Free Energy Surprise
Free Energy Surprise
Free Energy Surprise
Electrical Power
from the
and a piece
of iron pipe
Electrical Power
from the
and a piece
of iron pipe
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INTRODUCTION ................................................................................ 1
Tesla's Electricity-From-Air Invention ..........................................2
Four Modes of Operation ....................................................................5
The Basic Setup ......................................................................................7
Fabrication of the Basic Unit .............................................................8
The Photos ................................................................................................9
Descriptions of the Four Photos .....................................................10
Visualize Swirled Particles ................................................................12
Modest Suggestions of Over -Unity ................................................13
Two Basic Rigs .....................................................................................15
The discovery about which this paper is written was part of a research collaboration
between myself and another (unnamed) person, who had read my book, Space Aliens
From the Pentagon (Revised and Expanded Second Edition of 1995) - ISBN 0-9637467-1-5.
In it, I had shown certain equipment in various configurations, for doing some free energy
research, which have proven to be interesting and fruitful for some researchers since my
book came out. There were several ideas (pages viii, 153, and 186 in particular) which my
collaborator wished to pursue, but especially Nikola Tesla's method for obtaining electrical
energy from the air, by burning atmospheric nitrogen and oxygen with electric spark
discharge, which Tesla said would produce a twelve million volt potential. That variation
is shown here:
After all, if Tesla had been allowed to complete this project on Morgan's money,
Morgan would have been cutting his own throat. That's the reason Tesla should never have
allowed himself to depend on Morgan's money for the project, since the royalties due from
Westinghouse would have been due from Morgan, and would have more than covered the
costs of the project. At the time Tesla forgave the royalties, Westinghouse, unknown to
Tesla, had already sold his works to Morgan, so Morgan never gave Tesla anything.
The following is a copy of Tesla's withdrawn, unlabeled patent drawing and
accompanying Tesla material, from my 1993 book (first edition), page 132:
smaller ball on its top, than that shown on the receiving coil. Since his bifilar coil stored
250,000 times the energy of a conventional coil of the same number of turns, this coil could
produce a more powerful, long wavelength, with a minimum of turns, and no capacitors. It
provided a large `sink' into and out of which the ample negative charges in the earth could be
moved back and forth to create the desired oscillations. This particular invention therefore,
utilized Tesla's electricity-from-air invention, to drive his transmission-of-electricity through the
earth invention, combined with his bifilar coil, to increase the strength of the waves produced.
The flat, "pancake" design of the bifilar coil is designed to prevent adjacent turns of the coil
from arcing over, as the flat surface presents a surface area of greater diameter.
It should also be noted that Tesla ' s receiving circuit was a step -up transformer, which
implies that Tesla's long wavelength oscillations were of lower voltage than he had previously
used, but of greater charging capacity, created by the bifilar transmitter. The larger ball on the
step-up primary, was to give the primary circuit a larger positive capacitance with which to draw
the negative charges in the long waves from the earth. There is still a lot of mystery associated
with this design.
Back to the Free Energy Surprise, when my collaborator had decided to have a metal tube
prepared for the experiment, he had suggested stainless steel or aluminum, but I insisted on
iron, since Tesla had used an iron antenna on some of his Colorado Springs experiments, and
since he later said he had found ...a new (environmental energy-producing) use for iron. To
this end, we did some tests in several modes, as follows:
Four Modes of Operation
1. The First Mode: An insulated spark-gap was set up across an iron tube, as shown in the
Tesla drawing and the drawings which follow. After some trials, it was decided to use eight
spark dischargers (made of spark plugs with the outer electrode removed), connected to the
tube, to discharge in parallel to a center piece connected to the opposite wire of the high
voltage supply. The peripherally installed spark plugs produced a sequence of discharges
which `spun around' the center piece, apparently due to the torque of the magnetic field being
produced by the tube and discharges. This seemed to produce some anomalous results, but we
eventually developed a second mode, and set this first mode aside for later possible
2. The Second Mode: The spark-gaps were eliminated, and the center element was made to
react inductively with the outer tube, to ionize the air and place it in a strain, as a vertical flame
was produced, which burned the oxygen and nitrogen in the air. The magnetic field of the tube
seemed to center the flame. The output from this mode was heat, and an anomalous, over-unity
current, on both the legs. While a hot flame shot up from the top of the center element, similar
to a Bunsen burner, the two legs together produced about 45 kW, which was considerable overunity power, since the input wattage was small (just over 1 kW). We attempted to measure the
heat, but were drawn on to the next mode, and set this mode also aside for later possible
3. The Third Mode: The voltage was slowly raised to prevent arcing, and whenever a flame did
result, it was blown out, or the voltage was lowered to extinguish it, and raised up again in the nonsparking mode, so that the tube and the center element just sat and hummed, with no arcing. A cool
shaft of air rose from the tube, with an apparently small amount of ozone being ejected from the
tube. When viewed in the dark, a faint glow of corona was visible around the tube's inner surface, and
a small "star" was produced above the upper point of the center element. The input wa ttage dropped
to only a small percentage of what it was in the previous mode, while the current in each of the legs
greatly increased.
Since this mode was initially operated at full input of 120 volts, with 15 kv on the secondary, I
wanted to see what would happen if the voltage was lowered to 14,220,since that would stimulate each
leg at the 7,110 K-capture voltage for iron. This idea was prompted by Tesla's statement that " is
when things are quiet that something is really going on." This would be the fourth and final mode in
this series.
4. The Fourth Mode: The drop in input amperage and increase in output amperage was dramatic,
when the input voltage was dropped to 113.76 volts, to tune the secondary voltage to 14,220. There was
a drop in input wattage from 60 to 35, and an increase in output wattage from 24 to 42.7 kW (an
increase of about 77.75%. This seemed to confirm that K-capture was involved.
In considering the overall picture, here we had excited an iron pipe and centered cylinder with
high voltage, 60 cps current, and produced an apparent over-unity current which was at a ratio which
was about 1:1219, or a 121,900 % increase. In searching for an answer for where the apparent excess
energy was coming from, I at first considered the gases in the air, but looked beyond, since in Mode
3 there appeared to be too little (visible) ionization activity in the air, though this may turn out to be
wrong. In the end, I could only fall back on Tesla's discussion about "environmental" energy, in
which he said that the ether, and "cosmic radiation" (i.e., the ZPR" or "Zero Point Radiation"),
produced by "stars"...particularly our sun...were involved.
The Photos:
Photo No. 1.
Photo No. 2.
The Photos
Photo No. 3.
Photo No. 4.
Single Rig
Double Rig