Prats v. CA
Prats v. CA
Prats v. CA
Prats v. CA (1978)
Fernandez, J.
Under what topic: IX. What are the obligations and liabilities of principals to
Petitioner: Antonio E. Prats, doing business under the name of Philippine Real Estate
Respondent: Courts of Appeals, Alfonso Doronila, and Philippine National Bank
Synopsis: This is a petition for certiorari to review the decision of CA, dismissing Prats case
for recovery of sum of money. Doronila was ordered in the RTC to pay Prats P1.380M based on
an alleged exclusive option and authority to negotiate the sale of Doronilas property. CA
reversed. SC said that there was no evidence that shows that Prats was the efficient procuring
cause in bringing about the sale, hence he is not entitled to the commission which was
awarded by the RTC. However, he was awarded an amount in the interest of equity.
Doctrine: The principal has the obligation to pay commissions to his agent, subject to the
limitations of the stipulations in the agency. Based on equity, however, in this case, it is but
proper to give compensation to the efforts of the agent which helped further the principals
negotiations with the buyer
This is a suit for the recovery of a sum
have been started, said period
of money and damages instituted by
is automatically extended until
Prats against Doronila and PNB.
July 1967: Doronila was the registered
(15) days.
owner of a 300-hectare land in Rizal.
The written offers must be
He offered to sell such land to the
Social Security System (SSS) for PHP
buyers and if no written offer is
4.00/sq. m. SSS made a counter-offer
made to Doronila until the last
of PHP 3.25/sq. m.
day of this authorization, this
option and authority shall
February 14, 1968: Doronila then gave
expire and become null and
Prats an exclusive option and authority
in writing to negotiate the sale of the
Prospective buyers and all parties
property under the following terms:
interested shall be referred to
a. Prats is to sell the land at a basic
price of PHP 3.00/sq. m.
b. A 10% commission shall be paid to
Prats based on PHP 2.10/sq. m. or
at any price finally agreed upon
and if the property be sold over
and above PHP 3.00/sq. m., the
excess shall be paid to Prats in
addition to his 10% commission.
c. Such exclusive option and
authority is good for (60) days
from the date of conformity;
Issue/s - Holding:
WON CA erred in concluding that Prats was
not the efficient procuring cause in bringing
about the sale of Doronilas land to SSS and
as such should not be entitled to his
commission. NO. CA was correct.
It is clear from the stipulation of facts
and evidence on record that the offer
of Doronila to sell the land to SSS was
formally accepted by SSS only on June
20, 1968 after the exclusive option
had already expired. Prats was not the
efficient procuring case in bringing
about the sale proceeding from the
fact of expiration of his exclusive
o This is manifested by the fact
that the SSS officials specifically
requested Prats not to be
present at the meeting with
Doronila on May 29 because the
SSS officials never wanted the
mediation or intervention of
Prats. The conclusion is that this
May 29 meeting was done
independently and not by virtue
of Prats wish or efforts to hold
such meeting.
o The fact that Prats also made
offers of PHP 4.50/sq. m. and
WHEREFORE, the decision appealed from is
hereby affirmed, with the modification that
private respondent Alfonso Doronila in equity
is ordered to pay petitioner or his heirs the
amount of One Hundred Thousand Pesos
(P100,000.00) and that the portion of the
said decision ordering Prats to pay
respondent Doronila attorneys' fees in the
sum of P10,000.00 is set aside.
The lifting of the injunction issued by the
lower court on the PHP 2,000,000.00 cash
deposit of respondent Doronila as ordered by
respondent court is hereby with the
exception of the sum of One Hundred
Thousand Pesos (P100,000.00) which is
ordered segregated therefrom to satisfy the
award herein given to petitioner, the lifting of
said injunction, as herein ordered, is
immediately executory upon promulgation