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Si vous tes un ours, un Lucky Luke des temps modernes, un tank qu'aucune balle classique ne peut inquiter, c'est cela qu'ils
utiliserons contre vous. Le C-Swat, les forces armes, les milices corporatistes sont tous bien pourvus de ces armes usage
typiquement militaire (n'en cherchez pas dans votre armurerie prfre, elles sont ILLEGALES). Tuer sa cible du premier coup,
quelle que soit sa protection, ou stopper un vhicule, un kilomtre de distance c'est ce que l'on peut esprer de ce type de jouet.

Arasaka-Barret Light 20
Type : Heavy sniper rifle
Accuracy : 0
Availability : Rare
Concealability : Non concealable
Magazine : 10
Rate of fire : 1

Cartridge : 20 mm (5D10 AP)

Reliability : very reliable
Range : 1500 meters
Cost : 2000 eb
Description : Cyberpunk 2020
Length : 131 cm
Country : Japan

Arasaka Daemon
Type : Heavy sniper rifle
Cartridge : 13 mm PAS (8D6+6 AP)
Accuracy : +4
Reliability : very reliable
Availability : Poor
Range : 2000 meters
Concealability : Non concealable
Cost : 6000 eb
Magazine : 10
Length : 165 cm
Rate of fire : 1
Country : Japan
Sold with thermodynamic lasersight, 30 x zoom, silencer. Totally concealable, it can
be disassembled in five parts (5 turns to re-assemble). It needs two turns to take
aim, during wich the target is constantly under control, even if tries to move
suddenly. At the beginning of the third turn, you can shoot first, without throwing the
dices, and the target is hit where the player decided in the first turn.
It uses piercing 13 mm bullets (200 eb for 20), if the bullett pass through any
material, the damage is halved. These piercing bullets can pass through 15
structural-points materials.

Armalite-Barret M-90
Cartridge : .50 (6D10)
Reliability : very reliable
Range : 1000 meters
Cost : 1500 eb
Description : Home of the Brave
Length : 168 cm
Country : USA
Le M-90 est le successeur du M-82, arme datant des annes 60. Il peut tre trouv au
march noir ou dans des vieux stocks militaires. M-90 en version superarme : 2500
eb (porte : 300 mtres).
Type : Heavy sniper rifle
Accuracy : +3
Availability : Rare
Concealability : Non concealable
Magazine : 10
Rate of fire : 1

Cartridge : 7.62E (9D6+3)
Reliability : very reliable
Range : 1400 meters
Cost : 2520 eb
Description : Datafortress 2020
Length : 120 cm
Country : China
This bullpup sniper weapon from China is one of the most acurate rifles in the world,
and thats just straight out of the box. Built in folding bipod, standard scope, and small
but powerful ammuntion makes this a true winner. Many professional snipers
purchase this weapon, then have it electrothermally enhanced.
Type : Heavy sniper rifle
Accuracy : +4
Availability : Rare
Concealability : Non concealable
Magazine : 10
Rate of fire : 1

Colt-Mauser Canon M2X

Cartridge : 20 mm ISP (4D10+6*)
Reliability : standard
Range : 600 meters
Cost : 3050 eb
Description : Chrome 2
Length : 178 cm
Country : USA
*Armure rduite au quart. Si les dgts sont absorbs mais dpassent la moiti des
PA, la cible endure nanmoins le quart des dgts du fait de l'impact.
Type : Heavy sniper rifle
Accuracy : 0
Availability : Rare
Concealability : Non concealable
Magazine : 8
Rate of fire : 1

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Cybertronic SR3500 Sniper System

Cartridge : 7.62E (9D6+3)
Reliability : very reliable
Range : 600 meters
Cost : 2200 eb
Description : Blackhammer Cyberpunk
Length : 116 cm
Country : USA
Electrothermically enhanced, the SR3500 looks large and bulky but is extremely lgiht
weight and stable. The SR3500 has been produced in few examples and is very rare
on the street. Comes equipped with a detacheable 8x nightvision scope.
Type : Heavy sniper rifle
Accuracy : +2
Availability : Rare
Concealability : Non concealable
Magazine : 20
Rate of fire : 2

Fabrica de Armes SGS-7

Cartridge : CAL10 APFSDS (4D10 AP)
Reliability : standard
Range : 500 meters
Cost : 775 eb
Description : Datafortress 2020
Length : 110 cm
Country : Argentina
This weapons is fed from two sources, the 10 round magazine and the 5 round choke.
In most cases the choke is used for specialty rounds, while the magazine is reserved
for slugs or fin stabilized sabbotted rounds. This is yet another example of a shotgun
being used as a sniper platform.
Type : Sniper shotgun
Accuracy : +1
Availability : Common
Concealability : Non concealable
Magazine : 10
Rate of fire : 1

Federated Arms RSR-2

Type : Heavy sniper rifle
Accuracy : +1
Availability : Rare
Concealability : Non concealable
Magazine : 8
Rate of fire : 1

Cartridge : .300WM (7D6+3)

Reliability : unreliable
Range : 500 meters
Cost : 740 eb
Description : Cyberpunk 2021
Length : 74 cm
Country : USA

FN Browning BBR
Type : Heavy sniper rifle
Accuracy : +2
Availability : Poor
Concealability : Non concealable
Magazine : 10
Rate of fire : 1

Cartridge : .300WM (7D6+3)

Reliability : very reliable
Range : 600 meters
Cost : 800 eb
Length : 120 cm
Country : Belgium

Franchi SPAS-97
Cartridge : CAL10 APFSDS (4D10 AP)
Reliability : very reliable
Range : 500 meters
Cost : 945 eb
Description : Datafortress 2020
Length : 95 cm
Country : Italy
Taking its cues from the RSG Sniper, Franchi developed their own version of a sniping
shotgun. Faring the same round, this weapon operates either by pump or
semiautomatic. When loaded with normal ammunition this weapon becomes a
formidable combat shotgun. Franchi has bested the RSG with this design, and it will
be interesting to see how things progress from here.
Type : Sniper shotgun
Accuracy : +2
Availability : Rare
Concealability : Non concealable
Magazine : 20
Rate of fire : 1

Heckler & Koch DRS-4

Cartridge : 15 mm C (7D10)
Reliability : standard
Range : 800 meters
Cost : 1520 eb
Description : Datafortress 2020
Length : 120 cm
Country : Germany
The impact of the 15 mm round is unbelievable, and is usually enough to destroy
whatever it hits. With the bullpup DRS-4 sniper rifle you have all the cover your team
needs. The only drawback is the weapon could have bit a bit larger for stability sake,
but it is still an excellent weapon. Of course the ammo is a bit hard to find, but you
are resourceful aren't you ?
Type : Heavy sniper rifle
Accuracy : +2
Availability : Rare
Concealability : Non concealable
Magazine : 10
Rate of fire : 1

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Mephisto Sniper Rifle

Cartridge : .300WM (7D6+3)
Reliability : very reliable
Range : 700 meters
Cost : 1400 eb
Description : Blackhammer Cyberpunk
Length : 118 cm
Country : USA
The Mephisto Sniper Rifle is a rather ordinary high-caliber rifle design with few
gadgets and high reliability. It is unusually stable and robust, giving excellent
accuracy and range. The detachable nightvision telescopic sight has x3 to x15
magnification and includes a red-point laser sight for short ranges.
Type : Heavy sniper rifle
Accuracy : +2
Availability : Poor
Concealability : Non concealable
Magazine : 12
Rate of fire : 2

Militech ATR-97
Cartridge : 20 mm (5D10 AP)
Reliability : very reliable
Range : 500 meters
Cost : 1590 eb
Description : Datafortress 2020
Length : 115 cm
Country : USA
While not really the anti-tank rifle it claims to be, it is an excellent choice for putting
down the rampaging borg or the even the stray light ACPA you might come across.
Police agencies and military forces all over the globe have determined this weapon to
be a valuable deterrent to the war on Cyborg crime.
Type : Heavy sniper rifle
Accuracy : +2
Availability : Rare
Concealability : Non concealable
Magazine : 8
Rate of fire : 1

Militech Fusil Cyborg

Type : Heavy sniper rifle
Accuracy : +1
Availability : Poor
Concealability : Non concealable
Magazine : 30
Rate of fire : 2

Cartridge : .300WM (7D6+3)

Reliability : standard
Range : 500 meters
Cost : 800 eb
Description : Chrome 2
Length : 115 cm
Country : USA

Militech TSATW Grizzly

Type : Heavy sniper rifle
Accuracy : +2
Availability : Rare
Concealability : Non concealable
Magazine : 1
Rate of fire : 1

Cartridge : 30 mm (9D10 AP)

Reliability : very reliable
Range : 2000 meters
Cost : 6230 eb
Description : Cyberpunk 2021
Length : 162 cm
Country : USA

Militech USS-10
Type : Sniper shotgun
Accuracy : +2
Availability : Poor
Concealability : Non concealable
Magazine : 8
Rate of fire : 1

Cartridge : CAL10 APFSDS (4D10 AP)

Reliability : very reliable
Range : 500 meters
Cost : 910 eb
Description : Cyberpunk 2021
Length : 82 cm
Country : USA

PGM Ultima Ratio S9

Cartridge : 7.62 APFSDS (8D6+2)
Reliability : very reliable
Range : 2500 meters
Cost : 18550 eb
Description : Cyberpunk 2021
Length : 112 cm
Country : France
This weapon fires 7.62 mm Armor-Piercing Fin-Stabilized Discarding Sabot ammo,
which consists of a depleted uranium sub-caliber round that easily punches through
armor. It also features a recoil absorbing stock and a gyrostabilized mount. However,
the real beauty of this weapon is its targeting system.
The "Full Sensing" version (the standard version with a 12x Zeiss is pictured) is
equipped with a full spectrum, computer controlled targeting system which offers
unparalleled accuracy. This system can see through walls as well as detect
thermo-optic camouflage. The "Full Sensing" scope must be interfaced with the
Type : Heavy sniper rifle
Accuracy : +3/+6
Availability : Rare
Concealability : Non concealable
Magazine : 6
Rate of fire : 1

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Remington Haley
Cartridge : .300WM (7D6+3)
Reliability : standard
Range : 1000 meters
Cost : 1120 eb
Description : Datafortress 2020
Length : 135 cm
Country : USA
Drop a full conversion without breaking a sweat. With the Haley chambered in .300
magnum you can drop pretty much anything you have too, and with 25 shots you can
keep it up all day long.
Type : Heavy sniper rifle
Accuracy : +3
Availability : Rare
Concealability : Non concealable
Magazine : 12
Rate of fire : 2

Rostovic AVR-13
Cartridge : 20 mm (5D10 AP)
Reliability : standard
Range : 1500 meters
Cost : 2980 eb
Description : Datafortress 2020
Length : 122 cm
Country : Russia
The Rostovic AVR-13 is a heavy anti-armor sniper rifle, they recently replaced this
weapon as the Russian militaries standard heavy sniper rifle, but surplus has seen
excellent foreign sales, particularly to Africa and South America.
Type : Heavy sniper rifle
Accuracy : +3
Availability : Poor
Concealability : Non concealable
Magazine : 10
Rate of fire : 1

Royal Enfield LO-20

Cartridge : .300WM (7D6+3)
Reliability : standard
Range : 600 meters
Cost : 850 eb
Description : Datafortress 2020
Length : 70 cm
Country : United Kingdom
Single shot bolt action, this compact sniper rifle is ideal for making the statement "1
shot, 1 kill". A longer barrel would increase accuracy, but MI-6 was adamant that it be
kept to a minimum for ease of concealment.
Type : Heavy sniper rifle
Accuracy : +1
Availability : Rare
Concealability : Non concealable
Magazine : 1
Rate of fire : 1

Seburo PAS-R2
Cartridge : CAL10 APFSDS (4D10 AP)
Reliability : very reliable
Range : 500 meters
Cost : 1660 eb
Description : Datafortress 2020
Length : 105 cm
Country : Japan
Seburo's version of the RSG, a very long, extremely acurate weapon. With Seburo's
always beautiful styling and excellent quality. The weapon is semi-automatic and tube
fed to keep the over all profile low.
Type : Sniper shotgun
Accuracy : +3
Availability : Rare
Concealability : Non concealable
Magazine : 12
Rate of fire : 1

Seburo Yari
Cartridge : 30 mm (9D10 AP)
Reliability : very reliable
Range : 2000 meters
Cost : 6775 eb
Description : Datafortress 2020
Length : 128 cm
Country : Japan
The most powerful sniper rifle available. Use of at least a bipod is strongly
recommended, as is never attempting to fire the weapon from anything but a prone
position. The immense recoil of this weapon is easily capable of dislocating a shoulder,
or worse. Standard load for the weapon are teflon coated armor pierceing shells, able
to penetrate tank armor. Using this on a human target is like shooting a bazooka at a
spider, though the weapon is extremely effective against powered armor and full
conversions, even military models.
Type : Heavy sniper rifle
Accuracy : +2
Availability : Rare
Concealability : Non concealable
Magazine : 4
Rate of fire : 1

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Stein & Wasserman HSR 10 mm

Type : Heavy sniper rifle
Cartridge : 10 mm MG (8D6)
Accuracy : +1
Reliability : standard
Availability : Poor
Range : 500 meters
Concealability : Non concealable
Cost : 1950 eb
Magazine : 12
Length : 131 cm
Rate of fire : 1
Country : Germany
Un trs gros fusil longue porte. Lunette AL de srie, bipied en option pour 80 eb.
Un grand succs chez les chasseurs de borgs et les borgs eux-mmes.

Stolvoboy BRZ-76
Cartridge : .300WM (7D6+3)
Reliability : standard
Range : 1000 meters
Cost : 3520 eb
Description : Datafortress 2020
Length : 108 cm
Country : Russia
The premiere russian anti-armor sniper weapon. the top mounted helical magazine is
a nice touch, and the seburo style firing assembly and grip configuration insure ease
and comfort when firing.
Type : Heavy sniper rifle
Accuracy : +3
Availability : Rare
Concealability : Non concealable
Magazine : 10
Rate of fire : 1

Tambu No.15 Archer

Cartridge : .300WM (7D6+3)
Reliability : very reliable
Range : 800 meters
Cost : 1450 eb
Description : Blackhammer Cyberpunk
Length : 98 cm
Country : Japan
A popular assassin's weapon, the Archer's bullpup design allows for a shorter barrel
length than most high-caliber sniper rifles and comes equipped with a nightvision
scope that can be set to 4 and 8 times magnification.
Type : Heavy sniper rifle
Accuracy : +2
Availability : Rare
Concealability : Non concealable
Magazine : 15
Rate of fire : 1

Towa Type 00 Kai Sniper Rifle

Type : Heavy sniper rifle
Accuracy : +3
Availability : Rare
Concealability : Non concealable
Magazine : 6
Rate of fire : 1

Cartridge : 7.62E (9D6+3)

Reliability : very reliable
Range : 1200 meters
Cost : 3000 eb
Description : Pacific Rim Sourcebook
Length : 135 cm
Country : Japan

Tsunami Arms Horizon

Cartridge : .300WM (7D6+3)
Reliability : standard
Range : 1000 meters
Cost : 1575 eb
Description : Datafortress 2020
Length : 140 cm
Country : Japan
A very large rifle, with enormous stopping power and dead on acuracy. Often used
against light armor and full conversions, this weapon is a favorite among snipers.
Type : Heavy sniper rifle
Accuracy : +2
Availability : Rare
Concealability : Non concealable
Magazine : 15
Rate of fire : 2

Tsunami Arms Raijin Type 17

Cartridge : 20 mm HEI (8D10 AP)
Reliability : standard
Range : 1200 meters
Cost : 7500 eb
Description : Pacific Rim Sourcebook
Length : 180 cm
Country : Japan
Livr avec bipode, prise d'interface superarme et vise assiste par ordinateur. Jet de
CON de difficult 15 pour ne pas subir 1D6/2 points de dgts lors du tir.
Type : Heavy sniper rifle
Accuracy : +1
Availability : Rare
Concealability : Non concealable
Magazine : 12
Rate of fire : 1

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UTA ChronoPhase
Type : Heavy sniper rifle
Accuracy : +2
Availability : Poor
Concealability : Non concealable
Magazine : 16
Rate of fire : 2

Cartridge : .300WM (7D6+3)

Reliability : standard
Range : 800 meters
Cost : 1460 eb
Description : Cyberpunk 2021
Length : 112 cm
Country : USA

Walther WA-2100
Cartridge : .300WM (7D6+3)
Reliability : very reliable
Range : 1200 meters
Cost : 3230 eb
Description : Shadowrun
Length : 95 cm
Country : Germany
This weapon is the sniping rifle that just won the rigorous CAS sniper rifle competition
! Designed to military specifications (instead of being a military adaptation of a civilian
rifle model), the Walther is reliable and free of the design instabilities common to
other weapons of the type. The professional's choice !
Type : Heavy sniper rifle
Accuracy : +3
Availability : Rare
Concealability : Non concealable
Magazine : 8
Rate of fire : 2

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