Chapter1. INTRODUCTION: 1.1 Objective
Chapter1. INTRODUCTION: 1.1 Objective
Chapter1. INTRODUCTION: 1.1 Objective
The rapid proliferation of multimedia over internet demands sophisticated
technique for secure and efficient access to information. There is growing need to
discourage unauthorized duplication and use of digital data. With the advent of digital
video, issues of copyright protection have become more important, since the
duplication of digital video signals does not result in an inherent decrease in quality
normally suffered by analog video. Steganography , data hiding, data embedding and
watermarking are techniques used for the invisible embedding of information in the
host data, with the intent information is stored/transmitted together with the host data
retaining secret information. The main difference between Steganography and
watermarking is that steganograpic methods rely on the fact that covert
communication is a point to point communication between trusting parties alone and
that is unknown to third parties. Thus steganographic methods are typically not
designed to be robust against attempted attacks. In watermarking methods the
existence of the embedded information is unknown to unauthorized parties who have
access to the data, and can attempt unlawful attacks.
Copyright protection has been a problem since the advent of compact discs.
Several methods have been implemented for preventing the copyright information
from being muddled with, like steganographic algorithms, cryptographic techniques
and the new era technology watermarking.
1.1 Objective
The objective of this project is to use digital watermarking techniques to
detect video piracy. The information watermarked includes owner, recipient and/or
distributor details, transaction dates, serial numbers, etc. which play an important role
in determining which of the copies, have been pirated.
1.2 Scope
Digital watermarking is a technique that has a plethora of applications. This
project aims at exploiting the advantages of this technique for video piracy detection.
The project's scope extends to detection of piracy in video and audio files in AVI
RIFF format thus enabling copyright protection.
1.3 Synopsis
Digital watermarking is a technology for embedding various types of
information in digital content. In general, information for protecting copyrights and
providing the validity of data is embedded as a watermark. This project embeds the
copyright information as the watermark in a video file to detect piracy.
2.2 Steganography
Steganography is an ancient art to hide information in ways that it prevents
the detection of the hidden message. It is a very old method of passing massages in
This method of message cloaking goes back to the time of the ancient
Greeks. The historian Herodotus wrote about how an agent wrote a message warning
of an invasion on the wood part of a wax tablet. Since messages were normally
inscribed in the wax and not the wood, the tablet appeared blank to a common
Many people lump Steganography with cryptography, and while they are in
many cases means to the same ends (not letting unauthorized persons view data) they
are not the same thing. Although, they are often sibling processes and first encrypting
a message then using a steno-tool to hide it is more effective in hiding a secret
message than either method by itself. Steganography is "Hiding a secret message
within a larger one in such a way that others can not discern the presence or contents
Cryptography is the study of mathematical techniques related to aspects of
information security such as confidentiality, data integrity, entity authentication, and
data origin authentication.
Privacy or confidentiality
Data Integrity.
This function
should be authenticated as to origin, date of origin, data content, time sent, etc.
For these reasons this aspect of cryptography is usually subdivided into two
major classes: entity authentication and data origin authentication. Data origin
authentication implicitly provides data integrity (for if a message is modified, the
source has changed).
4. Non-repudiation is a service that prevents an entity from denying previous
commitments or actions. When disputes arise due to an entity denying that certain
actions were taken, a means to resolve the situation is necessary. For example, one
entity may authorize the purchase of property by another entity and later deny such
authorization was granted. A procedure involving a trusted third party is needed to
resolve the dispute. A fundamental goal of cryptography is to adequately address
these four areas in both theory and practice. Cryptography is about the prevention
and detection of cheating and other malicious activities.
2.4 Watermarking:
We have witnessed an extraordinary growth of techniques for copyright
protection of different types of data, especially multimedia information. This interest
is not surprising in view of the simplicity of digital coping and dissemination: digital
copies can be made identical to the original and later reused or even manipulated.
Cryptography is an effective solution to the distribution problem, but in most
instances has to be tied to specialized and costly hardware to create tamper-proof
devices that avoid direct access to data in digital format (even so, there exist
software/hardware tools that allow to resample the analog output of the device with
decent results).
For instance, access control in set-boxes used for digital television
demodulation and decoding succeed in avoiding unauthorized access to programs that
are being broadcast in scrambled form, but fail in precluding further storage and
illegal dissemination actions. There is then an increasing need for software that
allows for protection of ownership rights and it is in this context where watermarking
techniques come to our help. Perceptible marks of ownership or authenticity have
been around for centuries in the form of stamps, scales, signatures or classical
For example, if paper bank notes or stock certificates could be easily copied
and used, trust in their authenticity would greatly be reduced, resulting in a big loss.
To prevent this, currencies and stock certificates contain watermarks.
To prevent
this, currencies and stock certificates contain watermarks. These watermarks are one
of the methods for preventing counterfeit and illegal use.
Digital watermarks apply a similar method to digital content. Watermarked
content can prove its origin, thereby protecting copyright. A watermark also
discourages piracy by silently and psychologically deterring criminals from making
illegal copies.
A digital watermark is a distinguishing piece of information that is adhered to
the data that it is intended to protect, this meaning that it should be very difficult to
extract or remove the watermark from the watermarked object. Since, watermarking
can be applied to various types of data; the imperceptibility constraint will take
different forms, depending on the properties of the recipient (i.e. the human sense in
most practical cases)
In addition to imperceptibility are some desirable characteristics that a
watermark should possess, which are somewhat related to the so-called robustness
unresolvable, that is, a statistical analysis should not produce any advantage from the
attacking point of view, finally, the watermark should withstand multiple
watermarking to facilitate trailer tracing.
Digital watermarks are added to images or audio data in such a way that they
are invisible or inaudible and unidentifiable by human eye or ear. Furthermore, they
can be embedded in content with a variety of the file formats. Digital watermarking
is the content protection method for the multimedia era.
1. Elements of digital content can be directly manipulated and information can be
embedded in them.
2. Deterioration of the enquiry of digital content is minimized.
3. Watermarks are retained and detectable after the digital content is edited,
compressed, or converted.
4. The structure of a watermark makes it difficult to detect or overwrite (alter) the
embedded information (watermark contents)
5. Processing required for watermarking and detection is simple.
6. Embedded watermark information cannot be eliminated without diminishing the
quality of the digital content that carries the watermark.
7. The watermark information embedded in digital content can be detected as
Video Watermarking
In the case of imagery, several different methods enable watermarking in the spatial
domain. An alternative to spatial watermarking is frequency domain watermarking.
In other way, the digital watermarks can be divided into three different types as
Visible watermark
Invisible-Robust watermark
Invisible-Fragile watermark
Visible watermark is a secondary translucent overlaid into the primary image. The
watermark appears visible to a casual viewer on a careful inspection. The invisiblerobust watermark is embedded in such a way that alternations made to the pixel
value are perceptually not noticed and it can be recovered only with appropriate
decoding mechanism. The invisible-fragile watermark is embedded in such a way
that any manipulation or modification of the image would alter or destroy the
From application point of view digital watermark could be:
Source based
Destination based.
Source-based watermark are desirable for ownership identification or authentication
where a unique watermark identifying the owner is introduced to all the copies of a
particular image being distributed. A source-based watermark could be used for
authentication and to determine whether a received image or other electronic data has
been tampered with. The watermark could also be destination-based where each
distributed copy gets a unique watermark identifying the particular buyer. The
destination-based watermark could be used to trace the buyer in the case of illegal
applications involving coding, such as compact disc storage, to prevent damage of the
information caused by scratches or dust.
In our case, the main reason for this spreading is to ensure that the hidden
information services cropping of the image.
coefficients domain one may take advantage of the relative independence between the
maximum allowable perturbations at every coefficient. This is useful when dealing
with the mask for watermarking purposes.
Watermark detection involves deciding whether a certain image has been
watermarked with a given key. Note then that a watermark detector produces a
binary output. Important considerations here are the probability of correct detection
PD (i.e., the probability of correctly deciding that a watermark is present) and the
an image has been watermarked with a certain key). These two measures allow us
to compare different watermarking schemes. One method will be superior if achieves
a higher PT) for a fixed PF. Note also that for a watermarking algorithm to be useful
it must work with extremely low probabilities of false alarm. Watermark detection
is usually done by correcting the watermarked image with a locally generated version
of the watermark at the receiver side. This correlation yields a high value when the
watermark has been obtained with the proper key.
correlation structure has not been well founded and significant improvements are
achievable when image statistics are available.
Obviously, when extracting the information the most adequate parameter for
comparison purposes is the probability of bit error pb, identical to that used in digital
problem due to the likeness of the original and the copy. Digital watermarks can be
used to show proof of ownership by having your mark put into the file, so even if
both images are the same, if they contain your mark then you have a much stronger
case for copyright of ownership disputes.
The higher the luminance, the greater the visibility of the watermark.
Attackers can use different types of image processing to remove or degrade the
watermark until it is illegible.
usually helpful to have the original image when trying to recover the watermark.
This problem
applies to all delivery means for audiovisual content, from DVDs to pay per view to
over the air broadcasts.
Digital watermarking is the most promising technology for "plugging the
analog hole" To help plug the analog hole, digital watermarks can be applied to
digital and analog entertainment content, and they will remain with the content even
when the content is transformed to different analog or digital formats or
manipulated/transmitted via standard digital devices.
The digital watermark helps identify the content and usage rights of
content, whatever the format, and prevent unauthorized copying. Digital
watermarks remain a part of the content and can be detected in any format
to prevent unauthorized copying.
However, the combination of the digital watermarking and encryption provide
3.2Product Scope
Recently, the advances in electronic and information technology, together with the rapid
growth of techniques for powerful digital signal and multimedia processing, have made the
distribution of video data much easier and faster. However, concerns regarding
authentication of the digital video are mounting, since digital video sequences are very
susceptible to manipulations and alterations using widely available editing tools. This issue
turns to be more significant when the video sequence is to be used as evidence.
In such cases, the video data should be credible. Consequently, authentication techniques
are needed in order to maintain authenticity, integrity, and security of digital video content.
As a result, digital watermarking (WM), a data hiding technique has been considered as
one of the key authentication methods. Digital watermarking is the process of embedding
an additional, identifying information within a host multimedia object, such as text, audio,
image, or video. By adding a transparent watermark to the multimedia content, it is
possible to detect hostile alterations, as well as to verify the integrity
3.3Overall Description
3.3.1 Product Perspective
A WM system can be implemented on either software or hardware platforms, or some
combinations of the two.
In software implementation, the WM scheme can simply be implemented in a PC
environment. The WM algorithms operations can be performed as machine code software
running on an embedded processor. By programming the code and making use of available
software tools, it can be easy to design and implement any WM algorithm at various levels
of complexity.
Over the last decade, numerous software implementations of WM algorithms for relatively
low data rate signals (such as audio and image data) have been invented. While the
software approach has the advantage of flexibility, computational limitations may arise
when attempting to utilize these WM methods for video signals or in portable devices.
reliability. It enables the addition of a tiny, fast and potentially cheap watermark embedded
as a part of portable consumer electronic devices. Such devices can be a digital camera,
camcorder, or other multimedia devices, where the multimedia data are watermarked at the
origin. On the other hand, hardware implementations of WM techniques require flexibility
in the implementation of both computational and design complexity. The algorithm must
be carefully designed to minimize any susceptibility, as well as maintaining a sufficient
level of security.
Video Compression
A video sequence is divided into multiple group of pictures (GOP), representing sets of
video frames which are neighboring in display order. An encoded MPEG-2 video sequence
is made up of two frame-encoded pictures: intraframes (I-frame) and interfaces (P-frame or
B-frame). P-frames are forward prediction frames and B-frames are bidirectional
prediction frames. Within a typical sequence of an encoded GOP, P-frames may be 10% of
the size of I-frames and Bframes are about 2% of the I-frames compression methods.
Watermark Generation
The block diagram of the proposed novel watermark generator is depicted in Fig. 4. A
secure watermark pattern is generated by performing expanding, scrambling, and
modulation on a primitive watermark sequence. There are two digital secret keys: Key 1 is
used for scrambling and Key 2 is used for the random number generator (RNG) module
that generates a pseudorandom sequence.
Watermark Embedding
This WM algorithm, capable of inserting a semifragile invisible watermark in a
compressed image in the DCT frequency domain, was modified and then applied in
watermarking of a video stream. In general, for each DCT block of a video frame, N cells
need to be identified as watermarkable and modulated by the watermark sequence.
The chosen cells contain nonzero DCT coefficient values and are found in the mid-frequency range.
3) Permute the sliced images SI [i, j] using a pixel permutation technique to obtain the
permuted grayscale
PI [i, j] .
5) Split the image into small blocks (8 x 8) and decompose the blue components
B [i, j]
of each
partitioned frame
Fp[i, j] into AC and DC coefficients by DCT.
6) Choose the low frequency sub-bands from the transformed frames to embed the
permuted grayscale
PI [i, j] .
7) Find the similarity matrix of the permuted image to embed into the chosen coefficient.
The embedding process should repeat for all blocks of DCT. ] , [jiPI], WI [i, j] into 8 bit
planes SI [i, j] using bit plane slicing.
we have extracted
the embedded watermark image without affecting the original video.
2) Extract the blue components of all the partitioned frames for extracting the embedded
watermark pixels
3) Decompose the blue components of the frames with the aid of the DCT into AC and DC
4) Select the low frequency components from the transformed frames to extract the
watermark gray scale image.
5) Extract the watermark pixels from the embedding part in a zig-zag manner from the
each blocks with the aid of the following steps. If the embedded pixel
6) value is greater than the mean pixel value, then the extracted pixel value is one. If it is
lesser, then the extracted pixel is zero.
7) Form the matrix with the size of the watermark image and the extracted pixels are
placed in it to attain the watermark image.
8) Obtain the watermark image by applying the reverse process of permutation and bit
plane slicing.
3.3.3Operating Environment
The systems is proposed to run on computers which are connected to CCTV cameras, Or
on DVRs which in turn stores the video on hard drives.
1.44 MB FDD
15" Monitor
Operating System; WINDOWS
Language used: JAVA
Copyright information
Video file
Key file
Watermarked file
Key file
Temporary File
Copyright Protection
Class Diagram
Activity Diagram:
Communication Diagram:
Component Diagram:
Sequence Diagram:
Interaction diagram:
Object Diagram:
Package Diagram:
Deployment Diagram:
Chapter 5: Conclusion
5.1 Advantages:
1 )Invisible watermark is really hard to identify to attacker
2) Adding key to the video file can protect from local users
3) It's really hard to find out where exactly water mark is embedded
5.2 Disadvantages:
1) While extracting the embedded watermark from video Quality of
video can't be respected
2 )Anonymous user can look into the meta-data of the video file
3 )While sharing on the network video file it takes long time
4) Long bandwidth is required from the both side
watermark and the watermarked audio file, but techniques that overcome this problem
have been proposed.
Hardware/Software Watermarking. This is a good paradigm that allows us
to understand how almost every kind of data can be copyright protected. If one is
able to find two different ways of expressing the same information, then one bit of
information can be concealed, something that can be easily generalized to any
number of bits. This is why it is generally said that a perfect compression scheme
does not leave room for watermarking.
equivalences can be exploited to yield instances that use different types of gates and
that can be addressed by the hidden information bits. Software can be also protected
not only by finding equivalences between instructions,
Variable names, or memory address, but also by altering the order of non-critical
instructions. All this can be accomplished at computer level.
Text Watermarking: This problem, which in fact was one of the first that
was studied within the information hiding area, can be solved at two levels. At the
printout level, information can be encoded in the way the text times or words are
separated (this facilitates the survival of the watermark even to photocopying).
the semantic level (necessary when raw text files are provided).
between words or expressions can be used, although special care has to be taken not
to destruct the possible intention of the author.
The hidden message could also contain labels that allow for
included in a separate file, but with watermarking it results more difficult to destroy
or loose this label, since it becomes closely tied to the object that annotates. This is
especially useful in medical applications since it prevents dangerous errors.
of creation.
measure that accounts for different unintentional transformations that the data may
have suffered (an example is image compression with different levels), instead of the
classical yes/no answer given by cryptography-based authentication. Unfortunately,
the major drawback of watermarking-based authentication is the lack public key
algorithms that force either to put secret keys in risk or to resort to trusted parties.
Copy and Playback Control. The message carried by the watermark may
also contain information regarding copy and display permissions.
Then, a secure
In order to be
effective, this protection approach requires agreements between content providers and
consumer electronics manufacturers to introduce complaint watermark detectors in
their video players and recorders. This approach is being taken in Digital video Disc
signaling information in the hidden channel. The advantage of using this channel is
that no bandwidth increase is required. An interesting application in broadcasting
consists in watermarking commercials with signaling information that permits an
automatic counting device to assess the number of times that the commercial has been
broadcast during a certain period.
recognition software.
5.4 Conclusion:
Chapter 6: Bibliography
A Block Based Novel Digital Video Watermarking Scheme Using Dct IOSR
Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering (IOSR-JECE) e-ISSN:
2278-2834, p- ISSN: 2278-8735. Volume 5, Issue 2 (Mar. - Apr. 2013)
march 2013.