Mumom and Godel
Mumom and Godel
Mumom and Godel
What Is Zen?
I'M NOT SURE I know what Zen is. In a way, I think I understand it very well; but in a
way, I also think I can never understand it at all. Ever since my freshman English teacher
in college read Joshu's MU out loud to our class, I have struggled with Zen aspects of
life, and probably I will never cease doing so. To me, Zen is intellectual quicksand-
anarchy, darkness, meaninglessness, chaos. It is tantalizing and infuriating. And yet it is
humorous, refreshing, enticing. Zen has its own special kind of meaning, brightness, and
clarity. I hope that in this Chapter, I can get some of this cluster of reactions across to
you. And then, strange though it may seem, that will lead us directly to Godelian matters.
One of the basic tenets of Zen Buddhism is that there is no way to characterize
what Zen is. No matter what verbal space you try to enclose Zen in, it resists, and spills
over. It might seem, then, that all efforts to explain Zen are complete wastes of time. But
that is not the attitude of Zen masters and students. For instance, Zen koans are a central
part of Zen study, verbal though they are. Koans are supposed to be "triggers" which,
though they do not contain enough information in themselves to impart enlightenment,
may possibly be sufficient to unlock the mechanisms inside one's mind that lead to
enlightenment. But in general, the Zen attitude is that words and truth are incompatible,
or at least that no words can capture truth.
FIGURE 46. Three Worlds by M. C. Escher (lithograph, 1955)
Hogen of Seiryo monastery was about to lecture before dinner when he noticed that the bamboo screen,
lowered for meditation, had not been rolled up. He pointed to it. Two monks arose wordlessly from the
audience and rolled it up. Hogen, observing the physical moment, said, "The state of the first monk is good,
not that of the second."
Mumon's Commentary:
I want to ask you: which of those two monks gained and which lost? If any of you has one eye, he will see
the failure on the teacher's part. However, I am not discussing gain and loss.
Mumon's Poem:
Goso said: "When a buffalo goes out of his enclosure to the edge of the abyss, his horns and his
head and his hoofs all pass through, but why can't the tail also pass?"
Mumon's Commentary:
If anyone can open one eye at this point and say a word of Zen, he is qualified to repay
the four gratifications, and, not only that, he can save all sentient beings under him. But if
he cannot say such a word of Zen, he should turn back to his tail.
Mumon's Poem:
I think you will have to admit that Mumon does not exactly clear everything up. One
might say that the metalanguage (in which Mumon writes) is not very different from the
object language (the language of the koan). According to some, Mumon's comments are
intentionally idiotic, perhaps meant to show how useless it is to spend one's time in
chattering about Zen. How ever, Mumon's comments can be taken on more than one
level. For instance, consider this :3
A monk asked Nansen: "Is there a teaching no master ever taught before?"
Nansen said: "Yes, there is."
"What is it?" asked the monk.
Nansen replied: "It is not mind, it is not Buddha, it is not things."
Zen people is, what else is there to rely on, but words? Mumon states t dilemma very
clearly: "It cannot be expressed with words and it cannot
expressed without words."
Here is Nansen, once again:'
Joshu asked the teacher Nansen, "What is the true Way?"
Nansen answered, "Everyday way is the true Way.' Joshu asked, "Can I study it?"
Nansen answered, "The more you study, the further from the Way." Joshu asked, "If I
don't study it, how can I know it?"
Nansen answered, "The Way does not belong to things seen: nor to thing: unseen. It
does not belong to things known: nor to things unknown. Do not seek it, study it, or
name it. To find yourself on it, open yourself wide as the sky." [See Fig. 50.]
FIGURE 50. Rind, by M. C. Escher (wood-engraving, 1955).
Apparently the master wants to get across the idea that an enlighte state is one
where the borderlines between the self and the rest of universe are dissolved. This would
truly be the end of dualism, for a says, there is no system left which has any desire for
perception. But what is that state, if not death? How can a live human being dissolve the
borderlines between himself and the outside world?
FIGURE 51. Puddle, by M. C. Escher (woodcut, 1952).
(Fig. 48)-pictures that play with reality and unreality the same way as Zen plays with
reality and unreality. Should one take Escher seriously? Should one take Zen seriously?
There is a delicate, haiku-like study of reflections in Dewdrop (Fig. 47); and then
there are two tranquil images of the moon reflected in still waters: Puddle (Fig. 51), and
Rippled Surface (Fig. 52). The reflected moon is a theme which recurs in various koans.
Here is an example:'
Chiyono studied Zen for many years under Bukko of Engaku. Still, she could not
attain the fruits of meditation. At last one moonlit night she was carrying water in an
old wooden pail girded with bamboo. The bamboo broke, and the bottom fell out of
the pail. At that moment, she was set free. Chiyono said, "No more water in the pail,
no more moon in the water."
Three Worlds: an Escher picture (Fig. 46), and the subject of a Zen koan:12
A monk asked Ganto, "When the three worlds threaten me, what shall I do?" Ganto
answered, "Sit down." "I do not understand," said the monk. Canto said, "Pick up the
mountain and bring it to me. Then I will tell you."
FIGURE 53. Three Spheres II, by M. C. Escher (lithograph, 1946),
Indra's Net
Finally, consider Three Spheres II (Fig. 53), in which every part of the world seems to
contain, and be contained in, every other part: the writing table reflects the spheres on top
of it, the spheres reflect each other, as well as the writing table, the drawing of them, and
the artist drawing it. The endless connections which all things have to each other is only
hinted at here, yet the hint is enough. The Buddhist allegory of "Indra's Net" tells of an
endless net of threads throughout the universe, the horizontal threads running through
space, the vertical ones through time. At every crossing of threads is an individual, and
every individual is a crystal bead. The great light of "Absolute Being" illuminates and
penetrates every crystal bead; moreover, every crystal bead reflects not only the light
from every other crystal in the net-but also every reflection of every reflection throughout
the universe.
To my mind, this brings forth an image of renormalized particles: in every
electron, there are virtual photons, positrons, neutrinos, muons ... ; in every photon, there
are virtual electrons, protons, neutrons, pions ... ; in every pion, there are ...
But then another image rises: that of people, each one reflected in the minds of
many others, who in turn are mirrored in yet others, and so on.
Both of these images could be represented in a concise, elegant way by using
Augmented Transition Networks. In the case of particles, there would be one network for
each category of particle; in the case of people,
one for each person. Each one would contain calls to many others, t creating a virtual
cloud of ATN's around each ATN. Calling one we create calls on others, and this process
might cascade arbitrarily far, un~ bottomed out.
Mumon on MU
Let us conclude this brief excursion into Zen by returning to Mumon. H is his comment
on Joshu's MU:13
To realize Zen one has to pass through the barrier of the patriarchs. Enlightenment
always comes after the road of thinking is blocked. If you do nc pass the barrier of the
patriarchs or if your thinking road is not blocked whatever you think, whatever you
do, is like a tangling ghost. You may ask "What is a barrier of a patriarch?" This one
word, 'MU', is it.
This is the barrier of Zen. If you pass through it, you will see Joshu face t face.
Then you can work hand in hand with the whole line of patriarchs. I this not a pleasant
thing to do?
If you want to pass this barrier, you must work through every bone in you body,
through every pore of your skin, filled with this question: "What `MU'?" and carry it
day and night. Do not believe it is the common negative symbol meaning nothing. It is
not nothingness, the opposite of existence. I you really want to pass this barrier, you
should feel like drinking a hot iro ball that you can neither swallow nor spit out.
Then your previous lesser knowledge disappears. As a fruit ripening i season,
your subjectivity and objectivity naturally become one. It is like dumb man who has
had a dream. He knows about it but he cannot tell i
When he enters this condition his ego-shell is crushed and he can shake th heaven
and move the earth. He is like a great warrior with a sharp sword. If Buddha stands in
his way, he will cut him down; if a patriarch offers him an obstacle, he will kill him;
and he will be free in his way of birth and death. H can enter any world as if it were
his own playground. I will tell you how to d this with this koan:
Just concentrate your whole energy into this MU, and do not allow an
discontinuation. When you enter this MU and there is no discontinuation -- your
attainment will be as a candle burning and illuminating the who] universe.
I-count. The reason is that if 3 divides 2n, then-because 3 does not dig 2-it must divide n
(a simple fact from the theory of numbers). Neither rule II nor rule III can create a
multiple of 3 from scratch.
But this is the key to the MU-puzzle! Here is what we know:
(1) The I-count begins at 1 (not a multiple of 3);
(2) Two of the rules do not affect the I-count at all; (3)
(3) The two remaining rules which do affect the I-count do so in such a way as never
to create a multiple of 3 unless given one initially.
The conclusion-and a typically hereditary one it is, too-is that I-count can never become
any multiple of 3. In particular, 0 is a forbid value of the I-count. Hence, MU is not a
theorem of the MIU-system.
Notice that, even as a puzzle about I-counts, this problem was plagued by the
crossfire of lengthening and shortening rules. Zero became the goal; I-counts could
increase (rule II), could decrease (rule III). 1 we analyzed the situation, we might have
thought that, with enough switching back and forth between the rules, we might
eventually hit 0. IS thanks to a simple number-theoretical argument, we know that the
tions changing one pattern of symbols into another, or as a series arithmetical operations
changing one magnitude into another. But the are powerful reasons for being more
interested in the arithmetical version Stepping out of one purely typographical system
into another isomorphic typographical system is not a very exciting thing to do; whereas
stepping clear out of the typographical domain into an isomorphic part of number theory
has some kind of unexplored potential. It is as if somebody h known musical scores all
his life, but purely visually-and then, all o: sudden, someone introduced him to the
mapping between sounds a musical scores. What a rich, new world! Then again, it is as if
somebody h been familiar with string figures all his life, but purely as string figur devoid
of meaning-and then, all of a sudden, someone introduced him the mapping between
stories and strings. What a revelation! The discovery of Gdel-numbering has been
likened to the discovery, by Descartes, of t isomorphism between curves in a plane and
equations in two variables; incredibly simple, once you see it-and opening onto a vast
new world
Before we jump to conclusions, though, perhaps you would like to a more
complete rendering of this higher level of the isomorphism. It i very good exercise. The
idea is to give an arithmetical rule whose action is indistinguishable from that of each
typographical rule of the MIU-system:
A solution is given below. In the rules, m and k are arbitrary natural numbers, and n is
any natural number which is less than 10m
RULE 1: If we have made 10m + 1, then we can make 10 x (10m + 1)
Example: Going from line 4 to line 5. Here, m = 30.
RULE 2: If we have made 3 x 10" + n, then we can make 10' X X (3 x 10"'+n)+n.
Example: Going from line 1 to line 2, where both m and n equal 1.
RULE 3: If we have made k x 10 "`+ 111 x 10'+n, then we can make k x 10"+` + n.
Example: Going from line 3 to line 4. Here, m and n are 1, and k is 3.
RULE 4: If we have made k x 10rn+z + n, k x 10" +n. then we can make k x 10m + n
Example: Going from line 6 to line 7. Here, m = 2, n = 10, and k = 301.
Let us not forget our axiom! Without it we can go nowhere. Therefore, let us postulate
We can make 31.
Now the right-hand column can be seen as a full-fledged arithmetic process, in a new
arithmetical system which we might call the 310-system
rule 2 (m=1, n=1)
rule 2 (m=2, n=11)
rule 3 (m=1, n=1, k=3)
rule 1 (m=30)
rule 2 (m=3, n=10)
rule 4 (m=2, n=10, k=301)
Notice once again that the lengthening and shortening rules are ever with us in this "310-
system"; they have merely been transposed into the domain of numbers, so that the Godel
numbers go up and down. If you look carefully at what is going on, you will discover that
the rules are based on nothing more profound than the idea that shifting digits to left and
right in decimal representations of integers is related to multiplications and divisions by
powers of 10. This simple observation finds its generalization in the following
CENTRAL PROPOSITION: If there is a typographical rule which tells how
certain digits are to be shifted, changed, dropped, or inserted in any number
represented decimally, then this rule can be represented equally well by an
arithmetical counterpart which involves arithmetical operations with powers of 10
as well as additions, subtractions, and so forth.
More briefly:
Typographical rules for manipulating numerals are actually arithmetical rules for
operating on numbers.
This simple observation is at the heart of Gdels method, and it will have an absolutely
shattering effect. It tells us that once we have a Gdel numbering for any formal system,
we can straightaway form a set of arithmetical rules which complete the Gdel
isomorphism. The upshot is that we can transfer the study of any formal system-in fact
the study of all formal systems-into number theory.
MIU-Producible Numbers
Just as any set of typographical rules generates a set of theorems, a corresponding set of
natural numbers will be generated by repeated applications of arithmetical rules. These
producible numbers play the same role inside number theory as theorems do inside any
formal system. Of course, different numbers will be producible, depending on which
rules are adopted. "Producible numbers" are only producible relative to a system of
arithmetical rules. For example, such numbers as 31, 3010010, 3111, and so forth could
be called MIU-producible numbers-an ungainly name, which might be shortened to
MIU-numbers, symbolizing the fact that those numbers are the ones that result when you
transcribe the MIU-system into number theory, via Gdel-numbering. If we were to
Gdel-number the pq-system
and then "arithmetize" its rules, we could call the producible numbers "pq-numbers"-and
so on.
Note that the producible numbers (in any given system) are defined by a recursive
method: given numbers which are known to be producible, we have rules telling how to
make more producible numbers. Thus, the class of numbers known to be producible is
constantly extending itself, in much the same way that the list of Fibonacci numbers, or
Q-numbers, does. The set of producible numbers of any system is a recursively
enumerable set. What about its complement-the set of nonproducible numbers? Is that set
always recursively enumerable? Do numbers which are nonproducible share some
common arithmetical feature?
This is the sort of issue which arises when you transpose the study of formal
systems into number theory. For each system which is arithmetized, one can ask, "Can
we characterize producible numbers in a simple way?" "Can we characterize
nonproducible numbers in a recursively enumerable way?" These are difficult questions
of number theory. Depending on the system which has been arithmetized, such questions
might prove too hard for us to resolve. But if there is any hope for solving such problems,
it would have to reside in the usual kind of step-by-step reasoning as it applies to natural
numbers. And that, of course, was put in its quintessential form in the previous Chapter.
TNT seemed, to all appearances, to have captured all valid mathematical thinking
processes in one single, compact system.
will have to Gdel-number TNT itself, just as we did the MIU-system, and then
"arithmetize" its rules of inference. The Gdel-numbering is easy to do. For instance, we
could make the following correspondence:
Mnemonic Justification
punc. .....
V a
: ~ S a = 0
Conveniently, the standard convention of putting in a comma every third digit happens to
coincide with our colons, setting them off for "easy" legibility.
RULE: If x and 212x6331213 are both theorems, then 1 is a theorem. Finally, here is an
entire derivation taken from last Chapter, given in austere TNT and also transcribed into
the new notation:
Mumon and Gdel
626,262,636,626262,163,636,362262,112,123,262,163,323,111,123,362,262,112,262,163,323 axiom:
V : : V ' : ( + 5 ' ) = S ( + ' )
626,262.163,636,362,123,666,112,123,262,163,323,111,123,362,123,666,112,262,163,32 specification
V ' : ( S 0 + S ) = S ( S 0 + )
362,123,666,112,123,666,323,1 11,123,362,123,666,112,666,323
( S 0 + 5 0 ) = S ( S 0 + 0 )
626,262,636,362 262,112,666, 3 23,111,262
V : ( + 0 ) =
( S 0 + 0 ) = S 0
123,362,123,666,112,666,323,11 1,123,123,666
insert '12;
S ( S 0 + 0 ) = S S 0
( S 0 + 5 0 ) = S S 0
Notice that I changed the name of the "Add S" rule to "Insert `123' ", since that is the
typographical operation which it now legitimizes.
This new notation has a pretty strange feel to it. You lose all sense o meaning; but
if you had been brought up on it, you could read strings it this notation as easily as you do
TNT. You would be able to look and, at glance, distinguish well-formed formulas from
ill-formed ones. Naturally since it is so visual, you would think of this as a typographical
operation but at the same time, picking out well-formed formulas in this notation i
picking out a special class of integers, which have an arithmetical definition too.
Now what about "arithmetizing" all the rules of inference? As matter stand, they
are all still typographical rules. But wait! According to the Central Proposition, a
typographical rule is really equivalent to al arithmetical rule. Inserting and moving digits
in decimally represented numbers is an arithmetical operation, which can be carried out
typographically. Just as appending a 'O' on the end is exactly the same as multiplying b,
10, so each rule is a condensed way of describing a messy arithmetical operation.
Therefore, in a sense, we do not even need to look for equivalent arithmetical rules,
because all of the rules are already arithmetical!
arithmetized MIU-system, only there are more rules and axioms, and to write out
arithmetical equivalents explicitly would be a big bother-and quite unenlightening,
incidentally. If you followed how it was done for the MIU-system, there ought to be no
doubt on your part that it is quite analogous here.
There is a new number-theoretical predicate brought into being by this
"Godelization" of TNT: the predicate
is a TNT-number.
362,123,666,112,123,666,323,111,123,123,666 is a TNT-number, while on the other
hand, presumably 123,666,111,666 is not a TNT-number.
Now it occurs to us that this new number-theoretical! predicate is expressible by
some string of TNT with one free variable, say a. We could put a tilde in front, and that
string would express the complementary notion
is not a TNT-number.
Now if we replaced all the occurrences of a in this second string by the TNT-numeral for
123,666,111,666-a numeral which would contain exactly 123,666,111,666 S's, much too
long to write out-we would have a TNT-string which, just like MUMON, is capable of
being interpreted on two levels. In the first place, that string would say
123,666,111,666 is not a TNT-number.
But because of the isomorphism which links TNT-numbers to theorems of TNT, there
would be a second-level meaning of this string, which is:
S0=0 is not a theorem of TNT.
TNT Tries to Swallow Itself
This unexpected double-entendre demonstrates that TNT contains strings which talk
about other strings of TNT. In other words, the metalanguage in which we, on the
outside, can speak about TNT, is at least partially imitated inside TNT itself. And this is
not an accidental feature of TNT; it happens because the architecture of any formal
system can be mirrored inside N (number theory). It is just as inevitable a feature of TNT
as are the vibrations induced in a record player when it plays a record. It seems as if
vibrations should come from the outside world-for instance, from jumping children or
bouncing balls; but a side effect of producing sounds-and an unavoidable one-is that they
wrap around and shake the very mechanism which produces them. It is no accident; it is a
side effect which cannot be helped. It is in the nature of record players. And it is in the
nature of any formalization of number theory that its metalanguage is embedded within it.
methods of reasoning, and therefore that TNT never has falsities for theorems. In other
words, anything which is a theorem of TNT expresses a truth. So if G were a theorem, it
would express a truth, namely: "G is not a theorem". The full force of its self-reference
hits us. By being a theorem, G would have to be a falsity. Relying on our assumption that
TNT never has falsities for theorems, we'd be forced to conclude that G is not a theorem.
This is all right; it leaves us, however, with a lesser problem. Knowing that G is not a
theorem, we'd have to concede that G expresses a truth. Here is a situation in which TNT
doesn't live up to our expectations-we have found a string which expresses a true
statement yet the string is not a theorem. And in our amazement, we shouldn't lose track
of the fact that G has an arithmetical interpretation, too-which allows us to summarize
our findings this way:
A string of TNT has been found; it expresses, unambiguously, a statement about
certain arithmetical properties of natural numbers; moreover, by reasoning outside
the system we can determine not only that the statement is a true one, but also that
the string fails to be a theorem of TNT. And thus, if we ask TNT whether the
statement is true, TNT says neither yes nor no.
Is the Tortoise's string in the Mu Offering the analogue of G? Not quite. The
analogue of the Tortoise's string is ~G. Why is this so? Well, let us think a moment about
what -G says. It must say the opposite of what G says. G says, "G is not a theorem of
TNT", so ~G must say "G is a theorem". We could rephrase both G and ~G this way:
G: "I am not a theorem (of TNT)."
~G: "My negation is a theorem (of TNT)."
It is ~G which is parallel to the Tortoise's string, for that string spoke not about itself, but
about the string which the Tortoise first proffered to Achilles -- which had an extra knot
on it (or one too few, however you want to look at it).
Prelude . .
Achilles and the Tortoise have come to the residence of their friend the Crab, to
make the acquaintance of one of his friends, the Anteater. The introductions
having been made, the four of them settle down to tea.
Tortoise We have brought along a little something for you, Mr. Crab. Crab: That's most
kind of you. But you shouldn't have.
Tortoise: Just a token of our esteem. Achilles, would you like to give it to Mr. C?
Achilles: Surely. Best wishes, Mr. Crab. I hope you enjoy it.
(Achilles hands the Crab an elegantly wrapped present, square and very thin. The
Crab begins unwrapping it.)
Anteater: I wonder what it could be.
Crab: We'll soon find out. (Completes the unwrapping, and pulls out the gif)t Two
records! How exciting! But there's no label. Uh-oh-is this another of your "specials",
Mr. T?
Tortoise: If you mean a phonograph-breaker, not this time. But it is in fact a custom-
recorded item, the only one of its kind in the entire world. In fact, it's never even been
heard before-except, of course, when Bach played it.
Crab: When Bach played it? What do you mean, exactly?
Achilles: Oh, you are going to be fabulously excited, Mr. Crab, when Mr. T tells you
what these records in fact are.
Tortoise: Oh, you go ahead and tell him, Achilles.
Achilles: May I? Oh, boy! I'd better consult my notes, then. (Pulls out a small filing card,
and clears his voice.) Ahem. Would you be interested in hearing about the remarkable
new result in mathematics, to which your records owe their existence?
Crab: My records derive from some piece of mathematics? How curious Well, now that
you've provoked my interest, I must hear about it.
Achilles: Very well, then. (Pauses for a moment to sip his tea, then resumes) Have you
heard of Fermat's infamous "Last Theorem"?
Anteater: I'm not sure ... It sounds strangely familiar, and yet I can't qui place it.
Achilles: It's a very simple idea. Pierre de Fermat, a lawyer by vocation b mathematician
by avocation, had been reading in his copy of the class text Arithmetica by
Diophantus, and came across a page containing the equation
He immediately realized that this equation has infinitely many solutions a, b, c, and then
wrote in the margin the following notorious comment:
The equation
an +bn=cn
has solutions in positive integers a, b, c, and n only when n = 2 (an then there are
infinitely many triplets a, b, c which satisfy the equation); but there are no
solutions for n > 2. I have discovered a truly marvelous proof of this statement,
which, unfortunately, this margin is too small to contain.
Ever since that day, some three hundred years ago, mathematicians have been vainly
trying to do one of two things: either to I Fermat's claim, and thereby vindicate
Fermat's reputation, whit though very high, has been somewhat tarnished by skeptics
who he never really found the proof he claimed to have found-or e: refute the claim,
by finding a counterexample: a set of four integers a, b, c, and n, with n > 2, which
satisfy the equation. Until recently, every attempt in either direction had met with
failure. 1 sure, the Theorem has been proven for many specific values of i particular,
all n up to 125,000.
Anteater: Shouldn't it be called a "Conjecture" rather than a "Theorem it's never been
given a proper proof?
Achilles: Strictly speaking, you're right, but tradition has kept it this i
Crab: Has someone at last managed to resolve this celebrated quest Achilles: Indeed! In
fact, Mr. Tortoise has done so, and as usual, by a wizardly stroke. He has not only
found a PROOF of Fermat's Theorem (thus justifying its name as well as vindicating
Fermat; also a COUNTEREXAMPLE, thus showing that the skeptics had good
Crab: Oh my gracious! That is a revolutionary discovery.
Anteater: But please don't leave us in suspense. What magical integer they, that satisfy
Fermat's equation? I'm especially curious about the value of n.
Achilles: Oh, horrors! I'm most embarrassed! Can you believe this? the values at home on
a truly colossal piece of paper. Unfortunately was too huge to bring along. I wish I
had them here to show to y( it's of any help to you, I do remember one thing-the value
of n only positive integer which does not occur anywhere in the continued fraction for
Crab: Oh, what a shame that you don't have them here. But there reason to doubt what
you have told us.
an +bn=cn
in positive integers, with n > 2.
Tortoise: I could explain, of course, just how this equation arises, but Im sure it would
bore you.
Achilles: It turned out that acoustico-retrieval theory predicts that Bach sounds can be
retrieved from the motion of all the molecule the atmosphere, provided that EITHER
there exists at least one solution to the equation
Crab: Amazing!
Anteater: Fantastic!
Tortoise: Who would have thought!
Achilles: I was about to say, "provided that there exists EITHER such a solution OR a
proof that there are tic) solutions!" And therefore, Mr. T, in careful fashion, set about
working at both ends of the problem, simultaneously. As it turns out, the discovery of
the counterexample was the key ingredient to finding the proof, so the one led directly
to the other.
Crab: How could that be?
Tortoise: Well, you see, I had shown that the structural layout of any pr of Fermat's Last
Theorem-if one existed-could be described by elegant formula, which, it so happened,
depended on the values ( solution to a certain equation. When I found this second
equation my surprise it turned out to be the Fermat equation. An amusing accidental
relationship between form and content. So when I found the counterexample, all I
needed to do was to use those numbers blueprint for constructing my proof that there
were no solutions to equation. Remarkably simple, when you think about it. I can't
imagine why no one had ever found the result before.
Achilles: As a result of this unanticipatedly rich mathematical success, Mr. T was able to
carry out the acoustico-retrieval which he had long dreamed of. And Mr. Crab's
present here represents a palpable realization of all this abstract work.
Crab: Don't tell me it's a recording of Bach playing his own works for harpsichord!
Achilles: I'm sorry, but I have to, for that is indeed just what it is! This is a set of two
records of Johann Sebastian Bach playing all of his Well Tempered Clavier. Each
record contains one of the two volumes of the Well-Tempered Clavier; that is to say,
each record contains 24 preludes and fugues-one in each major and minor key.
Crab: Well, we must absolutely put one of these priceless records on, immediately! And
how can I ever thank the two of you?
Tortoise: You have already thanked us plentifully, with this delicious tea which you have
(The Crab slides one of the records out of its jacket, and puts it on. The sound of
an incredibly masterful harpsichordist fills the room, in the highest imaginable
fidelity. One even hears-or is it one's imagination?-the soft sounds of Bach singing
to himself as he plays ...)
Crab: Would any of you like to follow along in the score? I happen to have a unique
edition of the Well-Tempered Clavier, specially illuminated by a teacher of mine who
happens also to be an unusually fine calligrapher. Tortoise: I would very much enjoy
(The Crab goes to his elegant glass-enclosed wooden bookcase, opens the doors, and
draws out two large volumes.)
Crab: Here you are, Mr. Tortoise. I've never really gotten to know all the beautiful
illustrations in this edition. Perhaps your gift will provide the needed impetus for me
to do so.
Tortoise: I do hope so.
Anteater: Have you ever noticed how in these pieces the prelude always sets the mood
perfectly for the following fugue?
Crab: Yes. Although it may be hard to put it into words, there is always some subtle
relation between the two. Even if the prelude and fugue do not have a common
melodic subject, there is nevertheless always some intangible abstract quality which
underlies both of them, binding them together very strongly.
Tortoise: And there is something very dramatic about the few moments of silent suspense
hanging between prelude and fugue-that moment where the the theme of the fugue is
about to ring out, in single tones, and then to join with itself in ever-increasingly
complex levels of weird, exquisite harmony.
Achilles: I know just what you mean. There are so many preludes and fugues which I
haven't yet gotten to know, and for me that fleeting interlude of silence is very
exciting; it's a time when I try to second-guess old Bach. For example, I always
wonder what the fugue's tempo will be: allegro, or adagio? Will it be in 6/8, or 4/4?
Will it have three voices, or five-or four? And then, the first voice starts ... Such an
exquisite moment.
Crab: Ah, yes, well do I remember those long-gone days of my youth, days when I
thrilled to each new prelude and fugue, filled with excitement of their novelty and
beauty and the many unexpected' surprises which they conceal.
Achilles: And now? Is that thrill all gone?
Crab: It's been supplanted by familiarity, as thrills always will be. But that familiarity
there is also a kind of depth, which has its own compensations. For instance, I find
that there are always new surprises whit hadn't noticed before.
Achilles: Occurrences of the theme which you had overlooked?
Crab: Perhaps-especially when it is inverted and hidden among several other voices, or
where it seems to come rushing up from the dept out of nowhere. But there are also
amazing modulations which ii marvelous to listen to over and over again, and wonder
how old B2 dreamt them up.
Achilles: I am very glad to hear that there is something to look forward after I have been
through the first flush of infatuation with the Well Tempered Clavier-although it also
makes me sad that this stage cot not last forever and ever.
Crab: Oh, you needn't fear that your infatuation will totally die. One the nice things about
that sort of youthful thrill is that it can always resuscitated, just when you thought it
was finally dead. It just takes the right kind of triggering from the outside.
Achilles: Oh, really? Such as what?
Crab: Such as hearing it through the ears, so to speak, of someone whom it is a totally
new experience-someone such as you, Achilles. Somehow the excitement transmits
itself, and I can feel thrilled again.
Achilles: That is intriguing. The thrill has remained dormant somewhere inside you, but
by yourself, you aren't able to fish it up out of your subconscious.
Crab: Exactly. The potential of reliving the thrill is "coded", in sot unknown way, in the
structure of my brain, but I don't have the power to summon it up at will; I have to
wait for chance circumstance trigger it.
Achilles: I have a question about fugues which I feel a little embarrass about asking, but
as I am just a novice at fugue-listening, I was wondering if perhaps one of you
seasoned fugue-listeners might help me learning .. .
Tortoise: I'd certainly like to offer my own meager knowledge, if it might prove of' some
Achilles: Oh, thank you. Let me come at the question from an angle. Are you familiar
with the print called Cube with Magic Ribbons, by M. Escher?
Tortoise: In which there are circular bands having bubble-like distortions which, as soon
as you've decided that they are bumps, seem to turn it dents-and vice versa?
Crab: I have never seen that illustration before. Why don't you pass it 'round?
(The Tortoise passes the book around. Each of the foursome looks at it in a
characteristic way-this one from afar, that one from close up, everyone tipping his
head this way and that in puzzlement. Finally it has made the rounds, and returns
to the Tortoise, who peers at it rather intently.)
Achilles: Well, I guess the prelude is just about over. I wonder if, as I listen to this fugue,
I will gain any more insight into the question, "What is the right way to listen to a
fugue: as a whole, or as the sum of its parts?"
TTortoise: Listen carefully, and you will!
(The prelude ends. There is a moment of silence; and ...