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About This Document: Excel. This Design Means That Once You Learn A Few Basic Steps To Access Programs, It's Very Easy

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About this Document

This manual was written by members of the Statistical Consulting Program as an
introduction to SPSS 12.0. It is designed to assist new users in familiarizing themselves with a
selection of basic commands in SPSS. For more information about any SPSS related problem,
the software consulting desk, located in Math G175, is open Monday Friday from 10:00 am to
4:00 pm.

What is SPSS
SPSS is a powerful statistical software program with a graphical interface designed for ease
of use. Almost all commands and options can be accessed using pull down menus at the top of
the window, and the program opens to a spreadsheet which looks similar to that of Microsoft
Excel. This design means that once you learn a few basic steps to access programs, its very easy
to figure out how to extend your knowledge in using SPSS through the help files.

How to get SPSS

SPSS is installed on all ITaP (Information Technology at Purdue) machines in all ITaP labs
around campus. To get into the program, click Start, All Programs, Standard Software, Statistical
Packages, SPSS 12.0, and finally SPSS 12.0 for Windows (Figure 1). Stewart Center Room B14
will loan SPSS CDs overnight to Purdue employees only to install SPSS on their home
computers or laptops. Remember to
take your ID to sign out the CDs!
Figure 1: Accessing SPSS on an ITaP PC

Opening Data

Figure 2: SPSS Welcome


When SPSS is launched, you will see a pop-up window

(Figure 2) with a bunch of options. Assume you want to analyze a
data set, you can choose either type in data which is
straightforward and not included here, or open an existing data
source. All the other options are not related to importing data
and are not discussed here. If your data file is shown in the list
below More Files click on the corresponding item to get it
loaded; otherwise, leave the More Files option highlighted and click Ok to close this
window and bring up another one. Use the second window to locate your data.

Sometimes you have already entered the SPSS session as

described above, worked on a data set for a while, and then
want to open and work on another data set. You dont have
to quit the current SPSS session to perform this. Simply
(Figure 3) click on the File menu, follow Open then
Data and find your file. However, SPSS can only have
one data file open at one time, so it is best to save the already
opened data file before you try to open another one.

SPSS Windows
The SPSS program has three main types of windows.
The data editor window is open by default, and contains the
Figure 3: Opening Data From
Within SPSS
data set. This window is described in more detail in the
sections on Opening Data and Viewing data and variables.
The output window holds the results of analyses. This window will open automatically once an
analysis is requested. The syntax window contains written commands corresponding to each
menu command and option. Syntax can be created by hitting
windows for each procedure. Using

instead of

on main

will not cause the procedure to be performed. To

run procedures from the syntax window, hit

. Output and syntax files can be saved and
opened using the File menu. Multiple output and syntax files can be open at the same time.

Working with Data and Variables

Viewing data and variables
Data in SPSS can be viewed in two different ways. First, it is possible to look at the entire
data set, with each row showing a different observation, and each column representing a different
variable. Another way to view the data is to look at the names and general properties of each
variable. These views can be changed using the tabs at the bottom left hand side of the SPSS
data editor window, typing Control-T on the keyboard, or by selection the lowest item on the
View menu (it alternates between Variable and Data, depending on which view is actively

Define Variable Properties

To define or change the attributes of your variables, change to Variable View to see a list of
all the variables with their properties from the current data file (Figure 4). Click or double click
the variable you would like to specify or change. Descriptions of each attribute are listed on the
next page.

Name is the name of a variable. The following rules apply to variable names:
The name must begin with a letter. The remaining characters can be any letter, any digit,
a period, or the symbols @, #, _, or $.
Variable names cannot end with a period.

Blanks and special characters (for example, !, ?, ', and *) cannot be used.
Reserved keywords cannot be used as variable names. Reserved keywords are: ALL,
Variable names can be defined with any mixture of upper and lower case characters, and
case is preserved for display purposes only. All the commands and variable names in
SPSS are case insensitive.
Type is the type of a variable. Common options are Numeric for numbers, Date for
dates, and String for character strings.
Width is the maximal number of characters or digits allowed for a variable. Generally
you should choose a width large enough such all the possible values of the variable can
fit in; otherwise any values with length greater than the specified value will be truncated.
Decimals is valid for numeric variables only. It specifies the number of decimals to be
kept for a variable. All the extra decimals will be rounded up and the rounded numbers
will be used in all the analysis, so be careful to specify the number of decimals to fit in
the precision you want.
Label is the descriptive label for a variable. You can assign descriptive variable labels
up to 256 characters long, and variable labels can contain spaces and reserved characters
not allowed in variable names.
Values is the descriptive value labels for each value of a variable. This is particularly
useful if your data file uses numeric codes to represent non-numeric categories (for
example, codes of 1 and 2 for male and female).
Missing specifies some data values as user-missing values. Refer to the Missing
Values section for more detail.
Columns is the column width for a variable. Column formats affect only the display of
values in the Data Editor. Changing the column width does not change the defined width
of a variable. If the defined and actual width of a value are wider than the column,
asterisks (*) are displayed in the Data view. Column widths can also be changed in the
Data view by clicking and dragging the column borders.
Align controls the display of data values and/or value labels in the Data view. The
default alignment is right for numeric variables and left for string variables. This setting
affects only the display in the Data view.
Measure is the level of measurement as scale (numeric data on an interval or ratio
scale), ordinal, or nominal. Nominal and ordinal data can be either string (alphanumeric)
or numeric. Measurement
specification is relevant only
for Custom Tables procedure
and chart procedures that
identify variables as scale or
categorical. Nominal and
ordinal are both treated as
Figure 4: Variable Attributes

Missing Values
Missing values are a topic that deserves special attention. This section explains why they
arise and how to define them. In SPSS there are two types of missing values: user defined
missing values and system missing values. By default in SPSS, both types of missing values will
be disregarded in all statistical procedures, except for analyses devoted specifically to missing
values, for example, replacing missing values. In frequency tables, missing values will be
shown, but they will be marked as such and will not be used in computation of statistics.

User Defined Missing Values

User defined missing values indicate data values that either are indeed missing due to reasons
like non-response, or those for some other purpose should not be used in most analyses (like
Not Applicable). By default SPSS uses . to represent missing values. But sometimes you
might want to distinguish between data missing because a respondent refused to answer and data
missing because the question didn't apply to that respondent, and thus would like more than one
expression for missing values. You can achieve this by setting up the Missing property of the
corresponding variable to specify some data values as missing values. You can enter up to three
discrete (individual) missing values, a range of missing values, or a range plus one discrete
missing value. All string values, including null or blank values, are considered valid values
unless you explicitly define them as
missing. To define null or blank
values as missing for a string
variable, enter a single space in one
of the fields for discrete missing
values. The example in Figure 5
shows how to specify user defined
missing values for variable mpg by
setting up its Missing property.

System Missing Values

System missing values occur
Figure 5: Defining Missing Values
when no value can obtained for a
variable during data transformations. For example, if you have two variables, one indicating a
persons gender and the other whether she or he is married and you create a new variable that
tells you whether (a) a person is male and married, (b) female and married, (c) male and not
married, all females that are not married will have a system missing value (.) instead of a real

Replacing Missing Values

In SPSS, the missing values are generally eliminated from the analysis by default. If,
instead, you want to include the missing values in the analysis by imputing some values for
them, here is one example how you do it. In Figure 6 we would like to replace the missing
values for variable mpg by its mean value. Under the Transform menu, find Replace Missing
Values which will lead you to the window in Figure 6, highlight mpg in the variable list on the
left, and click on
to add it into the New Variable(s) frame. By default, it will create a new
variable mpg_1, as in Figure 6. You can change the name of the new variable via the Change

button. Click OK to finish the process. Other implementation methods can be chosen from the
pull-down list besides Method. If the method (for example, Mean of nearby points) requires
inclusion of neighboring points, you can specify the span of nearby points by changing the
Number of nearby points to be included.

Figure 6: Replace Missing Values by The Mean Value

Modifying and Creating new variables

The easiest way to manually input a new variable is to scroll through the data-view
spreadsheet horizontally until the first empty column is encountered, and entering in the data.
The new variable can be named appropriately in the variable-view spreadsheet. Alternatively,
selecting the Insert Variable option under the Data menu allows you to insert the new variable
at other locations in the table. By default, this inserts the new variable in the first column of the
spreadsheet, but this can be changed by highlighting the column to the right of the desired

The recode function is used to collapse
ranges of data into categorical variables, and
reassigning existing values to other values. To
create a new variable as a function of another
(log, sin, etc), use Compute (described in the
next section). The window that appears when
modifying a variable has fewer options than the
one for creating a new variable. For clarity, the
window fields will be referenced using Figure 7
in the following instructions.
1. Select Recode under the Transformation
menu, and the appropriate option in the
submenu that appears to open the recode
2. Select each variable to be transformed from
section A, and move it into section B using

Figure 7: The Recode window

button. Note that the same transformation will be applied to each of these variables.
To modify variables in multiple ways, perform one transformation at a time.
3. If you are creating new variables, you must name the output variable. To do this, select each
variable from section B, and enter a new variable name in Section C. If desired, a label can
be entered as well, though it is not required. Once the desired name and label are entered,
you must hit the Change button. When done correctly, there should be no question marks in
section B.
4. Select the Old and New Values
button and the window in Figure 8
will appear. In the Old Value
side of the window, select an
appropriate description of the
original values to be recoded.
By selecting Value you can
specify a value to replace (e.g.
male or 1). It is case
sensitive, so A and a are
considered two different
Figure 8: Old and New Values window
System-Missing and
System- or user-missing allows missing values to be replaced by actual values. Since
this procedure does not allow computations, it is often better to use the Replace Missing
Values procedure (described on page 4) unless other changes are also desired.
The three range options partition numeric variables into categories. Figure 8
demonstrates how a range of continuous variables can be condensed into categories.
Rather than running any procedures to find out the range of variables, the range options
with Lowest through _____ and ______ through highest can be used to catch every
point in the data set.
All other values can also be used to pick up values not specifically referenced elsewhere.
5. On the New Value side, type in the new value. Then hit the Add button to add it to the
Old->New list. If you are creating a new variable, you have the option of changing
numbers to strings, or converting numbers saved as strings to numbers. These options are
not available when modifying a variable the new variable will be saved in the same format
as the original variable. Hit Continue to close the window. On the main screen, hit

to finish.

To create a new variable as a function of one
or more old variables, select Compute from the
Transform menu. Choose the name of the new
variable, and enter it into the Target Variable
field. In the Numeric Expression field, use
the keypad, function list, and the variable list to

Figure 9: Compute

write out the equation used to compute the new variable. Hit OK or Paste to close the

Analyzing Data
Descriptive Statistics
In the Analyze menu, the option Descriptive Statistics produces a submenu with the
choices Frequencies, Descriptives, Explore, Crosstabs, and Ratio. Of these, Crosstabs and
Descriptives have some particularly useful features which this manual will cover. For more
information on the other three, more information can be found in the SPSS help menu, which is
discussed on page 14 of this manual.

The descriptives procedure calculates
univariate statistics for selected variables. In
addition, it provides the option of creating a
standardized variable for the selected
variables. Simply check the box at the
bottom of the window to save the
standardized variable. The options menu
provides a list of univariate statistics
available. For more statistics or computing
statistics by group, see the Means
procedure under Compare Means.

Figure 10: Descriptives

The Crosstabs procedure forms two-way
and multiway tables and provides a variety of
tests and measures of association for two-way
tables. Multi-way tables are formed using the
Layer button. Note that tests are not made
across layers. When layers are used,
comparisons are made for the row and column
variables at each value of the layer variable.
The Statistics button at the bottom allows
various statistics to be computed, including
correlations and Chi-square tests. To help
uncover patterns in the data that contribute to a
significant chi-square test, the Cells button
provides options for displaying expected
frequencies and three types of residuals
(deviates) that measure the difference between observed and expected frequencies. Each cell of
the table can contain any combination of counts, percentages, and residuals selected.

Compare Means
From the Compare Means option in the Analyze menu, you can perform t-tests, and oneway ANOVA, and calculate univariate statistics for variables.

The Means window includes two fields: Dependent List and Independent List. The
procedure calculates univariate statistics (e.g. mean, median, and standard deviation) for
variables in the Dependent List field, grouped using variables
in the Independent List field. By default, the mean, standard
deviation, and sample size are displayed. More statistics can
be selected using the Options button.

Figure 11: Means Procedure and

Options Window

One Sample T-Test

The One Sample T-Test procedure
(Figure 12 and 13) tests whether the mean of
a single variable differs from a specified
constant. The options here allow you to
specify the confidence level and how to
handle the missing values. The example in
Figure 12 tests whether the mean of mpg
differs from 28 using a confidence level of
95%. The options for Missing Values are
explained below and the output is shown in
Figure 12, where the numbers in the second
table correspond to the value of the t
statistic, the degree of freedom for the t-test,
Figure 12: One-Sample T-test procedure
the p-value of the test (here, .000 is less than
0.05 which means the mean of mpg significantly differ from 28), the difference between the real
mean and the test value, the lower and the upper values of the 95% confidence intervals for the
If you have more than one variables to be tested against the same value (for example, instead
of mpg only, you have mpg1, mpg2 and mpg3), you can conduct all the one sample t-tests in one
step by putting all the interesting variables in the Test Variable(s) field. In the case of having

missing values, you have two options Exclude cases analysis by analysis and Exclude cases
listwise. If the first option is chosen (as most often popularly done), each t-test will use all
cases that have valid data for the variable tested and sample sizes may vary from test to test. If
the second option is used, each t-test will use only cases that have valid data for all variables
used in any of the t tests requested and the sample size is constant across tests.

Figure 13: One Sample T-test results

Independent Samples T-Test

The Independent-Samples T-Test procedure (Figure 14) compares means for two groups of
cases. It has the same options as the One-Sample T Test. The example in Figure 14 compares
the means of mpg for two origin groups. You still need to specify which two groups to be
compared as follows: first click on the Define Groups tab, then in the pop-up window enter the
corresponding values of the Grouping Variable,
click on Continue to return to the main window
and the origin(? ?) will become origin(1 2).
Finally, click on the activated OK tab to finish
the procedure.

Figure 14: Independent Samples t-test

In the output (Figure 15), the first table displays statistics for each of the two origin groups.
As to the second table, the first two columns are results for testing if the two groups have equal
variances (here the big p-value .961 indicates equal variances); the next columns list two testing
results according to whether equal variances are assumed or not, and they have meanings similar

to those in one sample t test except that the difference now refers to the difference of the two
group means.

Figure 15: Output for Independent Samples t-test

Paired Samples T-Test

The Paired-Samples T Test
procedure (Figure 16) compares the
means of two variables for a single
group. It has the same options as the
One-Sample T Test. The example in
Figure 16 compares the means of mpg
and mpg1 (a variable created by
adding to mpg a random number from
the standard normal distribution) for
all the observations. The Paired
Variables are selected by highlighting
the two variables to be paired in the

Figure 16: Paired Samples t-test

list and click on the

In the output, the first table displays statistics for the two variables; the second table has the
correlation between the two variables and the p-value indicating whether the correlation is
significant; the third table has the format of a one sample t test, testing on if the paired difference
is equal to zero.


Figure 17: Paired t-test Output

The One-Way ANOVA procedure (Figure
18) produces a one-way analysis of variance
for a quantitative dependent variable by a
single factor (independent) variable. The
example in Figure 18 fits a one-way ANOVA
model for mpg by factor origin. The OneWay ANOVA analysis can also be carried out
by following Analyze General Linear
Model Univariate. The options here are
also included in the Univariate option for
Figure 18: One-Way ANOVA procedure
General Linear Model.
The Contrasts button allows you to
display the tests for contrasts. A contrast example is
(mean of group 1 + mean of group 2) / 2 (mean of
group 3), which compares the average of group 1 and
group 2 with the mean of group 3 and can be used to
test whether group 3 is significantly different from the
other two groups. This contrast is specified as below.
Each coefficient is entered in the Coefficients field first,
and put into the big field below by clicking on the Add
button. The order of the coefficients is important
because it corresponds to the (ascending) order of the
category values of the factor variable. Notice the
Figure 19: ANOVA Contrasts
coefficients for a contrast MUST sum to zero. The
Polynomial option is used to test for a polynomial (Linear, Quadratic, Cubic, 4th or 5th, chosen
from the pull-down Degree list) trend of the dependent variable across the ordered levels of the
factor variable.
The Post Hoc button allows you to
specify the post hoc tests to be displayed.
Once you have determined that
differences exist among the means, post
hoc range tests and pairwise multiple
comparisons can determine which means
differ. Range tests identify homogeneous
subsets of means that are not different
from each other. Pairwise multiple
comparisons test the difference between
each pair of means, and yield a matrix
where asterisks indicate significantly
Figure 20: Post Hoc Tests
different group means at an alpha level of


0.05. The available tests are shown in the picture below. In the example, we choose to conduct
an LSD multiple comparison test.
The output of the above example is in *****. First shown is the ANOVA table in which the
small p-value .000 indicates mpg (miles per gallon) for a car is different among the three product
origins; the second table displays the contrast coefficients; the third table contains the test results
of the contrast based on whether equal variances are assumed or not; the last table shows the
LSD multiple
comparison test

Figure 21: One-Way ANOVA Output

General Linear Model

Only the Univariate part is introduced here. The GLM Univariate procedure (Figure 23)
provides regression analysis and analysis of variance for one dependent variable by one or more
factors and/or variables. The factor variables divide the population into groups. Using this
General Linear Model procedure, you can test null
hypotheses about the effects of other variables on the
means of various groupings of a single dependent
variable. You can investigate interactions between
factors as well as the effects of individual factors,
some of which may be random. In addition, the
effects of covariates and covariate interactions with

Figure 22: Univariate General Linear
Models Procedure

factors can be included. For regression analysis, the independent (predictor) variables are
specified as covariates. The example in Figure 24 fits a regression model of mpg against the
covariate horse the factors origin and cylinder. The Model button allows you to select the effects
you want to include in the model. The default is full factorial, which includes all the main
effects and interactions. The Contrasts allows you to display tests on specified contrasts, which
are used to compare marginal means between multiple groups. The Plots button can provide
profile plots (interaction plots) which are useful for comparing marginal means in your model.
The Save button allows you to save the values predicted by the model, the residuals, and the
related measures as new variables in the Data Editor. The Options button provides options to
display marginal means and their confidence intervals, descriptive statistics, residual plot,
parameter estimates, observed power, etc.

Linear regression can be found under the Linear in the Regression submenu under the
Analyze menu. Fill in the Dependent and Independent(s) fields with the appropriate
variables. Underneath the Independent(s) field a box labeled Method says enter. That can
be changed to stepwise, forward, or backward selection for model selection purposes. To keep
the full model, keep it at enter. Plots allows diagnostics plots to be created. Statistics can
be used to get more detailed information on the model. Save allows you to select data to save
back to the data set, including predicted values, various types of residuals, and influence
statistics. Options provides choices for model selection and the handling of missing values.

Making Graphs
For any graph generated in SPSS, you can double click on the graph to invoke a Chart Editor
window with the graph, inside which you can double click on any part of the graph to edit that
specific part, for example, the title of the graph, the label for an axis, the type of points, the color
of lines, the size of the box, etc.

We only introduce the Simple Scatter plot, which plots two numeric variables against each
other. After following GraphsScatter, you will see a popup window as in Figure 27. Select
Simple, click on the Define button and you can get the window in Figure 26. You must select a
variable for the Y-axis and a variable for the Xaxis. These variables must be numeric, but
should not be in date format. The Title button
allows you to specify the title, the subtitles and
the footnotes for the plot. Generally you dont
need to set the other options. The example in
Figure 25 plots mpg versus engine.


Figure 25: Scatter plot of miles per gallon against

engine displacement.

Figure 27: Types o f Scatterplots

The Histogram procedure (Figure 28) creates a histogram showing the distribution of a single
numeric variable. The example in Figure creates a histogram for mpg. You can check the
Display normal curve option to require an estimated normal curve displayed in the histogram.
The titles can be specified by clicking on the Titles button.

Figure 28: Histogram Menu

The Q-Q Plot procedure (Figure) plots the quantiles of a variable's distribution against the
quantiles of any of a number of test distributions. Probability plots are generally used to
determine whether the distribution of a variable matches a given distribution. If the selected
variable matches the test distribution, the points cluster around a straight line. You can obtain QQ plots for transformed values.
Transformation options include
natural log, standardize values,
difference, and seasonally
difference. The example in Figure
29 creates the normal Q-Q plot for
mpg to test whether it follows a
normal distribution. The Q-Q plot
is generally used for testing the
normality assumption of the
residuals from a model.


Figure 29: QQ plot Window

The preceding sections have provided an overview of commonly used procedures to get you
started in using SPSS. If you need help with a procedure not mentioned here, or want to learn
more, the best place to look is the help docs that come with SPSS. SPSS has very good help
documents often containing examples and tutorials to make the point clear. The help docs can
be referenced two different ways. First, almost every window in SPSS contains a Help button.
Clicking it takes you immediately to the help documentation specific to that window. Second,
the last menu in SPSS is a help menu. The first option, Topics brings up the help
documentation. Use the index or a search command to look up the options that will give you the
right results. Sometimes the help docs have the words Show me highlighted in blue. Clicking
on Show me will walk you through an example of the procedure.
The Statistics Coach option is useful when you have an idea of what youre looking for, but
dont know the name. Select an option on the right, and examples will appear on the left. If you
find what you are looking for, hit the next button. Youll be guided through one or more screens
asking you to describe the data. When the program has the information it needs, it will open a
window telling you what the procedures called and where to find it in the future. It will also go
ahead and open up the menu for you.


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