C2005 Traverse Survey
C2005 Traverse Survey
C2005 Traverse Survey
A traverse consists a series of straight line of known length related
one another by known angles between the line. The points defining
the ends of the traverse lines are called traverse stations.
Theodolite traverse survey is a method of establishing
control points, their position being determined by measuring the
distances between the traverse station which serve as control points
and the angles subtended at the various stations by their adjacent
stations. The angles are measured using theodolite and the distance
measured by the method of traverse. We also measured the distance
used the measurement tape.
There are two(2) types of traverse, namely the open
traverse and the closed traverse [Figure 1.1]. An open traverse
originates at a point of known positions and terminates at a point of
unknown position, where as a closed traverse originates and
terminates at the same points and we were using an closed traverse
in this survey. For establishing control points, a closed traverse is
preferred since it is provides different checked for included angles,
deflection angles and bearing for adjusting the traverse. That why
we use this method in this project. When an open traverse is used
the work should be checked by providing cut off lines and by making
observations on some prominent point visible forms as many
stations as possible.
Traversing surveys is very fundamental and has become one
of the most common methods in geomatic engineering work such
as:- general purpose angle measurement, provision of control
surveys, contour and detail mapping and setting out and
construction work.
To make a traverse survey, reduce the field data, adjusting a
traverse and plot the results graphically.
Optical theodolite
Electronic Digital theodolite
Figure 2.1 : Optical theodolite & Electronic Digital
(ii) The upper plate that carries the horizontal circle indexing
device and fits concentric with the lower plate. Attached to the
upper plate is the plate bubble. When centered, the plate bubble
ensures that the instrument axis is vertical. In modern electronic
theodolites, the spirit bubble has been replaced with an electronic
one. This electronic means of levelling has made initial levelling of
the instrument a less time consuming task.
Figure 4.2 :
1. Before doing the survey, there are a few things that must be
considered. There are:
All screw must be parallel to the centre line
Tripod stand must be in a straight line with the
After setting out, wooden adjustment legs and
theodolite must be in a straight line to the picket.
Value from bearing must be entered correctly.
Distance between one point to the others must clearly
2. When survey was taking on, there are several things that
must be clearly taking place which are:
The cross hair must be clearly seen by observer.
The parallax error might be occur when reading was
taken.Therefore the observer must be the same person
and very sure that the reading taken was correctly.
During the changing of left face and right face, be sure
tahat the position of tripod did not change.
Distance between one point to another was taken
3. After field wprk was complete, proceed with analyzing data.
The correction between latitude and departure must be
placed with correct sign and value.
4. A closed traverse enables a check by plotting or computation
with a gap called the linear misclosure.
Traversing is a form of a control survey that requires the
establishment of a series of stations that are linked together by the
angles and distances. The angles are measured by theodolites, and
the distances are measured conventionally by tapes or electronic
distance measuring equipment.