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The Cost of Dichotomising Continuous Variables: References

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The cost of dichotomising continuous variables

Douglas G Altman and Patrick Royston
BMJ 2006;332;1080

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Statistics Notes
The cost of dichotomising continuous variables
Douglas G Altman, Patrick Royston
Cancer Research
UK/NHS Centre
for Statistics in
Medicine, Wolfson
College, Oxford
Douglas G Altman
professor of statistics
in medicine
MRC Clinical Trials
Unit, London
Patrick Royston
professor of statistics
Correspondence to:
Professor Altman
BMJ 2006;332:1080


Measurements of continuous variables are made in all

branches of medicine, aiding in the diagnosis and
treatment of patients. In clinical practice it is helpful to
label individuals as having or not having an attribute,
such as being hypertensive or obese or having
high cholesterol, depending on the value of a
continuous variable.
Categorisation of continuous variables is also common in clinical research, but here such simplicity is
gained at some cost. Though grouping may help data
presentation, notably in tables, categorisation is unnecessary for statistical analysis and it has some serious
drawbacks. Here we consider the impact of converting
continuous data to two groups (dichotomising), as this
is the most common approach in clinical research.1
What are the perceived advantages of forcing all
individuals into two groups? A common argument is
that it greatly simplifies the statistical analysis and leads
to easy interpretation and presentation of results. A
binary splitfor example, at the medianleads to a
comparison of groups of individuals with high or low
values of the measurement, leading in the simplest case
to a t test or 2 test and an estimate of the difference
between the groups (with its confidence interval). There
is, however, no good reason in general to suppose that
there is an underlying dichotomy, and if one exists there
is no reason why it should be at the median.2
Dichotomising leads to several problems. Firstly,
much information is lost, so the statistical power to
detect a relation between the variable and patient outcome is reduced. Indeed, dichotomising a variable at
the median reduces power by the same amount as
would discarding a third of the data.2 3 Deliberately discarding data is surely inadvisable when research
studies already tend to be too small. Dichotomisation
may also increase the risk of a positive result being a
false positive.4 Secondly, one may seriously underestimate the extent of variation in outcome between
groups, such as the risk of some event, and
considerable variability may be subsumed within each
group. Individuals close to but on opposite sides of the
cutpoint are characterised as being very different
rather than very similar. Thirdly, using two groups
conceals any non-linearity in the relation between the
variable and outcome. Presumably, many who dichotomise are unaware of the implications.
If dichotomisation is used where should the
cutpoint be? For a few variables there are recognised
cutpoints, such as > 25 kg/m2 to define overweight
based on body mass index. For some variables, such as
age, it is usual to take a round number, usually a multiple of five or 10. The cutpoint used in previous studies may be adopted. In the absence of a prior cutpoint
the most common approach is to take the sample
median. However, using the sample median implies
that various cutpoints will be used in different studies
so that their results cannot easily be compared,
seriously hampering meta-analysis of observational
studies.5 Nevertheless, all these approaches are

preferable to performing several analyses and

choosing that which gives the most convincing result.
Use of this so called optimal cutpoint (usually that
giving the minimum P value) runs a high risk of a spuriously significant result; the difference in the outcome
variable between the groups will be overestimated,
perhaps considerably; and the confidence interval will
be too narrow. This strategy should never be used.6 7
When regression is being used to adjust for the effect
of a confounding variable, dichotomisation will run the
risk that a substantial part of the confounding remains.4 7
Dichotomisation is not much used in epidemiological
studies, where the use of several categories is preferred.
Using multiple categories (to create an ordinal
variable) is generally preferable to dichotomising. With
four or five groups the loss of information can be quite
small, but there are complexities in analysis.
Instead of categorising continuous variables, we prefer to keep them continuous. We could then use
linear regression rather than a two sample t test, for
example. If we were concerned that a linear regression
would not truly represent the relation between the
outcome and predictor variable, we could explore
whether some transformation (such as a log transformation) would be helpful.7 8 As an example, in a regression
analysis to develop a prognostic model for patients with
primary biliary cirrhosis, a carefully developed model
with bilirubin as a continuous explanatory variable
explained 31% more of the variability in the data than
when bilirubin distribution was split at the median.7
Competing interests: None declared.



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MacCallum RC, Zhang S, Preacher KJ, Rucker DD. On the practice of
dichotomization of quantitative variables. Psychol Meth 2002;7:19-40.
Cohen J. The cost of dichotomization. Appl Psychol Meas 1983;7:249-53.
Austin PC, Brunner LJ. Inflation of the type I error rate when a continuous confounding variable is categorized in logistic regression analyses.
Stat Med 2004;23:1159-78.
Buettner P, Garbe C, Guggenmoos-Holzmann I. Problems in defining
cutoff points of continuous prognostic factors: example of tumor
thickness in primary cutaneous melanoma. J Clin Epidemiol
Altman DG, Lausen B, Sauerbrei W, Schumacher M. Dangers of using
optimal cutpoints in the evaluation of prognostic factors. J Natl Cancer
Inst 1994;86:829-35.
Royston P, Altman DG, Sauerbrei W. Dichotomizing continuous
predictors in multiple regression: a bad idea. Stat Med 2006;25:127-41.
Royston P, Sauerbrei W. Building multivariable regression models with
continuous covariates in clinical epidemiologywith an emphasis on
fractional polynomials. Methods Inf Med 2005;44:561-71.

Reading and reflecting
Reading without reflecting is like eating without
Edmund Burke
Kamal Samanta, retired general practitioner,
Denby Dale, West Yorkshire


6 MAY 2006


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