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OOAD Prac List

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Object Oriented Analysis and Design

Practical List
Q1. A customer visits the online shopping portal. A customer may buy item or just visit the
page and logout. The customer can select a segment, then a category, and brand to get the
different products in the desired brand. The customer can select the product for purchasing.
The process can be repeated for more items. Once the customer finishes selecting the
product/s the cart can be viewed, If the customer wants to edit the final cart it can be done
here. For final payment the customer has to login the portal, if the customer is visiting for the
1st time he must register with the site, else the customer must use the login page to proceed.
Final cart is submitted for payment and card details and address (where shipment has to be
made) are be confirmed by the customer .Customer is confirmed with a shipment Id and
delivery of goods within 15 days.
Make a class diagram for the above case.









Q3. The organization offers a variety of courses in a variety of areas such as learning
management techniques and understanding different software languages and technologies.
Each course is made up of a set of topics. Tutors in the organization are assigned courses to
teach according to the area that they specialize in and their availability. The organization
publishes and maintains a calendar of the different courses and the assigned tutors every year.

There is a group of course administrators in the organization who manage the courses
including course content, assign courses to tutors, and define the course schedule.
Create a class diagram for the above case.
Q4. The following services are offered by Central Travel Agency (CTA):
Hotel registration: CTA is in touch with hotels (identified by names and fees). Customers
can book for hotel reservation by mentioning the name of the hotel, dates of arrival and
departure and room number.
Car rental: CTA is in touch with a rental company, which ranks its cars (bought with various
constructors) from 1 to 3. Customers can rent by indicating the cars type and dates of
departure and return.
Plane ticket: CTA is in touch with a flight company. Customer can book for a plane ticket,
which will mention its expiry date, the cities of departure and arrival and its fee.
Customers can buy one or more services. There is a discount for frequent customers (in terms
of percentage).
Make a class diagram for this.
5. For the Scenario given below; identify classes with attributes. Also identify the type of
relationship with multiplicity within classes. Draw a class diagram to represent the entire
scenario indicating classes with attributes and relationships with multiplicity.
Consider a system for a movie shop, in order to handle ordering of movies and browsing of
the catalogue of the store, and user subscriptions with rechargeable cards.
Only subscribers are allowed hiring movies with their own cards.
Credit is updated on the card during rent operations.
Both users and subscribers can buy a movie and their data are saved in the related
When a movie is not available it is ordered.

Q6. A University record system should keep information about its students and academic

Records for all university members are to include their id number, surname, given
name, email, address, date of birth, and telephone number.
Students and academic staff each have their own unique ID number: studN
(students), acadN (academic employee), where N is an integer (N>0).

In addition to the attributes mentioned above:

Students will also have a list of subjects they are enrolled in. A student cannot
be enrolled in any more than 10 subjects.
Academic employees will have a salary, and a list of subjects they teach. An
academic can teach no more than 3 subjects.
Create a Use case diagram for the above problem.
Q7. Create a use case diagram for Library Management system.
Q8. Differentiate between <<include>> and <<extend>> relationships in detail with example.
Q9. In an employee referral process, the HR head of the region where a vacancy exists
informs employees of that region and other regional HR heads. The other regional HR heads
inform employees by putting up a notice informing them about the vacancy. The employees
send on their recommendations to the regional HR head of the region where a vacancy exists.
The regional HR head then matches the skills of these candidates with the skills required for
the vacant position and shortlist them. An interview schedule is drawn up and the short listed
candidates are informed. Based on the interview processing, interview details are updated and
all the selected candidates are given offer letter. The candidate informs the HR (head where
the vacancy exists) either by accepting or declining the offer letter. When a candidate referred
by an employee joins the organization, the employee who has referred the candidate is paid a
Make a use case diagram for the above.
Q10. Draw Usecase Diagram, Analysis Model and Class Diagram for Health Care Center.
Write usecase description for each usecase
Patient Can arrange and cancel appointment with physician using scheduler. Physician
decides to Prescribe Medication for Patient. Physician Specifies Drug Info:
Medication Name, Dosage Amount, Number Doses & Refills. Computer CrossChecks for Conflict Between Medication and Current Medications/Medical History
Prescription Forwarded Electronically to Pharmacy or Else Printed for Patient.
Q11. Consider an Online Airline Reservation System. You may want to check airline web
sites to give you idea.
I. Identify actors for Online Airline Reservation System. Explain the relevance of each
II. One use case is to make a Flight Reservation. List four additional use cases at a
comparable level of abstraction. Describe each use case with exceptional flow.
III. Prepare a Usecase Diagram for an online airline reservation system. Write Usecase
description of each usecase.
IV. Draw Class Diagram. Elaborate ticket class and Generate Code for the same.
V. Identify at least four states of Ticket object and draw the State Transition Diagram for
the same.

Q12. Make an interaction diagram for the following scenario:

The order entry window sends a prepare message to an order. The order then sends prepare to
each order line on the order. The order line first checks the stock item, and if the check
returns true it removes stock from the stock item. If stock item falls below the reorder level it
requests a new delivery.
Q13. A simple digital watch has a display and two buttons to set it, the A button and the B
button. The watch has two modes of operation, display time and set time. In the display time
mode, the watch displays hours and minutes, separated by a flashing colon. The set time
mode has two submodes, set hours and set minutes. The A button selects modes. Each time it
is pressed, the mode advances in the sequence: display, ser hours, set minutes, display, etc.
Within the submodes, the B button advances the hours or minutes once each time it is
pressed. Buttons must be released before they can generate another event. Prepare a state
diagram of the watch.
Q14. Draw a Usecase Diagram, Activity Diagram and Sequence Diagram (for each
usecase). Write description of each use case for a Simple Answering Machine
given below.
o Use Case: Leave a Message
Actor: Caller

Pre-Condition: Room on Tape

Post-Condition: New Message

o Use Case: Review Messages

Primary Path: Review New Messages

Alternate Path: No New Messages

o Actor: Owner

Use Case: Review Messages Locally


Primary Path: Review New Messages

Alternate Path: No New Messages

Inherit: Review Messages

Use Case: Review Messages Remotely


Primary Path: Review New Messages

Alternate Path: No New Messages

Inherit: Review Messages

Uses: Authorize Access

Q15. Draw Usecase Diagram, Analysis Model, Class Diagram and Generate Code using
Rational Rose. Write description of each use case for a Simple Answering Machine
given below.
o Use Case: Leave a Message
Actor: Caller

Pre-Condition: Room on Tape

Post-Condition: New Message

o Use Case: Review Messages

Primary Path: Review New Messages

Alternate Path: No New Messages

o Actor: Owner

Use Case: Review Messages Locally


Primary Path: Review New Messages

Alternate Path: No New Messages

Inherit: Review Messages

Use Case: Review Messages Remotely


Primary Path: Review New Messages

Alternate Path: No New Messages

Inherit: Review Messages

Uses: Authorize Access

Use Case: Authorize Access


Primary Path: User Authorized

Alternate Path: User Not Authorized

Q16. A customer can place one or more orders from an online store. Each customer has a
credit rating. If the credit rating is good, the customer can make the payment either with a
credit card or a bank cheque. However, if the credit rating is poor, the customer has to pay in
cash. Each order is an aggregate of different order items. A customers order can have
multiple items with varying quantities.
Draw class diagram & use case diagram on rational rose

Q. 17 Draw class diagram for the scenario A student borrows money from his father to
purchase a movie ticket. Specify your assumptions clearly.
Q 18. Consider air ticket reservation system. Identify entity, control and interface
Q 19. Consider a use case Money withdrawal from an ATM machine. Write Essential
Usecase description for the same.
Q20 Draw a use-case diagram for a college that would like to keep track of each
graduate. In order to maintain strong ties to its alumni, the college holds various
events. The college needs to keep track of which graduates have attended which
events. The college keeps in contact with graduates by mail, email, telephone and
fax to announce each event and keep graduate information up to date. The college
would like to be able to produce a report showing the latest information about a
graduate and the events the graduate attended.
Write brief description of each usecase and Main Outline Description of any one
Q21 Consider the scenario of online book shop on which Online customer can search
book catalog, view description of a selected book, add book to shopping cart, do
checkout. Draw the System Sequence Diagram for the same.
Q22 Develop an activity diagram based on the following narrative.
The purpose of the Open Access Insurance System is to provide automotive insurance to
car owners. Initially, prospective customers fill out an insurance application, which
provides information about the customer and his or her vehicles. This information is sent
to an agent, who sends it to various insurance companies to get quotes for insurance.
When the responses return, the agent then determines the best policy for the type and
level of coverage desired and gives the customer a copy of the insurance policy proposal
and quote. Use the concept of swimlanes in your model.

Topics for Mini Projects (Group members 4-5):

To develop a mini-project following the exercises listed below.
To develop a problem statement.

Develop an IEEE standard SRS document.

Develop the usecase model with description.
Draw all UML diagrams to model the given case and give necessary

1. Passport automation system.

2. Book bank
3. Exam Registration
4. Stock maintenance system.
5. Online course reservation system
6. E-ticketing
7. Software personnel management system

8. Credit card processing

9. e-book management system
10. Recruitment system
11. Foreign trading system
12. Conference Management System

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