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Vol 5 2015

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Yakamia Pr
Principal: Julie Blythe
Deputy Principals: Yvonne Height, Helen Walmsley and Tristan Mackenzie
Ph: 9841 7533 Fax: 9842 1350
Email: Yakamia.PS@education.wa.edu.au

Our A


Volume 5
2 April 2015

From Room 24
Hi, my name is Indi. I am a year 5 in
room 24. Some things I like to do in
our class are dodge-ball, maths and
writing. Weve been making masks,
pots and plaques out of clay. Weve
also been doing maths, spelling and
debating. We do sport nearly every
morning (dodge-ball or continuous
Indi Marwick
cricket) and we do relays every
second Friday, (Finding countries in Atlass,
hammering nails into wood and other things).

Hi my name is Lachlan Pietrala

and I am in year 4 and the things
that I like are continuous cricket,
dodge ball, tee ball, maths and
reading. We had our assembly in
week 8 and our assembly item was
Fireflies. The things that I dont
like are spelling, debating and

Hello my name is Kiara Hinks, Im a year 4

student. In the class I like doing art and craft and
my favourite activity is writing, in the class we do
a period of math every day
except Friday. We are doing
masks and pots. We had our
Lachlan Pietrala
assembly and we sang Fireflies.
Every morning except Thursday
and every second Friday we do
relays. We are starting cooking
and wood work. My group for
cooking is Indi, me and Tyler.
Hi my name is Locky Ross I am in Correspondent:
things I dont like are.
Kiara Hinks
year 5. What I like about room 24
is that we get to do sport like
dodgeball, softball and continuous
s ma
cricket every day. It has been a
good start to 2015. I dont like the
Locklan Ross
following maths, times tables. We
had our assembly on Friday and it was good, as
we sang a song called Fireflies.

Page 2

Yakamia Primary School

From the Principals Desk

Term 1
our Year 6 and some of our Year 5 students will be
Wow, who can believe that Term 1 is almost over! It involved with the parade and be in attendance at
has been such a busy and productive term.
the service.
I have been impressed with the quality teaching and
learning programs that teaching and support staff
provide for our students. I have had the
opportunity to see examples of fine student work
and have enjoyed discussing the tasks with
It has also been terrific to see the high level of
involvement of parents and community members in
many of the programs run at the school.

This should be a memorable event to mark this

important anniversary. Members of the public are
invited, I am hoping that a substantial number of
local people will be in attendance.
ANZAC ServiceYakamia
The Student Councillors will host the school
ANZAC assembly on Friday 24 April. The
assembly will start at 1.30pm and will be in the

Yakamia PS is a true credit to the students, staff

and parent community. I thank everyone for their
wonderful efforts over the term and look forward to Children are encouraged to bring flowers for the
being part of the journey that students will be taken wreaths on this day. We look forward to seeing you
on next term.
A big well done to the Year 4/5 students of Room 24
for hosting the last assembly. It was fabulous to see
On the first Friday of next term, 24 April, over 2000 such a wonderful display of your talented acting and
students from 32 schools in and around Albany will director skills!
be involved in a parade and service to commemorate
the centenary anniversary of the landings at
The next assembly will be hosted by Room 25, in
Gallipoli in 1915.
Week 2 of Term 2. We look forward to seeing you
all there.
Combined Schools Centenary ANZAC Parade
and Service

Term Dates
Students will parade down York Street from 10am
and then assemble in the ANZAC Peace Park for the Term 2 commences for students on Tuesday,
service beginning at 10.30am. It is expected that the 21 April.
service will run for just over an hour.
Our school will have considerable involvement; one
of our Year 6 students Olivia Steel has been chosen
to be one of the presenters at the service and all of

I hope you all have a safe, happy and enjoyable


Julie Blythe

Can YOU help?

Yakamia PS is creating a unique play experience for our students using scrap materials. It is
designed to help students use their creativity and explore their imagination.
How can you help? Well it is simple; provide us with your unwanted items.
We are after donations of the following items:
tarps, overalls, safety helmets, big pieces of fabric, off cuts of carpets or mats, barrels, wheels, crates,
fishing nets or large nets, PVC pipe, bins and lids, walking frames, bits of foam e.g. pool noodles, tubes
Please contact the school office (9841 7533) if you can help!

Yakamia Primary School

Page 3

Interschool Swimming Carnival

Well done to all students who participated in the
Interschool Swimming Carnivaland to Lisa
Manera who acted as First Place judge on the
day. The team showed excellent sportsmanship
and behavior throughout the day.
Mr Mackenzie was the Team Marshal with the
students all day and Mr McFarlane was Referee.
Championship Shield results were:



Albany Primary School



Denmark Primary School



Little Grove Primary School



Mount Barker Community College



Flinders Park Primary School



Mount Lockyer Primary School



Yakamia Primary School



Spencer Park Primary School


Henry Ayres
(Left hand side)

Cameron Petley Gray


Stephen Coyne
(2nd Place)

Abbey Turnbull

Tillie Bartley
(Right hand side)

Dillan Gadean
(Left hand side)

Lincoln Hird
(Left hand side)

Lachlan Pietrala
1st Place

Locklan Ross
(Right hand side)

Daisy Stewart Morgan

Liam Buss
(2nd Place)

(Left hand side)

Kaleb Weinert
(Right hand side)

Yakamia Primary School

Page 4

Yakamia School Library

World Book Online An Information and
Activity Website
Yakamia Primary School has a paid up
subscription for all Yakamia School Students for
World Book Online. This allows students and
community members to access this internet
website from anywhere in the School and at

primary through to Year 4,

Kids is very suitable for year 2 through to year 5,
Student is suitable for year 3 to year 8 and
Discovery for year 3 to year 8.
The fifth site is presented in Spanish.

Of the 5 sites that appear:

Early World of Learning is suitable for Pre-

If you have any questions please see Max

Kosovich in the Library.

All sites are based on providing age appropriate

information and activities for students ranging
from picture and very simple word games,
In the address or Search window you simply type, information and short DVDs across a wide range
Yakamiaps.com ..then scroll down to
of topics linking student and school interest, story
Student Friendly Search Engines and click on
book selections to read and have read back to
World Book online.ID and password are
students which is great for early readers, science
beneath the title. Or you can simply go up to experiments for the home, colouring
the Address window and type in
in and maze activities. The whole
worldbookonline.com press enter and when
site has been designed to meet
the prompt for ID appears type Yakamia and
students needs in a fully secure
then type online for the password.
learning environment.

Triple PPositive Parenting Tips

Making Friends
Having good friends is important to a childs self-esteem but, unfortunately, children do not always
know how to look after friends. You can lend a hand by helping your child develop good social skills.
Talk to your child about being a good friend and encourage your child to practise skills such as:

Looking at and listening when someone is speaking to them, such as a friend telling them a story

Taking turns in games and activities

Asking what others might like to do rather than assuming that other children will always want
to follow

Thinking about others peoples feelings. I wonder how Tom is feeling now. How do you think
you would feel if that happened to you?

Helping others

Being friendly and welcoming to a new child in class.

To help your child make friends, and so your child can practise being a good host, you may like to
invite another child to your home for a play. Be prepared to contact the parents to organise this if
your child is too shy to ask.
The 2015 Voluntary Contributions are:

Money payable to office or by Direct Debit


Direct Debit Details:


PP to Yr 6 Children $60

BSB 016-510 Account no: 3408 23089

Please note childs name in full if different from parent

Page 5

Yakamia Primary School

Honour Certificate Recipients27 March 2015






Charlotte Jozwiak


David Mitchell

Robbie Johnston

Asher Duff

Finn Robinson


Joshua Boocock

Brooke Clarke

Ethan Jones


Paula Zimmermann

Marley Idle


Amy-Lee McKeaig


Ashleigh Sykes Holliday


Sophie Harness


Jason Wenbourne
Kaiden Russell

Chloe Pietrala


Riley Wells

Isabelle Bemben
Ben Weadley

Dylan Master

Hayley Haworth
Josh Wallis

William Timms

Lily Suriani-Castle
Mitchell Wrightson

Sean Sanderson

Maya Anning
Hayden Joss

Hannah Tschabotar

Jemma Carbonell

Nathaniel Colbung
Emma Stokes

Jessica Ralston


Beck Wrightson

Duggan Wilkes
Kiara Sundo-Hodge

To all children of Yakamia
WHAT: Learn to play the recorder in fun new group.
WHEN: Starting Tuesday lunchtimes in the second week of Term 2.
WHERE: In the Music room next to the Hall.
HOW: Come along and try it out (It may drive your parents wild!).
See you there!
Michelle Edwards

Term Planner
Sent as an attachment with this Newsletter is
the Term Planner for Term 2.
Please check to see what is going on next


8.30 9.00am

Page 6

Community News

Yakamia Primary School

Please note notices appearing below are not necessarily endorsed by the
school. We provide this space for community groups to advertise to the
school community. It is up to parents to scrutinise the activity and
organisers for their child.

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