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Project on: Shwapno

MGT 210Section: 22 Semester: Spring 2013

Submitted to: Tasmia Ekram (TsE)
Prepared by:
Asif Mohammad Zakaria
Md. Mahmudur Rahman


School Of business
North South University

Ms. Tasmia Ekram


Faculty- North South University

School of Business Administration
Bashundhora, Dhaka 1230.
Letter of Transmittal

Dear Madam,

It is great pleasure for us to submit our proposal on the topic of Shwapno super
We have prepared this plan, as partial fulfillment of the course.
Mgt 210 (Management Research)
To make this research up to the standard we tried our best to fulfill the
requirements by implementing the knowledge we have gather from the course.
Thank you very much for providing us this type of opportunity and giving us the
necessary guidance and direction needed for preparing the report.
We express our heart full gratitude to you to go through this research and make
your valuable comments. We hope this type of research will be able to fulfill
your expectation towards us.
Yours truly

Md. Mahmudur Rahman (Group Leader)


Page #5


Page #6

Managerial Function

Page #7


Page #8

Decision Making

Page #8


Page #9


Page #10


Page #10


Page #11


Page #11

Managerial Environment

Page #12

PEST Analysis

Page #12

Political Legal Environment

Page #13

Economic Environment

Page #14

Business Cycle

Page #15

Social Environment

Page #16

Technological Environment

Page #16

Organizational Behavior

Page #17

Corporate Social Responsibility

Page #18

Human Resource Management

Page #20

Competency based Career Path

Page #20

Tools of the System

Page #21

Competency Based Succession


Page #22


Page #25

Page #24


We are truly thankful to our course faculty member, Tasmia Ekram, Lecturer, School
of Business, North South University, without whose heartfelt supervision and
suggestions, it would have been extremely difficult for us to prepare this report.
The success of this project work depends on a number of people specially who took
time to share thoughtful guidance and suggestions to improve the contents of this
report. The people, who helped as a lot, are- one our friends, named Asif; gave us
the address of Shwapno corporate office, Miss. Faiza, Human resource manager of
Shwapno for telling us about their managerial function, so that we could get an
idea how do they manage their business activities. And last but not the least we
want to thank our group member Mahmudur Rahman who really work hard for the

Lastly, we would like to conclude by saying that you have been an amazingly nice
person and we enjoyed every moment of your class. We are proud to have you as
our mentor.

Thanks a lot for everything

Shwapno is a new dimensional superstore in Bangladesh. Although there are
some established superstore here but Shwapno is formed differently to this
country with new ideas. Others superstore is situated in the famous areas in the city
and there product price is very high, so that general people cannot buy their daily
products from there. But Shwapno is growing rapidly and establishing their super
shop every area of the city even the whole country. In every area they are
establishing there showroom because they want to reach all of the people in the
country. Their product price is similar to the open market and they provide fresh to
their customers. As a new superstore shopno is facing some problem although they
are trying to overcome it.

Managerial Functions:
The functions which describe managerial job, when put together, make up
the management process. This process is analyzed into key functions of
management viz., planning, organizing, staffing, directing and controlling.
Planning, organizing and controlling which deal mostly with non-human
aspects are known as mechanics of management, whereas staffing and
direction which are primarily concerned with human aspects constitute
dynamics of management. In the conceptual scheme, though the functions
are listed out in a sequence, I practice they are interlocked as a system. As
all functions are not equally important for all managers, time spent by them
for each of these functions varies according to their levels in the
organization. These functions has been discussed below

Planning (also called forethought) is the process of thinking about and organizing
the activities required to achieve a desired goal.
Planning involves the creation and maintenance of a plan. As such, planning is a
fundamental property of intelligent behavior. This thought process is essential to the
creation and refinement of a plan, or integration of it with other plans; that is, it
combines forecasting of developments with the preparation of scenarios of how to
react to them.
Planning is a relative function of goal, Shwapno goal is to increase their market
share in next five year, they want to provide consumer one stop comprehensive
service to the customer it means if a customer comes to Shwapno he/she will get

all of necessities there. They are basically following the way of Wal-Mart (the largest
retailer of the world),
To achieve this goal they planned to provide high quality product to their customer
that will work as their competitive advantage. Joining lifestyle items its branch.
Make more profit, extending their business,

Decision making:
Decision making is the second step of managerial function. Decision making
can be regarded as the mental processes (cognitive process) resulting in the
selection of a course of action among several alternative scenarios. Every
decision making process produces a final choice. The output can be an action
or an opinion of choice.
Most of the decision of Shwapno is made by the executive director of
Shwapno, and he made the decision based on highly reliable data, that has
been got by a survey or market reach. The information of operational
managers is also takes in account to make the decision.
So after making a big market survey and analyzing its outcome the executive
director of Shwapno came to know that customer wants to spend less time
for buying their commodities and they love it when they got quality product
under one roof at a reasonable price. and he also observe there is no shop in
Bangladesh which provides the facilities of wet market, daily necessary
goods and lifestyle goods, so he decided to give the customer one stop
comprehensive service. That is basically extending their business item. In
that purpose they have decided to add lifestyle item first and then home
appliance. They also found that formalin is major problem in Bangladeshi wet
market, so they decide to provide formalin free product and to prove it they
decide to keep machines that detects formalin in any substance
So they decided two things:
1. Providing one stop comprehensive service
2. Providing formalin free product

Organizing is the act of rearranging elements following one or more rules.
Anything is commonly considered organized when it looks like everything has
a correct order or placement. But it's only ultimately organized if any
element has no difference on time taken to find it. In that sense, organizing
can also be defined as to place different objects in logical arrangement for
better searching.
Shwapno got effective team to organize everything they need to pursue their
plan, organizing is a very important part because if things are not organized
well, there is a very little chance of success, so they made organizing soon
after make the decision, they made a team in the lead of executive director
that decided what needs to be collected for accomplishing the project.
For implementing plan one, they have they have started the process of
extending their shop , making contact with the lifestyle brand like Armani
levies , and shoe brands like Nike , perfume and bag brand like Gucci, denim
and many more, they are basically making the world class brand available to
Bangladeshi customer.
For implementing plan two which is partially implemented they are directly
collecting the products from the farmers which are available in Bangladesh,
and preserve in healthy way, it means not by formalin which is harmful for
people health.

Staffing is a term used in the sphere of employment. It has been applied to more
than one aspect of the working environment.

In other word Staffing is the process of acquiring, deploying, and retaining a

workforce of sufficient quantity and quality to create positive impacts on the
organizations effectiveness.
For the implementation of the plan Shwapno is not considering their current work
force good enough so they are planning to employ more fifty full time salesmen and
one hundred part time sales men. And ten more distributor who will distribute their
product to different shop,

Communication is an important function of managerial function. Communication is
the activity of conveying information through the exchange of thoughts, messages,
or information, as by speech, visuals, signals, writing, or behavior.
Communication is any act by which one person gives to or receives from person
information about that person's needs, desires, perceptions, knowledge, or affective
states. Communication may be intentional or unintentional, may involve
conventional or unconventional signals, may take linguistic or nonlinguistic forms,
and may occur through spoken or other modes.
Communication requires a sender, a message, and a recipient, although the
receiver doesn't have to be present or aware of the sender's intent to communicate
at the time of communication; thus communication can occur across vast distances
in time and space. Communication requires that the communicating parties share
an area of communicative commonality. The communication process is complete
once the receiver has understood the message of the sender
In case of communication Shwapno depends on their scalar chain, it means
managers send the message to their immediate junior employees .they think this is
the best approach of communicating because their nature of job doesnt allow them
to communicate with all employees at a time by power point presentation , they
believe more face to face communication.

In modern era of business motivation is considered the key to an organizational
success. It is a psychological feature that arouses an organism to act towards a
desired goal and elicits, controls, and sustains certain goal directed behaviors. It can

be considered a driving force; a psychological one that compels or reinforces an

action toward a desired goal. For example, hunger is a motivation that elicits a
desire to eat.
Motivation has been shown to have roots in physiological, behavioral, cognitive, and
social areas. Motivation may be rooted in a basic impulse to optimize well-being,
minimize physical pain and maximize pleasure. It can also originate from specific
physical needs such as eating, sleeping or resting, and sex.
Motivation is an inner drive to behave or act in a certain manner. It's the difference
between waking up before dawn to pound the pavement and lazing around the
house all day. These inner conditions such as wishes, desires, goals, activate to
move in a particular direction in behavior.
Shwapno believe motivation of employees is very important so they always try to
motivate their employees. Shwapno basically use two method for motivating their
employees those are

Performance appraisal

Annual increment

Controlling is one of the managerial functions like planning, organizing, staffing and
leading. It is an important function because it helps to check the errors and to take
the corrective action so that deviation from standards are minimized and stated
goals of the organization are achieved in a desired manner.
According to modern concepts, control is a foreseeing action whereas earlier
concept of control was used only when errors were detected. Control in
management means setting standards, measuring actual performance and taking
corrective action.
After a plan being implemented they continuously keep update to the impact of that
decision on their profitability. Normally they keeps a time period for the observation
of plan, they observe weather the plan is going well , or its not bringing any benefit
from them, if it doesnt bring any benefit from them they change it immediately,
and if it does better for them they tends to continue on the course of action


Managerial Environment:
To understand the managerial environment of an organization, we need to
focus on PEST analysis. PEST Analysis is useful for four main reasons:

It helps you to spot business or personal opportunities, and it gives you

advanced warning of significant threats.

It reveals the direction of change within your business environment. This

helps you shape what you're doing, so that you work with change, rather than
against it.

It helps you avoid starting projects that are likely to fail, for reasons beyond
your control.

It can help you break free of unconscious assumptions when you enter a new
country, region, or market; because it helps you develop an objective view of
this new environment.

PEST Analysis:
Pest analysis (Political, Economic, Social and Technological analysis)
describes a framework of macro-environmental factors used in
the environmental scanning component of strategic Management.


The Political-Leagal Environment:

In Bangladesh, People and organizations are highly influenced by political
environment. Also the business environment is not that much politically
favorable. As Shwapno is now struggling with their existences and incurring
loss for years, they are very much neutral in terms of political responses.

In terms of following other political strategies such as Campaign financing,

Lobbying, Coalition building, Indirect lobbying ; surprisingly they follow none
of these strategies. But yet they are trying to enlarge their brand value by
envolving in various political and social campaign.


The Economic Environment of

Shwapno is the believer of a dream. A dream to do something for the country
and to make a small contribution every day in their act that would make the
fortune of this country. The field of career they expects following from an


Business cycle:
As we know that there are 59 Shwapno outlets are operating at this time in Dhaka and there are
16 Districts that Shwapno have their outlets, they do not have a stable business cycle.
Comparing with the other retail outlets such as Agora, Mina Bazar etc; they
are lagging behind.

This is Shwapnos Business Cycle from the year 2008 to year 2011. It seems
like they are struggling from the year 2008 as their revenue kept on falling
till 2011. And at 2012, they really put on a good fight when competing
against the other retail shops. So their revenue is now increasing noticeably.


Social Environment:
Shwapno believes that today farmers, who are invariably deprived of having
minimal scale of social rights to make the livelihood through farming, are the
most unfortunate community in Bangladesh despite serving the nation with
supplying basic need-food. In addition, hardly do they get any assistance
from government in terms of supplying fertilizer, diesel oil, seeds, cultivation
equipment at rational price, whereas farmers in developed and developing
countries are the most respected community, who can avail subsidies from
government, quality seeds, fertilizer and diesel oil at cheap price. This ironic
situation of our farmers is leading them to embrace some unproductive
professions most often some anti-social activities, thereby impacting
economy negatively dragging the country to more reliance on foreign aid.
However, a large portion population especially farmer and end user has been
deprived of having such benefit, even though market is flooded with a wide
range of products since the producers do not get appropriate price for their
production and consumers invariably are deceived by sellers, who often sell
inferior goods, goods with inaccurate measurement, and so on. Of late, most
of the business firms form cartel, which has been worsening the condition of
life of farmers as well as consumers, to dictate the market, and they are
successful in this case. ACI has been looking for ways to finish this cartel off
so as to benefit both farmers and consumers. Besides, most of the vegetable
produced in rural areas get rotten due to lack of proper transport facilities,
whereas city dwellers have to pay extra money for scarce vegetable in the

The Technological Environment:

The development of various kinds of in-store technology in Shwapno that in recent
years has led to new in-store services. These technological innovations include the

widespread use of bar codes and point-of-service price scanning, related tools such as
interactive kiosks, as well as emerging applications based on radio frequency
identification (RFID) tags. With these technologies, retailers can manage stock in a
more efficient and effective manner and at the same time, allow customers to
conduct transactions or obtain product information and service with minimal
assistance from store employees.

Organizational Behavior:
Organizational Behavior (OB) is the study and application of knowledge about how
people, individuals, and groups act in organizations. It does this by taking a system
approach. That is, it interprets people-organization relationships in terms of the
whole person, whole group, whole organization, and whole social system. Its
purpose is to build better relationships by achieving human objectives,
organizational objectives, and social objectives.
Organizational studies encompass the study of organizations from multiple
viewpoints, methods, and levels of analysis. For instance, one textbook divides
these multiple viewpoints into three perspectives: modern, symbolic, and
postmodern. Another traditional distinction, present especially in American
academia, is between the study of "micro" organizational behavior which refers
to individual and group dynamics in an organizational setting and "macro"
strategic management and organizational theory which studies whole organizations
and industries, how they adapt, and the strategies, structures and contingencies
that guide them. To this distinction, some scholars have added an interest in "meso"
scale structures - power, culture, and the networks of individuals and i.e. ronit units
in organizations and "field" level analysis which study how whole population of
organization interact
In this case, we have found out that shwapno is maintaining their organization
behavior very poorly. This is one of the main reasons for their struggle in
marketplace in recent years.
We have asked several questions to them regarding organizational behavior. The
answers of those questions are given bellow

1. Firstly, we asked how do you manage people, from different culture? In

reply they said that they always try to maintain good relation with all the
employees. so that the workers never feel uncomfortable while working

2. They believe in collectivism instead of Individualism .Because there are

two main objections to collectivism from the ideas of individualism. One is
that collectivism stifles individuality and diversity by insisting upon a
common social identity, such as nationalism or some other group focus. The
other is that collectivism is linked to sadism and the diminution of freedom
when political authority is used to advance collectivist goals.
3. About time maintaining they said they follow straight line method for their
employee. Because, flexible timing is not the right way to maintain such
4. They are providing EEO, maternal paid leave of 4 months, for minority
people they dont have any special offer anybody who qualified for the job
are assigned.
5. They do Not provide any special training to their employees but
employees are given a 3-4daystraining in their head office where they are
learnt where they have to work and how they will manage. And we think this
is the most important factor for their struggling in the market place.

Corporate Social Responsibilities:

Shwapno is a leading retail chain in the superstore sector of Bangladesh
having stores in 16 districts. It believes customers more and more evaluate
them according to their socially responsible behavior.
The managers of Shawapno believes that, they are not only responsible to
their shareholders but are responsible to the public as a whole because a
company is permitted and encouraged by the law primarily because its a
service to the community rather than because it is a source of profit to its
1. Supply chain monitoring: Shawapno provide evidence that their codes of conduct are
more than words and being tested in supply chain, and in their own retail environment.
2. Helping the farmers: For Agricultural product such as fruit, vegetables,
poultry, fish, shrimp, meat, dairy etc. are directly collected from the farmers.
Shawapno also encourage all its suppliers to follow best practice and to
maintain consistently high standards.

3. Responsibilities towards employees: Employees are the key to its business

and are the most visible part of the business to its customers . Shawapno
always responsible towards their employees. It gives incentives its employees who are
directly working in the super shops. Shawapno invest significantly in the training
and development of its people, enabling them to do their jobs to the very
best of their ability and to offer its customers the very best service.

4. Educating the farmers, with a focus on Environment Friendly Practices: Shawapno has
undertaken extensive programs to educate crop farmers of rural area of
Rajshahi Good Agricultural Practices. It has a team of agricultural experts
working at the field level all across the rural area, holding a range of technical
trainings and field demonstrations. Their activities include

Field demonstrations on various methods of crop protection, that pose the

least hazard for the environment

Training on new technologies of cultivation, for higher yields and new crops

Training to channel partners

Shwapno is economically responsible currently shwapno is the market leader

of super shop industry of Bangladesh it also maintain its legal responsibility

by paying tax and providing anti formalin campaign it is also responsible

ethically to its stake holder

Other CSR Activities:

Providing trucks for disaster relief when tsunamis, earthquakes, typhoons or

other natural disasters strike.

Annual picnic for the employee, sports and price giving ceremony.

HRM of Shwapno:
Career pitching involves making a series of job-person matches, based on
the demands of the job system in the organization, that enable the person to
grow into greater levels of responsibility, thus providing the organization with
the talent that it requires to meet goals. This should involve the careful
assignment of an individual to positions that provide her or he with
opportunities for deploying the competencies needed for a more challenging
Best approaches to career patching combine an analysis of positions in terms
of both the tasks and the organizational behaviors needed for superior
performance. The combined approach is essential for each of the jobs in the
chain, because there may be marked differences between the characteristics
demanded in one job and those needed in another in the same career path.

Steps to Implement the Competencybased Career Path:

1. Put together a resource panel of experts on the target and feeder jobs who will
set direction and specify the expected job performance criteria.
2. Define tasks and characteristics, through the resource panel, and survey job
incumbents to obtain their perceptions of which job tasks and personal
characteristics contribute to success in the target and feeder jobs.
3. Identify top performers in the target and feeder jobs, using performance criteria
specified by the panel.
4. Conduct in-depth interviews with both superior and average incumbents in the
target and feeder jobs to find out what they do and how they do it.
5. Based on the outcome of stage 4, develop a competency model of people in the
target and feeder jobs by identifying those competencies that make the biggest
contribution to outstanding performance as opposed to the competencies that all
job holders need.
6. Analyze career paths by combining the survey (stage 2) and the interview (stage
3) results for target and feeder jobs.
7. Implement the career patching system through a number of options:

Computer-based tasks and competency inventories

Performance and potential assessment linked to new job opportunities;

Systematic counseling

Career development and related training programs.

Tools of the System

The tools of a competency-based career path system include:

- A description of the tasks required by target and feeder jobs eventually

broken down by job families
- A competency model for the target and feeder job system
- A dictionary of behavioral descriptions of each competency in the model
- Performance indicators that provide the material for a competency-based
evaluation program and a computerized skills bank
- A competency profile grid for either internal or external recruiting and
selection of candidates
- A career map of the organization, identifying which jobs are the key feeders
to higher-level positions
- A competencies' gap analysis showing main differences required to flow
through the job system to reach high-level jobs
- Recommendations for training in or selecting for each competency in the

Competency-based succession planning enables an organization to
determine the critical current competencies necessary for success in key jobs
and the strategic competencies necessary for future success. Once this has
determined the 'best fit' people, specific developmental plans can then be
formulated that build upon these competency requirements to allow the
individual's abilities to meet the strategic business needs of the organization.
Steps to implement Competency-based Succession Planning
For the competency-based succession planning to be complete, a logical
process consisting of a certain number of steps must be followed. These key
steps are as follows:
1. Identify critical jobs that the organization needs to fill

2. Develop a competency model from critical jobs, determining the

competencies needed at each step of the job family ladder
3. Develop the most appropriate assessment methods (assessment center,
screening, interviewing, etc) and assess people against the competency
model of the job

4. Make the decision whether to:

promote from inside

now or after competencies x, y, z have been developed

not promote but consider

Possible lateral transfer

recruit from outside if no one in the organization is ready or can be

developed in time

5. Feed the human resource management information system to track:

Promotable employees, for future competencies monitoring

Competency requirements of target jobs.


In the conclusion, we can say that as a growing retail store in Bangladesh
Shwapno need to work more and more on their managerial
competencies. They need to follow a proper way to reach their organizational
objectives. Otherwise, their business may collapse in front of the other
leading retail stores. Focusing on lower cost, expanding more and more
outlets are not the only thing they can do; they also need to sort out their
managerial incompetencies as well.


Tasmia Ekram; Faculty at Business school of North South University
Shwapnos official website: www.shwapno.com
Shwapno main branch: Novo tower (8th floor), Tejgaon, Dhaka 1208
Miss. Faiza: Human resource manager of Shwapno


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