Alison Finlay, B.A., B.Phil., D.Phil., Birkbeck, University of London.
Hon. Secretaries
University College London, Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT.
Judith Jesch, B.A., Ph.D., University of Nottingham.
Hon. Treasurer
Kirsten Williams, B.A., University College London.
Saga-Book Editors
ALISON FINLAY, B.A., B.Phil., D.Phil., Birkbeck, University of London.
Anthony Faulkes, B.Litt., M.A., dr phil., University of Birmingham.
John McKinnell, M.A., University of Durham.
Carl Phelpstead, B.A., D.Phil., Cardiff University.
Andrew Wawn, B.A., Ph.D., University of Leeds.
ISSN: 0305-9219
Printed by Short Run Press Limited, Exeter
A. Housley and Geraint Coles. (Gurn Sveinbjarnardttir) ...
By Terje Spurkland.
Translated by Betsy van der Hoek. (Clive Tolley) ....................
2005. Edited by H. F. Nielsen. (Paul Bibire) ..............................
Edited by
Pernille Hermann. (Matthew Townend) .....................................
By Torfi H.
Tulinius. (Margaret Clunies Ross) ..............................................
By Magns
Fjalldal. (Richard Dance) ..............................................................
By Rory McTurk.
(William Sayers) ...........................................................................
By Marita Akhj
Nielsen. (Michael Barnes) .............................................................
One Norwegian historian who might have covered this period, Theodoricus
monachus, explicitly declines to do so in ch. 34 of his Historia de antiquitate
regum Norwagiensium because of its distasteful civil unrest (Storm 1880, 67).
It is possible that the two other so-called Norwegian synoptics, the Latin
Historia Norwegiae (11781220?) and the vernacular grip af Nregskonunga
sgum (c.1190) extended to this period, but the endings of both are lost.
In addition to the foreign sources listed, there are several Icelandic bishops
Whereas, then, lafa Einarsdttir contrasts Snorris advocacy with Fagrskinnas opposition to the legitimacy of Magnss coronation, Sandaaker
argues that both, through equally critical portrayals of this event, promote Sverrirs and his successors interests.
It is my purpose in this paper to reopen the question of the perspective
of these texts on Magns Erlingssons coronation and its impact on
northern politics, as well as to consider the extent to which they reflect
the positions and interests of their producers as opposed to royal consumers (that Fagrskinna was written for the Norwegian court is fairly
uncontroversial; the question of potential audiences for Heimskringla is
discussed below). While my chief interest is in Snorri Sturlusons perspective on this event, this subject is most efficiently explored by comparing
Heimskringlas account with that of Fagrskinna, Snorris most probable
and proximate source for Magnss reign (Sigurur Nordal 1953, 211;
lafur Halldrsson 1979, 131). In my view, Sandaakers reading of these
texts is more accurate than lafa Einarsdttirs, and yet insufficiently
nuanced. As I intend to show, a comparison of the relevant material in
Heimskringla and Fagrskinna reveals that while both adopt a similarly
negative attitude toward Magns Erlingssons coronation, they differ in
the extent to which this attitude translates into a general judgment on
the practice of royal consecration, and in how closely they mirror the
views held by the Norwegian king and court at the time of their writing.
More precisely, I will demonstrate that Snorri, far from simply parroting
contemporary royal opinion in his account of Magnss coronation and
surrounding events, was addressing and promoting interests of his own
as a cultural producer, certainly of poetry and perhaps also of prose, for
the Norwegian court. My analysis will proceed in several stages: first, I
will describe what is known of the historical context in which the coronation occurred and salient facts about the election and legitimation of
kings in medieval Norway; second, I will compare the accounts in Heimskringla and Fagrskinna of this event and the negotiations preceding it;
third, I will seek to explain Snorris departure from contemporary royalist ideology by examining his practice and interests as a political and
aspirant could appeal. Indeed, within the wider European context, Norways laws of monarchical succession were by the mid-twelfth century
an oddity: elsewhere primogeniture was the rule, and maternal descent
was much less of a bar to kingship than illegitimate birth. Both of these
standards of succession were championed by the Church, which had
instituted as common practice in major European states the crowning
and anointing of kings by clerical agents, acts that confirmed both the
God-given nature of the royal office and a particular occupants right to
hold it. Given the standards and practices it promoted, the Church was
an obvious and, it turned out, willing ally for Erlingr in his efforts to
fortify his sons rule. In either September 1163 or the summer of 1164, the
young Magns was anointed and crowned king of all Norway by Eysteinn
Erlendsson, second Archbishop at Niarss.
The Archbishops services did not come cheap, however. Magns and
his father granted a host of concessions that, if implemented, would
revolutionise not just the role of the Church in Norwegian politics, but the
Norwegian monarchy itself. At the ceremony Magns and Erlingr are
said to have taken an oath, of which a Latin version survives (printed,
along with a Norwegian translation, in Kolsrud 193740, 46566), in
which they pledged to obey Rome, uphold the privileges granted to
Norways archdiocese at its founding in 1152/53, concede the Churchs
absolute authority in spiritual matters, limit demands upon the clergy to
what was expressly permitted by canon law and uphold Gods laws in
their country. Then there is the so-called Magnus Erlingssons privilegiebrev, a letter written in the kings name at some time between 1163 and
1176, in which Magns and his successors are named vassals of St lfr,
from whom they are to hold the kingdom as a perpetual fief. (For texts
and translations, see Vandvik 1962, 722. Most now believe this document to have been written by Archbishop Eysteinn: see Helle 1974,
6566; Kolsrud 193740, 46264; Taranger 1922; Vandvik 1962, 34
44. For a discussion of this concession, its precedents and significance,
see Koht 193436, 81109.) The brev further stipulates that upon a
kings death his crown is to be placed upon lfrs shrine in Christ
Church in Niarss, where it will remain until a successor is chosen and
crowned by the archbishop.
In addition to these new ceremonial functions, contemporary law-codes
indicate that Norwegian churchmen were to be given a greater say in the
electoral process itself: no longer to be acclaimed serially by local ings,
kings were now to be chosen by a national, representative assembly
composed of Norways archbishop and five bishops, and twelve men
selected by each from his own diocese (Keyser and Munch 184695, I
34, IV 3132). Ideally, this assembly was to guide the transfer of an
undivided crown to the kings oldest legitimate son. In the event, however, that the candidate was afflicted by illska ea vizka, wickedness
or lack of wisdom (Bjarni Aalbjarnarson 194151, III 398, note 1), the
new king was to be chosen from among the disqualified heirs full
brothers; if he had none, or if none were deemed suitable, the assembly
was to select that man, relation of the king or not, who seemed to them at
bazt hfi bi gus rttar at gta ok lands laga, best fitted to guard
both Gods laws and the laws of the land (Bjarni Aalbjarnarson 1941
51, III 398, note 1). The final decision was to be reached by a majority
vote of the assembly, so long as the bishops were part of that majority
(Keyser and Munch 184695, I 34). The flood of innovations contained
in these documents and laws amply demonstrates the extent to which the
Church strove to exploit the opportunity provided by Magnss coronation to articulate and realise in practice the ideology of monarchy by
the grace of God in Norway (Magns was the first king to employ the
formula Magnus Dei gratia rex Norvegie or to adopt the title Noregs
konungr; see Taranger 193436, 30203).
Having surveyed the circumstances and consequences of Magnss coronation, I now turn to Snorri Sturlusons view of this event. Like lafa
Einarsdttir and Sandaaker, I consider the best procedure is to compare
Snorris account with that found in Fagrskinna, his most likely source for
these events. Observing how Snorri followed or altered the material from
this source (or, alternatively, agreed with or differed from it in his use of
a shared model) will highlight the ways in which the narrative he crafted
served his interests as a political actor and cultural producer. It must be
admitted, however, that differences between the accounts of the coronation itself in Heimskringla and Fagrskinna reveal little, mainly because
the latters is so slight: Vgsla Magnss konungs var gr ok var hann
sjau vetra gamall, King Magnss coronation was carried out and he was
then seven years old (ch. 109, in Bjarni Einarsson 1984, 351). Snorris
account in ch. 22 of Magnss saga is not much longer, though it does add
several noteworthy details (Bjarni Aalbjarnarson 194151, III 39798):
Magns tk konungsvgslu af Eysteini erkibyskupi, ok ar vru at vgslunni
arir fimm byskupar ok lgtinn ok fjli kennimanna. Erlingr skakki ok me
honum tlf lendir menn sru lagaeia me konungi. Ok ann dag, er vgslan var,
hafi konungr ok Erlingr boi snu erkibyskup ok lgtinn ok alla byskupa,
ok var s veizla in vegsamligsta. Gfu eir fegar ar margar strgjafar.
var Magns konungr tta vetra. rj vetr hafi hann konungr verit.
Fagrskinna (ch. 108)
wife. And if you will give him royal
consecration, then no one can later legally depose him. William the Bastard
was not a kings son, and he was consecrated and crowned king over England,
and since then the kingship has remained
in his family in England, and all have
been crowned. Sveinn lfsson in Denmark was not a kings son, and yet he
was crowned king there, and since then
his sons and one after another of his
kinsmen crowned king. Now there is an
archdiocese in this country. That is a
great glory and honour for our land. Let
us now add further to its advantages, let
us have a crowned king no less than
Englishmen and Danes.
Here Snorri removes the reference to landsflk, making Magnss election an act of Erlingr in collusion with the Church, not one in which
non-aristocratic laymen, those who composed the local assemblies at
which kings were traditionally elected, had participated (H3438). A
similar difference is found between the two versions of Erlingrs closing
speech. In Fagrskinna, he is at pains to underscore the ways in which
canon and secular law can work together to fortify Magnss authority,
appealing to Eysteinn to join with him so that bi gus lg ok manna,
the laws of both God and men, will support his son (F3637). In his
greatly expanded version of this monologue, Snorri emphasises the radical break between the old, secular foundations of royal legitimacy and
the new, clerical ones (Ciklamini 1981, 284). Here, Erlingr is less concerned with using Gods law to supplement the secular than with
substituting the former for the latter. As Snorri has him state, even ef
Magns er eigi sv til konungs tekinn sem forn sir er til hr landi, if
Magns has not been chosen as king in accordance with ancient custom
in this country, the Archbishop can gefa honum krnu, sem gus lg
eru til at smyrja konung til veldis, give him a crown, as Gods law
provides for anointing a king to power, and thereby supply him with a
source of legitimacy capable of compensating for the absence of support
in Norways secular laws (H5457).
In the final analysis, two major differences emerge between Snorris
report of the conversation of Erlingr skakki and Archbishop Eysteinn
and that in Fagrskinna. First, by stressing the Churchs appropriation of
the election of Norwegian kings from the laity, and by representing
coronation as a replacement of rather than complement to ancient laws
and procedures of succession, Snorri more strongly emphasises the radical nature of the changes ushered in by this negotiation. Second, while
both texts cast a sceptical eye on the introduction of royal consecration
into Norway, Snorri reveals in starker terms the worldly interests motivating those who engineered this change, the Archbishop as much as the
regent. Both are in Snorris account more cunning, self-interested and
indifferent to violations of law and custom. As a result of these differences,
Snorri goes beyond Fagrskinna in his depiction of royal consecration as
something other than what its official ideology would wish to represent
it as; rather than a faithful realisation of divine will, Snorri represents the
introduction of this ritual as an entirely human deed, inspired by human
interests (economic and political) and effected through human means
(negotiation, renegotiation and, finally, a deal).
Given that Snorri, when compared to his nearest contemporary chronicler and probable source for this event, intensified the critical perspective
on Magnss coronation, what might have been his motivation? One
way to begin to answer this question is to consider the potential audience for his account as well as that of Fagrskinna. Scholars are generally
agreed that the latter text was written for, and perhaps even commissioned by, King Hkon Hkonarson (r. 121763) and his court (Indreb
1917, 27377; Jakobsen 1970, 89; Bagge 1991, 19, 143). Given that
Hkon was the grandson of King Sverrir, who in the 1180s was received
in Norway as illegitimate son of Sigurr munnr, killed Erlingr and
Magns and seized the throne, it is not hard to see why Fagrskinnas
On the other hand, some critics who have identified ideological purposes beneath the narratives of Heimskringla envision a contemporary,
foreign and royal audience for this text; for example, Heinz Klingenberg
has argued that a thinly veiled undercurrent of praise for Hkons regent
Jarl Skli Brarson runs through parts of Heimskringla (1998, 8594;
see also Sandaaker 1988, 192). As I have argued elsewhere, I think that
it is generally incorrect to regard Snorri as a detached and objective
historian in a modern, academic mould rather than, as he appears in
thirteenth-century saga accounts, a thoroughly engaged political actor,
or to underestimate the degree to which his 121820 visit to Norway
spurred his literary activity, or the extent to which his chief products, the
Edda as well as Heimskringla, were meant for lite Norwegian consumption (Wanner 2003, 810, 23242, 38993). Recognising, however, the
paucity of evidence for Heimskringlas dissemination or reception, I
will not insist on Snorris intention to reach a foreign and/or royal audience with this text, but will instead seek to situate his and Fagrskinnas
accounts of Magnss coronation among other texts that offer an opinion on this event or on the introduction of royal consecration into
Norway. Still, it is worth observing that if Snorri did not produce his
account of the 1163/64 coronation with Norways contemporary king
and court at least partially in mind, he and it are anomalies, in that all
other extant versions were with little doubt produced either by or for
Hkon Hkonarson or one of his predecessors in Sverrirs line.
Certainly, the one thing that all of these kings and texts agreed on was
the illegitimacy of Magnss reign. And yet all also seem to have recognised the advantages inherent in the idea of there being a single king
whose authority was founded in Gods unchanging will. Though continental precedent suggested that confirmation of divine election ought
to be ritually delivered by one of Gods agents on earth, one could, of
course, attempt to exploit this ideology without the full cooperation of
the Church. Sverrir, the first of his restored line and usurper of Norways
first consecrated king, sought to do just this. While in ch. 10 of Sverris
saga it is claimed that during his uprising Sverrir was anointed in a
dream by the Hebrew prophet Samuel, and in ch. 123 he is said to have
compelled several of Norways bishops to perform a makeshift coronation in 1194, both the Norwegian and Roman Church regarded him as an
unlawful king (Indreb 1920, 911, 13031). Eventually, all five of
Norways bishops joined their archbishop in exile, and Sverrir died in
1202 under a papal ban (see Bagge 1996, 7480). Still, none of this
stopped Sverrir from employing the clerical ideology, if in decidedly
pro-monarchical fashion. Two texts produced under his supervision,
Sverris saga and En tale mot biskopene, A Speech against the Bishops,
give clear expression to the idea of kingship as an office filled by God;
in these texts, however, divine election is manifested not through any
agency or act of the Church, but dynastic succession alone. Nowhere are
Sverrirs claims to independence from clerical authority more baldly
stated than in the words he is reported in ch. 38 of his saga to have
spoken over Erlingr skakkis grave:
Allda-scipti er mikit orit sem er megut sia, oc er undarliga orit. Er ein mar
er nu fyrir .iii. ein fyrir konung. Oc einn fyrir Jarl, einn fyrir erkibyscup, oc em
ec sa (Indreb 1920, 42; Erlingr received the title of jarl from Valdamarr I of
Denmark from whom he received the province of Vk as fief in the late 1160s).
Times have much changed, as you can see, and it has turned out extraordinarily, when one man now stands in the place of three: one for the king, and one
for the jarl, one for the archbishop, and I am that one.
But if Sverrir was determined to fight the Church to the bitter end, his
successors were to adopt a more accommodating approach. A spirit of
reconciliation first emerges in a letter (c.1202) from Sverrirs son Hkon
(r. 120204) to the Norwegian archbishop in exile, in which the origins
of his fathers troubles with the Church are traced to the negotiations of
Erlingr skakki and Eysteinn in 1163/64. As the letter states:
N vil ek at allir menn viti skil v at ek gef upp alla essa deild ok rttu er
verit hefir millum konungdmsins ok biskupsdms . . . , er jarlinn hf deilu
vi Eystein erkibiskup um heilagrar kirkju frjlsi (Sandaaker 1998, 181;
Sandaakers emphasis).
Now I want all men to understand that I give up completely this dispute and
quarrel that has gone on between the kingdom and bishopric . . . , [which
started] when the jarl began a dispute with Archbishop Eysteinn over the
freedom of holy Church.
As these scholars and others (for example von See 1991, 35860) have
observed, Snorri evaluates kings according to genealogical claims, charismatic qualities, success in war and accommodation to the will of local
assemblies. He favours, in short, standards of legitimacy and right rule
that predate and, at least conceptually, remain independent of the influence of clerical ideals or agents.
Furthermore, Sverrir (as depicted in his saga) and Snorri seem equally
wary of assigning God or religion too direct a role in northern politics. In
continuing his speech at Erlingrs grave, Sverrir openly mocks the idea
that ones salvation could be decided by ones choice of sides in a civil
Eysteinn erkibyscup oc margir arir . . . hafa iafnan sagt at allir eir menn er
beriz me Magnusi konungi. oc veri land hans. oc letiz me vi. at salur
eira manna allra vri fyr i Paradiso. en bloit vri callt a iorunne Nu megum
ver allir fagna her sva margra manna heilagleic sem her muno helgir hava orit ef
etta er sva sem erkibyscup hefir sagt . . . En ef sva illa er sem mer segir hugr
um. at um at se at leica at brostit hafi a hin fogro heitin sem eim var heitit.
a muno eir rit lengi golldit eira lygi. oc allir eir er vi truu. oc at er mitt
ra at scipta a ara lund til. biia fyrir eim er fram ero farnir af esom heimi
oc biia til gus at Erlingi Jarli se fyrir-gefnar allar r synir er hann geri
mean hann var i esa heims lifi . . . oc biia fyrir allra manna salum eira er
latiz hafa i eso hino rangliga vandri bi nu oc fyr. biia es gu at hann
fyrir-gefi eim allar synir oc biargi salum eira (Indreb 1920, 4244).
Archbishop Eysteinn and many others . . . have always said that all those men
who fought with King Magns and defended his land, and died doing so, that
all of their souls would be in paradise before their blood was cold upon the
earth. Now we can all rejoice here at the sanctity of so many men who will
have become saints here if it is as the archbishop has said . . . But if things are
as bad as I suspect, that it is a question of the fair promises which were made
to them having been broken, then they, and all who believed this, will have
paid for long enough for their lie. And it is my advice to act in a different
manner. Pray for those who have departed from this world and pray to God
that Jarl Erlingr may be forgiven all the sins which he committed while
alive on earth . . . and pray for the souls of all those men who have died in these
wrongful troubles both now and earlier. Pray God that he forgive them all their
sins and save their souls.
Finally and most importantly, Snorri and Sverris saga share a willingness to assign specific blame to the archbishop. As the latter has Sverrir
Erlingr Jarl scylldi legia orlof til at erkibyscup fri fram eim olaugum ollum
sem hann mtti vi coma bndr me sino riki. oc litz mer sva sem at myndi
hvartki gert vera at gvs laugum ne manna her i landi (Indreb 1920, 119).
Jarl Erlingr was to grant permission that the archbishop might carry out all the
injustice that he could do against the farmers within his power. And it seems
to me that that was done according to neither Gods law nor the law of men in
this land.
Like the texts produced in Sverrirs name, then, Snorris seems to have
been largely unconcerned about alienating the Norwegian church, an
attitude at odds with the interests of subsequent kings in Sverrirs line,
whose desire to harness the authorising power of ecclesiastical ideology
led them to adopt, in texts and in practice, a more accommodating (though
never wholly subservient) posture when dealing with the local archdiocese.
This last observation calls for a reformulation of the question with
which I began this section of the paper: namely, what led Snorri in his
account of Magns Erlingssons coronation and related events to resurrect a stance towards the archiepiscopacy and its legitimation of
Norwegian royalty that was so out of sympathy with current royal interests? In what is known of Snorris biography, there are signs that he had
little reason to support, and indeed did not support, the intrusion of
ecclesiastical influences or Gregorian ideals into northern politics. In
the first place, Snorri came into his political and social maturity at a
time when Icelandic chieftains (goar) were being forced to make an
unaccustomed choice between the pursuit of secular and religious authority. In 1190, Archbishop Eirkr varsson of Norway sent a letter to
Iceland forbidding the ordination of goar (Jn Sigursson 1857, 291).
Prior to this directive, nearly every notable goi since Icelands conversion to Christianity (c.1000) had also been a priest or bishop; after it,
there is no record of any being ordained (Jn Jhannesson 1974, 190).
Snorri was eleven when this directive arrived in Iceland, and so was part
of the first generation of chieftains sons for whom the possibility of
joint religious and secular rule was not open. More tellingly, in 1209
Snorri was one of several goar to raid the farm of Hlar, where one of
Icelands two bishops had his seat. This assault was precipitated by
resistance by the goar to Bishop Gumundr rasons energetic promotion of such familiar Gregorian principles as clerical exemption from
the authority of secular law courts (this event is narrated in chs 2427 of
slendinga saga, in Jn Jhannesson et al. 1946, I 25157).
While this domestic episode illustrates a negative response by Snorri
to an assertion of clerical authority in his native political sphere, it was,
I believe, his interactions with members of the Norwegian lite prior to
the time when he is thought to have produced Heimskringla that had the
most direct impact on his treatment of royal coronation in that work. To
support this claim, I will consider three related issues: first, as background to Snorris experiences and expectations in dealing with members
of Norways courts, the traditional role of Icelandic cultural producers
in the Norwegian court in pagan and early Christian times, as well as the
benefits and rewards associated with it; second, evidence for Snorris
aspirations to emulate that role and reap its profits; and, third, whether
and to what extent Snorri may have perceived the introduction of the
practice of coronation of Norwegian monarchs as a threat to his potential to do this. In examining these issues, I will argue that Snorri had one
very personal reason to seek to discredit the conferral of royal legitimacy by Norways archbishops: simply put, he would have regarded
them as his competitors.
It is well known that throughout the Middle Ages Icelanders were the
dominant producers of several of the most significant art-forms native
to Scandinavia (see Sigurur Nordal 1990, 19092; Schier 1975; and
the papers collected in Clunies Ross 2000). Alongside sagas, the most
Skldskaparml chs G5758, in Faulkes 1998, I 35; see also stt. 104
10, 14041 of the eddic poem Hvaml, in Neckel 1983, 3334, 40).
Numerous kennings in the skaldic corpus allude to this myth by referring to inn as the possessor or bestower of the poetic mead and the
skill it symbolised (see Meissner 1921, 129; Kreutzer 1974, 11217).
While it would be going too far to insist that skaldic encomia offered a
stamp of divine approbation equivalent to that later supplied by episcopal consecration, the claim made by and for pagan skalds that their art
was a product of Odinic inspiration, a gift from the god of kings and
warriors as well as poets, would have lent their pronouncements an air of
truth, and given them unique authority as counsellors, confidants and
In light of skalds claim to divine inspiration, it might seem as if the
Conversion would have quickly and decisively deprived them of their
authority and functions, but this did not happen. While the sagas indicate that the missionary kings lfr Tryggvason (r. 9951000) and lfr
Haraldsson at first resisted accepting skalds into their service, they relented in cases where poets were willing to convert and/or restrict their
references in kennings to the pagan gods (see ch. 83 of Snorris lfs
saga Tryggvasonar and ch. 43 of his lfs saga helga, in Bjarni Aalbjarnarson 194151, I 33032 and II 5456; on reduction in the use of
pagan mythological kennings following the Conversion, see Frank 1978,
67). The continued employment of skalds by Christian kings was partly
due to practical necessity; until the twelfth century, when standards of
literacy and court clerical staffs in Norway developed to something like
the level at which they existed in Europe, there was no one else to fill
the skalds combination of memorialising, diplomatic and advisory
roles. Skalds moreover continued to provide ideological services after
the Conversion, managing in several ways to compensate for the loss of
their status as mouthpieces of pagan divinity. In the first place, they
began to make use of the new mythology to construct kennings in praise
of patrons. For example, Arnrr jarlaskld offered this verse in praise of
King Haraldr harri c.1067 (quoted in Skldskaparml ch. 52, in
Faulkes 1998, I 78):
Bnir hefi ek fyrir beini
bragna falls vi snjallan
Grkja vr ok Gara;
gjf launak sv jfri.
I lift prayers for the causer of mens falling [in battle] to the wise guardian of
Greeks and Russians. Thus I repay the prince for his gift (Faulkes 1987, 127).
heeded and rewarded by, kings of Norway and other countries. As for
Snorris ambition to fill the skalds role, evidence for this emerges early
in his political career. The first Norwegian whom Snorri is known to
have praised in poetry was none other than Sverrir, to whom he sent a
tribute most likely in 1202, the year of the kings death. (Evidence for
Snorris composition for Sverrir is found in Skldatal, a list of skalds
and patrons preserved in the Uppsala manuscript of Snorris Edda and
the Kringla manuscript of Heimskringla. Nothing of the poem itself
survives; on the possible nature of and motivations for Snorris poetry
for Sverrir, see Gurn Nordal 1992, 54.) While there is no record of
Snorri having composed for Sverrirs two immediate successors, the shortlived Hkon Sverrisson and Guttormr Sigurarson (both d. 1204), he did
send poetry to King Ingi Brarson (r. 120417) and his half-brother
Jarl Hkon galinn (his poetry for both is attested in Skldatal and for
the latter in ch. 34 of slendinga saga, in Jn Jhannesson et al. 1946, I
269). Only one response to this poetry has been recorded, but it was a
positive one. According to slendinga saga, written by Snorris nephew
Sturla rarson, Jarl Hkon repaid Snorris gesture with sver ok skjld
ok brynju, sword and shield and mailcoat; it is also told that
Jarlinn ritai til Snorra, at hann skyldi fara tan, ok lzt til hans gera mundu
miklar smir. Ok mjk var at skapi Snorra. En jarlinn andaist ann
tma, ok br at tanfer hans um nkkurra vetra sakir (Jn Jhannesson et al.
1946, I 269).
The Jarl wrote to Snorri that he should travel abroad [to Norway], and said he
would show great honour to him. And that was much to Snorris liking. But
the Jarl died at that time, and that delayed his journey abroad for some years.
Unfortunately for Snorri, this was becoming a pattern: Jarl Hkon died
in 1214, and his brother the king not long after, in 1217. By the time
Snorri made his first trip to Norway in the autumn of 1218, his hosts
were the recently elected, fourteen-year-old Hkon Hkonarson and his
regent, Jarl Skli Brarson, half-brother of the late King Ingi.
Snorri spent two years in Norway, primarily in the company of Skli.
During this time, he presented poetry to Skli and Kristn Nikulssdttir, widow of Hkon galinn, receiving in return gifts and friendship
from both (Jn Jhannesson et al. 1946, I 27172, 278). And while
our sources do not state that Snorri offered poetry to Hkon during his
visit, it is difficult to believe that, having panegyrised a jarl and a lady,
he would have neglected to do the same for the king. Near the end of his
trip Snorri helped dissuade Hkon and Skli from invading Iceland, with
which Norway was embroiled in a violent trade dispute, by pledging to
work to bring the island under royal control; in return for his cooperation, he was given the title of lendr mar, the highest in the hir (see ch.
38 of slendinga saga, in Jn Jhannesson et al. 1946, I 27778, and ch.
59 of Hkonar saga Hkonarsonar, in Gubrandur Vigfsson 1887, 52,
both by Sturla rarson). Upon returning home, however, Snorri did
little to promote the kings interests, and seems, in fact, to have worked
to keep Hkon and Sklis favour mostly through cultural production.
Around 122223, Snorri completed Httatal, the longest and most ambitious skaldic praise-poem surviving, for both the king and jarl. This
poem was the seed of Snorris Edda, a treatise on poetry and mythology
that was probably finished by 1225 (see Wessn 1940), about the time
when he is believed to have begun work on Heimskringla.
Plainly, Snorri had for some time before, during and after his visit
to Norway, cast himself in the time-honoured role of the Icelander bearing poetic gifts, for which he hoped to be rewarded with goods as well as
access and influence. All things considered, he had some success. And
yet, if we look at individual responses to Snorris poetry, a telling
pattern emerges. Snorri composed for six Norwegian notables: the
kings Sverrir, Ingi and Hkon, the jarls Hkon galinn and Skli and the
lady Kristn. Of these six, only the three least powerful, all, that is, but
the kings, are known to have responded. While differences in rank
may be enough to explain this patternhaving attained the pinnacle of
Norwegian society, kings may have seen little to be gained from
doing business with Icelandic poets vying for attention and largesseit
is also necessary to consider the factors that made a nobleman into a
king during this period. Aside from Kristn, all of those whom Snorri
praised were at one time or another candidates for the crown, but only
some succeeded. What did those who attained the throne possess that
the others lacked? One key factor was the support of Norways ecclesiastical hierarchy.
Of course, things were not as clear-cut as this statement suggests; each
of the nobles under discussion had unique and complex relations with
the contemporary Church. Sverrir, as we know, seized the throne in defiance of Norways bishops; since, however, he was probably dead when
Snorris tribute arrived, perhaps even before it was composed (Gurn
Nordal 1992, 54), it seems best to leave him out of consideration of
responses to Snorris poetry. Then there is Jarl Skli, who, as legitimate
heir of King Ingi, initially enjoyed archiepiscopal backing in his bid for
the crown, but was also among the most enthusiastic consumers of Snorris
verse (see his extravagant response to Snorris gift of a drpa in ch. 38 of
slendinga saga; Jn Jhannesson et al. 1946, I 278). Ultimately, however, Archbishop Guttormr, bowing to the depth of Hkons support
among advocates of Sverrirs dynasty, gave his stamp of approval to the
young monarch. This occurred in the summer of 1218, mere months
before Snorri arrived in Norway (Gubrandur Vigfsson 1887, 4044).
The last two contenders, King Ingi and Jarl Hkon galinn, fit our pattern
rather neatly: Ingi was chosen as king over his older half-brother Hkon
largely because of his legitimate birth and the support of Norways archbishop (Koht 1924, 432). Whatever the particulars of each case, therefore,
a basic division holds true: those who responded to Snorris laudatory
poems were those whose aspirations to the throne had been thwarted by
lack of episcopal support, while those who did not had reached that
goal with the endorsement of the archbishop. In sum, it seems that Norways kings were no longer investing in skaldic verse as a source of
legitimacy and prestige in part because they had access to a more potent
source of both in the sanction of God, as manifested through the approval of Norways highest Church official.
We have, then, in Snorri a cultural producer who, after decades of
seeking royal recognition of his poetic talents, was faced with a radical
disjunction between what he knew (or thought he knew) of the
traditional, reciprocal relations of Icelandic skalds and Norwegian monarchs, and a reality in which the place and functions of the skald had
been largely usurped by the Church and its agents. Without the patronage of Norways most powerful consumer, Snorris poetic capital had
lost much of its market value, its capacity for conversion into material
wealth, social prestige and political influence. Snorris response to this
devaluation of his cultural capacities was to funnel his talents into new
forms of cultural production designed to resuscitate the old. Heimskringla
was one such product (the Edda, a work aimed at reinvigorating the
production and consumption of skaldic verse, ought to be viewed as
Snorris first and principal attempt to reignite patrons interest in more
traditional forms of cultural production; see Wanner 2003, 38993).
While Heimskringla, like Fagrskinna and other kings sagas, may have
reflected royal interests as a means of seeking favour, Snorri also used it
to further his own interests as an Icelandic poet, seeking to persuade his
audience of the worth of the skaldic art over and against the legitimising strategies offered by the Church. Accordingly, it is a text in which
ecclesiastical ideology is absent, and the relations of kings and skalds
are highlighted. Snorri employs the climax of Heimskringla to the same
purpose, using the potent if outdated propaganda of King Sverrir to
of battles and ancient events (Finnur Jnsson 1932, 131). lfr enjoys
the stories, but after being advised by a bishop to go to bed, turns in. In
the morning, the king asks for his guest, who cannot be found. Upon
learning that the man, complaining of the poor fare offered at the kings
table, had given his head cook some portions of meat to serve, lfr
orders him:
gef engum manne at. ok er hvndr var til ltin do hann egar. sian var at
brent ok eptir at voro tier ok iii. messor (Finnur Jnsson 1932, 134).
Give that to no man. And when a dog was given some it died at once. [The
meat] was then burned, and after that services and three masses were [said].
This identification of the visitor with inn/the devil would not have
surprised the sagas audience, who would have both recognised him by
his trademark features, and been prepared for some sort of demonic mischief by Oddrs statement at the head of the episode that avfvndae . . .
ovinr allz manz kyns, the enemy of all mankind had resented lfrs
successful missionary activity (Finnur Jnsson 1932, 131).
While the essentials of this story are carried over into ch. 64 of Snorris
lfs saga Tryggvasonar, the choices Snorri makes in adapting it serve
a coherent purpose. First, there is nothing to correspond to Oddrs
(1932, xxii), as well as Theodore Andersson, its recent translator, consider the
more expansive manuscript AM 310, 4to (A) to be closer to Oddrs original,
and Finnur argues that Snorri must have used a manuscript earlier than either,
I here quote from Stockholm 19, 4to (S), which in the case of lfrs encounter
with inn has the more detailed text. The text of S is printed below that of A
in Finnur Jnssons edition, and is the basis of P. A. Munchs 1853 edition.
prefatory statement on the devil and his snares. Snorri elaborates, however, on the scope and quality of the visitors tales (Bjarni Aalbjarnarson
194151, I 31213):
Kunni s mar segja af llum lndum . . . tti konungi gaman mikit at
rum hans ok spuri hann margra hluta, en gestrinn fekk rlausn til allra
spurninga, ok sat konungr lengi um kveldit.
That man could speak of all lands . . . The king got great pleasure from his
conversation and asked him many things, and the guest gave an answer to all
of [his] questions, and the king sat up long into the night.
As for the exasperated bishop, Snorri has him interrupt the talk of lfr
and inn not once, but twice. After lfr interviews his cook and his
guests identity has dawned on him, Snorri has the king react somewhat differently (Bjarni Aalbjarnarson 194151, I 314):
segir konungr, at vist alla skyldi nta, segir, at etta myndi engi mar
verit hafa ok ar myndi verit hafa inn, s er heinir menn hfu lengi
trat, sagi, at inn skyldi engu leiis koma at svkja .
Then the king says that all of that food should be thrown away, saying that this
must have been no man and that it must have been inn, whom heathen men
had long believed in, [and] said that inn would not succeed in deceiving
them in any way.
Snorri believed, however, not only that lfr would be better entertained listening to inn, but also that it would benefit the king
to attend to what the pagan deity had to say, or, more precisely, what
The reading fra forn konungum oc orrustum eira appears in the A manuscript
of Oddrs saga (Finnur Jnsson 1932, 132), and so Snorris text here combines
elements that eventually appear in A and S.
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Cited below are the full texts of the dialogues, including the text
between the passages of direct speech.
Fagrskinna ch.108 (Bjarni Einarsson 1984, 350):
mlti Erlingr skakki: Herra, sagi hann, kunnigt mun yr vera um
lgskr rnda. N at allt, er ar er lagt, munu r vilja brjta lg ens
helga lfs konungs. Erkibyskup svarar: Eigi eru brotin lg hans v,
at aukinn er rttr hans. Hitt er lagabrot, at eigi er s konungr yfir Nregi,
sem lgum stendr. Erlingr svarar: Eigi var at grt mjk mti yru
ri, er Magns var tekinn til konungs, ok jttuu v allir, sv byskupar
sem annat landsflk. Erkibyskup svarar: Eigi vil ek v mti mla, at
Magns megi konungr vera, ef veizt, at eigi ykkir rndum vera
raskat v snum lgum, at s s konungr, er eigi er konungs sonr. En v
vttir mik, at eigi veri allir eitt sttir, ef nkkurir koma, eir er sannir
eru, ok beiask lands ok rkis. Erlingr segir: Me v, herra, at eigi er
ritat llum lgbkum, at s skuli <eigi> konungr vera, er eigi er konungs
sonr, ok vri at at yru ri ok annarra byskupa, at Magns vri til
konungs tekinn yfir allt landit, megu r sv styrkja hann ok hans rki,
at at s gus lg, at hann s konungr. Vildi r smyrja hann ok krna
ok gefa hnum konungs vgslu, m eigi v neita, v at eru bi gus
lg ok manna, en hann ok ek skal veita yr fullan styrk til allrar framkvmar,
er r vili kraft hafa. Erkibyskup hugsai etta ml ok talai vi Erling,
ar til er at var allt rit ok var s fundr lagr um sumarit Bjrgvin.
Heimskringla (Magnss saga Erlingssonar, ch. 21; Bjarni Aalbjarnarson 194151, III 39597):
Ok eitt sinn var at rum eira, at Erlingr spuri: Er at me sannendum,
herra, er menn segja, at r hafi aukit auralag um sakeyri yarn vi
bndr norr landit? Erkibyskup svarar: at er vst satt, at bndr hafa
mr at veitt at auka auralag um sakeyri minn. Hafa eir at grt at sjlfri
snu, en me engum pyndingum, aukit v gus dr ok aufi staar
vrs. Erlingr segir: Hvrt eru at lg, herra, ins helga lfs konungs ea
hafi r tekit nkkuru frekara etta ml en sv sem ritit er lgbkinni?
Erkibyskup segir: Sv mun inn heilagi lfr konungr lgin hafa sett sem
hann fekk jor ok samykki alu til, en ekki finnsk at hans
lgum, at bannat s at auka gus rtt. Erlingr svarar: Vili r auka yarn
rtt, manu r styrkja vilja oss til ess, at vr aukim jafnmiklu konungs
rttinn. Erkibyskup segir: Aukit hefir n r me gngu nafn ok rki
sonar ns. En ef ek hefi aflaga tekit auralgin af eim rndum, tla
ek strra bera hin lagabrotin, er s er konungr yfir landi, er eigi er konungs
sonr. Eru ar hvrtki til ess lg n dmi hr landi. Erlingr segir: er
Magns var til konungs tekinn yfir Nregsrki, var at grt me yarri
vitand ok ri ok sv annarra byskupa hr landi. Erkibyskup segir: v
hztu , Erlingr, ef vr samykkim me r, at Magns vri til konungs
tekinn, at skyldir styrkja gus rtt llum stum me llum krapti
num. Jti ek v, segir Erlingr, at ek hefi heitit at halda gus lg ok
landsrtt me llum mnum styrk ok konungs. N s ek hr betra r til en
hvrr okkarr kenni rum brigmli: Hldum heldr ll einkaml vr. Styrki
r Magns konung til rkis, sv sem r hafi heitit, en ek skal styrkja
yart rki til allra farslligra hluta. Fr ll ran mjkliga me eim.
mlti Erlingr: Ef Magns er eigi sv til konungs tekinn sem forn sir
er til hr landi, megu r af yru valdi gefa honum krnu, sem gus
lg eru til at smyrja konung til veldis. En tt ek sj eigi konungr ea af
konungatt kominn, hafa eir konungar n verit flestir vru minni, er
eigi vissu jafnvel sem ek til laga ea landsrttar. En mir Magnss konungs
er konungs dttir ok drttningar skilfengin. Magns er ok drttningar sonr
ok eiginkonu sonr. En ef r vili gefa honum konungsvgslu, m engi
hann taka san af konungdminum at rttu. Eigi var Viljlmr bastarr
konungs sonr, ok var hann vgr ok krnar til konungs yfir Englandi, ok
hefir san haldizk konungdmr hans tt Englandi ok allir verit krnair.
Eigi var Sveinn lfsson Danmrk konungs sonr, ok var hann ar
krnar konungr ok san synir hans ok hverr eptir annan eira frnda
krnar konungr. N er hr landi erkistll. Er at mikill vegr ok tgn
lands vrs. Aukum vr n enn me gum hlutum, hfum konung krnaan
eigi sr en enskir menn ea Danir. San tluu eir erkibyskup ok
Erlingr um etta ml optliga, ok fr allt sttgjarnliga.
This, of course, is only one way of approaching the past in the sagas. An
alternative way, intimately related to it, stems from another idea of Einar
l. Sveinssons that is of much interest here, as it concerns the way the past
is represented in the sagas. Einar (1953, 75) links the turbulent times, the
shifting winds of the Sturlung Age, with a kind of cold and sceptical
power of observation and a curious sobriety and realism in the sagas.
He says:
[The] Sturlung Age was anything but of a piece. Lies and virtues existed side
by side, and wherever the vices seemed about to prevail absolutely, words or
incidents could crop up to show the opposite. And in this changeable
atmosphere grew the masterpieces of the age, the Sagas of Icelanders.
More recently, Torfi Tulinius (2000, 242, 261, 260) points to uncertain
identities and questioning of the ideological foundations of the social
system in thirteenth-century Iceland as factors contributing to the
appeal of saga literature. Furthermore, Tulinius perceives these in more
general termsas traits both of a society in crisis (or transition) and of
sophisticated fiction in the Western tradition.
When the focus is thus seen to be on the historical and social circumstances of thirteenth-century Iceland, the picture that emerges is that of
a society in turmoil generating a medium (slendingasgur) in which it
tries to work itself out, exploring different pathways and leaving them
visible. This, in turn, has an aesthetic effect. Torfi Tulinius argues this
position very persuasively. The present paper will approach the issue
from the other end; instead of asking what it is in the socio-historical
circumstances that supports the representational complexity of the sagas,
I seek to explore what it is in the literary texture of the sagas that brings
the past forth so vividly.
I shall approach the question on two levels and, therefore, in two
sections. The first deals with the explicit concern of saga authors with the
veracity of the material related, as well as their engagement with a variety
of authenticating devices which we tend to associate with historiography.
By questioning and authenticating the material, the saga authors counter
some of the readers doubts even before they arise, or at least channel
them away. Voicing concerns about veracity and authentication requires
the saga authors to take a step back from the diegetic level of the narrative,
and while my first section considers these instances, the second explores
the ways the sagas achieve credibility on the diegetic plane itself. Thus
the second section is concerned with the presentation of events, their
complexity and ambiguity, the way that various perspectives, each valid
in its own right, meet, compete, negotiate. The interplay of these
This is not done out of some misguided sense of modesty, but because it
is a powerful authenticating device on the one hand, while on the other
it suggests the poems aesthetic merit. Since, generally, epic poets want
to be taken seriously (after all, they are relating a tale of the tribe), they
call upon the authority of the collective to assert the veracity of their
account. In addition, as Radmila Peic (1990, 13) points out, drawing on
Bogatirev and Jakobson, a statement that the song has been heard from
another affirms its value (my translation). Only a worthwhile song
survives the censure of the collective, so the statement that it has been
passed on to the singer also acts as a kind of advertisement; the audience
is led to anticipate some good entertainment.
The writers of literary epics adopt and employ the evasion of responsibility in much the same fashion as their oral counterparts. The creator of
Beowulf, for example, begins by announcing that the story is going to be
about Gar-Dena the Spear-Danes and their princes whose heroic campaigns we . . . gefrunon we have heard of (Beowulf 1950, 1; Beowulf
2002, 3). Similarly, describing the journey of Siegfried and his companions to Iceland, the narrator of Das Nibelungenlied informs us: An dem
zwelften morgen, so^ wir hren sagen, / heten si die winde verre dan
getragen/ gegen Isensteine in Prnhilde lant By the twelfth morning,
so we are told, the winds have carried them far away to Isenstein in
Brunhilds land (Das Nibelungenlied 1948, 49; The Nibelungenlied
1969, 58). As the authenticating power of written sources grows stronger
compared to oral tradition, the author (or scribe) of the Oxford manuscript of La Chanson de Roland, Turoldus, verifies his account by also
referring to written records, charters and letters: Il est escrit es carters e
es brefs (La Chanson de Roland 1942, 49).
While in the examples cited above the emphasis is simply either on the
narrators being told or hearing a story, or having read about the events
they recount in certain unidentified historical records, the slendingasgur go a step further. There, instances in which the presence of the
narrator is made known in order to affirm the veracity of an account are,
though by no means common, far more frequent, elaborate and varied.
More surprisingly, narrators do not always come across as unquestioning
transmitters of ancient knowledge, but occasionally reflect on their
material; a rudimentary critical consideration or even outright concern
about the veracity of the story related is put forward. Occasionally they
also supplement their material with contemporary knowledge or a later
state of affairs in order to verify a past event. This greater variety of
authenticating devices in the sagas is to an extent facilitated by their
prose medium: the pressure for economy of expression that leads to
stylisation is certainly stronger in poetry than in prose. At the same time,
their use of prose cannot be the only explanation, since a comparable
range of authenticating devices is also found in Serbian epic poetry. To
my mind this points to an evolutionary trend within epic, but the question
needs further elaboration and falls outside the scope of the present argument (see Rankovic 2005). Here the interest primarily rests with the ways
the sagas create a strong impression of objectivity, or as J. B. Hainsworth
(1991, 143) calls it, that verisimilitude that in poetry passes for truth.
1.1 Affinities with Historiography
The twelfth century marked the beginning, and the thirteenth witnessed
a flowering, of historiographical writing in Iceland, and according to
Vsteinn lason (1998, 49), this development is now widely regarded
as representing the beginnings of saga-writing. As noted earlier, the
medium of the slendingasgur, like that of historiography, is prose,
and objectivity becomes a poetic principle, a feature of style. The selfconscious concern of the sagas with history is, Vsteinn lason continues,
detectable in their secular perspective, . . . inclusion of skaldic stanzas,
and a narrative style easily distinguishable from clerical prose. But the
reverse is also true, and Sturla rarsons version of Landnmabk
bears witness to the influence the sagas exerted on this historical work.
As Judith Jesch (1984, 296) notes:
It is likely that the origins (written as well as traditional) of Ldn go back to
before the first slendingasgur were written. But as the Sagas of Icelanders
became an important aspect of literary activity, the overlap in subject matter
between them and Ldn led to rapprochement between the two genres.
Just how close together sagas and historiographical pieces come in representing past events can be glimpsed from the following excerpts from
Sturlubk and Laxdla saga respectively:
Aur var Katanesi, er hon spuri fall orsteins. Hon lt gera knrr
skgi laun, en er hann var binn, helt hon t Orkneyjar; ar gipti hon Gr,
dttur orsteins raus; hon var mir Grlaar, er orfinnr hausakljfr tti.
(slendingabk. Landnmabk 1986, 13638)
Aud was in Caithness when she learned of Thorsteins death; she had a ship
built secretly in a forest, and when it was ready she sailed away to Orkney.
There she married off Groa, daughter of Thorstein the Red. Groa was
mother of Grelod who married Thorfinn the Skull-Splitter. (The Book of
Settlements 1972, 51)
Unnr djpga var Katanesi, er orsteinn fell, sonr hennar; ok er hon fr
at, at orsteinn var ltinn, en fair hennar andar, ttisk hon ar enga
uppreist f mundu. Eptir at ltr hon gera knrr skgi laun; ok er skipit var
algrt, bj hon skipit ok hafi au fjr. Hon hafi brott me sr allt
frndli sitt, at er lfi var, ok ykkjask menn varla dmi til finna, at einn
kvenmar hafi komizk brott r vlkum frii me jafnmiklu f ok fruneyti;
m af v marka, at hon var mikit afbrag annarra kvenna. Unnr hafi ok
me sr marga menn, er mikils vru verir ok strttair. Mar er nefndr
Kollr, er einna var mest verr af fruneyti Unnar; kom mest til ess tt hans;
hann var hersir at nafni. S mar var ok fer me Unni, er Hrr ht; hann
var enn strttar mar ok mikils verr. Unnr heldr skipinu Orkneyjar,
egar er hon var bin; ar dvalisk hon litla hr. ar gipti hon Gr, dttur
orsteins raus; hon var mir Greilaar, er orfinnr jarl tti, sonr TorfEinars jarls, sonar Rgnvalds Mrajarls. (Laxdla saga 1934, 78)
Unn was at Caithness when her son Thorstein was killed. Upon learning that
her son had been killed, and as her father had died as well, she felt her future
prospects there were rather dim. She had a knorr built secretly in the forest.
When it was finished, she made the ship ready and set out with substantial
wealth. She took along all her kinsmen who were still alive, and people say it
is hard to find another example of a woman managing to escape from such a
hostile situation with as much wealth and as many followers. It shows what
an outstanding woman Unn was.
Unn also took along with her many other people of note and of prominent
families. One of the most respected of them was a man named Koll, not least
because he came from a renowned family and was himself a hersir. Another
man of both rank and distinction making the journey with Unn was named
Her preparations complete, Unn sailed to the Orkneys, where she stayed for
a short while. There she arranged the marriage of Groa, Thorstein the Reds
daughter. Groa was the mother of Grelod, who was married to Earl Thorfinn,
the son of Earl Turf-Einar and grandson of Rognvald, Earl of More. (The
Complete Sagas of Icelanders, V 34)
The italicised passages are those where the saga is more elaborate than
Sturlubk. The saga includes Aur/Unnrs motivation for leaving Caithness and the people she took along. In terms of the journey and the
chronology of the events that took place as well as in phrasing, however,
the two accounts overlap nearly completely. The question of which sagas
or parts of sagas (oral or written) inspired the sketches we find in Landnmabk, and which developed as literary elaborations of these sketches,
may well amount to the chicken and egg quandary,3 and is not the object
of this inquiry. What is of interest, however, is the ease with which the
two genres seem to be able to flow into one another. Also telling is the
fact that saga authors and historiographers, although hardly unaware of
the formal differences between the two genres (Jesch 1984, 283), still
do not perceive these as being so vast as to prevent them from relying on
each others accounts. Some authors, of course, wrote texts of both kinds.
Indeed, as I shall later argue, saga authors (or perhaps scribes who
noticed the similarities between the accounts) call upon famous historiographers such as Ari orgilsson and Sturla rarson to verify their
claims. And, conversely, historiographers also call upon the authority of
sagas. So, in his version of Landnmabk, Sturla notes: ar var rr
gellir leiddr , r hann tk mannviring, sem segir sgu hans Thord
Gellir was led to the hills before he took over the chieftaincy, as is told
in his saga (slendingabk. Landnmabk 1986, 140; The Book of
Settlements 1972, 52).
It is this close contact with the works which we today perceive as
historiography that gives saga literature its distinct and peculiar documentary quality.
1.2 Genealogies and Ultimate Truths
Unlike most of the epics which tend to concentrate on one or a few
particular events (the battle of Roncevaux in The Song of Roland, or the
clash of Huns and Burgundians in The Nibelungenlied), the slendingasgur are, rather like medieval chronicles, concerned with the larger
picture, with causes, effects and contexts. One of the defining features
of the sagas is the extensive genealogies in the opening chapters, or
chapters which introduce new characters. They trace the descent of heroes
and heroines through one or more ancestorskings or nobles in Norway, or prominent Icelandic settlers. Just how elaborate these genealogies
can be, and how far into the past they can reach, becomes apparent in the
following example, taken from the opening of Eirks saga raua:
lfr ht herkonungr, er kallar var lfr hvti. Hann var sonr Ingjalds
konungs Helgasonar, lfssonar, Gurarsonar, Hlfdanarsonar hvtbeins
Upplendinga-konungs. (Eirks saga raua 1935, 195)
There was a warrior king named Oleif who was called Oleif the White. He was
the son of King Ingjald, the son of Helgi, son of Olaf, son of Gudrod, son of
Halfdan White-leg, king of the people of Oppland. (The Complete Sagas of
Icelanders, I 1)
But any reader who thinks the story will be about lfr hvti is greatly
mistaken, for he is killed within the next few sentences. Instead the
journey to Iceland of his widow Aur/Unnr in djpga, who was dttir
Ketils flatnefs, Bjarnarsonar bunu, gts manns r Nregi daughter of
Ketil Flat-nose, son of Bjorn Buna, an excellent man from Norway (Eirks
saga raua 1935, 195; The Complete Sagas of Icelanders, I 1), is briefly
recounted. Yet if one thinks the story will dwell on Aurs settlement
one is mistaken once again, since it turns to Aurs bondsman Vfill,
whom she freed upon her arrival in Iceland. Vfill is not the focus of the
saga either; rather, the story settles around the fortunes and adventures
(not least her voyage to America) of his granddaughter, Gurr. What
today to an untrained eye may seem a long and somewhat arbitrary list
of names must once have been full of meaningful references, each
invoking its own exciting stories and thus providing a contextual anchor
for the saga at hand. On the plane of the narrative itself, the genealogy
also provides an important insight into character. If Gurr becomes a
brave pioneer, a woman of faith and a grandmother to a bishop by the end
of the saga, then there needs to be something in her roots to recommend
her and to tie everything together. The saga author finds only an ancestral
slave-grandfather, albeit an exceptional one who comes highly commended by no less a figure than the renowned matriarch, one of the first
Icelandic settlers, Aur in djpga. Celebrated as this woman is, the
saga author may perhaps have thought it appropriate to add a touch of
glamour to this Icelandic connection by reminding the readers of her
noble Norwegian father and her Viking-king husband. Genealogy thus
becomes a powerful authenticating device, both in terms of content and
form: on the one hand, it has its roots firmly set in ancient Scandinavian
tradition, on the other, it is unmistakably evocative of biblical genealogies
and, through both of these connections, of ultimate truths.
Whether or not the author of Njls saga genuinely weighed the truth of
this particular instance (the likelihood of Hallgerrs alleged involvement with Hrappr) is both uncertain and immaterial to this inquiry. What
is important, however, is the fact that he was trying to ensure the
impression of a storys substance, making certain that the audience will
trust him both here, and in other places too, where he might want to be
more assertive.
In the sagas of Icelanders the people whose collective authority is
invoked and relied upon so often occasionally cease to be an anonymous
For a comprehensive survey of the appearance of the phrase at mltu
sumir and its variations in the sagas, see Andersson 1966. See also Manhires
criticism (197477, 175) of the premise upon which Anderssons inference of
spurious and genuine usages of this phrase is based: There is no reason why
source-references should not be genuine and rhetorical at the same time.
Whether some of the references to Ari, Sturla and some people were
made by the original authors or were later additions by diligent scribes
is not crucial to the present study. First, none of the original manuscripts
survive, which means that every saga that we have now went through at
least one redaction (and it is the redactions we mean when we say the
sagas of Icelanders, not the lost originals whose contents forever remain
in the realm of speculation). Therefore, the scribes are not to be discounted
but rather taken to contribute to the whole notion of saga authorship.
Second, in a highly traditional idiom such as that of the sagas, it seems
unlikely that a scribe would introduce a novelty which would jar the
sensibilities of his predecessors and his audience. Rather, it seems more
plausible to imagine that he would have been in tune with established
sensibilities, and that each time he added a reference himself, he would
have striven to reinforce them.
1.4 Facts, Figures and Evidence
Another significant authentication strategy in the slendingasgur is
the authors interest in facts and figures, in places and time-frames. This
is taken even further when the narrator comments on customs, beliefs,
religious or legal practices of the past as perceived. Thus the author of
Grettis saga looks to the time of the Settlement with mild envy: um
rekann var ekki skilit, v at eir vru sv ngir , at hverr hafi at, er
vildi No agreement was reached about harvesting the beach, because so
much drifted in that everyone could take what he wanted (Grettis saga
1936, 23; The Complete Sagas of Icelanders, II 58). Describing a feast
that had a soothsayer as part of the entertainment, the author of Vatnsdla
saga informs us that eir Ingjaldr efna ar sei eptir fornum si, til ess
at menn leitai eptir forlgum snum Ingjald and his men prepared a
magic rite in the old heathen fashion, so that men could examine what
the fates had in store for them (Vatnsdla saga 1939, 2829; The
Complete Sagas of Icelanders, IV 14). On another occasion, concerning
a lawsuit at the Assembly that required a character to crawl under three
arches of raised turf, we are told that this was done sem var sir eptir
strar afgrir as was then the custom after serious offences (Vatnsdla
saga 1939, 87; The Complete Sagas of Icelanders, IV 43). At the very
beginning of the same saga, a character lectures his son on the customs
of old chieftains so extensively that we are bound to sense the authors
own impulse to explain them to his audience who must have been (like
the modern reader) in greater need of explanation than Ketills son could
ever have been:
at var rkra manna sir, konunga ea jarla, vrra jafningja, at eir lgu
hernai ok fluu sr fjr ok frama, ok skyldi at f eigi til arfs telja n sonr
eptir fur taka, heldr skyldi at f haug leggja hj sjlfum hfingjum. N
tt synir eira tki jarir, mttu eir eigi haldask snum kostum, tt viring
felli til, nema eir legi sik ok sna menn httu ok herskap, aflandi [sr] sv
fjr ok frgar, hverr eptir annan, ok stga sv ftspor frndum snum.
(Vatnsdla saga 1939, 5)
It was once the custom of powerful men, kings or earlsthose who were our
peersthat they went off raiding, and won riches and renown for themselves,
and such wealth did not count as any legacy, nor did a son inherit it from his
father; rather was the money to lie in the tomb alongside the chieftain himself.
And even if the sons inherited the lands, they were unable to sustain their high
status, if honour counted for anything, unless they put themselves and their
men to risk and went into battle, thereby winning for themselves, each in his
turn, wealth and renownand so following in the footsteps of their kinsmen.
(The Complete Sagas of Icelanders, IV 2)
Liggr s steinn ar enn ok mikit sindr hj, ok sr at steininum, at hann er
barr ofan ok at er brimsorfit grjt ok ekki v grjti glkt ru, er ar er, ok
munu n ekki meira hefja fjrir menn. (Egils saga 1933, 79)
That rock is still there with a pile of slag beside it, and its top is marked from
being hammered upon. It has been worn by the waves and is different from the
other rocks there; four men today could not lift it. (The Complete Sagas of
Icelanders, I 67)
That Haraldr is an oppressor is taken for granted here, but not everyone
in the saga sees joining his ranks as servitude and slavery. In fact,
Egills uncle regards it as allfsiligt a very attractive proposition, for
Haraldrs men
eru . . . haldnir miklu betr en allir arir essu landi. Er mr sv fr sagt
konungi, at hann s inn mildasti af fgjfum vi menn sna ok eigi sr ess
rr at gefa eim framgang ok veita rki eim, er honum ykkja til ess fallnir.
En mr spyrsk ann veg til um alla , er bakverpask vilja vi honum ok
ask eigi hann me vinttu, sem allir veri ekki at manna; stkkva sumir af
landi brott, en sumir gerask leigumenn. (Egils saga 1933, 1415)
live a much better life than anyone else in this country. And Im told that the
king is very generous to his men and no less liberal in granting advancement
and power to people he thinks worthy of it. Ive also heard about all the people
who turn their backs on him and spurn his friendship, and they never become
great mensome of them are forced to flee the country, and others are made
his tenants. (The Complete Sagas of Icelanders, I 38)
The narrators perspective, which foregrounds those who follow the third
optionfleeing the countryhas the benefit of hindsight and proves
ultimately right, of course. People like Slvi klofi never really stand a
chance, and people like rlfr fall victim to the fickleness of a rulers
favours as well as to their own social ambition. Yet their choices are
presented respectfully, as valid options. In the context of the famous
lapidary saga style, the amount of space allotted to the speeches of
Slvi and rlfr, as well as the fact that their words are quoted, not
merely summarised by the narrator, underlines the importance given to
the stances of these two characters. And they are not just any characters:
rlfr is the hero of the first thirty chapters of Egils saga, and Slvi,
although featuring very briefly in Egils saga, pops up now and again
in Snorris Haralds saga ins hrfagra (Heimskringla 194151, I 104
06, 134, 138), on one occasion delivering a nearly identical speech.5 We
are also told that Slvi var san vkingr mikill langa hr ok geri
optliga mikinn skaa rki Haralds konungs for a long time Solvi
continued as a powerful viking and often inflicted heavy damage in
King Haralds realm (Heimskringla 194151, I 106; Heimskringla 1995,
68). Nor does Slvi ever get caught or killed. None of the kings other
opponents in the saga can boast of such feats. It is tempting to conclude
that a reader of or listener to Egils saga, if not familiar with Snorris
Haralds saga ins hrfagra, would have known about Slvis exploits
from oral tradition.
Rather than being subverted, slighted or patronised by the narrator,
the stances of Slvi and rolfr are treated with some admiration. Slvis
brave words hark back to the concept of honour based on physical
prowess and moral stamina, a theme much used by saga writers (even if
they treated it with conscious archaism), while rlfrs social ambition
5 This is not surprising if Egils saga is indeed the work of Snorri Sturluson,
as some scholars believe (see for example Nordals introduction to Egils saga
1933, or more recently, Torfi H. Tulinius 2002). On its own, however, the
passage in question is not enough to confirm this. On the one hand, Snorri
would, of course, be capable of copying the speech from Egils saga even if he
were not its author, and on the other, oral tradition too is capable of preserving
such a speech.
The hero, Ingimundr, is (we hear at some length) on friendly terms with
the king, but it is important to note that soon after this, he follows his
foster-brothers lead and sets off to Iceland.
With the whole saga corpus in mind, Vatnsdla and Egils saga may
represent two extremes in the spectrum of possible attitudes to Haraldr
hrfagri, yet whatever we learn in either of them about the king and his
impact on the colonisation of Iceland is still very intricate. In each of
these sagas we see a strong figure dominating the Norwegian political
scene: a unifier of the kingdom and an obstinate upstart; a source of
opportunities and social advancement, and a despoiler of freedom and
lives; a dignified ruler, a righteous man, and a paranoid tyrant, a man
prone to flattery and easily manipulated. The opposites I have identified
What is here anecdotally summed up, forced into three clear-cut attitudes
to the land (two extreme opposites from Flki and rlfr and a moderate
view from Herjlfr) is in the sagas offered as a spectrum of attitudes
which occasionally dissolve into one another.
On his arrival in Iceland, nundr, ancestor of Grettir the Strong, is
offered some land by an already established wealthy man, Eirkr snara,
who tries to impress nundr with the vastness of the land that is still
available. nundrs gaze, however, is fixed upon an imposing snowy
mountain, and the emotion it inspires is immediately transposed into a
verse of lament:
krpp eru kaup, ef hreppik
Kaldbak, en ek lt akra.
(Grettis saga 1936, 22)
I have struck a harsh bargain, swapped
my fields for the cold-backed mountain.
(The Complete Sagas of Icelanders, II 58)
Although this fertility has something uncanny about it, the narrator
points out that Ingimundr festi n yni Vatnsdal by now Ingimund
felt comfortable in Vatnsdal (Vatnsdla saga 1939, 43; The Complete
Sagas of Icelanders, IV 20). In confirmation of this, when Ingimundr
goes back to Norway for some building timber and King Haraldr asks
him about Iceland, we are told that hann lt vel yfir he spoke well of it
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Perkins, Richard 1989. Objects and Oral Tradition in Medieval Iceland. In r
Dlum til Dala: Gubrandur Vigfsson Centenary Essays. Ed. Rory McTurk
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White, Hayden 1978. Tropics of Discourse.
1980, 4961; see further below). A number of poetic sources also deal
with sexuality, most but not all of them in a n context, for example
Hallfrers verses about Grss (Skj B I, 16061), the exchange of verses
between Bjrn and rr in Bjarnar saga (Skj B I, 20709, 27783), st.
1 of Einar Gilssons Selkolluvsur (Skj B II, 434), much of Lokasenna
(NK 96110) and a handful of verses and fragments preserved in runic
inscriptions from the Scandinavian mainland (Liestl 1963, 2325;
Moltke 1975; lafur Halldrsson 2003). And of course confessional
manuals in Iceland as in other countries specify in some detail which
sexual acts are acceptable for Christians and which are not (see the discussion in Sverrir Tmasson 2005, 5557). But Grettisfrsla differs from
the other extant literary sources in some significant respects. Sex is a
major, rather than a subsidiary theme, and the protagonists indiscriminate sexuality is itself the focus, which sets it apart from n verses, in
which aggressor and victim are particular individuals and sexual domination is merely a means to an end (humiliation). Perhaps most
importantly, Grettisfrsla is resolutely non-euphemistic, compared, for
example, to Bsa saga, whose enthusiasm for euphemism leads Sverrir
Tmasson (2005, 6162) to compare it to the Old French fabliau La
Damoisele qui ne pooit oir parler de foutre; it is also in stark contrast to
the typically skaldic indirectness of n. Grettisfrslas unvarnished
language is one reason why it contains the first attestations of a number
of words and meanings, as well as at least one hapax legomenon
(hrundamuur penises mouth, i.e. vagina, l. 242). 3
The present study aims to bring this interesting poem to a wider audience by supplementing lafurs transcription with a normalised edition
and English translation of the surviving parts of the poem.4 The comments
3 See the notes in the Text to stre[ptun] (l. 41), moga (l. 47), bkhlaup (l.
53), breum (l. 153), ylgja (l. 159) and hrak (l. 241).
4 My indebtedness not only to lafurs transcription, but to his article as a
whole (H), is evident everywhere in my text, and I thank him for his kind
encouragement of the present study. I also thank Margaret Clunies Ross and
Valgerur Erna orvaldsdttir for their help with specific points in the translation. Anthony Faulkes read the entire text and saved me from many errors,
as well as making several valuable suggestions, and I am grateful to him for
his contribution. Any remaining errors are my responsibility. Earlier versions
of parts of the present study were presented to the University College London
Scandinavian Studies Department seminar in 2003 and the University of Bergen/
Cambridge University symposium Creating the Medieval Saga in Bergen in
2005. I am grateful to Richard Perkins and Judy Quinn respectively for
inviting me to speak, and to my audiences for their comments.
which follow are intended to provide the reader with orientation on the
crucial issues for understanding this poorly preserved text.5 In particular, the relationship between poem and saga, believed by lafur to
be one of mistaken identity, is revaluated in the light of more recent
The copy of Gr in AM 556 a 4to happens to be missing the leaf containing chapter 52, but the other medieval manuscripts of the saga
(AM 152 fol., AM 551 4to and DG 10 fol.) recount in this chapter
how the outlawed Grettir is captured by the disgruntled farmers of safjrur, who want to end his thefts of food and clothing. They ambush
Grettir with thirty men while he is sleeping in the woods and, after a
struggle, tie him up. Having done this, they are at a loss. The local
chieftain, Vermundr inn mjvi, is away at the Alingi, and someone
needs to take charge of (annask) Grettir until Vermundr gets back
and metes out justice. The farmers argue over which of them will do it:
one is too busy with his farm work, another lives alone in an isolated
spot, and a third states that lzk mr heldr vandri en viring vi
honum at taka ea gera nkkut me honum, ok hann kemr aldri mn hs
inn it seems to me rather a trouble than an honour to receive him or to
do anything with him, and he will never come into my house (F 7,
168).6 Eventually all the farmers refuse to take Grettir on, and the saga
adds: Ok eptir essu vitali eira hafa ktir menn sett fri at, er
Grettisfrsla ht, ok aukit ar ktligum orum til gamans mnnum
And on this conversation of theirs convivial people based that lore that
is called Grettisfrsla, and augmented it with jocular words for peoples
enjoyment (F 7, 168).7
5 A forthcoming article (Heslop forthcoming) will address the literaryhistorical and thematic issues lafur raises and discuss the poems place in
medieval Icelandic culture in more depth.
6 Translation mine, as elsewhere unless stated otherwise.
7 The late seventeenth-century paper manuscript Holm papp. 6 4to, whose
text of Gr probably descends from AM 556 a 4to (Guvarur Mr Gunnlaugsson 2000, 43), has a variant wording: og um allt umtal eirra hefur
Grettir innfr kvi a er Grettisfrsla heitir og auki ar ktligum
orum til gamans mnnum and about all their conversation Grettir cited that
poem that is called Grettisfrsla and added to it jocular words for peoples
enjoyment (311v, ll. 2123). Here we are told that Grettir is himself the one
responsible for the jocular words. It is impossible to know how far back in
the chain of transmission this reading arose, and it is suspiciously typical of
It is not clear from this description what kind of composition Grettisfrsla is. Although its title conforms to the commonest pattern for
medieval poem titles (personal name in the genitive case plus a generic
marker, usually describing a speech act, compare lfsdrpa, Buslubn,
Hvaml), the -frsla element is otherwise unknown as a component of
a poem title. -frsla as the second element of a compound has an active
and transitive sense, and refers to the moving of the object denoted by
the head: tafrsla, dung-hauling, beinafrsla, the transfer of human
remains when a church is relocated, magafrsla, the circulation of people
needing support from farm to farm.8 The link between the narrative in ch.
52 and the poem seems to be the farmers passing of the buck, which is
implicitly compared to the moving, or frsla, of dependants, beggars
and other incapable persons around the hreppr. This practice was the
medieval Icelandic solution to the problem of poor-relief (Miller 1990,
1920, 14754), and words connected with it make up over one third of
the noun + frsla compounds in ONP. The structural similarity of the
title Grettisfrsla to those poem titles in which the second element is a
generic marker suggests that -frsla may instead or also denote a heterogeneity or movement in the poem, from metre to metre, subject to
subject or speaker to speaker.
The text of Grettisfrsla survives, barely, only in AM 556 a 4to, the
manuscript which lacks ch. 52 of the saga, and this accident of preservation, resulting in a text without a context in AM 556 a 4to, and a context
without a text in the other medieval manuscripts, has had considerable
consequences for the reception of the poem (see below). AM 556 a 4to is
an Icelandic vellum written by a single hand, probably between 1475 and
1500 (Hast 1960, 3032, 8286). In addition to the poem, which is on
fols 52r53r, AM 556 a 4to contains three sagas about Icelandic outlaws
(Grettis saga, Gsla saga and Harar saga ok Hlmverja) and the oldest,
though incomplete, text of the mid to late fifteenth-century riddarasaga
Sigrgars saga frkna; AM 556 b 4to, originally part of the same codex,
is a collection of fourteenth-century riddarasgur (Klund 188892, I
707). The text of Gr concludes near the top of fol. 52r, and Grettisfrsla
is introduced as follows (AM 556 a 4to, 52r, ll. 811):
the tendency for notable names to be attached to unconventionally-attributed
or anonymous poems, e.g. that of lfr helgi to the so-called Lismannaflokkr
in extracts from Styrmirs saga of St lfr in Flateyjarbk.
8 See CV and OGNS. The fullest listing of -frsla (or, in the earlier spelling,
-frsla) compounds is the ONP online word-list.
After the formulaic introduction [ll. 13] there is, as mentioned in the
previous section, an illegible passage corresponding to approximately
100 lines of verse. The first block of intelligible text [ll. 454] describes
the practical skills of a being identified as Grettir, with a catalogue of
farming and household tasks which has two occurrences of the refrainlike margt/myklu kann Grettir (fleira) vel at vinna Grettir knows how to
do many (more) things well [ll. 23 and 35]. This modulates via some
more questionable chores (vekja upp pka wake up demons, moga
kellingu sjka bang a sick old lady) into a list of sexual exploits. The
stress in this section [ll. 55106] is less on Grettirs acts, described by
variations on the verbs strea, sera and moga (all meaning to fuck),
than on their objects: an inventory of worthies, male and female, ranging from priests and farmers, through djknir ktir cheery deacons, to
the Pope, patriarchs and aristocrats; nor are animals left unmolested. The
next section [ll. 10726] begins v fri ek r Gretti For this reason I
convey to you Grettir, and consists, as far as we can now tell, of curses
(such as far nktur norur be off naked northwards), addressed by
the speaker (ek) to someone only identified as you, but who seems
likely to be Grettir. The contrast with the third person narration earlier in
the poem is striking, and it is unfortunate that this section is particularly
difficult to read, as it seems likely that it adumbrated a scene of performance which could inform our interpretation of the better-preserved parts
of the poem. The command tak vi you accept (it) (where the
may be some other person) seems to conclude this section.
Next [ll. 12739] comes a catalogue of pairs of beings, mainly animals,
or of a being and an object, which belong together for reasons of
maternity (grs gyltu piglet to sow) or dwelling-place (skarfur skeri
cormorant on skerry). It concludes at s r ok veri may that be
for you and (your) husband. Is the husband here Grettir, who was said in
the previous section to make pregnant both old and young? Or will
Grettir be like a child to this couple, as dear to them as piglet is to sow?
Eight or so lines of which only occasional letters can be read is succeeded by another catalogue [ll. 14970], this time a sequence of
likenesses linked by sem . . . eur like . . . or. The objects likened are
both animate and inanimate, from the natural environment (sem sjr at
sandi like sea to sand, sem kr bsi like cow in stall), the human
world (eur hland kamri or piss in privy, eur eitur at illsku or
poison to malice) and myth (sem r at rvangi like rr to
rvangr). The assertion flest kann guma of (all) men (he) knows/can
do most concludes this section.
Snorra Edda (SnE 184887, II 487, 570), and the metaphor snake =
phallus is not a very great leap. Having deduced this, the obvious
analogue is Vlsa ttr, another story of the adventures of a phallus.
This narrative, recounted in Flateyjarbk as an example of the missionary successes of lfr helgi, tells how a heathen family in Sweden
worship the magically preserved severed penis of a horse, the vlsi.
They play a game in which the vlsi is passed around the family and
each member has to extemporise a verse before he or she can
pass it on. The folklore antecedents of Vlsa ttr were investigated by Andreas Heusler early last century (1903). Heusler
concluded that the ttr preserved the memory of a pagan fertility
rite associated with harvest-time and involving the veneration, sometimes at a ceremonial meal, of the severed penis of a slaughtered
animal. Other scholars compare this custom to a Faroese weddingritual, in which feasters pass an animals tail, known as a drunnur,
from hand to hand while speaking verses (see Coffey 1989 and references therein). lafur therefore suggests that the original performance
context of Grettisfrsla was a harvest banquet, where the farm-workers
are served sauarsltur, the legs, head and entrails of a sheep, and
pass its severed penis from hand to hand round the table while saying verses. Although none of the analogues state that the phallic
token is driven out or executed at the end of the ceremony (the vlsi
ends up in the jaws of King lfrs dog, but we may reasonably
suspect a Christian agenda here), lafur suggests this happens in
Grettisfrsla on the basis of other medieval carnival practices and
the curses in the last section of the poem. The connection of
Grettisfrsla with Grettis saga is thus, lafur argues, a case of mistaken identity. Someone heard the poems name mentioned without
being familiar with its content, assumed it was about the Grettir of
the saga, and absurd[ly] (H 72) linked the two. Almost everyone
who discusses the poem accepts lafurs theory without comment,
and it does indeed provide a neat and satisfying rationale for several
aspects of Grettisfrsla: its shifts from narrative to dialoguethe
former being the speakers performances, the latter the moments of
passing on; phrases such as haf at en ek agna you have it
(imperative) and Ill be quiet (l. 123) and leyni hvern at sem st
hide from everyone what (is) seen (l. 210); and the curses and threats
in the last section, which are in some details reminiscent of those in
Buslubn (in Bsa saga) and the eddic poem Skrnisml, as well as
of those in Griaml.
between the practice of circulating paupers around the farms of the hreppr
and the farmers evasion of their responsibility to annask Grettirhere
annask must mean something like keep an eye on, but it could also be
used of supporting paupers (Sturlunga saga 1946, II 89). Direct verbal
echoes between saga and poem are admittedly few, though it should be
borne in mind that only about two thirds of the poem can now be read. In
addition to the names Kamb[ur] and runn, discussed in the notes to
ll. 11 and 241 of the Text below, the truce formula, Griaml, part of
which is quoted in ll. 19095, is also quoted in full in ch. 72 of the saga,
as part of the trick Grettir plays on the farmers at the Hegranesing, and
the practice of gri is mentioned in ch. 52, though without quotation of
the formula. After rescuing Grettir, orbjrg says to him: skalt vinna
ei . . . at gera engar spekir hr um safjr; engum skaltu hefna, eim
sem atfr hafa verit at taka ik You shall swear an oath . . . to do no
misdeeds here around safjrur; you shall not take revenge on any of
those who were in the expedition to capture you. The quotation from
Griaml in the poem could be a dramatisation of this moment, though
this part is so poorly preserved that it is impossible to be certain.
The following brief discussion of the orthography of the manuscript
concentrates on features which potentially have implications for dating.
In general it may be said that the text of Grettisfrsla displays a mixture
of earlier and later forms, as is typical of Icelandic manuscripts from this
period (Hast 1960, 86).
Final -t and -k began to change to the fricatives - and -g in weakly
stressed syllables in the course of the thirteenth century (Stefn Karlsson
2004, 19). This change is not much in evidence, with 22 examples of at
as against seven of ath (i.e. a), and one of p.p.n. sed for st; the later
forms of at, ek, ik and ok are completely absent. The merger of -rl and
-ll, which begins in the thirteenth century but does not become widespread until the fourteenth (Bjrn K. rlfsson 1925, xxx; Stefn
Karlsson 2004, 21), is on the other hand well advanced, with three
examples of -ll (kellingu, ialla and kalla, the last two in rhymes) as
against only one of -rl (iarl). The sound change reflected orthographically
by the replacement of by je or ie first appears around 1200 but is not
common until the fourteenth century (Bjrn K. rlfsson 1925, xiv). In
the Grettisfrsla text the older spellings dominate (se three times and
sed, i.e. st, once, as against a single occurrence each of sie and fie).
Palatalisation of initial g and the replacement of v by v or vo, changes
which took place in the first half of the fourteenth century (Bjrn K.
rlfsson 1925, 6465; Stefn Karlsson 2004, 45, 50, 14; Hreinn
Benediktsson 2002, 231), are both well advanced. There is one example
of sua against five of suo, and single instances of uor (n. spring), uor
(gen. of vr we) and huorke, but none of the corresponding older forms.
The rounding of -ve- to -v- post-consonantally, common by c.1400
(Bjrn K. rlfsson 1925, xiii) is completely absent (huers, huergi and
twice huern).
The distribution of these features is consistent with what Hast (1960,
5979, 8587) reports for the Harar saga portion of AM 556 a 4to (no
palaeographic study of its Gr text exists). He concludes that no conclusion can be drawn from this evidence as to the date of the exemplar, as
the manuscript for the most part exemplifies the stable orthography of
the fifteenth century manuscript-writing industry, and any variations
from this reflect the coexistence of conflicting norms rather than diachronic change (Hast 1960, 86). lafur rightly emphasises the few
instances where later word forms are guaranteed by rhyme (jalla, l. 82,
meur, l. 86, kalla, l. 91), as well as one case where a consonant group
would seem to require an epenthetic u to be pronounceable (bkur
skruma, l. 54). This is rather a scanty harvest, though this may well be
due to the poems loose metre and poor preservation that make the criteria useful in dating skaldic poetry (Kuhn 1983, 26162) difficult to
apply. Few though they are, this type of example does bear on the date of
composition of the poem, rather than that of the writing of the manuscript. However, these linguistic changes are not precisely datable. The
most we can say is that they became widespread in the course of the
fourteenth century (H 6768; Stefn Karlsson 2004). All that can be
concluded from the manuscript orthography, then, is that some at least
of Grettisfrsla probably dates from the fourteenth century; and that
whatever the nature of the scribes exemplar, it did not lead him to deviate from the spelling system he used elsewhere in the manuscript.
These signs of Grettisfrslas being a fourteenth-century composition
are lafurs strongest objection to seeing it as an original part of Gr
(H 67), as the standard dating of the saga is c.1300 (cf. Cook 1993,
242). The terminus ante quem of Grettisfrsla is the date of AM 556 a
4to, c.1500. The poem could therefore be anything up to one hundred
years later than the saga. Gr has long been thought to be one of the latest
slendingasgur, but how late is it exactly? rni Magnsson (cited
9. Where it is possible to make line breaks in the poem on the basis e.g.
of end-rhyme or syntactic parallelism, this has been done. In less evidently metrical parts, line-divisions follow the ends of sentences, where
these can be ascertained; very badly damaged sections are simply divided into lines of approximately equal length.
Karl nam at ba
beint m v [lsa]
3 . . . [ afdali]9
9 The
. . . he did not . . .
dissuade Grettir . . .
. . . warm river frothed . . .
which with/by/to/from all trolls13 . . .
You take that . . .
under . . . Kambur
. . . he . . . with/by/to/from ghosts.
He knows how to plough,
and . . . thresh corn,
and . . .
and . . .
and . . .
and manage a plough well.
He knows how to mow
and rake mown grass,
run errands
and bring . . . (to) women.16
Grettir knows how to do many things well.
He knows how to grind malt,
sing . . . (to) maidens
. . . of basket-laths,
and become dented against girls.
up . . . shall . . . sa.
Moreover (he) knows how to . . .
and thus will convey the rascal,
. . . hunting/fishing . . .
to boast with . . . folk,
and to catch livestock.
Grettir knows how to do many more
things well:
he gets ready ropes,21
<o>k skafa potta,
5 1 brynna
000000 000000 00
<b>ta bkhlaup29 guma,
ok bkur skruma.
00 000 kendur 00000
0000 000000 flesta,
<o>k at moga presta,
alla senn ok sslumenn,
streur hann 000000000 00000
kvu hann fara eyjar,
<o>k serur meyjar,
gjrir grepprekkjur,30
<o>k serur ekkjur,
hvers manns konu,
ok alla bnda sonu,
til ess er hann sendur<:>
at sera bendur
000000 00000000 000
hirmenn stra,
<o>k gjrvalla hirstjra,
ship move to and fro (see H 59 for a survey of the dictionary material). A
skei is a kind of warship (Jesch 2001, 12326), so this meaning is possible
here, assuming the presence of a verb like lta in the now illegible previous
line. Given the context, however, it is more likely that skei refers here to a
domestic object: the possibilities are a sley (an implement, often sword-shaped,
used by weavers to compact the weft), a sheath or scabbard, or possibly a
thin piece of wood (O 2. skei). In any case, it seems likely that the phrase
is a metaphor for sexual intercourse, with skei signifying either vagina
(sheath) or penis (sley, stick).
29 lafur discusses this words cognates in other Gmc languages (H 59). Its
earliest attestation other than the present instance seems to be the late sixteenthto early seventeenth-century Lkningabk of Oddur Oddsson Reynivllum;
see the online corpus of H at
30 Lit. man-beds. The ms. has grepp Reckur, but it is difficult to make
sense of acc. sg. grepp (rather than dat. pl. greppum for men or gen. sg./pl.
grepps/greppa a mans/mens) if these words do not form a compound. For
the sexual implications of gjrir rekkju, cf. the description of rll and r,
who rekkiu gru made a bed, i.e. were married (Rgsula 11: Dronke
1997, 164, 221; also H 60), and the hap. leg. hrrekkja (v.ll. horkona,
hor ekkia) in Borgarthings-Christenret, glossed kona su er liggr med manni
a launungu that woman who lies with a man secretly (possibly merely a
word-division error?) (NGL II 305).
000ngir 0000000
and bangs all bishops,
he rubs knobs,31
and fucks abbots,
all . . .
he gets them pregnant,
he screws kings,
and so hes used to banging
barons and dukes,
he screws all counts
both knights and earls,
and when the suns in the east,
he fucks abbess in cloister
his dick is big
and all the sisters too,
he screws cows and calves,
and . . . well . . . reverends themselves,
it seems to him an honour,
to fuck the pope at Rome,
both women and men,
and all patriarchs.
He fucks cheery deacons,
and . . .
he screws most things that are alive,
and sleepers . . . him of yelps36
hinn37 000
stendur hann vi s[inn]38
<o>k streur 0000 s00000.
39 gjrir hann unga,
bi gamla ok unga,
alla senn ok sslumenn,
at m kalla,
at hann strei alla
0000000 snjalla,
<o>k 0000 000 sem 00 0000.
v fri ek r <G>retti,
at hann 00000 gla000 fresskettir,
fra41 honum at r,
at hann er r skyldur
00 r000 00 000 0 000000
brn er43 mir 00 000000
mun s eiga ok a0000
ok ver[a] 00000 000000
f00000 enn st0g00000
far nktur norur
meur nings orum
000000 000000.
Ok vsa44 00000 s ykkur at fast,
en 00agnand00 lauss falli
v 000 ekur 000gi kau000
0eig00000000 000 stroin,
haf at en ek agna 0000
00000 00all0
. . . that one . . .
he stands by the sea . . .
and screws . . .
He gets them pregnant,
both old and young,
and bailiffs all at the same time,
it can be said,
that he screws all
valiant40 . . .
and . . . as . . .
For this reason I convey to you Grettir,
because he . . . tomcats,
I deliver (him/it) from him into your hands,
because hes related to you42
children when mother . . .
she will possess and . . .
and become . . .
be off naked northwards
with the reputation of a scoundrel
And (this) verse . . . let it be attached to you,
and . . . let it get free
because . . . drives . . .
. . . fucked,
you have it (imperative) and Ill be quiet . . .
verb is eighteenth-century, and this meaning of the noun gau seems first to
appear in the seventeenth century (O, OH). Gau f. bark, yelp, on the other
hand, is medievally attested, albeit sparsely (ONP).
37 Or possibly honum to him (H 54).
38 This line is particularly difficult to read in the ms. Possible alternative
readings are: for stendur, steykur/-ar/-er; for vi, vm; for s[inn], sgenn
(H 54).
39 could be read eim them dat. pl. (H 54), but it would have to be
taken to mean for them; but unga here presumably agrees with the m. acc. pl.
adjs gamla and unga in l. 101, indicating that the pregnant persons are male.
40 The missing noun presumably agrees with snjalla valiant (m. acc. pl.).
41 Fra could alternatively be the infinitive, to deliver . . ..
42 Skyldur, here translated related, could alternatively mean under an obligation to.
43 Er could alternatively be the relative which.
44 Vsa, here translated verse, could alternatively be the imperative sg. of
vsa to show.
Ok <F>reyr 0000000000
en fretir 000 00 fyrir<,>
tak vi e0 s00000ki
Ok re000000li hann<,>45
ek skal [s]v 00000yr sem 000000
eur 000 brur sem <K>ristur
000 0000pp00 lamb ,
eur 00000 kr klf
kngur eur k000 k00000
grs gyltu,
eur grai hestur,46
<F>reyr at forneskju,
eur fjndann 000 0000
skarfur skeri,
eur fyl meri:
at s r ok veri.
S sv hvr ykkar
sgu 000 00000 0000
brenni flekk47 b000
eur b000000 0ll00 0000
0000000 00000000
And Freyr . . .
than that you should fart . . . because of it
accept (imperative) . . .
And . . . on him,
I shall . . . like . . .
or . . . to a monk as Christ
. . . lamb to ewe,
or . . . cow to calf
king or . . .,
piglet to sow,
or gelding to foal,
Freyr to heathendom,
or . . . the devil
cormorant on skerry,
or foal to mare:
may that be for you and (your) husband.
Thus may each of you (two) be
(in) story . . .
would burn raked-out hay . . .
or . . .
or . . .
. . . (to) delay
or . . . to dwell . . .
or breaker . . . is to . . .
like sea to sand
or . . . (to) head,49
like . . .
45 A comma or full stop is needed here because the order of the words ek
skal shows they begin a new clause. hann could also mean he/it possesses
or (I/he/it) possess(es) him/it.
46 Although graur is not recorded as a noun elsewhere, cf. graddi and
graungur (both meaning bull), and graur adj. uncastrated. The context
suggests that both nouns refer to the same species of animal, making (ungelded)
foal the most likely translation of grai. Cf. O graur.
47 This meaning of flekkr seems not to appear elsewhere before the seventeenth century (OH, O flekkur 1.). In O. Icel. it normally means fleck,
spot, stain.
48 Possibly sel[r at] kam[pi] seal to whiskers, cf. mod. Icel. kampselur
m. bearded seal.
49 The context might suggest hfi headland, but the second noun in
these lines is usually dat., here of hfu head. Possibly [hr at] hfi hair
to head, or [hrit at] hfi, since according to lafurs transcription seven
illegible letters precede hfi.
llum 000
sem glp 000 rum,
180 stikna <,> innan vertu
or salmon to stream,
like frost on glaciers,
or drifting snow(-storm) over heaths,
like eagle on sea-cliffs
or swan to down,
like cow in stall
or . . . to . . .
like swell on seas
or . . .
like . . .
or . . .
like . . . in . . .
or piss in privy,
or poison to malice
like ghost . . .
or fringe to thread
like rr to rvangr,
or . . .
of (all) men (he) knows/can do most.54
. . . after Grettir,
like grass after . . .
like . . . about . . .
so too an arse-fucked (-fucking) one might
soothe (him).55
on all . . .
like crime . . . with/by/to/from another,
may you be roasted, may you be inside
en ola hvergi.
183 0000a 00 ofan,
en r00000000 0000000
sendu hann upp
186 00000000000000g0
vit0000akn000ra0 klpi58
00 h00000000ni
00000000000 0000000
elfur fjllum.
Ok f0000000 0 00m00 fagurgrena,60
duga 000 draum0
ok sa00 0000afir61
landi 00000000000000000g
r hungri ok kvlum
b000 ok [v]lum
ok 0000000000000000000000000 00000
haf eyjar hvrki e000ni 000
ok s00 hann 00000 00
hr00 00000000gilig00 y000 kroppnir,
ell0 0fndi er ka0 kend00 00tli
en leyni hvern at sem st
0000000000ur 0si,
e000 r[a]g[ur] 00000 hla0i
000 kom gra00 fyndir 00000000000000000000
but be at peace nowhere.
. . . from above,
but . . .
send (imperative) him up57
. . . may (they) pinch
as far and wide as men ever drive outlaws off,59
or heathens sacrifice in temples,
or fires blaze up,
or Christians attend churches,
or falcon flies a spring-long day,
if a fair wind blow under both
his wings.
Seas . . . from
comes . . . where (everything) would
look fearful to (his) eye
. . . river (in) mountains.
And . . . of bright firs,
suffice . . . dream . . .
and . . .
on land . . .
to you with hunger and torments
. . . and (with) tricks
and . . .
sea islands neither . . .
and . . . he . . .
. . . crooked,
but hide from everyone what (is) seen
. . . always effeminate . . .
. . . came into . . . (you) might have
found . . .
sendu could also be 3rd pers. pl. past: (they) sent him up.
In mod. Icel. klpa also means to taunt or ridicule (rni Bvarsson
1963, klpa vb. 2), but this figurative usage is not attested before the midnineteenth century (OH).
59 This line and the five following are from Tryggaml/Griaml.
60 Two words in the ms., but cf. the numerous poetic compounds in fagr(LP). Another possibility is fagrgrna bright green.
61 Perhaps a past participle (m. nom. pl.), such as krafir not demanded.
Bsi calls his penis jarl minn in ch. 7 of Bsa saga (2005, 17). Jarl can
mean turd in mod. Icel. (O 2. jarl). Almqvist (196574, I 201 n. 58)
suggests this could be a reference to rleifrs n against Hkon jarl Sigurarson
(cf. flm ok forneskja in the next legible line).
63 Ms. g00 eski. The word proposed here, grski, is an otherwise unattested
f. or n. form of grska/grzka f. malice, spite, < *gra isko.
64 Or possibly part of the vb. granda to harm?
65 This bold conjecture is lafurs (H 54), though his transcription shows
an illegible letter before le0000. He suggests lese, i.e. lesi 3rd pers. sg. (or
possibly 1st pers. sg. subj., see Stefn Karlsson 2004, 2930), but the infinitive form lesa seems more likely in view of duga inf. in the preceding line.
Nine verses of Buslubn Buslas prayer, a poem in eddic measures, are
cited in ch. 5 of Bsa saga (2005, 1215; Heusler and Ranisch 1903, 126
28 gives manuscript variants). King Hringr has taken Bsi and Herraur
prisoner. Busla, Bsis fostermother, visits King Hringr in his bedroom after
nightfall and addresses Buslubn to him. The poem curses Hringr with various misfortunes (some of a sexual nature) if he does not release the captives.
It magically paralyses the king, who grants her request.
66 lafurs transcription gives only four illegible letters between lok and
dmi (lok0 000 dom); the -ur in meur would have been expressed as a
superscript abbreviation.
67 Hemlir occurs in the ulur, as a sea-king and a ship-name, and seems
likely to derive from hamla f. oar-loop (LP). It is not at all clear how this
234 [At] r galdur gjri sv sterk0000
at veslisk at viti
00rengu 0000000000000
237 aldri heimtir essi f []68 fl[naa]
<o>k leysir ik af 0000000
[meur] ik er ergi<,>
240 fyrr k[v]nir kyssti[r]<,>
[en ] <>runni70 hrak71 sk[al]
matinn72 h[afa]
b00 00 fyrir hrundamuur,73
would fit here, and it is tempting to read haml[a] to hinder, maim, cripple
(cf. l. 11 and note).
68 lafurs transcription marks two illegible letters between f and fl[naa].
69 Lit. into ruined sheepfolds, taken here as sheepfolds in which
the grass is dead and withered (flnat; thanks to Valgerur Erna orvaldsdttir for this suggestion). This is rather reminiscent of the double
entendre of Hallfrers lausavsa 17: tt orfgir, frr, eigi stul
van (hirandi ntr hjarar hjrvangs) ok kv langa though the scytheshover, unlovely, has a wide milking-shed (the sword-plains keeper enjoys
his livestock) and a long sheep-pen (text from Skj B I 161, translation from
Whaley 1997, 245).
70 Acc. or dat. of the womans name runn, probably lover of rr
(Gurn Kvaran and Sigurur Jnsson 1991, 544, 599). Its similarity to
orbjrg (lit. rescuer of rr), the name of Grettirs rescuer in ch. 52 of Gr,
is unlikely to be accidental, considering the play on this name in the other
verses associated with this episode (Grettirs vikvia 57: F 7, 17172, Skj
B I 28788).
71 Hrak n. rubbish; coward; worthless thing; difficulty, lack (Blndal) is
not attested elsewhere in ON, but Oddur Gottsklkssons 1540 translation of
the New Testament uses it to mean refuse, rubbish: hrak essarar veralldar
1 Cor. IV:13 (purgamenta huius mundi). In Oddurs translation of Antonius
Corvinus (1546), hrak occurs in a doublet with forsmn shame. The earliest
citation in OH where hrak denotes a person would appear to be from Runlfur
Jnssons Grammatic Islandic rudimenta (1651), where Neutra, viros
significantia, ut hrak glosses gerpi.
72 Ms. mten. The most likely candidate in the context is acc. sg. of
matr m. food, with suffixed definite article. Confusion between long and
short vowels, and between single and double final consonants, is very common
in mss.
73 According to lafurs transcription there is a line break after havr and
an illegible letter before vnnda at the start of the next line. ONP nonetheless
lists this as the sole instance of hrundamur, lit. mouth of fleshes. As
hrund means penis in at least one ON source (see Njls saga ch. 7: F 12,
muni74 00 0000s00t
ok 000000 er 0000 00000
246 eyraskeggi ferligu bringu bra
gr00rn 000000skefl000000
ek geri 000 hvern
249 er segir [r]ttara<,> arfleysu76 skrkvi
eur hlji lesi fyr [sik] ok heyri
Ok at fr ley00 b00ga sk00.
252 Ok bii ess at 000 heim vi ndu
kngum krist[num] num 0000
at 000000 geymi sv gu vr allra.
Sverrir Tmasson 2005. Bsa saga og Herraus: skemmtun allra tma. In Bsa
saga 2005, 4779.
Vsteinn lason 1993. slendingasgur og ttir. In slensk bkmenntasaga.
Ed. Bvar Gumundsson et al., II 25161.
Vlsunga saga 1965 = R. G. Finch, ed. and trans., 1965. The Saga of the
Whaley, Diana, trans., 1997. The Saga of Hallfred the Troublesome Poet. In The
complete sagas of Icelanders. Ed. Viar Hreinsson, I 22553.
rnlfur Thorsson 1994. Grettir sterki og Sturla lgmaur. In Samtarsgur/
The contemporary sagas. Nunda aljlega fornsagnaingi/Ninth international saga conference, Akureyri 31.76.8 1994: Forprent/Pre-prints, II
Stefn Karlsson was born at Belgs in Fnjskadalur in northern Iceland
on 2nd December 1928. He was educated at the Grammar School in
Akureyri and Copenhagen University, where he studied, among other
things, Old Norse language and literature under Jn Helgason. He took
his masters degree in 1961 with a thesis on the palaeography and language of medieval Icelandic documents. He also studied at the
Universities in Reykjavk, Uppsala and Oslo, and from 1957 he worked
at the Arnamagnan Institute in Copenhagen where Jn Helgason was
director, and edited Islandske originaldiplomer indtil 1450 (1963). One
outcome of this work was that he came to recognise the handwriting of
many medieval Icelandic scribes and discovered that many of the hands
in early documents could be recognised in manuscripts of the sagas, and
the palaeography of Icelandic manuscripts and the history of the Icelandic language became the central themes of his lifes work. Though he
published important studies on the dating and provenance of various
Old Icelandic manuscripts, much of his work remains unpublished and
much of his extraordinary knowledge of early scribes and their work will
now be irrecoverable. But his very valuable survey of the history of the
Icelandic language was published in his article Tungan in 1989, and
issued in English by the Viking Society as The Icelandic Language in
Stefns principal work from the 1960s onwards has been on the four
sagas of Bishop Gumundr the Good, in which he became interested
after working on an almost illegible document which turned out to be a
palimpsest, the original text having been part of a manuscript from about
1400 of a saga of Gumundr by Arngrmr Brandsson. The first volume
was published in 1983, the second was nearly completed at the time of
his death. Other important publications have been the introductions to
Sagas of Icelandic Bishops: Fragments of Eight Manuscripts (1967)
and the facsimile edition of Nikuls saga (1982).
In 1970 he returned to Iceland and took up a position at the Icelandic
Manuscript Institute (later Stofnun rna Magnssonar slandi, now a
part of Stofnun rna Magnssonar slenskum frum), and in the following years he also taught courses in palaeography and history of the
language at the University. He was deputy director of the Institute for a
number of short periods, and then in 1994 became director on the retirement of Jnas Kristjnsson and at the same time Professor at the University.
processes. Campbell et al. present new methods of dating pottery on the basis
of the charred contents, a welcome refinement on dating by archaeological
context. They also demonstrate that content remains do not mirror diet: marine food, known from palaeoenvironmental material, was not prepared in or
eaten from pots.
These results are corroborated by the negative results of analysis of the
survival of fish oils on pottery sherds from Scatness in Shetland (Brown et
al.)possible explanations being poor survival of fish oils or a more general
use of white rather than oily fish. An attempt to analyse the remains of butter
on pottery from the same site was also inconclusive (Challinor).
These are two of eight papers which address the volumes second theme,
The Scottish Northern Isles, seven of which deal with different aspects of
Old Scatness and its environment, under investigation since 1995. The site
lies close to Jarlshof in southern Shetland and is thought to be similar in
nature. In view of the many questions about Norse settlement in the Northern
Isles left unanswered or unclear after the Jarlshof investigations, much hope
has been invested in Scatness. We get an overview of the project, the nature
of the site and its chronological sequence (Dockrill et al.), and the results of
a study of faunal and botanical remains which indicate agricultural intensification in the mid- to late Iron Age (Bond et al.). Work on fishbones is
shedding new light on this resource, suggesting that a storable surplus of
dried fish and/or oil was collected as early as the Iron Age (Nicholson). Until
now fishing has been assumed to have begun in earnest during the Norse
period. A study of field systems will differentiate between Bronze Age,
Norse, medieval and post-medieval fields by exploring the relationship between field form and function (Turner et al.). This involves a study of size,
shape, association with structural remains, and soil-based investigations. The
final paper on Scatness describes the building of a wheelhousea Pictish
multi-cellular buildingbased on one of those excavated, a project which
produced information valuable from both an academic and a practical point of
view (Malcolmsen et al.). Scatness has not produced much Norse material.
The floor of a Norse building might suggest that this phase of the occupation
has been largely destroyed by later developments. A final publication of this
site is awaited with interest.
The only paper in this section not concerned with Scatness deals with the
origin of settlement in Orkney, and suggests that it can be traced to France or
Northern Spain through the genetic makeup of the vole, introduced to the
area by humans (Thaw et al.).
The third theme, entitled Iceland, is addressed in four papers. Caseldine
et al. review past work on the Holocene development of the Icelandic biota
and assess its potential contribution for understanding the evolution of the
Icelandic landscape. The conclusion is that all methods applied are problematic, and that more research is needed if they are to be used for palaeoclimatic
reconstructions. The Hofstair site in northern Iceland and the surrounding
area has been the subject of wide-ranging interdisciplinary investigations
since 1992, which are reviewed here (Fririksson et al.). Hofstair was first
investigated early in the twentieth century. It was originally of interest because of its name (hof = pagan temple), and then because of the size of its
longhouse, and the fact that it is not one of the earliest settled farms in
Iceland. By putting the site into a wider context and using a variety of written
sources of different dates, the authors suggest that Hofstair was created in
an area where leadership was needed among many even-sized holdings. The
site is clearly specialthe hall is exceptionally large although there are no
other signs of wealth, and horned cattle skulls seem to have decorated the
outside of the long-wallsbut it is acknowledged that there are too many
unknowns for any theories to be proved, and that more comparative material
is needed. A study of animal bones (Tinsley) from the site shows half domestic fauna and half fish species during the earliest period. By the mid tenth
century there is a noticeable increase in the number of fish and birds, whereas
by the early eleventh century domestic mammals dominate and wild species
(including fish) become less prominent. No conclusions are drawn from this.
The last section, entitled North Atlantic networks, contains three papers.
A study of steatite objects attempts to throw light on trade networks (Foster
et al.). Lack of homogeneity within a single quarry produces problems for
scientific provenance studies, but morphological indicators look promising
for distinguishing between goods from Norway and Shetland. While a thorough study of the material from Shetland and Iceland has been carried out,
this has not yet been done in Norway, which means that a provenance study,
for example for the Icelandic material, is not yet possible.
The papers in this volume give a good insight into the variety of research
being carried out around the North Atlantic, though work presented as in
progress in 2001 is likely to have seemed somewhat out of date by the time
of its publication in 2004.
Society for Medieval Archaeology Monographs 20. Maney. Leeds, 2004. 482
pp. 156 black and white illustrations. ISBN 1 904350 25 9.
This book is a substantial volume about the Viking-Age world that derives
from the proceedings of a conferenceand is none the worse for that!
The editors, from Cardiff University (Hines and Lane) and the National
Museum of Wales (Redknap), in organising the Conference and then the
ensuing volume, have put the needs of the subject first by bringing together
twenty-seven articles from thirty-seven authors (including one of the editors),
together with a short Introduction by Hines. Regrettably, in an RAEdominated academic world, there will not be many Brownie points to be
gained for this selfless task, and one worries for the future health of the
constituent disciplines if the production of conference proceedings such as
this is to be relegated to an also-ran activity. However, the three should
receive the considerable thanks of their professional colleagues, as this is
Society for Northern Research who will find it a valuable addition to their
more of the same each time. For example, the culture that produced the Eggja
stone was very different from that of Bergen in the high Middle Ages, which
of course produced a plethora of short and startling inscriptions. The author
illuminates these cultural differences and the variety of concerns the
original carvers may have had very well; from a purely scholarly point of
view, some of the discussion is perhaps a little over-imaginative, but it is not
out of place in the present context. The authors treatment seems to improve
in tandem with the chronological development; the discussion of the origin of
runes, for example, is weak, but the later material, which includes the most
colourful examples, is more skilfully presented. For those unfamiliar with
these inscriptionsas the intended readership largely will bethe book is
worth reading just to see the vivid picture of medieval Norwegian life they
afford, where a man bewails the fact that he cannot spend longer in the pub,
and another is summoned by his wife to hurry back from the ale-house;
where a woman is proposed to on the way to church (and then discards the
slip with the inscription on in the church); and where the first documented
homosexual act takes placeagain, in a church. All this is presented in a
lively fashion, and the discussion is firmly focused upon the runic inscriptions themselves.
The book does have its faults, however. The most off-putting aspect to
meand I accept this may be a matter of tasteis the tone used throughout.
The author appears to believe that readers will not be attracted unless the
book is couched in a chatty, colloquial style, replete with weak puns such as
stonography (clearer in the original Norwegian ste(i)nografi), and is sometimes
burdened with rather laboured discussions; the translator has certainly done a
good job of representing the original Norwegian in these respects, but I feel
insufficient notice has been taken of potential differences in the English readerships expectations. Whatever one feels about this matter, a more significant
problem lurks behind it: a condescending attitude. Instead of having the sense
of sharing in a scholars excitement as he recounts the details of his specialism,
the reader is rather made to feel like a benighted school pupil being instructed
by a teacher, who has decided what should and should not be revealed. Why,
for example, is it necessary to gloss everyday terms such as mnemonic (10)
or transliterate (17) (but not others, such as preterite)? Doing so is likely
rather to underline the readers ignorance, actual or assumed. Or again, do
readers capable of dealing with these complex runic texts really need the
laboured explanation (187) that Hafgrmi is a dative?
In his determination not to overcomplicate matters for this imagined readership the author sometimes verges on the inaccurate. For example, in his rather
unmeasured enthusiasm for the early form of the fuark he writes, In ProtoScandinavian, every symbol was unambiguous in that there was one symbol
for every sound (p. 78), and Each rune in the fuark represented one sound
and each sound was represented by only one rune. In that sense the writing
system in Proto-Scandinavian was very functional, more functional than is
the case of most modern languages based on alphabetic script (p. 150). This
is misleading: in terms of segmental phonology, the system was arguably as
Spurkland states, but given that, for example, long and short vowels were
not distinguished, the fuark was far from offering an accurate representation
of the languages phonemic structure. At another point (pp. 8283),
Spurkland presents a simplified version of the vowel system of Old Norse
one which omits some of the various mutations and nasalisations we know
to have existed, and he fails moreover to hint at the greater complexity we
know to have existed. Here, as elsewhere, the author speaks down to the
reader, taking upon himself the right to preclude what we are to be allowed to
There are many small annoyances in the volume. inn is said, without
comment (albeit in a citation of others interpretations), to take the dead
with him to Hel (which text is this based on, one wonders?). In attempting
to demonstrate that nd in pre-Christian times meant breath and not
soul, Spurkland shows little awareness of work on religious vocabulary,
and falls into the trap of citing Vlusp 18, where inn gave nd to the
first human couple (p. 136)a passage whose precise meaning cannot
be determined from the context, and which is therefore useless as evidence
in any semantic argument. The overall effect of these dubious points may
be to undermine the readers sense of the books authority, at least in its
discussion of areas outside the immediate interpretation of the runes themselves.
Each chapter concludes with a short section suggesting further reading.
These have been revised from the Norwegian version to reflect the English
readership (some more obscure works, mostly in Norwegian, are mentioned
in footnotes). A few works that one might have expected to see, such as R.
W. V. Elliotts Runes, are absent, but in general the lists form a sensibly
limited selection of works for this level of presentation.
There are two indexes, one listing the runic inscriptions discussed, and the
other topical index including everything else; illustrations are indicated in
italic numerals. Unlike in the Norwegian version, the indexes are at least in
alphabetical order, though they still contain some odd entries, such as Kilroy
an imaginary catch-all characterisation of the ubiquitous rune-carver, a creation
of the author that surely no one is going to look up. Over all, the entries
could have been better thought out, but they perhaps manage to serve their
In sum, the book will probably be found useful and attractive by anyone
interested in Old Norse or Norwegian history; specialist runologists may
well wish to look elsewhere, however. Some weaknesses of the Norwegian
version have been tidied up, though perhaps the opportunity could have been
taken to do more. The remaining problems are generally more annoyances
than serious defects, and the authors ability to present the subject in an
interesting manner, while still providing many precisely presented examples
of the source material he is discussing, certainly justifies the publication of
this English version.
ZILMER. Dissertationes Philologiae Scandinavicae Universitatis Tartuensis 1,
Nordistica Tartuensia 12. Tartu University Press. Tartu, 2005. 404 pp., 36
figs, 3 tabs. ISBN 9949 11 089 0, ISSN 1736 2865.
At the centre of Kristel Zilmers doctoral thesis is a survey and analysis of
the Scandinavian runic inscriptions, dating from the period c.9001150, which
refer to traffic and travel around the Baltic. The area thus covered includes, of
course, the Danish and Swedish coasts as well as the non-Scandinavian eastern and southern shores of the Sea. The introductory chapters on theory,
methods and research history (pp. 1373) are very careful and rather slow,
but it is important here not to miss Zilmers characterisation of her own
approach, which she labels an adapted hermeneutic method. After a neat
image of each new perspective in a multidisciplinary historical analysis constituting a further and progressive full turn of the hermeneutic spiral, she
succeeds in making a convincing caseto be truthful, a more convincing case
than I would previously have thought possiblethat the minute dissection of
individual runic inscriptions, along with their monumental situations and contexts, can give real substance and vitality to the mini-narratives each element
implies. A recurrent theme, which cumulatively develops into a powerful
general insight, is that what we look at in these texts and their contexts is
consistently anchored in particular realities. Like the example quoted in the
title, from a stone in Vallentuna church, Uppland, what these inscriptions
record and commemorate for us were often dramatic and tragic realities of the
Viking Age and the conversion period.
It comes as no surprise that the earliest, tenth-century, inscriptions in question are found in Denmark. After that, with a couple of outliers in Norway,
the majority of the relevant runestones are concentrated in the central Swedish
landskap around Mlaren. More striking is the strong west-east axis of
connexions and interest these inscriptions show, looking across the Baltic to
what are now the Baltic states and Russia, with only a couple of references to
Finland and none to the Slavonic lands along the southern Baltic. Many
geographical terms occur more than once. Zilmer describes the geographical
knowledge involved here as general, but it is surely also right to understand
the use of familiar terms to have been practical and meaningful in a way that
the use of exotic, esoteric place-names could never be. From an association in
a saga source of what appear to be phonologically Baltic personal names with
Eistland, she notes that this name cannot be assumed to refer solely to an
early Estonian territory, although it does seem to remain clearly distinct from
Krland further south.
Overall, though, the comparison of the inscriptional evidence with references in skaldic poetry and sagas is much more positive and constructive than
is suggested by that one corrective warning. These other categories of text
derive from different, if overlapping, periods of time, and from very different
social and geographical milieux. They also differ in the reflections they give
By SUSANNE KRIES. North-Western European Language Evolution (NOWELE) Supplement 20. University Press of Southern Denmark. Odense,
2003. 498 pages. ISBN 87 7838 873 2.
The Lowlands of Scotland have been exposed to Scandinavian influence over
two quite distinct periods. An early Viking contact period in the late ninth and
early tenth centuries saw Scandinavians attacking Strathclyde from Dublin as
well as setting up alliances with the Scottish seat of power, possibly in an
attempt to establish lines of communication between the two Scandinavian
strongholds Dublin and York via the Clyde-Forth Valley. The Lowland settlement
names with -br have been associated with this period, as have the earliest
so-called hog-back monuments, a distinct, roof-shaped type of gravestone
found in northern England and Scotland. A second period of influence belongs
to the eleventh and twelfth centuries when people from Northumbria and
Yorkshire, some fleeing the terror of William of Normandy, found a welcome haven in the Scotland of the MacMalcoluim dynasty. This people, who
spoke a kind of pidginised Scandinavian English, became very influential in
the establishment of the Scottish burghs and thus left a legacy of Scandinavian
loan-words in Scots. Or so we were told to believe.
Susanne Kriess study of the medieval Scandinavian loans into Scots challenges the established view that the Scandinavian words in Scots are the result
of an indirect Scandinavian influence from the Anglo-Scandinavians migrating from the north-east of England. Kries argues that if this were the case we
would expect to find a common inventory of vocabulary in north-eastern England
and in Scotland. However, her study shows that a substantial number of the
Scandinavian loans in Middle Scots have no equivalent in Middle English.
One could have wished Kries had considered more than one explanation
for the fact that there are more Scandinavian loan-words in Scots than in
northern English. One possibility that could have been scrutinised is that a
normalisation process within English might have eliminated many of the
northern English loans. Already from William Is reign there was just such a
pressure from the dialect of the south-westwhere there was minimal
Scandinavian influenceon the more Scandinavianised dialect of the north.
However, Kries does not only rely on a difference in the number of words.
In many cases where there are equivalent forms, the variations between the
English and Scots forms point to a difference of linguistic and cultural influence from Scandinavia. All in all, Kries finds that the differences are too
great to support the theory that the move of influential people from the northwest of England helping to set up the burghs of Scotland during the reign of
David I gave Scots its Scandinavian component.
Kries convincingly identifies a Scandinavian influence on Scots that is
much stronger than previously estimated. She suggests that the reason for
this is that Scots had a longer period of exposure to Scandinavian than had
English. She estimates that the period of contact or influence could have
started as early as the ninth century and that it could have lasted until the
beginning of the thirteenth century. Kries argues for such an early date by
claiming that the focal area of Scandinavian influence was not the south-east
but rather the south-west of Scotland. During the ninth and tenth centuries
there was a node of direct contact between Scandinavians and Angles in the
area around the Solway Firth. Geographically this is an extension of the
Scandinavian belt of strong cultural influence stretching all the way from
Cumberland to Lincolnshire, and it is in this contact area that most of the
Scandinavian loans in Scots are found, including the oldest ones.
This reader feels that Kriess ideas, although interesting, are sometimes
based on rather shaky foundations, notably the scarce early source material,
both for Scots and Northern English. The theory of a south-western path of
influence on Scots is the most controversial, and clearly the author should
have put more effort into explaining how linguistic borrowings which took
place in what would have been a Scottish periphery actually managed to win
reference to its use in Old Norse. The discussion unhappily lacks significant
reference to modern Icelandic, with its gufallssjkdmur, let alone more
widely to other Germanic languages. Matsuji Tajima gives an important survey of the development of the English compound gerund (forms such as
having done and being doing) in the seventeenth century.
Finally, one textual piece, by Gudlaug Nedrelid, discusses possible readings and interpretation of a verse attributed to Haraldr inn harri Sigursson.
Everything in this volume is interesting, most of it enjoyable, some of it
important. It is reasonably accurately presented, and typographical errors are
only trivial. I hope that Michael found it as worthwhile a tribute to his own
achievements as I did.
P ATRICIA PIRES BOULHOSA. The Northern World 17. Brill. Leiden and Boston,
2005. 256 pp. ISBN 90 04 14516 8.
Icelanders and the Kings of Norway is one of the most significant books
on Icelandic medieval history to appear for decades. It is characterised
in equal measure by sound textual scholarship and a thoroughly novel
vision of the history of the Icelandic Commonwealth (a term which, incidentally, will be hard to use in serious scholarly works after the appearance
of this book). Although the book has attracted some attention in Old
NorseIcelandic scholarly circles, it can be safely predicted that its main
value lies in the effect it will have on works on Icelandic history for decades
to come. It would take a very foolhardy scholar to ignore its findings,
even though the so-called Icelandic school of saga criticism has often
been surprisingly successful in ignoring some of the main tenets of
established textual scholarship. Boulhosas analysis is frequently bold and
innovative, and sometimes of unique value. In this book there is hardly a
wasted page.
In articulating its bold and innovative vision of Icelandic history, the work
opens up several avenues of debate. In this review, I shall only be able to
explore a few of them.
The first chapter deals with some methodological problems concerning
medieval Icelandic texts, notably questions of authorship, and whether texts
can be considered to be history or fiction. It is demonstrated concisely and
lucidly that it is a hazardous exercise to name the author of any particular
Icelandic medieval text, and that it would be more fruitful to look at the
multiplicity of extant texts and views and recognise these texts as products of
a manuscript culture. This flies in the face of a very lively tradition of Old
NorseIcelandic scholarship, and should challenge many scholars to reconsider their basic methodological approach. The question of whether the texts
are fiction or history is then discussed and found to be irrelevant, which to
my mind is hardly surprising.
when Ari fri is the oldest known author to use this nickname for the
putative first monarch of Norway. The synchronicity between the development of this tradition and the first known document where the term hldsrttr
appears, written sometime between 1082 and 1107 (the arguments of Jn
Sigursson for dating it in 1083 are tenuous at best), is interesting and could
have raised further issues concerning the attitudes of Icelanders towards Haraldr
hrfagri and his role in the settlement of Iceland.
In the final analysis, however, one has nothing but praise for a book
that offers so many fresh insights into Icelandic medieval historiography.
It cannot fail to provide an impetus for Icelandic historians thoroughly to
revise established facts about the nature of Icelandic government in the
Middle Ages.
Edited by PERNILLE
HERMANN. The Viking Collection 16. University Press of Southern Denmark.
Odense, 2005. 355 pp. ISBN 87 7674 040 4.
In the last thirty years the subject of literacy has come to assume an important
position in medieval studies. At least in the Anglophone world, however,
medieval Scandinavia has featured little in these three decades of literacy
studies. The landmark works on the theory and history of literacy tend to
focus on ancient Greece, or medieval England, or contemporary Africa, and
Scandinavia does not feature even in such a standard survey as Rosamund
McKittericks edited volume The Uses of Literacy in Early Medieval Europe
(Cambridge University Press, 1990), just missing both the geographical and
the chronological cut-off points. Yet one might have thought that medieval
Scandinavia, with its extensive record of runic culture and, post-Conversion,
its rapid acquisition of Roman literacy, would be an obvious and fertile field
for literacy studies. It is very good to report, therefore, that this collection of
essays, arising from a conference at Aarhus in 2002, goes a long way towards rectifying this situation of neglect. While it is inevitably uneven in
places, this volume should immediately become the standard English-language survey of the history of literacy in medieval Scandinavia.
Following a brief but helpful Introduction by the editor, the book is
subdivided into five sections. The first section, Literacy and Vision, contains two essays. In the first of these, not in fact on a Scandinavian topic,
Leslie Webster examines the Anglo-Saxons skills in what she terms visual
literacy, and argues that this long-established facility in the interpretation of
visual objects served them well when they came to engage with literacy; this
argument is advanced by the close reading of a number of objects, some
familiar (such as the Franks Casket), others less so (such as the Ludlow
sword pommel). In the second essay Michael Clanchyone of the giants of
literacy studiesconsiders the fifteenth-century wall paintings in the church
at Tuse in Zealand. These depict the Virgin Mary taking the young Jesus to
school, to learn to read (and write?), and the essay shows Clanchy at his
generous best: erudite, incisive, wise and illuminating. Clanchy argues against
the assumption that an image, or a text, had one single meaning or interpretation in the Middle Ages; it may have conveyed different messages to different
viewers. What the range of meanings of the Tuse paintings might have been
is drawn out with exemplary elegance and insight.
The next section, containing three essays, is headed Literacy, Orality and
Runacy , and the first essay is another of the highlights of the volume.
This is Stefan Brinks wide-ranging overview of oral culture in Viking-Age
Scandinavia, and of the interaction of the old oral culture with aspects of
literacy. Brink examines, inter alia, poetry and runic inscriptions, and he is
especially interesting on the oral/written dimensions of early Scandinavian
laws. This is a must-read survey, with an extremely useful sixteen-page
bibliography attached. The other two essays in this section are somewhat
briefer: Terje Spurkland engages with Aslak Liestls old claims about literate Vikings, and suggests that we might use the term runacy to refer to their
literacy, while Jakob Hovl Holck offers a short review of possible foreign
influences on the use of runes in Denmark between the third and the thirteenth centuries.
The third section, Literacy and Poetry, contains three essays. Karl G.
Johansson considers Eddic poetry, taking Skrnisml as a test-case for the
processes by which originally oral poetry came to be written down, and
exploring how far the two main manuscripts of Skrnisml might reflect
possible public performance or private reading. Judith Jesch queries the common claim that the introduction of literacy leads to changes in the function of
texts, by exploring the ways in which skaldic verse aspires to (and often
attains) the type of function and permanence one might normally associate
with written records (for example, chronicle, peace treaty, charter, letter).
Finally, Gurn Nordal offers a fascinating account of the prosimetrum of
Njls saga, examining how the editor-scribes of different manuscripts of the
saga included or omitted the available verses; Nordals essay raises important
questions about saga reception and the perceived roles of skaldic verse in
fourteenth-century Iceland.
The fourth section, Literacy and Communication, also contains three essays. Wolfert S. van Egmond asks what might be learned about literacy from
Latin hagiographical texts, and focuses on the Burgundian diocese of Auxerre
in the Merovingian period, with a brief excursus on Rimberts Life of Anskar.
Marco Mostert offers an overview of the history and historiography of literacy studies, and of the theory and development of literacy in the Middle
Ages (though he does not discuss Scandinavia specifically). Arnved Nedkvitne
complements this with a stimulating survey of administrative, especially judicial, literacy in Scandinavia; Nedkvitne views literacy primarily as a technology
to be employed according to particular cultural needs, rather than as a mentality-transforming process that has similar effects in all cultures.
The fifth and final section, Literacy, Peasants and Maids, contains two
essays and takes us into the early modern period. Klaus-J. Lorenzen-Schmidt
1389. By ELIZABETH ASHMAN ROWE. The Viking Collection 15. The University
Press of Southern Denmark. Odense, 2005. 486 pp. ISBN 87 7838 927 5.
Flateyjarbk is big. It is the Pacific Ocean, the Sahara Desert, the Amazon
River of Old Icelandic literary production. It is not merely its size that makes
it somewhat daunting: Flateyjarbk is also an intricate web of stories, as
complex as it is large. It is bound to attract every serious Old Norse scholar.
Finnur Jnsson, fearless as ever, took it on in 1927. Most others have been
too timid or too prudent to get entangled in its complexities. The present
reviewer found the task too formidable a decade ago and now hails his foresight since it seems unlikely that he would have produced anything as impressive
as Elizabeth Ashman Rowes massive book on this massive subject.
Its very size and complexity make Flateyjarbk a hard subject to write
about. Few have read all of its contents and a book-length study of it runs the
risk of becoming unintelligible, but Rowe manages to avoid this, through
her systematic approach and a lucid introductory chapter (pp. 1132) in
which she provides a framework for her study, not only introducing Flateyjarbk
succinctly but also setting out her overall position. Not one to get immersed
in theory, she is nevertheless well aware of it. A somewhat apologetic note
that Derrida and other contemporary philosophers are absent from her book
(p. 30) seems superfluous.
Even though Flateyjarbk has always impressed as a manuscript and an
object of value, its greatness has been qualified by its historical place as a late
fourteenth-century text. As Rowe observes (p. 18), the fourteenth century
was in the past seen as a period of decline for Icelandic literature. This was
certainly the view of Sigurur Nordal and Einar lafur Sveinsson, but it
has been somewhat modified in the last forty years and now needs to be
of those responsible for the 1944 edition. This particular cafeteria is only a
few blocks away from where the present reviewer lives, driving home the
point Rowe makes in this epilogue: Flateyjarbk (and perhaps this can be
extended to medieval studies in general) does not just exist in the past; its fate
has relevance to the present as well. Elizabeth Ashman Rowe is to be congratulated for having presented us with this thought-provoking study.
Flateyjarbk studies have just taken a dramatic leap into an exciting future.
Hi slenska bkmenntaflag and ReykjavkurAkademan. Reykjavk, 2004.
292 pp. ISBN 9979 66 155 0.
This book argues for a hidden meaning to the saga of Egill Skallagrmsson on
two levels; on the one hand, as a Christian allegory, and on the other as a
roman clef in which the events of the saga reflect those of the life of Snorri
Sturluson, supposed by many to have been the author of Egils saga. The
book is thus divided into two parts, the first, Gripurinn greindur, the object
analysed, about the allegorical structure and meaning of the saga, and the
second, Forngripurinn og samhengi hans, The ancient relic and his/its context, about the social context that shaped the saga at its presumed time of
writing, the early thirteenth century, and the events of its presumed authors
The titles and sub-titles of each part refer back to the imaginative reconstruction of the books introduction, where Tulinius recreates a scenario that
could have taken place at Mosfell c.1130, when the dead in the churchyard of
the neighbouring church of Hrsbr are moved to the new church at Mosfell.
In the process, the bones of a very large man are discovered beneath the altar
at Hrsbr and, yes, people say they must be those of Egill Skallagrmsson!
Speculation then follows as to why the bones of a pagan who, at best, was
primesigned during his time in England, and at worst was a ruthless killer,
should have been buried below the altar, a location usually reserved for saints
in the early Church. This is the paradox Tulinius sets out to investigate, a
paradox reflected in the books punning title, Skldi skriftinni, The poet in
the writing or The poet in the saints resting place (= Latin confessio).
Part I begins with the sagas skeleton, by which Tulinius means its external
structure. He defends this against the strictures of scholars who have found
its latter part (after the deaths of the two rlfrs) dull and long-winded. He
demonstrates the undoubted patterns of repetition which bind the text into a
coherent whole, though I am not sure that I can go all the way with him on
the deep significance he assigns to the four characters named Ketill in the
saga. He then looks inward to the significance of the sagas action. Here
again, I find myself unconvinced by many of the inner meanings he suggests
lie hidden there. It is possible that Egills marriage to his brothers widow,
sgerr, should be understood in the light of the Christian interdiction of the
levirate, given Egills primesigning, but Tuliniuss contention that this is the
reason why he is reluctant to tell Arinbjrn and sgerr herself about his
love for her does not convince, especially as at least one of Egills verses
indicates that his reluctance is brought about because she is still grieving at
rlfrs death.
Generally speaking, the parallels Tulinius adduces in Part I seem a little
far-fetched and are not signalled in any way in the text, as far as I can see,
unlike the situation in other sagas where we find conventional indicators that
the pre-Christian protagonists are noble heathens. The suggested parallels
include an improbable comparison between Egills killing of Rgnvaldr, the
young son of Eirkr Bloodaxe, and the death of Christ, a parallel between the
Biblical figures of Cain and Judas and Egill, and a proposal that the wife and
daughter of rmr, who help Egill on his Vermaland expedition, should be
compared to the Virgin Mary in her role as intercessor. Considerably greater
credibility attaches to the suggested parallel between Egill and the Old Testament figure of the king and psalmist David, but, although the general comparison
seems apt, the specific points of comparison are sometimes strained: both
figures desire their brothers wives; both are antagonists of kings (Saul,
Eirkr), both lose sons, both are supreme poets and both compose laments
about close male friends (Jonathan, Arinbjrn). Towards the end of this
section, Tulinius presents Sonatorrek as the possible planctus of an Old
Testament David-like Egill whose poem prefigures Christian elegy.
Part II comprises two long chapters and two short concluding ones. In
nearly 100 pages, Tulinius provides a thorough, almost blow-by-blow account of the lives, ambitions and kinship relations of the Sturlung family
during the first half of the thirteenth century. Chapter 4 uses some of Pierre
Bourdieus key ideas very effectively to demonstrate how powerful Icelandic
men of this period needed to control a number of interrelated fields: politics, marriage, religious life, poetry and the law. Chapter 5 shows how Snorri
Sturluson and his family had both successes and failures at this game. Tulinius
provides a useful digest here (parts of which he has published elsewhere),
and summarises the views of several recent Icelandic historians, but most of
the material treated in Chapters 4 and 5 comes directly from Sturlunga saga
and hardly justifies the disproportionate number of pages devoted to it. Some
parallels between these events and events in Egils saga are drawn, but they
are rather sporadic and not always well argued.
To give one example, on pages 17778 Tulinius states that conflict between brothers is a major theme of Egils saga (he has argued in Part I that
there is enmity as well as difference between Egill and his brother rlfr,
though in my opinion the evidence for this is dubious). This enmity is paralleled, in his view, by the real life hostility between Snorri and Sighvatr
Sturluson and Sighvatrs son Sturla. In the saga the sons of Haraldr hrfagri
are also at odds, and Eirkr Bloodaxe is represented as a fratricide. Tulinius
quotes Egills lausavsa 20 (according to Finnur Jnssons numbering in
Skjaldedigtning) to support this point. So far, so good, but the next step in
the argument is shaky. Because the verse mentions both Eirkrs fratricide
and his wife Gunnhildr in the one clause, brfang blekkir skkva brra,
the bride-catch [Gunnhildr] deceives the destroyer of brothers [Eirkr] (lines
34), this conjunction is used to suggest that whoever read or heard this
stanza would be reminded of the conflicts between the Sturlung brothers
precipitated by differences over women. The parallel is inexact and ignores
the context of the verse, namely Gunnhildrs supposed hostility to Egill and
his attempts to retaliate. Such imprecise arguments are unfortunately rather
common in the book.
It is a pity that Chapters 6 and 7 are so short, because they raise a number
of interesting possible lines of interpretation of Egils saga which, in my
opinion, are likely to be more productive than the drawing of parallels between the life of Snorri Sturluson and his family and the saga of Egill
Skallagrmsson. In Chapter 6 Tulinius briefly adopts a Freudian perspective
on the subject, but does not develop it. He also mentions several other approaches, but again there is no development. I found Skldi skriftinni a
disappointing book; Part I does not really produce a coherent set of inner
meanings for the saga, while Part II spends far too much time telling the
Sturlung story. There is promise of a more sustained and satisfying analysis
in the final chapters, but they really do not get off the ground. Thus the poet
remains in the grave, but maybe the author can resuscitate him on another
University of Toronto Press. Toronto, Buffalo, London, 2005. xi + 162 pp.
ISBN 0 8020 3837 9.
The purpose of this book, writes Magns Fjalldal in his introduction, is to
survey and assess information about Anglo-Saxon Englandits language,
history, geography, and culturethat appears in medieval Icelandic texts
(p. vii). This is a much-trodden arena and, as Fjalldal advises, anything approaching a thorough treatment of the subject would have made for a rather
more ambitious effort than the study presented here (potentially consisting of
a huge anthology of relevant texts); he has therefore settled by and large
for simply retelling the stories in the sagas, and assessing the accuracy
of their presentation of Anglo-Saxon people and events. His book accordingly offers a whistle-stop tour through the major relevant texts, summarising
and paraphrasing their narratives as he goes, quoting in Modern English
translation, with the Icelandic in endnotes. This survey provides plenty of
interesting material, and along the way offers the opportunity to address
ancillary questions of no little significance to the linguist, the historian and
the literary critic.
The book consists of nine chapters, plus Introduction and Conclusion,
several of which (chapters 1, 2, 6 and 7) represent reworkings of earlier
articles by Fjalldal. Chapters 1 and 2 investigate the anecdotal evidence in the
sagas for the mutual intelligibility of Old English and Old Norse in the
Viking Age: 1 focusses on the famous episode in Gunnlaugs saga ormstungu,
and the evidence of the First Grammatical Treatise and Hauksbk; 2 broadly
surveys other relevant references in the sagas, including the diverting story
of the comeuppance meted out to the profaner of a statue in Jarteinabk
orlks byskups nnur and Laurentus saga byskups, and Sneglu-Hallis
nonsense skaldic stanza, with a glance at diverse other materials including
the works of Snorri, Bede and William of Malmesbury, before a (brief)
engagement with historical linguistic scholarship. Chapter 3 covers general
knowledge about Anglo-Saxon England and its customs in a range of material (notably Heimskringla, Orkneyinga saga and Egils saga), with Fjalldal
remarking that Old Icelandic texts seem best informed about Anglo-Saxon
royal genealogies and regnal lengths, though even here they contain plenty
that is erroneous, and much that appears simply to have been invented; the
perennial stereotype is of an England that is wealthy and that offers good
opportunities for trade.
Chapters 4, 5, 6 and 7 all deal with particular groups of sagas and the
quality of their information on Anglo-Saxon England. Chapters 4 and 5
between them describe and compare events in Anglo-Saxon history related in
Heimskringla, grip af Nregskonunga sgum, Fagrskinna, Kntlinga saga
and Morkinskinna. In these sections, Fjalldal tries to get a handle (albeit
generally rather briefly and sketchily) on what may be motivating these
accounts, with some comparative recourse to other things, including The
Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, and attempts to determine whether the Icelandic texts
drew on any Anglo-Saxon sources where this has been previously suggested; he concludes once again that Icelandic historians knew little of
Anglo-Saxon events beyond the regnal lists known to have circulated in
Iceland. Chapter 6 focusses on Egils saga, presenting a detailed look at the
Vnheir episode and a review of scholarship about it; Fjalldal finds the
historicity of the episode largely unconvincing, and looks instead to what he
calls literary patterns (p. 79), finding in it various contrasts and oppositions
of significance to the saga as a whole, with the relationship between Egill and
rlfr especially being foregrounded. Chapter 7 moves briskly over Breta
sgur, Saga svalds konngs hins helga, Dunstanus saga, and Jtvarar
saga, with the conclusion once again being that there cannot have been much
first-hand knowledge about Anglo-Saxon England in Iceland in the later
Middle Ages.
Chapters 8 and 9 turn to a more broadly thematic focus. Chapter 8 treats
the Icelandic love/hate relationship with the idea of kingship and royal
courts via an analysis of such texts as Hemings ttr and Hrlfs saga Gautrekssonar, Fjalldal suggesting that Icelandic authors have clear agendas in
contrasting ideal and generous Anglo-Saxon monarchs with scheming
and sometimes murderous Norwegian kings. Chapter 9 focuses on
the proposition that Icelandic heroes adventures in England follow a distinctive pattern, which recurs regularly, especially as regards their relationship
with the king. Via an analysis of Gunnlaugs saga, Illuga saga and various
how that posterity preserved and engaged with them (an object lesson is
provided by Townend in Whatever Happened to York Viking Poetry? SagaBook XXVII (2003), 4890). Presumably there would have been little argument
if Fjalldal had simply (and legitimately) appealed to the size of a study that
took into account verse as well as prose, and had for that reason elected to
confine himself to the latter; but to dismiss the skaldic material outright is
somewhat perversely to draw attention to what in some lights looks like
another of his books missed opportunities.
In sum, then, this is an interesting and worthwhile volume able at times to
muster both breadth and depth, but one is left with the impression that it
could (and perhaps should) have gone somewhat further.
even virtuous women are dangerous, and evil women are more terrible than
evil men. In Hvat lr n grautnum, genta?Greek Story-telling in
Jtunheimar, Gottsklk . Jensson argues that the characteristics of the frame
narrative in Egils saga einhenda ok smundar berserkjabana resemble those
in the Milesian tales of ancient Rome, such as the Asinus Aureus, which
Icelanders may have encountered in Avignon.
The third set of essays deal with the social function of the fornaldarsgur.
In Den prosaiske Odin. Fortidssagaerne som mytografi, Annette Lassen
surveys the use of inn as a character in the fornaldarsgur. Noting that
the earliest of these works were written not too long after Snorri composed
his Edda, Lassen sees these works as a kind of mythography. In Den eksotiske
fortid. Fornaldarsagernes sociale funktion, Sverrir Jakobsson argues that the
fornaldarsgur are best thought of as a kind of history, rather than a kind of
literature. After suggesting that these texts created regional or local identities
with which Icelanders could identify, he then considers whether they were a
means of reconciling an exotic, magical, half-human past with a more mundane Christian present. In Fornaldarsagorna och den hviska bilden i Norden,
Hermann Bengtsson turns to art history to show that the fornaldarsgur
were constituted from elements of an internationally oriented courtly culture
that was also influential in the illuminations of Flateyjarbk.
The last essays treat the fornaldarsgur from a post-medieval perspective.
In The fornaldarsgur and Nordic Balladry: The Smsey Episode across
Genres, Stephen Mitchell argues that the version of the Smsey story attested to by the Swedish ballad Kung Speleman and a related Swedish ballad
fragment preserve some elements known only from Saxos version of the
story, as well as other elements known only from the Icelandic fornaldarsgur.
Rather than adducing a complicated process of borrowing, omission and conflation at work in the Swedish version, Mitchell supposes that it is an independent
version of the fuller original tradition from which both Saxo and the Icelanders drew. In Fornaldarsgur norurlanda: The stories that wouldnt die,
Matthew James Driscoll assesses the popularity of the fornaldarsgur in late
medieval and early modern Iceland via the sheer number of copies that have
survived, estimating that between ten and twenty thousand handwritten copies
of these works may have been produced in all. Remarkably, this figure is far
from the ultimate total, as it omits printed editions, copies of rmur based on
fornaldarsgur, copies of sagas based on rmur that were based on
fornaldarsgur and copies of reconstituted fornaldarsgur retelling myths
and legends. A list of the contributors rounds off the volume.
Although many of these essays are quite interesting in themselves, a substantial part of this volumes worth comes from the larger picture of consensus
that emerges. The heterogeneity of the fornaldarsgur has presented fundamental difficulties to the scholar, who cannot begin to work with these texts
without making some assumptions about their genre (or lack of it). Because
there is little agreement about how or whether genre as a theoretical construct
is applicable to the sagas at all, fornaldarsaga studies very often become
bogged down in sterile repetition of problems and positions. By focusing on
fornaldarsaga. The textual relations between the poems are helpfully anatomised:
the HHII Prose author used HHI; the poet of HHI drew on an earlier poem,
not preserved, parts of which are separately reflected in HHII. Other lost poems
such as Vlsungakvia in forna and Kroliare all accommodated within
HHIIs account of itself.
Some broadly generalised readings which link all three poems together
begin to emerge, noting the strong emphasis on lineage and heroic prowess.
HHI marks the beginning of the sequence of heroic poems in the Codex
Regius: conscious of its initiating status it begins with a deliberate echo of
Vlusp, situating the action in the Uranfang of legendary history. The Helgi
of HHI is vividly imagined as a Viking prince, whose victories largely depend on sea-power. The authors comment on the unusual emotionalism of
HHII with its focus on the feelings of Sigrn, and note the complex implications of the different stories which are assembled in HHv: the warrior-in-disguise,
the contrast between the warlike Helgi who avenges his maternal grandfather
and his father Hirvarr who neglects that duty, and the curious encounter
between Helgis brother Heinn and the troll-woman, Helgis fylgja, who
dooms him to vowing to marry his brothers intended, the valkyrie Svva.
There is thorough discussion of the interconnections between the poemsthe
suggestion that Helgi Hundingsbani is Helgi Hirvarsson reborn, and that
the second Helgi is reborn as Helgi Haddingjaskati, who appears in Hrmundar
saga. The unusual prevalence of speaking names is discussed: place-names
which have a cosmic significance, or which evoke a generalised heroic context, through, for example, the frequent deployment of the heroic name Sigarr
in compound place-names.
Useful tablesoutlining the relations of Helgi, Hundingr and his sons,
and Sigurr, across the different texts, or the views of various critics about
the possible sources of the piecemeal poem that is HHIIprovide a clear
overview of some complex arguments. Connections with other texts are traced;
it is concluded that the link with the Vlsung material is probably original,
since the recurrence of names such as Hundingr and Eylimi (the father of
Svva), and the reappearance of the sons of Hundingr in the Sigurr material,
point in that direction. Thematic links with the Hildr story (the Hjaningavg),
the Vlsung cycle, the stories of Hagbarr and Hrmundar saga Gripsson,
and the international Lenore folktale are demonstrated; linguistic connections
noticed, with skaldic poetry (especially in the kenning-heavy HHI), and also
with Skrnisml in the Hrmgerarml, which go beyond the general features
of threat as speech act. ireks saga is a clear intertext for HHv and other
fornaldarsgur which include bridal-quest narratives.
Not the least of the volumes features are the incidental bibliographies.
There are judicious notes with excellent introductory bibliographies on such
topics as sennur/flytings, beasts of battle, talking birds, Vikings, norns and
Rn. The latter is put into a context which includes Hrmgerr and her dangerous mother, showing how both Helgis are menaced by female sea-powers,
against whom the valkyrie offers protection. There is useful material on valkyries,
paradoxically elicited by Sinfjtlis insulting description of Gumundr as a
valkyrie and a witch, rather than as an explanation of the status of the poems
heroine. Later notes discuss the etymology of Yule, and give exemplary
summaries of what is known about both fylgjur and norns.
This volume of the Kommentar series matches its predecessors for learning, for usefulness and authority. There is a revival of interest in the heroic
poetry of the Edda at present, and though the Helgi poems trail behind the
Vlsung and Gjkung material, it seems likely that this volume will be the
to interesting new work on these neglected poems.
the title, literary history in the narrow sense is not prominent (there is a quasiapology for this in the afterword on page 269)as indeed it should not be in
an introductory survey; rather, the impression made is that of a catalogue in
which exemplary items are singled out for description or quotation, though
Uecker does provide at least a rough chronology of works, text types and
characteristics within each genre/chapter and occasionally refers to dating
controversies. No Scandinavian language skills on the part of the reader are
presumed, no documentation is given (though there is a bibliography), and
references to the history of scholarship are made without naming names.
Among the books virtues is one that it has in common with Die Klassiker:
Uecker not only knows his material, but is also an accomplished raconteur,
and neat and unexpected turns of phrase make every page interesting reading,
without the style seeming forced. (Some close calls: unik und einzigartig on
page 7, das wars on page 68, Baldr und Vali e tutti quanti on page 241.)
A further virtue of the book is its thematic and chronological integration of
important East Norse texts into the presentation: the page on Sturlunga saga,
for example, is followed by one on Erikskrnikan. This policy, rare even in
the most compendious literary histories, is all the more remarkable in that it is
essentially denied in the preface, which seems to offer an apology for the fact
that the other Scandinavian countries have nothing comparable to the literature of medieval Iceland (p. 7, cf. p. 269), and absolutely denied in the back
cover blurb, which refers only to Iceland (someone at Reclam evidently took
the apology too literally)! A sister virtue of Ueckers approach is his conviction that it is necessary to view Old Norse literature in a European context
(pp. 7, 19); this credo emerges clearly in his granting of equal space to Latin
texts of Scandinavian origin, his fair and full consideration of influences and
parallels from other European literatures, and his agnostic position on certain
questions of dating dear to generations of Altertumskundler. On the latter
point, a few characteristic statements: Of the ancient Germanic lore that older
scholarship imagined it had found [in Hvaml], there is no trace (p. 205);
We are not going to call Vlusp to the witness stand to give evidence for
reconstructing the pagan religion, but consider it as a poetic monument (p.
200); This time frame of half a millennium [from Common Scandinavian
syncope to the date of the Codex Regius] still offers more than enough room
for speculation about the age of the individual Eddic poems. A debate on
which can lay claim to greater age, Eddic or skaldic poetry, is completely
pointless, however, since we lack the criteria for resolving it (p. 198); Egil
lived in the tenth century. Whether the events in the saga took place as presented, we are unable to determineand we dont have to, any more than we
have to answer the question whether all the verses are really by Egil (pp.
Ueckers history is a reliable guide for anyone beginning to read Old Norse
texts and desiring to put them in historical and typological perspective; my
checks revealed incongruities but no substantial errors in the information
provided. On page 25, familiarity with the Legenda Aurea is assumed, though
this work and its compiler are not formally introduced until page 30; Sven
(20). Yet narrator positions and stances are convincingly shown to be very
conscious sitings, displaying great sophistication, even in their instability and
impermanence. Chaucers Geoffrey and Snorris Gylfi make a fine pair, wry
but sly. The points of correspondence subsumed in literary anthology and
pilgrimage call for a less full discussion and will be readily agreed to. The
discussion of the poetic eagles in the Norse account of the theft of the mead
of poetry and in Chaucers House of Fame might be completed by associating
that portion of mead expelled behind the air-borne inn and intended for
poetasters with Geoffrey the rhymester as the other eagles passenger. Indian parallels are also adduced. McTurk concludes this tone-setting first chapter
by stating that the two stories descend, independently of one another, from a
common source and are thus analogues, according to the earlier definition of
heuristic instruments in the scholars conceptual toolbox.
In the second chapter McTurk argues for Chaucers greater familiarity with
the works of Gerald of Wales than has earlier been assumed, his reading now
expanded to include Topographia Hibernie. Eagles are again at the focal
point of the comparison, and the argument of the preceding chapter is now, a
tad repetitively, expanded. This entails some less than full correspondences,
such as that between the elixir of poetic creation and the fire at St. Brigids
shrine at Kildare. Pagan affinities (extended to include the rotating fortresses
of Irish saga tradition), more than Christian theology, make for intriguing
points of contact with the aerial House of Fame. This discussion introduces
two central arguments of the book: the possibility of Chaucers having spent
his lost years (136166) in Ireland, and the related but very distinct issue of
his exposure to, and influence from, Irish story-telling, poetry and poetics.
McTurk offers a fresh and thorough review of a now considerable body of
admittedly circumstantial evidence to build a case for Chaucer accompanying
Prince Lionel, son of Edward III, to Ireland. Lionel would oversee the estates
of his wife, Elizabeth, Countess of Ulster, in whose household was counted
Philippa Chaucer, and more importantly he would stem the tide of gaelicisation
among the population of British origin (English, Anglo-Norman, Anglo-Breton,
Welsh, Pembrokeshire Fleming, etc.) that had resulted from minority demographic status, long-term, largely rural residence, intermarriage with Irish
magnates, native Irish estate and household staff (not least entertainers), and
so on. On the point of greatest relevance to Chaucer, these efforts were
encoded in the Statutes of Kilkenny (February, 1366), one stipulation of
which in part read as follows (p. 63):
it is agreed and forbidden that any Irish minstrels, that is to say, tympanours,
pipers, story tellers, babblers, rhymers, harpers, or any other Irish minstrels shall come amongst the English, and that no English shall receive or
make gift to such.
Even the use of the Irish language was banned among the English. Notwithstanding this injunction, whose premises would have been familiar to all in
Lionels household even before their passage into law, McTurk argues that
Chaucer so assiduously frequented Irish-speaking circles (if such could be
clearly drawn) that he not only needed to be sent on his 1366 Spanish
mission to avoid falling within the ambit of the statutes when passed, but
also acquired sufficient familiarity with Irish story-telling matter and poetics
to affect his subsequent writings. We can only speculate on Lionels likely
laxity in this regard or Chaucers recklessness, but this reviewer finds the
overall proposition implausible, even admitting that the statutes were by and
large ineffectual. To jump, momentarily, ahead to McTurks penultimate chapter
on Chaucer and Irish Poetry, the conclusions of which posit Chaucers
intimate familiarity with Irish syllabic poetry, one may wonder whether six
years or less of covert contact with the Irish language, and most importantly
with its phonemics, on which the entire structure of metrics is erected, would
be sufficient to grasp all the intricacy of a poetics in which syllable length,
syllable count, consonance, assonance, alliteration, partial and full rhyme
(internal and final), patterns of stress, permissible elision, stanzaic structure,
and more, formed the basis for further stylistic elaboration through paronomasia,
learned allusion, inverted parallelisms, opening and closure effects, and other
tropes. Even without adducing the notoriously long apprenticeship ascribed
to Irish poets, we may suspect that more than six years of evenings in the
hall under the conditions of Chaucers service in Lionels household would
have been needed to achieve such mastery. Had Chaucer been as familiar
with Irish culture as McTurk suggests, how could he have resisted the occasional lexical Hibernicism in his own work, or a set piece on the wild Irish,
or a Paddy-figure like Shakespeares ethnic captains in Henry V? And for
Harry Bailey to have condemned the rymyng of Sir Topas for its Irish
affinities (McTurk, 187) would have required him, as well as Chaucer, to
have spent many a night before the turf fire.
This major reservation does not diminish the pleasure of reading McTurks
account and does not invalidate his thoughtful discussion of the loathly
lady motif in Ch. 4, where one can scarcely deny some affiliation between
the various reflexes of the Irish goddess of territorial sovereignty (e.g. Queen
Medb of Connaught, the Old Woman of Beare) and the Wife of Bath
and puella senilis of her tale. The darker, as distinct from simply repulsive,
faces of the goddess are not explored. As concerns Acallam na Senrach
(now authoritatively translated by Dooley and Roe as Tales of the Elders
of Ireland, 1999) and Togail Bruidne Da Derga (The Destruction of Da
Dergas Hostel), even the presence of such comparanda as framed narrative,
ambulatory narration on an itinerary of (semi-)sacred sites (my terms),
and the literary anthology would be more prudently examined under
the authors rubrics of analogy and analogue than as direct influences on
Chaucer and Irish Poetry (Ch. 5) contains what to my knowledge is the
best current introduction to a difficult subject and contested history, one that
hardly offers a convenient point of access to any reader who does not have
oral and auditory proficiency in the Irish language. The historical and highly
technical discussion would bulk very large (pp. 15481) in McTurks book
even if we could accept the likelihood that, mutatis mutandis, it would have
Magnssonar slandi. Reykjavk 2005. xiv + 292 pp. ISBN 9979 819 71 5.
MARGRT EGGERTSDTTIR. Rit 63. Stofnun rna Magnssonar slandi. Reykjavk
2005. 474 pp. ISBN 9979 54 663 8.
Margrt Eggertsdttir has devoted much of her academic career to Hallgrmur
Ptursson (161474), a commanding figure in post-medieval Icelandic
literary life. Her fastidious editorial work has done much to reveal the multifaceted literary priorities and personality of this much-loved poet. She has
now placed scholars interested in post-medieval Icelandic literary culture still
further in her debt by the appearance of the third volume of the on-going
major critical edition of Hallgrmurs poetry (Ljmli 3), and also by producing a wide-ranging and stimulating monograph in which Hallgrmurs
works are discussed in their many intellectual and literary contexts (Barokkmeistarinn).
Ljmli 3 is the third volume of five that will form the first part, dedicated
to poetry, of the complete edition of Hallgrmur Pturssons works. The
project divides Hallgrmurs works into four main parts: poetry, groups of
psalms, rmur and prose works. The first volume appeared in 2000, the
second in 2002. As noted in my review of Ljmli 2, the poetic material in
each volume is grouped according to content, with the first volume devoted to
poems about the evanescence of life, and the second primarily to occasional
verse. Although Hallgrmur Ptursson is best known as a religious poet and
psalmist, his other spiritual poems are less familiar, and constitute the primary focus of the present (third) volume. Overall, the editors clearly wish to
draw attention to less familiar aspects of Hallgrmur Pturssons literary
production, and challenge the stereotypical notion of Hallgrmur as mainly a
psalmist and religious writer.
The present volume contains forty-three psalms and occasional verses (groups
of psalms, slmaflokkar, will be treated in Part II of the critical edition),
among which are psalms based on Biblical texts, psalms of penitence and
solace, including the celebrated one ( einum gui er allt mitt traust) that
Hallgrmur must have written during his last illness. Many of these psalms
are acrostics, a popular seventeenth-century poetic device. Among the spiritual poems traditionally attributed to Hallgrmur Ptursson, some are considered
spurious by Margrt Eggertsdttir and her editorial colleagues, Kristjn Eirksson
and Svanhildur skarsdttir, and therefore relegated to a separate volume,
along with all other poems of doubtful attribution.
The arrangement of material in the edition follows that of the previous
volumes: each text is prefaced by an introductionwhere perhaps some sort
of graphic device to identify titles more easily would have been a good
ideaexplaining the textual history and tradition of each item, where the
readers will enjoy following the intriguing conjectures offered in the attempt
to reconstruct the origins and affiliations of the manuscripts. The text of each
poem is then reproduced, accompanied by full critical apparatus. The volume
also includes an extensive bibliography and codicological description of all
the relevant manuscripts.
Along with this welcome third edited volume, Margrt Eggertsdttir has
also published Barokkmeistarinn, a reworking of her doctoral dissertation.
This monograph, with its handsome cover featuring an ornate title page from
AM 148 8vo, examines the literary art and intellectual background to the
works of Hallgrmur Ptursson, placing him securely within a broad European literary context, as well as within the context of what remains (for many
readers) an unfamiliar period in Icelandic literary history. The study begins
with a detailed evaluation of the concept of baroque literature in seventeenthcentury Europe (chapters 2 and 3), before focusing on post-Reformation
Iceland (chapters 47), and concluding with a detailed analysis of Hallgrmurs
poetry, in which his works are read for the first time in the light of current
understandings of baroque modes (chapters 818). After a concluding chapter, readers are provided with a summary in English, an extensive bibliography,
and appropriate indexes.
It is not long ago that the term baroque was applied primarily to art, and
thus the concept of baroque literature is a fairly new one. In her opening
chapters Margrt traces back the history of the term baroque, not least in
the context of its having often been used to describe literature considered
excessively elaborate and (even) tasteless. We have to wait until the end of
World War Oneor even as late as the second half of the last centuryfor
Two Icelandic Stories: Hreiars ttr, Orms ttr. Edited by A. Faulkes. Text
Series IV. 1967, repr. 1978. ISBN 978 0 903521 00 0. 2/4.
A History of Norway and the Passion and Miracles of the Blessed lfr. Translated by D. Kunin. Edited with introduction and notes by C. Phelpstead.Text
Series XIII. 2001. ISBN 978 0 903521 48 2. 5/10.
slendingabk, Kristni Saga. The Book of the Icelanders, The Story of the Conversion. Translated with introduction and notes by Sin Grnlie. Text Series
XVIII. ISBN 978 0 903521 71 0. 5/10.
Theodoricus Monachus: Historia de Antiquitate Regum Norwagiensium. An
Account of the Ancient History of the Norwegian Kings. Translated and annotated by D. and I. McDougall, with introduction by P. Foote. Text Series XI.
1998. ISBN 978 0 903521 40 6. 6/12.
Three Icelandic Outlaw Sagas. The Saga of Gisli, The Saga of Grettir, The Saga
of Hord. Translated by G. Johnston and A. Faulkes. Edited and Introduced by
A. Faulkes. 2004. ISBN 978 0 903521 66 6. 6/12.
The Works of Sven Aggesen, Twelfth-Century Danish Historian. Translated with
introduction and notes by E. Christiansen. Text Series IX. 1992. ISBN
978 0 903521 24 6. 6/12.
A New Introduction to Old Norse. Part I. Grammar. By M. Barnes. Second
edition. 2004. ISBN 978 0 903521 65 9. 6/12.
A New Introduction to Old Norse. Part II. Reader. Edited by A. Faulkes. Third
edition. 2005. ISBN 978 0 903521 62 8. 5/10.
A New Introduction to Old Norse. Part III. Glossary and Index of Names. Compiled by A. Faulkes. Third Edition. 2005. ISBN 0903521 63 5. 5/10.
rni Bjrnsson: Wagner and the Volsungs. Icelandic Sources of der Ring des
Nibelungen. 2003. ISBN 978 0 903521 55 0. 6/12.
Einar lafur Sveinsson: The Folk-Stories of Iceland. Revised by Einar G. Ptursson. Translated by Benedikt Benedikz. Edited by Anthony Faulkes. Text
Series XVI. 2003. ISBN 978 0 903521 53 6. 6/12.
R. T. Farrell: Beowulf, Swedes and Geats. 1972 [Saga-Book XVIII:3]. ISBN
978 0 903521 06 2. 10.
Introductory Essays on Egils saga and Njls saga. Edited by J. Hines and D. Slay.
1992. ISBN 978 0 903521 25 3. 1.50.
lafur Halldrsson: Danish Kings and the Jomsvikings in the Greatest Saga of
lfr Tryggvason. 2000. ISBN 978 0 903521 47 5. 2.50/5.
lafur Halldrsson: Text by Snorri Sturluson in lfs Saga Tryggvasonar en
mesta. 2001. ISBN 978 0 903521 49 9. 5/10.
R. Perkins: Thor the Wind-Raiser and the Eyrarland Image. Text Series XV.
2001. ISBN 978 0 903521 52 9. 6/12.
N. S. Price: The Vikings in Brittany. 1989. ISBN 978 0 903521 22 2 [Saga-Book
XXII:6]. 3.
A. S. C. Ross: The Terfinnas and Beormas of Ohthere. Leeds 1940, repr. with an
additional note by the author and an afterword by Michael Chesnutt. 1981.
ISBN 978 0 903521 14 7. 1/2.
Stefn Karlsson: The Icelandic Language. Translated by Rory McTurk. 2004.
ISBN 978 0 903521 61 1. 1/2.
D. Strmbck: The Conversion of Iceland. Text Series VI. 1975, repr. 1997.
ISBN 978 0 903521 07 9. 3/6.
Viking Revaluations. Viking Society Centenary Symposium 1415 May 1992.
Edited by A. Faulkes and R. Perkins. 1993. ISBN 978 0 903521 28 4. 3.50/7.
D. Whaley: Heimskringla. An Introduction. Text Series VIII. 1991. ISBN 978 0
903521 23 9. 5/10.
A. Faulkes: Poetical Inspiration in Old Norse and Old English Poetry. 1997.
ISBN 978 0 903521 32 1.
G. Fellows-Jensen: The Vikings and their Victims. The Verdict of the Names.
1995, repr. 1998. ISBN 978 0 903521 39 0.
P. Foote: 1117 in Iceland and England. 2003. 978 0 903521 59 8.
B. Malmer: King Canutes Coinage in the Northern Countries. 1974. ISBN 0
903521 03 1.
G. Nordal: Skaldic Versifying and Social Discrimination in Medieval Iceland.
2003. ISBN 978 0 903521 58 1.
Icelandic Journal. By Alice Selby. Edited by A. R. Taylor. 1974. ISBN 978 0
903521 04 8 [Saga-Book XIX:1]. 3.
Index to Old-Lore Miscellany. By J. A. B. Townsend. 1992. ISBN 978 0 903521
26 0. 1/2.
Proceedings of the Seventh Viking Congress, Dublin, 1973. Edited by B. Almqvist
and D. Greene. 1976. ISBN 978 0 903521 09 3. 4.
At fortlle historien telling history: studier i den gamle nordiske litteratur
studies in norse literature. By P. Meulengracht Srensen. Edizioni Parnaso,
2001. ISBN 978 0 88864 743 6. 18.50.
Biskupa sgur I. Kristni saga; Kristni ttir: orvalds ttr vfrla I, orvalds
ttr vfrla II, Stefnis ttr orgilssonar, Af angbrandi, Af iranda ok
dsunum, Kristnibo angbrands, rr ttir, Kristnitakan; Jns saga helga;