Lego Batman 3 Cheatcode
Lego Batman 3 Cheatcode
Lego Batman 3 Cheatcode
Pause the game, select the "Extras" option, and choose the "Enter Code" selection. Then, enter one
of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function:
Festive Hats
Fight Captions
Minikit Detector
Quest Detector
Studs x2
Batman (Planet X, Zur-En-Arrh)
Beast Boy
Blue Beetle
Doctor Fate
Kevin Smith
Music Meister
Plastic Man
Red Hood
The Fierce Flame
The Joker
Easy studs
Play "The Lantern Menace" level in Free Play mode. Go to the first part, and progress from the start
until you reach the point where you are facing a large Brainiac skull in a symmetrical room. On the
right side is an electric field, and on the left an electric port. Switch to any character that has an
electricity suit (put on infinite electricity, if desired), and fill the port on the left. This will get rid of the
Brainiac tentacles on the top of the stairs, and fire should replace them. Switch to Superman, and
walk in the middle of the fires. Initiate his freeze-breath to extinguish the fire and get studs for it, but
the fire will immediately return. Keep extinguishing the fire with Superman to get as many studs as
desired. Use any stud multiplier to make this even more effective.
Secret 1966 Batman TV Show level
Successfully complete the game to unlock the "Same Bat-Time! Same Bat-Channel!" bonus level.
Go to the Batcave's main room, and fly up to the elevator with the Bat-logo to the left of the
Batcomputer. When in the trophy room, fly to the far right to reach the studio set, which looks similar
to the Wayne Manor study in the 1966 Batman TV show. Switch to Batman or any character with a
grapple gun. Pull the grapple point to the left of the bookcase to reveal a secret passage. Slide down
the pole to start the bonus level.
Bonus characters
Some characters are be unlocked naturally by progressing through the storyline, while others require
a character token to unlock them for purchase at the store. Successfully complete the indicated task
to unlock the corresponding character:
Storyline characters
Alfred: Get the "Activate The Elevator" objective at the start of Hub Visit 1.
Batman (The Joker disguise): Start Level 12.
Brainiac: Successfully complete Story mode.
Cheetah: Start Level 8.
Cyborg: Start Level 3, and get the rocket ready.
Green Lantern: Get the "Restore The Com Link" objective in Hub Visit 2.
Indigo-1: Progress through the storyline.
Killer Croc: Progress through the storyline.
Lex Luthor: Defeat Mr. Freeze at the start of Hub Visit 5.
Martian Manhunter: Get the "Restore The Com Link" objective in Hub Visit 2.
Plastic Man: Defeat Mr. Freeze at the start of Hub Visit 5.
Robin (Lex Luthor disguise): Start Level 12.
Saint Walker: Progress through the storyline.
Solomon Grundy: Defeat Mr. Freeze at the start of Hub Visit 5.
Star Sapphire: Progress through the storyline.
Superman: Start Level 7.
The Flash: Start Level 3, and get the rocket ready.
The Joker: Progress through the storyline.
Wonder Woman: Start Level 6.
Wonder Woman (Cheetah disguise): Start Level 12.
Character tokens
Ace The Bat-Hound: Successfully complete the "Sleep Well" Batcave quest. He will be in the
main room when you re-enter. Build a spinner from bricks created from destroying the crate.
Push it on the well from the green side, and Timmy will appear.
Adam West: Unknown.
Alfred (1966): In the Batcave main room, go to the docks. Enter the clear pipe on the right with
Atom. Continue until you see the character token on the left.
Ambush Bug: In the "Walking The Bug" Nok quest, talk to Ambush Bug, and help him find the
Reach Roaches. Hit them, then bring them to Ambush Bug, and give him all five roaches to get
the character token.
Aquaman: In the "Croc My Heart" Odym quest, after being with Green Lantern, you will meet
Aquaman in Odym. Go with him to take the crocodile that Aquaman wants. Herd it and remain
with him until you reach the destination to get the character token.
Arkillo (Free Play): When asked to defeat Sinestro in Level 14, stop before crossing the
conveyor belt. Use magnetic powers to open the blue hatch on the left. Bricks will fall down.
Create a techno panel from them, and use it to open the crate to get the character token.
Atrocitus (Free Play): When you get the objective to steal the Red Lantern's power battery in
Level 12, you will meet Bat-Mite after crossing the lava. Use super senses to detect a mound of
dirt, then dig it up. Give the discovered item to Bat-Mite to get the character token as a reward.
Bane: As you start the "Defeat Killer Croc" objective in Level 1, look for the checkpoint station to
save the game. Freeze the puddle next to you to make a Killer Croc sculpture. Melt it to get the
character token.
Bat-Cow: During "The Cow Jumped Over The Moon" Okaara quest, complete all Green
Lantern's quests. Follow the Bat-Cow in search of the imp fighting enemies. Meet Mr. Mxyzptlk
at your destination to complete the quest and get the character token.
Bat-Mite: Unknown.
Batgirl: Successfully complete the "Lost In Translation" Batcave quest. Kill all the goons in the
Batcave to get the character token.
Batgirl (1966): Unknown.
Batman (1966): Unknown.
Batman (Darkest Knight): In the Batcave main room, go to the docks, and use stealth to get past
the security camera to get the character token on the other side.
Batman (Zur-En-Arrh): Find the difficult to break container in the Batcave's trophy room. Destroy
the objects beneath the stairs, then step on the button that appears. Go up and blast the crate to
make bricks go to that level. Pull the lever, then find the silver rock on the right. Blast it and pull
the second lever that appears to open the container and get the character token.
Beast Boy (Free Play): When you are in the force field during the "Escape From Confinement" in
Level 5, search for Bat-Mite on the right. To get him the equipment, go to your right from there,
towards the techno panel. Hack the techno panel to get the item. Give it to Bat-Mite to get the
character token.
Black Adam: In the Watchtower hub area's trophy room, go to the right (high) platform. Shrink
the black statues with Brainiac's powers. The character token is inside the location that the
statues reveal.
Black Canary: In the "Canary's Cure" Watchtower quest, open the silver crate in the lobby with a
missile. Break the glass, and take the Oyster to Black Canary to get the character token.
Black Hand: During the "Pursue Indigo 1" objective in Level 11, play as Martian Manhunter, and
fly into the foreground. There is a rock with electricity. Go to the ledge on the right. Use
Manhunter's abilities to make the tribesmen go to the room and pull the lever for the electricity.
Destroy the rock to get the character token.
Black Manta (Free Play): When defeating Killer Croc in Level 1, go to the checkpoint station, and
talk to Bat-Mike. Then, go to the Free Play room by searching for the magnetic pipes on your
right. Bend them, and enter the room. Open the dryer with magnetic power, collect the pants,
and give them to Bat-Mite to get the character token.
Bleez: At the start of Level 12, look up to the right to see a beehive. Use your grappling ability to
pull it down. When it falls and breaks, you will get the character token.
Blue Beetle (Free Play): During the objective to find the Saint Walker in Level 10, you will see
Bat-Mite at the start of the map. Wear a dive suit, and jump into the lake on your right side. Blast
through the rock on top of the chest. Open the chest by grappling the hook. Take the item back
to Bat-Mite to get the character token.
Booster Gold: During the "No Gold, No Glory" Watchtower quest, meet him in the lobby, and
help him change the sign nearby. Create some bricks, and use them to make blue panels
around the sign. Use magnetic power to make the panels change the sign from "Booster
Bronze" to "Booster Gold" to get the character token.
Brainiac Minion (Free Play): During the objective that requires you to access the ships power
core in Level 6, stop after you have built the TV. Use your super senses to find some antennae
on the right. Fix the antennae using your magnetic power. Once the signal is clear, you will get
the character token.
Bronze Tiger: In the Nok hub area, go on the steady path away from the entrance towards the
black statues. Shrink them with Brainiac, and grapple the hook that appears. The character
token is inside the chest.
Bruce Wayne: In the Batcave main room, go to the docks, and find the glass objects near the
water. Enter the cave that opens, locate the gold item inside using your senses, and destroy it to
reveal the character token.
Captain Cold (Free Play): When you approach the final area in Level 10, fly under it to find a
large magnetic plant. Use the magnetic power to open the plant to get the character token.
Catwoman: Locate the huge chess board in the Batcave trophy room. Blast its pieces, and use
the bricks to create a bishop and queen to place the king into a checkmate to get the character
Catwoman (1966): Unknown.
Catwoman (Pre-New 52): After meeting Catwoman in the "Cat That Got The Gleam" Watchtower
quest, go upstairs to the statuette. Uncover the lever using the Demolition suit. Pull the lever to
take down all the security. Take the statuette to Catwoman to get the character token.
Cheetah (Robin Disguise): In the Oa hub area, go to the south rocks, and find the temple with
flames. Extinguish the fire, and enter it. Break the cracked floor to reveal a button. Jump on it,
and a crate outside the temple will open, which contains the character token.
Cheshire (Free Play): In the "Save LEGO France" objective in Level 7, dig the five spots around
Arc De Triomphe. Then, engage the cannons to get the character token.
Composite Superman (Free Play): In Level 15's Free Play room, find and speak with Bat-Mite.
Then, turn on your stealth to get past the cameras beneath him to reach Superman's bedroom.
Turn on your super senses, and find the gold lock. Destroy it with heat vision, and pick up BatMite's item. Take it back up to Bat-Mite to get the character token.
Condiment King: In the Containment Cells in the "Saucy Showdown" Watchtower quest, defeat
the waves of enemies, then use ranged attacks on the Condiment King. When he is hit, use
melee attacks until you have defeated him to get the character token.
Croc Henchman (Free Play): During the "Get Through The Sewers" objective in Level 1, destroy
the blockade with the cannon. Then, go to the foreground before passing the blockade. Go down
to the water, and get onto one of the rubber duckies. Smash your ducky into the other four
duckies to get the character token.
Cyborg Superman (Free Play): Go to the Plastic Man pad in Level 15, and blast the glass
crystals. Build a TV from them, and charge the electric panel. Follow the TV, and jump on the
shapes on the floor until the character token appears.
Deadshot: When you are at the fairgrounds in Level 8, jump on top of the water tank. Stand
exactly on top of the button. Aim for the target that appears on the left. Once hit, you will be
thrown into the water where the character token is located.
Deathstroke: During the second objective that requires you to defend the fairground in Level 8,
light up and spin the spinners near the fairground by grappling them. Blast all the firework
spinners to get the character token.
Detective Chimp: During the "Chimpanzees" Batcave quest, you will get Detective Chimp. After
the quest, leave the place, and re-enter. Use super senses, and follow the footprints you find to
reach another sensory spot. Repeat the proceess until you reach a mound of dirt. Dig here to get
a gold chest. Destroy it to get the character token.
Dex-Starr: Successfully complete all Green Lantern's Ysmault related quests to unlock the
"Territory Trouble" Ysmault quest. Find Catwoman and Dex-Starr behind the entrance, then
follow Catwoman. Locate a crate of fish using your super senses and break it; Dex-Starr will
follow. Continue following Catwoman, and keep doing the same thing until Dex-Starr is off her
territory to get the character token.
Doctor Fate: During the objective to defeat Brainiac in Level 6, go behind Brainiac's throne to
collect the character token.
Doomsday: Go to the Hall Of Doom Exterior hub area. Locate the large mushrooms that have
popped up. Jump on top of the mushroom on the right to start a race. Pass all the rings over the
mushrooms to get the character token.
Etrigan: While in the Hall Of Doom interior, look for the left walkway. Go all the way up, then
destroy the crates to get a statue. Destroy it to get the character token.
Firefly: Look for a large cracked wall inside Qward's factories. Break through the wall, and melt
down the gold crate to find the character token.
Firestorm: In the Hall Of Justice hub area, fly high and melt the ice on the wall on the left.
Destroy the box that appears to get the character token.
Frankenstein: Use lasers on the gold crate on the left side of the Hall Of Doom exterior hub area
to get bricks. Make a lever with them. Pull the lever, and fly up to the extended platform. Drain
the panel, and enter the shed to get the character token.
Geoff Johns: Play the Survival game in the VR missions in the Batcave Lab. Then, collect the
character token in the background before it disappears.
Giganta: During the "Getting Over Groddy-Poos" Odym hub quest, allow Giganta to take the
lead, and help defeat the Reach roaches to get the character token.
Gorilla Grodd: During the "My Super-Sized Ex-Girlfriend" Odym hub area quest, leave the hub,
and re-enter. Take control of the Banana Cannon. Hit Giganta, and save Grodd to get the
character token.
Grayson: In the Batcave main room, locate the Batcomputer. Activate the panel near it to make a
crate appear, which contains the character token.
Green Arrow (Free Play): On the left side of the armory is Bat-Mite. Get him the Bat-Scepter by
using Shazam! to charge the lower electric panel. This will open the crate where the Bat-Scepter
is found. Give it to Bat-Mite to get the character token.
Green Lantern: Unknown.
Harley Quinn: During the "Five Studs, Please" Hall Of Doom quest, go to the interior, and talk to
Harley. Interact with every patient in the hall. Take them all to Harley to complete the quest and
get the character token.
Hawkman: In the Hall Of Justice hub area, go to the highest railing above, and talk to Polly. Start
the race, go through all the rings, and win the race to get the character token.
Hawkgirl (Free Play): When completing the rocket in Level 3, carve a Batman symbol out of gold
at the background platform. Use the Sensor Suit to reveal twirl poles and a vent in the floor. Use
a stretchy character to collect the cowl behind the gold wall. Trade the cowl with Bat-Mite for the
character token.
Heat Wave: In the Ysmault hub area, go to the village with large buildings. Locate the building
that is cracked and has a fire. Extinguish the fire, then go inside to get the character token.
Hush (Free Play): During the "Blast The Batmobile" objective in Level 2, go to the end of the
Batcave on your right. The character token is protected by glass that can be broken with the
Sonar ability.
Indigo Tribe Warrior (Free Play): In Level 11, go to the station near the green LEGO wall. Charge
Robin's Illumination Suit. Take Robin into the cave to find the character token behind a spider
Jim Lee: Play the Ring Master 2 game in the VR missions in the Batcave Lab. Then, collect the
character token when it appears at the top of the arena.
John Stewart (Free Play): When securing the control room in Level 4 and defeating Firefly, go to
the left side of the starting location. Find the blue grate above, and use magnetic power to crank
it open. Fly up to get the character token.
Kalibak: In the Nok hub area, go to the cave region, and find the new statue of Sinestro that is
placed over a mound of dirt. Destroy the statue, then dig the mound to get the character token.
Kevin Smith: Successfully complete the "A Polarizing Decision" Batcave quest. After the second
quest, leave the Batcave, and return to meet Kevin Smith. Go to Batcave Character Customizer
through the door beside the Batcomputer. Purchase body pieces for 2,000 studs as well as the
Polar Bear hat. Use them on the character, and show them off to Kevin Smith to get the
character token.
Kid Flash: In the Watchtower lobby hub area, find the five statues. There is one on each
platform. Destroy the statue on the top first, then the rest in clockwise order to get the character
Killer Moth: During the "Protective Insect" Watchtower quest, eavesdrop on Killer Moth in the
Containment Cells. Follow him until you reach the giant light bulb. Turn on the bulb using the
nearby button, and keep doing this with the next series of buttons to keep Killer Moth moving
along. Go upstairs and over the room on the left until the buttons end. Get the stash when he
opens the vault to get the character token.
Kilowog: In Level 13, when you are entering the temple, pull down the pillar. Look for a bird's
nest with three eggs ahead. Destroy the eggs, and a large bird will appear. Destroy it to get the
character token.
Krypto The Super-Dog: First, complete Green Lantern's four quests about Zamaron. Then,
during the "Hound At The Speed Of Sound" Zamaron quest, go up in the air, and search for
Krypto who wants to race. Defeat him to get the character token.
Larfleeze (Free Play): Unknown.
Lex Luthor (Hawkman disguise): Use bricks to create a lever on the left side of the Hall Of
Justice hub area. Pull it, then hit the targets over the other lever. Pull the second lever, then get
the character token from the capsule that appears.
Lex Luthor (Wonder Woman disguise): Go to the east side of the Oa hub area. At the rocks,
detect footprints with your super senses. Follow them to a mound of dirt. Dig there to find a chest
with a gold lock. Destroy it, and use the bricks to create a techno panel. Hack the panel, then
make it open the capsule to get the character token.
Lexbot: In the Hall Of Doom exterior hub area, search for the security camera on the right wall.
Shoot the glass pipes with sonar, then hack the techno panel, and shut the camera down. Open
the container to get the character token.
Lobo (Free Play): During the "Save LEGO England" objective in Level 7, stop before the bus and
switch to Brainiac. Find the black wrecking ball to your right, and enlarge it with shrink ray. When
it falls on the boat and breaks it, you will get the character token.
Mad Hatter (Free Play): When you are defending the botanical gardens in Level 7, go to the
container next to where Robin's Dive Suit token is located. Meet Bat-Mite on top of it, then go to
the garden's left side. Smash the broken wall, and open the newly revealed blue crate with
magnetic power. Take the item out, and give it to Bat-Mite to get the character token.
Man-Bat (Free Play): In the "Catch Up To Batman" objective in Level 2, use super sense on
some hopping bricks after you are done with fixing the spinning planetary display. Create an
electric panel, then use Shazam! to charge it. Watch as the Sun opens to get the character
Manchester Black (Free Play): During the "Save LEGO Italy" objective in Level 7, meet Bat-Mite
to the left of the cathedral. Hack the techno panel close to the Leaning Tower Of Pisa. Turn all
the lights yellow to get the item you are looking for. Take the item to Bat-Mite to get the character
Metallo: In Hall Of Doom interior, go to the center, and find the five hopping monitors. Quickly
smash them to get the character token.
Miss Martian: When infiltrating the Watchtower in Level 3, you will carve a Batman symbol out of
a gold wall. Destroy the entire wall to get the character token.
Mr. Freeze: First, complete all of Green Lantern's quests. Then, during the "Thaw Subject"
Qward quest, find Mr Freeze by flying around to a garage with a silver lock. Destroy it to enter
the garage. In order to help Freeze, fly over Qward towards the tall factory that has a huge glass
window. Break the window, and shoot the blue engine to reveal the item Mr. Freeze wants. Take
it back to Mr. Freeze to complete the quest and get the character token.
Mr. Mxyzptlk: During the "Not So Scared Crows" Hall Of Doom quest, talk to Mr. Mxyzptlk on the
exterior of the Hall Of Doom, then kill all the penguins that attack to get the character token.
Music Meister: In Watchtower Lobby hub area, look for three buttons on the floor of the
foreground (central platform). Then, locate and pull the lever close to you. Go to the floor buttons
to light the globes again (in the same order as before; look for the wires to guide you) to get the
character token.
Nightwing: During the "Rose-Tinted Rumble" Batcave quest, go to the central platform to meet
Nightwing. Fight the goons with him until they are defeated to get the character token.
Orange Construct Warrior (Free Play): In Level 13, look for Bat-Mite near the temple's entrance.
Use super senses to find a spot in the foreground, then search for a Hazard Suit contraption.
Destroy the flower, and activate the contraption. Feed it 30 bricks so it makes a plane. Bat-Mite
will reward you with the character token.
Orion (Free Play): During the "Breaching The Control Room" objective in Level 6, get Bat-Mite at
the start of the area. Go ahead of the force field, and locate a pressure pad using your super
senses. Step on it, and look through the green wall that drops using your super senses. Align the
three nodes to open the hatch and secure the item that Bat-Mite needs. Give it to Bat-Mite to get
the character token.
Parasite (Free Play): When Level 9 begins, you will need a charged Illumination Suit for Robin.
You can charge it at the station on the left side of the map. Then, use it to get the character
token in the cave next to you.
Platinum: In the Watchtower hub area, go to the trophy room, and reach the high ledge on the
left. Destroy the silver statues, and use your super senses to locate a silver chest. Destroy the
chest to get the character token.
Poison Ivy: In the "Love Stinks" Hall Of Doom quest, go to the exterior. Go to the lab, and move
the blue lever on the left side. Get on top of the button until the goo turns red because of the
lasers. Shake the potion using the block on the right with magnetic powers until it turns green
again, then take it to Poison Ivy to get the character token.
Polka-Dot Man: During the "Dot And Bothered" Batcave quest, make Polka-Dot Man run away
by continuously hitting him. Do the same thing to his goons. Defeat Polka-Dot Man when he
returns to get the character token.
Reach Warrior (Free Play): When you are close to the magnetic monster in Level 10, go to the
area under the monster. Switch to Brainiac, then locate the boulder, and shrink it. Switch to
Robin, and use the Techno Suit to send him into the Toy Wonder Hatch to get the character
Red Hood (Free Play): During the "Blast The Batmobile" objective in Level 2, find the glass box
at the Hazard Suit contraption's platform. Use sonar to break the glass, and take the item. Give it
to Bat-Mite to get the character token.
Red Lantern Warrior: When you get the objective to steal the power battery from Red Lantern in
Level 12, stop after crossing the lava. Use Robin's twirl pole on the wall. Jump up and grab the
pole when the skulls falls down to get the character token.
Red Tornado: Go to the background of the Hall Of Doom interior, and destroy the crates to get
bricks. Create an electric panel out of them, and drain the panel. Go to the newly emerged
capsule to get the character token.
Reverse Flash (Free Play): During the "Catch Killer Croc And Grundy" objective in Level 4, fly up
to the right side of the armory. Switch to Brainiac, and shrink the missile. Switch to any character
who can destroy the crate. After it is destroyed, fly up again to collect the character token.
Robin (1966): Unknown.
Shazam!: During the the VR mission in Level 3, step on the three pressure pads before you get
the first code block to get the character token.
Sinestro (Free Play): At the location where you fight Arkillo in Level 14, shrink the black rock with
Brainiac to reveal Toy Wonder. Switch to Robin, activate it, then go to the submarine that
appears to get the character token.
Sinestro Corps Warrior (Free Play): When you smash through the ground during the "Defeat
Sinestro" objective in Level 14, you will find Bat-Mite near your landing spot. Go back up to the
hole you fell from, then further up to the ledge where you fought Arkillo. Once there, use your
super senses to find the item. Give it to Bat-Mite to get the character token.
Stargirl: Unknown.
Superboy: During the "Misguided Tour" Hall Of Justice quest, rescue the five citizens from the
top of the nearby stairs, on top of water geysers, and inside the closet on the right, to get the
character token.
Supergirl: During the Nok quest that becomes available after you have completed the "Super
Club" quest in the Hall Of Justice, talk to Supergirl outside the underground prison in Nok. Later,
help her defeat all the prisoners who escape so that they can be locked up again to get the
character token.
Supergirl (Classic): Play the Game Track game in the VR missions in the Batcave Lab. Attempt
to jump off of every ramp. The character token will appear over one of the places that you must
jump over.
Superman Solar Suit (Free Play): After freeing Adam West in Level 15, go to the background,
and find the techno panel. Begin the puzzle, and create the key to get the character token.
Swamp Thing: Successfully complete "The Garden Of Love" Hall Of Doom quest. Then, go to
the exterior, and talk to Poison Ivy. Extinguish the fires, then guide Ivy to the left, and all the way
to Swamp Thing to get the character token.
Swamp Thing (New 52): While in the Odym hub region, fly around to find the huts that are away
from the main village. Destroy the crates, then destroy the silver lock that appears. Enter the hut
to get the character token.
The Atom (Free Play): When you get the "Escape From Confinement" objective in Level 5,
attack the silver objects next to Green Lantern. Use them to build a waste station, then find
some waste from upstairs by using a cleaning vehicle. Take all four piles of waste to the disposal
station. Park in the middle to dispose of the waste. Pull the two levers that appear to get the
character token.
The Fierce Flame: Fly over Okaara, and locate the building with a crate on the roof. It is next to
the water. Get rid of the first thing you see on the cliff, then step on the button that appears. Go
to the building to find the crate open with the character token.
The Gray Ghost: In the Character Customizer in the Batcave are five Batcomputers. Break all of
them. Then, destroy the gas tank to get the character token.
The Joker (Batman disguise): Go to the western rocks of the Oa hub area, and locate the small
temple. Hit the three targets to light the three fires. Wear a Hazard Suit, and go deep inside the
temple until you find the character token.
The Joker Clown Henchman: In the Batcave main room, go to the left side towards the blue lift.
Find the five blue and yellow flags. Destroy all of them to get the character token.
The Joker Mime Henchman: Go to the right side of the Hall Of Justice hub area by flying. Locate
the large Cyborg statue, and find the purple Joker. Hit the target over the box to get the
character token.
The Joker Space Henchman: In the Watchtower hub area, go to the Containment Cells. Locate
the little box with a gold lock. Destroy the lock with lasers to get the character token.
The Penguin: During the "I, Penguin" Hall Of Doom quest, talk to him at the Hall Of Doom
exterior. Use your magnetic power, and get rid of the barricades. Meet the penguin on the other
side, and interact with it so it follows you to The Penguin. There are two more penguins on the
other side of the bridge. Destroy the hammer on the left side to get the first one. Drain the
electric panel to stop the lasers so that you can meet the second penguin. Take both of them
back to The Penguin to get the character token.
The Penguin (1966): Unknown.
The Question: In Watchtower Lobby hub area, go to the left platform, and explore the nooks with
your super senses. Use magnetic power to open the blue crate to find the character token.
The Riddler: Successfully complete the Hall Of Justice quest where you have to pass three
riddles to get the character token.
Bane's Mole Machine: During the Batcave or Watchtower VR missions, collect the vehicle token
from Spaceship Shooter 2. It cost 100,000 studs to purchase the vehicle.
Bane's Tumbler: In the Oa hub area, search under the twin bridges to find a group of chickens.
Quickly turn all five of them into bricks to get the vehicle token. It cost 150,000 studs to purchase
the vehicle.
Bat-Rocket (Batman-Pod): During the Batcave or Watchtower VR missions, collect the vehicle
token from Shooting Range 1. It cost 75,000 studs to purchase the vehicle.
Bat-Rocket (Robin-Pod): In the Zamaron hub area, locate eight chickens by flying around the
entire area. They can be found on top of rock formations and buildings. Kill all eight of them to
get the vehicle token. It cost 75,000 studs to purchase the vehicle.
Batcopter: Find the large clearing close to the entrance of Ysmault that is marked with blue flags.
Destroy all seven flags before time runs out to get the vehicle token. It cost 100,000 studs to
purchase the vehicle.
Batman's Buggy: During the Batcave or Watchtower VR missions, collect the vehicle token from
Snake 2. It cost 50,000 studs to purchase the vehicle.
Batman's Whirly-Bat: During the Batcave or Watchtower VR missions, collect the vehicle token
from Stealth Collector 3. It cost 75,000 studs to purchase the vehicle.
Brainiac Skull Ship: In the Ysmault hub area, look for the huge ribcage from a dead beast. There
is a small building with a cracked roof near it. Break the roof, and open the chest inside to get
the vehicle token. It cost 100,000 studs to purchase the vehicle.
Bruce Wayne's Compact Sports Car: Find the tall pillar in the northern part of the Oa hub area.
Go to the top of it, and find a hidden button with your super senses. Step on it to revel the path
to a lever. Pull the lever to open the path to a silver crate. Destroy the crate, and use the bricks
to make a spinner. Use the spinner to open the second crate, which contains the vehicle token. It
cost 50,000 studs to purchase the vehicle.
Catwoman's Motorcycle: In the Odym hub area, go to the Reach mothership, and locate a small
temple. Hit the two targets on each side of it to open the temple. Go inside to find the vehicle
token. It cost 75,000 studs to purchase the vehicle.
Classic TV Batmobile: In the Nok hub area, search the woods on the equator to find an out of
place capsule. It has a cord running towards the woods. Follow the cord to a doorway. From
there, it will take you to a strange plant. Destroy the plant to reveal a lever that was hidden
underneath. Pull the lever, and the capsule will open with the vehicle token inside. It cost
150,000 studs to purchase the vehicle.
Classic TV Mini Batmobile: During the Batcave or Watchtower VR missions, collect the vehicle
token from Stud Maze. It cost 150,000 studs to purchase the vehicle.
Cyborg's Sports Car: Go to the dark side of Okaara, and find the dirt mounds near the woods.
Dig them up to find an orange hook. Use the hook on the nearby cave. Open the cave by
grappling it to find the vehicle token inside the cave. It cost 75,000 studs to purchase the vehicle.
Green Lantern's Jet: In the Zamaron hub area, go to the building next to the lantern. Search the
base of the tower to find a portal. Shrink the black statue to access the portal. Once on the other
side of the portal, you will appear on top of a building with the vehicle token. It cost 150,000
studs to purchase the vehicle.
Invisible Jet: During the Batcave or Watchtower VR missions, collect the vehicle token from
Snake 1. It cost 150,000 studs to purchase the vehicle.
Invisible Ship: During the Batcave or Watchtower VR missions, collect the vehicle token from
Ring Master 3. It cost 125,000 studs to purchase the vehicle.
Javelin: During the Batcave or Watchtower VR missions, collect the vehicle token from
Spaceship Shooter 1. It cost 150,000 studs to purchase the vehicle.
Orange Lantern Spacecraft: Find the blue flags near to the entrance of Okaara, around the water
pond by the air race. Destroy all ten flags before time runs out to get the vehicle token. It cost
150,000 studs to purchase the vehicle.
Robin's Redbird Cycle: Go deep underwater in the Okaara hub area to find a chest. Open it to
get the vehicle token. It cost 75,000 studs to purchase the vehicle.
The Bat: In the Odym hub area, fly around to find all ten gold statues. Destroy them all with
lasers to get the vehicle token. It cost 200,000 studs to purchase the vehicle.
The Batcycle: During the Batcave or Watchtower VR missions, collect the vehicle token from
Stealth Collector 1. It cost 50,000 studs to purchase the vehicle.
The Batmobile: In the Odym hub area, find and destroy the cluttered boxes on the rear of a hut
to make a chest appear. Grapple the hook, and open the chest to get the vehicle token. It cost
200,000 studs to purchase the vehicle.
The Batmobile (1989): Go to the Batcave trophy room, and smash the Batmobile display. Use
the bricks to build the old model. A vehicle token will appear once you have completed building
it. It cost 250,000 studs to purchase the vehicle.
The Batwing: Find the factory in Qward with nine blue flags. Destroy all the flags before time
runs out to get the vehicle token. It cost 250,000 studs to purchase the vehicle.
The Flash Mobile: During the Batcave or Watchtower VR missions, collect the vehicle token from
Spaceship Shooter 3. It cost 75,000 studs to purchase the vehicle.
The Joker's Helicopter: Inside a trench is a large blue plant. Destroy the plant to reveal a mound
of dirt. Dig it up to get the vehicle token. It cost 150,000 studs to purchase the vehicle.
The Joker's Steam Roller: During the Batcave or Watchtower VR missions, collect the vehicle
token from Stealth Collector 2. It cost 100,000 studs to purchase the vehicle.
Red brick locations
Search the indicated level, and use the listed character(s) to find the corresponding red brick:
Stud multipliers
Studs x2
Location: Level 1: "Pursuers In The Sewers"
Price: 1,000,000 studs
7 (Free Play). While saving LEGO England in Level 7, stop before crossing the goo. Search for
the techno panel on your left. Hack it, then hack the nearby monitor. Select the three ships to
rescue Adam West.
8 (Free Play). While defending the botanical gardens in Level 8, go to the right side, and destroy
the statue of Poison Ivy. Create a Lantern pad, and use it to make a rescue boat to save Adam
9 (Free Play). When opening the first gate and getting the Parasite's character token in Level 9,
you will find another cave on the left side. Wear an Illumination Suit, and enter it to find and
rescue Adam West.
10 (Free Play). When locating the saint walker in Level 10, go to where the monster came from.
Get on the top ledge above it. Find the boulder above you, and shrink it. Rocks will begin falling
and scare away the bird that is frightening Adam West. Get some bricks from under the nest,
and create a safe passage to rescue him.
11 (Free Play). When leaving the entrance room in Level 11, during the objective to investigate
the surface, you will find Adam West. Destroy the objects until you reveal a dirt mound. Dig it up,
and use the brick from it to create a drone. The drone will free Adam West.
12 (Free Play). When breaching the security gates in Level 12, stop before you pass the second
gate. Fly to the right side to find Adam West. Use a stealth ability, and move to the lever next to
him. Pull the lever to rescue him.
13. During the "Bribe The Statue" objective in Level 13, take Green Lantern to a Lantern Pad
located high on the right side. Create a pair of pliers, and remove the teeth from the statue to
rescue Adam West.
14. When defeating Sinestro in Level 14, you will hear Adam West close to the rubble. Switch to
Wonder Woman, and convince the jailers to free Adam West by pulling the lever.
15 (Free Play). While you are saving Superman in Level 15, go to the platform between BatMite's platform and the Diary of Superman. Smash it, then make an object from the bricks to
rescue Adam West.
16. In the Hall Of Doom exterior, Adam West can be found on the right side after completing the
"I, Penguin" quest. Hit the crocodiles so they cannot harm him.
17. In the Hall Of Doom interior, go to the right side, and find the hopping bricks. Turn them into
a techno panel, and use it to hack the monitor. Press left, right, and middle in the same
sequence to rescue Adam West.
18. In the Zamaron Hub area, locate the Lantern above. Fly around and search for Adam West
near some fallen crystals. Shatter the crystals to rescue him.
19. In the Odym Hub area, go inside the Reach mothership. Find the space suit fueling station.
Power the techno panel, then pull the lever above to rescue Adam West.
20. In the Batcave's main room, go to the costume display on the right to find Adam West inside.
Break the glass with sonar to rescue him.
21. In the Batcave's trophy room, take the classic Batman TV set on your right, then break the
table and chair nearby. Use the bricks to create a hook. Pull the hook after it is attached to the
candle stand to rescue Adam West.
22. On Qward, go to the roof of the tall building. Use Atom to enter the small pipe, and follow it
all the way to the end. Get on top of the button to turn off the lasers guarding Adam West and
rescue him.
23. In Okaara, find the silver dropship on the top of a crumbling building. Use a missile to open
the ship and rescue Adam West.
24. In Ysmault, go to the Red Lantern to find Adam West on top of a geyser. Search for a nearby
a silver rock, and turn it into a second geyser to lower the first geyser and bring Adam West
down to rescue him.
25. In Nok, find Adam West near the entry locations for one of the caves. Search for him on the
top of the trees, where he is stuck in a nest. Get close and pull him down by using a grappling
hook on the nest to rescue him.
26. In the Watchtower hub area, find Adam West stuck inside the lab. Freeze the flames that are
about to burn him to rescue him.
27. Travel to the Watchtower's Containment Cells, and go down the left side. Switch to Shazam!
or Black Adam, and power up the panel to rescue Adam West.
28. In the Hall Of Justice, you will hear Adam West on the left side. Destroy the silver statue of
Batman to rescue him.
29. In the Hall Of Justice, go to the right side to find a vending machine with Adam West inside.
Locate the nearby electrical panel, and drain the electricity to rescue him.
Hidden doughnut locations
Search the indicted location on the listed hub planet to find a hidden doughnut. Destroy a hidden
doughnut to get the "Doughnut Discoverer" achievement.
Nok: During Loontern's second quest on Nok, you will need to defeat 20 enemies in a prison
area. Search the top level of cells to find the hidden doughnut.
Ysmault: Look for a burning building on Ysmault, where the Heatwave character stud is found.
There is a crack in that same building that can be smashed open with a super strong character
to reveal a doughnut.
Zamaron: Teleport to Zamaron, and use a flying character. Fly over the teleporter, and go past
the Star Sapphire minifig statue. Just north and a little west of the statue is a rocky hill with
crystals sticking out. The rocky hill is close to the starting point for Loontern's third quest. There
is a tiny donut on the top of the hill. Land and walk into it, or hit it, to collect the doughnut.
Suit abilities
Batman, Cyborg, Lex Luthor, Robin, and The Joker can wear suits that modify their abilities. The
suits are unlocked through storyline progression. Each suit can only be worn by specific
character(s), as indicated below:
Worn by
Freeze cannon
Summon minion
Explosive attacks
Dive, laser
Mind control
Fire resistance, goo resistance, self-healing,
Goo resistance, collect bricks
Mind control
Illuminates if charged
Stealth, super senses, X-ray vision
Fire resistance, deflection
Sphere shape
The Joker, Lex Luthor
Batman, Cyborg, The
Batman, Cyborg, The
The Joker
Cyborg, Lex Luthor
Robin, Lex Luthor
Robin, The Joker
Robin, Cyborg, The
Lex Luthor
Batman, Cyborg
Batman, Cyborg, Lex
Robin, The Joker
Cyborg, Lex Luthor
Robin, Lex Luthor
Accomplish the indicated achievement to get the corresponding number of Gamerscore points:
Pursuers in the Sewers (20 points): Complete Level 1 - Pursuers in the Sewers.
Breaking BATS! (20 points): Complete Level 2 - Breaking BATS!
Space suits you, Sir! (20 points): Complete Level 3 - Space suits you, Sir!
Space Station Infestation (20 points): Complete Level 4 - Space Station Infestation.
The Big Grapple (20 points): Complete Level 5 - The Big Grapple.
The Lantern Menace (20 points): Complete Level 6 - The Lantern Menace.
Europe Against It (20 points): Complete Level 7 - Europe Against It.
Big Trouble in Little Gotham (20 points): Complete Level 8 - Big Trouble in Little Gotham.
Power of Love (20 points): Complete Level 9 - Power of Love.
A Blue Hope (20 points): Complete Level 10 - A Blue Hope.
Jailhouse Nok (20 points): Complete Level 11 - Jailhouse Nok.
All the Rage (20 points): Complete Level 12 - All the Rage.
Need for Greed (20 points): Complete Level 13 - Need for Greed.
Aw-Qward Situation (20 points): Complete Level 14 - Aw-Qward Situation.
Breaking the Ice (20 points): Complete Level 15 - Breaking the Ice.
Same Bat-time! Same Bat-channel! (50 points): Complete Bonus Level - Same Bat-time! Same
Bat's all, folks (70 points): Witness the 100% LEGO Stud Fountain.
True Hero (20 points): Attain True Hero status in any level.
An Unearthly Likeness (20 points): Play as Batman (Zur-En-Arrh).
Bane and Gain (20 points): Transform Bane into Bane (Venom-Powered).
Beings from the 5th Dimension (20 points): Set both Free Play characters as Bat-Mite and Mr.
Doughnut Discoverer (20 points): Find and destroy a hidden doughnut on a hub planet.
Everyone Loves Bouncing (20 points): Jump on bouncy objects 50 times.
Glide on Time (30 points): Glide continuously for 10 seconds.
Hard Traveling Heroes (20 points): Set both Free Play characters as Green Arrow and Green
Hey Diddle Diddle (30 points): Find a gang of jumping cows on the Moon.
Intruder alert! Intruder alert! (20 points): Play as The Riddler in the Batcave Trophy Room.
Loontern's Space Race (20 points): Complete any hub race as Green Loontern.
Mirror... MIRROR! (30 points): Create a custom character.
Nok Nok! (20 points): Knock out your buddy on the planet Nok.
New Queens of Crime (20 points): Set both Free Play characters as Poison Ivy and Harley
Now THAT'S impressive! (20 points): Find and destroy a hidden Riddler Trophy.
One Giant Leap for (Bat)Man-kind (50 points): Visit all of the HUB Lantern Planets.
One Small Step for (Bat)Man... (20 points): Visit the Moon Base in the Hub.
SHAZAM! (20 points): Transform from Billy Batson into Shazam!
Super Buddies (20 points): Set both Free Play characters as Booster Gold and Blue Beetle.
Super Pets (20 points): Set both Free Play characters as Ace the Bat-Hound and Krypto.
The Bright Knight (40 points): Play as Adam West.
The Green Room (30 points): Find the hidden celebrity party.
Under the Red Brick (50 points): Turn on all Red Brick Extras at the same time.
The following achievements require the "Batman 75th Pack" bonus downloadable content:
Amazing and Unique Adventures (10 points): Complete Batman 75 level.
World's Greatest Detective (10 points): Complete Batman 75 level with all Minikits unlocked.
The Joker's Back in Town! (10 points): Complete Batman 75 level after achieving True Hero
Batman Gone Bad (10 points): Set both Free Play characters as Batman (Sinestro Corps) and
Vampire Batman.
Bat-Dancer (10 points): Complete Batman's special Anniversary Dance Puzzle as Batman
The following achievements require the "Man Of Steel Pack" bonus downloadable content:
It's not an 'S' (10 points): Complete Man of Steel level.
An ideal to strive towards (10 points): Complete Man of Steel level with all Minikits unlocked.
Nice suit, Son (10 points): Complete Man of Steel level after achieving True Hero status.
I will find him! (10 points): Set both Free Play characters as General Zod and Superman (Man of
Krypto Come Home (10 points): Play as Krypto in the Man of Steel level.
The following achievements require "The Dark Knight Pack" bonus downloadable content:
You... you... complete me. (10 points): Complete the Dark Knight level.
Why so serious? (10 points): Complete the Dark Knight level with all Minikits unlocked.
A hero can be anyone (10 points): Complete the Dark Knight level after achieving True Hero
Would you like to see my mask? (10 points): Set both Free Play characters as Bane (Dark
Knight Rises) and Scarecrow (Batman Begins).
It's simple... (10 points): Defeat Batman (Dark Knight Trilogy) as the Joker (Nurse) character.