16 Is Attempted Suicide An Offence
16 Is Attempted Suicide An Offence
16 Is Attempted Suicide An Offence
ISSN 0971-0973
Life is a stage with one entrance but many exits. Among those, suicide is one exit having a long
ancestry. In 1968,the World Health Organisation defined suicidal act as "the injury with varying degree of
lethal intent" and that suicide may be defined as "a suicidal act with fatal outcome". Suicidal acts with non
fatal outcome are labeled by World Health Organisation as "attempted suicide." Suicide has been an act
of condemnation as well as commendation through the ages. The act of suicide is forbidden in Khoran
and the Holy Bible. The common belief among Hindus is that a person who commits suicide will not attain
"Moksha" and his Soul will wander around, haunting and tormenting people. In recent times, attempted
suicide, though a failed act has gained more importance (than the suicide, a successful act) since it is
considered as an offence and is punishable under Section 309 of Indian Penal Code. A lot of conflicting
opinions have generated on the desirability of retaining or deleting Section 309 of Indian Penal Code
because of some contrasting judgments given by our Courts. Article 21 of the Constitution of India is a
provision guaranteeing protection of life and personal liberty and by no stretch of the imagination can
extinction of life be read to be included in protection of life. By declaring an attempt to commit suicide a
crime, the Indian Penal Code upholds the dignity of human life, because human life is as precious to the
State as it is, to its holder and the State can not turn a blind eye to a person in attempting to kill himself.
Another set of people are of the opinion that the Section 309 of Indian Penal Code is cruel and irrational
because it provides double punishment for a troubled individual whose deep unhappiness had caused
him to try and end his life. It is cruel to inflict additional legal punishment on a person who has already
suffered agony and ignominy in his failure to commit suicide. And also, what is the legal status of individuals
who, by virtue of their religion refuse food and fast unto death? In India there are innumerable cases
wherein religious ascetics fast to death without State intervening and are not punished though such acts
amount to attempt to suicide.
Key words: Suicide, attempted suicide, Section 306 & 309 of Indian Penal Code, legal anomaly
Life is a stage with one entrance but many
exits. Among those, suicide is one exit having a
long ancestry. The word "Suicide" literally means,
"to kill oneself" (Sui-of oneself and Caedre - to kill)
[1]. In 1968, the World Health Organisation defined
suicidal act as "the injury with varying degrees of
lethal intent" and suicide is defined as "a suicidal
act with fatal outcome [2]. But as per definition it is
difficult to determine whether a particular death was
a suicide since it requires the injuries leading to
death to be self inflicted. This may be obvious in
most cases, but in many others it is impossible to
ascertain. Legally suicide is defined as "the
intentional act of self destruction committed by
someone knowing what he is doing and knowing