LF Lungo Mare Bench Sustainability
LF Lungo Mare Bench Sustainability
LF Lungo Mare Bench Sustainability
Lungo Mare
October 2012
With our roots in the landscape and a stated purpose to Enrich Outdoor Spaces,
Landscape Forms has a special relationship to the natural environment. We have always
been mindful that as we design and manufacture products that are acted upon by the
environment, we act upon it in turn. Environmental sustainability is completely consistent with our purpose, our goals, our values and our principles. We make stewardship
of the environment a vital part of our business.
To learn more about our sustainability initiatives, refer to our Environmental Statement.
In the course of its history, ESCOFET 1886 SA has forged a corporate philosophy using the criteria of respect for the environment,
workplace security and safety, and quality. This same philosophy was the motivation for our Environmental Management System,
which culminated in 2005 with the ISO 14001 Standard. In 2008, ESCOFET 1886 S.A incorporated the OHSAS 18001 Workplace
Security and Health Standard into the companys management system as part of our ongoing improvements, with official
certification in 2010. Our voluntary inclusion of these new standards with a view to meeting social and environmental demands are
clear proof of ESCOFETs desire and commitment to ongoing improvements and the inclusion of a value-added peopleand environment-friendly component in its products.
recycled content
Lungo Mare has 0% recycled content, but is 100% recyclable.