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Pharmaceutical Research: A Review On Solid Dispersions

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Asian J. Pharm. Res. Vol 3, Issue 2, 93-98, 2013.

e-ISSN 2231 363X
Print ISSN 2231 3621

Asian Journal

Journal homepage: - www.ajprjournal.com


K.Sandhya Rani*, G.Poornima, A.Krishnaveni, B.Brahmaiah, Sreekanth Nama
Department of Pharmaceutical Analysis, Priyadarshini Institute of Pharmaceutical Education & Research(PIPER), 5th Mile,
Pulladigunta, Kornepadu (V), Vatticherukuru (M), Guntur-522017, Andhra Pradesh, India.
The poor solubility and low dissolution rate of poorly water soluble drugs in the aqueous gastro-intestinal fluids often
cause insufficient bioavailability rather than the limited permeation through the epithelial and the formulation of poorly soluble
drugs for oral delivery now presents one of the major challenges to formulation scientists in the industries. The term solubility
is defined as maximum amount of solute that can be dissolved in a given amount of solvent. Quantitatively it is defined as the
concentration of the solute in a saturated solution at a certain temperature. In qualitative terms, solubility may be defined as the
spontaneous interaction of two or more substances to form a homogenous molecular dispersion. Improving oral bioavailability
of drugs those given as solid dosage forms remains a challenge for the formulation scientists due to solubility problems. The
dissolution rate could be the rate-limiting process in the absorption of a drug from a solid dosage form of relatively insoluble
drugs. Therefore increase in dissolution of poorly soluble drugs by solid dispersion technique presents a challenge to the
formulation scientists. Solid dispersion techniques have attracted considerable interest of improving the dissolution rate of
highly lipophilic drugs thereby improving their bioavailability by reducing drug particle size, improving wettability and
forming amorphous particles. Solubility is a most important parameter for the oral bio availability of poorly soluble drugs.
Dissolution of drug is the rate determining step for oral absorption of the poorly water soluble drugs, which can subsequently
affect the in vivo absorption of drug.
Key words: Solid dispersions, Oral bioavailability, Liphophilic drugs, Solubility.
Solid dispersion was introduced in the early
1970s, refers to a group of solid products consisting of at
least two different components, generally a hydrophilic
matrix and a hydrophobic drug. There are different
approaches which can be used for increasing the
dissolution of the poorly soluble drugs. Chiou and
Riegelman defined the term solid dispersion as a
dispersion involving the formation of eutectic mixtures of
drugs with water soluble carriers by melting of their
physical mixtures; they classified solid dispersions into
the following representative types [1,2] .
Simple eutectic mixtures,
solid solutions,
glass solutions and glass suspensions,
amorphous precipitations in a crystalline carrier,
compound or complex formation, and
Combinations of the previous five types.

While Corrigan (1985) suggested the definition as

being a product formed by converting a fluid drug-carrier
combination to the solid state. This strategy includes
complete removal of drug crystallinity, and molecular
dispersion of the poorly soluble compound in a hydrophilic
polymeric carrier. Solid dispersion is a promising approach
to improve the dissolution and bioavailability of
hydrophobic drugs. The preparation and storage conditions
of solid dispersions are crucial since changes may alter the
dissolution characteristics of the active ingredients. The
development of solid dispersions as a practically viable
method to enhance bioavailability of poorly water-soluble
drugs overcame the limitations of previous approaches
such as salt formation, solubilization by co solvents, and
particle size reduction. When the solid dispersion is
exposed to aqueous media, the carrier dissolves and the
drug releases as fine colloidal particles. The resulting

Corresponding Author :- K.Sandhya Rani Email:- brahmaiahmph@gmail.com

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enhanced surface area produces higher dissolution rate and

bioavailability of poorly water-soluble drugs [3,4].
The solubility of Cefixime Trihydrate is soluble
in methanol but insoluble in water. Cefixime Trihydrate is
absorbed orally as 40 50% and 50% excreted unchanged
in Urine. Its serum half-life is 3 4 hours. Because of poor
solubility of Cefixime Trihydrate it is prepared as sold
dispersions by using various techniques like Physical
mixing, Co grinding method , kneading technique and
solvent evaporation technique [5,6].
Limited in drug absorption results poor
bioavailability of drug. In GI Tract the absorption of drug
can be limited by the various factors with the most poor
aqueous solubility or poor membrane permeability of the
drug molecule. When the active ingredient can be
delivered as GIT orally, it first dissolved in intestinal
fluids before it reach to systemic circulation. Therefore a
drug having poor aqueous solubility will typically exhibit
in dissolution rate limitation and absorption and a drug
with poor membrane permeability will exhibit the
permeation rate absorption limited. So that oral
bioavailability of drugs can be improved by the enhancing
solubility and dissolution rate of poorly water soluble
drugs , and another is enhancing the permeability of poor
permeable drugs.
Solid dispersions can be prepared by the various
methods those are deals with the mixing of matrix and a
drug, preferably on a molecular level, while the matrix and
drug are generally poorly miscible. During the preparation
of solid dispersion techniques, de-mixing and formation of
different phases are observed. Phase separations like
crystallization or amorphous of drug clusters formation are
difficult to control and therefore unwanted. So the phase
separation can be minimized by the rapid cooling
procedure. In generally phase separation can be prevented
by maintaining a low molecular mobility of matrix and
drug during preparation. And also, maintain the driving
force by keep the mixture at an elevated temperature, there
by maintain miscibility for as long as possible [6,7].
Particles with reduced particle size
Molecular dispersions, as solid dispersions,
represent the last state on particle size reduction, and after
carrier dissolution the drug is molecularly dispersed in the
dissolution medium. Solid dispersions apply this principle
to drug release by creating a mixture of a poorly water
soluble drug and highly soluble carriers. A high surface
area is formed, resulting in an increased dissolution rate
and, consequently, improved bioavailability.
Particles with improved wet ability
A strong contribution to the enhancement of drug
solubility is related to the drug wettability improvement

verified in solid dispersions. It was observed that even

carriers without any surface activity, such as urea
improved drug wettability. Carriers with surface activity,
such as cholic acid and bile salts. When used, can
significantly increase the wettability property of drug.
Moreover, carriers can influence the drug dissolution
profile by direct dissolution or co-solvent effects.
Particles with higher porosity
Particles in solid dispersions have been found to
have a higher degree of porosity. The increase in porosity
also depends on the carrier properties; for instance,
solid dispersions containing linear polymers produce
larger and more porous particles than those containing
reticular polymers and, therefore, result in a higher
dissolution rate. The increased porosity of solid dispersion
particles also hastens the drug release profile.
Drugs in amorphous state
Poorly water soluble crystalline drugs, when in
the amorphous state tend to have higher solubility. The
enhancement of drug release can usually be achieved
using the drug in its amorphous state, because no energy is
required to break up the crystal lattice during the
dissolution process. In solid dispersions, drugs are
presented as supersaturated solutions after system
dissolution, and it is speculated that, if drugs precipitate, it
is as a meta stable polymorphic form with higher
solubility than the most stable crystal form. For drugs with
low crystal energy (low melting temperature or heat of
fusion), the amorphous composition is primarily dictated
by the difference in melting temperature between drug and
carrier. For drugs with high crystal energy, higher
amorphous compositions can be obtained by choosing
carriers, which exhibit specific interactions with them [810].
Percentage yield
Percentage practical yield were calculated to know about
percent yield or efficiency of any Method, thus it helps in
selection of appropriate method of production. Solid
dispersions were collected and weighed to determine
practical yield (PY) from the following equation
Practical mass
(Solid dispersion)
Percentage yield=
x 100
Theoretical mass (Drug+Carrier)
Drug content
The Physical mixture and solid dispersion
equivalent to 50 mg of drug were taken and dissolved
separately in100 ml of phosphate buffer pH 7.2. The
solutions were filtered and were further diluted such that
the absorbance falls within the range of standard curve.

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The absorbances of solutions were determined at

288 nm by UVvisible spectrophotometer [11,12]. The
actual drug content was calculated using the following
equation as follows
Practical drug content
% drug content =
x 100
Theoretical drug content
Solvent evaporation method
Basic process of preparing solid dispersion
consists of dissolving the drug and the polymeric carrier in
a common solvent such as ethanol, chloroform, or a
mixture of ethanol and dichloromethane. In some cases,
large volume of solvents as well as heating may be
required to enable complete dissolution of drug and
carrier. To minimize the volume of organic solvent
required, some investigators have reported the use of cosolvents. The main advantage of the solvent method is
thermal decomposition of drugs or carriers can be
prevented because of the relatively low temperatures
required for the evaporation of organic solvents. However,
solvent methods show many disadvantages such as;
expensive, ecological, and difficult to find common and
removable solvents, difficulty in completely removing
liquid solvent, difficulty of reproducing crystal form [1315].
Fusion method/Melting Method
The fusion method is sometimes referred to as the
melt method. The first solid dispersions created for
pharmaceutical applications were prepared by the fusion
method. The melting or fusion method was first proposed
by Sekiguchi and Obi to prepare fast release solid
dispersion dosage forms. The physical mixture of a drug
and a water-soluble carrier was heated directly until it gets
melted. The melted mixture was then cooled and solidified
rapidly in an ice bath under rigorous stirring. The final
solid mass was crushed, pulverized, and sieved. Such a
technique was subsequently employed with some
modification by Goldberg et al. and Chiou and Riegelman.
The solidified masses were often found to require storage
of 1 or more days in desiccators at ambient temperatures
for hardening and ease of powdering. The fusion method
has serious limitations. Firstly, a major disadvantage is
that the method can only be applied when drug and matrix
are compatible and when they mix well at the heating
temperature. When drug and matrix are incompatible two
liquid phases or a suspension can be observed in the
heated mixture, which results in an inhomogeneous solid
dispersion. This can be prevented by using surfactants.
Secondly, a problem can arise during cooling when the
drug-matrix miscibility changes. In this case phase
separation can occur. Indeed, it was observed that when
the mixture was slowly cooled, crystalline drug occurred,
whereas fast cooling yielded amorphous solid dispersions.

Thirdly, degradation of the drug and or matrix can occur

during heating to temperatures necessary to fuse matrix
and drug.
Hot melt extrusion
Hot-melt extrusion (HME) technique represents a
novel application of polymer processing technology to
prepare pharmaceutical dosage forms. The process
involves embedding a drug in a polymer while shaping the
composite material to form a pharmaceutical product. This
technique is same as the fusion method. The only
difference is that in this method, intense mixing of the
components is induced by the extruder. High shear forces
results in to the high local temperature in the extruder and
that can be problematic for the heat sensitive materials.
When compared to melting in a vessel, the product
stability and dissolution are similar, but melt extrusion
offers the potential to shape the heated drug-matrix
mixture into implants, ophthalmic inserts, or oral dosage
forms. Just like in the traditional fusion process,
miscibility of drug and matrix can be a problem. Solubility
parameters are investigated to predict the solid state
miscibility and to select matrices suitable for melt
extrusion. High shear forces resulting in high local
temperatures in the extruder are a problem for heat
sensitive materials.
Supercritical fluid technology (SCF)
SCF techniques can be adopted for the
preparation of solvent free solid dispersion dosage forms
to enhance the solubility of poorly soluble compounds.
Super critical fluid is the one where substances existing as
a single fluid phase above their critical temperature and
pressure. Methodology includes a very fine dispersion of
hydrophobic drug in the hydrophilic carrier. Carbon
dioxide is the most commonly used SCF because it is
chemically inert, non-toxic and non-flammable.
Dropping method
The dropping method was developed by Bulau
and Ulrich (1977) to facilitate the crystallization of
different chemicals. This method is a new procedure for
producing round particles from melted solid dispersions.
Methodology includes that the solid dispersion of a melted
drugcarrier mixture is dropped onto a cooling plate,
where it get solidifies into round particles. The size and
shape of the particles can be influenced by factors such as
the viscosity of the melt and the size of the pipette. As
viscosity is highly temperature dependent, it is very
important to adjust the temperature so that, when the melt
is dropped onto the plate, it solidifies into a spherical
shape. The dropping method does not use organic solvents
and therefore has none of the problems associated with
solvent evaporation.
Electrostatic Spinning Method

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This technology is used in polymer industry

where in it combines solid solution/dispersion technology
with nanotechnology. In this process, a potential between
5 and 30 kV is applied on the liquid stream of a
drug/polymer solution. And as when the electrical forces
overcome the surface tension of the drug/polymer solution
at the air interface, fibers of submicron diameter are
formed. After evaporating the solvent, the formed fibers
can be collected on a screen.
Co-precipitation method
In this method, while during constant stirring, a
non-solvent is added drop wise to the drug and carrier
solution and the drug and carrier are co-precipitated to get
micro particles, and then this micro particle suspension is
filtered and dried.
Characterization of solid dispersion
Detection of crystallinity in solid dispersions
Several different molecular structures of the drug
in the matrix can be encountered in solid dispersions.
Many attempts have been made to investigate the
molecular arrangement in solid dispersions. However,
most effort has been put into differentiate between
amorphous and crystalline material. For that purpose
many techniques are available which detect the amount of
crystalline material in the dispersion. The amount of
amorphous material is never measured directly but is
mostly derived from the amount of crystalline material in
the sample. It should be noted that through the assessment
of crystallinity as method to determine the amount of
amorphous drug it will not be revealed whether the drug is
present as amorphous drug particles or as molecularly
dispersed molecules.
Currently, the following techniques are available to
detect the degree of crystallinity
1. Powder X-ray diffraction can be used to qualitatively
detect material with long range order. Sharper
peaks indicate more crystalline material.
Recently developed X-ray equipment is semiquantitative.
2. Infrared spectroscopy (IR) can be used to detect the
variation in the energy distribution of interactions between
drug and matrix. Sharp vibrational
crystallinity. Fourier Transformed Infrared Spectroscopy
(FTIR) was used to accurately detect crystallinities
ranging from 1 to 99% in pure material. However in solid
dispersions only qualitative detection was possible
3. Water vapour sorption can be used to discriminate
between amorphous and crystalline material when the
hygroscopicity is different. This method requires accurate
data on the hygroscopicity of both completely crystalline
and completely amorphous samples.
4. Isothermal Micro calorimetry measures crystallization
energy of amorphous material that is heated above its

glass transition temperature. However, this technique has

some limitations. Firstly, this technique can only be
applied if the physical stability is such that only during the
measurement crystallization takes place. Secondly, it has
to be assumed that all amorphous material crystallizes.
Thirdly, in a binary mixture of two amorphous compounds
a distinction between crystallization energies of drug
and matrix is difficult.
5. Dissolution Calorimetric measures the energy of
dissolution, which is dependent on the crystallinity of the
sample. Usually, dissolution of crystalline material is
endothermic, whereas dissolution of amorphous material
is exothermic.
6. Macroscopic techniques that measure mechanical
properties that are different for amorphous and crystalline
material can be indicative for the degree of crystallinity.
Density measurements and Dynamic Mechanical Analysis
(DMA) determine the modulus of elasticity and viscosity
and thus affected by the degree
of crystalinity.
However, also these techniques require
knowledge about the addictively of these properties in
intimately mixed binary solids.
7. A frequently used technique to detect the amount of
crystalline material is Differential Scanning Calorimetry.
In DSC, samples are heated with a constant heating rate
and the amount of energy necessary for that is detected.
With DSC the temperatures at which thermal events occur
can be detected. Thermal events can be a glass to rubber
transition, (re)crystallization, melting or degradation.
Furthermore, the melting and (re)crystallization energy
can be quantified. The melting energy can be used to
detect the amount of crystalline material. Possibly, the re
crystallization energy can be used to calculate the amount
of amorphous material provided, that all amorphous
material is transformed to the crystalline state [16,17].
Detection of molecular structure in amorphous solid
The properties of a solid dispersion are highly
affected by the uniformity of the distribution of the drug in
the matrix. The stability and dissolution behavior could be
different for solid dispersions that do not contain any
crystalline drug particles, i.e. solid dispersions of type V
and VI or for type II and III. However, not only the
Knowledge on the physical state (crystalline or
amorphous) is important; the distribution of the drug as
amorphous or crystalline particles or as separate drug
molecules is relevant to the properties of the solid
dispersion too. Nevertheless, only very few studies focus
on the discrimination between amorphous incorporated
particles versus molecular distribution or homogeneous
1. Confocal Raman Spectroscopy was used to measure
the homogeneity of the solid mixture of ibuprofen in PVP.
It was described that a standard deviation in drug content
smaller than 10% was indicative of homogeneous

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distribution. Because of the pixel size of 2 m3,

uncertainty remains about the presence of nano-sized
amorphous drug particles.
2. Using IR or FTIR, the extent of interactions between
drug and matrix can be measured. The interactions are
indicative for the mode of incorporation of the drug,
because separately dispersed drug molecules will have
more drug-matrix interactions than when the drug is
present in amorphous clusters or other multi-molecule
Temperature Modulated Differential Scanning
Calorimetry can be used to assess the degree of mixing of
an incorporated drug. Due to the modulation, reversible
and irreversible events can be separated. For example,
glass transitions (reversible) are separated from
crystallization or relaxation (irreversible) in amorphous
materials. Furthermore, the value of the Tg is a function of
the composition of the homogeneously mixed solid
dispersion. It has been shown that the sensitivity of
TMDSC is higher than conventional DSC. Therefore this
technique can be used to assess the amount of molecularly
dispersed drug, and from that the fraction of drug that is
dispersed as separate molecules is calculated [17,18].
Alternative strategies
Spraying on sugar beads using a fluidized bed coating
The approach involves a fluidized bed coating
system, wherein a drug-carrier solution is sprayed onto
the granular surface of excipients or sugar spheres to
produce either granules ready for tableting or drug-coated
pellets for encapsulation in one step. The method has
been applied for both controlled- and immediate-release
solid dispersions.
Itraconazole coated on sugar sphere, is made by layering
onto sugar beads a solution of drug and hydroxyl propyl
methylcellulose (HPMC) in an organic solvent of
dichloromethane and ethanol. A solid solution of drug in
HPMC is produced upon
coating (co solvent
evaporation) and controlled drying of coated beads in a
closed Wurster process. As this thin film dissolves in
water or gastric fluid, the molecularly dispersed
itraconazole is released at supersaturated concentration.
HPMC acts as a stabilizer to inhibit recrystallization of the
itraconazole are sufficiently stable to allow for absorption
and distribution [12].
Direct capsule filling
Direct filling of hard gelatin capsules with the
liquid melt of solid dispersions avoids grinding-induced
changes in the crystallinity of the drug. The filling of hard
gelatin capsules has been feasible in molten
dispersions of Triamterene-PEG 500 using a Zanasi

LZ 64 capsule- filling machine . However, PEG was not

a suitable carrier for the direct capsule-filling method as
the water-soluble carrier dissolved more rapidly than the
drug, resulting in drug-rich layers formed over the surface
of dissolving plugs, which prevented further dissolution of
the drug. A surfactant must be mixed with the carrier to
avoid formation of a drug-rich surface layer (e.g.,
polysorbate 80 with PEG, phosphatidylcholine with PEG).
The temperature of the molten solution should not exceed
~70oC because it might compromise the hard-gelatin
capsule shell [18].
Surface-active carriers
The surface-active and self-emulsifying carriers
for solid dispersion of poorly water-soluble drugs have
been of great interest in recent years. A surface-active
carrier may be preferable in almost all cases for the solid
dispersion of poorly water-soluble drugs. Two of the
important surface-active carriers are Gelucire 44/14 and
Vitamin E R-alpha-tocopheryl polyethylene glycol 1000
succinate (TPGS). Gelucire 44/14 has commonly been
used in solid dispersion for the bioavailability
enhancement of drugs. Gelucire 44/14 is a mixture of
glyceryl and PEG 1500 esters of long-chain fatty acids and
is official in the European Pharmacopoeia as lauryl
macrogolglycerides; the suffixes 44 and 14 in its name
refer, respectively, to its melting point and hydrophiliclipophilic balance (HLB) value. Vitamin E TPGS
National Formulary (NF) (Eastman, Kingsport, TN) is
prepared by the esterification of the acid group of d-Rtocopheryl acid succinate by PEG 1000. The material has
an HLB value of 13 and is miscible with water in all parts.
Its melting point, however, is relatively low (38 oC), and it
may require mixing with other carriers to increase melting
temperatures of formulations.
A commonly used surfactant, Polysorbate 80,
when mixed with solid PEG, has also been reported to be
an alternative surface-active carrier. Polysorbate 80 is
liquid at room temperature; it forms a solid matrix when
it is mixed with a PEG because it incorporates within
the amorphous regions of PEG solid structure. As much as
75% (wt/wt) Polysorbate80 was incorporated, PEG
remained semisolid, and the lowering of the melting
temperature of the PEG used was <12 oc The PEGpolysorbate carriers have been found to enhance
dissolution and bioavailability of drugs from the solid
Incorporation of 5% (wt/wt) phosphatidylcholine resulted in enhanced dissolution rate of nifedipine
from a PEG-based solid dispersion. Pulverized solid
dispersions in PEG containing varying amounts of ionic
and nonionic surfactants, including sodium dodecyl
sulfate and Polysorbate 80 gave increased dissolution rate
of drug.

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Table 1. Different solvents used in solvent Evaporation method

Melting Point (0c)
Acetic acid
2-methyl-2-propanol (TBA)
Improving oral bioavailability of drugs those
given as solid dosage forms remains a challenge for the
formulation scientists due to solubility problems. The
dissolution rate could be the rate-limiting process in the
absorption of a drug from a solid dosage form of relatively
insoluble drugs. Therefore increase in dissolution of
poorly soluble drugs by solid dispersion technique
presents a challenge to the formulation scientists. Solid
dispersion techniques have attracted considerable interest
of improving the dissolution rate of highly lipophilic drugs
thereby improving their bioavailability by reducing drug

Boiling point (0c)


Vapour pressure at 25C (kPa)


particle size, improving wettability and forming

amorphous particles. Solubility is a most important
parameter for the oral bio availability of poorly soluble
drugs. Dissolution of drug is the rate determining step for
oral absorption of the poorly water soluble drugs, which
can subsequently affect the in vivo absorption of drug.
Currently only 8% of new drug candidates have both high
solubility and permeability. Because of solubility problem
of many drugs the bio availability of them gets affected
and hence solubility enhancement becomes necessary.
Solid dispersion technology is one of the possible modes
that increase the solubility of poorly soluble drugs.

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