Oral Malignant Melanoma
Oral Malignant Melanoma
Oral Malignant Melanoma
Mucoepidermoid Carcinoma
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may present with pain and/or nerve paralysis, for this neoplasm has a propensity to invade
peripheral nerves. Tumors of the lacrimal gland may present as proptosis and changes in
vision. ACC arising in the tracheobronchial tree may present with respiratory symptoms,
while tumors arising in the larynx may lead to changes in speech.
Clinical Course
Due to its slow growth, ACC has a relatively indolent but relentless course. Unlike most
carcinomas, most patients with ACC survive for 5 years, only to have tumors recur and
progress. In a recent study of a cohort of 160 ACC patients, disease specific survival was
89% at 5 years but only 40% at 15 years. Another unusual feature of ACC is that, unlike most
carcinomas, it seldom metastasizes to regional lymph nodes. Distant metastasis is the most
common presentation of treatment failure. The lung is by far the most common site of
metastasis, with the liver being the second most common site. Bone metastases usually
indicate a fulminant clinical course. Poor prognostic signs at the time of initial surgery are a
solid growth pattern, perineural invasion of major nerves and/or positive margins after
histopathologic examination.
A wide age range has been reported for adenoid cystic carcinoma, including cases in the
pediatric age group. Most individuals are diagnosed with the disease in the fourth through
sixth decades of life. There is a slight female preponderance (female to male ratio
approximately 3 to 2). No strong genetic or environmental risk factors have been identified.
Damage to the DNA genome occurs in the development of ACC, as it does in all cancers
studied to date. Various studies have shown chromosomal abnormalities and genetic deletions
occurring in samples of ACC. There is some evidence that the p53 tumor suppressor gene is
inactivated in advanced and aggressive forms of this neoplasm. Otherwise the specific
molecular abnormalities that underlie this disease process are unknown.
The diagnosis is made by histologic analysis of a biopsy or resection specimen of a tumor
mass. There are three major variant histologic growth patterns of ACC: cribriform, tubular
and solid. The solid pattern is associated with a more aggressive disease course. There are no
serum markers for this neoplasm. Recurrences are usually identified by radiographic imaging
techniques, such as computed tomography.
Standard Therapy: Surgical resection, whenever possible, is the mainstay therapy. Based on
clinical experience, many centers advocate postoperative radiotherapy to help limit local
failure. A few specialized centers offer neutron beam therapy which may be more effective
than conventional radiation therapy. There appears to be no effective chemotherapy for
metastatic and/or unresectable ACC, although some patients may receive palliation.
Investigational Therapy: Several clinical trials are examining the effects of relatively new
chemotherapeutic drugs (paclitaxel, gemcitabine, etc.) alone, or in combination with other
drugs, in the control of metastatic or locally recurrent ACC.
Ellis, G., and Auclair, P. (1996). Tumors of the salivary glands, Fascicle 17, Third edn
(Washington, D.C., Armed Forces Institute of Pathology).
Fordice, J., Kershaw, C., el-Naggar, A., and Goepfert, H. (1999). Adenoid cystic carcinoma of
the head and neck. Predictors of morbidity and mortality., Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg
125, 149-152.
Spiers, A., Esseltine, D., Ruckdeschel, J., Davies, J., and Horton, J. (1996). Metastatic
adenoid cystic carcinoma of salivary glands: Case reports and review of the literature, Cancer
Control 3, 336-342.