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Scrolls Yhega
Hymn to Eternal Sleeper.
Ya! Cthulhu!
Great Father,
Fantastic Priest,
Lord of voids,
Descended from the Darkness
when the heavens
The Earth
were not separated
from each other.
You, Always look to us But we are blind!
You Eternally Sleep in P? Lehe but we do not sleep!
You, Always calling us we heard the call of Yours!
Join! Join! Join!
For we, marching
in the sacred silence,
stretches out his hands to Thee,
about Cthulhu!
Ya! Cthulhu!
K? Artagnan blessed,
Kadafi has blessed,
Lomar has blessed,
Iram has blessed,
Mu-Ur blessed.
Ya! Cthulhu!
Ya! Cthulhu!
Get out of Water
Get out of Water
Get out of Water
Your Priestess waiting Bridegroom of His!
Your Priestess waiting Bridegroom of His!
We do not violate the vows, the Father of Data.
We lit fires on the altars of thy
and the bridegroom sacrificed!
Ya! Shub-Niggurath! Look!
Cthulhu sleeps!
Cthulhu sleeps!
Cthulhu sleeps!
Father, we honor,
Great, old, incomparable,
Who saw the Void,
Page 2
Sleeping in the Depths,
Sleeping in P? Lehe,
where even the shadows do not dare
precious touch to your bed?
Eternally Sleep!
Waiting in the wings!
Ya! Cthulhu!
Ya! Cthulhu!
Ya! Cthulhu!
Ya! Ya! Shub-Niggurath!
Ya-P? Leh! H? Eider n? Bulu
Mr Bwana? Lolo!
Ya! Shub-Niggurath!

Ya! Cthulhu!
Ever Sleep?
Ya! Cthulhu!
Waiting in the wings?
Rite of the Serpent Hair.
Ya! Ya! Shub-Niggurath!
Ya-P? Leh! H? Eider n? Bulu
Mr Bwana? Lolo!
Ya! Ya! Mistress Tanith!
Ya! Ya! Lady Isis!
Mighty Cthulhu, come out of the water Your child is dead!
It died!
Mistress deprived Hair Mighty Cthulhu!
The one that knows no time, he knows!
The one that knows no time,
brought the Black Stone
Midnight of the Earth Black Stone - Crocodile Rock.
The one that knows no time,
dancing in the moonlight
around the stone-crocodile.
Ya! No more Lady Tanith!
Yo! No more Lady Isis!
Ya! That is no more,
that supported the Fire
in the Black Stone - Stone-Crocodile.
Ya-P? Leh! H? Eider n? Bulu Mr. Bwana? Lolo!
Ya! Shub-Niggurath!
Your child is dead!
It is dead!
The one that knows no time, you know?
Glorification of Ran-Tegota.
Ya! Ya!
Page 3
I go to Run-Tegot.
I'm coming to you with food?
You waited a long time
and ate poorly,
but now get
It is more than the
that you waited.
You proizvedesh it
to Nothing
You drink it
with blood
His doubts
and thus
Make yourself strong?
And then he will
shown to others
a Certificate
Thy Glory.
Oh, Run-Tegot,
Infinitely Great
and the Undefeated,
I am your slave
and thy High Priest!
You're hungry,

I'll give you food.

I read Your Signs
and brought you to power.
I will feed thee with blood,
me and you with its power?
Ya! Shub-Niggurath!
Holy Goat with the Legion youthful!
And Uzza? Hey! And? Haa-kaa-uu BCW,
Run-Tegot - Cthulhu fhtagn-da!
Ya! Ya! Ya!
- Run-Tegot, Ran-Tegot, Ran-Tegot!
Scum-Music Yidika
and evaporation to? Thun!
The worm, howling in the Maelstrom
You, who could be
and to become immortal,
and now betrayed him
and His Priest!
Watch out - because it suffers from hunger!
Watch out - because it is, deprived of the Priest,
ceases to be Merciful!
Page 4
Yo! Yo!
Vengeance for me!
Yo! Yo!
This, the Great Deity
deprived of food, waiting for the blood
who awards him his life.
Yo! Yo! Great Run-Tegot!
Old Gods descend to Earth?
It came from the depths of Yuggoth There, his Church?
It requires sacrifice,
It is hungry,
It is waiting for?
You hear him It goes here.
Worship and serve Him.
- I? For and? Hey! And? Haa-kaa-uu BCW,
Run-Tegot - Cthulhu fhtagn Ya! Ya! Ya! Ya!
- Run-Tegot, Ran-Tegot, Ran-Tegot!
The glorification of the Old
Kadafi priests.
Ya! Ya! The oldest, most ancient,
Fathers - Lord of the Fathers - the Lords,
Descended from the Void,
Had seen the depths of the Universal.
Ya! Mere.
Ya! Mere.
Kadafi, the country is unfading,
where you come down,
Kadafi, where you partook of food your
and quenches your hunger.
Kadafi, Country of your mind;
praise of the Fathers Elder
praise of the Fathers - the Masters,

praise of the Fathers, the Lords.

Ya! Yog-SOTHOTH, Mr. Gates!
Ya! Hastur, dancing wildly!
Ya! Nyarlathotep, the Com Power!
Ya! Tsathoggua, Guardian Abyss!
Ya! Cthulhu, Eternal Sleep!
Ya! Run-Tegot, eating the Food!
Hymns are sung in the sanctuary of your,
conquerors of the heavens and the firmament.
Yes, you hit those whom do not say!
Yes, you will be assigned to
Shining Crown
Page 5
And yes exhale Star
slipping in the voids
? Ya! The most ancient!
Take our blood,
Take our insides,
Take our brains,
Take a breath of life is ours.
Ya! Devour us
Holy Messengers,
Lord of the Void!?
Let it be our joy,
Let it be our joy,
When you take
Our offerings,
because we are responsible You are hungry.
Bowls filled with blood,
spread out on the altars of Those
Who will be your blessing.
We give you husband and the maiden
kind of noble,
close Is.
And let them know they were ecstasy!
And let them ascend Breath of Life
Last of creation to the limits!
About Kadafi, where the foundations of Heaven
praises the oldest, nizvergnuvshih
Those Who Do not Speak!
Look for the Golden Country,
As a young virgin, and MT? AA
The first and honorable mention
Learn about our fathers!
Ya! Let it be our joy!
Look for Country Sublime,
As a young Fri? AA
Messengers of True Words
Heralds of Good Words
Enter the abode Vsemateri.
Ya! Let it be our joy!
You, of Shub-Niggurath!
You, on the Nug!
You, of Yeb!
You, of Yig!
Thou, O God-snake!

You are our pastors,

Page 6
Pastors Naivelikie Kadafi children.
You, of Shub-Niggurath!
You, on the Nug!
You, of Yeb!
You, of Yig!
Thou, O God-snake!
Colliding heaven and firmament,
Wind and Water, Light and Darkness
The Creative and Destructive.
Ya! Let it be our joy!
The kings, seated on a throne,
Dragons Unborn Void
The kings, whose laws of honor
Beloved children
Ya! Yes We Will Joy!
Ya! Ever Live!
(Excerpts from? Aruru Book: Scroll of the Sacred Lies?)
O thou, whose name I knew,
Oh, you know who I was
Surrounded Winds Abyss!
Oh, you whiff the Damned
Oh, you're descended from the Stars.
You - The sign
You - Light,
You - the Sacrament.
I destroyed the Seal of thy
and I want to see
The True Shape
My Lord,
My illustrious Priest
Perform the ceremony
In honor of the Ascension
Lung At Bark Reach.
Oh, I'm closer to you.
You say:
? Let us make,
Become One,
Become One,
Be the One?.
But in what way?
And then the gift was given to Slave, whose bosom knows no intercourse
in the dress of the Mother of Shub-Niggurath
Page 7
Crowned, Vladychnaya Virgin
Vsevechnogo Legion youthful offspring.
The gift was given to Slave, whose bosom knows no intercourse.
I enjoy
Naked Jewel,
I drilled
Sparkling Stone
on a bed of onyx
on a bed of onyx.

I'm drinking juice of tender body.

I, in whom the Revelation
I, in whom the prayer.
The stars are merged into the web
and six in the House of His
expect the one whose bosom knows no intercourse.
And six will caress my sister,
and give rest to her in the sarcophagus Zine
in the smoke of incense smoke
in the Hour of Knowledge,
Marriage in the hour of Vsevechnoy,
When you become a
Particle motion of the planets
Lang and Towers
brand plucked out of a cry:
? Ya! Yo!
Ya! Yo!
Ya! Yo!
Wharf - Shub-Niggurath!
Tabots Membrot!
Ya! Ritual before the Six?
[? Mixture of heaven and firmament?].
Priest Rod good,
Shepherd of the royal
The most ancient sanctuaries,
Whose eyes were fixed
to tysyachelikim moons,
directed his steps
Fathers of the House of Gold Country.
? What he has accomplished this?
Page 8
What he wanted to know?
No matter what he asks himself
Sanctuary in the Golden Country,
where the most ancient laws of honor.
Slaven Kadafi,
Shining, The oldest Stored,
I fell down those whom do not speak.
Priest Rod good,
Priest of Shub-Niggurath
Legion and an honorable mention,
stretched down and asked:
? I'm not having a name,
I am unaware of Truth
I, whose breath stinking,
I asked about the Lady,
Mother of multiparas,
Mighty Goat
Legion of youthful offspring,
The vibration of heaven and the firmament,

Wall Builder,
Giver of Laws.
You, the Firstborn,
answer me!
Evil, Cursed
plagued by Kadafi - Country Gold,
Evil, Cursed
plagued by Lomar - strange taste,
Evil, Cursed
To torment? Artagnan - Land of the hidden,
Evil, Cursed
plagued by Mu-Ur - The knower.
Those who commanded,
Those who are cast down,
plagued the Land of Gold.
I behold! - Victims are poor,
I behold! - Altars are empty,
I behold! - Bowls desecrated
I behold! - Priestess unclean,
I behold! - The laws are broken.
Evil, Cursed
Plagued the Land of Gold.
Answered Forever Living:
? A, which has no name,
lift his gaze.
Oh, do not charge the Truth
Raise your gaze.
On whose breath stinking,
Page 9
Raise your gaze.
Good visible and quench our hunger!
Ya! Yes betray forgotten ones
Who has commanded that those who were cast!
Yog-SOTHOTH strikes deals They are dust,
Hastur strikes deals They are dust,
Shub-Niggurath strikes deals They are dust,
Nyarlathotep strikes deals They are dust,
Yig strikes deals They are dust,
Yeb strikes deals They are dust,
God does the serpent strikes They are dust,
Azathoth strikes deals They dispelled!
Ya! Ya! Ya!
Those who commands,
Those who were cast,
They are so blown away!?
Priest Rod good,
Sovereign Shepherd,
The most ancient sanctuaries,
Whose eyes were fixed to the tysyachelikim moons,
I saw a mixture of heaven and the firmament,
The war saw the Baroque,

floating in the streams Burning,

Chariots of War saw,
flying across the vast Plains.
Ancient, the Ever Living,
shocks applied
and the ashes scattered
Those who commands,
Those who were cast!
The oldest are asking,
The most ancient, the elders,
Wall Builders, lords of Thrones:
? Resting there in the world
Gold Country?
Whether relaxing in the world
Country Kadafi?
Whether relaxing in the world
Our Sanctuary?
Stretched prostrate
Priest Rod good,
Sovereign Shepherd
Page 10
The most ancient sanctuaries,
Whose eyes were fixed
to tysyachelikim moons,
stretched prostrate
and said:
? I saw,
and I listened,
Signs and
I traced,
Blood for the High Priest
haggard you!
Ya! Accepted our offerings!
Ya! Crowned,
Mixing the heavens and the firmament!
I behold! - Victims of abundant,
I behold! - Gifts to the altar,
I behold! - Bowls are filled,
I behold! - Priestess of clean,
I behold! - The laws of honor,
Oh, Those who commands
Land of Golden,
Oh, Those Who Throws
Unclean and the Damned
Those who commands,
Those who defeated!
Ya! Hastur!
Ya! Shub-Niggurath!
Ya! Nyarlathotep!
Ya! Yig!
Ya! Yeb!
Ya! Nug!
Ya! The serpent-god!
Ya! Cthulhu!
Ya! Azathoth!
Ya! Ever Live!
I saw
And I listened,
AND Signs

I traced,
Blood for the High Priest
haggard you?.
Call of Shub-Niggurath heeded,
Week Its Offerings heeded.
Stretched to prostrate
They approached
and saw a naked skeleton of Togo,
In Com Mixing Heaven and firmly:
? Ya! Shub-Niggurath!
Page 11
Mighty Goat
With the youthful scions of the Legion!
This is the mystery Listened to you,
This is a Revelation Have known you.
This is the truth,
This is the truth,
This is the truth.
Ya! Sand in my hands
and thy bones whiten
the sand is.
Ya! The body of BoE - Food Week,
Dogs Deluxe Feast Lang.
Ya! Blood Prevosvyaschennika
Haggard from the vessel
My loins.
This is the pleasure,
which has become a bane for you
and you woke up in the terms of the Tombs,
And you see on yourself
languid dance
leper whores - my daughters.
Oh, sweet kisses them!
Betrayed coitus with them and yes holy will!
Awakened in the terms of the Tombs,
Lost his name,
young virgins
You will know
Circle in the Tombs,
where the signs come together:
Call Crimson Wife,
Call Ever Eaten
Yellow Sign,
Sign of the Old Ones.
Ya! So be thou wilt,
for it is the desire
for this is unexplained,
When dissected risen up in darkness.
This is the mystery Listened to you,
This is a Revelation Have known you.
Ya! Blood Priest
Haggard from the vessel of my loins?.
Ya! Previous Ritual Six.
[Finding of Yuggoth].
Page 12

This shall given to you,

because you wanted to know
and read on the sand
Invisible Writings
The oldest of the Fathers,
For you created from the flesh
and dressed in clothes of decay and death.
Truth! Come to know you!
It's true I tell you! Telling the truth!
Listen and remember
In the face of them,
oh, you know that the dust was,
oh, you know that was Nothing
In the face of their concealment.
Hha! Ya!
Azathoth! Azathoth! Azathoth!
Found a stone in your hand it is the essence of the Gate,
what are you looking for
and inquire about this
For those who did not speak
Ignorance and contemplates
and the insignificance of thy
dressed in clothes
wilting and death.
Bowed his head his Glaze she is doomed!
Slopes of his body,
Stretch your body,
and pluck the root of its own,
Oh, from nothingness Nothingness,
and devoured their manure,
because they dared to
In the face of them!
Hha! Ya!
Here is the second document:
And here are my contempt GLOSS, acquired in a blasphemous Pnakta Valleys,
where I wandered in endless dreams of their own. And so was my awakening
bitter that, compared with a mortal drink, diluted bile
seems heavenly nectar ...
Do not swear, unaware of the Eternal Light of Allah, the Book of untold
A solid and the Treaty, since that line it for you, abiding in the darkness
endless night?
Page 13
Knowest thou, O fool, what I saw outside of creation,
When God left me, as I cried out to him? True - coming
HE WHO lies on the threshold! He is coming like a sword of rock, earth and destr
oy Koi
plunge it into the power of genies, ghouls, shaggotov, devils, hell hounds
Lang, snakes and witches? True - the angelic and the mountain of Kaf collapse
disembodied ghosts fill the bustling city, where nothing and no one will
breathe the sweet air and praise the Creator Vsemilostlivogo? Truly,
for it saith Ibn Shakabao - those who encroached on the mystery of mysteries, an
d was
banished, because he drove himself into the darkness, approaching noiseless
great strides with a poisoned dagger assassin? AM COLD DARKNESS?
EXIST? For saying so? I'm that close to the forbidden and beheld
WHAT TO SEE money had mortals? But what is death?

I walked on the sand and the Star-Dragon has opened my eyes. And I heard
a voice that was more beautiful than the purest of the purest voices:? A
Ibn Shakabao, you will attain wealth, something am Allah himself? He will
you to the mountain of Kaf, which angels praise him with shouts of? Allah is gre
And I fell down and was horrified as if it fell into the abyss of fire. And
I had a vision in which I was the messenger, robed in black,
with the banner, painted in the colors of the Holy War. And he said:? O
truly hibernate, you taste the sweetest [Nectar of Truth], some Am Sam
Allah and his Prophet Mohammed - peace be upon him - And you know the LANGUAGE
ANGELS and will carry the words of those who now resides in the Stars and
can upset the cup of Heaven? They are overwhelmed because it is the first city
that is called the Bab-Ilu, and they have brought on the wrath of the Forbidden
City type A? Hell
Coy is hidden in the sands of blissful [Arabia]?.
And I asked him,? Oh, truly awake, the truth is these things? Not
Are you the Messenger of Iblis and his servant? I do not foul the genie are you?
You Am Evil, then begone!? He laughed and cut my breasts acute
steel. Then he tore my heart and put out his eyes. Out of my head, he
made a bowl, stir the contents and urinated into it, proznesya Word
Blasphemy am something of blasphemy. He then drank from it and
trampled on my body, bleeding. My meat gnaw the bodies of birds
mangy dogs and faces of young maidens who sang? O Ibn Shakabao how
you are wise and beautiful! Our master magician, and he reads Stars
! Behold those whose Ubbo-Residence Sutley!? And they tore my utmost
flesh and howled spells moon, the stars and the sun of the dead, that the light
The heart of the Abyss.
O thou that there is light, you're a liar and a bastard! You - Darkness and Woe!
will be planted on a stake in the market day! I curse you! Begone,
begone, begone, begone in the name of Allah!
? Silence, that the truth is? and black sand, hiding the creatures,
Emblem of the stars have been driven Shaggotov?
But the worm is more prejudice? and coldness in the paradise of the north, where
they live
jinn that ignorant that whispered with him, when a merciless sword
His Razil them during the Jihad in heaven? And those who suffered? he comes
Page 14
followed suit and split the heavens and overthrow God from His throne? And
Star, Painted in Blood, which sunk again breaks out on the horizon,
but it will be too late, because the sun fades, and the earth will be devoured b
y Him Who
Am everything and nothing, who cursed the letters referred to AZAG-Thoth Sultan raging hordes of Iblis, it shall not be pronounced his name (on the mount
me, for I recognized name! Truly - God will punish me!) Squalid
The creature, worm, how do you dare to encroach on the Forbidden?? But you were
Mistress devoured Cities in the sand and thrown away like shit
sdohshego donkey Al-Kemi. Such is your fate, as charted on the forehead
Sign of the Old Ones who did not know even God? Oh, woe is me, woe! For
I entered the path of despair and horror? And the winds will spread my ashes and
crucify him?
-I-Uzza Yeey!
Word of a madman? Words koi were given to me in the name of WHO AM Mirror
Damned and The Original MIXING AND THE HEAVENS hard? True, because the
Black cube hides what's crazy? Lamp, seasoned

a human fat chadit and reveals the secrets of Castle, where the leprosy, and dea
wander hand in hand and attack the poor? but when the living [wandering]
for its dusty streets, where [magicians] conjured barbaric God Snake
Dogs, and praised the star? I have seen those who pray and shaggotam
Far from Lang's ghosts, where the cold shackles nizkorozhdennyh slaves
who will be slain on the altar of onyx? Yes, they will be devoured by evil,
frail body, and so God will strike My hot tip Betelgeuse THOSE
Who will break out in their time?
By punishing Star? XHx? Cr - Eye of the Beast, the Original bloodsuckers that
lapis lazuli shines over the vast ice desert [Oh, you do not
reach it, for only princes of the kind of jinn know there way. Ask
this Dahnasha - lord of them, but where do you find it? Go down to the
Hell, where the clay, dust and unbearable thirst?]?
Ibn Shakabao, when are you somknesh eyes? Where is the shadow of thy light? In
Yugiroute - Stronghold of Shadows, where you talked to those who were driven out
Now residing Fringe? Look for signs of blood-stained Mxy, Tulane,
which will be your guide of the wise men who imagine themselves, but
babies are they? and even the great astronomer, which is responsible for the cou
rse of heavenly bodies
in the sky, just a fool? He did not enter upon the table that
on the left hand?
And again he came to me and my mind confused words that have a koi
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Page 15
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Page 17
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