Optimal Designation of Hedging Relationships Under FASB Statement 133
Optimal Designation of Hedging Relationships Under FASB Statement 133
Optimal Designation of Hedging Relationships Under FASB Statement 133
New accounting standards for financial derivatives mandate on-balance sheet
reporting and the designation of hedged item - hedging derivative pairs
for reporting offsetting gain or loss on financial statements. A program
that uses disjunctive, or logical, constraints to model the criteria for hedge
accounting across all types of financial instruments and against allowable
risks is presented. The program returns an optimal designation that satisfies
the hedge-accounting rules, and uses standard risk management reports as
input. A linear program models compliance for most hedges against market
In Accounting for Derivative Instruments and Hedging Activities (Statement
of Financial Accounting Standards No. 133), the Financial Accounting Stan-
dards Board outlines the reporting requirements for derivative instruments
on financial statements released after June 15, 2000. All derivative instru-
ments will be reported at fair value on the balance sheet and hedge ac-
counting will be allowed only for designated item - derivative pairs. Choos-
ing hedge relationships that satisfy the requirements for designated hedge
pairs is now an important issue for companies that hold derivatives, and we
The distinctions between fair value, cash flow, and foreign currency
hedges are reporting distinctions: the offset amount of gains and losses for
derivatives are reported in earnings, or other accumulated income, or as a
translation adjustment, depending on the type of hedge.
Gain or loss for a derivative in a fair value hedge is reported in earnings,
and the gain or loss due to the hedged risk adjusts the carrying amount for
the hedged item; the gain or loss for the derivative that is not offset remains
in earnings. In cash flow hedges, the effective part of the hedge, i.e., the
amount of gain or loss on the derivative that is offset by the gain or loss
on the hedged item due to the hedged risk, and that offset, is reported in
accumulated other income. This effective portion is transferred to earnings
in the period the cash flow or transaction occurs; the ineffective part of the
hedge is currently reported in earnings. Foreign currency fair value hedges
follow the former fair value-reporting rule, and foreign currency cash flow
hedges follow the latter reporting rule. The effective portion of the gain or
loss on a financial instrument that is designated as an economic hedge of the
net investment in a foreign operation is reported as a translation adjustment,
i.e., in a separate component of consolidated equity.
The important point to remember, however, is that the ineffective part of
the hedge, the amount of gain or loss that is not offset, is reported currently
in earnings. The optimal hedge assignment will be the one that minimizes
this amount.
The statement next delineates the restrictions for certain items on the
risks that can be hedged against. The four risks, or changes in value, that
the statement allows hedging for are:
1. Financial assets and liabilities, the variable cash flows of financial as-
sets and liabilities, and the forecasted purchases and sales of financial
assets and liabilities can be hedged against either market risk, or mar-
ket interest rate risk, foreign exchange risk, or credit (default) risk.
Two or more of the latter group can be hedged simultaneously if de-
• the inputs of gains or losses for items, over the last financial period,
broken down according to the four allowable risks. Igk,a = gain for
item k due to risk a, and Ilk,a = the loss for item k due to risk a. Table
3 below shows the gains and losses for the sample portfolio; Ig1,1 = .55
and Il5,2 = .24.
Risk Indicators
Market Risk S&P500 Index
Natural gas 6M forward price
Coffee 6M futures price
Market Interest USD LIBOR spot
Rate Risk USD LIBOR 6M
FX Risk USD/Brazilian Real exchange rate
USD/DM exchange rate
Credit Risk Industry sector index
• the inputs of gains or losses, over the last financial period, for the
derivatives. Dgj = gain from derivative j and Dl j = loss from deriva-
tive j. Dg3 = .17 and Dl 2 = .38.
• variable Yk,a for the change in value in item k due to allowable risk a
that is hedged by derivative j.
• decision variable Zk,a is a 0 − 1 variable that indicates whether the
hedge of item k by derivative j against risk a is a permissible designa-
The optimal hedge in our model is the one that is least ineffective, i.e., the
hedge which minimizes the amount of gain or loss on a derivative which
remains after offset. Therefore, the objective function for the model is the
minimum of the sum over all derivatives of the absolute value of the change
in value of the derivative minus any permissible offsetting change in an item.
There is no explicit recommendation for a particular measure of hedge
effectiveness in SFAS 133. However, a traditional and simple test of hedge
effectiveness is that the ratio of gains or losses on the derivative to the losses
or gains on the hedged item be between 80% and 125% over the financial
period. This test can be applied to historical returns to demonstrate an
expectation that a proposed hedge will be effective.
Representing Requirements
Hedge accounting requirements differ according to the risk being hedged,
whether entire items and derivatives or portions of them are being used,
and whether basis swaps or written options appear as hedging instruments.
We will first consider the case where there are no basis swaps or written
options in the set of hedging derivatives.
The gains and losses over the period should be easily extracted from
available P&L and DV01 reports. Since we have excluded basis swaps from
the set of derivatives, we assume here that at most one of {Igk,a , Ilk,a} and
{Dgj , Dl j } is greater than 0, for all a, j, k. Assume an entity holds the
sample portfolio of items and derivatives and has collected the input data
for this portfolio.
Hedges against market risk for fair value and cash flow hedges
Hedge designation is most straightforward when market risk is being hedged
(since if market risk is hedged, it is the only allowable risk) and the items
and derivatives are such that either the entire instrument or a portion (per-
centage) of it can be designated in a hedge. In this case, if we restrict our
test of effectiveness to an upper bound on the item-derivative offset, we
have a formulation with linear constraints and a piecewise linear objective
To ensure that designated pairs have similar risk profiles, we require
j j
∀j ∀k qk,1 ∗ Yk,1 ≥0
If item k and derivative j are not sensitive to the same indicator, then
j j
qk,1 = −1 and the constraint can be satisfied only by setting Yk,1 = 0.
Item k is hedged effectively by derivative j if the following inequalities
hold, since these constraints require that the hedged gain for the item is less
than 125% of the hedging loss on the derivative and the hedged loss on the
item is less than 125% of the hedging gain on the derivative.
∀j Igk,1 ∗ Yk,1 ≤ 1.25Dl j
∀j Ilk,1 ∗ Yk,1 ≤ 1.25Dgj
If Dgj = 0 and if Ilk,1 > 0, then Yk,1 is forced to 0; similarly, if Dl j = 0 and
if Igk,1 > 0, Yk,1 must be 0. This ensures that the gain or loss on a hedged
item offsets the loss or gain on a hedging derivative.
Then the requirement that a designated item and derivative are sensitive to
the same indicators is expressed by
j j
∀a ∀j ∀k qk,a ∗ Zk,a ≥0
j j
This is true because Zk,a is either 0 or 1, and if qk,a = −1, indicating that
j j
item k and derivative j share no sensitivities, then the product qk,a ∗Zk,a ≥0
implies that Zk,a = 0, or that the hedge is not permitted.
Inequalities modeling the requirement that market risk not be hedged in
conjunction with any other risk are added to the preceding program:
j j
∀j ∀k Zk,1 + Zk,2 ≤ 1
j j
Zk,1 + Zk,3 ≤ 1
j j
Zk,1 + Zk,4 ≤ 1
j j
∀a ∀j ∀k Yk,a ≤ Zk,a
These inequalities are satisfied only if at most one of market risk and
market interest rate risk, or market risk and foreign exchange risk, or market
j j
risk and credit risk is hedged. Then Yk,a and Zk,a are linked by requiring
j j
that if Yk,a = 1, then Zk,a must also equal 1.
j j
Using this inequality forces W j = 0 if all the Yk,a = 0, and if any Yk,a >0
then the gain or loss on all the Yk,a for that j must be at least 80% of the
loss or gain on derivative j.
The constraints modeling hedge effectiveness have to be expanded to
include gains or losses due to all four allowable risks:
4 X
∀j Igk,a ∗ Yk,a ≤ 1.25Dl j
a=1 k=1
4 X
∀j Ilk,a ∗ Yk,a ≤ 1.25Dgj
a=1 k=1
(b) a put option, a call option, an interest rate cap, or an interest rate
floor embedded in an existing asset or liability and clearly and closely
related to the host instrument
We have presented a suite of mathematical programs that risk managers
can use to assign optimal hedge relationships among the items and deriva-
tives held by a company. These programs match items and derivatives so
that the least amount of gain or loss on derivatives is reported while satis-
fying the SFAS 133 requirements. The program for designating most items
and derivatives in a hedge of market risk has a piecewise linear objective
function and linear constraints and can be solved using standard linear pro-
gramming methods. Programs for designating all possible types of items and
derivatives, in hedges of any allowable risk, include 0 − 1 decision variables
and linear and disjunctive constraints. These latter programs can be solved
using branching search methods combined with linear programs. Experi-
ments with programs modelling hedge effectiveness for portfolios of items
and derivatives are being carried out at the Logic Based Systems Lab at
Brooklyn College of the City University of New York.
Selected Readings
Financial Accounting Standards Board, Statement of Financial Accounting
Standards No. 133, Financial Accounting Series, No. 186-B, June