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Characterization of The Shape Stability For Nonlinear Elliptic Problems

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Characterization of the shape stability for nonlinear

elliptic problems
Departement de Mathematiques, UMR-CNRS 7122, Universite de Metz
Ile du Saulcy, 57045 Metz Cedex 01, France

We characterize all geometric perturbations of an open set, for which the solution
of a nonlinear elliptic PDE of p-Laplacian type with Dirichlet boundary condition is
stable in the L -norm. The necessary and sufficient conditions are jointly expressed
by a geometric property associated to the p -convergence.
If the dimension of the space N satisfies N 1 < p N and if the number of
the connected components of the complements of the moving domains are uniformly
bounded, a simple characterization of the uniform convergence can be derived in a
purely geometric frame, in terms of the Hausdorff complementary convergence. Several
examples are presented.


Let N 2, p (1, N ], 0, > 0 and D RN be a bounded open set. For some

f L p + (D) and for every open set D we consider the following equation set in the
sense of distribution set on

p u + |u|p2 = f in
u W01,p ()
This equation has a unique solution denoted u,f which, from the choice of f , also belongs
to L (). Extended by zero on D \ , this solution can be seen as an element of W01,p (D)
L (D). The question we are concerned within this paper is to characterize the convergence
of a sequence (n )n towards , such that
un ,f u,f

in L (D),


namely to identify all perturbations of an open set for which the solution of (1) is stable
into the L -norm.
The convergence of solutions into the energy space, i.e. un ,f u,f in Lp (D), is related
to the p -convergence of the geometric domains (see [4, 8] and Definition 2.2 in Section 2)

which can be characterized in terms of the local behavior in capacity of cn . We refer to the
pioneering paper of Dal Maso [8] for the main study and description of the p -convergence
via -convergence methods and to [4] for a discussion of the same topic using tools of
potential theory. In concrete situations, understanding whether a given sequence of domains
p -converges or not may be a complicated question. Nevertheless, different results obtained
in the past years give a quite large number of sufficient conditions for the p -convergence
(see for instance [5]).
The convergence of solutions in L (D) being stronger than the convergence in Lp (D),
the p -convergence appears to be a necessary condition for (2). As simple examples show,
and because W01,p (D) is not embedded into L (D), the p -convergence is not sufficient for
(2). Since L (D) is not the natural energy space, any approach based on the or Mosco
convergences fails to work. The missing step from the p to the L -convergence of solutions
concerns only a purely geometric behavior of the moving sets. This geometric property
(which turns out to be also a necessary condition) provides the key result for getting locally
uniform oscillations of the solutions near the moving boundaries.
Assuming that n and are regular in the sense of Wiener, the functions un ,f , u,f are
continuous on D. For p = 2 the question of studying the uniform convergence un ,f u,f
was raised by Arendt and Daners in [2], where they give a set of sufficient conditions on
the convergence of domains which ensure the uniform convergence of solutions. In the
particular case in which all n are contained in , those conditions are also sufficient.
Recent developments, still in the case p = 2, can be found in [3]. Here the authors make an
extensive study of the L -convergence of solutions and give a set of necessary and sufficient
conditions for the uniform convergence under the hypothesis that is stable in the sense of
Keldysh. Although Keldysh stability does not require smoothness, this hypothesis excludes
a quite large class of open sets, as for example domains with cracks.
In this paper we give a characterization of the geometric convergence of domains for
which the solutions convergence in L (D). The only assumption we made concerns the
limit set , which is required to be p-Wiener regular at every point of its boundary. This
is the minimal constraint under which uniform convergence can be expected for non-smooth
perturbations. Indeed, if this condition is dropped, then the sequence of increasing domains
(\B(x0 , n1 ))n would not give the L -convergence of the solutions (see [2] for the necessity of
the Wiener criterion to have uniform shape stability for increasing sequences). The necessary
and sufficient conditions given in this paper are jointly expressed by a local capacity behavior
of cn (which is related to the p -convergence) and a purely geometric condition. If n are
also regular in the sense of Wiener, the L (D)-convergence becomes uniform convergence.
From a practical point of view, two consequences can be noticed. If N 1 < p N
and if the number of the connected components of cn is uniformly bounded, then we can
give a simple characterization for the L -stability of the solutions if the domains converge
in the (compact) Hausdorff complementary topology. This is mainly possible relying on
aks result obtained in [6] for p-Laplacian type operators. As a
the generalization of Sver
second consequence, we characterize all sets which are L -stable for the so called compact
convergence, i.e. we discuss the Keldysh like stability into the L -norm of the solutions.
We recover into a non-linear frame the result of [3]. An open set is L -stable if and only if
it is stable in the sense of Keldysh and p-Wiener regular at every point of its boundary.

Notice that the cases N = 1, 1 < p < + and N 2, N < p < + are not of interest,
since the Sobolev space W01,p (D) is embedded in a Holder space C 0, (RN ). Consequently,
uniform convergence of solutions holds as soon as the geometric domains converge in the
Hausdorff complementary topology (which is compact). Together with the fact that every
point has positive p-capacity, this gives a complete characterization of the uniform shape
stability. This is the reason why, throughout the paper we consider only the case N 2 and
1 < p N.
For simplicity, we present our results for the p-Laplace operator, but most of the results
extend without any modifications of the proofs to more general elliptic equations of the
form div A(x, u ) + B(x, u ) = 0, with non-homogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions.
The operator A is similar to the p-Laplacian and B satisfies the usual Caratheodory and
monotonicity assumptions (see Section 5 and [20, 21]). In order to have solutions in W 1,p ()
L (), the most important assumption is a boundedness hypothesis on B by a function
belonging to the Morrey space MN/(p) (D) (see for instance [21, Chapter 3]).

Preliminary results

In what follows, we always denote an open set in RN and by c = RN \ its complement.

The Sobolev capacity of a set E RN is
||p + ||p dx | W 1,p (RN ), E { 1}o }.
capp (E) = inf{

For x RN , r > 0 and a set E such that E B(x, r), the condenser capacity of E in the
ball B(x, r) is:
capp (E, B(x, r)) = inf{
| |p dx | W01,p (B(x, r)), E { 1}o }.

A function u : R is said to be p-quasi continuous if for all > 0 there exists an open
set G with capp (G ) < such that the restriction u|\G is continuous on \ G . A
property is said to hold p-quasi everywhere (written p-q.e.) if it holds in the complement of
a set of zero p-capacity.
We refer the reader to [15, 21] for an extensive presentation of properties of capacities in
relation with Sobolev spaces. We only recall that every function u W01,p () has a p-quasi
continuous representative, which is unique up to a set of p-capacity zero. We also recall the
following characterization of the W01,p -spaces (see the paper of Hedberg [14] or [15]).
Lemma 2.1 Let RN be an open set. If u W 1,p (RN ) then u W01,p () if and only if
u = 0 p-q.e. on c .
Throughout the paper, W01,p () is seen as a subspace in W 1,p (RN ), the embedding mapping
being the extension by zero on c .
Let D be a bounded open set of RN .

Definition 2.2 It is said that a sequence (n )n of open subsets of D p -converges to an

open set if

0, f W 1,p (D) un ,f u,f stronlgy in W01,p (D).

Here p0 = p/(p 1).
We refer the reader to [5] for detailed presentation of the p convergence. We recall (see also
[4], [8]) the following characterization of the p -convergence in terms of the local behavior in
capacity of the moving domains.
Theorem 2.3 A sequence (n ) of open subsets of D p -converges to an open set if and
only if x RN , r > 0 the following two conditions hold
capp (c B x,r , Bx,2r ) lim sup capp (cn B x,r , Bx,2r ).


capp (c Bx,r , Bx,2r ) lim inf cap(cn Bx,r , Bx,2r ).


We recall from [4] that (3) and (4) are equivalent with the first and the second Mosco
conditions, respectively:
1. W01,p () n W01,p (n ) such that n strongly in W01,p (D);
2. nk W01,p (nk ) such that n weakly in W01,p (D) we have W01,p ().
It is worth to notice that the p -convergence is also equivalent to
un ,1 u,1 weakly in Lp (D)
for some 0, namely with the continuity of the solution with respect to the shape only
in the case f 1 and for a single value of . Moreover, the p -convergence can be seen via
the -convergence of the energy functionals associated to (1) or via the Mosco convergence
of the moving Sobolev spaces W01,p (n ). As a consequence of the characterization via the
Mosco convergence, if n p -converges to , then for more general equations of the form
div A(x, u ) + B(x, u ) = 0 one has un u strongly in W01,p (D). It is not clear
whether the converse is true since the right hand side f which is implicitly contained in B
may produce solutions which are not positive p-q.e. (see [11]).
Notice also that the p -convergence is metrizable but not compact. From the weak
compactness of the unit ball of W01,p (D) and from the compact embedding into Lp (D), one
can extract from every sequence (un ,1 )n a subsequence which converges strongly in Lp (D) to
some function u. In general, one can not find an open set such that u = u,1 . Nevertheless,
following [11], there exists a positive Borel measure absolutely continuous with respect to
the p-capacity such that for every f W 1,p (D)
Lp (D)

un ,f u,f ,
where u,f W01,p (D) Lp (D, ) and
p u,f + ( + )|u,f |p2 u,f = f

in the weak variational sense. So, u = u,1 . This phenomenon is called relaxation (see [11]).
For an open set U RN , x RN , 0 < r < R we use the following notation
cap(U c Bx,t , Bx,2t ) p0 1 dt
w(U, x, r, R) =
cap(Bx,t , Bx,2t )
If h : U R is a continuous function, we denote
osc(h, U ) = sup h(x) inf h(x).


We recall from [21, Theorem 4.22] (see also [15, Lemma 4.6.5]) the following estimate for
u,f , the solution of (1).

Lemma 2.4 Suppose that is a bounded open set and f L p + (D). If x0 , then
0 < r R it is true that

osc(u,f , B(x0 , r)) Cexp w(, x, r, R)
where C depends on N , p, and |u,f | .
Definition 2.5 A point x0 is called p-Wiener regular for if limr0 w(, x0 , r, R) =
We recall from [17] the following result.
Lemma 2.6 Let x0 . The following assertions are equivalent:
i) For f 1, limxx0 ,x u,1 (x) = 0.
ii) x0 is p-Wiener regular.
Definition 2.7 Let be open. A point x is a called p-capacity point if > 0
capp (c B(x, ), B(x, 2)) > 0.
The following result has an immediate proof.
Lemma 2.8 Let be a bounded open set and let
= {x : x is not a p-capacity point}.
Then is open and capp ( \ ) = 0.

The shape stability result

Let us set N 2 and 1 < p N . Let D be a smooth bounded open set and let n , be
open subsets of D. We assume that is p-Wiener regular at every point of its boundary.

Theorem 3.1 For every > 0, 0 and f L p + (D) we have un ,f u,f in L (D) if
and only if the following two relations hold.

1. K , NK , n NK we have K n .
2. x RN , r > 0
capp (B(x, r) c , B(x, 2r)) lim inf capp (B(x, r) cn , B(x, 2r)).

Proof Necessity. Assume that for every > 0, 0 and f L p + (D) we have un ,f
u,f in L (D). In particular, we consider f 1, = 0 and get un ,1 u,1 in L (D).
Since D is bounded, this convergence holds also in Lp (D). Consequently n p -converges to
, hence from [4] relation 2. holds.
Assume for contradiction that 1. does not hold. Then, there exists a compact set K ,
there exists nk such that K 6 nk . Let xk K \ nk and assume (maybe extracting
a subsequence) that xk x K. The point x being interior to , we can find r, > 0 such
that B(x, r) and
u,1 (x) > 0 a. e. on B(x, r).
By hypotheses, the L -convergence gives that for n large enough un ,1 /2 a.e. on
B(x, r). This inequality is also true p-q.e. for a quasi continuous representative. But
xk (nk )c and xk x. Thus, for k large enough we have xk B(x, r/2) (nk )c , and
since xk is a p-capacity point for nk , we get that
capp (B(xk , r/2) (nk )c ) > 0.
This contradicts relation (6) since on the set B(xk , r/2)(nk )c , which is of positive capacity,
unk ,1 vanishes p-q.e.
Sufficiency. Relations 1. and 2. give that n p -converges to . This is a direct consequence
of the local behavior in capacity of cn (see Theorem 2.3 and [4]). Indeed, relation 1. gives
the upper semicontinuity of the local capacity on closed balls, namely (3), and 2. gives the
lower semicontinuity on open balls, namely (4).
Consequently, for every f L p + (D) the convergence of solutions holds in W01,p (D). It
remains to prove that the convergence holds also in L (D). Two cases are to be treated. On
compact subsets of the uniform convergence holds as a consequence of the equi continuity
of (un ,f )n . The difficult part is to control the oscillations of un ,f near the boundaries n
and to prove that they behave somehow uniformly with respect to n.
Let > 0 be fixed. We have to prove the existence of N N such that n N , and
a.e. x D
|un ,f (x) u,f (x)| .
Let us fix R > 0 and take x . By hypothesis, x is a regular point, hence
lim w(, x, r, R) = +.


Thus, there exists r = rx > 0 such that

rx R 
w(, x, , ) ,
C exp
2 2



C exp w(, x, rx , R) .
Here, C is the constant given in relation (5) and c is the constant given by the following
lemma (for the proof, see [4]).
Lemma 3.2 There exists a positive constant c, depending only on N and p such that R >
r > 0 , x1 , x2 RN with |x1 x2 | r/2 we have
r R
w(, x1 , r, R) cw(, x2 , , ).
2 2


We cover with the balls B(x, rx /4) obtained using (7)-(8), and since is compact
there exists a finite covering
[  rx 

B xi , i .
K1 = \

B(xi ,


r xi
) = \ B(xi , i ).

Then K1 is compact and K1 . By hypothesis 1), we have for large enough that
K1 n .
Let us denote
K =\

B(xi ,


r xi

Then K K1 and
un ,f u,f uniformly on K.
This is a consequence of the uniform boundedness of all functions, their convergence in
W01,p (D) and of their equi-continuity ( Lemma 3.3 below). Indeed, the following equicontinuity result is a direct consequence of [21, Theorem 4.11].
Lemma 3.3 There exists > 0 and a constant C such that for every open set D,
f L p + (D) and for every ball B(x, R) and 0 < r < R we have
oscB(x,r) u,f Cr .
The constant C depends on N, p, R, and kf k

N +

It remains to prove the L -convergence on iI B(xi , 2xi ) and on D\(iI B(xi , rxi /2)),
On iI B(xi , 2xi ) we shall control the oscillations of un ,f with the help of the Wiener
modulus of .
Let us fix an index i I and let x B(xi , 2xi ). The modulus inequality gives
|un ,f (x) u,f (x)| |un ,f (x)| + |u,f (x)|.

We will estimate separately both |un ,f (x)| and |u,f (x)|. Since xi is a regular point, we
have from (8) and from Lemma 2.4 that for every x B(xi , rxi )

|u,f (x)| C exp w(, x, rx , R)
The constant C depends on |u,f | but can be chosen independently with respect to since
from the maximum principle all solutions u,f are uniformly bounded on D by |uD,|f | | .
If x c B(xi , rxi ), then p-q.e. u,f (x) = 0. Let us now estimate |un ,f (x)| on B(xi , rxi ).
From the p -convergence we get for n large enough
capp (B(xi , rxi ) cn , B(xi , 2rxi )) > 0.
There are two possibilities. Either B(xi , rxi /2) n = and in this case un ,f (x) = 0
p- q.e. on B(xi , rxi /2), or B(xi , rxi /2) n 6= . From [4] we recall the following technical
Lemma 3.4 Let be an open set such that B(x, ) 6= and capp (c B(x, ), B(x, 2)) >
0. Then capp ( B(x, ), B(x, 2)) > 0.
In the latter case, Lemma 3.4 applies and gives that
capp (n B(xi , rxi /2), B(x, rxi )) > 0.
We observe that hypotheses 1. and 2. imply the p -convergence via Theorem 2.3. From
the Fatou lemma and the equality
capp (c B(x, ), B(x, 2)) = capp (c B(x, ), B(x, 2))
which holds a.e. > 0 we get directly that (see [4, 5] for finer results) for every x RN and
0 < r < R
lim inf w(n , x, r, R) = w(, x, r, R).

By (11) we get that

rx R
r xi R
, ) = lim w(n , xi , i , ).
2 2
2 2
Consequently, there exists N N such that for every n N we have
w(, xi ,

w(n , xi ,

r xi R
rx R
, ) w(, xi , i , ).
2 2
2 2

Thus, using Lemma 3.2, for every y B(xi ,




we have that

rx R
w(n , y, rxi , R) w(, xi , i , ).
2 2


Since capp (n B(xi , rxi /2), B(x, rxi )) > 0, we can find a point yn n B(xi , rxi /2)
which is p-regular for n . We apply estimate (8) for n and get for every x B(yn , rxi ) n
|un ,f (x)| C exp( w(n , yn , rxi , R))
rx R
C exp( w(, xi , i , ))
2 2


Using (7) we get

|un ,f (x)| .
On the other hand, on B(yn , rxi ) n we have un ,f (x) = 0 p-quasi everywhere.

|un ,f (x)|
p-q.e. x B(yn , rxi ).
Since B(xi , rxi /2) B(yn , rxi ), we get that
|un ,f (x)| + |u,f (x)| p-q.e. x B(xi ,


r xi

It remains to prove that x D \ ( iI B(xi , rxi /2)) we have (for n large enough)
|un ,f (x) u,f (x)| .
Since D \ ( iI B(xi , rxi /2)) is compact, we will follow a similar argument as for the
neighborhood of . For every x D \ ( iI B(xi , rxi /2)) we fix rx as in (7)-(8). Such rx
exists since for r small enough
capp (c B(x, r), B(x, 2r)) = capp (B(x, r), B(x, 2r)).
We cover D \ ( iI B(xi , rxi /2)) by a finite family of balls
D \ ( iI B(xi , rxi /2)) jJ B(xj , rxj /4).
We fix an index j and get for every B(xj , rxj /4)
|un ,f (x) u,f (x)| = |un ,f (x)|.
In order to estimate |un ,f (x)| two possibilities may occur. Either B(xj , rxj /4) n = or
not. In the first case, obviously un ,f (x) = 0. In the second case, by Lemma 3.4 we get
capp (n B(xj , rj /2), B(xj , rj )) > 0,
and a similar argument as for the neighborhood of in (12)-(16) holds true. Finally,
|un ,f (x)| p-q.e. x B(xj , rxj /4).
Remark 3.5 Assume that for some 0 and f 1 we have un ,1 u,1 in L (D). The
proof of Theorem 3.1 yields that for every 0, > 0 and for every f L p + (D) we have
un ,f u,f in L (D).
This kind of behavior is typical for the p -convergence. We refer the reader to [3] for
further developments of this topic into the linear case.
Let us set the following notation.

Notation 3.6 Let n , be open subsets of D. If assertions 1. and 2. of Theorem 3.1 hold,
we denote
n .
We formulate the following corollary which is a clear consequence of Theorem 3.1.

Corollary 3.7 Let n , be open subsets of D. Then n if and only if the following
relations hold.
1. K , NK , n NK we have K n .
2. n p -converges to .
Proof For the necessity we use Theorem 3.1 and get the first assertion. In order to get
the p -convergence, we notice that the first assertion gives (3) which associated to (4) and
Theorem 2.3 gives the p -convergence.
For the sufficiency, we apply Theorems 3.1 and 2.3.
For searching the minimal intuitive conditions which provide shape stability into the L norm, one may use the following.

Corollary 3.8 Let n , be open subsets of D. Then n if and only if the following
relations hold.
1. K , NK , n NK we have K n .
2. nk W01,p (nk ) such that nk converges weakly in W01,p (D) to , we have
W01,p ().
Proof The proof is a consequence of Theorem 3.1 and of the equivalence between the
second Mosco condition (condition 2. above) and the lower semicontinuity of the local
capacity (condition 2. in Theorem 3.1). We refer the reader to [4] for the proof of this
For applications in concrete situations, the conditions expressed in this corollary are the
most intuitive. Indeed, the first condition is purely geometric and can be easily verified in
practical situations. Using Hedbergs result (Lemma 3.3) on the description of W01,p -spaces
via quasi-continuous representatives (see [14]), the second condition can be easily checked as
soon as has some smoothness.
Remark 3.9 We notice that the L -convergence of solutions can not hold if relaxation for
the p -convergence occurs. Indeed, let f 1 and fix 0. Then u > 0 p-q.e. on the
regular set A of the measure . Assuming that relaxation occurs means that (A ) > 0.
Consider > 0 and the p-quasi open set U = {u > } which is also of positive Lebesgue
measure (for enough small). For n large enough we would have

|un ,1 u | a.e. on A ,

hence p-q.e. since A is p-quasi open. Then capp (U cn ) = 0 and consequently from the
p convergence (U0 ) = 0 for 0 > . Finally, taking 0 we would get (A ) = 0, which
is a contradiction with our relaxation assumption (see [9]).
Remark 3.10 If would not be p-Wiener regular at every point of its boundary, following
Lemma 2.6, at such a point and for f = 1, the solution of (1) on would be discontinuous.
Therefore, if n , then un ,1 should be discontinuous either. This means that every
p-irregular point of should be, for n large enough an irregularity point for n . As a
consequence, the sequence \ B(x0 , 1/n) does not p -converge to !
Nevertheless, the shape stability in L (D) could steel hold if is not p-Wiener regular
at every point of its boundary, but the perturbation is highly restrictive and the expression
of the stability conditions is certainly more complicated.

Examples of p-convergence of domains

The main interest in applications is to understand for a specific perturbation whether or not
the solution of (1) is stable in the L -norm. Although the second condition in Theorem
3.1 seems difficult to understand in practice, following Corollaries 3.7 and 3.8 this condition
can be replaced with the p -convergence which is well studied in the literature or with the
second Mosco condition which sometimes can be proved easily. Besides the case of uniformly
smooth domains (e.g. domains satisfying a uniform cone condition), the p -convergence can
be obtained into the following frame: geometric convergence of the domains in the Hausdorff
complementary topology associated to some geometrical, topological or capacity assumptions
on the moving domains. We also notice another particular case of p -convergence which is
more restrictive, namely the compact convergence of domains associated to a limit domain
which is stable in the sense of Keldysh (see [4]).
The Hausdorff complementary topology is given by the metric:
dH c (1 , 2 ) = sup |d(x, c1 ) d(x, c2 )|.


Note that if n , then condition 1. of Theorem 3.1 is automatically satisfied. Then

n , provided that is p-Wiener regular at every point of its boundary and that
n .
The most general situation in which the p -convergence is known to be equivalent to the
Hausdorff complementary convergence involves a sort of locally uniform Wiener criterion
(see [6] and paper [13] for a first result into this direction).
This is for example the case in RN as soon as there exists c, r > 0 such that for every
n N the sets n satisfy the following uniform capacity density condition [7, 5]:
x n t (0, r)

capp (cn Bx,t , Bx,2t )

capp (Bx,t , Bx,2t )


A geometric situation when the uniform capacity density condition is satisfied, is the so
called flat cone condition, i.e. there is a closed cone T of dimension N 1 such that for every

point x0 on the boundary of every n there exists a cone congruent with T with vertex in
x0 , lying in the complement of n .
aks result
In N dimensions of the space and for p ]N 1, N ], the generalization of Sver
proved in [6] gives that the p -convergence is equivalent to the H -convergence in the class of
domains for which the complementary sets have at most a fixed number, say l, of connected
components. We denote by ]c the number of the connected components of RN \ .
Proposition 4.1 Let p ]N 1, N ] and l N be fixed, and let n D be such that ]cn l.
Assume n = n and n . Then n if and only if = .
The assumption n = n is not restrictive at all since this means that n should not have
isolated points (so just remove the isolated points of n ; there are at most l, hence of zero
p-capacity). Moreover, the assumption n is not restrictive either since the H c metric
topology is compact. In fact, an equivalent formulation of this proposition is the following:
let p ]N 1, N ] and l N be fixed, and let n D be such that ]cn l. Assume n .
Then n if and only if n .

Proof (of Proposition 4.1) Let n . If = , then is p-Wiener regular at every

point of its boundary, since it does not have isolated points, and every point of the boundary
which is not isolated belongs to a continua of positive diameter. Consequently, is p-Wiener
regular at every point of the boundary and therefore Theorem 3.1 gives n . Indeed,
condition 1. is a consequence of the H c -convergence and condition 2. is proved in [6].
For the converse, assume that n . Then obviously n since capp ( \ ) =
0, and is p-Wiener regular at every point of its boundary. Suppose for contradiction that
6= , i.e. c has an isolated point x0 . This means that there exists a sequence of continua
of positive diameter Kn which are connected components of cn such that Kn converges in
the Hausdorff sense to {x0 }. Consequently condition 1. of Theorem 3.1 is violated for the
sequence (n )n associated to the limit set by simply taking K = B(x0 , ), with small
Remark 4.2 Given > 0, in N dimensions of the space and for p ]N 1, N ] one can
consider the following class of domains:
{ D : c = K , K connected diam K },
which satisfy a uniform capacity density condition. Then

n = n .
All examples below (Figures 1, 2 and 3) give p -convergence in 2D for 1 < p 2.
Remark 4.3 Let p = 2 in (1). A more precise estimate can be derived into the class defined
by relation (17). For a given > 0, here exists (0, 1] and C > 0 such that for every
f L 2 + (D) and every 1 , 2 D we have
|u1 ,f u2 ,f |L (D) C(dH c (1 , 2 )) |f |L N2 + (D) .


Figure 1: The thickness of the tube converges to zero.

Figure 2: Oscillating crack with vanishing amplitude .

Indeed, in order to compute |u1 ,f u2 ,f |L (D) one has only to look for
M = max{ sup |u1 ,f (x)|, sup |u2 ,f (x)|},
x1 \2

x2 \1

|u1 ,f |1 2 u2 ,f |1 2 |L (1 2 ) 2M.
Since 1 , 2 satisfy (17), the solutions u1 ,f and u1 ,f satisfy
|ui ,f |0, C|f |L N2 + (D),
with C and independent on and f . Consequently, relation (18) follows. This result of
estimating the continuity modulus of the mapping shape solution is to be related to
[22]. Savar`e and Schimperna obtained in [22] estimates of the H 1 and L2 norms with respect
to the Hausdorff distance for equi-Lipschitz domains.


Further remarks
Localization of the p -convergence

Proposition 5.1 Let be p-Wiener regular at every point of its boundary and n open
subsets of D. The following assertions are equivalent.
i) n ,
ii) (Ui )iI a family of open sets, with union covering D, such that every Ui is p-Wiener
regular and
i I n Ui Ui .
Proof Implication i) ii) is a consequence of the localization property of the p -convergence
(see [11, Corollary 6.13]).

Figure 3: Infinite number of cracks of minorated diameter (two neighboring cracks are spaced
by ).

To prove ii) i) notice first that if and Ui are p-Wiener regular at every point of
their boundary, then Ui is Wiener regular at every point of the boundary. From the
localization property of the p -convergence (see [11]) it is enough to prove property 1. of
Corollary 3.7. Let us consider the compact K . Then there exists a finite covering of
K by U1 ... Uq . We denote Kj = K \ (U1 ... Uj1 Uj+1 ... Uq ). Then for j = 1, .., q
the sets Kj are compact, and their union is K. Using hypothesis ii), for n Nj with Nj
large enough we have
Kj (n Uj ) .
Since (n Uj ) n taking the union in j we get condition 1. of Corollary 3.7.


Convergence of eigenfunctions

We begin with the following preliminary result concerning moving right hand sides.

Lemma 5.2 Let fn L p + (D) and let fn * f weakly in L p + (D). If is Wiener regular
at every point of its boundary and if n then
L (D)

un ,fn u,f .
Proof From the p -convergence we get that un ,fn u,f strongly in W01,p (D). In order to
prove that the convergence holds in L (D), one reproduces the sufficiency part of Theorem
To get the uniform convergence on a compact set of one uses the equicontinuity given
by Lemma 3.3 and the uniform boundedness in L (D) of (un ,fn )n .
For the oscillations of un ,fn on n , the same argument as in Theorem 3.1 stands true,
the main point being that the constant C in (5) is the same for every un ,fn . Indeed, following
[21] the estimate of the L -norm of un ,fn (which is crucial for the constant C) depends on
the norm of fn in L p + (D) (which is uniformly bounded with respect to n).

In the sequel, we denote by R : L 2 + (D) L (D) the resolvent operator associated

to problem (1), for p = 2.
Proposition 5.3 Let p = 2. Suppose that is Wiener regular at every point of its boundary
and that n
. Then Rn R in L(L 2 + (D), L (D)).

Proof This is a consequence of Lemma 5.2 and of the fact that the unit ball is weakly
compact in L 2 + (D).
Let us denote for every open set by k () the k-th eigenvalue (the multiplicities are
counted) of the Dirichlet Laplacian on and by u,k a corresponding eigenfunction which is
L2 -normalized. It is well known that the 2 -convergence gives the convergence of the spectrum as a consequence of the convergence Rn R in L(L2 (D), L2 (D)) (see for instance
[5]). Moreover, every sequence of eigenfunctions corresponding to the k-th eigenvalue on n
which weakly converges in H01 (D) has as limit a k-th eigenfunction on .

Corollary 5.4 Suppose that n
and 6= . For every k N we have (up to a

L (D)

subsequence) that un ,k u,k , where u,k is an L2 -normalized eigenfunction associated

to the k-th eigenvalue of the Dirichlet-Laplacian on n
Proof First, from the 2 -convergence we have that
un ,k u,k strongly in H01 (D).
From [12, Example 2.1.8] we have the following estimates for the L -norm of the eigenfunctions
|un ,k |L (A) 3(8k (n )) 4 .
Consequently, if || =
6 0 then lim supn k (n ) < + hence one can find a uniform bound

for the L -norm of all un ,k . Thus, un ,k u,k strongly in L p +1 and the proof is
concluded by using Lemma 5.2.
Remark 5.5 Into the nonlinear case (for the p-Laplacian with p 6= 2), the right characterization of all eigenvalues is not completely understood. We refer to [19] for a detailed description
of the topic. Nevertheless, using the Rayleigh characterization for the first eigenvalue, one
can easily establish the L -convergence of a sequence of normalized first eigenfunctions provided that the geometric domains p -converge. Already for the second eigenfunctions this
is not anymore clear.


Extensions to more general elliptic problems

Let us consider two nonlinear operators u 7 div A(x, u), u 7 B(x, u) defined on W01,p (D)
with values on W 1,p (D). Under suitable assumption on A and B, e.g. div A be similar to
the p-Laplacian and B be Caratheodory, nondecreasing in the second variable and satisfying
|B(x, )| ||p1 + r,

where > 0 and r L p + (D) (or more general r belongs to the Morrey space MN/(p) (D),
see [21, Chapter 3] and [20]), one can extend some of the results of Theorem 3.1.
Let g C(D) W01,p (D). For every D we consider the problem

div A(x, u ) + B(x, u ) = 0 in
u g W01,p ()

Existence and uniqueness of the solution follows using the standard approach via the HartmanStampacchia theorem. Let be p-Wiener regular at every point of its boundary. One could
prove one implication of Theorem 3.1, namely that n implies un u in L (D)
(the extension on cn is g). The p -convergence gives straight forwardly that un u in
W01,p (D). For the uniform convergence, the proof follows the same lines as Theorem 3.1.
The converse is not so obvious since the answer clearly depends on B. An involved study
of the dependence of the solution u on B is necessary, in order to search the regions where
the solution vanishes. Without any specific hypothesis on B, the solution may vanish on
sets of positive measure and on this region the geometry of the moving domains can not be
anymore controlled.


Keldysh like stability

In [16], Keldysh introduced into the linear frame the following stability concept (the extension
is natural to the nonlinear one): is called p-stable if every sequence (n )n which compactly
converges to do p -converge to . It is said that (n )n compactly converges to if
K int(c ) N = NK , n N = K n int(cn ).
Various characterizations of the stability were given in the literature; we refer the reader to
[14] and, for an approach via p -convergence, to [4].
Into the linear frame, the stability question into the L -norm was raised in [3]. A
domain is called L -stable if every sequence of open sets which compactly converges to
do p -converge. A direct consequence of Theorem 3.1 is the following.
Proposition 5.6 Let be p-Wiener regular at each point of its boundary. Then is pstable if and only if is L -stable.
Proof If n compactly converges to then condition 1. of Corollary 3.7 is satisfied.
Consequently, p -stability is equivalent to p -stability.
Notice that domains with cracks may be p-Wiener regular at every point of the boundary,
but they are not stable in the sense of Keldysh. This means that sequences of open set
converging into the compact convergence are not necessarily p -converging. Nevertheless,
p -convergence for such a situation can be achieved for other type of geometric convergences
(e.g. those verifying the assumptions of Proposition 4.1, or more general Theorem 3.1).

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