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Free Energy Surprise

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Electrical Power
from the
and a piece
of iron pipe


Copyright O 1997, by William R. Lyne All

rights reserved
including the right of reproduction in
whole or in part in any form

First Printing - Mar., 1998

Text, art and photographs copyright 1993, 1995, 1997, 1998. No part of
this paper may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, by any means
(electronic, recording, photocopying, or otherwise) without the prior express
written permission of the author.
Published by CREATOPIA PRODUCTIONS TM , William R. Lyne
General Delivery
Lamy, New Mexico 87540
U. S. A.
Manufactured in the united States of America
Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data
Lyne, William R.
Free Energy Surprise
I. Title
ISBN: 0-9637467-5-8
Non-fiction: Description of energy research conducted by William R.
Lyne and an unnamed collaborator in 1997, which appeared to produce
anomalous, over-unity electrical power from a piece of steel pipe and an
axially centered solid steel cylinder, by stimulation with high voltage, 60 cps
Refer to: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/freeenergysurprise/



Electrical Power
from the
and a piece
of iron pipe

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INTRODUCTION ................................................................................ 1
Tesla's Electricity-From-Air Invention ..........................................2
Four Modes of Operation ....................................................................5
The Basic Setup ......................................................................................7
Fabrication of the Basic Unit .............................................................8
The Photos ................................................................................................9
Descriptions of the Four Photos .....................................................10
Visualize Swirled Particles ................................................................12
Modest Suggestions of Over -Unity ................................................13
Two Basic Rigs .....................................................................................15


The discovery about which this paper is written was part of a research collaboration
between myself and another (unnamed) person, who had read my book, Space Aliens
From the Pentagon (Revised and Expanded Second Edition of 1995) - ISBN 0-9637467-1-5.
In it, I had shown certain equipment in various configurations, for doing some free energy
research, which have proven to be interesting and fruitful for some researchers since my
book came out. There were several ideas (pages viii, 153, and 186 in particular) which my
collaborator wished to pursue, but especially Nikola Tesla's method for obtaining electrical
energy from the air, by burning atmospheric nitrogen and oxygen with electric spark
discharge, which Tesla said would produce a twelve million volt potential. That variation
is shown here:

My collaborator offered to fly me to his workshop for a brainstorming session, which I

declined because I was very busy at the time, but I finally agreed to consult on the project
long-distance, with the provision (offered by the collaborator) that we would each have the
equally unrestricted right to do whatever we wanted with any results. After having achieved
some remarkable results, my choice is to publish this material, to make it available to the
public, while continuing to develop the invention further, while others may do the same.
Tesla's Electricity From Air Invention
The main (perhaps the only) illustration available to me for the original Tesla invention,
was an unlabeled patent drawing, which Tesla decided to withdraw, along with a patent
application, so that J. P. Morgan would have no ownership interest in it, since Morgan had
tricked Tesla into giving him a 51% (controlling) interest in "all his patents", in exchange for
Morgan's agreement to fund Tesla's Wardenclyffe world power transmission project, for which
Morgan provided only about $250,000. Then Morgan withdrew his "support", because Tesla
made an unexpected discovery, and changed the basic technology. Since Tesla withdrew the
patent application, Morgan wouldn't own it. That left Tesla with a seven-year period in which
his contract with Morgan would expire, before he could resume obtaining patents, which he
did in 1912. Had the lawyers for Tesla, and Tesla's money supply, been as great as Morgan's,
Tesla could not only have dissolved the contract immediately, but could have forced Morgan to
pay him the $20 million in royalties due from the Westinghouse works.
(NOTE: Had Tesla not previously forgiven a $20 million royalty due from his Westinghouse
patents, after Westinghouse had already sold to Morgan, Morgan would have owed Tesla $20
million in royalties, so Morgan really never "gave" Tesla anything. The reverse was true:
Morgan still owed Tesla the money, because Westinghouse obtained Tesla's agreement
through fraud).
In the originally contemplated Wardenclyffe system, Tesla was to use electric power
provided by Morgan's Niagra Falls Westinghouse facility, to be distributed by Tesla's system. In
the altered version of the system, Tesla planned to obtain all the electric power needed, for his
Wardenclyffe, N.J., world electric power (generating and) transmission system, from the air.
Tesla made this discovery at his Colorado Springs laboratory, soon after beginning the
Wardenclyffe project....with J. P. Morgan's "backing" (actually, more like "back-stabbing").
Morgan wasn't very amused at Tesla's plan to run the system on air, rather than on power
from the Westinghouse Niagra Falls hydroelectric power system which Morgan had just
recently acquired, such as contemplated in their original "contract".
It was a case where a sudden "leap in technology", in midstream, was not desired by
Morgan, since Morgan had invested a great deal of money in the Westinghouse acquisition
(did Westinghouse bail out, because he knew of Tesla's plans?). To protect his investment,
Morgan simply put Tesla out of business and bankrupted him, unfortunately for the human
race, since Tesla's new system would have put Morgan out of business.

After all, if Tesla had been allowed to complete this project on Morgan's money,
Morgan would have been cutting his own throat. That's the reason Tesla should never have
allowed himself to depend on Morgan's money for the project, since the royalties due from
Westinghouse would have been due from Morgan, and would have more than covered the
costs of the project. At the time Tesla forgave the royalties, Westinghouse, unknown to
Tesla, had already sold his works to Morgan, so Morgan never gave Tesla anything.
The following is a copy of Tesla's withdrawn, unlabeled patent drawing and
accompanying Tesla material, from my 1993 book (first edition), page 132:



(Above and right: "N" and "S"

are magnetic poles, and "A"
and "B" are a spark gap. While
using this in conjunction with
observed an unexpected four foot spark, while using low
special magneto-hydro-dynamic
gave rise to Tesla's statement
in his "Tesla Manifesto", Jan.
1, 1904, Electrical World and
Engineer: "Burning atmospheric

The unlabeled drawing is an innocently simple, and seemingly innocuous combination of

Tesla contrivances. As you may notice in the figure to the left (which must be viewed by
turning the drawing sideways), there is a transmitter on the left, and a receiver on the right.
There is no "generator" as generally recognizable in earlier Tesla drawings, to supply power to
the transmitter, and there is only the tube and spark-gap arrangement, with only a small, arc
lamp alternator. The tube arrangement is shown in greater detail by the larger figure on the
right, in normal vertical position. As you may notice, the tube is fitted with a valve for the
admission of air, through a tube extending into it from the left. Below that is a conical valve
connected to a vertical rod, which has a wheel rubbing against it, which appears to be a
friction device. Friction devices were often used by Tesla to make objects resonate at their
natural, physical (sonar) resonant frequencies. Higher in the tube is a spark-gap, which is
supplied with current to run it by means of a small arc lamp alternator (not a "dynamo"
proper), just as he was using in the Colorado Springs experiment when he made the
unexpected discovery. Parallel to and above this circuit, is a primary coil, capacitor and tuning
coil, which excited the secondary coil of the transmitter.
In the drawing (on page vii of my second edition of Space Aliens) of a proposed
alternative embodiment for use of Tesla's electricity-from -air idea, shown at page 1, I showed
a suggested porcelain-walled, square reaction chamber, with a magnetic field across it
which may not be necessary with an iron tube, which can generate its own magnetic field.
In this drawing, the scheme is to ignite and burn the atmospheric gases with an electric
spark discharger, after which the magnetic field was to separate the charges, which were
then to be used to power a load. The electrical energy comes from the air, triggered by
ignition sparks of the discharger.
It was this drawing which had more particularly interested my collaborator, so we
discussed it, and decided to use a metal tube as shown in the withdrawn patent
application, because I thought, on reconsidering it, that it was probable that the metal had a
lot to do with generating or converting the charges to run the transmitter, as well as
creating the magnetic field to direct the charges, though the Tesla drawing gave very little
information on how it worked. It should be noted that the secondary coil of the transmitter
is grounded, and this coil is a bifilar "pancake" coil.
It was also Tesla's idea with this development to draw electrical energy from the earth,
with the receiving coil, as the oscillations in the great ocean of excess negative charges in the
earth were created and regulated by the Wardenclyffe oscillator. The 12-million -volt potential
of which Tesla spoke, would create strong disturbances in the earth at a particular, long
wavelength, which was resonant with the earth, and the frequency (or a harmonic thereof) to
which the receiving circuit was tuned, in such a way as to step it up to a usable current. It
should be noted that only the secondary ("output coil") of the oscillator is of bifilar design,
while the primary is of only a single turn around its outside. This apparently used the idea of
a loose, air -core coupling, to "twang" the secondary bifilar coil, so that it would oscillate at
its own, natural, separate resonant frequency, without the necessity for critical tuning
between the primary and secondary circuits.
Tesla's plan here, as stated in his patent no. 512,340, Coil for Electro Magnets (patented
Jan. 9, 1894), was for the bifilar coil to eliminate the need for capacitors in the secondary
circuit, and to cancel its counter-productive self-inductance. The only capacitance shown is a

smaller ball on its top, than that shown on the receiving coil. Since his bifilar coil stored
250,000 times the energy of a conventional coil of the same number of turns, this coil could
produce a more powerful, long wavelength, with a minimum of turns, and no capacitors. It
provided a large `sink' into and out of which the ample negative charges in the earth could be
moved back and forth to create the desired oscillations. This particular invention therefore,
utilized Tesla's electricity-from-air invention, to drive his transmission-of-electricity through the
earth invention, combined with his bifilar coil, to increase the strength of the waves produced.
The flat, "pancake" design of the bifilar coil is designed to prevent adjacent turns of the coil
from arcing over, as the flat surface presents a surface area of greater diameter.
It should also be noted that Tesla ' s receiving circuit was a step -up transformer, which
implies that Tesla's long wavelength oscillations were of lower voltage than he had previously
used, but of greater charging capacity, created by the bifilar transmitter. The larger ball on the
step-up primary, was to give the primary circuit a larger positive capacitance with which to draw
the negative charges in the long waves from the earth. There is still a lot of mystery associated
with this design.
Back to the Free Energy Surprise, when my collaborator had decided to have a metal tube
prepared for the experiment, he had suggested stainless steel or aluminum, but I insisted on
iron, since Tesla had used an iron antenna on some of his Colorado Springs experiments, and
since he later said he had found ...a new (environmental energy-producing) use for iron. To
this end, we did some tests in several modes, as follows:
Four Modes of Operation
1. The First Mode: An insulated spark-gap was set up across an iron tube, as shown in the
Tesla drawing and the drawings which follow. After some trials, it was decided to use eight
spark dischargers (made of spark plugs with the outer electrode removed), connected to the
tube, to discharge in parallel to a center piece connected to the opposite wire of the high
voltage supply. The peripherally installed spark plugs produced a sequence of discharges
which `spun around' the center piece, apparently due to the torque of the magnetic field being
produced by the tube and discharges. This seemed to produce some anomalous results, but we
eventually developed a second mode, and set this first mode aside for later possible
2. The Second Mode: The spark-gaps were eliminated, and the center element was made to
react inductively with the outer tube, to ionize the air and place it in a strain, as a vertical flame
was produced, which burned the oxygen and nitrogen in the air. The magnetic field of the tube
seemed to center the flame. The output from this mode was heat, and an anomalous, over-unity
current, on both the legs. While a hot flame shot up from the top of the center element, similar
to a Bunsen burner, the two legs together produced about 45 kW, which was considerable overunity power, since the input wattage was small (just over 1 kW). We attempted to measure the
heat, but were drawn on to the next mode, and set this mode also aside for later possible

3. The Third Mode: The voltage was slowly raised to prevent arcing, and whenever a flame did
result, it was blown out, or the voltage was lowered to extinguish it, and raised up again in the nonsparking mode, so that the tube and the center element just sat and hummed, with no arcing. A cool
shaft of air rose from the tube, with an apparently small amount of ozone being ejected from the
tube. When viewed in the dark, a faint glow of corona was visible around the tube's inner surface, and
a small "star" was produced above the upper point of the center element. The input wa ttage dropped
to only a small percentage of what it was in the previous mode, while the current in each of the legs
greatly increased.
Since this mode was initially operated at full input of 120 volts, with 15 kv on the secondary, I
wanted to see what would happen if the voltage was lowered to 14,220,since that would stimulate each
leg at the 7,110 K-capture voltage for iron. This idea was prompted by Tesla's statement that "...it is
when things are quiet that something is really going on." This would be the fourth and final mode in
this series.
4. The Fourth Mode: The drop in input amperage and increase in output amperage was dramatic,
when the input voltage was dropped to 113.76 volts, to tune the secondary voltage to 14,220. There was
a drop in input wattage from 60 to 35, and an increase in output wattage from 24 to 42.7 kW (an
increase of about 77.75%. This seemed to confirm that K-capture was involved.
In considering the overall picture, here we had excited an iron pipe and centered cylinder with
high voltage, 60 cps current, and produced an apparent over-unity current which was at a ratio which
was about 1:1219, or a 121,900 % increase. In searching for an answer for where the apparent excess
energy was coming from, I at first considered the gases in the air, but looked beyond, since in Mode
3 there appeared to be too little (visible) ionization activity in the air, though this may turn out to be
wrong. In the end, I could only fall back on Tesla's discussion about "environmental" energy, in
which he said that the ether, and "cosmic radiation" (i.e., the ZPR" or "Zero Point Radiation"),
produced by "stars"...particularly our sun...were involved.

(NOTE: This page corrected 8/11/2001)

The Photos:

Photo No. 1.

Photo No. 2.

The Photos

Photo No. 3.

Photo No. 4.


Description of the Four Photos:

Photo No. 1:
Input voltmeter (between variac and high voltage neon light transformer) shows 120
VAC input, with transformer secondary at full 15 kv.
Photo No. 2 :
Input ammeter (on one leg of input power from variac to high voltage neon light
transformer), shows a .5 amps. Multiplied times 120 volts = 60 watts input, at full 15 kv output.
This drops to .3 amps when input voltage is tuned back to 113.76 volts (34 watts) with variac,
which gives a c. 14,220 volt output on secondary.
Photo No. 3 :
Output amperage at 15 kv (7,500 on each leg of wire from high voltage neon light
transformer to unit). This shows 1.6 amps, x 2 = 3.2 amps., x 7.5 kv = 24 kW. When input
voltage is tuned back to 113.76 VAC, giving output to unit of c. 7,110 VAC per leg, 60 cps, this
secondary amperage increases to 3 amps per leg, x 2 = 6 amps, x 7,110 = 42.7 kW.
Photo No. 4 :
Shows basic unit on wood block base, high voltage neon light transformer, input
voltmeter and ammeter, and output ammeter (operating at 15 kv), with 24 kW output. There
is presently no photo available for the 14,220 volt/42.7 kW 4 ' mode, due to the time
constraints and lack of possession of the meters which I photographed in the photos, because
I returned them to my collaborator.

(NOTE: This page corrected 8/11/2001)


Visualize Swirled Particles

I began to visualize what I thought the activity in one of the iron atoms composing the
tube and shaft might be: electrons enter the iron, as the voltage rises to a peak of 7,110 volts,
at which the potential is sufficient to complete a chain reaction which began at lower voltage,
as an electron is forced into the outer orbit of the atom. As the chain reaction approaches the
nucleus, electrons are bumped into lower and lower orbits, until one eventually passes into a
nuclear proton, forming a new neutron, while an electron is emitted, along with a neutrino, as
the iron atom transmutes into manganese. The succession of events is then reversed, as the
pressure of the voltage drops away in the second half of the wave. An electron comes out of a
neutron, changing it back into a proton, as a neutrino is reabsorbed from the ether, turning the
manganese atom back into iron. This returns everything to zero, back where it started, the
completion of one complete cycle. But one must consider the ether and the ZPR, as a rational
explanation for the extra energy. And, a new, inexpensive, simple way to effect K-capture.
In addition to considering the action of the ether and the ZPR, I also considered the
relative movement of the conductive, paramagnetic iron, as it traveled through space in the
meanwhile, at 70,000 mph. The space is rendered conductive by the high voltage ionic activity.
The changes of state and nuclear activity are often associated with anomalous energy
production. Such disturbances create the "doorways" for the ether and the ZPR.
Since the relative movement between the iron atoms and the ZPR background is about
70,000 mph, as ZPR constantly interpenetrates the electrified iron atoms, at the speed of light,
as they rapidly vibrate along changing coordinate magnetic axes, from all directions
simultaneously, there is probably a considerable amount of this power being generated on a
microscopic (molecular, atomic, or even sub-atomic) level. This I believe is possibly the origin
of the large current and related magnetic field evidenced.
The exact process which I visualized as converting the ZPR into electric current, was one
involving the ether, as the most likely particles present which were fine enough to react with
the ZPR. I surmised that the ether particles (which I call "Omni Particles") are one and the
same as neutrinos. These may act as intermediaries between the ZPR and coarser iron atoms
and particles. If a neutrino carries away momentum, it should be able to bring it back, and to
cause considerable disturbances in the atomic-electric-magnetic-electrostatic structure, in an
artificial nuclear reaction which steps down the ZPR, produced as an increased
electromagnetic force and amperage in the 60 cps range of the control current.
As the tiny neutrinos pass into and out of the iron atom nucleus, they may resonate with
the ZPR, disturbing its equilibriumso my theory goestransforming the ZPR into electric
current, by means of the conductive and magnetic mass of the iron. Magnetic lines of force are
being cut very rapidly, on the atomic or subatomic level, while the changing magnetic fields
route the charges in appropriate directions, since a magnetic field will do work on moving
charges, and vice-versa. I also thought about all the radiation occurring within the iron, as
electrons, neutrinos, protons and neutrons exchanged forces, particles, identities, and energy
The 1933 Wolfgang Pauli neutrino theory is a glaring internal contradiction in the
Relativist theory, initially devised to preserve the theory. Since the tiny neutrino is said to have


massperhaps 1% of that of the electronit is a "basic particle" which is "neutral", so it

must be composed of tinier positive particles and negative "electrettes" bound together. This
means that the positive proton charge, and the negative electron charge, are divisible. This is
entirely consistent with my theory that the Omni Particles (the ether, the neutrinos) are
composed of negative and positive charges, similar to a miniature hydrogen atom.
Modest Suggestions of Over-Unity
I assumed that, though the input alternating current is at 7,110 volts per leg, passing into
and through the iron atoms, there was still the remote possibility that the over-unity current
could be of sufficiently high frequency to be forced to the outside layers of the iron, by the
"skin effect". As such, it would have been possible to measure its frequency, and to filter off
the higher frequency current without disturbing the exciting input current which maintained
the reaction. I rejected this possibility, since any current actually traversing the secondary coil
had to be below about 30 kHz, or the iron core would heat up and cause a secondary coil
meltdown, which should not happen since the transformer was a "leak" transformer.
Another remote possibility existed that the excess current was some sort of anomalous
electricity (unpolarized electrons?), which might require extraction and conversion by means
of a specially designed resonant circuit. I considered that, if that were the case, Tesla's bifilar
coil ("Coil for Electromagnets") might be useful, since the patent indicated that Tesla
designed it to be used for such a purpose. Wasn't this tube a sort of "electromagnet?" The
bifilar coil will store huge amounts of electrical energy.
The meter showed a 3 amp current on each of the legs at 7,110 volts each. At that voltage,
only a 5 amp currenteasily carried by a small conductor such as that of the secondary coil of
the neon light "leak" transformerwould amount to 35.55 kW per leg. This, doubled, would
equal 71.1 kW, somewhat above the 42.7 kW current measured. At the high voltage, the large
current measured could apparently be carried by the conductor of the secondary coil of the
transformer, the leads, and the two iron components, without burning out the transformer. The
frequency through the coil itself, was not so high as to create hysteresis heating of the
laminated iron core, since that would cause the "leak" transformer to automatically shut down
the inductance to the secondary, since the magnetic flux would "leak" across an internal gap
created for that purpose, by Nikola Tesla.
The extra energy appears to be at the 60 cps of the exciting current. With the input amps
dropping to .3 amps from .5, at the 7,110 voltage, there was reason to believe that the
secondary energyproduced by almost voltage alonewas responsible, through an automatic
"feed back" effect, for the drop in input wattage, since the 25 kv transformer, at a 125:1 turns
ratio to the primary input coil, should have a ca. 355 amp consumption rate, for the secondary
output measured, according to conventional theory. Since the output was reflected as a "load",
it seeme d possible to extract it as a useful electrical energy conversion product.
The 3 amps appeared at the output when the input voltage was reduced from 120 to 113.76
(with a total reduction from 60 to 35 watts). The input versus the output wattage was at a
1:1220 ratio to the wattage which should ordinarily have been required in the primary, to
produce the secondary wattage, using power supplied by my local electric company.


The usual process of nuclear transmutation as it is proffered to us in science textbooks,

employs the bombardment of elements on their surfaces, with high energy radiation or
particles. This causes the emission of X-rays and other dangerous radiation and particles. In
my process, the element is not used as a "target" to blast particles into, but as a "medium"
to be stimulated gradually by rising, falling, and reversing high voltage alternating current,
with the electric and magnetic fields, ionization, combustion and transmutation of
atmospheric nitrogen and oxygen, and the resultant radiation produced by all atoms present,
to combine to effect any transmutation which may be occurring beneath the surface, within
the atoms of the element (iron), or within the "medium", so that any potentially dangerous
radiation should be confined to within the electrical barriers of the atoms.
On the following and last page, I present two diagrams, the first being called the
"single rig", and the second one being called the "double rig." It occurred to me that with
the single unit, there was an unequal load being placed on the high voltage transformer, and
that long-term use might burn the transformer out. The single rig has one wire connected to
the center shaft which is of smaller surface area and mass (if this makes a difference, though it
could be a benefit) than the outer pipe. The "double rig" is intended as a possible remedy
for this contingency, should it arise. By combining two units as shown, with criss-crossed
wires, an equal load should be placed on each of the transformer's two legs.
It could be that the output on each of the two units combined, may be equal to that of a
single rig, without placing an appreciably increased load on the primary circuit. In testing this
unit using a larger pipe of 4" O.D., the output was diminished to .9 amps per leg, which is
12.9 kW, a drop of almost 75%, but the use of two 4" O.D. units together produced double
that amount, 26 kW. The transformer ran hotter in this test, and produced 17.1 kW less than
the single unit using the smaller 3.5" O.D. pipe. As yet, there seems to be no benefit to this
"larger diameter pipe -direction of research. I attribute the drop in output with the larger pipe
as being due to the diminution of the electric strain that the iron, ether and air passing through
the pipe were placed in. It might be possible to increase the diameter of the center shaft, to
increase the strain placed on the "medium" and the iron, and to get a larger output.
This process does not appear to be a normal inductance one, but rather a Hall effect
process. The mail question is how can such apparent excess energy be removed for use, yet
leave sufficient current to maintain the reaction? Operating at the same 60 cps frequency,
there should be some automatic ("self-limiting") technology which would prevent the
removal of, or serious diminution of, the exciting-current, so the reaction will be maintained. I
leave it to you, the experimenters, to join into this effort, as I continue to do so myself. I won't
tell you everything, since that would take away part of the fun of discovering things for
(NOTE: Pages 12, 13 and 14 were corrected on 8/11/2001.)


Two Basic Rigs:

Single Rig

Double Rig


What did Nikola mean when he said he had found a

new (environmental, free-energy) use for iron? He
stated at one point, that for every 200 pounds of iron,
another horsepower was added to one of his
electrical generators. Why? How? In the 1890's, he
spoke of using "cosmic radiation" for the generation
of energy, and said this radiation---which-today we
call the ZPR ("Zero Point Radiation")---interacted
with the ether and matter, to produce useful
electrical energy in great amounts. When Relativism
was promoted in 1919, Tesla continued to assert that
the theory was wrong, and challenged the proponents
of the theory to find fault with his theories, and they
declined to do so. Tesla claimed that the radiation
produced by "radioactive elements" was actually a
reaction with the ZPR. Was he right? The author of
this paper, William R. Lyne, in collaboration with a
reader of his books, engaged in some unus ual and
innovative research, and have evolved some
inventions which appear to completely refute the
Relativist theory of "nuclear energy" as we think we
know it, showing that "E = (much more than) MC2 ".


$10.00 - ISBN 0-9637467-5-8




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