Epigenetic Variation: Amount, Causes, and Consequences (Genetics)
Epigenetic Variation: Amount, Causes, and Consequences (Genetics)
Epigenetic Variation: Amount, Causes, and Consequences (Genetics)
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Interestingly, traits that result from particular patterns of epigenetic modication can
also be transmitted between generations in some circumstances. The term epialleles
has been coined to describe such dierent epigenetic states (Article 36, Variable
expressivity and epigenetics, Volume 1). However, unlike DNA sequence changes,
epigenetic modications are often reversible at much higher frequencies than the
mutation rate. This is an important characteristic, because epigenetic marks can be reset
between generations and they can change in response to the environment. Because
epigenetic variation can also be genetically controlled, it constitutes a potentially
important link between environmental and genetic factors (Cui etal., 1998; Nakagawa
etal., 2001; Sandovici etal., 2003). Such a response to the environment could be mediated
by metabolic changes that result in epigenetic modications (Paldi, 2003; Waterland and
Jirtle, 2004; Wol et al., 1998). Consequently, epigenetic variability is not only a source of
phenotypic plasticity in response to the environment, but these epigenetic alterations can
also, potentially, be transmitted between generations, with very important implications in
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/Xcec mouse females each circle represents an individual female mouse (de la
Casa-Esperon et al., 2002). The X-controlling element locus aects the
probability that an X chromosome will become inactive, so that X chromosomes
carrying the Xcea allele have a higher probability of being inactivated than X
chromosomes carrying the Xcec allele. The observed mean X-inactivation ratio of
this population of females is 25% of cells with an active Xcea -carrying X
A similar variability in a long-term inactivation phenomenon has been observed
for another class of monoallelically expressed genes located in the autosomes, the
imprinted genes. Imprinted genes are expected to be expressed exclusively, or nearly
exclusively, from the paternal or the maternal copy (Article 37, Evolution of genomic
imprinting in mammals, Volume 1). Several studies have shown that some imprinted
genes (e.g., IGF2, HTR2A genes) are expressed from both alleles in a small fraction of
normal individuals (Bunzel etal., 1998; Sakatani et al., 2001), while others (IGF2R)
exhibit the reciprocal characteristic of being imprinted in only a small fraction of
individuals (Xu et al., 1993).
Expression levels between alleles have been found to be variable for several
imprinted genes in human tissues (Dao etal., 1998; McMinn etal., 2006), and have also
been observed at nonimprinted autosomal genes. In fact, large-scale transcription
proling studies in humans have shown dierential expression of alleles at a large
proportion of loci (up to 54%, depending on the cuto level of dierential expression
selected (Lo etal., 2003)) and, interestingly, the degree of dierence in expression
between particular alleles varies between individuals (Lin etal., 2005; Lo etal., 2003; Pant
etal., 2006; Pastinen etal., 2004). Moreover, skewing of allelic expression is not
necessarily in the same direction: in some individuals who are heterozygous for the same
alleles, the allele that is preferentially expressed diers (Lo etal., 2003; Pastinen etal.,
2004). This observation suggests that trans-modiers and epigenetic variation are
involved in the control of allelic dierences in expression, in addition to polymorphisms in
cis-regulatory sequences. Such extensive variation in allelic expression must have a large
impact in generating phenotypic diversity.
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The so-called skewing of X-inactivation is not always the rare consequence of the
stochastic nature of the choice process. In some instances, skewing is the result of
selection against X chromosomes carrying deleterious mutations, and the cell
type-specicity of this skewing, as in X-linked agammaglobulinemia (skewing for
inactivation of the mutant XLA/BTK allele in B-lymphocytes but not in T-lymphocytes),
highlights the role of functional cellular selection (Fearon et al., 1987; reviewed in
Belmont, 1996). In addition, skewing appears more common in older women, which
suggests the contribution of environmental factors throughout their lifespan (Busque et
al., 1996; Gale et al., 1997; Sharp et al., 2000). In this regard, X-inactivation seems to
remain quite stable over many years during earlier ages (Sandovici et al., 2004) (Figure
1b). Many older females, however, exhibit substantial changes over the timescales at
which younger females do not exhibit changes (Sandovici et al., 2004). In this regard, we
have speculated (Sandovici et al., 2004) that acquired skewing of X-inactivation in older
females may result from discontinuous or catastrophic processes that result in decreased
numbers of stem cells or an age-related tendency toward bone marrow clonality or
Additionally, preference for the inactivation of a particular X chromosome can have a
completely dierent origin compared to the selection for particular clonal cell
populations or against disadvantageous mutations. Several studies in human and mice
have shown that preference for X-inactivation can be heritable and genetically controlled
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(Cattanach and Isaacson, 1967; Naumova etal., 1996, 1998; Plenge et al., 1997) In the
mouse, the X-controlling element (Xce) is well known for its participation in the
X-inactivation choice, so chromosomes carrying dierent alleles of Xce have dierent
probabilities of being inactivated (Cattanach and Isaacson, 1967) (Figure 1c). Additional
autosomal loci also participate in the genetic control of the choice of the X chromosome
to be inactivated in mice (Chadwick and Willard, 2005; Percec et al., 2002, 2003).
Moreover, parent-of-origin eects have also been observed in both mice (Takagi and
Sasaki, 1975) and humans (Chadwick and Willard, 2005).
Stochastic, environmental, and genetic factors result in variability in X-chromosome inactivation and, consequently, generate a gamut of phenotypes for each of
the X-linked genes, with multiple implications. The relative abundance of transcripts of
each allele of any gene subject to X-inactivation reects the fraction of cells with each of
the two chromosomes active, as well as any allelic dierences in expression that are
intrinsic to specic alleles. Variations in such relative expression result in the spectrum
of phenotypes observed in the population. For instance, a correlation between
X-inactivation patterns and meiotic recombination levels (genomewide) has been
described in female mice (de la Casa-Esperon etal., 2002). The biological importance of
this trait (recombination levels) in the human population cannot be overestimated as it is
a major determinant of female fecundity and reproductive lifespan. If recombination
levels are controlled by gene/s in the X chromosome, then levels of recombination can
change accordingly with the relative expression of dierent alleles of such gene/s.
Because this is only one of the numerous genes in the X chromosome, the phenotypic
diversity generated by similar phenomena related to X-inactivation processes is expected
to be large in female mammals.
Similarly, epigenetic variability between individuals at multiple autosomal loci can be
the result of multiple processes. Since erasure and establishment of epigenetic marks is a
dynamic process that occurs during the lifespan of organisms, especially during
gametogenesis and embryogenesis (reviewed in Latham, 1999; Mann and Bartolomei,
2002; Article 33, Epigenetic reprogramming in germ cells and preimplantation embryos,
Volume 1), there is ample room for stochastic factors to contribute to the diversity of
patterns observed. Environmental eects have also been described. Nutritional factors
can induce epigenetic modications such as changes in the expression of imprinted
genes; moreover, maternal diet can aect the methylation status of transposable
elements and the expression of nearby genes in mice (reviewed in Waterland and Jirtle,
2004). Examples of environmental eects have also been reported in rats, in which
variations in maternal care behavior result in epigenetic changes in the ospring at the
level of histone acetylation and DNA methylation of the consensus sequence for the
NGFI-A transcription factor of the glucocorticoid receptor gene. Consequently,
expression of this gene in the hippocampus can be modied by maternal care, which
might be the basis for the changes in stress response observed in this gene in the
ospring (reviewed in Fish etal., 2004). Environmental eects could be also the basis for
the changes observed in epigenetic marks over time. DNA methylation patterns change
with aging in a complex fashion, although overall hypomethylation has been observed in
most vertebrate tissues (Mays-Hoopes etal., 1986; Richardson, 2003). For instance,
changes in the methylation prole of the c-myc proto-oncogene have been described
during the aging process of mice. Because this is a gene involved in many tumor
processes, similar temporal alterations of epigenetic marks might be part of the basis of
the increasing incidence of cancer with age (Ono et al., 1986, 1989).
Finally, epigenetic diversity can be the result of heritable variants that aect the
formation or stability of epigenetic marks. It has been observed that allelic dierences in
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the expression of several genes are transmitted in families, although the patterns of
transmission are variable (Pastinen et al., 2004; Yan et al., 2002). In some instances, the
transmission of allelic imbalance is compatible with Mendelian inheritance, and even
associated with transmission of particular polymorphisms (haplotypes), suggesting the
participation of cis-acting elements in the regulation of allelic expression (Yan et al.,
2002), whether they are of genetic or epigenetic origin. In fact, studies showing
transmission of de novo induced methylation changes indicate that chromatin
modications, per se, are heritable (Kakutani et al., 1999; Stokes et al., 2002). Moreover,
abnormal methylation patterns at the dierentially methylated regions of the IGF2/H19
and IGF2R imprinted genes have been found to cluster in families (Sandovici et al.,
2003). Also, methylation levels at particular Alu repeated sequences show interindividual
dierences when the insertions were paternally versus maternally transmitted (Sandovici
et al., 2005). In the case of imprinting defects, epimutations in an imprinting control
region of human chromosome 15 have been associated with a substantial percentage of
cases of the neurodevelopmental disorders Angelman and Prader-Willi syndromes (see
Article 29, Imprinting in Prader-Willi and Angelman syndromes, Volume 1). Recent
studies have shown that both cis- and trans-acting factors seem to increase the risk of
conceiving a child with Angelman syndrome (AS) (Zogel et al., 2006). Trans-acting
genetic elements have also been involved in changes in the imprinting status of the Dlk1
gene in mouse brain (Croteau et al., 2005). In this case, reactivation of the normally
silent maternal allele correlates with the methylation status of a dierentially methylated
region. Therefore, epigenetic information constitutes a code superimposed on the genetic
information, thereby increasing phenotypic diversity. Much future research will no doubt
focus on determining whether epigenetic variation makes a signicant contribution to
common complex genetic disorders, such as diabetes, hypertension, schizophrenia,
Alzheimers disease and the like, in humans.
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been observed between and within individuals (Genc etal., 2000; Stoger etal., 1997) and
changes in the CGG repeat length might also result in additional chromatin and
transcriptional modications.
Another interesting example of mosaicism has been observed in a small group of
AS patients, in whom an imprinting defect silences the maternal copy of the UBE3A
gene. However, some of these patients show mosaic maternal expression and methylation
of this gene, which, again, suggests the possibility of an epigenetic eect on the observed
variability in the severity of clinical symptoms (Nazlican et al., 2004).
Cancer has also been associated with epigenetic alterations, such as losses and
gains of methylation and LOI (Feinberg et al., 1988, 2002; Cui et al., 2003; Jones and
Baylin, 2002; Nakagawa et al., 2001). Interestingly, some of these alterations are also
observed in normal tissues of the same individuals, as highlighted by the gain of DNA
methylation in the imprinting control region upstream of H19 in human Wilms tumors
and in the non-neoplastic kidney parenchyma adjacent to these tumors (Cui et al., 1998,
2003; Moulton et al., 1994). Hence, epigenetic variation between individuals is probably
involved in susceptibility to develop cancer as well as other genetic diseases. Moreover,
since heritable epigenetic variation has been observed in many instances, it can actually
play an important role in quantitative trait variation, and selection acting on such
epialleles might result in rapid phenotypic changes, making it a formidable force in
evolution (Rutherford and Heniko, 2003; Sollars et al., 2003).
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5. Conclusions
When discussing epigenetic variation, it is important to remember that we know little
about either the underlying mechanisms or the consequences. To mention a few recent
examples, studies on the viable yellow allele of the mouse agouti locus (Avy) have shown
that the expression of the agouti gene is correlated with the methylation status of
upstream sequences (Article 36, Variable expressivity and epigenetics, Volume 1).
Interestingly, epigenetic inheritance at this locus is not due to such methylation marks,
because they are erased during embryonic development (Blewitt etal., 2006). Therefore,
other epigenetic marks are responsible for the transmission of this epiallele to the
ospring. In this review, although we have mostly mentioned examples of variability in
methylation (because it has been the most frequently studied epigenetic mark in
mammals and is the rst subject of the Human Epigenome Project (Eckhardt et al.,
2004)), we hope that current and future studies will bring to light epigenetic variation at
many other levels. For instance, studies of the eects of histone tail modications at
multiple amino acid residues are an expanding eld, because the spectrum of
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modications and residues aected continues to grow (Article 27, The histone code and
epigenetic inheritance, Volume 1). In addition, new epigenetic marks and inheritance
modes are likely to be discovered. For instance, the role of small RNAs on epigenetic
changes has become prominent since the discovery of RNA interference in
Caenorhabditis elegans (Fire etal., 1998). Recent studies have revealed striking new
roles for RNA in non-Mendelian epigenetic inheritance, similar to paramutation in plants.
The homozygous wild-type progeny of mice that are heterozygous for a mutation in
the Kit gene (Rassoulzadegan et al., 2006) are found to exhibit the white spotting
phenotype that is characteristic of mice that carry a Kit mutation. Elaboration of this
phenotype is related to the zygotic inheritance of abnormally processed RNAs of the
normal allele.
A realistic description of the scale of epigenetic variation is hampered by the
diversity of causes and consequences and because the mechanism by which many
epigenetic marks are heritable remains obscure. An increasing number of studies are
aiming to integrate proles from dierent epigenetic marks and gene expression patterns
of particular chromosomal regions, in order to better understand the possibilities of
variations on the epigenetic code. The complexity and diversity of the epigenetic marks
and their implications poses a tremendous challenge, but understanding the nature of the
immense phenotypic diversity that surrounds us makes it worth the eort.
Next post: DNA methylation in epigenetics, development, and imprinting (Genetics)
Previous post: Developmental regulation of DNA methyltransferases (Genetics)
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