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21 Day Prayer Guide 2012

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Monday, March 19

God Thought:
(Hab. 2:2-3) Then the Lord answered me and said, record the vision, and inscribe it on tablets, that the one who
reads it may run; for the vision is yet for the appointed time; it hastens toward the goal and it will not fail. Though
it tarries, wait for it; for it will certainly come, it will not delay.

Today begins three weeks of serious pursuit
of God through prayer and fasting for our
church, for each other, for the lost, for the
launch of our North Knox Campus on Easter
Sunday, and for all Easter services from Friday, April 6 through Sunday, April 8. As you
begin this 21-Day Prayer Guide, know that
a few thousand of your brothers and sisters
are doing the same thing. Exciting isnt it?
Over four thousand of us on the same page
spiritually. WOW! This time is for you, for us,
and for our spiritual family. In the next three
weeks we will reveal our hearts to God like
we have never done before. I believe God
will also reveal His heart to us. Ask God to
speak to your heart today.

Prayer Points:
Ask God to prepare your heart for the
three weeks ahead.
Ask God to speak to the thousands
praying with us each day.
Ask God to expand your Faith.
Ask God to fill our worship services
with thousands of new souls seeking
salvation and a relationship with Him at
all venues during our Easter services.
Ask God to move in great power as we
launch our new North Knox Campus on
Easter Sunday.
nothing is impossible with God. (Luke 1:37)


Tuesday, March 20

God Thought:
(I Sam. 12:23) God forbid that I should sin in ceasing to pray for you

Can we sin by not praying for others?
Prayer seems to be one of the most difficult in the list of spiritual disciplines. I
believe the enemy fights us the hardest
in the areas we can make the most difference. Without question prayer is a mighty
weapon to be used by the child of God.
During the 21 days, please pray for the
others joining with us in prayer. Ask God
to make you a prayer warrior. Press in for
others as you press in for yourself. Pray for
your Pastor, that I would have the wisdom
of the Lord to lead us, especially in this
time that is so vitally important in the life
of Faith Promise Church.

Prayer Points:
Ask the Lord to make you a prayer warrior.
Ask the Lord to open your eyes to His will.
Ask the Lord to grant that a spirit of giving
will fall on our church as we move forward
with His mission for Faith Promise Church.
Ask the Lord to bless the volunteers who
have already committed to serve in all ministry areas at our new North Knox Campus.
Ask Him to move in peoples hearts to
serve there in the Worship, Student, and
Childrens Ministries as well as the Facilities
Team, where volunteers are still needed.
Ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find, knock
and it shall be opened to you. (Mt. 7:7)


Wednesday, March 21

God Thought:
(2 Chron. 7:14-15) and My people who are called by My name humble themselves and pray and seek My face
and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin and heal their land. Now My
eyes will be opened and My ears attentive to the prayers offered in this place.


Prayer Points:

This three-week period is a spiritual look

inward for you and every other person
who attends Faith Promise Church. God
desires a pure Bride for His Son. Today,
ask the Lord to search your heart. Is there
anything hindering your fellowship? Stopping up your ears from hearing His direction, desire, and delight in you? Think of
the 4,000 others praying with you. Do you
think the enemy may be fighting anyone
else other than you? We are all in the same
boat and battle. The Lord is a Dread Champion and will lead us to victory!

Ask God to reveal you to you.

Ask God to open our hearts up to Him and
fill us with spiritual revival and renewal.
Ask God to prepare the hearts of the thousands of new people who will come to
Him at our new North Knox Campus and
at all of our current and future locations.
Ask God to bless and move in a mighty
way this week as Pastor Josh and Pastor
Michael lead a group of our UT students
on a mission trip to East Asia and other
people from our congregation serve
the people in Haiti.
Pray for our MSM and HSM services
If you have the faith the size of a mustard seed you
could tell that mountain to jump into the sea and it
would. (Mt. 17:20)


Thursday, March 22

God Thought:
(Eph. 2:19) you are fellow citizens with the saints, and are of Gods household.
(Rom. 12:4-5) For just as we have many members in one body and all the members do not have the same function, so we, who are many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another


Prayer Points:

As you read the verses for today you can

see God views us as a family. We are all
members of the family, and we all have a
part to play. A portion of this prayer time
involves each of us discovering our role.
That is not always an easy issue to determine. Finding the Will of God can take
some time and energy. And if anyone neglects their part ,we all have to pick up the
slack or miss out on Gods design for Faith
Promise Church. You and your role are vital
to the success of our ministry to Knoxville
and the world. We want to make it hard to
go to hell from Knoxville.

Ask God to reveal to you how He sees our

spiritual family.
Ask God to bless you so you can be used
to a greater level in the family.
Ask God to prepare all of us to be used in
revival as we open our North Knox Campus and thousands who desperately need
Jesus come to worship with us during all
of our Easter services.
Ask God to draw people to the Sharing
Hope Experience tomorrow evening and
Saturday morning as we hear from local
missions and new Compassion Groups are
formed to bring hope to those in need in
the community.
those who come to God must believe that He is and He is
a rewarder of those who seek Him. (Heb. 11:6)


Friday, March 23

God Thought:
(Matt. 16:18-19) upon this rock I will build My church; and the gates of Hades will not overpower it. I will give
you the keys of the kingdom


Prayer Points:

We have much more at our finger tips than

we realize. Jesus will build His Church using us. The fact that we get to be a part
is nothing less than amazing and exciting.
You can be a greater part than you probably realize. Ask God to tamper with your
vision and explode within your dream life.
Close your eyes and imagine all God can
do in and through you as we continue to
move forward with the vision He has given us to reach the lost and unchurched in
our seven surrounding counties.

Ask God to give you the mind of Christ.

Ask God to expand your vision and the
vision of Faith Promise Church.
Ask God to allow you to see His Heart for
our future.
Ask God to move in the hearts of those
He wants to be a part of our Faith Promise
Church family.
Ask God to bless and protect all those in
our Worship Ministry who are using their
gifts to prepare for our Easter drama, Convicted, and all of our Easter services.

Eye has not seen nor has ear heard the things
God has planned for those who love Him.
(1 Cor. 2:9)


Saturday, March 24

God Thought:
(Matt. 9:37) The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few.

We have all heard it said that 20% of the
people do 80% of the work and give 80%
of the money. Why cant everyone be
committed? In my naive mind I think everyone should have a desire to give, serve,
and help in the building of Gods House
and Kingdom. It makes sense but that is
not how it happens. Can it be different
at Faith Promise Church? What does God
want from you? Pray with me the 80 percent gets on the ball and that hundreds
are moved to become a part of the Faith
Promise Church Committed Core.

Prayer Points:
Ask God to grant Ps. 51:12 to sustain
you with a willing spirit.
Ask God to send workers into the
harvest to make us a church for the

Ask God to give us a heart to win the
lost and be involved in the Harvest.
Ask God to stir the hearts of everyone
in our Pellissippi Campus worship service tonight.

I know the plans I have for you, plans to

give you a future and a hope... (Jer. 29:11)


Sunday, March 25

God Thought:
(Matt. 28:19) Go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy

In our seven surrounding counties that
we call our local mission field there are
354,000 people who are without Christ.
If they die without Him they will spend
forever in hell. This spiritual truth should
break our hearts. Ask the Lord to move
on your heart and break it as Christs
was broken when He walked here. Ask
Him to give you ears to hear the cry of
the lost.

Prayer Points:
Ask God to show you how you can be a
part of His Great Commission.
Ask God to speak to all of our hearts
about being and doing whatever it takes
to share Gods love with a hurting world.
Ask God to impart His Spirit and power in
all of us so we can accomplish His Will for
Faith Promise Church. Pray for all of us to
experience Him in a supernatural way.
Ask the Lord to move in power in our worship services at all campuses today.

But you shall receive power when the Holy

Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be My
witnesses (Acts 1:8)


Monday, March 26

God Thought:
(Ps. 98:3) all the ends of the earth have seen the salvation of our God.

God is always looking for someone, a
people to use to bring glory and honor
to His Name. Has He found it in you? In
Faith Promise Church? Will we do what
it takes to lift Him so high no one can
miss Him? You are involved in the destiny of thousands of lives, souls, and
families. To call this a critical time would
be an understatement. Please open up
your heart to understand how He longs
to use you. Is there anything holding
you back?

Prayer Points:
Ask God to use you to bring fame to His
Ask God to continue to speak to you about
your commitment to His Kingdom through
Faith Promise Church.
Ask God to speak to all of us in the same
way. We all have to be obedient. Believe
God will use Faith Promise Church to touch
the ends of the earth. Ask Him to use our
new North Knox Campus to accomplish a
Ask God to move in the worship service and
groups at Celebrate tonight.

Without faith it is impossible to please God.

(Heb. 11:6)


Tuesday, March 27

God Thought:
(Luke 5:17-26) They were all struck with astonishment and began glorifying God; and they were filled with fear,
saying, we have seen remarkable things today.


Prayer Points:

We serve a God that still works miracles. He can still instill fear, awe, and
amazement. We desire to see the
miraculous Hand of God moving in
our midst. This will come about as
He moves individually in each of our
lives. What is He doing in you right
now? No doubt He is speaking His
Word and faith into you. The question
is: will you walk in His miracles?

Ask God to grant the miracle you need

right now for you or your family.
Ask God to show up to thousands who
are in need in our spiritual family.
Ask God to send revival to all age groups
as we prepare for our Easter services.
Lets believe in Him to move powerfully
as we welcome hundreds of new worshippers at all venues.
Ask God to bless and multiply our efforts
as we look toward Easter and the North
Knox Campus launch.

If you being evil know how to give good gifts

to your children, how much more will your
Heavenly Father give to those who ask.
(Mt. 7:11)


Wednesday, March 28

God Thought:
(2 Kings 6:8-23) Do not fear, for those who are with us are more than those who are with themO LORD, I
pray, open his eyes that he may seeand behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire all around


Prayer Points:

We seem to spend 99% of our time in

the natural realm; we dont think about
God moving in our daily circumstances.
He can and He does. Ask Him to open
your eyes to the spiritual realm, to His
power and potential in your life and
in the life of Faith Promise Church. We
have the power and potential if we will
believe and access it. Spend a few minutes on the passage above in 2 Kings
and let the Lord speak to you. How can
this apply to the multi-site vision God
has given Faith Promise Church?

Ask God to open your eyes as He did the

Ask God to open our eyes as a church to
all He wants to do in and through us.
Ask God to open the eyes of those spiritually blinded to the gospel. Winning the
lost is a spiritual battle. Ask God to prepare Faith Promise Church for His mighty
plan for us.
Ask God to move powerfully in our student services and groups tonight.

We are more than conquerors through Christ

in us. (Rom. 8:37)


Thursday, March 29

God Thought:
(Ps. 78:72) So he shepherded them according to the integrity of his heart, and guided them with his skillful
(Ps. 77:20) You led Your people like a flock by the hand of Moses and Aaron.


Prayer Points:

Today as you read the God Thoughts, think

about our church staff. Please dont misunderstand I am not comparing myself
to David or Moses, but you deserve great
spiritual leadership because you are a
great congregation. As we seek Gods Will,
please pray for the pastoral leadership of
our church. Please pray for discernment
and direction because we realize we can
do nothing without God. We ask you to
pray, fast, witness, serve, follow the Lords
leading, and give sacrificially. We must not
only do the same but we must be in tune
with the Spirit of the Lord. We ask for your
continued prayers for you, your family, and
each of us.

Ask God to move on the thousands praying

today for the same things.
Ask God to soften the hearts of the church
family to follow the spiritual leadership of
Pastor Josh, our pastoral team, and me. We
need you just as much as you need us!
Ask God to prepare the leadership for the
harvest as we launch, move forward, and
grow our North Knox Campus,.
Ask God to bless our Preschool and Childrens Ministries as they prepare for their
Easter experience called, Hero. Pray that
childrens hearts will be open and receptive
to the message that Jesus is the one extraordinary, amazing, unforgettable Hero.

Remember those who led you, who spoke the

word of God to you; and considering the result of
their conduct, imitate their faith. (Heb. 13:7)


Friday, March 30

God Thought:
(Ps. 78:5-6) For He established a testimony in Jacob, and appointed a law in Israel, which He commanded our
fathers, that they should teach them to their children, that the generation to come might know, even the children
yet to be born


Prayer Points:

You have heard it said: Its not about you.

This statement couldnt be truer than in
launching new campuses or future planning. We should always be considering
not just us or our families, but those yet
to come even those not yet born. Your
kids may be grown, yet I ask you to consider the next generation who must know
the gospel of life. As you pray, remember
those who will come after us. Read Hebrews Chapter 11 and see how the heroes of the faith gave for the future.

Ask God to reveal to you how he wants to

use you to reach a new generation.
Ask God to move on the heart of the
church and the hearts of individuals to care
for the kids who need Jesus.
Ask God to move on the hearts of families
who will bring their kids to the new North
Knox Campus to be ready to meet Jesus.
Ask God to send revival to our Childrens
and Student Ministries and to raise up a
new generation of committed Christ followers.

Let the children alone, and do not hinder

them from coming to Me; for the kingdom of
heaven belongs to such as these. (Mt. 19:14)


Saturday, March 31

God Thought:
(Ex. 36:3, 5) They received from Moses all the contributions which the sons of Israel had brought to perform the
work in the construction of the sanctuary. And they still continued bringing to him freewill offerings every morning. The people are bringing much more than enough for the construction work which the LORD commanded us
to perform.

Imagine the Temple built in a serious economic downturn. No jobs in the wilderness. In todays money the Temple would
cost about 25 billion dollars. It was covered in gold completely inside and was
one of the wonders of the ancient world.
Can we continue to grow and launch new
campuses in todays economy, or is God
limited today? Meditate on all God could
and would do if we would allow Him to
move as He saw fit in each and every one
of us. It would be nothing less than miraculous, and you are a part.

Prayer Points:
Ask God for His powerful Hand to move on
all of us as we seek to be obedient to Him
with our gifts to further His work at Faith
Promise Church.
Ask God to reveal His miracle that He desires to do through you.
Ask God to move, granting us the same
faith Moses had in the wilderness.
Ask God to draw people to our Pellissippi
Campus worship service tonight.

Give, and it will be given to you. They will

pour into your lap a good measure pressed
down, shaken together, and running over. For
by your standard of measure it will be measured to you in return. (Luke 6:38)


Sunday, April 1

God Thought:
(Matt. 6:19-21) Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where
thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven where neither moth nor rust destroys,
and where thieves do not break in and steal; for where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

Where is your treasure? Your focus? Your
priority? Since we live in the natural
world, our focus naturally ends up here.
Since we cant see heaven and it seems
so far away, its really easy to put all of
our time, money, and investment on
this side of heaven. It will be to our peril
or at least to the loss of souls here and
rewards there. How much of heaven is
in your focus? As Christ followers we are
to seek the Kingdom of the Living God.

Prayer Points:
Ask God to allow you to see a vision of
Ask God to show you how you can invest in
His Kingdom.
Ask God to move in power to give us a vision so strong we cant help but be a part.
Ask God to move today as I commission
the staff and volunteers of our North Knox
Campus on this Palm Sunday.
Ask God to bless our worship services at all
of our locations today.

But seek first His kingdom, and His rightness,

and all these things will be added to you.
(Mt. 6:33)


Monday, April 2

God Thought:
(Col. 3:1-2) Therefore if you have been raised up with Christ, keep seeking the things above, where Christ is,
seated at the right hand of God. Set your mind on the things above, not on the things that are on earth. For you
have died and your life is hidden with Christ in God.


Prayer Points:

It is obvious whether or not you have

been raised up. It deals with your personal salvation. So do you have your focus where your Lord is in heaven? Our
time here is so short, and there it is unending. Please prepare for there. Your life
today is heaven practice. How are you doing? What rewards do you have waiting?
Will you hear well done? Or will you be
saved as by fire, or as we say today, the
skin of your teeth? I want to help you.
Meditate on the two verses for today and
ask God to speak to your heart, revealing
what your focus should be.

Ask God to fill you with His Spirit and speak

to your heart.
Ask God to continue to confirm what He
has been saying to you about your walk
with Him.
Ask God to help us all be ready for a miracle from God as we launch the North Knox
Campus on Easter and welcome thousands
of visitors to all of our Easter services.
Ask the Lord to move mightily at Celebrate

Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us, to Him
be the glory in the church (Eph. 3:20-21a)


Tuesday, April 3

God Thought:
(Eph. 3:9-10) and to bring to light what is the administration of the mystery which for ages has been hidden in
God who created all things; so that the manifold wisdom of God might be made known through the church

God has chosen, in ages past and in His
great wisdom, to reveal His Heart to the
world through the church. What a privilege and responsibility! You and I are a
big part of the redemptive plan of God
on High. How do you see your part of
His plan? Are you excited, or is it a burden? Are you excited about all that God
is doing through Faith Promise Church,
or is something blocking your vision
and victory?

Prayer Points:
Ask God to use us as a spiritual family to
reveal His mysteries from ages ago.
Ask God to speak to you as you invite the
lost and unchurched to worship with you
at one of our Easter weekend services.
Ask the Lord to open all of our eyes as to
our responsibility and privilege in sharing
His message to the world. Believe with
me that He will explode in our new venue
and at all of our campuses this coming
Ask the Lord to provide all the volunteers
necessary to care for those He will send
our way during our Easter services.

And the glory of the LORD filled the temple so

the priests could not stand to minister.
(2 Chron. 5:14)


Wednesday, April 4

God Thought:
(Jn. 10:11, 27) I am the good shepherd; the good shepherd lays down His life for the sheep. My sheep hear My
voice, and I know them, and they follow me


Prayer Points:

Hearing the voice of the Lord can be very

difficult. One of the reasons is that we are
surrounded by sounds and voices. Many
of the voices are calling to us, screaming to
us. How do we hear? Be still and know.
We all have to listen for His instructions.
This can be hard because of the battle of
self and selfishness that rages in so many
of us. Seek His face with me and thousands of others. He will move and speak.
Whom is He asking you to bring with you
to church on Easter weekend?

Ask God to speak clearly to you.

Ask God to speak to all of us and that we
will obey when taking even the biggest
leaps of faith.
Ask God to prepare us for this coming
weekend and a massive miracle.
Ask God to prepare Knoxville for what
He will do as we continue to step out in
faith and follow His plan for Faith Promise
Ask God to move in the hearts of our
students tonight as they worship, that
He would reveal the names of those they
should invite to our Easter weekend services.

Not by might or by power but by My Spirit says

the Lord of Hosts. (Zec. 4:6)


Thursday, April 5

God Thought:
(Acts 11:21) The Lords Hand was with them, and a great number of people believed and turned to the Lord.


Prayer Points:

In times of great challenge the church

has always seen growth spiritually
and numerically. Note the key in Acts
11: The Lords Hand was with them.
Gods power is the key. God must be involved if it is going to be a success. We
must abide in Him! This weekend we
will speak volumes to the Lord about
our trust and faith in Him. Seek His face
for yourself and the thousands who will
attend our Easter services at our new
North Knox Campus and all of our other

Ask God to move in power in your life today

and clearly let you know His Will in your life.
Ask God to speak to all of us, that we all obey
His leadership and urging to invite our lost and
unchurched friends, family, neighbors, and coworkers to our new North Knox Campus and
our other campuses for Easter.
Ask God to draw the masses to our Easter worship services to experience Him. Pray with me
that hearts will be softened and responsive as
you and thousands of other Faith Promisers
invite people all over East Tennessee.
Ask God for connections to be formed at our
North Knox Campus. Pray that many will attend Grouplink on May 6 to get connected to
a group in which they can grow both spiritually and relationally.

If I be lifted up I will draw all men to Myself.

(John 12:32)


Friday, April 6

God Thought:
(Gal. 6:9-10) Let us not lose heart in doing good, for in due time we will reap if we do not grow weary. So then,
while we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, and especially to those who are of the household of the


Prayer Points:

It is easy to give up in the fight for humanity easy to feel left out, neglected,
not needed, or noticed. Every one of us is
essential to the success of Faith Promise
Church. Every person has a part to play,
and your part is vital. Now is not the time
to give up or give in to the enemy who
will try to stop us at every corner. Keep
up the fight! We will win, and we will reap
thousands of souls for our Savior! On this
Good Friday, as our Easter services begin,
lets show the enemy whose side we are
on. Pray, pray, pray, and lets watch our
mighty God work miracles in our congregation as hundreds are saved and lives
are changed forever!

Ask God to help you witness, serve, and give

without failing or falling out.
Ask God to move on all of us. Many are facing huge mountains that would cause them
to give up. Pray for them to continue and not
give up; the stakes are far too high.
Ask God to prepare us for revival and for
power to win Knoxville to Jesus. As we launch
the new North Knox Campus on Sunday, ask
God to move like we have never seen before.
Please pray with me and lets link our faith
and believe God will continue to move this
Easter weekend with amazing power.

Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by

prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let
your requests be made known to God.
(Phil. 4:6)


Saturday, April 7

God Thought:
(2 Cor. 4:18) So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but
what is unseen is eternal.

Most of our lives we focus on the temporal. Temporal = temporary. We trust
in what we can see, and we end up
spending our entire lives on the things
that pass away. As you meditate on the
passage above, please ask the Lord to
help you focus on the eternal. Lets ALL
invest our time, talents, and resources in
that which lasts forever souls. We were
all put here at Faith Promise Church for
such a time as this.

Prayer Points:
Ask God to give you the mind of Christ. This is
a huge weekend in the life of our church. We
need Him big-time.
Ask God to draw all of Faith Promise Church
this Easter weekend. This is a family affair and
we need all hands on deck.
Ask God to grant revival this weekend as we
obey Him like never before. Our prayers can
move Him to unprecedented miracles. I believe
His power will be present to perform miracles.
Pray for a smooth launch of our North Knox
Campus tomorrow.

This one only comes by prayer and fasting.

(Mt. 17:21)



Sunday, April 8

God Thought:
(Acts 16:32) He was filled with joy because he had come to believe in God he and his whole family.


Prayer Points:

HE IS RISEN!!! We exist as a church to connect people with God. It is the one thing
we wont be able to do in heaven. Today
is one of the easiest days to invite the lost,
since many people who dont usually attend church throughout the year, will attend on Easter. I trust you have done your
part, and now we are asking God to do
supernatural things in our body. He can,
and He will! This can be our finest hour as
we celebrate our Risen Lord and see hundreds come to know HIM!

Ask God to prepare your heart for today.

Thank you so much for being a part of our

Easter Miracle! I love and appreciate you all!

Pastor Chris

Ask God to prepare the rest of us for His hand

to move.
Ask God to explode in our worship as we lift
up praise to our Risen Lord and Savior, Jesus
Ask God to be with all of our volunteers as they
serve and use their God-given gifts for Him.
Pray that all who attend will walk away having
seen the love of Jesus through all who minister
in any way at all of our campuses.
Ask God to fill our new North Knox Campus
and all of our other venues to overflowing and
to move and save like never before.
I pray that out of His glorious riches He may strengthen
you with power through His Spirit in your inner being, so
that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith.
(Eph. 3:16-17a)


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