Streams - Course Descriptions (United)
Streams - Course Descriptions (United)
Streams - Course Descriptions (United)
3210: Biofluid
Nature of fluids. Integral and differential equations of fluid flows. Conservation of mass,
momentum and energy. Basic mass transfer. Inviscid flow, viscous-dominated flows.
Navier-Stokes equation. Dimensional analysis. Internal and external flows, Reynolds
number. Micro-fluidic devices and their biology applications. Fluids in human body and
blood flow, including blood velocity, blood vessel geometry, respiratory mechanics.
3330: Neuroengieering
Introduction to neuroengineering: the past, the current status and the future; Neural
system and neuron activity; Neural modeling and computation; Neural information
processing; Neuromuscular systems and Electromygraphy (EMG); Neural-machine
interface and neuroprosthesis: pacemaker, EOG and cochlea. Electric and magnetic
field of human brain (EEG and MEG).
4410: BioMEMS
Introduction to basic MEMS fabrication technologies: UV lithography, LIGA process,
nanoimprinting and hot embossing. Microfluidic devices and components for bio-MEMS:
micropump, micromixers, microdevices for sample extraction, concentration, and
devices for cell manipulation. Sensing technologies and bio-MEMS applications in
electrophoresis, environmental mycobacteria detection, drug delivery, DNA analysis,
proteomics, and cell biology.
4450: Bionanotechnology
This course consists of two parts. The first half covers basic concepts in nanotechnology
(e.g., length scales (<100 nm) effect on properties of materials and devices), and
introduces techniques and tools for fabricating nanostructured and bioengineered
materials: quantum dots, DNA, self-assembly and templating, surface patterning, and
functionalization. The second half introduces three key applications of nanotechnology
in biomedical research (i.e., diagnostics, in vivo imaging, and targeted drug delivery),
and briefly discusses the process of translating laboratory discoveries to therapies
applicable in clinical trials.
4540: Electrophysiology
Introduction to the nervous system: Neuroanatomy, Resting cell potential (structure,
protein, gradient, potential), Action potential (myelination, propagation), Synapses and
neurotransmitters (receptors, packaging, recycling), Ion basis for conduction; Analog to
electrical system: Circuit theory, Electrical properties of neurons, Cable equation,
Hodgkin-Huxley Model, Core-conductor theory, local circuit theory; Electrophysiological
methods: Ionic basis for conduction, Basic instrumentation (recording electrode,
oscilloscope), Voltage- and current clamp in vitro, Single channel patch clamp, Stimuli
and recording, Electroencephalography and cortical potential, Local synaptic decoupling
and modeling.
signal and image processing techniques that help analyse digital images (2D filtering,
discrete 2D Fourier transform, interpolation, contrast, quality), and the hardware used
for acquiring these images (X-ray tubes, detectors, magnets, coils, gamma cameras,
transductors). A particular emphasis will be laid on four imaging modalities: X-ray
radiography, Computed Tomography (CT), Emission Computed Tomography
(scintigraphy, SPECT and PET), Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Ultrasound
Introduction to basic MEMS fabrication technologies: UV lithography, LIGA process,
nanoimprinting and hot embossing. Microfluidic devices and components for bio-MEMS:
micropump, micromixers, microdevices for sample extraction, concentration, and
devices for cell manipulation. Sensing technologies and bio-MEMS applications in
electrophoresis, environmental mycobacteria detection, drug delivery, DNA analysis,
proteomics, and cell biology.
4450: Bionanotechnology
This course consists of two parts. The first half covers basic concepts in nanotechnology
(e.g., length scales (<100 nm) effect on properties of materials and devices), and
introduces techniques and tools for fabricating nanostructured and bioengineered
materials: quantum dots, DNA, self-assembly and templating, surface patterning, and
functionalization. The second half introduces three key applications of nanotechnology
in biomedical research (i.e., diagnostics, in vivo imaging, and targeted drug delivery),
and briefly discusses the process of translating laboratory discoveries to therapies
applicable in clinical trials.
The aim of this course is to introduce the basic principles and current topics in molecular
biotechnology. The course will first cover major discoveries for the advancement of
molecular biotechnology, basic principles of gene expression and recombinant DNA
technology. Then, selected topics in molecular biotechnology such as human genome
project, microbial, plant, animal and medical biotechnology will be introduced.