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Endoscopic gastroplication for the treatment of gastrooesophageal reflux disease: a randomised, sham-controlled
M P Schwartz, H Wellink, H G Gooszen, J M Conchillo, M Samsom, A J P M Smout
Gut 2007;56:2028. doi: 10.1136/gut.2006.096842

See end of article for

authors affiliations
Correspondence to:
Dr M P Schwartz,
Department of
Gastroenterology, University
Medical Centre, PO Box
85500, 3508 GA Utrecht,
The Netherlands; m.p.
Revised 29 May 2006
Accepted 31 May 2006
Published Online First
8 June 2006

Background: Endoscopic treatment for gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GORD) is rapidly emerging, but
there is a great need for randomised controlled trials to evaluate the efficacy.
Design and setting: A single-centre, double-blind, randomised, sham-controlled trial of endoscopic
gastroplication by the Endocinch suturing system.
Patients and interventions: 60 patients with GORD were randomly assigned to three endoscopic
gastroplications (n = 20), a sham procedure (n = 20) or observation (n = 20). The research nurse and patients
in the active and sham groups were blinded to the procedure assignment. After 3 months, open-label active
treatment was offered to all patients.
Outcome measures: The primary outcome measures were proton pump inhibitor (PPI) use and GORD
symptoms, and secondary measures were quality of life, 24-h oesophageal acid exposure, oesophageal
manometry and adverse events. Follow-up assessments were performed at 3, 6 and 12 months.
Results: At 3 months, the percentage of patients who had reduced drug use by >50% was greater in the
active treatment group (65%) than in the sham (25%) or observation groups (0%) (p,0.02). Symptoms
(heartburn and to a lesser extent regurgitation) improved more in the active group than in the sham group.
Three Short Form-20 quality of life subscales (role function, general health and bodily pain perception)
improved in the active group versus sham. Oesophageal acid exposure was modestly decreased after active
treatment (p,0.02), but not significantly greater than after the sham procedure (p = 0.61). The active
treatment effects on PPI use, symptoms and quality of life persisted after 6 and 12 months of open-label
follow-up (n = 41), but 29% of patients were retreated in this period. No serious adverse events occurred.
Conclusions: Endoscopic gastroplication, using the Endocinch device, reduced acid-inhibitory drug use,
improved GORD symptoms and improved the quality of life at 3 months compared with a sham procedure.
The effects persisted up to 12 months. However, the reduction in oesophageal acid exposure was not greater
after endoscopic treatment than after a sham procedure.

astro-oesophageal reflux disease (GORD) is a common

and chronic disorder with a considerable impact on a
patients quality of life and healthcare utilisation
resources.15 Medical and surgical treatment methods available
to date are often sufficient but also cumbersome and expensive.
Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) are a safe and effective
treatment for GORD,6 but many patients are not willing to
accept a lifelong use of drugs. Patients who experience
persistent symptoms despite daily drug use can be offered a
laparoscopic fundoplication, which has proved to be safe and
efficacious,7 but in a significant subset of these patients new
symptoms arise postoperatively (eg, dysphagia and bloating).8 9
For these reasons, a minimally invasive endoscopic antireflux
treatment could be an appealing alternative approach.
Recently, three endoscopic antireflux techniques have been
developed: radiofrequency energy, copolymer injection and
suturing.10 A common goal of these different therapeutic
approaches is to improve the antireflux barrier function of the
oesophagogastric junction (OGJ). Endoluminal treatments are
designed to be carried out in an outpatient setting. Only a few
investigators have studied the effectiveness of these types of
treatment in a randomised sham-controlled fashion. Corley et
al11 showed that radiofrequency energy delivered to the OGJ
improved GORD symptoms and quality of life when compared
with a sham procedure. However, there was no reduction in
oesophageal acid exposure or drug use at 6 months. Devie`re et
al12 conducted a randomised, sham-controlled, multicentre trial

on the effectiveness of non-resorbable copolymer implantation

(Enteryx (Boston Scientific Corporation, Natick, MA, USA)).
Active treatment reduced GORD symptoms and PPI use, but
again no significant effect on oesophageal acid exposure was
The endoscopic antireflux procedure used in the present
study is endoluminal suturing with the Bard endoscopic
suturing system (Endocinch (Bard Endoscopic Technologies,
CR Bard, Billerica, MA, USA)) developed by Swain and Mills,13
which it is one of the most used endoscopic antireflux devices
worldwide. The aim of endoscopic suturing is to place
gastroplications at or just below the OGJ to reduce the
frequency and volume of reflux of gastric contents into the
oesophagus. The important advantages of this technique are its
reversibility and titratability. Numerous authors have reported
on the safety and feasibility of the procedure.1417 Several openlabel studies have shown promising short-term and mediumterm results,1416 but there is a need for a randomised
comparative trial to show its efficacy over placebo. The objective
of this research was to evaluate the therapeutic efficacy of
endoscopic gastroplication in GORD compared with the sham
Abbreviations: ANOVA, analysis of variance; GORD, gastrooesophageal reflux disease; IQR, interquartile range; LOS, lower
oesophageal sphincter; OGJ, oesophagogastric junction; PPI, proton pump
inhibitor; SF-20, Short Form-20

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Endoscopic gastroplication for GORD


We conducted a single-centre, randomised, double-blind trial of
endoscopic gastroplication for the treatment of GORD, comparing three groups: active gastroplication, sham gastroplication
and no treatment (observation). The study was approved by the
medical ethics committee of the University Medical Centre
Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands.
Patients with typical persistent symptoms of GORD (heartburn
or regurgitation) were recruited from the outpatient clinic of
the Department of Gastroenterology at the University Medical
Centre Utrecht (Utrecht, The Netherlands) and by an advertisement in a local newspaper.
All patients were at least partially responsive to PPI drugs
and had been dependent on PPIs for at least 1 year. They were
considered for non-medical treatment because of their unwillingness to take drugs lifelong, because of inadequate responsiveness to medical treatment, or because they experienced side
effects due to drugs. Patients were included only when
oesophageal pH results were compatible with the diagnosis of
GORDthat is, oesophageal pH ,4 .5% of the time or a
symptom association probability .95%.18 Patients ,18 years of
age, with severe oesophageal motility disorder on manometry,
hiatus hernia .3 cm in length, a history of thoracic or gastric
surgery, reflux oesophagitis grade C or D (LA classification),
Barretts epithelium, other severe comorbidities (including
cardiopulmonary disease, portal hypertension, collagen diseases, morbid obesity and coagulation disorders), use of
anticoagulant or immunosuppressive drugs, or a history of
alcohol or drug misuse were excluded.
Patient assessment at baseline
To assess eligibility, patients underwent an upper endoscopy if
not already performed in the past 2 years. Baseline values of the
daily dose of PPI needed to achieve optimal symptom control
were recorded for each patient during a run-in period of
1 month. During the last week of this period, patients
discontinued acid-suppressive drugs and underwent stationary
oesophageal manometry and 24-h ambulatory pH monitoring if
not already performed in the past year. Questionnaires on
GORD symptoms and quality of life assessments before
treatment were also completed off medication.
After having obtained written informed consent, patients were
randomly allocated to one of three groups: active treatment,
sham treatment or no treatment (observation). The observation
group was added to enable assessment of the magnitude of
placebo effect of the sham procedure. Treatment status was
assigned by using block randomisation. For each patient, a
numbered envelope was drawn from a set of sealed envelopes
containing the allocation on a card. The assignment was
recorded in a computer database by an independent staff
member. Shortly before each intervention the endoscopist was
informed about the patients group assignment. Subsequent
contact between the patient and the endoscopist was minimised. Patients randomised to active or sham treatment were
blinded with regard to their assignments. A research nurse,
blinded to the treatment assignments, contacted the patients
and carried out subsequent outcome assessments.
Endoscopic suturing was carried out to create a preset number
of three gastroplications in all patients in the active treatment
group. All procedures, both active and sham, were carried out
by one and the same endoscopist (MPS). As described


previously,14 the procedure was carried out using two video

gastroscopes (type Olympus GIF-160 (Olympus Nederland BV,
Zeeterwoude, The Netherlands)) and the endoscopic suturing
device (Endocinch). After endoscopic placement of an oesophageal overtube, two stitches were placed adjacent to one
other, using the same thread. The first gastroplication was
positioned about 1.52 cm below the squamocolumnar line
along the lesser curvature. The second endoscope was used to
create the gastroplication by tightly pulling the sutures together
and placing a suture anchor. A second gastroplication was
placed 1 cm above the first, and a third gastroplication was
placed at the level of the second along the greater curvature.
The sham procedure was carried out using the same
equipment, but without the suturing needle and thread loaded.
The endoscopist and two trained nurses carried out the same
treatment routine as during active treatment for a duration of
40 min, including placement of an overtube, but no mucosal
tissue was grasped or stitched. All procedures were carried out
under deep sedation, with a combination of midazolam and
pethidine administered intravenously. Oxygen saturation was
monitored continuously during the procedure. After the
procedure, patients were observed for a period of 4 h in the
outpatient clinic. Blood pressure and heart rate were measured
hourly. Before their departure, patients were seen by the
research nurse, who was blinded to the type of treatment, to
obtain general information on the recording and reporting of
adverse events, the use of drugs and food intake. Patients
assigned to the observation group received no interventional
The hypotheses tested in this study were that active treatment
1. decrease the use of antisecretory drug;
2. decrease GORD symptoms;
3. improve quality of life; and
4. reduce oesophageal acid exposure.
Patients in the active and sham treatment groups were
instructed to discontinue PPI drugs from day 5 after having
undergone treatment. Patients in the observation group were
off drugs as they had undergone pH monitoring. If symptoms
returned, PPI treatment (maintenance or on demand) was
restarted without consulting a doctor. Patients were free to
increase or reduce the daily PPI dose as desired, depending on
their GORD symptoms. Use of other antacids was discouraged.
Drug use was recorded daily. One month after treatment, the
research nurse contacted each patient by telephone to enquire
about PPI consumption, present symptoms and the occurrence
of adverse events (ie, sore throat, dysphagia, retrosternal pain
and nausea).
After 3 months, GORD symptoms and quality of life
questionnaires were completed, 1 week off drugs in all groups,
and oesophageal manometry and ambulatory 24-h pH monitoring were repeated in the active and sham groups.
Subsequently, patients were unblinded with regard to the
treatment they had received. The number of patients responding to treatment was assessed, response being defined as a
>50% reduction in the use of PPIs. Patients from the sham and
observation groups were offered open-label active treatment. In
case of treatment failure in the active treatment group the
patient was offered a repeat endoscopic treatment, consisting of
the addition of one or more gastroplications. Follow-up was
continued for up to 12 months after the gastroplication

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Schwartz, Wellink, Gooszen, et al

Figure 1 Flow diagram of trial.

Outcome measures
The primary end point at 1, 3, 6 and 12 months was the use of
antisecretory drugs (daily PPI dose) and those at 3, 6 and
12 months were the symptom scores for heartburn and
regurgitation. Symptoms were scored according to a 6-point
scale measuring frequency (.5 times daily, 25 times daily,
once daily, once weekly, once monthly or ,1 monthly) and a 4point scale measuring severity (not, mildly, moderately and
very severe).8 GORD symptom scores were calculated by
multiplying frequency and severity scores.
Secondary end points at 3 and 12 months were quality of life
scores, and those at 3 months were oesophageal acid exposure
characteristics (using 24-h pH monitoring) and lower oesophageal sphincter (LOS) pressure. The occurrence of adverse events
was assessed at 1 month. Quality of life assessments were
carried out using the 20-item Short-Form Health Survey (SF20), which comprises six dimensions of quality of life: physical
function, role function, social function, mental health, general
health and bodily pain perception. After transformation of each
individual scale to a 100-point scale, 0 represents the worst
score and 100 the best. In bodily pain perception, however, a
higher score is negative: the patient encounters more pain.
Oesophageal manometry and ambulatory pH
Manometry was carried out using a water-perfused catheter
with a sleeve sensor (Dentsleeve, Mui Scientific, Ontario,
Canada) connected to a pneumohydraulic perfusion pump.
The catheter was passed transnasally into the stomach and the
sleeve sensor was positioned at the central point of the lower
oesophageal sphincter. Intraluminal oesophageal pressures
were recorded at 5, 10 and 15 cm above the upper margin of
the LOS. The manometric response to 10 standardised wet
swallows was recorded. The residual pressure of the LOS during
relaxations in response to wet swallows was measured. For pH
monitoring, a pH glass electrode catheter was introduced into

the oesophagus and positioned 5 cm above the upper margin of

the LOS, determined during manometry. Data were stored in a
digital data logger, using a sampling rate of 0.2 Hz. The
intraoesophageal pH was measured for 24 h. Manometry and
pH data were interpreted by independent (blinded) staff
Sample size
Power calculations before the study were aimed to detect the
primary outcomes. Calculations were based on uncontrolled
data gathered from previous studies.14 16 It was estimated that
54 patients had to be included (a = 0.05, b = 0.20), assuming
that 70% in the treatment group, 20% in the placebo group and
0% in the observation group would respond (ie, >50%
improvement compared with baseline values). Six additional
patients were enrolled to allow for dropouts.
Statistical analysis
Analyses were performed according to the intention-to-treat
principle. Data are presented as mean (standard deviation
(SD)) for normally distributed data and as median (interquartile range (IQR)) for non-normally distributed data.
Intraindividual differences between baseline and post-treatment values were analysed with the paired Students t test for
normally distributed data or the Wilcoxon signed-ranks test for
non-normally distributed data. Differences between the three
groups were analysed with a one-way ANOVA (analysis of
variance) for normally distributed data or a KruskalWallis test
for non-normally distributed data. If significant differences
were found, multiple comparisons were made with Bonferroni
correction. Comparisons involving only two groups (ie, openlabel follow-up and analysis of the pH and manometry data)
were analysed using the unpaired Students t test. Logistic
regression analysis was used to explore the relationship
between two variables (eg, the occurrence of adverse events
and treatment outcome, or the change in oesophageal acid

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Endoscopic gastroplication for GORD


exposure and treatment response). Differences were considered

significant when p,0.05.

Sixty patients were enrolled between August 2003 and May
2005 (fig 1). All patients were randomly assigned without
deviations from the randomisation protocol. Random variation
resulted in patients undergoing sham treatment having slightly
higher baseline quality of life score in the SF-20 subscale
general health. No other significant differences were observed
in baseline data between the three groups (table 1).
In three patients from the observation group, no follow-up
data were available: two patients withdrew from the trial before
the 3-month evaluation and in one patient data were missing.
One patient (randomised to active treatment) did not use PPIs
but a H2-receptor antagonist; data on this patient were
included when analysing drug use (use related to baseline
values), with the exception of calculating the mean dose (mg)
of PPIs. Partial or complete 3-month data were available for 57
In one patient of the active treatment group, only two of the
planned three gastroplications were placed, due to technical
problems. The other 39 patients assigned to active or sham
treatment underwent a technically successful and uneventful
treatment procedure. Thus, 56 patients received the intended
treatment (n = 19, active; n = 20, sham; n = 17, observation),
but 57 were analysed according to the intention-to-treat
principle. Patients in the active group (n = 20) were sedated
with a mean dose of 14 (4) mg midazolam and 46 (11) mg
pethidine. The mean procedure time, from start of endoscopy to
removal of the endoscope, was 43 (11) min. In the sham group
(n = 20), 12 (4) mg midazolam and 45 (10) mg pethidine was
Crossover and retreatment
After 3 months, 30 patients from the sham and observation
groups crossed over to active treatment (fig 1). The remaining

Table 1

seven patients from these groups received an alternative

endoscopic or surgical treatment for GORD. Thus, a total of
50 patients received active treatment, of whom 41 were
analysed after 1-year, open-label follow-up.
Within a year, 12 (29%) patients were retreated with a mean
of 1.4 (0.5) extra plications, after a median period of 4.0 (3.25
5.0) months. In these patients 72% of sutures were still present,
but only 19% were judged as functional.
Primary end points

Drug use
At 1 and 3 months, there was a significantly greater reduction
in daily PPI use in active patients compared with sham patients
(fig 2). When sham was compared with observation, PPI use
was reduced in the sham group as well. At 3 months, 13 (65%)
patients in the active group responded to intervention (>50%
reduction in PPI use) compared with 5 (25%) patients in the
sham group and none (0%) in the observation group (p = 0.011,
active v sham; p = 0.05, sham v observation). In all, there were
8 (40%) patients in the active group and 1 (5%) patient in the
sham group who had reduced PPI use by >95% at 3 months
(p = 0.02). The reduction of PPI use in the active treatment
persisted at 6 and 12 months (fig 2), although an increase in
drug use was noted over time (p = 0.48). At 6 months, the use
of PPI reduced by >50% in 32 of 41 (78%) patients, and by
>95% in 14 (34%) patients. At 12 months, >50% and >95%
reductions were achieved in 68% and 29% of the patients,
After 1 year, the number of treatment failures was 25 of 45
(56%) patients (KaplanMeier analysis; fig 3).

Heartburn frequency and scores decreased significantly after
active treatment compared with sham treatment at 3 months
(table 2, fig 4).
The number of patients that were heartburn-free (frequency
,1/month) was 8 (40%) in the active group, 1 (5%) in the sham
group and none in the observation group (p = 0.02, active v
sham). Regurgitation was also reduced after active treatment,

Baseline patient characteristics


Endocinch group*
(n = 20)

Sham group*
(n = 20)

Observation group*
(n = 20)

Age (years)
Male sex, n (%)
Body mass index (kg/m2)

45 (12)
12 (60)
27 (4)

47 (12)
13 (65)
26 (3)

47 (11)
11 (55)
27 (4)

GORD symptom score


17.2 (4.3)
16.1 (4.3)

15.6 (6.1)
14.6 (5.7)

17.4 (4.9)
14.9 (5.6)

SF-20 score`
Physical function
Role function
Social function
Mental health
General health
Bodily pain perception
PPI dose, mg1
Time pH ,4, %
LOS pressure, kPa
Hiatal hernia length, cm
Oesophagitis grade A/B, n (%)

39 (35)
62 (36)
63 (38)
75 (18)
37 (26)
72 (26)
40 (2080)
10.2 (5.6)
1.1 (0.9)
1.8 (0.7)
8 (40)

49 (29)
85 (27)
85 (21)
75 (16)
55 (20)
66 (28)
40 (2040)
9.5 (5.2)
1.1 (0.8)
1.4 (1.1)
9 (45)

44 (35)
68 (37)
67 (33)
66 (21)
34 (26)
69 (30)
40 (3359)
9.6 (4.7)
0.8 (0.6)
1.8 (1.4)
8 (40)

*Data are presented as mean (SD) or median (IQR), except when indicated otherwise.
Frequency6severity (range 024), off antisecretory drugs.
`Short-Form General Health Survey (higher scores for better function, except for bodily pain perception; range 0100),
off antisecretory drugs.
1Proton pump inhibitor dose per day, except 1 patient using H2-receptor antagonist.
Off antisecretory drugs.


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Schwartz, Wellink, Gooszen, et al

Figure 2 Drug use, expressed as percentage of the baseline dose of antisecretory drugs. The horizontal lines of the boxes denote the 25th, 50th (median)
and 75th centile values. Error bars denote the 0 and 100th centiles. p Values apply to between-group comparisons at 1 and 3 months. *p,0.001,
compared with baseline.

although to a lesser extent, and was significant only for

regurgitation frequency when compared with sham (table 2).
Heartburn severity and scores slightly improved after observation at 3 months, but there were no significant differences
between sham and observation. Symptom improvements were
sustained during open-label follow-up (table 3), with 15 of 37
(41%) patients reporting no heartburn at 12 months.
Secondary end points

Quality of life
Three months after active treatment, SF-20 quality of life scores
were significantly improved in three subscales (role function,
general health and bodily pain perception) compared with
sham (table 2). No differences were observed in SF-20 scores
between sham and observation at 3 months. After 6 and

12 months, the improvements in quality of life scores persisted

(table 3).
Oesophageal acid exposure
At 3 months after the procedure, mean oesophageal acid
exposure times were decreased in both the active group and,
to a slightly lesser extent, the sham group (p = 0.02, active;
p = 0.10, sham; table 4).
No differences were seen between the two groups. Figure 5
shows the individual oesophageal acid exposure times. Acid
exposure times normalised (pH ,4 during ,5% of time) in 5 of
17 (29%) evaluated patients of the active group and in 4 of 18
(22%) patients of the sham group (p = 0.71). Acid exposure
times were reduced in 12 of 17 (71%) evaluated patients after
active treatment and in 11 of 18 (61%) patients after the sham
procedure (p = 0.73). No significant changes were found in
numbers of reflux periods.

Oesophageal manometry
No differences were seen in lower oesophageal sphincter
pressure (table 4) or oesophageal body contractions (data not
shown) when comparing the two treatment groups.

Adverse events
No major adverse events requiring clinical observation, blood
transfusion or administration of drugs other than paracetamol
(table 5) were seen.
All adverse events were mild and transient, resolving
spontaneously within 1 week. Adverse events occurred more
frequently in the active group, with the exception of experiencing a sore throat. One patient developed a subcutaneous
haematoma as result of a misplaced intravenous line.

Figure 3 KaplanMeier analysis of proportion of patients (n = 45)

responding to active treatment during 1-year follow-up. Treatment failures
also included patients who chose to receive retreatment (n = 12) or an
alternative antireflux treatment (n = 4), according to intention-to-treat


Subgroup analysis
Subgroup analysis was done to explore whether a response to
treatment (>50% reduction in PPI use) was related to a
decreased oesophageal acid exposure. A comparison of responders (n = 13, with 12 pH studies) versus non-responders (n = 7,
with 5 pH studies) showed that there was a greater decrease in
nightly acid exposure (24.9% v 3.3%; p = 0.036) in responders,

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Endoscopic gastroplication for GORD


Figure 4 Heartburn and regurgitation scores (frequency6severity) before (grey bars) and after 3 months of follow-up (black bars). Data are means (SD).
Statistical tests compared mean differences in absolute change from baseline values between groups, and, if significant, multiple comparisons were carried

although there was no significant difference in total acid

exposure time (23.6% v 20.5%; p = 0.24).
To explore whether the occurrence of an adverse event was
related to the outcome of treatment, logistic regression analysis
of responders versus non-responders was carried out. Patients
experiencing dysphagia after the procedure (transient; n = 10)
were more likely to respond to treatment (odds ratio (OR), 13.5;
95% confidence interval (CI), 1.2 to 152.2; p = 0.035). In the
group experiencing dysphagia (n = 10, nine pH studies) mean
% acid exposure time after the procedure was reduced more
compared with the group not experiencing dysphagia (n = 10,
eight pH studies; 24.9% v 20.2%, p = 0.022).

This randomised trial showed that endoscopic gastroplication,
using the Endocinch procedure, significantly reduced GORD
symptoms, reduced the use of PPI drugs, and improved quality
of life scores at 3 months compared with the sham procedure.
The symptom heartburn was improved more than the symptom
regurgitation. Oesophageal acid exposure, however, was not

reduced more after active treatment than after the sham

The results of this sham-controlled trial confirm those of
prior open-label studies showing that, in the short and
intermediate term, endoscopic gastroplication improves GORD
symptoms and quality of life, and reduces the use of acidinhibitory drugs.1416 1921 However, the extent of the effect was
less in this study than in open-label studies, with just 29% of
patients of this study managing to stop use of drugs completely,
compared with 5070% at 3 months in open-label studies.16 1921
Furthermore, the improvement in oesophageal acid exposure
was not significantly greater than after sham treatment,
emphasising the importance of a sham comparison.
All three main types of endoscopic GORD treatments (radiofrequency energy, injection and suturing) have now been
evaluated by a randomised sham comparison.11 12 Interestingly,
in all these three trials symptoms improved significantly as a
result of endoscopic treatment, whereas oesophageal acid
exposure failed to improve compared with the sham procedure.
Although within-group comparisons showed a lower acid

Table 2 Treatment effects at 3 months



Heartburn score
Heartburn frequency
Heartburn severity
Regurgitation score
Regurgitation frequency
Regurgitation severity


Physical function
Role function
Social function
Mental health
General health
Bodily pain perception

19 (34)`
25 (26)`
15 (31)
22 (20)
14 (26)`
224 (39)`




p Values*






20.9 (4.3)
20.1 (0.8)
20.1 (0.6)
21.1 (4.2)
0 (1.0)
20.3 (0.6)


23.1 (4.9)`
20.4 (1.1)
20.4 (0.5)`
20.4 (5.5)
0 (1.3)
20.1 (0.6)





5 (24)
1 (22)
0 (23)
0 (8)
21 (17)
2 (19)


10 (25)
2 (27)
5 (18)
3 (14)
22 (13)
4 (18)








NS, not significant.

*Statistical tests analysed differences between the three groups, and, if significant, compared the Endocinch group with the sham group (ES) and the sham group with
the observation group (SO).
Frequency6severity (range 024), off antisecretory drugs.
`p,0.05, within-group comparisons.
1Short-Form General Health Survey (higher scores for better function, except for bodily pain perception; range 0100), off antisecretory drugs.


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Schwartz, Wellink, Gooszen, et al

Table 3 Treatment effects at 6 and 12 months open-label follow-up

6 Months

12 Months

p Values*



Absolute values


Absolute values




Heartburn score`
Heartburn frequency
Heartburn severity
Regurgitation score`
Regurgitation frequency
Regurgitation severity

16 (6)
4.9 (1.4)
3.1 (1)
15.1 (5.1)
4.9 (1.1)
3 (0.8)

8.3 (8.6)
2.7 (2.3)
2 (1.5)
8.2 (7.7)
2.9 (2.3)
1.9 (1.3)


7.5 (7.7)
2.6 (2.3)
1.7 (1.5)
8.4 (8.4)
3 (2.6)
1.7 (1.5)




Physical health
Role function
Social function
Mental health
General health
Bodily pain perception








NA, not assessed; NS, not significant; SF-20.

*Statistical comparisons between baseline and 6 months (B-6), and between baseline and 12 months (B-12).
Percentage of change compared with baseline.
`Frequency6severity (range 024), off antisecretory drugs.
1Short-Form General Health Survey (higher scores for better function, except for bodily pain perception; range 0100), off antisecretory drugs

exposure after active treatment in the present study, betweengroup differences were far from significant, as even the sham
group improved.
This discrepancy between improvement of GORD symptoms
(and drug use) and a lack of improvement in oesophageal acid
exposure raises various questions. Firstly, how does endoscopic
gastroplication for GORD actually work? Is it merely the
reduction in oesophageal acid exposure or does it alter reflux
characteristics, such as the proximal extent of reflux in the
oesophagus and the volume of the refluxate? Our study was not
designed to answer these questions, but we included a
subgroup analysis to compare responders with non-responders
to further explore the role of oesophageal acid exposure. The
definition of a responder (>50% reduction in PPI use) used is
somewhat arbitrary but consistent with definitions used by
other authors.12 17 The result, showing that responders had a
greater reduction in acid exposure than non-responders,
suggests that at least part of the effect of active treatment is
due to a reduction in oesophageal acid exposure. However, the
proportion of the decrease in acid exposure might well be a
more important factor in symptomatic response than the
absolute decrease in oesophageal acid exposure. We know
from PPI studies that up to 50% of patients with GORD
continue to have an abnormal oesophageal pH profile, despite
complete symptom control on drugs.22 A reduction in the
proximal extent of the refluxate or specific effects on different
types of reflux episodes (acidic, weakly acidic, alkaline and

Table 4

gasliquid composition) might also play a part. These issues can

be dealt with by studies using intraluminal impedance monitoring. Another possible explanation for the treatment effect includes
a decreased oesophageal visceroperception as a result of endoscopic gastroplication, as was recently shown in a small study.23
Thus, the pathogenesis of GORD is complex, and thereby the
interpretation of oesophageal pH studies. In this respect, how
can the improvement in oesophageal acid exposure after a
sham procedure be explained? A possible explanation is that
there is a difference in patient attitude during the pH study
after the procedure compared with the baseline pH measurement. Most patients experience a 24-h ambulatory pH study off
drugs as a bothersome investigation; in fact, more than the
treatment procedure itself. For this reason, many participants
will be less motivated to undergo a second measurement than
the first, which would result in an attitude and behaviour
leading to avoidance of activities associated with acid reflux
during the second pH study. This postprocedure motivation
bias is likely to occur in both the sham and the active
treatment groups. If such a bias indeed has a role, the
improvement of oesophageal pH after endoscopic treatment
does not properly reflect the true effect of treatment. The net
positive effect of endoscopic treatment on acid exposure will be
even less pronounced than the data shown now. This type of
bias could have played a part in all previously reported
uncontrolled studies on endotherapy for GORD that included
pH data.

Treatment effects for pH metry and manometry at 3 months

Acid upright`
Acid supine`
Acid total`
Number of reflux periods
LOS pressure (kPa)

Endocinch group (n = 17)

Sham group (n = 18)

Absolute change*

Absolute change*

p Value

22.5 (6.1)
22.5 (8.2)
22.7 (4.4)1
213 (28)
20.0 (0.7)


21.8 (6.6)
21.7 (5.2)
21.9 (4.6)
21 (24)
20.3 (0.8)



LOS, lower oesophageal sphincter.

*Mean (SD).
Statistical tests compared the mean differences in absolute change from baseline values between the Endocinch and
sham groups.
`Percentage of time oesophageal pH ,4, off antisecretory drugs.
1p = 0.02, within-group comparisons.


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Endoscopic gastroplication for GORD


Table 5

Figure 5 Individual 24-h oesophageal acid exposure values before and

3 months after procedure for the Endocinch and sham groups. Horizontal
lines represent mean values.

It should be noted that there was an, albeit relatively small,

number of dropouts from postprocedure measurements, most
importantly three patients in the active group declining a
postprocedure pH metry. By our definition, two of these
patients were non-responders and one a responder, which
may have slightly influenced the results in favour of active
One might argue that patients randomised to the active
group were unblinded by the side effects they experienced as
a result of the gastroplications (ie, dysphagia, local chest pain)
and therefore would be biased towards a treatment effect.24
Indeed, subgroup analysis showed that this group of patients
responded better to active treatment than the group without
these side effects. However, their oesophageal acid exposure
improved more as well, suggesting a true effect of treatment,
not a bias effect. Thus, it seems that the occurrence of side
effects, such as dysphagia, is an indication of effectively placed
gastroplications and a predictor of success.
For this study, a design that included a third group of
patients who received no active or sham treatment but who
were followed up during ad libitum use of PPIs was chosen. The
reason for including this group was to be able to assess the
effect of the sham procedure on GORD symptoms. This threearm design was justified by the fact that the observation group
showed a spontaneous improvement in the symptom heartburn
at 3 months, whichif present in the sham groupwould
have been falsely attributed to a sham effect.
A major concern regarding this procedure is its durability in
the long term. For this reason we included a 1-year, open-label
follow-up, after establishing the primary efficacy in a shamcontrolled 3-month design. Treatment effects were reasonably
consistent with the 3-month results, with only a marginal
increase of drug use over time. However, we should take into
account that 29% of patients again received treatment with one
or two extra gastroplications. Promising long-term results, as
published in previous reports,15 16 19 could therefore be only
partly confirmed by the present study. We share concerns with
other others with regard to the durability of the endoscopically
placed sutures.17 25 Many sutures are lost or seem to be already
loose at 2 or 3 months after the procedure,17 25 and a correlation
between efficacy and presence of sutures has been established.26 Although we did not include a second, postprocedure
gastroscopy in our protocol, a large percentage (81%) of nonfunctional (loose) sutures was seen during retreatment in
non-responders. Probably, postprocedure results would have

Adverse events


Endocinch treatment
n (%)

Sham treatment
n (%)

Sore throat
Chest soreness
Dysphagia ,7 days
Abdominal pain
Early satiety

8 (40)
6 (30)
10 (50)
1 (5)
1 (5)
2 (10)
1 (5)
1 (5)




changed in favour of active treatment if all sutures had

remained in place, but the present results reflect the current
efficacy of this (imperfect) procedure. It is conceivable that
placement of more than three sutures in individual patients, for
example, those with larger hiatal openings, would improve the
results. We chose, however, to adhere to a strict treatment
protocol with a relatively high number of plications (ie, three),
based on previous open-label results.16
In summary, this sham-controlled trial of endoscopic
gastroplication for GORD showed that this procedure improves
GORD symptoms, quality of life and drug use in about two
thirds of the patients up to 12 months. However, the reduction
in oesophageal acid exposure is modest and is not greater after
active gastroplication than after sham treatment. The results
emphasise that caution should be undertaken when interpreting the results of uncontrolled pH monitoring studies. The
presence of transient dysphagia after the procedure seems to
predict a favourable treatment outcome. The procedure was
safe and could be carried out well in an outpatient setting
under conscious sedation. Although this study confirmed that
this method represents an attractive alternative treatment
option for patients with uncomplicated GORD unwilling to
take drugs, the procedure should be improved to increase the
effect on oesophageal acid exposure (and probably the
proportion of patients responding) and improve the durability
of sutures. Widespread use of the endoscopic suturing device
should probably be avoided until the technique is improved and
efficacy on objective end points has been proved in a shamcontrolled fashion.

We thank Elvire Muris and the other nurses who assisted in endoscopic
suturing and who have diligently cared for the patients. We acknowledge the statistical support of Dr P Westers, Biostatistics Centre,
University of Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands.

Authors affiliations
M P Schwartz, H Wellink, J M Conchillo, M Samsom, A J P M Smout,
Department of Gastroenterology, University Medical Centre, Utrecht, The
H G Gooszen, Department of Surgery, University Medical Centre, Utrecht,
The Netherlands
Competing interests: HW was supported by a grant from Janssen-Cilag

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EDITORS QUIZ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
From question on page 12
Horrileno et al coined the term juvenile polyp in 1957 to describe a distinctive childhood
colorectal polyp. Juvenile polyps are non-neoplastic hamartomatous epithelial polyps with little
or no malignant potential. They usually affect children ,10 years of age who present with
bloody stools. These polyps are generally located in the colon, predominantly in the rectosigmoid
colon. It is rare to find a solitary juvenile polyp outside the colon, except as part of the
uncommon juvenile polyposis syndrome. Only three cases of juvenile polyp in the small intestine
have been reported previously in the literature. Juvenile polyp is also an infrequent cause of
gastrointestinal bleeding or intussusception in adults. Less than 10% of cases are diagnosed after
the age of 60 years. To the best of our knowledge, this is the only adult case report of juvenile
polyp in the small intestine.
The management of a juvenile polyp usually includes endoscopic resection to prevent further
bleeding. Surgery is required in cases of intussusceptions. Although polypectomy has been used
successfully to remove small intestinal polyps during double-balloon enteroscopy, this patient
underwent surgical resection because the nature of the polyp was uncertain, despite endoscopic
biopsy and the hypervascular nature of the polyp revealed by the computed tomography scan.
The patient recovered smoothly from the surgery and experienced no more bleeding during the
following 6 months.
doi: 10.1136/gut.2006.094631


Downloaded from gut.bmj.com on March 31, 2011 - Published by group.bmj.com

Endoscopic gastroplication for the treatment

of gastro-oesophageal reflux disease: a
randomised, sham-controlled trial
M P Schwartz, H Wellink, H G Gooszen, et al.
Gut 2007 56: 20-28 originally published online June 8, 2006

doi: 10.1136/gut.2006.096842

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