Brief Sheet - Don't Walk by
Brief Sheet - Don't Walk by
Brief Sheet - Don't Walk by
Dont Walk By exists to respond to Gods heart for the poor and broken and see that every man and woman living on Manhattans streets is offered a chance to
transform their lives. Dont Walk By began as an annual outreach during the month of February through a partnership with multiple organizations; New York
City Relief, The Bowery Mission, New York City Rescue Mission, Hope For New York and Street LIFE Ministries, that now form the Rescue Alliance NYC.
Dont Walk By has expanded to include smaller scale outreaches hosted by New York City Relief every Thursday night in midtown Manhattan. We partner
together with volunteers and care giving organizations to go to the streets to offer compassion, and connections to resources that lead to life transformation.
Serving - We are going equipped with the messenger bags, and the
cash in order to purchase dinner for someone who crosses your path
as well as yourself. The goal is to sit at the same level, eating the
same food, thanking the same God.
For protection and guidance, leaders are placed over you and we request everyone to follow instruction. Authority is
needed for order. Please allow us to be your covering during ministry.