Yung - Suspension of Judgment. Agrippa and Epoche
Yung - Suspension of Judgment. Agrippa and Epoche
Yung - Suspension of Judgment. Agrippa and Epoche
Fogelin's remark that 'If the Agrippa problem cannot be resolved, there is no
reason to suppose that knowledge of the kind sought by justificationalist
philosophers exists', and Chisholm's contention that the problem could be
resolved only by begging the question.
In Chapter Four I review the philosophical debate between Frede,
Burnyeat and Barnes over the nature and scope of Pyrrhonian scepticism. The
disagreement centres on the scope of epochs and the interpretation of PH113,
the passage in which Sextus mentions two senses of dogma and explains in
what sense the sceptic does not dogmatize. The debate proceeds as if PH 113
specifies the scope of epochs and then in turn defines the scope of Pyrrhonian
scepticism until Barnes points out that PH I 13 is silent on the status of
ordinary beliefs and so 'epoche may be broad or narrow'. After assessing each
interpretation and examining the arguments put forward, I conclude that
Barnes's interpretation is more plausible.
Finally, I offer some concluding remarks in Chapter Five by discussing
the insight and assets bequeathed to us by the Pyrrhonist. The discussion
focuses on the nature of philosophy and the philosophical approach. I draw on
the different views of Sextus, Wittgenstein, Strawson and Husserl on the nature
of philosophy and the philosophical approach.
B.A. H.K.U.
I declare that this thesis represents my own work, except where due
acknowledgement is made, and that it has not been previously included in a
thesis, dissertation or report submitted to this University or to any other
institution for a degree, diploma or other qualification.
Yung Yeuk Yu
This thesis is an attempt to explore deep into the heart of Pyrrhonian
scepticism. The process of researching and writing is painstaking. But it is
worthwhile. Intellectual achievement gives satisfaction. I am indebted to
increasing amount of scholarly works on the subject. My greatest gratitude
goes to Prof. F. C. T. Moore, my supervisor, without his inspiration and
support after his retirement from the department nothing would have been
Table of Contents
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
There is a controversy over the interpretation of Pyrrhonian scepticism,
the protagonists being Frede, Bumyeat and Barnes. This controversy is
exemplary for its high level of scholarship, but also because of the way in
which the participants, while debating detailed points about the texts of Sextus
Empiricus (and others), explicitly look to the broadest questions about
philosophy, its nature and its history. At the heart of this thesis is a critical
review of the debate (which comes down on the side of Barnes). I attempt to
situate the Pyrrhonist in the conclusion, showing how he may lead us to rethink
scepticism and philosophy as well.
In this thesis, Sextus Empiricus's Outlines of Pyrrhonism, a work
frequently referred to, is abbreviated as PH (according to the Latin title), and
similarly his Against the Mathematicians is abbreviated as M. Though there are
several translations of the PH into English, the main one used is Annas and
Barnes [1994]. Mates [1996] and Sextus Empiricus [1933-49] are also
consulted. (For full bibliographic details please see the bibliography.)
References to Greek words are normally given, where necessary, in the
conventional transcription system into the Roman alphabet, including macrons
to mark long vowels, to avoid ambiguity. For the reader's convenience, a short
glossary of these words is given at the end of the thesis, with the relevant
definitions as given in a standard Greek-English dictionary. In some cases, such
as the word dogma, there is a scholarly controversy about the appropriate
definitions. These are indicated and sometimes discussed and documented in
the body of the text.
I have adopted the spelling 'Pyrrhonian' in this thesis. Some writers
prefer 'Pyrrhonean', a spelling that is retained in this thesis only within
quotations. 'Pyrrhonian scepticism' and 'Pyrrhonism' are used interchangeably;
'Pyrrhonian sceptic' and 'Pyrrhonist' are also used in the same manner.
For historical reconstruction of Pyrrhonism, see Annas and Bames [1985], Brunschwig [1994],
Historical background
feeble and idle in the sense that they leave everything as it is. People may feel
intellectually uneasy about scepticism. But this is all it can do. Philosophical
scepticism about knowledge rarely carries any practical implication in real life.
It dwells in the reflective plane. There are several attempts to deal with this
scepticism. Some people, like Barry Stroud in The Significance of Scepticism,
suggest that we should defuse it, making it philosophically impotent while
others, like G. E. Moore with his Proof of an External World and A Defence of
Common Sense, want to refute it, eliminating the habitat of scepticism.
Regardless of how many arguments people put forward to establish that we do
know the things that the sceptic denies we know for certain, scepticism is a
persistent item on the philosophical agenda. The 'struggle' between the sceptic
and his rival is a never-ending story. Its origin can be traced to ancient Greece.
Pyrrhonian scepticism was named after Pyrrho, who left no writings. But
the works of his student Timon of Philius (c.320-230 B.C.) provide us with
scattered pieces of information about his life and teachings. Other ancient
Sextus seems to suggest at the passage that the Two Modes are also offered by 'the more recent
sceptics' who 'handed down' the Five Modes. In other words, the Two Modes were another set
of modes by Agrippa. But neither Sextus nor anybody else explicitly acknowledged the
relationship between Agrippa and the Two Modes.
At M VII 345 Sextus reports that Aenesidemus produced both the Eight Modes and the Ten
framework of PH. Finally, with regard to the philosophical merit of the Five
Modes, I shall argue that the Pyrrhonist can induce epoche on the strength of the
Five Modes without invoking akatalepsia or closing off possible paths of further
enquiry. My discussions take off with the problem of authorship of the Five
Modes and Agrippa.
the period between Aenesidemus and Sextus. Roughly speaking, his time would
range from the second half of 1st century B.C. to 1st century A.D. We possess
none of his written works. In fact, we do not even know if he ever produced any
written works. The only textual evidence in favour of his authorship of the Five
Modes is found in the Lives of Eminent Philosophers written by Diogenes in the
3 rd century A.D.8 Otherwise Agrippa is rarely mentioned by any ancient authors.
The time gap between Agrippa and Diogenes could be as large as three and a
half centuries. In Sextus' works, we find an earlier account of the Five Modes.
The two accounts by Sextus and Diogenes are the only source of our
acquaintance with the Five Modes. Unlike Diogenes, Sextus does not ascribe
Book IX 88 'But Agrippa and his school add to them [the Ten Modes by Aenesidemus] five
more other modes, resulting respectively from disagreement, extension ad infinitum, relativity,
hypothesis and reciprocal inference.'
the Five Modes to Agrippa. When he introduces the Five Modes, he just vaguely
notes that 'The more recent sceptics offer the following five modes of
suspension of judgement'. (PH I 164) Prior to the Five Modes, when Sextus
introduces the Ten Modes, he writes,
The older sceptics normally offer ten modes in number through which we
are thought to conclude to suspension of judgement. (PHI 36)
The Ten Modes by Aenesidemus are earlier than the Five Modes. In
Sextus' line, 'the older sceptics' who passed down the Ten Modes are
contrasted with 'the more recent sceptics' who added the Five Modes. In book
VII of M, Sextus identifies Aenesidemus as one of 'the older sceptics' and
ascribes the Ten Modes to him.9 But interestingly, the identity of 'the more
recent sceptics' remains an unresolved riddle in Sextus' pages. Curiously, for no
reasons that we can discern, Sextus does not mention the name of Agrippa at all
in his exposition of the Five Modes and Pyrrhonian scepticism. Hence,
Diogenes' line about Agrippa in the Lives of Eminent Philosophers is the only
testimony on the authorship of the Five Modes made in an extant work.
There are some obscurities about the authorship of the Five Modes. It is
suggested that 'Agrippa and his school' added the Five Modes to Pyrrhonian
scepticism. However, who was 'his school'? Does the phrase imply that there
were a number of co-authors? The name of Agrippa is given but 'his school' is
curiously nameless. Are the Five Modes a piece of individual work solely by
Agrippa? Are they the result of collective effort by Agrippa and some unknown
co-authors? We do not know. It could also be the case that Agrippa in fact
leaves no writings and it is his apostles, unknown to us, who compile the Five
Modes, in a way similar to what happens with Pyrrho and Timon. Unless new
materials are found we can never know how things happened and the obscurities
of authorship would remain. At any rate, it is still appropriate to accept
Agrippa's authorship over the Five Modes until conflicting evidence comes up.
This is all I want to say about Agrippa. With that, I proceed to a comparison of
the two accounts of the Five Modes.
Diogenes does not rely solely on Sextus' works when he compiles the Five
Modes. However, as to what the other materials are and how Diogenes comes to
recognize Agrippa as the author of the Five Modes, we do not know. Obviously,
it is rather futile to speculate on these historical obscurities when we possess so
few textual resources about the issues. The two accounts appear more or less the
same in many places. However, there are some deviations between them worth
mentioning. I will discuss the similarities as well as the differences between
them. For comparison, I shall first lay out Diogenes' account:
The mode arising from disagreement proves, with regard to any inquiry
whether in philosophy or in everyday life, that it is full of the utmost
contentiousness and confusion.
The mode which involves extension ad infinitum refuses to admit that
what is sought to be proved is firmly established, because one thing
furnishes the ground for belief in another, and so on ad infinitum.
The mode derived from relativity declares that a thing can never be
apprehended in and by itself, but only in connexion with something else.
Hence all things are unknowable.
The mode resulting from hypothesis arises when people suppose that you
must take the most elementary of things as of themselves entitled to
credence, instead of postulating them: which is useless, because some one
else will adopt the contrary hypothesis.
The mode arising from reciprocal inference is found whenever that which should be
confirmatory of the thing requiring to be proved itself has to borrow credit from the
latter, as for example, if anyone seeking the existence of pores on the ground that
emanations take place should take this (the existence of pores) as proof that there
are emanation. (Lives of Eminent Philosophers book IX 88-90)
Some general points first. Sextus and Diogenes put the modes under the
same headings and in the same order: Disagreement, Infinite Regression,
Relativity, Hypothetical and Reciprocal. My discussion shall also follow this
order. Sextus mentioned the Dogmatists being confronted with the mode of
Infinite Regression, and getting into trouble with the Hypothetical mode.
Diogenes made no reference to the Dogmatists. To illustrate the Reciprocal
mode, Diogenes gave an example of circular argument arguing for the existence
of pores. Sextus gave no example at all in his account. After introducing the
Five Modes, Sextus went on to demonstrate briefly how the Modes, working in
collaboration, are capable of inducing epoche in every object of investigation.
Diogenes, on his part, rehearsed sceptical arguments against demonstration,
criterion, sign, cause, motion, the process of learning, and coming into being. In
his rehearsal, he made explicit reference to the Five Modes at some points.
Sextus concluded with epoche four times. The only mode that he did not
finish with a conclusion is Infinite Regression. Diogenes drew one conclusion
only and so his presentation is a little bit shorter than that of Sextus. It is worth
notice that the only conclusion that Diogenes drew is not epoche. He finished
the Relativity mode with 'Hence all things are unknowable'. I shall go into more
detail when I discuss the Relativity mode. Now I move on to the mode of
suggest that the sceptic would not induce epoche by appealing to the notion of
another such source'. To prove one thing you need a proof. However, to support
this proof you need another proof. Another proof needs a further proof, and so
on ad infinitum. The result is that 'we have no point from which to begin to
establish anything'. Of course, what follows is epoche. This argument assumes
that a proof needs another proof to support it, if it is to be credited as trustworthy.
Otherwise, it is subject to epoche. The mode of Infinite Regression dismisses
any reasoning conducted in infinite regressive manner.
Diogenes, on his part, argued 'what is sought to be proved'. Obviously,
'what is sought to be proved' is not a proof. In fact, 'what is sought to be
proved' is in need of a proof or 'something brought forward as a source of
conviction'. Therefore, while Sextus mentioned the proof, Diogenes talked of
things sought to be proved. The objects of their presentations are different. But
this does not alter the structure of the mode of Infinite Regression in Diogenes'
In Diogenes' account, the mode of Infinite Regression 'refuses to admit
that what is sought to be proved is firmly established'. For 'one thing furnishes
the ground for belief in another, and so on ad infinitum1. Diogenes implicitly
suggested that the target of the mode of Infinite Regression is 'belief. Suppose
a whole set of beliefs is structured in such a way that every single belief is
dependent on a prior belief while this prior belief is founded on a further prior
belief. The mode of Infinite Regression exerts pressure on the ground of any
belief claim if that belief claim is justified by a prior belief.
It is worth notice that Diogenes was more reserved about the power of the
mode of Infinite Regression. While Sextus argued, 'we have no point from
which to begin to establish anything', Diogenes limited the mode of Infinite
Regression to the denial that what is sought to be proved in regressive manner is
firmly established. He did not argue that it should be rejected. There would be
room for people who operated with less demanding epistemological criteria to
accept belief grounded on structural regressive reasoning.
Relativity Mode
themselves, Diogenes finished the Relativity mode with the conclusion: 'Hence
all things are unknowable'. Curiously, this was the first time but also the last
time that Diogenes drew a conclusion in his articulation of the Five Modes. This
conclusion was very different from the Pyrrhonian conclusion, i.e. epoche,
which Sextus drew in his presentation of the Relativity mode and other modes
that the Pyrrhonist would have more than this in his mind when he makes the
seemingly categorical statement that all things are unknowable. Likewise,
'everything is relative' would be taken as 'everything appears relative'.
Sextus' presentation of the Relativity mode does not give the impression
that the mode admitted of akatalepsia. He simply dwelled on the fact that an
object of perception or of thought, 'appears to be such-and-such relative to the
subject judging and to the things observed together with it'. Therefore, the
sceptic recommended epoche on the real nature of things. This argument looks
similar to the discussion of colour in modern epistemology in which people
argue that the sky is not blue in itself; it just appears to be blue to us. In general
things are colourless, but when they reflect light in different wavelengths, they
appear to have various colours. But what appears blue to a human being does
not appear to be so to a dog. Hence, colour is relative to the perceiving subjects.
Despite different formulations of the mode, the content is the same. For the
notion of 'an existing object' in Sextus' account can be taken in its fullest sense
to cover objects of perception and objects of thought. Hence, to say that things
are unknowable in and by themselves and we can only apprehend them in
connection with something else is more or less the same as saying that objects
are (or appear to be) relative to the subject judging and to the things observed
together with them. Epoche follows.
points to note. First, he introduced it with the mode of Infinite Regression. This
is the first example of how the Five Modes can work in collaboration with each
other to induce epoche. The second point is about the dogmatists who were
challenged by the mode of Infinite Regression and the Hypothetical mode. It
implicitly suggested that the dogmatists were the targets of Pyrrhonian sceptic.
The 'Dogmatists' were those who claimed that they had found the truth. In PHI
3 Sextus gave a short list of the Dogmatists. They were 'the schools of Aristotle
and Epicurus and the Stoics, and some others.' Their philosophy was called
'Dogmatic philosophy'. There was also 'Academic philosophy'. Dogmatic and
rejecting the Ten Modes but in order to refute the rashness of the Dogmatists in
a more varied way by using both sets together.' (PH I 177) This is the only
statement that Sextus made about the relationship between the two sets of
modes. He stressed that the Five Modes are 'handed down' by the more recent
sceptics to work with the earlier Ten Modes of Aenesidemus 'in order to refute
the rashness of the Dogmatists in a more varied way'. Why did Sextus stress that
the Five Modes did not reject the Ten Modes? Was it because some people or
even some sceptics at Sextus' time were confused about the relationship
between the two sets of modes and some of them even attempted to replace the
Ten Modes with the Five Modes? These are speculations. The relationship
between the two sets of modes is confusing.
The Ten Modes of Aenesidemus induce epoche by appealing to
dissimilarity mphantasia (appearance).12 The underlying argument of the Ten
Modes is that p appears x but also y, where x and v are incompatible. We could
not decide ifp is really x or v. Hence, epoche follows. To produce dissimilarity
in appearance, the Ten Modes compare humans and other animals, human
variations, the senses, circumstances, places and positions, mixtures, quantities,
relativity, the common and the rare, and finally customs and persuasions.
For a comprehensive discussion of the Ten Modes, see Annas and Barnes [1985]. My later
discussion on Aenesidemus' Relativity mode and Agrippa's Relativity mode is based on their
Although Sextus explicitly stated that the Ten Modes and the Five Modes
were complementary, there is textual evidence leading people to think
otherwise. Sextus' formulation of Agrippa's Relativity mode (PH I 167)
contains an extra phrase, which is 'as we said above'. This seemingly
unimportant phrase is worth looking into. Annas and Barnes [1985] have
investigated the phrase and they found that it refers to Sextus' earlier
presentation of Aenesidemus' Relativity mode (PH I 135-40), which came
eighth in the Ten Modes. In Agrippa's Relativity mode, an existing object is
'relative to the subject judging and to the things observed together with it'. In
Aenesidemus' Relativity mode, relativity is broken down into two senses:
'relative to the subject judging' and 'relative to the things observed together
with the object'. Agrippa's Relativity mode appears almost completely identical
to Aenesidemus' Relativity mode. The same conception of relativity appeared
in two supposedly separate modes of relativity in Sextus' exposition. The phase
'as we said above' is intended to remind the readers about the earlier
presentation of Aenesidemus' Relativity mode does it imply that Agrippa's
Relativity mode mainly draws on Aenesidemus' Relativity mode for content
and substance?
On introducing the Ten Modes, Sextus arranged them at PH I 38-9 under
the headings of three 'superordinate' modes, namely 'that deriving from the
subject judging', 'that deriving from the object judged' and 'that combined
from both'. While the superordinate modes were said to be more 'specific', the
Ten Modes were labelled as 'subordinate'. The ten subordinate modes were put
under the three specific superordinate modes according to the context to which
they appeal. The first four of the Ten Modes shared the same context as 'what
judges is either an animal or a human or a sense, and is in some circumstance'
and thus they fell under the first superordinate mode deriving from the subject
judging. The seventh and tenth were put under the second superordinate mode
deriving from the object judged. The fifth, sixth, eighth and ninth belonged to
the third superordinate mode combined from both.
The superordinate modes were in turn subsumed under the Relativity mode.
The Relativity Mode was thus made a more outstanding mode than the other
nine modes. It was one of the Ten Modes but at the same time, it was made
superior to the other nine modes. The Relativity Mode argues that everything
appears relative to the subject judging and/or to the things judged. We find no
better reason to prefer this than that or vice versa, so we have to suspend
judgement. The Relativity mode is so broad that it virtually covers the other
nine modes. It is the 'most generic' or the most comprehensive, summing up the
structure of the other nine modes.
It seems problematic for the same Relativity mode to be one of the ten
subordinate modes on the one hand and the most generic on the other hand at the
same time. Moreover, the taxonomy is inconsistent. When Aenesidemus'
Relativity mode was made the most generic at PHI 38-9 it consisted of three
components. But when it was put together with the other nine modes at PH I
135-40, the third component 'that deriving from both' was omitted; only the
subject judging and the things observed together with the object were preserved.
In Agrippa's Relativity mode, the concept of relativity also involves the subject
judging and the things observed together with the object. The omission of the
third component is puzzling if we try to match the first taxonomy with the
second taxonomy.
The Ten Modes are found in three ancient sources. The earliest record is
found in Philo's work, On Drunkenness (c.20 B.C. to 45 A.D.). Sextus' account is
the second source. Diogenes' Lives of Eminent Philosophers contains the third
account. Annas and Barnes have conducted a detailed survey of the Ten Modes
See Hicks' note on Diogenes [1950] p.500. The phase he quoted does not support his claim
suggests that he was aware of the common structure of the Ten Modes.
However, as his version of Aenesidemus' Relativity mode draws on Agrippa's
Relativity mode, it follows that Agrippa must have recognized the common
structure of the Ten Modes when he introduces his Relativity mode. It could be
the case that after studying the Ten Modes thoroughly, Agrippa came to realize
that all the modes conform to the same structure. By capturing the most
essential elements of the common structure, he thus came up with his version of
Relativity mode. If this speculation were right, then Agrippa's Relativity mode,
being the refinement of the Ten Modes, would apparently be superior to the Ten
The development from Aenesidemus' Ten Modes to Agrippa's Five
Modes can be put under the perspective of evolution of the Pyrrhonian modes.
To begin with, Pyrrho 'attached himself to Scepticism more systematically and
more conspicuously than anyone before him' (PH I 7). About some two
hundred years later, Aenesidemus, as a reaction to the Sceptical Academy,
produced the Ten Modes to revive Pyrrhonian scepticism. Then with his Five
Modes, Agrippa skilfully refined the way the Pyrrhonist induces epoche. The
Ten Modes are rather narrow in scope as they are confined to oppositions of
appearances. The Five Modes are more wide-ranging. They are virtually
capable of rendering any belief claim rationally groundless.
Philosophically, the Five Modes exhibit a much deeper and a much more
theoretical understanding of the nature of justification. All sorts of oppositions
fall under the mode of Disagreement. The Relativity mode captures the most
essential technique of how the Ten Modes bring about epoche. The mode of
What about Aenesidemus himself? Did he notice the common structure of his modes? This is
Infinite Regression, the Hypothetical mode and the Reciprocal mode focus on
the structure ofjustification by which a belief claim is established as a source of
conviction. The Five Modes could be regarded as masterly regimented tropoi
combating the rashness of the Dogmatists in highly skilful and varied ways. The
'regiments' can fight against the Dogmatists individually or in a group. When
they work in a group, they are more powerful. For instance, as we shall see in
the next chapter, the mode of Infinite Regression, the Hypothetical mode and
the Reciprocal mode can work together to make seemingly unbearable demands
for rational justification. If a Dogmatist does not want to be caught up in circular
reasoning, then he may be forced to find himself becoming entangled with the
endless urge to give infinite reasons to justify his belief claim. He may
otherwise stop giving proof. But then the belief claim is left unsupported. The
Five Modes do not replace the Ten Modes. In an analogy, the Five Modes are
highly competent all-round regiments while the Ten Modes are specialized in
combating the Dogmatists with oppositions of appearances. They may overlap
in one or two aspects but the Five Modes need not replace the Ten Modes in the
sceptical force. There could be division of labour between the Five Modes and
the Ten Modes.
end. Continuing the enquiry would not bring people any closer to the answer.
There is actually no answer to be discovered. So, to make his conclusion or
Barnes argues that the sceptic thought that suspension of belief (epoche)
follows from undecided {anepikritos) disagreement. Barnes takes issue
with those who would translate anepikritos as 'undecidable'. He argues
that Pyrrhonian sceptics such as Sextus, unlike the Academics, did not
take epoche to be the same as akatalepsia (unknowability). The
Pyrrhonian sceptics, he argues, were in principle tolerant of future
progress, although they did not undertake research themselves. Barnes
admits that often Sextus says, or at least appears to say, that Pyrrhonism
Gottlieb appeared to argue that people would stop worrying about finding
the answer only when they believe in akatalepsia. And it was the sceptic's job to
make people see that things are unknowable and there is no good reason to
continue the search. Otherwise, it would be difficult for the sceptic to induce
Gottlieb [1992] reported that this had been an argument made by Victor Brochard in Les
Sceptiques Grecs, Paris: Imprimerie Nationale, 1887, book iii ch. 6, especially page 304.
ataraxia in his hearers if they still believed that things were knowable and thus
that it was worthwhile to continue the search.
I shall argue that this line of argument is wrong-headed. It is founded on a
few mistaken assumptions about epoche: (1) epoche is the result of akatalepsia,
(2) epoche entails cessation of enquiry and (3) epoche is compatible with the
conviction of akatalepsia. The argument also fails to understand ataraxia. It
could be granted that akatalepsia would better prompt people to stop worrying
about finding an answer. But I shall argue that it is only in a very restricted sense
that the Pyrrhonist would tolerate this intrusion of akatalepsia to bridge the gap
between epoche and ataraxia.
According to Sextus, ' [Pyrrhonian] Scepticism is an ability (dunamis
antithetikos) to set out oppositions among things which appear and are thought
of in any way at all, an ability by which, because of the equipollence in the
opposed objects and accounts, we come first to epoche and afterwards to
ataraxia.' (PH I 8) When confronted with the equipollence in the opposed
accounts, people will naturally find 'none of the conflicting accounts takes
precedence over any other as being more convincing'. Epoche follows; the
intellect comes to a standstill, neither rejecting nor positing anything. It is not
clear why 'the sceptic', as Gottlieb argued, 'would surely want his listener to
assume that there is no good reason to continue the search'. Actually, we cannot
find Sextus urging people to be pessimistic about their enquiry so as to induce
epoche. In Sextus' account, epoche is the natural result of equipollence in the
opposed objects and accounts; one does not need to call upon akatalepsia in
order to induce epoche. The sceptic's job is not to make people see that things
are unknowable. His job is to set out oppositions among things to bring about
equipollence, so that people will then come to epoche.
After all epoche is only a standstill of the intellect in which one neither
rejects nor posits anything. In other words, one just does not know which
propositions deserve assent and which do not. There is no reason why epoche
should bar one from continuing the search. On the contrary, it is precisely the
fact that one does not know which propositions deserve assent and which do not
that motivates one to set off and continue the search. In addition, Mates [1996]
also argued 'certainly some searching is required to bring the Skeptic into a state
of aporia and from there to epoche, but there seems to be no reason why, just
because he is withholding assent, he must close his mind to all further
consideration of the matter in question.'(p.226)
In reality, it is very common for people to suspend judgement while
pursuing an enquiry. For instance, when confronted with extremely puzzling
and difficult issues such as the origin of human beings or the coming into being
of the universe, or the nature of consciousness some people may find it difficult
to make up their mind and so they should suspend judgement. Some people are
optimistic and they do not think that the issues are unknowable. Among them,
some may take sides with a certain theory. The rest may find none of the
existing theories compelling and so they suspend judgement and hope for
discovery in the future. They may engage in the search for discovery or they
may leave it to other people. Some other people may be pessimistic about
finding the answers. They may think that these issues are undecidable in
principle. But then they are not suspendingjudgement. Their intellect is not in a
standstill. When they think that some issues are undecidable in principle, they
are actually positing something. An epoche founded on the conviction of
akatalepsia is unorthodox and the very conviction of akatalepsia is actually
incompatible with epoche. Gottlieb's argument is seriously mistaken.
Gottlieb advanced
a further
the first place, he explicitly stated, 'the sceptics are still investigating'. (PHI 3)
I do not see why we should ignore this written 'declaration'. In fact, it would be
very difficult to set aside this statement. After all, The Greek adjective skeptikos
originally derives from a verb meaning 'to inquire' or 'to consider'.16 One may
argue that the word need not be taken so strongly as to reject the interpretation
in which epoche entails cessation of enquiry. It might also be the case that the
sceptic pays only lip service to the cause of enquiry and they do not undertake
research themselves. Nevertheless due weight should be given to the recurring
emphasis that the sceptic wants to be associated with the pursuit of enquiry. In
addition, Sextus differentiated Pyrrhonian scepticism from the New Academy
precisely on the basis that the Pyrrhonists 'are still investigating' hoping that it
is 'possible for some things actually to be apprehended' while 'the school of
Clitomachus and Cameades, and other Academics, have asserted that things
cannot be apprehended.'17 Even so, Sextus' account of the New Academy may
not be historically accurate. At any rate, the repeated contrast between the
sceptics who were described as still investigating and the New Academy that
was said to be committed to akatalepsia demonstrated the fact that Sextus was
keen on keeping the notion of akatalepsia away from Pyrrhonian scepticism.
There is no reason why we should overlook his effort. Therefore, I suppose
Pyrrhonian scepticism should not be associated with akatalepsia.
Moreover as I have argued in the earlier discussion of the Relativity mode,
if a sceptic happens to say something like 'all things are unknowable', what he
means should be simply that 'all things appear to him to be unknowable'. He
uses 'are' in a non-epistemic sense. He does not assert that things are
PH11-3and 226
unknowable. He is just reporting his state of mind. It seems to him that all things
are unknowable. It is only in this restricted sense that the sceptic would entertain
the impression of akatalepsia. Actually things are unknowable for certain
dogmatists, but not for the sceptic. The sceptic takes the positions of the
Dogmatist to conclude that things are unknowable for the Dogmatist. But as to
whether or not all things are really unknowable, the sceptic should suspend
Even if a disagreement strikes the sceptic as undecidable at the moment, he
might assent to his impression but this does not admit of akatalepsia. The
sceptic would only suspend his judgement. When the sceptic cannot refute a
present argument propounded to him, he will reply by appealing to the future.
Before the founder of the school to which you adhere was born, the
argument of the school, which is no doubt sound, was not yet apparent,
although it was really there in nature. In the same way, it is possible that
the argument opposing the one you have just propounded is really there in
nature but is not yet apparent to us; so we should not yet assent to what is
now thought to be a powerful argument. (PHI 34)
The Pyrrhonists 'are still investigating' hoping that it is 'possible for some
things actually to be apprehended'. So they will leave it open that the seemingly
undecidable disagreement might become decidable in the future.
The motivation behind Gottlieb's line of argument is to make the
Pyrrhonian conclusion or recommendation of epoche compelling. It is assumed
that a compelling epoche founded on the conviction of akatalepsia will prompt
people to stop worrying about finding an answer and thus achieve ataraxia
more effectively. There is substance in this line of thought. In the first place, the
Five Modes, as we shall see in Chapter Three, do give one all the resources one
needs to undermine all claims to justified belief. And akatalepsia seems follow
naturally. In addition, if, as we have seen in the passage, it is always possible to
come up with counter-arguments in the future, it seems things are undecided in
The problem I have been discussing concerns epoche, ataraxia and
In the first passage, the sceptic comes to epoche and then ataraxia follows
fortuitously. In the second passage, the sceptic comes to epoche and then
ataraxia follows as a shadow follows a body. There is inconsistency between
the image of a shadow following a body which suggests a natural and
inseparable connection between epoche and ataraxia and the passage, which
'were among the most important aspects of Pyrrhonism, so that to study them is
Fogelin [1994] p. 11
avoid the consequences of Agrippa's Five Modes' despite the fact that most
writers on the subject seem never to have heard of Agrippa and his Five Modes.
This chapter addresses the Five Modes inasmuch as they constrain theories
of justification. The attack on the criterion of truth (PH II 18-20) serves as an
excellent example to demonstrate how the Five Modes block every way out of
the sceptical predicament of justification. I mention different contemporary
formulations of the problem posed by the Five Modes. Much weight is given to
Barnes's system of three modes and his unparallelled appreciation of the
Hypothetical mode. However, I also give sufficient attention to Fogelin who
argued that the Agrippan problem poses epistemic challenges in an even-handed
way. Finally, I discuss how the Five Modes pose a seemingly unanswerable
problem for the justification of belief.
When the modes work in a group, they are more powerful. In such cases, they
make successive demands for justification. Epistemic justification runs three
Of those who have considered the matter, some, for example, the Stoics
and others, have asserted that there is a criterion; others, including the
Corinthian Xeniades and Xenophanes of Colophon,... have asserted that
there is not; while we have suspended judgment as to whether there is or
This example
of Disagreement,
in his reply to the VIIth set of objections and that which Coffey [1917]
took up in his discussion of the problem of the criterion. This version of the
problem is concerned with 'the proper method for deciding which are the good
beliefs and which are the bad ones which beliefs are genuine cases of
knowledge and which beliefs are not'. 20 Amico, following Chisholm, has
discussed the problem of the criterion; he described it as 'a metaepistemological
Suppose you are considering the claim that P. Then either (1) the claim is
merely asserted, or else (2) it is supported. If (1), then the hypothetical
mode applies.
If (2), then P rests on some reason or set of reasons, Rl. Either (2a) Rl is
an "old" item, i.e. (in this case) it is the same as P, or else (2b) it is a new
item. If (2a), then the reciprocal mode applies.
If (2b), then either the (2bi) Rl is merely asserted or (2bii) Rl is supported.
If (2bi), then the hypothetical mode applies. And so on ... until the
regressive mode is invoked. (P.l 19)
Ibid, p.96
thus save yourself the labour of looking for arguments? (See PHI 174; M
Vm374;M III 13)
Ibid. p. 100
the problem that presents itself is not simply that of avoiding a bad
infinite regress; the challenge is to avoid this regress without falling
into a bad form of circularity or a bad form of unjustified acceptance...
If we think the threat of an infinite regress of reasons as the central
challenge to justified belief, then theories, despite their own
difficulties, may lay claim to our acceptance just because they seem to
deal with this single aspect of the Agrippa problem. If, however, we
begin with an antecedent horror of circularity, an appeal to an infinite
regress might recommend itself as a way out. It is important, then, not
to grant unwarranted dialectical advantages, but to insist, instead, that
a philosophical theory of justification must simultaneously avoid
involvement in a bad infinite regress, in a bad form of circularity, and
in a bad appeal to unwarranted assumption. The Agrippa problem
poses these challenges in an evenhanded way. (p. l14)
be seen if they also lived up to the high standards of epistemic responsibility set
by Cliffordism. This was the task that theorists of epistemic justification had
assigned to themselves. 'For the Agrippa problem to emerge as a serious
problem, the Cliffordian must further believe that knowledge does exist or at
least could exist.'(p.115) The sceptic did not set high standards of epistemic
responsibility; the sceptic simply drew the dogmatists' attention to the
constraints of infinite regress, circularity and unwarranted assumption.
Fogelin discussed how a number of theories of justification had failed to
resolve the Agrippan problem. He suggested that 'It is not possible to deal in
detail with all theories of justification that have been presented there has been
rather an explosion of them in recent years', (p.l 19) Therefore, he contended
with 'the strongest representative samples of the main types of theories of
justification', viz., Chisholm's foundationalism, Bonjour's internal coherentism
and Davidson's external coherentism. He noted that the justificationalists
tended to 'exploit the fundamental structure of the Agrippa problem' in order to
evade the problem.27 Roughly speaking, it is done by 'a complex disjunctive
syllogism eliminating all contending positions, followed by a constructive
attempt to show that the remaining Agrippan mode (properly understood and
qualified) provides a way of solving the Agrippa problem.' For instance,
Bonjour, as a coherentist, dwelled on the inadequacy of unwarranted
assumption and infinite regress but supported circularity as the only desirable
process of justifying a system of beliefs. Chisholm and Moser discussed the
problems with regard to circularity, infinite regress and unwarranted
assumption, and they concluded with foundationalism as the only feasible
Ibid, p.l 17
Fogelin set three success conditions for the justification theories. The first
condition was that 'the presentation of a theory of justification should be
governed by... the principle of philosophical candor. In conformity with this
principle, the author should specify, as desiderata, just which beliefs she takes to
be justified, and which not, for without this specification the scope of the theory
will be indeterminate.'(p. 118) The second condition required the theory to show
in some detail how the supposedly justified beliefs were justified. For the third
condition, 'An answer to the Agrippa problem may not beg the question by
assuming for argumentative purposes that there must be some positive solution
to it.'(p.119) Fogelin complained that epistemic justificationalists hardly ever
insisted upon these three success conditions. He went even further to suspect
that 'There exists what might be called "the Epistemologists' Agreement" not to
hold each other to such standards, perhaps because it was tacitly understood that
no theory could meet them.'
Interestingly enough, Chisholm in The Problem of the Criterion claimed
that the problem could be resolved only by begging the question.
What few philosophers have had the courage to recognize is this: we can
deal with the problem [of the criterion] only by begging the question. It
seems to me that, if we do recognize this fact, as we should, then it is
unseemly for us to try to pretend that it isn't so. One may object:
"Doesn't this mean, then, that the sceptic is right after all?" I would
answer: "Not at all. His view is only one of the three possibilities and in
itself has no more to recommend it than the others do. And in favor of
our approach there is the fact that we do know many things, after all.
quite well be true. Moreover, P may well be a member of the class [of
basic beliefs] . But - ex hypothesi he will not claim to know that P is a
member of the class
hypothesi he will not make this further claim. For, as I said, the whole
point and purpose of his externalist invocation of basic belief is that he
may justifiably believe that p without making the further claim that
because p is in he believes in p. Thus whether or not he is justified in
claiming that p, he will not respond to the sceptic's challenge by
claiming that he is so justified, (p. 143)
justification for (l).'(p.l44) Barnes gave a sceptical note on how the Dogmatist
can claim both (1) and (2).
See' The Sceptic's Two Kinds of Assent and the Question of the Possibility of Knowledge' in
Dogmatists who wanted real and certain knowledge had raised the
standards for what was to count as knowledge. They called into question all the
truths we ordinarily went by and subjected the purported truth claims to some
unnecessarily strict canons. As a result, things that we ordinarily would count as
Assent may be a purely passive matter. It may be the case that human
beings work in such a way that impressions are more or less evident to
us. Evidence is a purely internal feature of our impressions. Now we
also attribute different importance to different questions. We might be
constructed in such a way that if we have an impression on a matter
Ibid, p.99
Ibid. p. 195
Ibid, p.405
prescriptive intent and theoretical intent. In our case with the Pyrrhonian sceptic,
we needed to make a few things clear. What was the normative intent of the
sceptic when he argued against the standard of truth? Was it prescriptive or
theoretical? Similarly, what was the normative intent when the sceptic argued
that one's belief was groundless? But the questions could not be answered in
isolation. It would require us to take the nature of Pyrrhonian scepticism into
account. Consequently, we shall consider a more fundamental question: what is
the nature of the Pyrrhonian scepticism? Was it therapeutic or compelling
reasoning? I shall pursue these questions in the next chapter.
not dogmatize with reference to a contrast between two senses of dogma. The
first sense of dogma is acquiescing in something or consenting to a thing
(eudokein tint pragmati). The second sense of dogma is assent to anything
non-evident. Sextus assures us that the sceptic does not dogmatize in the second
sense of dogma. In his own words, 'the Pyrrhonist assents to nothing that is
non-evident.' The contrast between two senses of dogma, however, gives rise to
some interpretative problems. On the one hand the sceptic does not assent to
anything non-evident, yet on the other hand he does 'assent to the pathe that are
forced upon him by a phantasia'. 37 What makes the sceptic consent to his
affections but withhold assent from anything non-evident? Does the sceptic
come to hold any belief when he assents to the pathe that are forced upon him by
a phantasial Does Sextus imply in this passage that the sceptic holds beliefs in
the first sense of dogma, if holding this kind of belief is compatible with his
Pyrrhonian Scepticism?
The interpretations by Frede, Burnyeat and Barnes are founded on different
readings of the contrast at PH I 13. As a result, the nature and scope of
Pyrrhonian scepticism varies from one interpretation to another. Frede in 'The
Sceptic's Beliefs'38, for instance, argues that 'there can be no doubt whatsoever
that, according to Sextus, a serious Pyrrhonean sceptic can have beliefs.'
Burnyeat however, disagrees in 'Can the Sceptic Live His Scepticism?'39 and he
argues that the sceptic has no beliefs though 'the supposed life without belief is
not, after all, a possible life for man.' In 'The Beliefs of a Pyrrhonist'40 Barnes
writes, '"What is the scope of Pyrrhonian epoche?" is of the last importance for
an understanding of ancient Scepticism'. This chapter features a dialectical
structure. Frede's interpretation is a good starting point. I give an account of his
interpretation. Then I present the objections to his interpretation by Burnyeat
and Barnes. Burnyeat, for his part, offers a different interpretation of Pyrrhonian
scepticism. But we shall see how Barnes and Frede seriously undermine it.
Finally, Barnes appears to defuse the debate by arguing that the question about
the extent of Pyrrhonian scepticism may actually be ill conceived.
Frede's article is the earliest among thefive.It initiates the debate in the sense that Burnyeat
Ibid. p. 1
Ibid, p.2
We say that the sceptic does not dogmatize, not in the sense of "belief
(dogma) in which some say, speaking quite generally, a belief consists
in consenting to a thing (eudokein tini pragmati); for the sceptic does
assent to such affections which necessarily result when things appear to
him in certain ways; he would not, for example, when he is hot or cold,
say, "I believe I am not hot (cold)"; We rather say, he does not
dogmatize, in the sense of "belief, in which some say a belief consists
in assenting to one of the nonevident things which the sciences have as
their objects of inquiry; for the Pyrrhonean assents to nothing
nonevident. (p. 16)
the narrower sense of dogma. The distinction defines the sense in which the
sceptic suspends judgement on all matters but it also allows the sceptic to have
some beliefs. The sceptic suspends judgement on all non-evident matters, but he
can have beliefs in the sense of eudokein. Therefore Frede contends that, 'In PH
I 13ff., Sextus explains in what sense the sceptic is not dogmatic. What is not in
question, at least if we follow Sextus, is whether the sceptic has no dogmas, no
beliefs at all but whether he has no beliefs of a certain sort. Sextus distinguishes
between a wider {koinoteron) and a narrower sense of 'belief; and only beliefs
in the narrower sense count as dogmatic. Hence, there can be no doubt
whatsoever that, according to Sextus, a serious Pyrrhonean sceptic can have
But the passage does not explicitly say the sceptic can have beliefs. It
merely suggests that the sceptic does not dogmatize, or he does not assent to
anything non-evident. At best, it simply says the sceptic assents to his affections.
But Frede is ready to take this assent to affections (in the sense of consenting to
a thing or eudokein tini pragmati) as a belief. And he is prepared to support this
interpretation with arguments. He observes that the word eudokein is common
in legal contexts and Hellenistic literature. It is used in the sense of 'be content
with', 'assent to', 'agree', 'consent to', 'recognize', 'accept', or 'suppose'.44 In
the paragraph, eudokein is contrasted with the assent to non-evident things.
Hence, Frede argues if the sceptic is willing to assent to something, it will be
something evident or something that seems to him to be the case. The meaning
of eudokein in the paragraph would then be 'what the sceptic literally accepts,
what he is content with, what he has no objection to is whatever seems to him to
Ibid, pp.8-9 Koinoteron could just mean 'more common'. See glossary.
Ibid. p. 17
be the case, whatever seems evident to him.' (p. 17) This inference is supported
by the contrast between the dogmatist and the sceptic. For Frede 'the dogmatist
is so concerned that things might, in reality, be quite different, that he does not
accept the verdict of phantasia; instead, he relies on reason in order to find out
how things really are (cf. PHI 12).'45 The sceptic, however, is different from
the dogmatist in this respect. The sceptic, as Frede projects, 'has learned from
experience, that reason if he tries to follow it seriously and fully, gets him no
further and, thus that, he must rest content with how things appear (cf. PH I
12).' Though the sceptic sometimes argues against what seems evident, it is for
the sake of dialectical argumentation. In general, the sceptic accepts the verdict
ofphantasia and he does not bother to join the dogmatist to find out how things
really are.
Having argued to the effect that the sceptic is content with whatever seems
to him to be the case, Frede goes on to argue that the sceptic comes to hold
beliefs when he is content with whatever seems to him to be the case. He claims
that 'to judge by the passage at hand', Sextus exhibits a conception of the origin
of beliefs. 'The dogmatists', Frede suggests, 'see assent as a voluntary act, a
judgement about the impression which presents itself to us; it is only this
judgement that leads to a belief.'(p. 18)46 Whereas for Sextus 'something which
can count as a belief, a judgement, arises in us when we do not object and
consequently consent.' In this way, the sceptic is said to have beliefs when he
consents to the affections forced upon him. The beliefs that the sceptic has
would be nothing more than consenting to a thing forced upon him. Frede
conjectures that Sextus intentionally used eudokein to denote the beliefs that the
Ibid. p. 18
On issues related to assent as voluntary, and belief as involuntary, see Cohen [1992].
sceptic came to hold, as opposed to other beliefs that had to do with assent to
something non-evident. He argues that eudokein is a word that is
philosophically neutral. 'It hardly appears at all in philosophical texts; as a
philosophical term, it occurs nowhere else' and 'it has no philosophical or
technical meaning, no philosophical associations and is connected with no
special philosophical claims; presumably, it is exactly this fact that leads Sextus
to choose the word', (p. 17) The notion of eudokein was deliberately adopted to
highlight the fact that the sceptic consents to his affections in an ordinary
manner or in a way that is free of philosophical colouring. The sceptic was
content with whatever seems to him to be the case and he would come to hold
beliefs in this way. But his beliefs would be nothing more than consenting to a
thing forced upon him, but on the other hand 'the sceptic may not have beliefs of
a certain kind, viz., philosophical or scientific ones which depend on reasoned
grounds', (p. 19) It is worth notice that assent to the affections is made passive
for the sceptic in Frede's account. As this passive assent matches up with the
notion of belief in the account, belief is also a passive thing.
To sum up, Frede's interpretation presumes that the sceptic's assent to
affections or the first sense of dogma in the sense of consenting to a thing
matches up with the notion of belief. It is given that the sceptic is happy to
assent to his affections; therefore, the sceptic can have beliefs. Though the
sceptic is said to hold no beliefs at PH 112. Frede thinks this is only true in a
restricted sense. He suggests construing the restriction to dogmatic beliefs, so
that the sceptic comes to hold no beliefs only in the sense that he comes to hold
no dogmatic beliefs, which are related to non-evident things. However, is it
really the case that the sceptic's assent to impression amounts to belief? Is it
appropriate to take PH I 13 as the key passage 'in which Sextus explicitly
discusses what sorts of beliefs the sceptic can have without being dogmatic'?
As for beliefs, Frede interprets the passage as suggesting that some beliefs
depend on reasoned grounds while some others are simply consenting to the
affections. The sceptic avoids beliefs that depend on reasoned grounds but he
holds beliefs when he consents to the affections or even when he fails to object
to the affections. It is, however, not the content of a belief that makes the belief
dogmatic or ordinary. 'Any belief, whatever its content may be, can be a
dogmatic belief; conversely, every belief can be an undogmatic one.' (p. 19)
Whether a belief is dogmatic or not depends decisively on the attitude of the
believer who holds the belief. If one puts in anything more than what would be
sufficient for consenting to a thing, one's belief would not be an ordinary belief.
However, is the notion of ordinary belief in Frede's account too general and too
broad? Obviously, Frede does not worry about this.
At the end of his essay, Frede briefly considers an objection against his
interpretation. 'It might be objected that what... Sextus is prepared to call
"dogmata" are not even beliefs. For example, we might think that the mere
feeling that something is the case is not to be regarded as a belief just because
we do not object to this feeling or impression.' (p.21) To defend his
interpretation, Frede argues that what Sextus is prepared to call dogmata are
beliefs unless we are talking about 'some specific, dogmatic definition of belief.
His argument appeals to the ordinary use of 'believe', 'think', or 'suppose' (or
the ordinary use of 'dokein'). He holds, 'it is clear that the conditions for
employing these verbs are so weak that the sceptic's beliefs will satisfy them
without any difficulty.' (p.22) Frede supposes we ask someone who has just
come in the room if it is still raining outside and the man replies that it is. The
reply, as Frede claims, expresses the man's belief that it is still raining. In
addition, to deny this would involve 'a dogmatic view about what is to count as
a belief. When we ask the sceptic the same question under the same conditions,
the sceptic will give the same reply. Likewise, unless we are talking with a
dogmatic definition of belief, we cannot deny that the answers offered by the
sceptic express his belief that it is now raining.
When the sceptic goes out and finds that it is raining, he has no choice but
to assent to the impression forced upon him. When we ask the sceptic about the
weather, he simply replies that it is now raining. His answer is a report of what
seems to him to be the case. When he is impressed in a certain way, he reports
accordingly. The sceptic's report is azetetos, i.e., his report is outside the scope
of enquiry (PH I 22). We are in no position to challenge the sceptic's report of
the present state of his own mind. However, is this assent to the impression
belief? Drawing on PH I 14,1 used to argue that assent to impression does not
match up with belief. Sextus reports in what sense the sceptic does not
dogmatize at PH 113. After that he further explains at PH 114 that the sceptic
does not come to hold beliefs even when the sceptic utters sceptical phases like
'I determine nothing'. Most importantly, I thought Sextus had explicitly
explained what it was to hold beliefs when he put down, 'if you hold beliefs,
then you posit as real the things you are said to hold beliefs about'.47 Surely to
posit things as real is very different from merely consenting to things.
Consenting to things is much weaker than positing things as real. To consent to
PHI 14 'Not even in uttering the Sceptical phrases about unclear matters for example, "In
no way more", or "I determine nothing", or one of the other phrases which we shall later
discuss do they hold beliefs. For if you hold beliefs, then you posit as real the things you are
said to hold beliefs about; but Sceptics posit these phrases not as necessarily being real. For they
suppose that, just as the phrase "Everything is false" says that it too, along with everything else,
is false (and similarly for "Nothing is true"), so also "In no way more" says that it too, along
with everything else, is no more so than not so, and hence it cancels itself along with everything
else. And we say the same of the other Sceptical phrases.'
things, we simply accept the verdict of phantasia and raise no objection against
it. Whereas to posit things as real, we need to, at least, give reasons to support
the things as real. If somebody challenges our belief claim, then we need to
defend it with reasons again. To posit things as real, we have to be ready to
maintain it. As a result, I was inclined to argue that the sceptic's mere assent to
impression forced upon him did not amount to belief. Assenting to a certain
impression is not belief. It requires the sceptic to go far beyond merely
consenting to things to substantially posit things as real. But that is the last thing
the sceptic would do. For he claims no insight into how things really are and he
is not prepared to posit his impressions as real. In addition, the sceptic is
notorious not for establishing any doctrine but for undermining every doctrine
that he comes across; as the chief constitutive principle of scepticism states, 'to
every account an equal account is opposed'.
Moreover, the sceptic's report of what seems the case is beyond real or
unreal. So when it is raining and the sceptic is impressed that it is so, he consents
to the impression that it is raining and he raises no objection against it. He has
no need to give any reason to support his impression that it is now raining.
When he is impressed in a certain way, he reports his impression without
making any bold judgement on how things really are. My conclusion was, while
Sextus had explicitly suggested that to have beliefs was to posit as real the
things believed, and the sceptic's assent to impressions was neither real nor
unreal, it was not sensible to maintain that the sceptic's assent amounted to
beliefs. To identify the assent to affections as beliefs would be a false departure
from what Sextus said on what it is to believe in something. Dogma and belief
were two different things for the sceptic. They should not be confused in any
interpretation of Pyrrhonian scepticism. Dogma has to do with eudokein tini
pragmati, viz., consenting to things. Whereas to hold a belief, for the sceptic,
was to posit the thing that you believe as real. The sceptic never sets off to posit
any thing as real. Therefore, he comes to hold no beliefs, he acts in a
non-belief-related way (adoxastos).
My arguments, as I used to believe, did not rely on any dogmatic definition
of belief. It simply considered what it was for the sceptic to hold beliefs. If it is
true that the sceptic comes to hold no beliefs, he puts in nothing more than what
would suffice for consenting to a thing when he assents to his affections; as for
anything non-evident, he withholds his assent.
What is in question with PH I 13 is whether the sceptic's assent to
impressions or the first sense of dogma matches up with belief. Strictly speaking,
the passage does not explicitly say anything on the question. However, Frede
claims 'to judge by the passage at hand', for Sextus 'something which can count
as a belief, a judgement, arises in us when we do not object and consequently
consent.' Dogma is made equivalent to belief and belief has two senses; the
sceptic is said to have beliefs in the first sense but avoid beliefs in the second
sense. However, is it really the case that what Sextus refers to as dogma is belief?
Burnyeat has a different story to tell.
non-evident things. Since the sceptic does not assent to non-evident things, he
eschews all beliefs. Burnyeat notes that the sceptic's assent is expressed in
prepositional form like 'the honey appears to us to be sweet', an example from
PH I 20. If some of the prepositional expressions of his pathe can be properly
interpreted as making epistemic assertions then it can be argued with effect that
the sceptic is committed to some beliefs. The sceptic, by this interpretation,
would be making non-dogmatic assertions about how things are in the world
with sentences like 'the honey appears to us to be sweet'. Frede's interpretation,
as we have seen, gives the same picture of the sceptic. Therefore, when
Burnyeat attempts to rebut this line of interpretation, he is also taking issue with
Frede's interpretation.
By the epistemic reading of the sceptic's talk of appearances, the sceptic's
assent to appearance expresses his ordinary belief about what is the case in the
world. The general idea of the epistemic reading is as below.
good, others evil" (MXI 19), we can hardly take "appear" (phainesthai)
other than in its epistemic sense. That is, when the sceptic offers a report
of the form "It appears to me now that p", at least sometimes he is
chronicling the fact that he believes or finds himself inclined to believe
that something is the case, (p.47)
There Sextus says that some people define a broad sense of "dogma"
meaning to accept something or not contradict it, and with this he
contrasts a narrower sense explained by some (? the same) people as
assent to one of the non-evident things investigated by the sciences. The
point of this distinction is to clarify the sense in which the sceptic does not
dogmatize: he will have nothing to do with dogma in the second and
The fact that many appearance-statements in PH and M seem to demand epistemic reading
may pose an objection to Sextus as well. Bumyeat dwells on this too, see pp.53-7.
narrower sense, "for the Pyrrhonist does not assent to anything that is
non-evident". But he does assent to states with which he is forcibly
affected in accordance with an impression, and such assent (we are given
to understand) is or involves dogma in the broader sense to which the
Pyrrhonist has no objection. For example (an example we have met
before), He would not say, when he is warmed or chilled, "I think I am not
warmed or chilled." (p.48)
Bumyeat does not favour the distinction of dogmatic and non-dogmatic belief. According to
him, to believe something is to believe it as true and 'Sextus has no other notion of belief than
the accepting of something as true.' (p.53)
seeming'. It is not an epistemic seeming since it says nothing about what is the
case in the world. The statement is not an expression of a non-dogmatic belief
about what is the case. It is, at best, a report of the pathos of the sceptic, which
makes no truth-claim about things in the world. According to Sextus, the
sceptic's report of his impression is not subject to enquiry, azetetos (PH 122).51
We cannot properly challenge the sceptic's report of the present state of his own
mind. Therefore, if the sceptic thinks that he is warmed and he says that he is
warmed, his statement should not be taken in any epistemic sense. It is just an
expression of his pathos or a record of his bodily experience. My earlier
objection to Frede's interpretation relies on the same characterization of the
appearance-statement made by Sextus. Burnyeat pursues a different line of
argument. Now since it is most likely for epistemic reading to get approval from
Sextus at PH I 13, one could bring the paragraph under scrutiny to see if it really
gives the approval for an epistemic reading. Burnyeat adopts this approach. His
contention is that the broad sense of dogma would not support an epistemic
reading of appearance-statements if the example of being warmed/chilled at PH
113 is not a proposition about what is the case in the world. For if the example is
a proposition about what is the case in the world, then it would be an epistemic
seeming; it would be an example by which the sceptic expresses his belief about
what is the case in the world. In addition, since Sextus intends to explain in what
sense the sceptic does not dogmatize at PH I 13, it is natural to take the
Ibid, p.49
PH I 22 'Accordingly, we say that the criterion of the Sceptic Way is the appearance in
effect using that teim here for the phantasia for since this appearance lies in feeling and
involuntary pathos it is not open to question. Thus nobody, I think, disputes about whether the
external objects appears this way or that, but rather about whether it is such as it appears to be. '
The best he can argue is that "The reference of these funny verbs
dichotomy between
happening' on the sceptic's pathos. Burnyeat suggests that the dichotomy is 'a
Cartesian choice' which is alien to the sceptic's way of thinking.54 In other
words, 'we cannot "split" the affection (pathos) into separate mental (subjective)
and physical (objective) components.' (p.50) So if this is right, it would be
possible for the sceptic's pathos to be free of any epistemic association with the
process of heat transfer when he says something like, 'I am warmed/chilled'.
Burnyeat reports that the ambiguity encountered existed in Cyrenaic vocabulary as well, (p.49)
Frede also discusses thermainesthai. Like Bumyeat, he does not approve the translation by Bury
and Hossenfelder on thermainesthai. And he admits the same difficulty; ' A precise analysis of
the example is difficult for both linguistic and intrinsic reasons.' (p.20) But his concern is to
show that the sceptic can have beliefs that are more than his own impressions. See pp.20-1.
Ibid, p.49
Bumyeat [1982] argues that 'it was Descartes who put subjective knowledge at the centre of
epistemology and thereby made idealism a possible position for a modem philosopher to
take.' Before that the sceptic and his fellow Greeks had not disintegrated the pathos into
separate subjective and objective components.
Before dealing with the second interpretative question, Burnyeat adds a supplementary
argument to his discussion of the first question. The sceptic uses the verb 'to be ' in the sense of
'to appear' (PH 1135,198,200) and at MXI 18 Sextus explains it in non-epistemic terms. So, he
argues, we should take 'honey is sweet' meaning 'honey appears sweet'. The fact that Sextus is
cautious about 'to be ' and his conscious avoidance of giving the false impression that he
endorses any epistemic seeming seems to support the idea that Sextus does not approve any
epistemic reading of the sceptic's appearance-statements.
We proceed in the same way when asked whether the sceptic has
hairesis (a system). If one defines hairesis as an attachment to a number
Ibid, p.43
of dogmata that agree with one another and with appearances, and
defines a dogma as an assent to something non-evident, we shall say that
the sceptic does not have hairesis. But if one says that hairesis is a way
of life that, in accordance with appearances, follows a certain rationale,
where that rationale shows how it is possible to live rightly ("rightly"
being taken, not as referring only to virtue, but in a more ordinary sense)
and tends to produce the disposition to suspend judgement, then we say
that he does have hairesis. For we do follow a certain rationale that, in
accord with appearances, points us toward a life in conformity with the
customs of our country and its laws and institutions, and with our own
particular paths. (PH I 16-7)
Burnyeat argues at the end of his discussion of the epistemic reading, 'one
solitary reference to the sciences (for it is not repeated elsewhere in Sextus) in a
definition borrowed from someone else is not sufficient to credit Sextus with a
distinction between dogmatic and non-dogmatic belief.' (p.51) In the first place,
it seems more likely to Burnyeat that the distinction is borrowed from someone
else. In the distinction, Sextus makes explicit reference to some people who
define the broad sense of dogma and some other people who define the narrower
sense of dogma. (Burnyeat wonders whether they are the same people).
Burnyeat takes it as Sextus' admittance that the distinction is 'borrowed from
some previous sceptic writer'. Moreover, he notes that the distinction is
structurally parallel to PH 116-7 in which Sextus mentions a contrasting pair of
the term hairesis. He points out that the first definition of hairesis is 'couched (it
would appear) in terms of the narrower sense of "dogma"' and it 'can be found
almost verbatim in an unfortunately truncated passage of Clement (SVF II, p.37,
8-10), where it is again attributed to "some people".' (p.51) In the second place,
Burnyeat notes that Sextus repeatedly restricts his epochs with various forms of
depends on what they are contrasted with, and in every case the contrast is with
how things appear, where this, as we have seen, is to be taken non-epistemically.
All we are left with, then, is a passive impression (phantasia) or experience
(pathos), expressed in a statement which makes no truth-claim about what is the
case.' Drawing on Sextus' characterization of the sceptic at PH I 15, he
maintains, the sceptic 'states what appears to himself and announces his own
experience without belief, making no assertion about external things'.
Actually, Burnyeat thinks that the distinction between dogmatic and
non-dogmatic belief cannot really be made out. In the first place, the distinction
is inconsistent with the internal logic of Pyrrhonian scepticism. To induce
epochs, the sceptic may need to undermine our hopes and fears. However, hope
and fear can be founded on any type of belief, let it be dogmatic or
non-dogmatic. So to undermine our hopes and fears, the sceptic has to deal with
any beliefs about what is good and what is bad for us. 'Belief, in the sense
Sextus is attacking, is responsible for all the things men pursue and avoid by
their own judgement (M XI 142, using doxa). The internal logic of Pyrrhonism
requires that dogma and doxa Sextus does not differentiate between these
two terms really do mean: belief.' (p.52)
Secondly, for Burnyeat it is rather uncertain how a distinction between
dogmatic and non-dogmatic beliefs can be made out. Sensible qualities do not
Burnyeat gives the following examples of restriction. The Pyrrhonist's epochsis restricted 'to
the question how things are "in nature" (pros ten phusin etc., PH I 59, 78, 87, et al.)\ 'how
things are "so far as concerns what the dogmatists say about them" (PH II 26, 104, III 13, 29,
135, M Vin 3)', or 'how things are "so far as this is a mater for logos (statement, definition,
reason)" (PHI 20,215)'.
pose any great problem to the distinction; 'but it would need to be explained
what it amounted to when applied to such examples as "It is day", "I am
conversing" (M VIII144), or "This is a man" (M VIII 316).' (p.53) According to
Burnyeat, it is not practical to define non-dogmatic belief as belief not grounded
in reasoning. For this attempt will disconnect belief with truth and reason. He
insists, 'Sextus has no other notion of belief than the accepting of something as
An epistemic reading seems most likely to find its justification at PH I 13
because the distinction involved a reference to the sciences. The narrower sense
of dogma is 'assent to one of the non-evident matters investigated by the
sciences'. The reference to sciences is not repeated elsewhere in Sextus.
Therefore, Burnyeat argues that the distinction is borrowed from someone else
and Sextus is not committed to the distinction. However, Barnes also notices
that the reference is mentioned once, but he argues that Sextus' normal way of
identifying dogmata is simply 'assent to something unclear' (PH I 97). 60 A
distinction between dogmatic and non-dogmatic belief could be preserved
without the reference to the sciences. This distinction still allows and supports
Frede's interpretation even if we grant that Sextus borrows the distinction from
someone else, as Burnyeat suggests. By this distinction, belief loses connection
with truth and reason. As we shall see in Frede's objection to Burnyeat, it could
be argued that belief is not necessarily related to truth and reason.
Burnyeat's objections to Frede are not conclusive so far. Now I move on to
see how Barnes adds force to the challenge to Frede and then I will get back to
Burnyeat's other powerful arguments.
Ibid, p.76
hold some beliefs, like beliefs about his own existence, space, time and external
objects. 'For the utterance of an indicative sentence functions characteristically
as a manifestation of belief in the proposition expressed by the sentence.' (p.64)
Barnes, however, suggests that not every utterance of an indicative sentence is a
statement or an affirmation. In addition, the Greek philosophers know that there
are many speech acts while stating is only one of them. Therefore, he argues that
we have to find out 'what speech act the Pyrrhonist is performing when he utters
sentences.'(p.65) First, he reports that Sextus use the term 'avowals'
(apangeliai) to refer to Pyrrhonist utterances. According to Wittgenstein,
avowals (or Ausserungen) are expressions of feeling and 'to call the avowals of
a feeling a statement is misleading' (Zettel, 549). Drawing on Wittgenstein on
avowal, Barnes argues that when the Pyrrhonist of PH is mentally affected and
utters a phenomenological
evincing any belief; he is rather expressing his mental state (pathos). 'Avowals
are not statements; and they bypass belief. The avowals of a Pyrrhonist may
similarly bypass belief.' Hence, 'if we are prepared to take seriously Sextus'
talk of avowals, the Pyrrhonist may support
volubly while
is minimal.
in PH is right, there would be not much room for any epistemic reading or
Frede's interpretation. But his reliance on Wittgenstein could be anachronistic.
Groarke [1990] argued that the Pyrrhonist and his contemporaries understand
belief in quite a different way than we do. Epoche leaves room for belief in
contemporary sense but not belief in ancient sense. And so it is anachronistic to
conflate the two senses of belief in interpreting Pyrrhonian scepticism and the
epochs. Burnyeat, as we now turn to see, also detects the shadow of
anachronism in Frede's interpretation.
In 'The Sceptic in His Place and Time' Bumyeat advances a round-about
argument against Frede's interpretation. He presents a historical perspective
according to which for the Greeks, philosophizing would have direct bearing on
first order judgement so that philosophical puzzlement would impede the
ordinary business of life. Greek philosophy is under 'the atmosphere of
"belatedness"'. Another way to describe it is the lack of 'insulation' between
philosophizing and living. By contrast, modern philosophy is associated with
insulation, so that philosophizing would be separated from the ordinary
business of life. His main idea is that we need to put the sceptic in his place and
time, and be aware of the lack of insulation if we are to have a sound
understanding of the sceptic. Based on this historical perspective, Frede's
interpretation is rendered anachronistic.
According to Bumyeat's thesis of insulation, a modern philosopher
'insulates his ordinary first order judgements from the effects of his
When we say that the sceptic does not dogmatize, we are not using
"dogma" in the more general sense in which some say it is dogma
to accept anything (for the sceptic does assent to the experiences he
cannot help having in virtue of this impression or that: for example,
he would not say, when warmed or cooled, "I seem not to be
warmed or cooled"). Rather, when we say he does not dogmatize,
we mean "dogma" in the sense in which some say that dogma is
assent to any of the non-evident matters investigated by the
Ibid, p.96
Ibid, p.98
sceptic does not practise insulation by subject matter. It is not the content that
makes the belief dogmatic. 'Any belief, whatever its content may be, can be a
dogmatic belief; conversely, every belief can be an undogmatic one.' (p. 19)
Whether a belief is dogmatic or not depends decisively on the attitude of the
person who holds the belief. Frede's interpretation differs from the country
gentleman's interpretation in this respect. As we shall see, for Burnyeat, Frede's
interpretation features insulation between two ways of understanding
statements such as 'The soup is hot'. Therefore, his objections to the country
gentleman's interpretation could be directed to Frede's interpretation.
For Bumyeat, the manner in which 'Gassendi aligns Sextus' contrast [at
PH I 13] with a contrast between the outside of things (what is accessible to
everyday observation through the senses) and their inner nature' in his
exposition of Sextus is an example of anachronism in the way Pyrrhonian
scepticism has been interpreted since the seventeenth century. He claims that
one can never 'find Sextus adding the epithet "inner" on the innumerable
occasions when he concludes, "We can say how things appear, but not what
their nature is". The inner/outer contrast bespeaks a new world, in which the
interpretation of ancient Pyrrhonism has been overlaid with the preoccupations
of seventeenth-century science.' (p. 100)
Referring to a passage by J. L. Mackie, Burnyeat spots a contemporary
example of insulation in ethics.64 According to Burnyeat, Mackie 'insulates first
order moral judgements so securely that he thinks they can survive the second
Mackie [1977] Ethics: Inventing Right and Wrong p.34. 'The denial of objective values can
carry with it an extreme emotional reaction, a feeling that nothing matters at all, that life has lost
its purpose. Of course this does not follow; the lack of objective values is not a good reason for
abandoning subjective concern or for ceasing to want anything.'
order discovery that all first order value judgements involve error, viz. an
erroneous (false) claim to objective truth.' (p.112) He then compares Mackie
with the sceptic. "The original Pyrrhonists, by contrast, thought that if
philosophical argument could cast doubt on the objectivity of value in their
terms, if it could be shown that nothing is good or bad by nature that would
precisely have the effect of making you cease to want anything, or to hope for
anything, or to fear anything. Their name for this detached view of one's own
life was ataraxia.' For the sceptic, epoche is the gateway to ataraxia. Burnyeat
argues that insulation would make it difficult for the sceptic to induce ataraxia.
His point is that it would be necessary for the sceptic not to leave ordinary belief
intact if ataraxia were to be achieved. Otherwise, epoche on second order
judgement alone would not have much bearing on our desires and orientation.
It is above all the judgments which underlie the ordinary man's hopes
and fears which must be put in doubt and withdrawn if ataraxia is to be
achieved. The target of the sceptical arguments is, first, the ordinary
man's ordinary belief that it is good and desirable to have money, say, or
fame or pleasure (M XI 120-4, 144-6; cf. PH I 27-8); and second, the
first order judgements of ordinary life about what is happening in the
world around, which bear upon our achievement of these goals (if it is
good and desirable to have money, it is important to know where the
money is). The method of attack is philosophical argument, but the
target is our innermost selves and our whole approach to life. Any
attempt to insulate our first order judgements would frustrate the
sceptic's philanthropic enterprise of bringing us by argument to ataraxia
ofs oul(cf.PH III 280).65
anyone who says that Plato now is in the place where Socrates was when
he was alive, and intends thereby to make a truth-claim, says something
which is open to inquiry in that he can be challenged to give reasons or
evidence for his claim and to defend its legitimacy, where this may
include... defending a conception of place or the reality of time. If the
defence fails, that has much the same effect as failure to produce decent
historical evidence. It begins to look as if there is no good reason to
believe the statement. And if you can find no good reason to believe a
statement, what can you do but suspend judgment about it? All that
remains for you is the standard sceptic retreat to a statement which makes
no truth-claim, for which, consequently, reasons and legitimacy cannot be
demanded, namely, "It appears to me that Plato now is in the place where
Socrates was when he alive." That you can say without opening yourself
to the sceptical arguments, (p. 113)
the distinction between the evident and the non-evident is itself one of
those dogmatists' distinctions which the sceptic makes light of (cf. PH II
97). The definition of dogma as assent to any of the non-evident matters
investigated by the sciences is explicitly taken from someone else (PH I
13). Sextus will use it, but not for the purpose of insulating the ordinary
from the theoretical. About both sides of the dogmatists' distinction he
speaks with a clear voice: it is impossible not to suspend judgment,
(p. 115)
investigation. If these concepts are problematic, as Sextus argues they all are,
and philosophical doubt is not separated from empirical doubt, ordinary
statement will then be equally problematic. Therefore, if the sceptic suspends
judgement on theoretical concepts, ordinary life statements that presuppose the
concepts would be subject to epoche as well. The sceptic may assent to his
affections and dwell on ordinary life statements. But he would suspend
judgement on them. It seems it would be difficult for the country gentleman's
interpretation to reply to this argument.
Bumyeat suggests that Kant played an important role in the invention of
insulation in philosophy. 'It was Kant who persuaded philosophy that one can
be, simultaneously and without contradiction, an empirical realist and a
transcendental idealist.' (p. 121) In addition, it was after Kant that scepticism
goes to the transcendental level. Insulation was thus invented. Since then
ordinary life statements like 'The soup is hot' can be taken empirically,
invoking no philosophical colouring at the transcendental level. Statements like
these became immune from transcendental scepticism. But things were different
in ancient Greece, if the historical perspective given by Burnyeat is correct.
Frede's interpretation of Pyrrhonian scepticism also features insulation between
two ways of understanding statements: the ordinary man's plain way of
understanding and the philosophical way of understanding. If things had not
been so in ancient Greece, this line of interpretation would be seriously wrong.
Burnyeat observes that Thomas Clarke [1972] reiterated some of what
Kant had said on scepticism, but in a quite different tone of voice.
Clarke's sceptic takes up what is called the absolute point of view and
declares that the plain man's knowledge claims are all very well in the
context of ordinary life but they do not embody an absolute knowledge
He discusses the issue in greater detail in Burnyeat [1982]. Actually, his whole interpretation
According to Burnyeat,
When the sceptic doubts that anything is true (PH II 88ff., M VIE 17 ff.),
he has exclusively in view claims as to real existence. Statements which
merely record how things appear are not in question they are not called
true or false only statements which say that things are thus and so in
reality. In the controversy between the sceptic and the dogmatists over
whether any truth exists at all, the issue is whether any proposition or class
of propositions can be accepted as true of a real objective world as distinct
from mere appearance. For "true" in these discussions means "true of a
real objective world"; the true, if there is such a thing, is what conforms
with the real, an association traditional to the word alethes since the
earliest period of Greek philosophy (cf. M XI 221). (p.30)
contrasted with appearance, that will amount to suspending all belief, (p.31)
Burnyeat further argues that 'the Greek word dogma originally means
simply "belief (cf. PI. Rep. 538c, Tht. 158d) [and] Sextus defines
the doctrines (1) and (2)? I am not going to argue against the doctrines by
themselves. However, I shall argue in the following that Sextus may appear to
endorse truth and belief as articulated by Burnyeat. Yet the fact is that he is not
under any yoke to commit himself or the sceptic of the PH to the doctrines.
This assumption seems reasonable to Bumyeat. He claims, 'it is a fact of central importance
that truth, in the sceptic's vocabulary, is closely tied to real existence as contrasted with
appearance', 'The internal logic of Pyrrhonism requires that dogma and doxa Sextus does not
differentiate between these two terms really do mean: belief and, 'Sextus has no other notion
of belief than the accepting of something as true.'
whatever. (PH I 8-11) In practice, the sceptic takes issue with the
dogmatist on a wide range of topics not restricted to philosophy. For the sake of
argument, the sceptic is generally accustomed to making temporary concessions
to the dogmatists without committing himself to any doctrine under scrutiny in
any sense. This is exactly what happens with the doctrines that the true is what
conforms to reality, and belief is tied to truth; it is assent to the non-evident. Far
from being committed to these dogmatic doctrines, Sextus just takes them for
granted in order to induce epoche dialectically. They are only hypotheses for
him. He renders them aporetic dialectically. The purpose of his arguments is not
to assert anything about the true, the apparent and the non-evident. There is no
reason to take Sextus as endorsing the claim that the true is what conforms to
reality. It is the dogmatists who hold this doctrine. Sextus defuses the
plausibility of this dogmatic doctrine with his arguments. His concern is to bring
about equipollence and epoche. It is wrong to suppose that the sceptic is
committed to the doctrine that the true is what conforms to reality.
As for the second doctrine, I want to argue that Sextus would not be limited
to the notion of belief as the accepting of something as true. Obviously, this
doctrine counts on the first doctrine. If Sextus is not committed to the true as
what conforms to real existence and as he argues that 'the criterion of truth has
appeared to be aporetic' at PH II 14-96, it seems that he would not be inclined
to load belief with truth, if he were to hold a position on belief. Actually, it
seems more likely that Sextus operates with a notion of belief that is not
restricted to the accepting of something as true. Barnes surveys the use of the
word dogma in 'The Beliefs of a Pyrrhonist'. His survey deals with the sense
and the colour of the word. He not only draws on Sextus' usage but also that of
all the major prose-writers from 400 B.C. to A.D. 250. He contends, 'outside
political contexts, "belief generally conveys the sense of dogma.''72 However
when it comes to the colour of the word, he observes that not every belief is a
dogma. 'Dogmata are weighty, substantial beliefs tenets, doctrines,
principles.' For instance, Philo of Alexandria, who is the first author to make
frequent use of the word, denotes philosophical tenets or religious beliefs by
dogma. Plato, Aristotle, Epicurus, Plutarch and Alexander of Aphrodisias all
use dogma to refer to philosophical beliefs. In addition, Lampe shows that
dogma is used to denote philosophical principles and religious doctrines.
Moreover Clement, Hippolytus and Origen use dogmata to refer to
philosophical, religious, or scientific beliefs. Furthermore, Galen in 'his works
shows clearly that a man may reject all dogmata and yet retain innumerable
beliefs.' Finally, dogma is also common in the works of the imperial Stoics. For
instance, Epictetus uses dogma to refer to philosophical tenets and practical or
evaluative judgements.73 But Barnes goes back to Sextus' use of dogma and its
cognates in PH and M. He declares that 'Sextus' use of dogma is entirely
comparable to the usage of Galen or of Clement or of any other Greek of that
era.' 'It is really plain that when Sextus uses a term from the dogma family he is
designating a philosophical principle or a scientific theory.'(p.73) Contrary to
Burnyeat's claim that Sextus does not differentiate between dogma and doxa,
But this does not mean that he holds that particular position on belief.
Ibid, p.69
Ibid, p.72
the survey suggests that Sextus and his fellow Greeks do not mix up dogma and
doxa or belief. Dogmata refer to philosophical, religious, or scientific beliefs.
Other beliefs are not classified as dogmata. They are ordinary beliefs and they
will be preserved though all dogmata are given up. Hence drawing on the
survey it is not the case that 'Sextus has no other notion of belief than the
accepting of something as true.'
In 'The Sceptic's Two Kinds of Assent', Frede advances a series of
comprehensive arguments against the claim that 'to accept an impression surely
is to accept it as true.' (p. 135) He suggests several ways in which one could
have the view that p without thinking that it is the case that p or p is true. The
main idea is a distinction between 'two kinds of assent such that having a view
involves one kind of assent, whereas taking a position, or making a claim,
involves a different kind of assent, namely the kind of assent a sceptic will
withhold.' (p. 128)
Having sketched the general idea of the distinction, Frede admits that it is
difficult to formulate it in detail. The problem lies in the fact that 'there is a
whole spectrum of distinctions with a very weak notion of having a view at one
extreme and a strong notion of taking a position at the other extreme.' (p. 134)
He finds Sextus drawing a distinction between two kinds of assent at
By this distinction, the first kind of assent is assent (eudokeiri) to the affections
forced upon the sceptic by a phantasia. This assent to affections is passive. It is
a passive acquiescence in the affections. Frede contends there are two senses in
which one might accept or approve of affection. The dogmatist holds that to
assent to affection is to take it to be true, whereas for the sceptic to assent to
affection is simply to acquiesce in the affection without taking it to be true. The
first kind of assent is not a matter of choice while the second kind of assent can
be withheld at will.
Then he suggests several ways in which one could have the view that p
without thinking that it is the case that p or p is true. This is his first argument.
It might be the case that action does not, in addition to the impression
that p, require a positive act of assent or the further thought that it is true
that p. All that may be needed is one's acquiescence in the impression,
and all this may amount to is that in the series of impressions one has
reached an impression which produces an action rather than the kind of
disquiet which would make one go on to consider the matter further till
one reached an impression which one no longer resists and which
produces an action. Indeed one may have the view that p without even
entertaining the thought that p, let alone the further thought that p is true.
Things may have left us with the impression that/?, and we may act on
that view, without being aware of it. (p. 135)
For even the Stoics assume that the wise man will often act, not on the
basis of certain knowledge, but of wise conjecture. He is not omniscient,
and his rationality and wisdom are characterized exactly by his ability to
be rational or reasonable in his assumptions and actions even when he
lacks knowledge, as he inevitably will, in the complex situations of
everyday life. Nevertheless, he will do what is fitting or appropriate
because he will be able, as the Stoics themselves say, to give a
reasonable (eulogon) account of what he has done. (p. 136)
According to Frede, Aristotle has a rather similar view. It is the fact that
after the action we can correctly account for it that makes our action voluntary.
Similarly, the Stoic wise man, in order to do what is fitting, does not
necessarily actually have to go through some reasoning, overtly accept
or assent to the conclusion, and act on the basis of this. It, rather, is that
his action in hindsight can be explained in terms of such reasoning.
Moreover, the outlook of the sceptic would not be different from those who
take their views to be true if we consider the behaviour alone. In addition even if
the sceptic utters appearance sentences in reply to questions about his views on
any subject, he is just 'giving an autobiographical report' on the views that
guide his activity without any attempt to establish the truth of his views.
Barnes and Frede give separate but strong cases in which it is suggested
that belief could be separated from truth or assent to the non-evident. So it
appears that Sextus would not be confined to a restricted notion of belief as
Burnyeat has maintained. To insist that belief be tied to truth for Sextus is itself
sheer dogmatism.
of which we neither deny nor affirm anything' (PH I 10). We should note that
epoche as a pathos not only is suspensive but also has an object. It arises
We say that Sceptics do not dogmatise not in the sense [i] in which some
people say, fairly broadly, that dogma is eudokein tini pragmati...;
rather, we say that they do not dogmatise in the sense [ii] in which some
people say that dogma is an assenting to some object from among the
unclear things being investigated by the sciences, (p.74)
in this way are not any beliefs at all. They are merely expressions of
However, for Frede, the sceptic's eudokeo amounts to non-dogmatic or
ordinary belief. Barnes supposes that dogmata in the sense of eudokeo are 'a
dialectical concession by the Pyrrhonists'. But Frede thinks differently. He
notices that eudokein 'has no philosophical or technical meaning, no
philosophical associations and is connected with no special philosophical
claims'. He believes that it is precisely for this reason that Sextus consciously
Ibid, p.74
explains dogmata in sense [i] by the phase eudokein tini pragmati. He believes
that dogmata in the sense of eudokein give a proper contrast to dogmata in the
usual dogmatic sense. The contrast reinforces the distinction between dogmatic
belief and ordinary belief. Actually, Frede goes even further to claim that Sextus
exhibits a conception of the origin of ordinary beliefs at PH I 13, according to
which 'something which can count as a belief, a judgement, arises in us when
we do not object and consequently consent.' Barnes, on the contrary, believes
that the eudokeo 'is a matter of refraining from belief. If Barnes is right about
the sense and colour of dogmata, then ordinary beliefs are not dogmata and
dogmata in the sense of eudokein are not beliefs of any sort. But this objection
to Frede's interpretation is not conclusive. The fact that Sextus uses dogmata
and its cognates to denote philosophical or scientific beliefs seems to support
the urbane contention that the sceptic's repudiation of dogmata concerns
dogmatic beliefs only. Frede's speculation that Sextus shows his conception of
the origin of ordinary beliefs at PH I 13 may not be true. A dogma in the sense
of eudokeo, in fact, may not be a belief of any sort. However, it might still be
possible for the sceptic to be 'able to admit and to profess all ordinary beliefs' in
some other way. At any rate, if the sceptic does eschew ordinary beliefs, it needs
to be shown that it is so.
It can be argued that ordinary beliefs are not dogmata; they do not refer to
are 'those things which do not have a nature of the sort to
fall under our direct perception (e.g. imperceptible pores) {PH II 98).' 75 Things
that have a nature to fall under our direct perception are called xa 7ipo8r|A.a.
They are the subject matter of our ordinary beliefs. It seems that ordinary beliefs
and dogmata are separated by their different subject matters. Yet, they are
Ibid, p.76
somehow related. Barnes argues that the sceptic's repudiation of dogmata will
commit the sceptic to abandon not only philosophico-scientific beliefs but also
ordinary beliefs. This is his argument.
Fogelin (1994) finds this argument from the criterion 'not only wrong, but
deeply wrong'.76 This is his criticism of the argument.
To judge by the passage alone, the criticism made by Fogelin may seem
overwhelmingly devastating. However, actually Barnes is aware of 'the
dialectical character of the Pyrrhonian attack on the dogmatists'. For instance,
as we have seen earlier he regards the occurrence of the weak sense of dogmata
at PH I 13 as 'a dialectical concession by the Pyrrhonists'. Hence, I think he
does not fail to 'see what Pyrrhonian scepticism is all about'. Nonetheless,
Fogelin's criticism makes a point. For dialectical purposes the Pyrrhonist
temporarily takes up the dogmatic view that judgements may not be made in the
absence of a criterion of truth and then proceeds to argue that the dogmatist
ought to suspend judgement on both his dogmatic beliefs and ordinary beliefs.
The Pyrrhonist is not affected by his own arguments against the dogmatist. It
could be the case that he does not eschew ordinary beliefs. Therefore, Barnes's
argument from the criterion does not establish the conclusion that the sceptic
gives up ordinary beliefs because of his abandoning of dogmatic beliefs about
the criterion of truth. But it might be feasible in some senses for the sceptic to
give up ordinary beliefs. To see how this is feasible, we have to make a few
things clear first.
Bames dismisses questions like 'What may a Pyrrhonist believe?' or
'What is the scope of Pyrrhonian epoche?' from the beginning of his discussion.
The questions, generally posed, fail to relate epochs to any specific issue. Hence,
they are wrong-headed. Therefore, Bames focuses on Sextus and the scope of
epoche in PH. This concern transforms into a question: is PH rustic or urbane?
However, 'the question itself may be ill-conceived.'77 After drawing the
conclusion that PH is inconsistent, he finishes his whole discussion with an
attempt to show that 'the problem of the scope of epoche is in a certain sense
At PH I 12 Sextus reports, 'the causal origin of Pyrrhonian Scepticism is
the hope of attaining ataraxia. Certain talented people, upset by anomalia in
"the facts" and at a loss as to which of these "facts" deserve assent, endeavoured
to discover what is true in them and what is false, expecting that by settling this
they would achieve ataraxta.' Before that Pyrrhonian scepticism is described as
a disposition {dunamis antithetikos) to induce epoche by the equipollence
among arguments and then ataraxia. {PH I 8) Barnes argues that
varies and it corresponds to the tarache suffered. Some Pyrrhonists are radical
or rustic; some are moderate or urbane. Some patients need a wide-ranging
epoche; some will be fine with a confined epoche. Therefore, the idea that the
sceptic eschews ordinary beliefs is feasible. Some Pyrrhonists may 'find the
whole of life a sea of troubles,' and they 'will not be set at rest until they have
achieved universal epoche.'
The review is concerned with how they see the true meaning of PH I 13 and its
exact bearing on belief and epoche. In this passage, the notion of dogmata in its
usual sense is contrasted with dogmata in the sense of eudokeo. The three
interpretations agree with each other on dogmata in its usual sense; none of
them suggests that the sceptic comes to hold dogmata in its usual sense. It is the
dogmata in the sense of eudokeo that gives rise to the controversy. Frede's
perception of dogmata in the sense of eudokeo sides with the urbane
interpretation. For him, the sceptic eschews dogmatic beliefs or doctrines in the
usual sense of dogmata, but his eudokeo amounts to ordinary beliefs. Bumyeat
advocates the rustic interpretation. His interpretation accommodates no
ordinary beliefs. He thinks that dogma in the sense of eudokeo is not a belief at
all; it 'is a passive phantasia (impression) or pathos (experience), expressed in a
statement which makes no truth-claim about what is the case.' (p.51) Barnes
The other important thing about Clarke's sceptic, and about most of the
references to "the sceptic" in modem philosophical literature is that this
sceptic has no historical reality. It is a construction of the modem
philosophical imagination. The point is that when scepticism goes
transcendental, the expression "the sceptic" has to lose the historical
reference it still carries in Hume, its connection with what certain
the museum. The reasons are not hard to tell. As my discussions have revealed,
the issues raised by the Pyrrhonists are profound and persistent in contemporary
Sceptics are philanthropic and wish to cure by argument, as far as they can,
the conceit and rashness of the Dogmatists. Just as doctors for bodily
afflictions have remedies which differ in potency, and apply severe
remedies to patients who are severely afflicted and milder remedies to
those mildly afflicted, so Sceptics propound arguments which differ in
they employ weighty arguments, capable of vigorously
1 am not going to examine the validity of the claim that epoche induces ataraxia. Nor will I
attempt to evaluate how effectively epoche induces ataraxia. I would like to pass them over and
focus on the philosophical consequences of the therapeutic conception of philosophy. Hence, I
leave it aside, the inconsistency between the image of a shadow following a body (which
suggests a natural and inseparable connection between equipollence/epoc/ie and ataraxia) and
the passage, which states that the coming of ataraxia in these circumstances is fortuitous.
Sextus expressed elsewhere the view that the sceptic was concerned with
the rashness of the Dogmatists. Many if not all of the arguments in the PH
targeted the rashness of the Dogmatists. It seemed as if the sceptic of the PH or
Sextus shouldered the responsibility of refuting the rashness of the Dogmatists.
For instance, he maintained at PH I 20 that the sceptic did not want to reject
what was apparent, but if he needed to expose the rashness of the Dogmatists by
propounding arguments against what was apparent, he would do it. In addition,
as we have seen earlier, the Five Modes were handed down to reinforce the
challenge against the Dogmatists launched by the Ten Modes. At the end of his
exposition, Sextus explicitly revealed that the philanthropic sceptic wished to
cure by argument, as far as they could, the conceit and rashness of the
Dogmatists. Therefore, to cure the rashness of the Dogmatists must be a very
important endeavour for the sceptic, besides ataraxia, the aim of scepticism.
The PH, as it appeared, was a series or a record of intellectual treatment by
arguments against the rashness of the Dogmatists.
The therapeutic conception of philosophy did not pass into history with
Sextus and the Pyrrhonian sceptics. Contemporary philosophy observed a
It was true to say that our considerations could not be scientific ones...
And we may not advance any kind of theory. There must not be anything
hypothetical in our considerations. We must do away with all explanation,
and description alone must take its place. And this description gets its
light, that is to say its purpose, from the philosophical problems. These are,
of course, not empirical problems; they are solved, rather, by looking into
the workings of our language, and that in such a way as to make us
Philosophy simply puts everything before us, and neither explains nor
deduces anything. Since everything lies open to view there is nothing to
explain. For what is hidden, for example, is of no interest to us...
The work of the philosopher consists in assembling reminders for a
particular purpose. (126-127)
Wittgenstein once urged us to 'do away with all explanation' and not to
'advance any kind of theory' in philosophy. Now he explicitly suggested the
philosopher's job was to lay out things or what we have always known clearly in
the manner of assembling reminders for a particular problem, so that the
problem would be solved. To be more accurate, the problem would actually
disappear when things lie open to view. Wittgenstein thought that once we are
reminded of the proper employment of the words and concepts concerned we
would come to realize that the problem arise because of 'the bewitchment of our
intelligence by means of language'. Hence, the problem would cease to be a
problem any more when reminders are assembled.
'may seem very implausible, perhaps even shocking; at least exaggerated and
and Husserl's
of the term
is crucial to his phenomenology. This could be seen in his stress on the idea that
philosophy should not 'model itself after the exact sciences methodologically' and
his advocacy of epoche as 'a new and radically new method' for philosophy. 81
Husserl's conception of philosophy and phenomenology requires detailed
eludication, though I can only sketch this here. We shall begin with his concern
about the problem of the possibility of cognition. According to Husserl, 'the
correlation between cognition as mental process, its referent (Bedeutung) and
what objectively is... is the source of the deepest and most difficult problems.
Taken collectively, they are the problem of the possibility of cognition.' (p. 15)
The gist of the problem of the possibility of cognition, as depicted by Husserl, is as
a critical one.' The task he gave to the theory of knowledge was rather unusual.
For Husseri:
reflection first brings to light that the sciences of a natural sort are not yet
the ultimate science of being. We need a science of being in the absolute
sense. This science, which we call metaphysics, grows out of a "critique"
of natural cognition in the individual sciences.
If we then disregard any metaphysical purpose of the critique of cognition
and confine ourselves purely to the task of clarifying the essence of
cognition and of being an object of cognition, then this will be
phenomenology of cognition and of being an object of cognition and will
be the first and principal part of phenomenology as a whole.84
of cognition and which, whatever else it is, is rooted in the critique of cognition'.
He stressed twice, that 'In contradistinction to all natural cognition, philosophy
lies... within a new dimension; and what corresponds to this new dimension, even
if, as the phrase suggests, it is essentially connected with the old dimensions, is a
new and radically new method which is set over against the "natural" method.'
Finally he went even further to conclude that anyone 'who denies this has failed to
understand entirely the whole of the level at which the characteristic problem of
the critique of cognition lies, and with this he has failed to understand what
philosophy really wants to do and should do, and what gives it its own character
and authority vis-a-vis the whole of natural cognition and science of the natural
Ibid, p.21, see also p. 19
cognition which it does not take unexamined from elsewhere but rather gives to
itself. This Husserlian epoche, I would say, shared the same spirit of the
Pyrrhonian epoche, 'a state of the intellect on account of which we neither deny
nor affirm
For the reader's convenience, a glossary of Greek words is given as below,
together with relevant definitions, as given by Liddell, Scott and Jones.
suspension of judgement
be content with
(infinitive: eudokein)
experience, sensation
(plural: pathe)
appearance, imagination
(passive infinitive: psuchesthai, to be cooled)
also hoi skeptikoi (also aporetikoi, ephektikoi) the Sceptics,
or philosophers who asserted nothing positively,
followers of Pyrrho
(passive infinitive: thermainesthai,
be heated, feel the sensation of heat)
way, method, trope
(plural: tropoi)
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