Synthesis of Poly (3,4 Ethylenedioxythi Paradee
Synthesis of Poly (3,4 Ethylenedioxythi Paradee
Synthesis of Poly (3,4 Ethylenedioxythi Paradee
Synthesis of poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene)
nanoparticles via chemical oxidation
Nophawan Paradee and Anuvat Sirivat
Poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) (PEDOT) nanoparticles were synthesized via chemical oxidation polymerization using
3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene as the starting monomer and ammonium peroxydisulfate (APS) as the oxidant. The effects
of APS concentration, surfactant concentration and type of surfactant, namely dodecylbenzenesulfonic acid and sodium
dodecylsulfate, were investigated. Distinct particle shapes were obtained: irregular, raspberry agglomerate, coralliform,
orange-peel, globular and plum shapes. The particle sizes and the electrical conductivity are in the ranges 60 to 900 nm and <1
to 153 S cm1 , respectively, depending on the polymerization conditions. PEDOT synthesis in the absence of a surfactant yields
a smaller particle size because a larger amount of initiator induces lower molecular weights and smaller PEDOT particles. The
smaller PEDOT particles correspond to higher electrical conductivity because of the larger surface areas for electron transfer
and a smaller amount of obstructing surfactant aliphatic segments. Moreover, particle size and shape can be varied, depending
on surfactant type and concentration which dictate the micellar shapes in the polymerization reaction. This work is focused
on the tailor-made PEDOT shape and property relationship under synthesis conditions where several shapes have not been
previously seen.
c 2013 Society of Chemical Industry
Keywords: nanoparticle synthesis; poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene); chemical oxidation polymerization; electrical conductivity
3,4-Ethylenedioxythiophene (EDOT) was used as the monomer
and DBSA, a sodium salt, and sodium dodecylsulfate (SDS) as
the surfactants (purchased from Sigma-Aldrich). The oxidant,
ammonium peroxydisulfate (APS; AR grade), was purchased from
Qrec. Acetone and methanol were purchased from Labscan.
Distilled water was used as the solvent.
Synthesis of PEDOT nanoparticles
Nanoparticles of PEDOT were prepared by dropping 1.6 mL of EDOT
into 100 mL of APS solution, and the solution was stirred for 72 h.14
To study the effects of the type and concentration of surfactant, 100
mL of surfactant solution was prepared by stirring the surfactant
in distilled water for 2 h. Then 1.6 mL of EDOT was added dropwise
into the surfactant solution, and then the solution was stirred for
2 h before adding APS.3,10 The solution was then stirred for 72 h.
During this time, the mixture solution colour changed from yellow
to green and then blue to dark blue. The product in the solution was
centrifuged and washed with an acetone and methanol solution
(acetone/methanol = 3:20).14 Finally the polymer product was
dried in a vacuum oven at 60 C for 24 h.
where is the specific conductivity (S cm1 ), is the specific resistivity ( cm), Rs is the sheet resistivity (), I is the
measured current (A), K is the geometric correction factor
(3.22 103 ), V is the applied voltage (V) and t is the pellet
thickness (cm).
Rs t
K V t
N Paradee, A Sirivat
Figure 1. XRD patterns of PEDOT nanoparticles: (a) various APS concentrations; (b) various types of surfactant.
The SEM images in Figs 2, 3 and 4 show different PEDOT particle
sizes and shapes depending on the polymerization conditions.
Figure 2 shows the morphology of the PEDOT particles under
the effect of APS concentration without a surfactant. The particle
size varies from 70 to 212 nm and the shape changes from
irregular (Fig. 2(a)), to raspberry agglomerate (Fig. 2(b)), and to
coralliform (Fig. 2(c)). Thus, the particle size decreases and the
particle shape changes from irregular to coralliform with increasing
APS concentration. APS acts as oxidant and initiator, as shown in
Fig. 5, creating an EDOT cation radical in the first step. Then,
the PEDOT polymeric chain is generated from the EDOT cation
radicals to become a protonated dimer which subsequently gets
deprotonated. Finally, the PEDOT polymer is doped by sulfate ion
residues in which they can act as a counter ion.4,18,19 Because APS is
an initiator, the APS concentration affects the polymerization rate
and amount of PEDOT polymeric cation radicals in the first step.
A larger amount of PEDOT polymeric cation radicals can generate
a greater electro-repulsive force between the PEDOT polymeric
cation radicals during the polymerization in the second step. The
greater electro-repulsive force between PEDOT polymeric cation
radicals and the faster rate of polymerization lead to a smaller
particle size because there are more active sites of the EDOT cations.
On the other hand, a greater APS concentration can simultaneously
increase the amount of sulfate counter anions, which in turn
screens the electro-repulsive force between PEDOT polymeric
cations, the so-called screening effect of the electro-repulsive force.
This causes particle agglomeration resulting in a larger particle size.
At an APS concentration lower than 0.30 mol L1 , the largest PEDOT
particle size (ca 212 nm) is obtained with particles of irregular
shape (Fig. 2(a)). This is because a lower APS concentration creates
Figure 2. Morphologies of PEDOT nanoparticles prepared using various APS concentrations: (a) 0.15 mol L1 ; (b) 0.30 mol L1 ; (c) 0.45 mol L1 .
Figure 3. Morphologies of PEDOT nanoparticles prepared using various DBSA concentrations: (a) 0.25 102 mol L1 ; (b) 0.05 mol L1 ; (c) 0.10 mol L1 .
Figure 4. Morphologies of PEDOT nanoparticles prepared using various SDS concentrations: (a) 0.25 102 mol L1 ; (b) 0.25 101 mol L1 ; (c) 0.05
mol L1 ; (d) 0.10 mol L1 .
N Paradee, A Sirivat
Figure 5. Proposed polymerization mechanism of PEDOT: (1) EDOT as a monomer is oxidized by APS to a cation radical; (2) EDOT cation radicals form
dimers that subsequently get deprotonated; and (3) PEDOT polymer is doped and sulfate ion acts as counter ion.18
Table 1. Comparison of particle size, particle shape and electrical conductivity of PEDOT obtained under various synthesis conditions
Synthesis method
Chemical oxidation
Emulsion polymerization
(DBSA as surfactant)
212 72
179 65
85 26
70 19
85 25
108 37
125 40
396 140
Irregular agglomerate
Raspberry agglomerate
7.65 1.00
21.16 4.57
51.53 7.59
153.72 6.52
25.44 2.03
11.49 5.75
0.29 0.67
3.96 104 0.03
63 14
90 25
118 37
146 50
147 37
Raspberry agglomerate
Semi-fused globular agglomerate
Fused globular agglomerate
Fused globular agglomerate
920 385
896 229
938 223
96 26
Emulsion polymerization
(SDS as surfactant)
Chemical oxidation
Reverse micelle
EDOT:APS = 1:1 (0.15 mol L1 APS)
EDOT:APS = 1:1.5 (0.23 mol L1 APS)
EDOT:APS = 1:1.75 (0.26 mol L1 APS)
EDOT:APS = 1:2 (0.30 mol L1 APS)
EDOT:APS = 1:2.5 (0.38 mol L1 APS)
EDOT:APS = 1:3 (0.45 mol L1 APS)
EDOT:APS = 1:4 (0.60 mol L1 APS)
EDOT:DBSA = 3:0.05 (0.25 102 mol
EDOT:DBSA = 3:0.50 (0.25 101 mol
EDOT:DBSA = 3:1 (0.05 mol L1 DBSA)
EDOT:DBSA = 3:2 (0.10 mol L1 DBSA)
EDOT:DBSA = 3:3 (0.15 mol L1 DBSA)
EDOT:DBSA = 3:5 (0.25 mol L1 DBSA)
EDOT:SDS = 3:0.05 (0.25 102 mol
EDOT:SDS = 3:0.50 (0.25 101 mol
EDOT:SDS = 3:1 (0.05 mol L1 SDS)
EDOT:SDS = 3:2 (0.10 mol L1 SDS)
FeCl3 as oxidant, 25 C
FeCl3 as oxidant, 50 C
FeCl3 as oxidant, 95 C
Ce(SO4 )2 as oxidant, 25 C
(NH4 )2 Ce(NO3 )6 as oxidant, 25 C
DBSAAPS as surfactantoxidant
DBSAFeCl3 as surfactantoxidant
FeCl3 toluenesulfonic acid as oxidant
FeCl3 toluenesulfonic acid as oxidant
FeCl3 toluenesulfonic acid as oxidant
The PEDOT particle size when the reaction is carried out without
a surfactant is the smallest because surfactant molecules can form
micelles during polymerization allowing larger PEDOT particle
sizes and a more globular shape. However, the smaller PEDOT
particles obtained without a surfactant can still undergo particle
aggregation. Electrical conductivity of PEDOT particles formed
without a surfactant is highest because the structure of the
surfactant consists of an aliphatic chain, which cannot effectively
transfer electrons resulting in lower electrical conductivity.21 The
particle size when using SDS is larger than when using DBSA
because SDS can form unilamellar vesicles leading to a larger
particle size.21 Generally, the surfactant concentration significantly
affects the particle shape. The micellar shape changes from a
sphere to cylinder, to hexagonal, and to lamellar structures with
increasing surfactant concentration.24 Electrical conductivity, with
SDS as a surfactant, is higher than when using DBSA. The surfactant
leads to the incorporation of the dopant anion, which is the
dodecylbenzenesulfate anion of DBSA and the dodecylsulfate
anion of SDS, onto the PEDOT backbones. The DBSA dopant
consists of a bulky benzene ring which contributes to a steric
barrier for electron transfer in the PEDOT chain resulting in lower
electrical conductivity.25
Corradi and Armes13 synthesized PEDOT particles via chemical
oxidation polymerization. FeCl3 , Ce(SO4 )2 and (NH4 )2 Ce(NO3 )6
were used as oxidants and the effect of temperature was
investigated. At 25 C, using FeCl3 as an oxidant gave the
highest electrical conductivity compared to using Ce(SO4 )2 and
(NH4 )2 Ce(NO3 )6 . Thus the electrical conductivity significantly
depended on the type of anion in the oxidant structure acting as
a dopant. When using FeCl3 as an oxidant, electrical conductivity
decreased with increasing temperature because the increasing
polymerization rate led to more aggregation of the PEDOT
particles, resulting in decreased electrical conductivity. Oh and
Im3 and Choi et al.10 studied PEDOT synthesis using DBSA
as a surfactant, and APS and FeCl3 as oxidants. The PEDOT
particles showed a spherical shape with sizes of 3060 nm
and 6090 nm and electrical conductivity values <1.00 and
50.00 S cm1 for APS and FeCl3 , respectively. It was claimed
that, because different complexes of oxidantanionic surfactant
formed, electrical conductivity was strongly affected. The existence
of a complex between the oxidant and the anionic surfactant
(FeCl3 DBSA) in aqueous solution caused an insoluble complex
between the iron(III) species and dodecylbenzenesulfonate anion
which contributed to a greater attractive force and a higher doping
level on the PEDOT particles. Huajing et al.2 synthesized PEDOT
particles using various amounts of FeCl3 toluenesulfonic acid as
the oxidant. An irregular shape of PEDOT particles was obtained
and the particle size varied between 30 and 100 nm. Electrical
conductivity decreased with increasing PEDOT particle size. They
explained that the increase of toluenesulfonic acid concentration
could promote the ordering of the PEDOT particle monocubic
chain and hence lead to smaller particles.
We can observe from the results in Table 1 that electrical
conductivity increases with decreasing particle size. This
phenomenon can be explained by the quantum size effect.2
The particle size and shape of synthesized PEDOT significantly
depend on the synthesis conditions: oxidant type and
concentration, surfactant type and concentration, and synthesis
Thermal stability of PEDOT nanoparticles
The thermal stability of the PEDOT particles was investigated
using TGA to give the onset decomposition temperature (T d,onset )
of PEDOT particles as shown in Fig. 7. The data indicate that
T d,onset decreases with decreasing particle size because a smaller
particle size has a higher surface area for heat transfer resulting in
more efficient material decomposition.26 T d,onset with a surfactant
is lower than without a surfactant because the decomposition
temperature of the surfactant is lower than that of the PEDOT
polymer.10,27 T d,onset with SDS as the surfactant is lower than that
with DBSA as the surfactant. This is because the amount of carbon
in the SDS structure is less than that in the DBSA structure, and
the decomposition temperature of SDS is lower than that of DBSA.
The char yield of the PEDOT particles is consistent with the T d,onset
data (Table 2). The char yield increases with decreasing T d,onset
because the lower T d,onset provides much more time for particle
decomposition and char formation.26 However, the char yield
when using SDS as the surfactant is lower than that when using
DBSA because of the lower T d,onset , and amount of carbon in the
SDS structure.
N Paradee, A Sirivat
size (nm)
T d,onset ( C)
212 72
179 65
85 26
70 19
85 25
108 37
125 40
291.06 7.85
279.35 4.92
203.67 12.26
182.88 2.99
197.34 6.90
188.80 12.33
269.33 12.36
16.45 1.11
17.27 0.56
19.70 0.78
25.50 0.63
20.38 0.87
18.79 2.43
17.42 2.16
396 140
96 26
63 14
90 25
118 37
146 50
216.10 7.39
187.05 4.01
170.56 7.53
188.36 2.40
182.74 8.64
190.96 3.60
13.21 2.05
22.69 1.66
32.55 2.53
32.57 0.67
28.60 2.60
20.15 1.59
147 37
920 385
896 229
938 223
166.21 5.48
171.14 9.02
176.81 5.77
177.37 2.79
10.36 2.72
18.02 2.40
16.64 1.09
14.06 0.75
This work focused on the tailor-made PEDOT shape and
property relationship under various synthesis conditions. PEDOT
the PEDOT polymerization reaction. Synthesis with SDS provides
a plum shape which is directly determined by the SDS micellar
shape. The plum-shape of the PEDOT particles is a porous-like
cage which can accommodate structural modifications for many
applications such as controlled drug release.
The authors are grateful for the financial support provided by
the Thailand Research Fund (TRF-RTA, RGJ PHD/0285/2551), the
Conductive and Electroactive Polymer Research Unit, the Royal
Thai Government and the Petroleum and Petrochemical College
of Chulalongkorn University.
Figure 8. Electrical conductivity of PEDOT nanoparticles as a function of
aging time.