Enjoying The Truth
Enjoying The Truth
Enjoying The Truth
Infiniteness is our true nature. Being infinite is our choice too. Infiniteness is the
essence of infinity. And we are infinite by nature too. Are these confusing
statements? Take some time off. Sit quietly, away from people and start feeling
yourself. As yourself just one question WHO AM I? Look within. Look at yourself
as you will see a person outside of you. Ask yourself WHO ARE YOU? Give some
time for answers to crystallize. Slowly but steadily, you will start feeling your true
nature or the unbound, unpolluted, un-restrained infinity within you. When we
start moving beyond our body, our mind, our intellect, our ego, our relationships,
our materials, our space and our time, we will start feeling the true self the
infinite us which is beyond any barriers of human existence. Then we actually
start living. We will start living with joy. Imperishable JOY! Unrestrained JOY!
Abundance of JOY! Joy without reasons! Joy without expectations! Joy without the
binding needs or desires! We become truly free. This is liberation. This is true
We are this freedom. The choice to be our true self is always within us. We try to
become someone else and we suffer. We compare, criticize and judge others and
ourselves and again we suffer. All these sufferings are based on nonunderstanding or ignorance that we are the finite identifications that we have
always entertained and not the baby of the infinite consciousness. We are indeed
the infinite consciousness. When we break the barriers of finiteness, we become
one with the infinite consciousness. This is our choice. This should be our priority
What are the symptoms or signs of a liberated existence? There are
unmistakable signs of freedom. One is fearlessness and the other clear sign is
inner peace against all adversities. Fearlessness becomes our nature. A truly
liberated being is not afraid of even physical death or loss of materials, time,
places or people. All anxieties and fears are housing in our mind. Mind is finite.
When mind dissolves as we expand to infinity, all that is stored in the mind also
dissolves. Nothing stays. Even our identities and related ego dissolves.
Everything dissolves. When mind is dissolved, peace rules that space. Peace
always existed around that space which mind previously occupied and mind has
always been the storage space for fears and anxieties. Mind is the trash can of
emotions and concepts. Emotions and concepts are temporary and time-bound.
They change, dissolve or evolve with time, space and environment. They seem
to be real when they are in front of us as stumbling blocks. But, when we see
through them to the eternal truth, all these fears, emotions and concepts are just
apparitions formed out of ignorance. When they dissolve, all that remains is
peace. Man minus mind means peace.
All our expressions are based on concepts. We are walking and talking concepts.
We have hired these concepts from the society, religion and education. We have
kept them as our safety and comfort factor. We thought we are the concepts and
minus concepts we do not exist. Concepts are the hardest stones in the space of
mind. It is not easy to crack and discard them. It needs clarity, conviction, faith
and purposefulness to go beyond the concepts, dos and donts to break free and
touch the truth. The essential truth that all the masters of all the faiths that ever
guided mankind have delivered through time is that we are one with the
consciousness called God. Due to our limitations because of incorrect
identification, we feel less and separated. It is up to us to unite back to the God.
When we understand this truth that we are unlimited and our mind using the
concepts, fears and expectations about ourselves and others had kept us limited,
we will begin to break free. Hence, there is only one decision to make. To be free
or to be bound! That one decision will lead you to your true self. Your unlimited
self! Your original form!
There are numerous practices that man-kind has evolved to connect to their own
infinite nature. Happiness is inside us. It is within us. The methods are also
derived to take us inside and connect to our infinite nature. The Kriyas, the
Meditations, The chants, the selfless service, the path of constant observation of
yourself, your breath, your heart-beat, so on and so forth are all aimed at
connecting ourselves to ourselves. Every seeker cannot do everything should
they do everything. It is up to the seeker to choose what suits them to attain the
highest union between the finite us with the infinite within us. All rivers lead us
to the same ocean. Hence all practices, especially if they are not manipulative
and if they are pure, will take us to our highest potential. Practices should not be
harmful to us or others. It should be non-violent and effortless. It should be
pleasurable. It should never become pressure. It should all be bringing the
senses and the mind scattered outside into us and connecting to the supreme
potential that rests within us.
May each reader of this book achieve the union with the infinite. This is the
highest one can achieve in ones lifetime. May blessings of the supreme
consciousness which cannot be contained by any space, time or material always
bless you and guide you to itself.
My consciousness remains with you always.
Thank You for being on earth. Thank you for being the embodiments of kindness
and compassion. Thank you for being unconditional love beyond all manmade
We are indeed one consciousness. We are indeed one
Infinite Love