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Assignment 8 Ch29

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Phys 201

Review problems-Ch29 Magnetic Fields

Dr.Hikmat A. Hamad

An electron has a velocity of 6.0 106 m/s in the positive x direction at a point where the magnetic field has the
components Bx = 3.0 T, By = 1.5 T, and Bz = 2.0 T. What is the magnitude of the acceleration of the electron at this
point? Ans: 2.6 1018 m/s2


A deuteron is accelerated from rest through a 10-kV potential difference and then moves perpendicularly to a uniform
magnetic field with B = 1.6 T. What is the radius of the resulting circular path? (deuteron: m = 3.3 1027 kg, q = 1.6
1019 C). Ans: 13 mm

3. A particle (q = 4.0 C, m = 5.0 mg) moves in a uniform magnetic field with a velocity having a magnitude
of 2.0 km/s and a direction that is 50 away from that of the magnetic field. The particle is observed to have
an acceleration with a magnitude of 5.8 m/s2. What is the magnitude of the magnetic field? Ans: 4.7 mT

4. A 2.0-C charge moves with a velocity of (2.0i + 4.0j + 6.0k) m/s and experiences a magnetic force of
(4.0i 20j + 12k) N. The x component of the magnetic field is equal to zero. Determine the z component of the
magnetic field.. Ans: +5.0 T

5. A particle (mass = 2.0 mg, charge = 6.0 C) moves in the positive direction along the x axis with a
of 3.0 km/s. It enters a magnetic field of (2.0i + 3.0j + 4.0k) mT. What is the acceleration of the particle?
Ans: (36j 27k) m/s2

6. A 500-eV electron and a 300-eV electron trapped in a uniform magnetic field move in circular paths in a plane
perpendicular to the magnetic field. What is the ratio of the radii of their orbits? Ans: 1.3
7. A segment of wire carries a current of 25 A along the x axis from x = 2.0 m to x = 0 and then along the y
axis from y = 0 to y = 3.0 m. In this region of space, the magnetic field is equal to 40 mT in the positive zdirection. What is the magnitude of the force on this segment of wire? Ans: 3.6 N

8. A uniform magnetic field of 0.50 T is directed along the positive x axis. A proton moving with a speed of 60
km/s enters this field. The helical path followed by the proton shown has a pitch of 5.0 mm. Determine the
angle ( ) between the magnetic field and the velocity of the proton. Ans: 51

9. A particle (m = 3.0 g, q = 5.0 C) moves in a uniform magnetic field given by (60j) mT. At t = 0 the
velocity of the particle is equal to (30j 40k) m/s. What is the subsequent path of the particle ? Ans: helical
with a 40-cm radius.


Review Problems Ch29 Page 1

10. A charged particle moves in a region of uniform magnetic field along a helical path (radius = 5.0 cm, pitch
= 12 cm, period = 5.0 ms). What is the speed of this particle as it moves along this path? Ans: 67 m/s

11. What is the radius of curvature of the path of a 3.0-keV proton in a perpendicular magnetic field of
magnitude 0.80 T? Ans: 9.9 mm

12. An electron moves in a region where the magnetic field is uniform and has a magnitude of 80 T. The
electron follows a helical path which has a pitch of 9.0 mm and a radius of 2.0 mm. What is the speed of this
electron as it moves in this region? Ans: 35 km/s

13. A proton is accelerated from rest through a potential difference of 2.5 kV and then moves perpendicularly
through a uniform 0.60-T magnetic field. What is the radius of the resulting path? Ans: 12 mm

14. A velocity selector uses a fixed electric field of magnitude E and the magnetic field is varied to select
particles of various energies. If a magnetic field of magnitude B is used to select a particle of a certain energy
and mass, what magnitude of magnetic field is needed to select a particle of equal mass but twice the energy?
Ans:0.71 B

15. A rod of mass 0.720 kg and radius 6.00 cm rests on two parallel rails (Fig. P29.37) that are d = 12.0 cm
apart and L = 45.0 cm long. The rod carries a current of I = 48.0 A in the direction shown and rolls along the
rails without slipping. A uniform magnetic field of magnitude 0.240 T is directed perpendicular to the rod and
the rails. If it starts from rest, what is the speed of the rod as it leaves the rails? Ans:1.07 m/s
(Hint: use W=E = 1/2mv2 +1/2 I2 where I =1/2mR2 and =v/R)

16. An electron with a kinetic energy of 22.5 eV moves into a region of uniform magnetic

field B of magnitude 4.55 x104 T. The angle between the directions of B and the
electrons velocity

is 65.5. What is the pitch (p) of the helical path taken by the

electron? Ans: 9.16 cm


Review Problems Ch29 Page 2

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