Very Best of WAR
Very Best of WAR
Very Best of WAR
What is a Critic?
Gary Raymond explores the nature
of arts criticism in a letter
addressed to the future
Wales Arts
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Gary Raymond
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Gary Raymond
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From Olympia to the Valleys: What Riot Grrrl did and didnt do for
me by Rhian E Jones
Almost like a world on its own': Wales Arts Review goes to Festival
No.6 by John Lavin
The Brouhers by
Ric Bower.
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All banners
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Lewis, except Dark
Room by Anna
Metcalfe, which
was taken from
Ben Glover
by Gary Raymond
n the final episode of Julian Barnes 1989 book, The
History of the World in 10 Chapters, titled The
Dream, the protagonist finds himself in a Heaven, his
every desire catered for by a dedicated celestial personal
assistant. Perhaps predictably, the protagonist spends
some time working his way through the fantasies his time
on earth would not or could not accommodate. He sleeps
with women, those whom he had known and those further
beyond his reach. He takes the opportunity to meet his
heroes, and then to encounter historys giants. After what
must be aeons in this timeless domain, he turns to his
assistant and declares that he is bored; he has done
everything he could ever have wanted to do, and much
more besides. He has climbed every mountain and sailed
every sea. Whats next? His assistant takes him to a
heavenly cleric to answer this question. His options are
two: he can either cease to exist (he isnt so sure of this
pathway) or he can read every book ever written. The
people who read books, he is told, are the ones who tend
to last the longest in Heaven. The protagonist asks what
happens after that? Well, says the cleric, once you have
spent the ages reading every book ever written, then you
get to spend even longer discussing those books with the
others who have lasted that long. You can take forever
arguing about books, he is told.
It is perhaps worth thinking of this parable whenever the
question that sits atop this essay makes it into a conversation. The consumers of literature inherit the Kingdom of
Heaven, or at least inhabit its pubs and coffee dens.
If art, if writing literature, is talking to yourself, then
criticism is a conversation with whomever you like; your
best friend, your greatest enemy, the girl you never got or
the girl youre grateful to have ended up with. Ive never
met a writer Ive liked whose top-of-the-list conversation
topic is their own work. We swirl around books, around
plays and paintings, in them and out of them, as writers.
And we never write anything that impresses us more than
something somebody else has written. We always want to
write the story that another person has nabbed and nailed.
Every writer fell in love with art before they wrote their first
sentence, before they decided it was literature for them.
The great critics of art and culture are almost always
practitioners first and foremost, and all the best practitioners are consumers of the art of others before they are
drawn to the blank page themselves. In short, we are all
readers, be it of books or images or soundscapes, and it is
never satisfying to keep these experiences to ourselves. If
we read to know we are not alone, as CS Lewis famously
said, then we write for similar reasons, and we write criticism because it is the next step on from discursiveness; it
is the purest form of debate, crystallised passion.
Critics are not journalists, (although they are often
mistaken for journalists by artists, the public, and, often, by
actual journalists). Critics are not outsiders, they are not
those who cannot; they are the artists, the thinkers, who
trawl through the embers while the firestarters are asleep.
Criticism is a conversation, and the places where criticism
is published are the dark oaky pubs, the bohemian coffee
houses, the late night wine-singed debates around the
dinner tables; they are the places that host the best conversations you have ever had, ever wanted to have, or one
day hope to.
Criticism, that label we give the speech of the engaged
artisan committed to paper, is simply an extension of the
purest connection that we, as humans, have with our
creative processes. When Jean Genet was locked in his
French prison he began to collect small pieces of brown
scrap paper, on which he wrote, in pencil, the whole of Our
Lady of the Flowers, one of the greatest novels of the
twentieth century. He did so because of the need to do so,
the need to be part of the eternal conversation. When a
prison guard found the writings he burned them. Genet
started again, and recreated the novel, knowing it would
never be read, never be published, and would no doubt be
burned again. (It was published in 1951 and duly banned).
What is the need to have this conversation with the page?
Is it obsessional? Is it insanity? Or is it the thing that keeps
us sane? The eternal conversation, whatever, is the thing.
Critics have had a hand in changing things just as the
artists have. Susan Sontag is as important to photography
for her 1977 book On Photography as any of the great
photo journalists who preceded it. John Bergers Ways of
Seeing changed not only the way people look at paintings,
but altered the way art is taught in universities. Kenneth
Tynan and Harold Hobson, rival theatre critics
at The Observer and Sunday Times respectively, found an
unlikely union of outlook when they marked the profound
genius of Waiting for Godot for a confused and disgruntled
public when Becketts masterpiece came to London in
1955. The reviews changed theatre, they made the world
realise that Beckett was a major figure, and Beckett, as we
all know, changed everything.
Tynan, who rarely wrote about his craft as a critic, did
once write a response to the publication of a collection of
essays by American critic Theodore L Shaw (author of
such companionable titles as War on Critics and The
The Very Best of the Wales Arts Review: Volume 1
Hypocrisy of Criticism). Tynan, arguably the finest theatre its current health. It is refilling its veins with some potent
stuff. There is a rumble, the type most commonly associatcritic of the twentieth century, wrote,
ed with the coming of a storm; the filing cabinet rattling
What counts is not their [critics] opinion, but the art moments before the earthquake. The arts in Wales are
with which it is expressed. They differ from the about to enter an unprecedented era of creative excelnovelist only in that they take as their subject- lence, a seismic movement that will provide a significant
matter life rehearsed, instead of life unrehearsed. platform that is visible way beyond the borders Wales has
The subtlest and best-informed of men will still be held on to so dearly for so long. It cannot happen without
a bad critic if his style is bad. It is irrelevant whether criticism and criticism of the highest calibre. It cannot
his opinion is right or wrong: I learn more from happen without passion, intellectualism, elitism. It will not
George Bernard Shaw when he is wrong than I do happen with star ratings (a fishing line designed specifically to catch the smallest fish), advertorials or soft porn in the
from Clement Strong when he is right.
margins. Great criticism is as important as the art that
inspires it and the Critic is the writer who cannot give up the
And here is the weight behind the blade:conversation.
Wales is a country filled with talent; with serious-minded
The true critic cares little for the here and now. The
last thing he bothers about is the man who will practitioners of the arts. And the country is too small for us
read him first. His real rendezvous is with posterity. all to crawl over one another doffing our caps as we pass
on Eschers stairwell. May we have permission from whoHis review is a letter addressed to the future.
ever is in charge to respectfully move on from Dylan
In Iron in the Soul, a novel in which the main character is Thomas? May we take the opportunity to perhaps introan artist and critic, Sartre wrote that the business of a critic duce this great country to the outside world as a place not
is to know what other men have thought. This may seem filled with sombre preachers and drunken cherubs? We
obvious, but it is true on many levels. An art critic, he have the talent. But it can only be achieved with that critical
writes, is not paid to spend his time worrying about the culture as a part of it. We need to fire the canons, we need
imperfect colour-sense of wild grass. I suppose there are to shed these puerile ideas of good and bad and anmany other imperfections to consider. Any art can only be nounce to the world that Welsh art its literature, its
truly valued if it is evaluated. I was asked on a radio show theatre, its painting and sculpting and circuses and music
recently, Isnt everybody a critic? Well of course every- and cinema it is a conversation youll want to join in with.
Spinoza said that mans duty, when surveying the world,
bodys a critic. But not everybody is a Critic.
So what is a Critic? A Critic is insatiable. A Critic is the was neither to laugh nor to weep, but to understand. Now
most generous of egoists. A Critic is elitist but welcoming is the time to nail that above the doorway.
A Critic is an investor into a culture. As artists we invest
with it. A Critic takes things seriously, sometimes too-seriously, but also has a broad sense of humour, always in the culture of Wales, not latch onto it; we are working to
cocked. A Critic is just as ready to raise their arms as they build it, to brighten it, and to make other nations envious
are their nose. A Critic is often yearning for that moment of of us. We are part of the global community now. Wales
profundity. The Critic, after all, is doing this in the hope of may have had a difficult time in recognising this, having
enlightenment, in the hope of becoming a better person. spent so long splitting its energies between introspection
The same reason why anybody else experiences art. and hating the English. If I may use a personal example
When New York art critic Clement Greenberg said, Art to make a point: I have never felt particularly Welsh. It is
criticism is about the most ungrateful form of elevated my blood, part of my ancestry, but culturally it has never
writing I know of, he was not being self-effacing, but was been under my skin. Blame it a little on being born and
displaying all of the above traits. A Critic can be ungrateful, brought up in Newport, the town treated as the child neiabrasive, vindictive, snappy, cold, isolated, bloated, flag- ther parent wanted in the divorce. Blame it on whatever
waving, attention-seeking, cruel, perverse, rabble-rousing you like. But in the last two years I have not only begun to
and many other ugly things; but to be unengaged is No feel Welsh, but it is the first time I have ever recognised
Mans Land. To be ill-informed, under-informed, lazy, is the myself as having any identity outside of my personality.
wilderness with no end. To play at being a Critic does The emblematic reason for this is my editorship of Wales
nobody any good, least of all the player. So well-crafted Arts Review. It is culture that makes a country and Wales
wrongness is worthy, whereas piffle is a waste of every- Arts Review has introduced me to mine. It has helped me
realise that Welsh art is art just like anywhere else: hubodys time.
In Wales at the moment, we are at the verge of some- man, stained with the colours of the culture it sprouts out
thing. The arts are awakening. And history shows us that from. I now realise that Wales is a part of the world I travthese things do not happen without a vibrant critical culture elled when young and continue to explore now less
being a part of it. What cannot be part of the conversation young. Wales is not sombre preachers and drunken cheris the trend for regurgitated press releases, fan bits, and (a ubs, and Tolstoy and Tennessee Williams and Beckett
new word for me) advertorials commercial promotions and Alban Berg are as much ours as they are anyone
structured and coloured to masquerade as the words of a elses. Wales is a remarkable country; embattled always,
genuinely impressed journalist. We are, of course, in an but beautiful always too. At its heart are music and poetry
era of squeezed middles and pushed down tops, but these and socialism the most important things the human
are mere excuses when sterner stuff is needed. A Critic creature has ever mined from the cosmos. The eternal
conversation is the thing, and you are mistaken if you
does not exist to help ticket sales.
Does Wales have a strong history of cultural criticism? I dont think Wales deserves a part in it.
dont know; Im not a historian of such things. But I do know
among others. Perhaps a tip of the hat from one mastermanipulator to another?
Contemporary reaction to The Birth of a Nation in America
was divided, to say the least. The NAACP tried to get it
banned because of its inflammatory stereotyping. When
riots broke out in Boston, Philadelphia and other major U.S.
cities following screenings of the film, the cities of Chicago,
Denver, Kansas City, Minneapolis, Pittsburgh and St. Louis
all refused to allow the film to open. Despite, or perhaps
because of the controversy, the film was a huge commercial
success. Its box office records would only be eclipsed by
another civil war epic, with its own questionable racial
politics, Gone with the Wind (1939). While some critics,
such as Agee, saluted Griffiths technical achievements and
creative ambition, there were
others who rejected its crude
racism. Frances Hackett, writing
in the New Republic, argued that
Thomas Dixon had merely displaced his own malignity onto the
Globe editorial thundered that
the film was an insult to the legacy of George Washington.
The most controversial review
of the film, however, came from
President Woodrow Wilson who,
following a White House screening of the film, reportedly described the film as like writing
history with lightning. And my
only regret is that it is all so terribly true. The line is possibly
apocryphal, and a Presidential
aide quickly dashed off a letter to
the NAACP denying Wilsons remarks. Yet although we cannot
be certain as to whether the
president offered such a sympathetic judgement on The Birth of
a Nation, one of the films intertitles features a quote from Wilsons A History of the American People, in which he wrote that during reconstruction, In
the villages [of the south] the negroes were the officeholders, men who knew nothing of the uses of authority, except
its insolences.
catalyst for the formation of Cymdeithas yr Iaith Gymraeg, and the start of a
period of direct-action agitation to enhance the status of the Welsh language. Lewis was nominated for the
1970 Nobel Prize for Literature not,
perhaps, for the quality of his writing
but for the impact of his thought.
And the Nobel Prize, often recognised as the ultimate accolade a Writer
can receive, is particularly relevant to
my own argument. In the words of
Alfred Nobels will, the Prize should be
awarded in the field of literature for
the most outstanding work in an ideal
direction. The Swedish Academy seek
to reward lasting literary merit but also
idealisk, a particular brand of idealism
that champions human rights on a
grand scale. The Prize rewards writing, but above and beyond writing, it
rewards the Writer as symbol.
Most societies give rise to small
groups of thinkers who become precursors to change. Sometimes the flow of
history leaves these groups as marginal figures, condemned to the shadows.
The Welsh Outlook is a case in point.
You may well not have heard of it. The
magazine was formed in the home of
David Davies, grandson of Llandinam
the industrialist and brother of Gwen
and Margaret, whose collection of 260
paintings graces the National Museum
of Wales. With a readership of just a
couple of thousand, the magazines
centrality to the development of Welsh
nationalism taking it away from narrow religious and linguistic identity politics to engage with internationalism
and modernity is, when viewed in the
international context to which it aspired, a footnote to a bigger picture
somewhere else. Even the dates of its
publication the magazine ran from
1914 to 1933 are redolent of far more
was Chair of the Human Rights Foundation, yet another indication of the
deep connection between the Writers
concern with the human condition and
the activists concern with the humans
And it was Havels compatriot Milan
Kundera, in The Art of the Novel (1986)
who made a distinction between a Writer (my capitalisation) and a novelist.
Kundera: The writer has original ideas
and a unique voice. He can employ
any form (including that of the novel)
and because everything he writes
bears the mark of his thoughts, carried
by his voice, it is part of his work. Into
this category, Kundera who has long
been exiled to France places Rousseau, Goethe, Chateaubriand, Gide,
Camus, Malraux. On the other hand,
[t]he novelist does not attach so much
importance to his ideas. He is an explorer, busy feeling his way to unveil an
unknown aspect of existence. He is not
fascinated not by his voice, but by a
form he is after, seeking to make it his
own, and it is only the forms that can
meet the demands of his dreams that
become part of his works. Examples
he gives here include Fielding, Sterne,
Flaubert, Proust, Faulkner and Celine.
Aside from the point Kundera makes
explicitly, I think there is also something of importance in the fact he uses
the singular work in relation to the
Writer and the plural works when discussing novelists. To take the given
authors, Tom Jones, Tristram Shandy,
Madame Bovary, A la recherch du
temps perdu, The Sound and the Fury
and Journey to the End of the Night are
each singular works of art, self-contained infinities. By contrast, the bestknown works of the Writers mentioned
are part of a wider schema. The Outsider, for example, is best read is
intended to be read alongside The
Myth of Sisyphus. Rousseaus Discourse on the Origin of Inequality is
inseparable from On the Social Contract. In short, it might be said that the
novelist is concerned with the Work,
the Writer with the Body of Work that
expresses an Idea.
I believe Kunderas is a vital distinction, and very useful to an understanding of the Writers position here in
Wales. It may help us to understand
what we have had to celebrate in the
past and what we have traditionally
lacked. Better still, it can point a direction for the future.
I have already discussed Saunders
Lewis, who very clearly fits Kunderas
criteria for a Writer. His work is clearly
underpinned by a voice and a set of
ideas. Bertrand Russell and Raymond
about the relationship between freedom and oppression; samizdat literature the hand-to-hand passing
around of outlawed, sensitive material
shows us the power and importance
of the written word. It finds contemporary echoes in the twittering soundtrack to the Arab Spring, events linked
through journalistic shorthand to those
of Prague 1968.
The first casualties of totalitarianism
are the minds that would oppose it.
The last decade has encouraged lots
of talk about winning hearts and
minds. Hearts are easy to deal with;
dictators and terrorists, by definition,
are unconcerned with hearts. Minds,
however, are dangerous. You can
break bodies, but some of historys
most inspiring stories show that you
cannot change minds quite so easily.
Writers, of course, deal in the currency
of the mind.
Dai Smith has called Wales a young
country not afraid to remember what it
might yet become. And at the end of a
week where Leanne Wood used her
first conference speech as leader of
the party founded by Saunders Lewis
to outline an idealistic vision of a Welsh
New Deal, it would be worth remembering that while we will build the nation together nurses, teachers,
carpenters, mechanics, shop assistants, bar staff, rugby players, theatre
directors, social workers, even politicians for a clear vision of where we
might go, we are also going to need not
only novelists and poets, but Writers
with a capital W.
summer dusk
girls chalk their shadows
on the new tar
field of dead grass
the wind
loses its breath
sun in the ribs
of the old pier
ebb tide
a donkey tethered
to a tractor tyre
dead sunflowers
One of the stigmas surrounding haiku is that there is
some strict imposition of rules and requirements suffocating the natural expression of a poet. Clearly these haiku
are all set in summer, yet only one actually names the
season itself. Working within the tradition established by
haiku masters, it is clear that you can utilise and experiThe Very Best of the Wales Arts Review: Volume 1
Huesca moves me still, its piquant directness, its sad music, its
silence between the quatrains
The influence of the poet spills
over into the prose. On arriving in
the great metropolis: It takes a
long time to like Londons secret
ways, her modesty London disappears down smoky evenings,
resenting your familiarity. In
Llandaff Cathedral he sees the
niches filled with gold-plated
wreaths of wild flowers. He is reminded that Welsh has dozens of
flowers that are named in honour
of the Virgin. He honeymoons at
Ogmore, that lark-high, seaside
village which overlooked the crinkling, silver-paper shine of the estuary below.
With the poetry comes the literary life. In a restaurant he finds
himself sitting between Freddie
Ayer and William Coldstream. In a
gloomy 1944 London he goes to a
lecture by Edmund Blunden and
offers him his own poems. He is in
the audience to see Stephen
Spender jump to his feet and denounce Emanuel Litvinoff for insulting
He inhabits that great migr centre,
the Cosmo in St Johns Wood and
meets Elias Canetti. On a flight out of
Heathrow a security guard is puzzled
to find that Ted Hughes travels with
the tooth of a tiger in his pocket. In the
grandeur of Princeton he is confidently
told he obviously cannot be famous. If
youre famous, you havent got time to
spend on students. As often the writer
has to suffer the perception that the
fruits of the imagination are the life
undiluted. In the case of Ash on an Old
Mans Sleeve even the publisher connives, promoting it as plain autobiography.
Abses age of poetry pre-dates that
in which the poet is by default part of
the promotional package. Poetry
readings, he writes, used to be deadly dull. Until the 1960s too many poets
mumbled or read at 100mph or chose
poems that were entirely unsuitable for
public recital. Roy Campbell appears
for a reading visibly drunk. Abses own
rising public profile raises press attention. The Poetry Society is gripped by
feuding. A few lines of conversation
with a Royal is gruesomely inflated
and misrepresented by Londons
evening paper.
anticids are being sold in case of another gas attack. Above all though is
the Turkish flag and the image of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk.
Occupy Gezi is a tactile movement,
people are scratching their protest on
the skin of the city. The protest is
everywhere. Not only in the cafes,
streets and bars. Its written on the
walls, paint-sprayed on the roads and
pavements, in the metro stations; leaflets have been printed and are being
handed out, stencils of penguins have
been designed and are sprayed on
walls during the worst of police violence CNN Turk instead chose to air a
documentary on penguins all kinds
of flags are being flown, pots and pans
hit by woman hanging out of apartment blocks, lights flashing on and off
against their windows, endless whistling; and the chanting Tayyip Istifa
(Resign Tayyip [Erdoan]) and Her
yer Taksim, her yer direni! (Every
where is Taksim, the resistance is everywhere!) all this amid the aroma of
roasted chestnuts and a faint whiff of
For several days we had all been
awake until the early hours, some of
us until the sun came up, keeping a
close eye on the Twitter accounts and
hashtags we had, through a process of
trial and error, come to rely upon.
Needless to say our bullshit detectors
have been fine-tuned over the past
twelve days.
Much has been said of the instant
gratification impulse Twenty-first century society and culture has seemingly
fostered next day delivery services,
television programmes and films can
be streamed within a few seconds
(that is, if you have a fast internet
connection, in which case most people
wont bother), likewise for the music
we download; instant credit and
tanned skin, wait a minute Ill Google
Speculation in situations such Gezi
is natural of course, as is the mix of
scepticism and hyperbole feeding it.
Walking home that night I realised that
wed all been guilty of over-thinking,
trying to explain away Occupy Gezi,
reduce it to a series of symbols, when
the fact remained that we were still too
close to the events to make sense of
them. Focus on the here and now,
keep the protesters uppermost in your
mind, communicate what is happening
here without hope or despair. This is
the conclusion I came to. We had
spent much of the day in contact with
various protesters, through acquaintances, social media and by texting.
Eventually the requests came through,
daughter walked out of Young Osman,
a play based on the youthful, reforming sultan, Osman II, at the Ankara
State Theatre, claiming she had been
insulted by an actor, the PM threatened to withdraw state support from
Turkeys theatres. Among several others,Erdoanhasalsolookedtointro
duce restrictions to the timing of
abortions and public displays of affection. However, these moral and cultural intrusions by the state cannot be
said to not impinge on the lifestyles of
an excusively secular contingent.
Edorgans decision to build a third
bridge over the Bosphorus, naming it
after Sultan Selim I nicknamed Selim the Grim following a massacre of
Turkeys Alevi population (a sect of
Shia Islam with aspects of Sufism who
espouse mystic poetry, music and
dance) in the Fifteen-century is seen
as a provocation to Turkeys existing
largest minority. Liberal and Anticapitalist Muslims (Antikapitalist Mslmanlar) advocating pluralism are also
affected by government policies,
hence their involvement (albeit to a
lesser extent than the main body of
secular protesters) in Occupy Gezi.
At Gezi Park I saw a banner held
aloft by two head-scarfed women
which read, the trees bow down before God. A quote from the Quran.
Another banner displays a line
from My Name is Red by Turkeys
Nobel Prize winning author, Orhan
Pamuk, I dont want to be a tree, I
want to be its meaning.
Oh, Newport, My Lionheart: 30 years of Music and Nightlife in the City of Cider
and Steel
by Craig Austin
Let the bombs rain down on London and Bristol. But
most of all, on dirty little Newport Nazi propagandist,
William Joyce, Lord Haw-Haw.
Somebody, in FHM I think, wrote that it was one of the
Top 50 best nights out in the world, ever. So to me, thats
a pretty good night out, isnt it? a TJs punter reminisces about the period when Newport threatened to become
the new Seattle.
ewport is a town that wears its city status as
uneasily as the awkward looking man who is
handed a tie by the sniffy matre d of a fancy
upmarket restaurant. It is not in the business of
slavishly following fashion or the latest metropolitan trends
and moreover it will instinctively mistrust and be wary of
you if it senses that you might possibly be one of those
people. Newport will hug you to its manly tattooed bosom,
it will buy you a pint, and let you cadge a fag off it, but it will
also rough you up, try and cop off with your girlfriend, and
will always, always, take the piss out of you. It is the city in
which Joe Strummer dug graves, it is the city that dragged
Morrissey from its stage, the city that almost killed Paul
Wellers solo career stone dead, and it is the unlikely
setting of an organic mid-90s music scene that pogo-ed its
way across the Atlantic from the newsprint sheets of the
South Wales Argus to the glossy pages of Rolling Stone in
what seemed like a matter of months.
A contemporary outsiders view of the city, its culture, and
its people has in all likelihood been shaped via the ruthlessly unscrupulous camera lens of the interloper; its most
recent national exposure having been Channel 4s craven
and exploitative schlock-fest Bouncers, and the shamelessly opportunistic and geographically inaccurate
global internet phenomenon, Newport State of Mind. By
way of contrast, this writers experience of the city, its
music and its nightlife, is one underpinned by a redolent
sense of both affection and gratitude. At an early age,
Newport emboldened me with a purpose of spirit, an entrenched sense of belonging and camaraderie, and a
weapons-grade bullshit detector that works as effectively
now as the day it was first bestowed upon me. It is the
place where, under age, I first managed to negotiate my
tour of duty. For like all those who hold the Peoples
Republic of Newport dear, the GLC acknowledge the degree to which it would be a capital crime to allow a city that
was once perceived to be an unofficial cultural satellite of
Minneapolis to be latterly viewed as merely a disorderly
and unbecoming subsidiary of Cardiff, to see what was
once the new Seattle mutate into the new Detroit. Because, as historical experience has taught us, without the
requisite investment of thought, attention, and deed that its
proud heritage and rich history surely deserves that could
all happen here, here in Newport.
From Olympia to the Valleys: What Riot Grrrl did and didnt do for me
by Rhian E Jones
ith riot grrrl now approaching the status of a heritage industry, not to mention Courtney Loves current incarnation as the post-grunge Norma
Desmond, it can be hard to recall that both of them helped
me find my feminist footing on the slippery rocks of a 90s
girlhood. This is a roundabout remembrance of how it
The arts have long been a space for radical expression
by women, even if the extent of that radicalism has often
gone under-acknowledged. In 1915, the author and
journalist Dorothy Richardson produced Pointed Roofs,
credited as the first English stream of consciousness novel, using an innovative prose style which she saw as
necessary for the expression of female experience. Virginia Woolf observed that Richardson has invented, or, if she
has not invented, developed and applied to her own uses,
a sentence which we might call the psychological sentence
of the feminine gender. If Richardsons challenge to linguistic convention in her writing has musical counterparts,
one of them is the new, raw and female sound made
possible by post-punk. Punk removed barriers of precedent and technical expertise to engagement in music,
enabling trips into less-charted musical and lyrical territory.
But it was in the subsequent voyage of discovery that was
post-punk that punks revolutionary potential really bore
fruit, and the untried, experimental nature of post-punk
music was particularly suited to women.
Accepting a works artistic value doesnt automatically
mean that youll enjoy it, of course. It took me a long time
to appreciate both experimental literature and post-punk in
practice as well as in theory. One of the most acclaimed of
post-punk bands were the Raincoats, a London-bred collective based around the partnership of Gina Birch and
Ana Da Silva, but on my first listen, at the age of thirteen
or so, their hesitant, eerie, self-effacing, gentle and looseknit stylings were something I had no patience for and no
sympathy with. It wasnt until a couple of years later that,
intrigued by Kurt Cobains fanboying of the band, I gave
the Raincoats a second chance, or at least a second listen.
This time around, I could discern something I could identify
with, something that was tangled up with the altered terri-
tory of adolescence. Moreover, I realised that the Raincoats had sounded so off-puttingly alien to me at first
because they were their tentative, unfamiliar steps towards music had been a groundbreaking way of doing
Sure, women had been singers and musicians before
now, and I had been awed and enthralled by punk, prepunk and proto-punk women from Ma Rainey to Gaye
Advert, but even Patti Smith had been reliant on male
instrumentalists and male-defined musical styles (in addition to her almost exclusively male role models) to back up
her creative ambition. By contrast, the Raincoats self-titled
debut was described as the first womens rock album, its
deconstruction of traditional forms pioneering an arresting
and persuasive form of rock without the cock. The Raincoats music and lyrics mapped a landscape previously
alien to mainstream rock; a female-centred one of selfconsciousness, self-doubt, embarrassment and anxiety, its
borders defined by the pressure to conform aesthetically
and cosmetically as well as by family, society and biology.
Punks preoccupation with mundane daily routine bus
rides, shopping, boredom is rendered with drab watercolour realism rather than the gritty outlaw glamour with which
The Clash tended to sculpt their cityscapes.
Postpunk was full of such subtly subversive manoeuvres
as female musicians attempted to realise a self-consciously radical sound dealing with emotions embarrassment,
awkwardness, anxiety infrequently expressed in contemporary rock. Post-punks concern with the politicisation of
the personal, and with identifying and promoting authenticity rather than cultural and media stereotypes, lent itself to
exploration from a feminine and feminist angle, resulting in
lyrics which demystified and deconstructed conventional
femininity, love, sex and romance, and which analysed
social and cultural pressures on women, or the tensions of
personal relationships, in implicitly political ways. The Slits
made skanky, shadowy dub-punk hymns to sex and shoplifting, identified mainstream femininity as a profit-driven
invention in Typical Girls, and scathingly dismissed its
attendant angst and insecurities. The stinging lyrics of the
Bush Tetras Too Many Creeps conflated love, romance
and consumerism, ultimately rejecting the whole package
as the fruitless result of shopping around only to find
nothing thats worth the cost. There was an obvious
The Very Best of the Wales Arts Review: Volume 1
prototype here for riot grrrls alarms and anxieties: the ments nerve-centres and unable to practically engage, I
struggle to occupy public space with confidence rather listened and I read.
than fear, the revelation that falling in love can be more
At the end of the 90s, the Spice Girls water-down
baffling nausea than fairytale bliss, the terrifying tricks that
version of Girl Power had me questioning whethbiology and psychology can play.
er there was a place for real independent women
While there are cons as well as pros to what Greil Marcus
in mainstream pop culture, not to mention the
called post-punks spontaneous amateurism a lot of
effectiveness of the early-90s riot grrrl movement
post-punk music sounds like it was more entertaining to
in the face of this blatant co-option of our terminolmake than it is to listen to its difficult to deny its interest
and importance as a form of self-expression, especially by
those more usually found in the audience than on the
Tobi Vail, Bikini Kill/Jigsaw
stage. The musical legacy of post-punk, with its acceleration of the female self-expression which punk initiated,
In political terms, riot grrrl in the UK felt more aligned with
remained deeply embedded in underground and alternathe self-consciously alternative and oppositional left of the
tive music, occasionally rising to break the surface.
80s, which made it feel increasingly out of place as alterThe whole climate changed in the 80s music native culture in the 90s succumbed to a celebratory,
reverted back to being a careerist option But we conformist complacence. The major-label hijacking of the
were amazed that there was this void, with no one girl power slogan was grimly predictable, and so was the
taking up the baton. There was a ten-year gap until hostility that riot grrrl in its undiluted form had initially faced
non-traditional music and art has a long history of rejecriot grrrl and Elastica came along.
tion as incoherent and amateur. In 90s Britain, riot grrrl
- Viv Albertine, guitarist/vocalist, The Slits was to some extent a casualty of the post-Oasis critical
dismissal of experimental music as the preserve of affectThe early-90s eruption of riot grrrl bore all the musical ed middle-class art-school cliques, inferior to more welland political hallmarks of female post-punk, continuing worn and familiar forms of artistic expression. Arguing that
both its experimentalist and deconstructionist approach to bland and basic music is inherently superior, by dint of its
form, and its mocking and subverting of conventional fem- appeal to a less pretentious man-in-the-street demoinine looks, dress and behaviour. In terms of women in graphic, is of course a damaging class-essentialist line
bands, the manufactured mainstream of the late 1980s which implies that the ordinary working-class music fan is
was obviously a barren ground for post-punks experimen- incapable of engaging with anything more challenging, and
talist legacy, and I had little inkling of the alternative or which further implies that there can be no emotional,
underground until my adolescence, which was why it took psychological or political depth to straightforward, simple
the 90s to introduce me to the 70s. Riot grrrl was the other music. No matter how loudly and frequently made, neither
shoe dropping, the lower jaw meeting the upper to snap charge should stick.
Where riot grrrl was open to more valid criticism and
shut on the vacant, rapacious maw of the decade between.
challenge, however, was where it subscribed to an unexamined liberal feminism which took little account of other
axes of privilege and oppression. For all that I read of riot
Like many foreign phenomena, riot grrrl seemed to land grrrls in Leeds, Manchester, London and Brighton, I rein the Valleys slightly after the fact and almost entirely in ceived it as an intrinsically US concept, especially in its
the abstract which was just as well, seeing as how the college-age personalised and confessional third-wave
90s NME would inevitably have dubbed any Welsh equiv- feminism, and this led me to regard it with a certain degree
alent something like Riot Grllll. According to retrospective of
mythology, the US-spawned movement was propelled into several retrospectives on the movement, its largely white
popular consciousness in Britain by Huggy Bears 1993 and middle-class makeup meant that exclusionary tendenperformance of Her Jazz and subsequent disruption of an cies albeit often unspoken and subconscious adhered
episode of The Word something I only dimly recollect, to it in spite of its inclusionary rhetoric. In the book Girls
though I do remember the acres of newsprint it generated. Make Media, Mary Celeste Kearney observes:
Radicalising existing UK indie subcultures, riot grrrl continThe gender deviance displayed by riot grrrls is a
ued post-punks emphasis on demystifying music, not
privilege to which only middle-class white girls
merely through forming bands but also through actively
have access. Indeed, the gender (and generationmaking physical space for girls at gigs and questioning
al) trouble celebrated within riot grrrl may be the
gender norms and power dynamics within music and wider
primary reason for its lack of appeal to poor female
youths and girls of colour, whose performance of
Despite riot grrrls understandable and justified antipathy
gender and generation are structured quite differto mainstream media, with its well-documented tendency
ently as a result of their disenfranchised status
to sensationalise, misrepresent and exploit, the fact that I
was able to experience the movement at all, in my isolated
and alienated pre-internet adolescence, was due to the I grew up a feminist as well as a socialist. The two things
90s weekly music press. For a brief and brilliant moment, were intertwined for me in, for instance, the legacy of
across its pages, as well as those of the associated fan- 1980s miners support groups through which Valleys womzines and communiqus I subsequently acquired, there en, while on the one hand supporting what might be seen
raged a range of women who made me feel that, as a as a macho and patriarchal industrial culture, had on the
teenage girl, the validity and logic of my involvement with other hand gradually challenged the chauvinism in which it
music was never in question. Separated from the move- could be steeped. In doing so, their focus had been on
material rather than abstract issues. Riot grrrls emphasis
The Very Best of the Wales Arts Review: Volume 1
on questioning and disrupting conventional ideas of femininity scrawling SLUT or UGLY on exposed skin, reclaiming or subverting sexually derogatory terms and
identities was something I accepted and experimented
with on a theoretical level, but, as a pathologically underconfident small-town teenage girl, I felt entirely unable to
practice it.
As anyone whos ever over-listened to the Manics You
Love Us will know, antagonism can be life-affirming, and
sometimes deliberately adopting a confrontationally extraordinary look, defiantly dressing ridiculous, can be a
perverse form of self-defence. By the same token, though,
it is at least a gamble, at most a risk, depending on its
context, and those who adopt it cannot really bargain for its
varying receptions. The lack of everyday space in which to
aesthetically experiment was partly why the gigs I did
manage to attend as a teenager, and for which I spent
whole days ritually preparing, attained such value as safe
subcultural spaces where one could dress up and act out
something that riot grrrl actively emphasised even
though the same gigs could also be confrontational flashpoints (See, for instance, the polarised accounts of Huggy
Bear and their 1993 gig at TJs in Newport in Craig Austins
zine Cocksucker Blues (February, 1993).
Mimi Thi Nguyen, in her counter-history of riot grrrl, writes
that certain forms of rebellion performed by women can
look different when race, class or sexuality is brought into
For instance, women of color wondered out loud
for whom writing slut across their stomachs operated as reclamations of sexual agency against
feminine passivity, where racisms had already
inscribed such terms onto some bodies, and poor
or criminal-class women argued that feminists
slumming in the sex industry (through stripping,
for the most part) as a confrontational act implied
that other women in this or other tiers of the industry were otherwise conceding to patriarchy.
While the criticisms quoted above were more directly
relevant to US riot grrrl than its UK manifestation, the limits
that could be placed on riot grrrls radicalism by a lack of
attention to race, class, and other dimensions of female
experience, have an obvious resonance with recent debates on the need for an intersectional approach to feminism. As a working-class teenage girl, I felt that I was
missing out by being unable to practically engage with
contemporary riot grrrl, but I wonder whether practically
engaging might only have brought its own set of frustrations, whether I would have found myself feeling more a
part of the problem than the solution.
Yes, riot grrrls performative slut aesthetic could be
useful to women wanting to escape or overthrow an oppressive set of good-girl expectations but these expectations are often race- and class-dependent. If your class
already leads external observers to stereotype you with a
lack of respectability, a certain availability, a certain easiness then the deliberate adoption of that same identity
is not straightforwardly empowering or liberating. To further complicate matters, this identity ran counter to the
imposed notions of working-class respectability with which
I grew up, and reclaiming or even challenging it would have
taken more balls than I possessed in my teens. It was also
a difficult role to inhabit temporarily without becoming
obliged to occupy it permanently; it was difficult to convey
that one was in fact merely performing a slut role there
through the power of suggestion and impression. Courtneys lyrical preoccupation with petal-stripping, in particular, seemed to exemplify a determination to peel away the
decorative superficial to get to an ugly but authentic heart
of the matter the real, beyond fake, inside the pretty.
Courtneys music, like other aspects of her politics and
presentation, rubbed up against riot-grrrls concern with
anatomising female neurosis and breaching the
personal/political divide, expressing what it found as a
cathartic, exhilarating blend of rage and revel.
Like Patti Smith and her phallocentric pantheon (Rimbaud, Dylan, Morrison, Richards), Courtneys significant
idols and inspirations McCulloch, Cope, Curtis were
mostly male, but her attachment to traditional forms of
macho rock songwriting was undercut by her entire approach to it, in particular the confessional outpouring of her
lyrics. She drew on tropes considered irredeemably girly
diary entries, fairytales, dolls and babydolls, plumpness
and satin pumps, petals and candy and mixed them up
with the gritty, grisly business of actually being a woman,
the raw, bloody meat and the mindfucking. I had to work at
getting the Raincoats, and to a lesser extent at getting
riot grrrl, finally managing to interpret the former through
the latter. My getting Courtney, however, felt instinctive,
automatic, even if I didnt quite know why, and even if it
was due to the familiarity of the artistic territory on which
she operated. Even if you view the electric guitar as a
hopelessly compromised phallic instrument, theres surely
a subversive thrill to be had from seeing it in female hands.
Moreover, Courtneys attempts to navigate the perilous
waters of Doing It Like a Dude uncovered the existence of
undercurrents which still make it difficult to do so. Unlike
the acknowledged performativity of riot grrrl, Courtney did
not seem to be permitted to escape her bad-girl role,
appeared unable to shrug off her costume after any given
performance. She was constantly reviled or ridiculed for
behaviour and attitudes which got, and still get, her male
contemporaries praised and indulged. Her relationship
with Kurt Cobain exemplified these inequalities, seeing her
automatically dismissed as a golddigger, a groupie, a
modern Yoko. Her position and prominence was repeatedly explained with reference to her easy sexuality or manipulative harpy qualities rather than her talent regardless
of Holes early commercial outpacing of Nirvana or the
artistic equivalence between her band and his.
On Sale Now.
Almost like a world on its own': Wales Arts Review goes to Festival No.6
by John Lavin
Festival No 6, Portmeirion, 13th 15th September, 2013
Number Two: Quite a beautiful place, really, isnt it? Almost like a world on its own.
Number Six: I shall miss it when Im gone.
Number Two: Oh, it will grow on you.
- The Arrival, The Prisoner
y grandparents first visited Portmeirion in the
1950s, when on a holiday in nearby Criccieth
they stumbled upon it by accident, suddenly
looming out at them from across the bay. This was before
Portmeirion was to be made famous by the cult sixties TV
series The Prisoner and so you can imagine their surprise
and even bewilderment at coming across an Arts and
Crafts/Italianate style village surrounded by trees, while on
holiday in North Wales. My grandmother always said it
struck her as a magical place from that day on and in truth
it must have been a little like walking through a wardrobe
and finding oneself in Narnia such is the unapologetic
atmosphere of magic realism that defines the Village and
its surroundings. Holidays with their son, my father, duly
followed and in turn my own parents were to take me to
Portmeirion several times when I was a child, although
sadly I never visited with my grandparents. Couple this with
a teenage obsession with The Prisoner and you may see
why I was particularly keen to attend the second incarnation of Festival No 6, having been unable to attend last
years praise-heaped affair.
Wales Arts Review (or at least this member of Wales Arts
Review) began the long, diagonal journey northwards under both a literal and a metaphorical cloud. The literal cloud
being the deeply unpromising black-purple, puffy-eyed sky,
the metaphorical cloud being the presence of far too much
residue of whisky pumping around my bloodstream. While
this may sound like the stuff of music journalism clich it
was, in fact, brought about through no fault of my own but
rather through the coincidental and unexpected twin-visit
of both an old friend and my partners Canada-based
brother. Alas, much like in the scene from North by
Northwest, whereby Martin Landau makes Cary Grant
down a whole bottle of spirits, this turn of events served to
metaphorically hold me down and, while forcing my mouth
open, send an inordinately large amount of Isle of Jura
gushing into my unsuspecting liver.
himself has ever managed you were left in little doubt that
you had witnessed something truly special.
Perhaps owing to this and to the fact that due to being
timetabled at the same time as Chic they were playing to
a practically empty tent, These New Puritans, seemed a
little dour, while their intensity was muddied somewhat by
sound problems which were no fault of their own. For all
that there is still no one else making music quite like them
in the UK right now and towering versions of Attack Music
with its appropriate references to September and the
utterly fantastic, DJ Shadow-goes-contemporary-classical,
Organ Eternal, served to turn things around.
Wales Arts Review caught the end of Chic and have to
admit to bellowing the phrase fall into my arms and tremble like a flowaaah in a no doubt annoyingly loud manner. But, of course, so was everybody else. The tent
was rammed for Chic and without a doubt they were as
completely fantastic as people have been saying all year.
Good Times, We Are Family, the aforementioned Lets
Dance all delivered with a joy and enthusiasm that along
with Johnny Marrs glistening, Irish folk guitar riffs served
to turn the close to the weekend into a wild and celebratory
All in all it might have seemed like a hard act for
the Manics to follow but of course these days they have a
Nile Rodgers-like armoury of instant classics in their repertoire that could, frankly, have stretched long into the night.
This was underlined by the way they nonchalantly wandered on stage and broke straight into a magnificent version of Motorcycle Emptiness. Now, I will confess to not
having seen the Manics live for some years, not perhaps
since their rather by-numbers Glastonbury headline performance in 1999, (and even to have gone off them somewhat between then and the devastating renaissance
that Journal for Plague Lovers represented some ten years
later), but here, truly was a performance of such power and
confidence that I felt instant regret of the kind that you feel
when you meet a dear old friend you havent seen in years
and instantly hit it off again.
Because the setting was Portmeirion and because
Portmeirion Beach was the setting for the cover of fifteenyear-old-birthday album, This Is My Truth, Tell Me Yours
the record, which I have to say, made me fall out of love
with the Manics they elected to play several songs from
it. This could have been quite a bit of a negative for me but
because MSP were playing with such verve and confidence it actually served to reinvigorate and highlight the
craftsmanship involved in those songs. And with the exception of TIMTTMYs one true moment of genius, Ready
for Drowning, about the submerged Welsh village of Treweryn, they stuck to the singles like Tsunami and The
Everlasting, which were always pretty good live anyway.
It must be a good Manics gig if they only play one Holy
Bible track and you still have a fantastic time, but nevertheless Revol was still the evenings undoubted highlight,
preceded as it was by a touching and appropriate eulogy
to Richey Edwards, from an emotional and pleasingly
drunk-sounding Wire (Manics gigs are always at their best,
in my opinion, if Nickys drunk an expletive laden tirade
against Michael Gove bears this out).
And so, with the sound of several thousand recession hit
people bellowing and we are not allowed to spend the
magical, surreal, high-quality-beverage-and-food-providing, quite possibly unbetterable Festival No 6, drew to a
close. Be seeing you next year. Mines a vodka, cucumber
and elderflower cocktail.
Orwell and Koestler were not men easily adjusted to the centre-point to a real movement. Unfortunately, enlistment
intimacies of friendship; Orwell was famously stubborn and was slow and riddled with counter-arguments. Some felt
enforced a strict discipline on himself and Koestler was the manifesto was too anti-Russian, others felt it was too
equally stubborn, and his reputation for being a prickly abstract in its ideals. Russell, the most important ally on the
character often undersold his pugnaciousness somewhat. list, felt that the world was on the brink of apocalyptic war,
But it seems the two, who had been developing a friend- (Truman had dropped the bomb in August 1945), and
ship-of-sorts built from mutual admiration for a few years wanted to turn the committee into an opportunity for a
when both in London, did become close during the few conference to discuss avoidance of global nuclear annihiweeks in Bwlch Ocyn, taking long walks together and lation. This was Russells condition, and Koestler and
sharing many intimate thoughts and ambitions. But conver- Orwell reluctantly agreed and began to set up the confersation, ushered by Koestler, always returned to the forma- ence in the Vale of Ffestiniog.
It was to be peopled with extremely significant political
tion of a committee. Orwell became as equally enthusiastic
as Koestler, and after many days and nights debating the philosophers, such as Victor Gollancz, Michael Foot, Edstate of the Left across Europe, and the poisonous influ- mund White, Andre Malraux, Manes Sperber, and the
ence of Stalinism in progressive democratic socialism, editors of Polemic, a leading theoretical journal of the time.
The conference, the starting
Orwell agreed to put his full
point for the committee, was
attention into the formation and
never to proceed, however. The
success of the committee.
reasons are an exemplar of the
Back in London, Orwell spent
best and the worst of Koestler.
a week writing a fiery manifesIt was his energy that had
to. He sent it back to Koestler
brought all of these figures toin Bwlch Ocyn. It opened with
gether, and it was his temper
the assertion that, while liberty
that pushed everything apart.
without social security is valueHe fell out, in a matter of weeks,
less, it has been forgotten that
with the editors of Polemic,
without liberty there can be no
whose collaboration was intesecurity. Orwell was congral to the success of the movecerned with the very fabric of
ment (even if only from an
democracy and the ties beadministrative point of view),
tween the governing classes
and then fell out with Russell
and the people over whom
A carnival of voices in independent
after insulting his wife during a
they governed. He and Koespublishing
row over the wording of the
tler intended to redefine demanifesto. Russells wife wrote
mocracy, to reach downward
to Koestler later, saying, is it
as well as outward, and to opreally necessary, among people
who have the best will in the
against the rights and the digworld to like you, to be so comnity of man. It was an attempt
at a pure vision that was neiIn truth, as Scammell points
ther corrupted by the evils and
out in his essential biography of
grabbing of the Right, nor by
Koestler, he and Bertrand Rusthe corruptions of the Left, but
sell were simply too alike to
saw a better world for all
work together. It was the fulcrum and tragedy of the Orwellthrough liberty. It was a new direction for politics.
Orwell has often confused commentators who would like Koestler union that it depended entirely on the endorseto position him (and often claim him) as a champion of the ment of the third.
With his plans in tatters, Koestlers life in the cottage
Left or the Right. But he was never been more clear than
in the manifesto he wrote for Koestler. He was not only became one of domestic drudgery, bickering with Maneither Left nor Right, but the mere suggestion that we maine, and generally feeling ostracised and frustrated.
should think of him (or Koestler) in these terms is wilfully Both Koestler and Orwell were drawn through their lives to
missing the importance of his ideas. As global politics finds opportunities such as the one that Koestler manipulated
ever more grim and cynical ways to fail the populations during that Christmas at Bwlch Ocyn socialism was the
from which it first grew, the deconstruction of left and right life-blood of both men, and was the candlelight by which
is the only viable progressive philosophy. Orwell and Koes- they wrote books such as Scum of the Earth, Darkness at
tler not only professed this, but they ended up prophesying Noon, Animal Farm and 1984. Orwell, of course, died
the necessity of their own ideas. And it is the most Orwelli- tragically young, of tuberculosis; Koestler died in 1983, in
an of all his legacies. Koestler, the firebrand, urged Orwell, a suicide pact with his wife Cynthia, after being diagnosed
infested the man with enthusiasm and vigour, to create a with terminal cancer. Both men left legacies the outer
template, a map, for the way out of the suffocating institu- reaches of which stretch so far it is almost difficult to
tional corruptions of our time. The way is through liberty, comprehend. Their respective Great Works changed the
not through the admiration for totalitarian methods, as perception of our modern world. But perhaps their greatest
legacy is in the venture that never took off, the one moment
Orwell wrote.
Koestler was impressed by the verve and accuracy with when they joined forces, and through Koestlers energy
which Orwell had taken up his idea. His plan to lure Orwell and rhetoric, and Orwells intellectual vigour, they drafted
to Bwlch Ocyn seemed to have worked without a glitch. a manifesto that signposted a new political causeway; one
The next step was to recruit others to the committee, to that, to the detriment of the western world, has still yet to
widen support and make Orwells manifesto a palpable be explored.
The Very Best of the Wales Arts Review: Volume 1
reform was also introduced. Throughout the massive upheaval of the nineteenth century the fight for political representation was constantly being waged, the horrendous
inequality between rich and poor was only heightened by
the newly established industries and forms of commerce.
The clamour for parliamentary representation from many
sections of society became deafening.
The first significant attempt at forming a national organisation to lobby for the enfranchisement of women was
started in 1867. Lydia Becker, founder of National Society
for Womens Suffrage, developed many of Mary Wollstonecrafts assertions on education and gender equality
and won a surprising victory for womens suffrage in the
Isle of Man, by securing the right to vote for women in the
1881 election to the House of Keys. However, this small
victory had little impact on the plight of womens suffrage
on the mainland of Britain. Despite the support of many
radical Liberal MPs, such as John Stuart Mill, the momentum of the suffrage movement was beginning to stall. The
lack of any progression in the suffrage cause forced a split,
in 1903, in the ranks of the National Union of Womens
Suffrage Societies (NUWSS) a small minority, including
Emmeline and Christabel Pankhurst, believed that the
constitutional approach to claiming the vote for women,
undertaken by NUWSS, was too passive and ultimately
ineffective. The formation of Womens Social and Political
Union (WSPU) was a bold and militant step in claiming
victory for female enfranchisement. By 1913, WSPU had
come to dominate polite conversation and newspaper
headlines in the stifling orthodoxy of Edwardian Britain.
The upbringing of Hannah Mitchell was a fairly typical
existence for a woman in the Victorian era. Born in 1872,
Mitchell was denied a formal education by her parents and
expected to assist her mother in supporting the male
members of her family disillusioned with the prospect of
eternal domestic slavery and marital servitude, she ran
away from home at the age of fourteen to Bolton in search
of employment. After witnessing her mother driven to furious outbursts of anger and despair by the monotonous
drudgery of housework, Mitchell quickly became radicalised by first socialism and then the Suffrage Movement.
However, unlike many of her WSPU colleagues, including
the Pankhursts and Margaret Haig Mackworth who were
born into relatively comfortable economic surroundings,
The Very Best of the Wales Arts Review: Volume 1
way to do it. And both men are, to Jews. Its a period in which the cult of
nationalist violence of a self-help
some extent, guilty of that.
vigilantism was widespread; with the
The interesting thing about Moses und Nazis of course, but with others as
Aron is that, because it was left unfin- well. For example, the Sokol moveished by Schoenberg, were allowed to ment in the Czech lands was a moveget away with a pseudo-tragic view of ment of physical fitness and health,
the piece because it ends up with Mo- and those people went around beating
ses in despair saying, O word, o word up Germans in the Sudetenland
that I lack. So we think, oh gosh poor which was part of the reason for the
chap, hes struggling with this and so Germans protesting that they were
on. But of course that was not what being mistreated. And sometimes they
Schoenberg had in mind; that was the were; it was not the case that the
ending in doubt of the second act. In Germans were always the aggressors
the third act, lets not forget, Moses in this period. And Schoenberg really
orders the murder of his brother embraces this idea of vigilante nationAron. [Schoenberg wrote the libretto alism on behalf of the Jews. Well, you
for Act 3 but never set it to music could say that if everybody else is
despite his oft-stated intention to do getting fit and punching noses then
so. Sometimes its performed as a youd better be armed in the same kind
spoken text following Act 2, though not of way! But its interesting that he did
by WNO in this production.] So he advocate Jewish participation in such
becomes a murderer actually and he a movement.
then leads a march and I use that
word advisedly of the Israeli people I wonder if, from what youre sayinto the promised land. So Moses is a ing, and regarding the issue of imviolent fundamentalist. To me he be- age and representation of the
longs up there with all these nutters divine, theres an interesting subversion in the opera of the Nazis
capturing schoolgirls in Nigeria!
conflation of Judaism and modernBut do you think that Schoenberg ism? Whether in some sense Schbecause Ive pondered this myself oenberg actually accepted that
is actually more sympathetic to Ar- equation but turned it on its head to
on in the piece than has often been show, contra the idol-worshipping
painted? Or, to put it another way, Nazis, that its the worship of imis there at least room for Schoen- ages that causes degeneracy not
berg to show any doubt of Moses? modernist values that do.
Perhaps it would be a self-doubt in
part, as the parallel between Moses Yes, thats his view. It seems to me an
and Schoenberg is obvious; Sch- untenable view that image and repreoenberg too struggled to deliver a sentation necessarily leads to degenmessage, so to speak, in serial- eracy, but thats Moses view.
ism, and he became a sort of pariah
figure for many beyond his own And to an extent Schoenbergs?
circle. Indeed, as far as the Nazis That is, if one views serialism as a
were concerned, he was a symbol step away from representationalism
and towards pure abstraction as
of degeneracy.
some have argued, and as some
Sympathy towards Aron is not some- later serialists tried to do?
thing that I have perceived. It is of
course true that Aron has more beau- Is it? I dont think so. Serialism in itself
tiful music but thats part of the way in is only really a technique to decide
which hes characterised by Schoen- which notes to write down. If you want
berg. Its very instructive, in terms of to represent a storm, or a cow mooing
Schoenberg and Moses intentions, to as Richard Strauss might have done,
go back to the play that Schoenberg theres nothing to stop you doing that
within a 12-tone structure.
wrote prior to writing the opera.
Der Biblische Weg? [1926-7]
Yes. In the play there is a single character called Max Aruns who is obviously Moses and Aron in one person
and who is essentially a Zionist. Actually, what the play is partly advocating
is a kind of nationalist cult of physical
fitness and aggression on behalf of the
So, theres an irony here for SchNo indeed, as Berg did, and Henze oenberg, in terms of the taboo on
divine images that Moses tries to
and many others.
instil; because Schoenberg himself
Yes. Im sure you could point to lots of has not only taken the legacy of a
moments in the score of Moses und basically representational aesthetic
Aron where hes choosing a particular on board, but he sees himself as in
colour in order to emphasise a point in the vanguard of working for it to
the story, which is a kind of represen- endure?
tationalism. So I dont think you could
The Very Best of the Wales Arts Review: Volume 1
I think if you met Zaccaria on another
piece of territory, in another narrative,
you might find that he was just as
unpleasant as any other such figure.
Revered, yes. Theres another dreadful quote from him isnt there? Some- It is, yes. But of course Bach would
thing like all art should be created have done the same.
Perhaps without the self-conAnd yet his music wasnt created sciousness?
cold. At least, I dont think so!
Yes, without the self-consciousness.
It isnt cold necessarily, but it may
have been created cold or the proc- Well thanks for talking with me Davess may have been so. Theres anoth- id. I suspect Id better let you go
er strange thing that is interesting to because youve got a rehearsal!
look at between the two pieces: I dont
think its any insult to Verdi to say that Yes I have. I cant remember whether
he actually cultivates simplicity. I think Im rehearsing the simple piece or the
thats very often what he meant by his complex piece! Because thats quite
concept of parola scenica [literally, the an interesting contrast too! Gettys
Yes it would be! I gather youre doing a new version of the Debussy by
Robert Orledge?
Well, its a version Robert Orledge did
five years ago or so. We premired it
in Bregenz [an opera festival in Austria
where David is Intendant], which is
how I know it.
Well, I look forward to it, as well as
to the Schoenberg and the Verdi.
Thanks again for talking with me.
Thank you its important to have
serious discussion!
stand quietly at the door and listen to the sound check. Voices
calling out, snippets of melody and
song, a laugh, feedback rising to a
distorted pitch and brought back down
Gruff Rhys is in Acapela, a small
converted chapel in Pentyrch, getting
ready for the first of a series of gigs
across Wales this spring and summer
to promote his new multimedia
project, American Interior.
American Interior, a highly ambitious
concept comprising a record, a film, a
book, an app, and personal performances, chronicles the journey of John
Evans from his hometown Waunfawr
across the Atlantic ocean to Baltimore.
And his long walk along the Missouri
river in search of a lost tribe of Welsh
speaking first nation Americans.
Gruffs tour manager passes me at
the door and as he rushes past he
says five minuteshe wont be long
Thats fine, I answer, there is no
Im meeting Gruff before the concert
tonight to talk about his new project.
Half an hour later we are sat upstairs
in a small room. Bottles of water, iPad
on the table and a deep sigh and smile
from Gruff as he sits down. He apologises for keeping me waiting, I apologise for taking up his time when hes
obviously busy. He is charming, relaxed, intelligent, an attentive listener
and an astute and deliberate speaker.
I ask him about the origins of the like. Which was fine for most of the
journey, but when we came to New
Orleans they presumed it was a vooGruff Rhys: Well, it was based around doo fetish. So that completely
an investigative concert tour in Ameri- changed the nature of this doll. We
ca, following the path taken by John were persisting that it was not a vooEvans between 1782 and 1789. We doo fetish, it was just a representation
toured along his journey. I had done a of a distant relative, and they said yes,
previous investigative concert tour thats what a voodoo fetish is. A reprewith my friend Dylan Goch directing sentation of a relative. You must build
the film. A film called Separado! And him a shrine, give it cards and food
then, about eight years ago, we found and sing to it. So that meant had to
Williams build a shrine for it. We took it back to
called Madog, that deals with the Ma- North Wales and we had a voodoo
dog myth. John Evans was following ceremony in Waunfawr on top of a
the mythical tribe of Madogus, de- mountain. Im sure he would be horriscended from Madog the mythical fied. The real John Evans would have
Welsh prince. And the story of John been very religious. He lived at the
Evans was featured a little bit in this beginning of a huge protestant reforwider documentary from the 1970s. So mation in Europe. He came from a
wed seen this documentary and that very religious, Methodist family, but he
was inspiring for me, and Dylan as was very pragmatic. He was a baptist
well, and I went to see a booking agent within three weeks of arriving in Amerin America three years ago. Asked him ica, and then there is no mention of
to plot a tour along the journey. So we religion again in his correspondences.
were following the journey of someone And he got to experience the ceremonies of some of the tribes of the Misfollowing someone elses journey.
souri. He would have experienced the
Sarah King: Was the destination at Buffalo dance and the okipa, where
the end of the journey different than people hang themselves by hooks
what you thought you would find? from the ceiling.
Absolutely, and we were willing for that
to happen as well. For example, we
created an avatar of John Williams,
one metre tall, and for most of the
journey he was just a visual aid. John
Evans existed before visual surveillance, so we have no idea what he
looked like. We created this approximation of what he may have looked
Dark Room
by Anna Metcalfe
very year, when the plum tree had lost its
leaves, my father, would take a photograph.
From the moment the air turned cool, we
would keep a close eye on it, watching the
shades of green become a spectrum of gold.
And then, the colours shedding, a thickening
blanket over the roots, we would wait for the last leaf to
Some years looking out of the window we would
wake to find the tree suddenly bare, the remaining few
leaves having fallen in the night.
At other times, the last leaves would struggle on through
the morning but, later in the day, when one of us would go
back to check, they would be gone. Then, there were the
handful of more memorable occasions when, upon looking
out of the window that of his bedroom or the dining room
below either he or I or both of us together would catch
the last leaf as it came fluttering down to the ground,
watching it curl and flip through the air, before resting
weightless on the grass or skipping away on the cusp of a
Its time, he would say, and fetch his camera.
At that time of year, it was not quite winter-cold, but the
seasons were shifting. Fewer clouds gathered overhead.
The daylight sharpened and the materials of the garden
the stone path, the greenhouse, the antique table, the iron
The other people who stay here told me theyve seen you
too. Twice in the kitchen and once in the garden. I wanted
to hit them. Why would you be doing that, giving yourself to
them when you never even knew them? I think theyre lying
just to get attention but then Im scared that theyre telling
the truth. It annoys the staff though. They call it group
hysteria and glare at me as if its my fault, like Im doing this
on purpose just to create problems. They say when I leave
here things will settle down, because Ill take you with me
and there wont be any more of these fantasies. But what if
theyre wrong and you dont come with me? What if you
stay here and they wont let me come back to see you? All
thats a long way off though, because I heard them saying
that I couldnt be trusted by myself, away from here, until
Id accepted what had happened and stopped trying to
drown myself in the sink. So I dont need to worry about it
for a while.
And youre here again and Im just going to sit by the
window with you beside me and watch the afternoon filter
through you, and well smile at each other and its a perfect
way to spend my time. I love the way the sun turns you
dusty, like candlelight through a crystal-thick glass of brandy. I could sit here with you forever and never move, never
want to move because youre here again, and its only when
I look away or someone speaks to me, thats when you go.
So if they leave me alone I can concentrate just on us and
youll stay, for a while at least. I just need to concentrate.
I wish she hadnt said that, about the last time I saw you.
She didnt need to say that when its in my head all the time
anyway. The swollen and blue. Youre here right now
though and thats all that matters. The other time, the last
time, I dont want to think about that. Id rather have no legs
and the way it is now than have my legs and the way it was
then, the last time I saw you.
Crushed. I knew they were crushed beneath the steering
column. The car was reared over me and I wanted to move
but I couldnt move and so I sat there, propped like a doll on
a shelf, safe and strapped in, and I watched as your feet
jerked and tapped on the cars bonnet, almost close enough
to touch if I leaned through the shattered windscreen, but I
couldnt raise a hand to touch you and you drowned without
a struggle in six inches of water. Six inches of water. And I
sat with you through the night as we sank deeper into the
ditch and I watched you and said your name and my legs
got colder and colder but your feet stopped jerking and then
you didnt move at all. Six inches of water. They kept saying
that afterwards, as if it were so slight an amount, so ridiculous a death, we would all find it funny. Theyd chopped my
legs off by then.
So I sat with you through that night and stared at the
soles of your shoes and remembered the first time we
danced together, and it was the first time we loved and
meant it, and thats it really. Thats what we are.
But youre here again and youre smiling and Im so close
now, Im practising so often, soon well be able to dance
together, properly. Until then Ill just keep reaching out to
you, and thats enough to make me happy, its enough for
now, to stroke my hands over you and feel you spill like
water through my fingers.