Offshore Oil and Gas is a unique industry where Operators and a wide range of supporting personnel, from
catering staff to technical specialists, work and live for extensive periods of time in relatively close proximity to
large inventories of flammable, explosive and sometimes toxic substances. They face significant challenges in the
event of an emergency when there is an urgent need to distance themselves quickly from the hazard, because of
a compact and complex site, and the need to evacuate or escape by air or sea should it become necessary. It is
therefore apparent that offshore installations demand a high level of attention to risk management.
Following the fire and explosion on the Piper Alpha platform in July 1988, when 167 lives and the entire installation
were lost, the enquiry into the disaster raised 102 recommendations. These were endorsed by the government
and led to a suite of new goal setting safety Legislation which forms the framework used today to address and
manage the risks of Major Accident Hazards (MAH) on Offshore Oil and Gas installations within UK waters. These
Regulations specifically introduced the concept of Safety Critical Elements (SCEs).
In recognition of the unique risks faced by the industry, additional requirements for the examination of safety plant
and equipment, by Independent and Competent Persons (ICPs), which does not exist in any of the other high
hazard industries, was placed in Law. This process is called Verification. At the same time, requirements were set
for Duty Holders to review their processes, involving routine maintenance and inspection and testing to minimise
MAH risk. These are referred to as Assurance activities and are often encompassed within the overall Verification
Scheme, which can lead to some confusion over roles and responsibilities of the Duty Holder and the ICP.
Following a major review by the UK Health and Safety Executive, between 2004 and 2007, of the condition of
safety equipment and the supporting management processes, it was expressed that Verification was not delivering
the benefits expected by Stakeholders. This challenge was taken up by the industry through Step Change in Safety
and a 2 year programme of work (2010 - 2012) was undertaken to improve the understanding and awareness of
the benefits of good assurance of integrity by Duty Holders, and Verification by ICPs; involving contribution from
Operators, ICPs, the HSE and contractors.
This suite of guidance is made available to the industry through Step Change in Safety and is designed to support
those who wish to improve their understanding of the processes for Assuring and Verifying the integrity of our
offshore installations.
As the UK Offshore Oil and Gas industry progresses into a sixth decade of operation, we have become a mature
basin with an ageing infrastructure and many installations operating beyond their original design life, in some
cases, with new or changing Operators. In consequence, we have an increasing need to continually improve
processes and engagement by all parties, to raise the understanding of the changing condition and capability of
plant, and to allow the right actions to be taken to assure the integrity of our installations.
This document could not have been produced without substantial valuable contributions from many people with
knowledge of Assurance and Verification. However, these subjects have been discussed for many years since MAH
Management Legislation was issued and significant best practice has since evolved. There is substantial passion
amongst the community of Engineers to do it right, however, it is clear that the interpretation of what is right
is very difficult to agree. The text that has been developed in this document is the result of intense activity by
many people and it is unlikely that any one of them will fully agree with the entire content. What follows is not
a definitive guide, but represents the opinions of people who have worked with the UK offshore Legislation and
managed SCEs for many years, and provides perspective and guidance to those seeking help.
Contributors to the development of this document include the following:
Apache North Sea Limited
BG Group
BP North Sea
Britannia Operator Limited
Bureau Veritas
Centrica Energy
Chevron Upstream Europe
ConocoPhillips (UK) Limited
Diamond Offshore Drilling
GL Noble Denton
The Health and Safety Executive
Lloyds Register EMEA
Maersk FPSOs
Maersk Oil
Nexen Petroleum UK
Oil and Gas UK
Perenco UK - SNS
Plant Integrity Management
Shell U.K. Limited
Step Change in Safety
Talisman Energy (UK) Ltd.
TAQA Bratani
Total E&P UK Ltd
Wood Group
Appendix 1
Specified Plant
Personnel On Board
Performance Standard
Pipeline Safety Regulations
Pressure Transmitter
Permit to Work
Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations
Quality Assurance
Quantitative Risk Analysis
Remedial Action Recommended
Risk Based Inspection
Root Cause Analysis
Safety Critical Elements, including Specified Plant as appropriate
The Offshore Installations (Safety Case) Regulations
Safety Integrity Level
Safety of Life at Sea
Specific safety related plant and equipment as defined in PFEER, Regulation 2
The Health and Safety Executive
Technical Authority
Temporary Equipment
Temporary Refuge
Uninterruptible Power Supply
Written Scheme of Examination
The Public Inquiry into the Piper Alpha Disaster - Lord
W Douglas Cullen
Plant Ageing: Management of equipment containing
hazardous fluids or pressure - Research Report RR509
HSE Books 2006
Step Change - The Asset Integrity Toolkit
Energy Institute Guidelines for the management of
safety critical elements (2nd Edition)
Energy Institute Research report: A framework for
monitoring the management of ageing effects on
safety critical elements
A guide to the Offshore Installations (Safety Case)
Regulations 2005
Successful health and safety management (HSG 65)
HSE 1997
Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations
1998 (PUWER)
The current suite of applicable Offshore Safety Regulations and the associated risk management processes were
developed following the enquiry into the Piper Alpha disaster, for the identification and management of the
hazards which could lead to Major Accidents. This is internationally recognised as a best practice and is widely
utilised by other countries in the development of their own Regulatory regimes. However, in the period since 1992
when these Regulations started to be issued and take effect, there has been a wide variance in understanding of
the content and interpretation of the expectations for implementation. The current safety regime was intended to
put in place mandatory requirements which, if followed correctly, would reduce the likelihood that such a Major
Accident could happen again.
Health and
Safety at Work
etc Act (1974)
Figure 1 - UK Legislation
The management of Major Accident Hazards (MAHs) represents critical activities to support the low probability
high consequence events which require a different approach to the occupational, or personal, safety management
processes and programmes which are associated with higher frequency but lower consequence events. The basic
reason for this is that while single failures can cause dangerous occurrences, Major Accidents do not generally
happen as a result of a failure of one piece of equipment or one wrong action by an individual. Instead, they are
epitomised by a series of failures of plant, personnel functions and processes and procedures. Following a major
accident, it is not unusual for personnel within a company to reflect that all the signs of the likelihood of the
eventual accident were evident but the operating company and personnel had not been able to recognise this and
make the necessary changes to plant, people and processes, which become obvious and natural to do, after such
an accident.
While substantial improvements in safety have been achieved as a result of the application of the OSCR, the level
of understanding and interpretation has been shown to vary significantly amongst those holding responsibilities. In
particular, the requirement for ICP Verification of key plant performing safety critical functions needs to be clearly
understood and consistently applied.
Following a major review of the condition of safety equipment and supporting management processes undertaken
by the UK Health and Safety Executive between 2004 and 2007, it was expressed that Verification was not
delivering the benefits expected by Stakeholders.
In consequence, an initiative was developed by the Step Change in Safety Asset Integrity Steering Group to
create a subgroup with a scope of investigating the challenges faced and developing guidance for use by the
industry for the purpose of:
Raising understanding of the framework for MAH Management
Improving understanding of the Roles and Responsibilities of the Duty Holder in assuring the performance of
Clarifying the role and function of the ICP
Providing a reference document for use by Duty Holders and ICPs
The Assurance and Verification Subgroup was formed in 2010 with a wide industry involvement of Operators, Drilling
companies, key service suppliers, ICPs and the HSE, who all had passionate opinions on the processes of Assurance
and Verification. A two-year programme was set to investigate the challenges faced, share understanding through
regular meetings and develop guidance and education material with the objective of improving understanding of
the best practices being used in the industry.
At the outset, the Subgroup sought to identify the main areas of focus to be addressed and these are reflected in
this suite of documents. The following areas were identified for specific attention:
- understanding of MAHs
- the content and quality of Performance Standards
- control of Temporary Equipment
- understanding of the importance and the basic process for Management of Change with respect to the
management of SCEs
Providing guidance on training and competency needs for ICPs and Duty Holder personnel
To discuss relationship & communication matters between Duty Holders, ICPs and other stakeholders which
impacts on the effectiveness of Verification.
In general, the aim of the identified focus areas was to raise awareness of how everyone can contribute to MAH
safety management through better understanding of SCEs and their functions
To meet the needs of different Stakeholders it was decided to produce three documents.
The first is in the form of a high level overview to provide a short and simple summary to communicate the
basic messages of Assurance, Verification and Major Hazard Management so that any reader can quickly gain an
awareness of the framework and recognise the importance of their involvement and how they can participate in
reducing risk.
A second document provides more detail on the framework by explaining the intent behind the Regulatory
requirements and may be used by those who need to raise their understanding of the expectations of Assurance
and Verification functions to comply with the OSCR and the benefits this brings to both safety and production.
This is targeted at those who need a working understanding of the principles to support the compliance processes.
The third document (this document) is intended as a reference manual to provide more detailed guidance on
how to implement Assurance and Verification, drawing on good practices provided through the participating
companies in the UK Offshore Oil and Gas Industry for managing the suitability of plant and equipment. It
is intended to provide an outline of the fundamental activities and relevant key principles which should be
considered, raising a wider industry awareness of MAH management and sharing good tried and tested processes,
without prescriptively and specifically defining how it should be done. This document is targeted at those with
responsibility for developing and managing activities in support of Assurance and Verification.
To gain a full understanding of the regulatory requirements, reference should be made to the relevant Statutory
Instruments and Guidance printed by the HSE and referenced in these documents.
It should be noted that following these guidelines will support, but not guarantee, compliance with UK law.
An HSE accepted Safety Case is required to be in place for a production or non-production installation before
it moves into, or commences operation in, the UK offshore sector
The content of an Operations phase Safety Case principally requires the following:
- full description of the installation and its boundary
- description of its operations
- numbers of personnel
- description of plant and arrangements for control of well operations
- descriptions of associated pipelines
- details of how the Duty Holder complies with PFEER (see below)
- details of arrangements for protecting personnel from toxic gas
- details of arrangements for protection of personnel remaining on the installation during the escalation
of hazardous situations arising from major accident related hazards, including Temporary Refuge (TR),
routes and means for egress and evacuation, and means for control within the TR
- details of how the Duty Holder will assure compliance with associated offshore Legislation: DCR, PSR, and
in particular how the Duty Holder assures suitability of SCEs
- descriptions of combined operations
Demonstration of how the management system assures compliance with statutory provisions by the
Company and arrangements for assuring contractor compliance. Arrangements for audit and report, and the
identification of hazards with the potential to cause major accidents, and evaluation of the associated risks
and provision of means provided to manage these
Notifications are required to be submitted to the HSE for design, relocation or conversion of non-production
installations, combined operations and well operations
A revised Safety Case is required in some circumstances, but particularly where material change occurs, when
directed by the HSE or for the dismantling phase of a fixed offshore installation
A thorough review of Safety Cases is required every 5 years, or earlier if directed by the HSE. The review
involves confirmation that the Safety Case as a whole continues to be fundamentally sound and is over and
above the requirement to ensure that the Safety Case is up-to-date
Duties are placed on the Licence Owner to ensure that any Operator appointed by them is complying with
legislative requirements
Verification applies to the entire offshore installation. The definition of an offshore installation includes:
- any part of a pipeline and associated apparatus within 500m
- any devices beyond 500m, on which the safety of the installation depends
- the plant and arrangements for the control of operations of a well
- connected wells
The Offshore Installations (Prevention of Fire and Explosion, and Emergency Response)
Regulations (PFEER)
These Regulations require that the Duty Holder takes appropriate measures with a view to protecting personnel on
the installation from fire and explosion and securing effective emergency response. The Duty Holder is required to:
Perform an assessment to identify events which could give rise to a Major Accident involving fire or explosion;
or the need for evacuation, escape or rescue to avoid or minimise the consequences of a Major Accident
Evaluate the likelihood and consequences of such events
Establish appropriate standards of performance to be attained by anything provided by these measures for:
(i) ensuring effective evacuation, escape, recovery and rescue to avoid or minimise a Major Accident
(ii) otherwise protecting persons from a Major Accident involving fire or explosion
(iii) the selection of appropriate measures
The plant and equipment required to meet the needs of PFEER and defined in the Safety Case are normally also
included in a common Written Scheme of Examination for completion of Assurance and Verification activities, as
these are also SCEs.
The Offshore Installations and Wells (Design and Construction, etc) Regulations (DCR)
These Regulations require all wells to be covered by a Well Examination Scheme. The Duty Holder for these
Regulations is the Well Operator.
Wells connected to an installation are deemed safety critical under the Safety Case Regulations and should be
included in the Verification Scheme for the installation. However, both DCR and the Safety Case Regulations make
it clear that the work carried out in one Scheme may be cited as part of the other Scheme and that duplication or
repetition is not expected.
It is good practice for one Scheme to reference the other, eg the Verification Scheme ICP receives a copy of the
well examination certificate even though they do not actually carry out any Verification activities on the well or
well component parts. During its lifecycle, a well or its component parts may move between the Well Examination
Scheme and the Verification Scheme. It is therefore essential that the Well Operator and any installation Duty
Holder are aware at all times of which wells are covered by which Scheme.
Well Examination represents the activities performed by the Well Examiner, an Independent and Competent
Person appointed by the Well Operator, to establish that wells are designed, constructed, commissioned, operated,
maintained, modified (including interventions and workovers) and abandoned in accordance with the Design and
Construction Regulations. Verification activities may be used as evidence in supporting well examinations.
Process Containment
Process Containment
Ignition Control
Turbine Disc
Well Blowout
Process Flow
Safeguarding systems
Fire Protection
Navigational Aids
Support Structures
Facility Structures
Explosion Protection
Lifting Equipment
Lifting Gear and Beams
Rotating Equipment
Public Address
Escape, Evacuation
And Rescue Equipment
Life Rafts
Helicopter Rescue Box
Personal Safety Equipment
Performance Standards
Having identified the key items of safety critical plant and equipment (the SCEs), it is now prudent to define
the functions they are required to perform and confirm the actual equipment is capable of consistently and
continuously performing those functions. This is defined in the Performance Standards (one for each SCE) which is
the commonly accepted method of describing what an SCE must achieve. SCEs are assessed against Performance
standards through the Assurance and Verification activities, to give an adequate level of confidence that they will
fulfil their intended purpose whenever required. Refer to the Performance Standards section (Page 17) for further
information on Performance Standard setting.
Assurance represents the activities performed to ensure SCEs meet Performance Standards. This includes
activities in all phases of the lifecycle and may involve activity by the design contractors in the design, procurement
and construction phases which the Duty Holder needs to monitor to ensure the SCEs are initially suitable.
During the operational phase, the Duty Holder uses preventive maintenance strategies including inspection,
planned maintenance and testing to ensure that SCEs are consistently and continuously meeting the Performance
Standard requirements. Assurance also includes design and construction of modifications and the management
of change to manage the impact on SCEs, and this is normally controlled through the use of a Management of
Change (MOC) process.
Verification represents the activities, in addition to Assurance, which are performed by an ICP, appointed
by the Duty Holder, to confirm whether the SCEs will be, are, and remain suitable, or are adequately specified
and constructed, and are being maintained in adequate condition to meet the requirements of the Performance
The steps involved in Major Accident Hazard Management outlined above are illustrated in Figure 3 below.
Assurance Activities
Integrity Reporting
Procurement, Construction,
In summary, Major Accident events should be identified in the Safety Case together with the means used to
prevent, detect, control, mitigate, rescue or help recover from a Major Accident which effectively become the
SCEs. Performance Standards define the specific functions which SCEs must perform, and Assurance activities
support the demonstration of continuous suitability to perform those functions.
All personnel should develop a level of understanding of how their safety is assured through the Safety Case,
and the reliable performance of SCEs in accordance with Performance Standards in performing key functions to
minimise the consequences of realised MAHs. This understanding will help personnel appreciate the importance of
the SCEs and help understand how they can support and assure safety within their own job roles, bringing benefits
in safety to all involved.
Based on historical findings from Major Accidents, such events do not occur solely as a result of a single failure of
plant or one individuals mistake. Such accidents require the failure of a combination of processes, plant integrity
and people activities, often referred to as the barriers between the hazard and the occurrence of an accident.
Many initiatives have been undertaken to develop models to describe how the complex interaction of safety
systems can avoid the initiation and escalation of an event leading to an accident.
The key and common building blocks amongst these concepts are the identification of:
PROCESS the setting of standards and expectations through management
processes and procedures, and;
the organisational culture established, the values adopted and the way
people behave and the functions they perform, and;
Together, if managed effectively, these building blocks can reduce the risk of occurrence of a Major Accident.
Combined individual failures provide a route for the initiating hazard to become an accident. Intervention at any
one of these failures may have arrested the event from occurring or reduced the consequences; because each
identified failure mechanism represents a barrier between the hazard and consequential harm. Some examples
of plant barriers (SCEs) are shown below and the holes in the barriers reflect a path or route through which the
hazard is realised. This is referred to as the Swiss Cheese model and is the concept defined by James Reason.
Figure 4 refers to a specific Loss of Containment Major Accident Event.
Fire Protection,
Lifeboat, Rescue
Having identified and agreed the appropriate SCEs according to the process described in the previous section, it is
necessary to define what they must do. The most commonly accepted process to effectively define this is through
the use of Performance Standard templates with specific and tailored criteria to ensure that there is consistency
and alignment regarding what an SCE must achieve to fulfil its role in hazard management.
For static or passive systems (structures, containment, lifting equipment etc) measureable criteria for operational
suitability may be expressed in terms of the maximum allowable degradation that can be tolerated. This may
derive from international standards, Duty Holders anomaly classification criteria, industry guidelines or other best
For active systems it is likely that performance can be clearly quantified and confirmed by function test (active
fire system discharge rates, instrument alarm and trip set points, ESD valve closure time and leakage rates etc).
Detailed functional analysis may be required to determine the failure modes (including computer systems) which
lead to loss of critical functionality and the means of identifying them. Equipment that is self-testing may make
functional failure evident.
For SCEs such as personal survival or escape equipment where continual suitability is primarily achieved by original
design specification, it may be more practical to define periodic service or re-certification intervals. Defining a fixed
life for equipment replacement may also be appropriate.
The following example is given only to demonstrate a single Functional criteria:
Availability - For what proportion of time will the equipment be available to perform on demand? (Alternatively,
the ability for the system to provide access to its resources in a timely manner for a specified duration.)
Availability is concerned with the ability of the SCE to meet its intended function, including its interaction with
other SCEs, eg an electrically driven fire pump can only be deemed available if the power can be provided to the
pump from the emergency switchboard and the pump can deliver the required flow rate to the distribution system.
If any part of the system is defective, it will cause the pump to have reduced Availability. There is often a close
correlation between Reliability and Availability.
Availability may be better understood and measureable where it is described in terms of the amount of time
it is tolerable for the critical functions to be unavailable, or to describe mitigation measures that need to be
implemented where Availability is less than 100%.
Availability should be considered during design of an SCE, ie the designer should specify how the system will
manage failure modes and therefore how it will remain available, ie by providing diverse systems and redundancy.
Quantitative risk assessments are often carried out to assist in defining the design requirement. The result of
such a study will produce a target, eg 97.8% availability which equates to an acceptable annual downtime of
approximately 8 days. In theory, this may be a good basis for design, but how shall this remain meaningful during
operations? Is it safe to state that it would be acceptable to continue operation with an essential safety system
out of operation during those days? In practice, it is rarely possible to carry out a meaningful volume of testing to
capture sufficient data to demonstrate that such targets are met.
In general terms, when a system is safety critical, the availability target should be 100%. In practice, the SCE
may never achieve 100% but if (or rather when) an SCE fails in some manner (note the PS should define through
measurable criteria when such a failure occurs), the immediate shortcoming has to be addressed through risk
assessments and through the Safety Management System. The Duty Holder should then aim for improvement, ie
how to prevent similar failures in the future.
Where appropriate measures have been set, it is necessary to ensure that the means to capture required information
are defined in order to assess Availability. This may be through clear recording of failed components, downtime
records and safety critical risk assessments.
The example given below describes the overall goal and the design criteria which have been used to meet this. It
is a requirement to assure / verify that this specification remains available, eg both sides of the public address (PA)
system are being examined for continued effectiveness and Availability of the complete system remains at 100%
(ie failures of individual components may be considered acceptable dependant on the impact on the ability of the
system to operate on demand).
The following example is given to demonstrate possible Availability criteria:
Survivability - How will the system perform post event, eg after fire, explosion, ship impact, dropped objects,
extreme weather etc?
The Performance Standard criteria for Survivability must be defined if the SCE is required to operate in the event of
a Major Accident and should state for how long the system should continue to be effective. Each SCE should be
considered against the MAH defined in the Safety Case. Does the MAH have the possibility to impair the ability of
the SCE to operate? If so, how shall this be mitigated against?
Consider the following examples:
Jacket structures need to be able to withstand ship collision and the highest expected environmental conditions
Module walls need to have fire / blast resistance
The time which structures need to survive the defined fire scenarios
Fire & Gas system shall survive fire scenarios, eg cabling shall be fire resistant, the F&G control system should
be protected by location in the Temporary Refuge
Refer to the Prevention SCE Barrier table (Page 30) for other typical SCEs.
Survivability is often determined at the design stage and initial suitability assessment of the equipment (physical
location, fire rating, mechanical strength, fatigue life etc).
The following examples are given to demonstrate possible Survivability criteria:
Extreme Weather
Reference to structural design report
based on Metocean data for specific
Interactions - It is useful to define other SCEs which are required to function in order for the one in question to
also operate effectively.
Systems of Safety Critical Elements are often dependent upon each other in order that the MAH is mitigated.
Consider the following examples:
Hydrocarbon containment relies on Structural elements to support the containing equipment and piping
Structural elements rely on Passive Fire Protection to ensure they meet Survivability criteria
Fire & Gas systems rely on Emergency Power (UPS) to ensure they provide protection during power outage or
Electrical ignition prevention is a system relied upon by others to ensure that safe operation is continued in
potentially flammable atmospheres
The following examples are given to demonstrate potential Interactions:
To enable access to and egress from the Temporary Refuge from all areas.
To provide sufficient illumination for personnel to muster in safety, don their
survival equipment and evacuate / escape. To provide sufficient illumination
for persons in command of the emergency to be able to perform their
To provide, for a defined endurance period, a temporary place of refuge for personnel during a major accident
To provide essential life support for sheltering personnel
To provide a safe place of muster
To provide essential command and control facilities for platform management to enable effective emergency response
Fire Dampers
Additional routine may be required here for
review of actual testing records to assess
systems ability to operate on demand
Fire & Explosion
External boundaries
Designed and maintained to H120 fire rating and for explosion blast of
0.25 bar overpressure
Refer to SCE for Passive Fire Protection for
Fire & Gas
Protection to F&G System provided by TR, F&G system provides signals to fire dampers to retain integrity of TR
Emergency Power
Prevention SCE Barrier table
SCE Example
Process Containment
- Mechanical strength/integrity
- Limits for corrosion, erosion, fatigue, coating
breakdown, mechanical damage, water ingress to
insulation, security of supports etc.
Well Integrity
Hull Integrity
- Girder strength
- Limits for corrosion, erosion, fatigue, coating
breakdown etc.
- Condition of deck hatches and water/weather
tight doors
- Operation of remote door position indication
- Hull penetration valves - integrity, operation and
position indication (remote and local)
- Cathodic protection systems
- Mechanical strength/integrity
- Limits for corrosion, erosion, fatigue, coating
breakdown etc.
- Structural elevation - Air gap required between
wave crests and the underside of topside structures
- Limits for scour and debris at foundations
- Limits for weight and marine growth
Lifting Equipment
- Mechanical strength/integrity
- Overload protection
- Ropes - security of terminations and discard
- Environmental criteria
- Load limits
- Dimensions (D value)
- Layout and markings
- Identification of permanent obstructions
- Means to prevent temporary obstructions
Mooring System
- Mechanical strength/integrity
- Limits for material loss, corrosion, erosion, fatigue, coating breakdown, mechanical damage etc.
- Marine growth limits
- Design limits for tension
- Indication of tension (input to heading control
- Excursion limits and alarms
- Environmental criteria
Safeguarding Instrumentation
Control SCE Barrier table
SCE Example
- HIPPS system interacts with ESD to initiate further levels of plant trips
- Certified electrical equipment ensures field equipment is suitable for use
in a hazardous area
- Fire & Gas detection controls fans and dampers. Isolates non-certified
electrical equipment on loss of pressurisation
- HVAC provides pressurised atmosphere within Temporary Refuge
- Certified electrical equipment ensures field equipment is suitable for use
in a hazardous area
- Mechanical strength/integrity
- Limits for corrosion, erosion, fatigue, coating breakdown, mechanical damage,
water ingress to insulation, security of supports etc.
- Sizing
- Segregation (e.g. open/closed systems)
- Bunded areas unobstructed and clear of debris
Ballast Systems
- Sizing
- Failure mode (valves)
- Control of inert gas generation (O2 content)
- Pressure/Vacuum breaker location/functionality
- Pressure/Vacuum breaker liquid levels and glycol content
- Flame arrestors
- Environmental criteria
- Not ikely to be required in MAH scenario
Dynamic Positioning/
Heading Control System
- Maximum excursion
- Monitoring and alarms (turret position, off-station, mooring tension etc.)
- Manual and automatic operation of thrusters
- Operation and condition of thrusters
- Condition of hydraulic supplies to thrusters
- Position/heading reference data (gyro compass/GPS etc.)
- Condition/operation of turret bearing (including hydraulic systems)
- Environmental criteria
- Operation of loss of main power supplies
Ignition Prevention
Mitigation SCE Barrier table
SCE Example
Fire Water
Distribution and
Gaseous Fiire
Protection Systems
Sprinkler Systems
Manual Firefighting
- Operability of Hydrants
- Condition and availability of valve couplings
- Quantity, condition and location of hoses
- Condition and availability of in-line pressure regulating device
- Quantity and location of wheeled and portable extinguishers
- Certification of wheeled and portable extinguishers
Passive Fire
Protection (PFP)
- Protected areas
- Limits of degradation - bonding breakdown, exposed areas, coat-back
on attachments to protected areas
- Vent paths adjacent to blast walls unobstructed
- Fitment of PFP jackets on (riser) ESD valves
Emergency Response SCE Barrier table
SCE Example
Refuge (TR)
Escape Routes
- Dimensions
- Visibility and limits for degredation of markings
- Condition of non-slip surfaces
- Obstructions on walkways and access/egress points
- Obstructions in evacuation and escape embarkation areas
- Obstructions affecting access to emergency response or escape equipment
- Condition and closure of doors at pressurised areas/air-locks
- Intensity of escape lighting
- Signage at changes of direction
- Blast resisitance
- Pool and jet fire resistance
- Provision of battery-backed emergency
lighting to mitigate effects of smoke (duration)
- Topside Structures to provide adequate support and aid survivability of escape routes
- Passive Fire Protection to protect escape routes from the effects of fire/explosion
- Personal Survival Equipment to provide equipment to assist personnel to escape to a place of safety
- Emergency Communications to control alert personnel of the need to muster and advise routes/areas to avoid
Personal Survival
- Emergency Response and Recovery (Stand-by) Vessel provides a place of safety and facilities to rescue evacuees from the
Tertiary Escape
By Design: Equipment
Designed/constructed to SOLAS/LSA Code
- Temporary Refuge provides a safe environment to collect and don personal survival equipment
- Structural integrity ensures escape to sea ladders remain suitable and provides support to davits
- Escape Routes enable access to personal survival equipment
- Emergency Response and Recovery (Stand-by) Vessel provides a place of safety and facilities to rescue evacuees from the
SCE Example
- Fire & Gas detection system to automatically activate emergency alarms and provide manual alarm call points
- UPS provides back-up power supply following loss of main power
- Emergency Response and Recovery (Stand-by) Vessel provides alternative / relay communications facilities in an emergency
Response and
Rescue Vessel
The purpose of Assurance and Integrity Management is to demonstrate that the required level of Availability and
Reliability of plant, equipment and systems is achieved in order for them to perform their required functions when
required to do so. This includes the definition of essential requirements of SCE Management Systems (including
performance metrics and data quality standards), to allow measurement, management, monitoring, and analysis
of maintenance data to enable the optimisation of maintenance.
Furthermore, the OSCR requires that the Duty Holder ensures that an installation, at all times, possesses such
integrity as is reasonably practicable.
Good business practice and Legislation drives Duty Holders to ensure assets have in place documented, robust
Assurance Management processes to ensure the safe operation of the asset throughout its operational lifecycle,
taking into account equipment obsolescence, natural deterioration and the effects of ageing.
Assurance Process
The Assurance processes to achieve safe and effective operations normally encompass a cyclic form of continuous
improvement which is well documented with the HSEs guidance document HSG 65, Successful health and safety
This is often referred to as a PLAN / DO / CHECK / ACT approach which forms the framework for a widely
recognised Integrity Management System. More detail on this process can be found in the Step Change Asset
Integrity Toolkit but forms the framework of the remaining guidance in this section.
Document an inventory of existing plant and equipment with safety or business criticality.
Identifying / understanding the degradation and failure mechanisms for specified equipment,
materials and designs.
Consider obsolescence of equipment.
Specify and apply appropriate maintenance activities and frequencies to deal with expected
degradation to assure reliable performance.
Specify and apply appropriate inspection and testing regimes to provide early detection of
impaired performance and to assure maintenance activities are achieving their intent.
Implement a robust deferral and deviation processes.
Carry out corrective measures for degraded performance and/ or temporary mitigating
Monitor integrity compliance through suitable management reports and KPIs, eg SCE backlog
Consider knowledge gained through this process and implement changes where necessary to;
effectiveness of defined assurance routines
effectiveness of performance standard criteria
design of equipment or plant
Assurance applies to all plant and equipment on an installation, and proactive strategies should be employed to
avoid critical unplanned failures, particularly during the operational phase, which can lead to business interruption
and accidents. The following example outlines one process plant system and illustrates the challenges which may
be faced in an organisation where Assurance and Integrity Management is not effective.
A produced water line has been assessed as production and safety critical due to potential for oil and gas carryover into the line and a need to assure that it will reliably retain fluids over the intended lifetime and avoid any
unplanned hazardous discharges. External and internal corrosion of the line is predicted from a risk assessment,
with the latter considered to be the dominant failure mechanism. Periodic wall thickness checks are carried out in
defined locations to ensure maintained integrity and to monitor and record the actual condition. A trend of wall
thickness reduction is observed over time and a predicted line replacement date is set. After a further period of
time, areas in the line with branches of stagnant produced water (dead legs) are monitored and found to have
rapid localised corrosion. These are eliminated by removal and re-design. The knowledge gained is used to review
other piping systems for similar problems and any remediation necessary.
As further time progresses, some areas show higher levels of loss of wall thickness than the general trend. A review
is carried out to establish what action to take. According to the remaining business needs of the process system, it
is established whether the piping system must be replaced entirely, partial replacement using new piping spools, or
local permanent repair patches or clamps are installed. A new inspection plan is developed to monitor the revised
arrangements based on the condition and expected degradation and risks.
A good Assurance process proactively addresses degradation to ensure that plant and equipment condition is
known at all times through its operational life and appropriate actions are taken in advance of failures. This is well
stated in the HSEs Research Report RR509 (Plant Ageing: Management of equipment containing hazardous fluids
or pressure) as: Ageing is not about how old your equipment is; its about what you know about its
condition, and how thats changing over time
Maintenance Routines
Maintenance routines are a set of instructions to carry out specific activities on plant and equipment to ensure they
continue to remain suitable and function as intended.
Maintenance routines, including inspection, are developed for all equipment and entered into the Maintenance
Management System (MMS), before the equipment is brought into service and are scheduled to be implemented
at specific frequencies in accordance with the maintenance strategies.
Maintenance work is selected on the basis of criticality and risk. The tools and processes applied for work selection
are based on availability and reliability requirements and the complexity and lifecycle of the facility.
Equipment reliability and availability requirements should be defined in the SCE Performance Standards, and the
associated maintenance requirements should be scheduled with the aim of providing sufficient evidence to show
compliance with these requirements.
A procedure should be in place to address all repairs (including temporary repairs) to components / systems where
failures occur. The failure should be risk-assessed to determine the impact upon the system / plant or equipment
involved and its suitability to continue in operation.
The process should address the quality of repairs to plant and equipment to ensure the original design integrity or
Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) requirements are maintained. Any deviation should be formally reviewed
and approved before it is implemented.
Repairs should be approved by the appropriate Technical Authority where the system is deemed safety critical,
before they are implemented.
Cumulative Risk
The Duty Holder needs to assess the effect of cumulative risk of impairments and failures on SCEs across all areas
of plant, equipment and systems to ensure that MAHs remain adequately controlled to acceptable levels.
This is an important concept and refers back to the proposal at the start of this document that MAH seldom occur
as the result of a single failure. Industry best practice has developed tools in recent years which gather data from
several sources from the platform systems in order to analyse the Cumulative Risk.
Audits of activities defined, performed and recorded under the assurance processes should be carried out
periodically and used to drive improvement of the processes.
New corrective work orders and completed corrective and planned work orders should be reviewed for completeness
and quality. Work order data quality reports can be used to improve the standard of work management and work
history recorded in the MMS.
Measured results should be tracked against performance indicator targets which demonstrate progress towards
achieving and maintaining acceptable levels of integrity. Tolerability levels for the degree of acceptability of
performance against those indicators should also be set.
Performance indicators set and used within the governance process will be aimed at monitoring progress towards
excellent business performance, ensuring that good practice is being employed and that opportunities for
improvement are identified.
The leading and lagging indicators should be monitored and regularly reviewed by the asset management team
and a report of status should be made to senior management periodically.
Training / Awareness
Finally, to ensure improvements in assurance strategies can be upheld it is always recommended that the workforce
should be given awareness presentations / training on Asset-specific integrity management objectives and initiatives,
eg. integrity expectations, corrosion management, fabric maintenance, HC leak reduction measures, safety critical
equipment maintenance, management of temporary repairs etc.
The following section provides guidance and good practice on how to implement Verification. Not all parts of the
following text are regulatory requirements and each Duty Holder is free to interpret Regulations and HSE Guidance
as they see fit, however, the application of practices such as these will assist Duty Holders in improving Major
Accident Hazard management and compliance with UK offshore Verification requirements.
The Legislative requirements are clearly documented in the Regulations and are referenced and explained in the
section titled Offshore UK Legislation (Page 10). The HSE also provides good guidance on these Regulations which
should be referenced when seeking support.
Verification Process
The purpose of the Verification Scheme is to ensure that SCEs are, and will remain, compliant with Performance
Standards through each phase of an installations lifecycle. Implementation of the Verification Scheme provides
additional confidence, independent of the Duty Holders Assurance process, that the parts of the installation
deemed to be Safety Critical are suitable or actions necessary to support their suitability are identified.
Verification Schemes
A Verification Scheme specifies the activities, in terms of nature and frequency, which the ICP will perform to
examine the SCEs. The ICP completes the specified Verification and reports the results to a specified person within
the Duty Holders organisation. Responses to ICP Findings are recorded and held by the Duty Holder. A good
Verification process will not only ensure compliance with the Legislation, but will drive real improvements to the
Assurance process associated with SCEs and Specified Plant. (See examples of good Verification in Appendix 1).
Within this document, where it states Verification Scheme it is intended that this includes SCEs and Specified
Plant as per the statement in the OSCR Guidance Introduction Verification (Para 53) where it states:
The 2005 OSCR combine the requirements of the Verification Scheme with that of the Written Scheme of
Examination (WSE) formerly required by PFEER to create a single Scheme.
For clarity, under the OSCR Guidance, Reg. 2 Para 87 states:
Specified Plant, provided to comply with PFEER, is another component of the provisions relating to
Verification Schemes.
This is why most Duty Holders now have a single Verification Scheme that includes the identified Specified Plant
under the PFEER Regulations (formerly within a Written Scheme of Examination (WSE) along with the identified
The Verification Scheme defines specific Verification activities to be performed by the ICP to confirm the initial and
continued suitability of the SCEs for each phase of an installations lifecycle. Initial suitability is a commonly used
term which has evolved in the industry and represents the condition and capability of an SCE following completion
of design, fabrication, construction and commissioning phases. This initial and continued suitability, through the
remaining phases, will be verified against the specific performance criteria given within the Performance Standard.
Schedule 7 of the OSCR outlines the Matters to be provided for in a Verification Scheme.
The Duty Holder must ensure that a Verification Scheme is developed by, or in consultation with, an ICP, to contain:
The principles for selection of the ICP. Defined criteria for the appointment of the ICP, including
measures to ensure their competence and independence
The principles for review of the Scheme
The arrangements for communication of necessary information
The nature and frequency of examination and testing of SCEs / Specified Plant, where:
- Nature - details the SCE Verification activities to be completed by the ICP; ie Review, Examine, Inspect,
Witness, Audit etc
- Frequency - quantifies how much the ICP will do in terms of sample size and period that the activity
Arrangements for review and revision of the Scheme
Arrangements for making and preserving records of examination and testing, findings, remedial actions
recommended and remedial action performed
Arrangements for communication of records to an appropriate level within the Duty Holders organisation
It is recommended that when setting the nature and frequency of examination in the Verification Scheme, the
HSE - HID Semi Permanent Circular / Enforcement / 43 / Nature And Frequency Of Verification Of Safety Critical
Elements / 1st Nov 2002 is considered. The following is an extract from this document:
SCR Schedule 9 lists the matters to be provided for in a Verification Scheme - this includes the nature and frequency
of examination and testing carried out for the purposes of the Scheme. Guidance paragraph 65(a) indicates that
an issue for consideration by the Duty Holder is whether an Independent Competent Person (ICP) has an adequate
number of suitably qualified staff.
Inspection has shown that some Verification Schemes do not provide sufficient definition of the means by which
an ICP ensures SCEs are suitable, or that they remain in good repair and condition.
The most common shortfall is a failure to provide a clear indication of the nature and frequency of the Verification
activity (particularly the extent of offshore testing or the proportion of maintenance records reviewed) that the
verifier is expected to carry out.
Enforcement Guidance
A suitable Scheme (SCR Guidance para 63) must include a commitment by both the Duty Holder and the ICP to
a defined level of activity. What level is actually appropriate will vary considerably depending on the particular
criticality and number of the SCEs. For example:
A high integrity protection system, preventing the over-pressurisation of a hydrocarbon system, may require
100% witness by the ICP
A Fire and Gas detection system with many detectors could be covered by the witnessing of 15% of the
actual testing regime. Anything less than a 10% sample size is unlikely to be statistically satisfactory
Where Verification activity is also carried out by the review of test records and results, similar principles apply.
Sample size is particularly significant in this instance when the Performance Standard of an SCE requires the
ongoing check of its availability/reliability
This should apply to Operational, Project and Modification Verification Schemes. Terms such as Opportunistic
/ ICP discretion / Witness or Review should not be in the Verification Scheme activity as they all allow for the
activity to be influenced at the time dependent upon resource or budget constraints etc.
Documenting how much the ICP should do is difficult but will support compliance with the Legislation and can be
achieved through specifying percentages or quantities of items and records to be verified. The Duty Holder should
define these requirements within their Verification Scheme and seek ICP approval of the content.
From the guide to the OSCR (Schedule 7 Para 337) it states that there should be arrangements made to ensure
that the sample taken is not repeatedly tested. The Duty Holder should therefore ensure this is covered in the
Verification Scheme and audit the ICP on how this is being managed.
Many Duty Holder Performance Standards quote reliability / availability figures. The ICP should review how the
Duty Holder assures that these figures are being met. In relation to this, the ICP should ensure that any repeated
failures to operate are identified and reported.
ICP Responsibilities
The ICP has a responsibility to:
Comment on the record of SCEs
Draw up, or be consulted in the development of, the Verification Scheme and thereafter the periodic review
Perform Verification activities as defined in the Verification Scheme
Report to the Duty Holder on the suitability of SCEs detailing Examinations / Reviews performed, Findings
and Remedial Actions Recommended
Communicate any reservations on the List of SCEs or the content of the Verification Scheme to the Duty Holder
Effectively, the ICP is providing an independent view of the initial and ongoing suitability of the SCEs and PFEER
specified plant to manage the risks through the means defined in the Safety Case, and translated through the
Performance Standards. The Duty Holder retains accountability and responsibility for managing risk through management systems and processes, people employed and their effective function, and the plant provided and its
It should be noted that the defined role of the ICP under the Safety Case Regulations applies to activities in support of establishing the physical condition of plant and does not formally encompass the associated and essential
activities in support of safety through corporate company management processes and procedures, or through the
company culture or active contribution through personnel performing functions. These systems and roles and their
effective performance are as essential to managing safety as the condition of the plant, and are required to be
addressed by the Duty Holder. The ICP should however identify errors in Assurance management processes which
could compromise the objectives of the SCE, ie being effective when required. This means that the ICP must undertake sufficient activities in order to form a professional judgement whether the SCEs are likely to remain in good
condition and repair and function as required until they are verified again.
Implement Assurance
Activities through the
Management System
Review and
Verification Scheme
/ Projects /
Completed by /
or in consulation
with ICP.
ICP to comment
on suitability
of scheme
Activities in
accordance with
Figure 5
Initial Suitability
The previous sections have outlined what must be written in a Verification Scheme. This section is specific to Initial
Suitability, ensuring that before SCEs become operational they have been subject to a suitable Verification process.
Whether a project or modification introducing new / additional SCEs is greenfield (all new) or brownfield
(major upgrade or change to existing facilities), a Verification Scheme must be in place to suitably detail the
Verification activities, as described previously, for the various phases as follows:
SCE Identification
Fabrication / Construction
QA Plans
Quality Assurance Inspections /
Transportation / Installation
Examine equipment
Review records
Site Commissioning
Witness testing
Examine equipment against design
Review records
Review punch-list items
Review technical deviations
1) The Duty Holder must ensure that the Performance Standards are being met by embedding them into each
phase of the Assurance Process and making
people accountable for compliance. This can be achieved by obtaining appropriate engineering signatures to
confirm compliance to the Performance Standards at
key stages.
2) The Verification Activities will be as detailed within the Duty Holders Verification Scheme.
3) The Duty Holder should request the Engineering Contractor to provide a list of the documents (Master
Document Register, MDR) that will demonstrate compliance of each impacted SCE against the applicable
Performance Standard criteria. This approach raises awareness with the Engineering Contractor of their duty of
cooperation that the Duty Holder can demonstrate compliance to their Performance Standards. This approach
also provides the ICP with higher confidence that SCEs are being suitably managed
One method of fulfilling the legislative requirements is to have, within the Verification Scheme, Initial Suitability
Verification activities for each SCE that can be applied to any Project or Modification. In doing so, the activities are
written in advance and can be fine-tuned depending upon the Project / Modification.
As per the Operational Verification Scheme, the frequency that quantifies how much the ICP has to do should
be based on the criticality of the SCE, eg detailed design reviews for critical items such as risers, fabrication
examinations during construction of key components, witnessing of critical commissioning tests like ESD and
blowdown etc
As the ICP gains confidence in the Assurance process, the frequency (eg sample size) may be reduced as
determined by the Verification Scheme. For example, if several deluges were being installed by the same Engineering
Contractor in the same period of time, there may be an opportunity to conduct the full Verification scope on the
first deluge set and if the Assurance process was found to be working well, the ICP may only need to witness
the remaining deluges. Any changes to sample size should be agreed between the Duty Holder and ICP. It should
be emphasised that this practice is appropriate for the project phase but care should be taken in applying such
measures in the operational phase.
The Duty Holder should determine the right time for the ICP to review documentation to ensure they do not
become part of the Assurance process. In turn, it is important that the ICP is involved early enough to ensure
that selected solutions will meet Performance Standards once fully developed and avoid the need for substantial
re-work at a later stage.
Many Duty Holder Performance Standards quote reliability / availability figures. The ICP should review how the
Duty Holder assures that these figures are being met. In relation to this, the ICP should ensure that any repeated
failures to operate are identified and reported.
Management of Verification
The expectations of Verification should be defined and clearly communicated to both onshore and offshore
personnel. This can be achieved through corporate policy / Verification Scheme / Job Descriptions / Verification
procedures / presentations etc.
Senior management should support the Verification process as it is a useful measure of the status of their SCEs.
They can support the process by:
Ensuring Verification is completed (Projects / Modifications / Operational) through appropriate resourcing
within Duty Holder and ICPs organisation / tracking Verification completion / Managing responses to ICP
Findings / Attending Duty Holder and ICP interface meetings
Setting Corporate Verification KPIs, eg Completion of Verification Annual Workscope / Reduction in overdue
ICP Findings etc
Duty Holders should detail how they manage Verification. This is typically done through a procedure or in the
Verification Scheme and would normally be integrated into the Duty Holders Safety Management System.
The process of how to manage Verification (Operations / Modifications / Projects) should define requirements for:
- Ensure effective interface between ICP and planning departments
- Ensure good communications prior to execution of Verification activities with relevant personnel making
them aware of the proposed Verification Scope
Reporting of Verification Activities
Reporting of Verification Findings (Refer to Findings Management below)
Clear lines of communication between the ICP / Duty Holder and Engineering Contractor where appropriate.
(an organisation chart may be beneficial here to identify key positions)
Review and Revision of the Verification Scheme
Roles and responsibilities. It is useful to include an organisational chart defining reporting routes for Verification
Describe how both the arrangements for well examination and the Verification Scheme capture all wells and
well-related equipment
Verification roles and responsibilities should be defined within personnel job descriptions (for offshore and
onshore personnel) if Verification is their primary role and personnel should be made aware of their roles in the
delivery of Verification
ICP Responsibilities
The ICP has a responsibility to:
Comment on the record of SCEs
Draw up, or be consulted in the development of, the Verification Scheme and thereafter the periodic review
Perform Verification activities as defined in the Verification Scheme
Report to the Duty Holder on the suitability of SCEs detailing Examinations / Reviews performed, Findings and
Remedial Actions Recommended
Communicate any reservations on the List of SCEs or the content of the Verification Scheme to the Duty Holder
Effectively, the ICP is providing an independent view of the initial and ongoing suitability of the SCEs and PFEER
specified plant to manage the risks through the means defined in the Safety Case, and translated through the
Performance Standards. The Duty Holder retains accountability and responsibility for managing risk through
management systems and processes, people employed and their effective function, and the plant provided and
its condition.
It should be noted that the defined role of the ICP under the Safety Case Regulations applies to activities in support
of establishing the physical condition of plant and does not formally encompass the associated and essential
activities in support of safety through corporate company management processes and procedures, or through the
company culture or active contribution through personnel performing functions. These systems and roles and their
effective performance are as essential to managing safety as the condition of the plant, and are required to be
addressed by the Duty Holder. The ICP should however identify errors in Assurance management processes which
could compromise the objectives of the SCE, ie being effective when required. This means that the ICP must
undertake sufficient activities in order to form a professional judgement whether the SCEs are likely to remain in
good condition and repair and function as required until they are verified again.
Good planning of Verification activities is key to ensuring the scope is completed in the most efficient manner. The
ICP will need good access to the asset / project plans in order to identify appropriate times for visits and even to
link visits to certain key activities, eg Riser ESDV testing.
It is recommended that the ICP is on the distribution list of relevant asset / project plans. Current good practice
is to ensure that Assurance Routines are specifically scheduled to match the verification activities for and ICP
offshore visit; this allows offshore personnel to be ready and available and ICP should equally be expected to be
have reviewed the planned activities prior to offshore visits.
It is important, particularly on Projects and Modifications, that the ICP is engaged during the planning process in
order to allow assignment of suitable resources to execute the Verification workscope at the appropriate times. For
Verification to be of value, it must be completed as close to the assurance taking place as possible. This means the
ICP should be involved early in each phase and they should complete their activities in a timely manner to avoid
raising findings after the project has moved to the next phase.
For all Verification scopes, it is recommended that the Duty Holder makes expectations clear to the ICP in terms
of completing the scope. This can be achieved by setting Verification milestones, eg. Design Verification to be
completed by a certain date or Annual Operational Verification scope to be fully completed by a certain date. This
then provides visibility to the ICP of the expectations of the Duty Holder and S curves can be used to monitor
progress versus plan.
Verification Progress Reporting:
The Duty Holder should monitor progress / completion of the Verification activities on a regular basis throughout
the year to demonstrate progress. This allows review meetings to be held with the ICP to agree effective actions
and to develop a recovery programme.
Failure to complete the planned Verification could ultimately lead to an Improvement Notice from the HSE. ICPs
should also raise concerns when the Verification programme is not being completed in a timely manner.
Senior management should be kept informed using KPIs and / or progress reports.
The ICP should not credit completion of the scope of Verification unless the activity has been fully completed. Any
incomplete activities for the year should be highlighted to the Duty Holder and clearly shown on the plan. It is
good practice for the Duty Holder to audit the ICP on how they credit the Verification activities from their reports
to show status of completion and thereby improve the clarity of what has been done.
Verification Activity Reporting:
The ICP report should contain adequate information to confirm completion of the Verification scope of work.
Reporting by exception is not deemed suitable, ie both positive and negative findings should be reported.
The reports should clearly state whether the SCE examined meets the Performance Standard. Through the process
of Verification activities, where the ICP notes deficiencies within the Performances Standards or Verification Scheme
these should be formally raised to the Duty Holder. This process should be documented within the Verification
Scheme / procedure.
For Findings raised by the ICP, the Duty Holder should aim to identify and remedy the root cause in order to avoid
reoccurrence and to promote internal learning.
To aid the Duty Holder in achieving this goal the ICP should carry out a targeted review where he has concerns for
the findings raised:
Check for common and systemic failures by reviewing the maintenance management system and previous
findings raised
Check if the failed equipment was being suitably maintained by reviewing the appropriateness of the
maintenance / inspection routines, including content and frequency
This review may identify inadequate / missing Planned Maintenance Routines (PMRs), PMR content or frequency
and can support investigation of training, competency or compliance issues if the PMR was recently completed
and no faults were reported etc.
This approach gives the ICP a fuller picture of the issue raised and the outcome of this review can be included
within the finding with the action aimed towards driving the Duty Holder to identify the most effective solution
which will prevent reoccurrence.
The ICP should issue the Verification reports in a timely manner. Typically, a target for issuance of reports should
be agreed with the ICP, normally within 5-10 working days following completion of the visit to site would be
considered reasonable. It is also good practice for an informal, and unofficial, quick report to be provided to
appropriate parties when leaving the site to allow early attention to matters raised.
The completed report should be issued to the Duty Holders Verification Focal Point who should then manage the
report control and distribution.
It is considered best practice that each Verification report should typically include the following information:
Unique report number
SCE examined
Performance Standard reference.
Unique Verification activity identifier and description
Description of the examination activities completed
Details of equipment / records examined
Percentage of activities completed against the requirements of the Verification Scheme
Documents reviewed and other relevant references
Details of any outstanding activities; including reason for activities not being completed (statements like
due to operational reasons should be avoided)
Findings from the examination (eg is the Performance Standard measurable compliance criteria met); Note
that photographs and drawings greatly enhance the quality of the report and should be used where possible
Remedial Actions Recommended to the Duty Holder
Details of personnel attending close-out meeting at site
Name(s) of the ICP individual(s) that undertook the examination / audit
Signature by the ICP author and reviewer
The OIM and appropriate personnel should be notified immediately if a finding is raised during offshore activities
that identifies a failure of a Performance Standard.
Periodic Verification Status Reporting: It is recommended that the ICP provides a regular report / presentation to
include the following:
An overall Verification activity progress versus plan status
Highlights of completed and planned Verification activities
Areas of concern
Findings Management
The Duty Holders procedure / process for management and investigation of Verification Findings should be
adequately defined. This process should cover:
Reporting of Verification Findings. A visible and robust method of raising and closing Verification Findings is
required. Database systems are good practice as they can provide visibility of issues / control responses and
facilitate effective interrogation of the historical data to provide trends to assist in finding effective solutions
ICP involvement in the close-out of Verification Findings. For each closure it should be evident if the ICP agreed
with the closure or not. Where no ICP agreement can be reached on the closure of a Finding, this must be
formally recorded and the Duty Holder is accountable
Escalating Verification Findings, eg where no progress is being made and the Finding has gone past the due
date or where the closure of ICP Findings cannot be resolved. The Escalation process should ensure visibility of
the issue to senior management within the Duty Holders organisation
Letters of Concern. This is a commonly used method where the Verifier is able to raise concern regarding the
management of SCEs or the Verification process
Letters of Reservation. This term is defined in the SCR and represents the mechanism used by the ICP to
formally document unresolved matters relevant to the record of SCEs or the content of the Verification Scheme
Define who is responsible for responding to Verification Findings / Letters of Concern / Letters of Reservation
within the Duty Holders and ICPs organisation. Typically, Technical Authorities / Maintenance and Inspection
Discipline Engineers are assigned responsibility for SCEs in their area of expertise. The ICP that raised the
Finding is usually responsible for reviewing the response.
Verification Findings should be reviewed on regular basis by the Duty Holder and the ICP to update progress. It
is also recommended that management responsible for Asset Integrity and appropriate operations personnel are
involved in these meetings.
All Verification Findings should have realistic target closure dates which should be set appropriately by the ICP
and Duty Holder in accordance with the severity of the Finding. It is recommended that the ICP is in agreement
with these dates and any changes made to them. Good practice would be for a date to only be changed once, if
they are made in timely manner, and where suitable evidence demonstrating progress towards closure has been
appropriately managed to allow an agreed extension.
Verification Findings within the industry are categorised / named in many ways as per the requirements detailed
within each Duty Holder Verification Scheme. However, as an industry, Verification Findings are reported to Oil &
Gas UK for input into an industry KPI that tracks as an industry the level of open and overdue Verification Findings.
These are categorised as:
Level 1
Performance Standard satisfied, but ICP may suggest an improvement to the system or may
request additional information to demonstrate compliance with a Performance Standard
Level 2
Single Performance Standard failure with no immediate threat to the integrity of the installation
Level 3
Fundamental SCE Assurance system failures that need senior management to remedy and
/ or resource, Multiple failures of a Performance Standard and / or immediate threat to the
integrity of the Installation
The most up-to-date definition should be confirmed through reference to Oil & Gas UK.
The interfaces need to be clearly defined before the combined operations begin. It is recommended that a meeting
is held between management representatives of the Duty Holders and their ICPs for each installation involved to
understand and agree the SCE and Performance Standards affected, as well as the Verification activities required
by the two ICPs. Verification activities for Combined Operations should be put in place prior to the COMOPS and
carried out as required. Any changes to the Verification Schemes for each installation involved in the Combined
Operations could be included as an appendix for the duration of the combined operations.
The installation Duty Holders ICP will normally carry out interface activities between the installation and the Drilling
Rig / Flotel. Any Verification findings raised should be managed as per the Verification Scheme. Both Duty Holders
should be notified of the outcome.
Once the Drilling Rig / Flotel / Vessel has been removed, the ICP will usually carryout Verification activities to ensure
that the integrity of the Installation has returned.
The publication of the HSE KP3 initiative progress report in July 2009 cited that there were still concerns with the
way operators interact with their verifiers and the use that is made of the Independent Competent Persons and
the full integrating of independent Verification activities into Duty Holders understanding of safety management
A key part of trying to resolve this issue relates to the nature of the relationships between the various Stakeholders
and the possible constraints that prevent closer integration. A Subgroup was established to specifically investigate
the issues and constraints to closer integration of Verification within management systems.
This section sets out the findings of the Subgroup investigating the issues to closer integration of the Stakeholders
associated with Verification.
The Subgroup was made up of a range of parties associated with Verification, comprising representatives from the
HSE, Duty Holders, Independent Verification Bodies, Independent Competent Persons.
A number of working sessions were held by the Subgroup to try and identify and gain a closer understanding of the
issues that constrain closer integration. It was concluded that the best approach was to develop a questionnaire
and launch it across the wider industry.
The aim was to gain a deeper understanding of the level of knowledge of the purpose of SCEs and the role
Verification plays in their management, in particular amongst those at senior management level in organisations
with production and Duty Holder responsibility.
This approach was adopted on the hypothesis that leadership from senior management is the key to closer
integration of Verification. Gaining an insight into the understanding at this level would enable development of
targeted recommendations that could be driven down through the various organisations to bring closer integration.
The survey was conducted online with participation being anonymous. The analysis of the responses formed the
basis of the recommendations put forward in this section.
Trade Associations
News Media
Lobby Groups
Verification Process
Trade Unions
Offshore Workforce
Figure 6
A key factor identified to impact on the effectiveness of Verification is the nature of relationships between the
various Stakeholders and the possible constraints these present that may prevent closer integration. These high
level constraints are shown in Figure 7.
Human Factors
Expectations of the
role and purpose
from all parties are they different
Failure to understand
the benefits and
value of verification
within the integrity
Contractual / Commercial
Verification Relationship
ICPs - DHs - Operators
Responses received to the survey questionnaire were analysed and the results are set out in the table below:
There is a good understanding of
the purpose of the Safety Case
The benefits are seen to be
Regulatory compliance rather
than direct business benefits of
managing safety in an effective
The following conclusions were drawn:
The key purpose of the Safety Case regime is to keep people safe from the major accident hazards that are
present in the exploration and hydrocarbon production environments offshore. Whilst this is a legislative
requirement, the clear benefit to the achievement of business strategy and objectives needs to be understood
such that leadership and commitment from senior management is not for compliance with Regulations but
for the benefit of the business and all Stakeholders. Making the connection between Regulatory compliance
and delivery of business objectives could enhance the focus for business leaders
Understanding the importance of Verification and its role in the prevention of Major Accidents by the
Stakeholders is essential
It is important that all persons within the Duty Holder organisation, from senior management to technician,
have a sound understanding of the role played by Verification. Without senior management involvement the
value is lost
The nature of the Offshore Oil and Gas industry, with continuous changes in Owners, Operators, Duty Holders
and personnel, means the value of Verification can easily be lost. It is essential that this is not allowed to
happen by ensuring effective Management of organisational change
Duty Holders and ICPs need to ensure there are robust mechanisms in place which describe the process and
emphasise its importance. These should include standard reporting mechanisms
Verification plays an important role in the achievement of business objectives through the assessment of
the level of compliance with management of safety critical systems. Independence in Verification adds a
greater level of transparency to the process and provides input to the Assurance framework that supports the
governance forums of the business
ICP reporting of findings from inspections needs to be comprehensive and justified, with due consideration of
the value to the Duty Holder
The following recommendations were made:
Further education is required throughout organisations on the purpose and benefits of the application of
the Safety Case regime and greater clarity in the roles and responsibilities of the participants in the process.
More proactive leadership by Duty Holders, complemented by promotional campaigns supported by the key
Stakeholders; Operators, Duty Holders, Regulators and Verification Bodies; will help raise knowledge and
awareness and remove constraints to closer integration of the role of independent Verification. This should
cover all phases and include Design Houses and the people conducting the Assurance activities
The Duty Holder interface with the ICP should be a relatively senior position within the organisation, with
access to senior management
ICPs should be encouraged to promote examples where Verification has added value and share lessons learned
with other Duty Holders
The way operators interact with their ICPs and the use that is made of their activities and findings needs to
Management of organisation change shall be effectively implemented and should recognise potential impacts
on effective management of MAH
Furthermore, the Regulations have an expectation that the Duty Holder shall be able to justify the choice of ICP.
SC Regulations Guideline Para 103 states:
Duty Holders are responsible for selecting people to carry out Verification work who are appropriately independent
and competent to do the work allocated to them. Duty Holders will need to be able to justify their selection and
may wish to make reference to existing standards and established Schemes for the validation of organisations
offering specialist services. However, Duty Holders are free to use other means of demonstrating compliance with
the legal requirements.
The intent of this guideline is to suggest a framework for a consistent approach to the documented assessment
of competence.
The DCR place an obligation on the Well Operator to satisfy themselves of the independence and competence of
the persons examining any part of the well. The Oil & Gas UK Well Life Practices Forum has produced guidelines
on the Competency of Well Examiners.
Although it is not part of the regulatory requirements, it is recommended that this process of documented
competence review applies equally to internal Technical Authorities, safety-critical equipment vendors, service
companies and engineering contractors.
Date of Assessment
Legislative Understanding
Technical Qualifications
Relevant Experience
Communication Skills
Electrical & Instrumentation
Drilling & Well Control
Marine & Safety
Well Examination
Project Manager
Specialist areas;
D Design Review
C Newbuilding, Commissioning & Installation
S In-service ICP
Note that a person should be considered separately for competence in each of these areas within their chosen discipline
Levels of Competency
G - Gaining
C - Competent
E - Expert
Note that a person at Gaining level may still be considered for particular tasks but the level of additional monitoring should be
defined within the ICP quality system
On the job training and technical courses form part of the technical assessment programme, therefore as a minimum a person should
be considered gaining competence and have a base line knowledge strong enough to carry out activities with appropriate levels
of supervision
Wider Industry Safety Critical Competence & Awareness in the Management of Major
Accident Hazards
What do we mean by SC & MAH Competence / Awareness
The OSC Regulations have clear expectations for safety critical plant and hardware through the full lifecycle.
What is not specially considered is the personnel interacting with SCEs. Without a clear understanding of the
intent of the Regulations, how compliance is achieved, how SCEs shall be suitable on a continuous basis and how
it is important that they should operate on demand, there may be a detrimental impact or degradation on the
performance of the SCE. For example:
The Operator / Technician hits the clack valve first to ensure the deluge works first time
The Instrument Technician calibrates gas detectors before applying the test gas
The Engineer strokes the valve first before recording the closure time
The Scaffolder erects the scaffold in front of deluge heads / gas detectors / escape routes / emergency exits etc
without suitable risk assessments
Project Engineers design modifications without consideration of SCE performance standards or potential
impact on other SCEs
Poor recording of maintenance history
Poorly completed safety critical impairment assessments
Personnel may be technically competent within their own discipline but often fail to foresee that their actions may
have far reaching implications in the event of a Major Accident.
In any business, the process of assuring the beneficial improvement of key processes and equipment vital to
efficient and safe operation is an important one. It is essential that a consistent approach is used to assure changes
proposed will provide sustained benefits and will not cause consequential losses on other linked processes and
equipment. For this reason, Management of Change (MOC) associated with technical modifications is normally a
key process in company management systems.
Normally the major threat in relation to MOC is that a change is not recognised in the first place, followed by the
failure to identify change impacts and implement appropriate actions that allow transition to the change. This is
evident from examination of a number of globally reported major incidents, where investigations revealed failure
to manage change as a root cause or a significant contributor.
The ability to manage change first requires recognition that a change is being made. A change is something that
is different from what is already documented, presenting risk to the business requiring careful management. For
this reason, active leadership of MOC is essential.
A similar process will normally also apply to organisational change which will cover the impacts of reorganisation
and restructuring within companies, but this is not addressed under this section.
In the Offshore Oil and Gas industry the proximity of personnel to the extraction, processing, storage and export
of hydrocarbons, with more difficulty in evacuating to safe distance, presents a relatively higher hazard to that
of onshore industries. For this reason, Management of Change requires a higher level of application, control,
Assurance and Verification. Verification by ICPs of modifications to SCEs is a requirement of the Safety Case
Following start up of operations, the gauge fails and gas is released into the module. Unfortunately, there
is no check valve or any form of isolation valve and there is no way to arrest the release of gas until the
section isolated by process ESDVs fully exhausts to atmosphere. Fortunately, no ignition occurs as electrical
equipment in the module is correctly specified, certified and maintained up-to-date. This was effectively
a very serious near miss which could have led to a catastrophic event in the form of explosion, fire and
escalation to other parts of the plant.
This is one simple example but it illustrates why even simple modifications need to be controlled by the application
of a consistent procedure, correctly engineered and subject to review by authorised persons before commencing
Changes affecting the Functionality, Availability, Reliability or Survivability of a Safety Critical Element
New Process facilities / equipment including Temporary Equipment and facilities
Removing or by-passing equipment
New chemicals
Change of specification of equipment
Change in engineering procedures
Change in maintenance regime
Cumulative effect of a multitude of small changes
Like for like replacements should be carefully checked to ensure that this is truly the case. In some cases, the
manufacturer may have modified or improved their product creating a conflict with, or an additional change to,
the system within which it will be installed.
All major modifications, projects and brownfield changes should be subject to an MOC process to examine Design
/ Manufacture / Construction aspects with regard to their suitability to comply with Performance Standards, and
this process should be embedded in the Projects Group.
Combined Operations of platforms and mobile units (eg rig, flotel, work barge) should include MOC assessments
to establish the impact on SCEs. This should include a systematic review of:
MAHs, SCEs, PSs, Assurance and Verification to identify what is a) new, b) altered and c) not altered; with
actions to address a) and b)
Verification and Classification issues and their impact on the above
The output should establish any changes necessary and any changes required to the existing Assurance and
Verification activities required to ensure safe combined operations.
Carry out Management of Change Risk Assessment with relevant technical personnel from operations,
maintenance and design as necessary. This should include a suitable depth of review of relevant risks and
identification of mitigation measures to be used. The residual risk should be established and a decision to
progress or reject proposal should be formulated with a record of the risk assessment and agreed actions
3. DEFINE Scope of work and detailed design
4. EXECUTE construction and commissioning
Complete Management of Change close out records
Review the change that has occurred
Capture Lessons Learned
Formally record changes on company controlled documents
Assurance /
Proforma with
problem statement.
Review of
solutions with
detail on selected
option, including
identification of
hazards and risk
Detailed Engineering
Work-pack for
selected option.
Execution of
Construction and
activities. Develop
Certification pack.
Review by Assurance
/ Verification for
conformance to
Review of work-pack
prior to execution
to ensure continued
adherence to original
concept, standards,
Figure 8
All sections of this document provide further text on recommended activities to support Management of Change
and these should be referenced when reviewing change proposals.
Temporary Equipment may introduce an additional hazard, or adversely affect existing SCEs. Identification of the
hazards and risks exposed by Temporary Equipment is required to reduce the potential for major accidents. An
effective Temporary Equipment procedure will improve safety levels, downtime and product quality, Regulatory
compliance, environmental performance and preserve company reputation. The Duty Holder needs effective
Assurance and Verification processes to ensure suitability of Safety Critical Temporary Equipment as required under
the Safety Case Regulations.
The table below contains examples of Temporary Equipment that will likely be considered Safety Critical, their
relation to a MAH, SCEs that they would directly impact and SCEs that they could potentially impact upon:
(direct impact)
(potential impact)
Chiksan Piping
Release of Hydrocarbons
F&G Detection
Escape Routes
Fire or Explosion
Ignition Prevention
F&G Detection
Escape Routes
Emergency Shutdown
Slickline BOP
Release of Hydrocarbons
ESD Reservoir Isolation
F&G Detection
ESD System
Define company
for Temporary
System Footprint
Deck loading
Fire protection structural and active
Hazardous areas created / located
Escape routes that will be affected
Utilities / Supplies
Electrical main and emergency
Water potable and cooling
Return Aspects
Routing of pressure relief systems
Thermal load
Contamination of systems
Safety Issues
ESD interfaces or impacts
Additional Hot surfaces
Impact to existing Escape Routes
Fire & Gas interfaces or impacts
Ventilation (blocking natural ventilation or
contaminating safe area supplies)
Emergency Lighting (additional requirements or
impairment of existing provision)
Specify individual
Temporary Equipment
What is required?
Review / Approve
Procure Temporary
Inspect equipment upon receipt - confirm it matches what Review documentation certification, EC Declarations of Conformity,
was requested and is in good condition
maintenance records etc
Document the arrival of Temporary Equipment onboard
(Register of Temporary Equipment) and log date it is due
Remove Temporary
Improvements made
Fire Fighting (Automatic and Manual) and Life Saving
Apparatus Assurance Process:
Performance Standards improved
Assurance activities aligned to Performance
Assurance activities embedded in Duty Holders
Communication with Vendor improved
History of Assurance activities improved
Remedial work clearly recorded in Duty Holders
Hazardous Area Electrical Equipment Assurance
New HAE Philosophy written and issued
Duty Holder site audits implemented to assess
effectiveness and competency of inspections
Specific HAE onshore resource appointed
Complete review and rescheduling to aid efficient
Manning levels better understood
HAE inspections being competently inspected in the
most efficient manner, resulting in confidence of
HAE Integrity
Cost saving as retrospective campaigns to liquidate
backlog avoided
Cost saving as Integrity issues identified early and
potentially resolved within normal outages, thus
avoiding potential shutdowns for replacement of
critical equipment
Legal Compliance maintained
Reputation secured
3. Explain the potential consequences which
may have arisen should Verification not have
identified the Issue
HAE integrity would have been compromised and
therefore the potential for ignition resulting in a
Major Accident and potentially leading to fatalities
would increase
Improvement Notice from HSE
Potential for shutdown until SCEs were compliant,
resulting in loss of production
3rd Floor
The Exchange 2
62 Market Street
AB11 5PJ
01224 577268
email info@stepchangeinsafety.net
website www.stepchangeinsafety.net