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Mass Society and Mass Culture: Interdependence or Independence?

Author(s): Harold L. Wilensky

Source: American Sociological Review, Vol. 29, No. 2 (Apr., 1964), pp. 173-197
Published by: American Sociological Association
Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/2092122
Accessed: 19/07/2009 15:58
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April, 1964

Volume 29, No. 2





Universityof California,Berkeley
Drawing on studies of the life styles of professors,lawyers, and engineers,a cross-section
of the "middle mass," and two groups of underdogs,this paper analyzes the interplay of
social structure, high culture, and mass culture. It brings systematic survey data to the
debate about the nature and functions of "mass culture"in modern society, concentrating
on determinantsof the quality of media exposureand response.The data have three implications: (1) The older structuralroots of cultural diversity-the division of labor, descent,
age-grading-persist, but the newer roots of culturaluniformity-the centralizedstate, mass
education,mass media, and mass entertainment-perhapsgrow stronger. (2) The paradox
of the simultaneousgrowth of structuraldifferentiationand cultural standardizationpartly
reflectsour imprecisemeasuresof social structure(e.g. the failure to link types of education
to cultural outcomes), but it also reflects the characterof an affluentsociety in transition.
(3) The cultural promise of abundance-the maintenanceof high standards of diversified
excellenceamong the keepersof high culturecombinedwith a gradualimprovementof mass
tastes-will be fulfilled in only minor degree. Modernizationdoes block the mass descent
to distant depths, but at the same time it threatenshigh culture; those with opportunity
to develop high-browtastes are becomingfull participantsin mass culture.The net outcome
is culturaluniformity at a slightly higher average level. Analysis of emergingstyles of life
indicates that an accuratepicture of modernsociety must combineparts of the major current images-"mass," "urban," "industrial,""pluralist,""totalitarian."

SEVERAL major questionsaboutthe social

impact of affluencehave come to dominate intellectual discussion concerning
the shape of modern society. Some of them
involve the nature, extent, and impact of
* A paper presentedat the 58th Annual Meeting
of the AmericanSociologicalAssociation,Los Angeles,August27, 1963. It is part of "Work,Careers,
and Leisure Styles: A Study of Sources of Social
Integration,"a programof researchmade possible
by the generoussupport of the National Institute
of Mental Health (M-2209, 1958-63), the Department of Sociology of the University of Michigan,
and the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences.The aim of the larger study is
to discoverthose aspects of work and leisurewhich
bind individualsand groups to communityand society and those which foster alienation and estrangement.This paper is an elaborationand test
of ideas in my "Social Structure,Popular Culture,
and Mass Behavior,"Studies in Public Communication, 3 (Summer, 1961), pp. 15-22; the material,
used by permissionof the Free Press of Glencoe,

mass culture and mass leisure. Everyone

agrees that abundance everywhere brings a
rise in mass communications,through radio,
television, and press; the development of
mass education and the concomitant spread
of literacy; and, finally, mass entertainment
on a grand scale. I propose to deal with these
trends in the context of ideas about the
"mass society." I will (1) analyze the interplay of high culture and mass culture, with
special attention to the structural roots of
cultural standardization and heterogeneity
in rich countries; (2) present data on the
quality of media exposure in a variety of
occupational groups and strata in the Detroit metropolitan area-so that we may
is based on a forthcomingbook. I am grateful to
Guy E. Swansonand David Gold for critical readings and to John C. Scott, Michael T. Aiken, and
David Reynolds for researchassistance.




bothgaugethe extentof culturaluniformity

and locate the sourcesof resistanceto mass
culture.My generalaim is to fill in gaps in
theoriesof the mass society and to arrive
at a morevalid vision of modernsociety.

Now the empirically-mindedcritics-a

later generationstudyinga moreindustrialized society-have countered with these
not stoppedparticipatingin voluntaryassociations,which in Americaand perhapsin
otherpluralistsystems,continueto multiply.
Moreover, in every industrial society,
Traditionaltheoristsof "urbanism"or of whetherpluralist or totalitarian,there are
the "masssociety"tend to be pessimisticin potent limits to the powers of the mass
ideologyand macroscopicin sociology;their media, the big organizations,and the cenempiricalcritics tend to be optimistic- tralizedstate.
some would say fatuous-in ideology and
microscopicin sociology.Both seek to in- organization."CharlesH. Cooley, Social Organizaterpretthe impact of industrialismand ur- tion, New York: Charles Scribner'sSons, 1927;
Mayo, The Human Problems of an Indusbanismon social structureand culture.To- Elton
trial Civilization, Cambridge: Harvard University
gether they have given us most of
Press, 1933, esp. pp. 122 if. and The Social Problems
imagerywith which we constructour pic- of an Industrial Civilization,Cambridge:Harvard
University Press, 1945, Chs. 2 and 5. Tocqueville,
ture of the affluentsociety.
From Tocqueville to MannheimI the among other 19th-centuryobservers,and Lederer,
and DeGre, among modern students of
traditionaltheorists have been concerned Neumann,
totalitarianism,tend to emphasizethe functions of
with one or both of
secondaryassociationsin the maintenanceof social
elites (and of order or democratic political systems, or both.
debilitationof culture-bearing
the core valuesthey sustain) broughton by Alienationfrom work, politics,and community,and
related susceptibility to mass movements, they
their diminishinginsulation from popular aargue,
are mainly due to the weakness of indepressures;(2) the rise of the masses,who, pendent organizationslying between the nuclear
for various reasons, are increasinglysus- family and the state. Tocqueville, op. cit.; Emil
ceptibleto demagoguesand extremistmove- Lederer,State of the Masses, New York: W. W.
ments.2These scholarsare said to believe Norton, 1940; Franz L. Neumann,Behemoth,New
York: Oxford University Press, 1942; and Gerard
that the mobility, heterogeneity,and cen- DeGre,
"Freedomand Social Structure,"American
tralization of modern society destroy
SociologicalReview, 11 (October, 1946), pp. 529weakenthe ties that bind men to the com- 536. Cf. Robert A. Nisbet, The Quest for Commumon life, renderingthe mass manipulatable, nity, New York: Oxford University Press, 1953.
Emile Durkheimwas aware of the possiblelinks of
leaving mass organizationsand the mass both
primary and secondary groups to the level
media in control. Although they vary in of social integration.He tendedto stressthe atrophy
theirdepictionof the generatingforces,they of primary group life as a source of anomie and
tend to accenteitherthe atrophyof primary expressedthe hope that larger secondary associations (especially the occupationalgroup or workand informal relations or the atrophy of place)
could emergeas new bonds of solidarity,new
self-governingsecondarygroupsand associ- sources of civic virtue. The Division of Labor in
Society, trans. by George Simpson, Glencoe, Ill.:
The Free Press, 1947, pp. 1-31. (In later writings,
'Alexis de Tocqueville, Democracy in America, tburkheim increasingly emphasized the second

New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1948, 2 vols.; Karl

Mannheim,Man and Society in an Age of Reconstruction,London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1940.
2 Cf. William Kornhauser'streatment of "accessibleelites"and "availablemasses"in The Politics of Mass Society, Glencoe,Ill.: The Free Press,

3 Cooley, Mayo, and their students emphasize

the functionsof primarygroupsin the maintenance

of social order, and cite reasons for their declining
functionsand authority.Since the primarygroup is
the traininggroundfor good citizenship,its decline,
they felt, would producemass men who would produce a "mass society," "anomie,"or "social dis-

4 In evidence,the critics say, look at the following studies: Fritz J. Roethlisbergerand William J.
Dickson,Managementand the Worker,Cambridge:
Harvard University Press, 1939; Paul F. Lazarsfeld, Bernard Berelson, and Hazel Gaudet, The
People's Choice, New York: Columbia University
Press, 1948; Morris Janowitz, The Community
Press in an Urban Setting, Glencoe,Ill.: The Free
Press, 1952; Scott Greer,"UrbanismReconsidered:
A ComparativeStudy of Local Areas in a Metropolis," AmericanSociologicalReview, 21 (February,
1956), pp. 19-25; Marvin B. Sussman,"The Help
Pattern in the Middle Class Family," American


I count myself as one of the critics,5 but
I am restive about the way the debate has
progressed.0The parties talk past one another and ideological blinders obstruct the
vision far more than in other areas of sociological investigation. Nowhere is this
more true than in the sketchy treatment of
mass culture in theories of the mass society
and in the almost ritualistic recital of the
"two-step flow" slogan by the students of
media ineffectiveness.
The main theme of the theorists is this:

the masssocietydevelopsa mass culture,in

which cultural and political values and beliefs tend to be homogeneous and fluid. In
the middle and at the bottom-in the atomized mass-people think and feel alike; but
thoughts and feelings, not being firmly
anchored anywhere, are susceptible to fads
and fashions. At the top, poorly-organized
elites, themselves mass-oriented, become political and managerialmanipulators,responding to short-run pressures; they fail to
maintain standards and thereby encourage
the spread of populism in politics, mass
tastes in culture-in short, a "sovereignty
of the unqualified."7


The empirically-minded critics of such

theories are impressed by the diversity of
modern life. Concerning the leveling and
fluidity of culture, they point to an extraordinary variety of cultural products, assert
that it is easier to prove that mass tastes
have been upgraded than that such tastes
have been vulgarized, and protest that high
culture has not declined but merely become
more widely available. Concerning the role
of the mass media in politics and culture,
the critics cite considerable diversity of
media content as well as persistence in habits
of exposure. And where diversity of content
falls short, they argue, there is everywhere
enormous diversity in response. While the
optimists are well aware of the limits of
their studies, they seem always to come to
the same punch line: the burden of evidence
indicates that the media are not omnipotent;
they are absorbed into local cultures via the
two-step flow from media to local group
to person; and this absorption involves a
self-selection of exposure corresponding to
previous attitude.8
It is a pity that these students of the
media who know mass communications best
are not more ideologically sensitive and not
more concerned with general characterizations of society; equally unfortunate is it
that the theorists, at home in the world of
ideologies and utopias, are not more sophisticated in the handling of data. For systematic observation and theoretical problems
must be brought together if we are to understand the interplay of social structure, high
culture, and mass culture.
Mass Culture and High Culture. For my
purposes here the most useful definition that
distinguishes high culture from mass culture
is one that emphasizes the social context of
production. "High culture" will refer to two
characteristics of the product: (1) it is created by or under the supervision of a cultural elite operating within some aesthetic,
literary, or- scientific tradition (these elite

SociologicalReview, 18 (February, 1953), pp. 2228; J. Smith, W. H. Form, and G. P. Stone, "Local
Intimacyin a Middle-SizedCity,"AmericanJournal
of Sociology, 60 (November, 1954), pp. 276-284;
CharlesR. Wrightand HerbertH. Hyman, "Voluntary AssociationMembershipsof AmericanAdults:
Evidencefrom National SampleSurveys,"American
SociologicalReview, 23 (June, 1958), pp. 284-294;
Daniel Miller and Guy E. Swanson, The Changing
American Parent, New York: John Wiley and
Sons, 1958; E. Katz and Paul F. Lazarsfeld,Personal Influence,Glencoe,Ill.: The Free Press, 1955;
Michael Young and Peter Willmott, Family and
Kinship in East London, Glencoe, Ill.: The Free
Press, 1957; Joseph T. Klapper,The Effects of Mass
Communication, Glencoe, Ill.: The Free Press,
1960; etc.
5See Harold L. Wilensky and Charles N. Lebeaux, Industrial Society and Social Welfare,New
York: Russell Sage Foundation, 1958, Ch. 5.
6For an assessmentof the evidence on the vitality of social participationsee HaroldL. Wilensky,
"Life Cycle, Work Situation, and Participationin
Formal Associations,"in R. W. Kleemeier (ed.), in Mass Society," AmericanJournal of Sociology,
Aging and Leisure, New York: Oxford University 56 (January, 1951), pp. 320-331; BernardRosenberg and David Manning White (eds.), Mass CulPress, 1961 and "Social Structure . . ," op. cit.;
for an empiricalstudy of the integrativepotential ture, Glencoe,Ill.: The Free Press, 1957; and Kornof various types of social relations see Harold L. hauser,op. cit.
sSee e.g., Klapper, op. cit.; and Raymond A.
Wilensky, "Orderly Careers and Social Participation," AmericanSociological Review, 26 (August, and Alice H. Bauer, "America,'Mass Society' and
Mass Media," Journal of Social Issues, 16 (1960),
1961), pp. 521-539.
7 Cf. Philip Selznick, "InstitutionalVulnerability pp. 3-56.



are the top men in the sphere of education,

aesthetics, and entertainmentwho carry the
core values and standards of that sphere and
serve as models for those working in it);
(2) critical standards independent of the
consumer of the product are systematically
applied to it. The quality of thought or expression of the cultural object and the social
milieu in which it is produced define high
culture. This definition has the advantage
of leaving open questions about the organization and recruitmentof cultural elites, the
social controls to which they are subject
(e.g., pressures from patron, market, or
mass), the conditions under which a highquality product-a Shakespearian play, a
Mozart symphony-can become popular,
the ways in which the product is or is not
absorbed into the culture of the consumer.
"Mass culture" will refer to cultural
products manufactured solely for a mass
market. Associated characteristics, not intrinsic to the definition, are standardization
of product and mass behavior in its use.
Mass culture tends to be standardized because it aims to please the average taste of
an undifferentiated audience. Common
tastes shape mass culture; critical standards
sustained by autonomous producing groups
shape high culture. Another frequent but
not inevitable correlate of mass culture is a
high rate of mass behavior-a uniform and
direct response to remote symbols.9 It is expressed in strong attachment to and dependence on distant public objects and concerns
-e.g., acts, thoughts, and feelings regarding
the nation (hyperpatriotism and xenopho9 Following Blumer and Wirth, the "mass"is a
collectivity which is big, heterogeneous(dispersed
geographicallyand cross-cuttingmany groups and
sub-cultures),and socially-unstructured(comprised
of individualswho do not share norms and values
relevant to the situation-individuals who are unattached for a time, not in role, and can therefore
behavein a uniform,undifferentiatedway). Herbert
Blumer, "ElementaryCollective Behavior,"in Alfred McClungLee (ed.), New Outline of the Principles of Sociology, New York: Barnes & Noble,
1946, pp. 185ff.; and Louis Wirth, "Urbanismas a
Way of Life," AmericanJournal of Sociology, 44
(July, 1938), pp. 1-24. -On the public, see also
Robert E. Park, Masse und Publikum: Eine Methodologischeund SoziologischeUntersuchung.Inaugural-Dissertation der Hohenphilosophischen
zu HeiFakultaet der Ruprecht-Karls-Universitaet
delberg, Bern: Lack & Grunau, 1904.

bia), class (Marxian class consciousness),

race (racism). The definition leaves open
questions about the relation of mass culture
to high culture; the conditions under which
a product of mass culture can meet the
standards of high culture; the degree to
which mass culture is fluid or, like folk culture, stable (characterized by little original
creation in each generation); whether traditions of expression and performancedevelop
in it; the extent to which the impact of the
mass media is mediated by audience standards and the extent to which those very
standards are themselves anchored in the
In short, these concepts permit sociological
analysis of cultural products in the social
contexts in which they are created and used.
They have the disadvantage of being difficult
(but not impossible) to apply in empirical
Theoretical Problem and Assumptions.
Our problem is the relation of the main
structural trends associated with abundance
to the form and content of high culture and
mass culture. The main research question is,
"which groupings of modern populations acquire a 'mass' character and which do notwith what net effect on culture, high and
low?" More precisely, will the heterogeneity
of culture rooted mainly in the division of
labor give way to the homogeneity of culture
rooted mainly in the centralized state, mass
education, the mass media, and mass entertainment?
Five assumptions about modern society
have guided my approach to this question:
(1) social differentiation persists, even increases; (2) cultural uniformity also grows;
(3) in rich countries there is more independent variation of social structure and culture
than in poor ones, although some of this
incongruity is due to imprecise measures
of structure; (4) developments in the
aesthetic-recreational sphere as well as the
political sphere may remain isolated from
those in the economy and locality for some
time, so that in the short run mass behavior
in one sphere may not become mass behavior
in another; but (5) over several generations,
and as rich countries grow richer, there is a
strain toward consistency between structure
and culture and between behavior in one
institutional sphere and that in a second.


1. Social differentiation persists, even increases. It is rooted first in specialization by
job and occupation and by the corporateand
occupationalcommunities that develop from
work. It is rooted second in society-wide
age-gradingsystems and in individual stages
of the life cycle. (As sources of alienation
from work and community, for instance, age
and life cycle stage, which are fixed in both
biological and social nature, are invariably
more important than family income, which
tends toward equalization.) Finally, differentiation is rooted in religious institutions,
which everywhere mesh with kinship and
friendship and often form a basis for wider
but separate networks of affiliation. (The
labor-leisure study shows that religion is a
far stronger anchor for close friendships
than occupation or workplace-as measured,
for instance, by the religion, occupation,
and place of employment of one's three best
friends.) Of course, racial and ethnic groups
do assimilate, but only slowly. If they serve
as a basis for variants of religious communities, as among Catholics of diverse origin,
or Jews, or for protest movements, as among
Negroes, such groups maintain a tenacious
hold, which is often reinforcedby residential
segregation. The ties of locality doubtless
diminish, despite the evidence of occasional
communitiesin the metropolis (again ethnic,
racial, or class "neighborhoods"or at least
There is, in short, no evidence that the
bonds of economy, age, religion, and the
nuclear family (with family and church
often meshed with extended kin) are weakening in the rich countries, although the
quality of those relationshipsmay be changing and their influence in particular social
contexts is still problematic. In much of the
discussion of "mass" society or "totalitarian" society, the persistence and stability
of such ties are underestimated.The masses
have nowherein any developed country been
kept "atomized," "available," "unattached,"
"in motion." 10 Many writers, shocked by


the barbarity of the Stalinist and Nazi regimes, have generalized a vocabulary appropriate to brief historical episodes or, in the
case of the Nazis, selected populations, and
have thereby missed the main trend. The
limits of terror have been encountered by
every totalitarian elite committed to economic progress. Even the most monolithic
industrial societies are forced to supplement
coercion with persuasion and manipulation,
and to attend to problems of morale and
motivation. This is especially true when they
confront skilled workers at every level, including cultural elites, and is most evident
when persons in these categories are in short
supply. The argument is both familiar and
accurate: some tasks cannot be mastered
without the development of more-or-less autonomous groups-crafts, professions, scientific disciplines, and other private enclaves. Such groups cultivate technique and
celebrate it, motivate disciplined work, provide stable careers and professional conviviality. The arts and sciences that flourish
in the Soviet Union are not merely those
which are politically safe; they are the ones
which prior to the rise of Bolshevism were
characterized by a high degree of skill and
organization and either an aristocratic tradition (music, the ballet) or a tradition of
intellectual achievement (mathematics, lin-

"keep the masses in a state of constant activity

controlledby the elite" (p. 123) and so, these regimes take steps to remainwith their subjects"one
gigantic movement"(p. 62). Three questionsabout
this argument may be raised. First, the implication that Bolshevik power, as a key case, depends
on "massification"and the latter makes the regime
vulnerable,runs counterto the apparentstability of
Soviet society. Second, if totalitarian nations had
to keep the massesin a constant state of mobilization, we would expect them to become increasingly
terror-ridden.Although the variable use of terror
thus far does not provide sufficient evidence on
long-runtrends,much totalitarianterrorhas seemed
to give way to other means of control. Finally, the
treatment of mass "availability" is tautological.
Availabilityis indicatedby (1) a high rate of mass
behaviorand (2) lack of attachmentto independent
groups. Here the hypothetical causes of mass behavior are confusedwith the idea of mass behavior
'OA major theme in Kornhauser,op. cit., a cre- itself (cf. 40-41, 61-62). I have dealt with this in
ative synthesisof literatureon sourcesof extremism, my study by maintaining a distinction between
is that totalitariancontrol depends on the institu- mass behavior as particularacts in time and space
tionalization of "high availability" of the mass (e.g., respondingto a gasoline ad or a demagogue
(p. 62). Totalitarian regimes deliberatelyatomize without referenceto group norms) and persistent
the mass (via forced migration,purges,terror), but structuresthat presumablygive rise to it (e.g., a
since mass behavior is unpredictable,they need to pattern of impoverishedsocial relations).



guistics). In short, the necessity of mobilizing social support for the performance of
complex tasks sets practical limits on the
baiting of intellectuals and professionals.
While the "professionalization"of occupations is often no more than a struggle for the
rewards of exclusive jurisdiction, and while
there are many organizational and political
threats to the autonomy of professional
groups, the number of occupations that are
given some freedom to organize their work
seems to be increasing in every rich country. And while the freezes and thaws in the
intellectual climate make it difficult to assess
the persistence of cultural elites under political attack, here, too, autonomy based on
social differentiation persists. Groups that
could be expected to carry high culture
maintain considerable social insulation,
which stems from their unique training and
jobs (and related differencesin religion and
family background). The separate worlds
of work multiply.
2. Nevertheless, c u I t u r a I uniformity
grows. Even without the obliteration of social differences,modern society tends toward
11Within the general frameworkof a policy of
strenuous intervention (even in strictly philosophical matters) the Soviet regime has alternated
application and relaxation of controls over intellectual life. J. M. Bochenski in A. Inkeles and
K. Geiger,(eds.), Soviet Society, Boston: Houghton
Mifflin, 1961, pp. 454 if. Despite these ups and
downs, Soviet commitment to modernizationhas
forced some liberalization.In the short run (e.g.,
duringthe period of maximumStalinist terror) the
regime can do pretty much what it likes with
particulardisciplines:it can wipe out genetics by
persecutingMendelian deviationists; it can proscribe quantummechanicsas inconsistentwith dialectical materialism.But over the long pull, some
disciplinesstand up better than others.For instance,
some disciplinesonce purged now flourish in relative freedom (linguistics, poetics); others do not
(genetics, history, literary history and criticism,
economics). To demonstratesuch variable resistance, however,we would need data on the degree
of vulnerabilityto the purge in each case (number
put to death, imprisoned,removedfrom any office,
removed from top office only, merely forced to
recant, etc.) and on the persistenceof each group
beyond the purge (men and resourcesdevoted to
the discipline,quality of output, success of efforts
to maintain autonomy). To demonstrate further
that resistanceto state penetrationis a function of
the pre-existingorganizationand tradition of the
disciplineas well as the indispensabilityof its contribution to Soviet power would require the same

c u I t u r a 1 standardization-a widespread
sharing of beliefs, values, and tastes, crosscutting groups and categories. The forces at
work are well known: popular education and
mass literacy; high rates of social and residential mobility; the emergence of national
markets and a national politics, both making use of nationwide media of mass communication and entertainment. Of course
rich countries vary in the level of these
modern developments and none has yet experienced their full impact. Even in the
richest of them all, the United States, a
really mass education system has existed
for less than two generations,'2 hardly time
for its cultural influence to be felt. Nevertheless, it seems likely that on its production side, modern society displays increasing
diversity of structure; on its consumption
and leisure side, increasing standardization
of culture.
3. Structure and culture change at varying rates in all societies, but their independent variation is greatest at the highest levels
of modernization.The relevance here is that
"mass culture" (and its correlates, standardization and fluidity of tastes in consumption and media content) can vary independently from "mass structure" (in which the
mass lack firm ties to the social order and
are easily mobilized into mass movements).
This follows from my first two assumptions
-the simultaneous growth of structural
differentiation and cultural uniformity. In
fact, the closest meshing of mass society and
mass culture may appear neither in modern
pluralist countries nor in modern totalitarian
countries but instead in the new nations of
Africa and Asia, where demagogic politicians, on radio, on television, in the village
square, inveigh against imperialists and
colonialists, manipulating a population torn
loose from traditional tribal ties. As Shils
12 RichardH. Bolt in a National Science
Foundation study has analyzed numbers of baccalaureate
and first professionaldegrees expressedas a percentageof the college-graduating-age
cohort (median
about 22 years). The ratio increasedslowly from
about 1.3 per cent in 1870 to about 2 per cent in
1910, and then increased roughly logistically to
nearly 20 per cent by 1960. A similar acceleration
of high school graduateshad already markedlyset
in by 1900 and by 1960 high school graduatesexceeded 70 per cent of the relevantage cohort. Unpublishedmanuscript,1963.



which acts to constrainboth apathy and

mass politics. The data also demonstrate,
one sphere to another, and thereforeare
consistentwith my fifth assumption.
5. Thereis in the longruna straintoward
consistency(1) amongvaluesand beliefsin
diverseinstitutionalspheres;14 (2) among
behaviorpatterns in diverse spheres; (3)
betweencultureand socialstructure.
The congruenceof values in spheresas
diverseas kinship,politics,and aestheticse.g., "idealistic"and "authoritarian"
political values and child-rearingphilosophiesas
reflectedin literature-is well illustratedin
a careful,sophisticatedcontent analysis of
the 45 most popularnew plays in Germany
and the United States in 1927.15In 44 per
cent of the 45 Germanplays and only 4 per
cent of the 45 Americanplays, "idealism"
was a basic theme: a central character,
standing above the masses, pursues high
principleand is compelledto sacrificeconventionalmorality (as is the case of the
patriot who, for the sake of his country,
4. Not only are structureand culturedi- murdershis beloved). The level of action
vergentin modernsocietyas it has thus far was 51 per cent ideologicalin Germany,96
developed,but there is considerableinde- per cent personalin America:the American
pendenceamong the separateinstitutional hero must struggleagainstimmoralor antispheres. Behavior in the aesthetic-recrea- social tendenciesin himself or in others
tionalsphereas well as in the politicalsphere which block the achievementof personal
may for sometimeremainisolatedfromthat happiness; the Germanhero, pursuingan
in the economyandthe locality.In my study ideal goal, must struggleagainstthe normal
I assumedthe independentvariationof pat- practices of society itself. Personal ambiternsof work,social participation,exposure tions and satisfactions,expressedwithin the
and responseto mass culture,and vulnera- boundsof conventionalmorality,are posibility to masspolitics;I took as problematic tively sanctionedin the Americanplays;
the conditionsunderwhichtheirinfluenceis such strivings are often portrayedas the
reciprocal.My data show that a modern root obstaclein the Germanplays, the "mapopulationcan displayfluidpoliticsor high terialism"and "Philistinism"againstwhich
susceptibilityto mediamanipulation,propa- the idealist must fight. Literatureand art
ganda, and advertising,and yet simultan- are not mirrorimagesof society,but in the
eously evidencestable patternsof social re- rarecase wherethe data are most solid and
lationsat work and in the community.And comparative,the congruenceis striking.
for some men the gap left by impoverished Concerningconsistencyof behaviorin the
socialrelationsis filled by vicariouspartici- diversespheresof modernlife, a nationprobpation in televisionprograms,vicariousin- ably cannotforeverhave both high rates of
volvementwith media heroes, a symbolic massbehaviorin consumptionand low rates
sharing in the national non-politicallife in politics (Britain) or rate low on mass
suggests,"the availabilityof the media of
is an invitationto their
demagogicuse-even morepronouncedlyso
wherethe populaceis illiterateand scattered
in many not easily accessiblevillages,and
wherethere is the belief that the members
of this populacemust be 'mobilized'for the
progressof the country."18 Whereintellectual eliteshave achievedonly embryonicdevelopment,the prominenceof moderncommunicationsalso meansthat all culture,as
it movesaway fromtraditionalpatternsbecomesmass culture.
The characteristicsof mass society and
mass cultureexist in some degreein every
countryundergoingrapidsocial change,but
they are most compatiblein the emerging
nations,howeverthey may blend with traditionalways of life. Because the level of
economicand political developmentconditionsthe effectof "mass"structureson mass
cultureand high culture,we cannotassume
any straight-linetrend from simple, poor,
and non-massified,to complex, rich, and

18 Edward A. Shils, "Demagoguesand Cadresin

1William Graham Sumner, Folkways, Boston:
the Political Development of the New States," in Ginn, 1906,pp. 5-6.
15 Donald V. McGranahan and Ivor Wayne,
LucienW. Pye (ed.), Communicationsand Political
Development,Princeton,N.J.: PrincetonUniversity "Germanand AmericanTraits Reflectedin Popular
Drama,"Human Relations, 1 (1948), pp. 429-455.
Press,1963,p. 67.



consumption and high on mass politics

(France). I assume that mass behavior in
politics, consumption, and media exposure
are correlated-that voting for Ike's personality is like responding to undiscussed
gasoline ads, and the two can reinforce one
another. Data reported elsewhere support
this notion.16
Similarly, with respect to the congruence
of structure and culture, I assume that a
modern nation cannot forever have both an
elite educational system and continued
growth in mass culture (as in France, where
the paid circulation of the Reader's Digest
now exceeds a million, which, in proportion
to population, is almost a third of its penetration in the United States), or high rates
of mobility and stable, insulated leisure
styles (class sub-cultures in Britain, ethnic
sub-cultures in America). And the formulation sometimes advanced by students of
American culture17 that we have made
progress by moving on from a concern with
"politics" to a concern with "culture" and
"conformity," obscures the most interesting
challenge-to discover the complex connec-

tions between them. Mr. Minow's travail

suggests that cultural homogeneity is rooted
in the political structure as well as the market place.18
Thus, we may assume that the influence
of mass education, the media, and the centralized state will in the long run overcome
the influence of variations in work, religion,
age, and locality as sources of cultural values
and leisure styles and we can expect mass
culture in both Europe and America to penetrate structures now more or less insulated
from it.
Educational institutions are strategic in
linking structure and culture and the diverse
institutional spheres. The education system
is locality bound, but brings wider worlds
to view; its curricula are highly differentiated, reflecting the specialized occupations
for which it trains youngsters, but it is the
central transmitter of core values and beliefs. Universities and colleges are the main
source of what high culture there is, and to
some extent they innoculate against mass
culture; at the same time mass education
uses the media, incorporates them into its
content and technique and helps train the
16Wilensky,"SocialStructure. . ." op. cit. p. 21. next generation in a style of leisure permeTabulationsbased on 678 interviews with a crosssection of white males in the middle mass (upper ated by the great din of the media9
working class and lower middle class) of the Detroit area, aged 21-55, show that our indicators
of susceptibilityin advertisingand politics are indeed correlated.We assumedthat candidateswitchers-Democrats who went for Ike, the (less numerous) Republicansfor "Soapy" Williams-were
respondingto personality appeals in recent campaigns. Then we asked those who own cars and
notice gas ads, if, when they hear claims made in
these ads, they "evertry a tankful or so to see how
true the ads are." We also asked everyone how
often he had bought somethingbecause he saw it
advertisedand then found he'd been stuck. Among
those who never completedhigh school (whatever
their income), and among young high-schoolgrads
with low family incomes (in this sample that
means $5,000-8,000),it is the loyal party men who
try a tankful; but among the vanguard populations-higher-education, higher-incomemen-it is
the candidateswitcher or ticket-splitterwho takes
a flier, especiallyamongmiddle-aged,upper-income,
high school gradsand young collegemen (whatever
their income). Incidentally,these same college-educated EisenhowerDemocrats report that they get
stuck in the product market quite often. The link
between mass behaviorin consumptionand politics
is most visible among men of the future.
17 WinstonWhite,Beyond Conformity,NewYork:
Free Press of Glencoe,1961, and the early writings
of David Riesman.

18 If there is more independentvariation of politics and culture in the United States than in other
rich countries,it may stem from our greater gap
between intellectualsand the government,the split
that Tocquevillenoted betweenintelligenceand action. In several parts of Europe, notably Britain
and Scandinavia, the media to some extent feel
compelledto reflect the work of the intellectualsthe statesman, the educator, the serious artist. In
the United States, the media reflectmore the work
of the businessmanas advertiser,the artist as entertainer, the politician as demagogue; they are
typically managed and staffed by anti-intellectual
intellectuals. Cf. Reuel Denney, The Astonished
Muse, Chicago: The University of Chicago Press,
1957, p. 216; and Richard Chase, The Democratic
Vista, GardenCity: Doubleday, 1958, passim.
19The reciprocalinfluenceof the mass media and
mass educationhas receivedlittle serious attention.
A few of the obvious possibilitiesare: (1) Extensive exposurein the home accustoms the child to
visual and oral communicationof the simplestsort;
teachersand curriculumplannersrespondby using
the media to make education more entertaining,
using the child's television experience(e.g., current
events) as the basis for class discussion-generally
displacingtime otherwise devoted to a more systematic treatmentof history or geography.(2) The
average college receives students unaccustomedto


Clearly, to understand the impact of
abundanceon culture and the limits and possibilities of public policy in overcoming cultural uniformity, we need to contrast the
cultural life of countries whose governments
differ in policy regarding education and the
media of mass communication.20

Let us apply the larger debate about

modern society to the mass media and mass
entertainment in America. We must first
grasp the fact that the mass media are the
core of American leisure and that television
has become the core of media exposure. The
sheer arithmetic is striking. Nine in ten
American homes average five to six hours
daily with the TV set on. And it is not just
turned on; it is generally being watched.
Eight in ten Americans spend at least four
hours a day viewing television, listening to
the radio, or both.2' Additional time goes to
reading newspapers and magazines.
The trend is up. An increasing fraction of
the daily routine is devoted to the products
of the mass media. Mainly due to the rise
of television, the media together and on the
average now take up almost as much time
as work; substantial minorities log more
hours a year in TV viewing alone than in
Both cause and consequence of this trend
is the development of an enormous machinery of promotion.Today, our outlays for
disciplined reading and adapts assignments and
techniquesaccordingly. (3) In school and college
alike, manners,morals, and speech are more subtly
influenced-with self-displaybecominga new ideal,
a new set of mind. The
and publicity-consciousness
"show and tell" sessionsof our elementaryschools,
like the audienceparticipationand panel shows of
television,combineboth. Whetherthe post-Sputnik
spurt in "hard"subjects (a product of Cold War
competition) together with the oversupply of
youngsters (a product of the changing age distribution, which increases competition for college
entrance) will offset the penetrationof mass culture into the schoolsis unknown.As all these forces
converge,the cultural tastes of the average college
professor,like those of the school teacher,will weigh
in the outcome.
20 For some lines of inquiry, see Pye, op. cit.
21 G. A. Steiner, The People Look at Television,
New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1963, pp. 4, 112; and
citationsin footnote30 below.


advertising are almost equal to our current

expenditures on public schools (elementary
and secondary)-about 11 billion annually.22 Additional billions go to PR and the
like. The more abundance, the more activity
to increase the desire for it.
So far we are on safe ground. The size
of this frenzied promotion effort and the
astonishing amount of exposure are well
known. The impact on the quality of American culture, however, is difficult to judge.
In tackling the problem I have tried to be
specific: in approaching the standardization
of culture I have looked for media exposure
and response cross-cutting social classes,
educational levels, age grades, and religious
and nativity categories. In handling the
heterogeneity of culture I have searched for
variations in media exposure and response
with special attention to structural facts obscured by these traditional categories of
sociological analysis-e.g., the quality variations within broad levels of education; the
variations in tasks, work schedules, occupational groups, workplaces, and job patterns
within broad occupational strata. The picture that emerges is more complicated than
the assertions and counter-assertions of
theorists and critics, but it is also a more
realistic reflection of modern life.
I will first present findings bearing on the
structural roots of cultural heterogeneity,
and then findings that suggest the perhaps
more powerful roots of cultural uniformity.
I will draw from data on the quality of
media exposure among 1,354 men ranging
from highly-educated professors, lawyers,
and engineers and executives matched for
age and income, through a cross-section of
the lower middle and upper working classes
(the "middle mass") of the Detroit area,
and down through 186 men unemployed and
on relief.23 We listed all their favorite TV
22Fritz Machiup, The Productionand Distribution of Knowledgein the United States, Princeton,
N.J.: PrincetonUniversityPress, 1962, p. 104.
23The analysis is based on detailed interviews
with probability samples or universes of six professionalgroups(100 solo lawyers; 107 firm lawyers
in the 19 Detroit firms with ten or more partners and associates;31 professorsat "ChurchUniversity;" 68 professorsat "Urban University;" 91
engineersat "Unico" and 93 at "Diversico"-generally researchand developmentspecialists,supervisors, or executives); a probabilitysample of the



shows,periodicalsand newspapersread reg- that perhapshalf of the highbrowbooks

ularly,and all booksthey couldnamewhich would betterbe labeled"middling"or "upthey had read in the last two months.We per middle;" clearlythe list wouldnot withthen classifiedeachprogram,eachmagazine, stand the scrutinyof a DwightMacDonald.
and each bookin three"brow"levels-high But by that token it has the advantageof
quality, trash,or neither.
not understatingthe fallout from the "culIn coding for quality we were tolerant. tural explosion"as it appearsin these samThe aim was to classify accordingto some ples-which, as it turnedout, was scanty.)
fixed aesthetic standard,applicableto the
In general these codes do not reflect a
medium,the more-or-lessbest performances snobbish understatementof quality exand the clearly worst. Thus, the bias was posure, and there is less disagreementat
that of GilbertSeldes'Seven Lively Arts- the extremesthan one would expect.24
To establishthe coherence,independence,
sympatheticto the media.The productdoes
not have to be aggressivelyeducativeto get and economyof my measures,I combined
by as highbrow,but if it is drama,the con- all samplesand carriedout two factoranalytrast is "Playhouse90" vs. the most stereo- sis-one of the content,social context,and
typical detective, western, and adventure psychologicalfunctions of exposure; the
shows; if it is a paperbackmystery, the other,of mediauses as part of leisurestyle.
contrastis AgathaChristieor Chandlervs. A resultingfactor from each analysis will
be used as a dependentvariablebelow.
1. '"uck exposure to poor TV" is a
On televisionprogramsour staff madean
effortto keep in touchwith criticalopinion strongfactor (12 per cent of the variance)
in the mediaanalysis.It is definedby: (1)
and pooled judgments.
On books, periodicals,and newspapers, high numberof hoursper week of television
we compiled an initial classificationand viewing; (2) many westerns as "favorite
checkedwith experts.For the bookcode,for TV programs-the ones you almost always
instance,two Englishprofessorsreputedto watch;" and (3) many detective and adhave opposingviewsaboutthe modernnovel venture programsas favorites. These deindependentlyagreedon 97 per cent of the fining items not only go together in the
200-oddhigh-qualitytitles. (That this code, mediaexperienceof our 1,354men but they
like the others,is tolerantis suggestedby are independentof such other factors as
the reactionof a literarycritic who judged "privatizedTV-viewing,""vicariousparticipationvia television,"and a varietyof uses
middle mass (N=678); and, as a sharp contrast, of print. The men who score high here are
two samplesof underdogs,81 Negro and 105 white,
who were severely deprived. The interviews took neither ardent sports fans nor devoteesof
place in the first half of 1960. Only males who panel, quiz, giveaway, audienceparticipawere in the labor force, 55 years old or younger, tion, and generalentertainment
shows. But
and currently or previously married were inter- so far as one can become involved with
viewed. All the professionalshad college degrees. the western-detective-adventure
The specialselectioncriteriaare describedin Harold
they watch
L. Wilensky,"The Uneven Distributionof Lesiure:
The Impact of EconomicGrowth on 'Free Time,'" with others;whenthey are away fromhome
Social Problems,IX (Summer, 1961), p. 38; "Or- they are likely to discuss television often
derly Careers . . . ," op. cit., pp. 529-530; and
with friendsor relatives.
"The Moonlighter:A Product of Relative Depri2. "Low leisure competence"(or "comvation," Industrial Relations, 3 (October, 1963),
pp, 106-108. It is importantto note that the leading collegesand universitiesare well representedin
the backgroundsof men in the professionalsamples. Three-quartersof the firm lawyers, for instance, are graduatesof one of five elite "national"
law schools-Chicago, Columbia, Harvard, Michigan, and Yale. Like the professors-full-time faculty
in the humanitiesand physical sciences (including
mathematics) in two arts and sciences collegesthese lawyers may be assumed to have had as
much opportunity to acquire discriminatingtastes
as their counterpartsin other cities.

24 Two independentstudies, using impressionistic

judgmentsto rank magazines,arrived at results so
similarto one another (a rank order correlationcoefficientof .93 for 49 magazines)that one is tempted
to defend a rankingof the entire range,not merely
the validity of three categories. Babette Kass,
"OverlappingMagazine Reading: A New Method
of Determiningthe Cultural Level of Magazines,"
in Paul F. Lazarsfeldand FrankN. Stanton (eds.),
CommunicationsResearch: 1948-1949,New York:
Harper,1949,p. 133,Table 1.


pulsive absorption of much poor TV as a
time filler") is a strong factor (22 per cent
of the variance) in the analysis of leisure
style, which included data from all areassocial participation, consumption, politics,
as well as media exposure and response. It
is defined by (1) much exposure to poor TV
(above); (2) absorption of media, especially
television, into groups beyond the nuclear
family; (3) compulsive TV-viewing (when
watching he often feels he'd rather do something else, but he just can't tear himself
away); and (4) much restless, aimless, aggressive leisure (he "blows his top" often,
does a great deal of aimless Sunday driving,
says he would not watch TV more if the day
were 26 hours long, but meanwhile names
the late show or the late-late show as TV
Other correlates of this factor are: deviance (the man who is low in leisure competence is likely to be a McCarthyite, a
cross-class identifier, have a deviant perception of his standard of living-i.e., he is a
blue-collar worker who thinks he is better
off than office workers or a white-collar
workerwho thinks he is worse off than bluecollar workers-and he hangs on to his cars
longer than most people); leisure malaise
(often feels he has time on his hands, doesn't
know what to do with himself); subjectively
weak attachments to secondary associations
and fluid friendships; and, as I shall show
below, a short work week.25
The most precise summary phrase I can
think of to describe the psychology of this
leisure style is, "coping with restless malaise
by an unsatisfying retreat to violent, escapist television." Students of the media who
stress the absorption of television into the
warm bosom of family and peer group should
25 These are items whose loadings on the Low
Leisure Competencefactor rank high, but which
are either too weak or appear on two or more
factors; they are sufficiently associated with the
definingitems to be taken as subsidiarymeanings
of the factor, but they may measure other phenomena as well. The results of this leisure style
analysisare reportedmore fully in Harold L. Wilensky, Work, Leisure, and Freedom, New York:
The FreePressof Glencoe,forthcoming.Correlation
matrices were factor analyzed by the method of
principalaxes. Factors were rotated according to
Kaiser'svarimax criterion. In interpretation,loadings below 25 per cent of the averagecommonality
of the factors were ignored.


ponder what is being absorbed most effectively by whom with what effect.
Other, simpler measures of media behavior will be self-evident as I use them.
I now turn to the sources of variation in the
quality of exposure.
Structural Roots of Cultural Heterogeneity. The paradox of structural differentiation and cultural homogeneity is in part a
spurious product of our weak concepts and
measures of the attributes of social organization. If we pinpoint the groups and events
that grip men in the daily round, some of
the cultural phenomena which at first blush
appear standardized turn out to be somewhat differentiated.
This can be seen in an analysis of the
sources and correlates of (1) the number of
media areas (television, newspapers, magazines, books) in which our respondents were
exposed to any high-brow material and (2)
their score on "much exposure to poor TV."
In each case, 17 variables were related to
these two media exposure variables. (See
Table 1.) To determine the relative effect
of each variable and to locate the incidence
of high- and low-brow exposure within each
class of each variable, I used a regression
technique called "multiple classification analysis" which permits the use of non-continuous variables like religion and does not
assume linearity in their effect (see APPENDIX

Only 85 of these men were exposed to

any high-brow material in three or four
areas; 157 score in two areas, 305 in one;
807 men reported no quality exposure in any
area. At the other extreme 138 men reported
very high exposure to poor TV-25 and 30,
even 35 hours of westerns, detectives, and
adventure programs a week; 524 have medium scores; 692 avoid large doses of this
type of program.
Although the main story is the general
scarcity of quality exposure, which I will
explore in detail later, Table 1 tells us
something important: with sensitive measures of social position we can go far in explaining what cultural variation we do uncover. The 17 variables explain over 46 per
cent of the total variance in the number of
areas in which quality exposure is reported
and 25 per cent of the variance in exposure
to poor TV.


Quality of Media Exposure

I. Pre-AdultSocialization
A. GenerationAmerican,Religion,and Status
of ReligiousPreference
Above average status of religiouspreferenceand four grandparentsborn in
Above average status of religiouspreferenceand threeor fewer grandparents
bornin U.S.
Average or below average status of religious preference and four grandparents born in U.S.
Average or below average status of religious preference and three or fewer

grandparentsborn in U.S.

No. Areas

to Poor TV

Adjust. Rankas
Mean Predictor

Adjust. Rankas
Mean Predictor




































Average or below average status of re-

ligious preference and four grandparents born in U.S.

Average or below average status of religious preferenceand three or fewer
grandparentsborn in U.S.
No Preference
B. Early Farm Isolation (number of years
lived on farm, nature and number of activities while in school, and teen-age club
Non-farm activist (40-49)
Mixedfarm-non-farm,isolation-non-isolation (50-59)
Much farm isolation (60-79)
C. Level and Quality of Formal Education
(degreeof exposureto liberal arts)
Less than high schoolgraduate
High schoolgraduate
Somecollege(1-3 years)
Baccalaureatedegree,low quality
Baccalaureatedegree,high quality
Graduate or professional degree, low
Graduate or professional degree, high
II. Work Context,Schedule,and Attachment
A. Size of Workplace
Less than49 employed
50-499 employed
500 or moreemployed






Qualityof MediaExposure

B. WorkSchedule
Has orthodoxwork schedule
Has deviantwork schedule
C. Long Hours: ChoosesWork Over Leisure
(many hours per week and weekends,and
has controlover work schedule)*
Shortwork week (30-49)
Mediumwork week (50-59)
Long work week (60-69)
D. WorkAlienation

No. Areas

to Poor TV

Adjust. Rankas
Mean Predictor

Adjust. Rankas
Mean PredictQr

















III. Age, Aspirations,Mobility,and Career

A. Age of Respondent

B. WorklifeMobility Pattern










C. IntergenerationalClimbingof Couple (Respondent'sfather'soccupationalstratum.-respondent's; respondent'sfather-in-law's

occupation .-- respondent's; and educational level of respondentcomparedwith
Much statusloss of couple (20-39)
Little or no statusloss of couple (40-49)
Some status gain of couple (50-59)
Much status gain of couple (60-69)



D. Occupational Aspirations (past, present,

and for the next generation)*
Low aspirations(30-39)
High aspirations(60-69)













IV. Participation, Community Attachment, and

MiscellaneousLeisure Correlates
A. Primary Range (index of range of values,
interests, and status levels representedby
relatives, neighbors, friends from workplace or in same line of work, and other
Low primaryrange (00-04)
Mediumprimaryrange (05-12)
High primaryrange (13-19)



Qualityof MediaExposure

No. Areas

to Poor TV

Adjust. Rankas
Mean Predictor

Adjust. Rankas
Mean Predictor

B. Effective Mediating Attachments (much

time and wide rangeof contactsin formal
assns.; numerous assns. clearly attached
to; and high political affect and strong
mediation of campaigns)*
Weak mediating attachments (30-39)























Medium-weak mediating attachments




Medium-strong mediating attachments

Strong mediating attachments (60-79)



C. Community Attachment, Good Citizen

Style (voted in recentelections; voted for
school taxes; gives high percentage of
family income to churches and charity;
feels neighborhoodis "real home" and
reasonsshow local attachment)*
Weak local citizen (30-39)
Somewhat weak citizen (40-49)
Somewhat strong citizen (50-59)
Strong local citizen (60-69)



D. LeisureMalaise:Time on Hands
Never have time on hands
Not very often
Fairly or very often


E. Leisure Style as a Status Criterion:Taste

(mentions manners and speech, books,
music and art, and refinementof taste in
definingclass differences)*
Few references to taste (40-49)
Some references to taste (50-59)
Many references to taste (60-69)



F. Leisure Style as a Status Criterion: External Symbols (mentionshouses, amount

of money, clubs and organizations,and
clothing in definingclass differences)*
Few referencesto externalsymbols (4049)

Some referencesto externalsymbols (S059)

Many referencesto externalsymbols (6069)

Total N



*Items are combined in a factor score; the cutting points for scores are in parentheses.
** For explanationsee "Appendixon Method."For details on measureswhich are not self-explanatory,

see text. For participation measures (e.g. of the range of values, interests, and status levels represented by the respondent's social relations) see "Orderly Careers .

Both the measuresand samples of the

largerstudy weredesignedto permitprojections of social and cultural trends in the
affluentsociety based on comparisonsof


op. cit.

vanguardand rearguardgroupsat the same

stage of the life cycle and the same social
level. Does modernization
increasethe level
of education?Then comparecollegegradu-



ates of growingmassinstitutionswith those categoriesare self-employedor are employed

of elite colleges,whichproducea declining in medium-sizedworkplaces.Long hours,a
percentageof the educated.Does economic factormeasuringchoiceof workoverleisure,
bringrisinglevelsof massaspir- ranks fourth as a predictorof high-brow
ation?Then comparethe aspiringwith the mediaexposure;shorthoursrankseighthas
less aspiring.Does it bring the dominance a predictorof low-browtelevisionexposure.
Then com- Men21-29 yearsold (all in themiddlemass)
of large,complexorganizations?
pare the self employedwith men in work- stand out in low-browexposure;men 30-39
placesof varioussizes and structures.Does standout in high-browexposure.
it makefor an unevendistributionof leisure?
What can we make of such findings?We
Then comparethe long hoursmen with the began with the macroscopicassumption
changethe social that the divisionof labor, religiousinstitushort.Does modernization
compositionof elites? Then compareestab- tions, and age-gradingsystems persist as
lished Protestantelites with rising Catholic powerfulsourcesof culturaldifferentiation
and that mass education is a source of
My findings underscorethe importance standardization.Now that we have pinof educationand the persistenceof older pointedthe effect of these variables,slicing
bases of differentiation-descent (religion thingsa bit finer,the pictureis not so simandnativity), age andworksituation.When ple. Take one of our favorite sociological
we reallypeg the meaningof these as indi- clues to social structure: education.Will
cators of social positionand discovertheir rising educationlevels bring an upgrading
variable effects, however,we cannot help of taste, or will mass educationmean an
but be struckwith the difficultyof predict- efflorescenceof kitsch? In answeringsuch
ing their future functionsfor the mainten- questions,the distinctionsI have made are
ance or declineof culturaldiversity.
The threetop predictorsof qualityof exTable 1 (variableI-C) reportsthe mean
posurein both "numberof areas of high- scores (for each of seven categoriesof edubrowexposure"and in amountof poor TV cation) for numberof mediaareasin which
are: (1) an index of level and quality of the respondentreports any high-browexformaleducationwhichI interpretas degree posureand for much exposureto poor teleof exposureto the liberal arts-by far the vision. To take account of the increasing
singlemostimportantvariablein bothcases; diversityof highereducation,26
the colleges
(2) an index of "generationAmerican,re- and universitiesfrom which degreeholders
ligion, and status of religiouspreference;" had graduatedweredividedinto two quality
(3) work context (size of workplaceand levels. For professors,the top 20 graduate
self-employmentstatus). The more educa- schoolsin the 1957 Kenistonrating27were
tion, and within educational levels, the codedhighquality,the rest,low. Forlawyers
higher the quality, the higher the level of and engineers,facultyin a positionto reflect
taste. Among religious-nativitycategories professionalconsensuswere given the comJews, those with no preference,and estab- plete lists and askedto rankleadingschools,
lished Catholics(four grandparentsbornin second-lineschools,andothers.The ten leadthe U.S.) stand out in taste while the most ing and second-linelaw schools,and 17 leadardentconsumersof lowbrowTV are Cath- ing and second-lineengineeringschools,were
olicsof morerecentAmericanvintage (three countedas highquality; the rest werecoded
or fewer grandparentsborn in the U.S.); low.28The aim, again, was to capture as
however,two of those same high-browcate26 The most perceptivetreatment is David Riesgories-establishedCatholicsand men with
man, Constraintand Variety in AmericanEducano preference-alsoproducemorethan their tion, GardenCity, New York: Doubleday, 1958.
share of enthusiastsfor the Western-detec- 27 Hayward Keniston, GraduateStudy and Retive-adventureshows. Jews and established searchin the Arts and Sciencesat the Universityof
high-statusProtestants tend to avoid big Pennsylvania,Philadelphia:University of PennsylPress,1959,p. 119.
dosesof poorTV. As for workcontext,the vania
28 Respondentsare coded accordingto the highest
em- degree attained. The category, "baccalaureatedegood-tastecategoriesare salaried
ployed in big organizations;the poor-taste gree, low quality," includes 121 engineersplus the



much of the variation in exposure to the

liberal arts as possible and to explore the
cultural impact of the rise of mass education.
The main findings are these:
1. For the number of media areas in
which high-brow exposure is reported,
amount of education makes little difference
from grade zero through "some college;"
thereafter, both quality of education and
sheer level count heavily. The biggest jump
in mean scores is between baccalaureate
level and graduate level (.462), but the
difference between men with high- and men
with low-quality undergraduate education
(.318) is greater than the differences between less than high school vs. high school
(an infinitesimal .025), high school vs.
some college (.106) or even some college and
low-quality baccalaureate degree (.313).
Ultimately the mere rise in the average
education level will do little for the cultivation of taste in reading and in the broadcast
media; what counts is the number who complete college, and especially the number
fortunate enough to go through a few favored
2. For the avoidance of big slugs of poor
TV, sheer level of education counts slightly
more than quality, although the differences
are tiny until we come to college populations.
Here the three largest differences are between "some college" and the low-quality
baccalaureate (2.401), high-quality baccalaureate and low-quality graduate school
(2.060), and low-quality and high-quality
baccalaureate (1.479).
In sum: when we conceptualize "education" even at this crude level of "exposure
to the liberal arts" and devise measures to
match, we can gauge the cultural impact of
abundance with more precision. These data
suggest that the rising average level of education will protect against enervating
amounts of the very shoddiest media content but it will not cause large populations
to break the mediocrity barrier. As for the
graduates of quality institutions, they will
decline as a percentage of the educated and,

as I shall show below, their exposure to

quality print has declined and perhaps will
continue to decline as a fraction of their
leisure routine.
A final demonstration of the ambiguous
effects of education and of the structural
roots of cultural heterogeneity is in Table 2,
which shows the impact of the organization
of work and the level and quality of education on "leisure competence." In modern
economies, group propensity and opportunity to work vary greatly even among occupational groups at the same social level;
Table 2 ranges my samples in columns according to the proportion of the group or
stratum usually working 44 hours or less a
week. You will recall that the measure of
"low leisure competence" is a factor score
tapping a style best described as the compulsive absorption of much poor TV as a
time filler.
The table shows first that a simple structural fact-group schedules of work-is a
powerful source of diversity in leisure style.
"Low" leisure competence ranges from 17
per cent in long hours groups to 65 per cent
in short hours groups. The underdogs are
similar to short-hours engineers and bluecollar workers: 61 per cent score low competence. Within various work contexts, how
does the education of the individual affect his
leisure competence? Exposure to the liberal
arts has a heavy effect, which increases with
shorter hours. For instance, among the short
hours groups, a high-quality bachelor's degree brings the low competence rate down to
25 per cent; a low-quality bachelor's degree
yields 45 per cent incompetence; some college or less yields a whopping 73 per cent.
The 343 men comprising that 73 per cent
are the largest group and have the lowest
rate of competence in the table. Among men
not accustomed to the wider universe made
available by demanding work, it takes a
long, expensive education to avoid an impoverished life. For students of American
culture who look forward to the leisureoriented society, in which we retreat from
work to the more diversified joys of evershorter hours, the moral is that those who
53 men of the middlemass who have a degree; the have most leisure have least resources for
63 men with a high-quality baccalaureateare all its creative use.
engineers. I assumed that the best graduate and
Structural Roots of Cultural Homogeneprofessionalschools draw from the best liberalarts
So far I have asked, "who in all these



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samples is exposed to high culture and who

avoids the very worst of mass culture?" I
have not dealt with the extent of high-brow
exposure, the effects of diverse types of
media, and above all, the interaction between high culture and mass culture. How
much do men who could be expected to have
cultivated tastes expose themselves to high
culture? To what extent are intellectuals insulated from mass culture? Which media
of communicationhave most and least impact on the standards of cultural elites and
educated laymen?
Not everything that is wrong with our intellectuals, as Shils reminds us, can be attributed to the media or to mass culture;
high culture has always been precarious.29
But what is new, unique to our time, is a
thorough interpenetrationof cultural levels;
the good, the mediocre, and the trashy are
becoming fused in one massive middle mush.
Structural trends in the organization of
intellectual life are at the root of the problem; among intellectuals and their educated
publics we see: large numbers, spatial scattering, intense professional specialization,
and a loss of a sense of autonomy and intellectual community (America, with more
college graduates than any other nation in
the world, does not have a first-rate intellectual weekly like the Observer in Britain).
For both intellectuals and the general population, as I have suggested earlier, the cultural atmosphere is permeated by the mass
These are all in some measure requisites
or consequencesof abundance. Hundreds of
thousands, eventually millions, of specialized
experts and intellectuals are indispensable
in a complex society. And the spread of
higher education to the average man is both
a manpower requirement of modern economies and a great achievement in equality.
The problem is not that the taste of the
masses has been debased, but rather that the
creators and maintainers of high culture in
the humanities, the arts, the sciences, have
an increasingly difficult time doing their
proper work. Intellectuals are increasingly
tempted to play to mass audiences and expose themselves to mass culture, and this
29 Edward A. Shils, "Mass Society and Its Culture,"Daedalus, 89 (Spring,1960), pp. 288-314.

has the effect of reducing their versatility of

taste and opinion, their subtlety of expression
and feeling.
There is little doubt from my data as well
as others' that educated strata-even products of graduate and professional schoolsare becoming full participants in mass culture; they spend a reduced fraction of time
in exposure to quality print and film. This
trend extends to the professors, writers,
artists, scientists-the keepers of high culture themselves-and the chief culprit,
again, is TV.80
80 Any assertion about long-term trends is inferential; we lack good base-linedata. My position
rests on three considerations.First, thereis scattered
evidence that the broadcast media in competition
with print generallywin out-in attraction,number
of hours, perhaps persuasiveness,too. Reading, especially of books and magazines, declines. T. E.
Coffin, "Television's Impact on Society," The
AmericanPsychologist,10 (October,1955), p. 633;
L. Bogart, The Age of Television (2nd ed.), New
York: FrederickUngar, 1958,pp. 133ff.; James N.
Patterns and Political SoMosel, "Communications
cialization in TransitionalThailand,"in Pye, op.
cit., pp. 184-228; and KMapper,
op. cit., pp. 107 if.
Second, among the educated, total exposure to
broadcastmedia has recentlyincreased.Before television, radio listening among set owners averaged
4.9 hoursdaily; eveninglisteningaveraged2.6 hours
for all, 2.A hours for college graduates.Program
preferencesdid not vary much by education.P. F.
Lazarsfeld,The People Look at Radio, ChapelHill,
N.C.: The Universityof North CarolinaPress, 1946,
pp. 97-98, 136. Today, even excluding highbrow
FM, radio listening has not declinedto zero. (The
typical radio family that acquired a television set
cut radio listeningfrom four or five hours to about
two hours a day. Bogart, op. cit., p. 114.) Meanwhile, television viewing for the average product
of a graduateor professionalschool rose from zero
to three hours daily. Steiner, op. cit., p. 75. If we
assume no major increasein the work week of the
educated, and no change in life style that can remotely touch television in sheer hours, their exposure to undifferentiatedbroadcast media has
risen as a portion of the daily round while their
exposure to serious print has declined. And the
small differencesin amount and quality of television exposure reported in the text indicate that
the educated are not especially discriminating.Finally, the argumentabout the effect of intellectuals'
participationin mass culture on their standardsof
performanceand appreciationproceedsthroughexample and counter example without the benefit
of much systematic evidence. "Raymond Aron's
thought,"says Edward Shils, "does not deteriorate
because he occasionally writes in the New York
Times Magazine."Op. cit., p. 306. Unfortunately,
we cannotknow what the quality of Aron'sthought
would have been if as a young man he had been


You will rememberthat media researchers
emphasize the limited power of mass communications by invoking the idea that the
audience sorts itself out according to predisposition. By that formula, we should find
the highly-educated listening to Gerry Mulligan, watching Channel 9, and reading the
Partisan Review (or at least Harper's);
and the less educated should be listening to
Elvis Presley, watching "Gunsmoke," and
reading True Detective. The evidence is
that the educated display, on balance, a mild
tendency toward more discriminating tastes.
Studies consistently demonstrate that college graduates compared to the less educated
have somewhat less exposure to the broadcast media, which are more uniform in their
content, and somewhat more to print, which
is more diversified. They are a bit more
choosey in the regular programs they watch
on television; they definitely read more
quality magazines and newspapers; and they
listen to more serious music.3' Table 3, emphasizing the efforts of educational and occupational groups to be selective in their use
of newspapers, periodicals, and television,
confirms this picture. For instance, over
two-fifths of the professors, a third of the
lawyers, and a tenth of the engineers compared to one in a hundredof the middle mass
and none of the underdogs read a quality
newspaper. And in reading the newspaper,
the professional groups are somewhat more
cosmopolitan and serious; they include
world and national news as sections important to them more often than do the middle
mass or underdogs. Similar differences appear for quality magazines read regularly.
But the differences in exposure to print
watching "situation comedies"instead of reading
books. As a master of ambiguous polemic, Shils
presents the best defense of the view that mass
culturehas little effect on high culture; but in listing the structuralforces that threatenhigh culture,
he gives inadequateweight to them and no weight
at all to the major problem we confront herecentral tendencies in the life styles of educated
81 Cf. Paul F. Lazarsfeld,Radio and the Printed
Page, New York: Duell, Sloan, and Pearce, 1940;
B. Berelson and M. Janowitz, Reader in Public
Opinion and Communication,Glencoe, m.: The
Free Press, 1953,Part 7; L. Bogart, "Newspapersin
the Age of Television,"Daedalus (Winter, 1963),
pp. 116-127, and other essays in that issue; and
the citations in footnote 30 above.


among my samples, as well as those in other

studies based on broader samples, are not
great. Table 3 deliberately reports measures
yielding the largest differences in media exposure one can get. Even here, if we pinpoint the groups and take interest in political news as a clue to wider perspectives, the
most privileged, well-educated firm lawyers
have only a 10 per cent edge over the middle
mass; and engineers are about the same as
lower white-collar workers. In his interest in
world news, the solo lawyer has only a 7
per cent edge over the younger blue-collar
worker. The differencesin the proportion of
diverse groups who rank local news as important to them in their daily reading are
similarly small.32
Even more uniform from group to group
are media habits tapped by more subtle
measures of involvement with mass culture
not shown in Table 3-being a loyal rooter
for sports teams, rating comics as an important daily experience, becoming deeply
involved with media heroes. And when we
come to television, at least in America, the
constraint of structural differentiationseems
doomed; uniformity of behavior and taste
is the main story. Nowhere else has a "class"
audience been so swiftly transformed into a
"mass" audience.
32 If you are inclined to use the British as a
case on the other side, you will receive little support from Mark Abrams' careful study of the
media habits of the socio-culturalelite of Great
Britain. "The Mass Media and Social Class in
Great Britain," paper presented at the Fourth
World Congress of Sociology, Stresa, Italy, September, 1958. The upper 1 per cent in education
and occupational status (from a random sample
of 13,620adults, aged 25 and over) reportedmedia
habits so similar to those of the mass public, that
one is reluctant to use the label "cultural elite."
More of them read the Daily Express and Daily
Mail than the Times or Guardian; their movie
habits-both in frequencyof attendanceand choice
of films-are hardly differentiatedfrom those of
the rest of the population. The only real gap between mass tastes and elite tastes is the preference
of the latter for no TV or BBC programs over
commercialprograms.A qualificationis in order:
while prestige dailies lag in circulation,good Sunday papers-the Observer,the Times,the Telegraph
-show a marked increase.Further, the recent return to BBC of large televisionaudiencesonce lost
to commercialcompetition tells us that a speedy
declinein mass tastes is not inevitable, although it
does not challenge the proposition that the interpenetration of brow levels threatens high culture.



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A recent nationwide survey of TV-viewers, sponsored by CBS, reports that those

with more than four years of college average
about 3 hours a day of viewing compared to
the 4.3 hours of those with only grammar
school education.88 Admitted prime-time
viewing is unrelated to education. When the
CBS survey asked them to name their favorite programs (those watched regularly),
over half of those at the top of the educational range named light entertainment
shows, the overwhelming preference of
everyone else. Comedy, variety, and action
(i.e., western, adventure, crime, police, private eye)-these were only slightly less common favorites among the college educated
than among the less privileged.
Unfortunately, the actual record of viewing-in diaries, for instance-reveals even
fewer differences.84Education has a lot more
to do with how people feel about TV than
what they do with it. College graduates
criticize TV programming, but they choose
to watch extensively, and in doing so, find
themselves in Mr. Minow's wasteland, unable, because of the limited high-brow fare
available, to exert much more selectivity
than the general population. They clearly
display more signs of guilt and uneasiness
at this state of affairs, but apparently it's
not so punishing that it makes them flick
the dial to "off."
Perhaps the most telling data demonstrating the interpenetration of brow levels,
not merely in television viewing but also
in reading, come from my samples in the
Detroit area. Most of those who read at
least one high-brow magazine, also read
middle- or low-brow magazines. Only 3 per
cent of all these men read only high-brow
magazines. How about books? Among college-educated professionals, only one in four
claimed to have read a high-brow book in
two months. Only about three in five of the
professors and lawyers, the most highly educated, entirely avoid low-brow TV favorites.
The typical professor crosses one or two
levels of TV exposure. The engineers and
executives, middle mass, and the underdogs
on relief are quite similar in their TV-viewing habits. Television, again, appears to be
a powerful force for cultural standardiza33Steiner, op. cit., p. 75.
34 Ibid., p. 161.



tion, since these groups include men making

more than $100,000 and others who have
been unemployed for years. The department chief at GM, his foremen, and the
unemployed autoworkeron relief are bound
together in the common culture of HuntleyBrinkley, "Restless Gun," and Mr. Clean.
If we consider magazines, books, newspapers, and TV together, what portion of
these groups are exposed to any quality
productin more than two areas? The answer:
a minority of each group. Forty-three per
cent of the professors score high on at least
one item in each of three or four areas, 13
per cent of the lawyers, 5 per cent of the
engineers and executives, 1 per cent of the
middle mass, none of the underdogs.
The fact that the professors did so well
in this generally dismal picture encouraged
me to carry out a special analysis of deviant
cases-those who use print and television
for enlightenment and stimulation, and seek
the quality product for entertainment.
Portrait of the Media Purist. Who are the
media purists-men who insulate themselves
fully from mass culture? We could not find
one case in 1,354 who was not in some area
exposed to middle- or low-brow material.
By relaxing the definition, however, we located 19 men who make rather heroic efforts
to cultivate the best in the media. They
either (1) report some high-brow exposure
in all four media areas (magazines, books,
newspapers, TV) and are exclusively highbrow in one or more reading areas; or (2)
have no TV set or never watch TV, have
some high-brow exposure in the three reading areas, and are exclusively high-brow in
one reading area.
The characteristics of the 19 men suggest that one must be a very odd fellow
in America to avoid mass culture. All but
two were educated in high-quality liberal
arts colleges and graduate schools or were
educated abroad-a very rare pattern. In
occupation, 16 were professors (13 of high
rank, especially in the humanities, mathematics, and physics); three were prosperous
corporationlawyers. As a group, the media
purists have inherited higher occupational
status than their colleagues (their parents
tend to be established professionals and
executives)-which suggests that it may
take rather close family supervision over

more than a generation to inculcate a taste

for high culture. In religion they are more
often Jewish or have no preference or are
inactive Protestants. Several are intermarried or in other ways have experienced cultural discontinuity. In origin, training, and
position, then, this group is at once high
status and marginal.
What constitutes the style of life of media
purists? In consumption, they are almost
ascetic; among the professors, their relatively high incomes are spent only minimally
for luxury possessions, homes, cars, vacations, or charity. They are apartment-dwellers more often than home owners. They tend
to be ambitious, independent-minded,like to
"go-it-alone." Their media exposure is not
only more high-brow; it is more extensive.
Although these media purists stand outside American society ideologically, they are
well-integrated socially and politically. As
one would expect, they are to a man highly
critical of the media. They are also generally estranged from the major power centers in the United States-except for the
federal courts, which they feel are doing an
excellent job. In participation patterns,
however, they belong to more organizations
and are attached to more than their colleagues. The professors among them are almost all active, liberal Democrats; the
lawyers are conventional, moderate Republicans.
In short, it takes such an unusual set of
experiences in family, school, and career to
produce a media purist that they are practically non-existent.


In applying the larger debate about the

shape of modern society to the mass media
and mass entertainment in America, I have
brought systematic survey data to bear on
the problem of the interplay of social structure, mass culture, and high culture. I have
tried to resolve the paradox of a simultaneous growth of structural differentiation and
cultural uniformity by re-examining the
structural roots of media exposure and response. These data point up the need for a
merger of the main characterizations of
modern society-"mass," "industrial," and
"urban." Specifically, three lessons can be


1. The sketchy treatment of mass culture in theories of the mass society and the
very limited idea of the two-step flow of
mass communications, which accents the
healthy absorption of the media into local
cultures, demand more sophisticated treatment of the social structures in which the
media are received. My data suggest that
we need to slice up social structure in ways
that capture both the persistence of older
divisions (age, religion, occupation) and the
emergence of newer ones (the quality and
content of education) and to do it more precisely than usual. To say "white collar" or
"working class" is to obscure most of what
is central to the experienceof the person and
the structure of society. To say "professional, technical, and kindred"captures more
of social life but not much more. "Lawyer"
and "engineer" move us closer to social reality, for these men develop quite different
styles of life, rooted in diverse professional
schools, tasks, work schedules, and organizational contexts. To say "independentpractitioner" is to say even more, and finally, to
particularize the matter with "solo lawyer"
vs. "firm lawyer" is to take account of the
sharp contrasts in recruitment base (social
origins, religion, quality of professional
training), career pattern and rewards which
divide the two.
In general, data both here and in other
studies suggest that as predictors of life
style variables-especially cultural tastes
and ideology-sex, age, and social-economic
stratum are far weaker than religion, type of
education, work and career-variables that
represent positions in established groups.
The implication is clear: return to the study
of grouplife.
2. Television, the most "massified"of the
mass media, the one with the largest and
most heterogeneous audience, has become
central to the leisure routine of majorities at
every level. The usual differences in media
exposure and response among age, sex, and
class categories-easy to exaggerate in any
case-have virtually disappearedin the case
of television. Even here, however, where we
pinpoint social groups-an occupation supported by an occupational community, a
religion buttressed by a religious community
-some differences do remain. And among
the printed media, where most competition


prevails, the chance of such groups to stylize

their uses of mass communications remains
3. The paradox of the simultaneous
growth of structural differentiation and cultural uniformity is thus partly a matter of
our weak concepts and measures of social
structure and our consequent failure to spot
group-linked variations in life style. But it
may also reflect the state of an affluent society in transition. In order to pin down the
cultural impact of continued economic
growth, we require data not now in hand.
For countries at similar levels of economic
development, having diverse cultural traditions and systems of education and communications, we need data on levels of mass
taste, organization and self-conceptions of
cultural elites, distance between educated
and less educated in exposure to mass culture and high culture. Until we have such
systematic comparisons, I will assume that
structureand culture are congruentand massified in rapidly developing new nations and
that they become increasingly incongruent
at levels of development thus far achieved.
Finally, as rich countries grow richer, homogenizing structuresin politics, education, and
mass communications combine with an already high level of cultural uniformity to
reduce the hold of differentiatingstructures
of age, religion, work, and locality, and bring
about greater consistency of structure and
culture-a new combination of "mass" society and "industrial" society, mass culture
and high culture.
4. Many leads in my data point to the
need for synthesis not only of ideas about
industrial society and mass society but also
of ideas about pluralism and totalitarianism.
I can here merely indicate the direction of
these findings. Briefly, what takes place in
the economy and the locality-work, consumption, and participation in formal associations-forms coherent styles of life, one
of which I have come to label "Happy Good
Citizen-Consumer."The style includes these
pluralist-industrialtraits: strong attachment
to the community (supporting increased
school taxes, contributing generously to
churches and charity, thinking of the neighborhood as one's "real home," voting in elections); consumer enthusiasm (planning to
buy or to replace many luxury possessions);



optimism about national crises; a strong belief that distributive justice prevails (feeling
that jobs are distributed fairly). It also involves long hours at gratifying work, little
or no leisure malaise; wide-ranging, stable
secondary ties and, to some extent, wideranging, stable primary ties-the very model
of a modern pluralist citizen. But this benign pattern of work, consumption, and
participation is independent of participation
in and feelings about mass culture. And both
happy good citizenry and the uses of the
mass media are more or less independent of
approaches to national politics-or at least
go together in ways not anticipated in
received theory. Thus, the good citizen-consumers tend to be unusually prone to personality voting (party-switching, ticketsplitting), dependent on the media for
opinions on issues, susceptible to advertising
and to mass behavior generally (e.g., they
score high on a measure of susceptibility to
manipulation by the media in politics and
consumption). Men who have confidence in
the major institutions of American society
distrust "TV and radio networks;" men
who trust the media distrust other institutions. Finally, men whose social relations are
stable tend to have fluid party loyalties. To
be socially integrated in America is to accept
propaganda, advertising, and speedy obsolescence in consumption. The fact is that
those who fit the image of pluralist man in
the pluralist society also fit the image of
mass man in the mass society. Any accurate picture of the shape of modern society
must accommodate these ambiguities.


To determine the relative effect of each

variable and to locate the incidence of highand low-brow exposure within each class of
each variable, I used a technique of multivariate analysis ("multiple classification
analysis") which is a simple extension of
multiple correlation to situations in which
the explanatory factors may be either membership in subclasses like religion or continuous variables divided into classes. The
computerprogramwas developed by Vernon
Lippitt and the General Electric Company.
The rationale is described in Daniel Suits,

"Use of Dummy Variables in Regression

Equations," Journal of the American Statistical Association, 52 (December, 1957),
pp. 548-551, and J. N. Morgan et al., Income and Welfare in the United States, New
York: McGraw-Hill, 1962, Appendix E. The
main advantage is that no assumptions are
made about the linearity of the effect. The
main restriction is the assumption that the
effects of various factors are independent or
additive; interaction among the independent
variables is ignored.
I dealt with this limitation by:
1. Eliminatingvariableswith the most obvious
overlap.Occupationalgroupwas eliminated
because it is highly correlatedwith level
and quality of formal education.
2. Runningthree-and four-variablecrosstabulations where interaction effects might
be likely.For instance,one suchtableshows
that weak communityattachment(IV-C),
which ranksonly seventhas a predictorof
numberof areas of high-browexposurein
Table 1, is strongly associatedwith highbrowexposureamongmen with graduateor
professionaldegrees,especiallythose from
elite schools; communityattachmenthas
little effect in other educational strata.
Scoringlow on "good citizen"strengthens
the alreadystrongrelationbetweena good
educationand high-browexposure;alienation from the local communitygoes with
cultivationof the better productsof print
and television,and both are rooted in long
exposureto the liberal arts.
3. As a furtherway to avoid relianceon the
beta weights in the regressionanalysis I
gave primary attention to the mean of
each pattern of media exposurefor each
subclassof eachvariable.The severalclasses
of one variablemay togetherranklow as a
predictor(II-D ranks 10th on "numberof
areas high brow") but one subclassbased
on a small N (51 cases of "much"work
alienation) may be very deviant (much
high-browexposure, and, if we look at
"PoorTV," muchlow-browexposure,too).
Table 1 reports (1) the subclass means
adjusted simultaneously for the effects of all
the other variables and the intercorrelations
among them; and (2) the rank order of the
beta coefficients for 17 variables thought to
be sources or correlates of media exposure.
The categories, grand means, multiple correlation coefficients, variance explained, and
"adjusted variance" for the two dependent
variables follow:



Numberof media areasin which respondentreports

any high-browexposure

Much exposureto poor TV (high numberof hours

of viewing; favorites include many Western,detective, and adventureshows)

0. None
1. Onemediaarea

Factor Score
40-49. Least poor TV

2. Two

3. Three
4. Four
x=. 760
=. 682

Because my hypotheses here included work

milieu and feelings about work, the underdogs and 12 unemployed men of the middle
mass were eliminated, leaving 1,156 men for
this regression analysis.
Subclass means above the grand mean
represent more than the average number of
areas of high-brow exposure (.760) or more
than the average exposure to poor TV
(49.411) for these 1,156 men; subclass
means below that are below average. The
importanceof a variable can be judged both
by its rank order and by the size of differences between subclass means and their deviations from the grand mean.
The interpretation can be illustrated by
consideringvariable IV-D, "leisure malaise."
The three classes of malaise rank fifth as a
predictor of low-brow media exposure. The
adjusted means tell us that, holding constant
all other classes of all other variables, there
remains a moderate difference of 1.491 between (1) the above-averageamount of poor
TV (50.500) of the men who "fairly often"
or "very often" feel they have "time on their
hands" when they're not at work and "just
don't know what to do" with themselves,
and (2) the below-average amount of poor
TV (49.009) of men who report they
"never"have time on their hands. This variable is a weak predictor of high-brow ex-


70-72. Most poor TV
R= .530

Ra.. 500
Ra2= .250
p< .001

posure, however; the men without malaise

have only a slight edge in high-brow exposure.
Why is the difference of 1.491 in exposure to poor TV among malaise categories
"moderate?" The difference is moderate
compared to the difference,say, between the
bottom and top classes of education (I-C),
the leading predictor. There the subclass
"less than high school" scores a very high
average of poor TV (53.004) and the subclass "graduate or professional degree, high
quality" scores a very low average (44.707)
-a difference of 8.297. The discussion of
education in the text is based on differences
in subclass means in Table 1; the cross-tabulation in Table 2, which uses a different
measure of work context and another qualitative measure of television exposure, is
consistent with the results of the regression
analysis. For instance, the differencesin adjusted means of the hours groups, variable
II-C in Table 1, are larger between long and
medium than between medium and shortthe same pattern presented by percentage
differences among hours groups in Table 2.
The present study represents an intensive
search for cultural differences among subclasses; these differences, typically small,
should not obscure the generally high absolute level of mass exposure in every subclass.

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