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NEW Interlink


NEW Interlink SerieS


NEW Interlink 4

Valria Siniscalchi
Edited by Maria Eugnia Sanson and Rosa Coelho


Table of Contents


Course aims

Course structure


Course components





New Interlink special features


Students Book
Activity Book


Using New Interlink


2 Lesson Plans


Key to symbols


Lesson plans (A1 D6)


3 Resources Pack


List of photocopiable resources


Resources (A1 D6)


Resources (Game)


Resources (Revision Section)


Table of Contents


Long time no see!

page 4


Prizes and rewards

Dont we know each other?

I dont think so.

Ang Lees won many awards.

page 6


Changes come in threes

Have you lost weight recently?

page 8


Something right,
nothing wrong

Lets have something to drink.

I dont have anywhere to go.

page 10

Dont worry. Nobody saw us.


Have you ever seen an anaconda?

Have you ever?

page 12


Time to set off

page 14

When did you see the first one?

We came across an elephant.

Our SUV broke down.

Revision of questions

Word order in questions

Past Participles
Present Perfect

(affirmative, negative)

The right thing to buy

You could get him a watch.

page 16


The right size and type

page 18

How fast can a Ferrari go?

320 kph.


You mustnt drink and drive.

page 20

You dont have to wear a seatbelt

in the back seat.

You must do the right



Take my advice.
page 22

You have to stop at a yellow light.

I feel sick and I have a terrible


You should take some medicine.


Words related to work

Stressed words
in wh- questions

Words related to films

Connected speech:
has he / has she /
have you / have they

some / any / no +
body / thing / where

Personality adjectives

Word stress

Past Participles

Multiword verbs

wh- words

Past Simple

Changes in
peoples lifestyle

Present Perfect X
Past Simple



Types of films

Present Perfect
(interrogative and
short answers)

Situations Telling stories; giving feedback as a listener.



How about?

Why dont we?

Past Simple

Present Perfect

Past Simple

Present Perfect




Relative Pronouns


Past Simple

Feedback expressions

Present Perfect

Past Continuous


Writing An online community entry about peoples unforgettable experience.


Verbs with two objects



Expressions used to
make, accept and refuse


Too + adjective

How + adjective


Measure adjectives

Verb be

Modal verbs: have to /

dont have to / must /
mustnt / cant

Rules of the road

Giving advice:

Parts of the body

should / shouldnt

must: /ms(t)/

mustnt: /msn(t)/

Adverbs of

Past Simple

Present Perfect


Verb have

Present Simple


Good for you?

page 24

I work a lot.

So do I. / Neither do I.

Short responses:
So / Neither... I

Past Simple
Words related to
healthy habits

Sentence stress

Present Perfect

Modal Auxiliares
Giving advice
Be, Can, Have


Whats wrong?
page 26

How come?

Could you say that again, please?

Situations Giving feedback; asking for clarification.

Words related to
social rules

Expressions used to
ask for clarification and
give feedback

Modal Auxiliares
How + adjective
Giving advice

Writing A letter to an online community about a problem; recepting suggestions and giving advice.



What shall we do?

page 28


We'll help you!

page 30


I'm meeting them in Rio

this Thursday.
page 32


Therell be snow
in Seattle.
page 34


Ive already done that.

page 36


When you come to visit

page 38


Hows it done?
page 40


How long have you

been a cameraman?
page 42


How much was spent

on the special effects?
page 44


If I fell in love with

my boss
page 46


This is how it went.

page 48


I really recommend it.

page 50

Structures used for

suggesting, agreeing
and disagreeing

I will go and get the tickets.

I promise I wont forget.
Shall I take a photo for you?

Will for promises and


Verb collocations

Were going to produce

a special CD.
What are you doing the day
after tomorrow?

Going to for
future plans
Present Continuous for

Types of music
Future Time expressions

It wont be warm in Chicago.

Will there be snow

Will for
future predictions

Natural disasters
Weather conditions
World problems

Have you made all the

changes yet?
No, I havent. Not yet.

Present Perfect with

already / yet

Words and verbs related to

going green
Housework chores

Were leaving on Thursday

at 2 p.m.
Were going to work with
Pedro and his team.
Ill tell you all about it
when I get back.
Therell be some rain.

Words related to charity

page 53

Word stress in

Going to future
Present Continuous for
future arrangements


Present Continuous

There + be
Agreeing / Disagreeing
Indefinite pronouns
Adverbs of Frequency
Past Simple
Going to future
Future Forms
Present Perfect with already / yet

Expressions related to
plans, promises,
arrangements and

Writing An email to foreign friends coming to your home town.

Verb be in the Simple Present
Film vocabulary
Past Participles
Sequence linkers

The screenplay is written.

Sound effects arent always

The Present Passive

Words related to
the film industry

Ive been a cameraman for

about twelve years now.
Hes lived in Porto Alegre
since 2006.

Present Perfect +
for / since

Jobs related to
the film industry

Some visual effects were

created by computer.
The film wasnt made only
for children.

The Past Passive

Words related to
the film industry
Types of films

What would you do if you

won a million pounds?
If they really loved each
other, they wouldnt argue
all the time.

Second Conditional

Verb collocations for


First Conditional
Past Simple

First of all, I was really

annoyed because he arrived
forty minutes later.

Time expressions

Expressions and verbs

used to tell a story

Past Simple
Past Continuous
Second Conditional

Words related to
the film industry
Verb collocations

Film Vocabulary
Present Simple
Past Simple
Present Passive
Past Passive
Present Perfect
Second Conditional
How long...?
Time Expressions

Its a must-see and I really

recommend it!
The leading role is played by
Tom Hanks.
It was directed by Steven

Situations Explaining how things went.

Learn to Learn


I think we could donate

the money to...
I couldnt agree more!
Im not so sure!

Situations Negotiating.



Revision Section A
Revision Section B
Revision Section C
Revision Section D

Present Simple
Past Simple

/i/ and //

Types of films
Make me feel + adjective
Likes & dislikes
The Present Passive
Verb be in the past

Writing A blog entry about a film.

page 54
page 58

Chat Pages

Vocabulary Pack

Activity Book

page 62

page 70

page 76

page 81

page 66

Connected speech:
How long
have you / they?
has he / she?

Stop & Check A

Stop & Check B
Stop & Check C
Stop & Check D

page 88
page 98


page 108

page 119

page 116

Language Bank
page 125

1 Introduction

Course aims


New Interlink is a six-level course specially designed for adults and young adults whose first language
is Portuguese.
The results of a special market research carried out by Cultura Inglesa indicated that Brazilian adult
learners usually look for a course that will provide them with linguistic skills in English to express
themselves orally, to understand what they hear, and to be able to operate comfortably in business and
social situations. They value a good range of vocabulary and aim at a level of comfortable intelligibility.
They also expect the process of learning English to take place quickly. New Interlink attempts to
meet these expectations by making use of principles and techniques that speed up the learning
process, focus on essential language for immediate communication, help learners to overcome their
psychological barriers and develop a sense of achievement.

Course structure

Each level of New Interlink consists of 24 complete lessons grouped into 4 sections. Each of the six
levels of New Interlink is a single volume which integrates Students and Activity Book. Each volume
provides 40 hours of core work, with additional materials in the Teachers Guide which can extend the
course to approximately 60 hours.
New Interlink takes students from beginner level (zero or false beginners) up to intermediate level
(Common European Framework Level B1, leading into B2).


The expectations of Brazilian adult learners towards the linguistic content and skills of an ideal course,
or what they call a comfortable level of English, can be interpreted as a level of linguistic competence
equivalent to the Common European Framework Levels B1-B2. The syllabus design in New Interlink was
then based on the Association of Language Testers in Europe (ALTE) Level 2 and Cambridge ESOL PET
examination syllabus and specifications. However, some adaptation was necessary to meet the needs
of the Brazilian market. Some elements were prioritised and others de-prioritised so as to respond
more accurately to the Brazilian adult learners profile in terms of their perceived needs, specific
linguistic difficulties and strengths, general knowledge and cultural background.

From the Cambridge ESOL lexical syllabus, some topic areas were reduced or expanded
in New Interlink so as to match the needs and interests of Brazilian learners better. Areas
such as animals include slightly fewer items, whereas others such as technology and
telecommunications have been added to. Also, the fact that Brazilian Portuguese and English
share a lot of true cognates allowed the list of lexical items to include words that are usually
considered advanced for a Common European Framework Level B, but which would present no
difficulty for the Brazilian learner. A positive consequence of the inclusion of such words is the
unique opportunity it gives the learners to build up their lexical repertoire more quickly, which
is very much in tune with their expectations.

Although no grammar areas present in the Cambridge ESOL syllabus were discarded, more
emphasis was put on some rather than on others, based on how difficult they might be for
the target learner to master. This difficulty depends on the degree of similarity or difference
between English and Brazilian Portuguese as to the form, concept and use of each particular
item. For example, Brazilian Portuguese has verb tenses which are basically the same as the
present and past continuous in English, sharing with them both form and concept in most
contexts. So these two English verb tenses could be dealt with more lightly and faster than
is usually done in international coursebooks, as Brazilian learners can grasp their concept
and form much more easily than, for instance, speakers of German or French. On the other
hand, it is usually quite hard for Brazilian learners to use there to be correctly, because
Brazilian Portuguese expresses this concept in a totally different way from English. Therefore
a differentiated approach was used when presenting and practising it, so as to provide the
learner with activities that were appropriate to the specific sort of difficulty they usually face.

The list of phonological aspects to be dealt with in New Interlink contains only those segmental
and suprasegmental elements that are especially difficult for the Brazilian learner to
master, and that might affect their comfortable intelligibility. For example, Brazilian learners
tend to confuse the phonemes /r/ and /h/ in initial positions, so special emphasis is given to
the contrast between them. By the same token, there is no focus at all on the production or
contrast between the phonemes /b/ and /v/, as they do not represent a problem for Brazilian
Portuguese speakers.

The common cultural background shared by the prospective users of New Interlink learners
and teachers allowed the team of authors to select topics which are seen as relevant
for Brazilian adult and young adult learners and provide an ideal basis for presentation of
language and skills development. Work and study, family, entertainment, travelling are some
of the topics most Brazilians would want to talk about in English.

Course components

Students Book
The Students Book consists of 24 lessons divided into 4 sections (A, B, C and D). Lessons
are presented on a double-page spread covering different topics and presenting a range of
structures, vocabulary and pronunciation points that meet the specific needs and characteristics
of Brazilian learners. At the end of the book, students can find the following special sections
and materials:

an interactive word bank (Vocabulary Pack)

information-gap activities (Chat Pages)

a Revision Section containing a set of activities for each section of the book to be done
in class at teachers discretion

an Activity Book fully integrated with the Students Book

separate answer keys for the exercises in the Revision Sections and Activity Book

separate Language Reference Cards, to be used at any time in class or at home for
language support

f a CD for students use, with essential recorded audio texts and a ROM feature with
interactive activities

audioscripts of listening texts and a list of CD tracks

Activity Book
The Activity Book is fully integrated in the Students Book not a separate book. It provides an
opportunity for learners to consolidate and expand the language presented in the 24 lessons.
There is one set of Activity Book exercises for each lesson. Most of these are practice exercises
designed for homework use, but some may also be done in class, as further consolidation
practice (see Link Exercise below).
The Activity Book also includes a list of core words and expressions in each lesson, as well as
preparation for writing activities and self-evaluation exercises (see Writing Helpdesk and Stop
& Check below).
New Interlink 1, 2, 3 and 4 Activity Books also offer study tips to help learners develop learning
and studying strategies.
New Interlink 5 and 6 Activity Books also include exam practice tips and exercises for the
Cambridge ESOL Preliminary English Test (PET).

Teachers Classroom CDs and Students CD-ROM

New Interlink provide different audio CDs for the teacher and for the students. The two Teachers
Classroom CDs include all the recorded listening material available for the book.
The Students CD-ROM includes the main recordings that can be used by learners at home, in a
car or on a personal stereo or computer for extra listening practice for both the Students Book
and the Activity Book. The audioscripts at the end of the book offer extra support for this selfstudy. The Students CD-ROM also features interactive activities.

Teachers Guide
The Teachers Guide provides detailed plans for all the lessons in the Students Book, tips and
ideas on classroom management, language features, cultural notes as well as suggestions
and materials for extra activities. It also includes full answer keys and a Resources Pack with
printed photocopiable materials to be used in the classroom. The pack comprises pdf slides /
OHTs, information-gap cards, role-play cards and other materials.

Multimedia CD-ROM
A special component of the material, the Multimedia CD-ROMs are an optional resource
for teachers which can be used for language presentation and practice in the classroom. It
presents a number of short computer-based materials that integrate recorded texts (words,
expressions, sentences or dialogues) and images (drawings or photographs) often animated
and interactive. These activities provide the teacher with a tool to motivate the learners and
focus their attention, organise their learning and enhance their speaking opportunities in
the lesson. This technological device, when put to sound pedagogic use, creates memorable
moments in the classroom. It also meets the needs of a great number of learners who use
computers in their offices and homes on a regular basis, and would expect this type of
technology to have a role in the learning process.
The Multimedia CD-ROM also includes special materials designed for the interactive white board.
Because not all schools using New Interlink have access to classroom computers, nonmultimedia alternatives are suggested in the Teachers Guide. Integrated pdf slides / OHTs,
handouts, flashcards and recordings on CD among other possibilities can replace the
material designed for the computer in classrooms which do not have the technology.


The main pedagogical principles of New Interlink have their roots in the Communicative Approach to
Language Teaching and in the Lexical Approach. The methodology includes various techniques taken
from a range of teaching methods in a principled way.
Here are some of the main principles of New Interlink:

Language is a means of communication.

The majority of activities proposed in the material aim at promoting interaction with tasks
that involve negotiation and sharing of information among learners. The language provided
in New Interlink for communication was based on Lewis concept of probable rather than
possible English (Implementing the Lexical Approach, LTP, 1997:15). This means that the English
presented in New Interlink was chosen not only for its correctness, but mainly for its frequency
and appropriateness in real use. Some EFLese, however, could not be totally avoided as the
language of communication in class at very early stages.

Learning does not take place in a linear way.

A systematic process of recycling underlies New Interlink with a view to guaranteeing the
constant recurrence of certain language items and features. A whirlpool approach was
established for the materials helping learners to internalise the target language at a dynamic
and lively pace. Instead of massive repetition of language items in one go, which may increase
the learners level of anxiety and damage their self-confidence, New Interlink promotes
distributed recycling of vocabulary and grammatical structures.

The four skills need to be developed.

The development of oral and listening skills was prioritised in New Interlink as a direct response
to Brazilian learners wants and expectations. However, reading and writing skills are needs
which can be clearly related to the learners professional requirements. The four skills are dealt
with within the material in different proportions (Refer to Syllabus Rationale section above)
but they are all present and are developed in an integrated manner.

Learning is a cognitive process.

Learning becomes more effective when learners get intellectually involved in tasks which
stimulate both right and left hemispheres of the brain. The activities and tasks proposed in
New Interlink make use of learners previous experience and encourage them to speculate on
the language, to solve problems and to be creative.

Students should take an active part in learning.

Besides presenting tasks that keep learners busy and cognitively involved, New Interlink attempts
to develop students autonomy by providing study tips for learner training and a number of tools
for self-study such as the Activity Book, the CD-ROM and the New Interlink Routes.

The sound use of L1 is a powerful teaching/learning tool.

As speakers of Brazilian Portuguese, the team of authors of New Interlink are aware of the
language system features of the learners L1 which gives them the opportunity to make L1 an
ally to enhance learning. Therefore activities involving L1 and L2 comparison are to be found
in New Interlink. Although students and teachers are encouraged to use English as much as
possible, the use of L1 as a means of instruction occurs especially at earlier stages with a view
to offering learners affective support and enhancing their self-confidence.


Vocabulary is the major tool to carry meaning.

Since the authors of New Interlink were in the privileged situation of creating materials to be
used with groups of monolingual students, i.e. Brazilian Portuguese speakers, the materials
expose learners to a significant quantity of vocabulary which makes good use of true and false
cognates and favours the noticing and use of language in meaningful chunks most of the
time. This provides learners with language to go from the very beginning, which meets their
immediate need to communicate. However, the significant amount of vocabulary students
are exposed to in New Interlink does not mean that all language should be productive. New
Interlink pre-cycles a lot of vocabulary using lexis to provide more natural contexts but not
necessarily as language to be focused on or practised at that stage. This pre-cycled vocabulary
will appear later in the series as productive language.

Learners need to have motivation and develop a sense of achievement

from the very beginning.
In order to nurture strong and consistent motivation and a positive feeling towards the
process of learning, learners need to be exposed to challenging but comprehensible input
in a comfortable and relaxed atmosphere in which they feel at ease, confident and ready to
learn. New Interlink tries to build an anxiety-free environment and presents activities that are
useful to the learners, relevant to their needs and within their capability, which should ensure
motivation and foster a sense of achievement. New Interlink also provides consistent but not
exaggerated practice which allows adequate manipulation and rehearsal of the language
before it is used more freely.


In the New Interlink series, language is presented in context: in dialogues, in reading texts, in
combinations of reading and listening texts or by means of illustrations, charts or Multimedia
images. Contexts are as similar as possible to real life situations, showing to students the
authentic purposes for the language they are learning. Presentations also attempt to make use
of students knowledge of the world and previous knowledge of the foreign language. In the
case of adult learners, this usually means they can contribute a lot to language presentation,
which helps them develop their self-confidence. Comparisons to Portuguese also aid the
presentation of vocabulary and grammar, and pronunciation is viewed as an integral part of
any language presentation.

A lot of practice is provided in the New Interlink lessons. After being presented in context,
language is practised in activities ranging from totally controlled to totally free modes.
Students are given plenty of opportunity, individually, in pairs and in groups, to drill language,
to manipulate linguistic forms, to role-play real life situations and to express their own ideas.
Audio recordings, multimedia materials, charts, diagrams, gapped dialogues, matching and
completing exercises, memory games, card games are some of the means used to provide
students with a wide variety of practice activities in class. Oral and interactive activities are
prioritised in class since classtime is precious and should be optimised for communication. The
Activity Book offers extra opportunities for the recycling and consolidation of language, which
can be done on a self-access basis. Revision Sections also present practice activities to be used
in class or at home.

An important feature in the New Interlink lesson is personalisation, in which students have the
chance to use the language to refer to their own experiences, to express their own opinions,
to speak and write about themselves and to ask and answer real questions. This is naturally
highly motivating for the learning process, as it provides substantial evidence of students
competence. Personalisation can take place at any stage in a lesson.

Throughout the book learners are exposed to a range of listening text types and accents.
They are given practice in listening for gist, listening for specific information, predicting and
inferring. Listening texts are used to contextualise language, to aid language presentation,
to help reading comprehension by indicating effective chunking, to provide practice, to check
answers and to consolidate language.

Students are also presented with a variety of reading texts which contextualise and recycle
language. Different tasks develop learners ability to understand general meaning, to identify
specific information, to infer intended meaning and/or to guess the meaning of new words
from context.

Although New Interlink prioritises speaking as a productive skill, writing is present in all books
of the series, gradually ranging from simpler tasks in the first book to more complex texts
in the others. Each lesson Section ends with a main writing task that is totally integrated with
the topic and language of the Section. Preparation for writing activities are provided both in the
Students Book and in the Activity Book (see Writing Helpdesk below).

The New Interlink methodology offers numerous opportunities for recycling of language
throughout the book, aiming at making this process of recycling more evident to students.

New Interlink special features

Students Book

Lessons in New Interlink include an Organizer, where the new target language items are
signposted and systematized for the learner. The Organizer presents summarised explanations
with minimal use of metalanguage and include tasks to aid students in their discovery of
patterns in the language by helping them come to conclusions. The Organizer also serves as a
reference for practice activities in the lessons.

Interlink Box
Interlink boxes focus on areas of English which are frequent sources of confusion,
misunderstanding and error for an average Brazilian learner. They highlight common problems


Brazilians may face with particular language items being dealt with in the lesson, and function
as a reminder of which areas learners must pay special attention to.

Pronunciation Box
In New Interlink, pronunciation is considered essential to the understanding and production
of language. Word stress, sentence stress, the linking of consonants and vowels, strong and
weak forms in connected speech are highlighted from the very beginning in an attempt
to sensitise students to important features of the language. Colour codes such as pink for
stressed syllables in new words or yellow for connected speech are used systematically in
the book as an integral part of language presentation and practice, also giving students the
opportunity to learn and practise by themselves. The Students CD-ROM that accompanies
the book facilitates this task.

Tip Box
New Interlink lessons include several tips about relevant and interesting aspects of the English
language which may facilitate the learning process. Tips may refer to spelling, British and
American varieties, special plurals, special pronunciation features, to name but a few.

Recycling Box
This features in New Interlink 2 to 6. It is designed to help the teacher elicit / revise previously
taught language, either as part of the grammar focus of the lesson or as preparation for a
communicative activity.

The Internet is an excellent source for authentic texts, where students can develop reading
skills, expand vocabulary and develop learner autonomy. In New Interlink some lessons
recommend sites related to the topic of the lesson. Teachers should encourage the students to
visit these websites and there are some suggested tasks given in the Teachers Guide.

Revision Section
For each lesson Section in the Students Book there is a set of revision activities to be found at
the end of the book. The Revision activities can be used at the teachers discretion in revision
lessons or as part of regular lessons, according to the needs of the learners. They include
listening activities, vocabulary and grammar exercises and speaking practice activities, often
using extra resources available in the Resources Pack. Revision Sections are mainly class
material, though a few exercises can be done at home.

English in Class
Classroom language is an important part of the linguistic content of a course as students are
able to see the immediate relevance of what they are learning and can use it authentically in
class, thus increasing their motivation. New Interlink 1 has special sections that focus on the
teaching of classroom language. Once presented, language should be constantly revised and
its use frequently encouraged by the teacher.

English at Work
Another feature of New Interlink which meets the needs of adult learners are extra activities
that focus on special needs of their professional life. The English at Work activities focus on
language required for the workplace and for talking about the work environment.


Activity Book

Link Exercise
This is an Activity Book exercise designed in such a way that it can be integrated in the
Students book as part of the lesson, if the teacher feels the need for extra consolidation of the
main item being taught. If it isnt used in the lesson, it can be assigned as homework with the
other Activity Book exercises. The Link Exercise is clearly signposted both in the Students Book
and in the Teachers Guide by the icon

Stop & Check

There is one Stop & Check in each Activity Book Section (A6, B6, C6 and D6). It is a set of testlike exercises to help learners self-evaluate and revise.

Writing Helpdesk
This is a set of activities in the Activity Book (A6, B6, C6 and D6) that helps the learners organize
ideas for the writing task suggested in the Students Book. It also helps them put together
the language items necessary to build up sentences and paragraphs more easily. The Writing
Helpdesk can be used at home by the learner on his or her own, or in class with coaching
by the teacher.


Using New Interlink

A Students Book Section and its companion components. Examples taken from lessons in Section B.

Section A
Activity Book B1


New language

Language Reference
Cards B
Summary of language
taught in Section with
discovery exercises

Page 92 #2



Chat Page Student A

New language

SB page 92

SB page 53

Student A g Chat Page...

Student B g Chat Page...

Chat Page Student B

SB page 54

Resources Pack
TG page 74


New language

Look at the picture...


Vocabulary Pack 5

New language

g Vocabulary Pack 5...

Chat Page Student A


SB page 53

New language

Activity Book B6

Student A g Chat Page...

Student B g Chat Page...

Writing Helpdesk


SB page 100

Recycling and expanding

Activity Book B6

Writing Helpdesk B
Stop & Check B

Stop & Check

Your family h B4
SB page 61

Chat Page Student B

SB page 54

SB pages 101-102

Revison Section B

Resources Pack
TG page 94

Activities and exercises for revision lessons

7 Get cards...

15 Student A g Chat Page...

Student B g Chat Page...

Chat Page Student A

SB page 55

Chat Page Student B

SB page 56

Section C

Lesson Plans

Key to symbols
st / sts

student / students




overhead transparency




activity 2




individual work


pair work


group work or mingle

site(s) related to lesson topic
Link Exercise

20 MIN

estimated time: 20 minutes

RP4 A3.1

Resources Pack New Interlink 4 Lesson A3 activity 1

CD1 Track 23

Audio CD 1 Track 23

MM D6.7

Multimedia CD-ROM Lesson D6 activity 7


e-Board activity available



Long time no see!

Aim(s) of the lesson:


Talking about oneself

EXpREssIoNs: Dont

we know each other?, I dont think so,

Long time no see!, Nice to meet you, What are you doing at
the moment?, Whats the best / worst thing about your job?


15 MIN

3 IND Focus on the sentences in yellow in the conversations


#1. Explain the exercise using example in number 1. Sts match

in #
the other expressions with the explanations. Classcheck and drill
the expressions by getting the whole class to repeat each phrase
after you (Choral repetition).
KEY: 2 Long time no see!
3 What are you doing at the moment?
4 Nice to meet you.
5 Dont we know each other?

Stressed words in wh-questions


Listening to dialogues
Speaking: asking and answering classmates questions
Reading a magazine article

wh- words

15 MIN

First class ice-breaker

TS Books closed. Write prompts on the B for sts to find out
information about different people in class. Select 5 or 6 prompts
appropriate to your group. Elicit the questions before starting.
MGL Sts stand and ask each other the questions. Monitor
and take notes. After 5 minutes, ask sts to tell the class
one interesting thing they learned about each other. Make
comments on your notes, if necessary.
suggestions of prompts:
studied at the Cultura last year / has been to England /
is working at the moment / has children / has never been
abroad / is married / has failed a test / has met somebody
famous / would like to go to the moon / has seen (name of
recent film) / comes to the Cultura by car

1 TS Books open. Tell sts to cover the conversations in #1.

Ask What differences are there between the pictures?
Teach shake hands.

PW Refer sts to the photos and instructions. Give pairs a few

minutes to discuss but tell them they should not try to put
sentences in order now. Elicit possible answers from class.
KEY: photo 1: Julia, a hotel receptionist, and Jeff, who are friends.
photo 2: Jeff and Laura, a journalist, who have just met.


IND Refer sts to the jumbled dialogues and the first lines. Get
sts to read and order the dialogues. Play CD track for sts to check
answers. Classcheck.
KEY: Conversation 1: 6 5 3 2 1 4
Conversation 2: 3 2 1 5 6 4


Revision of questions
Word order in questions


CD1 Track 2

TIP: Get sts to practise the dialogues in #1 in pairs after

#3. Ideally, this type of controlled practice should be done
after you have gone through the new vocabulary so that
sts understand what they are saying, instead of merely
parroting language.

4 PW Tell sts they will now use the expressions in #3 to

start short conversations with three different people in class.

Highlight they have to use three different expressions. Sts talk
to the classmate on their right. Encourage them to go on with
their conversations for one minute. Sts change pairs, talking to
the one on their left. Monitor and be available for help. At the
end sts share the topics of their conversations with the class.



10 MIN

CD1 Track 3

1 TS Before playing the CD track, ask sts to read the

article and guess which facts may be true or false. Check sts
guesses without confirming anything. Play CD track for sts
to listen to the interview and write T or F next to the lines.
KEY: 2 F 3 F 4 T 5 F 6 F 7 T 8 F

2 Play track again for sts to correct the false sentences.

Classcheck. Ask Have you ever worked in a hotel? Would you like
to have this job? Why (not)?
KEY: 2 Two years ago
3 Because he meets people from all over the world.
5 No more than half an hour.
6 twice a week
8 to be a film director


6 Book Track

10 min

Multimedia Track

CD1 Track 4

MM A1.6

IND Focus on Lauras

notebook and her questions,
1 to 13. Get sts to complete
the questions with the
appropriate auxiliary verb or
form of the verb be, looking
at the Organizer. Monitor
for accuracy, helping if
TS Highlight the form
of questions by eliciting the
appropriate use of do, does,
did and will in the Organizer.
Focus on the Interlink box
and highlight the typical
error caused by Portuguese
Play CD track for sentence 1
and help sts notice the
stressed words (Where/live).
Play CD track for the other
sentences. Classcheck after
each sentence, asking sts
to mark the stress on each
question. Have sts repeat
the questions aloud to feel
the stress more clearly. Play
track again for sts to listen
and repeat.
KEY: 2 do 3 do 4 did
5 s
6 do 7 does
8 do 9 are 10 s
11 s
12 do 13 will

PW Allow sts some time

to look at the questions and
come up with the right aux
verb. Drag and drop the aux
verbs to check. Wrong verbs
will bounce back. Refer them
to #6 in the SB and give
them 1 to do it individually.
PW Ask sts to underline
the words they think are
stressed in each sentence.
Refer them to MMClass
and click on sound icon to
highlight words and play
sound. Sts listen, check and
repeat. Call attention to the
fact that auxiliary verbs are
not normally stressed.

8 TS Refer sts to the ideas in the box and elicit a few

examples. Get sts to talk about their job / school. Monitor closely
and help, in case sts need some extra vocabulary. Elicit a few
examples at the end.
TIP: This is a quick personalization exercise, for sts to
have some fluency practice. They are not expected to be
totally accurate here, but use the opportunity to evaluate
individual sts specific needs as you monitor.

9 MGL Have sts ask Lauras questions to two other sts in

class, taking notes, if necessary. Tell sts they should discover two
things that they have in common and two that are different.
Monitor and take notes for delayed correction. Get sts to give
feedback to the class as in the example. Write some of your
notes on the B and elicit correction.

Follow up

Get sts to write down the two things they found sts have in
common and the two that are different in #9. Ask them to add
two more sentences comparing themselves to a brother /
sister / friend / boyfriend / colleague etc.

Activity Book A1, page 81.

Get sts to do Activity Book page 81 #2.


15 min

7 PW Refer sts to Lauras questions 10 and 11. Get sts

to guess Jeffs answers. Classcheck by writing possible answers

on the B so that sts notice the use of noun phrases or verbs in
the ing form to complete the sentence The worst / best thing
about my job is.
KEY: Suggestions:
10 Working at night, the night shift
11 Meeting people from all over the world, speaking
their languages.



Prizes and rewards

Aim(s) of the lesson:



Talking about past experiences

types of films: action, comedies, fantasy, horror, mystery,

romantic, science fiction, thrillers


Past Participles
Present Perfect (affirmative, negative)


Frequency expressions
Past Simple

10 MIN

1 TS Books closed. Write the words cinema and reading

on the B. Ask Do you like going to the cinema? Do you like

reading? Which one do you prefer? Elicit sts reactions.

Books open. Drill the 8 types of films and stories, starting with
a choral repetition and continuing with three individual ones.
Ask sts to tick their two top choices. Elicit sts answers.
GW Have sts compare their choices and talk about their taste
in films using the prompts. At the end ask groups about the
most popular types.

10 MIN

CD1 Track 5

PW Tell sts to cover the text and look at the five photos A to E.
Tell sts to answer questions 1 to 3. Dont confirm sts answers now.
IND Ask sts to uncover the biography of Ang Lee. Play the CD
track for sts to listen, read and check their answers. Classcheck.
Ask Have you seen his films? What are they like?
TS After sts read and listen to the text, clarify any vocabulary
doubts they may have, especially B.A. (Bachelor of Arts), a regular
university degree, and M.A. (Master of Arts), a masters degree.
KEY: 1 From Taiwan. 2 Hes a screenplay writer and film director.
3 B, C, D, E are films directed by Ang Lee (A).

3 IND Get sts to re-read the text more carefully and answer

questions 1 to 6. Use the example to show they can write short

answers for the year or a question mark if the answer isnt in the
text. Classcheck.
KEY: 2 In 1983. 3 In 1990. 4 ? 5 In 1992. 6 ?


15 MIN

CD1 Track 6

TS Play the CD track for sts to check their answers for #4.
Classcheck. Play the CD track again for sts to repeat the sentences.
KEY: 1 wrote
2 has written
3 directed
4 has directed
5 won
6 has won

6 Book Track

Speaking: talking about past experiences with films,

books and places
Listening to a dialogue
Reading a biography

Sts complete the sentences. Dont check them now.

NouNs: award, prize, screenplay; degrees: B.A., M.A.;


4 IND Refer sts to the verbs in yellow in the text.



TS Tell sts to look at

sentences in #4 again, at the
examples in the Organizer.
Ask: Do we know when
Ang Lee wrote the other
screenplays? (No.) / Does it
matter to the author? (No.) /
Do we know when he won
his other prizes? (No.) /
Does it matter to the
author? (No.) / What tense
does the author use when
it does matter when things
happened? (Past Simple.)
TS Ask sts to circle
the correct options in the
Organizer. Classcheck.
Emphasise the fact that the
Present Perfect doesnt have
a specific time reference
because it does not matter
when. Refer back to the
Organizer and ask sts how
the Present Perfect is formed
(aff. & neg.).

MulTiMedia Track
MM A2.6
TS Carry out this
activity as a substitution
and transformation drill.
Tell sts that they will see a
prompt and use it to create
a sentence in the Present
Perfect and then transform
the sentence according to
the cues they see. Click to
show first prompt (He /
direct / many films). Click
again to see first cue (n).
Elicit affirmative sentence,
i.e. Hes directed many films.
Click to check. Repeat. Keep
a brisk pace. There are five
cues for each of the four

Read the Tip box to sts and elicit a few more examples of regular
and irregular verbs they have seen in this lesson (#3 and 4), with
their Past tense and Past Participle forms. Then, show sts the
Language Bank on page 125. Drill a few verbs and participles from
the Bank, esp. write, win, see, make.
LEARNING TIP: Tell sts the only way to learn the past
participle of irregular verbs is by memorizing. Make it clear
to them that it is their responsibility to use the Language
Bank (page 125) and learn them as fast as they can.
If time allows, ask sts to write a sentence about the prizes they
have received in their lives without mentioning the time. Give two
examples yourself. Then ask sts to write the same sentences again
this time adding the time when, and so using the past tense.
KEY: 1 past 2 more

TS Refer sts to the box of Contractions. Tell sts the affirmative

forms of have are weak forms, so they shouldnt be stressed.
Thats why they are contracted. The negative forms havent and
hasnt are stressed.

T: write a lot of screenplays (affirmative) Ive written a lot
of screenplays.
Sts: Ive written a lot of screenplays.
T: They
Sts: Theyve written a lot of screenplays.
direct a lot of films he write many books we

T: win many awards (negative) We havent won many

Sts: We havent won many awards.
T: he
Sts: He hasnt won many awards.
live abroad they work in the cinema she

15 min

7 TS Focus on the picture, asking sts Who are these people?

Where are they? What are they doing? Whats happening?.

1 TS Refer sts to the past participles in the boxes and ask

What are their infinitives? Refer them again to the Language
Bank on page 125 to help them find the infinitives and also see
that, with regular verbs, the past participle looks and sounds
the same as the past tense form. Quickly drill the pronunciation
of each past participle in the boxes before asking them to do
the activity.
IND Sts complete sentences a to g. Classcheck by asking
individual sts to read their answers. Ask Which sentences do you
think are true or false?
KEY: b read c met d travelled e been f won g lived
TIP: Take the chance to highlight the use of contractions
and drill a few sentences if you feel sts havent grasped
the correct stress.


15 min

8 TS Refer sts to the exchange and make them repeat the

example lines after you. Make it a true exchange by reading line

A yourself and inviting sts to respond with true information.
Give another example with sentence b (Ive read the novel),
if necessary.
GW Sts discuss their experiences in groups. Monitor closely
for accuracy. At the end, elicit a few personal examples about
sentences a to g (eg. I have / havent seen all Ang Lees films.
I have / havent read the novel)

9 TS Refer sts to the pictures of the book, film and place.

Get sts to do Activity Book page 82 #2.

GRAMMAR practice & listening

PW Get pairs to compare their answers and correct the false

ones. Play CD track again for pairs to confirm their answers.
KEY: a F (not all films) b T c F (He has, in Berlin.)
d F (He has, 3 or 4 times.) e T f T
g F (He has, in the US and Canada.)

Show them the model exchange and ask them to guess if YOU
have read/seen/been to these. (Sts are A and you are B). Respond
with true answers. Tell sts to write any names of books, films and
places some they have read/seen/been to, some they havent.
PW They show their lists to a partner, who has to guess if they
have or havent read/seen/been to. Then, pairs exchange roles.
Elicit a few books, films and places sts have read/seen/been to
at the end.
Weblink Encourage sts to visit the website and find THREE

new pieces of information about Ang Lee. Elicit their answers

at the beginning of the following class.

Follow up

TS Refer sts to the audioscript of the conversation between

Rachel and Pedro. Play the CD track again and tell sts to focus on
the different ways people say Im sorry at the beginning and
at the end of the dialogue. Discuss the reasons why the utterances
have different stress and intonation.

Activity Book A2, pages 82 & 83.

CD1 Track 7

TS Tell sts they will listen to Rachel and Pedros conversation

and write T or F. If sentences are false, they should write the
correct information. Play CD track for sts to do the exercise. Stop
the CD at regular intervals, if necessary.



Changes come in threes

Aim(s) of the lesson:


2 TS Tell sts they will have to agree on programmes to watch

tonight. Elicit / recycle ways of making suggestions and agreeing /

Talking about achievements and recent actions

NouNs: ballroom dancer, body art, decoration, dental

treatments, encouragement, health, makeover, makeup,

neighbours, overweight
ADJECTIvEs: glamorous, naughty, uncontrollable
vERb CoLLoCATIoNs: change (your hairstyle), get a new
(piercing, tattoo), have (cosmetic, eye) surgery,
(lose, put on) weight, redecorate, start a diet

Connected speech

Speaking: talking about achievements and recent actions

Reading a TV guide

How about
Why dont we...?

20 MIN

1 1 TS Books closed. Ask sts Do you watch reality shows?

Which are your favourite ones? What are they about?
PW Books open. Refer sts to the TV guide and to the questions.
Tell them they should not read the details of the text but just
read it quickly to find what it is about. Sts do the exercise.
KEY: Miami Ink Supernanny Dancing with the Stars
You are what you eat Trading Spaces Ten Years Younger

2 PW Tell sts that they could do the exercise because some

key words helped them even if they did not understand
everything. Ask pairs to circle ONE word that helped them.

3 PW Ask pairs to compare their words with another 2 or 3

pairs. Hopefully, sts will find out that they circled different
words. Classcheck, eliciting different key words related to the
same topic.

TIP: Tell sts that reading a text quickly to find the general
topic (skimming) is a frequent reading practice. Looking for
key words is an essential strategy for understanding.



15 MIN

3 1 IND Refer sts to the pictures of the participants and

ask sts to identify the shows they were in in the TV guide in #1.
Sts write A to D in the boxes in the TV guide. Classcheck.
KEY: A Trading Spaces
B Dancing with the Stars
C You are what you eat
D Ten Years Younger

Present Perfect (interrogative and short answers)


GW Groups discuss their choices. Monitor closely for fluency,

encouraging sts to suggest, agree and disagree. At the end,
groups report their decisions, justifying their choices. Ask Do you
watch these reality TV programmes? Would you like to take part
in any of these programmes? Which one? Why? Why do you think
these reality shows are so popular now?

CD1 Track 8


TS Refer sts to the four sentences in #3 and ask Which verb

tense was used in the four sentences?
Refer sts to the PRESENT EVIDENCE column in the Organizer.
Sts complete the RECENT ACTION column with the participants
sentences in #3. T models the completion of first sentence
with sts. Sts fill in the others. Play CD track for sts to check their
Have sts choose the correct option (can). Classcheck. Explain
that the Present Perfect is also used to talk about achievements
and recent actions. Refer sts to 1st recent action. Ask How do you
know these actions happened recently? (Because you can see
the results in the present.) What are these results?
KEY: can
1 Ive learnt how to dance really well!
2 The Joneses have redecorated our bedroom.
3 Shes changed her appearance completely.
4 Hes lost a lot of weight.

4 Book Track
TS Refer sts to the 4
questions to be asked the
4 people in #3. Sts match
questions and participants
by writing A to D in the
parentheses. Classcheck. Ask
What do you imagine they
PW Refer sts to the
second part of the Organizer
with questions and short
answers. Ask Hows the
interrogative formed in
the Present Perfect? Show
inversion of have / has and
subject on the B. Ask What
about the short answers?
Sts write down the answers
they think the participants
gave. Classcheck by inviting
different sts to read the
questions and the answers.
Take this opportunity
to show the correct
pronunciation of connected
have / has + pronouns in
questions, as indicated by
the phonetic scripts.

pronunciation 5 min
5 Book Track

Multimedia Track
MM A3.4-5
TS To replace #4-5. Tell
sts they are going to ask
questions to the people in
#3. Click on Action to see
picture. Invite a st to click on
the appropriate question.
Do the same with the three
following images.
Tell sts to look at the four
questions. Refer sts to the
second part of the Organizer
with questions and short
answers. Ask Hows the
interrogative formed in
the Present Perfect? Show
inversion of have / has and
subject on the B. Ask What
about the short answers?
Elicit pronunciation. Tell sts
there are letters that are
not pronounced within the
sentence (elision). Invite a
st to click on letters which
are elided. Letters will fade;
auxiliary verbs and subjects
will be highlighted; the
phonetic transcription will
appear. Click on the sound
icon and ask for repetition.

CD1 Track 9
TS Play CD track for
sts to listen and repeat the
sentences from #4.


15 min

6 TS Get sts into groups of three and refer each member to

a different Chat Page. Tell sts to check which information they
have and what they need to find out. Ask sts to keep their
information secret. Before they start talking, focus on the Tip
box so that sts can find the past participles of the verbs they will
need to chat. Elicit a few examples of questions to make sure sts
ask correct Present Perfect questions.
GW St A starts by asking B and C about Rachel and Marco.
He / She ticks the appropriate box. St B does the same, asking
A and C. St C asks A and B. Sts alternate asking and answering
questions until they find all the information they need. Monitor
for accuracy and take notes of sts mistakes. At the end,
classcheck by eliciting all sentences about Rachel and Marco and
deal with sts mistakes, if necessary (debriefing).

7 TS Tell sts they will now ask and answer questions

about their own lives. Get a few volunteers to model the

exchange using the ideas from the Chat Pages, but encourage
different questions too. Also encourage them to respond by
adding comments (eg. A: Have you bought a new car recently?
B: Yes, I have. A: Oh, really? Whats it?
PW Get sts to talk in pairs, alternating roles. Monitor
unobtrusively, so as to check learning. At the end, get a few sts
to report changes in their partners life.

Follow up

Get sts to make guesses about changes in your life. See who can
get an affirmative answer from you.

Activity Book A3, page 84.

T: stop eating sweets Has he stopped eating sweets?
Sts: Has he stopped eating sweets?
T: lose weight recently
Sts: Has he lost weight recently?

they start a diet she learn anything new today you
NOTE: Encourage sts to give short answers, e.g., put your thumbs
up or down for affirmative or negative answer (at your discretion).

Get sts to do Activity Book page 84 #3.



Something right, nothing wrong

Aim(s) of the lesson:


3 PW Same pairs discuss the question. Explain the

Talking about the past



ADJECTIvEs: angry, bored,

exhausted, jealous, sorry,
vERb: make up

Speaking: talking about

past actions
Listening to dialogues
Reading song lines



some / any / no +
body / thing / where

1 Book Track


MM A4.1

TS Focus on pictures A
to C. Ask Who can you see
in these pictures? Where are
they? What are they doing?
Whats happening? Tell sts
they will listen to 3 short
dialogues between Marco
and Rachel. Play CD track for
sts to number the scenes in
the correct order. Dont play
CD track for a second time as
it will be played again in #2.
KEY: 2 3 1

2 1

MulTiMedia Track

CD1 Track 10


TS Ask sts to do SB A4.1.

Play video to check answers.

15 MIN

CD1 Track 11

1 TS Refer sts to the dot on somebody in sentence a of #3.

Elicit the pronunciation of the word and of the sentence.

IND Sts mark the stress of the other words in yellow with
a dot. Paircheck.

2 TS Play CD track for sts to listen and check the stress

marks. Stop the CD and classcheck after each sentence. Play the
CD track again for sts to repeat.
KEY: b sOmething c sOmewhere d NObody
e nOthing
f NOwhere
g Anybody
h Anything i Anywhere

5 TS Focus on the headings in the Organizer.

15 MIN

CD1 Track 10

TS Focus on the words in the box. Ask What kind of words are
these? (Adjectives) What do they express? (feelings, emotions).
Elicit / teach the meaning and pronunciation of the adjectives.
IND Sts complete the sentences. Play CD track again for sts to
check their choices. Dont classcheck their answers.

2 PW Invite 2 pairs of sts to model the exchange before sts

discuss their choices in pairs. Encourage sts to justify their
choices. Monitor closely for fluency, offering help if necessary.
Elicit a few ideas at the end.
SUGGESTED KEY: scene 1: angry angry / jealous / upset
scene 2: sad / angry / upset sorry
scene 3: happy


sentences were taken from. Paircheck, then classcheck. If sts

ask questions about some / any / no combinations, give quick
explanations / synonyms.
KEY: a 1 b 3 c 3 d 1 e 2 f 3 g 1 h 2 i 3

Word stress



3 IND Tell sts they will try to remember the scenes the

Past Simple
Present Perfect


meaning of making up before sts attempt to do the task.

Classcheck. Ask Have you ever been in a similar situation? How
did you make up? Are you jealous?
KEY: They stay at home, have something to drink and listen to
some music.

IND Have sts complete the gaps using a different yellow word,
preceded or not by a negative contraction. Classcheck. Remind
sts that no = not any, so all these compounds follow the same
idea, i.e., nothing = not anything, etc.
Ask sts to sum up the information in the Organizer: Which
pronouns do you use to talk about people? (aff., int. and neg.).
Same question with things and places.
TS Focus on the Tip box and explain the alternative
combinations with one for people. Refer sts to the PEOPLE
column in the Organizer and elicit the same sentences with
someone, anyone, no one.
KEY: l something somewhere
m nt anybody nt anything nothing nowhere
k anybody anywhere

T: love anybody (interrogative) Does she love anybody?
Sts: Does she love anybody?
T: somebody (affirmative)
Sts: She loves somebody.
T: nobody (negative)
Sts: She loves nobody.
T: anybody (negative)
Sts: She doesnt love anybody.
T: have anything to say Do they have anything to say?
Sts: Do they have anything to say?
T: something (affirmative)
Sts: They have something to say.
T: nothing (negative)
Sts: They have nothing to say.
T: anything (negative)
Sts: They dont have anything to say.
T: will meet anywhere Will we meet anywhere?
Sts: Will we meet anywhere?
T: somewhere (affirmative)
Sts: Well meet somewhere.
T: nowhere (negative)
Sts: Well meet nowhere.
T: anywhere (negative)
Sts: We wont meet anywhere.

8 TS Tell sts theyre going to make guesses about each others

recent past. Take sts across the chart, showing they can make
either a positive or a negative statement, using any of the 7 verbs,
then an appropriate some / any / no combination, adjective and
time phrase from the chart.
TS Write the wrong sentence I dont know nothing on the B
and ask the class to correct it. Check sts answers by using the
Interlink Box.
Set up the activity by eliciting statements and replying about
PW Have sts do the same. Encourage sts to ask follow-up
questions. Monitor and interfere if necessary. At the end, ask
What did you learn about each other?

9 PW Pairs discuss and agree on how to complete the

sentences. Make sure all sts write down the ideas. Monitor
closely for accuracy.
GW Sts get together with a new pair to compare their ideas.
If time allows, do it again with a different pair. Elicit a few ideas
at the end.

Get sts to do Activity Book page 85 #1.


RP4 A4.6

TIP: This is a quick fluency exercise, to give sts a chance to

react to the situation, and to prepare them to the next task.
They are not expected to be totally accurate here, but use
the opportunity to evaluate individual sts specific needs as
you monitor.

10 min

TIP: This activity provides good practice of the structures.

The more different ideas sts are exposed to, the more
consolidated the structures get.


Game: musical knowledge

TS Divide the class into two groups. Tell sts theyre going to
test their musical knowledge.
GW Show the first part of the pdf slide / OHT for 3 minutes.
Have sts complete the lines of the songs. Classcheck by showing
the second part of the pdf slide / OHT with the answers. The
winner is the group with most correct answers.
TIP: If you have one or more of these songs, bring them to
class and play the relevant parts when checking answers.


Follow up

Have sts find other songs in English which include some, any, no
and compounds. Sts should sing the relevant part of the song to
the class in the next lesson.

Activity Book A4, page 85.

20 min

7 TS Refer sts back to the pictures in #1 and ask What do you

think of Marcos attitude? Read the instructions to class.

IND-PW Sts tick their choices individually, then compare

them in pairs. Monitor for fluency and help only on request.
Elicit a few responses at the end.



Have you ever?

Aim(s) of the lesson:



Talking about life experiences



NouNs: animals: anaconda,

Speaking: talking about life

Listening to an interview
Reading a short article with
biographical information

ostrich, snails, snake; games:

chess, poker; biologist, bone,
mountain, reptiles, wall
vERbs: break, climb, fall
(down the stairs, in love,
out of a tree), save


Present Perfect vs.

Past Simple
Past Participles


10 MIN

1 TS Books closed. Write rainforest on the B. Elicit vocabulary

and any information sts know about it.
Books open. Ask sts to cover the text and refer them to the photo
of Jerry. Ask sts to quickly imagine what he does.
PW Tell sts to uncover the text. Ask sts to read the questions
and find the answers. Classcheck.
TS If time allows, encourage sts to find two false cognates
in the text: conservation = preservao and village = aldeia,
KEY: 1 Georgetown, Guyana
2 A biologist
3 In the Brazilian Amazon
4 Helping to save the lives of animals



10 MIN

CD1 Track 13

PW Refer sts to the first part of the interview between Laura

and Jerry and focus on the Recycle box. Elicit the function of
relative pronouns (to link information to a noun). Get sts to read
and complete the text with the right relative pronoun. Play CD
track for sts to confirm their answers. Classcheck.
KEY: 1 who 2 which 3 where

3 PW Have sts read the questions. Elicit / drill the

pronunciation of danger / adventure / peace / quiet before they

start talking. Monitor closely and help, if necessary. Elicit a few
answers at the end.


10 MIN

CD1 Track 14

PW Refer sts to the 5 questions. Ask sts to identify the verb

tenses in the questions and answers. Also, ask them to find the
past participles and say what the infinitive of the verbs are. Play
CD track for sts to listen and number the sentences in order, 1 to 5.
Play CD track again for sts to check their answers. Classcheck.
KEY: questions: 2 3 4 1 5 answers: 3 4 1 5 2


TS Focus on the Interlink Box. Ask Whats ever in Portuguese?

Its safer and less confusing therefore more profitable for
teaching / learning to translate ever as alguma vez rather
than j. Ask What form of the verb do we use after Have you
ever in English? And in Portuguese?

Past Simple
Present Perfect
Relative Pronouns


20 MIN

5 TS Focus on Organizer. Look at the questions. Do they have

the same verb tense?

IND Focus on the sentences. Have sts complete them with 1 or 2.

Classcheck. Highlight that we arent concerned about the time
with the Present Perfect thats why its not stated.
KEY: 2, 1
TS After checking the Organizer and dealing with concept,
get sts to repeat the Have you ever questions in #4.

oPTioNal drill
T: seen an anaconda Have you ever seen an anaconda?
Sts: Have you ever seen an anaconda?
T: a crocodile
Sts: Have you ever seen a crocodile?
T: an accident
Sts: Have you ever seen an accident?
T: have
Sts: Have you ever had an accident?
insomnia a broken heart rabbit meat eat snake

Get sts to do Activity Book page 86 #1.

6 PW Write kangaroo, rabbit, accident on B. Ask Sts to

work in pairs, asking and answering questions using the words.
They should only give short answers. Elicit short answers
(Yes, I have. / No, I havent.). Have a quick report session asking
Who has ever seen a kangaroo? (St: I have). Who has?

CD1 Track 15

PW Have sts complete the rest of the interview using the

correct forms of save and start. Play CD track for sts to check.
Classcheck by asking two sts to act out the dialogue.
KEY: 1 Have saved 2 ve saved 3 did start 4 started

8 Book Track

Multimedia Track

TS Refer sts to the five

verbs in the box. Ask Whats
the past tense of these verbs?
Whats the past participle?
Make sure sts understand
the meaning of the verbs.
Encourage sts to go to the
Language Bank on page 125
if they need help with the
IND Get sts to complete
the questions with the past
participle paying attention
to the nouns that follow the
verbs. Check answers.


15 min

9 Book Track
TS Refer sts to the
flowchart. Get sts to ask you
two questions. Insist sts ask
you at least two follow-up
PW Have sts ask and
answer, recording their
partners answers and
looking for coincidences.
Monitor and help as
necessary. At the end, elicit
the coincidences.

MM A5.8-9
TS To replace #8-9. Click
on action to show pictures.
Elicit corresponding words.
Click on images to play
sound. Ask for repetition.
Elicit appropriate verb to
complete the questions.
Click on action to check.
Repeat procedures for the
other images.
TS Draw sts attention
to the prompts and elicit
questions. Click on the
speech bubble to check.
Draw attention to the
coloured verbs and elicit /
provide reason for using
Present Perfect or Past
Simple in each sentence.
Repeat procedures for the
second dialogue.
PW Sts use model to talk
in pairs. Remind them to
pay attention to verb tense
and encourage them to ask
follow-up questions.

10 PW Tell sts to swap partners and ask their new partner

about their old one. Set this up by asking a st the first questions.
At the end, ask each pair to tell you the most interesting exchange
they had.

ENGLISH AT WORK: A Job Interview

RP4 A5.E@W
1 IND Refer sts to #1 and elicit their answers to the question.

Ask them to read instructions. Check their understanding of

the task. Ask them to compare answers with classmates before
checking with the whole group.
KEY: DO: 1 Shake 2 look 3 Emphasize
DONT: 4 smoke 5 dress 6 answer

Ask sts to compare and talk about their suggestions of dos and
donts. Ask a few sts to talk about their suggestions.

CD1 Track 16

IND Ask sts to read the statements and items in #1. Clarify any
doubts. Play CD track for sts to tick the correct answers. Ask sts
to compare their answers before playing CD track again.
KEY: 1 a sales manager
b Andersen & Sons
c he wants better career opportunities
d Computer supplies
TS Briefly discuss question #2 with sts. Help them justify their
answers by asking questions such as Did Paul maintain a good
posture? Was he enthusiastic? Did he answer just yes or no?, etc.

CD1 Track 17

PW Ask sts to fill in the questions. Take the opportunity to

revise the Present Perfect, Past Simple and Present Simple. Play
CD track for sts to check and repeat the questions whole group
and individually.

4 PW Set up the activity by modelling an interview with

a st: ask the first question and have the st answer it. Then ask
an open pair to do the same. Get sts to do the interview in pairs,
and monitor closely to help with vocabulary they might need to
complete the task.

5 GW Groups have a conversation using the questions.

Monitor as they talk, and help only on request. Round off by

asking some groups to share their experiences with the class.


Follow up 1

IND Get sts to write down three more questions with the verbs
in #8 and different nouns. Monitor for accuracy, correcting on
the spot.
MGL Have sts do a class survey. Sts ask everybody in the room
their 3 questions and briefly note down their answers. Monitor
unobtrusively. Get sts to report their findings to the class, saying
Two sts have eaten frogs. Nobody has played rugby.

Follow up 2

RP4 A5.Extra
GW Show pdf slide / OHT. Get sts to decide which verbs go in
each gap. Classcheck, eliciting the correct pronunciation of the
questions and drilling them if necessary.
KEY: 1 been 2 met 3 taken 4 ridden 5 cried 6 written
PW Get sts in pairs. Model the exchange with two sts.
Highlight the use of the Present Perfect in the first question and
the Past Simple in the second. Have sts work in pairs. Elicit a few
examples of exchanges at the end.

Activity Book A5, page 86.



Time to set off

Aim(s) of the lesson:



Telling stories, giving feedback as a listener


NouNs: animals: ant, bat, bee,

Multiword verbs



Speaking: talking about

unforgettable experiences
Listening to a story
Writing an entry for
an online community

Past Simple
Past Continuous
Present Perfect

1 Book Track
1 TS Ask sts What
do you remember about
Jerry Randal? What animals
do you remember from
Lesson A5? Get sts to go to
Vocabulary Pack 1 (page 76)
and refer them to the list of
animals. Quickly read some
to sts and elicit the picture.
PW Have sts match the
pictures and the words.
KEY: A 17 B 12 C 13 D 15
F 11 G 5 H 4
I 19 J 7 K 16 L 9
M 18 N 6 O 14 P 20
Q 1 R 8 S 3 T 10

10 MIN

2 TS Read the instructions and focus on the words and


bull, cockroach, dolphin,

elephant, frog, giraffe, goose,
lion, lizard, monkey, pig, rat,
shark, snake, spider, wasp,
zebra; jungle, safari
ADJECTIvEs: amused, brave,
exotic, terrified
vERbs: be near, meet (face to
face), pose, touch
then?, Go on., How scary!,
Incredible!, No kidding!, Oh
my God!, Tell me about it!,
Thats crazy!

phrases in the box. Ask What verb form are you going to use in
these questions? (Present Perfect for past / life experiences.) Elicit
all the questions with the same animal (eg. snake): Have you ever
been near a snake? Have you ever had problems with a snake? etc.
Conduct a choral and individual drill with the questions.
PW Get a st to model the exchange with you being B. Remind
sts that they should use the Past Simple to give details after the
second question. Get another pair to model a second time. Sts
work in pairs, alternating roles. Monitor closely, interfering if
necessary. Elicit a few interesting stories at the end.

3 TS In order to get sts into the right mood, and set the

context, show them the Youtube video http://www.youtube.

com/watch?v=qySpQ_wty0w. Encourage them to use some of
the given words (safari, SUV, danger, lost, upset, for example)
when making comments about the film.

10 MIN

MulTiMedia Track
MM A6.1
TS Refer sts to
Vocabulary Pack 1
(page 76). Click on circles
to see a blown-up image of
an animal. Invite sts to drag
and drop words into correct
spaces. If the answer is right,
the picture of the animal
will appear. Otherwise, the
word will go back to its
original space.

Drill for pronunciation, getting whole class to repeat all the

words after you. Get some individual sts to pronounce a few
words too. Focus on the Tip box and show the difference
between British and American pronunciations.

2 PW Get sts to test each others memory. St A covers

the words. St B points at 5 (or 10) pictures for st A to say the name of
the animal. Then, sts swap roles. Monitor closely for pronunciation.
At the end sts report who remembered most animals.

TS Focus on the words in the boxes, eliciting their

pronunciation and explaining meaning when necessary.
GW Get sts to describe the pictures first. Then, ask them to
tell a story including all the pictures. Tell them theres no right
or wrong answer, so they should use their imagination. Monitor
closely for fluency helping with vocabulary. Groups report their
stories at the end.


10 MIN

CD1 Track 18

1 TS Tell sts they will listen to two friends, Sonia and Brad.
Sonia is telling him about a safari she and Harry have been to.

IND Play CD track for sts to tick the two pictures in #3 which
are NOT part of Sonias story. Classcheck.

2 IND Ask sts to try to remember the answers for questions

a and b. Play CD track again for sts to check. Classcheck. If time

allows, use the audioscript on page 120 for listening and reading.
KEY: a They wanted adventure. b Terrified

3 GW Get sts into the same groups in #3. Give them some
time to discuss questions a and b. Get sts to report their opinion.
Ask What do you think of the story? Has anything similar ever
happened to you?

20 MIN

5 TS Focus on Sonias and Brads sentences. Elicit the

difference between the verb forms. If sts cant explain the

difference, help them by asking some concept questions: Do you
know when Sonia saw the animals? (When she went to Africa.)
Does Brad mention when he saw the animals? (No.)


CD1 Track 19

TS Refer sts to Sonias sentences. Before playing the CD track,

give sts some time to do the exercise as they may already know
some of the multiword verbs. Play CD track for sts to listen and
circle / check. Classcheck.
KEY: 2 up 3 off 4 across 5 away 6 after 7 down 8 at

7 TS Tell sts to read the Organizer quietly. Ask Whats

a multiword verb? Give me three examples. Why isnt it easy to

understand the meaning sometimes? Focus on the table with formal

equivalents. Tell sts these are more formal and that multiword
verbs are generally used much more in speaking than in writing.
PW Sts complete the table with the multiword verbs in #6,
following the examples. Draw sts attention to the use of the
infinitive form. Classcheck.
KEY: break down / come across / go away / set off / wake up


IND Encourage sts to look at the Organizer and complete

the sentences with a particle. Classcheck.
TS Tell sts they will now use these multiword verbs in true
sentences about them. Tell them they can use the Past Simple or
the Present Perfect. Refer sts to the Tip box and get sts to repeat
the examples with just after you.
PW Before sts work in pairs, read the example exchange
with them and elicit a few more true examples from the class.
Monitor closely for accuracy, helping when necessary. Get sts to
report some of their sentences.
KEY: 2 after 3 back 4 across


10 min

9 TS Read the instructions to class. First ask sts to look

at the questions and think about the answers. Then elicit the

questions they will ask, paying attention to the change from

indirect to direct interrogative forms (Where did it happen? When
did it happen? How did you feel? Would you do it again? Why (not)?)
TS Also refer sts to the speech bubbles and briefly talk about
this type of expressions, used by listeners to show interest in
someones story. If time allows, refer them to the audioscript on
page 120 and ask them to underline or highlight the expressions
used by Brad in the recorded conversation. Have sts repeat all
the expressions after you with the correct intonation.
GW Model the conversation by being B and having the class
ask you questions and use the expressions. Sts talk in groups.


5 min

10 IND Get sts to write an entry for The Elephants Log forum

using their ideas from #9. Encourage sts to link sentences and
insert comments to sound more natural than just writing a list
of answers to the questions.

TIP: Refer sts to the Writing Helpdesk A on page 87. Get sts
to do the exercises before they start writing. If pressed for
time, have sts write their emails for homework.
Weblink Encourage sts to visit the websites and join the
forums, if they are interested. Elicit their impressions and
possible contributions to the forums at the beginning of the
following class.

take-away expressions
Encourage sts to look at the Take-away Expressions on page 125
and elicit in which context they first appeared in the book
(dialogues). If necessary, go back to the dialogues. Elicit meaning
and work on pronunciation. Tell sts they are responsible for
studying and using the expressions. These expressions are not
core language.

Follow up: game

Divide the class into two teams. Tell sts you will read sentences
with the wrong multiword verb. The first group to raise hands to
correct the sentence and get the right multiword verb scores a
point. Refer sts to the Organizer to choose the multiword verbs.
Try to read sentences with the right stress to make the game
more challenging.
1 I came off (back) from China last week.
2 I woke away (up) late this morning.
3 What time will we have to set on (off) for the station tomorrow?
4 I played (came) across my old boyfriend when I arrived
at the theatre.
5 Please, break (go) away! I need to be alone.
6 Her father is getting old now. She needs to take (look) after him.
7 Sorry, Im late. My car broke up (down) 2 km from here.

Stop & Check A, pages 88 & 89.



Instructions for activities:


Game: Experiences

Sts work in groups. Cut out the cards and give each group a set.
Ask them to shuffle the cards, then try to make up plausible
sentences. The winner is the group whos able to make most
correct sentences in 5 minutes.


RP4 REV A.17

Game: Noughts & Crosses

Play Noughts & Crosses with sts. Each group chooses a

number and makes a sentence with the multiword verb. If the
sentence is correct, they can own the square. If not, the square
remains free and the other group can try and take it.



The right thing to buy

Aim(s) of the lesson:


2 TS Get two sts to read the model exchange to class.

Making suggestions

Correct and drill pronunciation as necessary.

nouns: shops: bakers, boutique, butchers, deli(catessen),
department store, DIY (do-it-yourself) shop, electronics shop,
greengrocers, grocers, newsagent, pharmacy / chemist
(drugstore), shoe shop (shoe store), shopping centre (mall),
sports shop, stationers; flashdrive, heart rate monitor,
marker, mechanical pencil, sausages, screwdriver, wall plugs
eXpressions: It isnt you (at all)!, It doesnt suit you (at all)!,
Its totally you!, You look great in it!, Thats perfect for him!,
I (dont) think hed like that., Thats just what / It isnt quite
what he needs.


Verbs with two objects

Listening to a conversation
Speaking: talking about clothes; making, accepting and
refusing suggestions

Frequency expressions; Clothes; Too + adjective

vocaBulary & speaking

1 BOOk TrAck
TS Books closed. Ask
sts How often do you go
shopping? Are you a big
spender? Where do you like
going shopping?
1 Get sts to go to
Vocabulary Pack 2 (page 77)
and refer them to the list
of shops.
PW Instruct sts to match
the photos and the shops.
Do A and B as an example.
Check by saying the letter
and eliciting the name of the
shop. Drill for pronunciation,
getting the whole class to
repeat each word after you.
Get some individual sts to
pronounce a few words too.
KEY: A 9 B 1 c 3 D 8
E 14 F 10 G 15 H 4
I 11
J 13 K 6 l 2
m 16 N 5 o 12 p 7


15 min

MM B1.1
TS Click on Action, the
first set of words will appear.
Drill pronunciation. Click on
the words to match them
to the pictures. Repeat
procedure for the next sets.
TS Click on Action, to
show speech bubbles and
an image. Tell sts to look at
the image and teach / elicit
sausage. Click on Action to
show a question. Elicit the
answer. Click on Action to
check the answer.
PW Click on Action again
and have sts ask and answer
questions for the next items.

PW Get two more examples of exchanges before sts start

working in pairs. Sts alternate questions and answers. Monitor
and help sts with vocabulary, if necessary. Elicit a few exchanges
at the end.

2 TS Get class to ask you questions 1 to 3 and answer them.

Ask class the 3 questions about a different kind of shop. Refer
sts to the REC box and drill frequency phrases. Explain meaning
again if necessary.
GW Get sts to talk about their shopping habits in groups.
Circulate and make notes of sts mistakes. Elicit a few examples
at the end. Ask What three shops did you choose? What do you
usually buy there? Draw sts attention to the mistakes on the B.
Ask sts if they can correct them.


15 min

CD1 track 20

TS Tell sts that Laura and Sonia are shopping together. Give
sts some time to read questions 1 to 3. Ask Any guesses?
IND Play CD track for sts to listen and tick the answers. Play it
again if necessary. Classcheck.
KEY: 1 A department store
2 Shes going to a birthday party.
3 A dress.

CD1 track 21

TS Revise vocabulary for clothes by asking What are you

wearing? What do you like wearing when you go to a party? Refer
sts to the three items of clothes mentioned in #3.3. Say Do you
remember Sonias comments about them?
IND Get sts to write the items from #3.3 according to Sonias
comments. Play CD track for sts to listen and check. Classcheck.
Play track again for sts to listen and repeat.
KEY: 2 the T-shirt 3 the mini-skirt 4 the dress 5 the dress


10 min

5 TS Refer sts to pictures A to D and tell them they will

make comments about peoples clothes at the party.

Ask individual sts to read the expressions aloud. Model
pronunciation. Ask What word do we use to indicate excess?
(Too.) Refer to the REC box.
PW Sts talk about the pictures. Move round the class,
providing help if necessary and correcting on the spot. Get sts to
report their opinions at the end.


10 min

CD1 Track 22

1 TS Ask sts Do you remember what Sonia and Laura were

going to do after Laura decided to buy the dress? (buy Harrys

present.) Ask sts to read sentences a to e silently. Play CD track
for sts to write T or F. Classcheck and ask sts to correct the false
KEY: a F (sports shop) b T c F (a watch) d T e F (one, a book)

2 TS Ask Who is buying the present? (Sonia.) Whats

Laura doing? Hows she trying to help? (making suggestions)

Look at sentences a to c. What do they have in common? (make
suggestions) Are they all correct? (Yes.) But which form is used by
Laura? Play the CD track again for sts to listen and tick.
KEY: b You could get him a watch.



5 min

CD1 Track 23

TS Remind sts that there are different ways of making

suggestions. Refer sts to sentences with could in #6.2 and in the
Organizer. Sts complete the rule. Classcheck. Ask: What verb form
do you use after could? (infinitive.)
Refer sts to Tip box. Explain that some verbs in English have two
objects. When you give someone something, you give something
to someone. Read the first example aloud for sts to indicate
the stressed words. (Give / kiss). Do the same with the other
sentences with pronouns as objects. Help sts see that the pronouns
are not stressed. Drill the sentences in the box.
Play CD track for sts to listen and repeat the examples. Focus on
the weak forms of could /kd/ and the pronoun him /m/.

T: send him an email We could send him an email.
Sts: We could send him an email.
T: a card
Sts: We could send him a card.
T: some flowers
Sts: We could send him some flowers.
T: give
Sts: We could give him some flowers.
T: her
Sts: We could give her some flowers.

20 min

RP4 B1.8

GAME: Any suggestions?

TS Read the instructions with the sts and refer them to

the example about the Seven Dwarfs. Ask them to react to the
suggestion using some of the expressions from either #4 or the
ones in the speech bubbles near #8/9.
Tell sts they will play a game, making suggestions of presents to
different celebrities real or fictional. Hand out a set of cards
for each group of 4 sts. Ask them to keep them face down on the
desk. St A draws a card and shows it to the group. He/She asks
the others for a suggestion, then decides which suggestion is
best and gives the card to the person who made it. Then its
st Bs turn to draw a card. The game ends when the cards end, or
when you stop it after 5 to 7 minutes. The winner is the st who
has most cards at the end.

9 TS Read the instructions with sts and model the

exchange with class youre A and class is B. Make sure you

refuse a few suggestions using the expressions in the speech
bubbles. Drill the expressions, if necessary.
PW Get sts to talk. Monitor their work, giving help if necessary
and correcting on the spot. Ask pairs to report their decisions to
the rest of the class.

Get sts to read the audioscript for #6 and underline the
expressions used to make suggestions, agree and disagree. This
can be done before they get the list of expressions in #8 and 9.
Follow up

Ask sts to imagine they are planning a party for the sts
celebrating a birthday this month. Get sts into groups to
discuss what they are going to bring / do. Give some examples.
Say: We could buy a cake. What else? Monitor and note down
any points of accuracy that warrant attention. Ask groups
to report their ideas to the class. Give feedback on sts

Activity Book B1, page 90.

a box of chocolates buy them a book get
a mobile him

TIP: You could also use different prompts (e.g. a bike for a
st who likes cycling) to add an element of personalisation.
Get sts to do Activity Book page 90 #3.



The right size and type

Aim(s) of the lesson:


Talking about measurements



nouns: centimetre, kilometre,

How + adjective

kilometre per hour (an hour),

metre, square metre; distance,
passengers, size, speed,
measure adJectives (opposites):
small big/large,
deep/shallow, far/near,
fast/slow, heavy/light,
high/low, short tall/long,
old/young, wide/narrow

listening & reading



Reading an article
Listening to a conversation
and to a quiz
Speaking: asking and
answering about measures

Verb be

TS Refer sts to the expressions in yellow in the article and

get sts to match them with topics 1 to 5. Sts should circle the
complete question for each topic. Play CD track for sts to check.
Stop after each question to classcheck. Play CD track again for
sts to repeat.
KEY: 1 How big is your family?
2 How large is the stuff Ill have to carry?
3 How heavy is it?
4 How far do you need to travel?
5 How fast does your car really have to be?


4 BOOk TrAck

20 min

CD1 track 24

TS Books closed. Ask sts What do you remember about Harry

from lesson B1? (He was having a birthday party.)
Books open. Tell sts Marco is at Harrys party and they should
try to guess what they are talking about. Give sts some time
to read and guess if the answers are true or false. Play CD track
for sts to write T or F. Classcheck, eliciting corrections for the
false answers. Ask Were your guesses right? What was Harrys
suggestion? (a magazine article.) What do you think the article is
KEY: 1 F (Harry has) 2 F (His second test) 3 T 4 T
2 1 TS Refer sts to the title of the article. Ask If you had
to choose a car, what would you consider? Help sts with
vocabulary, writing new words on B. Focus on headings A to E
and explain vocabulary, if necessary.
PW Sts skim the article, writing A to E in the gaps. Classcheck.
KEY: 1 C 2 D 3 A 4 E 5 B

2 PW Sts scan the text looking for vocabulary items that

match the definitions. Classcheck.
KEY: A pick up B stuff c errands D object of desire E budget
TIP: This may be a difficult task for sts. To help them, before
they look for the words, read each definition with the class
and have them guess in which paragraph they think they
will find the answer.

3 PW Give sts some minutes to discuss the two questions.

Have them report their opinions about the article to class.


CD1 track 25

TS Focus on the first

expression in yellow from
the article miming it and
asking questions to make
meaning clearer with
questions: How big is your
family? Very big, not very big,
small? (opening and closing
arms to show size and make
it clear there is a range of
possible answers). Do the
same for the other questions
to check sts understanding
and help memorization.
IND Have sts complete
the Organizer with three
of the expressions. Before
checking their answers, ask
sts to match the questions
in the Organizer and the
answers in #4. Refer sts to
the Tip box for help. Conduct
a quick repetition drill with
the measures in the Tip
box. Classcheck #4 and the
Organizer at the same time.
Draw sts attention to the
fact that How is followed by
an adjective.

10 min

MM B2.4
TS Click on Action and
how + appears. Click on
action again to show the
word adjective. Ask Sts
what we use it for. Click on
action to reveal asking about
measures. Click on action
to do the Organizer on the
PW Click on action to
reveal the five-question quiz.
Have sts discuss them. Click
on action to check answers.

TIP: Looking at the answers may help sts with the adjectives
to be used in the How phrases.
KEY: 1 C 2 D 3 E 4 A 5 B
B How big / large c How far D How fast


T: old How old is it?
Sts: How old is it?
T: big
Sts: How big is it?

15 min

5 1 TS Before sts look at Vocabulary Pack 3 (page 78),

say the first adjectives of the pairs for sts to say the opposite:
T: big Sts: small, T: far Sts: near, etc. Sts should know many of
these adjectives.

IND Get sts to go to page 78 and match the pairs of opposites

and the pictures. Classcheck, explaining new vocabulary, if
necessary. Drill for pronunciation, getting the whole class to
repeat each pair of opposites after you.
KEY: A 9 B 3 C 8 D 2 E 1 F 5 G 6 H 10 I 7 J 4
TIP: If time allows, get sts to describe each picture by using
the adjectives in combination with nouns: T: What can you
see in A? Sts: An old dog and a young dog.

2 PW Get sts to test each others memory. St A covers

the words. St B points at 5 (or 10) pairs of pictures for st A to say

the adjectives. Then, sts swap roles. Monitor sts work and give
help if necessary. At the end sts report who remembered most


15 min

Chat Page. Tell sts to check which information they have and
what they need to find out. Ask sts to keep their information

Get sts to do Activity Book page 91 #2.

7 TS Get sts into pairs and refer each member to a different

fast comfortable heavy safe


10 min

6 1 TS Focus on the picture of Harrys party and have

sts describe it. Who can you see? What are they doing?

PW St A starts by asking B his / her questions. He / She

ticks the appropriate box. St B does the same, asking A. Sts
alternate asking and answering questions until they find all the
information they need. Move round the class, providing help if
necessary and correcting on the spot. At the end, sts report how
many correct answers groups got in the quiz in #6.
KEY: 1 A 2 B 3 B 4 A 5 B

8 TS Focus on the Interlink box. Show sts the two errors

caused by translation and drill the correct questions. Show them

the exception with heavy and elicit the possible explanation for
that: it is impolite to say a person is heavy.
IND Read the instructions and the example to sts. Elicit a few
other examples for the other topics. Sts write one question for
each topic using any adjectives from the lesson and from the
Vocabulary Pack 3. Move around helping sts if necessary.
PW Sts work in pairs alternating questions and answers.
Circulate and take notes of sts mistakes.

Follow up

MGL Get sts to add one question to #8 about a different topic

and interview 3 classmates. Move around, taking notes of sts
mistakes. Sts report their findings at the end. Write the mistakes
observed in Speaking 8 and the Follow up on B. Ask sts if they
can correct them.

Activity Book B2, pages 91 & 92.

GW Refer sts to the quiz card and have sts complete the
questions with adjectives from Vocabulary Pack 3. Classcheck.
KEY: 1 fast 2 high 3 wide 4 deep 5 far

CD1 Track 26

GW Tell sts that, for each question, they will listen to two
options A and B. Play CD track and stop after each question for
groups to discuss and agree on an answer. Dont check their
answers now.



You must do the right thing.

Aim(s) of the lesson:



Talking about prohibition / obligation

test, green man,

law, pavement, pedestrian, petrol, road tax, seatbelt,
speed limit, traffic, zebra crossing; traffic light: green light,
red light, yellow light
verBs: cross, drive, go through, indicate, overtake, park,
pass, pay attention, put over (the limit), respect, slow down,
speed, turn
to / dont have to / must / mustnt / cant

must / mustnt

Speaking: giving travel tips; talking about rules of the road

Listening to a driving lesson
Reading an article
Adverbs of Frequency

15 min

1 TS Books closed. Ask Can you drive? When did you learn it?
Have you got a car? Whats your fantasy car? Books open. Refer
sts to the pictures but ask sts to cover sentences 1 to 8. Ask What
can you see in the pictures?
PW Refer sts to the 8 sentences. Ask sts to match them to the
pictures. Classcheck. Explain new vocabulary if necessary.
KEY: 1 D 2 C 3 B 4 A 5 F 6 G 7 E 8 H

2 TS Ask sts Do you know anybody who drives like this?

Do you ever do these things? How good are Brazilian drivers?

Focus on rule number 1 from #1. Revise adverbs of frequency and
elicit individual sentences: I never / always / sometimes / usually
drink and drive. Write adverbs on the B if necessary.
GW Sts talk about the way they behave as drivers and
pedestrians. Get sts to report their sentences to class.
TIP: If some of the sts in the class cant or dont drive,
tell them to talk about the driving habits of someone
they know.


15 min

MM B3.3
TS Read the rubrics and
have sts focus on # 3.1.
Show video and check
answers for 3.1.
PW Have sts discuss
question 3.2.

2 TS Focus on
question 2 and have sts give
their opinions as a class.


IND Focus on question 1.

Play CD track for sts to tick
the rules in #1 Marco does
not follow. Classcheck. Play
CD track again if necessary.


1 TS Ask sts Have you

got a driving license? In
Brazil, how old do you have
to be? What do you need to
do? (take driving lessons and
a driving test). Focus on the
picture of Marcos driving
instructor. Ask Who is she?


CD1 track 27

nouns: back seat, breathalizers, driving

reading & speaking

3 BOOk TrAck


modal verBs: have

CD1 track 28

PW Refer sts to the lines said by Marcos instructor and get sts
to complete each instruction. Move round the class, monitoring
and helping sts, as necessary. Play CD track for sts to listen and
check. Stop after each line and classcheck.
KEY: 1 indicate 2 fast 3 pay 4 yellow 5 anything 6 park


10 min

5 TS Refer sts to the three meanings, paraphrasing them

and anticipating information in the Organizer: Its not necessary

to do it. You have no obligation. You cant do it. You are prohibited.
Do it! Its the rule. Its your obligation.
IND Have sts go back to the instructors sentences in #4 and
match them with the meanings, writing the numbers in the
boxes. Classcheck.
KEY: A 5 B 2, 6 c 1, 3, 4
IND Refer sts to the Organizer and have sts complete it with
the expressions in yellow from #4. Classcheck. Ask What verb
forms do we use after modal verbs? (infinitive without to). Refer
to the Tip box and highlight the difference between mustnt and
dont have to. Elicit some examples to check sts understanding.
KEY: must dont have to mustnt


10 min

CD1 Track 29

1 TS Focus on the phonemic scripts. Check if sts can read

and guess the pronunciation. Play CD track for sts to listen,
check and repeat.

2 TS Get sts to work out the sentences in #1 using must /

mustnt. Classcheck. Make sure sts are pronouncing the modals


8 1 TS Focus on the text layout, photo and title. Ask

Where is this text taken from? What is it about? Sts read
questions a to c before they read the article. Check they
understand the questions.
IND Have sts read the article. Answer a to c. Classcheck, asking
for evidence from the article to justify their choices.
KEY: a F (An older law)
b F (The subject is controversial)
c T (The federal highway police)
TIP: Dont explain vocabulary unless it is essential. Take the
chance to show sts that they can understand the central
idea of an article even if they dont know all the words.

T: speak English in class You must speak English in class.
Sts: You must speak English in class.
T: do the homework
Sts: You must do the homework.
T: eat in class You mustnt eat in class.
Sts: You mustnt eat in class.
T: talk on the mobile
Sts: You mustnt talk on the mobile.

2 GW Groups discuss questions a to c. Circulate, monitoring

and helping, as necessary. Sts report back their ideas to class
at the end. Draw sts attention to any mistakes.


T: wear a uniform You dont have to wear a uniform.

Sts: You dont have to wear a uniform.
T: bring a dictionary
Sts: You dont have to bring a dictionary.
bring your book listen to your mp3 player
take a test every week

RP4 B3.Extra
Travel Tips

GW Hand out cards to sts. Tell them to read them and think of
different things they could say to their partners.
PW Get sts to roleplay the dialogue. Monitor and encourage
sts to use modals. Ask one or two pairs to present their
dialogues to the rest of the class.

note: Use the prompts with must, mustnt, dont have to.


Get sts to do Activity Book page 93 #2.

speaking & reading


RP4 B3.7

15 min


GW Get sts into groups. Focus on the example card and

the example exchange, eliciting sts ideas. Sts get one card at
a time and discuss which are rules and which arent, using
the expressions from the Organizer. Move round the class,
providing help if necessary and correcting on the spot.
Discuss some of the rules with the whole class.

Rules of a reality show

GW Each group chooses a TV reality show and writes the rules

for the show using the auxiliaries: must, musnt, have to, dont
have to, cant, can. Write the auxiliaries on B for reference. Elicit
examples before they start. Alternatively, groups create their
own reality shows, inventing a name, writing the rules and
producing a poster for a class exhibition.

Activity Book B3, page 93.



Take my advice.

Aim(s) of the lesson:


Giving advice

nouns: parts of the body: ankle, arm, backside/bottom, ear,

elbow, fingers, hand, head, heart, hips, knee, leg, mouth,

nose, shoulder, stomach/belly, teeth, throat, toes, tongue;
illnesses: a cold, a backache, an earache, a hangover, a headache,
a sore throat, a stomachache, a temperature, toothache; advice
adJectives: desperate, sore
verB: hurt
eXpressions: go on a diet, have a pain, I feel sick, I wont be
long, lose weight, My hurt(s), see a doctor, take some
medicine (aspirin), Whats the matter (with you)?

CD1 track 31

TS Refer sts to pictures A to F. Ask Whats the matter? Tell

sts to read sentences 1 to 6. Elicit / teach the meaning of hurt,
sick, hangover and pain and pronunciation of headache and
IND Have sts match the sentences to the appropriate picture.
Play CD track for sts to listen and check. Play CD track again
for sts to listen and repeat. if time allows, tell sts to cover the
sentences and test each other using the pictures, asking Whats
the matter with him / her?
KEY: A 3 B 1 c 5 D 2 E 4 F 6

3 TS Refer sts to the Tip box and explain the alternative

ways of referring to health problems with I have: I have a pain in,

I have a stomachache / an earache, etc. Quickly drill the
sentences. Focus on the instructions and examples A to C. Tell
sts they should pay attention to the time expression (yesterday,
last week, always, etc) to choose the right verb tense. Elicit a few
examples about the problems in #2 or similar ones.

should / shouldnt

Speaking: giving advice

Listening to a dialogue
Reading: a problem page

GW Have sts talk about health problems. Circulate, helping sts,

if necessary. Elicit a few more examples at the end.


Past Simple; Present Perfect; Verb have

vocaBulary & speaking

20 min

1 1 TS Before sts look at Vocabulary Pack 4 (page 78),

elicit some parts of the body sts might know.
IND Get sts to go to page 78 and label the parts of the body,
writing 1 to 20. Classcheck, explaining new vocabulary,
if necessary. Drill pronunciation, getting the whole class to
repeat the words after you.
KEY: 8 4 15 10 3 12 1 14 13 6 7 2 5 16 11 19;
17 18 20 9
TIP: If sts ask about the use of the word ass to refer to
bottom/backside, tell them it is very commonly used, but
make them aware of the fact that some people may find it
offensive and it shouldnt be used in all contexts. Tell them
it is safer to avoid it altogether!

BOOk TrAck
2 PW Get sts to test
each others memory.
St A covers the words. St B
points at 5 (or 10) parts of
the body for st A to say the
names: Whats this/are these
in English? Its a / Theyre
Then, sts swap roles.
Monitor pair work, giving
help if necessary. At the end
sts report who remembered
most parts.

MM B4.1.2
GW Split the class into
two groups. Click on Action
to reveal the first body part
for group A. Ask them how
to say that part in English.
Click on the tick if they give
a correct answer and on the
X if their answer is wrong.
The winner is the group that
completes their person first.

10 min

CD1 track 32

TS Tell sts to cover the dialogue. Ask Whats the matter with
Harry? Dont confirm their guesses.
IND Have sts complete Rachel and Harrys conversation,
writing 1 to 5 in the parentheses. Play CD track for sts to listen
and check their answers. Ask Whats the matter with Harry?
KEY: 3 1 5 4 2

grammar presentation & practice

15 min

5 TS Refer sts to questions 1 to 3. Ask them to read the

dialogue in #4 again and answer the questions. Classcheck,

explaining words and phrases, if necessary. number 2 is
particularly useful to introduce the concept of advice, which is
not a rule, not an obligation, its the speakers opinion about
what he thinks is right for the listener to do.
KEY: 1 How are you? 2 Advice 3 Ill come quickly.

CD1 track 33

TS Focus on the Organizer and have sts read the examples

and complete the rule. Classcheck.
KEY: advice
Ask: How do we give positive advice? How do we give negative
advice? How do we ask for advice with should? What form of the
verb do we use after should / shouldnt? (infinitive without to).
Draw sts attention to weak form of should /d/. Play CD track
for sts to listen and repeat the examples. Say Lets recap. To give
advice we use should and shouldnt + innitive.

TS Focus on the Interlink box and highlight the difference

between English and Portuguese. Quickly mime a few health
problems for sts to make up sentences: You have a pain in your .

T: a warm bath You should have a warm bath.
Sts: You should have a warm bath.
T: drink a lot of water
Sts: You should drink a lot of water.

reading & speaking

have a rest do exercise sleep well drink less coffee
T: a lot of coffee You shouldnt drink a lot of coffee.
Sts: You shouldnt drink a lot of coffee.
T: eat too much
Sts: You shouldnt eat too much.

drink alcohol smoke stay up late eat too much sugar
Get sts to do Activity Book page 94 #2.

RP4 B4.7


10 min

8 GW Tell sts they are going to play a game in groups.

Explain that groups will first confer to decide on a problem and

challenge one of the sts in their group (st A) to guess what the
problem is. Model the activity by asking a volunteer to come
to the front and sit with his / her back to the B. Write the sts
problem on the B (so he / she cant see it). The rest of the class
can offer four pieces of advice. Tell them that none of the advice
can contain any of the key words in the sts problem.
Then, organise sts into groups and nominate As. Tell As to move
away from the group for a while, so that they can decide on the
problem. When they come back, they must ask for the groups
advice, listen to their ideas and try to guess what the problem is.
Suggested problems:
1 You cant remember new words you learn.
2 You have an important exam next week.
3 Youve lost your dog.
4 You have an important exam tomorrow but havent had
time to study.
5 Youre going to travel abroad with your family.
6 You have a headache and a sore throat.
7 Youre secretly in love with someone in your English class.
8 You want to buy a flat in a safe area.

10 min

9 TS Refer sts to the photo. Ask Whos Becca? What sort of

magazine page is this? Read the instructions and elicit the
pronunciation of desperate.

IND Give sts a minute to read the letter. Ask Do you read pages
like this? Have you ever written to one? Ask sts to read the letter
again and underline the problems Desperate mentions.
PW Encourage sts to think of advice to give her for each of
the underlined problems. Monitor for accuracy and help with
vocabulary. Classcheck by asking pairs to tell the class one piece
of advice that they think will help her.


PW Tell sts youre going to show them some pictures of people

with problems. Show pdf slide / OHT and draw sts attention to
the first picture, which will serve as a model before they start
pair work. Elicit a description of the problem and then the advice
they could give. Get sts to work in pairs. Tell them to work out
what the problem is in each picture and give advice. Move round
the class, helping sts with vocabulary and correcting on the spot.

Weblink Refer sts to the weblink and elicit any doubts

they might have about health. Encourage them to go and find

answers on the website suggested.

Follow up

Think of a problem you have. In pairs, ask for and give advice.
A Ask your partner what the matter is with him / her.
B Answer. A Give him / her some advice.
B Say youll do it and thank him / her.

Activity Book B4, pages 94 & 95.

TIP: As sts play, dont interrupt to correct. Collect mistakes

and write a few on the B at the end of the game for the
class to correct.



Good for you?

Aim(s) of the lesson:


4 PW Read questions 1 to 4 to class, explaining the exercise

Talking about similarities and differences



nouns: words related

Listening to an interview
and a conversation
Speaking: talking about
similarities and differences
Reading an ad and
a conversation

healthy habits: gym, personal
trainer, routine; advantages,
different, same
adJectives: fit, overweight, sexy
verB: exercise
eXpressions: It is no secret,
no matter

Short responses: So / Neither I


Sentence stress

reading & speaking


10 min

1 TS Books open. Refer sts to the picture and ask them

What kind of website is this? (online radio website) Whats the

name of the radio station? (Health Watchers) What do you think
they present? (books, interviews, news, etc about health). Focus on
the book cover. Ask Whats the book about? On which muscles of
the body do people usually feel pain?
GW Get sts to discuss questions 1 to 3 in groups. Move round
the class, making notes of common errors and helping sts, if
necessary. Sts report some of their ideas to class.

2 IND Refer sts to the introduction to the radio news. Ask

What kind of radio programme is it? (an interview) Who is being

interviewed? (a fitness specialist) Get sts to read the introduction,
circle parts of the text (either words or phrases) which have the
same meaning as phrases 1 to 3 and number them in the text.
KEY: 1 It is no secret 2 no matter 3 advantages

listening & speaking


10 min

CD1 track 34

IND Tell sts they will now listen to Dr Brian newtons interview.
Ask sts to read sentences 1 to 5 before you play the CD track.
Play it twice, if necessary. Classcheck. Ask Do you agree with
Dr Newton? Lets see how important exercising is for you as
a lead-in to #4.
KEY: 1 can 2 should 3 will 4 musnt 5 shouldnt
TIP: You may take the opportunity to revise the concepts
expressed by the modal auxiliaries. E.g. Whats the idea
expressed by can in number 1? Possibility. Number 2: advice



10 min

CD1 track 35

TS Focus on the picture and ask Where are Laura and Mary?
(at the gym) What have they just done? (They have just exercised.)
How do you think they are feeling?

Present Simple
Past Simple
Present Perfect
Modal Auxiliaries
Giving Advice
Be, Can, Have

dependent scale. Have sts discuss their exercise routines.

Monitor for fluency and help only on request. Get sts to report
some of their answers to class. Ask Do you think you should
change anything about your exercising habits? What should /
shouldnt you do?

IND Get sts to read questions 1 to 3. Play CD track for sts to

listen, read and answer. Classcheck.
KEY: 1 They love coming to the gym. / They dont want to get fat.
2 Exercise five hours every day / have an exercise bike
at home / its my favourite activity / not have anything else
to do today. 3 Laura

6 TS Focus on the table and the examples in the Organizer.

Ask sts to complete it with THE SAME or DIFFEREnT, as explained

in #5. Highlight the positive and negative ideas when expressing
similarity and difference. Also highlight the subject / auxiliary
inversion (do I, am I, etc.) in the short answers. Focus on the Tip
box and show the alternative ways of showing similarity with
positive and negative statements.
KEY: The same / different


10 min

CD1 track 36

TS Focus on the example. Help sts guess where the stress

might be on the other three examples. Play CD track for sts to
listen, check and repeat correctly. Highlight that: 1. when we use
So / neither the stress is on the pronoun; 2. when the answer is
different, we stress both the pronoun and the auxiliary.
TS Say Lets recap. To agree, we use So do i, So am i, So did i, etc..
To show agreement with negative statements, we use neither .
To disagree, we use i am, im not, i dont, i do, etc .

ENGLISH AT WORK: FIrst day at work

T: I like ice cream. (agree) So do I.
Sts: So do I.
T: I can play volleyball well.
Sts: So can I.
T: I cant sing well. Neither can I.
Sts: Neither can I.
T: I dont have a car.
Sts: Neither do I.

RP4 B5.E@W
1 TS Ask How important is your first day at work? Why?

What tips can you give to help people on their first day at work?
Elicit a few answers from whole group. Write their suggestions
on B. Give out handouts and ask sts to read instructions for #1.
Check understanding by asking sts what they have to do.
After checking answers, ask sts to compare the tips they had
discussed to the ones they have read in the guide. Ask Are they
different or the same? What is different?

Im hungry. I didnt play football yesterday.
I cant speak Chinese. Ive just had lunch.
T: I dont live in a house. (disagree) I do.
Sts: I do.
T: Ive never been to Greece.
Sts: I have.
T: Ive been to Spain. I havent.
Sts: I havent.
T: I have a bike.
Sts: I dont.

2 IND Ask sts to read the statements and decide what they
express. When checking, take the opportunity to revise the

3 PW Get pairs to discuss the statements in #2. At the end,

elicit some opinions from volunteers.

Im not tired. I went to the cinema yesterday.
I love wine. I didnt study for the test.

4 PW Tell sts to imagine one of them is a newcomer

at their friends job. Ask them to have a conversation in which

they have to talk about the rules of this new job. Model the
beginning of the activity with one or two sts. Refer to the initial
dialogue and the prompts for further help.

Get sts to do Activity Book page 96 #1.

reading & speaking


10 min

8 TS Ask sts to cover the texts and focus on Madonnas

and Jack Blacks photos. Elicit differences and similarities: What

do they have in common? What are their differences? Have sts
uncover and read the texts. Ask What information surprised you?
PW Tell sts to imagine that one is Madonna and the other
is Jack Black. They should read each sentence aloud and
respond accordingly. Circulate and make notes of sts mistakes.
Classcheck by reading each sentence aloud yourself and getting
sts A to respond as Madonna and sts B as Jack Black. Deal with
mistakes on the spot.


9 Book Track
IND Get sts to complete
the sentences about
MGL Have sts mill about
the classroom talking to
other sts. Tell them they have
to find their other half, ie.
the person most similar to
them. They should try to find
more than one similarity with
the same person. Move round
the class, providing help if
necessary and correcting on
the spot. Check who each
persons other half is.

15 min

Multimedia Track
MM B5.9
TS Read the model to sts
and elicit the answers to
the next two examples.
GW Divide the group
in trios. Assign sts A, B and
C roles and have them
comment and respond to
the prompts on the screen,

RP4 B5.extra
Game: Same or Different

Sts play the game as a whole class. Start by choosing one st

and giving him / her a card. The st, in turn, chooses another
classmate and reads his sentence aloud. The st chosen should
agree or disagree using an appropriate expression from the
Organizer. If the answer is correct the st remains in the game
and becomes the next one to draw a card and choose
a classmate. If the answer is wrong the st is eliminated.
The winner is the last st to remain in the game.

MM B5.extra
Split the class in two, A & B. Click on Action to reveal the pieces
of the puzzle for both groups. Start with GROUP A. Sts choose a
piece. Click on it to reveal the question. Click on Action to check
answer. If correct, click on the tick and the piece will move to
its right place on the B; if wrong, click on the X, the piece will
move to its place on the B too, but its portion of the image will
disappear. The winner is the group with more visible pieces of
the puzzle on the B. At the end, elicit what the images illustrate
(Look after a baby / have temperature).

Activity Book B5, page 96.



Whats wrong?

Aim(s) of the lesson:

reading & speaking

Talking about abilities; asking for clarification &

giving feedback

nouns: fork, glass, knife, napkin, plate, spoon; garden party,

manners, protocol, soup

towed away, to make a social gaffe
eXpressions: used to ask for clarification and give feedback
verBs: to be


Modal auxiliaries
How + adjective questions
Giving advice

1 BOOk TrAck
TS Ask sts Do you use
the same language with
your friends as you use with
your parents? How different
is it? In which situations
are you more careful with
your language? When are
you more careful with your
behaviour/manners? Refer
sts to the sentences in the
speech bubbles and elicit
their pronunciation from
individual sts. Focus on the
model exchange to elicit a
few examples with sentence
number 1.
GW Have sts talk in
groups. Go round and
monitor, giving help if
necessary. Round off
the activity by asking
sts to say which of the
sentences would be socially
inappropriate to use if they
were visiting their boyfriend
/ girlfriends parents for the
first time.


15 min

2 1 TS Tell sts the extract they are going to read

comes from a book that has to do with social appropriateness.
Ask them to find the book title on the page (Manners Good
Everywhere). Elicit / Teach the meaning of manners.
PW Ask sts to read the text circling the correct auxiliary
verb. Move around the class so as to be available to help with
vocabulary. Dont check their answers now.
their answers. Explain instructions for question 2. Elicit the
auxiliaries we use for advice / suggestions (should, could) and
for strict rules (must / musnt / have to). Sts write the numbers
in the boxes, checking the meaning of the sentences again.
Classcheck exercises 1 and 2.
KEY: 1 1 should 2 could 3 should 4 must 5 must 6 must
7 should 8 musnt 9 dont have to 10 could
2 good advice or suggestions: 1 2 3 7 9 10
strict rules: 4 5 6 8


2 PW Tell sts they will have one more chance to change

Reading a book extract and an internet banner

Listening to a conversation
Speaking: giving advice, asking for clarification and
giving feedback
Writing a letter


10 min

MM B6.1
TS Refer sts to SB, lesson
B6, #1. Click on Action to
show them the first picture.
Elicit which of the questions
from the book the box
office attendant might be
asking. Click on Action to
show answer. Repeat the
procedure for the next pairs
of images and questions.

3 1 TS Ask How early did you learn table manners?

Do you think Brazilian social rules are different or similar to
British rules?
IND Read the instructions and have sts decide if the rules
in the extract in #2 are the same or different in Brazil.

2 GW Get two sts to read the lines A and B aloud. Drill

sentence stress, if necessary. Have groups choose four rules and

compare their opinions. Sts report back some of their ideas to

listening & speaking


15 min

CD1 track 38

1 TS Refer sts to the picture and elicit a quick description.

TS Click on action to
reveal speech bubbles with
all the questions/sentences.
Choose one sentence and
elicit who would say it and

Use the pictures to pre-teach protocol (rules of acceptable

behaviour at official ceremonies and occasions) and tow. Give sts
some time to read the questions for conversations A and B. Ask
Whos phoning Rachel? (Laura and Marco.) Play CD track for sts to
listen and tick the best answers. Classcheck.
KEY: A has accepted an invitation to a garden party at the palace.
B parked in the wrong place.

PW Have sts do the same

for the others.

2 TS Without playing the CD track again, elicit Rachels

suggestions or advice.
KEY: Laura should go to the royal website to find information on
protocol. Marco must call the police, then go and pay a fee
to get the car back.

3 GW Get sts to discuss the two questions in #3. If sts

dont have a car, ask them to talk about someone they know.
Sts report back some of their ideas to class at the end.


5 min

CD1 Track 39

TS Focus on the expressions in the Organizer and get sts to

tick the ones they remember from the dialogues. Play CD track
for sts to listen and check. Classcheck. Drill the expressions in
the Organizer, especially for intonation. Check if sts understand
how expressions are used. Give examples if necessary. Start with
a repetition drill, then say sentences for individuals to react to
with an expression of their choice. Here are some suggestions:
My boyfriend / girlfriend has broken up with me. / I found a
cockroach on my pizza. / I need a new car my family is getting
bigger. / Im going to find a new job. / Ive lost my wallet. /
Im going to Hollywood. / Ive got a new boyfriend / girlfriend. /
I won the first prize in a competition. / Ive just been robbed. /
Ive just seen (a famous actor / actress) in the street!
KEY: Are you saying that / How exciting! / Oh my! / Im not sure
I understand. / How come? / What have you done!


5 min

Weblink Encourage sts to visit the websites and answer the

questions. Elicit their answers at the beginning of the following


take-away expressions
Ask sts to look at the Take-away Expressions on page 125 and
elicit in which context they first appeared in the book (dialogues).
If necessary, go back to the dialogues. Elicit meaning and work
on pronunciation. Tell sts they are responsible for studying and
using the expressions. These expressions are not core language.

Follow up

Get sts to write down the social rules when we are invited for
dinner at peoples homes in Brazil.

Stop & Check B, pages 98 & 99.


RP4 B6.6

GW One st in the group gets a card, while the others ask for
clarification, give feedback and advice. Then another st gets
another card and does the same. Monitor and note down any
points you want to focus on. The activity goes on until all sts
have explained a problem and got advice. At the end, get groups
to report the best pieces of advice given. Remember to provide
positive as well as negative feedback at the end.

reading & writing

10 min

7 GW Refer sts to the internet banner. Get sts to read it and

discuss questions 1 and 2. Sts report some of their ideas to class.

8 TS Refer sts to the banner in #7 again and explain what

they will have to do.

IND Get sts to write a letter using one of the ideas from #8 or
a different one. Monitor and help, if necessary.
TIP: Refer sts to the Writing Helpdesk B on page 97. Get sts
to do the exercises before they start writing. If pressed for
time, have sts write their letters for homework.



What shall we do?

Aim(s) of the lesson:


vocabulary & pronunciation


15 min

3 IND Refer sts to words 1 to 5. Have sts guess their

nouns: campaign, cause, celebrity, charity, crisis, event, host,

idol, justice, nation, poverty, recession

adJectives: annual, economic, high-profile, underprivileged

verbs: contribute, donate, eliminate, give back, minimize,

raise, support, take place
eXpressions oF negotiating: Absolutely., I couldnt agree more!,
Im not so sure., What a great idea!, What shall we do?


Word stress in cognates


Reading a magazine article and a note

Listening to a conversation
Speaking: asking for and giving suggestions, agreeing and
disagreeing with suggestions


reading & speaking

10 min

1 PW Books open. Refer sts to the text, title and photos.

Get pairs to discuss questions 1 to 3. Ask sts to report some of

their ideas to the class. Dont classcheck yet.

2 IND Sts read the text to check their predictions to #1.

Classcheck. Ask Did you watch this event? Do you watch

American Idol? Can you remember other charity events like
Idol Gives Back? Do you like Bono?
KEY: 1 a magazine
2 return something to the person who gave something to you
3 personal answers

meanings from context and match them with their definitions.

Classcheck. Ask Are any of these words similar to Portuguese
words? (perhaps charity)
KEY: 4 1 5 2 3



1 TS Read the
rubrics to sts and have
them find five cognates.
Classcheck, correcting any
mispronounced words.

MM c1.4
The objective of the game is
to sponsor as many children
as possible.

GW Divide class into two

CD2 track 2
2 TS Tell sts
that many times the
pronunciation of cognates
is similar to Portuguese
too, so its easy to guess.
Elicit the pronunciation
of annual and show the
blob over the vowel of the
stressed syllable. In pairs sts
mark the stress of the other
words. Play CD track for sts
to listen and check their
guesses. Classcheck, writing
the words on the B with the
blobs, if necessary. Play CD
track again for sts to listen
and repeat.
KEY: celebrity contribute
crisis economic
eliminate event
idol justice nation
organized recession

reading & speaking

groups. One player from

Team A clicks on a child to
see the word and clicks on
the stressed syllable. If the
syllable is correct, Team A
sponsors that child. If
syllable is incorrect, the child
remains with no sponsor.
Teams take turns. The game
ends when all children
have been sponsored and
the winner is the team
that sponsors more children.

10 min

5 TS Before directing sts attention to the note about Rock in

Rio, round up the reading activity about Idol Gives Back with the
Youtube video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J1-CDOTOGk8.
Then ask them if they know of any Brazilian event that raised
money for charity. Show them the note and discuss it briefly
before asking them to work in groups. Sts report back some of
their ideas to class at the end.
TIP: Alternatively, discuss the questions with the whole class.


vocabulary & listening


15 min

CD2 Track 3

1 TS Focus on the picture and have sts describe it.

What do you think they are talking about? Do you know why they
want to call the festival Worldstock? (a reference to the first big
rock festival Woodstock in 1969). Read the rubrics to class. Give
sts some time to read sentences a to e before you play CD track
for sts to listen and write T or F. Play track again if necessary.
KEY: a F b T c F d F e T

2 TS Refer sts to Monicas words and make sure they

understand what she says. Read the rubrics and have a class
discussion about the questions.

CD2 Track 4

TS Ask sts To make decisions about the rock festival, what do

Brian, David and Monica do? Teach negotiate = suggest, agree,
disagree. Refer sts to the Organizer and to the words in the box
in #7. Sts complete the sentences in the Organizer. Play CD track
for sts to listen and check. Play CD track again for sts to listen
and repeat. Make sure all sts repeat the sentences chorally
at least twice, giving each sentence the correct intonation.
Get individual sts to repeat again if necessary.
KEY: 2 Lets 3 dont 4 could 5 What 6 sure 7 Maybe


15 min

8 TS Read the instructions to class, and use the example to

demonstrate what they have to do.

GW In groups of 3 or 4 sts roleplay the activity. Monitor closely,

offering help. Groups select a secretary to take notes and report
back their decisions to the rest of the class at the end.
TIP: Set preparation for this activity as homework. Sts will
collect ideas, then do it next class.

9 GW Groups report their ideas. Have a class vote for

the best plan the most likely to be successful.
Weblink Encourage sts to visit the website, choose one or two

celebrities and note down the reasons why they decided to give
back. Elicit their answers at the beginning of the following class.

Follow up

Sts write a paragraph entitled Our Worldstock describing

the decision they made in #8.

Activity Book C1, page 100.

Have a quick practice by making some appropriate suggestions

for that moment in your class, eg Lets stop for coffee now. / Why
dont we do a composition now? / We could turn off / on the air
conditioner. / etc.
Ask different sts to react to them, using the expressions in the

T: Lets Lets go to the cinema.
Sts: Lets go to the cinema.
T: why
Sts: Why dont we go to the cinema?
T: I think
Sts: I think we could go to the cinema.
T: watch TV
Sts: I think we could watch TV.

why lets have a drink I think go for a swim

Get sts to do Activity Book page 100 #3.



Well help you!

Aim(s) of the lesson:


grammar & listening

Making promises and offers

nouns: post, stream

verb collocations: check

the weather forecast,

give (somebody) a ride, go and get (something),
leave (the lights) on, leave (somebody) behind,
pick (somebody) up
eXpressions: Dont worry., I promise., Shall I?
(to make an offer), Wonderful!

15 min

TS Refer to the Tip box and explain the alternative way

of making offers with Shall I? Highlight the use of
the interrogative form for this purpose. Elicit other uses of shall
sts have seen: suggestions in C1 (Shall we? What shall we do?)

Reading posts
Listening to dialogues
Speaking: making offers and promises

TS Focus on the Interlink box and highlight the difference

between English and Portuguese. In Portuguese both forms
(Eu vou pegar e Eu pego) are used, but only Ill is used in English.

Going to future
Present Continuous for future arrangements

CD2 track 6

IND Read the first line

of the rubrics and get sts
to match the offers and
promises in the Organizer
with the dialogues writing
A to F in the brackets. Play
CD track for sts to listen
and check. Stop after each
dialogue to confirm
the answer.

15 min

1 TS Books closed. Talk about your Twitter habits.

Ask sts Have you joined Twitter? Are you a Twitter follower?
How often do you post per day? Who do you usually follow?
PW Books open. Focus on the stream of posts on a microblog and
questions 1 to 3. Ask sts to discuss them. Elicit sts ideas as a class.
KEY: 1 from the bottom up 2 Worldstock 3 Laura
TIP: Question #1 is there to make sts aware that posts like
the ones on Twitter must be read from the bottom up.
Help them reach this conclusion by focusing their attention
on the information about when each twit was posted
(2 hours ago / 1 minute ago).

2 PW Focus on the sentences in yellow in the posts in #1.

Sts tick, underline and circle ideas according to questions 1 to 3.

Classcheck. Ask sts What verbs do we use to make promises and
offers? (ll and wont)
KEY: 1 Ellens interviewing Mika and Jamie Cullum this week too.
2 Mika, Jamie and The Kooks are going to perform at
the Worldstock charity event.
Sonia and I are going to drive to the concert.
3 Ill go and get the tickets
we wont leave you behind!
Ill find out and let you know!

TS Refer sts to the Organizer and have them complete with

ll or wont, paying attention to whether they are promising /
offering TO DO something or nOT TO DO something. Classcheck,
by eliciting complete sentences from individual sts.
KEY: A ll or wont B ll C ll d wont E wont F wont


TIP: if time allows, before moving on to this exercise, get sts

to go back to the dialogue on page 22 (lesson B4) and find
two examples of an offer or promise: Rachel says Ill come
and pick you up. I wont be long.

verbs: offer, promise


reading & speaking

MM c2.4
TS Tell sts theyre
going to watch some short
films in which people are
having conversations and
are suddenly interrupted.
Explain that theyll have to
watch the film and infer
which sentence the people
who were interrupted said.
Click on sentences to check.

TS Read the remaining

lines of the instructions,
focus on each dialogue and
discuss the questions
as a whole class.

CD2 track 7

TS Refer sts to the dialogues in #4 again. Highlight they will

practise only the answers now. Play CD track for sts to listen
and repeat. Make sure sts use contracted forms and draw their
attention to the pronunciation of ll (dark l). However, there is no
need to insist on perfect pronunciation here.
PW Sts practise reading the dialogues in pairs. They swap roles
and practise again.

TIP: If time allows, get sts to practise the dialogues without

looking at the Organizer, trying to remember the offers and


8 GW Read the instructions and the model exchange with

class. Groups decide who will be responsible for what. Groups
should take notes as they will report their decisions to class
at the end. Circulate and make notes of sts mistakes. Get sts
to report their ideas. Draw sts attention to any mistakes.


T: send you a postcard (affirmative) Ill send you

a postcard.
Sts: Ill send you a postcard.
T: write you an email
Sts: Ill write you an email.
T: forget to phone you (negative) I wont forget to
phone you.
Sts: I wont forget to phone you.
T: be long
Sts: I wont be long.

Follow up

Invent some problems for sts to offer to help you:

Theres someone at the door.
Its cold in here.
The phones ringing.
Im carrying lots of books and cant open the door.
My car doesnt work.
Ive hurt my hand.
Im thirsty / hungry.
I cant understand this exercise.
Sts may also think of a problem themselves.

buy you a souvenir forget to take photos
follow you on Twitter spend too much

note: Alternate affirmative and negative.

Activity Book C2, page 101.

Get sts to do Activity Book page 101 #2.


25 min

RP4 C2.6

TS Point to the first picture on the pdf slide / OHT and ask sts
to suggest what to say to each person, using the input from the
picture and the verb prompt. E.g. Ill give you a ride. / I wont tell
anyone. Then, have them repeat each offer / promise chorally.
Point to the pictures again in a different order to elicit offers /
promises from individual sts. Bear in mind each sts needs as
you choose the prompts.


TS Read the rubrics to class, focus on the replies and quickly

drill them. Do number one with sts as a model.
PW Get sts to respond to the people in the three other
situations choosing a reply and a verb from the box. Monitor sts
work, providing help and correcting on the spot. Sts report their
ideas to class at the end. Allow different possibilities in each case.
Suggested KEY:
1 Dont worry. Ill pick it / them up for you.
2 Im sorry. I wont be late again.
3 Congratulations! / Wonderful! Of course well be there.
4 Dont worry. Ill leave a light on.
TS Focus on the Recycle box. Remind sts of the use of Ill or
well for decisions about the future made at the moment of



Im meeting them in Rio this Thursday.

Aim(s) of the lesson:


TS Elicit other words that are not pronounced the same way
in Portuguese and English (e.g. CD-ROM, call centre, notebook,
laptop, email, club, etc.)

Talking about future arrangements and plans



nouns: types of music: blues,

Going to for future plans

Present Continuous for

country, heavy metal, jazz,

pop, rap, reggae, rock n roll,
samba; art, charity,
entertainment, environment,
funds, investment, laws, nGO,
property, social responsibility,
adJectives: available, aware
verbs: convince, encourage,
put (pressure on)
Future time eXpressions:
a week [from] tomorrow,
in (four) days, in (three) weeks,
next (Monday), the day
after tomorrow, this (Friday),
tomorrow, tomorrow afternoon,
tonight / this evening,
two weeks [from] next (Sunday)

pronunciation & speaking


International words

Reading an interview
Listening to the radio news
Speaking: making plans
and arrangements about
the future

Present Continuous

15 min

to an English speaking country? Did you speak English there?

Did you have any problems with the pronunciation of any words?
Books open. Refer sts to the list of types of music. Read the
rubrics to sts. Have sts try to pronounce the words.

CD2 track 8
1 IND Play CD track for
sts to circle the words that
are not pronounced like
in Portuguese. Classcheck.
2 TS Explain to sts
that theyll hear the same
word pronounced twice
once by a Brit and once by
an American. Play CD track
again for sts to listen and
choose the pronunciation
they want to repeat. Make
sure they choose only one to
repeat after theyve listened
to both.

3 GW Sts discuss their

recommendations. Then
they feed back their opinions
to class.


listening & reading


15 min

CD2 track 9

1 TS Read the rubrics to class and focus on question 1.

Play CD track for sts to listen and tick the four types of music
not mentioned in the radio news. Classcheck.
2 & 3 TS Focus on questions 2 and 3. Play CD track again for sts

1 TS Books closed. Ask sts Have you ever travelled


TIP: The
main point here is to make sure sts understand
that the Brazilianized way of pronouncing these names will
not do if they want to be understood internationally. Give
them an option of a British or American way to pronounce
the words, but dont let them maintain a Brazilian
pronunciation when theyre talking in English!

MM c3.1
Memory game. The objective
of the game is to find
matching pairs.

to listen and tick the correct answers. Classcheck. Ask What else
do you remember from the radio news? Where is the money
going to? to introduce nGO.
KEY: 1 country, rap, reggae, samba
2 forest preservation
3 Canada

3 TS Explain who Pedro is. Ask Do you know any NGOs?

Have you ever donated money to one? Focus on the text and ask
What type of text is this? Where do you nd interviews like this?
(e.g. Veja magazine)
PW Sts read the questions before they read the interview and
answer questions 1 to 3.
TIP: For question 3, consider that at this level sts are not yet
able to provide all the definitions in English, so allow them
to use Portuguese.

GW Divide class into two

teams. Invite Team A to click
on two MP3 screens to turn
them over. If they match,
click on Team As player to
score the point. Teams take
turns. Whenever a word
is turned over for the first
time, click on the sound icon
and ask sts to repeat it.

KEY: 1 Theyre going to start a big campaign and produce

a special CD.
2 Hes meeting composers in Rio and flying to Bahia
in 4 days.
3 suggested synonyms: money, to make someone want
to do something, force, regulations, ready / free,
conscious, make someone agree to do something,
immediately after.

GW In groups, sts discuss

what type of music is
best for each of the four

4 1 & 2 IND Get sts to underline the four sentences with

going to and two with the Present Continuous in the text.
Explain that some of these sentences refer to future plans
(question 1) and others to future arrangements (question 2).
Sts go back to the sentences they underlined and write 1 or 2.


5 min


CD2 Track 10

TS Play CD track for sts to listen and check the sentences

they underlined and their meanings. Make sure they get
the right answers before playing the track again for them to repeat.
Draw sts attention to contractions and weak form of to /t/.

4 IND Refer to the Organizer and have sts complete the

gaps. Classcheck. Ask Whats the difference between plans and

arrangements? (arrangements are more certain to happen
because preparations have been made, and other people are
involved.) Refer to the example with the Present Continuous in
the Organizer and elicit what preparations have been made and
what other people are involved. (tickets or a DVD the children).
KEY: plans / arrangements


Get sts to do Activity Book page 102 #3.


20 min

Chat Page. Tell sts to check which information they have and what
they need to find out. Ask sts to keep their information secret.
PW St A starts by asking B his / her questions about Pedros
diary and writing 1 to 3. St B does the same, asking A. Monitor
sts work, providing help if necessary and correcting on the spot.
7 1 TS Read the rubrics and focus on the photos.

Elicit a few ideas about ways of spending the money.

GW In groups (for example st A, st B, st C) sts make plans

agreeing on the five priorities for their money.

2 GW Form new groups of only As, Bs, and Cs for sts

to report their plans and find coincidences.

TIP: You can also use playing cards to help you arrange
the groups more smoothly. Give out Jacks, Queens, Kings
and Aces to form the first groups by gathering one of each
per group (a J, a Q, a K and an A). For the second part,
tell all Js, Qs, Ks and As to get together. Another alternative
is the use of colour cards (4 different colours).

travel abroad next holidays play cards on Saturday we

see a friend at 6 have a test tomorrow they

6 TS Get sts into pairs and refer each member to a different

T: watch TV tonight (plan) Im going to watch TV tonight.

Sts: Im going to watch TV tonight.
T: he
Sts: Hes going to watch TV tonight.

T: watch a film after class (arrangement) Were watching

a film after class.
Sts: Were watching a film after class.
T: she
Sts: Shes watching a film after class.

8 TS Focus on the model exchange and elicit a few

possible questions about the near future (e.g. tonight, tomorrow

morning, this weekend, etc).
PW Get sts to ask and answer about themselves. Circulate and
make notes of sts mistakes. Elicit a few plans / arrangements
and comment on the content of sts contributions. Then,
draw their attention to any mistakes.


10 min


1 TS Get sts to go to Vocabulary Pack 5 (page 79) and

show them TODAY (1st May) on the calendar. Also show them
examples a to d to explain how to match the expressions with
the dates on the calendar. Classcheck by following the model
exchange in #2.
KEY: a 1st May b 2nd May c 2nd May d 3rd May e 5th May
f 22nd May g 4th May h 7th May i 9th May j 20th May

Follow up

Get sts to write a paragraph describing their priorities for

spending the money in #7 (exercise 2).

Activity Book C3, pages 102 & 103.

2 TS Quickly drill a few questions before sts work in

pairs: e.g.

T: tonight
Sts: Whats the date tonight?
T: this Friday
Sts: Whats the date this Friday?

PW Sts choose 4 questions each to ask their partners.

Questions should not be in order. Sts A and B alternate asking
and answering questions. Monitor closely for accuracy,
correcting on the spot and helping sts as necessary.


Therell be snow in Seattle.

Aim(s) of the lesson:



Making predictions

nouns: natural disasters: an avalanche, a drought,

an epidemic, a forest fire, a hurricane, famine, flood;

world problems: deforestation, global warming, pollution,
population growth
adJectives: cold, dry, foggy, hot, rain, snow, sunny, warm,


Reading newspaper extracts

Listening to the weather forecast
Speaking: making predictions

vocabulary, reading & speaking

1 TS Books open.
Focus on the seven photos.
Ask Which ones are / could be
in Brazil? Where do you think
the others were taken? Have
sts guess the pronunciation
of the disaster words and
drill them. Ask Which
natural disaster are you
most afraid of?
IND Focus on sentences
1 to 7. Sts match them to
the seven photos. Classcheck,
by reading the sentences
aloud and having sts say
the natural disaster.
KEY: A 2 B 5 C 1 d 7
E4 F3 g6

15 min

MM c4.1
TS Explain to sts that
they will see headlines and
will have to read somewhat
fast. Tell them to focus on
most important words and
that the main objective is to
identify matching headlines
and pictures. Invite sts to
click on headline which
corresponds to the image
on the screen. Images will
change automatically when
they get the right answer.
Click on Action to move on
to the next screen.
PW Sts match words
and pictures. Drag and drop
words to check.

2 GW Sts discuss questions a, b, c. Monitor closely,

helping with vocabulary. Elicit a few ideas at the end.

TS Focus on the Recycle box and revise There + be for

descriptions. Elicit examples about the class (There are 15 sts,
Theres a computer, etc), about their neighbourhood (Theres
a hospital, There are two cinemas, etc) and show that variations
in time (present, past) occur in the verb Be.


15 min

CD2 track 12

1 TS Focus on the picture. Ask Whos the woman?

Whats she doing? Do you watch the weather forecast on the

news? Which channel? Are they normally right? Do you listen to it
on the radio / read it in the newspaper? Which country do you
think shes from? Why? Which of the places on the map have you
been to / would you like to visit most?
Focus on the instructions. Write April 1st 2027 on the B to ensure
sts know that this is the date for the weather forecast theyre
going to listen to. Ask sts to guess (via a show of hands) whether
itll be good or bad. Play CD track for sts to listen and check
their guesses.
conditions. Revise foggy. Play CD track again for sts to write A to
G. Dont check answers immediately after sts do the matching.
Tell sts to move straight on to #3, so you can check both
at the same time.

There + be
Agreeing / Disagreeing


2 TS Refer sts to the map and to the list of weather


CD2 track 13

IND Sts complete the sentences from the weather forecast

using the information and the map in #2.2. Play CD track for sts
to listen and check their answers. Classcheck both #2.2 and #3.
KEY: 1 hurricanes 2 new Orleans 3 Dallas 4 Los Angeles
5 snow
6 windy
7 new York


10 min

4 TS Refer to the Organizer and have sts complete the

sentences. Highlight that they should pay attention to whether

the sentences are affirmative, negative or interrogative.
Classcheck. Ask Can we be sure about these future situations?
(no). Explain that a prediction is just a statement about what
you think is going to happen. Ask What verb tense do we use to
make predictions?(Future with will).
KEY: ll wont wont Will Will
TS Focus on the Tip box and drill the intonation of the short
answers. Highlight that we dont use a contraction for the
affirmative because will cannot be unstressed in short answers.

7 TS Read the rubrics to class and get 4 volunteers to read

optional DrilL
T: sunshine (affirmative) Therell be sunshine tomorrow.
Sts: Therell be sunshine tomorrow.
T: snow
Sts: Therell be snow tomorrow.
T: rain (negative) There wont be any rain.
Sts: There wont be any rain.
T: floods
Sts: There wont be any floods.
hurricanes droughts an epidemic
NOTE: Alternate affirmative and negative.

Get sts to write down sentences for #5, #6 and / or #7.

Follow up 2: Predictions for 2010 (2011? 2012?)

Get sts to do Activity Book page 104 #2.

Follow up 1

sunshine an epidemic floods

GW Get groups to make predictions about the other topics,

agreeing and disagreeing. Monitor and make notes of sts errors.
Also note down instances of good language for class feedback
at the end. Have groups report their predictions to class. Discuss
the general attitude of the class about the future: optimistic or
pessimistic? Provide feedback.


T: rain (interrogative) Will there be any rain?

Sts: Will there be any rain?
T: snow
Sts: Will there be any snow?


the example exchange. Focus on the Interlink box and highlight

the difference between English and Portuguese. Explain that
in English it is usually the first verb (i.e., think) that is made
negative, not the second.

25 min

5 PW Ask What do you know about global warming? to see

what sts know / can express in English. Focus on sentences
1 to 6. Do the first one with the whole class. Ask What are
the options? to elicit Therell be more natural disasters. / There
wont be more natural disasters. What do you think? Ask sts to
discuss the other topics in pairs. Monitor to check that they are
forming correct sentences. Deal with correction on the spot.

6 TS Read the rubrics to sts and elicit examples about Asia.

What will happen in Asia? Therell be avalanches in the Himalayas.
Therell be droughts in China and India. Therell be floods in Japan.

PW Pairs discuss predictions about the other continents.

Monitor sts work, helping with the pronunciation of the
geographical names. Sts feed back their ideas to the whole class
at the end.
KEY: Therell be droughts, famine and epidemics in Africa /
forest fires in west Europe / droughts in east Europe /
floods on the Atlantic coast / droughts and fires in
Australia and New Zealand / floods in the NE and SE
of Brazil / famine in central Latin America / droughts
in north Latin America / hurricanes in the Caribbean /
droughts and fires in the west of the US / floods
in south Canada / epidemics in the NY area.

TS Set the context by asking sts What do you see in the news
every year before New Years Eve? (Elicit the idea of predictions for
the next year). What kind of predictions are made? (try to elicit
the topics below). Tell sts they will now play the role of fortune
tellers and make predictions for the new year.
GW Write on the B (prepare a handout) with the following
structures. Groups write their predictions. Monitor and help
with vocabulary. Groups report their predictions at the end.
World Predictions for 20
1 There will be an assassination attempt on...
2 There will be serious political / religious tensions in...
3 ...will be forced out of office and an early election will be called.
4 There will be a major terrorist attack in...
5 There will be a serious pollution problem in...
6 There will be natural disasters in... (name them).
7 ...will become pregnant. And... will announce
shes pregnant too.
8 There will be a knife attack on... (top celebrity).
9 ...and will get divorced.

Activity Book C4, pages 104 & 105.



Ive already done that.

Aim(s) of the lesson:


Talking about past experiences



nouns: fluorescent

Present Perfect with

already and yet

garbage, (incandescent) light
bulb, low flow taps, rainwater
collector, recycling bins, solar
panel; housework chores: do
the washing up, hoover the
floor, make the bed, put the
clothes away, put the rubbish
out, tidy up the desk, water
the plants, clean the windows
verbs: build, change, install,
plant, recycle, replace, turn off
eXpression: go green

vocabulary & reading

TS Focus on Lauras and Harrys sentences. Play CD track for

sts to listen and complete. Classcheck. Play it again for sts to
listen and repeat.
KEY: Have ve havent


Reading a to-do list

Listening to a conversation
Speaking: talking about
plans and tasks done and
not done

Indefinite pronouns
Adverbs of Frequency
Past Simple
Going to future

15 min

1 TS Books closed. Write environment on the B and ask

How concerned about the environment are you? What do you do

to protect the environment? to elicit some ideas and vocabulary.
IND Books open. Read the instructions and have sts circle
their options.
PW Sts compare their answers and report their coincidences
to class. Discuss the general attitude of the class about
the environment.

2 TS Read the instructions and elicit the meaning of

go green. Focus on the pictures and drill the words.

IND Sts complete the sentences with the words. Classcheck.

Explain verbs that may be new to sts and drill pronunciation of
the new words and phrases.
KEY: trees a solar panel fluorescent bulbs collector
low flow taps bins


10 min

CD2 track 15

1 IND Play CD track for sts to listen and tick the plans

Laura and Harry mention in their conversation in #3.

KEY: build a rainwater collector install low flow taps

2 TS Focus on the question explaining the idea that

one of the plans is now a reality, ie. it has already been done,
while the other hasnt been done yet. Play CD track again for sts
to put a star next to the plan that is now a reality.
KEY: build a rainwater collector


CD2 track 16

grammar presentation & practice

10 min

5 TS Focus on the Organizer and have sts quickly read it.

IND Get sts to look at the sentences in #5 and complete with
the words in yellow from the Organizer. Classcheck. Ask Whats
the rule? (We use yet to ask if something has happened or to say
that it hasnt, already to say that something happened earlier
than we imagined.) Draw sts attention to the position of already
and yet (already before the main verb and yet at the end of the
clause). Drill the correct pronunciation of already and yet, chorally
and then individually.
KEY: already (not+) yet yet

T: have breakfast (affirmative) Ive already had breakfast.
Sts: Ive already had breakfast.
T: do the homework
Sts: Ive already done the homework.
T: take a shower (negative) I havent taken a shower yet.
Sts: I havent taken a shower yet.
T: wash the dishes
Sts: I havent washed the dishes yet.
prompts: make the bed have a shower
tidy the living room get dressed
nOTE: Alternate affirmative and negative.

T: read the newspaper (interrogative) Have you read

the newspaper yet?
Sts: Have you read the newspaper yet?
T: check your mail
Sts: Have you checked your mail yet?

prompts: phone the office buy the milk wash the car
Get sts to do Activity Book page 106 #1.

RP4 c5.6
TS Before asking sts to
say what Harry has already
done / hasnt done yet, show
all photo prompts on the
pdf slide / OHT and elicit the
past participle forms of each
verb. Then point to each
picture separately and elicit
the sentence about Harry.

MM c5.6
TS Explain to sts that
they will look at pictures
and say what Harry has
already done or hasnt done
yet. Click on Action to show
images and prompts.
Elicit sentences. Click again
to check.

Give everyone a chance to repeat each sentence chorally and

individually if necessary.
KEY: He has already planted the trees. / He hasnt installed
the solar panel yet. / He hasnt installed the fluorescent
lights yet. / He has already bought the recycling bins.

reading & SPEAKING

15 min

7 1 IND Read the rubrics and refer sts to Harrys

to-do list and to the picture. Sts do the matching exercise
writing 1 to 8 in the brackets on the picture. Highlight the fact
that Harry hasnt done anything yet. Classcheck the letters and
numbers. Elicit the list of housework tasks Harry hasnt done yet
for oral practice: He hasnt done the washing up yet. He hasnt
hoovered the floor yet. etc. Conduct a chorus and individual drill.
KEY: A 4 B 7 C 6 D 3 E 8 F 1 G 5 H 2

2 TS Get sts into pairs and refer each member to

a different Chat Page. Tell sts to check which information

they have about what Sonia has / hasnt done, and what they
need to find out. Ask sts to keep their information secret.
PW St A starts by telling B what Sonia has already done and
hasnt done yet. B ticks the tasks Sonia has done. Then St B does
the same, telling A.
TS Tell sts that there are two tasks that neither of them know.
Move around the class for the pairs to have a chance to ask you
about these two, which only you know the answer to Sonia has
already put the clothes away. She hasnt hoovered the floor yet.
Your exchange with the sts should be:
Sts: Has Sonia put the clothes away yet?
T: Yes, she has.
Sts: Has she hoovered the floor yet?
T: No, she hasnt.

8 IND Have sts write their individual to-do lists with FIVE

tasks, including things they have already done and things they
havent yet. Tasks dont have to be complete sentences:
refer sts to Harrys list in #7. Monitor their writing, helping
with vocabulary.
GW Get one example of task from one of the sts and write it
on the B. Focus on the model exchange in the speech bubbles
and elicit an example with the task on the B. Model a few
questions and short answers before sts start working in groups.
Highlight that they have to ask for more details about the tasks,
using past and future forms. Monitor sts work, making notes
of their mistakes. Give feedback on any points of accuracy or
fluency that you would like to focus on.

Follow up

Get sts to think of things they do almost everyday, e.g. brush

teeth, make their bed, do the homework, have dinner, etc. Ask
them to write TWO sentences about what they have already
done today and TWO about what they havent done yet.
Game: Guess what Ive already done

IND Write on the B the following list and get sts to write TWO
plans for each, one they have already done and one they havent
yet, varying the order: places to visit / movies to see / books to
read / restaurants to go to / things to buy
PW Sts show their list to a partner for him/her to guess what
has already been done. Show an example before they start
working in pairs. The aim of the game is to guess what partners
have already done. The winner is the one who gets most
Yes, I have answers.
A Have you been to yet? Have you seen yet?
Have you read yet? Have you bought yet?
B Yes, I have. / No, I havent.

ENGLISH AT WORK: Visions of the future

RP4 C5.E@W-a
1 PW Refer sts to the questions and have them exchange
ideas in pairs. Ask for volunteer sts to share their experiences
with the whole group.

2 TS Tell sts to read the title and initial paragraph and

elicit suggestions from them. Confirm sts correct answers.
Explain the meaning of Andrews job: a business forecaster
(a person that makes predictions about the future of
a company/institution).

3 PW Ask sts to read the whole article and work out

the correct headings for the text. Ask a few pairs to give

their answers. Ask sts to justify their answers.

RP4 C5.E@W-b
4 PW Ask sts to get in pairs and explain theyll have to ask

and answer questions about Andrews predictions in order

to find the correct answers to complete the internet article.
Refer sts to the model dialogue and check they understand
the instructions. Hand out A/B cards. Have an open pair perform
the first question / answer exchange and have the class repeat
after them. As sts work in pairs, monitor their performance and
help as necessary. At the end, ask one or two pairs to ask each
other a few questions to the whole class. Invite volunteers to
give answers.

Activity Book C5, page 106.



When you come to visit

Aim(s) of the lesson:



Talking about future plans, arrangements, predictions

CD2 track 17


1 IND Focus on the

pictures and elicit
description of the places
and types of holidays. Ask
Where would you choose
to go? Refer sts to rubrics
and #1. Play CD track
for sts to listen and tick.

nouns: binoculars, camp site, city centre, plant, sights,

(telephone) bill

verb: camp, fly, leave, pack (a suitcase), pay, stay

eXpressions used at tHe beginning and at tHe end oF an email:

All the best, Cant wait to see / hear from you., Cheers,
Dear, have loads of fun, How are you doing?, Look forward
to seeing / hearing from you., nice to hear from you.,
Take care, Talk to you later, Whats up?, Write back soon.


Reading an email
Listening to a conversation
Speaking: talking about plans and arrangements
Writing an email

2 TS Get the whole

class and a few individual
sts to agree or disagree
with Laura.


Future forms
Present Perfect with already and yet

listening & speaking


15 min

1 GW Refer sts to questions 1 and 2 and give them a few

minutes to discuss. Monitor, focusing specifically on the use

of future forms. Elicit their answers at the end, responding to
the content of what sts are saying. Provide feedback on errors
related to the form and / or use of future tenses.

CD2 track 18
IND Get sts to read and
circle the correct future
forms. Play CD track for sts
to listen and check. Dont ask
for justifications now. Move
straight to #4.
KEY: 1 leaving
2 re going to
3 itll
4 ll tell


10 min

4 IND Have sts identify the

functions of the sentences in

#3 by matching them with
a to d. Classcheck. Revise the
forms used for each future
idea: Present Continuous
for arrangements, going to
for plans and will for
predictions, offers and
KEY: a 2 b 4 c 1 d 3

5 PW Get sts to work

from memory and try

to remember the exact
description of Rachel and
Marcos plans, arrangements
and predictions. Classcheck.


MM c6.2 f 5
TS Books closed. Tell
sts that theyre going to
listen to Rachel telling Laura
about her next holiday and
that they must identify the
pictures that represent what
Rachel says. After listening,
click on pictures to check.
Click on Action to show
question for discussion.
Elicit some sts opinions.
PW In pairs, sts choose
the correct verb to complete
the sentence. Click on verbs
to check. Click on Action
to hear sentences. Ask for
TS Click on Action to see
four words at the bottom
of the page. Elicit from sts
which sentence is a plan,
an arrangement, a promise
and a prediction. Click on
words to check.
PW Sts use images
and prompts to talk
about Rachel and Marcos
plans, arrangements and

KEY: Were flying to Brazil/RJ. Were not going to stay in a hotel.

Were going camping in the middle of a forest. Were going
to plant new trees (in deforested areas in the mountains
of RJ). Therell be some rain (as were going in winter).


10 min


PW Refer sts to Rachels and Marcos to-do lists. Elicit

two examples, one with already and another with yet. Also elicit
the past participle forms of the verbs before sts start working
in pairs. Sts talk about Rachel and Marco. Monitor to check that
they are forming accurate sentences. Elicit all sentences at the
end, drilling if necessary.
KEY: Marco has already bought some socks and bought a new
umbrella. He hasnt packed the big suitcase or paid the
telephone bill yet. Rachel has already packed the small
suitcase and put the rubbish out. She hasnt bought a pair
of binoculars or left a set of keys with Harry yet.


10 min

7 1 TS Ask sts What do you remember about Pedro,

Rachel and Marcos Brazilian friend from the listening in #2?
(He does volunteer work for a forest preservation NGO). Focus
on Pedros email. Get sts to read it and circle the best options.
KEY: 1 youre arriving
2 Ill be
3 well have
4 I could
5 You should visit 6 Why dont
7 therell probably be 8 Ill lend

2 IND Have sts read the email again and write T or F

in the parentheses. Classcheck, asking for justification and


10 min

9 IND Get sts to write an email to their foreign friends using

the ideas discussed in #8. Monitor and help, if necessary.

TIP: Refer sts to the Writing Helpdesk C on page 107. Get sts
to do the exercises before they start writing. If pressed for
time, have sts write their emails for homework.
Weblink Encourage sts to visit the website and answer
the question. Elicit their answers at the beginning of the
following class.

take-away expressions
Encourage sts to look at the Take-away Expressions on page
125 and elicit in which context they first appeared in the book
(dialogues). If necessary, go back to the dialogues. Elicit meaning
and work on pronunciation. Tell sts they are responsible for
studying and using the expressions. These expressions are not
core language.

Follow up

Before sts write the email in #9, have them go back to Pedros
email in #7 and underline expressions they might use in their
own emails, e.g. How are you doing? So, youre arriving

Stop & Check C, pages 108 & 109.


correction of the false sentences.

KEY: a T b F (to visit only) c F (a few Kms away) d T e T


10 min

8 TS Read the instructions to class and drill the model

exchange with the correct intonation. Decide on how many
people are coming and how long they are going to stay.

GW Sts negotiate ideas and note them down. Go round and

monitor, focussing on their fluency in presenting suggestions.
Groups report their ideas to class. Write the following phrases
on the B for reference: Were going to Itll probably be
Therell probably be They should bring . Give feedback on
any important aspects of fluency or accuracy, but dont forget
to include some positive feedback on their performance as well.



Hows it done?

Aim(s) of the lesson:



Talking about processes

NOuNS: words related

to the film industry: cable, cast,

character, credits, digital camcorder, home movie, locations,
microphone, moviemaker, nominee, scene, screenplay, set,
sound effects, storyboard, title, tripod
vERBS: add, burn, cut out, dub, edit, put into, read out, select,
set, shoot, upload

Reading a webpage article

Speaking: describing processes

Verb be in the Simple Present

Film vocabulary
Past Participles
Sequence linkers


15 mIN

1 TS Books closed. Ask sts How often do you watch a film?

Do you prefer watching a film at home or going to the cinema?
Whats your favourite kind of film? Whats your favourite film?
GW Books open. Get groups to discuss questions 1 to 3 but
dont allow it to last very long. Elicit a few ideas at the end,
taking the opportunity to teach vocabulary from #3 if asked.


IND Get sts to go to Vocabulary Pack 6 (page 79) and refer

them to the list of words related to films. Have sts match the
words and the definitions. Classcheck by reading the definition
and eliciting the word.
PW Get sts into pairs and ask them to try to pronounce
the new words.
TS Drill the pronunciation, getting the whole class to repeat
each word after you.
KEY: 3 9 4 8 1 5 7 2 6


15 mIN

this? (a webpage) Whats it about? Who is the man in the picture?

What does he do? (a filmmaker) Refer sts to the 3 titles.
IND Have sts skim the webpage article and choose the best
title. Classcheck and ask How easy is it? Would you like to try?
KEY: b

4 BOOk TrAck


CD2 Track 19

The Present Passive

3 TS Focus on the webpage and ask What kind of text is


mm D1.4

PW Read the instructions

to sts. Sts read the article
again and number the steps
of the process 1 to 8. Play
CD track for sts to listen
and check their answers.
Explain key vocabulary that
sts may ask about. Ask Whos
doing all this? Who makes
the storyboard, chooses the
cast and location, burns the
movie, etc? to introduce the
idea that the passive is used
when it is not important to
mention the performer of
the action.
KEY: a 2 b 3 c 8 d 5
e4 f6 g1 h7


TS Read the rubrics.

Have sts read the text and
number the steps. Then,
they watch the video and
check answers.

10 mIN

5 IND Get sts to look at the sentences in #4 and complete

the Organizer table and rule. Classcheck. Ask How do you

form the negative? (by making the verb be negative) And the
interrogative? (by placing the verb be before the subject)
Also remind them of the list of past participles in the Language
Bank (page 125).
Quickly drill a few verbs and their past participles from the Bank.
KEY: is are be

T: Somebody cleans this room every day This room
is cleaned every day.
Sts: This room is cleaned every day.
T: Someone closes the doors at 8.
Sts: The doors are closed at 8.
T: They dont sell books here Books arent sold here.
Sts: Books arent sold here.
T: They dont lock the gates in the evening.
Sts: The gates arent locked in the evening.

They serve coffee in the waiting room. They dont use
the library at weekends. Someone checks the equipment
every day. They dont serve sandwiches at the bar.

T: Does somebody clean the toilets twice a day?

Are the toilets cleaned twice a day?
Sts: Are the toilets cleaned twice a day?
T: Do they give free meals to all students?
Sts: Are free meals given to all students?

Get sts to do Activity Book page 110 #2.

CD2 Track 20

TS Refer sts to the verbs in the box and elicit their past
participle forms.
IND Sts write the past participle forms next to the words 1 to 6.
TS Elicit sentences 1 to 6 with the present passive from class.
Highlight the choice between singular and plural verb be. Elicit
the same sentences, this time from individual sts.
KEY: 1 is created
2 are chosen
3 are added
4 are cut out 5 is burnt
6 is uploaded
TIP: Asking for choral answer, then individual answer is
a way of drilling the passive structure. Use exercises with
single words or short phrases as opportunities to have
controlled practice of the new language.


15 min

7 TS Focus on the picture and ask Do you watch the Oscar

ceremony? What categories do you remember?(Best director,

Best actor, etc) What sentences are typical of the ceremony? (And
the nominees are And the winner is And the Oscar goes to)
Do you know how the Academy chooses the winners? Read
the instructions and the model exchange with sts. Quickly drill
the linkers they are going to use.

RP4 D1.8

game: Movie race

Do they serve tea at the bar? Does someone use this
room on Sunday? Do they sell tickets at the door?

PW Get sts to say the sentences together using the linkers.

Go round and monitor, checking that they are forming accurate
sentences. Classcheck by getting individual sts to say the
sentences. Elicit possible ways of joining sentences using AND.
KEY: 1 First the nominees are selected for each category. 2 Next,
one nominee in each category is chosen by the Academy
members. 3/4 Then, the votes are sent to the Academy
and counted by an accountancy firm. 5 After that,
the names of the winners are put into sealed envelopes.
6 (And) Finally the names (they) are read out during
the Oscar ceremony.

TS Read the example about James Bond and focus on the Tip
box. Go back to #4 and ask Why wasnt a by-phrase used in these
sentences? (Because its not important/relevant to mention who
did the action).
GW Cut out the cards and give out a set of cards per group.
The groups have 7 minutes to form 6 correct sentences using
the 4 verbs and the other 12 names. Stop them at the end of the
7 minutes. The group with most correct sentences is the winner.
KEY: Wolverine is played by Hugh Jackman.
Iron Man is played by Robert Downey Jr.
Star Wars is set in a galaxy far, far away.
Sex and the City and Spider-Man are set in New York City.
Donkey (in Shrek) and Mushu (in Mulan) are voiced
by Eddy Murphy.
The Oscar is given by The Academy.
Weblink Encourage sts to visit the websites and answer the
questions. Elicit their answers at the beginning of the following
class. Also ask What would be the theme / subject of your movie?

Refer sts to page 53 and encourage them to reflect on and
develop their strategies about recording vocabulary.

Follow up

GW Ask each group to choose a product and find out how it is

made. They should report their findings in the following class,
using visual aids or just speaking about the product. Examples:
jeans, Coke, CDs, books, etc.

Activity Book D1, page 110.



How long have you been a cameraman?

Aim(s) of the lesson:


Talking about duration



NOuNS: jobs related

the film industry: actor/
actress, cameraman,
cartoonist, costume designer,
choreographer, director,
film editor, make-up artist,
photographer, producer,
screenwriter, stuntman/
EXPRESSION: work freelance

Connected speech


Present Simple
Past Simple

Questions with How long +

Present Perfect
Present Perfect + for / since



1 BOOk TrAck
GW Books closed. Tell sts
they will have a competition
to see which group can write
most words related to
a topic in one minute. When
groups are ready, say movie.
IND Get sts to go to
Vocabulary Pack 7 (page 79)
and refer them to the list
of jobs. Have sts match the
words and the definitions.
Classcheck by reading
the definition and eliciting
the word. Elicit / drill
pronunciation, getting whole
class to repeat each word
after you.

Reading the introduction to

an interview
Listening to an interview
Speaking: talking about
how long a present
situation has been true

10 mIN

mm D2.1
GW Click on Action to
reveal the first definition.
Allow 30 for the group to
choose a word from the list.
Click on the chosen word.
If its correct, it disappears.
Click on the corresponding
bookcase to keep score. Click
on Action again to move to
the next definition. Repeat
procedure for the 12 words.
PW Click on Action,
and have sts discuss
the question.

TS Elicit answers to
the follow-up questions
from class.
KEY: 5 10 11 12

2 TS Tell sts they will play a game called cinemaster.

Read the instructions to sts and highlight the fact that the
group will score 2 points for each name no other group has
thought of, 1 point for a name another group has also thought
of and 0 points for any name they cant come up with. Give
sts 3 minutes to discuss and write the names of the famous
professionals. Classcheck by eliciting the names and writing
the score on the B.


10 mIN

3 TS Refer sts to the headings and clarify their meaning

as necessary, especially former.


IND Have sts read the website text and complete the
information about Colin Watson. Classcheck and ask Would
you like to be a photographer and cameraman? Are you a good
photographer? Do you think Colin is happy now?
KEY: British photographer and cameraman The job was
too dangerous. Porto Alegre, Brazil

CD2 Track 21

TS Get sts to read the sentences and make oral guesses. If

they think the sentences are false, elicit an alternative idea: Why
then do you think he came to Brazil? Where do you think he lived?
etc. Play CD track for sts to listen and write T or F. Classcheck and
ask Do you remember when Colin came to Brazil? (6 years ago)
Yes, he has been in Brazil for 6 years.
KEY: 1 F (because of Brazilian music)
2 T 3 T 4 F (a boy and a girl)
Write the two questions on B as a lead-in to the Organizer.
When did Colin come to Brazil? 6 years ago
How long has Colin been in Brazil? for 6 years


10 mIN

CD2 Track 22

TS Focus on the first column of the Organizer. Have sts read

it and complete questions 1 to 4 in #5. Play CD track for sts to
listen and check. Ask sts to underline the expressions of time
in the four answers for sts to notice for, since and ago.
KEY: 1 how long have you worked as a cameraman?
2 how long have you lived in Porto Alegre?
3 How long have you worked freelance?
4 How long have you been married?


1 IND Focus on the timeline to the right of the Organizer.

They read the two sentences, look at the line and write the
missing numbers. Classcheck.
KEY: 12 2006

2 IND Focus on the three rules at the bottom of the

Organizer. Sts study the choices, look at the examples in the

Organizer and circle the correct answers. Classcheck. Refer to
the timeline and quickly explain that the situations started in
the past and continue in the present. Ask How long have you
been at the Cultura? How long have you been in this class? and
encourage sts to answer with since and for.
KEY: Present Perfect for since

TS Focus on the Interlink box and highlight the difference

between English and Portuguese. In Portuguese we use our
Presente Simples to talk about how long things have been
going on: Eu moro aqui h 3 anos. Make sts notice that in English
we use the Present Perfect to do this. Use the wrong example to
show this very common error.


PW Ask sts to work with different partners. St A asks all

the questions, then B does the same. Invite some more
volunteers to ask and answer in front of the class.

MM D2.extra

NOTE: Alternate persons.

Get sts to do Activity Book page 111 #2.

7 1

10 min

Split the class into three groups. Explain that each group will
represent a charity organization. Click on Player to spin the wheel.
Group answer question. Click on Action to check. If group answer
correctly, click on n to grant them the money. If group answer
incorrectly, click on o group does not win or lose money.
The winner is the group who raises most money.


CD2 Track 23

RP4 D2.E@W

TS Refer sts to the four lines. Play CD track for sts to listen
and repeat. Ask What do you notice about the words long,
have / has and the pronouns? (They are connected when
pronounced.) Play track again for sts to listen and repeat once
more. Ask a few individual sts to pronounce the phrases.

PW Sts ask and answer following your example. Monitor sts

work, providing help and correcting mistakes if necessary.
At the end, tell them to report any interesting information about
their partners.
think about the answers. Get volunteers to model the questions
and answers. Highlight that some questions refer to the present
(Present Simple) and others ask about how long the situation
has been true (Present Perfect).

prompts: for a long time had this car drive

since last February for one day

they really want to ask you. Make sure they use all three
participles before pairwork.

10 TS Get sts to read the prompts for the questions and

T: work here / 4 years Ive worked here for 4 years.

Sts: Ive worked here for 4 years.
T: for 3 months
Sts: Ive worked here for 3 months.
T: live
Sts: Ive lived here for 3 months.
T: since 2005 Ive lived here since 2005.
Sts: Ive lived here since 2005.
T: since last year
Sts: Ive lived here since last year.
T: study
Sts: Ive studied here since last year.


9 TS Focus on the chart. Get each st to choose one question

CD2 Track 24

IND Read the instructions with sts and have them complete
first the questions, then the answers. Play CD track for them to
listen and check. Play CD track again stopping after each line for
sts to repeat.
PW Sts read the dialogues, then swap roles and read again.
Monitor closely for pronunciation and sentence stress.


20 min

8 TS Get sts into pairs and refer them to a different

Chat Page. Tell sts to check which information they have and what
they need to find out. Ask sts to keep their information secret.
PW St A starts by asking B the first question. After Bs answer
with since, A completes the sentence with for + number of
years. St B does the same, asking A. Sts alternate questions
and answers until they find all the information. Go round and
monitor, making notes of important errors for class feedback.

1 PW Have sts discuss the questions in pairs. Ask volunteer

sts to share their experiences with whole group.

CD2 Track 25

IND Refer sts to the questions. Play CD track and get them to
answer the questions. Ask sts to compare their answers in pairs
before playing the CD track again. Elicit answers from sts.
KEY: 1 False. Her company manufactures natural beauty products.
2 True. 3 False. The plants and fruits used in their products
come from Brazil. 4 True. 5 False. The products are sold
everywhere in Brazil, and in different parts of the world,
such as Italy, France, Argentina and the USA.

CD2 Track 26

PW Conduct a brief repetition drill of the expressions. Have sts

do the matching. Check exercise by eliciting sts answers.
KEY: 4 3 5 1 6 2

4 PW Ask sts to imagine they work at a chocolate factory

and have to explain the process of making chocolate to a group

of visitors using the prompts.

Activity Book D2, page 111.



How much was spent on the special effects?

Aim(s) of the lesson:



Talking about past events



NOuNS: words related


to the
film industry: animation, hero,
humour, lady, plot, scene,
sequel, superhero, villain,
visual effects; types of films:
an action film, an animated
film, a comedy, an epic,
a horror film, a science fiction
film, a suspense, a romance,
a thriller, a western
ADJEcTIvE: courageous
vERBS: base on, nominate,

3 1

and //


Reading movie reviews

Speaking: talking about
Preparing a film quiz

Types of films
Make me feel + adjective
Likes & dislikes
The Present Passive
Verb be in the past

10 mIN

CD2 Track 28

TS Refer sts to the words beat and bit in green in the reviews
#1. Get sts to pronounce them and tell the difference in their
in #
pronunciation (the vowel sound is longer in beat). Play CD track
for sts to listen and repeat. Play it more than once for sts to
notice the difference and practise.

CD2 Track 29

IND Have sts try to pronounce the words individually and write
them in the correct column in the box. Sts paircheck. Play CD
track for sts to check their answers. Play CD track again for sts to
listen and repeat.
KEY: beat: feel hero leave scene
bit: film live Pitt villain


The Past Passive

10 mIN

4 TS Refer sts to the list of film types in #1 and ask them to


10 mIN

CD2 Track 27

TS Books closed. Write on the B: How long have you? Have

a chain drill with all sts in class. Start by asking a question using
the structure to St A, who answers and then asks a question to
St B. St B follows the pattern with St C, etc. Correct on the spot.
TS Focus on the list of film types. Elicit the stress and drill for
pronunciation. Explain new vocabulary. Focus on reviews A to C.
Play the CD track for sts to listen and match with the film types,
writing 1 to 8. Classcheck. Ask What films are they talking about?
KEY: A 3 B 5 c 2 (Star Wars Spider-Man Robots)

2 IND Focus on the definitions next to the parentheses.

Sts read and match them to the yellow words / phrases in the
texts in #1, writing 1 to 4 in the parentheses. Sts guess from
context. Classcheck. Ask Which ones are nearly the same in
Portuguese? Any other words in the texts similar to Portuguese?
KEY: 4 3 1 2
TIP: Its always a good idea to encourage sts to use the
context and true cognates to help the understanding of
a text. These are important reading strategies.
TS Focus on the Recycle box and elicit the example of the
present passive in review B from class. Ask Who does the action?
(the hero).
KEY: is saved

tick two that they like and write a cross next to two that they
dont like. Refer to the Recycle box and elicit examples of
adjectives that can be used after make me feel in relation to films.

T: nervous They make me feel nervous.
Sts: They make me feel nervous.
T: excited
Sts: They make me feel excited.
prompts: sad relaxed scared


15 mIN

5 TS Refer sts to the texts in #1 again and have them

complete the sentences in the Organizer. Classcheck. Ask Who

spent a lot of money on special effects? Who created the visual
effects? Why werent these agents mentioned? Why was
the passive voice used? (because its more important to mention
the action than the person who did it). Ask What word do we use
if we want to mention who does the action? (by). Also ask
Whats the difference between the present and the past passive?
(verb be in the present and past).
KEY: spent were wasnt

T: Steven Spielberg directed ET. ET was directed by Steven
Sts: ET was directed by Steven Spielberg.
T: They nominated ET for seven Oscars.
Sts: ET was nominated for seven Oscars.
prompts: They spent a lot of money on ET. They shot ET
in california. Three people played ET.
Get sts to do Activity Book page 112 #2.


6 Book Track

Multimedia Track

1 TS Refer sts to the

three columns of the table.
Explain that each film
should be linked to a verb
and to a complement. Some
have already been indicated.
Have sts draw the missing
links the lines that are not
there. Classcheck.
2 TS Elicit the
passive constructions.
Then drill the complete
T: Journey to the Centre of
the Earth. It was based on
a novel by Jules Verne.
Sts: It was based on a novel
by Jules Verne.
T: The theme song of the
Lion King.
Sts: It was written by
Elton John.

MM D3.6
TS Tell sts they have to
form sentences using the
words from the sets at the
bottom of the screen. Drag
the words from the first
group (verbs) and drop them
next to one of the subjects.
If the verb is not correct
it bounces back. Once the
words from the first group
have been used, do the same
with the words from
the second group.

GW Sts write three multiple choice questions. Monitor sts

work, offering help and correcting the questions if necessary.
Collect all the questions.

2 TS Explain the class quiz. Tell sts you are going to be

the Quizmaster: you are going to read the questions and
options for sts to write down their answers. At the end, go
through the answers and find out who answered the most
questions correctly.

TIP: Make the quiz more dramatic, encouraging applause,

keeping score on the B, delaying giving answers to
questions, talking to the audience about the contestants,
etc. Declare the winner at the end with a prize.

PW Click on Action. Have

sts discuss the correct verb
forms. Click on the verbs
to reveal answers.
PW Click on Action. Sts
create sentences using
the words on the screen.

PW Sts work in pairs

following the model in the
book. Check by eliciting
sentences from individual sts.


8 1 TS Tell sts they are going to prepare a film quiz

in groups to the whole class. Focus on the example. Highlight
their questions must include the past passive.

15 min

7 1 GW Refer sts to the picture of Matrix and get groups

to discuss the questions in #1. Elicit a few answers.

2 PW Have pairs try to complete as many sentences as

they can in the Fact File.

3 TS Still with the same pairs, refer each member to

a different Chat Page. Tell sts to read the text and check which
information in the Fact File they have and which they dont
have. Ask sts to keep their information secret. Elicit a few
examples of the types of questions they will ask. (When was it
filmed?, Where was it shot?)



TS Divide the class into two groups and write the following
verbs on the B: be operate design create visit block
host manage. Groups alternate drawing cards and making up
sentences about ORKUT combining the verbs on the B and
the information on the cards. Groups score points for correct
Suggested KEY:
1 Orkut is a a free-access social networking service.
2 It is operated by Google.
3 It was designed / created to help users meet new friends.
4 It was created by Orkut Bykkkten.
5 It is visited by most people in India and Brazil.
6 It was hosted originally in California.
7 It is managed now in Belo Horizonte by Google Brazil.
8 It was blocked by the government in Iran.

Activity Book D3, page 112.

PW St A starts by asking B about the information he / she

doesnt have from the Fact File. St B provides the information,
then asks A a question. Sts alternate asking and answering
questions until they have checked all the information in the Fact
File. Monitor sts work, making notes of sts mistakes. Draw sts
attention to recurring mistakes.



If I fell in love with my boss

Aim(s) of the lesson:



Talking about relationships

NOuNS: bachelor, (dream) date, happiness, honeymoon,

Mr Right, Ms Right, partner, single, soul mate

ADJEcTIvES: fabulous, loyal, perfect
vERBS: accept, argue, resist
vERB cOLLOcATIONS: ask somebody out, break somebodys
heart, fancy somebody, find somebody attractive, get back
together, invite somebody on a date, separate, split up with
somebody, start a relationship

Second Conditional

15 mIN

CD2 Track 30

1 TS Focus on the picture of the TV programme and get sts

to describe it: Whats happening? Who are the people? Can you
describe the people? Elicit the meaning of bachelor. Then focus
on pictures a to f.

IND Play CD track for sts to listen and match pictures a to f

to the three bachelors, writing 1, 2 or 3. All pictures have to be
numbered. Play CD track again if necessary. Classcheck by asking
sts to name the pictures and say the numbers.
KEY: A 2 B 3 c 2 D 1 E 3 F 1


2 PW Sts decide which bachelor they think Laura will

Reading a TV guide
Listening to a TV programme
Speaking: talking about relationships

choose, justifying their choice. Form new pairs for sts to compare
their choices. Sts report their ideas to class.


First Conditional
Past Simple


10 mIN

1 TS Books closed. To revise the 1st conditional, play an

If chain: sts take turns to add a sentence to a story. Provide

a model first (e.g. If it rains tonight, Ill stay at home.) Ask St A to
continue (If I stay at home, Ill watch TV.). Highlight contractions.
Ask St B to continue the chain (If I watch TV, ...).
TS Focus on the picture and ask Whos this actor? (Will Smith).
What type of film is Hitch? (a romantic comedy). Whats the
film about? Sts try to summarize the story before you read
the instructions.
GW Read questions 1 to 4 aloud to make sure sts understand
them. Groups discuss questions. Go round and monitor, helping
sts with vocabulary if necessary. Briefly discuss the questions
with the whole class at the end.

2 IND Focus on the text from a TV guide. Sts read and write

T or F in questions 1 to 3. Classcheck, eliciting the correct version

of the false ones. Ask Whats the prize for the winner? Whats
the aim / objective of this type of TV programme? Do you like /
watch programmes like this? Whats it called in Portuguese? (Fica
Comigo) Would you like to be on the programme? What happens
in these programmes? Also elicit the meaning of soul mate
(perfect romantic partner).
KEY: 1 F (new season of an existing show) 2 T 3 T


CD2 Track 31

IND Tell sts they will try to remember some sentences from the
programme. Sts match the sentence halves. Play CD track for sts
to listen and check. Classcheck. Ask Who said these sentences?
Are they talking about real situations? (No.)
KEY: 2 4 1 3
1 Laura 2 Bachelor 1 3 Laura 4 Bachelor 3


10 mIN

5 1 TS Focus on sentences in #4 again. Ask What tense is

used in the if-clauses? (Past Simple) What does the contraction
d stand for? (would).
IND Get sts to look at the sentences in #4 and complete
the Organizer with the five verbs given. Classcheck.
KEY: travel asked argue go fell

2 IND Sts read the rule and write T or F. Highlight the

positive and negative contracted forms, that would is the same

for all persons and the use of the comma after the If clause. Also
show that the order of the clauses can be inverted, with no
comma: Hed buy a big house if he won a million pounds.
TIP: Ask concept questions to clarify the meaning, eg. for
the first one, Did he win a million pounds? Does he expect
to win? Whats his dream? Is he talking about something
probable or improbable? (improbable). Do the same for
the others so sts understand the concept of imaginary,
improbable, unusual situations. Ask sts to translate the
sentences to see how similar the concept is in Portuguese,
but how different the forms are.

6 Book Track

Multimedia Track

CD2 Track 32

MM D4.6

IND Sts complete the

sentences following the
examples in the Organizer.
Play CD track for sts to listen
and check. Play track again
for sts to listen and repeat.
Make sure sts pronounce
the contracted forms.
KEY: 1 had d give
2 d meet went out
3 knew d give

TS Click on Action, the

first sentence and image
appears. Elicit answer.
PW Have sts discuss the
next 3 ones. Click on Action
to check answers.
PW Click on Action again
and have sts complete the
sentences talking about

TS Focus on the Recycle box. Ask Whats the difference

between the first and second conditionals?
IND Sts match the sentences and explanations. Classcheck.
KEY: b / a
TS Say Lets recap. Which type of conditional do we use when
we are talking about imaginary situations? (second conditional).
How do we form it? (If + past, would)

T: have a lot of money buy a car If I had a lot of money,
Id buy a car.
Sts: If I had a lot of money, Id buy a car.
T: go out more
Sts: If I had a lot of money, Id go out more.
meet more people be happier smile more

2 IND Tell sts they will now practise expressions related

to relationships. Sts do the matching exercise, writing a to e next

to the expressions in yellow. Classcheck. Get sts to choose one
expression and make up a sentence about their own life.
TIP: Respond to sts sentences by showing real interest
in their ideas, e.g. Really? When was that? How did you feel?
KEY: a 3 b 2 c 5 d 4 e 1

writing & speaking

10 min

9 TS Tell sts they will play a game similar to the

programme Soul Mates but, instead of choosing their perfect

partner, they will choose their perfect friend.
PW Get sts to write three questions to test their true friends.
Monitor closely, helping with vocabulary if necessary.
MGL Sts choose three classmates and ask their three questions
to each, paying close attention to the responses. At the end,
they decide who is the truest friend and report that to class,
justifying their choice.
TIP: Write the construction I think X is my Perfect Friend
because he / she would if on the B for help.

Follow up

Write the structure If I were, Idon the B and have sts complete
it individually, thinking of famous, important people in the
world. Exemplify with President Obama and Giselle Bndchen.
Have all sts read their sentences to class at the end.

Get sts to do Activity Book page 113 #1.


8 IND Tell sts to imagine situations 1 to 5. Elicit the verb

forms they are going to use before they start writing. Refer sts
to the Organizer for help. Sts complete sentences. Monitor
sts work, providing help with vocabulary and correcting on
the spot if necessary. Classcheck by eliciting a good number of
individual answers.

T: have more friends If I had more friends, Id smile more.

Sts: If I had more friends, Id smile more.
T: be happier
Sts: If I was happier, Id smile more.
live in a big house eat more sweets see you often

5 min

7 1 TS Cover the text and focus on the title. What sort of

story is it? How do you know? Sts read the rubrics. What sort of
magazine is Crystal? Do you read them, eg. at the dentists? Have
you ever written to one like this?
Focus on the theme of the story. Ask Do you think the story has
a happy ending?

Activity Book D4, page 113.

IND Uncover the text. Sts read and order paragraphs 1 to 4.

Classcheck. Ask What do you think of the story? Do you think
their relationship will last? Do you know other people with similar
relationships? What happened to them?
KEY: 2 4 1 3



This is how it went

Aim(s) of the lesson:



Talking about an unpleasant experience

3 BOOk TrAck


CD2 Track 33

ADJEcTIvES: annoyed, disastrous

vERBS: apologize, break down, calm down, cant

fire somebody, go off

1 TS Refer sts to the

email and ask Who is it
from? Who is it to?
What is it about?


EXPRESSION: to make matters worse

TImE EXPRESSIONS: a few minutes later, after a while,

after minutes, as soon as, but, first of all, finally, so, when,
while, then


Reading an email
Speaking: talking about an unpleasant experience

Past Simple
Past Continuous
Second Conditional


10 mIN

1 TS Books closed. Ask sts Have you ever dated someone

for a long time? For how long? Are you still together? When was
the last time you were asked out or you asked someone out?
Was it a good experience?
GW Books open. Sts discuss questions 1 and 2 in #1. Go round,
providing help if necessary. Sts report some of their experiences
to class.
TIP: If your sts are too young or have nothing to say, ask
them to remember a film where a good or bad first date

2 TS Refer sts to the illustration. Ask What do you remember

about Laura from lesson D4? Which bachelor did she choose?
From the picture, do you think she had a good or bad first date?
Read the rubrics to sts.

PW Sts try to guess what happened to Laura on her first date

and report their ideas to class.

IND Sts complete the

story with the verbs in the
box. Play CD track for sts to
listen and check. Ask How
similar were your ideas to
the real story?
KEY: 1 decided
2 wasnt
3 said
4 were driving
5 started
6 sat
7 was talking
8 looked back

15 mIN

mm D5.3
PW Tell sts to match
images and sentences
to make a story. Click on
the images to check. Click
on Action to make the
highlighted expressions
PW Sts try to remember
the highlighted expressions.
Click on Action to reveal
the answers.
Click on Action to reveal
the next set of sentences
and animations. Repeat

2 IND Tell sts they will

now revise and learn some
new vocabulary. Sts copy
the expressions in yellow
from the email next to
their definitions in a to f.
Classcheck. Ask Whats the
verb tense of most verbs in
this email? (Past Simple or
Past Continuous). Why are
they used? (To tell a story/
KEY: b annoyed
c to make matters
c worse
d apologized
e broke down
f stand it

4 GW Read the rubrics. Sts discuss their attitudes if

they were in Lauras situation. Elicit a few ideas at the end.

TIP: Sts may vote for the most creative idea.



10 min

2 PW Sts form new pairs and read their paragraphs,

comparing each group of sentences.

CD2 Track 34

TS Refer to the email in #3 again and have sts circle the

words and expressions Laura uses to link sentences. Read the
first paragraph aloud and elicit the linkers (after a while / but).
IND Sts continue to read and circle the linkers.
TS Focus on the Organizer and have sts complete it with the
words / expressions circled. Play CD track for sts to listen and
check. Play track again for sts to listen and repeat. Explain the
importance of these expressions to give unity to a text and
make it clearer to the listener / reader. Refer to the sentences in
the email where they occur and explain meaning if necessary,
eg. after a while I decided ... = after some time, etc).
KEY: few minutes after soon all then

3 GW Give sts some minutes to discuss their attitude if

they were Fred and report their ideas to class.

Suggested KEY: Fred wanted his first date with Laura to be
perfect but it was one of those days. First of all, his alarm clock
didnt ring, so he woke up late. Then, his car broke down on the
way to work, so he asked his friend Thomas to lend him his old
car. When he was going to work, he was stuck in a traffic jam
for 30 minutes. When he got to work, he was too late for an
important meeting, so his boss was furious and called another
meeting at 7 p.m. But at 7:40 p.m. Fred told him he had an
important appointment and left to meet Laura. As soon as they
sat at the table, his boss called him and fired him. Finally, Laura
left while he was talking to his boss. What a day!

8 GW Orally, sts make up a story about an unpleasant

Get sts to do Activity Book page 114 #1.

6 IND Read the instructions and model to sts. Explain that

they may change the order of the items to make their sentences.
Suggest they look back at the sentences in the email if they have
doubt about the structure of the sentences. Sts put the sentences
together. Monitor and offer help, if necessary. Classcheck.

experience, mixing real facts with imaginary ones. They may

take notes. Monitor for accuracy, helping with vocabulary
and making sure they use the linking expressions from the
Organizer. Groups volunteer to tell their stories to class.

Follow up 1

TIP: If sts are having difficulty with pronunciation,

conduct a backchaining drill. Start with the last word,
then gradually build up the sentence by going back to
the beginning. Make sure sentence stress and intonation
are kept constant.
T: I arrived home.
Sts: I arrived home.
T: as soon as I arrived home.
Sts: as soon as I arrived home.
T: The phone rang as soon as I arrived home.
Sts: The phone rang as soon as I arrived home.
KEY: 2 The electricity went off when I was studying.
3 It was cold, so I closed the window.
4 I was reading the newspaper while my friends
were playing cards.
5 I was watching a film on TV, but after a while I fell asleep.
6 They fell in love as soon as they met.


20 min

7 1 PW Tell sts they will now understand what happened

to Fred on his date with Laura. Have sts read all the sentences
before they write the linking expressions in the correct places.

Read the email from #3 aloud, at normal speed, but making

clear mistakes about some words and phrases. Sts should shout
Stop! and correct the mistakes.
Eg. Well, to tell you the truth, I didnt really see any of the three
guys, but after 10 years I decided to choose the one that seemed
to be the least strange of the three Fred. What a day! He said
he was romantic, but our date was really romantic! This is how
it went.
First of all, I was really happy because he arrived forty minutes
late! He kissed me, of course
Follow up 2: A love story

GW Each st thinks of a love story theyve seen at the cinema

or on TV. They tell the story without mentioning the title of the
film or the names of the characters. The other members of the
group have to guess the title of the film. Write some phrases on
the B to help:
This story took place / happened in
One day waswhen he / she
While they were

Activity Book D5, page 114.

TIP: This activity can be done orally or sts may write the
whole story, if you think you have enough time and sts will
profit more.


I really recommend it.

Aim(s) of the lesson:



General Revision

2 BOOk TrAck

NOuNS: words related

to the film industry: leading role, plot

vERB cOLLOcATIONS: be based on, be directed by, be released in
EXPRESSIONS: As a consequence, Its a must see!, I (really)
recommend it., worst of all

Reading a film quiz and a film review

Listening to an online interview
Speaking: interviewing an arts professional, talking about
changes in your life and in the world, talking about a film
seen recently
Writing a blog entry about a film

Film Vocabulary
Present Simple
Past Simple
Present Passive
Past Passive
Present Perfect
Second Conditional
How long...?
Time Expressions


10 mIN

1 TS Focus on the text. Ask What type of text is it?

Where do you find it? Do you usually answer these quizzes?

IND Refer sts to the gaps in the questions and have sts
complete them. Tell sts not to worry about answering the quiz
now. Classcheck.
KEY: 2 was played
3 were shot
4 was / were nominated
5 was given

IND Now, ask sts to tick their answers. Dont classcheck.

PW Focus on the model exchange, revising ways of agreeing
and disagreeing. Sts compare their answers following the model.
Monitor for accuracy. Classcheck and ask about their scores.
KEY: 1 Four
2 Tom Hanks
3 The Chronicles of Narnia: the Lion, The Witch and
3 the Wardrobe
4 Central Station
5 Brokeback Mountain


CD2 Track 36
1 TS Focus on the
picture. What are Laura
and Pedro doing? Do you
usually use online voice call
systems? Which one? Who do
you talk to? Get sts to read
the rubrics and sentences
a to f, getting ready for
the listening.
IND Play CD track for
sts to listen and circle the
correct options. Classcheck.
KEY: a less than a year
b five
c thirteen
d acting
e Ang Lee
f happy

20 mIN

mm D6.2
TS Books closed. Click
on Play to listen to the
GW Split the group in
two. Click on Action to reveal
first sentence. The group
chooses an option. Click on
Action to check answer.
Click on the arrows to score
points. Repeat procedure for
next 5 sentences.
PW Click on Action to
reveal first two incomplete
sentences. Tell sts to talk
in pairs. More prompts will
automatically appear.

2 IND Have sts read

the questions and get ready
to listen again. Play CD
track again for sts to listen
and number the questions.
KEY: a 5 b 4 c 2 d 7
e3 f6 g1

3 TS Get sts into pairs and refer each member to

a different Chat Page. Tell sts to check which information

they have and what they need to find out. Ask sts to keep
their information secret.
PW St A starts interviewing B about his / her career. Then st B
does the same, interviewing A. Monitor sts work, providing help
and correcting on the spot if necessary.

4 GW Get sts to ask and answer about their lives and

the world. Go round and monitor, noting down aspects of

fluency or accuracy that warrant attention. Sts report their ideas
to class. With sts help, try to find coincidences in their main
concerns about themselves and the world. Draw sts attention
to any points you want to focus on, but make sure you also
provide positive feedback. You may want to comment on any
improvements you have noticed in their performance.

speaking & reading

15 min

5 GW Focus on the film poster and the questions. Get sts

to discuss questions 1 to 3. Monitor sts work, providing help with

vocabulary where necessary. Have sts report their ideas to class.

6 1 TS Refer sts to the film review of The Terminal

and explain that sentences a to d have been removed from it.
Have sts read and place the sentences into the correct place in
the text, writing a to d in the spaces. Classcheck, asking sts to
justify their answers: eg. c is the first because it introduces
the film title and type.
TIP: Help sts notice the structure of the paragraphs:
1 general information about the film: type, title, director, cast
2 plot
3 interesting facts about the film
4 the authors opinion
KEY: c d a b

2 IND Get sts to read the review again, this time circling
the correct forms of the verbs. Dont classcheck.

CD2 Track 37

TS Play CD track for sts to listen and check their answers to

question 2. Classcheck.
KEY: was directed plays tells are cancelled was built
was shot is based

SPEAKING & writing

15 min

7 TS Read the rubrics to class. Have all sts say which film
they would like to talk about. Group sts according to their
preferences for films.

GW Sts talk and take notes of information about the film,

following the ideas in #7. Monitor unobtrusively and help with
vocabulary if necessary. Have sts report some of their ideas
to class at the end and encourage agreement / disagreement
with the opinions.

take-away expressions
Encourage sts to look at the Takeaway Expressions on page 125
and elicit in which context they first appeared in the book
(dialogues). If necessary, go back to the dialogues. Elicit meaning
and work on pronunciation. Tell sts they are responsible for
studying and using the expressions. These expressions are not
core language.

Follow up

GW Groups agree on a sports or arts professional (actor,

director, dancer, singer, soccer player, etc) they would like to
interview and write down the questions they would ask.

MM D6.extra
Briefly explain to sts that they will be playing a game called
Cluster ballooning (Wikipedia: an uncommon form of ballooning
in which a single balloonist is attached by a harness to a cluster
of relatively small helium-inflated rubber balloons). The game
starts with GROUP A. Click on the balloon the group chooses and
a question pops up. Click on Action to show answer.
Click on n or o. If the answer is right, they get a balloon.
Repeat procedure for GROUP B.

Stop & Check D, pages 116, 117 & 118.



Instructions for activities:



game: General knowledge

GW Give out one set of cards (previously shuffled) to each

group. Tell them they have 5 minutes to match the pairs of cards
that go together, as in the example in the book. Stop the groups
after 5 minutes and have them say the finished sentences.

8 IND Get sts to write a blog entry about the film they

discussed in #7 or a different one. Monitor and help, if necessary.

TIP: Refer sts to the Writing Helpdesk D on page 115. Get sts
to do the exercises before they start writing. If pressed for
time, have sts write their blog entries for homework.

Weblink Encourage sts to visit the website and answer

the questions. Elicit their answers at the beginning of the
following class.


interlink game: past, present, future
RP4 Game
GW For each group of 4 sts you will need a dice, 4 counters and
a set of cards.
Tell sts to use one of the books in the groups as the board. Give
out the cards and tell sts to form 4 piles, according to the card
type, i.e., past, present, future and vocabulary. All players start
with their counter on the same segment of the circle marked
Start here.
Players take turns rolling the dice, and then move their counter
clockwise around the circle according to the number on the
dice. Players pick up a card from a pile, according to the segment
they land on. For past, present or future they must answer
the question and talk about it for at least 30 seconds. If its
vocabulary, they must give the correct answer.
If the group considers that the answer is satisfactory, the player
keeps the card. If he or she cant think of anything to say or only
gives a very short answer, the card goes back to the bottom of
the pile.
Keep the game going for about 10 minutes, then stop the sts.
The winner is the st with most cards.
TIP: After cutting out the cards for this game, we
recommend that you mark on the back: PAST, PRESENT,
FUTURE or VOCAB, or use colour code to make it easier to
sort them out into their different piles.


Resources Pack

List of photocopiable resources




Number of photocopies*

RP4 A4.6



pdf slide / OHT*

1 sheet



pdf slide / OHT*

1 sheet

RP4 A5.E@W



1 sheet per st

RP4 B1.8



1 sheet per 4 sts



pdf slide / OHT*

1 sheet

RP4 B3.7



1 sheet per 4 sts




1 sheet per 5 sts

RP4 B4.7


pdf slide / OHT*

1 sheet




1 sheet per 8 sts

RP4 B5.E@W



1 sheet per st

RP4 B6.6



1 sheet per 9 sts

RP4 C2.6


pdf slide / OHT*

1 sheet

RP4 C5.6


pdf slide / OHT*

1 sheet

RP4 C5.E@W-a



1 sheet per st

RP4 C5.E@W-b



1 sheet per 2 sts

RP4 D1.8



1 sheet per 8 sts

RP4 D2.E@W



1 sheet per st




1 sheet per 8 sts




1 sheet per 4 sts

RP4 Rev A.4



1 sheet per 8 sts

RP4 Rev A.10


pdf slide / OHT*

1 sheet

RP4 Rev A.17


pdf slide / OHT*

1 sheet

RP4 Rev C.12



1 sheet per 8 sts

RP4 Rev D.6



1 sheet per 6 sts

RP4 Rev D.7



1 sheet per 4 sts

*note: If the IWB (or another type of data show projection) is not available, use this to make an OHT.



Activity 6: Musical Knowledge

pdf slide / OHT

1. Help, I need

, help! Not just

, help...

The Beatles

2. I dont want to be

but here

Hilary Duff


does it better.

Carly Simon (in the film 007 The spy who loved me)

4. I need

to love.

Freddie Mercury Queen


over the rainbow

Judy Garland (in the film The Wizard of Oz)

6. Youre here, theres

I fear...

Celine Dion (in the film Titanic)


in the way she moves...

The Beatles

8. Were on a road to

... Taking that ride to

Talking Heads

9. You dont mean

to me

Simple Plan

10. You promised yourself but to


Britney Spears

Answer key:

1. Help, I need somebody, help! Not just anybody, help The Beatles / Song: Help
2. I dont want to be anywhere but here Hilary Duff / Song: Anywhere but here

3. Nobody does it better. Carly Simon (in the film 007 The spy who loved me) / Song: Nobody does it better
4. I need somebody to love. Freddie Mercury Queen / Song: Somebody to love

5. Somewhere over the rainbow Judy Garland (in the film The Wizard of Oz) / Song: Somewhere over the rainbow
6. Youre here, theres nothing I fear Celine Dion (in the film Titanic) / Song: My heart will go on
7. Something in the way she moves The Beatles / Song: Something

8. Were on a road to nowhere Taking that ride to nowhere Talking Heads / Song: Road to Nowhere
9. You dont mean anything to me Simple Plan / Song: You dont mean anything to me

10. You promised yourself but to somebody else Britney Spears / Song: From the bottom of my broken heart

New Interlink 4 | Learning Factory: Photocopiable


pdf slide / OHT


All the verbs are in the wrong place. In groups, put them in the correct place.
Then in pairs, ask and answer the questions.
If the answer is yes, ask another question using when / where / how / who, etc. and did.


Have you ever RIDDEN abroad?


Have you ever CRIED anybody famous?


Have you ever WRITTEN the wrong bus?


Have you ever BEEN a motorbike?


Have you ever TAKEN in public?


Have you ever MET an email in English?


Have you ever met anybody famous?

Yes, I have.
Who did you meet?
I met

New Interlink 4 | Learning Factory: Photocopiable



E@W: A Job Interview

1 What are the Dos and Donts of a job interview?

Read the guide and complete the gaps with the verbs
in the box.






2 Paul Smith is a manager and he is looking for a position
at a new company.
1. Listen to his job interview and tick the correct option.
a. Paul is looking for a job as a
q human resources manager
q marketing manager
q sales manager
b. What company does Paul work for now?
q Andersen & Sons.
q Andersen Premier.
q Premier Supplies.


c. Paul wants to get a new job because

q he wants a better salary.
q he doesnt like travelling on business.
q he wants better career opportunities.
d. What products does Premier work with?
q Computer supplies.
q Electrical supplies.
q Medical supplies.


Dos and Donts

hands firmly.
Listen carefully.
Arrive early.
Ask for clarification if you dont
understand the question.
Maintain a good posture and
your good points.

Dont chew gum or (4)
during the interview.
Dont answer just yes or no. Give details
and examples.
Dont (5)
Dont make negative comments about
former colleagues or employers.
Dont (6)
your cell phone
during the interview.

2. Considering the Dos and Donts list in #1, how

successful do you think Pauls interview was?

3 These are some of the questions the interviewer asked

Paul. Complete the gaps with the correct form of the
given verbs. Listen, check and repeat the questions.
1. What company
(work) for?


2. How long
for them?



you ever


4. Why
to leave your present job?




on business?

you ever
to deal with any difficult situations?

4 In pairs, imagine you are at a job interview.

Student A g You are the interviewer.
Ask Student B some of the questions
from #3 and / or any other questions
you consider relevant.
Student B g You are applying for a job.
Answer Student As questions.

5 Talk in groups.
1. Have you ever been in a job interview?

2. When was it? What position were you applying for?

3. Did you get the job? Why (not)?



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Activity 8: Any Suggestions?























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pdf slide / OHT

How important is a car to you?

In pairs, answer and discuss these questions.
Any coincidences?


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Activity 7: Rules



wear a seatbelt in the back seat

wear a shirt to drive (men)

overtake on the right

wear shoes to drive

stop at crossroads

slow down near a school bus

slow down before turning

keep extra distance from motorcycles

know all the trafc signs

have automatic locking car keys

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Extra: Travel Tips



1. Your partner is going on a y-drive holiday

to Australia. As a friend you are helping him / her
with the preparations.

1. Your partner is going to go on a tour around Brazil.

He / Shes going by jeep. As a friend you are helping
him / her with preparations.

Help with decisions about things such as:

Help with decisions about things such as:

the journey

the journey

what to take / not to take

where to go

things to check before leaving

2. You are going on a tour around Brazil.
Youre going by jeep. Talk to your partner
to get some tips before you go.


what to take / not to take

where to go

things to check before leaving

2. Youre going on a y-drive holiday to Australia.
Talk to your partner to get some tips before you go.


1. Your partner is going on a y-drive holiday

to Australia. As a friend you are helping him / her
with the preparations.

1. Your partner is going to go on a tour around Brazil.

He / Shes going by jeep. As a friend you are helping
him / her with preparations.

Help with decisions about things such as:

Help with decisions about things such as:

the journey

the journey

what to take / not to take

where to go

things to check before leaving

2. You are going on a tour around Brazil.
Youre going by jeep. Talk to your partner
to get some tips before you go.





what to take / not to take

where to go

things to check before leaving

2. Youre going on a y-drive holiday to Australia.
Talk to your partner to get some tips before you go.

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pdf slide / OHT

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Activity 7





Extra: Same or Different


Im a good

Im addicted to

Im not t.

Im not
a sporty person.

I can
play volleyball
very well.

I can play football

very well.

I cant run fast.

I cant jump high.

Ive been to

Ive just been

to the gym.

Ive never won

any medals.

Ive never played


I played football

I watched football
on TV last week.

I didnt play

I didnt go to
the Olympic Games
in 2008.

I play tennis
every Saturday.

I watch sport
on TV
every Sunday.

I dont do
enough exercise.

I dont watch
sport on TV.

Im a good

Im addicted to

Im not t.

Im not
a sporty person.

I can
play volleyball
very well.

I can play football

very well.

I cant run fast.

I cant jump high.

Ive been to

Ive just been

to the gym.

Ive never won

any medals.

Ive never played


I played football

I watched football
on TV last week.

I didnt play

I didnt go to
the Olympic Games
in 2008.

I play tennis
every Saturday.

I watch sport
on TV
every Sunday.

I dont do
enough exercise.

I dont watch
sport on TV.

New Interlink 4 | Learning Factory: Photocopiable

E@W: First day at work: a guide

1 Read the webpage and match the heading to
the paragraphs. Write a to c.


2 Which of these sentences from the text express

a. Learn about your new job

- an obligation (O)?
- a prohibition (P)?
- a piece of advice (A)?

c. Etiquette and dress code

1. [

] For example, you should be polite and friendly to

everyone you meet.

2. [

] You must show up on time, but you shouldnt

arrive too early or your workmates can have
the wrong impression of you.

3. [

] You mustnt assume your experience from

previous jobs will always be useful in the new job.

4. [

] You must avoid saying things like: Thats not how

we did it in the other company.

5. [

] You should take the opportunity to observe how

the system of the company works.

6. [

] But of course you dont have to isolate yourself

and refuse all your workmates invitations for
lunch, for example.

b. Rumours or personal talks

Your rst week at work:

So, youve nally made it to your new workplace!
Your rst week can be really stressful if you dont
know what to expect.
Do you want to get off on the right foot?
So, take a look at these three steps and be ready
to shine!

It may seem too obvious, but its important to
remember some rules at the workplace.
For example, you should be polite and friendly
to everyone you meet, from the doorman to your
colleagues or your new boss.
Also, you must show up on time, but you
shouldnt arrive too early or your new workmates
can have the wrong impression of you. You must
also wear appropriate clothes according to the
rules set by the company.

3 In pairs, discuss the sentences in #2.

Which ones do you agree or disagree with? Why?

A I agree with sentence no.1. I think you should...

B I think so too. / I dont agree. I think you must...
4 Work in pairs.
Student A g Imagine you are a newcomer at
Student Bs company.

Student B g Tell Student A about the rules and codes

at your workplace. Mention:



Although in most cases its ne to bring your

experience from your previous jobs, you mustnt
think it will always be useful for this new context;
so you must avoid saying things like: We did
it differently in the other company. You should
take the opportunity to observe how the system
of the company works.


dress code

working hours

lunch time hours

using the phone and internet

for personal reasons
dating workmates

(any other particular rule or code)

A In our company employees can / must /

mustnt / dont have to / should (nt)...

B Can I? / Should I? / Do I have to?

Gossip is everywhere. You can read it on the

internet, you can hear it from your friends and
family over lunch time but one place you must
avoid gossip is the ofce because it can be
dangerous to everybody because it can destroy
a healthy ofce environment. But of course you
dont have to isolate yourself and refuse all your
workmates invitations for lunch, for example!

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Activity 6: What should I do?


Youre very upset because your boss has just fired you.
You know how hard it is to find a job these days.

Youre unhappy because your boyfriend / girlfriend has broken up with you.

Youre sad because youve had an argument with your best friend.
You arent speaking to each other.

Youre very upset because your boss has just fired you.
You know how hard it is to find a job these days.

Youre unhappy because your boyfriend / girlfriend has broken up with you.

Youre sad because youve had an argument with your best friend.
You arent speaking to each other.

Youre very upset because your boss has just fired you.
You know how hard it is to find a job these days.

Youre unhappy because your boyfriend / girlfriend has broken up with you.

Youre sad because youve had an argument with your best friend.
You arent speaking to each other.

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pdf slide / OHT

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Activity 6




C5 Activity 6



pdf slide / OHT

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E@W: Visions of the future - a



1 In pairs, discuss these questions.

1. What will your job be in ve years?

2. Will you be working at the same place? Why (not)?

2 Read the rst paragraph of the internet article. What do you think Andrew will talk about?
3 Read the complete article. Write the correct heading to each paragraph.
Theres ONE extra heading.


What does the future hold for the job market in the future?
Business forecaster Andrew McDonald makes his predictions.

There will be more / less job openings for skilled workers.

Life-long learning will be more / less important to keep ones job.
People will change jobs at least ve / ten times in their life.

People will work shorter / longer hours and because of the development of new technologies,
people will stay connected with their ofces during their holidays.
There will / wont be many working opportunities for people aged 65 and over.

The future of the workplace will be anywhere, any time. Therell be more employees telecommuting and
they will / wont need to have face-to-face meetings it will be easier and cheaper to meet through video
conferencing and emails, for instance.
There will be even more / less environmentally-friendly ofces.

Companies which can predict and understand important future trends will / wont be more competitive.
There will be more / fewer people starting their own businesses.

4 Get a card from your teacher. In pairs, ask and answer

questions about Andrews predictions and circle the
correct answers in your text.

A Will there be more or less job openings for

skilled workers?

B Therell be more job openings.

5 Talk in groups. Which predictions

are already a reality?
havent happened yet?
f do you agree or disagree with? Why?

A Which one you think is already a reality?

B In my opinion, the second one.
Studying has always been important.

A I disagree, because
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C5 E@W: Visions of the future - b



1 Ask Student B about The workplace and

New businesses.

1 Answer Student As questions about

The workplace and New businesses.



What does the future hold for

the job market in the future?
Business forecaster Andrew McDonald
makes his predictions.

What does the future hold

for the job market in the future?
Business forecaster Andrew McDonald
makes his predictions.

There will be more job openings
for skilled workers.
Life-long learning will be more important
to keep ones job.
People will change jobs at least five times
in their life.

There will be more job openings
for skilled workers.
Life-long learning will be more / less important
to keep ones job.
People will change jobs at least five / ten times
in their life.

Working force
People will work longer hours and because
of the development of new technologies,
people will stay connected with their offices
during their holidays.
There will be many working opportunities
for people aged 65 and over.

Working force
People will work shorter / longer hours and
because of the development of new
technologies, people will stay connected with
their offices during their holidays.
There will / wont be many working opportunities
for people aged 65 and over.

The workplace
The future of the workplace will be anywhere,
any time. Therell be more employees
telecommuting and they will / wont need
to have face-to-face meetings it will be easier
and cheaper to meet through video
conferencing and emails, for instance.
There will be even more / less
environmentally-friendly offices.

The workplace
The future of the workplace will be anywhere,
any time. Therell be more employees
telecommuting, and they wont need to have
face-to-face meetings it will be easier and
cheaper to meet through video conferencing
and emails, for instance.
There will be even more environmentally-friendly

New businesses
Companies which can predict and understand
important future trends will / wont be
more competitive.
There will be more / fewer people starting
their own businesses.

New businesses
Companies which can predict and understand
important future trends will be more competitive.
There will be more people starting their own

2 Answer Student Bs questions about Jobs

and Working force.



2 Ask Student A about Jobs and Working force.

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Activity 8: Movie Race

Iron Man

Star Wars

Sex and the City

and Spider-Man

Donkey (in Shrek)

and Mushu (in Mulan)

The Oscar

Hugh Jackman

Robert Downey Jr

a galaxy far,
far away

New York City

Eddie Murphy

The Academy






Iron Man

Star Wars

Sex and the City

and Spider-Man

Donkey (in Shrek)

and Mushu (in Mulan)

The Oscar

Hugh Jackman

Robert Downey Jr

a galaxy far,
far away

New York City

Eddie Murphy

The Academy





New Interlink 4 | Learning Factory: Photocopiable



E@W: So this is how its done!


1 In groups, talk about oral presentations at work.

1. Have you ever given an oral presentation?
2. When was the last time you did it?
3. What was it about?

4. Was it in Portuguese, English or another language?

5. How good was it? Were you successful? Why (not)?

2 Luisa Miranda is a production manager. Shes giving an oral presentation

about her company to a group of foreign visitors. Listen to part of
her presentation and write T (true) or F (false).
1. [

] Her company manufactures natural health care products.

3. [

] The plants and fruits used in their products come from different parts of the world.

2. [
4. [
5. [

] The company worries about the environment.

] The customers opinion is taken into consideration before and after the products are made.
] The products are sold only in Brazil.

3 These are some expressions used by Luisa in her presentation. Match them with
their functions. Write 1 to 6. Listen, check and repeat the expressions.



1. introducing yourself

] First (of all), / Then, / Next, / After that / Finally

2. stating the objective of your presentation

] At the end of this presentation, Ill be happy to answer

all your questions.

] In conclusion,

] Im [name] and Im currently the [position] of [company].

] Now, would you like to ask any questions?

] My objective is to talk about

3. informing your audience the moment for questions

4. ordering ideas and information
5. finishing the presentation
6. inviting your audience to ask questions

4 In pairs, imagine you work at a chocolate factory. Describe the process of making chocolate using
the present passive and the linkers in the box to make the sentences. Also, use pronouns
(it, they, which, where, etc.) to avoid repeating the same words.



after that


1. Chocolate / make / from cocoa beans / . Chocolate is made from cocoa beans.
2. Cocoa beans / collect / from cocoa trees / .
3. The beans / put / in large piles to dry / .

4. The beans / take / to the chocolate factory / .

5. In the chocolate factory the beans / clean and / store / .

6. The beans / cook / at high temperatures / .
7. Other ingredients / mix / .

8. The chocolate / pour / into moulds / .

9. The chocolate / pack / and / sell / to consumers all over the world / .

5 In groups, prepare your script for an oral presentation about the process of making chocolate.
use expressions from #3 and the information from #4. Give the presentation to the class.




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Extra: Orkut

A free-access
social networking

By most people
in India and Brazil

A free-access
social networking

By most people
in India and Brazil

By Google

Originally in

By Google

Originally in

To help
users meet
new friends

Now in Belo
Horizonte by
Google Brazil

To help
users meet
new friends

Now in Belo
Horizonte by
Google Brazil

By Orkut

By the
in Iran

By Orkut

By the
in Iran

A free-access
social networking

By most people
in India and Brazil

A free-access
social networking

By most people
in India and Brazil

By Google

Originally in

By Google

Originally in

To help
users meet
new friends

Now in Belo
Horizonte by
Google Brazil

To help
users meet
new friends

Now in Belo
Horizonte by
Google Brazil

By Orkut

By the
in Iran

By Orkut

By the
in Iran

New Interlink 4 | Learning Factory: Photocopiable


Future cards

Present cards

Past cards

The Interlink Game

Vocabulary cards

Talk about the most beautiful place

youve ever been to.

Talk about the most horrible thing

youve ever eaten.

Whats the best book youve ever read?

What did you like about it?

Talk about THREE things

youve done today.

Talk about a recent change in your life.

Whats the worst thing youve ever had

to do at work / school?

Talk about what you did

during last Christmas.

What can you remember about

your first date?

Talk about something special you did

when you were younger.

How long have you known

your boyfriend / girlfriend /
wife / husband / partner /
best friend?

What makes you feel

really happy?

How long have you had

your car / computer / mobile?

Talk about a film

that you enjoy watching.

Talk about your ideal partner.

Talk about some of the rules

in your house.

Talk about a person

you like a lot.

Talk about something or

someone you miss.

What do you do to help

protect the environment?

If you could live in another

country, which country would
you choose? Why?

If you went to live in abroad

what would you miss most
about Brazil?

If you were a piece of

technology, what
would you be? Why?

What are you going to do

after this lesson?

What do you dream of doing

one day?

Where are you going

for your next holidays?

Do you think Brazil will ever

be a First World country? Why?

Who do you think will win

the next World Cup?

What are you doing

next weekend?

What do you think

the weather will be like

Where do you think youll be

ten years from now?

What do you think

the climate will be like
in the year 2020?

Do you think your city / town

will be a better or worse place
in 20 years? Why?

What are you going to do to

prepare for your English test?

What are you going to do

next Carnival?

When driving, why do you

have to indicate?

What does
a screenwriter do?

Whats the opposite

of heavy?

Do you associate drought

with too much or
not enough rain?

Choose the correct option.


In Brazil you must overtake

on the right / left.

Dont buy those trousers.

They dont you at all!


Give an example of
something you can buy at
a greengrocers.

The wristwatch was

by Santos Dumont.

I have to look
my brother tonight,
so I cant go out.



What should you do

if you have a hangover?

True or false?

If somebody has
a temperature, they must have
a cold drink.

What is a flood?


Whats the opposite of


I didnt finish the report

because my computer
broke .

Choose the correct option.

If you leave me now,
youll break / hurt my heart.

Choose the correct option.

She was so sad that she put her

head on my shoulder / elbow
and began to cry.

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AActivity 4: Experiences A

















































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Activity 10

pdf slide / OHT



Harry and Sonia





a bunch of flowers.



a camera.















a nice present.
a text message. I dont know who!
an email.
free tickets to the show.



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pdf slide / OHT

AActivity 17: Noughts & Crosses A


go away

look after

wake up

set off

come back

break down

look at

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come across

pick up




Activity 12: Guess the Word!





















New Interlink 4 | Learning Factory: Photocopiable

Georgia Angelopoulo
Youre Greek. Youre 36.
You live in Athens but
you were born in Delphi.
You moved to Athens
5 years ago.

Carl Bruneau

Youre a tourist guide and

you got your first job
in 1995. You now work for
Olympia Tours. You started
working there 2 years ago.
You speak Greek, English
and French.

Georgia Angelopoulo
Youre Greek. Youre 36.
You live in Athens but
you were born in Delphi.
You moved to Athens
5 years ago.

Youre a tourist guide and

you got your first job
in 1995. You now work for
Olympia Tours. You started
working there 2 years ago.
You speak Greek, English
and French.

New Interlink 4 | Learning Factory: Photocopiable

Youre Swiss. Youre 25.

You live in Geneva but
you were born in Gruyre.
You moved to Geneva
a year ago. Youre an
accountant and you got
your first job in 2005. You
now work for clipse,
an accountancy firm. You
started working there
about 8 months ago.
Youre planning to take
an MBA in Finance.

Youre Swiss. Youre 25.

You live in Geneva but
you were born in Gruyre.
You moved to Geneva
a year ago. Youre an
accountant and you got
your first job in 2005. You
now work for clipse,
an accountancy firm. You
started working there
about 8 months ago.
Youre planning to take
an MBA in Finance.

Student B

Carl Bruneau

Youre a tourist guide and

you got your first job
in 1995. You now work for
Olympia Tours. You started
working there 2 years ago.
You speak Greek, English
and French.

Youre Swiss. Youre 25.

You live in Geneva but
you were born in Gruyre.
You moved to Geneva
a year ago. Youre an
accountant and you got
your first job in 2005. You
now work for clipse,
an accountancy firm. You
started working there
about 8 months ago.
Youre planning to take
an MBA in Finance.

Student B

Youre Greek. Youre 36.

You live in Athens but
you were born in Delphi.
You moved to Athens
5 years ago.

Carl Bruneau


Student B

Georgia Angelopoulo

Student A

AActivity 6 D

Student A

Student A





Activity 7: General Knowledge



by Lcio Costa

Hamlet and Othello


by Shakespeare

The 2006 World Cup


by Italy


by Stan Lee in 1962

Sunflower and Starry Night


by Van Gogh
/ vn /

The first telephone call


by Alexander
Graham Bell

The Lord of the Rings


by J. R. R. Tolkien

The Matrix

in 1999

The Mona Lisa


in the 16th century

The wristwatch

by Santos Dumont

New Interlink 4 | Learning Factory: Photocopiable

Publishing Manager

Adriana Souza
Series Editor

Ricardo Sili


Mrcia Nogueira, Paula Boyce (Activity Book)

Teachers Guide Editors

Maria Eugnia Sanson and Rosa Coelho


Students Book: Carla Chaves, Paula Boyce, Ricardo Sili, Peter Lewis-Jones,
Angela Dias (collaborator)
Activity Book: Peter Lewis-Jones, Daniela Bertolucci, Flvia Miguel (collaborator)
Multimedia Activities: Bruno Lages, Daniela Bertolucci, Lcia Duarte
Teachers Guide: Valria Siniscalchi
production Editor

Tatiana Boynard

Rua So Clemente, 258 4 andar

Botafogo, Rio de Janeiro, RJ. 22260-000


Interlink is a trademark of Learning Factory Ltda.


Art direction: Evelyn Grumach, Ricardo Hippert
Layout: Ricardo Hippert, Rita Ariani

Ricardo Cunha Lima, Bruno Alves (collaborator), Pato Vargas (collaborator)

Copyright by Learning Factory, 2002.


ISBN 978-85-89456-63-0


All rights reserved: no part of this publication

may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval
system, or transmitted in any form or by any
means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying,
recording, or otherwise without the prior
written permission of the Publisher.


New Interlink 4

Printed in Brazil by Imprinta, December 2009

Bruno Lages

Labareda Design
Ana Thornycroft


Ncleo de Criao Produes em udio


Ana Thornycroft
Charles Lacerda


Tatiana Boynard

Alessandra Libonatti

Mariana Loureno, Tatiana Boynard


Paula Boyce, Virginia Garcia

Photographs (royalty-free and/or rights-managed)

Keystone; Afitec; Levendula; Getty Images; Photodisc; iStockphoto.com; Stock.xchng;

Folha Imagem
p.70: Job interview (iStockphoto) / p.71: The Incredibles (Folha Imagem REUTERS/Pixar/
Disney/Handout); Charlies Angels (Folha Imagem Ho New / Reuters); Iron Man;
Spider-Man (Folha Imagem Alamy/Other Images) / p.74: Jeep on the uyuni salar in
Bolivia (iStockphoto); Sportscar (Stock.xchng) / p.79: Ride; Caught with cookie; Super hot
wings; After party (iStockphoto) / p.80: Baby tree; Beautiful new home; Glowing yellow
incandescent light bulb isolated on white with path; Recycling bins (iStockphoto) / p.84:
Chocolate slab; Heartshaped truffles (Stock.xchng)

Teachers audio CD tracks

CD 1




B1 - 4

A1 - 5


B1 - 7


A1 - 2

A1 - 6

A2 - 2



B1 - 6
B2 - 1

B2 - 3

A2 - 5


B2 - 6-2

A2 - 7-2


B3 - 3

A3 - 5


B3 - 6


A3 - 3-2
A4 - 1



B3 - AB-4


B4 - 4


A4 - 4



A5 - 2







A4 - AB-3
A5 - 4
A5 - 7

A5 - English at Work - 2

A5 - English at Work - 3
A6 - 4

A6 - 6

B3 - 4





B4 - 2

B4 - 6
B5 - 3
B5 - 5
B5 - 7

B5 - AB-4
B6 - 4
B6 - 5

B1 - 3

CD 2


C1 - 6-1


C1 - 4

C1 - 7














C1 - AB-2
C2 - 4
C2 - 5
C3 - 1

C3 - 2

C3 - 4-3

C3 - AB-2
C4 - 2

C4 - 3

C4 - AB-4
C5 - 3

C5 - 4

C6 - 2

C6 - 3
D1 - 4

D1 - 6

D2 - 4
D2 - 5

D2 - 7-1

D2 - 7-2


D2 - English at Work - 2


D3 - 1




D2 - English at Work - 3
D3 - 3-1

D3 - 3-2
D4 - 3

D4 - 4


D4 - 6


D5 - 5









D5 - 3-1
D5 - AB-3
D6 - 2

D6 - 6-3

Revision Section A - 1

Revision Section A - 8

Revision Section B - 10
Revision Section C - 1

Revision Section D - 1

Revision Section D - 8

Revision Section D - 10
Revision Section D - 17

NEW Interlink 4
New Interlink is a six-level course specially designed for adults
and young adults whose first language is Portuguese.
Each of the six levels of New Interlink is a single volume which
integrates Students and Activity Book, consisting of 24 complete
lessons grouped into 4 sections. This provides 40 hours of core
work. By using the additional materials in the Teachers Guide the
course can be extended to approximately 60 hours.
New Interlink takes students from beginner level (zero or
false beginners) up to intermediate level (Common European
Framework Level B1, leading into B2).

Students Book

Lessons conveniently presented on a double-page spread.

A wide range of topics allowing students to express their ideas
and experiences.
A grammar, pronunciation and lexical syllabus responding to
specific needs and characteristics of Brazilian learners.
Interlink boxes focusing on areas of English which are frequent
sources of confusion, misunderstanding and error for an average
Brazilian learner, aiming at facilitating comprehension and
developing learners confidence.
Organizer boxes signposting and systematizing the target
language items of the lesson.
Tips to draw the learners attention to special aspects of
the language.
Interactive tasks with strong emphasis on the development
of vocabulary and speaking skills.
In-built revision and recycling.
Language Reference Cards for classroom and self-access use.
Alternative activities preparing learners for
todays workplace.
Answer keys and audioscripts.

Activity Book

Fully integrated in Students Book.

Lesson-by-lesson support containing a list of useful words
and expressions, vocabulary and grammar practice activities.
Special support for writing skills development.
Learner-friendly training tips and activities.

Students CD-ROM
Interactive activities for use on a computer. It also includes
the main course recordings to be used by learners at home,
in a car or on a personal stereo or computer for extra
self-study listening practice.

Teachers Guide

Lesson-by-lesson plans.
Useful tips and ideas.
Extra photocopiable activities.
Resources pack.

Multimedia CD-ROM
Optional multimedia teacher resources with memorable
activities integrating visual and audio stimuli.

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