Publicistic Headline
Publicistic Headline
Publicistic Headline
Introduction .............3
1.1 Defining the Publicistic Hedline....7
1.2 Clssifiction nd Structure of the publicistic hedline....11
1.3 Linguistic peculirities of publicistic hedlines....15
1.4 Applicbility of publicistic hedlines....17
1.5 Prgmtic Aspect of Publicistic hedlines.............................19
1.6 Approches of trnsltion used in Newspper Style.21
1.7 The wys of trnsltion the publicistic hedlines..24
1.8 Difficulties in trnsltion of the publicistic hedlines...29
2.1 Characteristics of Musical Press33
2.2 Defining the directions in Music...36
2.3 Difficulties in Translation of Musical Press..40
2.4 Experimental Part..50
References ...60
Due to the rapid growth of business contacts of people and communicating with the
computer network, media, television in various fields (show-business, education,
science, economics, and tourism); we have really become residents of one planet. And
our country is not an exception in this regard. Kazakhstan became the object of
international relations in all spheres of human activity. The yield of Kazakhstan to the
international arena as an independent state called the need for rapid exchange of the
media between individuals, various government agencies and private firms.
Development of international relations is increasing need for proper and quick
perception of what is happening in the world.
As a result, the so-called "information explosion", i.e. avalanche growth of
information has increased the role of some applied problems of linguistics and
translation. The problem of translation of information and, in particular, its use in
compression and succinct it as possible becomes important. Recently, in the linguistic
literature were regularly discussed the problem of compressed forms of speech,
including the headlines.
In the overall integration, bringing people from different countries, the increasing
number of intercultural contacts increases the need for citizens and organizations in a
qualified transfer, both orally and in written language. It is no exception and the
periodical press: Foreign newspapers and magazines are enjoying increasing
popularity in our country.
The first thing the reader encounters when meeting with any product, including a
newspaper article - is the headline. That is why the authors of the articles are trying to
choose a form that would best match the pragmatic objectives of the headlines.
Translation of headline can be considered as a separate translation problem, the
solution of which depends largely on the fate of the translated text in a foreign
culture. When translating newspaper articles, and even more of their headlines is
not enough to convey the contents of the article and the meaning of her name, but you
need to transfer headline so as to preserve its central function, i.e. the ability to draw
attention to the issues raised in the text, interesting, sometimes intriguing reader.
The first chapter examines the state of the problem in theory. Range of scientific
works on the problem of translating headlines, is quite wide. The first attempts to
characterize the specific properties of the headline have been carried out in 20s and
30s, Z.D. Bliskovskiy in his book "Sorrow of Headline: "As the ovary in the growth
process unfolds slowly, leaf by leaf, it is revealed in the book: the book is detailed to
the end of the headline, the headline is - tightly laced to a volume of two or three
words of the book" [1, c. 24]. Researchers note the importance of
the headline to attract readers' attention and increase the information in content of the
material. Determination of headline showed in the dictionary of V.I. Dalia: headline is "off page of the first piece of book or essay, which signifies the name of it... Also
the headline is the name of department or a chapter of the book" [2, c. 23]. In S.I.
Ozhegovas dictionary: "The headline is the same as the heading, is name of any work
(literary, musical or separate parts) [3, c. 54]. Serious attention to the
translation of the headlines arose at the turn of 50s and 60s of XX century.
According to V.G. Kostomarov, "structurally the headline is becoming more complex
and diversified, which makes it possible to adopt it as a characteristic of our time,
appealing to the laws and possibilities of poetry" [4, c. 18]. V.A. Kukharenko notes
that the headline fits the "main, and often the only formulation of the concept of
copyright" [5, c. 96].
Headline is an independent linguistic unit. Scientists are questioning its syntactic
status. According to N.Y. Shvedova, the headline refers to a particular structure, and it
is not equal to the sentence. "Headlines, names, signatures on the signs ... are not the
nominative sentences. These words or phrases are, performing the function of the
proper name with no value of life, existence, called the object" [6, c. 50]. O.S.
Tolomasova notes that "the basis of the structural elements is explicitly expressed in
the sentence, the headlines can be divided into segmented and not segmented at the
syntactic level, respectively, the types of sentences [7, c. 54]. E.M. Galkin-Fedorchuk
includes given structures to the nominative sentences: "all headlines of books, like in
nominative pattern and verb are written to inform people about the content of the
book. Consequently, it is a unit of communication, so there is no reason in not
assuming a nominal headline in favor of sentence" [8, c. 25]. According to V.M.
Ronginskiy: "The headline - is not just a word or phrase, which is sometimes assumed
like that, first of all, it is the sentence, the unit of communication, but the sentence
with the special function of naming the product" [9, c. 54].
The music press is defined as a press availing a high reputation, appropriate culture
and outlook of the audience of a certain level, namely, mainly designed for artists,
interested in music, culture and tradition.
In the second chapter describes the functional variability of interpretation and their
structural features.
Question about functions is traditionally debated issue in the study of problems of
headline translation. On the basis of the theoretical studies on the subject, some
researchers of Russian science, namely, V.S. Muzheva [10, c. 86], L.D. Petrova [11,
78], S.P. Suvorov [12, c. 79], E.A. Lazareva [13, c. 69], focused on
summarizing the roles of the headlines, paying attention on the development of
modern newspaper language, appropriately classified as generic functions:
nomination, informative, pragmatic, predictive, integrative, as well
as optional features: compositional and informative-educational.
readability of the paper. Because it is very cognitive, broadens the mind, the
exchange of experiences as for young people and for musicians.
The object of the research is musical headlines and the methods of their
The material of this research extracted fom internet, specialized musical
magazines and newspaper articles.
Glperin finds the hedline dependent form of newspper writing. Its min function
is to inform the reder briefly bout the text which follows it.
We hve worked much to complete our gol. The criticl nlysis of the scientific
literture hs been fulfilled by us.
Along with all spheres of human life, the new time to make adjustments and the
professional work of translation: new technologies and working methods are made,
new approaches evolving translation rate. As these trends have a direct impact on the
translation as a process and largely determine the translation as a result, they also need
a theoretical understanding, including in relation to the translation of the
While writing this pper we hve ddressed to such sources s mnuls,
monogrphs, dictionries nd, of course publicistic works. In our reserch we hve
used explntion nd nlysis s scientific theoreticl methods. s for the structure of
the work, it flls into three chpters.
The first chpter dels with the theory concerning publicistic style. It is divided into
feight prts: 1) Defining the Publicistic Hedline; 2) Clssifiction nd structure of the
publicistic hedlines; 3) Linguistic peculirities of publicistic hedlines; 4)
Applicbility of publicistic hedlines; 5) Prgmtic Aspect of Publicistic Hedline; 6)
Approches of trnsltion used in Newspper Style; 7) The wys of trnsltion the
publicistic hedlines; 8) Difficulties in trnsltion of the publicistic hedlines
In this chpter we defined the Hedline nd their clssifiction nd structure. lso we
showed the publicistic hedlines under prgmtic spect. We wrote bout
linguistic peculirities nd their pplicbility of publicistic hedlines.
The second chpter: defines chosen fields in music, describes magazines and
newspapers used as source material nd difficulties of music headline trnsltion from
English into Russin.
It is ll theoreticl nd prcticl prts of our reserch pper bout wht we will write.
Structure of this research paper consists two chapters; introduction; conclusion
and references.
1.1 Defining the Publicistic Hedline
Generally Headline can be defined as the denomination of literture, scientific or
musicl produce. Mny dictionries define Hedline s short summry of the most
importnt items of news red t the beginning of news progrmme on the rdio or
television. Hedline is one of the bsic newspper fetures. The hedline is the title
given to news item or newspper rticle [14, c. 42].
To mke hedlines (grb; hit) mens to be n importnt item of news in
newsppers or on rdio or television. To hedline (usully pssive) mens to give
story or rticle prticulr hedline:
Mn wlks on Moon
Wr breks out in Europe
Pop Kings Death
Hedlines very often contin emotionlly colored words nd phrses. To produce
strong emotionl effect, broken-up set expressions nd deformed specil terms re
commonly used. The Hedline of news items prt from giving informtion bout the
subject-mtter, lso crry considerble mount of pprisl. Hedlines re usully
written in bold nd in much lrger size thn the rticle text. Front pge hedlines re
often in upper cse so tht they cn be esy red by the potentil customer. Hedlines
in other prts of the pper re more commonly in sentence cse though title cse is
often used in the USE [15, c. 89].
The chrcteristics fetures of Hedlines re the most condensed piece of
informtion on minimum of spce. Glperin mentions typicl stylistic ptterns of
. Full declrtive sentences.
e.g. Mototown Founder Wants to Make Broadway Musical about His Life
(Rolling Stone)
Interrogtive sentences.
g. ?Was Trina snubbed by the 2011 BET Awards? (Billboard)
Nomintive sentences.
e.g. Hot Tours: Lady Gaga, George Strait, Ozzy Osbourne (Billboard).
Ellipticl sentences.
e.g. Miranda Lambert Weds Blake Shelton (Rolling Stone).
Sentences with rticles omitted.
g. ?Head and Heart Bliss Out on Harmony-Soaked Debut . (Rolling Stone).
Phrses with verbl- infinitive nd gerundil.
e.g. Radiohead leave US fans waiting for the universal sigh. (The Guardian).
Questions in the form of sttements.
e.g. Lawsuit reveals plans for Rolling Stones world tour? (The Guardian).
Hedlines including direct speech.
e. g. ?Lady Gaga: My tour is religious experience. (The Guardian). Hedline
conventions include normlly using present tense nd omitting nd the s well s
forms of the verb to be in certin context [16, c. 89].
- The Present Simple is lso used to describe ctions s instnt, hppening in
moment. For ctions over period, we use the continuous.
e.g. Rihanna Fans Upset, She Is Following Chris Brown On Twitter. Most newspper
fetures very lrge Hedline on their front pge, drmticlly describing the biggest
news of the dy. Hedline is the most bsic text orgnizing tool used to invite the
reder to become involved with the publiction. Limit hedlines to no more thn three
lines. hedline is text t the top of newspper rticle, indicting the nture of the
rticle below it. hedline which is clled bnner hedline. The Hedline (the title
given to news item or n rticle) is dependent form of newspper writing. It is in
prt of lrge whole. The specific functionl nd linguistic fetures of the hedline
provide sufficient ground for isolting nd nlyzing it s specific genre of
journlism [17, c. 114].
For the practical work of an interpreter, most significant, are the following
features of British press:
Colloquially-familiar nature of some materials.
"Prettification"-style use of jargon, paraphrase, etc.
Officiality of titles and addresses.
The special character of the headlines.
A special way to select paragraphs.
Lexical features of newspaper and informational materials.
Use of terms.
For British and American news stories characterized by the use of
converstaional turns in the most serious of the text. All these conversational forms
have long been familiar to the English reader, which are not striking and did not
impress any special liberties or mischief. If you keep them in translation, then the
Russian reader, will produce a much stronger impression because of their
singularity. Thereby compromised when translating stylistic coloring of the original,
as normal for the English reader the text will be sent an unusual Russian text, which
will be perceived by Russian readers, as something frivolous and inappropriate
Therefore, here the most correct will be the rejection of the transfer of such genre
features in the name of the appropriate character transfer of the genre as a whole: if in
English it is material information and descriptive genre, then the translation should
have all the characteristics that the genre has in the Russian language.
Extensive use of newspaper-style information and names makes the message-specific
attributes and pass information to certain persons, institutions or areas. This involves
significant initial (background) knowledge of the receptor, allowing it to associate
with the name of the called object. So, the British receptor outside the context of a
well-known that Park Lane is a street, Piccadilly Circus is the area, and Columbia
Pictures is a Film Company.
2. The second feature of this genre is the tendency of British and American authors
glossed dry message using some slang, paraphrases and so-called words. Based
on the same stylistic features of conservation of the genre in the Russian
language, the "inclusion" is usually the translation is not transmitted: In another
"Paul McCartney to marry girlfriend Nancy Shevell" Note, Former Beatle,
68. to wed New Yorker Shevell, 51, but no details yet of when and how he
proposed. (The Guardian, London, 6 May, 2011)
The Former member of Beatles Paul McCartney aged 68 is going to marry his
girlfriend Nancy Shevell aged 51 from New York. But still there arent any details
about wedding.
3. Along with the familiar colloquial coloration of many materials of this genre, we
can note some of the opposite trend. In informational-descriptive material of British
and American newspapers, have decided to always specify the title of a political
figure, even when it is subjected to the most unsparing criticism. If surname of a
political figure is used without mentioning the title or position, in front of her or him is
always placed decline Mr (Mister) and Mrs. (Mistress). Thus, the Konrad Adenauer it's always Chancellor Adenauer or Doctor Adenauer, Macmillan - Mr.Macmillan,
de Gaulle - General de Gaulle, Elton John - Sir Elton John. The newspaper can call
Chiang Kai-shek, leader of a gang of bandits and at the same time may preface his
name the title of generalissimo or word mister. Even the sad memory of Hitler's
henchman Goebbels in British and American press called (including communistic
newspapers), Dr. Goebbels.
All these titles in English are purely formal significance, and do not reflect the special
respect the author referred to the residents. Therefore, when translating these titles
they are usually omitted. The exceptions are very formal texts in which Mr. and Mrs.
are translated as and , not and .
Latest versions are used only when translating literature to preserve national
We now consider the fourth peculiarity of informational-descriptive materials.
Since headlines are special difficulty for the translator, we will return to them in more
4. Characterized by a concentric flow of information that facilitates the reader to
choose a newspaper that he is interested. Title gives the general orientation.
According to S.P. Suvorov, the headline in The Guardian was an average
of five words and are often the first place contained a word that tells what is meant.
This word is given quite independently.
For example, Whimper no more: Peru national anthem bound for glory. Subtitle, if he
is given, expands information in smaller font, but still printing is always visible:
1821 original may get rewrite to banish downbeat sentiments as country flexes
growing economic muscles. The first few lines of the text (sometimes typed in bold)
contain a statement of fact communication. Then follows the details, which are partly
recruited in small type. Thus, the reader can get a general idea about the main events
of the day for title and subtitle and read fully just what his special interest [18, p. 122].
Headlines and overheadline: the spectrum of possibilities and options.
Marking theme bars and turns.
Over-headline, procrastination. Introduction of an additional meaning. Copyright
reservations and caveats. Associated over-headline and epigraph. Sources quoting.
Epigraphs as slogans editions; traditional media and modern variations.
The role of caps on the strip. First-line caps in the party, ideological
press. Cap as a comment from the editors' sense of concentration topical strip
Great importance for the translator when dealing with informational-descriptive
material, acquires the ability to understand and quickly translate the headlines of
English and American press. It is especially necessary when translating news stories
orally, with a sheet, and abstracting.
If a translator in cases where a title is hard to understand, can return to the issue of his
transfer after he translated the entire message or an article, i.e. did he understand the
content, the interpreter of this possibility, as a rule, no for his translation of the
newspaper material usually begins with the transfer of title, and for abstracting
newspaper material situation is further complicated by the fact that it is the header
translator must determine whether one or other material given to him the subject or
not. Meanwhile, due to a number of specific features understanding of the headlines
and its translation represent a significant challenge and requires great skill.
These special features are caused mainly by three factors. Firstly, the main
purpose of a newspaper headline is to entice the reader to draw his attention to
published materials. Secondly, the title is recognized short form to state the content of
articles (posts) or to highlight the most important facts. Third, the headline should
convince the reader, to imbue him the basic idea of the published material.
Significant differences from the other functional style of modern English are marked
in the character of the use of titles verb tense forms. British and American newspapers
tend to use non-perfect verb forms in headlines. When it comes to
developments in the recent past, commonly used now historic time: Kanye West
Unleashes Wild Set at Museum Benefit, Phoebe Snow Dies aged 58, Eminem Rolls
with Royce Da 59. This is the most common type of headers to; use of this historic
time gives them a vitality, brings the event to the reader, making it as a party to these
events and thus enhances its interest in the published material. The Past Indefinite
Tense is used in the titles relating to past events, mostly in cases where the title is an
adverb of time, or if the reader knows that the events described happened at some
point in the past: Argentinian band convicted over nightclub fire, Shaggy could miss
the Mobos, The X Factor cleared over Rihanna and Christina Aguilera dance
routines, etc.
To denote the future tense in the title is widely used infinitive: Morissey to open for
U2 at Glastonbury festival, Beyonce to Debut Song on Piers Morgan Tonight, Lil
Wayne to Tape MTV Unplugged Episode, etc.
1.2 Clssifiction nd structure of the publicistic hedlines
The min function of the hedline is to inform the reder briefly of wht the news tht
follows is bout. Sometimes hedlines show the reporters or ppers ttitude of the
fct reported. In most of the English nd mericn newsppers senstionl
hedlines re quite common. The function nd the peculir nture of English
hedlines determine the choice of lnguge mens used. Hedlines lso contin
emotionlly colored words nd phrses s the itlicized words.
Syntcticlly hedlines re very short sentences or phrses nd hve vriety of
A. Full declrtive sentences - Robin Gibb cancels tour due to stomach pains
B. Interrogtive sentences - Who is the Best One-Hit Wonder of All Time?
C. Nomintive sentences - FBI releases files on Notorious BIG murder.
D. Ellipticl sentences - Off to the Sun.
E. Sentences with rticles omitted (rticles re frequently omitted in ll types of
hedline) - Pogues ignored us.
F. Complex sentences - Kinks reunion is down to Ray, says brother Dave
G. Hedlines including direct speech - Ciara: I pray my label will release me.
The Hedlines in English lnguge newsppers cn be very difficult to understnd.
One reson for this is tht newspper hedlines re often written in specil style,
which is very difficult from ordinry English. In this style there re specil rules of
grmmr nd words, re often used in unusul wys.
a. Hedlines re not lwys complete sentences.
Mny hedlines consist of noun phrses with no verb.
ASCAP to Honour Sean Diddy Combs (American Association of Composers,
Authors and Publsihers)
Hedlines often contin string of three, four or more nouns; nouns erlier in
the string modify those tht follow.
Star Agency py cut row.
Hedlines like these cn be difficult to understnd. It sometimes helps to red them
bckwrds. Star Agency Py Cut Row (disgreement) bout Cut (reduction) in Py
t Agency tht mke Stars.
c. Hedlines often leve out rticles nd the verb be.
Justin Bieber Launches Womens Fragrance.
d. In hedlines, simple tenses re often used insted of progressive or perfect
forms. The simple present is used for both present nd pst events.
Scarlett Johansson records song with Massive Attack (=hs recorded).
American Idol: Lauren Alaina, Scotty McReery Fight to the Finish (=hve
fighting ).
The present progressive cn be used, especilly to tlk bout chnges. Be is usully
East 17 back to play another day.
Rihanna is Following Chris Brown on Twitter.
e. Hedlines often use infinitives to refer to the future.
Roger Daltrey to tour the Whos Tommy.
Aretha Franklin to release first album in eight years.
For is lso used to refer to future movements or plns.
U2 For World Tour (= U2 is going to world tour).
uxiliry verbs re usully dropped from pssive structures, leving pst
Ivor Novello awards: Plan B and Everything Everything lead nominations (=
are leaders in nominations.)
Glastonbury pilgrimage cancelled due to rising fuel prices (=had been
g. n abbreviation is often used to seprte the subject of hedline from wht is
sid bout it.
- Kid Rock Accepts Detroit NAACP Award. (National Association for the
Coloured People)
Quottion mrks () re used to show tht words were sid by someone else, nd
tht the newspper does not necessrily clim tht they re time.
American IdolReview, James Durbin: I Havent Failed At All
question mrk (?) is often used when something is not certin.
Lawsuit reveals plans for Rolling Stones world tour?
Short words sve spce, nd so they re very common in newspper hedlines. Some
of the short words in hedlines re unusul in ordinry lnguge (e.g. curb, mening
restrict or restriction), nd some re used in specil senses which they do
not often hve in ordinry lnguge (e.g. big, mening ttempt). Other words re
chosen not becuse they re short, but becuse they sound drmtic (e.g. blre, which
mens big fire, nd is used in hedlines to refer to ny fire). The following is list of
common hedline vocbulry.
Wow (v) - to surprise, to amaze
-Beyonce Wows Jay-Z in American Idol Rehearsal
ct - tke ction: do something.
-Caught in the ct.
id militry or finncil help: to help
-Marathon rock concert to aid African famine appeal.
lert lrm, wrning.
-Theft alert for Glastonbury.
llege mke on ccustion.
- Amy Winehouse charged after alleged assault at theatre.
ppers pper in court ccused of crime.
- Fun Lovin Criminals to Appear at Royal Courts of Justice.
xe bolish, close down: bolition, closure.
- Hendrix biopic gets the axe.
- Channel 4 axes UK Music Hall of Fame.
Knowledge s to the usge of the puns mechnisms in publicity led to better
understnding of the specificity of English press nd my be used in the theory of
trnsltion or during the cretion of newspper or dvertisement hedline with the help
of pun [19, c. 98].
An important feature of British newspaper headlines is the prevalence in their elliptic
form, passive voice with omission of the auxiliary verb to be to describe events in
the past and the present tense: Rihanna sued by David LaChapelle over S&M
video, Beyonce confirmed for Glastonbury 2011, Ex- Paramore guitarist announced
new band, etc.
Newspaper and journalistic texts are very diverse. The most concise, business and dry
in style are the messages, and informational articles. The accuracy of the
translation of these messages and articles often achieved syntactic restructuring
proposals, and structural changes of use of lexical correspondences. To translate the
short message required a restructuring proposal. Typical of the style of short
messages inversion is not preserved in the translation, since removal of the first place
meaning of the predicate and its separation from the auxiliary verb in Russian is not
desirable: Such an emphatic selection would change the meaning of several
sentences. Lexical and grammatical change in the translation of the following passage
also can not be regarded as a breach of accuracy in translation. New Zealand
Symphony/Judd, Royal Albert Hall, London
/, ,
Passive construction in this sentence handed active. Determination of New
Zealand passed the fact of place, as in Russian, a combination "
is impossible.
One of the specific newspaper ways - reducing the transmission of speech with the
notes of a journalist in commas; quoted speech given at the same time without the
quotes. Such direct speech called "free" direct speech, "unmarked" or "adapted". The
min function of the hedline is to inform the reder briefly wht the text tht follows
is bout. But prt from its, hedlines often contin elements of pprisl i.e. they
show the reporters or the ppers ttitude to the fcts reported or commented on, thus
lso performing the function of instructing the reder.
English hedlines re short nd ctching; they compct the gist of news stories into
few eye-snring words. skillfully turned out hedlines tells story, or enough of it,
to rouse or stisfy the reders curiosity [20, c. 136].
Such group hedlines re lmost summry of the informtion contined in the news
item or rticle.
The functions nd the peculir nture of English hedlines predetermine the
choice of the lnguge mens used. The vocbulry groups considered in the nlysis
of brief news items re commonly found in hedlines.
n excellent wy for more dvnced lerner to increse their English
proficiency is to red n English-lnguge newspper on regulr bsis. Most people
who red newspper do so selectively nd skim though the pges looking for the
most interesting-looking rticles to red first. They usully mke their choice on the
bsis of the hedlines of the rticles. nd this is where the difficulty for the nonntive speker of English rises, since newspper hedlines re often extremely
difficult to understnd. There re two min resons for this. The first reson is tht
newspper hedlines hve to be brief nd consequently use words tht re rrely used
in everydy speech or indeed in the rest of the rticle itself. (Probe for investigtion,
blst for explosion etc.) nd the second reson is tht hedline writers, t lest in
British newsppers, look for every opportunity to include pun in their hedlines. It is
the min spect of newspper hedlines tht we wnt to concentrte on in this work
[21, c. 47].
Contemporary requirements to communicate through the header; opportunities and
achievements of journalists as communicators.The principal requirements for the
headline, opening a process of flowing information: mutual adjustment of the
communicator and the recipient, reaching an agreement on cooperation, confidence
and so on.
Conversational style headlines. Problem length (the thoroughness of long
headlines, and energiness of the short). Quotation in the title. "Ladder sense" header
complexes, which was created to enhance communication of author with the
ll the hedlines of ll types (primry or pge hedlines, secondry or pper
hedlines, pper subsection hedlines, leds nd cptions) of the locl dily clled
Kuno dien) is emotionlly destructive nd people should be wre of this in order to
diminish its emotionl impct.
By the bsic functions of newspper titles nomintive, informing, communictive, nd
lso prgmtic, tht will relize the ction of text, his hving specil purpose
orienttion. Exctly some reserchers consider this function bsic, s setting of title
consists bove ll things in bringing in of ttention to the rticle, in cretion of
stimulus for its reding, which is often chieved by the use of the system of
expressive mens of lnguges, mong which n importnt plce is tken ply on
words [22, c. 74].
1.3 Linguistic peculirities of publicistic hedlines
The role of newspper in the nowdys life nd its influence on the modern society is
generlly recognized. The printed medi remins one of the oldest most effective
wy to communicte the freshness news. Newspper hs the following bsic fetures:
brief news items, dvertisements nd nnouncements, the editoril nd the hedline.
This pper investigtes only one element of the newspper- the hedline. Translation
of a newspaper headline considered from the standpoint of functional- pragmatic
(functional and communicative) adequacy. According to this concept, the key
requirement is to play a dominant feature of the original in accordance with the
communicative intentions of the author's original text, which ensures the provision
of the necessary impact on the recipient. The
translation must be
recreated pragmatic potential of the original [23, c. 23], which refers to the ability to
make the text on the recipient's communicative effect, cause he has a certain
pragmatic attitude to announce to the pragmatic effect on the recipient.
By the prgmtic effect of ppliction of ply on words in this title rising up s
result of combintion of frocknroll, tht is prdoxicl on chrcter nd owns fully
certin estimting pln is something musing nd unusul. ppropritely to ssume
tht speech in the rticle will go bout the plce of womn in modern music.
question is this serious, however estimting pln, formed the element of frock tht
is brought in title complex bring in the tint of srcsm in the supposed interprettion
of problem the uthor of the rticle.
ttention is ttrcted the stiric orienttion of title, reder will wnt to red note. The
exmple of pun, beten element bsed on etymologyztion is the English title:
Sweetest Tttoo
The rticle is bout cretion of rtist I. Isupov, which ttined extrordinry trde in
rt of tttoo.
In stylistic reltion this cse is imposition: simultneous ctuliztion nd
Headline is a product of two opposing trends - statistics and dynamics, since on the
one hand, the variability of the text of the media and its openness to direct social
impact of prejudice consideration of the communicative process in the dynamics, with
the obligatory account took place and the changes taking place here, hence the
headline is fixed piece of text media, representing the consciousness of society, the
dynamics and on the other hand, it is a static phenomenon, since it is fixed by the
process of changing this society [25, c. 128].
In order to update the headline, i.e. enhance expressiveness and strengthen the
meaning, apply grammatical, lexical, syntactic, morphological, phonetic means.
Headline is an independent linguistic unit. Scientists put the question of its
syntactic status. Some attribute the headline to a particular structure, and that it is not
equal to the proposal. Headlines, names, signatures on the signs ... are not the
nominative sentences. These are words or phrases, performing the function of the
proper name with no value of life, existence, called the subject [26, c. 97].
O.S. Tolomasova notes that "the basis of the structural elements is explicitly expressed
in the sentence, the headlines can be divided into segmented and not segmented at the
syntactic level, respectively, the types of sentences [26, c. 118]. E.M. GalkinFedorchuk includes given structures to the nominative sentences: "all headlines of
books, like in nominative pattern and verb are written to inform people about the
content of the book. Consequently, it is a unit of communication, so there is no reason
in not assuming a nominal headline in favor of sentence"[27, c. 44]. According to
V.M. Ronginskiy: "The headline - is not just a word or phrase, which is sometimes
assumed like that, first of all, it is the sentence, the unit of communication, but the
sentence with the special function of naming the product" [28, c. 81].
The publicistic style hs its spoken vriety the rdio nd TV Commentries nd the
ortoricl sub style. The written sub styles re the essy nd journlistic headlines
in newsppers, mgzines nd journls. The bsic im of the publicistic style is to
exert n influence on public opinion, to convince the reder or the listener tht the
interprettion given by the writer or the speker is correct nd to mke them ccept his
or her views though logicl rgumenttion nd emotionl ppel [29, c. 47]. The
development of the rdio nd television hs brought into new spoken vriety nmely
the rdio commentry. The other two re the essy (morl, socil, economic) in
newsppers nd mgzines. The generl im s we hve sid is to exert constnt nd
deep influence on public opinion. Publicistic style is lso chrcterized by brevity of
expression. In some vrieties of this style it becomes
leding feture nd importnt linguistic mens. In essys brevity sometimes
becomes epigrmmtic [30, c. 103]. The most chrcteristic lnguge fetures of the
essy remin:
- Brevity of expression
- The use of the first person singulr which justified personl pproch treted.
- The use of emotive words.
- The use of similes nd metphors.
wht determines the choice between the sid nd the unsid. The bsic nswer is tied
to the notion of distnce. Closeness, whether it is physicl, socil, or conceptul,
implies shred experience. On the ssumption of how close or distnt the listener is
spekers determine how much needs to be sid. Prgmtics is the study of the
expression of reltive distnce. These re the four res tht prgmtics is concerned
with. To understnd how it got to be tht wy, we hve to briefly review its
reltionship with other res of linguistic nlysis [37, p. 73].
Prgmtics is ll bout the menings between the lexis nd the grmmr nd the
phonology...Menings re implied nd the rules being followed re unspoken,
unwritten ones [38, c. 53].
Prgmtics is wy of investigting how sense cn be mde of certin texts even
when, from semntic viewpoint, the text seems to be either incomplete or to hve
different mening to wht is relly intended. Consider sign seen in children's wer
shop window: Bby Sle - lots of brgins. We know without sking tht there re
no bbies re for sle - tht wht is for sle re items used for bbies. Prgmtics
llows us to investigte how this mening beyond the words cn be understood
without mbiguity. The extr mening is there, not becuse of the semntic spects of
the words themselves, but becuse we shre certin contextul knowledge with the
writer or speker of the text [39, c. 71].
Text of news headline should not be evaluative. His role - neutral language, means, to
express briefly the relevant content of the material. Appropriateness of the use of
texts such as informative news headline is explained by the fact that
intentionally stereotyped, standardized headline serves as a first indication of the
reliability of reported information [40, c. 25]. At the same time, news coverage in the
form of information, their use of the appropriate type of headline is not a guarantee of
an impartial presentation of the material, as any verbal behavior directed at a specific
target. Therefore, despite the fact that in a well-constructed information texts, news
ideological stance of the newspaper is almost invisible to readers, it manifests in them:
in the selection, arrangement of material in the manner of research component
headline. So, if in the news, reporting facts, views the first placed component, which
summarizes the content, opinions, and only then should a component that indicates
who belongs to non, it can be argued that the newspaper had shared this opinion, as
always it is the first placed one component of the text that the author's view is more
important, relevant. In the newspaper texts and news information, journalists are
intended to convince readers that they face a simple fixation of the events and
opinions [41 c. 85].
Pragmatic aspect of headline in the periodical press, particularly with regard to its
expressive potential, is of particular interest. A newspaper headline is a hint, from
which the phenomenon of socio-psychological or socio-political event or the
historical significance is alive and active in the mind of the reader.
retelling of the article, a kind of generalization. Thus, the "cap" the next title in the
MOONS UNCLE not give a clear idea about the contents of the article, since there
still remains unclear for what, David Essex joins. From contents of the article it
becomes clear just from the subtitle: 1970s Pop Idol and Musical Star Hired To Bring
Some Stardust To BBC1 Soap Opera. Only now we can translate the title correctly:
Musical Star David Essex Hired and plays uncle of Alfie Moon in musical called
However, there are cases where two-stage and even three-stage titles still do not
adequately disclose the contents of the message.For example, not clearly speaks of the
contents of the article and the following three-tiered headline in the Guardian: Former
Iggi Pop Drummer dies in hit and run
Alex Kirst, former drummer for Iggy Pop and rock band the Nymphs, has died aged
47 in a hit-and-run accident
Police say a white Chevrolet Tahoe or GMC Yukon struck Kirst, who was on foot, on
13 January.
We are talking about that former drummer Alex Kirst from the group called Iggy Pop
was struck in California desert by an unknow man, who has fled from the crime scene.
If even such a relatively detailed header does not disclose the content of published
material, there is nothing to talk about the fact that single-headers for the most part
only very distantly related to the content of the articles themselves, or notes.
Work on the game headline as creative and as an invitation to co-creation (the
author's appeal to the reader's imagination) [52, c. 27].
Rhythmic gaming headline. Sound instrumentation-alliteration. Rhythmic
coincidence and conformity. Imitating the rhythm (key first-hand). Interrupting th
rhythm ("game of surprise"). Rhymed headline.
Foreign words in the text is multi-layered, semantic headlines.Gaming complex title
photo? (collage, drawing); options: predominant role of the text and the dominance
of the image.
Modern methods of graphic-slice headline as elements of the game. The effect of
suggestion being made by a visual image headline (color spots, graphics, text
transfers as a means of organizing game element).
On the contrary, such a title might even set up an inexperienced interpreter
misconception, if he begins to translate it, before reading the note. The word "pep" in
the English-Russian dictionary of Prof. V.K. Mueller is explained as follows:
, , , and in combination with "royal speed-up" can be
understood as intensification in activities of members of the imperial family. Thus, it
might get the impression that in the message it is either the strengthening of
interference from the Queen and her entourage in the life of the country, or on the
Game headline: temptation and danger - especially the use of modern media,
attractive and negative features, the most common mistakes. Problems of this type
of functionality, headlines, poor information content. Ambiguous headline and the
false sensation. Ethical and professional guides "games" in the headline [58, c. 53].
1.8 Difficulties in trnsltion of the publicistic hedlines
Often enough hedings of newsppers or news on the Internet in English re difficult
enough for understnding. First, they hve the grmmticl nunces.
Secondly, in
hedlines use the words which re not so often used in colloquil speech. In this post
we will stop on grmmticl fetures of hedlines [59, p. 72].
1. s rule, hedlines represent incomplete sentences, tht is, they consist only of
keywords, without rticles, uxiliry verbs etc.
Bob Dylan signs six-book deal Bob Dylan has signed a deal to write six
more books for his publisher (
6 );
Justin Bieber, Arcade Fire Win Webby Awards (
Webby Awards 2011)
Steegmns too strong for Boonen - Steegmns is too strong for Boonen
( )
2. In hedlines simple times re used: Present Simple used, when event hs lredy
occurred or occurs. It cn sometimes be used Present Continuous to underline process
or chnge of the present sitution. But, besides, it will be used without n uxiliry
verb. If in hedline sys tht will occur in future, my be it is the infinitive will be
used. ( verb + prticiple to)
Diddy wants grime lessons from Skepta (Diddy
Kid Rock to Tour With Sheril Crow This Summer Kid Rock is going to Tour with
Sheril Crow in this summer ( Kid Rock Sheril
Miley Cyrus Covers Nirvana (Miley Cyrus Nirvana); ctress
Collette expecting child ctress Collette is expecting child (
3. The trnsltion must retin the sme communictive function s the source text.
The description nd enumertion of speech functions cn be found in the work by R.
Jkobson, who pointed out the following:
that hve begn not long go [60, p. 72]. Publicistic style is literture on ctul,
socil, politicl themes. Publicistic style hs spoken vrieties, in prticulr the
ortoricl sub-style. The new spoken vrieties re the rdio commentry, the essy nd
rticles [61, c. 98].
Text of news headline should not be evaluative. His role - neutral language, means, to
express briefly the relevant content of the material. Appropriateness of the use of
texts such as informative news headline is explained by the fact that
intentionally stereotyped, standardized headline serves as a first indication of the
reliability of reported information. At the same time, news coverage in the form of
information, their use of the appropriate type of headline is not a guarantee of an
impartial presentation of the material, as any verbal behavior directed at a specific
target [62, c. 27].
Therefore, despite the fact that in a well-constructed information texts, news
ideological stance of the newspaper is almost invisible to readers, it manifests in them:
in the selection, arrangement of material in the manner of research component
headline. So, if in the news, reporting facts, views the first placed component, which
summarizes the content, opinions, and only then should a component that indicates
who belongs to non, it can be argued that the newspaper had shared this opinion, as
always it is the first placed one component of the text that the author's view is more
important, relevant. In the newspaper texts and news information, journalists are
intended to convince readers that they face a simple fixation of the events and
opinions [62, p. 133].
By translating a newspaper headline applicable grammatical and transformational
ways of translation, including rewriting the latter as a species. As is the case with
other texts, grammatical transfer has limited applicability to a newspaper headline,
not only because of interlingual asymmetry, but also because of the functional
features of the headline [63, p. 48].
The reasons for the evolution of the translators thoughts - an affluent interlingual
interference at the level of Russian-language discourse (as the translated and
original), the growing number of non-professionals, one way or another involved in
intercultural communication, reducing the overall professionalism of interpreters,
inadequate customer requirements, as well as the rapid development of
information and communication technologies [64, c. 159].
Some units do not need to be translated in order to ensure adequate
communication, in some cases must be presented to the recipient in the form of
foreign language.
Recently transferability within the language pairs English - Russian "has increased
significantly under the influence, including the actual translation practice.
Translation practice serves the channel evolution of language and speech that occurs
under the influence of Western culture, as well as the translation itself (self31
During these years the paper has increased its circulation, remained commercially
successful and achieved critical acclaim for both the quality of its journalism and the
innovation, both consistently followed by its competitors.
The Guardian was at the forefront of the sleaze revelations that contributed to the
downfall of the Conservative government in 1997, with a series of investigations into
the affairs of Tory MPs, including Jonathan Aitken and Neil Hamilton.
This reputation was cemented by the collapse of the libel case brought against the
paper by former Minister Jonathan Aitken. Aitken was convicted of perjury and jailed
in June 1999, and the investigations won the Guardian critical acclaim from all sides including the prestigious Newspaper of the Year Award in both 1997 and 1998.
In 1997 the Guardian became the first national newspaper to appoint a readers' editor,
producer of the daily Corrections and Clarifications column.
The Guardian Unlimited network of websites was launched in January 1999. By
March 2001 GU had over 2.4 million unique users, making it the most popular UK
newspaper website.
The Guardian made a bold and innovative attempt to reassert its position on Fleet
Street, with a major redesign that began the modern period of success in the history of
the paper.
On September 12 2005 the new Berliner Guardian launched, with a ground- breaking
design in a mid-size format. The Guardian became the UK's first full-colour national
newspaper, and the first UK national newspaper ever to adopt this size. December
2008 marked a significant point in the history of the Guardian when the paper moved
to a brand new building in King's Cross after 32 years in its Farringdon headquarters.
Secondly we want to take weekly music magazine BILLBOARD Billboard
Magazine, published weekly, is the premier trade publication for the music business.
The magazine was founded in 1894 by William H. Donaldson and James H. Hennegan
as a publication for the billposting and advertising business, but expanded over the
decades to cover amusements, motion pictures, radio, recorded music and other areas
of the rapidly growing entertainment industry. Now focused the music business and
related enterprises, Billboard Magazine publishes news, analysis trend reporting
and other key features, as well as Billboard's famous standard-setting charts of
U.S. sales, airplay, downloads and box office grosses. Access to complete versions and
the full breadth of Billboard's charts is available
to subscribers via, the magazine's online home for its business audience,
which also provides breaking news in the music and entertainment industries. also houses all of the articles printed in each week's magazine, a
database of all Billboard articles, reviews, features and special reports dating back to
as well as weekly album, singles and video charts dating back to 1984 and
year-end charts dating back to 1946.
The printed format has gone through several changes. The first publications 196772. were folded tabloid newspaper format, no staples with black ink text, and a single
color highlight that changed each edition. From 1973 on, editions were done on a 4
color press with a different newsprint paper size. In 1979 the bar code appeared. In
1980 it became a glossy paper large format 10 x 12 magazine. As of the October
30th, 2010 edition, Rolling Stone is a smaller, standard-format magazine size. ( USA
Today, Associated Press Anick Jesdanun).
Rolling Stone has maintained a website for many years, with selected current articles,
reviews, blogs, MP3s, and other features such as searchable and free
encyclopedic articles about artists, with images and sometimes sound clips of their
work. There are also selected archival political and cultural articles and entries. The
site also at one time had an extensive message board forum. By the late 1990s, the
message board forum at the site had developed into a thriving community with a large
number of regular members and contributors worldwide. The site was also plagued
with numerous Internet trolls and malicious code-hackers who vandalized
the forum substantially. Rolling Stone
abruptly deleted the forum in May
Rolling Stone began a new, much more limited message board community
at their site in late 2005, only to remove it again in 2006. Rolling Stone also has a page
at MySpace, Facebook, and Twitter. In March 2008, the Rolling Stone website
started a new message board section once again, then deleted it in April 2010. The
magazine devotes one of its Table of Contents pages to promoting material currently
appearing at its website, listing detailed links to the items. As of April 19, 2010, the
website has been updated drastically and features the complete archives of Rolling
Stone. Around the same time it was announced that the Rolling Stone website would
adopt the view by subscription model, charging for content. The subscription model is
now in place.
2.2 Defining the directions in Music
In our research paper, objects for analysis and translation were taken fields in music
like Pop Music; Rock Music; and R&B Music only.
Pop music
Pop music (a term that originally derives from an abbreviation of "popular") is usually
understood to be commercially recorded music, often oriented towards a youth
market, usually consisting of relatively short, simple songs utilizing technological
innovations to produce new variations on existing themes. Pop music has absorbed
influences from most other forms of popular music, but as a genre is particularly
associated with the rock and roll and later rock style.
Pop music is often seen as oriented towards the singles chart it is not the sum of all
chart music, which has always contained songs from a variety of sources,
including classical, jazz, rock, and novelty songs, while pop music as a genre is
usually seen as existing and developing separately. Thus "pop music" may be used to
describe a distinct genre, aimed at a youth market, often characterized as a softer
alternative to rock and roll.
According to Grove Music Online, the term "pop music" "originated in Britain in the
mid-1950s as a description for Rock and roll and the new youth music styles that it
influenced..." The Oxford Dictionary of Music states that while pop's "earlier
meaning meant concerts appealing to a wide audience...; since the late 1950s,
however, pop has had the special meaning of non-classical music, usually in the form
of songs, performed by such artists as the Beatles, the Rolling Stones, ABBA, etc."
Grove Music Online also states that "... in the early 1960s [the term] pop music
competed terminologically with Beat music in England, while in the USA its
coverage overlapped (as it still does) with that of rock and roll." Chambers'
Dictionary mentions the contemporary usage of the term "pop art"; Grove Music
Online states that the "term pop music ... seems to have been a spin-off from the terms
pop art and pop culture, coined slightly earlier, and referring to a whole range of new,
often American, media-culture products".
Throughout its development, pop music has absorbed influences from most other
genres of popular music. Early pop music drew on the sentimental ballad for its form,
gained its use of vocal harmonies from gospel and soul music, instrumentation
from jazz, country, and rock music, orchestration from classical music, tempo
from dance music, backing from electronic music, rhythmic elements from hip-hop
music, and has recently appropriated spoken passages from rap. Pop music has been
dominated by the American and (from the mid-1960s) British music industries,
whose influence has made pop music something of an international monoculture, but
most regions and countries have their own form of pop music, sometimes producing
local versions of wider trends, and lending them local characteristics. Some of these
trends (for example Europop) have had a significant impact of the development of the
Some of the most prominent Pop musicians nowadays include artists such as
Madonna, Prince, Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera, Lady Gaga, Rihanna and etc.
Rock music
Rock music is a genre of popular music that developed during and after the 1960s,
particularly in the United Kingdom and the United States. It has its roots in 1940s and
1950s rock and roll, itself heavily influenced by rhythm and blues and country music.
Rock music also drew strongly on a number of other genres such as blues and folk,
and incorporated influences from jazz, classical and other musical sources.
Musically, rock has centred around the electric guitar, usually as part of a rock group
with bass guitar and drums. Typically, rock is song-based music with a 4/4 beat
utilizing a verse-chorus form, but the genre has become extremely diverse and
common musical characteristics are difficult to define. Like pop music, lyrics often
stress romantic love but also address a wide variety of other themes that are
frequently social or political in emphasis. The dominance of rock by white, male
musicians has been seen as one of the key factors shaping the themes explored in rock
music. Rock places a higher degree of emphasis on musicianship, live
performance, and an ideology of authenticity than pop music.
By the late 1960s a number of distinct rock music sub-genres had emerged, including
hybrids like folk rock, blues-rock, country rock and jazz-rock fusion, many of which
contributed to the development of psychedelic rock influenced by the countercultural psychedelic scene. New genres that emerged from this scene included
progressive rock, which extended the artistic elements; glam rock, which highlighted
showmanship and visual style, and the diverse and enduring major sub- genre of heavy
metal, which emphasized volume, power and speed. In the second half of the 1970s,
punk rock both intensified and reacted against some of these trends to produce a raw,
energetic form of music characterized by overt political and social critiques. Punk was
an influence into the 1980s on the subsequent development of other sub-genres,
including New Wave, post punk and eventually the alternative rock movement.
From the 1990s alternative rock began to dominate rock music and break through into
the mainstream in the form of grunge, Britpop, and indie rock. Further fusion subgenres have since emerged, including pop punk, rap rock, and rap metal, as well as
conscious attempts to revisit rock's history, including the garage rock or post punk
revival at the beginning of the new millennium.
Rock music has also embodied and served as the vehicle for cultural and social
movements, leading to major sub-cultures including mods and rockers in the UK and
the "hippie" counterculture that spread out from San Francisco in the US in the 1960s.
Similarly, 1970s punk culture spawned the visually distinctive Goth and Emo
subcultures. Inheriting the folk tradition of the protest song, rock music has been
associated with political activism as well as changes in social attitudes to race, sex and
drug use, and is often seen as an expression of youth revolt against adult
consumerism and conformity.
As it was said rock has centred around the electric guitar, usually as part of a rock
group with bass guitar and drums. Typically, rock is song-based music with a 4/4 beat
utilizing a verse-chorus form, but the genre has become extremely diverse and
common musical characteristics are difficult to define.
Some of the most prominent Rock musicians and groups nowadays and past include
artists such as Eric Clapton, Elvis Presley, Chubby Checker, James Brown, The
Beatles, The Who, Red Hot Chili Peppers, The Queen, AC/DC, Duran Duran, Foo
Fighters, Linkin Park, Bloodhound Gang, Kid Rock, Fall Out Boy and etc.
R&B is a music genre that combines elements of hip hop, soul, R&B and funk.
Although the abbreviation R&B originates from traditional rhythm and blues
music, today the term R&B is most often used to describe a style of African American
music originating after the demise of disco in the 1980s. Some sources refer to the
style as urban contemporary (the name of the radio format that plays hip hop and
contemporary R&B).
Contemporary R&B has a polished record production style, drum machine-backed
rhythms, an occasional saxophone-laced beat to give a jazz feel (mostly common in
contemporary R&B songs prior to the year 1993), and a smooth, lush style of vocal
arrangement. Electronic influences are becoming an increasing trend, and the use of
hip hop or dance inspired beats are typical, although the roughness and grit inherent in
hip hop may be reduced and smoothed out. Contemporary R&B vocalists are often
known for their use of melisma, popularized by vocalists such as Michael
Jackson, Stevie Wonder, Whitney Houston and Mariah Carey.
In contrast to the works of Boyz II Men, Babyface and similar artists, other R&B
artists and groups from this same period began adding even more of a hip hop sound
to their work, like the innovative group Jodeci. The synthesizer-heavy rhythm tracks
of new jack swing was replaced by grittier East Coast hip hop-inspired backing tracks,
resulting in a genre labeled hip hop soul by producer Sean Combs who also had
mentored group Jodeci in the beginning and helped them with their unique look. The
style became less popular by the end of the 1990s, but later experienced
During the mid 1990s, Michael Jackson, R Kelly, Janet Jackson, Mariah Carey,
Aaliyah, TLC, SWV and Boyz II Men brought contemporary R&B to the
mainstream. Janet Jackson's self-titled fifth studio album Janet. (1993), which came
after her historic multi-million dollar contract with Virgin Records, sold over twenty
million copies worldwide. Boyz II Men and Carey recorded several Billboard Hot 100
#1 hits, including "Fantasy", "One Sweet Day", a collaboration between both acts,
which became the longest-running #1 hit in Hot 100 history. Carey, Boyz II Men and
TLC released albums in 1994 and 1995Daydream, II , and CrazySexyCool
respectively that sold over ten million copies, earning them diamond and also
making them the best selling female R&B group of all time. RIAA certification.
In the late 1990s, neo soul, which added 1970s soul influences to the hip hop soul
blend, arose, led by artists such as D'Angelo, Erykah Badu, Lauryn Hill, and
Maxwell. Mariah Carey was well known to incorporate her pop, R&B tunes with hiphop and rap. Hill and Missy Elliott further blurred the line between R&B and hip hop
by recording both styles. Beginning in 1995, the Grammy Awards enacted the
Grammy Award for Best R&B Album, with II by Boyz II Men becoming the first
recipient. The award was later received by TLC for CrazySexyCool in 1996,
Tony Rich for Words in 1997, Erykah
Badu for Baduizm in 1998 and Lauryn Hill for The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill in
At the end of 1999, Billboard magazine ranked Mariah Carey and
Janet Jackson as the first and second most successful artists of the 1990s.
By the 2000s, the cross-pollination between R&B and hip hop had increased.
Mainstream modern R&B has a sound more based on rhythm than hip hop soul had,
and lacks the hardcore and soulful urban "grinding" feel on which hip-hop soul relied.
That rhythmic element descends from new jack swing. R&B began to focus more on
solo artists rather than groups as the 2000s progressed. Some of the most prominent
R&B musicians today include artists such as Michael Jackson, Jason Derulo,
Beyonce, Ashanti, Ciara, R. Kelly, Usher, Jennifer Hudson, Ne-Yo, Chris Brown,
Christina Aguilera, Rihanna, Jay Sean, and Trey Songz. Now in the 2011, R&B music
has begun to revert back to more traditional elements along with an emerging hybrid
with dance and electronic music that is popular in the current decade. Also, there are
some international R&B artists, because of course; R&B has spread to other countries.
2.3 Difficulties in Translation of Musical Headlines
This reserch pper is bsed on studying 100 hedlines nlyzing in difficulties of
their trnsltion on syntactic approach from English into Russin.
Usually headlines share on three categories:
Headline in Present simple. They say that someone has made some action.
The tendency to laconic and brevity of headlines, has led to that unnecessary,
insignificant words from headlines were simply thrown out. In particular, it concerns
definite and indefinite articles, in headlines very seldom can be met articles like a,
an, and the. The Auxiliary verb has also fall out from headline. The usual
sentence is - The Universal Music Group Has Teamed Up with Tommy Hilfiger For
the Clothing Line. Headline is in Present Simple tense. And in our opinion this is a
perfectly acceptable translation. And in our opinion this is a perfectly acceptable
(The Guardian 21.05.11)
Team Adele tops list of Guardian
Music Power 100
Guardian Music Power 100
As the usual offer: Adele and her team have topped at the list of the Guardian
Music Power 100.
In this headline article the and auxiliary verb have was omitted. To translate this
headline it was used transformation-concretization in phrase Team Adele, and
translated and thats more understandable for Russian reader.
And in our opinion this is perfectly eligible interpretation.
(The Guardian 19.05.11)
As the usual offer: Dr. Dre said that the Detox will be his final album
In this headline article the was omitted.
(The Guardian 23.11.10)
Headline is interrogative sentence. It means that it is simple headline in question form.
And was translated as usual sentence in question form. And that is fully admissible
(The Guardian 14.05.11)
Chris Brown Apologizes For 'Good
Morning America' Tantrum
Morning America
In this headline we used transformation-concretization; the Source text does not say
that Good Morning America is morning-show that broadcasts in whole America at
the Morning, and called Good Morning America. And in Target text it was
concreted and translated as Good Morning America.
(Rolling Stone 24.03.11)
As the usual offer: American Idol Finale Ratings has increased up to 17%
comparing the Last Year.
In this headline article the and auxiliary verb has omitted. Also there is
rearrangement of parts of speech; the adverbial modifier of time Last Year moved
to the beginning of the Target text.
(Billboard 23.05.11)
As the usual offer: George Clinton has sued Black Eyed Peas for copyright
As the usual offer: FBI have seized John Lennons fingerprint card from the
auction house.
While translating this headline transformation-omission was used in phrase
auction house, the word house was omitted. Because for reader it does not
matter whether it is auction house or just web auction in Internet.
In addition, the transformation-generalization was used. The phrase fingerprint card
was translated like . It gives the exact meaning of the
phrase. But for wide range of audience it may not be clear what card are talking about.
So we offer to translate with explanatory translation. And phrase fingerprint card to
translate as . Also, there is replacement of part of
speech. Pronoun auction house was moved to the biginning of the sentence.
So in result it would sound like
(The Guardian 08.08.10)
Eminem leads Grammys 2011 with 10 2011 10
As the usual offer: Chris Lighty has spoken on 50 Cents Upcoming Ventures.
In this headline auxiliary verb has omitted. In translation of this headline two
transformations were used. First is omitting, the English word Speaks was omitted.
Because it is comprehensible and enough in Russian language if we say
Second transformation is generalization. The word ventures which can be
translated like , was
transformed for more simple form .
(Billboard 27.04.11)
As the usual offer: Premiere of Jordan Knights Album called the Unfinished.
In this headline article the omitted.
In this sentence transformation-addition was used to concrete the name of album,
adding in Russian the word . So in our opinion this is perfectly
acceptable translation.
(Billboard 27.04.11)
As the usual offer: U2 is going to record album with the Danger Mouse
In the headline auxiliary verb is and article the was omitted. And in our opinion
this is perfectly eligible interpretation.
(The Guardian 25.10.10)
Can Owl City Soar Back To The Top Of Owl City
The Charts?
Headline is interrogative sentence. Which means it is in question form. To translate
this headline transformation-generalization was used in phrase soar back. It was
simplified and translated as .
(Billboard 23.05.11)
As the usual offer: U2 have broke the record of Rolling Stones for highest
grossing tour
In this sentence the transformation-generalization was used. Phrase highest
grossing tour in literary translation can be translated like
and it is stylistically incorrect. So according to content it would be more
correct to translate like that.
(The Guardian 11.04.11)
What Should Be Rihanna's Next
As the usual offer: Eric Bennet has started working on new album, also for the
first time took a leading role in movie.
(Billboard 28.05.11)
U2 breaks Rolling Stones' record for
U2 Rolling Stones
highest grossing tour
As the usual offer: U2 have broke the record of Rolling Stones for highest
grossing tour
In this sentence the transformation-generalization was used. Phrase highest
grossing tour in literary translation can be translated like
and it is stylistically incorrect. So according to content it would be more
correct to translate like that.
(The Guardian 11.04.11)
Headline with use of a Participle of last time. They say that something has
been made in passive voice.
Headline is complex sentence. The word addicted transformed into Russian word
using transformation-generalization. This word is typicall for the
Russian converstional speech.
Also theres rearrangement in the sentence, phrase tapes reveal from the end of the
sentence in translation goes to the beginning as . The word
reveal transformed as because in Russian language more stylistically
correct would be , not .
(The Guardian 10.05.11)
As the usual offer: Rihanna had been grabbed by fan during her performance at
show Today.
As the usual offer: Pete Doherty was jailed for six months. In this headline
auxiliary verb was omitted. Also, the transformation-substitution was used. The
verb jailed was transformed as noun . And in our opinion this is fully
acceptable interpretation.
(The Guardian 09.05.11)
The word possession can be translated like ; ;
; ; but according to context it was translated like
. So this is perfectly acceptable translation.
(The Guardian 29.11.10)
Beyonce's BBMA Performance: 'I
Never Worked So Hard in My Life'
As the usual offer: About her Performance in BBMA, Beyonce says: I have
Never Worked So Hard in My Life.
In this headline auxiliary verb have omitted. Also headline is including direct
speech. In this translation of headline was used omission of word Hard, it was
generalized and translated as . Because it is understandable if we say,
that she worked really hard. So in our opinion this is fully
admissible interpretation.
(Billboard 03.05.11)
James Blunt: How I prevented a third James Blunt:
world war
As the usual offer: How I have prevented a third world war, says James Blunt. In
this translation transformation-omission was used. The word war was
dropped. And translated just , for reader it is understandable
without specification that is already means war. So it is fully
acceptable omission. And translation is eligible.
(The Guardian 15.11.10)
As the usual offer: Former Kiss Guitarist has been Arrested for the Domestic
Violence. In this headline article the and auxiliary verb has been omitted. Phrase
Domestic Violence directly translated like (
). But if we translate directly whole sentence it
would sound like Kiss
, and reader wont understand what is and
we used adaptation of culture receptor (domesticating) and translated as
. And now it is understandable that he made violence to members
of his family.
(Rolling Stone 02.05.11)
Lil Wayne forced to cancel European
As the usual offer: Lil Wayne have been forced to cancel European visit
In this headline transformation-omission and generalization was used. First of all, the
word visit was omitted because generalization cancelled need of this word. Second
is generalization of phrase forced to cancel, they were translated like
. It is connected with the content: The rapper spent much of last year
behind bars, serving eight months for weapon possession charges . The UK
Border Agency rejected his application because of his criminal record, which
also includes assorted drug charges since 2007 As we can see his visa
application was rejected and because of that interpreter generalized phrase as
(The Guardian 08.04.11)
As the usual offer: Courtney Love had been sued again for Defamaiton on
There is the movement of part of speech. The adverb again in English, is in the
middle of the sentence and in translation it was moved to the end. Thats because
translator wanted to emphasize, according to content, that Courtney Love had been
sued second time.
(Billboard 27.05.11)
As the usual offer: The Guardian critic was named as the jazz journalist of the
year. In this headline article the, auxiliary verb was and preposition as were
According to the verb named with transformation-substitution translated as
John Fordham wins top prize at 2011 Parliamentary jazz awards.
Guardian critic John Fordham was won the title of jazz journalist of the year
at the 2011 Parliamentary jazz awards. Billed as "Britain's premier awards for the
jazz community and jazz fans in both Houses", winners are chosen by members of the
All Party Parliamentary Jazz Appreciation Group (APPJAG).
In their citation, the judges said: " John Fordham has been known to the British
jazz public for his finely honed critiques and observations for more than three
decades. Fordham has a broad-church approach to jazz and an open mind, as
happy writing about the Bad Plus as he is about Humphrey Lyttleton. "
Other winners at the event at the House of Commons on Tuesday night (17 May)
included Edinburgh pianist Brian Kellock, heralded as jazz musician of the year;
conservatoire-trained pianist John Turville, whose Midas was acclaimed as jazz
album of the year; and Scottish group Brass Jaw, named as jazz ensemble of the year.
The APPJAG special award went to Dame Cleo Laine, "the undisputed queen of
British jazz".
(The Guardian 02.05.11)
Headlines with an infinitive. They say about the future event, which yet
not happen, but should occur.
Justin Bieber to launch own perfume Justin Bieber
As the usual offer: Justin Bieber is going to launch his own perfume. In this
headline auxiliary verb is going to omitted.
Also, translator used transformation-addition. The pronoun own was translated as
adjective . Jaustin Bieber has not ever launched perfumes, and according
to content of the headline interpreter translated it as .
(The Guardian 16.05.11)
Domino Records to launch new radio Domino Records
station 'for the world outside of pop'
As the usual offer : Domino Records is going to launch new radio station for the
people outside the pop music. In this headline auxiliary verb is going to omitted.
Also, in translating the word world was used concretization and translated as
. And for reader it is understandable that the world itself is people.
And another transformation is addition, in source text it is only said pop, not pop
music and interpreter has chosen to concrete and added the word , and at
last we have .
(The Guardian 30.04.11)
Killers to head back into the studio Killers
As the usual offer: The Killers are going to head back to the studio. In this
headline article the and auxiliary verb is going to omitted.
(The Guardian 20.04.11)
Glee producer to launch record label Glee
As the usual offer: Producer of Glee is going to launch record label. In this
headline auxiliary verb is going to omitted.
In this headline descriptive translation was used. The phrase record label
descriptivrly translated as . Because if we
translate record label as just reader wont understand what itself is record
(The Guardian 15.04.11)
Kanye West Will Play SXSW
As we can see Source text and Target text are absolutely different. Interpreter used
omission, concretization and again omission. The abbreviation SXSW (South by
SouthWest) was omitted at all, and instead of that the word was added.
Abbreviation SXSW may be unknown for reader not living in USA, so
interpreter decided to take the word from the content.
Kanye West has confirmed rumors that he will be performing at the SXSW
festival in Austin , Texas with that he concreted in what exactly Kanye West will
Then he omitted the word Will Play. With such way, interpreter perfectly saved
pragmatic aspect of the headline.
(Rolling Stone 14.03.11)
Pink Floyd to release unheard tracks Pink Floyd
As the usual offer: Pink Floyd is going to release unheard tracks. In this headline
auxiliary verb is going ot omitted.
Translation of this headline is slightly different from Source text. Phrase
was fully taken from the content. Because in Russian, combination
is impossible.
Why Pink Floyd...? releases on EMI include re-issues of all 14 studio albums and
unheard recordings from archives.
More than four decades after they released their first album, previously unheard
recordings from Pink Floyd are to be released this summer.
The tracks will be unearthed from the archives in a schedule of releases which
will include collectors' box sets and remastered studio recordings. The unheard
recordings include a version of the album title track Wish You Were Here featuring
jazz violinist Stphane Grappelli.
(The Guardian 20.04.11)
2.4 Exprimental Part
For our experimental part we have chosen 5 students and asked to do two tasks
concerning translation of headline and guessing the content (body) according to
First task was to translate following translation:
Headline: Snoop Dogg considers launching hip hop version of the X
First students translation: -
The X Factor
Second students translation: -
X Factor
Third students translation: Snoop Dogg ( ) -
Fourth students translation: X Factor
Fifth students translation: - X
Official translation: X Factor
First student used transformation-concretization. While translating the phrase
The X Factor student concreted that the album X Factor was going to be
launched. But actually the X Factor is project like our Superstar Kz, like
American Idol in USA, like in Russia. So the concretization
in this sentence is improper.
Also, third student used transformation-concretization too. Student concreted by word
And fourth student used transformation-generalization. Phrase hip hop version was
translated generally as . Along with official translation, fourth
students translation is acceptable, because it saves the pragmatic aspect of the original
Headline: Beyonc unveils new album title: 4
First students translation:
Second students translation:
Third students translation: Beyonc : 4
Fourth students translation: Beyonce title: 4
Fifth students translation: : 4
Official translation: Beyonc 4
First and second student used transformation-addition of word and
Third student translated the word title as . In typical Russian language word
usually used for infused things. For not infused things, it gives
. So it is incorrect to say for album.
Fourth student rearranged parts of speech. The object in English sentence
Beyonce is at the beginning and in translation it was moved to the end of sentence.
This movement is acceptable in Russian language.
But alongside with official translation, third students translation is acceptable.
Because it has same style, same word arrangements with Source text. And gives exact
meaning of the headline.
Headline: Singing to children may help development of language skills
First students translation:
Second students translation:
Third students translation:
Fourth students translation: .
Fifth students translation:
Official translation:
Second and fifth students translations used some rearrangement of part of speech. The
adjective children from the beginning of sentence, was moved to the end of target
sentence as .
Third student used addition as transformation. Student added word in
addition for word . Without addition it is understandable that are
already small children, because there are no big children.
Fourth student thought that parents sing to children only to make them fall asleep.
Thats why it was translated like .
Headline: Pink Floyd Reunite at Roger Waters Show in London
First students translation:
Roger Waters
Second students translation: Pink Floyd
Third students translation: Pink Floyd Roger Waters
Fourth students translation:
Pink Floyd!
Fifth students translation: Pink Floyd Roger Waters Show
Official translation: Pink Floyd Roger Waters
First student used transformation-addition. Student added the Russian word
, showing respect to the band.
Also the second student used addition. The word was added. And in official
translation transformation concretization was used. It was specified that Pink Floyd
is a band with Russian word .
Headline: Michael Jackson killed himself over debt, lawyers claim
First students translation:
Second students translation: ,
Third students translation: ,
Fourth students translation:
Fifth students translation: ,
Official translation: ,
First student used transformation-omission and generalization. Phrase killed
himself was omitted, and instead of that translated generally .
Fourth students translation is more suitable in parts of speech with source text. So,
along with official translation this students translation is eligible.
Headline: Radiohead leave US fans waiting for the Universal Sigh
First students translation:
the Universal Sigh
Second students translation: Radiohead
the Universal Sigh
Third students translation: Radiohead
the Universal Sigh
Fourth students translation:
Radiohead Universal Sigh
Fifth students translation: Radiohead
Universal Sigh
Official translation: Radiohead Universal Sigh
In source headline the word news was omitted. Because of that most of students
did not understand the headline itself and all translations are incorrect unfortunately.
Also, in official translation the word US was omitted.
Headline: Beyonc To Be Honored by Michelle Obama, Lady
Gaga, Bono at 2011 Billboard Music Awards
First students translation: , ,
Billboard Music Awards 2011
Second students translation: No translation
Third students translation: No translation
Fourth students translation: , Lady Gaga Bono
Beyonce Billborad Music Awards11
Fifth students translation:
, Billboard Music Awards 2011
Official translation: Michelle Obama, Lady Gaga Bono Beyonce
Billboard Music Awards 2011
Because of the phrase To Be Honored many students did not understand and could
not translate the headline. The word Honored they translated as ,
, . But it is only .
Fourth student used concretization. Michele Obama is wife of the President of USA
Barack Obama. And she is First Lady. So the student instead of her name replaced
with phrase .
Generally most students transfered passive sentence into active.
Headline: Muse Frontman Matt Bellamy Engaged To Kate Hudson
First students translation: Muse Frontman Matt Bellamy
In this headline first and third student used transliteration of the word Frontman.
Forth student used transformation-omission. The name of actress Kate Hadson was
omitted. By that way he saved intrigue and pragmatic aspect of the headline.
Headline: Justin Bieber faces the biggest threat to his career: puberty
Second students translation:
Third students translation:
Fourth students translation:
Fifth students translation:
Official translation:
Generally headline can be defined as the denomination of literture, scientific or
musicl produce. Mny dictionries define Hedline s short summry of the most
importnt items of news red t the beginning of news progrmme on the rdio or
television. Hedline is one of the bsic newspper fetures. The hedline is the title
given to news item or newspper rticle [14, c. 42].
In conclusion we wanted to mention that aim of this research was to determine the
adequacy of the translation model, from difficulties in headline trnsltion of music
articles. To solve these problems some objectives were set:
Identification peculiarities of English Press Headlines:
The min function of the hedline is to inform the reder briefly of wht the news tht
follows is bout. Sometimes hedlines show the reporters or ppers ttitude of the
fct reported. In most of the English nd mericn newsppers senstionl
hedlines re quite common. The function nd the peculir nture of English
hedlines determine the choice of lnguge mens used. Hedlines lso contin
emotionlly colored words nd phrses s the itlicized words.
Syntcticlly hedlines re very short sentences or phrses nd hve vriety of
- Full declrtive sentences
- Interrogtive sentences
- Nomintive sentences
- Ellipticl sentences
- Sentences with rticles omitted (rticles re frequently omitted in ll types of
- Complex sentences
- Hedlines including direct speech
The Hedlines in English lnguge newsppers cn be very difficult to understnd.
One reson for this is tht newspper hedlines re often written in specil style,
which is very difficult from ordinry English.
Identification peculiarities of Music Press Headlines
The music press is defined as a press availing a high reputation, appropriate culture
and outlook of the audience of a certain level, namely, mainly designed for artists,
interested in music, culture and tradition.
Question about functions is traditionally debated issue in the study of problems of
headline translation. On the basis of the theoretical studies on the subject, some
researchers of Russian science, namely, V.S. Muzheva [10, c. 86], L.D. Petrova [11,
78], S.P. Suvorov [12, c. 79], E.A. Lazareva [13, c. 69], focused on
summarizing the roles of the headlines, paying attention on the development of
modern newspaper language, appropriately classified as generic functions:
- Nomination
- Informative,
- Pragmatic,
- Predictive,
- Integrative, as well as optional features:
- Compositional
- Informative-educational.
Translation analysis of Music Press Headlines from English into Russian
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ABBYY Lingvo x3