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Rainwater Harvesting Workshop Manual-UK-RHA - 2012

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Rainwater Harvesting

Workshop Manual
For use by UK-RHA member companies only
A pre-course guide to the installation of rainwater
harvesting systems, for use in conjunction with training
workshops run by UK-RHA members
Copyright the UK Rainwater Harvesting Association
Approved 23rd October 2012

1. The UK Rainwater Harvesting Association (UK-RHA) is the trade-body for the
manufacturers, suppliers and installers of rainwater harvesting (RWH) systems in the UK.
2. All UK-RHA member-companies, recommend that their systems be installed by trained
installers, to which end Installer-grade membership of the Association can only be
achieved by one of two routes:
a. By holding a BPEC (or equivalent) qualification in RWH, backed by the
recommendation of a Full Member with first-hand experience of their work
b. By attending a training workshop run by a Full Member covering the syllabus within
this publication and achieving a 90% pass-mark in the open book test it includes
3. This manual is therefore aimed at providing the material used by members for running
training workshops, and acts as both pre-workshop study material and a post-workshop
reference; before attending the workshop, mark this manual with any queries you have.

4. The training workshops run by UK-RHA members are aimed at construction industry
professional tradesmen or managers who fit one of the following categories:
a. Qualified and experienced to undertake plumbing, electrical or ground-works
b. Qualified and experienced in the management and supervision of site works

Workshop Aims
5. The aims of training workshops run to this syllabus are to enable delegates who meet
the pre-qualification criteria and achieve the required written-test pass-marks to:
a. Assist clients in selecting the most appropriate RWH system to meet their needs
b. Supervise and project manage the installation of RWH systems in accordance with
the manufacturers instructions
c. Undertake aspects of an installation that are relevant to their trade qualifications
d. Provide maintenance and repair services for RWH systems, in accordance with
manufacturers instructions
6. The workshops are therefore industry generic, although deliverers of the workshops are
encouraged to illustrate principles using their own products.

Syllabus Contents
National drivers for RWH

Page 3

Regulations & Risk Management


Working with the Customer


System Working Principles


System Main Components





Pumps & Pump-Controls


Typical schematics


Happy Customers




Self-assessment Questionnaire



National Drivers for RWH

module aim
7. The aim of this module is to gain an
understanding of the environmental, policy and
legislative drivers behind the rapid growth in the
UK of the RWH sector.
water shortages
8. Mains water supplies in the UK are under stress
due to a steady increase in consumption. These
stresses are at their most severe in the relatively
driest parts of the country, and those parts with
the highest population density.

Environment Agency

9. This combination of factors means that water

supplies throughout most of England south of the Humber are under stress, severely so
on the eastern side of the country
population growth & climate-change
10. The 2009 Environment Agency report water for people and the environment predicts
that current stresses on water supplies will worsen under the twin impacts of substantial
population growth and climate change.
11. The report concludes that the population of the UK will increase by around 20-million by
the year 2050, whilst changing weather
patterns will lead to prolonged summer and
winter dry spells, broken by periods of intense
rain. To avoid increased flood risk from this
pattern of rainfall, surface water needs to be
expedited to sea thus reducing infiltration and
retention for use.
12. These twin impacts are predicted to reduce
available water supplies by between 10% and
15%, lowering summer river levels by as much
as 80% with associated severe impacts on
agricultural growing conditions as illustrated


sustainable drainage
13. The first issue arising from climate-change impacts is the need to ensure that surfacewater run-off from new developments does not increase the risk of local or downstream flooding.
14. This is reflected in the 2010 Flood & Water Management Act which brought into play a
number of factors that will inevitably lead to an increased future requirement for
sustainable urban drainage systems (SUDS).
15. The first and foremost requirement of future new-build projects is that no more surface
water must be allowed to leave a site post-development than was the case beforehand;
this will usually mean that during certain weather events, such as very heavy and/or
prolonged rainfall, the surface water will need to be held-back on site (attenuated)
before being slowly released at a rate that can be handled by the drainage
16. Allied to this, the Act requires that not only the quantity of water must be managed, but
also its quality and its contribution to the environment; this change of emphasis is
illustrated below:


17. Alongside this change of emphasis, is a requirement to demonstrate that the proposed
SUDS will replicate as far as possible the way in which green-field sites dissipate water,
that is through a
combination of:
The forming of puddles &
Running-off via historical
water-courses to
streams, rivers & the sea
18. Another key requirement of the Act is that future SUDS must be adopted by a Local
SUDS Adoption Board, likely to be the local County or Unitary Authority, to ensure that
its performance at handling surface water does not deteriorate over time. This in turn
means that the system must be capable of both inspection and maintenance.
19. Taking all these factors into account, allied in times of overall water shortages to the
simple principle that water should be used rather than wasted whenever possible, an
integrated SUDS/RWH system becomes an elegant and cost-effective solution to both
water-shortage and surface water management issues:

Building Codes & Regulations

20. These environmental and climate-change considerations are also fully reflected in
Government Policy, which in turn acts as a significant driver for the incorporation of
RWH systems.


21. The Code for Sustainable Homes (C4SH), for example, identifies current national average
domestic mains water consumption as 150-litres per person per day and aims to bring
this down to 80-litres in all new homes by 2016. Although economising measures such
as smaller toilet cisterns, dual-flush cisterns, aerated taps and shower-heads, smaller/no
baths, smaller sinks/wash-basins, and low water-usage dish and clothes-washing
appliances all assist greatly in working towards that target, realistically it can only be
achieved by substituting water from other sources for mains-water.
22. This in turn is recognised in the latest update to Part-G of Building Regulations which
came into force on 6th April 2010. These, for the first time, permit the use of two
standards of water in new dwellings, namely wholesome water (ie mains-water) for
bathing, showering, cooking and drinking, and non-wholesome water that can be used
for applications such toilet-flushing, clothes-washing and the outside tap.
23. Building Regulations also helpfully identify possible sources of non-wholesome water,
the most readily-available and cost-effective of which will often be harvested rainwater.
The Regulations then move on to set an upper consumption limit of 125-litres per
person per day in new dwellings, a figure to be derived using an associated Water
Efficiency Calculator.
24. The assumed amount of any non-wholesome water to be substituted for mains-water
must also be derived using the Calculator, but can then be deducted from the
households usage of mains-water, thus bringing the target of 80-litres per person per
day within reach.
25. BREEAM assessments work in a similar way for other (non-housing) developments.
module summary
26. To summarise, all of the following act as significant drivers for the increased future use
of RWH systems to help supplement mains-supplies:

Existing stress on current mains water supplies

Population growth
Climate-change impacts on rainfall patterns
SUDS Legislation
Building Regulations
The Code for Sustainable Homes (relates to new dwellings)
BREEAM Assessments (relate to new buildings, other than dwellings)

27. As water supplies come under greater stress in future years, this may impact on waterpricing policies and lead, in turn, to there being an economic as well as environmental
case for the more widespread use of RWH.


Regulations & Risk Management

module aim
28. This module aims to provide you with an awareness of the main legislative requirements
associated with the design, manufacture, installation and use of RWH systems, and the
management of any associated risks.
general responsibilities
29. It is the responsibility of the industry and its tradesmen to provide RWH systems that are
fit for purpose, pose no health risks, and cannot cross-contaminate the mains water
supply. Installers also have a responsibility for the quality of their work.
30. Alongside the statutory requirements that have to be observed before any building
works can take place, there are requirements that apply particularly to RWH systems.
As these requirements may vary across the UK, the local planning authority and local
water authority should always be consulted.
31. Generally, RWH systems do not require planning permission unless the tank is to be
sited above-ground. However, as permission needs to be sought from the local planning
authority before carrying out any development, it needs to be ascertained whether or
not a proposed RWH system is considered to be a development not otherwise covered
by a planning consent.
building regulations
32. The local planning authority may require plans to be provided to show that a planned
installation complies with general building regulations; particular points of compliance
note are:
a. Part-A: Storage tanks are to be buried a minimum distance away from the
foundations of a building, depending upon the depth of the excavation and the
height of the building
b. Part-B: The fire-integrity of a building must be maintained when pipe-work passes
through walls and/or floors
c. Part-G: RWH systems can be used for toilet-flushing, clothes washing machines and
irrigation purposes only; their use must not be likely to cause waste, misuse, undue
consumption or contamination of wholesome water. The system design must also
incorporate measures to minimise the impact on water quality from the failure of
components, failure to undertake maintenance, power failure, or any other assessed

d. Part-H: All pipe-work must be clearly identified and tap outlets clearly marked Not
drinking water as illustrated below (see WRAS Guidance Note No 9-02-05).
Underground tanks must also have a heavy-duty cover or be secured by screws

water regulations
33. Water Supply Regulations are issued to prevent waste, undue consumption, misuse,
contamination or false metering of water. They require that the local water authority be
notified under a range of circumstances, which means that installation of a RWH system
would generally be notifiable before work commences. They also stipulate:
a. The mains supply must be protected from back-siphonage of the harvested
rainwater using a Type-AA or Type-AB air-gap, or by conforming to EN-1717
b. A Type-AA air-gap is to be used either when the mains back-up is fed into the main
rainwater storage tank, or into a header cistern which is not fitted with a float
operated valve
c. A Type-AA air-gap must have unrestricted over-spill, with a minimum air-gap of 20mm, or twice the inlet bore whichever is greater
d. A Type-AB air-gap must be used if mains back-up is via a header tank fed by a floatoperated valve; the air-gap must be achieved by cutting a weir overflow into the side
of the tank, which conforms to EN-13077:2003


air-gap illustrations


34. All electrical work must be carried out in accordance with IEE regulations, and the work
notified if it involves (which it usually will) electricity use exterior to the building.

codes of practice
35. BS-8515 is the UK Code of Practice for the on-site collection and use of rainwater as an
alternative to the public mains water supply for non-potable water uses in the home,
workplace and garden. Its purpose is to meet the need for standardization to protect
the public and to ensure that reliable systems are designed, installed and maintained.
36. It is a condition of the UK-RHA Bye-Laws that members are committed to meeting the
requirements of BS-8515 which covers matters such as:

System sizing
Water collection
Water filtration
Water storage
Materials & fittings
Power supply
Back-up water supply and backflow prevention
Overflow & drainage
Controls & metering
Distribution pipe-work
Water quality
Risk management

37. The UK-RHA Bye-Laws also require members to commit to the Associations own Code of
Practice which covers matters such as:
Dealing with customers
Avoiding, through inaccurate performance claims or faulty products, bringing the
technology into disrepute
Negative marketing of competitor products or services
risk management
38. Installing and maintaining RWH systems requires all the normal H&S measures to be
taken, with risk assessment being carried out for every stage of a project from design,
through shipping, on-site receipt & handling, to installation and subsequent use and
39. The risk assessments should consider the effects of exposure to, and potential impacts
of, the system on people, the environment and the property.
40. The risk assessment should also consider water quality, potential sources of
contamination, and any necessary water quality control methods.

Working with the customer

module aim
41. The aim of this module is to provide you with the general information about RWH
systems you will require to identify and meet customers needs.
general considerations
42. The most straightforward way of harvesting rainwater is to collect it from a conventional
sloped roof and route it via sealed pipe-work (ie no open gullies) and pre-tank filtration
into the storage tank.
43. In a correctly sized full domestic system (ie in accordance with BS-8515), and in UK
climatic conditions, rainwater will be regularly collected and regularly used for nonpotable applications such as toilet-flushing, clothes washing machines and irrigation;
under these circumstances, BS-8515 will help to ensure that the water quality remains
aesthetically pleasing (ie clear and free of matter), albeit not wholesome.
44. Collecting the water from a flat-roof will reduce the quantity of water collected from a
given roof area, but should not degrade its quality; collecting water from a green roof
will severely degrade both the quantity and the quality of the water harvested and is
therefore not recommended by the industry.
45. On commercial scale projects where there is a requirement to collect from hardstanding as well as roofs, and particularly where RWH has been integrated with SUDS,
additional specialist filters must be employed before the water is stored to remove the
hydro-carbons and other contaminants to be found at ground level. This additional cost
is worthwhile on a commercial project or for communal domestic systems, but is not
cost-effective for single dwellings.
46. The rainwater harvested in the above ways is non-wholesome and suitable only for nonpotable applications; it can be brought up to a standard suitable for potable use by
additional filtration, but this involves meeting Private Water Supply Regulations and is
not normally recommended unless special circumstances apply (such as a property being
off-grid, for example).
47. Bringing harvested rainwater up to potable standard for non-potable use by vulnerable
groups (such as young children in schools, for example) as an additional H&S precaution
is straightforward and achieved using additional carbon and/or UV filters.
48. Full domestic systems are generally only appropriate for new-build domestic or
commercial developments, or for buildings being refurbished, due to the disruption to
drainage and delivery pipe-work involved with existing buildings.


49. For retrofit projects, irrigation-only systems would therefore normally be recommended
as this alters a number of important factors:
The pattern of collection & use changes from frequent/regular, to seasonal
The aesthetic quality of the water may be less important than quantity, so an
oversized storage tank can be considered to maximise available water when needed
Even with a large storage tank, collection can be limited to a single roof-slope and
down-pipe which limits/removes, the need to interfere with existing drainage runs
Mains-water back-up would normally be omitted as this would make the system
subject to hosepipe bans
tank sizing
50. To ensure good water quality is maintained in full domestic systems, three
considerations are taken into account when calculating the size of the storage tank in
accordance with BS-8515 (simplified approach):
a. Yield: This is a straightforward calculation based upon:
Roof plan area (m2) x annual rainfall (mm) x roof type coefficient = annual yield (litres)
b. Consumption:

Based upon industry standard per-capita consumption figures

c. Water Quality:
Ensured by calculating a size of tank that when full will
provide a turn-over of the water it contains every 18-days (exceptionally 21-days),
based upon the calculation:
The lower of the Yield/Consumption calculations above x 0.049 = storage tank size
impacts on mains-water consumption
51. Rainwater harvesting reduces demand on mains water supplies by intercepting rainfall
that would otherwise be unrecoverable and substituting it for non-wholesome
applications such as toilet-flushing, clothes-washing and irrigation.
52. The formula for calculating the amount of mains water saved in this way is quite
straightforward being a function of the area and type of the collection surface, and local
average rainfall. In domestic applications the quantity of water that can be substituted
in this way is limited to around 75-litres per person per day, the remainder of domestic
water use requiring wholesome water for bathing, drinking, cooking and dish-washing.
53. As a typical example, a small modern new-build home with an 80-m2 roof will harvest
around 43,000-litres annually in the relatively dry south-east of England, thus reducing
household consumption by about this amount whilst meeting around 80% of the nonwholesome water requirements of two people; other example yields are shown in the
table on the next page.

54. In non-domestic applications, the parameters change substantially as usually there is a

very strong bias towards the use of non-wholesome water in the workplace, often in
excess of 90%, or around 25-litres per person per day whilst at work. This means that
this requirement can be met entirely by harvested rainwater in the relatively dry southeast of England whenever the ratio of roof area to workforce is around 10-m2 per
55. Projected forward, fitting RWH to all new homes over the timescale of the Environment
Agency report noted earlier would produce a harvest of around 280-million cubic metres
of water annually; this could potentially be more than doubled by a combination of newbuild commercial developments, the retrofitting of systems to existing commercial
buildings, and retrofitting to some existing homes for garden irrigation.
56. Taking the market in Germany as a reasonable comparator, studies undertaken in 2009
showed that about 65,000 systems were installed that year (ten-fold the UK rate),
bringing the total installed nationally to around 1.8M (around thirty-fold the number of
installations in the UK).
example yields
57. Typical examples of the maximum annual yields available, together with the associated
exactly matching tank sizes for full domestic systems are shown in the table below:

58. It can be seen that only occasionally will the calculation coincide exactly with the tank
sizes offered by a particular manufacturer. The nearest fit will therefore often be
selected, which is a technically acceptable compromise, bearing in mind that some of
the inputs to the underlying calculation are based on annual estimates.

Systems Working Principles

module aim
59. The aim of this module is to provide a practical understanding of the generic operating
principles of RWH systems.
variations on a theme
60. RWH systems are designed to meet a variety of operational requirements that can be
categorised as:
a. Full domestic systems:
The storage tanks for these on a single dwelling might
range in size from, say 1,000-litres up to more than 6,000-litres, depending upon the
size of the dwelling and the number of occupants; typically these systems will collect
and use water regularly for applications such as toilet-flushing, clothes washing
machines, and irrigation
b. Commercial systems: Systems serving anything other than a single dwelling are
usually termed commercial due to their bespoke characteristics and, in some
cases, increased complexity; the storage tanks for these might start at 6,000-litres
upwards, and could on large projects be much more than 100,000-litres. Such
systems will provide the same range of uses as domestic systems, but might also
provide water for industrial processes and fleet-washing.
c. Irrigation systems:
These can vary in size from less than 1,000-litres for use in
private gardens to much larger systems for commercial use; they are usually simpler
in their operations and do not employ a mains back-up feature
61. Notwithstanding these permutations of complexity, size and use, all RWH systems work
on one of the following basic principles:
a. Direct Pressure:
Where the water is delivered direct under pump pressure via
the distribution pipe-work to services; variations on this principle include:
Pressure pumps situated in the main storage tank (the most common and
detailed below)
Suction pumps external to the main storage tank
Intermediate booster pumps to meet the demands of large commercial projects
b. Header-tank: Where a pump is still required, but the water is gravity-fed to services,
via an intermediate header-tank
c. Gravity Systems:
Where the whole system relies upon gravity alone, and no
pump is therefore required


systems overview
62. The diagrams below shows the schematic layouts of typical Direct Pressure and
Header-Tank systems, where the harvested rainwater is first collected into a main
storage tank.

Points to Note:

1. The main storage tanks need to be able to overflow to soak-away or stormdrain which must be adequate to cope with the rate of flow to avoid
contaminated water back-flowing into the storage tank
2. Mains water supply to provide top-up, when needed, must be via a Class-AA
tun-dish air-gap in a direct-pressure system, or a Class-AB air-gap in a headertank
3. Supply to services must be via dedicated pipe-work; which must not be crossconnected to the mains pipe-work
direct pressure systems
63. Domestic systems would normally use only the property roof for collecting the rainwater
which is then usually stored in an underground tank to provide non-wholesome water
for toilet flushing, clothes washing machines, and the outside tap.
64. Collection from a conventional roof is recommended, avoiding green and sedum roofs
wherever possible. The roof water is channelled through the normal guttering and
down-pipe arrangements, before being brought together into one or more drainage
runs which feed into the storage tank.


65. In accordance with the requirements of BS 8515, the water is filtered before entering
the storage tank to remove solid particles; the filter needs to be maintained by a
programme of regular servicing to ensure its harvesting efficiency
66. Having passed through the filter, the water enters into the tank via a calmed inlet
designed to avoid splashing and gently introduce the fresh and highly oxygenated
rainwater into the bottom of the tank. This helps to avoid stagnation at the lowest level,
and assists maintenance of the quality of the water stored in the tank.
67. The stored water is then supplied to the non-wholesome services on-demand; this
demand, which is sensed by either a Control Unit or the pump itself, activates the
electric pump in the tank to meet the demand. When the demand for the water supply
ends, this too is sensed and the pump stops. Under this direct pressure arrangement,
the pump is effectively linked direct to the service concerned
68. In periods of prolonged rain, the storage tank will become full and overflow through the
connection provided to the surface water management arrangements for the project (ie
soak-away, storm drain or attenuation system) and may be protected from back-filling
by a back-flow prevention valve. As the water storage tank may already be full when a
heavy downpour is experienced, the whole of the tank volume cannot be taken into
account when making the attenuation calculations for the project.
69. Conversely, in dry spells the tank contents may be in danger of becoming exhausted and
need to be supplemented by mains water to ensure continuity of supply to the services.
This too is recognised by the system which then activates a solenoid to allow a limited
quantity of mains water to enter the tank via a Class-AA air-gap; this prevents back-flow
from the non-wholesome pipe-work/water to the mains-water supply.
70. Irrigation-only Systems: These operate on the direct-pressure principle noted above,
but the tank size may not be constrained by BS-8515 as applied to full domestic systems;
this enables more water to be stored for irrigation purposes. Also, they are not fitted
with a mains-water backup as this enables them to be exempt from hose-pipe bans.
71. Booster-sets:
On large commercial projects, a
header-tank system might in principle be preferred
to cater for peaks demands; where, however, the
characteristics of the project preclude installation
of a header-tank, then intermediate booster sets
(sometimes known as Break-tanks) may be included
to provide additional pumping power. These
combine some of the working characteristics of a
header tank system, including possible use of a
Class-AB air-gap.


header-tank systems
72. Many of the working principles of direct
pressure systems apply equally to header-tank
systems; the main differences between the
systems being:
The services are fed from the reservoir of
water held in the header-tank, rather than
direct from the pump in the main storage
The water level in the header tank is
maintained by:
o Activation of the pump in the main
storage tank as before; or by:
o Top-up direct from the mains
water supply if the main storage
tank supply is exhausted
73. Most header tanks used in RWH systems work on the basis of two water-levels in the
tank, both controlled by their own float-valves. The upper level is maintained by
pumping water from the main storage cistern until it becomes exhausted; the water in
the tank then drops to the second (lower) level at which stage mains water is allowed to
enter the tank direct. Contact between the mains water and the harvested rainwater
already in the tank is prevented by a Class-AB air-gap between the two.
gravity-fed systems
74. These are still relatively new in the UK market,
with general systems generic patterns yet to
evolve; the basic operating principles however, are
show opposite, and comprise:
An arrangement to intercept roof water at a
suitable level along the roof line(s)
An integral filter
Water storage tanks at a high level in the
All connected services to be gravity-fed from
the tank(s)
A mains top-up arrangement to maintain
continuity of supply when the stored rainwater
is exhausted


system broad characteristics

75. Before ordering a system, the buyer should always discuss their needs with the system
supplier who will advise on the best way to meet operational requirements; however,
for general information purposes only, the table below summarises the broad
characteristics to be anticipated from the three main RWH operating principles:
Direct Pressure


Header-tank cannot be accommodated

High operating pressure required

Customers Requirements

Demand peaks & troughs need to be

Avoid the need for mains top-up into the
main storage tank
Pump use & energy consumption
minimised per litre used
Services continue in the event of failure
of a component or power supply
Possible effects of ambient temperature
on water-quality minimised


Irrigation-only system required

Minimum cost (usually)

Minimum complexity (usually)

system integration
76. The RWH system has done its job at the point it provides a water supply to the
dedicated pipe-work serving the non-potable services.
77. The system is also connected to the underground infrastructure to allow harvested
water to flow into the neck of the tank, and to overflow to waste once the tank is full; to
meet the requirements of BS-8515 the water must be filtered before it enters the tank,
and usually the drainage arrangements need to allow for invert drop across this filter.
78. There also needs to be a connection between the tank and the property being served to
carry underground cables (recommended) such as power to the pump, and any float of
sensor cables required. It also carries the MDPE water delivery pipe, and free-flowing
mains top-up water in direct pressure systems not using booster-sets. During
installation of the service duct, a robust, water-proof draw-string is to be installed for
subsequent pulling through of cables; this should always be left in-place thereafter.

module aim
79. The aim of this module is to provide an understanding of how RWH tanks should be
chosen, handled and installed.
general characteristics
80. Tanks used for the storage of harvested rainwater are generally durable and should be
expected to give many years in normal service (perhaps 50 or more) before they need to
be replaced.
tank materials
81. Tanks are usually made from:
Polyethylene (PE):
o Single-piece (usually rotational-moulded)
o Two-piece clam-shell
Glass-Reinforced Plastic (GRP):
o Single piece
o Sectional (for assembly above ground)
82. All tanks regardless of material can be both heavy and relatively fragile until fully
installed, and thus easy to damage before and during the installation process; they are,
accordingly, to be handled and installed strictly in accordance with the instructions
provided by the manufacturer.
tank selection
83. Tanks will normally be buried to ensure the quality of the water being stored, and
should be selected for a project taking fully into account factors such as:

Required capacity and any dimension constraints

Site access and routes to site
Filter and other fitments requirements
Ground conditions, re: soil type, water table, contamination etc
Depth of excavation, adjacent structures, their foundations and proximity to utilities
Traffic-bearing characteristics
Topography (adjacent slopes and banks) and proximity to trees
Delivery timetables


84. Above-ground tanks may also be chosen to meet the specific requirements of a project,
although these are generally a more expensive option, and precautions need to be taken
to keep the tank frost-free.
look out for!
85. Once purchased, the tank will need to be compatible with the planned drainage layout
which means:
a. The duct (service duct) which links the tank to the system controls, and which
carries a relatively inflexible delivery pipe, needs to be aligned with the system
controls (see diagram below)
b. The service-duct need to have a nominal drainage slope (1:80 minimum) towards the
tank in direct pressure systems to facilitate gravity-fed mains top-up
c. The rainwater feed into the tank, and the overflow from the tank, need to be aligned
with the direction of drainage flow (see below)
d. Due allowance will need to be made in the overall drainage scheme for any invert
drop across the filter

tank handling
86. All risks associated with receipt of a tank on-site, its on-site handling, its installation and
post-installation implications are to be assessed and associated method statements
87. Tank transportation to site is normally arranged by the supplier who will coordinate
associated arrangements with site personnel, and provide guidance on how the tank is
to be handled and installed.


88. Responsibility for the tank passes to the buyer once unloading commences; it is
therefore important that the buyer accepts the condition of the tank on arrival before
attempting to move it. Tanks are only to be lifted and moved in accordance with the
manufacturers instructions.
89. Tanks are designed to be lifted and manoeuvred only when empty; they are not
therefore to be lifted when containing water under any circumstances as this will add
considerable weight that the tank is not designed to support until installed.
tank installation
90. The tank must be installed in accordance with the manufacturers instructions, taking
due note of stated limitations, including factors such as:

Installation depth
Installation sequence
Ground & water-table conditions
Proximity to structures and topographical features
Post-installation load-bearing requirements

BS-8515 also requires that consideration also be given to subsequent access.

installation checklist
91. Once the right tank has been ordered, a typical step-by-step guide to unloading and
installing a tank would give consideration to:
Arrangements should be made for the tank to be delivered, coincident with the day
it is due to be installed; with this in mind, when delivery is expected ensure:
Suitable access and parking arrangements have been made for the delivery vehicle
Plant is available to unload the tank
A clear route has been designated between the delivery vehicle and the installation
The installation site is level and clear of obstacles and site debris and, ideally:
o The water ingress pipe-work is complete and ready for connection
o The water overflow pipe-work is complete, ready for connection, and is itself
connected to the surface water management system (soak-away, storm-drain
or attenuation as appropriate)
o The service duct is ready for connection
In accordance with the manufacturers instructions provided:
o Mark-out the excavation in plan-view
o Calculate dig-depth
o Note any constraints/guidelines on installing and back-filling the tank
o Note any trafficking limitations once installed
Complete and sign-off the risk assessment
Complete and sign-off the method statement

92. Filters are designed to provide full domestic RWH systems with aesthetically pleasing
water, ie crystal clear, but non-wholesome. A range of types of filters can be used
individually and collectively to achieve this requirement, as follows:
Leaf-traps at the top of down-pipes
Pre storage tank filters, to keep all solid particles in excess of 1.25-mm out of the
tank (a BS-8515 requirement)
Fine mesh/gauze filters, designed to remove fine sediment
Carbon filters, to bring non-wholesome water up to wholesome quality, or to
prevent particle screening when using:
UV filters, again for bringing the water up to wholesome standard
93. For pre-storage cleansing of the harvested water, sedimentation traps that are effective
in preventing solid particles in excess of 1.25-mm entering the tank are also permitted
by BS-8515.
pre-storage filters ..
94. Of the above filters, only the pre-storage tank filtration of the harvested rainwater is a
mandatory requirement of BS-8515. The filter used must be rated to handle the volume
of water generated by the roof during heavy downpours, and the invert-drop across the
filter must be taken into account when designing the associated drainage runs. Various
examples of filters used in RWH systems are illustrated below:



Pumps & Pump-controls

module aim
95. The aim of this module is to provide an introduction to the types and characteristics of
pumps in general use in UK rainwater harvesting systems.
pump types
96. The pumps used by RWH systems have one or more of the following characteristics, in
that they can be:
In-tank or out of tank
Self-activated or control-activated
Suspended or free-standing
97. None of these characteristics carry inherent advantages/disadvantages, systems being
designed to take into account the recommended pump. However, nearly all share in
common the limitation that they are intended solely for use with clean water; this
means that water that has not been satisfactorily filtered may cause them damage.
98. Typical system pumps are illustrated below:


self-activated pumps
99. Self-activated pumps, once primed and connected to the system they are supplying,
switch themselves on when a demand for water is sensed, and off again when the
demand ceases.
100. Such pumps usually also incorporate inbuilt dry-run protection, but reliance upon
this can give rise to a number of possible undesirable side-effects, such as:
Cavitation before shut-down
Intake of poor quality water towards the bottom of the storage tank
The pump cutting in and out of operation with minor fluctuations in storage tank
contents (when intermittent light rainfall is experienced for example)
The need to re-set the pump once the inbuilt dry-run protection has been activated
101. To avoid these possible side-effects, self-activated pumps are often fitted with a
secondary float-operated low-level cut-off switch calibrated to stop the pumps power
before the water supply is exhausted. This arrangement does not practically affect the
harvesting potential of the system.
control-activated pumps
102. Control-activated pumps will run whenever power is supplied to them, and
conversely stop running only when the power is removed; this means that they need to
be controlled by a management system that usually comprises the following
A management unit that makes power potentially available to the pump whenever
there is sufficient water in the storage tank; this unit may also incorporate an
indication of tank contents and other system control functions such a mains top-up
A pump control unit that:
Senses when demand for supply of water starts/stops
Instructs a pump-capacitor to start/stop the supply of electrical power to the
Even when demand exists, instructs the pump-capacitor to cease providing
power to the pump if no water-flow is sensed; this covers two failures which
might potentially damage the pump:
o Failure of the management unit to activate mains-water top-up when
needed, hence causing the pump to run dry
o Rupture or disconnection of the delivery pipe between the pump and the
system supply pipe
The pump-capacitor referred to above

water intake
103. Water quality at the point of use in a correctly-sized system is maintained by a
combination of factors, including:
Allowing only water harvested from a suitable roof to be collected
Suitable pre-tank filtration
Use of calmed inlets
104. Notwithstanding these measure, a fine silt can be
expected to settle at the bottom of the storage tank; to
avoid ingesting this material, the pump must take its water
from a level in the storage tank which is clear of the silt.
This is achieved by:
Suspending pumps at the correct height within the tank
Using floating intakes (as pictured), which is essential
for pumps that simply rest on the base of the tank
common errors

Common errors made at this stage of the installation, include:

Pumps suspended at the incorrect height

Pump-pots and integral filters not in place
Floating intakes missing
Float-valves suspended at the wrong height
Float-valve weights missing
Management sensor-cables at incorrect height or not calibrated
Operation of float-valves not checked
Cables tangled, preventing proper functioning


System Schematics
module aim
106. The aim of this module is to identify the schematic layout of typical domestic
systems, and to illustrate the relationship between their components.
107. Although component specifications will vary from system to system, their function
and relationships are likely to be similar. The schematics below help to identify
commonly-used layouts for domestic systems; commercial systems will also share
similarities with these layouts, but on larger projects may be more complex.


Happy Customers!
module aim
108. The aim of this module is to identify how best to make a complete success of a RWH
project and keep your customers happy.
the happy factors
109. The keys to having a happy customer are providing them with a reliable system at
the right price; this entails:
Choosing the right system (using the information provided above)
Installing it in accordance with the suppliers instructions
Proper commissioning
A proper hand-over to the customer and end-user

Checklists covering these last three factors are provided below

successful installations
111. The details of every installation will vary from system to system, and must be
undertaken strictly in accordance with the manuals provided by the system supplier;
failure to do so may prejudice the systems fitness for purpose.
112. Bearing in mind that once complete, some aspects of an installation can no longer be
visually checked, it is important that the project be supervised throughout by a
competent person and that individual tradesmen take a professional pride in their work.

The hallmarks of a successful installation are:

Leaf-guards are fitted to down-pipes

All drainage system joints, including between the neck and the tank, are well-sealed
to prevent ground-water ingress
Any plumbing/pipe-work using screwed-connectors are PTFE-taped
Water is being collected from a suitable roof only, and there are no open gulleys
The tank has been kept free of foreign matter throughout
All pipes have been sealed when being pulled-through and are free of dirt
The pre-tank filter has been sealed pending occupation to prevent stagnant water


114. System commissioning is the final stage in preparing hand-over of the system to the
client, the process for which will again vary from system to system and must be
undertaken in accordance with the suppliers instructions; typically, commissioning will
entail confirming that:
The installation has been completed in accordance with the suppliers instructions,
and has been pressure-tested
Correct pipe-work and labelling used throughout
Any manufacturers recommendations for non-supplied parts, such as toilet cistern
valves for example, have been followed
All electrical and plumbing connections are sound
The pump is correctly installed, has been primed and operates on demand
Any floating component, such pump intake and float-switches, and associated
cabling are untangled and operate freely
All operations function correctly, such as:
o Gauge readings
o Dry-run protection cut-out
o The mains top-up function
o System warnings & alerts
The filter is correctly installed (and sealed if end-use is not imminent)
The system operates normally and holds pressure when inactive
There is no evidence of leaks or weeps
115. The system is now ready to be signed-off by the commissioning tradesman, and
handed-over to the client, covering all relevant points such as:

Demonstrating use of the equipment, and its controls

Explaining any system limitations/constraints
Identifying the major components, their inter-relationship and normal function
Explaining maintenance requirements
Running through the fault-finding guide
Providing system support contact information
The need to remove the filter seal when the property is about to be occupied
Providing the Safety File copies of the O&M Manual (commercial systems) or
Installation & User Manuals (domestic systems)

Arrangements also need to be in place to ensure that the end-user receives an equally
comprehensive hand-over.


Maintenance & Repairs

module aim ..
116. Guidance on the maintenance requirements of systems, and support in the event of
system breakdowns, is provided by the system supplier.
117. The aim of this module is to identify the generic maintenance and repair
requirements common to most RWH systems
safety & access

Proper risk assessments are to be made on all aspects of any work undertaken.

119. For most of the checks to be made during routine maintenance and repair activities,
electrical power will need to be on, and all system stop-cocks open; however, care
must be taken to:
Isolate electrical power when appropriate to the work being undertaken
Close stop-cock and isolate the pump when plumbing connections need to be broken
(during removal and cleaning of in-line strainer, for example); re-made connections
are to be properly re-taped with PTFE, where appropriate
routine maintenance
120. The routine maintenance requirements of domestic RWH systems is limited to a
periodic check (usually quarterly) of:
Whether the user has experienced any problems or unusual symptoms
The correct operation of services
No signs of leaks or weeps
No sign of wiring deterioration
Correct operating pressure (where a gauge is available)
Gutters clean, leaf filters in place, and pre-tank and in-line filters removed/cleaned
Good water quality in the main storage tank, and to services
No tide-mark in the neck of the tank to indicate over-filling (ie overflow failure)
Tank contents matches contents gauge (if present) and the weather/usage pattern

customer service
121. It is important for the development of the RWH industry that developers and endusers experience of the technology should be wholly positive; performing good
installations and providing good after-sales support plays a massive part in that.
122. Nevertheless, failures might arise, in which context it is important that end-users
Provided with the contact details (installer and/or supplier as appropriate) of their
primary source of after-sales support
Encouraged not to live with irritating issues (water-quality, erratic performance
etc), but report problems at an early stage
Asked to report faults whilst either they or their tradesman are on-site, so that
diagnostic support can be provided
fault finding
123. The manuals provided with the system by the supplier are the best source of
information for tracing faults; most suppliers also supplement their manuals by
providing free telephone hotline support. As noted above, this is best accessed whilst
on-site so that diagnostic advice can be given.

Generic reasons why systems malfunction include:

No power supply to the system; check fuses etc

No water in the tank; check pre-tank filter is clean and operation of the back-up
Pump inoperative; may need replacing, re-priming or re-setting (power off/on)
Incorrect top-up operation; check float-valve/sensor suspension and operate
Component failures; on systems using control-activated pumps, for example, failure
of any one of the management unit, pump control unit or pump capacitor will
prevent the pump operating
Pump hunting (when services not being used); weep or leak on the delivery side of
the system (will shorten pump life and may cause it to fault-out)
Continuous pumping (but no pressure to services); delivery pipe split or disconnected
from the pump (system needs to be switched-of as soon as detected to protect the
pump and avoid energy waste)

125. NB:
It should be noted on header-tank systems that a system failure may not be
immediately apparent to the end-user, as water will still continue to be available to
services via the mains top-up feature. End-users therefore need to be advised how to
detect such failures in supplier manuals.
water quality issues
126. As noted above, checking quality of the water in the main storage tank is one of the
main requirements of periodic maintenance because:
Poor quality water in the tank will provide poor quality water to the services which is
It may be an indicator of pre-tank filtration issues, which may additionally affect its
efficiency at harvesting water
Poor quality water may damage the pump, or reduce pump life

In the event of water-quality issues arising, potential causes include:

System being left unused between installation and occupancy (avoided by sealing
the filter until the system is ready for use)
Foreign matter being allowed to enter the tank during the construction process
(which must be avoided)
Ground-water ingress (avoided by sealing properly all underground connections
during installation)
Back-flow from under-performing soak-aways (avoided by installation of one-way
valves on the over-flow)


Self-Assessment Questionnaire
128. This manual is designed to provide pre-reading before attending a training workshop
provided by a member of the UK Rainwater Harvesting Association; reading the manual
beforehand will enable you to get best value from a workshop that will cover a lot of
information in a relatively short time.
129. As you have read through this manual, you have been advised to make a note of any
points which are unclear so that you can question them during the workshop.
130. On completion of the course you will be able to achieve the 90% pass-mark on a
concluding questionnaire which will qualify you for Installer-grade membership of the
Association; more importantly, it should give you confidence that you can successfully
supervise the installation of domestic rainwater harvesting systems, undertaking the
work yourself relevant to your trade.
131. The questions below are designed to help prepare you for both the workshop and
the above questionnaire; award yourself 1-marks for every correct answer; use the
manual to check your answers are correct.
Background Knowledge:

List the 3 main factors that are driving the need for RWH in the UK


List 3 government-backed policy documents that result from the above factors


List 3 new RWH-related considerations in the 2010 update of Building Regulations


What is the RWH-related relevance of the 2010 Flood & Water Management Act?


What is the daily average of mains water consumption in the UK per person per day?


What percentage of this, approximately, needs to be wholesome?


List 3 uses of domestic water that can use non-wholesome water


List 3 ways of reducing household water consumption


How do you calculate how much water is likely to be used in a new home?


Why are mains water supplies under stress in the south & east of the country?


Regulations & Codes:


List 3 types of regulations that affect the installation of RWH systems


What is the colour code for pipes carrying harvested rainwater?


List the 2 ways used to avoid rainwater contaminating the mains supply


Why do RWH installations need to be notified to Building Control?


Which Authority needs to approve installation of RWH systems?


What is the difference between a Class-AA and a Class-AB air-gap?


When would a Class-AB air-gap be most likely to be used?


List 5 aspects of a RWH system that are covered by BS-8515


Meeting Customers Needs:


For what type of domestic projects are full RWH most cost-effective?


State the principle reason why that is the case


Give 3 reasons why irrigation-only systems are easier to retrofit


What governs the size of the storage tank in a full domestic system?


What governs the size of the storage tank in an irrigation-only system?


List the 3 main parameters used to calculate tank size for a full RWH system


List 3 customer requirements that would best be met by a direct pressure system


List 3 customer requirements that would best be met by a header-tank system


List 3 types of filters used in full domestic systems


Name the main customer requirement that would affect tank installation



List 3 aspects of the tank connections that need to be checked before ordering


List 2 components one might expect to arrive pre-fitted to the tank


List 5 things you would check during the installation of a tank


List the 3 trades involved in the installation


List 3 of the services that pass through the service-duct


What is the alternative to a service duct if one cannot be accommodated?


List 3 site factors that will affect the tank installation


What is the purpose of a one-way valve on the overflow?


List 3 installation-related errors that will lead to poor water quality

Q37: Where in the system should a cross-over loop be fitted to ensure continuity of
supply in the event of a power cut or system failure?

What is you main source of information related to maintaining/repairing a system?


Failing that, list the first three things you would check on an inoperative system?


List 5 periodic maintenance checks that would apply to most systems


Getting it right!

List 5 hallmarks of a job well-done


List 5 of the things you would check when commissioning the system


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