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Question - What Do You Mean by Product Development? Explain Product Development Process. Answer

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Question - What do you mean by product development?

Explain product
development process.

Introduction to Product Development

In this fast-changing world we are experiencing change in our daily life and at marketplace too. Customer
needs, wants, and expectations are changing more rapidly. Customers are increasingly demanding
advance features, appealing designs, better quality, and reliability in products. To meet the changing
demands of customer, business organisations are investing heavily in research and development (R&D).
Business organisations are updating existing products and developing new products to satisfy changing
customer needs, wants, and expectations.
The development of competitive new products is a prerequisite for every business organisation to be
successful. Samsung has outperformed Nokia in the global mobile-phone market and become the global
leader. Samsung updates its existing mobile phones and brings new mobile phones more frequently at
competitive low price with advance features, appealing designs, better quality and reliability. Nokia failed
to satisfy changing customer needs, wants, and expectations, and lost its market position.
Definition of Product Development
In general, the Product Development can be defined as "creating, innovating, or developing entirely a
new product , or presenting an existing product with enhanced utility, improved features, more appealing
design, better quality and reliability to satisfy the requirements of its end-users."
Meaning of Product Development
Product means a good, service, idea or object created as a result of a process and offered to serve a
need or satisfy a want. Development means the act or process of growing, progressing, or developing.
Product Development is a process of improving the existing product or to introduce a new product in
the market. It is also referred as New Product Development. The functions of product development are as
follows :1.
Creation of an entirely new product or upgrading an existing product,

Innovation of a new or an existing product to deliver better and enhanced services,


Enhancing the utility and improving the features of an existing product,


Continuous improvement of a product to satisfy rapidly changing customer needs and wants.

Product Development Process

Product development process is a crucial process for the success and survival of any business. Today,
businesses are operating in a highly dynamic and competitive environment. Business organisations have
to continuously update their products to conform to current trends. The product development process
starts from idea generation and ends with product development and commercialisation. Following are the
steps in the process of product development.
Idea Generation - The first step of product development is Idea Generation that is identification
of new products required to be developed considering consumer needs and demands. Idea generation is
done through research of market sources like consumer liking, disliking, and competitor policies. Various
methods are available for idea generation like - Brain Storming, Delphi Method, or Focus Group.

Idea Screening - The second step in the process of product development is Idea Screening that
is selecting the best idea among the ideas generated at the first step. As the resources are limited, so all
the ideas are not converted to products. Most promising idea is kept for the next stage.
Concept Development - At this step the selected idea is moved into development process. For
the selected idea different product concepts are developed. Out of several product concepts the most
suitable concept is selected and introduced to a focus group of customers to understand their reaction.
For example - in auto expos different concept cars are presented, these models are not the
actual product, they are just to describe the concept say electric, hybrid, sport, fuel efficient, environment
friendly, etc.
Market Strategy Development - At this step the market strategies are developed to evaluate
market size, product demand, growth potential, and profit estimation for initial years. Further it includes
launch of product, selection of distribution channel, budgetary requirements, etc.
Business Analysis - At this step business analysis for the new product is done. Business
analysis includes - estimation of sales, frequency of purchases, nature of business, production and
distribution related costs and expenses, and estimation of profit.
Product Development - At this step the concept moves to production of finalised product.
Decisions are taken from operational point of view whether the product is technically and commercially
feasible to produce. Here the research and development department develop a physical product.
Test Marketing - Now the product is ready to be launched in market with brand name,
packaging, and pricing. Initially the product is launched in a test market. Before full scale launching
theproduct is exposed to a carefully chosen sample of the population, called test market. If theproduct is
found acceptable in test market the product is ready to be launched in target market.
Commertialisation - Here the product is launched across target market with a proper market
strategy and plan. This is called commercialisation phase of product development.

Question - What is branding, packaging, and labelling in marketing?



There are millions of products and services all over the world, each claims to be the best among their
category. But, every product is not equally popular. Consumer doesn't remember every product, only few
products are remembered by their name, logo, or slogan. Such products generate desired emotions in the
mind of consumer. It is branding that makes product popular and known in the market; branding is not an
activity that can be done overnight, it might takes months and even years to create a loyal and reputed
Branding gives personality to a product; packaging and labelling put a face on the product. Effective
packaging and labelling work as selling tools that help marketer sell the product.
Today in this post we'll learn - meaning of branding, types of brand, strategies of branding, meaning of
packaging and labelling, and importance of packaging and labelling.
Definition of Branding
According to American Marketing Association - Brand is A name, term, design, symbol, or any other
feature that identifies one sellers good or service as distinct from those of other sellers. The legal term for

brand is trademark. A brand may identify one item, a family of items, or all items of that seller. If used for
the firm as a whole, the preferred term is trade name.
According to Philip Kotler - Brand is a name, term, sign, symbol, design, or a combination of them,
intended to identify the goods or services of one seller or group of sellers and to differentiate them from
those of competitors
Branding is a sellers promise to deliver a specific set of features, benefits and services consistent to the
Meaning of Branding
Branding is a process of creating a unique name and image for a product in the mind of consumer, mainly
through advertising campaigns. A brand is a name, term, symbol, design or combination of these
elements, used to identify a product, a family of products, or all products of an organisation.
Branding is an important component of product planning process and an important and powerful tool for
marketing and selling products.

Elements of Branding
Brand includes various elements like - brand names, trade names, brand marks, trade marks, and trade
characters. The combination of these elements form a firm's corporate symbol or name.
Brand Name - It is also called Product Brand. It can be a word, a group of words, letters, or
numbers to represent a product or service. For example - Pepsi, iPhone 5, and etc.

Trade Name - It is also called Corporate Brand. It identifies and promotes a company or a
division of a particular corporation. For example - Dell, Nike, Google, and etc.

Brand Mark - It is a unique symbol, colouring, lettering, or other design element. It is visually
recognisable, not necessary to be pronounced. For example - Apple's apple, or Coca-cola's cursive

Trade Mark - It is a word, name, symbol, or combination of these elements. Trade mark is legally
protected by government. For example - NBC colourful peacock, or McDonald's golden arches. No other
organisation can use these symbols.

Trade Characters - Animal, people, animated characters, objects, and the like that are used to
advertise a product or service, that come to be associated with that product or service. For example Keebler Elves for Keebler cookies
Branding Strategies
There are various branding strategies on which marketing organisations rely to meet sales and marketing
objectives. Some of these strategies are as following :Brand Extension - According to this strategy, an existing brand name is used to promote a new
or an improved product in an organisation's product line. Marketing organisations uses this strategy to
minimise the cost of launching a new product and the risk of failure of new product. There is risk of brand
diluting if a product line is over extended.

Brand Licensing - According to this strategy, some organisations allow other organisations to
use their brand name, trade name, or trade character. Such authorisation is a legal licensing agreement
for which the licensing organisation receives royalty in return for the authorisation. Organisations follow
this strategy to increase revenue sources, enhance organisation image, and sell more of their core

Mixed Branding - This strategy is used by some manufacturers and retailers to sell products. A
manufacturer of a national brand can make a product for sale under another company's brand. Like this a
business can maintain brand loyalty through its national brand and increase its product mix through
private brands. It can increase its profits by selling private brands without affecting the reputation and
sales of its national brand.

Co-Branding - According to this strategy one or more brands are combined in the manufacture of
a product or in the delivery of a service to capitalise on other companies' products and services to reach
new customers and increase sales for both companies' brands.

Question - What is product mix? Explain product mix decisions.

Meaning of Product Mix
Product mix or product assortment refers to the number of product lines that an organisation offers to its
customers. Product line is a group of related products manufactured or marketed by a single company.
Such products function in similar manner, sold to the same customer group, sold through the same type
of outlets, and fall within a same price range .
Product mix consists of various product lines that an organisation offers, an organisation may have just
one product line in its product mix and it may also have multiple product lines. These product lines may
be fairly similar or totally different, for example - Dish washing detergent liquid and Powder are two
similar product lines, both are used for cleaning and based on same technology;
whereas Deodorantsand Laundry are
An organisation's product mix has following four dimensions :1.



Depth, and



The width of an organisation's product mix pertains to the number of product lines that the organisation is
offering. For example, Hindustan Uni Lever offers wide width of its home care, personal care and
beverage products. Width of HUL product mix includes Personal wash, Laundry, Skin care, Hair care,
Oral care, Deodorants, Tea, and Coffee.
The length of an organisation's product mix pertains to the total number of products or items in the
product mix. As in the given diagram of Hindustan Uni Lever product mix, there are 23 products, hence,
the length of product mix is 23.
The depth of an organisation's product mix pertains to the total number of variants of each product offered
in the line. Variants includes size, colour, flavors, and other distinguishing characteristics. Forexample,
Close-up, brand of HUL is available in three formations and in three sizes. Hence, the depth of Close-up
brand is 3*3 = 9.
The consistency of an organisation's product mix refers to how closely related the various product lines
are in use, production, distribution, or in any other manner.

Product Mix Decision

Product mix decision refers to the decisions regarding adding a new or eliminating any existing product
from the product mix, adding a new product line, lengthening any existing line, or bringing new variants of
a brand to expand the business and to increase the profitability.
Product Line Decision - Product line managers takes product line decisions considering the
sales and profit of each items in the line and comparing their product line with the competitors' product
lines in the same markets. Marketing managers have to decide the optimal length of the product line by
adding new items or dropping existing items from the line.
Line Stretching Decision - Line stretching means lengthening a product line beyond its current
range. An organisation can stretch its product line downward, upward, or both way.
Downward Stretching means adding low-end items in the product line, for example in Indian car
market, watching the success of Maruti-Suzuki in small car segment, Toyota and Honda also entered the

Upward Stretching means adding high-end items in the product line, for example Maruti-Suzuki
initially entered small car segment, but later entered higher end segment.
Two-way Stretching means stretching the line in both directions if an organisation is in the middle
range of the market.

Line Filling Decision - It means adding more items within the present range of the product line.
Line filling can be done to reach for incremental profits, or to utilise excess capacity.

Question - Define the term Green Marketing; and explain why green
marketing is important?


Introduction to Green Marketing

The negative impact of human activities over environment is a matter of concern today. Governments all
over the world making efforts to minimise human impact on environment. Today our society is more
concerned with the natural environment. Understanding the society's new concerns businesses have
begun to modify their behaviour and have integrated environmental issues into organisational activities.
Academic disciplines have integrated green issues in their literature. This is true with marketing subject
too, and the terms like "Green Marketing" and "Environmental Marketing are included in syllabus.
Governments all over the world have become so concerned about green marketing that they have
attempted to regulate them.
Definition and Meaning of Green Marketing
Definition according to American Marketing Association - "Green marketing is the marketing of
products that are presumed to be environmentally safe."
According to Polonsky 1994 b, 2 - "Green or Environmental Marketing consists of all activities
designed to generate and facilitate any exchanges intended to satisfy human needs or wants, such that
the satisfaction of these needs and wants occurs, with minimal detrimental impact on the natural
Green Marketing incorporates broad range of activities including product modification, changes to the
production process, packaging changes, and modifying advertising. Green marketing focuses on
satisfaction of customer needs and wants with no or minimum harm to the natural environment.
Why Green Marketing is Important ?
It is well known that increasing production and business activities are polluting the natural environment.
Damages to people, crops, and wildlife is reported in different parts of the world. As resources are limited
and human wants are unlimited, it is necessary for marketers to use resources efficiently, so that
organisational objectives are achieved without waste of resources. So green marketing is inevitable.
There is growing interest among people around the world regarding protection of natural environment.
People are getting more concerned for environment and changing their behaviour for the protection of
environment. As a result of this, the term "Green Marketing" has emerged. Hence, marketers

are feeling their responsibility towards environment and giving importance to green marketing.
Not only marketers but consumers are also concerned about the environment, and consumers are also
changing their behaviour pattern. Now, individual as well as industrial consumers are becoming more
concerned about environment-friendly products.

Question - Explain the role of advertising in marketing communications. Also describe

the steps in the process of advertising.

The finest products, the most attractive price tags, and the best marketing channels are of no mean if the
target customers don't know the product; and the chances of product success is low. Effective marketing
communication is crucial for the success of a product or a business. In marketing communications
advertising plays an important role.

Role of Advertising in Marketing Communication

Marketing communications are the means by which organisations attempt to inform, persuade, and
remind consumers about products, services, or brands. Marketing communications inform and make
consumers aware about the availability of the product or service, about its usage, price and special offers.
Marketing Communications attempt to persuade potential consumers to purchase and try the product.
Marketing communications can also be used to reinforce experiences, or to remind consumers about their
needs and their past experiences related to the product with a view to convince them for repurchases.
Marketing communication also differentiate products in markets where there is little to separate competing
products and brands.

Advertising is a paid form of a non-personal message communicated through the various media by
industry, business firms, nonprofit organisations, or individuals. Advertising is persuasive and
informational and is designed to influence the purchasing behavior and/or thought patterns of the

The advertising message has to reach a billion people, speaking different languages, practicing many
religions. Advertisers can reach their audiences through television, radio, cinema, print medium, outdoor
advertising, sales promotion and the Internet. Hence, advertising is a form of mass communication.

Process of Advertising
Following are the steps that are required to be followed for development and execution of advertising :-

Briefing - Advertising process starts with briefing - a document confirming understanding
between client and advertising agency on - what product to advertise, objective of advertising, time-frame
of ad campaign, strategies to reach the audience, and total estimated cost.
Market Research - After briefing market research will done. Research include - comparison of
advertiser's product or service with competitor's product or service, consumers' perception of their brand
in comparison to their competitors, study of competitors' advertising, and response of consumers to
competitors' advertising.
Identify Target Audience - Next step is to identify target audience. Using the market research,
the advertising agency will identify the target audience.
Media Selection - Using the research, the advertising agency or the media agency will select the
media that should be used to reach the target audience in the most cost effective way.
Ad Designing & Ad Creation - At this step the creative people of advertising agency will convert
the advertising communication into words and pictures. The copywriter will write the copy of advertising
and the art director will visually implement the copywriter's message.The advertising agency may get the
filming or taping done by outside production companies.
Decide Place & Time - This step is to decide where and when the advertisement will be shown.
Traffic department within the advertising agency will ensure that the commercials are ready on time and
all required legal approvals have been granted.

Execution - Finally the advertisement will be executed.

Performance Check - Once the advertisement is executed, the media agency will check its

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