ISTQB Certification: Why You Need It and How To Get It
ISTQB Certification: Why You Need It and How To Get It
ISTQB Certification: Why You Need It and How To Get It
ISTQB Certification
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ISTQB certified testers know how to do these things and more because they have
mastered the topics laid out in one or more of the ISTQB syllabi. They feel
confident that they have mastered these topics, and can prove to others that they
have, because they have passed one or more of the ISTQB recognized
examinations, rigorously developed to check each examinees abilities to recall,
understand, and apply key testing concepts.
In this article, I will explain how the ISTQB certification program works. Youll
become familiar with the Foundation and Advanced syllabi, and youll know
where to find online copies of each so you can learn more. Ill tell you how you
can prepare for the exam, laying out options from self-guided self-study to
attending courses. Ill discuss the exams and what to expect when taking them.
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resulting in better software, reduced risk, and lower costs of poor quality, and
delivers test consistency and re-usability.
Finally, the ISTQB delivers value to the software testing profession itself. As I
mentioned earlier, common practices lag best practices by about 30 years. If
programming were stuck in the same rut, 90% of the code would still be written
in COBOL, and only 10% of the code would be written in Java. How has software
programming progressed while software testing remains stuck in the 70s? Is it
that software testers love disco music and sideburns, or has something else
happenedor not happened?
Programming, as a profession, has built on its best work. Assembly languages
gave way to higher-order languages. Higher-order languages enable structured
programming. Structured programming fostered object-oriented programming.
Yet, in software testing, we still have practitioners who are unaware of the
concepts of equivalence partitioning, boundary value analysis, and error
guessing. Worse yet, some people in our field are reinventing and renaming
these concepts, leading to inefficiency and confusion.
We at the ISTQB say that we software testers should start building on our best
work and stop going in circles. We have learned a lot since Glenford Myers,
Richard Bender, Bill Hetzel, and Boris Beizer established software testing as a
field. Lets use their concepts and the concepts that have grown from them to
define the profession and what professional testers need to know. I invite you to
join us as we lead the way towards a truly professional field of software testing,
built on a solid foundation.
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structural (white-box) test design; test management; and, testing tools. Syllabusbased Foundation training courses are typically three to five days.
The Advanced Certification is the mid-level certification, designed for those with
at least five years experience as testers. The goals of the Advanced Certification
are to ensure an understanding of advanced best practices and key concepts in
software testing amongst committed test professionals, and to support on-going
professional growth. The syllabus is divided into three main areas:
For each of the three areas, a syllabus-based training course will be five days.
The Expert Certification, which will begin to be deployed in 2008, is for leaders
of the field of software testing, those with eight or more years of experience. The
goals of the Expert Certification are to ensure consistent understanding and
execution of proven cutting-edge techniques by seasoned test professionals, and
to lead the software testing profession. Since experts tend to specialize, we will
offer various expert syllabi addressing topics like test process improvement, test
automation, test management, and industry-specific test techniques. Syllabusbased training courses will again be offered. RBCS, will offer an expert course on
improving the test process in 2008.
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As I mentioned, there are books and standards which are referenced by the
syllabus. You could pick up a few of these books, along with copies of the
standards, and study them, again using the syllabus and glossary as resources
and guides. Alternatively, you could buy just one book that is entirely focused
on the syllabus you are interested in. Along with Erik van Veenendaal, Dorothy
Graham, and Isabel Evans, I wrote such a book on the Foundation syllabus,
Foundations of Software Testing. I am working on three books for the new
Advanced syllabus now, to be released starting in mid-2008.
If you find that you have trouble teaching yourself concepts from books and
documents, and need more structure to make things stick, then perhaps an elearning course is for you. For example, Villanova University offers an
Copyright (c) 2006-2008 Rex Black All Rights Reserved
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accredited e-learning course for the Foundation exam. RBCS offers e-learning
courses for Foundation, Advanced Test Analyst, and Advanced Test Manager
exams. If you dont have time to attend an instructor-lead course but need the
structure of a class, this approach might work.
Finally, if you need the structure of a live course, like interacting with fellow
professionals, want networking opportunities, and appreciate the convenience of
a single, three to five day session followed by the exam, then perhaps an
instructor-lead course is for you. Such courses are available in more than 40
countries, including all the countries covered by the ISTQB member boards plus
some additional countries. In North America, major ISTQB training providers
include my own company, RBCS, along with SQE, Method Park, and ALPI.
No matter what mode of preparation you choose, make sure you do prepare and
prepare thoroughly. As I often say to attendees of my training courses, not
everyone who doesnt study will fail the exam, but almost everyone who fails the
exam didnt study.
So, you should now have a good idea of how the ISTQB certification program
works, including the structure and goals of the board. You know the Foundation
and Advanced syllabi, and where they fit into your particular career path.
Youre ready to pick which ISTQB certifications are right for you and start down
the path of study and preparation. In short, you are ready to join the thousands
of people around the world who are bringing the best ideas and concepts of
testing to their day-to-day work, establishing software testing as a profession. I
hope you take the next step and become an ISTQB certified tester, as I am proud
to be.
Author Biography
With a quarter-century of software and systems engineering experience, Rex
Black is President of RBCS (, a leader in software, hardware,
and systems testing. For over a dozen years, RBCS has delivered services in
consulting, outsourcing and training for software and hardware testing.
Employing the industrys most experienced and recognized consultants, RBCS
Copyright (c) 2006-2008 Rex Black All Rights Reserved
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conducts product testing, builds and improves testing groups and hires testing
staff for hundreds of clients worldwide. Ranging from Fortune 20 companies to
start-ups, RBCS clients save time and money through improved product
development, decreased tech support calls, improved corporate reputation and
more. As the leader of RBCS, Rex is the most prolific author practicing in the
field of software testing today. His popular first book, Managing the Testing
Process, has sold over 30,000 copies around the world, including Japanese,
Chinese, and Indian releases. His three other books on testing, Critical Testing
Processes, Foundations of Software Testing, and Pragmatic Software Testing, have also
sold tens of thousands of copies, including Hebrew, Indian, Chinese, Japanese
and Russian editions. He has written over twenty-five articles, presented
hundreds of papers, workshops, and seminars, and given about thirty keynote
speeches at conferences and events around the world. Rex is the President of
both the International Software Testing Qualifications Board and the American
Software Testing Qualifications Board.