimes observed, in sinus rhythm in the absence of IHD. It has been demonstrated that in
this situation, the T wave is negative in precordial
lead but is positive in I and VL (see Figure 3.35,
p. 52).



The ECG in different

clinical settings of
ischaemic heart
disease: correlations
and prognostic

This second part deals with ECG characteristics in

different clinical situations of ischaemic heart disease (IHD) and their, clinical, coronariographic,
haemodynamic and imaging correlations, especially related to prognostic implications and risk
stratification. This includes different types of ACS
with or without evolving Q-wave infarction and the
specific characteristics of atypical ACS. This part
also includes different types of myocardial infarc-

tion without Q waves and different clinical settings

of chronic IHD including chronic Q-wave infarction and other clinical situations presenting with
anginal pain in a stable phase but without necessarily previous Q-wave MI. Finally, the aspects related
with the ECG changes in silent ischaemia and the
role of ECG as a predictor of future IHD will be


Acute and chronic ischaemic heart

disease: definition of concepts and
The term acute coronary syndrome (ACS) encompasses all the clinical situations with acute
myocardial ischaemia expressed by chest pain,
discomfort or equivalent, which appears suddenly at rest (de novo) or has increased with
regard to prior anginal (in crescendo angina).
All this leads the patient to seek urgent medical
care. However, occasionally the patient may
underestimate the symptoms or the physician
may not interpret them properly. In addition,
the ACS may occur with no anginal pain, or
the pain may be atypical or may present other
Table 6.1 Classification of clinical settings due to
myocardial ischemia.

symptoms, such as dyspnoea. Also, an ACS may

be clinically silent. In its classic or typical form,
ACS occurs in patients presenting a coronary
atherothrombosis, generally related with the rupture or erosion of a vulnerable plaque (Figure 6.1B
D). However, rarely, there are other causes that
could explain the presentation of the atypical ACS
(Table 6.1-1).
In ACS the clinical situation can be controlled
and the ACS might not evolve, whereby it is unstable angina (UA) or may well progress towards an
acute myocardial infarction that may or may not
present Q wave of necrosis (chronic MI). We should
recall that cases presenting with troponine elevation, along with any of the characteristics shown in
Table 6.2, are recognised as infarctions according to

Acute coronary syndromes

- Due to coronary atherothrombosis (classical or
- Not due to coronary atherothrombosis (atypical)
- Hypercoagulability

Table 6.2 Proposal for new diagnostic criteria for MI

- Tachyarrhythmia

(consensus ESC/ACC, 2000).

- Coronary dissection
- Transient apical LV ballooning (Tako-Tsubo
- Congenital abnormalities

Any of these two criteria will be sufficient to approve a MI

diagnosis, in evolution or recent.
1) Typical elevation and gradual descent of troponin1 or

- Bypass surgery

other typical markers of myocardial necrosis (CK-MB), in

- Percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI)

the presence, of at least, one of the following factors:

r Symptoms of isquemia (angina or equivalent)

r Pathologic Q-waves in the ECG (see table 5.3)
r Electrocardiographic changes indicating isquemia

- Coronary spasm (Prinzmetal angina)

- Miscellaneous (cocaine, CO, anaphylaxis, acute
anaemia, others, etc)

(ST / T changes)

Clinical settings with angina outside the ACS.

r PCI and surgery-related acute coronary syndrome.

- Classical exercise angina

- Syndrome X
- Myocardial bridging
- Miscellaneous: pulmonary hypertension, chronic
anaemia, etc.

2) Pathologic changes, related to acute MI


It is important to remember other reasons for troponin

elevation without MI heart or kidney failure, hypertensive

crises, etc.)


198 PART II The ECG in different clinical settings of ischaemic heart disease





Figure 6.1 Different examples of (A) stable plaque, (B) vulnerable plaque, (C) eroded plaque with small thrombus and
(D) ruptured plaque with occlusive thrombus. This figure can be seen in colour, Plate 5.

the ESC/ACC task force (Alpert et al., 2000). This

extends the myocardial infarction spectrum, since
many UAs now become small infarctions (enzymatic infarction or necrosette).

There are also cases of anginal pain that do not

require urgent medical assistance in emergency
department. These will also be discussed later (see
Table 6.1-2 and p. 296).


Patients with acute chest pain: role

of the ECG and its correlations
Patients looking for urgent medical attention and
presenting with new onset chest pain or with any
change in duration, intensity or characteristics of
a prior chest pain or equivalent symptoms (dyspnoea, thoracic discomfort, etc.) are considered
suspicious to present an ACS. In these cases the
ischaemic aetiology should be confirmed. Special
mention will be made of the usefulness of the ECG
in those cases even before the patient arrives to
the hospital. The recording of a pre-hospital ECG
by emergency medical services may be an effective
method of reducing time to reperfusion. However,
pre-hospital ECG is not always used, and when used
the information provided often is not being translated into action (Curtis et al., 2006). Increased
experience and the development of more reliable
methods of performing and communicating results
of pre-hospital ECG may lead to dramatic systemwide reduction in time to reperfusion and ultimately reductions in morbidity and mortality for
ACS patients.
Firstly, one should bear in mind that it is always necessary to consider the possibility of heart
diseases other than IHD that could explain one
abnormal ECG recording. These changes may include abnormal ST segment or T wave and/or an
abnormal Q wave. These changes may be chronic,
as occurs in dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM), hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM), aortic stenosis (AS), hypertension, dissecting aneurysm, etc. In
other cases there may be new changes, such as in
pericarditis, acute myocarditis (perimyocarditis) or
pulmonary embolism, among others. However, not
all electrocardiographic abnormalities occurring in
a patient with chest pain must be explained by myocardial ischaemia. Although heart disease other
than IHD exists, the ECG changes can be partly or
completely due to an associated IHD. The clinical
electrocardiographic correlation will allow for iden-

tifying the cause or causes that could have altered

the ECG.

Types of pain
Patients can be divided into three groups according
to type of chest pain: non-ischaemic chest pain,
ischaemic chest pain and doubtful chest pain. Each
of these groups accounts for approximately 2040%
of all patients arriving at the emergency department
with chest pain (Erhardt et al., 2002; Santalo, 2003)
(Figure 7.1).
Obviously, most patients presenting with a
doubtful chest pain on arrival at the emergency department correspond to either the non-ischaemic
or the ischaemic chest pain group, since just a few
cases with an unclear diagnosis remain. In the end,
ischaemic chest pain accounts for 4050% of all
cases and non-ischaemic chest pain for a somewhat
higher percentage. Non-ischaemic cardiovascular
pain is not frequent, but includes cases that may
need urgent treatment (Erhardt et al., 2002; Figure 7.1). Additionally, in a review of the diagnoses
made in patients with chest pain who were seen by
general practitioners in Europe somewhat different
figures have been obtained. These are higher for
pain of bone or musculoskeletal origin (50% of all
cases) and lower for ischaemic chest pain (2025%
of all cases) (Hasdai et al., 2002).
Non-ischaemic pain
The diagnosis of non-ischaemic chest pain is made
on the basis of its characteristics (atypical localisation, with no radiation, non-oppressive and with
no vegetative symptoms) and other circumstances
(age, lack of risk factors, prior history, concomitant
findings, complementary tests, etc.) (Figure 7.1).
Occasionally, the diagnosis of non-ischaemic chest
pain is clear, as it occurs with radicular pain (patient


200 PART II The ECG in different clinical settings of ischaemic heart disease

Patients arriving at emergency department with thoracic pain

Diagnosis at entrance

Final diagnosis

Non-ischaemic pain (5060%)

Doubtful pain (2030%)

- New evaluation of the pain
- Sequential ECG and enzymes
- Complementary tests

pain (4050%)

Cardiovascular but
not ischaemic pain (510%)

1.Thoracic wall and

2. Respiratory diseases
3. Gastrointestinal diseases
Diaphragmatic hernia
Osophageal spasm
4. Psychological

1.Aortic pathologies
2.Pulmonary embolism
3.Pericardities and myopericarditis
4.Hypertropic cardiomyopathy

Not clear diagnosis (510%)

(small number of cases)

- Ambulatory follow-up in general

is enough
- if finally is ACS usually is of
low risk

Ischaemic pain (40-50%)

Acute coronary syndrome (4050%)

Hospitalisation in intensive care unit

or cardiology department

- To evaluate the most convenient treatment,

including thrombolytics and urgent PCI
according to ST/T changes and
enzymes (troponin) levels

1 X-ray, exercise testing and if necessary, echocardiography, other imaging techniques and coronary angiography
2. Clinical, ECG and enzymatic characteristics

Figure 7.1 Patients who present at the emergency department with thoracic pain: types of thoracic pains and their

history and physical examination), pneumonia

(clinical history, auscultation and X-ray), pneumothorax, the diagnosis of which is clearly made
by history taking, physical examination and, especially, X-ray studies. However, in any case of chest
pain, located in the precordium or even in any
pain originated from the level of the navel or
above, including head and arms and, especially,
if it is associated with physical exertion, an ECG,
and if necessary, an enzyme test should always be
performed to recognise whether the pain is of ischaemic origin or not. When doubts exist, cardiac
enzyme levels and the ECG should be repeated (if
possible, electrocardiographic monitoring should
preferably be employed). Enzymatic tests should be
preferably performed at 612 hours after the onset
of symptoms. Additionally, complementary techniques should be utilised (X-ray, echocardiography,
exercise stress test, TAC-multislice, etc.).
Non-ischaemic pain may or may not be cardiovascular. Most frequently, non-cardiovascular
thoracic pain is of radicular and/or musculoskeletal origin (approximately one-third of all thoracic
pains Figure 7.1). This type of pain does not
exhibit visceral characteristics and it occurs in relation to bone movement and/or pressure to the
thoracic wall, and it is not related to exercise. Other
kinds of pain in this group include those of gastrointestinal origin (510%: oesophageal disease, chole-

cystitis, etc.), pulmonary origin (510%: pneumothorax, pneumonia and pleuritic pain) or even
psychological origin (510%).
Among the non-ischaemic cardiovascular
causes of thoracic pain that should be ruled out,
some present a benign prognosis as pericarditis,
while others, in turn, point to a much serious
prognosis, such as an acute aortic syndrome
(dissecting aneurysm or other aortic pathologies)
and a pulmonary embolism. On the whole, these
account for 510% of all cases of thoracic pain.
Acute pericarditis may show a clear clinical picture with a history of upper airway infection and
chest pain that, though may appear to be of ischaemic origin, often has special characteristics.
(It radiates to the left shoulder, increases with respiratory movements, etc.). Furthermore, troponin
levels may increase even in the absence of a clear
accompanying myocardial involvement and with a
normal or near-normal ECG. From the electrocardiographic point of view, in the acute phase of pericarditis the ST-segment elevation is the most characteristic abnormality (Figure 4.48), which should
be distinguished both from the ST-segment elevation of early repolarisation pattern (Figure 4.50) and
from that seen in ACS (Table 7.1). In fact, computerised interpretation systems frequently confound
the ST-segment elevation of the early repolarisation with that of a pericarditis (Willems et al.,

7. Evolution

6. Blood tests

5. E C G

4. Pain characteristics


3. Previous respiratory


isquemic heart

2. Risk factors for

1. Age

Q-wave is missing

but not always typical (fig. 4.48)

Sometimes evolutionary ECG changes,

In general, good clinical evolution


Mild-moderate elevation of the troponin

stress test

There is no change during an exercise

depression in II (figs. 4.48, 4.49).

Often PR segment elevation in VR and

(fig. 4.48)

No change

Within the normal range

stress test (figs 7.2 and 7.3).

The ST elevation disappears during a

Elevation of PR segment not evident

slurrings at the end of QRS

Sometimes in the inferior wall. Often

from V2V3 to V4V5. (fig. 4.50).

the precordial leads (figs. 4.48, 4.49)

Sometimes typical evolutive changes

respect to the isoelectric line (see

>23 mm, mainly in precordial leads

the isoelectric line; presented mainly in


Often evolution towards Q-wave

often with important increase.

(unstable angina) or elevated, very

Can be within the normal range

signs of Q-wave MI.

atrium, but then there are clear

It can be present in MI of the

PR elevation in VR is not frequent.

always is evident.

fig. 4.13). Sometimes, but not

typical form is concave with

ST elevation, which in its most

the isoelectric line. In general not

ST elevation, convex with respect to

the navel is suspicious

Often bad evolution / prognosis

In general, within the normal range

fig 7.4).

Can give false ST elevation (see

previous isquemic heart disease).

to the associated diseases (HTA,

Not typical. In general is related

of the lateral wall.

out a dissecting aneurysm or an MI

thorax, and even any pain above

occurs, it is always important to rule

Can be present in any part of the

cated in the back of the thorax. If this

Intensive, visceral pain, mainly lo-

No (Occasional)


Often. Very frequent in patients with

Adults and elderly

Dissecting aneurysm

During rest or light exercise

irradiation (see text)

Isquemic pain often with typical

No (Occasional)


Exceptional before the age of 30.


but not always convex with respect to

ST elevation in the early phase. Often,

Sometimes recurrent


Typical irradiation towards the left

respiration frequency

exercise because the latter increases

fig. 7.3)

pain of any other origin (see fig. 7.2 and

seem that pain increases with the

Can coexist with osteo-articular pain or

Visceral pain often with:

No (occasional)


vagal overdrive /or sportsmen

Any age. Often in young people with

Early repolarization

Pain increase during respiration. It may

Frequent. Sometimes fever.


Any age


Table 7.1 Differential diagnosis between pericarditis, early repolarization, ACS and dissecting aneurysm.

202 PART II The ECG in different clinical settings of ischaemic heart disease



Figure 7.2 (A) A patient with thoracic pain and mild

ST-segment elevation in many leads. ECG was considered
by automatic interpretation as pericarditis. (B) The

ST-segment elevation disappears with exercise, which

favours the diagnosis of early repolarisation pattern. This
is an example of misdiagnosis of automatic interpretation.

1991) (Figure 7.2). Additionally, in some cases pericarditis or ACS may occur in a patient with early repolarisation, which makes the diagnosis more difficult (Shu et al., 2005) (Figure 7.3). Nevertheless,
even though the clinical features may be of much
help (history of respiratory infection and chest pain
with certain characteristics in pericarditis), the electrocardiogram presents some specific characteristics for the experienced cardiologist (e.g. presence
of PR-segment elevation in VR due to atrial injury
with, generally, PR-segment depression as a mirror
image in lead II in pericarditis). In turn, in early

repolarisation, slurrings of the final part of the QRS

complex are frequently present, and these are especially apparent in the mid-precordial leads. These
slurrings can be well seen in Figure 7.3, but not in
Figure 7.2. Also, the ECG response during an exercise stress test (abolishment of the ST-segment
elevation in early repolarisation, and lack of change
in pericarditis) is different and becomes definitive
for the diagnosis in cases of doubt (Figure 7.3).
Occasionally, ST-segment elevation concave with
respect to the isoelectric baseline is recorded
in pericarditis (Figures 4.48B and 4.49) with

The following may be of help in assessing the diagnosis of pericarditis versus an ACS:

1. Clinical history, including antecedents of respiratory infection

2. Pain characteristics, which are generally different in pericarditis from those of ischaemic

3. The presence of apparent atrial injury in the

ECG (PR depression in II and elevation in VR;
Figures 4.48 and 4.49), and the lack of evolving
Q-wave MI
4. The evolution of the disease

CHAPTER 7 Patients with acute chest pain: role of the ECG and its correlations 203



Figure 7.3 (A) The ECG corresponds to a patient

presenting with thoracic pain. This ECG was considered to
be suggestive of ACS with ST-segment elevation (see V2
and V3), and treatment with fibrinolytic agents was
administered. Later, imaging and enzymatic tests were
found to be negative. (B) The patient was discharged with
the ECG presenting ST-segment elevation in V3 of 2 mm
compared with the previous 5 mm. The whole clinical
setting was thus considered as an atypical thoracic pain in
a patient with an early repolarisation pattern.

Nevertheless, properly performed history taking suggested

the diagnosis of pericarditis (previous respiratory infection,
fever, precordial pain, etc.) associated with an early
repolarisation pattern. (C) The presence of early
repolarisation was confirmed with an exercise test as the
ST-segment elevation disappeared. This is a typical
example of the incorrectly applied fibrinolytic treatment in
a patient with thoracic pain and ST-segment elevation in
ECG as a consequence of bad history taking and ECG

myocardial compromise (perimyocarditis). Sometimes the ECG pattern of subepicardium ischaemia

is quite difficult to distinguish from the negative
T wave of IHD (Figure 3.29). In cases of doubt,
the lack of evolution to evolving Q-wave MI is of
much help. However, we have to remember that the

troponin levels may increase in pericarditis (Bonnefoy, 2000). Therefore, troponin levels are not
definitive for distinguishing without any doubt between pericarditis (perimyocarditis), in which they
may be elevated, and ACS, in which they may be

204 PART II The ECG in different clinical settings of ischaemic heart disease

Occasionally, acute myocarditis may exhibit an

ST-segment elevation, and rarely abnormal Q waves
that are usually of a transient nature, generating an
electrocardiographic pattern quite similar to that
of an ACS. Characteristically, patients with an acute
myocarditis that present an ECG similar to evolving Q-wave MI (Q wave and ST-segment elevation)
exhibit low-voltage QRS complexes and sinus tachycardia that can help the differential diagnosis (Figure 5.43). The clinical history and the complementary tests help to clarify the case, although, as we
have just mentioned, the troponin levels may rise
in both situations and acute myocarditis can also
present chest discomfort.
The acute aortic syndrome (dissecting
aneurysm, aortic ulcer or intramural haematoma)
usually presents with a very sharp and intense pain
that is characteristically located predominantly at
the back of the thorax. The prognosis is serious
and adequate treatment should be performed immediately. However, these processes do not usually
modify the ECG recording, which, frequently,
is already abnormal. An ST-segment elevation
in V1V2 the indirect (mirror) pattern of the
left-ventricular enlargement that these patients
frequently present in V5V6 due to the frequent
association with hypertension is sometimes
mistaken for the primary pattern of an ST-segment
elevation due to an ACS. It is most important to
consider this possibility, since this mistake could
lead to the decision to employ fibrinolytic therapy.
This might not only be unnecessary, but dangerous
(Figure 7.4). In the mirror pattern, due to associated
hypertension, the ST-segment elevation in V1V2
is usually only of a few millimetres and convex
with respect to the isoelectric baseline, as is clearly
shown in Figure 7.4. On the other hand, in ACS the
ST-segment elevation can be much more significant
and, in general, concave. However, ST-segment elevation in an ACS may be convex with respect to the
isoelectric baseline in the presence of a tall R wave,
but when the morphology is rS, the convexity is
not evident in ischemic cases as in some normal
variants (Figure 3.1B) or in the mirror image of
LVH seen in V1V2 (Figures 7.4). The differential
diagnosis is easier when Q waves of necrosis are
present. Rarely, the aortic dissection involves a
coronary artery and then the case becomes clearly
an atypical ACS (Table 6.1, p. 266).

A pulmonary embolism usually causes dyspnoea rather than pain. Some of the following electrocardiographic changes usually appear in severe
cases: ST-segment elevation, complete right bundle
branch block (RBBB) (Figure 4.54), sinus tachycardia, negative T wave in the right precordial leads
and/or the McGinnWhite sign (SI QIII negative
TIII) (Figure 7.5). McGinnWhite pattern is transient and disappears when the situation is resolved.
Sometimes, in elderly patients with poor sinus node
function, sinus tachycardia may be misleadingly absent, even in the presence of a significant pulmonary
The most characteristic morphologies of STsegment elevation in IHD and other situations are
shown in Figure 4.13. The most important features that allow for differentiation of ACS from
acute pericarditis, early repolarisation and dissecting aneurysm are given in Table 7.1.
Pain of doubtful origin
In these cases (at least 20% of all cases of chest pain
arriving at the emergency department) a definitive
diagnosis should be made as soon as possible and,
especially, pain of an ischaemic origin (ACS) and
other serious causes (dissecting aneurysm and pulmonary embolism) should be either confirmed or
ruled out (Figure 7.1). It is also necessary to keep
in mind other aetiologies, such as radicular, gastrointestinal and respiratory pain, and, principally,
pericarditis and perimyocarditis. The possibilities of
confusing perimyocarditis with an ACS are higher,
since in perimyocarditis not only enzymatic elevation may exist, but also ST-segment elevation is
sometimes evident. It is important to assess the presence of a recurrent pain, to analyse the pain characteristics and to perform another ECG. Whenever
possible, ECG monitoring should be employed to
check for dynamic changes in repolarisation. Enzymatic determinations may be repeated when the
initial tests have not been conclusive. However, it is
worth remembering that, as has already been stated,
enzymatic levels usually rise in the acute pericarditis, although, in general, moderately and that the
ECG does not evolve to a Q-wave myocardial infarction.
If necessary, other complementary tests should be
carried out (chest X-ray, exercise stress test, echocardiography and other imaging techniques). When

CHAPTER 7 Patients with acute chest pain: role of the ECG and its correlations 205



Figure 7.4 (A) A patient with thoracic pain due to a

dissecting aortic aneurysm. An ST-segment elevation in
V1V3 can be explained by the mirror pattern of an
evident LVE (V6) due to hypertension. This ST-segment
elevation has been erroneously interpreted as due to an
acute coronary syndrome. As a consequence, fibrinolytic

treatment was administered, which was not only

unnecessary but even harmful. (B) The CAT scan imaging
shows the dissecting aneurysm of the aorta. This case
demonstrates that before accepting a diagnosis of STE-ACS
other diseases that may cause ST-segment elevation have
to be ruled out.

the diagnosis of a dissecting aneurysm is suspected,

a transoesophageal echocardiographic study and/or
a computerised tomography (CT) scan should be
done. If a pulmonary embolism is suspected, some
blood test d-dimer and ventilation/perfusion pulmonary scintigraphy or an angio-MRI may be
necessary. In cases of dubious precordial pain, an
isotopic study or a stress echocardiogram will occasionally be needed, or even a coronary angiogram
if possible, in order to confirm or to rule out an
ischaemic origin. Recently, it has been reported
(Hoffmann, 2006) that the non-invasive assessment of coronary arteries by coronary multidetector
computed tomography may be, in case of relatively
high prevalence of ACS, useful for early triage.

Some sophisticated techniques (CMTCE) or isotopic techniques are not available in the emergency
department of majority of the centres. However,
X-ray, exercise stress test, repeated determination
of troponin levels and even an echocardiographic
study can be performed in many of them. An exercise stress test should be carried out to clarify diagnostic doubts but only when a proper history
and review of previous ECG recordings, if available, have ruled out that the patient is clinically
unstable. The few serious problems that may arise
during the practice of exercise test in these patients
usually occur because these considerations have not
been borne in mind (Ellestad, 2004). An example
of the usefulness of the exercise stress test in a

206 PART II The ECG in different clinical settings of ischaemic heart disease

























Figure 7.5 (A) A 58-year-old patient who presented a typical McGinnWhite pattern (SI, QIII with negative TIII) in a course
of pulmonary embolism. (B) The pattern disappeared during the follow-up (B).

patient with doubtful chest pain and a practically

normal basal ECG is shown in Figures 4.62 and
4.64. After a few minutes of exercise, the ECG was
abnormal. In the contrary, two cases of doubtful
pain with ECG diagnosed as pericarditis by the automatic interpretation that normalised during the
exercise stress test are shown in Figures 7.2 and 7.3.
This result rules out the diagnosis of pericarditis and
favours early repolarisation. With this approach the
number of patients that are discharged with having
a non-diagnosed ACS (accounting for 10% of the
patients in some series) will decrease dramatically
and hence the unnecessary admission of patients
with non-ischaemic chest pain (more than 30% in
some series) will also decrease.
In a small percentage of cases diagnosis is not
clearly performed, and the patients evolution
sometimes provides the solution. When the clinical picture, the ECG recording, the enzymatic levels and the exercise stress test are not conclusive
and the final diagnosis is an ACS, it is generally of
low risk (Lee et al., 1985, 1993; Pastor Torres et al.,
2002). The complication rate of an ACS with a normal baseline ECG that shows no changes during a
chest pain episode is quite low. On the other hand,

cases with abnormal ECG presenting, in addition,

changes during the anginal crisis have the highest
rate of complications.
Pain of ischaemic origin: acute
coronary syndrome
At least 40% of all cases of chest pain arriving
at a hospitals emergency department (Figure 7.1)
present an ACS (history taking, ECG, enzymes,
complementary tests, etc.) that will either evolve
or not towards an infarction (enzymes, ECG evolution, etc.).
In most cases the ACS is, from a pathophysiological point of view, the consequence of a coronary
atherothrombosis, generally triggered by the rupture or erosion of a vulnerable plaque (a plaque with
a large lipid content and thin and weak fibrous cap)
(Figure 6.1A and Table 6.1; see Plate 1.4). When the
plaque content is in contact with circulating blood,
a coronary thrombosis occurs, with the resulting arterial occlusion (Braunwald, Zipes and Libby, 1998;
Fuster and Topol, 1996). However, different ACSs,
not due to coronary atherothrombosis, exist (Table 6.1). They are studied separately in the section
Acute coronary syndrome not due to coronary

CHAPTER 7 Patients with acute chest pain: role of the ECG and its correlations 207

Key factors in the assistance of patient with suspected ACS

It is of the highest importance with regard to logistic and economic issues that a well-defined protocol be available in the emergency departments.
It should be in accordance with the existing possibilities of each hospital to carry out immediate
complementary tests. The following aspects are
critical for the best decision-making process:
a) A good use of the history taking and the
ability to detect sometimes subtle changes that
may appear in the ECG during the course of
an ACS

b) Excellent coordination with the intensive

care unit and cardiology department
c) The possibility of carrying out serial enzymatic determinations and, among the cardiologic complementary tests, the availability of, at
least, X-rays, exercise stress test and echocardiography
It is, therefore, of critical importance that a
goodhistorytakingshouldbeperformed, aswell
as all the aforementioned tests (ECG, enzymes,
etc.) in order to assure the diagnosis of ACS.

atherothrombosis (p. 265). There are some patients with ischaemic chest pain suggestive of ACS
that for several reasons does not seek attention in
the emergency department. This means that we have
to educate not only physicians but also the global
population about the critical signs of heart attack
and the importance to look for medical care very
The pain frequently has the typical ischaemic features (located in the precordium, oppressive, radiating to the jaw and/or arms, vegetative symptoms,
etc.). However, in certain cases it may be atypical with respect to the localisation, irradiation and
other characteristics. It may even be atypical increasing on movement, digital pressure, etc. These
cases usually present a good prognosis (see later
Prognosis of patients arriving at emergency department with chest pain and p. 257). It should
be considered that any exertional pain, not only of
precordial location, but in any other upper part
of the body, including the arms, has to be considered of ischaemic origin until the contrary has been
demonstrated. Irradiation towards the arms and the
jaw, especially, and the presence of vegetative signs
support ischaemic origin.
Different clinical parameters exist that, independently of typical characteristics of the pain, favour
its ischaemic origin. They are (1) age; (2) documented history of IHD and/or atherosclerotic artery
disease, and/or evident risk factors (hypertension,
diabetes and lipid disorders); (3) family history of
IHD or sudden death. However, when these aspects
are lacking, the ischaemic origin of the pain should
not be ruled out. Occasionally, atypical ACS in a

young person, including a young woman, may occur (see ACS not due to coronary atherothrombosis, p. 265).
There are, as well, some cases with anginal pain
that do not require urgent medical assistance in
emergency department because the pain is stable
(classic exertional angina), or their characteristics
are frequently atypical and/or repetitive along the
years (X syndrome or myocardial bridging, etc.).
These cases (Tables 6.1-2) have been included in the
section Clinical settings with anginal pain outside
the ACS (p. 297). However, in cases frequently coexisting with an underlying atherosclerotic disease,
they may change their form of presentation or their
duration, or may become repetitive, and give rise to
a typical picture of an ACS. The cases of coronary
spasm (p. 271), as the anginal pain occurred at rest,
are considered an atypical ACS, because of transient nature of ST-segment elevation and because
it is due to coronary spasm sometimes without evident atherothrombosis.

Prognosis of patients arriving at

the emergency department with
chest pain
(Braunwald et al., 2000; Diderholm et al., 2002; Lee
et al., 1985, 1995; Morrow et al., 2000a,b; Pastor
Torres et al., 2002; Ryan et al., 1999)
In chest pain of non-ischaemic origin, the
prognosis is related to the aetiology of the pain.
It can range from a benign prognosis (e.g. a
musculoskeletal pain) to a poor or very poor
prognosis (pneumonia, pulmonary embolism,

208 PART II The ECG in different clinical settings of ischaemic heart disease

dissecting aneurysm or other types of acute aortic

Patients with chest pain of ischaemic origin correspond to the clinical picture of ACS. The ACS may
be classified, according to the clinical, electrocardiographic and blood test characteristics, into three
risk groups: high, intermediate and low. Further
ahead, we will discussin detail the electrocardio-

graphic markers found especially in these three

groups (see section Risk stratification p. 257). We
will just recall here that patients presenting with
an ACS, with atypical chest pain (increasing on
movement or with digital pressure, etc.), normal
or slightly abnormal ECG, and negative or not
clearly positive enzymes, usually have a very good


Acute coronary syndrome: unstable

angina and acute myocardial
Pathophysiology and classification
of ACS: the role of ECG
Majority of ACS occur due to coronary
atherothrombosis, and thus they may be considered as classic or typical ACS. There are
other causes that may in some occasions, usually
rare, produce an ACS that we consider atypical (Table 6.1) (see ACS not due to coronary
atherothrombosis p. 265).
In the chronic phase of IHD the concept of Qand non-Q-wave MI is still used and is valid to separate patients that usually present a larger infarction
(Q-wave infarction) than the others with usually
less extensive infarction (non-Q-wave MI), as has
been demonstrated by CMR (Moon et al., 2004).
However, in acute phase of IHD, the best classification after the results of TIM11B trial (Bertrand and
Spencer, 2006) is ACS with or without ST-segment
elevation, because it was demonstrated that fibrinolytic therapy is clearly beneficial in patients
with ACS and ST-segment elevation (STE-ACS),
and no clear benefit was found in patients without
ST-segment elevation (NSTE-ACS). Angiographic
findings have demonstrated that these differences in
outcome are due to the status of the infarct-related
artery that present acute coronary occlusion in more
than 80% of cases in STE-ACS and only in 1025%
in NSTE-ACS. The group of NSTE-ACS includes
patients with unstable angina (UA) and NSTEMI
that present similar physiopathology but patients

In English literature, it is usually named STEMI (ST elevation myocardial infarction), but we consider the name
STE-ACS better because currently with quick reperfusion
treatment some of these cases present aborted MI.

with non-NSTEMI have a worst outcome. Other

differences between stable angina, STE-ACS and
NSTE-ACS are shown in Figure 8.1 and Table 8.2.
This figure shows that patients with NSTE-ACS
present white thrombi (platelet-rich thrombi) as
compared with STE-ACS that present red thrombi.
The difference between the two groups is also important regarding the degree of occlusion, as we
have already mentioned. Patients with STE-ACS
usually present total occlusion of the infarct-related
artery due to thrombosis that if persists, evolves to
a Q-wave MI. Meanwhile, in patients with NSTEACS the obstruction is not usually complete and
localised but presents active lesions with irregular
borders and superimposed thrombus in a lesion that
frequently presents a ruptured or eroded plaque,
and usually if infarct occurs, is of non-Q-wave type.
In patients with STE-ACS, early achievement of
an open infarct-related artery (the open artery
theory) is associated with an improved outcome.
However, if occlusion persists for more than 30
minutes, usually Q-wave-type MI develops. Fibrinolytic therapy interrupts this cascade of events by
lysing the coronary thrombus and clearly improving survival. On the other hand, among patients
presenting NSTE-ACS the coronary artery is usually
patent, although the presence of ulcerated/ruptured
plaque with non-occlusion thrombus makes necessary to prevent the progression to complete occlusion (theory of passivation of disruptured
From ECG point of view, we have to mention that
patients with new onset persistent ST-segment elevation (>30 min) belong to the group STE-ACS,
which indicates transmural ischaemia due to epicardial coronary occlusion by a thrombus that evolves


210 PART II The ECG in different clinical settings of ischaemic heart disease

Stable angina

ST elevation
Non-ST elevation
ACS evolving to Q-wave MI











Acute coronary


No clot

White Clot

Red Clot

Figure 8.1 Angiographic findings in chronic stable angina and all the spectrum of ACS. (Modified from Cannon, 2003.)

to Q-wave MI and needs immediate reperfusion

therapy. When there are transient episodes of
ST-segment elevation and ST-segment depression
there is no clear decision, and usually these cases are
ultimately classified as NSTE-ACS. When only STsegment elevation is present but the crises are
very transient, these cases usually correspond to
non-typical ACS as is variant angina (coronary
spasm). Therefore, in all patients with suspected
ACS it is very useful to perform ST-segment monitoring in order to detect or rule out ST-segment
changes during chest pain or to detect silent
The ECG patterns found in patients with NSTEACS (Table 8.1) (usually non-occlusive thrombosis)
include cases with ST-segment depression (horizontal or downsloping) greater than 0.5 m in at
least two adjacent leads for some authors (Holper
et al., 2001) or 1 mm for others (McConhay,
1971) (p. 111). Also included are the cases of flat
or negative T wave, which are usually not very
deep and more often in leads with predominant
R waves. It should also be appreciated that a completely normal, near-normal or unchanged ECG
in patients presenting with suspicious symptoms
are also included in NSTE-ACS, but the presence
of completely normal ECG recorded during an
episode of significant chest pain should direct attention to other possible causes for the presenting
In both groups of ACS, the ECG pattern may
be different according to the following factors: (a)
duration, severity and extension of ischaemia; (b)
presence of collateral flow; (c) variation of coro-

nary anatomy; and (d) presence of confounding

From the electrocardiographic point of view in
the presence of ACS, first it is necessary to assess
whether the QRS complex is narrow or wide. More
than 80% of ACS present narrow QRS. The diagnosis and prognostic implications of both types are
different. Patients with hemiblocks are included in
ACS with narrow QRS because repolarisation is not
modified by hemiblocks. However, those with complete bundle branch block, WolffParkinsonWhite
syndrome, or pacemaker are not included and will
be studied later on (see ACS with wide QRS and/or
LVH) (p. 247).
In first part we have discussed the criteria for diagnosis and location of ST-segment elevation (pattern
of subepicardium injury) and ST-segment depression or negative T wave (pattern of subendocardial
injury and subepicardial ischaemia). Now we will
discuss the clinical evolution, prognostic implications and risk stratification of these patterns.
Typical and atypical pattern of STE-ACS
and NSTE-ACS (Table 8.1, and Figures 8.2 and
In clinical practice patients with ACS and narrow
QRS may be classified in two groups: ACS with persistent ST-segment elevation (typical and atypical
patterns) and ACS without ST-segment elevation
that also includes cases of normal, near-normal
(pseudonormal) or unchanged ECG. We will
briefly comment on the clinical characteristics and
prognostic implications of these two types of clinical ECG syndromes.

CHAPTER 8 Acute coronary syndrome: unstable angina and acute myocardial infarction 211
Table 8.1 ECG patterns of ACS seen in emergency services at admission
1. Typical = ST elevation in frontal or horizontal planes with mirror
image of ST depression in other leads
2. Atypical:
Equivalent = ST depression in V1-V3 with smaller ST elevation in II,
III, VF / V5V6 (pattern C fig 8.3) or even without ST elevation in
these leads
Patterns without ST elevation during some period of the evolving
Hyperacute phase. Tall T wave with rectified or even small ST
depression (pattern A fig 8.3) (pattern A fig 8.3)
Deep negative T wave in V1-V4-5 (reperfusion pattern) (pattern
B figs 8.3, and fig 8.9). May evolve to an STE-ACS


1) ST depression as the most predominant pattern
In 7 leads (circumferential involvement)
Corresponds to 3-vessel disease or critical LMT subocclusion or
equivalent (LAD + CX). If T wave is negative in V4-V6 usually is LMT
In less than 7 leads (regional involvement)
May be 23 vessel disease but usually with 1 culprit artery. More
frequently in leads with dominant R wave. Cases of worst prognosis
present ST depression in V4V6 and in FP leads, with negative T
wave in V4V6.
2) Flat or negative T wave as the most predominant pattern The
negativity of T wave usually is <2-3 mm (fig 3.23). Sometimes a
negative U wave may be seen.
3. Normal ECG, nearly normal or unchanged during ACS

(a) Patients with persistent STE-ACS present an

ST-segment elevation as a new or presumably
new and most characteristic electrocardiographic
change of this syndrome and correspond to group
of patients that demonstrated that fibrinolytic treatment is beneficial (type A; Figure 8.2 and Table 8.1).
The treatment has to be very urgent. If possible, it
is always the best option, especially after 3 hours of
pain, to perform a primary percutaneous coronary
intervention (PCI). The following ECG patterns are
(1) Typical cases with ST-segment elevation
(Table 8.1A(1)): The arterial occlusion is complete or nearly complete, and the ventricular wall
is globally and homogeneously severely compromised, and usually collateral circulation is

not very developed. The ischaemia occurs first

predominantly in the subendocardium, but it
soon becomes transmural and homogeneous
(Figure 3.7, and Tables 2.1 and 4.1).
(2) Atypical ECG patterns (see Table 8.1A(2),
Figure 8.3):
(i) ST-segment depression in leads with
non-dominant R wave, especially V1V3
corresponds to a mirror pattern of the
ST-segment elevation, recorded in leads of
the back and represents injury mainly located in lateral and inferobasal wall due to
left circumflex coronary artery (LCX) occlusion (Table 8.1). Under these circumstances, ST-segment depression in V1V3
as a mirror pattern is seen as the main

212 PART II The ECG in different clinical settings of ischaemic heart disease

Acute coronary syndrome (ACS)

Electrocardiographic alterations in presence of normal intraventricular conduction (narrow QRS)

intial ECG


New ST elevation*

New ST depression and/or

negative T wave

In general
persistent or

In general
persistent or

Normal or nearly ECG or without

changes in respect to previous ECGs 510%

in the evolution****



Diagnosis at
the discharge

(aborted MI)

infraction or



Small infraction






Figure 8.2 Acute coronary syndromes: ECG abnormalities at admission and diagnosis at discharge.

electrocardiographic change, but often (not

always) small ST-segment elevation is
recorded in inferior or lateral leads (Figure 4.47). Also, it has been reported that
posterior (back) leads increase the detection of ischaemia in this area (Khaw et
al., 1999). It is very important to perform the correct diagnosis because the
therapeutic approach in this case has to
be urgent revascularisation (primary PCI
or thrombolytic therapy as a reasonable alternative Antman et al. (2004))
(Figure 8.3C).
(ii) In early phase of STE-ACS there is a
brief initial period in which often, in case
of left anterior descending coronary artery
(LAD) occlusion, a tall and symmetric T
wave corresponding to subendocardium ischaemia is recorded in V1V2. The first ECG
taken to the patient may present this atypical
pattern (Figures 8.4 and 8.6). It is very important to not consider this pattern as a nor-

mal variant. It is necessary to perform urgent

treatment when the dynamic changes start
(Figure 8.3A).
(iii) The presence of deep negative T wave
in V1V4V5, as the most striking ECG
finding in the course of an ACS, is the expression that critical stenosis exists in LAD
(Wellens syndrome) (De Zwane, Bar and
Wellens, 1982) (see p. 42). Also, a similar pattern may be seen in STE-ACS after reperfusion (fibrinolysis or PCI), as it is a good sign
of opened artery (see p. 220).
On the other hand, to know where is the site
of occlusion (see Table 4.1) in STE-ACS is important, to decide the need and the urgency
to perform a primary PCI. As a consequence
of reperfusion treatment (fibrinolytic or PCI) it
has been shown that the area at risk during
the acute phase is larger than the final infarcted
(b) Patients with NSTE-ACS correspond to the
cases that have not demonstrated that fibrinolytic

CHAPTER 8 Acute coronary syndrome: unstable angina and acute myocardial infarction 213




Figure 8.3 Atypical patterns of STE-ACS. (A) Tall and

positive T wave in V1V2. Hyperacute phase of LAD
occlusion. (B) Deep and negative T wave in V1V4V5.
Impending STE-ACS or reperfusion pattern after
treatment. New occlusion may appear. (C) ST-segment
depression in V1V2 clearly greater than ST-segment
elevation in inferior/lateral leads due to LCX occlusion.

treatment is beneficial. The following ECG patterns

may be found (Figure 8.1B and Table 8.1):
(1) ST-segment depression (Table 8.1B(1)):
The culprit artery, in these cases of NSTE-ACS,
is not completely occluded and a transmural
though not homogenous involvement usually
exists, with subendocardium predominance.

(1) The distinction between an ACS with or

without ST-segment elevation is of critical importance in order to determine the need for
urgent fibrinolytic therapy. This therapeutic
approach is beneficial in the ACS with STsegment elevation, but not in the ACS without
ST-segment elevation.
(2) The differences between ACS with or without ST-segment elevation are shown in Table 8.2.
(3) From the electrocardiographic point of
view an ST-segment depression or a negative
T wave will be recorded, depending on the
area (with or without subendocardial predominance) of the ventricular wall that is affected (see Table 8.1 and Figure 3.9).

This also occurs in some cases when the artery

is completely occluded but much collateral circulation is present, or when the thrombus has
been rechannelled.
(i) Cases with ST-segment depression are
sometimes very striking in many leads
(generally seven or more) with or without
dominant R wave, presenting along with
ST-segment elevation in VR (Table 8.1B(1)).
The T wave in V3V5 may be negative (usually left main trunk (LMT) subocclusion)
or positive. Both cases present a circumferential involvement (p. 114). It is compulsory to start medical treatment and perform
coronariography as a coronary angiography
(ii) Cases with ST-segment depression: In
a few leads (generally from two to six) (Table 8.1B(1)) more frequently in leads with
dominant R wave (regional involvement)
the need of emergent coronary angiography
depends on the clinical situation.
(2) Flattened or negative T wave (Table 8.1B(2)): Usually, it is not necessarily an
emergent coronariography. This morphology is
usually seen in leads (generally from two to six)
with or without dominant R wave.
(3) Normal or unmodified ECG (Table
8.1B(3)): In approximately 10% of the cases, the

(4) The pattern of negative T wave recorded

in patients with IHD probably is not due to
active ischaemia.
a. In case of very negative T wave in V1V4
V5 (LAD occlusion), it is probably a reperfusion pattern (pattern induced by ischaemia
but not due to active ischaemia). However,
if this pattern is present in the absence of
reperfusion treatment, most probably, it represents that an STE-ACS has partially spontaneously reperfused, but usually an important
proximal LAD occlusion existed (p. XX).
b. Flat or negative T wave is probably explained as a postischaemic changes (reperfusion pattern).

214 PART II The ECG in different clinical settings of ischaemic heart disease






NSTE-ACS (51%)
Figure 8.4 Incidence of different patterns of STE-ACS and
NSTE-ACS in our hospital (pilot study of 200 consecutive
cases of ACS). There is no case of hyperacute phase (tall
and peaked T wave no 4) because the patients arrive at

emergency room at least after 30 minutes from the onset

of pain (see Figure 8.3(A) and Table 8.1). CF, confounding
factors. (see p. 242).

ECG is normal or nearly normal, or unchanged

with respect to previous ECG recordings usually
the prognosis is better. However, it has to
be considered that some cases of apparently
normal ECG may correspond to atypical
patterns of STE-ACS (see Figure 8.2 and
Table 8.1).
All these situations will be dealt with now, with a
special focus on the clinical evolution and the coronary angiogram correlation in each case, and with
emphasis on the prognostic implications and risk

rival to our emergency department (see footnote).

The in-hospital mortality of these ECG patterns is
shown in p. 221 and 234.

Incidence of STE-ACS and NSTE-ACS

The incidence of NSTE-ACS has increased in the
recent years. Large data (Roe et al., 2005; Scholte
et al., 2006) have reported that currently STE-ACSs
are present in 3050% of cases and NSTE-ACS in
5070% (see Table 8.2). Figure 8.4 shows the incidence of different ECG patterns of ACS at ar-

Patients with ACS and ST-segment

elevation (STE-ACS): from the
aborted infarction to the Q-wave
In Chapter 1 the mechanisms of ST-segment elevation were discussed, along with the criteria of the
ST-segment deviations that allow for the diagnosis,
differential diagnosis and location of first STE-ACS.
Now, the following will mainly be discussed: (1) the
evolving electrocardiographic patterns of STE-ACS;
(2) the risk and prognosis stratification of STE-ACS
at entrance; (3) the ECG data indicative of a poor
prognosis during evolution; (4) the ECG changes
developing during the thrombolytic therapy; (5)
the possibility to know through the ECG changes

CHAPTER 8 Acute coronary syndrome: unstable angina and acute myocardial infarction 215
Table 8.2 Comparative study of ACS with and without ST segment elevation


ST elevation or equivalent

Without ST elevation

( ST V1 -V3 )

( ST and/or negative T-wave or normal ECG)



Type of occlusion and

Usually complete occlusion

Non-complete occlusion




Level of the previous

In general, small

In general evident, especially in the subendocardial area

Usually transmural and

Often not easy to locate

Occurrence (Roe 2005,

Scholte 2006)

ventricular ischemia
Type and location of the
ischemia due to ACS

Located in anteroseptal ( ST V12

When ST depression is in 7 leads with elevation in

VR, the injury is very extensive (circumferential) and

a V3 ) I or VL) or inferolateral zone

predominantly subendocardial non-complete

( ST II, III, and sometimes I, VL, V6

occlusion of the main trunk (LMT) or proximal

and/or ST V1 V3 .
See atypical patterns (fig 8.3)

occlusion of LAD + LCX (equivalent)

The ischemia is regional when the ST depression is
only present in a few leads (6)
Flat or negative T wave is due to delay of
repolarization that has no subendocardial

Diagnostic criteria

ST 2 mm PH

(present at least, in two

ST 1 mm PF


ST 1 mm V1 -V3 (mirror image)

ST segment depression:
( ST 0.5 mm in at least 2 consecutive leads (see
p. 111).
Negative T wave:
Usually not very deep (<2-3mm). May be present in
HP and/or FP.
When is very negative and present in V1 to V45
usually is an atypical pattern of STE-ACS (see fig 8.3)

Mirror image

Type of ECG evolution

In general, yes.

In general, no.

Sometimes more prominent than

ST elevation in VR and sometimes in V1 in case of

the direct image: V1 - V3 in some

non-complete occlusion of the left main trunk or

cases of lateral MI.

equivalent and in 3 vessel disease.

Usually Q-wave infarction.

Non Q-wave infarction or unstable angina

Sometimes limited infarction or

even aborted by the treatment (see
fig 8.2)
Clinical setting:

In case of a clear Q-wave infarction

Often more ventricular mass involved.


the importance of the ventricular

More coronary arteries involved

area at risk depends on the location

Prognosis may be worst in case of very extensive

of the occlusion.

infarction (LMT or equivalent)

Fewer coronary arteries are

Variable prognostic. In general
good if treatment is started early
Fibrinolytic treatment

If possible, urgent PCI is preferable

In principle, no fibrinolytic treatment

vs. PCI

specially after 3 hs of anginal pain.

At least in high-risk patients, PCI is advisable

216 PART II The ECG in different clinical settings of ischaemic heart disease

Seconds to
few minutes

Figure 8.5 A flow chart drawing of the ECG changes in

case of Q-wave anterior MI (records in V1V2) from the
very onset (rectified ST and positive T wave) till the
different evolution patterns that may be present along a
year in case where no treatment has been administered.

which is the culprit artery in the presence of multivessel disease.

Evolving electrocardiographic patterns
in the STE-ACS (Figures 8.2 and 8.5)
The typical pattern of evolving STE-ACS represents
the presence of persistent (30 min) ST-segment
elevation and expresses the successive phenomena
that occur during a complete occlusion of an epicardial artery; CMR has demonstrated (Mahrhold
et al., 2005) that the wavefront of ischaemia and
consequent infarction begin in the subendocardium
and grow towards the epicardium over the next

Transient ST elevation lasting a few minutes corresponds

to atypical ACS especially due to coronary spasm (variant or Prinzmetal angina) (p. 272). Sometimes ACS due to
atherothrombosis may present transient ST shifts in the form
of ups and downs. These cases usually finalise as clinically

hours. During this period the ischaemic area is very

soon transmural (ST) and the infarcted area within
the ischaemic area increases continuously towards
a transmural infarction (Figure 8.6). This is a clear
demonstration in vivo of the previous experimental work, some of them already 50 years old (Lengyel
et al., 1957), that after a coronary occlusion first predominant subendocardial ischaemia arises and then
the ischaemia becomes more severe and transmural (ST elevation) (see Experimental point of view
and Figure 3.4, p. 32). However, according to our
knowledge, it is the first demonstration in human
beings that the MI starts from the subendocardium
to subepicardium, becoming often transmural but
has never been exclusively subepicardium.
In this group of STE-ACS are included the
ECG patterns described earlier: (1) typical pattern of ST-segment elevation, and (2) atypical patterns (peaked and tall T wave in V1V2; negative
T wave in V1V4 and ST-segment depression in

CHAPTER 8 Acute coronary syndrome: unstable angina and acute myocardial infarction 217

<2 h

26 h


>6 h

Ischaemic (viable)


Figure 8.6 The typical pattern of ischaemic heart disease

can be explained by the pathophysiology of ischaemia
studied with CE-CMR. Little or no cellular necrosis is found
until about 15 minutes after occlusion. After 15 minutes, a
wavefront of necrosis begins subendocardial and grows

towards the epicardium over the next few hours. During

this period the infarcted region within the ischaemic zone
increases continuously towards a transmural infarction.
(Adapted form Mahrholdt et al., Eur Heart J, 2005.)

V1V3 > ST-segment elevation in inferior lateral

leads) (see Figure 8.3 and Table 8.1A).
Now we will discuss the evolving electrocardiographic patterns that can appear throughout the
occlusion of an epicardial coronary artery and its
prognostic implications (Figures 3.18, 3.19 and 8.5).
(a) Subendocardial ischaemia (symmetric and
peaked T wave and usually taller)
This pattern is not always seen. Surely, if we have
the opportunity of recording the ECG during the
hyperacute phase of the coronary occlusion, it
could be more frequently recorded as in case of
the experimental coronary occlusion (Figure 3.3)
and in more than half the cases of coronary spasm
(Prinzmetal angina) (Figure 10.5; Bayes de Luna et
al., 1985). In the hyperacute phase of STE-ACS, a
usually tall and peaked T wave with QTc prolongation indicative of subendocardium ischaemia, preceded by a rectified ST segment or even slightly depressed ST segment, can be seen especially in V1V3

(Figure 8.7A). If the base is wide (Figure 3.8A,C), it

is the expression of an intermediate situation between the typical pattern of subendocardium ischaemia and the pattern of subepicardium injury
(Figure 3.8A and 8.8).
(b) Subepicardial injury (ST-segment elevation)
This pattern, which ECG expression starts during
the first part of repolarisation (see Figure 4.5 and
p. 61), is characterised by ST-segment elevation in
some leads of variable magnitude and morphological features with usually mirror patterns showing
ST-segment depression in opposite leads. In some
atypical cases the mirror images of ST-segment depression are more predominant than the direct pattern of ST-segment elevation. This occurs especially
in some cases of LCX occlusion (Figure 4.47). In
cases of severe ischaemia (grade 3) (see To identify the grade (intensity) of ischaemia through the
ST/T morphology) (p. 224) the ST-segment elevation is accompanied by a change in the QRS

218 PART II The ECG in different clinical settings of ischaemic heart disease





Figure 8.7 A 45-year-old patient with an acute precordial

pain who presents a tall T and peaked T wave that follows
a rectified ST segment in right precordial leads as the only
ECG sign suggestive of ischaemia (A). Some minutes later
ST-segment elevation appears (B) and very soon becomes
very evident, accompanied by R-wave increase and S-wave
decrease (C). The ECG pattern recorded in (C) presents

ratio J point/R wave >0.5 which corresponds to more

severe ischaemia (grade C or 3 of BirnbaumSclarovsky)
(see p. XX). This patient presents ventricular fibrillation
some minutes after the ECG only presents peaked T wave
(A). This is a clear evidence of the importance to make a
good interpretation of ECG at entrance, especially in a
patient with acute chest pain.

complex morphology, which is swept upwards by

the ST-segment elevation (Figures 8.7 and 8.9). This
occurs because the injury pattern is recorded during
systole (see p. 61), starting as of the final portion of
the QRS complex, and decreases while the ST segment is recorded. In this case there is a delay in the
intramyocardial conduction of the stimulus in the
area involved by a severe and hyperacute ischaemia,
generally before the appearance of infarction Q
wave. Therefore, in severe cases the ST-segment
changes appear along with changes in the final
portion of the QRS complex. They consist, in leads
with rS morphology, in an increase of R-wave voltage and, frequently, abolishment of the S wave when
the ST segment is upwardly deviated. According to
Birnbaum et al. (1993, 1996b) (see To define the
grade (intensity) of ischaemia through ST/T morphology) (p. 224) if the ratio J point/R wave is less
than 0.50, the ischaemia is type B or grade 2, and if
the ratio is greater than 0.50, it is type C or grade 3.
Even in grade 3 of ischaemia the S wave may disap-

pear (Figures 8.7 and 8.9). To a lesser degree, the opposite occurs in leads with ST-segment depression
that S wave may increase. These QRS abnormalities
are generally transient and are only found in cases
with severe ischaemia, but do not necessarily imply the existence of an intraventricular block (e.g.
A new onset ST-segment elevation, evident (1
mm in the inferior wall and 2 mm in the precordial leads), persistent or repetitive, is explained by
a coronary occlusion due to thrombosis occurring
on a ruptured or eroded plaque, and it will most
probably evolve towards a Q-wave myocardial infarction (Table 2.1-A1). Therefore, this ST-segment
elevation may be considered typical of an evolving Q-wave myocardial infarction (Wagner et al.,
2000). However, on certain occasions, when reperfusion therapy has been initiated early on and/or the
patient is suffering from a transient thrombotic occlusion, the ST-segment elevation may be transient,
though it is quite important at the beginning. At















Figure 8.8 (A) A 48-year-old patient in an acute phase of

anterior infarction (less than 1 h from the pain onset).
Observe a tall, wide and not quite symmetric T wave
without clear ST-segment elevation in V2V4, which may
be explained by intermediate situation between typical

ECG pattern of subendocardial ischaemia and the pattern

of subepicardial ischaemia. Slight ST-segment elevation
may be noted in V1 lead. (B) Few hours later appeared
typical pattern of subepicardial injury (ST-segment
elevation) with QS of necrosis in V2V4.

CHAPTER 8 Acute coronary syndrome: unstable angina and acute myocardial infarction 219











Figure 8.9 (A) A patient with ACS with ST-segment

elevation with the pattern found in cases of severe
transmural ischaemia (increase in R, disappearance of S
wave, ratio J point/R wave >0.5). Troponin levels were
normal. (B) The ECG after primary PCI of proximal LAD
presents a deep negative T wave from V2V4, suggestive
of opened artery (reperfusion pattern).
(C) Some hours after PCI the patient presented precordial
pain with pseudonormalisation of ECG as a sign of

reocclusion. (V2 lead presents artefacts.) (D) After having

controlled the pain, a new PCI demonstrates intrastent
thrombosis and a new stent was inserted, and again
non-prominent negative T waves were recorded. The ECG
was normalised after a few days. The troponine levels were
not elevated during the whole clinical setting. Therefore,
it is a clear case of aborted myocardial infarction. Some
years before, this ECG would certainly evolve into
extensive Q-wave infarction (see Figures 8.5 and 3.18).

other times the ECG may show minor ST-segment

elevation or perhaps, just in case of basal negative
T wave, a pseudonormalisation pattern may appear without ST-segment elevation (Figure 3.21),
though the ST may be clearly elevated in another
crisis. Under these circumstances, the patient might
not suffer irreversible myocardial damage (troponin
is negative) neither evolve towards a Q-wave infarction. Therefore, with the therapies currently available, the STE-ACS may be of short duration and
evolve towards a non-Q-wave infarction or unstable angina (aborted infarction) depending on troponin levels (Figures 8.1 and 8.2).
The term aborted infarction (Dowdy et al., 2004;
Lamfers et al., 2003) refers to clinical situation that
presents the following features:
(1) ACS with evident ST-segment elevation suggesting a transmural ischaemia (Figure 8.7)
(2) Absence of enzyme elevation or, an increase of
less than double the normal values

(3) The summation of the ST-segment elevation

and depression decreases to a value lower than 50%
in less than 2 hours of reperfusion therapy
The number of aborted infarctions has been
shown to be much higher (18%) when fibrinolytic
therapy is begun in the pre-hospital setting than
when it is begun after admission (4.5%). Moreover, more aborted infarctions occur when the
ST-segment elevation, though evident, is not so
striking. The same occurs in patients with a prior
history of angina because they present more collateral circulation. Therefore, when reperfusion therapy is begun early, the ST-segment elevation pattern
lasts for less time and the condition may end in a
non-Q-wave infarction or even in an aborted infarction (UA) (Figures 8.2 and 8.9). Recently, it has
been suggested that TakoTsubo syndrome may be
an aborted MI with spontaneous thrombus autolysis (Ibanez et al., 2006) (see Transient left ventricle
apical ballooning) (p. 267).

220 PART II The ECG in different clinical settings of ischaemic heart disease

Figure 8.10 Patient with crises of Prinzmetal angina, who presented during these crises typical of subepicardial injury
pattern. During the remission of pain (Holter method recording) the injury pattern disappeared within a few seconds.

In case of proximal LAD occlusion the STsegment elevation in precordial leads after successful revascularisation is followed by negative
and deep T wave in the same leads, with usually little or no ST-segment elevation or more
frequently mild ST-segment depression. This is
currently considered an expression of reperfusion and opened artery. However, sometimes the
same ECG may be seen in case of proximal LAD
subocclusion probably with spontaneous partial
reperfusion that is necessary to treat quickly to
avoid the presentation of an STE-ACS (De Zwan,
Bar and Wellens, 1982). The same may also happen in patients presenting this ECG pattern after
revascularisation (reperfusion pattern), if spontaneous rethrombosis or new intrastent thrombosis
appears. In this situation the ECG will present an
ST-segment elevation or a pseudonormalisation of
T wave, which may be confused with an improvement of the clinical situation but really represent an
important complication (Figure 8.9).
Therefore the presence of negative and deep T
wave in precordial leads, especially in V1V4, is
usually the expression of evolutive phase of STEACS that occurs when the LAD occlusion is opened
(reperfusion ECG sign). However, in some cases
may herald, especially if the angina pain is recurrent,
a new occlusion with the appearance of pseudonormal T wave and occasionally a new ST-segment elevation (Figures 8.3B and 8.9).
In cases with coronary spasm, ST-segment
elevation lasts from seconds to a few minutes
(Figure 8.10, p. 271). Often the ST-segment elevation is very striking presenting in rare cases, even

an ST/TR alternance (Figure 8.11). The duration

of classical STE-ACS is much longer, though this is
greatly related to the onset of reperfusion therapy
(see ECG changes induced by fibrinolytic therapy)
(p. 228).
(c) Infarction Q wave and negative T wave pattern
of subepicardial ischaemia
This is the electrocardiographic pattern that is
recorded when the ACS with ST-segment elevation
evolves towards a transmural infarction with homogenous involvement of the full wall. First, the Q
wave of infarction develops and then, after a few
hours, the negative T wave is observed (see Figures
8.15, 3.18 and 3.19). It has been shown in the fibrinolytic era that at 9 hours of the onset of an ACS
with ST-segment elevation, the changes occurring
in the QRS complex (Q wave) have already been
completed and the QRS morphology is already stable. Therefore, at that time it has been possible to
estimate not only the exact location of the infarction, but also the infarct size, on the basis of the
presence of an infarction Q wave (Bar et al., 1996;
Hindman et al., 1985).
On rare occasions, the pathological Q wave that
develops during an ACS may be transient. The
pathological Q wave recorded at the initial phase
of the infarction indicates the presence of tissue unable to be activated electrically. More than likely,
this will end up being an infarcted tissue (Q wave
of necrosis). However, certain possibilities of recovery exist. Should this happen, R wave will again be
recorded. This sometimes occurs in coronary spasm
and in aborted MI. However, one should remember that transient q waves are also seen at times in

CHAPTER 8 Acute coronary syndrome: unstable angina and acute myocardial infarction 221

Figure 8.11 Holter recording of a patient with a severe crisis of Prinzmetal angina. Observe the presence of clear
ST-segment and TQ alternance together with some PVC.

myocarditis (Figure 5.43) or these develop due to

other causes (Table 5.5, p. 175).
What is more frequently seen in the subacute
phase is that patterns of ST-segment elevation that
begin to return to the baseline coexist with the development of an infarction Q wave and a negative T
wave (Figure 8.5). The evolution and approximate
duration of the different morphologies in case that
treatment was not administered observed throughout the first year following a Q-wave MI are shown
in this figure. The appearance of negative and often deep T wave is related with the changes that
Q-wave MI has induced in the repolarisation process and does not represent the existence of active
ischaemia. On the contrary, the disappearance of
ST-segment elevation and the appearance of negative T wave are a sign of good evolution after MI. As
a matter of fact the lack of appearance of negative T
wave is a marker of bad outcome and possible mechanical complications (see Figures 8.27 and ECG
in mechanical complications of an ACS evolving to
MI) (p. 244).
The disappearance of the infarction Q wave may
be the result of an improvement of the disease (Figure 8.5). Generally, this is due to the presence of
collateral vessels. The involved area may recover its

ability to generate measurable vectors. However, it

may also be explained by a new infarction that has
developed in the opposite area and by the appearance of ventricular block usually LBBB. In the first
case, the ECG improvement will be progressive (Figure 8.12), whereas it will occur more rapidly in the
latter two cases (Figures 5.38 and 5.39 ).
In mid-1990s the AndersonWilkins score was
introduced (Wilkins et al., 1995). This score is provided as a continuous scale from 4.0 (hyperacute T
wave) to 1.0 (subacute) on the basis of the comparative hyperacute T waves versus abnormal Q
waves in each of the leads with ST-segment elevation. Although it is an interesting approach to study
the ischaemia/infarction (ischaemic acuteness) for
quantifying the timing of an MI to guide decisions
regarding reperfusion therapy, it is too complex
for manual clinical application. Furthermore, additional studies are needed to validate these scores using non-ECG reference standards (Wagner, Pahlm
and Selvester, 2006).
ST-segment elevation on admission:
prognosis and risk stratification
The electrocardiographic abnormalities described
above are observed in different leads, in accordance

222 PART II The ECG in different clinical settings of ischaemic heart disease







Figure 8.12 Patient with extensive anterior infarction. ECG

normalisation with Q wave disappearing and positivation
of T wave during 18-month follow-up.

with the occluded coronary artery and, consequently, the involved myocardial area. In the first
part the correlation in the acute phase (ST-segment
elevation) between the abnormal ECG, the involved myocardial area and the occluded artery
was discussed (Table 4.1) (see p. 70), and later
on the correlation in the chronic phase between
the infarcted area and the presence of an infarction Q wave in different leads was also commented
Figure 5.9) (p. 140). We will now describe the importance of these changes and other aspects of

ST-segment elevation related with prognosis and

risk stratification.
Despite substantial progress in the diagnosis and
treatment of STE-ACS and the evidence that PCI
is the preferred method of reperfusion if it can be
performed in a timely manner, the implementation
of this knowledge in clinical practice has been variable (Henry et al., 2006). To improve that it is necessary to develop a coordinate system of care that
has to start taking ECG to all patients with acute
chest pain and improving the diagnostic accuracy of
all health care professionals involved in emergency
In order to correctly stratify the risk in a patient having an STE-ACS, the characteristics of these
changes in the admission ECG could be studied in
the following manner to know the burden of ischaemia:
(a) Assess the elevation and depression of ST in
different leads, which allows one to localise the
coronary occlusion site and the area at risk.
(b) Sum up in millimetres the ST-segment elevations and depressions, which helps to quantify,
approximately, the area at risk.
(c) Assess the morphology of the ST-segment elevation, which allows one to know better the severity of ischaemia.
(d) Check the dynamic changes of ECG from the
pre-hospital phase to the catheterisation laboratory, which gives an idea about the evolutive
All these four aspects have their own prognostic
implications, but also are complementary amongst
themselves and with the clinical and enzymatic risk
markers (age, history of infarction, risk factors and
level of enzymes; risk score) (Morrow et al., 2000a,b)
(p. 257). We will now discuss these in detail.

Correlation between the ST-segment

changes, the occlusion site and the area
at risk
We have already discussed (p. 101) the algorithms
that give key information about how different STsegment changes are related to the occlusion of different coronary arteries and locations (see Table 4.1,
p. 70, and Figures 4.43 and 4.45). The correlation between the ST-segment elevations and depressions in the different leads has already been

CHAPTER 8 Acute coronary syndrome: unstable angina and acute myocardial infarction 223

stated, which is key information to know what

the area at risk of infarction is and to identify
the culprit artery and the occlusion site. This
area could be identified by determining the segments involved (Figures 1.8, 1.9 and 1.14, and
Table 4.1). In Figures 4.43 and 4.45 the SE, SP and
PV of different criteria used in these algorithms are
Regarding the prognosis, we can confirm that
the STE-ACS involving the anteroseptal zone
STE-ACS of inferolateral zone (Elsman et al.,
2006; see Anteroseptal versus inferolateral MI) (p.
282). On the other hand, the ACS of anteroseptal zone with the poorest prognosis is that with a
larger extension, generally secondary to the occlusion of the LAD proximal to the take-off of D1and
S1. Under these circumstances in presence of STsegment elevation in precordials, the following
ECG criteria are related with proximal occlusion
of LAD:
1. A clear ST-segment depression in II, III, VF
and V6, and ST-segment elevation in VR and V1
and ST-segment depression in V6: LAD occlusion
proximal to D1 and S1. These cases present usually
clear evidence of lower ejection fraction and haemodynamic impairment. Other authors (Sclarovsky,
1999) used other criteria (ST > 1 mm in VL)
to locate the occlusion proximal to D1. According to our experience this criteria has lower specificity. Table 8.3 shows that the presence of ST
III + VF>0.5 mm and  ST deviations in
VR + V1V6 0 represent a group of patients
with a higher incidence of proximal occlusion of
LAD, worst haemodynamic status, more important grade of ischaemia and more clinical complications (MACE) compared with the rest of the
patients. However, during their stay in the hospital the two groups presented similar incidence of
death. Further follow-up of these patients is in process and will give us the real importance of these
2. New bundle branch block: We have already explained that the presence of intermittent RBBB is
higher in the group of patients with very proximal LAD occlusion (Figure 4.66). The prognosis is
worst, especially if the ST-segment elevation resolution is slowed and the QRS is very wide (Wong et al.,
2006a, b). In case of new LBBB, which occurs very

Table 8.3 ACS due to LAD occlusion: Two groups of risk





0,5 and

deviations in

Rest of the

VR + V1V6 0


n = 65

n = 35


56,4 14,3

57 15,6



47 12

56,3 11


Killip index

1,76 1

1,37 0,6


Killip III




Grade C of




Proximal to S1




Proximal to D1




Distal to D1




MACE (major





cardiac events)

rarely, we only have a worse prognosis of the cases

with evident ST-segment deviations (Sgarbossa et
al., 1996 b).
On the other hand, the STE-ACS involving the
inferolateral zone, presenting with the poorest
prognosis, is that with the largest extension, with
evidence of significant involvement of the inferior and lateral walls and the RV.Those cases
with the highest risk present the following ECG
1. RCA occlusion proximal to the RV marginal
branches: manifested by the presence of an
isoelectric or elevated ST segment in V1V2
(Figure 4.31)
2. Presence of a very dominant RCA: ST-segment
elevation in V5V6 2 mm (Nikus et al., 2005)
(Figure 4.36)
3. EvidenceofverypredominantLCX: Evident STsegment depression in V1V3 and/or elevation in
III > II and/or ST-segment depression in VL and
very evident ST-segment elevation in V5V6 (Figure 4.42)
4. Development of an Mobitz-type AV block
5. The combination of ST-segment elevation in
the inferior wall and depression in V4V6, because it represents involvement of two or three

224 PART II The ECG in different clinical settings of ischaemic heart disease

Quantification of the burden of

ischaemia by the summation of the
ST-segment deviations
In order to quantify the area at risk and burden
of ischaemia, both ST-segment elevations and depressions should be assessed. The latter are not the
expression of subendocardium injury, but the real
expression of subepicardium (transmural) injury in
a distant area. Therefore, in LAD occlusion, an STsegment depression detected in II, III and VF, more
significant compared with an ST-segment elevation
in the same leads, represents more ischaemia (compare Figures 4.21 and 4.23).
In patients with an STE-ACS, the TIMI group has
reported a risk score in which one of the parameters
to be assessed is ST-segment deviation (Morrow et
al., 2000a,b). This will be further discussed in the
next sections (see Risk stratification) (p. 257).
On the basis of the information derived from
the GUSTO trial, Hathaway (1998a,b) reported a
nomogram, for the quantification of involved area
and to stratify the 30-day mortality risk, on the basis of the ST-segment abnormalities (elevation or
depression) at the time of hospital admission (between 1 and 4 h from the onset of pain). Also, electrocardiographic (QRS complex width) and clinical
(age, risk factors, Killip class, etc.) data were included (Table 8.4). From a practical point of view,
an ST-segment deviation (upward or downward
deviation)above 15 mm is supposed to indicate
the existence of a large area of myocardium at risk
(see Risk stratification) (p. 257).
However, somelimitationsmayoccur,e.g.inthe
case of an infarction due to occlusion of a dominant RCA proximal to the RV branches. In spite of
the large area involved, the ST segment is frequently
isodiphasic in the right precordial leads, since the
RV involvement counteracted the ST-segment depression that is usually seen in the large infarctions
due to the right coronary artery occlusion. For that
reason, the injury vector is directed more rightwards (Figure 4.30) and masks the ST-segment depression in V1. Therefore, an RCA occlusion before
the RV marginal branches may present, even with
the same dominance, globally fewer ST-segment
changes (Figure 4.31) than an RCA occlusion after
the take-off of these branches (Figure 4.34).
The prognosis has been shown to be worse
(higher possibilities of developing a primary

ventricular fibrillation (VF)) when the summation

ofST-segmentelevationinthethreemostcompromised leads is more than 8 mm (Fiol et al., 1993).
This finding, along with the presence of hypotension, is a marker of the poorest prognosis, especially
in cases with inferior infarction.
Lastly, at the same location of occlusion in two
arteries relatively of the same size, the sum of STsegment elevations will be higher when the degree
of occlusion is more important, because this represents a higher amount of ischaemia.
In the late 1980s theAldrichscore was introduced
(Aldrich et al., 1988) for estimation of the extent of
myocardium at risk for infarction in the absence
of successful reperfusion therapy. It is based on the
slope of the relationship between the amount of ST
segment in the presenting ECG and the Selvester
score of the pre-discharge ECG and is expressed
as percentage of LV infarcted. This score is obtained using a mathematical formula. Although it
is an interesting approach to know the extent of
ischaemia/infarction, it needs to be validated using non-ECG reference standards and is too complex for manual clinical application (Wagner et al.,

To define the grade (intensity) of

ischaemia through the ST/T morphology
Three ST/T morphologies that can have prognostic implications have been described (Figure 8.13;
Birnbaum et al., 1993). In cases with slight ECG
changes such as tall and wide stable T wave (not
the evolving transient pattern seen in hyperacute
phase Figure 8.7) (type A or grade 1), the prognosis is better than that when exists a convex ST
segment elevation with respect to the isoelectric
baseline (type B or grade 2) or, especially, when
it is concave with distortion of the final portion
of the QRS complex (type C or grade 3). This
means decrease or disappearance of S wave in
leads with a usual rS morphology (V1V3) with
R/S ratio 50% in two adjacent leads. In the latter case, the coronary occlusion is probably proximal, and not much collateral circulation exists. The
type C morphology expresses the involvement of
the Purkinje fibres, which are more resistant to ischaemia than are the myocytes. Therefore, it probably suggests larger area of acute ischaemia, higher
mortality, less myocardial salvage by fibrinolytic

CHAPTER 8 Acute coronary syndrome: unstable angina and acute myocardial infarction 225
Table 8.4 Nomogram for estimating 30-day mortality from initial clinical and electrocardiographic variables (Hathaway
et al. JAMA 1998).
Sum of Absolute


Blood Pressure
mm Hg






QRS Duration, milliseconds

Nonanterlor MI


Anterior MI


1. Find Points for Each Risk Marker









































































































































Prior MI




Inferior MI

Noninferior MI

2. Sum Points for All Risk Markets

3. Look up Risk Corresponding to Point Total

Systolic Blood pressure

Total Points








Sum of Absolute STSegment Deviation

QRS Duration


Prior CABG

Killip class

ECG prior MI



Probability of 30-Day Mortality

























226 PART II The ECG in different clinical settings of ischaemic heart disease













Figure 8.13 (1) The three types of repolarisation

abnormalities that may be seen in an acute phase of
myocardial infarction involving the inferolateral zone:
(A) tall and/or wide T waves in inferior leads; (B) abnormal
ST-segment elevation, with no changes of the final part of
QRS; (C) important ST-segment elevation and distortion of
the final part of QRS. (2) The three types of repolarisation

abnormalities that may be seen in an acute phase of

myocardial infarction involving the anteroseptal zone
wall: (A) tall and/or wide T waves especially seen in right
precordial leads; (B) abnormal ST-segment elevation, with
no changes of the final part of QRS; (C) important
ST-segment elevation and distortion of the final part of

treatment and more rapid progression of infarction

over time.
Type C patterns may appear shortly after severe
acute ischaemia. Therefore occasionally it has been
seen in Prinzmetal angina. These electrocardiographic findings are especially of great importance
if the chest-pain duration is similar in the different
groups when the patients arrive at the hospital. Evidently, when a patient arrives at the emergency
room after 6 hours of chest pain with a near-normal
ECG recording (type A), the prognosis is better
than the lack of ECG changes after just 15 minutes from the onset of pain. Therefore, it is very
important to check if the A (or I) pattern is transient and soon becomes B or C pattern, or if it is

persistent. In the latter case either the ischaemic

area is well protected by collateral circulation or the
occlusion is not very important (Sagie et al., 1989).
In both situations the grade of ischaemia is much
lower than that in B (or II) pattern or especially in C
(or III) pattern. In the latter the grade of ischaemia
is very important due to complete occlusion of
an area that does not present collateral circulation
(unprotected area).
It is important to emphasise that the most
dangerous complications occur in patients with
a C (III) pattern. These include severe bradycardia and AV block, usually in case of LCX
or RCA occlusion, and VF leading to sudden

CHAPTER 8 Acute coronary syndrome: unstable angina and acute myocardial infarction 227

STE-ACS: global prognostic value of the ST-segment changes on admission (Birnbaum et

al., 1993; Elsman et al., 2006; Hathaway, 1998a,b; Morrow et al., 2000a,b)

The ST-segment deviation that is frequently

recorded in opposite leads allows for assuring
not only which artery is occluded, but the occlusion site as well. The cases at higher risk
are those caused by a proximal LAD occlusion, by a very dominant RCA occlusion (especially when the obstruction is proximal to
the RV branches) or by a very dominant LCX
r Additionally, the sum in millimetres of the STsegment elevations and depressions is also useful in assessing the size of the myocardial area
at risk. Figures above 15 mm along with other
electrocardiographic and clinical data allow for
establishing a risk score when the patient is first

assessed, which is useful for prognosis stratification (see Risk stratification) (p. 257).
r The ST-segment morphology on admission is
also useful. Cases with the poorest prognosis are
those presenting with a concave ST segment with
regard to the isoelectric baseline, with distortion
of the final portion of the QRS complex.
r Because of its great value in risk stratification,
ST/T changes are part of the most frequently used
risk scores (TIMI risk score) (see Risk stratification) (p. 257).
r The in-hospital prognosis of both STE-ACS
and NSTE-ACS has improved very much in the era
of new antithrombolytic and antiplatelet drugs
and primary PCI.

The dynamic changes of the ST-segment

elevation from the pre-hospital phase to
the catheterisation laboratory
Continuous ST-segment monitoring performed in
the pre-hospital phase in STE-ACS shows that the
ST-segment elevation may present in 29% of the
cases spontaneous ST resolution, and this is a
marker of good prognosis (Bjorklund et al., 2005).
On the other hand two-thirds of the patients who
present ST-segment elevation on arrival at the interventional hospital achieve complete ST-segment
resolution after PCI and these patients have much
better prognosis compared to the group of patients that presents an increase of ST-segment elevation during PCI. This increase in ST-segment
elevation is expected to be associated with impaired
microvascular integrity indicative of poor patient
Although both strategies of reperfusion, fibrinolysis and PCI improve very much the prognosis
of STE-ACS, there are evidences (Sejersten, 2004,
2006) that PCI compared with fibrinolysis shows a
40% relative decrease in the composite end point
of death, reinfarction and stroke at 30 days and
that quantitative value of the sum of ST-segment
elevation on the admission ECG is useful for predicting outcomes after PCI or fibrinolysis, correlating the magnitude of  ST-segment elevation
with increased mortality at 30 days. However, if

the patients are treated in the first 3 hours after the onset of symptoms, the outcome is similar with both approaches (fibrinolysis vs primary PCI). This means that a great effort has to
be made to start the treatment in the ambulance
(pre-hospital fibrinolysis) because it is much more
feasible in the majority of the world even in developed countries than to perform very quickly
a primary PCI. Nevertheless, in the case that the
patient has already arrived at emergency unit, it
is compulsory to shorten as much as possible the
door-to-balloon time for PCI, because this results
in a better outcome for the patient (Brodie et al.,

Electrocardiographic data of short- and

long-term bad prognosis during the
evolution of STE-ACS
The ECG recording does provide much useful information for assessing the prognosis and global risk
over time of a patient suffering STE-ACS (Patel et
al., 2001; Piccolo et al., 2001). During the evolution
of a patient who has been admitted to the hospital, the electrocardiographic changes depicting the
poorest prognosis at short and long term are the
(a) Persistent sinus tachycardia or development of
rapid supraventricular or ventricular arrhythmias.

228 PART II The ECG in different clinical settings of ischaemic heart disease

(b) PersistentST-segmentelevation or evidence of

transient changes in its magnitude. This indicates
the presence of an evolving infarct and implies that
when the patient has received thrombolytic agents,
reperfusion has not been efficient (see ECG changes
induced by fibrinolytic therapy) (see below). The
persistence of the ST-segment elevation with no
development of negative T wave after a week is
a marker of poor prognosis and of the potential
for subsequent cardiac rupture (see ECG in mechanical complications of an ACS evolving to MI)
(p. 244).
(c) Classically, the occurrence of VF during the
evolution of an acute infarction with ST-segment
elevation has been thought not to influence the
prognosis. However, it has been demonstrated to
be a marker of poor prognosis in the presence of an
anterior infarction (Schwartz et al., 1985).
(d) The presence of wide QRS is a sign of worst
prognosis. This especially includes the development of complete bundle branch block, especially
RBBB in anterior infarctions (Figure 4.66) or advanced AV block in inferolateral infarctions (Figure 8.36) (Lie et al., 1975). In patients receiving
thrombolytic agents, the development of LBBB is
much rarer because the left bundle receives double
perfusion (p. 249). Currently, it is considered that
LBBBs that do not present ST/T changes described
by Sgarbossa et al. do not represent a very bad prognosis, especially when these are of transient nature.
(e) Several studies have been reported that revealed
an evident decrease in QT-segment dispersion in
patients undergoing a primary PCI restoring a
normal flow (TIMI III). However, patients presenting VF during the evolution of an infarction have
not been shown to present a more significant QTinterval dispersion on arrival at the hospital (Fiol
et al., 1995). Currently, it is not considered that QT
dispersion plays an important role in the prognosis
after MI.
(f) In general, the evidence of STE-ACS of the anteroseptal zone is a strong determinant of lower
EF and a worst prognosis than STE-ACS of inferolateral zone, even at similar amount of myocardial
necrosis detected by enzymatic level (Elsman et al.,
(g) The evidence of an extensive Q-wave infarction also implies a poor prognosis. These data may
be derived from the ECG when a large number of
involved leads are found (ST-segment abnormali-

ties elevations and depressions evolving to Q-wave

MI). Furthermore, the presence of high QRS score
estimated in the first ECG after hospital admission
is an independent predictor of incomplete ST recovery and 30-day complications in STE-ACS treated
with primary PCI (Uyarel, 2006).
(h) The presence of Q wave during an ACS usually indicates myocardial necrosis. However, extensive ischaemia and large myocardial area at risk can
in fact result in transient Q wave due to electrical inexcitability in the zone under the electrode.
Therefore, the presence of Q wave not always implies irreversible damage. Reperfusion therapy has
not to be ruled out simply because Q wave is present
(Wellens, 2006).
(i) In patients with normal intraventricular conduction, 30-day mortality was higher among those
with than those without initial Q wave, accompanying ST-segment elevation in the infarct leads
(Wong et al., 2006a). This is consistent with the
finding that patients presenting with Q wave at admission have worse epicardial recanalisation, tissue
reperfusion and less salvage myocardial area than
patients without Q wave at admission (Wong et al.,
1999, 2002a,b).
(j) Recently, Petrina, Goodman and Eagle (2006),
making a review of the literature of the admission ECG in patients presenting with acute myocardial infarction, have identified the ECG changes
that better predict the prognosis. These include
ST-segment deviations, arrhythmias, QRS duration
and others. A summary of the independent risk factors for short- and long-term mortality is depicted
in Figure 8.14. In general this review is in agreement
with what we have explained in the previous items.

Electrocardiographic changes induced

by fibrinolytic therapy (Figures

8.158.17) (Corbalan et al., 1999; Zehender

et al., 1991)
The most typical electrocardiographic changes are
the following:
(a) Rapid resolution of the ST-segment elevation
is a very sensitive sign of reperfusion, especially in
the anterior infarction, though is not very specific.
The GISSI trial has demonstrated that a higher than
50% reduction of ST-segment elevation during the
first 4 hours is a marker of good prognosis (Mauri
et al., 1994) (Figures 8.15 and 8.16). Furthermore,

CHAPTER 8 Acute coronary syndrome: unstable angina and acute myocardial infarction 229

Ecg parameter


Short-term mortality overview

Ecg parameter


Long-term mortality overview

Figure 8.14 Short-term (A) and long-term (B) mortality of different parameters found in admission ECG. (Taken from
Petrina, 2006.) STR, ST resolution; TWI, T-wave inversion; STD, ST depression; STE, ST elevation; QRSD, QRS deviation.

230 PART II The ECG in different clinical settings of ischaemic heart disease

























Figure 8.15 A 48-year-old patient with an acute inferior

myocardial infarction due to RCA occlusion after the RV
branches with an evident alteration of ST segment (ST in
I, ST in III > II and ST in V1V2). The fibrinolytic

treatment was started at 3 hours from the pain onset (A).

At 4 hours (B) the ST segment was quite normal and there
were no definite criteria of MI.

it is considered that when the summing up of the

ST-segment elevations decreases by more than 50%
in 2 hours, the infarction may be aborted (Lamfers
et al., 2003) (p. 219). It has recently been reported
that when the ST segment exhibits a slight deviation
(1 mm in inferior infarctions or 2 mm in anterior infarctions) at 90 minute following fibrinolysis, it is likely that the artery is patent (reperfusion)
(Cooper et al., 2002). It has also been demonstrated
that the decrease (more than 75% in inferior infarc-

tions and more than 50% in anterior infarctions) of

the ST-segment elevation in a few hours is a sign that
suggests effective reperfusion. The correct interpretation of this information could avoid the practice
of urgent coronary angiography.
(b) The early development (within the first 12 h
following fibrinolysis) of a negative and usually
deep T wave in the leads in which an ST-segment
elevation was initially appreciated in patients with
an anterior infarction (LAD occlusion) is a specific

CHAPTER 8 Acute coronary syndrome: unstable angina and acute myocardial infarction 231



























Figure 8.16 (A) The ECG of a patient with an acute

myocardial infarction due to LAD occlusion proximal to D1
and S1 (ST-segment elevation from V1 to V4 and in VR, and
ST-segment depression in II, III, VF (II > III), V4 and V5V6).
The injury vector is slightly directed to the right (see
Figures 4.18 and 4.19) and this explains the isoelectric ST in

VL and a mild ST-segment depression in lead I. (B) After 3

hours from fibrinolytic treatment ST segment is practically
normal and accelerated idioventricular rhythm appears. In
lead III a sinus complex, a fusion complex and a premature
ventricular complex are shown. Lower part displays salvos
of accelerated idioventricular rhythm in V1V2 leads.

232 PART II The ECG in different clinical settings of ischaemic heart disease













Figure 8.17 Twelve-lead ECG recordings showing AIVR

during reperfusion of the LAD in a patient with an acute
myocardial infarction. The morphology of AIVR suggests

that it arises in mid-apical area of inferior wall (vector of

depolarisation addressed upwards and backwards).

marker of reperfusion and good prognosis

(Doevendans et al., 1995). This corresponds
to one of the atypical patterns of STE-ACS
that we have previously discussed (see Evolving ECG patterns in STE-ACS p. 216, Figures 8.2 and 8.5 and Table 8.1). The reperfusion with primary PCI may also induce negative
and deep T wave, especially in cases of LAD proximal occlusion (Figure 8.3). For more explanation
about PCI and ECG changes, see Percutaneous
coronary interventions. When an isoelectric ST segment with negative T wave is seen in the ECG, blood
flow through the LAD is much better (TIMI III in
65% of the cases) compared with cases with an STsegment elevation and positive T wave (TIMI III in
just 7% of the cases). Additionally, the EF is much
better (57%) in the first group as compared with
the second group (41%) (Matetzky et al., 1994). It
should also be highlighted that the persistence of
ST-segment elevation with no negative T wave after
several days is a marker of poor prognosis and of
risk of cardiac rupture (Figures 8.27 and 8.29).
(c) The presence of Q wave in the admittance ECG
and lower ST-segment resolution despite early infarct artery patency are markers of worse tissue
reperfusion and epicardial recanalisation (Wong
et al., 1999, 2002a, 2006b).
(d) Efficient reperfusion of the right coronary
artery is highly specifically associated with sinus

bradycardia and, sometimes, AV block (Zehender

et al., 1991).
(e) The twofold increase in PVC, the development
of accelerated idioventricular rhythm (AIVR) and
runs of non-sustained ventricular tachycardia
(NSVT <30 s) are supportive of successful reperfusion (reperfusion arrhythmias) (Wellens, Gorgels
and Doevendans, 2003; Figures 8.16 and 8.17). According to some authors, an AIVR preceded by
an increase in PVCs is a specific sign of reperfusion (>80%), with a high positive predictive value
(PPV) (Figure 8.17). The location of AIVR may
be deduced from ECG morphology during AIVR
and may help to assess what the occluded artery
is (Wellens, Gorgels and Doevendans, 2003). The
specificity of the AIVR increases when it occurs repeatedly (>30 episodes per hour) or when it lasts
over 3 hours, or when it coincides with the abolishment of the ST-segment upward deviation. The
positive predictive value of AIVR is higher than that
of NSVT (Zehender et al., 1991). On the contrary,
monomorphic sustained ventricular tachycardia is
not a sign of reperfusion (Fiol et al., 2002).
(f) Recently, vectocardiographic dynamic monitoring of the QRS-T loop has been described as a
non-invasive technique that provides a higher positive predictive value for the detection of reperfusion
(Dellborg et al., 1991). However, this technique has
not been widely used.

CHAPTER 8 Acute coronary syndrome: unstable angina and acute myocardial infarction 233

Figure 8.18 ECG in STE-ACS with very dominant RCA

occlusion distal to RV branches and diffuse but not critical
LAD occlusion. ST-segment depression in I points towards
RCA occlusion. The ST-segment elevation in III > II and
ST-segment depression V1V3 or ST-segment elevation
IIIIIaVF ratio <1 also favours RCA involvement. The

ST-segment elevation in V5V6 suggests that the RCA is

large enough to reach the low-inferolateral wall
(superdominance). Accurate interpretation of ECG assures
that the culprit artery is RCA and therefore a PCI was
performed in this artery.

(g) Additionally, score criteria for the prediction of ventricular function following thrombolytic therapy have been reported (Pahlm et al.,

the PCI has to be performed in. With the coronary

angiograhic results at hand the ECG gives an important information that helps in defining which is
the culprit artery in cases of multivessel disease. Unfortunately, this information is largely underused in
clinical decision making (Nikus et al., 2004, 2005).
Figure 8.18 shows an example of the relevance of
these correlations. Therefore, a closer collaboration
between clinicians, experts in ECG and interventionists should be emphasised, and this may be possible nowadays with modern technology that gives
us an expert opinion on the ECG interpretation
at any distance, even in seconds (Leibrandt et al.,
2000). The possibility to transmit ECGs directly to
a consulting centre with web-browsing capabilities
may also be an alternative approach to take the best
decision to immediately start revascularisation procedure in the appropriate culprit artery.

STE-ACS in patients with multivessel

occlusion: which is the culprit artery
In the first part (see ST-segment changes in patients with active ischaemia due to multivessel disease and p. 105) we have described the ECG characteristics that may suggest the implication of more
than one vessel in the genesis of STE-ACS. Usually, in these cases, the area at risk is higher and
the outcome is worst. However, in spite that in
some cases it seems clear that more than one vessel actively participates in the ischaemia that induce
the ACS, usually even in the presence of multivessel disease there is one culprit artery responsible
for ACS.
Now we will discuss the importance of the
catheterisation laboratory in a patient with multivessel disease, which is the culprit artery responsible
of the ACS. In clinical practice, when an STE-ACS
occurs, a critical occlusion has developed usually in
only one culprit artery. In most cases, due to the
fact that multivessel disease is often present, what is
most important is that in the catheterisation laboratory, in a patient with STE-ACS and multivessel
disease, the interventionist cardiologist may, thanks
to the correct and quick interpretation of the ECG,
take the correct decision on which coronary artery

Patients with ACS and

non-ST-segment elevation
(NSTE-ACS): from unstable angina
to non-Q-wave infarction
First of all we have to consider that small or even relatively significant negative T waves or ST-segment
depression may be seen in several clinical situations,
outside IHD and even in the absence of an apparent
explanation (Table 3.2 and Figure 4.65).
The electrophysiological mechanisms of STsegment depression and negative T wave that allow

234 PART II The ECG in different clinical settings of ischaemic heart disease

for the diagnosis of NSTE-ACS have already been

explained in Figure 3.9 (see Electrophysiological
mechanism of ECG pattern of injury) (p. 32). The
importance of ST-segment depression and T-wave
morphologies will now be commented on,
from prognosis and risk stratification standpoint.
We also included in this section the case of
ACS with normal, near-to-normal or unchanged
Most of the patients included in this group of
ACS (ST-segment depression/negative T wave) will
present unstable angina or will evolve towards a
non-Q-wave infarction. Just a few (1020%) will
end up developing a Q-wave infarction (Figure 8.2).
This corresponds to pattern B (Table 8.1B(13)).
There are some groups of patients (already discussed on p. 210) that presenting with ECG features
of non-ST elevation are not included in this section
because they are seen in the clinical context of STEACS. Therefore, they are considered atypical ECG
patterns of STE-ACS (see Table 8.1A(2)). We have
already commented on some aspects of them in the
previous pages (see Typical and atypical patterns
of STE-ACS and NSTE-ACS) (p. 210).
After the consensus of ESC/ACC was reported
(Alpert et al., 2000), the differential diagnosis between UA and non-Q-wave infarction has been especially based on the rise of troponines. Nevertheless, it should be borne in mind that a small number
of patients with ST-segment depression may end up
with a Q wave infarction (Figure 8.2).
On the other hand, the most important differences between the ACS with ST-segment depression/negative T wave and those presenting with
ST-segment elevation or an equivalent are shown
in Table 8.2.
The ST/T morphology on admission:
prognosis and risk stratification
The presence of different ECG patterns plays a decisive role in the risk stratification of patients with
NSTE-ACS. Table 8.1 shows the different ECG patterns found in STE-ACS and NSTE-ACS. We will
just highlight here that in case of NSTE-ACS the
prognosis is worse when the patient evolves towards
a non-Q-wave infarction and even more so when it
ends up as a Q-wave infarction. Factors, such as
age, the presence of refractory angina and previous infarctions, ejection fraction, enzymatic level,

etc., also influence the prognosis. All these will be

explained later (see Risk stratification ACS p. 257)
(Antman et al., 2000; Holmvang et al., 1999; Holper
et al., 2001; Hyde et al., 1999; Lee et al., 1993). Regarding the ECG, it is important from prognostic
point of view the cases in which the ECG changes
of ST/T give us the clues to detect occlusion of
LMT/three-vessel diseases (see Location criteria
p. 113). It is also important to recognise that the
presence of confounding factors (found in nearly
25% of the cases) as LBBB, ventricular enlargement
or pacing also represents a poor prognosis (Holmvang, 2003). Let us explain all these aspects in more

ST-segment depression (Figures

r Circumferential subendocardium involvement: ST-segment depression, sometimes very
evident and present in many leads, (7 or more)
with or without dominant R wave (Table 8.1, and
Figures 4.59 and 8.19).
In these cases there is an extensive predominant subendocardial ischaemia (circumferential
subendocardial ischaemia). The ST-segment depression is evident and, sometimes, striking. It is
found in seven or more leads, some with a dominant R wave and others with rS morphology (presence of ST-segment depression in two planes).
The precordial leads V4V5 are those presenting
a more significant ST-segment depression (often
5 mm) and appear often concomitantly without positive T wave in these leads (Figures 4.59
and 8.19). An ST-segment elevation is seen in VR
and, sometimes, in V1and III, but the ST-segment
elevation is always greater in VR than in V1
(Yamaji et al., 2001). The ST-segment depression
in V2V3 is not accompanied by ST-segment elevation in inferior leads (except sometimes III), so
it should not be confounded with inferolateral infarction due to LCX occlusion (Table 8.1B(2) and
Figure 4.9).
This typical electrocardiographic finding corresponds to a left main incomplete occlusion and
is present in patients with a prior large subendocardium ischaemia (Sclarovskys circumferential involvement; Figure 5.51) and when collateral
circulation is present. Similar ECGs with sometimes somewhat less ST-segment depression, and

CHAPTER 8 Acute coronary syndrome: unstable angina and acute myocardial infarction 235

Without pain


With pain



Figure 8.19 (A) ECG without pain is practically normal.

(B) ECG shows during pain ST-segment depression and
inverted T waves in more than eight leads, maximally in
leads V4V5 where there is not a positive T wave and

ST-segment elevation in lead aVR (circumferential

subendocardial involvement). (C) Coronary angiography
shows tight stenosis in the left main coronary artery
before and after primary PCI.

more often with positive final T wave in V4

V5, are seen in patients that may present with
multivessel disease, usually very tight occlusion of proximal LAD + LCX (Figures 4.60
and 4.61), but also in case of LMT incomplete

The baseline ECG of patients with important

occlusion of the left main coronary artery or
three-vessel disease frequently is relatively normal.
The important ST-segment deviations appear with
spontaneous angina (Figures 5.51, 4.61 and 8.18)
or during exercise testing (Figure 8.23). Only few

236 PART II The ECG in different clinical settings of ischaemic heart disease



Figure 8.20 (A) ECG shows ST-segment depression

especially in precordial leads (V3V6) with positive T wave
very evident in leads V3V5 (regional subendocardial
involvement). There is no ST-segment elevation in VR.


Figure 8.21 The ECG recorded during ACS (B) represents

subtle changes of the repolarisation (more positive T wave
in V2V4, somewhat more evident ST-segment depression
in inferior leads and V6) as compared to previous ECGs (A).
These features suggest inferolateral involvement, as it was

(B) Drawing of coronary angiography that shows tight

stenosis of the mid-left anterior descending coronary


confirmed by coronary angiography. Note the importance

of using in these cases an ECG machine that allows us to
record amplified ECG in order to detect easily small
changes (0.5 mm) of ST-segment deviation (see Figure 4.3).

CHAPTER 8 Acute coronary syndrome: unstable angina and acute myocardial infarction 237



Figure 8.22 (A) ECG of 62-year-old patient with

multivessel chronic coronary artery disease. (B) During an
NSTE-ACS MI an ST-segment depression in V1V2 and

low-voltage R wave in V6 with flattened T wave, compared

to pattern displayed in previous ECG (A), was observed.
This patient presented an ACS due to OM occlusion.

patients present at rest ST-segment elevation in aVR

or evident ST-segment depression in several leads.
Sometimes these patients present RBBB or LBBB.
This group of NSTE-ACS represents the worst
prognosis and in our experience the highest mortality of all ECG patterns (Figure 8.4). These cases
needs urgent treatment and an emergent coronariography to confirm the diagnosis and decide the
need of revascularisation, which usually is surgical.
Because of this it is recommended to not start with
clopidogrel treatment.
r Regional subendocardium involvement: STsegment depression in less than seven leads (Table 8.1, and Figures 3.3 and 4.64)
By the pathophysiological point of view STsegment depression in only some leads (<7 leads)
during ACS represents regional area of predominant subendocardium ischaemia. The ST-segment
depression is frequently smaller than that in circumferential involvement. The following new or
dynamic repolarisation abnormalities have to be
at least present: ST-segment depression horizontal or downsloping, between 0.5 and 1 mm, with
a normal or flattened T wave (Holper et al.,
2001). At least, two leads with ST-segment depression is the minimum requirement for a diagnosis of ACS (Table 8.2), and to give exact value
to these small electrocardiographic abnormalities

they must develop during exercise testing or ACS

or disappear when the syndrome resolves (Figures
The specificity of the ST-segment and its prognostic value are based on the number of leads
showing those changes and significance of the STsegment depression. The specificity is very high
when the ST horizontal or downsloping depression
is greater than 1 mm (McConahay, McCallister and
Smith, 1971). The prognosis is worse in patients
with evident ST-segment depression, especially if
this change is found in four or more leads, and
when despite the implementation of therapy, dynamic ECG changes exist (Akkerhuis et al., 2001).
The Gusto IIB trial demonstrates that the cases of
worst prognosis are those with ST-segment depression in precordial leads with dominant R wave
(V4V6) and in some leads of FP, with negative T
wave in V4V6 (Birnbaum and Atar, 2006). Similar results have been published by others (Barrabes
et al., 2000). On the contrary, the presence of STsegment depression in the precordial leads with positive T wave was associated to a single-vessel disease
(Sclarowsky et al., 1988). Furthermore, it should
be highlighted that mild ST-segment depression
(0.51.0 mm) during spontaneous angina or exercise testing with angina in leads with dominant
R wave (I, VL and V4V6) may be seen in case of

238 PART II The ECG in different clinical settings of ischaemic heart disease



Figure 8.23 ECG of 55-year-old man with NSTE-ACS and ECG with symmetric and mild negative T wave from V1V3. The
coronariography shows important LAD proximal occlusion.

severe two- and three-vessel diseases (Figure 4.62).

Therefore, as has already been stated (Figure 4.3),
the recording of an amplified ECG (1 mV = 4
cm) is important for measuring slight ST-segment
This ACS with regional involvement is usually
secondary to an incomplete coronary artery occlusion in patients frequently presenting with prior
predominantly regional subendocardial ischaemia
and single- or multivessel disease, but one culprit
artery. Any coronary artery may be the culprit
one and the occlusion often is not proximal
(Table 8.2).

The correlation between the leads exhibiting

this type of NSTE-ACS depression and the culprit
artery is not as good as in case of NSTE-ACS with
circumferential involvement (LMT) (Table 8.1) or
in cases of STE-ACS (see Table 4.1). However, the
careful assessment of subtle ST-segment or T-wave
changes may give important information about the
affected area and the culprit vessel in these patients
with NSTE-ACS (Figures 8.21 and 8.22).
The ST-segment depression in precordial leads,
especially V1V2 to V4V5, followed by an evident
positive T wave in V3V5, corresponds usually to
proximal LAD incomplete occlusion in a patient

CHAPTER 8 Acute coronary syndrome: unstable angina and acute myocardial infarction 239

with previous subendocardial ischaemia (Nikus, Eskola and Virtanen, 2004). When the ST-segment depression is present, especially in V4V6, more often
incomplete occlusion in the mid-late LAD is present
(Figure 8.20). However, in both cases there is often multivessel disease, although usually the culprit
artery is the LAD. The cases of proximal LAD occlusion are at risk for large MI and urgent PCI has to
be performed, but not as emergency as is the case of
involvement of LMT. As the injury pattern starts at
the end of QRS and appears early in the ST segment,
it is logical that if not very severe it may finish before
the end of repolarisation, and this makes possible
the appearance of final positive T wave. Negative T
wave appears in the second part of repolarisation,
and due to that sometimes presents a morphology
in V1V3 (Figure 3.21).
The ST-segment depression, even slightly, has
generally been shown to imply a worse prognosis
than the T wave changes because represent clearly
active ischaemia. Patients with ST-segment depression or bundle branch block have been described to have a fivefold higher risk (15%) than
those exhibiting just a flattened or slightly negative T wave (3%) (Collinson et al., 2000). However,
in our experience with the current intensive treatment of NSTE-ACS including primary PCI, there
is no difference of in-hospital mortality in case of
NSTE-ACS due to regional involvement between
ST-segment depression and the presence of flattened and mild negative T wave.
The invasive treatment of regional NSTE-ACS is
now under revision. For some authors (Diderholm
et al., 2002; Gomez-Hospital and Cequier, 2004) in
cases with even slight ST-segment depression, the
best approach seems to be to perform a coronary
angiography and revascularisation. With this approach morbidity and mortality have been greatly

reduced (from 18 to 12% per year). However, despite of increasing acceptance of this approach, a
recent publication (De Winter et al., 2005) demonstrates that the non-invasive strategy may give even
better results. We consider that the final decision
has to be taken at individual level on the basis of
presence of symptoms and global clinical evaluation of each patient.

Flattened or negative T wave

Sometimes in patients with NSTE-ACS the only abnormality is a new flattened or negative T wave with
no apparent ST-segment depression (see Table 8.1,
and Figures 3.23 and 8.23).
The presence of negative or flattened T wave may
be explained by delay in repolarization probably in
all the wall but without subendocardial predominance that is more consequence of postischaemic
changes than to the presence of active ischaemia.
However, sometimes in spite of benign appearance
of small T-wave negativity the coronary stenosis
may be tight (Figures 3.26 and 8.23). The location
of these small changes of T wave may be usually in
leads with prominent R wave (Figure 3.23), but occasionally are present in leads with rS morphology
(V1V2) (Figures 3.26 and 8.23).
Also, a positive T wave, which has evidently increased its positivity with respect to the baseline T
wave, may be considered abnormal (Jacobsen et al.,
2001). Furthermore, the presence of a negative U
wave, or a positive U wave when the T wave is negative in leads with a dominant R wave, is considered
abnormal (Figures 3.24 and 3.26).
We have to remember that in case of reperfused
LAD proximal occlusion may be seen in the ECG as
a deep negative T wave (Figure 8.9). In these cases
with new chest pain the ECG usually pseudonormalises and rarely even presents ST-segment

NSTE-ACS: prognostic implications (Antman et al., 2000; Boden, 2001; Braunwald et al.,
2000; Diderholm et al., 2002; Erhardt et al., 2002)

r Overall, patients with ST-segment depression

on arrival at the hospital have a worse prognosis
than patients with negative T wave. Also, in general, they more frequently have two- or threevessel diseases and many more complications
than those presenting with a small negative T

r Also, patients with higher millimetres of STsegment depression (score >3 mm) in the different ECG leads have the worst prognosis. In these
patients an early invasive strategy may reduce
the risk up to 50% of death or MI (Holmvang
et al., 1999).

240 PART II The ECG in different clinical settings of ischaemic heart disease

r The recording of ST-segment monitoring is

very important to access changes during the
follow-up with and without pain.
r The presence of confounding factors that are
relatively frequently found in NSTE-ACS represents by themselves poorest prognosis.
r The differentiation between an unstable angina
and a non-Q-wave infarction is mainly based on
the presence or not of increased enzyme levels
r Patients with UA usually refer fewer pain crises
and their ECGsare less abnormal (flattened or
negative, but not deep T wave) with normal levels
of troponins.
r Patients with non-Q-wave infarction generally
refer more frequent crises of longer duration,
and their ECG recordings exhibit more frequently
ST-segment depression than negative T waves.
Usually cases with deep negative T wave in precordials (V1V4V5) correspond to proximal noncomplete LAD occlusion and are included in the
group of atypical patterns of STE-ACS (reperfusion pattern) (Figure 8.3).
r The presence of evident ST-segment depression in seven or more leads with ST-segment

elevation. This pattern corresponds to an atypical

pattern of STE-ACS.
Global mortality and morbidity (refractory
angina and/or new infarction) in patients with
flat or negative T wave are low. Patients with
a less than 1 mm of negativity or flattened T
wave in leads with a dominant R wave, and, even
more, those presenting with a normal ECG, have
a low risk of a large infarction or death, even
though they may suffer from multivessel disease
but without proximal stenosis. Due generally to
their good prognosis, medical therapy is usually
advised, which includes the new drugs, IIb/IIIa
inhibitors, unless the patients age, the clinical
presentation and the enzyme level increase recommend the practice of a coronary angiography
to decide the convenience to perform PCI. However, some patients with mild T changes in V1V3
(Figures 3.26 and 8.23) may present critical nondistal subocclusion of LAD in the absence of
active subendocardial ischaemia because in its

elevation in VR and sometimes V1 (circumferential involvement) (Yamaji et al., 2001) suggests LMT involvement and represents a pattern of very bad prognosis (Figures 5.51 and
8.19). The T wave in V4V5 may be negative or
positive but more often is negative.
r When there is tight occlusion of proximal LAD
and LCX (LMT equivalent) with or without noncritical involvement of LMT, the ST-segment depression may or may not be huge, but usually the T
wave is positive in V3V5 (Figures 4.60 and 4.61).
r The cases with ST-segment depression in less
than seven leads with worst prognosis present STsegment depression in V4V6 and in some leads
of FP and negative T wave in V4V6 (Birnbaum,
r The cases of NSTE-ACS with only mild flat or
negative T wave are of better prognosis. However,
when these small changes are present in V1V3,
we recommend coronary angiography because
sometimes there is a tight proximal LAD occlusion in a patient without at this moment probably
active myocardial ischaemia.

presence probably an ST depression would be

recorded. In these cases of negative T wave in V1-V2
may be convenient to perform coronariography.

Patients with NSTE-ACS with normal

ECG, or without evident changes with
respect to previous ECG recordings
(Figure 8.24 and Table 8.1B 3).
The patients with ACS that have been included
in this group exhibit minimal or doubtful STsegment/T-wave changes (0.5 mm). The T waves
are somewhat flattened but are not very different
from those found in prior ECG recordings. We
would like to stress the importance to perform an
exercise test in case of normal or nearly normal ECG
with dubious previous precordial pain, or without
pain but important presence of risk factors, because
sometimes an ST-segment depression as a sign of
probably active ischaemia with or without angina
appears (Figure 4.64).

CHAPTER 8 Acute coronary syndrome: unstable angina and acute myocardial infarction 241













Figure 8.24 Patient with NSTE-ACS and normal ECG (A) who present with three-vessel disease (B).

The ECG may be normal even in presence of

two- and three-vessel diseases or LMT subocclusion
when pain is absent. Around 10% of patients who
end up with an ACS (MI or UA) present a normal or unchanged ECG in the emergency department. However, in the presence of significant and,
especially, repetitive chest pain, it is highly improbable that a completely normal ECG corresponds to an ACS. This is especially true when
the ECG shows no changes with respect to previous ECGs recorded in the absence of chest pain. In
any case, if ACS is finally shown to be present, it is
generally of good prognosis. It should be pointed
out that we are referring to ACS with a narrow
QRS complex. In the presence of a wide QRS complex, the approach is different, since an ACS with

a wide QRS complex always has a worse prognosis.This is true even when apparent changes are
not present in the ECG, since these are sometimes
Because of the high sensitivity of the new infarction markers (troponins), the number of patients with ACS who present chest pain and
elevated enzyme levels, but without electrocardiographic changes, has been increasing (ESC/ACC;
Alpert et al., 2000). Therefore, there is no doubt
that more infarcts than before may be diagnosed, although it is also evident that the prognosis of these infarctions, named necrosettes, micronecroses or enzymatic infarctions, is much
better than that of the typical non-Q-wave

242 PART II The ECG in different clinical settings of ischaemic heart disease

Occasionally, the first change observed in an

anteroseptal infarction, even extensive, is the increase in the T-wave amplitude in the right
precordial leads, due to the acute subendocardium
ischaemia in a heart without much prior ischaemia.
This T-wave morphology may be interpreted as
pseudonormal, and it should be readily recognised
and differentiated from the normal T wave. In this
case the recording of evolutionary ECG is mandatory (Figure 8.7).
Management: The following aspects should be
borne in mind in a patient presenting at the hospital with suspicion of ischaemic chest pain and a
normal or near-normal ECG:
(a) Frequently, the ECG exhibits evolutionary patterns of ST-segment elevation or depression. Consequently, the repetition of the ECG during the first
hours or better still, if possible, ST-segment monitoring is required to assess whether transient STsegment elevations or depressions exist.
(b) Whenever possible, a comparison with previous ECGs should be made (Figure 3.26).
(c) Two further enzyme-level determinations
(troponins) (at 6 and 12 h of admission) should
also be performed.
(d) When especially in coronary patients the
pain is suggestive of ischaemia and troponins are
slightly positive, but the ECG remains normal, the
existence of a necrosette (enzymatic infarction) is
confirmed. In some cases, the ECG remains normal,
even with clear evidence of enzyme-level increase. It
usually corresponds to a distal occlusion, generally
in the LCX. When troponins are negative and the
evolution demonstrates the presence of an ACS, a
diagnosis of UA is made, which usually represents
a good prognosis.
(e) In cases of doubt, an exercise stress test should
be performed, if possible in the same emergency
department (Figures 4.62 and 4.64). One should be
convinced that the patient is haemodynamically stable and not presenting an evolving ACS and that the
baseline ECG is normal or near normal. When, in
spite of all, diagnostic doubts persist, imaging techniques should be performed, whenever possible,
to assess the presence of ischaemia (exercise stress
echocardiogram or scintigraphy) and to know the
coronary anatomy non-invasively (Hecht, 2000).
When the tests performed are evidently positive and
the patient continues referring chest pain, the per-

formance of an urgent coronary angiography is advisable, and a PCI should be done, if possible.
When reasonable doubts persist with regard to
the pains origin and the complementary tests performed are negative, including the imaging techniques and the coronary angiography, other causes
of chest pain should be reassessed (Figure 7.1). If patients with all the tests performed sequentially over
several hours being negative and finally diagnosed
as ACS, it is usually of low risk (see above).

In hospital mortality of different

ECG patterns at arrival
The in-hospital mortality of different ECG patterns of Figure 8.4 is the following: The global
in-hospital mortality of STE-ACS was 6.5% and
of NSTE-ACS 2.02%. Characteristically, the highest mortality in the group of STE-ACS corresponds
to the atypical C pattern on admission (11%) (STsegment depression in V1V3 > ST-segment elevation in inferior lateral leads; Figure 8.3 and Fig. 2.10
pattern 2). This probably is related with the number of mechanical complications that these patients
present (cardiac rupture, etc.) (see p. 243). In the
group of NSTE-ACS the highest mortality corresponds to the group of LMT involvement (14%).
In our study the ECG pattern with confounding
factors does not represent worst outcome, as was
classically considered. This concept however has to
be reconsidered after the Wongs paper (2005) (see
p. 249). Globally, these results are very similar to
results obtained in the Euro Heart Survey (Mandelzweig et al., 2006), which presents an in-hospital
mortality for STE-ACS of 7% and for NSTE-ACS
24%. On the contrary, compared with a series
of cases of our own hospital before 24-hour PCI
was implemented and all the new antithrombotic
and antiplatelet drugs were used, the current inhospital mortality is much better (globally 11.6%
vs 4.6%).

Recurrent ACS
This term means repeated episodes of ACS either with or without ST-segment elevation usually
evolving to MI, in patients who are chronologically and anatomically unrelated to each other.
Now the recurrence of ACS with clear change of

CHAPTER 8 Acute coronary syndrome: unstable angina and acute myocardial infarction 243

ST segment occurs less with all the new medications. However, it is not an infrequent event
that usually appears after 23 years after the index
MI and often in a different location. Roth et al.
(2006) have demonstrated that most patients (76%)
who were admitted two times due to a recurrent
ACS have new episode of the same type STE-ACS
(44%) or NSTE-ACS (32%). Rest of the patients
(24%) presented both STE-ACS and NSTE-ACS.
These episodes were also noted in patients with two
recurrences, thus supporting the validity of the
results. Therefore, most patients with recurrent
episodes will have STE-ACS or NSTE-ACS, but
not the two types suggesting that some patients
present factors that predispose to repeat episodes of
STE-ACS, such as thrombus formation, complete
coronary occlusion, low flow, high-grade stenosis,
spasm, some coagulation factors, etc., or NSTEACS, such as inhibition of thrombus progression,
small rapidly healing lesion, high natural lysis, etc.
(Davies, 1996).

Other electrocardiographic
abnormalities in patients with an
P wave and PR segment
The deviations of PR interval are especially seen
in pericarditis (Figures 1.106 and 1.107) and
atrial involvement in case of myocardial infarction
(Figures 2.60 and 2.61). The diagnosis of atrial
infarction is based especially on the presence of
PR-segment deviations (elevation or depression in
different leads) associated with reciprocal changes
in other leads (specially ST-segment elevation in
VR and ST-segment depression in II) and any atrial
arrhythmias (Liu, Greenspan and Piccirillo, 1961).
Recently, it has been demonstrated (Jim et al., 2006)
that PR-segment depressions 1.2 mm in patients
with inferior STE-ACS (ST-segment elevation in II,
III and VF) are a marker of high risk of AV block,
supraventricular arrhythmias, cardiac rupture and
in-hospital mortality (p. 246).
The morphology of P wave may change especially in V1 in case of left ventricular failure (see
Figure 13.3).
Changes of QRS complex
ACS with ST-segment elevation and severe ischaemia often present changes in the final portion

of the QRS complex (see Figures 8.7 and 8.13).

Also severe ischemia may induce QRS widening
with or without classic patterns of intraventricular block (see p. 247 and 287). The importance
from a prognostic point of view of some of these
changes is discussed in p. 224 and 247 (Birnbaum
et al., 1993).

QT interval
During the acute phase of ischaemia, a lengthening of the transmembrane action potential (TAP)
is recorded in the area of ischaemia (p. 39). The
presence of a long QTc interval at the time of admission of a patient with ACS has been shown
to be a marker of poor prognosis (Flugelman
et al., 1987). Additionally, patients with non-Qwave infarction, in comparison with those with
UA, have overall longer QTc intervals (Rukshin et
al., 2002). However, this is not useful when applied to an individual patient. Therefore the troponin levels remain as the best way to distinguish
whether an ACS with no ST-segment elevation
has evolved to a non-Q-wave infarction or has remained as a UA. One should also recall that discrepancies exist with regard to the prognostic value
of QT-interval dispersion in STE-ACS (Fiol et al.,

U wave
A normal U wave is always positive in the presence of
a positive T wave and, under normal conditions, it is
negative only in VR. In patients with different clinical settings of IHD, U-wave abnormalities may be
recorded, generally as a negative U wave, while the T
wave may be negative, positive or flattened (Figures
3.243.26). The U wave may be positive when the T
wave is negative (T-U discordance) (Reinig, Harizi
and Spodick, 2005).
In all these situations, the U wave is pathological,
and when it is recorded in patients with coronary
heart disease (CHD), it is highly probable that the
LAD is involved. Also, it should be highlighted that
a negative U wave may be the only electrocardiographic sign of ischaemia, it sometimes precedes
ST-segment changes and, among other things, it
may increase the sensitivity of the exercise stress
test (Correale et al., 2004).

244 PART II The ECG in different clinical settings of ischaemic heart disease


















All the different issues of ACS-related arrhythmias will be commented on in the next sections
(see Arrhythmias and intraventricular conduction
blocks). We will just state here that frequently,
both during the exercise stress test and in the resting ECG in a chronic patient, or during an ACS
(Figures 1.105, 8.25 and 8.26), the repolarisation
abnormalities may be more visible in the premature ventricular complexes (PVCs) than in normal ones and sometimes even are seen in PVC
only(Figure 8.25). Additionally, the ST-segment depression in the PVCs in the exercise stress test has
been described as possibly being more useful than
the ST-segment depression in normal complexes for
predicting myocardial ischaemia. The ST-segment
depression in the PVCs higher than 10% of the Rwave amplitude in V4VV6 has a 95% sensitivity
and a 67% specificity for predicting ischaemia (Rasouli and Ellestad, 2001) (Figures 8.25 and 8.26).
However, in spite of that, there frequently exist

Figure 8.25 Exercise test of a patient

with doubtful precordial pain and
frequent (A) ventricular and (B)
supraventricular premature beats.
Observe that ST-segment depression was
little evident in sinus rhythm complexes,
while it was very significant in
premature complexes (see V3 and V4 in
(B) and V5 and V6 in (A)). (C) The patient
presented severe three-vessel disease.

cases of repolarisation abnormalities in the PVC of

healthy patients, and therefore the specificity of the
test is not so high. It is, however, useful in doubtful
cases (Figures 8.25 and 8.26).
Furthermore, the meticulous study of the QRS
complex or the T-wave morphology of the PVC allows for suspicion of an old infarction (qR morphology, with a wide q wave or slurred QS complex,
with a sometimes symmetric T wave).

ECG in mechanical complications

of an ACS evolving to myocardial
infarction (Figures 8.278.29)
The most important mechanical complications of
ACS evolving to MI occur in transmural infarctions,
usually Q-wave infarction. They consist in cardiac
rupture, which may occur in the free wall, the
interventricular septum or the papillary muscles
and the ventricular aneurisms.

CHAPTER 8 Acute coronary syndrome: unstable angina and acute myocardial infarction 245

Figure 8.26 Other example of exercise test in a patient with ischaemic heart disease that demonstrated the presence of
significant ST-segment changes in premature beats (see V3V4) that were not so evident in normal sinus complexes.

Cardiac ruptures are much less frequent with the

currently available therapies. However, they may
still be found in 23% of Q-wave infarctions and
are still an important cause of mortality in the
acute phase (Figueras et al., 1995). Additionally, cardiac rupture may occur without prodromal signs
in patients with evolving Q-wave or equivalent infarction, sometimes small and for that their occurrence is even more dramatic. Therefore, it is
extremely important to assess correctly the subtle premonitory data, such as some electrocardiographic details. Contrary to what occurs in primary
VF, which may be virtually always resolved in the
coronary care unit, cardiac rupture requires urgent surgical treatment. The mortality rate is only
below that of cardiogenic shock secondary to a
massive infarction. Fortunately, also the latter is
much less frequent with the currently available
Free-wall rupture is the most frequent and may
be acute, followed by sudden death secondary to
electromechanical dissociation, or subacute with
recurrent chest pain and haemorrhage within the
pericardial sac, with or without cardiac tampon-

ade and cardiogenic shock (Figure 8.29A; see Plate

2.2). Sometimes it is presented as pseudoaneurysm

et al., 1992). A pseudoaneurysm is

a cavity formed by a free-wall rupture that has been
self-limited by the formation of pericardial adherence and organised fibrin. A cavity is also present in
an authentic ventricular aneurysm, but in this case
it is secondary to the dilation of a non-ruptured
ventricular wall, so myocardial fibres are present
throughout the entire extension of the cavity.
From an electrocardiographic standpoint, during the evolution of a Q-wave acute myocardial infarction, some ECG changes may be recorded that
herald cardiac rupture. In the free-wall rupture,
frequently, the persistence of an ST-segment elevation may be detected. This is usually accompanied by the lack of T-wave negativisation throughout the acute phase. Therefore, the persisting STsegment elevation, sign of regional pericarditis, is
an indirect risk marker of cardiac rupture (Figure 8.27; Reeder and Gersh, 2000). The persistence
of ST-segment elevation is seen more frequently in
the inferior and, especially, in the lateral wall MI,
than in the anterior wall MI (Figure 8.28A). The k

246 PART II The ECG in different clinical settings of ischaemic heart disease

Figure 8.27 The ECG recordings (lead III and VF)

performed during 1 week of evolution of STE-ACS.
ST-segment elevation persists without appearance of

negative T wave. This is a risk marker of cardiac rupture, as

happened in this case.

ST-segment elevation is, generally, more persistent

than significant, and though the ECG is clearly
abnormal, a striking ST-segment elevation is not
usually seen (Figure 8.28A) (Oliva, Hammill and
Edwards, 1993). Consequently, the degree of STsegment elevation during the acute phase of evolving MI does not correlate with the risk of rupture.
Coronary artery disease is not usually very extensive
(one- or two-vessel disease) in cases with free-wall
cardiac rupture. Generally, the RCA and the LCX are
more frequently involved than the LAD, and collateral circulation is not too developed, which favours
the occurrence of transmural MI (Q wave or equivalent) with homogeneous involvement of the entire
wall. When a free-wall cardiac rupture is suspected,
it should be confirmed with imaging techniques,
thereafter proceeding to an urgent surgical procedure. In patients with an evolving inferior acute MI
the presence of PR-segment depression 1.2 mm
in II, III and VF is associated with a higher risk of
in-hospital mortality and free-wall cardiac rupture
and/or atrial rupture compared with cases without PR-segment deviations (Jim et al., 2006) (see
P wave and PR segment) (p. 243).
Septal rupture usually occurs, in turn, in larger
infarctions, especially due to a proximal LAD oc-

clusion. It is also accompanied by recurrent pain

and, in this case, a systolic murmur may be heard,
suggestive of a ventricular septal defect; frequently,
the patient presents cardiogenic shock if surgery
is not urgently carried out. Sometimes rupture of
the lower part of the septum occurs in patients
with inferior MI (Figure 8.28). Septal rupture may
sometimes be associated with free-wall rupture. The
ECG may also show the persistence of ST-segment
elevation. Higher incidence compared to control Qwave infarctions exists of RBBB with or without
added superoanterior hemiblock (SAH), advanced
AV block and atrial fibrillation.
Finally, papillary muscle rupture or dysfunction causes acute mitral regurgitation (generally, the development of an intense systolic murmur), frequently with acute pulmonary oedema.
Urgent surgery is also required. The posteromedial papillary muscle is more frequently involved
(Figure 8.29B), since its perfusion is derived only
from the posterior descending artery (RCA or LCX),
while the anterolateral papillary muscle has double
perfusion (LAD and LCX). As in free-wall cardiac
rupture, they are usually small infarctions with, generally, few collateral vessels and single-vessel disease.
However, in this case, contrary to free-wall cardiac

CHAPTER 8 Acute coronary syndrome: unstable angina and acute myocardial infarction 247



Figure 8.28 Echocardiogram showing rupture of lower part of septum (see arrow) in (A), in a patient with previous
extensive non-Q-wave MI during the course of new inferior MI due to LCX occlusion (B).

rupture, the infarct is frequently of the non-Q-wave

type (>50% of the cases).
With regard to ventricular aneurysms, their
presence has classically been suggested by the persistence of ST-segment elevation. In chronic patients,
the sensitivity of this sign is poor. Just 10% of the patients in the post-infarction setting with ventricular
aneurysm exhibit a higher than 0.1 mV ST-segment
elevation (East and Oran, 1952). Also, it has been
described that some changes of mid-late part of QRS
including rsR in left surface leads (Sherif, 1970) and
other morphologies (fractioned QRS) are very specific of ventricular aneurysm (Reddy et al., 2006)
(see Usefulness and limitations of ECG in chronic
IHD) (Figure 13.2) (p. 304).

ACS with wide QRS complex and

other confounding factors:
complete bundle branch block,
WolffParkinsonWhite syndrome,
pacemaker or LVH pattern
These account for around 1020% of ACSs. The
electrocardiographic diagnosis of an ACS in the
presence of complete LBBB, WolffParkinson
White syndrome or pacemaker is more difficult than
in cases with a narrow QRS complex. RBBB does
not interfere with the diagnosis (Figure 4.66). In
case of LBBB in the acute phase, ST-segment often
presents deviations (Figure 4.67) (Sgarbossa et al.,
1996a,b), and in presence of LVH or pacemaker also,

248 PART II The ECG in different clinical settings of ischaemic heart disease



Figure 8.29 (A) Rupture of inferior wall in a patient after

7 days of inferior MI due to LCX occlusion. See the
echocardiography with great haematic pericardial effusion
and the pathological aspect of the rupture. In spite of that,
the ECG shows relatively small ECG changes (mild
ST-segment elevation in I and VL and mirror image of
ST-segment depression in V1V3 that remains after a week
of MI). (B) Rupture of posteromedial papillary muscle (see

asterisk in the echocardiography) in a patient with

inferolateral MI due to LCX occlusion. The ECG shows
ST-segment depression in V1V4 as a mirror image of
inferolateral injury without ST-segment elevation in
inferior leads, just mild ST-segment elevation in lateral
leads (I, VL and V6). This figure can be seen in colour,
Plate 6.

frequently, ST-segment deviations compared with

previous ECG are visible (Figure 4.68). Diagnostic criteria have also been described for the chronic
phase (Figures 5.485.52; Table 5.6). All these diagnostic aspects have been discussed at length in the
first part (see sections ECG pattern of ischaemia in
patients with ventricular hypertrophy and/or wide
QRS (p. 54), ECG pattern of injury in patients
with ventricular hypertrophy and/or wide QRS (p.
120) and diagnosis of the infarction Q wave) in
the presence of intraventricular conduction disturbances (p. 170). Hemiblocks are not included since
the QRS complex is not widened and, consequently,
repolarisation abnormalities are seen as in normal
conditions, if present. However, recently it has been

reported that the association of SAH represents a

marker of worst outcome (Biagini et al., 2005) (p.
255). Some prognostic and clinical considerations
of ACS with wide QRS and other confounding factors will now be addressed.
Prognostic and clinical considerations
With regard to prognosis, it has been considered
for a long time that the mere presence of a wide
QRS complex is a poor prognostic sign. Therefore, contrary to what occurs in cases with narrow
QRS complexes, in which a normal or near-normal
ECG is a sign of good prognosis it was thought that
in the presence of a wide QRS complex, especially
in the presence of a LBBB or pacemaker, no good

CHAPTER 8 Acute coronary syndrome: unstable angina and acute myocardial infarction 249

p = 0.004


RBBB at randomisation (n = 415)

New RBBB at 60 min (n = 100)

30-day mortality (%)

p = 0.003









120 <140 140 <160 160 <180 180<200
(n = 84)

(n = 151)

(n = 126)

(n = 46)


120<400 140<160 160<180 180<200

(n = 8)

(n = 15)

(n = 46)

(n = 29)

(n = 6)

(n = 4)

QRS duration (ms)

Figure 8.30 Increasing 30-day mortality with increasing QRS duration in patients with RBBB at randomisation and new
accompanying anterior STE-AMI.

prognostic value is obtained by the absence of evident signs of ischaemia (Q wave or evident repolarisation changes).
In the pre-fibrinolytic era, RBBB appeared frequently during the course of anteroseptal infarction in case of very proximal occlusion of LAD
because the right bundle is perfused by first septal branch (Figure 4.66) (see p. 223). The patient
was at high risk for sudden death, usually not secondary to a bradyarrhythmia, but to VF. To prevent
sudden death, 6 weeks was the minimum period
of in-hospital time advised (Lie et al., 1975). In the
reperfusionera the risk of mortality of patients with
STE-ACS evolving to anterior MI that present RBBB
is still very high. The ECG changes are very useful
for risk stratification. In the HERO-2 trial (Wong et
al., 2006a) the 30-day mortality was similar in patients with RBBB at randomisation or new RBBB
at 60 minutes after streptokinase treatment had
begun. However, an increasing QRS duration was
associated in a multivariable analysis with increasing 30-day mortality in both RBBB groups (at
randomisation and new RBBB at 60 min) (see
Figure 8.30). Also for both groups of RBBB (presenting at randomisation and at 60 min) 30-day
mortality was lower if ST-segment elevation had
been resolved by 50% at 60 minutes. The group

of patients at lowest risk (14%) are the few number

of patients (2%) that the RBBB resolved to normal
intraventricular conduction after 60 minutes and do
not present ST-segment elevation. On the contrary,
the group of patients with higher mortality (50%)
are the cases with widest QRS complex especially if
the RBBB is a new appearance at 60 minutes after
streptokinase began.
The presence of complete LBBB is itself considered indication for fibrinolytic therapy. Additionally, the rare cases of LBBB, which develop
during the acute phase, usually were indicative of
a two-vessel disease, large infarction and a worse
prognosis. This is explained because left bundle
has double perfusion (LAD + LCX). However, this
concept has to be reconsidered after the paper of
Wong et al. (2005). According to Wong et al., patients with ACS evolving to MI that present presumed new LBBB have heterogeneous outcome dependent on the type of ST-sement changes. The
patients with ST-segment deviations of the type
described by Sgarbossa et al. (1996a,b) (see ECG
pattern of injury in patients with ventricular hypertrophy and/or wide QRS, p. 123) had a higher
30-day mortality rate than those without these STsegment changes. In fact this latter subgroup of
LBBB patients had a lower 30-day mortality rate

250 PART II The ECG in different clinical settings of ischaemic heart disease

The ACSs with bundle branch block are considered to have a worse prognosis.

This is especially true

(a) when the bundle branch block has developed during the ACS
(b) when the duration of QRS is very wide

(c) it ST-segment elevation resolution is delayed

(d) if the ST deviations are very striking

than the patients with STE-ACS and narrow QRS.

This surprising lower risk may be related to differences in clinical characteristics (age, comorbidities,
etc.), smaller MI and/or ACS of the NSTE type. In
our experience patients with confounding factors
(BBB and/or LVH with strain) at arrival represent
20% of all cases of ACS and do not present worst
prognosis (p. 242).
As it happens with all types of arrhythmias the
incidence in the acute MI phase, of RBBBs and
LBBBs, has decreased very much since the introduction of reperfusion therapy, because this treatment improves intraventricular conduction system
perfusion. Furthermore, the prognosis is better, as
in general the ventricular function is also more preserved (Roth et al., 1993).
Finally, the development of a bifascicular block
(RBBB plus SAH, or RBBB plus inferoposterior
hemiblock (IPH)) during the acute myocardial infarction usually is considered a poor prognosis,
since this is indicative of a large infarction and the
involvement of, at least, two territories (LAD and
RCA or LCX). However, on the basis of HERO-2
trial, no data (Wong et al., 2006a) have been found
showing that there was no difference in 30-day mortality.
In an ACS with bundle branch block, it is convenient to know whether the bundle block was already present or if it was caused by the ACS. In case
of RBBB the presence of qR pattern in V1 makes
probably that the pattern is new and caused by the
MI (Wellens, Gorgels and Doevendans, 2003).

have been shown to develop following ligature of a

coronary artery in two phases. The first one occurs
after a few seconds, probably induced by a re-entry
mechanism, and the second one after a few hours,
which is most likely explained by post-potentials
(Janse, 1982).
From experimental and clinical points of view,
severe ventricular arrhythmias, runs of ventricular
tachycardia and, occasionally, ventricular fibrillation appear in relation to most severe degrees of
ischaemia. This is especially true in case of longlasting ischaemia and hearts with poor ventricular function (Bayes de Luna et al., 1985; Janse,
1982). Those cases with the most severe ischaemia,
such as after the ligature of an epicardial coronary artery or, in the clinical setting, a coronary
spasm with total occlusion of a large epicardial vessel (Prinzmetal angina), are accompanied by significant ST-segment elevation even with subepicardium injury pattern with morphology of a TAP
(Figure 8.45). In the most extreme cases, T-wave or
ST-segment alternance is observed (Figure 8.11). In
general, severe ventricular arrhythmias, in the clinical setting, if present do not appear immediately,
but do so after a few minutes.
The incidence of PVCs in the course of ACS is
high. As it happens in cases of coronary spasm
(Bayes de Luna et al., 1985; Figure 8.46B), they
have been shown to be related to the magnitude
of the ST-segment elevation and to the duration
of the spasm. PVCs in the course of an ACS are
considered hazardous when they are frequent, especially if they occur in runs of non-sustained VT,
or if they are associated with poor ventricular function and significant ischaemia (Figure 8.31A). In
turn, an R/T phenomenon that was described by
Lown et al. (1967) as a marker of a very poor
prognosis in the course of an ACS is not currently, in post-thrombolytic era, considered to have
same significance (Chiladakis et al., 2000). However, a primary VF may develop in acute phase of

Arrhythmias and intraventricular

blocks in ACS
Ventricular arrhythmias: risk of sudden
death (Figures 8.318.33)
Acute ischaemia frequently triggers ventricular arrhythmias that may lead to sudden death. From an
experimental point of view, ventricular arrhythmias

CHAPTER 8 Acute coronary syndrome: unstable angina and acute myocardial infarction 251


Figure 8.31 (A) A patient with an acute
myocardial infarction with evident
ST-segment elevation and frequent,
polymorphic, repetitive, PVC that
triggers VF (asterisk) that was resolved
with cardioversion. (B) Primary
ventricular fibrillation in a patient with
acute MI. VF appears suddenly, without
previous PVC and without evident
ST-segment elevation. However, the
underlying sinus rhythm is fast, which
can often be present in cases of primary
ventricular fibrillation and express the
sympathetic overdrive that is usually
present in acute phase of MI (see p.
252). The electric cardioversion resolved
the problem.

MI without important ST-segment elevation but

with basal rapid sinus rhythm and with isolated
PVCs with R/T phenomenon (Figure 8.31B). Additionally, PVCs may detect ischaemia (ST-segment
depression) more evidently than sinus complexes
(Figures 8.25 and 8.26) (Rasouli and Ellestad,
An accelerated ventricular rhythm, which is defined as a ventricular rhythm with a rate higher
than the escape ventricular rhythm rate and lower
than the ventricular tachycardia rate (between 25
40 bpm and 90110 bpm), usually occurs in runs
that cease spontaneously and is well tolerated. It
sometimes occurs during reperfusion (see p. 228;
Figures 8.16 and 8.17) and generally does not require a specific treatment.

A monomorphic sustained ventricular tachycardia does not occur frequently in ACS, especially
in patients without prior infarctions. However, it
has been shown to have worse prognosis in 1-year
follow-up period than that of patients with primary
VF (Newby et al., 1998). It is partly related to prior
infarction scar, which explains its lower incidence
following a first myocardial infarction (Fiol, 2001;
Mont et al., 1996). Rarely, it may appear during
the course of a significant and sustained coronary
A polymorphic ventricular tachycardia usually
exhibits characteristics that mimic the torsades de
pointes ventricular tachycardia with normal QT
interval. It frequently degenerates into VF. Fortunately, it is infrequent and usually appears in

252 PART II The ECG in different clinical settings of ischaemic heart disease



Figure 8.32 Final arrhythmias in case of sudden death in

different clinical situations. (A) In the acute phase of an
ischaemic heart disease (Adgey et al., 1982). In the
majority of cases final arrhythmia was primary ventricular
fibrillation and only in few cases it was sustained
ventricular tachycardia, which developed in fibrillation. (B)
In ambulatory patients the most frequent final arrhythmia
de Luna, Coumel
was sustained VT leading to VF (Bayes
and Leclercq, 1989).

large infarctions with poor ventricular function. It is

probably secondary to prolonged ischaemia (poor
reperfusion), and thus urgent revascularisation is
Pre-hospital mortality in acute myocardial infarction is approximately 2030% (Braunwald,
Zipes and Libby, 1998; Fiol, 2001). More than half
of these deaths occur within the first hour and
are generally caused by sudden death due to primary VF. This is generally triggered by a PVC with
R/T phenomenon in the setting of autonomic nervous system (ANS) dysfunction (sinus tachycardia)
(Figure 8.32A; Adgey et al., 1982). In the thrombolytic era, this phenomenon has already been mentioned to be less frequent (Chiladakis et al., 2000).
Furthermore, in ambulatory patients, primary VF
only explains 10% of all sudden death cases, with
sustained ventricular tachycardia leading to VF be-

ing the most frequent cause of sudden death (Figures 8.32B and 8.33; Bayes de Luna, Camacho and
Guindo, 1989; Bayes de Luna, Coumel and Leclercq,
Once the patient has been admitted to the hospital, the mortality rate is lower (510%) and is caused
by cardiogenic shock because though VF may occur, it may be resolved with cardioversion. Fiol et al.
(1993) have demonstrated that once the patient is in
the hospital, VF occurs particularly in the presence
of (a) summation of the ST-segment elevation in the
three leads, with the most prominent ST-segment
elevation higher than 10 mm; (b) systolic blood
pressure lower than 110 mm Hg; (c) inferior and/or
lateral infarction. According to other authors, a long
QT interval and the presence of sustained ventricular tachycardia on admission are markers of poor
prognosis (Flugelman et al., 1987). In a small number of cases of acute MI, sudden death is due to
a bradyarrhythmia, often secondary to electromechanical dissociation (Figure 8.34).
The incidence of primary VF (Figures 8.30 and
8.31) in patients admitted to the coronary care
unit has decreased significantly (23%) due to the
new therapies employed, though it is still higher in
more compromised patients (Killip 1: <1%; Killip 3
and 4: >4%) (Fiol, 2001). In patients with an ACS,
only the VF that occurs in the course of an anterior infarction has subsequent negative prognostic
implications (Schwartz et al., 1985). Evidently, VF
requires treatment with electric cardioversion and
all measures required to treat cardiorespiratory arrest (Fiol, 2001). The most important is to adopt
the measures necessary to avoid it, since it occurs
outside the coronary care unit; the possibilities of
survival are very low.
Supraventricular arrhythmias
Sinus tachycardia in patients with ACS is a sign of
poor prognosis. A clear increase in sinus heart rate
(from a mean rate of 80 bpm to almost 100 bpm)
was demonstrated by Adgey et al. (1982) prior to VF
in patients developing primary VF while on their
way to the hospital during the hyperacute phase of
an acute myocardial infarction. Sinus tachycardia is
a manifestation of ANS imbalance and is seen in
large infarctions and, characteristically, in the presence of heart failure, risk of cardiogenic shock and
risk of cardiac rupture. It can also be the expression
of extracardiac complications, such as a pulmonary

CHAPTER 8 Acute coronary syndrome: unstable angina and acute myocardial infarction 253



Figure 8.33 (A) Ambulatory recording of a patient with ST

elevation due to acute coronary syndrome an R on T PVC
triggering VF. (B) Ambulatory recording of a patient that

presented VF triggered by sustained VT, which appears

without previous PVC in presence of basal sinus

embolism, anaemia, fever, etc. In the absence of any

evident contraindication, sinus tachycardia should
be corrected with beta-blocker agents. Sinus tachycardia that persists over the follow-up (subacute
phase) is a sign of subsequent poor prognosis
(Crimm et al., 1984). In acute phase of MI, VF usually appears in presence of basal sinus tachycardia
with or without ambient PVC (Figure 8.31). In postMI patients, sustained VT triggers VF, usually also
in presence of sinus tachycardia (Figure 8.33).
Premature atrial complexes are benign. However, when frequent, they can be premonitory of
atrial flutter and, especially, of atrial fibrillation.
Atrial flutter rarely occurs. When the heart rate
is rapid, i.e. above 150 bpm, it is usually poorly
tolerated. It requires immediate medical assistance

and, in the presence of haemodynamic impairment,

electrical cardioversion is mandatory.
Atrial fibrillation is a relatively frequent
supraventricular arrhythmia (1012% of cases)
(Figure 4.16; Sugiura et al., 1985), as other
supraventricular arrhythmias are typically related
to atrial involvement (Liu, Greenspan and Piccirillo,
1961; Zimerman, 1968) and/or pericarditis. Atrial
fibrillation occurs usually in the most extensive
ACSs. However, in patients with ACS due to RCA occlusion, it may be explained by vagal overdrive and
may be accompanied by AV block. Age, presence of
abnormal P wave (Agarwal, 2003), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and heart failure
are triggering factors. The incidence of atrial fibrillation has decreased in the post-thrombolytic era.

254 PART II The ECG in different clinical settings of ischaemic heart disease

Figure 8.34 Patient of 68 years of age

who suffered sudden death 10 days
after an acute infarction. A progressive
depression of the automatism (with the
appearance of a slow escape rhythm) is
shown in the Holter ECG recording, until
cardiac arrest occurs, due to an
electromechanical dissociation caused by
cardiac rupture.

Atrial fibrillation usually is self-limited; thus, electric cardioversion is advised only when the heart rate
is rapid and causes haemodynamic impairment.
The P-wave late potentials technique may identify
candidates for atrial fibrillation in ACS (Rosiak,
Bolinska and Ruta, 2002).
Other supraventricular arrhythmias, such as
supraventricular paroxysmal tachycardia or atrial
tachycardia secondary to an ectopic focus, are
much less frequent.
Bradyarrhythmias and intraventricular
conduction abnormalities
Sinus bradyarrhythmia is frequent in patients with
acute inferior MI, especially during the first hours,
because the sinus node is perfused by RCA or LCX
(see p. 18). It is found in 30% of cases (Pantridge,
Webb and Adgey, 1981). It is most frequently secondary to depression of automatism than to sinoatrial block. Indications for the administration of
atropine and pacemaker implantation have been
defined by the ACC/AHA guidelines for the treatment of patients with an acute myocardial infarction
(1999). Advanced SA block suggests a proximal occlusion of RCA or LCX and is often accompanied
by an atrial infarction and corresponds usually to a
large MI. Pacing is indicated in case of low cardiac
output or bradycardia-related ventricular arrhythmias.
The progressive depression of sinus node automatism and the occurrence of a progressively
slower escape rhythm that leads to cardiac arrest
(Figure 8.34) are usually detected in patients with

electromechanical dissociation (Bayes de Luna,

Coumel and Leclercq, 1989).
The prevalence of different types of AV blocks has
also decreased in the fibrinolytic era. A complete AV
block is currently recorded in approximately 34%
of all cases, while it previously occurred in nearly
10% (Harpaz et al., 1999). In patients with acute
inferior MI, the incidence of AV block was significantly higher in the pre-fibrinolytic era (Melgarejo
et al., 1997). The first-degree AV block has few clinical implications, but sometimes may evolve towards
advanced AV block that is usually of infrahisian
level if bundle branch block or anterior infarction is
present. The second-degree AV block of Wenckebachtypeis more frequent in the inferior MI (RCA),
since it is due to AV node ischaemia and/or a significant vagal overdrive. Atropine should be administered to accurately identify its origin. AV blocks
due to vagal overdrive disappear following the administration of intravenous atropine, while those
of ischaemic origin persist. Also, the latter usually
presents fast heart rate, while the former does not.
An AV block of Wenckebach type is usually transient
and is of suprahisian level. The prognosis is usually good, with pacemaker implantation not being
necessary, although administration of atropine is
required. The second-degree AV block of the Mobitz type is less frequent and is more associated with
anterior infarction than with inferior infarction. It
occurs paroxysmally and may disappear or progress
to advanced AV block. It is usually generated at
the infrahisian level and implies a worse prognosis.
Pacemaker implantation is frequently required, at

CHAPTER 8 Acute coronary syndrome: unstable angina and acute myocardial infarction 255



Figure 8.35 (A) Patient with STE-ACS due to proximal

occlusion of dominant RCA (ST in I, ST III > II, ST
isodiphasic in V1 and ST in V6). The patient presented

21 AV block and suddenly advanced AV block. (B) Patient

with STE-ACS due to RCA occlusion. Different degrees of
AV block may be seen in continuous recording of lead II.

least temporarily. The third-degree (complete)AV

block has a different significance according to the
location of the MI, inferior or anteroseptal (Melgarejo et al., 1997). When it occurs associated with
inferior MI, it usually evolves from a first-degree
block, the QRS complex is narrow and the block is
of suprahisian level. Thus, the prognosis is relatively
good, though the mortality rate is higher than that in
cases with no advanced AV block, especially if fibrinolytic therapy has not been administered (Mavric
et al., 1990). When haemodynamic impairment develops (Figure 8.35A), a temporary pacemaker is
mandatory. The advanced AV block presenting in
an anteroseptal infarction is usually accompanied
by an infrahisian escape rhythm with a wide QRS
complex, and the insertion of a temporary pace-

maker is mandatory. In these cases, the infarction

is large and the prognosis is poor. Sometimes in the
same record there is evidence of different types of
AV blocks (Figure 8.35B).
The presence of an SAH associated with an
ACS was considered to not have many clinical implications. However, the development of an SAH
in the course of an inferior infarction (RCA or
LCX) represents the involvement of at least two
vessels, since LAD perfuses the superoanterior division. Recently, Biagini et al. (2005) reported that
the presence of previous SAH implies worst prognosis. Patients with suspected IHD and LAH referred for stress test presented an increased risk
for cardiac death. This risk is persistent after adjustment for major clinical data and abnormalities

256 PART II The ECG in different clinical settings of ischaemic heart disease



Figure 8.36 (A) A 55-year-old patient with hypertension

and heart failure. (B) One month later, during an ACS, the
patient presents a very evident change in the ECG the

changes rightwards, lead VF changes from Rs to qR,

with time of intrinsicoid deflection of 0.06 seg and in lead

V6 qR changed to Rs. These changes may be explained by
the association of IPH. Also, there are more ST/T changes.

on the stress echocardiogram. Therefore, the presence of associated SAH should not be considered
a benign abnormality in this group of patients.
These results, which are in line with what we have
already said about the development of SAH in
patients with inferior MI, imply the involvement
of at least two-vessel disease. The appearance of
IPH during ACS is observed less frequently. In

this case there is clear rightward change of AQRS

(Figure 8.36).
The occurrence of an RBBB or LBBB has already
been mentioned to have an evident prognostic sig-

nificance (see p. 248). We have already mentioned

that RBBB at randomisation, but especially of new
appearance, has worst prognosis especially when the
QRS is very wide (Figure 8.30). Furthermore, the
LBBB that appears during ACS has worst prognosis, although it has been described that this is also
true for cases with ST-segment deviations described
by Sgarbossa et al. (1996b) (see p. 120). Cases of
RBBB with or without associated left SAH occur in
presence of very proximal LAD occlusion (before
S1 and D1). The acquired forms of bundle branch
block, with very wide QRS complex and with slowed

Acquired RBBB presents QR or qR morphology

in V1 (Figures 4.66), whereas pre-existing RBBB
that is more frequent in elderly patients usually
shows an rsR morphology in V1.
Acquired LBBB occurs rarely (Figure 4.67)

because the left bundle has double perfusion,

but when it occurs it represents by itself a worst
prognosis, especially if significant ST-segment
deviations are present.

CHAPTER 8 Acute coronary syndrome: unstable angina and acute myocardial infarction 257

ST-segment elevation resolution, present the worst

prognostic implications, because they are associated
to a large MI.

Risk stratification in ACS: role of

ECG (Antman et al., 2000; Bertrand et al.,
2003; Hathaway et al., 1998a,b; Morrow
et al., 2000a,b)
During the initial assessment of a patient with an
ACS, risk stratification is of critical importance in
deciding patients who will require urgent or invasive treatment (fibrinolysis, PCI or surgical revascularisation), since risk is higher in this case.
In clinical practice we used for risk stratification
clinical, electrocardiographic, enzymatic variables
and also imaging techniques and coronary angiography. In each case the parameters may be used isolated or clustered in a score. The scores of risk may
be formed only by clinical parameters or may be a
mixture of clinical and other non-clinical parameters. The most useful data are the following:
(a) Clinical: Age, gender, heart rate, blood pressure, diabetes, history of previous infarction, time
from the onset of symptoms, type of symptoms
(dyspnoea, pain, etc.), physical examination, presence of rales, third cardiac sound, pulmonary and
renal function, other comorbidities, etc.
(b) Electrocardiographic: Rhythm and heart rate,
type and location of ST-segment deviations elevation versus depression ST-segment morphology;
number of leads involved and summation of STsegment deviations, most probable occlusion site
according to the involved leads; QRS morphology;
QRS score; presence of arrhythmias and conduction
disturbances, location of area at risk, the Aldrich
score, the AndersonWilkins score (see p. 221 and
224), etc. (Elsman et al., 2006; Johanson et al., 2003;
Uyarel, 2006).
(c) Enzymatic: Repeated determination of enzymes, currently especially of troponin levels.
(d) Imaging techniques: Echocardiography,
scintigraphy, MRI (EF, number and localisation of
involved segments, type of perfusion or contractile
(e) Coronary angiography: Number of vessels involved and location of stenosis; type of plaque. Currently, it may be performed with non-invasive imaging techniques (coronary multidetector computer

tomography), although in the ACS, coronary angiogram is advisable because if necessary a PCI may
be readily performed.
The importance of the ECG in ACS is highlighted
in this book, since it is of critical importance for
the classification (ACS with or without ST-segment
elevation) and for therapeutic decision making
(thrombolysis, urgent PCI or bypass surgery).
Using risk scores
Risk scores use combination of different variables.
They have a higher predictive value than does each
variable alone, so they stratify the risk in clinical
practice in a reproducible and easily applied way.
This stratification may be made on the patients
admission to the coronary care unit, or during
the follow-up. The use of risk scores, although important from the prognostic point of view, has to
be considered carefully because it has been demonstrated that according to the different parameters
used with similar enzymatic levels, the risk stratification may be very different (Jacobs et al., 1999;
Singh et al., 2002). It is not the purpose of this book
to make a critical review of the scores used in ACS,
but especially to emphasise the importance that
the ECG has as a marker of prognosis. So, we will
mention only the most important with special emphasis in the most commonly used. For
more information about the limitation of risk
scores, consult Cannon (2003) and Singh et al.
Selected scores have been proposed for stratifying
risk after MI. These scores have been derived either
from clinical trials (TIMI, PURSUIT, GUSTO, etc.)
or from registries and cohort studies (PREDICT,
CCP, etc.). The majority of them divide the ACS
into two groups with and without ST-segment elevation (STE-MI or STE-ACS vs NSTE-MI or NSTEACS). This classification is very useful for a better
approach of treatment. The GUSTO score includes
QRS duration and ECG (Hathaway et al., 1998a,b)
prior MI (Table 8.4), and the PREDICT score uses
other ECG parameters (ECG severity score) that include ST, Q wave and branch block criteria (Jacobs
et al., 1999; Table 8.5).
In STE-ACS the TIMI risk score is most commonly used (Morrow et al., 2000a,b). This score
is formed by seven variables that may be easily
obtained, including history taking, ECG changes,

258 PART II The ECG in different clinical settings of ischaemic heart disease
Table 8.5 PREDICT score components, definitions, and risk computation.
Patient Name:
Medical Record Number:

Preliminary Predict

Clinical Descriptor

Minnesota Heart Survey Definition

Assessment Points


None of the conditions below


Any one of the following:

first observable SBP 6199 or first blood pressure unobrainable or

first recorded heart rate 100119 beats/min

At least 2 of the above or

first observable SBP <60 mmHg or first recorded beart rate 120 beart/min
Clinical History
a) myocardial infarction, b) stroke, c) angina >8 weeks before admission d) coronary artery bypass grafts, e) cardiac arrest, f)

None of the above


1 or 2 of above


3 or more of the above

3559 years old

6069 years old

7074 years old


ECG Severity Score

Preliminary Assessment circle all that apply

Q-wave Infarction

Major: Q duration 0.03 sec, Q/R amplitude 1/3: MN codes

Anterolateral (leads I, aVL, V6)

Anterior (leads VI-V5)

Minor: 0.02 sec Q duration <0.03 sec, Q/R amplitude 1/3: MN codes
Anterolateral (leades I, aVL, V6)

Anterior (leads V1-V5)

Non Q-wave infarction Major: ST segment depression 1.0 mm, horizontal or downward sloping:
MN codes 4.1.1-4.1.2
Anterolateral (leads I, aVL, V6)

Anterior (leads V1V5)

Poterior/inferior (leads II, III, AVF)

Minor: 0.5 mm ST segment depression <1.0 mm, horizontal or downward sloping:

MN code 4.2
Anterolateral (leads I, aVL, V6)

Anterior (leads V1V5)

Posterior/inferior (leads II, III, AVF)

Summarize Q/ST itmes for use in PREDICT point computation Q/ST Score
Add scores to got Q/ST score (enter 015)
Circle any bundle branch block (BBB) for use in PREDICT point Computation
Right BBB: MN code 7.2.1 RBBB
Left BBB: MN code 7.1.1 LBBB
Intraventricular: MN code 7.4 IVB
PREDICT point computation
No BBBor infarction

Q/ST score = 0 and no BBB


(Q/ST score = 1.4 and no BBB) or (Q/ST score = 0 and RBBB)



(Q/ST score 5 or LBBB


IVB or (RBBB and Major Q finding)

CHAPTER 8 Acute coronary syndrome: unstable angina and acute myocardial infarction 259



Mortality at 30 Days (%)


1) Age 6574/ > 75

2) Systolic bood pressure <100
3) Heart rate >100
4) Killip IIIV
5) Anterior STE or LBBB
6) Diabetes, h/o HTN, or h/o angina
7) Weight <67 kg
8) Time to treatement >4 h

2/3 points
3 points
2 points
2 points
1 point
1 point
1 point
1 point



014 possible points

Risk score









Risk score:


Risk (%)









Rate of composite end point (%)









Test cohort


Number of risk factors











Figure 8.37 (A) TIMI risk score for STE-ACS for predicting
30-day mortality (Morrow et al., 2000a,b). (B) Rates of
all-case mortality, myocardial infarction and severe
recurrent ischaemia prompting urgent revascularisation
through 14 days after randomisation were calculated for

various patient subgroups based on the number of risk

factors present in the test cohort (the unfractioned heparin
group in the thrombolysis in MI (TIMI) 118 trial; n = 1957).
Event rates increased significantly as the TIMI risk score
increased ( p < 0.001 by x 2 for trend) (Antman et al., 2000).

ST-segment elevation, etc. (see Figure 8.37). The

results of this score significantly correlate with prognosis. For example, patients presenting with lower
scores (0/1 points) have 14-day combined event rate
of 4.7% (death/ischaemic events). In those with a
higher score (6/7 points) there is an almost ninefold increase in event rate (41%). The advantage of
this score is that it has already been widely validated
and may be rapidly assessed (Antman et al., 2000;
Holper et al., 2001; Morrow et al., 2000a,b). The
score reported by Hathaway et al. (1998a,b), on the

basis of GUSTO trial, for estimating 30-day mortality from initial, clinical and ECG variables reported
that summation of ST-segment elevation and depression, greater than 15 mm, represents higher risk
mortality (Table 8.4).
Also in NSTE-ACS the TIMI risk score is the most
used score (Antman et al., 2000) because it is easy
to assess and combines the same variables used for
cases with ST-segment elevation. Its use provides
prognostic information at the short and long term
(14 days and 6 months) of patients with NSTE-ACS

260 PART II The ECG in different clinical settings of ischaemic heart disease

(UA and non-Q-wave MI). In addition to its prognostic information, the patients with higher scores
will have a higher risk of events over time and, thus,
will benefit the most from antithrombotic treatment (low-weight heparins, IIb/IIIa GP inhibitors
and clopidogrel) and early revascularisation (PCI
or surgery).
One community-based MI cohort (Singh et al.,
2002) the PREDICT cohort was superior to that of
the TIMI scores across time, largely because PREDICT include morbidity lacking from the TIMI
Also, the inclusion of EF and different biomarkers added significant prognostic information over
TIMI and PREDICT scores. Recently, other markers, such as CRP, and different interleukins have
been added to the risk assessment (Anguera et al.,
2002; Zairis et al., 2002), as well as BNP (Bassan
et al., 2005) and PAPP (Heeschen et al., 2004).
Even the value of multiple biomarkers added to
the value of quantitative ST-segment depression
has been recently published (Westerhout et al.,
However, it is convenient to use a simple score
that may be widely accepted for everybody and give
enough information for good stratification. In this
sense, a risk index based only on clinical parameters (age, blood pressure and heart rate) (Morrow et al., 2000a,b) was established first in patients with STE-ACS and is predictive of mortality.
Recently, Wiviott et al. (2006) have demonstrated
that this single risk index (TRI) provides important
information about in-hospital mortality in both
STE-ACS and NSTE-ACS, with some differences
between three groups (STE-ACS with reperfusion,
STE-ACS without reperfusion and NSTE-ACS (Figure 8.38)). This risk index provides clinicians important information for risk stratification and confirms that with simple clinical and ECG parameters
derived from bedside diagnosis are possible to obtain important information for initial triage and
According to what has just been discussed, patients with ACS may be classified into different risk

Risk index =

Heart rate (age/10)2

Systolic blood pressure

(see Figure 8.38)

Risk groups: the role of the ECG

ACS with or without ST-segment elevation may
be classified, according to its clinical, electrocardiographic and enzymatic characteristics, into
three large risk groups: high, intermediate and low
(Antman et al., 2000; Bertrand et al., 2003; Braunwald et al., 2000; Diderholm et al., 2002; Jernberg,
2002; Lee et al., 1995; Morrow et al., 2000a,b; Ryan
et al., 1999).
In this book we will emphasise the most important electrocardiographic, clinical and enzymatic abnormalities that define a more favourable
or less favourable prognosis. Naturally, risk
scores have their main role in the overall risk

High-risk ACS
This term is applied to ACS evolving towards a
large (Q-wave or non-Q-wave) myocardial infarction. Currently, the 30-day mortality rate is greater
than 2030%.
The following characteristics are considered as
of high risk:
A. Clinical
Advanced age, heart rate, systolic blood pressure,
diabetes mellitus, recurrent or persistent pain. The
prognosis is worse in diabetics and elderly patients,
especially in presence of renal failure, sinus tachycardia and evident haemodynamic impairment (hypotension, pulmonary oedema, etc.) (grade 34 of
Killip classification) (Wiviott et al., 2006).
B. ECG changes
The markers of poor prognosis are the following:
(1) Repolarisation changes (ST/T)
(a) STE-ACS: dynamic and persistent STsegment changes (ST-segment elevation
2 mm in several precordial leads or 1
mm in the inferior leads)
The higher the number of leads
with ST-segment elevation and the
greater their importance, the higher
the risk of a large infarction will be,
and therefore the higher the risk of
ventricular arrhythmias and haemodynamic complications.
In patients who present within 3 hours
of symptoms onset, terminal QRS
distortion in two or more adjacent

CHAPTER 8 Acute coronary syndrome: unstable angina and acute myocardial infarction 261

Risk index = [HR x (Age/10)2]/SBP

In-hospital mortality

























In-hospital mortality






































TIMI risk index

Figure 8.38 (A) Relationship between Thrombolysis in
Myocardial Infarction (TIMI) risk index and mortality in
non-ST-segment myocardial infarction (NSTE-ACS). (B)
Relationship between TIMI risk index and mortality in

leads (no S wave in leads with rS

pattern) (V1V3) and/or J/R ratio
0.50 in any lead represents higher
mortality and infarct size, less myocardial salvage by fibrinolytic treatment and more benefit from PCI
than from thrombolysis (Sejersten,

three groups of ACS (STEMI, NSTEMI and STEMI without

reperfusion therapy). Inset graph shows mortality in full
group by diagnosis. HR, heart rate; RT, reperfusion
therapy; SBP, systolic blood pressure (Wiviott et al., 2006).

Recurrent ST-segment elevation,

especially with pain, detected with
continuous multilead ST-segment
monitoring (Akkerhuis et al., 2001).
According to the ST-segment elevation in the precordial or inferior leads
and the presence of mirror patterns, the
ECG allows for location of the coronary

262 PART II The ECG in different clinical settings of ischaemic heart disease

artery occlusion. It helps to identify

cases requiring an urgent coronary angiogram (proximal RCA, very dominant RC and LCX and proximal LAD).
Persistence of ST-segment elevation
over days, without negativisation of the
T wave. This sign suggests the risk of
cardiac rupture.
According to the initial morphology of the ST-segment elevation, the
prognosis may be better or worse
(Figure 8.13).
The most dangerous situation for the
development of VF is the existence
of ST-segment alternance during ischaemia.
(b) NSTE-ACS: evident ST-segment depression in many leads (7) especially if
the ST-segment depression is very important with ST-segment elevation in VR and
V1 and without positive T wave in V4V5.
In one study Westerhout et al. (2006) developed for knowing 30-day and 1-year risk
for NSTE-MI, ST-segment depression was
the strongest contributor predicting mortality, even more than troponin and the
others biomarkers. Patients with 2 mm
ST-segment depression were 2.4 times more
likely to die in the first year compared with
those without ST-segment depression ( p <
Any case presenting with dynamic
ST-segment deviations
In all these situations, the therapeutic approach (emergent coronary angiogram, if possible) should be decided
upon with the clinical history and the
(2) Bundle branch block
Especially when it is of new onset. As has
been already stated (p. 223), the development of complete RBBB is characteristic of
a LAD occlusion, proximal to the first septal
branch (Figure 4.66). The prognosis is even
worse in case of a bifascicular block. The
prognosis is worst in cases of RBBB with
wide QRS especially if the BB is of new appearance.

The presence of LBBB is in itself a marker

of poor prognosis. When it develops during
an ACS, which occurs rarely, it implies the
involvement of both the RCA and the LAD,
since it is usually perfused by both, or it may
indicate that one of them is very dominant
and perfuses part of the opposed wall. The
prognosis is especially worst when the LBBB
presents ST-segment changes described by
Sgarbossa et al. (1996b) (p. 120). However
this concept has to be reconsidered after the
Wongs paper (2005) (p. 249).
(3) Presence of certain arrhythmias
The presence of persistent sinus tachycardia is, in itself, a sign of poor prognosis
(Adgey et al., 1982).
The presence of PVCs, especially of the
R on T type, may represent a real risk of
sudden death due to VF during the acute
phase of ischaemia. In post-infarction patient, when PVCs are found in a surface ECG
of 1- or 2-minute duration, this generally
implies that PVCs will be frequent in the
Holter recording, which has prognostic implications (Bigger et al., 1984).
(4) The presence of ECG normal, nearly normal or unchanged or the presence in the ECG
of changes that suggest small infarct (mild STsegment elevation or depression) is not an absolute guarantee of good prognosis.
The following complications may appear:
(a) STE-ACS evolving to Q-wave MI with
small ST-segment elevation due to occlusion of LCX may present cardiac rupture in
spite of ECG signs of apparently small MI
(Figure 8.28).
(b) The presence of normal ST during pain
may be an expression of a pseudonormalisation (Figure 3.21B). Therefore it is advisable to record another ECG after pain
(Figure 3.21A).
(c) The presence of normal ECG in the
absence of pain may be accompanied by
important changes during pain. This occurs even in case of LMT subocclusion
(Figure 8.19).
(d) The evidence of taller-than-usual T
wave in V1V3. This morphology may

CHAPTER 8 Acute coronary syndrome: unstable angina and acute myocardial infarction 263

From the practical point of view, patients presenting with the following characteristics may
be considered of high risk:
a. Repetitive anginal pain with persistentb
ST-segment elevation or depression in several leads, along with clearly positive troponin
b. In general, those with a high-risk score both
in STE-ACS (Antman et al., 2000, 2004; Fiol et
al., 1993; Hathaway et al., 1998a,b) and in NSTEACS (TIMI risk score 2000), especially when
there is an ECG indicating a poor prognosis

(which have been already discussed), and/or dynamic ECG changes.

c. In the STE-ACS, fibrinolysis may be used as
the first-choice therapy in the first 3 hours after
the onset of symptoms. However, primary PCI
is advised, whenever possible. Both treatments
may be carried out, if necessary, on the same
d. In all types of high-risk ACS, interventional procedures must be indicated and have
to be performed if possible as an emergency.

evolve over a short time towards an

ST-segment elevation, which evolves to infarction Q wave (Figure 8.9). Said evolution
may be aborted if fibrinolytic therapy or PCI
is performed immediately.
(e) In patients with prior infarction
and/or poor ventricular function, the risk
may be high, in spite of presenting minimal changes in the ECG, such as slight STsegment deviations compared to prior ECGs
or a taller-than-normal T wave, especially if
chest pain is persistent.
(5) The prognosis is worse when not only leads
many but also Q waves present ST-segment deviations. This generally implies that the infarct
is already established when Q waves appear in
the leads with ST-segment elevation. It may also
mean that the patient has suffered a prior infarction (Hathaway et al., 1998a,b).
C. Enzymatic changes
Troponin I and/or T levels clearly increased.
D. Global risk score
High-risk score in cases of both ACS with or
without ST-segment elevation, according to the
TIMI risk score (67 points) (Antman et al., 2004;
Morrow et al., 2000a,b) and in thrombolysis MI
risk index (TRI >7080) (Wiviott et al., 2006) is
predictive of high risk of mortality at 30 days
and composite end point (Figures 8.37 and 8.38).
Also, recently, the importance of ST-segment depression compared with biomarkers in risk stratification in NSTEMI (Westerhout et al., 2006)
and the importance to add information on co-

morbidity (Singh et al., 2002) and EF have been


Low-risk ACS
These are patients with an ACS evolving towards
a low-risk UA or small infarction (Q-wave or nonQ-wave). Currently, the 30-day mortality rate is less
than 3%.
The following characteristics are considered of
low risk:
(A) Clinical
Non-persistent or recurrent anginal pain, especially in patients of less than 70 years of age. The
atypical pain (referred to as prickly and/or modified by movements or thoracic compression) is usually seen in low-risk patients.
(B) ECG changes
1. In case of STE-AMI, the following findings
are signs of good prognosis: (a) the presence of
small ST-segment elevation in a few leads; (b)
an early inversion of terminal portion of the T
wave is probably a better prognostic marker of
reperfusion than ST resolution (Corbalan et al.,
2. In case of NSE-ACS the presence of negative T wave, especially if it is not deep and
is seen in few leads usually with a dominant R wave, is of better prognosis than STsegment depression. Remember that, as we
have previously pointed out, the presence of
deep and negative T wave in V1V4V5 is
considered an atypical pattern of STE-ACS
(Figure 8.3).



Figure 8.39 (A) A 61-year-old man with ST-segment

elevation in all precordial leads II, III and VF (III > II) and
ST-segment depression in I and VL with small rS in V1V3
with sudden change to R in V4V6. (B) The figure shows
that the ECG changes are explained by very proximal

occlusion of a very dominant RCA produced by a dissecting

aneurysm type A affecting the RCA (see Table 4.2, p. 80 for
differential diagnosis with ST-segment elevation in
precordial and inferior leads due to distal LAD occlusion).

CHAPTER 8 Acute coronary syndrome: unstable angina and acute myocardial infarction 265

Low-risk patients are characterised by the following:

r Anginal pain is not intense and/or repetitive,
and the ECG is normal with no changes in the
follow-up or with flattened or mildly negative T
small Q waves of necrosis or mildly ST-segment

depression may be seen.

r The TIMI global risk score is low.
r Optimal therapy should be individually assessed.
r A coronary angiogram may be advisable, especially in young patients.

3. The q wave (qr), if present, is limited to

one or two leads, generally in the inferior wall
or in V1V2.
4. The ECG is often normal with a narrow
QRS complex that does not change over time.
This occurs mainly in distal occlusions of a nondominant LCX or RCA and in the enzymatic
infarction (necrosette). Sometimes an apparently normal or mildly abnormal ECG (positive and symmetrical T wave in V1V2)may be
seen in patients at high risk. To take sequential
recordings is mandatory to check the presence
of ST-segment deviations.
(C) Enzymatic changes
Normal or slightly raised markers. The troponin
level allows for the differentiation between unstable
angina and a non-Q-wave infarction. In this group
of low-risk patients, cases with negative or slightly
raised troponin levels are included.
(D) Global risk score
A low-risk score in both ACS with and without
ST-segment elevation, according to the TIMI risk
score (01 points) and the TRI index (<20) (Figures
8.37 and 8.38) is predictive of in-hospital mortality
lower than 3%. All other parameters (clinical, ECG
and enzymatic) may help to stratify subgroup of
even a lower risk.

elevated (non-Q-wave infarction). In these cases,

conservative or interventional therapy will be indicated at individual level according to all the clinical
and electrocardiographic characteristics of ACS.
We consider that ACS with deep negative T wave
in V1V4, as mentioned before (p. 212), is an
atypical pattern of STE-ACS that usually does not
imply an emergency because this ECG represents
that probably the artery is at least partially open.
The urgency depends on the clinical picture (repetitive pain) and on ECG dynamic changes. However, in all these cases, a coronary angiography
has to be performed as soon as possible. Obviously, this ECG pattern when seen after reperfusion
treatment represents a good marker of open artery
(p. 230).
The aforementioned risk scores present intermediate values (TIMI risk score of 3/4 and TRI index
between 30 and 50) (Figures 8.37 and 8.38).

Intermediate risk
Between these two options, many intermediate situations may be found. A typical case could be an
ACS with anginal pain, even intense but not repetitive. The ECG shows mild ST-segment elevation
that evolves to not very large Q-wave. The enzymelevel rise is moderate.
On other occasions, there is ST-segment depression not so striking and limited to a few leads
with a dominant R wave, with enzymes moderately

ACS not due to coronary

atherothrombosis: clinical and
Patients with an ACS (new anginal pain and/or
anginal pain of longer duration) that are not
due to coronary atherothrombosis (which is generally related to a vulnerable plaque rupture or
erosion) are included in this group (Figure 6.1
and Table 6.1;). In principle, clinical and electrocardiographic changes are usually similar or
equal to the classical ACS secondary to coronary
atherothrombosis, but some different nuances are
seen in some of these, which should be highlighted.
Frequently, 5% of all ACS and 20% in younger
than 35 years, these cases present normal coronary

266 PART II The ECG in different clinical settings of ischaemic heart disease

Hypercoagulation states
Hypercoagulation state may exist in many of the
cases with ACSs that evolve to an infarction, in
the presence of normal coronary arteries. This
is explained by a coronary thrombosis, with no
significant coronary atherosclerosis. The mechanisms that could cause a hypercoagulation state
are (1) heavy smokers that may have lower endogenous fibrinolytic activity which predisposes to
acute thrombosis usually in the presence of plaque
rupture (Newby et al., 1999); (2) drug-induced
states (contraceptive drugs, etc.); (3) pregnancy;
(4) hereditary thrombophilia (genetic defects). Hypercoagulation state, as seen in smokers, often coincides with the presence of small atheromatous
In all these situations, ACS may occur, generally
with ST-segment elevation, frequently followed by
a Q-wave infarction that may be large. ECG characteristics are not helpful in differentiating these cases.
The LAD artery is the most frequently involved one
(Pinney and Rabbani, 2001).
These cases usually occur in relatively young people, often smokers, and the prognosis after the
acute phase is usually good if the triggering factors
that produced the hypercoagulation state are suppressed. We have followed a smoker for more than
40 years who presented a large anterior Q-wave infarction at the age of 39.
Angina secondary to a tachyarrhythmia
Frequently, especially in the elderly, a paroxysmal arrhythmia crisis, especially atrial fibrillation, may cause chest pain, which may have anginal characteristics and may be of long duration,
in relation with the duration of the arrhythmia. In
this case the possibility to be confused with ACS is
high. Often, no concurrent coronary atherosclerosis
is present, and basically, the impairment of diastolic
properties due to the tachycardia may explain the
clinical picture. In spite of the presence of severe
symptoms, the lack of enzyme-level changes, in the
presence of a long-duration thoracic pain and tachyarrhythmia, leads one to suspect that this is not
a classical ACS, but rather pain of anginal characteristics and usually not due to ischaemia but to
haemodynamic origin.
When an ECG is recorded during the crisis, certain abnormalities, such as ST-segment

depression or a negative T wave, may be found and

are usually reversible (Fig. 3.36). In spite of that and
long duration of pain, the repeated enzyme levels
are normal. The ST-segment elevation evolving to
Q-wave MI is never found.
We would like to stress that this situation occurs frequently, especially in the elderly, and often the patient may not realise that he or she has
had a crisis of tachyarrhythmia because the patient presents chest discomfort that may be considered as angina but does not have the feeling of
Coronary dissection (Figures 8.398.41)
This is an ACS that occurs suddenly, usually in
young multiparous women, during the postpartum period, and is due to a collagen abnormality that favours dissection. The LAD is the most
frequently involved artery and it may be dissected
from its origin, which commonly causes a quite
large infarction. It is even more severe because
it occurs in an area with no previous ischaemia
and in which collateral circulation has not been
In these cases, there is a significant ST-segment
elevation, generally of the type found in LAD occlusion, proximal to S1 and D1, with mirror pattern in II, III and VF, or in the proximal RCA
(Figure 8.39) or LCX occlusion. If the coronary
dissection affects LMT, ST-segment elevation ACS
usually appears because there is no previous
subendocardial ischaemia or collateral circulation. Therefore, it is important to emphasise that
although usually the ECG of LMT presents huge and
diffuse ST-segment depression (Figure 4.59), in special circumstances even in ACS due to atherothrombosis, ST-segment elevation ACS may occur (see p.
98 and Figure 4.44).
These patients may present cardiogenic shock
and may even need heart transplantation if VF has
not triggered sudden death. In case of LMT involvement, there are usually no signs of occlusion proximal to S1 (ST in VR, V1 and ST in V6) because
of the involvement of LCX that counterbalances the
septal ischaemia (Figure 8.40). Often, in case of LAD
involvement, advanced RBBB appears (Figure 8.41).
Additionally, a significant sinus tachycardia is seen.
However, when the case is controlled, evolution may
be good (Roig, 2003).

CHAPTER 8 Acute coronary syndrome: unstable angina and acute myocardial infarction 267



Figure 8.40 (A) Coronary angiography of a patient with

dissection of the left main trunk. (B) The ECG shows an
STE-ACS with ST-segment elevation from V2 to V6, I and
VL, and ST-segment depression in inferior leads. The ECG

does not show signs of occlusion of LAD proximal to S1

(ST in V1 and ST in V6) due to the involvement of LCX
that counterbalances the septal ischaemia.

Transient left-ventricular apical

ballooning (TakoTsubo syndrome)

the pattern of apical dyskinesia is transient and

that coronary arteries are normal or scarcely affected. Probably, it is ACS that may be explained
by increase in coronary arteries tone and/or catecholamine storm release rather than an authentic
spasm, without much involvement of the vessel but,
probably, with lysis of a thrombus. It is known that
catecholamines can induce, especially in women,
an obstruction of left-ventricle outflow tract that
may be related to powerful emotional stress, resulting in severe apical ischaemia. It has also been

(Figure 8.42)
Within the clinical setting of a potentially ACS,
the existence of a significant and transient apical
dyskinesia (transient apical ballooning) has been
demonstrated by imaging techniques (Kurisu et
al., 2002). This anomaly that remember a pot
used in Japan for fishing octopus (Tako-Tsubo),
is accompanied by characteristic electrocardiographic changes. The most interesting issue is that

268 PART II The ECG in different clinical settings of ischaemic heart disease
















Hyperacute phase


1 hour


1 week

considered as a type of catecholamine-induced cardiotoxicity with myocardial stunning in the apical

part of left ventricle (Previtali, Repetto and Scuteri,
2005). TakoTsubo syndrome has been described
more frequently in cases with long and sinuous
coronary arteries (Ibanez et al., 2004). It has recently been hypothesised that this syndrome may
be a form of spontaneous aborted myocardial infarction due to autolysis of thrombus (Ibanez et
al., 2006). This syndrome, first described in Japan
with the name of TakoTsubo syndrome (Kurisu
et al., 2002), is rarely seen in the West (Peraira
et al., 2002).
From the electrocardiographic standpoint a pattern of STE-ACS is usually evident, which evolves
towards a deep negative T wave with the morphological characteristics of opened artery, which we
have described previously (reperfusion pattern)
(see p. 38). This pattern is accompanied by a transient Q wave (QS morphology) (Figure 8.42).
These changes especially seen in precordial leads
occur concomitantly with a transient lengthening

1 year

Figure 8.41 (A) ECG of a 35-year-old

multiparous woman with a very serious
ACS due to occlusion of LAD proximal
to D1 and S1. Observe the morphology
of the advanced RBBB + SAH together
with evident ST-segment changes (ST
elevation in precordials occlusion in
LAD), with ST-segment depression in II,
III and VF (occlusion proximal to D1),
and ST-segment elevation in VR and V1
with ST-segment depression in V6
(occlusion proximal to S1). (B) The ECG
patterns of the evolution through time

of the QTc interval. All the ECG changes usually

normalise in a week.
Similar ECG patterns with transient ST-segment
elevation and q wave may be seen in myocarditis
(Figure 5.47). However, the QTc interval in myocarditis is usually normal, the voltage of QRS is also
usually very low and there is usually sinus tachycardia. Furthermore, in myocarditis the angiographic
features are not present. Also, recently, some cases of
acute ST-segment elevation have been described in
patients with catecholamine discharge and stroke,
sometimes with chest pain. In these cases, a transient dyskinesia of basal part of the heart has been
found (p. 274).
Congenital defects
The presence of congenital defects in the coronary arteries is infrequent (1% of the cases), but
only a small proportion of them are accompanied by symptoms, generally angina or dyspnoea.
The diagnosis of these anomalies has been facilitated by the frequent performance of multislice

CHAPTER 8 Acute coronary syndrome: unstable angina and acute myocardial infarction 269



Figure 8.42 (A) Twelve-lead ECG in

subacute phase in a patient with typical
transitory apical ballooning
(TakoTsubo syndrome).
(B) Electrocardiographic changes in V2
during the period of 34 days (ad).
(C) The typical angiographic image (a,b)
and normal coronary tree (c,d).


scanner. Coronary anomalies should be suspected

when a very young person suffers from exertional
anginal pain. The congenital defects causing more
problems are the anomalous take-off of the left
coronary artery, from the pulmonary artery (Figure 8.43), or the presence of atresia or severe congenital stenosis of any coronary artery (Angelini,
Velasco and Flamm, 2002). These defects may explain cases of sudden death in children and young
Cases of Q-wave and non-Q-wave infarctions
due to atherothrombosis have also been described in
patients with coronary artery anomalies. However,
often the restingECGisnormal, butrepolarisation
abnormalities, generally ST-segment depression,
may be seen during exercise, with anginal pain
(Figure 8.44).
Cardiac surgery
Major cardiac surgery (CABG and valvular surgery)
still poses a significant early morbidity and mortality. These have shown to be higher in patients
with post-operative cardiogenic shock. This is related with a poor myocardial protection, myocardial stunning or development of ACS with Q-wave
or non-Q-wave infarction. The ST/T changes are
usually also present, but they are hard to assess due
to the global patients condition.

The Q-wave infarction is diagnosed by the development of a new Q wave plus enzyme-level
increase (CPK or troponin-level rise). Because of
the setting in which the Q-wave infarction occurs,
repolarisation changes that precede it are sometimes
difficult to assess, but sometimes a clear ACS with
ST-segment elevation may be diagnosed.
Cumulative evidence has shown that the myocardial damage expressed by an enzyme-level increase, with no Q wave (non-Q-wave infarction) in
the post-operative setting indicates poor prognosis. However, in the absence of reliable symptoms
and of new Q wave, the diagnosis has to be based
on the rise of the enzymes. The troponin I levels at
14 hours above 15 ng/mL in patients submitted to
CABG and above 40 ng/mL in patients with valvular surgery permit one to assure that, even in the
absence of a new Q wave, this is explained by nonQ-wave infarction (Alyanakian et al., 1998, Gensini
et al., 1998; Sadony et al., 1998).
Furthermore, the enzyme-level increase (CPK
M3 > 61 /g) during the first post-operative day

This figure is higher in these patients because there is a direct

injury caused by cardiotomy. These figures are the result of the
summing up of two standard deviations to the mean troponin
level of patients with no complications (Alyanakian et al.,

270 PART II The ECG in different clinical settings of ischaemic heart disease












Figure 8.43 (A) A 3-year-old girl with abnormal origin of

left coronary artery from pulmonary artery. ECG recording
previous to a surgical intervention shows very abnormal Q
wave especially in VL and V6. Ligature of left coronary

artery was performed. (B) The same patient at 12 years of

age. The abnormal q wave has practically disappeared.
Currently, all the coronary perfusion depends on the huge

has recently been shown by Steuer et al. (2002) to be

related with a high risk of early and late death. Ponce
et al. (2001) have reported that 16% of patients who
underwent valvular surgery suffered a perioperative
infarction (6% Q-wave infarctions and 10% nonQ-wave infarctions), with the mortality rate being
quite low in the group with no infarction (1%) and
quite high in the group with infarction (>30%), regardless of the presence of a Q wave. It could be
said that both Q-wave and non-Q-wave infarctions
imply a poor prognosis compared with the prognosis of patients with no infarction, in whom the
mortality rate is quite low.

changes of T wave polarity (from negative to positive) and ST-segment deviations are very infrequent
due to short time of ischaemia. The presence of STsegment deviations represents a marker of worst
prognosis (Bjorklund et al., 2005; Quyyumi et al.,
1986) (see
The cases with transient changes in the T wave
and/or in the ST segment (sometimes changes from
negative T wave to positive T wave, or even to ST elevation) during a PCI, usually occur when not much
collateral circulation exists. When the presence of
clear signs of localised wall motion abnormalities is
noted during PCI, the ST-segment elevation in the
ECG has been shown to be correlated with the extension of the asynergy (Cohen, Scharpf and Rentrop,
1987; Santoro et al., 1998). Occasionally, periprocedural infarctions occur, which are generally small
but represent a marker of worst prognosis. A postPCI infarction is considered to have occurred when
at least a threefold increase in enzyme levels above

Percutaneous coronary intervention

The sudden occlusion of a coronary artery during
PCI prolongs QTc in 100% of cases according to
Kenigsberg (2007). This change is usually accompanied by rectified ST segment and symmetric T
wave that is often taller than normal. However,

CHAPTER 8 Acute coronary syndrome: unstable angina and acute myocardial infarction 271


Figure 8.44 (A) Anomalous origin of
LAD from a very big RCA. The LAD
makes a loop and presents a long
stenosis responsible for exercise anginal
pain. (B) The basal ECG was practically
normal but during exercise test the
patient presents ST-segment depression
and angina.

their maximum normal value is seen. Electrocardiographic changes, especially in the ST segment even
sometimes with the development of an infarction
Q wave, may be found.
During the PCI, especially during the balloon
inflation, different types of ventricular arrhythmias may be observed, generally being self-limited
and benign (isolated PVCs or short runs of nonsustained VT) (Meinertz et al., 1988).
The implantation of bioactive stents and the administration of new drugs, such as the IIb/IIIa inhibitors, have greatly decreased the incidence of
post-PCI thrombosis and PCI-related infarct rate.
In STE-ACS, PCI is accompanied by the disappearance of the ST-segment elevation, sometimes
in a short period of time, when the artery is completely opened. Especially in case of LAD proximal
occlusion, the ECG sign of opened artery after PCI
is usually a very deep and negative T wave (reperfusion pattern). In case of intrastent thrombosis the
ECG may present changes from negative T wave
to pseudonormalised T wave or even ST-segment
elevation ACS (Figure 8.9). The persistence of the
ST-segment elevation 30 minutes following a primary PCI is a specific marker of an incomplete
reperfusion (Watanabe et al., 2001).

In the coronary spasm, which is a clinical situation similar to coronary artery occlusion during
PCI but generally of longer duration, electrocardiographic changes are usually more striking (Bayes de
Luna et al., 1985) (see below).
Coronary spasm: Prinzmetal variant
angina (Figures 8.45 and 8.46)
This type of angina, due to coronary spasm, classically occurs at the same time daily, generally at
night and at rest. It more frequently occurs in patients with evident coronary atherosclerosis, which
triggers the spasm but rarely there is any coronary
anomaly or only small plaque is detected.
The coronary spasm may be present in any of
the three epicardial arteries and the duration ranges
from seconds to a few minutes (Figure 8.10). During the crisis sometimes a transient Q wave appears.
Figure 8.45 shows a case of very striking coronary
spasm of proximal LAD that is followed by very deep
negative T wave in all precordial leads with Q wave
in V1V2 but without increase of enzymes (reperfusion pattern). After few days, the ECG normalises
(see Figure 8.45C).
On certain occasions, in the presence of significant coronary artery atherosclerosis, repeated

272 PART II The ECG in different clinical settings of ischaemic heart disease


























Figure 8.45 (A) Surface ECG of 65-year-old patient with typical crisis of Prinzmetal angina that presents in the peak of
pain an ST-segment elevation like a TAP. This case corresponds to a transitory complete proximal occlusion of LAD above
D1 (ST-segment elevation from V1 to V6, I and VL with ST-segment depression in inferior leads especially III and VF). The
lack of ST-segment elevation in VR, the small ST-segment elevation in V1 and the clear ST-segment elevation in V6 if the
placement of V6 is well done is against that the occlusion is also above S1 (see Fig. 4.43). This is the first case of
Prinzmetal angina seen by us in early 1970s. Coronariography was not performed but enzymes were normal. (B) ECG after
some hours of the crisis with a typical pattern of very negative T wave in all precordial leads (reperfusion pattern). (C)
After 1 week the ECG was normal even with the recovery of rS morphology in V1V2.

Prinzmetal angina crises occur during a typical ACS.

On the other hand, several pharmacological agents
(antimigraine tablets, chemotherapy drugs, amoxicillin and illicit drugs) have been identified as potential trigger of coronary spasm, especially in young
Sometimes, even very evident electrocardiographic signs are not accompanied by pain (silent

ischaemia), as has been demonstrated by Holter

monitoring (Bayes de Luna, 1985). In the trend
of ST segment and heart rate the crisis of cardiac
spasm presents different features than crisis of exercise angina (Figure 11.2). On other occasions, pain
may occur with minor or absent electrocardiographic signs (Bayes de Luna et al., 1985). The electrocardiographic changes typical of a coronary

CHAPTER 8 Acute coronary syndrome: unstable angina and acute myocardial infarction 273







Figure 8.46 Above: Crisis of coronary

spasm (Prinzmetal angina) recorded by
Holter ECG. (A) Control. (B) Initial
pattern of a very tall T wave
(subendocardial ischaemia). (C) Huge
pattern of ST-segment elevation. (DF)
Resolution towards normal values. Total
duration of the crisis was 2 minutes.
Below: Sequence of a crisis of
Prinzmetal angina with the appearance
of ventricular tachycardia runs at the
moment of maximum ST-segment

spasm described by Prinzmetal (variant angina)

the very brisk development of an ST-segment elevation, sometimes quite striking, may disappear
within a few seconds. However, occasionally, STsegment depression may be sometimes seen, probably in patients with previous very important subendocardium ischaemia, and also minor changes
of T wave, which generally become negative or
more peaked, or even U-wave changes may appear
(Figure 3.25).
In almost half of the cases the ST-segment
elevation is preceded by a tall and peaked T wave
indicative of subendocardial ischaemia (Figure 8.46;
Bayes de Luna et al., 1985). In other occasions,
repolarisation changes of T wave are also very
dynamic and transient usually accompanied by
prolongation of QTc, but the ST-segment elevation
does not develop. When the basal T wave is negative,
a pseudonormalisation of the T wave may appear,
sometimes with negative U wave (Figure 3.25).

When coronary spasm persists longer, an STsegment/TQ-interval alternance may occur

(Figure 8.11), and also ventricular arrhythmias
may appear (Figure 8.46).
The importance of ventricular arrhythmias is related to the degree of ST-segment elevation and the
duration of the crisis (Bayes de Luna et al., 1985).
In spite of the presence of electrocardiographic
signs of severe ischaemia, such as ST-segment/TQinterval alternance (Figure 8.11) and runs of ventricular tachycardia (Figure 8.46), rarely VF and
sudden death are triggered (Bayes de Luna et al.,
There are other situations that may cause atypical
ACS (Braunwald, Zipes and Libby, 1998). Among
these are the following:
Cocaine: During the last 20 years the association
of cocaine abuse with myocardial ischaemia, acute

274 PART II The ECG in different clinical settings of ischaemic heart disease

myocardial infarction and stroke has been known

to exist (Coleman et al., 1982). In fact, in patients
using cocaine, the risk of suffering an acute myocardial infarction shows a 24-fold increase during the
first hour after the use of the drug. Therefore, this
possibility should be borne in mind in a patient, especially if young, with chest pain. The mechanism
is multifactorial. The increase in oxygen demand
plus a generalised marked vasoconstriction of the
coronary arteries, as well as the increase in platelet
aggregation that could lead to thrombus formation, intervene in the pathophysiology. Naturally,
when atherosclerosis is associated and the patients
are smokers, the possibility to suffer MI is much
The electrocardiographic changes, when
present, are of STE-ACS type and, frequently,
with evolving Q-wave infarction. Furthermore,
there is a risk for a false-positive diagnosis, since
in the young population consuming cocaine, the
pattern of early repolarisation is also frequently
r Carbon monoxide poisoning: Patients with carbon monoxide intoxication, whether or not in the
presence of coronary atherosclerosis, may have an
ACS and sometimes a silent Q-wave myocardial infarction and arrhythmias of different types. Carbon
monoxide poisoning may cause chronic angina (see
p. 301). According to Satran et al. (2005) the most
frequent ECG changes are sinus tachycardia (40%)
and ST/T changes, especially ST-segment depression (30%).
r Anaphylactic crisis: Cases of ACS with Q- or
non-Q-wave infarction have been described in patients with different types of anaphylactic crises,
including scorpion bites. On other occasions, the

anaphylactic crisis has been the consequence of the

administration of a drug. It is probable that an associated spasm may also have some influence (Massing et al., 1997).
r Acute anaemia: It may cause a clinical picture
that may be confounded with an ACS. The ECG
shows generally diffuse and frequently slight STsegment deviations, especially ST-segment depression that may also be seen in chronic anaemia (see
p. 300). Sometimes, anginal exercise pain is found.
However, in most cases, anaemia in patients with
no coronary atherosclerosis causes no anginal pain
or striking electrocardiographic changes.
r Transient dyskinesia of the mid- and basal part
of LV: Recently, transient dyskinesia of the midand basal part of LV in patients presenting striking ST-segment deviations sometimes has been
described (Hurst et al., 2006). Catecholamine discharge and stroke are frequently associated. Often
the patient presents chest pain. Although this atypical ACS seems related to high catecholamine release, it is difficult to understand why dyskinesia of
all basal part of left ventricle is present because this
area does not correspond to any specific myocardial
territory perfusion (see p. 267).
r X syndrome: Sometimes patients with X syndrome may present chest pain at rest that may be
considered an atypical ACS (see p. 298).
r Other situations: Situations such as a pheochromocytomaandcoronaryarteritissecondary to systemic diseases, as Takayasus disease, Kawasakis
disease, ChurgStrauss syndrome, etc., may generate myocardial ischaemia, ACS and even a myocardial infarction. This is also the case for patients
with AIDS that often present diffuse and severe
atherosclerotic lesions.


Myocardial infarction with Q wave

We will now deal with the importance of ECG, especially from a clinical and prognostic standpoint,
in patients with Q-wave myocardial infarction.

Myocardial infarctions with and

without Q waves: new concepts
Classically, the electrocardiographic pattern of
the established transmural infarction was associated with the presence of a pathological Q wave,
generally accompanied by a negative T wave (Q wave
of necrosis) (Horan, Flowers and Johnson, 1971; Table 4.6). This concept includes the presence of equivalents of Q wave. These are R waves in V1 greater
than normal as a mirror pattern of myocardial infarction of lateral wall and also the presence of r
wave of low voltage ( 5 mm) in lateral leads. In
the first part (p. 131) (Figures 5.25.6), the mechanisms that explain the origin of Q wave of necrosis
are discussed in detail. Until not so many years ago
it was thought that the cases of subendocardium localisation were electrically mute (non-Q-wave infarction). Thus, it was considered that myocardial
infarctions with Q waves implied a transmural involvement, while non-Q-wave infarctions implied
a subendocardium compromise.
Significant advances have been made during the
last years in the knowledge of the relationship between the acute and chronic infarctions and their
electrocardiographic manifestation (Bayes de Luna,
1999; Gersh and Rahimtoola, 1991; Sclarovsky,
1999; Wellens, Gorgels and Doevendans, 2003). The
most important advances, some of them already
commented in Chapter 5 are the following:
(a) It is known from pathological point of view
that exclusively subendocardium infarctions do
not exist. Nevertheless, there are infarctions that
compromise a great portion of the wall, but with
subendocardium predominance, which may or may
not develop a Q wave (Maisel et al., 1985). Additionally, there are infarctions that may be transmural

(such as some infarctions involving some basal areas of left ventricle), which do not exhibit a Q wave
(Goodman, Langer and Ross, 1998; Phibbs et al.,
1999; Spodick, 1983).
(b) Cardiovascular MRI with gadolinium injection (CE-CMR) is currently the gold-standard
technique not only for infarct identification, but
also for transmurality characterisation (Mahrhold,
2005a,b; Moon et al., 2004; Wu et al., 2001). Therefore, it is the ideal technique for infarct location,
size and correlation of the area of infarction with Q
wave in different leads (ECG patterns of infarction).
Thanks to CE-CMR, the precise size of infarction
(grams of infarcted tissue) (see later Quatification
of the infracted area) (see Figures 9.1 and 9.2)
and the correlation between Q waves and location
of the infarcted areas are much better known
(Bayes de Luna et al., 2006ac; Cino et al., 2006).
This correlation has allowed us to propose a new
classification for Q-wave infarctions according to
the infarcted myocardial areas/ECG patterns correlation (Bayes de Luna et al., 2006b) (see p. 137 and
Figure 5.9).
Mahrholdt et al. (2005a,b) have demonstrated
with CMR that in the following coronary occlusion
the myocardial function falls immediately throughout the region of ischaemia. However, till 15 minutes after occlusion no cellular infarction is found.
From this point a wavefront of infarction begins
in the subendocardium and grows towards the epicardium over the next few hours, increasing continuously towards a transmural infarction (Figure 8.4).
Therefore, there are infarctions predominantly,
although probably not exclusively, in the subendocardium or transmural, but never exclusively in the
subepicardium or in the middle part of the wall
(Figures 1.5 and 5.2). This allows defining the
non-ischaemic and ischaemic hyperenhancement
Moon et al. (2004) showed in a correlation study
with CE-CMR that infarctions with predominantly


276 PART II The ECG in different clinical settings of ischaemic heart disease
Table 9.1 Complete 50-Criteria. 31-Point QRS Scoring System*



Lead Points



Q 30 ms





R/Q 1


R O,2 mV


Q 40 ms


Q 30 ms


(1) Any Q


Posterior (4) R/S 1

R 50 ms

R 1,0 mV

R 40 ms

R 0,6 mV


Q and S 0,3 mV



V3 (1)
Any Q

R ms

R 0, 2mV
V4 (3) Q 20 ms

R/S 0,5 mV

R/Q 0,5 mV
R/S 1

R/Q 1

R 0,6 mV







Q 30 ms


R/Q 1


Q 50 ms
Q 40 ms

Q 30 ms


R/Q 1


R/Q 2



R/S 1

R/Q 1

Any Q

R 10 ms

R 0,1 mV

R R V1 mV (1)

Posterior (4) R/S 1,5

R 60 ms

R 2,0 mV

R 50 ms

R 1,5 mV

Q and S 0,4 mV


Q 30 ms

V5 (3)

R/S 2

R/Q 2

R 0,7 mV
Q 30 ms

V6 (3)

R/S 1

R/Q 1
R/S 3

R/Q 3

R 0,67 mV




* The maximal number of points that can be awarded for each lead is shown in parentheses following each lead name (or
left-ventricular region within a lead for leads V1 and V2) and the number of points awarded for each criterion is indicated
in parentheses after each criterion name. The QRS criteria from 10 of the 12 standard ECG leads are indicated. Only one
criterion can be selected from each group of criteria within a bracket. AII criteria involving R/Q or R/S ratios consider the
relative amplitudes of these waves. (Modified from Selvester1985). (Taken from Wagner GS, 2001).

subendocardium involvement exhibit an infarction

Q wave of necrosis in approximately 30% of the
cases. Furthermore, they demonstrated that a similar figure of transmural infarctions was found in
non-Q-wave infarctions. From the CE-CMR standpoint, 50% of the infarctions had been at some point
transmural, but almost all of them had sometimes
predominantly subendocardium extension. From a
comprehensive point of view, and though Q waves
of necrosis may be seen in small infarctions, Qwave infarctions in comparison to non-Q-wave
infarctions are not more transmural, but they
are larger. Therefore, differentiating between an
MI with and without Q wave is important because

the former involves a larger area and not because

it is or is not transmural (Moon et al., 2004).
Very recently Kwong et al. (2006) in a group of
patients with clinical suspicion of CHD but without history of MI demonstrated that the presence
of areas of the LV with gadolinium enhancement
carries a high cardiac risk. In addition, the presence
of gadolinium enhancement areas has prognostic
implications beyond the common clinical, angiographic and functional predictors.
In spite that the CE-CMR is the gold standard
for identification, location and quantification of MI
(Figures 9.1 and 9.2), recently it has been published (Engblom et al., 2003) that the QRS score

CHAPTER 9 Myocardial infarction with Q wave 277

Mass suite results report

Late enhancement results
Total mass:
Late enhancement threshold:
Mass > Late enhancement threshold:
Transmurality threshold:
Mass > Transmurality threshold:

150.3 g
12.4 g (27%)
13.8 g (30%)

Figure 9.1 Inferior myocardial infarction. (A) The ECG

shows Qr in leads DIII and VF and rS in V1. (B) CE-CMR
image in a vertical long-axis (sagittal-like) view confirming
inferior myocardial infarction as showed by delayed
hyperenhancement (arrows). (CE) Contrast-enhanced

short-axis images show myocardial hyperenhancement

(arrows) at basal, mid and apical levels of the inferior wall,
indicating transmural myocardial infarction. (F)
Quantification of myocardial necrotic mass.

(SelvesterWagner) is significantly related to both

MI size and transmurality in post-MI patients assessed by CE-CMR.
(c) Though the terms Q-wave MI and non-Q-wave
MI are no longer accepted in the acute phase, it is
true that in the subacute and especially in chronic
phases of MI, there are infarctions with and without Q wave. The higher the number of Q waves or
their equivalent, the worse the prognosis is.

(d) From the electrocardiographic point of view,

the Q wave has been considered the only specific finding in chronic myocardial infarction. MI
without Q wave does not present in chronic phase
any specific electrocardiographic sign that allows for
its identification. However, in coronary patients it
is already known from many years (Horan, Flowers
and Johnson, 1971) that some changes in the midlate part of QRS are also specific signs of chronic

278 PART II The ECG in different clinical settings of ischaemic heart disease

Mass suite results report

Late enhancement results
Total mass:
Late enhancement threshold:
Mass > Late enhancement threshold:
Transmurality threshold:
Mass > Transmurality threshold:

120.0 g
30.1 g (40%)
29.7 g (40%)

Figure 9.2 Apical-anterior MI. (A) ECG showing Q waves in

V1V3 with rS V4V5 corresponding to an apical-anterior
myocardial infarction. (B) CE-CMR image in a sagittal view:
myocardial hyperenhancement (arrows) shows a
non-transmural necrosis of the anterior wall. (CE)
Transversal images show myocardial hyperenhancement
(arrows) at low basal, mid and apical levels of the anterior

and septal wall, and at apical level in inferior wall but

without evident lateral involvement. Therefore it is not
extensive infarction (type A-3) but an apical anterior with
anteroseptal extension (type A-2)(see Figure 1.14). Due to
that there is only Q in precordial leads but not in VL and I.
(F) Quantification of myocardial necrotic mass.

MI. These changes have now been reviewed (Das et

al., 2006), named fractioned QRS, including morphologies such as low R in V6, rsr in some leads
(I, II, precordial leads), notches and slurrings in the
QRS, etc. (see Figures 9.3 and 9.4 and p. 129).
(e) Since new treatments during the acute phase
may greatly reduce the final infarcted area, it is
difficult to know in Q-wave infarction the exact location of the acute occlusion that has led to the

infarction. Furthermore, sometimes revascularisation therapy may virtually cause the occlusion to
disappear (lysis of the thrombus), though unfortunately this may occur when the infarction is already
established (Figure 2.3).
(f) Furthermore, the recent consensus on MI diagnosis of the ESC/ACC (European Society of Cardiology / American College of Cardiology (Alpert
et al., 2000) accepts the diagnosis of infarction

CHAPTER 9 Myocardial infarction with Q wave 279




Figure 9.3 If the necrosis affects the areas of late

ventricular depolarisation (in grey (C)), instead of
pathologic Q wave, it will result in a change of the
direction of the vectors of the second part of QRS, which is
presented as slurrings in the terminal part of QRS in II, III,

VF and V5V6 or as rr or r of a very low voltage in

precordial leads and/or I or II, or even slurrings in the
beginning of ST segment (A, B). These morphologies are
considered as fractioned QRS (Das et al., 2006) (p. 131).

if a troponin-level increase is found, accompanied by any of the rest of the factors that are
listed in Table 6.2, not requiring the presence
of electrocardiographic changes. Consequently,
there are infarctions that produce less than the
amount of infarcted tissue needed to modify an
ECG (Wagner et al., 2000). That implies that many
UAs evolve into infarctions (microinfarctions or
necrosettes). Until this definition was accepted it
was infrequent to find a normal ECG in the acute
phase of an infarction. Generally, they were small infarctions secondary to the occlusion of short LCX,
or obtuse marginal branch (OM), or small branches
of the LAD or RCA. Nowadays, with this consensus
the diagnosis of small MI is more frequently made.
(g) In the following, we will discuss in particular
the prognostic implications of the different types
of Q-wave infarctions according to the new classification that we have proposed, on the basis of
the correlation with CMR (see Figure 5.9). Also, we
will comment on the utility and limitations of the

ECG for the quantification of infarction in the era of

CE-CMR, as well as all the types of MIs without Q
wave. Finally, prognostic markers in post-infarction
patients and electrocardiographic characteristics in
patients with stable anginal pain and other clinical
settings outside ACS will also be discussed.

The distinction between transmural (Q-wave

infarctions) and subendocardium (non-Qwave infarctions) cannot be supported any
Infarction occurring in areas of late depolarisation (>40 ms from the onset of the depolari-

Myocardial infarction with Q wave

or equivalents and normal
intraventricular conduction
Q wave secondary to a single infarction

Let us now summarise what has been explained
previously (p. 128).
(a) There is often a multivessel involvement, but
just one infarction, which is the result of the generally total occlusion of an epicardial coronary artery.
However, currently, with the new treatments available, the artery may be reopened, and consequently,

sation) does not produce Q wave or equivalent.

However, it could exhibit minimal changes in the
mid-final portion of ventricular depolarisation
(fractioned QRS) (Figures 9.3 and 9.4).

280 PART II The ECG in different clinical settings of ischaemic heart disease



Figure 9.4 (A) A 55-year-old patient with previous MI due

to LCX occlusion that presents a nearly normal ECG with
low-voltage R wave in V5V6 with evident slurrings. (B)
Sixty-year-old patient who suffered MI 8 months ago. The
coronary angiography demonstrated occlusion of the LCX.

Striking final slurrings in II, III, VF, VL and right precordial

leads (V2V3). The Q wave in inferior leads and the r
wave in V1 are narrow, and additionally the R/S ratio <0.5.
This is an evident case of MI presented by striking final
slurrings of QRS.

the infarction is sometimes smaller than expected,

since the amount of area at risk in the acute phase
does not coincide with the final infarction (Figure 2.3).
(b) The first electrocardiographic change recorded
in Q-wave infarction, form both experimental (Figure 3.3) and clinical (Figure 3.18) point of view, is
ST-segment elevation. This is frequently preceded
in the hyperacute phase by T wave that is taller than
normal and, if much ischaemia is present, by decrease and even abolition of the S wave (Figure 8.9).
The subsequent development of the Q wave and the
negative T wave is accompanied by a decrease in the
ST-segment elevation. The Q wave corresponds to
an area that is electrically mute, but which is not
necessarily dead yet. This explains why sometimes,
shortly after the infarction, the Q wave may disappear if perfusion of the involved area suddenly
improves. In some cases, NSTE-ACS may generate
Q-wave infarction if ischaemia involves the subepicardium area located close to the subendocardium
(Figures 5.2C(28)).
(c) In cases with transmural and homogeneous involvement of ventricular wall (Figure 5.2B) and also

in some cases of practically transmural infarction,

but with a subendocardium predominance (Figure 5.2C), there will be more or fewer leads that will
face the tail of infarction vector and thus different
Q wave morphologies (QS, QR and qR complexes),
according to which the extension of the infarction
will be recorded. The infarction vector changes the
normal onset of ventricular depolarisation; thus,
the QRS loop presents a different direction and
sometimes rotation. This change in loop direction
and morphology explains, thanks to loophemifield
correlation, the presence of an abnormal Q wave
or its equivalent (R in V1V2) (Figures 5.45.6)
when the infarcted area is depolarised within the
first 40 milliseconds of ventricular activation.
This occurs throughout the entire ventricle, with
the exception of the most basal areas of the left
(d) The normal cardiac activation sequence of left
ventricle (Durrer et al., 1970) depicted in the form of
isochrone plot is shown in Figure 9.5. The basal areas
are shown to depolarise after 40 milliseconds. Thus,
infarction of these areas (areas of activation after
40 ms) does not generate Q waves or equivalent,

CHAPTER 9 Myocardial infarction with Q wave 281

Figure 9.5 (A) Three approximate starting points (*) and

the isochronal sequential lines of the ventricular
depolarisation (Durrer et al., 1970). (B) Left lateral view of
the correlation between the endocardial areas of initial

ventricular activation and the divisions of the left branch

(1, superoanterior; 2, media septal fibers and 3

but may explain the presence of minor changes in

the final portion of the QRS complex (fractioned
(e) Occlusion of the first diagonal branch (D1) generates infarction that may be expressed by QS morphology in VL (Warner et al., 1986). It is currently
known that this infarction does not involve the high
lateral wall, as has been thought for more than 50
years. The infarction due to occlusion of D1 affects
predominantly mid-anterior wall and also a part
of the mid-lateral wall, but not of high lateral wall
that is perfused by LCX. Thus, the association Q
wave in VL/high lateral infarction is not certain
(see Figure 5.9).
(f) The presence of RS morphology in coronary
patients that have suffered an STE-ACS is due to
infarction of the lateral wall and not to infarction
of inferobasal segment (old posterior wall) (see Figure 5.9).

shown higher in-hospital mortality with Q-wave MI

than with non-Q-wave MI.
To diagnose a chronic Q-wave infarction, the criteria that define a Q wave of necrosis should be
identified. The criteria used for the diagnosis of an
infarction involving the different walls into which
the left ventricle may be divided have been discussed
on page 135 (Tables 5.2 to 5.4). Measurement and
assessment of Q and R waves may be made according to the Minnesota code (Blackburn et al., 1960)
(Figure 5.1). All these aspects have been commented
on in Chapter 1.
We will just remind (see p. 137) that seven areas of MI detected by CE-CMR have good correspondence with seven ECG patterns (four in
anteroseptal zone septal, apical-anterior, extensive anterior and mid-anterior and three in the
inferolateral zone inferior, lateral and inferolateral) (Figure 5.9; Cino et al., 2006). We have
also demonstrated that in clinical practice the presence of these seven ECG patterns correlates well
with the corresponding infarction areas detected
by CE-CMR, and therefore these have real value
in clinical practice (Bayes de Luna et al., 2006ac)
(Table 5.3). Therefore, in chronic infarction the
correlation between ECG changes (Q waves of
necrosis) and involved area (CE-CMR) is clearly
good (88% global concordance). However, the infarcted area of apical infarction (A-2 type), midanterior infarction (A-3 type) and lateral infarction (B-1 type) presents the lower concordance.

Criteria of diagnosis and location:

prognostic implications of different
Although it was thought that there is no clear evidence that the presence of Q waves has independent
influence on long-term outcome, CMR has demonstrated that the presence of Q waves is more related
to the extension of MI, more larger area, than to
its transmurality (Moon et al., 2004). Also,different
studies (Petrina, Goodman and Eagle, 2006) have

282 PART II The ECG in different clinical settings of ischaemic heart disease

However, with the current treatment available in

developed countries, the ECGCMR correlation in
chronic phase is not useful for assessing, on the basis
of the leads with a Q wave in the ECG, the coronary
occlusion site that caused the infarction. In prereperfusion era an occlusion of a coronary artery,
e.g. the proximal part of the LAD, would have generated an STE-ACS that would evolve to Q-wave MI,
involving the entire area perfused by the LAD distal
to the occlusion. In this case it would correspond to
a large area of the anterior, the septal anterior, part
of the inferior and part of the lateral walls. However,
with the new treatments available currently any occlusion that would manifest a relatively large area
at risk in the acute phase may turn, in the chronic
phase, into smaller infarcted area (chronic infarction) (Figure 2.3), or in some cases, infarction may
even be aborted (Figure 8.9). Occasionally, treatment has reopened artery, but that has not been
enough to avoid large infarcted area. Therefore, Q
wave of necrosis will be useful to know the infarcted area but not how the arterial occlusion is
atthistime, although we can presume where was the
occlusion that have produced the MI (Figure 5.9).
Each of the seven electrocardiographic patterns
with a Q wave of necrosis or its equivalent that
we find in daily clinical practice is shown in Figure 5.9. In the first part of this book (p. 141) we
have commented on the diagnostic clues for each of
the seven ECG patterns, based on the CE-CMR correlations (Figures 5.105.36). Now, we will briefly
discuss first the comparative prognosis of ECG pattern of anteroseptal versus inferolateral pattern and
later the most important prognostic implications of
each pattern.
Anteroseptal versus inferolateral MI: prognostic implications. It is known that the MI involving LAD
presents for similar area of necrosis, increased myonecrosis, reduced early and late left-ventricular
function and high mortality compared with infarction in other vascular territories. However,
the mechanisms underlying a worse prognosis are
not completely characterised. Recently, it has been
demonstrated (Kandzari et al., 2006) that prognosis
after primary PCI in patient with ACS, the majority with ST-segment elevation, is different in patients with LAD occlusion than in RCA or LCX.
Acute myocardial infarction due to LAD is associ-

ated with reduced EF, less frequent collateral flow,

impaired myocardial perfusion and reduced perfusion success. All these factors may explain the increase of major cardiac events, including mortality,
which presents the group of patients with acute myocardial infarction with LAD occlusion compared
with other group (RCA or LCX). Thus efforts to enhance post-reperfusion microcirculatory function
after PCI especially in anteroseptal MI have to be
The importance of other factors additional to
amount of necrosis has also been studied. In patients
with first acute MI treated with PCI, LAD-related
MI show for a similar amount of myocardial necrosis as determined by enzymatic infarct size, lower
left-ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) when compared to non-LAD-related MI. LVEF-measured 6month post-MI showed a decrease, for every 1000
cumulative lactate dehydrogenase release, of 4.8%
for LAD and 2.4% for non-LAD-related infarcts
( p < 0.0001), and these results remain in the multivariate analysis (Elsman et al., 2006).
The prognostic implications of MI location have
been recently reviewed (Petrina, Goodman and
Eagle, 2006). The most relevant finding is that anterior MI compared with inferior MI, both with and
without Q waves, presents an independent higher
risk factor for short-term mortality and probably
also for long-term mortality.

ECG patterns of the anteroseptal and inferolateral

zones: prognostic implications. Before commenting
on the prognosis implications of different ECG patterns, we would like to remind the following: (1) as
we have already stated for similar area of necrosis,
the MI of anteroseptal zone presents worst prognosis and higher mortality, and (2) in both zones,
anteroseptal and inferolateral, the prognosis is worst
in case of larger MI. However, we would like to make
some considerations about some ECG characteristics that may give specific clues of the outcome and
prognosis of the seven different ECG patterns. Only
the long follow-up of these patients will give the real
information in the future.
1. Electrocardiographic pattern type A-1 (Figure
5.9-A1): Q waves in V1V2 (Figures 5.105.12).
This corresponds to septal infarction and is generally due to a LAD occlusion involving the

CHAPTER 9 Myocardial infarction with Q wave 283

septal branches but not the diagonal branches

(p. 141).
Prognostic implications
Frequently, isolated septal infarctions are small and
present a good prognosis (Figures 5.10). If early
revascularisation is attained, a large evolving extensive anterior infarction secondary to LAD occlusion
proximal to S1 and D1 may sometimes be reduced
and limited to an exclusively septal infarction if
the areas dependent on the diagonal branches have
been reperfused. In these cases, infarction that had
been threatening large area (extensive anterior) has
been limited to small infarction (septal). An example is shown in Figure 2.3. In the top, during
the hyperacute phase, large ST-segment elevation
is seen in V1V5 with isoelectric ST segment in
V6. The sum of ST-segment elevations in the precordial leads was greater than 30 mm, which implies a large area at risk. Fibrinolytic therapy was
begun, and at 30 minutes the sum of ST-segment
deviations was reduced to 14 mm and was limited
to V1V4, with a clear depression in V5V6. The
area at risk was reduced to the myocardial area depending on septal perfusion, since an electrocardiographic pattern typical of septal involvement (STsegment elevation in V1 and depression in V6) had
appeared, as is seen in cases of ACS due to an occlusion proximal to the S1 but not D1. In this case
the occlusion changed from proximal to S1 and D1
to proximal to S1, with the diagonal branches having been spared from the occlusion, as is shown
for the presence of small ST-segment elevation in
inferior leads. The infarction was reduced but still
fairly large, although exclusively septal, with a moderately impaired LVEF (50%) and good functional
capacity (Figure 5.11). In other cases the infarction
may be much more limited than expected and on
occasion may even become an aborted infarction
(Figures 8.2 and 8.9).
The prognosis is specially related with the infarction size. Even in cases of large septal infarction
(Figure 5.11) the EF is usually only moderately reduced. In the majority of septal infarctions the EF
is over 50%.
2. Electrocardiographic pattern type A-2 (Figure 5.9-A2): Q wave in V1V2to V4V6 (Figures
5.135.17). This corresponds to apical-anterior infarction. At times, the extension of the infarction
involves upper areas especially of the anterior and

septal walls. We remind that, compared with the

A-1 pattern, Q waves (QS or qr) may be seen beyond V3 but not in leads I and VL. This is generally due to a LAD occlusion distal to S1 and D1
or to a LAD incomplete occlusion involving the
septal branches more than the diagonal branches
(p. 142).
Prognostic implications
To recognise the extension of the apical-anterior
myocardial infarction it is important to check
carefully small ECG details because the typical
patterns of this infarction in the precordial leads
(QS from V1V2to V5V6) do not recognise the
amount of anterolateral involvement. However, it
has already been said (p. 145) that if a q wave is
seen in II, III and VF, the inferior wall involvement
is probably more important than the anterior wall
involvement because this represents that the LAD
is long and the inferior involvement is rather large
(Figure 5.16B) or, at least, it is larger than the anterior involvement (Figure 5.16A). In these cases
the inferior vector of infarction is dominant with
respect to the anterior vector of infarction and generates the Q wave in II, III and VF. These data support that probably the anteroseptal involvement is
small. If, in turn, the presence of an R wave or
an R/S pattern is seen in II, III and VF, this indicates that the anterior involvement is larger than
the inferior involvement, and the anterior vector of
infarction is dominant over the inferior vector of
infarction. Thus, Q waves are not seen in II, III and
VF (Figure 5.16C).
Most infarctions with type A-2 pattern (QS from
V1 to V4V5), especially cases without too much
anteroseptal involvement, have usually a good
prognosis because they are not very extensive.
However, the infarctions with the best prognosis
are the apical-anterior infarctions due to very distal, not very long, LAD occlusion since these are the
smallest (Figure 5.16A). These may be considered
true apical infarctions.
In turn, there are rare cases of infarctions with
this pattern that present a poorer prognosis because they are caused by the proximal occlusion
of a quite long LAD. In this situation (Figure 5.8)
the inferior and anterior infarction vector may cancel each other, and therefore the Q in I and VL
and inferior leads are not present, but significant
haemodynamic impairment and heart failure may

284 PART II The ECG in different clinical settings of ischaemic heart disease

exist (Takatsu, Osugui and Nagaya, 1986). Consequently, this rare possibility (proximal occlusion
of a very long LAD) should be considered when the
clinical picture and the patients haemodynamic
of apical-anterior MI (A-2 type) (Q in precordial
leads beyond V2 without Q wave in VL).
3. Electrocardiographic pattern type A-3 (Figure 5.9-A3): Q waves from V1 to V5V6, I and
VL (Figures 5.185.19). This pattern corresponds
to extensive anterior infarction. Compared to the
A-2 pattern, this infarction also exhibits a Q wave
(QS and QR patterns) in VL and, sometimes, lead
I. It is usually due to a very proximal LAD occlusion
(p. 148).
Prognostic implications
It has been shown that infarctions presenting with
Q waves in the precordial leads and in I and VL
(sometimes with new pattern of RBBB) have a
larger infarcted ventricular mass (more segments
involved) and a lower EF. Consequently, these patients must undergo more complex evaluations after
the acute phase, with the aim of better stratifying
their prognosis and treating residual ischaemia, if
present (Warner et al., 1988). It is especially important to check for the presence of ECG signs of
proximal LAD occlusion in the acute phase, such
as the specific ST-segment deviations seen in occlusion proximal to D1 and S1 (ST-segment elevation
in V1V4V5 and VR, and ST-segment depression
in II, III, VF and V6) (see Figures 4.10, 4.12 and
4.18) and the development of an RBBB. As may
happen with other MI but more often in this type
there are frequently signs of a larger myocardial area
at risk, such as the sum of ST-segment elevations
and depressions greater than 15 mm, or the patterns of severe ischaemia, with ST-segment elevation concave with respect to the isoelectric baseline
and a J point/R-wave ratio greater than 0.5 mm (see
p. 224). In all these circumstances, we must act extremely rapidly (i.e. urgent coronary angiogram).
The appearance of a systolic murmur is a sign of
very bad prognosis in a patient with extensive anterior MI (proximal occlusion) because there is probably a sign of septal rupture, which is a very severe
complication (see p. 245).
However, though the infarction involves the entire
anterior and septal walls, it does not involve the
high lateral wall (which is perfused by the LCX), but
rather the low-middle lateral one. The presence of a

QS (Qr) pattern in VL had been considered as due

to a high lateral infarction, but in fact it is generated
by an infarction due to first diagonal occlusion, in
this case included in the LAD occlusion proximal to
S1 and D1.
Also the presence of R wave in inferior leads suggests that the involvement of inferior wall is lesser
than the involvement of anterior wall. This is explained, because the occlusion of LAD is proximal
but the artery is short and does not wrap the apex
(Figure 5.18 and 5.38).
4. (Electrocardiographic pattern type A-4 (Figure 5.9-A4): Q wave in I and VL with, at times, a q
wave in V2V3 (sometimes QS just in V2) (Figures
5.205.22). It corresponds to mid-anterior infarction. It is due to a selective occlusion of D1 or LAD
involving the diagonal branches, but not the septal
branches (p. 154).
Prognostic implications
These are generally small infarctions that frequently cause slight electrocardiographic changes,
especially in the chronic phase. Therefore, usually the prognosis is good. We have demonstrated
that often the typical and very specific, although
with a lower sensitivity, low-voltage QS pattern in
VL normalises over time, and the ECG becomes
normal. In the acute phase a slight ST-segment
elevation is generally seen in several precordial
leads with often small q in V2V3. When a
slight ST-segment depression is found, it generally occurs because ischaemia is caused not only
by the D1 occlusion, but also by RCA involvement or, more frequently, LCX involvement. These
cases due to multivessel disease present a worst
5. Electrocardiographic pattern type B-1 (Figure 5.9-B1): tall and/or wide R wave in V1 and/or
low-voltage qr or r pattern in V5V6, I and/or
VL (Figures 5.235.26). This corresponds to lateral infarction. It is caused by OM occlusion, and
sometimes by a proximal but quite small LCX occlusion (p. 154).
Prognostic implications
Generally, they are not large infarctions, especially when the ECG is normal or near normal (Figure 10.2). However, in presence of normal ECG
recording in some cases, the myocardial mass involved may be relatively important, because a
great part of the lateral wall depolarises after
40 milliseconds and, therefore, does not generate

CHAPTER 9 Myocardial infarction with Q wave 285

Q wave or equivalent. Therefore, it is necessary to

check carefully the ECG to detect small changes
in the mid-late part of QRS as low-voltage rin
V6, r in V1 3 mm and small q wave in II, III
and VF, rsr in some leads (II, precordial leads)
and other morphologies included in the concept
of fractioned QRS (p. 129).
The prognosis is worst in spite that there are
usually small infarctions in cases that present
(a)persistence of ST-segment elevation even
small, without appearance of negative T wave. This
sign is a marker of cardiac rupture (see Figures
8.27 and 8.29; see Plate 2.2); (b) appearance of
systolic murmur as a sign of mitral regurgitation.
This appears in case of posteromedial papillary
muscle dysfunction or rupture (Figure 8.29A; see
p. 245).
6. Electrocardiographic pattern type B-2 (Figure 5.9-B2): Q wave in at least two contiguous
inferior leads II, III and VF (Figures 5.275.30).
This corresponds to inferior infarction. It is secondary to the occlusion of a non-dominant RCA
or sometimes to very distal occlusion of long LCX
(p. 159).
Prognostic implications
An isolated inferior infarction detected by the presence of Q waves in any inferior lead (II, III and VF)
is often not too large and, generally, of good prognosis. This is especially true when the QR pattern
in II, III and VF is not very apparent and, primarily, if diagnostic doubts arise. In case of doubt it is
advisable to rule out that the Q wave is caused by positional changes, which happens especially when it
is recorded only in III. The fact that it disappears or
is significantly reduced during inspiration supports
its benign nature (Figure 5.42).
The cases of inferior MI of worst prognosis correspond to (a) the proximal non-dominant RCA
involving AV node branch (AV block may be seen)
and/or RV branches. (RV infarction in acute phase
may be present.) The prognosis is worst when the
RCA is dominant (type B-3) because the area at risk
is higher; (b) the cases associated with SAH (Figure
5.54) because this association suggests multivessel
7. Electrocardiographic pattern (type B-3) (Figure 5.9-B3): Q wave in II, III and VF and R wave
in V1V2 and/or Q wave in V5V6 and/or I and
VL (Figures 5.315.34). This corresponds to an
infarction involving the inferior and lateral walls.

It is due to occlusion of dominant RCA or LCX

(p. 1.161).
Prognostic implications
The presence of many electrocardiographic criteria showing inferior and lateral involvement representsgenerallyalargeinfarctionthatencompasses
the cases of worst prognosis of MI of inferolateral
zone, especially in case of MI due to very dominant
RCA or LCX. The ejection fraction is usually diminished. Therefore, in the acute phase, quick decision
should be taken (urgent PCI) to avoid haemodynamic complications.
An example of this type of infarction due to an occlusion proximal to the take-off of the RV branches
in a dominant RCA is shown in Figure 9.6. In
the acute phase (Figure 9.6A) all the electrocardiographic signs supporting this diagnosis are seen
(ST III > II, ST in I < VL, isodiphasic ST segment in V1 and in V5V6and V4R). Complications such as a complete AV block may occur in the
acute phase. In the chronic phase, clear signs of a
large inferolateral infarction due to RCA occlusion
are seen (QR in II, III and aVF (III > II), R > S in V1
and QR in V6 with a low-voltage R wave in lead I,
but without Q in I and aVL). In the chronic phase,
on the contrary to what happens in the acute phase
(Figure 9.6), there are no ECG criteria of associated
RV infarction.
Proximal occlusion of very dominant LCX also
corresponds to a large area at risk (Figure 4.42).In
chronic phase most typical ECG patterns of inferolateral MI due to proximal LCX occlusion are Q
in II, III and VF, and sometimes with Q in II >
III, Rs or RS in V1 and q in I, aVL and/or V5V6
(Figure 2.2D).

Quantification of the infarcted area

Myocardial damage and viability may be approximately quantified in the chronic phase of a Qwave infarction. Different scores have been described, to know with a greater or lesser accuracy
the amount of myocardium involved and, indirectly, the LV function (EF) (Palmeri et al., 1982).
Selvester, Wagner and Hindman (1985) described a
31-point scoring system, on the basis of 50 criteria
(presence of Q wave in different leads, R wave in
V1V2 as mirror pattern, etc.). This score quantifies the amount of infarcted tissue (3% of the
left-ventricular mass for each point). Also, the reduction of the EF due to the infarction may be

286 PART II The ECG in different clinical settings of ischaemic heart disease























Figure 9.6 (A) ACS with ST-segment elevation of the

inferolateral area due to proximal occlusion (involving RV)
of a superdominant RCA (ST III > II, ST in I, ST isoelectric
in V1V2, ST in V4R and ST > 2 mm in V6). (B) In the
chronic phase an MI type B-3 (inferolateral) is confirmed.

Observe QR in II, III and VF, and RS in V1 with qr in V6. (C)

VCG loop in the chronic phase and (D) drawing of the
involved area in a horizontal axial transection with
infarction vector facing V1, what explains the RS pattern in
V1 and the qr pattern in V6.

CHAPTER 9 Myocardial infarction with Q wave 287

performed by using the formula (EF = 60 3

no. of points in the QRS) (Hinohara et al., 1984;
Table 9.1). Its reliability has been demonstrated in
patients with single chronic infarctions and also in
cases of multiple infarctions. It is also useful as a
prognostic marker (Pahlm et al., 1998; Sevilla et al.,
However, at the individual level, the standard error of myocardial damage quantification using this
score is large, such that its clinical usefulness is limited. The most important cause of errors of this score
is produced by the methods inability to quantify
basal infarcted areas, mainly the septal and lateral
Nowadays, CMR has demonstrated great accuracy in estimating infarcted mass (Horac ek et al.,
2006; Moon et al., 2004) (Figures 9.1 and 9.2),
which makes this technique the gold standard for
the quantification of infarction mass. However, recently, Engblom (2006) has reported that in patients
with first time reperfused MI the QRS score is significantly related to both MI size and transmurality. Also, recently, it has been published that high
QRS Selvester score is an independent predictor of
incomplete ST recovery and complications in STEACS treated with primary PCI (Uyarel et al., 2006).

ECG changes from the acute to chronic

Before the era of reperfusion with fibrinolytics or
PCI it was relatively easy to predict the final Q-wave
infarction pattern according to the acute phase STEACS. Aldrich et al. (1988) described a score (see
p. 224) for estimation of the extent of myocardium
at risk of infarction in the absence of reperfusion therapy. However, currently with the new
strategies of treatment, this is impossible because
if the treatment is started on time, the infarction may be aborted (Figure 8.2) or at least
Therefore, in chronic patients it is impossible to
know the exact degree of occlusion of the coronary
artery culprit of ACS in this moment, although,
probably, it can be predicted what the type and location of the occlusion that produced the MI were. For
example, a case of proximal occlusion to D1 and S1
of LAD (Figure 2.3A) after treatment presented an
ECG of non-complete occlusion of LAD, encompassing the septal branches, but not the diagonal

branches (Figure 2.3B). These result in a large but

exclusive septal MI (Figure 5.11). However, in the
chronic phase the coronarography of this patient
was nearly normal, because the treatment that was
unable to abort the infarction finally has completely
opened the artery.
The ECG in multiple infarctions:
prognostic implications
In Chapter 1 we have discussed (see The ECG in
multiple infarctions) the ECG changes that may
occur in case of more than one MI. Now we would
like to emphasise that the prognosis in case of multiple Q-wave infarcts is usually worst because the
infarcted area is often larger than that in case of
single Q-wave MI, and therefore the EF is more
reduced than that in case of single infarction.
Also if the MIs are involving more anteroseptal
areas, they will represent a worst prognosis (see
p. 282). However, with the current classification
of MI (consensus ACC/ESC; Alpert et al., 2000)
two or more small MIs of necrossette type may be
present without too much myocardial area being

Myocardial infarction with Q wave

and wide QRS
On some occasions patients with ACS and wide
QRS present ST-segment elevation evolving to a
Q-wave myocardial infarction. The ECG criteria
to diagnose Q-wave infarction in presence of ACS
with wide QRS have been explained in the first part
(see p. 170).
The patients with STE-ACS evolving to Q-wave
infarction that presents wide QRS have worst
prognosis (see p. 247). As a matter of fact, the
patients with ACS and LBBB pattern with or without a normal ST-segment deviation present worst
prognosis and are candidates to fibrinolysis. However this concept has to be reconsidered after the
Wongs paper (2005) (p. 249). On the other hand,
the appearance of new RBBB in STE-ACS appears
in case of LAD occlusion proximal to S1 and D1
and represents a huge area at risk and worst prognosis. As we have already commented (p. 247),
the prognosis of MI with RBBB is also related
to the width of QRS and to the evidence that
the RBBB is new. Even the presence of SAH that

288 PART II The ECG in different clinical settings of ischaemic heart disease

does not have very wide QRS (<0.120 ms) has

worst prognosis (Biagini et al., 2005) than control

Electrocardiographic signs of poor

prognosis in post-infarction
The following electrocardiographic signs are of
poor prognosis:
(a) Sinus tachycardia: Its presence in isolated
ECG recording and, especially, its confirmation in
24-hour Holter monitoring are markers of poor
(b) Long QT interval: Its presence has been considered a marker of poor prognosis (Schwartz et al.,
(c) Atrial wave changes: The presence of electrocardiographic signs of left atrial enlargement has
been described as marker of poor prognosis (Rios,
(d) Residual persistence of ST-segment elevation
or depression (in both in Q-wave and non-Qwave infarctions): Different studies have shown that
persistence of ST-segment elevation is a marker
of left ventricular aneurysm (LVA). However, the
sensitivity and specificity of this ECG sign are
poor (p. 304).
(e) Very abnormal QRS complexes, with Q waves
of necrosis in many leads as an indirect marker of
poor ventricular function.
(f) The presence of fractioned QRS morphologies
including RSR pattern and its variants in the absence of LBBB (QRS < 120 ms): These ECG signs
are very specific (>90%) of LVA, although their sensitivity is much lower (Reddy et al., 2006) (see Figure 13.2 and p. 304).
(g) Pattern of bundle branch block, especially of
the left bundle, when the QRS complex is very wide
(Moss et al., 2002).

(h) Exercise stress test: The presence of STsegment depression (see Table 4.4) and the appearance of important ventricular arrhythmias are
markers of poor prognosis (Theroux et al., 1979).
Especially if angina appears, it is compulsory to
proceed for a coronary angiography and take the
appropriate solution.
(i) Holter technology: It includes not only arrhythmias and ischaemia, but also late potentials
and ANS assessment (Malik and Camm, 2004),
such as RR variability, dynamic study of repolarisation, heart rate turbulence, etc. The presence of
frequent PVCs in Holter recording is a marker of
poor prognosis in the post-infarction patient, in the
presence of low EF (Bigger et al., 1984; Moss et al.,
1979). However, the presence of PVC in elderly patients with echocardiographically normal heart is
not increased by significant coronary artery disease
(Shandling et al., 2006). The presence of peaks of
QT interval greater than 500 milliseconds in Holter
ECG (Homs et al., 1997) is a marker of bad outcome.
With respect to the QT dispersion, the results are not
concordant. Recently, it has been demonstrated that
QT-dispersion decrease following PCI is a marker
of better reperfusion.
(j) Electrophysiological studies: Electrophysiological studies for risk stratification are not often
performed, because except in special cases they are
not useful.
(k) Sudden death: Sudden death in the postinfarction setting occurs (1) in relation to a
sustained ventricular tachycardia around the
post-infarctionscar, which triggers VF. This is most
frequent, especially, in patients with poor ventricular function, or (2) as a consequence of a new acute
ischaemic syndrome.
Other data of clinical and prognostic interest with
regard to the usefulness and the limitations of the
ECG in the patients with chronic CHD are discussed
later (see p. 304).



Myocardial infarction without Q

waves or equivalent: acute and
chronic phase
In probably more than 50% of cases, an MI with normal intraventricular conduction and narrow QRS
does not show a Q wave of necrosis or equivalent
(R in V1V2). However, it may show anomalies in
the mid-late part of QRS (as low r in lateral leads,
rsr, slurrings, etc. (fractioned QRS)). Also repolarisation changes may be recorded especially in the
acute phase. The incidence of MI without Q wave is
variable depending on whether it is detected. In the
emergency department it is higher and in the CCU
All the types of MI without Q waves or equivalent are summarised in Table 10.1. This also includes the cases of MI without Q wave that present
abnormal ventricular activation as BBB, WPW and
pacemaker. These different types of MI without Q
wave will be now discussed in detail.

Non-Q-wave myocardial infarction:

ST-segment depression and/or
negative T wave (Table 10.1)
Non-Q-wave MI presents occlusion of the coronary
artery generally incomplete and the patient usually
has significant previous ischaemia, even transmural but mainly at the subendocardial zone. Consequently, when the ischaemia increases (ACS), a TAP
of poor quality is generated in the subendocardium,
which explains the development of a subendocardial injury pattern (ST-segment depression) (Figures 4.5 and 4.8). Though the extension of the injury
and, later, the infarction involve all or a large portion
of the wall, it will not generate Q wave if the subepicardial inner area (close to the subendocardium),
which is where begins the generation of infarction
vector, is not involved by infarction (Figure 5.2D).

Sometimes the abnormality of repolarisation is an

isolated negative or flattened T wave. These patterns are probably more related with partial or total
reperfusion than with active ischaemia. This may
be an explanation of the best prognosis having nonQ-wave MI with negative T wave (p. 239). Furthermore, often the levels of troponine are decisive to
assure that an ACS has evolved to an MI because
the ECG pattern may not give the correct answer
(see Figure 8.2, and Tables 2.1 and 8.1).
On the contrary, in Q-wave infarction the coronary artery occlusion is usually complete, and
classically it was considered that the MI was
transmural and often presents homogeneous wall
involvement (QS pattern) or at least the infarction involves the subendocardium and also part
of the subepicardium in contact with the subendocardium (QR pattern) (Figure 5.2C). CMR has
demonstrated that often Q-wave MIs are not transmural and, on the contrary, often are transmural non-Q-wave MIs (Moon et al., 2004). The Qwave MI often appear in a patient without very
much prior ischaemia (first infarction). Consequently, an acute ischaemia (ACS) generates a poorquality TAP in the entire wall that is recorded,
from the precordium, as subepicardial injury pattern (ST-segment elevation) (Figures 4.5 and 4.8).
Later, the myocardium becomes non-excitable
and Q wave of necrosis develops (Figures 5.2B
and 5.3).
Clinical and electrocardiographic
presentation (Sclarovsky, 1999; Wellens,
Gorgels and Doevendans, 2003)
Large infarctions exist within the non-Q-wave
group of infarctions, including cases secondary to
involvement of LMT that have not generated an


290 PART II The ECG in different clinical settings of ischaemic heart disease
Table 10.1 Myocardial infarction without Q wave or equivalent.
1. Non Q wave MI: ST depression and/or negative T wave
2. Other types of MI without Q wave
2.1 Infarction located in an area, which does not generate Q wave of necrosis.
a) Atria (never single infarction): anteroseptal or more often extensive inferoposterior involvement. Usually
present Q wave due to associated MI.
b) Right ventricle. It is usually associated with an inferior wall MI. It is due to an occlusion of a proximal RCA
before the RV branches and usually presents Q wave of inferior MI.
c) MI of basal areas of LV (distal occlusion of the LCX or RCA). Usually without Q wave, but often with fractioned
QRS pattern (see fig. 9.3, 9.4).
d) Microinfarction (enzymatic). ECG usually normal.
2.2 Q wave MI, with Q that disappears during the follow-up (fig 5.46)
2.3 Aborted MI with Q wave: Acute coronary syndrome (ACS) with ST elevation (infarction in evolution) with early
and efficient reperfusion. Rarely spontaneous thrombus resolution. Troponine level is decisive to separate
unstable angina from MI without Q wave.
2.4 Masked Q wave.
a) Left bundle branch block
b) Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome
c) Pacemaker

infarction Q wave. However, most of them are small

infarctions. Currently, they likely represent more
than 50% of all infarctions.
In acute phase, non-Q-wave infarction shows
repolarisation changes (ST-segment depression
and/or negative T wave)with non-pathological Q
waves. Therefore, it is not accompanied by the electrocardiographic infarction Q-wave pattern (Figures 4.594.64). In the first part the diagnostic clues
of ST-segment depression and negative T wave that
are necessary to be considered as a criteria of NSTEACS have been discussed (p. 40 and 111) and also the
prognostic implications of these patterns have already been commented on (p. 234). Once the acute
phase is past, some repolarisation changes can
persist in the ECG, but these are generally less evident. Sometimes the ECG can even return almost to
normal despite quite marked repolarisation changes
(Figure 10.1). Table 8.1B shows the electrocardiographic patterns that may be seen in the NSTEACS ST depression and/or flat or negative T wave,
or even a normal ECG.
It has classically been considered that non-Qwave infarctions are not an indication for fibrinolytic therapy, although there is some controversy about it (Braunwald and Cannon, 1996;
Table 8.2). They must undergo intensive medi-

Often can present an abnormal Q wave

cal antithrombotic therapy (AAS, heparin, IIB

IIIA inhibitors, etc.). The invasive treatment is
necessary especially for cases of circumferential
subendocardium involvement. For cases of regional
involvement it may also be advisable (PURSUIT
Trial, 1998), although there is some debate and the
final decision has to be taken at individual level
(p. 239).
In chronic phase, ECG of patients that have
had non-Q-wave infarction is usually normal or
presents mild abnormalities (flat T wave, slight STsegment depression, etc.) (Figs. 4.60 and 4.63). Even
the group of patients that present important occlusion of LMT may present normal or nearly normal
ECG in approximately 30% of the cases (Fig. 8.19).
Around 30% of the cases may present evident STsegment depression in some leads, with ST-segment
elevation in VR in not more than 1520% of the

Other types of MI without Q wave

On occasions, as it happens in MI of areas of late
depolarisation, RV, atria or when the infarcted area
is very small, the ECG does not generate Q wave of
necrosis and may be completely normal or presents
changes only in the last part of QRS or subtle

CHAPTER 10 Myocardial infarction without Q waves or equivalent 291









Figure 10.1 Evolution of non-Q-wave MI with important ST-segment depression at the beginning which normalises in few
weeks (AD).

changes of repolarisation. Now we will describe the

most important ECG characteristics of these types
of MIs.
Infarction of the basal parts of the left
ventricle (areas of late depolarisation)
We have to remind that basal areas of LV depolarise after 40 milliseconds (Durrer et al., 1970; Figure 9.5), and therefore this MI does not generate
Q wave or equivalent. On the contrary, different
changes of mid-late part of QRS may appear (fractioned QRS) (Das et al., 2006). The most frequent
isolated MIs involving the basal part of LV are lateral
Isolated lateral infarction involving especially
the inferior portion of the lateral wall is generally
due to distal occlusion (posterobasal branch)of
a non-dominant LCX or OM branch. Sometimes
Q-wave infarction, which is seen as a tall R wave
in V1 and/or V2, may be generated if the MI involves more than basal segment. It is useful to record
the posterior leads in ECG (V7V9) for the purpose of seeking the q wave of this area (Casas,
Marriott and Glancy, 1997; Matetzky et al., 1999).
However, often when the infarction is localised in
the more laterobasal portions, or even if it is more
extensive, the ECG may be virtually normal (Figure 10.2, p. 292), or only showing small changes in
the mid-late part of QRS (fractioned QRS) or small
changes in repolarisation (Figures 9.3 and 9.4). The

usefulness of the new cardiac mapping techniques

for the diagnosis of this type of infarctions has
been published (Menown, McKenzie and Adgey,
Other isolated infarctions of basal segments of the
anterior, septal and inferior walls are uncommon.
Sometimes we have realised that MI of isolated segment 4, which was considered a typical posterior
MI in the classical classification, presents a very low
voltage of QRS in frontal plain with rsr or qrs
patterns and a very small r wave in V1. The latter clearly demonstrates that the RS morphology
in V1 is not due to necrosis of inferobasal segment
(posterior wall) (Figure 10.3). In acute phase, STEACS involving the upper part of the septum generates apparent ST-segment changes (Figure 4.12),
but not infarction Q waves, since the first depolarisation vector is generated in the mid-low septal
portion, the high portion being electrically mute.
Furthermore, especially the basal septal, inferior
and also basal lateral walls may receive double perfusion (LAD + RCA in case of septal and RCA + LCX
in case of inferior and LCX + LAD in case of lateral
wall). This explains that often there is no transmural infarction in these segments in spite of complete
An apparently normal or near-normal ECG
in chronic phase may be considered probably
abnormal if the following subtle changes are

A non-Q-wave infarction is an NSTE-ACS that

presents increased enzyme levels. Some Q-wave

infarctions are not transmural and on the contrary, some non-Q-wave infarctions are .

292 PART II The ECG in different clinical settings of ischaemic heart disease



Figure 10.2 (A) A 46-year-old patient who had suffered an

MI 2 years ago. The ECG does not show any abnormality in
the QRS morphology and only the mild ST-segment
depression and positive and symmetric T wave in V2 with












rS morphology can suggest lateral ischaemia. (B) The

CE-CMR demonstrated the presence of a lateral infarction
without any clear abnormality in the ECG.

Figure 10.3 A 60-year-old patient that

presented MI some months ago.
According to the SPECT imaging (below)
the MI affects predominantly segment 4
(inferobasal). In the FP cannot be seen
evident Q wave, neither tall R in V1,
although the low voltage of QRS in
frontal plane with qrs or rSr pattern in
inferior leads in a man without COPD
suggests ischaemic heart disease.

CHAPTER 10 Myocardial infarction without Q waves or equivalent 293

(a) There is evidence of amputation of the R wave

in I and VL (sequential ECG) (Figure 8.22).
(b) There is development of slurrings or notches
of the final portions of the QRS complex in different
leads (sometimes a slurred S wave in II, III and VF
or an r wave in V1 or rsr in II and V4V6) (Figures
9.3 and 9.4).
(c) There is a very striking low voltage of QRS in
frontal plane (Figure 10.3) with dubious q wave
(qrs, rsr), in the inferior leads, in the absence of
COPD, emphysema or other factors that may decrease the voltage of QRS.
(d) The presence in V1V2 of a peaked tall T wave
or mild ST-segment depression (<0.5 mm) with
normal QRS complex (Figure 10.2).
Right-ventricular infarction (Figures 9.6

and 10.4)
This is secondary to proximal occlusion of the
right coronary artery before the take-off of the
marginal branches of the RV. Usually, this occlusion produces not only RV infarction, but also
large left-ventricular infarction, more or less important, depending on the RCA being dominant or

not (Figure 9.6) (Candell-Riera et al., 1981; LopezSendon et al., 1985). Rarely, isolated RV infarctions have been described, generally related to
occlusion of very small right coronary artery. In
this case ST-segment elevation in right precordial
leads (V1V3) is sometimes more striking than
that in II, III and VF (Finn and Antman, 2003;
Figure 10.4).
In the acute phase of STE-ACS of inferior wall
(ST-segment elevation in II, III and VF), RV involvement may be suspected due to the presence
of ST-segment elevation in the extreme right precordial leads (V3V4R) with a positive T wave in
V4R (Wellens and Connover, 2006). Changes in the
extreme right precordial leads in STE-ACS of inferior wall are of value for the differential diagnosis
between very proximal RCA occlusion with RV involvement (ST-segment elevation), non-proximal
RCA occlusion (positive T wave) or LCX occlusion
(negative T waves) (Figure 4.32).
These repolarisation changes in the extreme right
precordial leads are seen only in the hyperacute
phase of infarction. Therefore, their absence does
not rule out the diagnosis of an RV infarction in
the subacute phase. According to our experience,

the ST-segment isoelectric or elevated in V1 is also

very useful for diagnosing extension of inferior
MI to RV wall (Fiol et al., 2004a) (Figures 4.31
and 9.6).
In the presence of an ECG with chronic infarction of inferolateral wall (Q wave in II, III
and VF, RS morphology in V1 and/or Q wave
in I, VL and V6), there are no signs that suggest RV involvement in the standard leads (Figure 9.6). On certain occasions, an RV infarction
may generate Q waves in the extreme right precordial leads, though in general these leads are not
From the prognostic standpoint, MIs of inferolateral zone with RV involvement proximal occlusion of RCA especially when the artery is dominant, have worst prognosis in the acute phase,
as they potentially involve a very large myocardial
area at risk. Consequently, carrying out an urgent
coronary angiogram is mandatory (Figures 4.31
and 9.6).
Atrial infarction (Figures 10.5 and 10.6)
The atrial infarction occurs because an atrial
branch, taking off usually from the RCA or LCX,
is involved by occluded artery.
This infarction never occurs in isolation (Zimmerman, 1968). In acute phase of large inferolateral
infarctions or, less frequently, of anteroseptal infarctions, the presence of PR-segment deviations, atrial
arrhythmias and/or abnormal P waves (notched, irregular shape) suggests that atrial involvement has
occurred. This probably occurs rarely, although this
has to be studied with new image techniques (CECMR).
Regarding the most important ECG changes
in the acute phase, the atrial injury (infarction)
is expressed in different leads as PR depression
and/or PR elevation (Figures 10.5 and 10.6). In
1961 Liu, Greenspan and Piccirillo (1961) published
the following diagnostic criteria of atrial infarction: (a) PR-segment elevation 0.5 mm in leads
V5V6 with reciprocal depression in V1V2; (b)
PR-segment elevation 0.5 mm in lead I with reciprocal change in II and III; (c) PR-segment depression >1.5 mm in precordial leads and 1.2 mm
in I, II and III associated with any atrial arrhythmias.
Also, PR-segment elevation in VR is frequently seen
in the presence of PR-segment depression in II

294 PART II The ECG in different clinical settings of ischaemic heart disease














Figure 10.4 The occlusion of a short RCA produces an MI

of the RV without any repercussion in LV. The ST-segment
elevation in V1V3 in the acute phase can be attributed to
an ACS of the LAD, but the slight ST-segment elevation in
II, III and VF suggests involvement of a short RCA. The cases
of a distal LAD involvement (Figure 4.23) with ST-segment

elevation in II, III and VF present ST-segment elevation in

V3V4 > V1, contrary to the RCA involvement proximal to
RV branches, where ST-segment elevation in V1 > V3V4.
Additionally, in general, in an occlusion of a distal LAD is
not seen ST-segment elevation in V1. (Taken from Finn and
Antman, 2003.)

Figure 10.5 Lead II of a patient with acute inferior MI.

Note the depression of the PR interval as a manifestation
of atrial lesion (alteration of the atrial repolarisation) due

to atrial infarction extension. Atrial arrhythmias, frequent

in the atrial extension of an infarction, may also be seen.

CHAPTER 10 Myocardial infarction without Q waves or equivalent 295






(Figure 10.6). However, no signs are present in the

chronic phase that suggests the presence of atrial
From the prognostic point of view, these usually
correspond to large anteroseptal or inferolateral infarctions. In case of acute inferior MI the presence of
PR-segment depression 1.2 mm in inferior leads
has been demonstrated to be a marker of higher
risk of in-hospital mortality and cardiac rupture
(Jim et al., 2006) (Figure 10.6). Often these cases
present supraventricular arrhythmias, especially
atrial fibrillation.
Enzymatic myocardial infarction
The ESC/ACC (Alpert et al., 2000) consensus of
the new definition of MI considers that an MI exists when enzymatic-level increase (troponins) is
found in presence of anginal pain or its equivalent,
even when no changes are found in the ECG (subECG MI) (Wagner et al., 2000; Table 6.2). Therefore,
more infarctions will be diagnosed than before. In
our opinion, we should accept this new classification, though it implies some social, economic and


Figure 10.6 Patient with an extensive

anterior MI in the subacute phase (QSand ST-segment elevation in all the
anterior leads and, additionally, a QR
complex in I and VL). A PR-segment
depression in II, with PR interval
elevation in VR, is seen. These changes
and the presence of frequent atrial
arrhythmias suggest the atrial extension
of the infarction.

legal problems, because, although false-positive troponin cases exist (heart and renal failure, etc.), troponin levels increase in an adequate clinical context
means myocardial infarction. However, the prognosis of infarctions, which present narrow QRS complex and normal ECG, even in the acute phase, is
generally very good.

The Q-wave MI with Q that disappears

during the follow-up
Some Q-wave infarctions may exhibit normal or
near-normal ECG recordings in the chronic phase.
They are usually but not always small septal, midanterior, inferior or lateral infarctions that, generally, in the acute phase exhibit ST-segment elevation in the corresponding leads, accompanied by a
Q wave. Relatively often, especially in the inferolateral zone or in septal or mid-anterior infarction, the
Q wave disappears over time (Figure 8.12; Bayes de
Luna et al., 2006ac).
On other occasions, Q wave disappears because it
is cancelled out by the infarction vectors generated
by an infarction that occurred in the opposite area,

296 PART II The ECG in different clinical settings of ischaemic heart disease

or because an intraventricular conduction defect

developed, masking the Q wave (Figure 5.39).
Aborted MI with Q wave (Figure 8.9)
This is an ACS with ST-segment elevation that, due
to early and efficient treatment, or perhaps, in some
occasions due to spontaneous thrombus autolysis
does not generate an infarction and consequently
does not present Q wave (see p. 219, Figures 8.2 and
8.9, and Table 10.1).
Myocardial infarction with wide
Many cases of MI in presence of wide QRS usually
do not present Q waves or equivalents. However, the
RBBB do not interfere with the presence of Q waves
(see p. 170), and on the contrary in case of LBBB

usually the Q waves are masked. The diagnosis of

the electrocardiographic patterns of ischaemia, injury and infarction in the presence of a wide QRS
complex has already been described in detail in
pages 54 (ischaemia), 120 (injury) and 170 (infarction).
We have already commented (see MI with Q wave
and wide QRS) (see p. 287) that the development
of complete RBBB in STE-ACS involving the anteroseptal wall is due to very proximal occlusion of
LAD. These are patients with a worse prognosis and
should be closely followed (Figure 4.66). The presence of complete LBBB, especially when the QRS
complex is very wide (Moss et al., 2002), is in itself
a very poor prognostic sign. However this concept
has to be reconsidered after the Wongs paper (2005)
(p. 249).



Clinical settings with anginal pain,

outside the ACS
Here we are referring Tables 6.1-2, p. 197), to
situations in which patients generally refer stable exertional anginal pain or, to certain situations, which,
though they sometimes may present as an ACS,
generally does not lead to urgent hospitalisation of
patients. However, it is necessary to evaluate the situation as soon as possible, firstly to confirm if the
pain is ischaemic in nature and secondly to know the
pathophysiological explanation in order to decide
which is the best therapeutic approach.

Classic exercise angina

Patients with stable angina chest pain are not included within the ACS. In most cases they correspond to classic exercise angina (Tables 2.12),
and electrocardiographic changes are explained by
the presence of a fixed stable plaque coronary artery stenosis limiting blood flow, which
frequently presents smaller lumen but thicker fibrous cap than the plaque that produce an ACS
(Figure 6.1A). The exercise decreases the already
existing impaired subendocardium perfusion that
however is not so important to change the basal
ECG. We have to remind that the subendocardium
is more vulnerable to myocardial ischaemia since its
vasodilatory capacity is less. Therefore, during an
exertional test an ST-segment depression may appear (subendocardial injury pattern) with or without angina (Figures 4.8A and 4.64). In these cases
of stable angina the atherosclerotic plaque is stable,
although the stenosis is frequently more important than the obstruction resulting from a vulnerable plaque before its rupture (Figure 6.1).
However, it is less likely that an occlusion due
to coronary thrombosis occurs, since the fibrous
wall is usually thick and the risk of plaque rupture and exposure of the lipid core to the cir-

culating blood is much lower (Figure 6.1); see

Plate 5).
Therefore, patients with chronic stable exercise
angina are not an ACS. However, at any given moment, their clinical situation may deteriorate and
evolve to an ACS (pre-infarction angina). The electrocardiographic changes during and outside of
anginal crises are the following:
r The ECG at rest: In 50% of the cases the
ECG recording is normal, even in the presence
of three-vessel disease. Evidence of a prior myocardial infarction in the ECG (infarction Q wave
or equivalent) may or may not exist. The most
frequent findings are a negative or flattened T
wave (ECG pattern of subepicardial ischaemia)
(Figure 4.64) or ST-segment depression, which
usually is not evident (ECG pattern of subendocardial injury). Minor electrocardiographic changes
(T-wave flattening or ST-segment rectification) may
be explained by other causes, such as the early
phase of left-ventricular enlargement, and may be
frequently seen with no underlying cardiac disease. Also, sometimes, mixed patterns may be
recorded (Fig. 3.27).
r The ECG during exercise: The ECG changes
may be detected during exercise test (Figs. 4.62 and
4.64) or with Holter ECG (Figure 11.1). Holter
technology may give the opportunity, as happens with the exercise test, to record the duration of the crisis and its relation with heart rate
(Figure 11.2). Also, Holter technology records the
crisis of angina due to anxiety, sympathetic overdrive, etc.
In patients with exercise angina in over 8090%
of cases, angina pain appears and the ECG is very
often abnormal being the most frequent change an
ST-segment depression usually appearing in leads
with predominant R wave (Table 4.4) (Figures 4.57,
4.62 and 4.64). During both Holter monitoring


298 PART II The ECG in different clinical settings of ischaemic heart disease



Figure 11.1 Above: Changes of the ST segment in a patient

with exercise angina. (A) The trend of ST-segment changes
and heart rate; (B) the different morphologies of ST.

Below: Increase of ST-segment depression during angina

(arrow and B) without increase in the number of PVC.

and exercise testing often the ECG changes appear

without pain (see p. 302). On certain occasions,
electrocardiographic changes are very mild, such
as subtle T-wave changes. Their ischaemic origin
may only be suggested if prior ECG recordings are
available for comparison. The presence of ischaemia
may be demonstrated by imaging techniques. Currently, the most used are isotopic studies (SPECT)
(Figure 1.3). However, promising results may be obtained with CMR, and probably in the future the role
of CMR in the detection of perfusion defects will be
On rare occasions an ST-segment elevation due
to coronary spasm may be seen during exercise test
(Prinzmetal phenomenon) (Figure 11.3).

X syndrome
This syndrome is defined as a chest pain frequently
of anginal characteristics that is related to smallvessel disease, in the absence of atherosclerotic lesions. It is more frequently seen in the female population, and probably but not always ischaemia is
the origin of the chest pain (Kaski, 2004).
The resting ECG recording may be normal,
or it may have non-specific ST-segment/T-wave
changes. Often, typical X syndrome presents new
electrocardiographic changes during the exercise test, with often perfusion defects (SPECT)
(Figure 11.4). Sometimes the chest pain occurs at
rest and may be considered an atypical ACS (see

CHAPTER 11 Clinical settings with anginal pain, outside the ACS 299



Figure 11.2 Trend of heart rate and ST-segment deviations

in case of exercise angina (A). See the increase of heart
rate and decrease of ST, and the plateau shape of the

crisis. In case of Prinzmetal angina (B) the heart rate does

not change and the crisis is shorter (triangle shape).





Figure 11.3 Exercise test in a patient with precordial pain.

Before the exercise test (A) and during it (B), ST segment is
normal. At the end, there is an important ST-segment

elevation, accompanied by precordial pain (C), which was

followed by advanced AV block (D).

Table 6.1, p. 274). Rarely, ST-segment elevation may

occur, which is probably explained by multiple microcirculatory spasms. The prognosis is generally
good and, in general, does not evolve to myocardial

Myocardial bridging
This is an anomaly of the course of the coronary
arteries, especially the LAD, which partly penetrates
epicardial muscular mass. It is frequently, though

300 PART II The ECG in different clinical settings of ischaemic heart disease



Figure 11.4 (A) A 60-year-old patient with typical X

syndrome and normal coronary arteries. Observe the
diffuse but moderate alterations of ST segment in the
majority of the leads of the horizontal plane and the

flattened T wave in the frontal plane. (B) After exercise

testing an increase of ST-segment depression in HP may be

not always, accompanied by atherosclerosis and/or

coronary spasm.
The clinical picture is often stable exercise angina
that may appear without ECG changes in a patient
with usually normal basal ECG. On other occasion
the anginal pain appears at rest probably in relation with coronary spasm related with myocardial
bridging. Rarely, cases of ACS with or without myocardial infarction (with and without Q wave) have
also been described. It has been linked exceptionally
to sudden death, although in general the prognosis
is good (Mohlenkamp et al., 2002).

Among the other causes that may induce chronic
exercise anginal pain are the following:
1. Pulmonary hypertension: In this anginal pain
is probably secondary to RV ischaemia.
2. The presence of anaemia: The most frequent
ECG changes in chronic anaemia are unspecific STsegment and T-wave changes, as well as tachycardia.
Chronic anaemia is a marker of poor prognosis in
the presence of heart failure (Mozafarrian, 2003).
Additionally, acute anaemia may mimic true ACS
(see p. 274).

CHAPTER 11 Clinical settings with anginal pain, outside the ACS 301

3. Carbon monoxide poisoning: It may sometimes present chronic, anginal pain of nonatherothrombotic origin. On occasion it is
presented as an ACS (see p. 274).
4. LVH and coronary perfusion: An imbalance between LVH and coronary perfusion may be the

cause of anginal pain in AS and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.

5. AIDS: Patients with AIDS frequently present
with ischaemic heart diffuse, often very diffuse,
which may originate exercise angina or myocardial
infarction (p. 274).



Silent ischaemia
There is no doubt that silent ischaemia, a term introduced by Stern and Tzivoni (1974), exists and
represents lack of myocardial perfusion before the
presence of pain or equivalents (Nesto and Kowaldruk, 1987) (ischaemic cascade Figure 12.1). It
is frequently seen in both patients with ACS and
those with chronic IHD (Cohn, 1980, 2001; Cohn,
Fox and Daly, 2003; Deanfield et al., 1984; Stern,
1998; Stern and Tzivoni, 1974).
Two types of silent ischaemia have been described. Type I is when anginal pain is never
present, even during acute infarction. The Framingham study (Aguilar et al., 2006; Guidry et al.,
1999; Kannel and Abbott, 1984) showed that half
of the patients (20%) that in routine reviews performed every 2 years have presented new Q waves of
necrosis never have had any type of chest pain suggesting angina. Thus, they were truly asymptomatic.
These MIs have similar prognosis than MIs that are
clinically recognised.
Type II represents that in the global burden of
ischaemia there are crises with and without anginal pain. This is why the concept of total ischaemic
burden involving the sum of different periods of
time with symptomatic (ST-segment changes plus
pain) and asymptomatic (exclusively ST-segment
changes) ischaemia was coined.
Silent ischaemia is present in different clinical
setting of IHD. We have already commented that

MI may be completely silent (Kannel and Abbott,

1984). In patients with ACS admitted to the coronary care unit, the presence of asymptomatic STsegment changes has been shown by means of the
Holter technique to be a marker of poor prognosis
(Gottlieb et al., 1986). Other later studies confirmed
these results. With Holter ECG we have demonstrated (Bayes de Luna et al., 1985) that transient
painless ST-segment elevation may also occur during a Prinzmetal crisis. Sometimes in the same patient, different crises with ST-segment elevation or
depression with or without pain are recorded (Figure 12.2).
In the chronic patient, silent ischaemia is very
frequent during exercise (positive exercise stress
test from an electrocardiographic standpoint, with
no clinical manifestation), as well as in daily life
(Holter ECG monitoring) (Bayes de Luna, Camacho and Guindo, 1989; Camacho, Guindo and Bayes
de Luna, 1992; Theroux et al., 1979). ST-segment
depressions, horizontal or of down-sloping greater
than 0.5 mm for some authors or 1 mm for others, lasting for over 30 seconds, have been shown
to correspond to myocardial ischaemia. In general
they are not striking and are unaccompanied by arrhythmias. The prognostic significance in chronic
patients of silent ischaemia detected by exercise testing or Holter technique is better than ischaemia with
anginal pain. However, there is no doubt that it

Figure 12.1 Ischaemic cascade. The

figure shows the sequence of events in
asymptomatic period before angina


CHAPTER 12 Silent ischaemia 303

Figure 12.2 During Holter monitoring in a patient with ischaemic heart disease, crises often silent with ST-segment
elevation or depression may be recorded.

should be treated and reduced as much as possible

with drugs or even PCI if necessary. In the presence of very striking positive stress test, especially if
is suggestive of LMT occlusion or three-vessel disease, an urgent coronary angiography may be recommended. On other occasions usually other noninvasive tests (SPECT and multislice scanning) and
a global study of each case have to be performed.
However, it is necessary to remind that, with some
frequency, the presence of an asymptomatic ST-

segment depression at rest, or its development with

no symptoms during daily life (Holter), or during
exercise, even with evident ST-segment depression,
may be seen in patients with normal coronary arteries (false positives) (Figure 4.58). Therefore, in these
cases it is compulsory to perform a coronarography
or multislice scanning in case of doubt to confirm
the diagnosis.



Usefulness and limitations of the

ECG in chronic ischaemic heart
The presence of wide QRS complexes (bundle
branch block and pacemaker), especially when the
bundle branch block has developed during an
ACS, is in itself a poor prognosis marker, especially when the QRS is very wide. New RBBB
in ACS is suggestive of LAD occlusion proximal
to S1 and D1. Furthermore, a chronic infarction in the presence of LBBB, WolffParkinson
White syndrome or pacemaker is often impossible to diagnose by ECG. However, occasionally,
there are evident suggestive electrocardiographic
signs (see p. 172 and 197 and Figures 5.51 and
5.65). We have recently reported (Bayes-Genis,
2003) that patients with ischaemic DCM and complete LBBB exhibit QRS pattern in V2V3 with
low-voltage S wave and evident notches that are
different from idiopathic DCM, which exhibit an
rS morphology with deep S waves and without
notches (Figure 13.1). Finally, the presence of

inferior infarction plus SAH suggests two-vessel

Left ventricular aneurysms (LVA) occurs currently in less than 4% of the cases of myocardial
infarction. However, it is important to detect its
presence because it is associated with ventricular arrhythmias and heart failure. In the past it has been
associated with persistent ST-segment elevation and
prominent R in VR (Bhatnagar, 1994; Cooley et al.,
1958). However, the sensitivity and specificity of
these findings are poor. The presence in coronary
patients with narrow QR or fractioned QRS morphologies (rSR pattern or its variants), especially
in II and V3V6 (Figure 13.2), has been considered a marker of LVA (Sherif, 1970). Recently Reddy
et al. (2006) demonstrated that the specificity of
these findings for LVA in patients with IHD is very
high (>90%), although its sensitivity is much lower

25.0 mm/s 10.0 mm/mV

Figure 13.1 ECGs of two patients, one with non-ischaemic

(NIC) and the other with ischaemic cardiomyopathy (IC).
Both ECGs have a similar QRS width, LVEF and LVEDD. Note
the pronounced voltages of right precordial leads,


particularly V2 and V3 (arrow), in non-ischaemic

cardiomyopathy compared with ischaemic

CHAPTER 13 Usefulness and limitations of the ECG in chronic ischaemic heart disease 305

Figure 13.2 The ECG of a patient that has suffered two

MIs of inferolateral zone and a two-bypass grafting
surgery. The patient presents important left ventricular

aneurysm. Observe the presence of RS in V1, q in lateral

leads and abnormal morphology of QRS (fractioned QRS)
in several leads (see amplified leads II and V5).

ECG recordings with QS morphology in V1V2

may be seen due to septal fibrosis or in elderly patients. This pattern most probably corresponds to
an old infarction when this is recorded in patients
with chronic IHD and is accompanied by changes
of repolarisation suggestive of ischaemia. The presence of Q waves in certain leads does not rule out
the presence of viability in the correlated cardiac
segments (Schinkel et al., 2002).
Different score systems have been developed to
estimate, following a Q-wave infarction, its size
and ventricular function (Hinohara et al., 1984;
Pahlm et al., 1998; Palmeri et al., 1982; Selvester,
Wagner and Hindman, 1985; Wagner and Hinohara, 1984). However, currently CE-CMR is the gold
standard for measurement and characterisation of
infarcted area (see Quantification of the infarcted
MRI has also demonstrated that there are transmural infarctions without Q waves and Q-wave infarctions that are not transmural (Moon et al., 2002)
(see MI with or without Q waves or equivalents
p. 275). Furthermore, thanks to ECGMRI correlations, we have published a new classification of
Q-wave MI (Bayes de Luna et al., 2006ac; Cino
et al., 2006). Also, we have demonstrated that the
presence of RS pattern in V1 in coronary patients is

due to lateral MI and not to posterior (inferobasal)

MI and that QS pattern in VL without Q in V6 is
due to mid-anterior MI and not due to high lateral
MI (Figure 5.9).
In a patient with chronic coronary artery disease, normal ECG is frequently found. The ECG
is normal in 25% patients with three-vessel disease
(Figure 8.24). Also in patients with Q-wave infarction the Q wave may disappear over time. This may
be explained by the following causes: (a) normalisation of ECG in the follow-up even in a case of extensive anterior infarction due to improved perfusion
in the peri-infarction area provided by collateral
circulation (Figure 8.12); (b) development of MI in
opposite areas with cancellation of two vectors of infarction (Figures 5.38 and 5.39); (c) the presence of
new intraventricular block, especially LBBB. Lastly,
there are many cases of non-Q-wave MI that present
in chronic phase a normal ECG or only with mild
In a patient with chest pain the presence of a tall
and peaked T wave in V1V2 has to be considered
as possible expression of the hyperacute phase of
STE-ACS (Figure 8.7).
The correlation between clinical presentation and
electrocardiographic changes has shown (Framingham study) that 1020% of the patients with

306 PART II The ECG in different clinical settings of ischaemic heart disease




0.3 mm

1 mm

0.04 s 1 mm = 0.04


0.04 s 0.3 mm = 0.01 Normal






Figure 13.3 (A) A diagram showing a normal and an

abnormal negative component of the P wave in V1. When
the product of the width in seconds by the height in
millimetres of the negative mode exceeds (in negativity)
0.03, it is considered abnormal. (B) An example of
pulmonary oedema (a) in acute phase of myocardial

infarction (see X-ray in (C)). Twelve hours (b) and 3 days

later (c), the ECG shows the reduction of the negative P
mode in V1 with the clinical improvement is evident. This
can be properly evaluated only when V1 lead is taken at
the same site. In the hospital environment this can be
insured by marking the site on patients skin.

clinical evidence of myocardial infarction do

not present suggestive electrocardiographic signs.
Therefore, a normal ECG does not exclude the presence of an old infarction. In turn, around 1020% of
the patients with an ECG indicative of a Q-wave infarction had no history of prior infarction (p. 302).
This indicates the potential reversibility of the ECG

pattern of myocardial infarction in the first group

and the possibility that clinically silent myocardial
infarctions may have occurred in the second group.
In patients with coronary artery disease, electrocardiographic evidence of abnormal P wave, similar to left atrial enlargement, is a marker of poor
left ventricular function and prognosis (Rios, 1977).

CHAPTER 13 Usefulness and limitations of the ECG in chronic ischaemic heart disease 307

We have recently shown that left atrial enlargement

is a predictor of total and sudden death in patients
with heart failure, of both ischaemic and idiopathic
origin (Bayes-Genis et al., 2007). The electrocardiographic P-wave pattern of the left atrial enlargement (LAE) may be seen as a reversible pattern in
acute pulmonary oedema (Figure 13.3). Likewise,
the incidence of P-wave abnormalities is higher in
coronary patients with multivessel disease.
The existence of a negative U wave in I, VL and/or
V2V6 in a patient with coronary artery disease
with or without prior infarction in the ECG is very

suggestive (90%) of significant LAD involvement

(Figures 3.243.26).
In this book the bulls-eye view has been used,
dividing the heart into 17 segments (Cerqueira,
Weissman and Disizian, 2002) to easily recognise
the site of occlusion and anatomic location of the
injury areas in the STE-ACS and infarction areas in
chronic Q-wave infarction (Figures 1.14 and 5.9).
We consider that the use of this approach is useful to
realise at first glance the importance of myocardial
area at risk in acute phase and of infarcted area in
chronic phase.



The ECG as a predictor of

ischaemic heart disease
The ECG may be used for detecting CHD in the
general population or predicting the presence of
CHD in the future. The presence of depolarisation and repolarisation changes is of special importance (Cedres et al., 1982; Knutsen et al., 1988).
In the Framingham study and in others, such as
in the Charleston study, the association between
non-specific changes in ST segment and T wave
with increased risk of CHD has been demonstrated
(Kannel et al., 1987; Sutherland et al., 1993). However, the ST segment and the T wave may be altered
due to many causes other than CHD, e.g. alcohol intake, hyperventilation, etc. All this limits the
usefulness of the isolated changes seen in the ST
segment/T wave for the screening of the general
Therefore, the association of other factors to
the ST-segment/T-wave changes may be of great
value. The combination of high cholesterol levels
alone or associated with other risk factors, such
as tobacco use, left ventricular hypertrophy in the
ECG, glucose intolerance, etc., better identifies male
patients at risk of developing coronary artery disease and sudden death (Kannel and Abbott, 1984;
West of Scotland Coronary Prevention Study, 1996;
Figure 14.1). Multivariate logistic analysis in the
Framingham study (Kannel and Abbott, 1984; Kannel et al., 1987), including all coronary risk factors, indicates that in males, age, systolic pressure,
cigarette smoking, and relative body weight are all
independently related to the incidence of sudden
death. In females, aside from age, only hypercholesterolaemia and vital capacity are independently associated with an increased risk of sudden death
(Figure 14.1). Using these parameters, there is a
wide variation in the risk of sudden death. Fortytwo per cent of sudden deaths in males and 53%
in females occur in the tenth of the population in
the top decile of multivariate risk. Furthermore,


microalbuminuria in patients with ST-segment/Twave changes in the resting ECG has been reported
to identify a subgroup of individuals at a higher risk
of IHD and death from any cause (Diercks et al.,
The isolated presence of minor T-wave abnormalities has been considered a potential risk
marker for future cardiovascular events. This includes, among others, the following:
(a) Presence of flattened T wave in lead I: Its presence is a marker of bad prognosis (McFarlane and
Coleman, 2004).
(b) presence of a TV1 > TV6 and TI < TIII: The
TV1 > TV6 criterion in patients with chest pain
with or without other ECG changes had been considered to be specific, but not very sensitive for one
or more vessel diseases. However, prognostic value
of TV1 > TV6 criterion is controversial. For some
authors it may only be used as a marker of CHD and,
especially, of LAD involvement in patients with
chest pain or in those undergoing a coronary angiogram. Furthermore, the presence of a TV1 > TV6
did not have any statistically significant prognostic
value for other authors.
In a recent study carried out on more than 10,000
patients who presented risk factors for CHD, and
who were followed during more than 20 years (MRFIT study; Prineas et al., 2002), the presence of a
flattened or minimally negative T wave in lateral or
inferior lead (corresponding to the Minnesota Code
5, 3, 5, 4) has been shown to have prognostic value
for future cardiovascular events.
r Gender differences: In spite of the fact that it is
well known that women present significantly longer
QT than men and that also other gender differences
in QRS and ST/T parameters exist, few ECG criteria routinely use gender-specific diagnostic criteria (Okin, 2006). Recently (Rautaharju, 2006), the
value of the computer-based ECG measurements

Biennial rate per 10,000

CHAPTER 14 The ECG as a predictor of ischaemic heart disease 309

Decile of multivariate risk

Figure 14.1 Risk of sudden death according to the multivariable risk decile.

for risk stratification in women has been demonstrated. This study shows that repolarisation abnormalities in post-menopausal women are important
predictors of IHD events and mortality and of congestive heart failure.
r Value of exercise test: The response to exercise
test has been studied for many years as a marker
of ischaemic events in the future. Ellestad and Wen
(1975) reported that the presence of ST-segment

depression 1.5 mm predicted an incidence of new

coronary event of 9.5% a year, as compared with
1.7% in those with a negative test. Furthermore,
early onset of ECG abnormality or the presence of
angina occurring during the exercise was associated with a higher incidence of coronary event, and
therefore makes it compulsory to start the appropriate treatment, including the practice of coronariography.

Plate 1 (A) Normal case: coronary angiography (left) and three-dimensional volume rendering of CMDCT (right) showing
normal LAD and LCX artery. The latter is partially covered by left appendix in CMDCT. The arrow points out LAD.
(B) Normal case: coronary arteriography (left) and three-dimensional volume rendering of CMDCT (right) showing normal
dominant RCA. (C) 85-year-old man with atypical anginal pain: (a) Maximal intensity projection (MIP) of CMDCT with clear
tight mid-LAD stenosis that correlates perfectly with the result of coronary angiography performed before PCI (b). (D)
Similar case as (C) but with the stenosis in the first third of RCA ((ad) CMDCT and (e) coronary arteriography). (E) Similar
case as (C) and (D) but with the tight stenosis in the LCX before the bifurcation ((a) and (b) CMDCT and (c) coronary
angiography). (F) These images show that CMDCT may also demonstrate the presence of stenosis in distal vessels, in this
case posterior descending RCA ((ab) CMDCT and (c)) coronary angiography). (G) These images show that CMDCT (a, b)
may delimitate the length of total occlusion and visualise the distal vessels (see arrows in (b), the yellow ones correspond
to distal RCA retrograde flow from LAD) that is not possible to visualise with coronary angiography (c). (H) A 42-year-old
man sports coach with a stent implanted in LAD by anginal pain 6 months before. The patient complains of atypical pain
and present state of anxiety that advises to perform a CMDCT to assure the good result and permeability of the stent. In
the MIP of CMDCT (ac) was well seen the permeability of the stent but also a narrow, long and soft plaque in left main
trunk with a limited lumen of the vessel (see (d) rounded circle) that was not well seen in the coronary angiography (e)
but was confirmed by IVUS (f). The ECG presents not very deep negative T wave in V1V3 along all the follow-up.

Plate 1 (Continued )

Plate 1 (Continued )

Plate 1 (Continued )



Plate 2 Examples of correlation exercise test

isotopic images (SPECT). (A) Above:
Observe the three heart planes (see Figure
1.4B) used by nuclear medicine experts (and
other imaging techniques) to transect the
heart: (1) short-axis (transverse) view (SA),
(2) vertical long-axis view (VLA) (oblique
sagittal-like) and (3) horizontal long-axis
(HLA) view. Below: Normal case of perfusion
of left ventricle. On the middle is (B) the
bulls-eye image of this case. The
segmentation of the heart used in this book
is shown (Cerqueira, Weissman and Disizian,
2002). On (A) transections of the three axes
are shown. The short-axis transections is at
the mid-apical level (see Figure 1.8 for
segmentation). (B) Above: In the three
planes (SA, VLA and HLA) see (A) normal
uptake at rest (Re) and during exercise (Ex)
can be observed. Middle: Abnormal uptake
only during exercise of segments 7, 13 and
17 (see Figure 1.8) in a patient with angina
produced by distal involvement of not long
LAD. The basal part of the anterior wall of
left ventricle is not involved. Below:
Abnormal uptake during rest and exercise in
a patient in chronic phase of MI produced by
distal occlusion of very long LAD that wraps
the apex involving part of inferior wall
(segments 7, 13 and 17 and also 15) (see
Figure 1.8), without residual ischaemia on
exercise. In this case the image of abnormal
uptake is persistent during rest. See in all
cases the ECG patterns that may be found.

Plate 3 Patient with atypical precordial pain and a clearly positive exercise test (marked ST-segment depression) without
pain during the test. The SPECT test was normal (see homogeneous uptake in red), as well as coronary angiography. It is a
clear example of a false-positive exercise test.

Plate 4 ECG with SAH and mild ST/T abnormalities. The patient presented different myocardial infarctions septal,
anterior and lateral detected by CE-CMR that masked each other.

Plate 5 Different examples of (A) stable plaque, (B) vulnerable plaque, (C) eroded plaque with small thrombus and
(D) ruptured plaque with occlusive thrombus.

Plate 6 (A) Rupture of inferior wall in a patient after 7 days of inferior MI due to LCX occlusion. See the echocardiography
with great haematic pericardial effusion and the pathological aspect of the rupture. In spite of that, the ECG shows
relatively small ECG changes (mild ST-segment elevation in I and VL and mirror image of ST-segment depression in V1V3
that remains after a week of MI). (B) Rupture of posteromedial papillary muscle (see asterisk in the echocardiography) in
a patient with inferolateral MI due to LCX occlusion. The ECG shows ST-segment depression in V1V4 as a mirror image of
inferolateral injury without ST-segment elevation in inferior leads, just mild ST-segment elevation in lateral leads (I, VL
and V6).


September 8, 2007



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accelerated idioventricular rhythm (AIVR), 232

ACS. See acute coronary syndromes
acute aortic syndrome, 204
acute coronary syndromes (ACS), 19, 22, 378
acute phase of, 28
arrhythmias in, 2507
chest pain in, 199
classic, 197
defining, 197
differential diagnosis, 201, 202
ECG of
other abnormalities in, 2434
patterns, 211
intraventricular blocks in, 2507
non-atherothrombosis, 26573
NSTE, 37, 23342
ECG patterns in, 211, 238
flattened or negative T wave in, 23940
incidence of, 214
with normal ECG, 2402
prognostic implications of, 23940
STE v., 210, 216
typical patterns of, 21014
pathophysiology of, 20914
recurrent, 2423
risk stratification in, 257
high risk groups, 2603
intermediate risk groups, 265
low risk groups, 2635
silent ischaemia in, 302
STE, 38, 64, 75, 21433
incidence of, 214
inferolateral zone, 223
LAD occlusion and, 71, 73, 76, 77, 78, 81, 85
LCX occlusion and, 92, 97
in multivessel occlusion, 233
NSTE v., 213, 215
OM branch occlusion and, 94
pre-PCI, 84
RCA occlusion and, 82, 91, 104
subacute, 79
typical patterns of, 21014
with wide QRS, 24750
prognostic considerations, 24850
acute mitral regurgitation, 2467
AIDS, 274, 301
AIVR. See accelerated idioventricular rhythm
alcoholism, 42
negative T waves and, 53

Aldrich score, 224

amiodarone, 53
anaphylactic crisis, 274
Anderson-Wilkins score, 221
anemia, 274, 300
acute, 300
chronic, 300
classic exertional, 207, 2978
ECG in, 2978
heart rate in, 299
ST segment changes in, 298
in-crescendo, 122
Prinzmetal, 221, 226, 2713
secondary to tachyarrhythmia, 266
unstable, 46, 47, 197, 209, 23342
anterior wall, 67, 15
anteroinferior infarction, 144
anteroseptal infarction, 282
LAD occlusion, 71
anteroseptal zone, 18, 24, 71, 137, 166
ECG limitations and, 23
aortic ulcer, 204
apical-anterior infarction, 143, 171
ECG pattern of, 148, 151
false impression of, 148
pacemakers and, 194
arrhythmias, 244, 262, 288. See also bradyarrhythmias
in ACS, 2507
paroxysmal, 52, 53
supraventricular, 2524
ventricular, 2502
arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia (ARVD), 109,
ARVD. See arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia
atherothrombosis, 197, 2067
atrial fibrillation, 2534
atrial flutter, 253
atrial infarction, 2935
atrial wave changes, 288
AV blocks, 2545
first degree, 254
second degree, 254
AV node, 18
bifascicular block, 250
bradyarrhythmias, 2547
sinus, 254
Brugadas syndrome, 108, 109, 113


326 Index

bulls-eye view, 307

bundle branch blocks. See left bundle branch block; right
bundle branch blocks
Cabreras sign, 180
carbon monoxide, 274, 301
cardiac rupture, 244, 245, 262
cardiac surgery, 26970
dilated, 199
ECGs of, 304
hypertrophic, 172, 199
cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR), 3, 4, 10, 11, 14,
275, 287
contrast-enhanced, 45
of double infarctions, 171
gadolinium-enhanced, 137
of heart walls and segmentation, 515
in MI, 20
role of, 8
CE-CMR. See contrast-enhanced CMR
CHD. See coronary heart disease
chest pain
in ACS, 199
of doubtful origin, 2046
diagnosis in, 206
ECG in, 203
of gastrointestinal origin, 200
of ischaemic origin, 2067
non-ischaemic, 199204
diagnosis of, 199
prognosis, 2078
in precordium, 200
prognosis, 2078
of psychological origin, 200
of pulmonary origin, 200
types of, 199
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), 176
chronic renal failure, 116
Churg-Strauss syndrome, 274
circumflex artery (LCX), 16, 1718, 28, 65
occlusion of, 18, 26, 82, 1045, 163, 280, 285
distal dominant, 160
dominant, 968
inferolateral infarction due to, 165
lateral infarction due to, 152
proximal to OM branch, 92
STE-ACS due to, 92, 97
proximal, 235
CMDCT. See coronary multidetector computer
CMR. See cardiovascular magnetic resonance
cocaine, 2734
computerised tomography (CT), 205
congenital defects, 2689
contrast-enhanced CMR (CE-CMR), 45, 281
COPD. See chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
cor pulmonale, 42
chronic, 50
coronary angiography, 3, 1518, 236, 257, 267
normal case, 4

role of, 8
coronary arteries. See also specific arteries
ECG limitations and, 25
coronary arteritis, 274
coronary artery disease
multivessel, 237
coronary circulation, 17
coronary dissection, 266
coronary multidetector computer tomography (CMDCT),
3, 4, 1518
coronary perfusion, 301
coronary spasm, 22, 220, 2713
coronary tree, 1518
correlation exercise tests, 9
CT. See computerised tomography
DCM. See dilated cardiomyopathy
diastolic, 129
ventricular, 130
dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM), 199
direct patterns, 21
dissecting aneurysm, 200, 204
differential diagnosis, 201
pain due to, 205
dyskinesia, 274
ECG. See electrocardiography
echocardiography, 3, 8, 257
invasive v. non-invasive, 8
electrocardiography (ECG), 3
of ACS
Q wave infarction and, 106
risk stratification in, 25765
amplified, 57
of anteroseptal zone, 2825
of extensive anterior infarction, 148
patterns, 151
basal, 47, 52, 100, 101
CE-CMR v., 140
in chest pain, 203
in chronic IHD, 49
in chronic phase, 29
in classic exercise angina, 2978
clinical ischaemia and, 223
in cor pulmonale, 50
double infarction, 171
electrophysiological mechanisms of, 328
fibrinolytic therapy and, 22833
of inferolateral zone, 2825
in-hospital mortality and, 242
injury patterns and, 202
ischaemia patterns and, 202, 312
limitations of, 234, 304407
anteroseptal zone nad, 25
coexisting heart diseases and, 25
coronary artery variants and, 25
electrophysiological data, 24
inferior wall involvement, 267
lateral wall involvement and, 256
LV structure and, 25

Index 327

vectorial forces and, 25

VR lead and, 27
location criteria from, 66105
measurement of parameters, 129
in MI, 136
MI, multiple, 169
mid-anterior infarction, 152
of middle fiber block, 193
in multiple infarctions, 1668, 287
of multivessel chronic coronary artery disease, 237
negative T wave, 45
in NSTE-ACS, 210, 238
normal, 2402
occluded arteries and, 678
with pain, 101
A-1, 141, 282
A-2, 146, 283
A-3, 148, 284
A-4, 150, 284
ACS, 211
arising of, 142, 145, 159
atypical, 1045, 21112
B-1, 154, 2845
B-2, 159, 285
B-3, 161, 285
classification of, 234
clinical viewpoint, 5962
electrophysiologic mechanisms of, 559
of injury, 55
Q waves in diagnosis, 166, 232
QRS complex in, 52
risk stratification, 257
with SAH, 170
due to LAD occlusion, 76
ST-segment elevation, 70
subendocardial ischaemia, 32
subepicardial ischaemia, 32
T wave voltage in, 52
24-lead, 27
electrodes, 59
enzymatic assessment, 257, 263, 265
exercise stress test, 2056, 242, 288, 309
criteria, 117
false negative, 117
false positive, 117
in IHD, 245
precordial pain and, 124, 299
subendocardial injury patterns during,
extensive anterior infarction, 148
external body-mapping surface technique, 27
fibrinolysis, 228
fibrinolytic therapy, 22833
LBBB and, 24950
first diagonal branch occlusion, 102
FP. See frontal plane
free-wall rupture, 2456
frontal plane (FP), 12

Gadolinium-enhanced CMR, 137

gender, 3089
GUSTO trial, 223
bulls-eye image, 13
location of, 5
segments of, 13
heart walls. See also anterior wall; inferior wall; lateral wall;
posterior wall; septal wall
CMR of, 515
perfusion of, 1618
hemiblocks, 17493. See also inferoposterior hemiblock;
superoanterior hemiblock
false Q wave patterns due to, 189
Q wave masking, 1778
Holter recordings, 56, 221, 288, 303
hypercoagulation states, 266
hyperenhancement patterns, 10
hyperkalemia, 42
hypertension, 54, 256
pulmonary, 300
hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, 172, 199
hypokalemia, 42
hypothermia, 117
ICS. See intraventricular conduction systems
IHD. See ischaemic heart disease
infarction. See also myocardial infarction; vector of
aborted, 21433, 219, 283
acute phase of, 53, 153
anterior, 11, 222
complete RBBB and, 193
with IPH, 186
SAH associated with, 177
anteroinferior, 144
anteroseptal, 126, 282
apical-anterior, 1434, 145, 146, 147, 14950, 171
ECG pattern of, 148
false impression of, 148
pacemakers and, 194
atrial, 2935
chronic, 281
double, 171
enzymatic, 198
extensive anterior infarction, 148
inferior wall, 44, 15960, 162, 230
ECG pattern of, 162
ECG-VCG example of, 190, 191
IPH associated with, 177, 184
with lateral ischaemia, 45
SAH with, 183, 187
inferolateral, 157, 163, 164, 282
LCX occlusion and, 165
RCA occlusion and, 165
inferolateral apical, 160
in inferolateral zone, 154
lateral, 154
ECG pattern of, 160
with LBBB, 181

328 Index

infarction (cont.)
left ventricle, 2913
mid-anterior, 150, 151
ECG pattern of, 155
with SAH, 185
non-Q-wave, 130, 23342, 289
defining, 291
presentation of, 28990
types of, 2901
patterns of, 134
posterior, 11
Q wave, 130, 133, 140, 151, 21433, 228, 289, 305, 306
diagnosis of, 174
differential diagnosis of, 16870
with disappearing Q, 2956
evolving, 218
masking hemiblocks, 178
of subepicardial ischaemia, 2201
Q waves
diagnosis of, 269
quantifying, 2857
right-ventricular, 293
septal, 141, 177, 178, 282
with SAH, 188
inferior leads, 189
inferior wall, 67, 15
ECG limitations and, 267
infarction, 44
with lateral ischaemia, 45
MI, 138
rupture, 248
inferolateral infarction, 157, 162, 163, 164, 282
due to LCX occlusion, 165
due to RCA occlusion, 165
inferolateral zone, 18, 28
ECG patterns of, 2825
IHD and, 446
infarction in, 154
LCX occlusion in, 82
RCA occlusion in, 82
STE-ACS involving, 223
inferoposterior division, 18
inferoposterior hemiblock (IPH), 161, 177
anterior infarction with, 186
inferior infarction and, 177, 184
mid-anterior infarction and, 188
Q waves of infarction masking, 178
inferoposterior wall, 138
ECG patterns of, 202
patterns of, 134
vector, 59, 734, 745, 89, 96
direction, 68, 778, 92
movement of, 48
interolateral zone, 24
intramural haematoma, 204
intraventricular blocks, 2507
intraventricular conduction systems (ICS), 172, 228
IPH. See inferoposterior hemiblock
ischaemia. See also myocardial ischaemia
cascade, 302

ECG patterns, 202

grade of, 2247
patterns of, 134
persistent, 567
silent, 3023
in ACS, 302
in chronic patient, 3023
type I, 302
type II, 302
ischaemic heart disease (IHD)
acute phase of, 209
chronic, 20, 22, 38
ECG in, 49
diagnosis of, 223
ECG in, 3089
correlations and prognostic implications, 1978
ECG limitations and, 245
exercise tests in, 245
negative T wave in, 409, 203
diagnostic criteria for, 404
location criteria, 449
pattern of, 217
severe, 181
ST-segment depression in, 11119
diagnostic criteria, 11113
location criteria, 11314
ST-segment elevation in, 636, 65
isotopic studies, 3
Kawasakis disease, 274
lateral area, 137
lateral infarction, 154, 155
due to LCX occlusion, 1523
ECG pattern of, 160
lateral leads, 256, 956
lateral wall, 67, 15
ECG limitations and, 256
LBBB. See left bundle branch block
LCX. See circumflex artery
lead I
Q wave, 128
ST segment in, 100
lead II
Q wave, 128
lead III
Q wave, 128
lead VF
Q wave, 128
left anterior descending coronary artery (LAD), 16, 17, 230
anomalous origin of, 271
occlusion of, 18, 28, 42, 64, 76, 80, 141, 144, 146, 212, 231
anteroseptal zone, 71
proximal, 46, 148
STE-ACS due to, 72, 73, 77, 78, 85
proximal, 235
ACS due to, 116
left bundle branch
divisions of, 182
middle fiber block, 193
perfusion of, 18

Index 329

left bundle branch block (LBBB), 42, 54, 228, 262, 288
acquired, 2567
complete, 120, 1724
infarction with, 181
ECG criteria in, 182
fibrinolytic therapy, 24950
negative T wave in, 51
ventricular activation in case of, 179
left main incomplete occlusion, 234
left main trunk (LMT), 27, 213
occlusion, 98, 303
ECG limitations and, 25
left ventricular aneurysms (LVA), 304
left-deviated AQRS, 189
left-ventricular apical ballooning, 2678
LMT. See left main trunk
longitudinal vertical plane, 12
LVA. See left ventricular aneurysms
injury patterns and, 1207
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), 257
McGinn-White pattern, 206
MI. See myocardial infarction
mid-anterior infarction, 150, 151
ECG, 152, 155
IPH and, 188
with SAH, 185
middle fibers, block of, 193
mirror patterns, 21
Mobitz-type blocks, 223
monomorphic sustained ventricular tachycardia, 251
estimating, 225
in-hospital, 242
long-term view, 229
pre-hospital, 252
QRS duration and, 249
MRI. See magnetic resonance imaging
myocardial bridging, 207, 299300
myocardial infarction (MI), 19
aborted, with Q wave, 296
ACS and, 2447
acute, 69, 197, 230
anterior, 99, 149
subacute, 295
diagnostic criteria, 197, 2812
ECG changes in, 136
ECG criteria in, 182
ECG of multiple, 1668, 169, 287
enzymatic, 295
inferior, 103, 138, 158, 294
inferolateral, 1612
inferoposterior, 138
lateral, 137, 154, 155, 156
posterior, 138
Q wave, 1326, 2759
criteria, 135
ECG criteria, 1336
location of, 13766
septal, 143

QRS changes due to, 12930, 166

small septal, 143
myocardial ischaemia
clinical settings due to, 197
ECG of, 1929
myocarditis, 42
acute, 173, 204
necrosette, 198, 279, 295
necrosis, 279, 281
diagnosing, 180
ECG patterns, 202
Q waves of, 129, 133, 136, 159, 282
electrophysiological mechanism of,
theories of, 1312
in SAH, 183
nomograms, 225
oblique marginal (OM), 18
occlusion. See also circumflex artery, occlusion; left anterior
descending coronary artery, occlusion; right coronary
artery, occlusion
acute phase of, 217
ECG signs and, 678
first diagonal branch, 102
left main incomplete, 234
multivessel, 233
proximal to D1 and S1, 724
ST-segment changes and, 2223
OM. See oblique marginal
OM branch
LCX occlusion proximal to, 92
occlusion, 46, 936, 157
STE-ACS due to, 94
open artery theory, 209
P wave, 243
abnormal, 306
pacemakers, 126, 194, 24750
pain. See also chest pain; precordial pain
ECG with, 101
ECG without, 123
papillary muscle rupture, 2467
passivation of disrupted plaque, theory of,
PCI. See percutaneous coronary intervention
percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI), 21112, 222,
STE-ACS before, 84
pericarditis, 42
acute, 200
chronic constrictive, 49
differential diagnosis, 201, 202
idiopathic, 109
pheochromocytoma, 274
polymorphic ventricular tachycardia,
posterior wall, 14, 15
MI, 138
PR segment, 243

330 Index

precordial leads, 25, 38, 88

Q wave, 128, 141
ST-segment depression in, 114, 236
ST-segment elevation in, 80, 98100, 106,
precordial pain, 48
other clinical settings, 119
at exercise, 124
exercise test in patient with, 299
precordium, 200
PREDICT score, 258, 260
pre-fibrinolytic area, 241
premature atrial complexes, 253
premature ventricular complexes (PVCs), 244, 250, 288
Prinzmetal angina, 221, 226, 2713
pulmonary embolism, 42, 200, 204
PVCs. See premature ventricular complexes
Q wave
evolving, 125
infarction, 305, 306
aborted, 296
with disappearing Q, 2956
ECG in ACS with, 106
Q waves, 20, 22, 26, 27, 166, 1678
abnormality criteria, 135
in admittance ECG, 232
classification of, 137
false, due to hemiblocks, 189
infarction, 130, 133, 140, 151, 21433, 228, 289
diagnosis of, 17094, 174, 269
differential diagnosis of, 16870
evolving, 218
masking hemiblocks, 178
of subepicardial ischaemia, 2201
inferolateral zone, 166
limits of, 128
lead I, 128
lead II, 128
lead VF, 128
precordial lead, 128
VL lead, 128
VR lead, 128
MI, 29, 1326, 2759, 2878
criteria, 135
ECG criteria, 1336
location of, 13766
of necrosis, 129, 133, 136, 159, 282
electrophysiological mechanism of, 1301
theories of, 1312
pathologic, 175, 220
persistent, 170
in precordial leads, 141
secondary to single infarctions, 27987
septal-MI, 143
transient, 16970
in V1-V2, 23
in V3-V4, 23
in V5-V6, 23
QR morphology, 130
positional, 173

Qr wave, 157
in inferior leads, 189
QRS complex, 11, 25, 133, 137
changes of, 243
due to MI, 12930, 166
composition of, 131
criteria, 174
fractioned, 129, 135, 159, 166, 278, 288, 289
narrow, 63110
subendocardiographic patterns of, 11020
scoring system, 276
wide, 241, 2878
ACS with, 24750
ECG patterns of ischaemia in, 54
infarction with, 296
as prognosis marker, 304
QRS loop
morphology of, 133
QRS-T loop, 232
QS morphology, 26, 130, 150, 305
in V1-V2, 142
QT interval, 243
long, 288
QTc interval, 268
R waves, 21, 114, 175, 237
RBBB. See right bundle branch blocks
RCA. See right coronary artery
reciprocal patterns, 62
reperfusion patterns, 37, 220, 232, 268
area, 249
arrhythmias, 232
abnormalities, 174, 226
alterations, 112
cardiac memory, 52
changes in, 260
delay of, 312, 33
differential diagnosis, 201
mixed changes, 48
typical patterns of, 50
right bundle branch blocks (RBBB), 100, 120, 121, 204,
acquired, 2567
complete, 172, 176, 178, 262
acute anterior MI with, 193
ECG-VCG correlation in, 175
occurrence of, 2567
right coronary artery (RCA), 16, 17, 28, 102
dominant, 90
occlusion of, 18, 82, 84, 163, 164, 293, 294
chronic phase, 90
distal to RV marginal branches, 867
dominant, 89
inferolateral infarction due to, 165
non-dominant, 160
STE-ACS due to, 88, 91, 104
right precordial leads, 27
right ventricle (RV), 12
infarction, 293

Index 331

risk scores, 25760

global, 263, 265
TIMI, 257
RS morphology, 138, 157
RV. See right ventricle
SAH. See superoanterior hemiblock
scintigraphy, 257
SCS. See specific conduction system
septal infarction, 141, 177, 178, 282
ECG pattern of, 143
with SAH, 188
septal rupture, 246
septal wall, 67, 15, 162
single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT), 3,
9, 20, 292, 298, 303
sinus node, 18
sinus tachycardia, 2523, 288
specific conduction system (SCS), 1618
perfusion of, 18
SPECT. See single photon emission computed tomography
sportsmen, 42
stroke, 42
changes in multivessel disease, 1057
isoelectric, 100
in lead I, 100
normal limits of, 55
ST-segment depression, 21, 22, 47, 100, 1067, 213, 289
on admission, 23442
assessing, 222
circumferential involvement, 11416
circumferential subendocardium involvement, 61,
in clinical settings, 11920
in IHD, 11120
diagnostic criteria, 11113
location criteria, 11314
non-ischaemic, 125
occlusion site and, 2223
in precordial leads, 106, 119, 236
reciprocal patterns, 62
regional involvement, 11619
ST-segment elevation, 20, 22, 24. See also acute coronary
syndromes, STE
classifications for, 29
acute MI with, 69
on admission, 2217, 23442
assessing, 222
causes of, 108
in clinical settings, 10710
dynamic changes in, 227
electrophysiological mechanism of, 612
in IHD, 65
in lateral wall leads, 102
in many leads, 202
new onset persistent, 20910
occlusion site and, 2223
persistent, 211
in precordial leads, 80, 98100, 264

reciprocal patterns, 62
T waves with, 51, 273
transient, 65
subendocardial injury pattern, 20, 32, 35, 58, 237, 275
electrophysiological mechanism of, 601
exercise test, 118
with narrow QRS, 11020
vectors, 60
subendocardial ischaemia, 19, 20, 35, 39, 217
circumferential, 234
T wave of, 39
taller-than-normal, 39
subepicardial injury pattern, 20, 32, 35, 36, 57, 58, 59, 65,
infarction Q wave in, 2201
with narrow QRS, 63110
vectors, 60
subepicardial ischaemia
diagnostic criteria, 44
ECG pattern of, 4054
T loops of, 43
sudden death, 288, 309
superoanterior hemiblock (SAH), 161, 177, 304
ACS with, 2556
anterior infarction associated with, 177
ECG with, 170
inferior infarction associated with, 183
ECG-VCG example of, 190
masking, 187
mid-anterior infarction with, 185
necrosis in, 183
Q waves of infarction masking, 178
septal infarction with, 188
T loops, 43
T waves, 23
abnormalities, 3054, 308
ECG-VCG correlation of, 43
flattened, 237, 289
in lead I, 308
in NSTE-ACS, 23940
hyperkalemia and, 42
location, 30
morphology, 30
negative, 20, 35, 37, 41, 213, 220
in alcoholism, 53
causes of, 42
in clinical situations, 4954
deep, 42
ECG with, 45
in IHD, 409, 203
in left bundle branch block, 51
in NSTE-ACS, 23940
with ST-segment elevation, 51
in subacute phase, 38
symmetric, 54
normal limits of, 30
peaked, 41
positive, 21, 35
ST segment elevation and, 273

332 Index

T waves (cont.)
in stroke patients, 42
of subendocardial ischaemia, 39
symmetric, 41
tall, 35, 36, 39
voltage, 30
low, 52
tachyarrhythmia, 266
post, 42
sinus, 2523, 288
Takayasus disease, 274
Tako-Tsubo syndrome, 268
TAP. See transmembrane action potential
TIMI risk index, 223, 261
in NSTE-ACS, 25960
in STE-ACS, 2579
transient lengthening, 268
transmembrane action potential (TAP), 31, 34, 55, 57
non-excitable areas and, 129
sum of, 33, 34
summation, 578
transmural ischaemia, 219
transverse plane, 12
typical exercise angina, 19
U wave, 243
negative, 307

VCG loops, 135, 136, 158

vector of infarction, 145, 152
direction of, 1601
movement of, 48, 131
theory of, 589
vector of ischaemia
movement of, 345, 48
theory of, 334
vectorcardiogram, 31
vectorial forces, 25
ventricular aneurysms, 247
ventricular fibrillation (VF), 224
incidence of, 252
ventricular hypertrophy, 54
VF. See ventricular fibrillation
VL leads, 128
VR leads, 27
Q wave, 128
window of Wilson, 131
Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome, 192, 1934,
X syndrome, 207, 274,
coronary arteries in, 300
X-ray examination, 3
role of, 8

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