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Kitabul Aqaid by Sadrul Afazil Trans by Mufti Muhammad Kashif

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The key takeaways are that Allah (God) is the creator and sustainer of the entire universe, and everything in it was created by Him and will eventually perish. He has many attributes like being all-powerful, all-knowing, and merciful.

Allah (God) is the creator and perish-er of all things in the universe. Everything was created by Him at some point in time and will eventually be destroyed.

Some of the attributes of Allah mentioned are that He is all-living, powerful, listener, observer, speaker, knowledgeable, planner, and merciful. He is free from any defects or evil.

Copyright 2015 by Ihya Academy of

Islamic Studies

All rights reserved. This book or any

portion thereof may not be reproduced
or used in any manner whatsoever
without the express written permission
of the publisher except for the use of
brief quotations in a book review.

Published online for


First Published: April, 2015

Ihya Academy of Islamic Studies,

Bangalore, India.

This is one of the core and basic text on the creed of Ahl
us-Sunnah originally written in Urdu by Sadr ul-Afazil
Maulana Naeemuddin Muradabadi .
The text has been translated in easy English for the
benefit of people who do not belong to Indian
subcontinent or do not understand Urdu.
As all with all books, this book may also have errors
which went unnoticed during translation and editing;
readers are requested to kindly inform us these errors so
that correction is made in next edition.
Kindly remember the author and the translator in you
kind prayers. May Almighty Allah provide benefit to
ummah by this work, Aameen.

Muhammed Kashif ul-Ansari


Everything in this universe changes and will perish after
sometime. It was created at some point of time hence
there should be a creator and destroyer. His blessed
name is 'Allah' . He was present from eternity and
will remain forever.
He is the creator of whole universe. Earth, skies, moon,
stars, humans, animals and other creatures are created by
him only. He is sustains them and they all seek him. It is
in his power to provide food and give and take lives. He
is the owner of everyone, he does whatever he wishes and
nobody can interfere in his orders. His attributes are
combination of beauty and perfection and free from
damage and evil. Nothing is hidden from his knowledge;
he knows all invisible and visible things. Just like his
presence is from eternity, his attributes are also present
from eternity.
Everything in this universe is created by him. We all are
his slaves. He loves us more than our own parents. He is
merciful, forgives sins and accepts repentance of his

slaves. His grip is very strong, only he can let someone

go. Honor and shame are under his control, he honors
whomever he wishes and disgraces whomever he wishes.
He makes whomever rich or poor as per his wish.
All his actions are wise and just. He will grant Jannah to
Muslims and will torment disbelievers in hell. All his
acts are wise, let someone understands it or not. His
blessings and kindness are immense. He is the one who
deserves to be worshiped and no one other than him.
Almighty Allah is all living, powerful, listener, observer,
speaker, knowledgeable and planner. He is neither
anyone's father nor son. He neither has a wife nor any
relative. He is the one on whom everyone depends.
 Question: Is the universe in existence from
A: No.
 Question: Will the universe remain forever?
A: No, because everything in it has a time period.
Everything is first created and it exists till it
reaches its age and then it is destroyed.

 Question: Who is the creator and perish-er of all

things in the universe?
A: Almighty Allah .
 Question: When was he born and till when will
he live?
A: Almighty Allah was never born and will never
perish. The things which never existed are born.
Almighty Allah existed from time eternal and
will remain forever. He creates everything,
nobody created him. He makes everything to
perish, no one can perish him.
 Question: Did he create the whole universe alone
or someone is his partner?
A: No one is his partner. Everyone is his servant
and created by him. He alone has created the
whole universe, he has great powers. Not even a
particle can move without his orders.

Nabuwwat The Prophet hood

The pure people whom Almighty Allah sent for the
guidance and mentoring of creatures to reveal his divine
laws are called Prophets. Prophets are humans who
receive divine revelations from Almighty Allah. This
revelation is sometimes received via an angle and
sometimes without the angel.
Prophets are free from sin; their habits and character are
extremely pure. Their name, family lineage, body,
statements, actions and movements, all are of high status
and free from disgusting features.
Almighty Allah bestows them with perfect intelligence.
Even the most intelligent person in universe cannot
reach a millionth part of their intelligence.
Almighty Allah informs them about the unseen. They
are busy in obeying and worshiping Almighty Allah
whole day and night and deliver the message of
Almighty Allah to people and guide them to him.

Prophet-hood is very high rank and status. No one can

attain it by worshiping etc. Let someone keep fast for
lifetime, let him cry whole night in prostration, let him
donate all his wealth for charity and for the cause of
Almighty Allah, let him sacrifice himself for religion, but
still he cannot attain Prophet-hood. Prophet-hood is a
grace of Allah and he grants it to whomsoever he wishes.
Obedience of Prophet is obligatory. Prophets are better
than all the creatures in universe. Maintaining their
respect and honor is a must and even slight disrespect to
them and their refutation is disbelief. Until a person has
faith in them, he cannot be a believer. Prophets have
high ranks and status in the court of Almighty Allah and
they are his beloved.
Among the Prophets who brought new Shariah
(religious rules) are called Rasool. All the Prophets are
alive in their graves just like they were alive in this world.
Death came to them just for a second and they became
alive again.

The first Prophet to come to world is Adam , before

him there were no humans. First of all, Allah created
him with his complete power, without father and mother
and made him his deputy. He gave him the Ilm ulAsmaa (knowledge of names and properties of all the
things in the world). Angels were ordered to prostrate to
him. The human race started from him. All humans are
his children. Starting from Aadam  till our Prophet
Mohammed , Allah sent many Prophets.
Prophets whose names are mentioned in Quran are:

 Zul Kifl 

Statuses of Prophets
The statuses of Prophets are different and varied. Some
have status higher than others. The highest status is that
of our Prophet Muhammad . Prophet Muhammad
 is the last Prophet. Allah ended the chain of
Prophet-hood with him. After Prophet Muhammad 
no one can receive Prophet-hood. A person who deems
it possible that Prophet-hood can be received after our
Prophet will become a Kafir.
The Excellencies which were bestowed on other
Prophets have been combined in our Prophet and his
personal Excellencies are more than these. The way to
Almighty can be found only through Prophets and the
salvation of humans depends upon their obedience.
 Question: Are Jins and Angels also Prophets?
A: No, Prophets are only from human race and
only male. No women can be a Prophet.


 Question: Revelation is revealed to non-Prophets

A: The revelation is not reveled to non-Prophets.
Who thinks it is possible is a Kafir.
 Question: Can anyone be 'Masoom' (innocent)
other than Prophets?
A: Yes, Angels are also masoom and no one else.
 Question: Who is called 'Masoom'?
A: The one who is under the protection of Allah
because of which it is impossible to commit sin.
 Question: Are Imam and Wali also 'Masoom'?
A: Other than Prophets and Angels no one is
Masoom. Almighty protects Auliya Allah from
committing sins but only Prophets and Angels
are masoom.
 Question: What is Ilm-e-Asma?


A: The knowledge which was given to Aadam

about everything in the universe with their names
is called Ilm-e-Asma.
 Question: What kind of prostration Angels do to
Aadam ?
A: It was the prostration of respect which was
done by Angels on the order of Allah.
Prostration of respect was allowed in past
Shariahs (but) it is not allowed in our Shariah.
Prostration of worship was never allowed even in
previous Shariahs.

Moajizaat The Miracles

Those unrealistic actions which are not possible normally
like making dead alive, cutting moon into halves by
pointing (a finger), release of water from fingers. If these
actions are done by a person to prove his claim of
Prophethood, is called Moajizah. Many moajizats take
place by Prophets and these are proofs of their Prophet-


hood. People accept truthfulness of a Prophet by

experiencing miracles. The person who can do such
unrealistic things, in front of whom everyone is surprised
and amazed, is indeed sent by Allah. Though stubborn
enemy will not believe but one's heart accepts it and
people, who understand it, bring Iman.
No false claimant of prophet-hood can display mojizaat,
as nature does not approve it. There are many mojizaat
of our Prophet, among which the most famous mojizah
is Meraj.
Prophet  went from Mecca to Bait ul-Muqaddas
(Jerusalem) in a very short time of night and lead the
Prophets in prayer there. From Bait ul-Muqaddas he
travelled to Heavens. He attained such closeness to Allah
which was never attained by any human, angel, prophet
or messenger. He saw the beauty of Almighty Allah
from his physical eyes, heard Almighty's words, and
visited all places of earth and skies. He toured the
heavens and saw hell. He told about the caravans which


he saw on the way from Mecca to Bait ul-Muqaddas in

the morning.
Quran is the word of Allah which Almighty revealed for
guidance of his servants. It contains every branch of
knowledge and it is an unmatched book. Even if all the
people of the world unite together, still no one can write
a book like this. Allah revealed this book on his beloved
just like he revealed Torah on Moosa , Zaboor on
Dawood , Injeel on Isaa  and other books on
Prophets before.
All these books are the truth. We have faith in all these
books, but wicked people of past changed previous books
and hence authentic (copy) is not available. Almighty
Allah himself is the protector of Quran; this is the reason
that it is exactly the same as it was revealed and will
always remain same, unchanged. Even if whole world
try, not even a single alphabet can be altered in it.
 Question: Is there any divine book on earth?

A: Yes.
 Question: What is meant by a divine book?
A: The book of Almighty Allah.
 Question: Which is that book?
A: Quran.
 Question: What is in that book?
A: It has all the knowledge.
 Question: Why was this book revealed?
A: For the guidance of mankind and so that they
know Allah and his Prophet and act as per their
 Question: On whom Quran was revealed?
A: Muhammad
 Question: When was it revealed?
A: Around 1400 years back.


 Question: Did Allah reveal any book other than

A: Yes.
 Question: Which are those books?
A: Name of all the books are not known, but
famous ones are Torah, Injeel and Zaboor.
 Question: Can authentic Torah, Injeel and
Zaboor be found anywhere today?
A: No.
 Question: Why?
A: Christians and Jews added and deleted
contents from these books as per their wishes and
made it something else.
 Question: Is authentic Quran available?
A: Yes, authentic Quran is available everywhere.
 Question: Is it not changed?
A: It cannot be changed; even a single alphabet
cannot be changed.


 Question: Why?
A: Because Almighty Allah is its protector.
 Question: Where is Quran found?
A: It is found in every city and village. It is found
in house of every Muslim. Every Muslim child
knows some part of it by heart.
 Question: How do you know that it is the book
of Allah?
A: Just like things created by Almighty Allah
cannot be made by anyone else similarly a book
like Quran cannot be made. With this we know
that it is the book of Allah.
 Question: Does Hindus have any book from
A: No.
 Question: What are ved? (Hindu scriptures)
A: Poems of olden time poets.


Farishtey - The Angels

Angels are faithful and honored servants of Almighty
Allah who never disobey his commands. They are free
from all kind of sins, their bodies are made up of light
and they neither eat nor drink anything. They are always
busy in worshipping Allah. Allah has given them the
ability to transform into anything.
They are assigned on different tasks. Some are assigned
duties in Heavens, some in Hell, some on writing deeds
of humans, some on delivering sustenance, some on
bringing rain, some on creating baby in mothers womb,
some on guarding humans, some on taking souls, some
on questioning in grave, some on torment, some on
delivering salutations of Muslims to the court of
Rasoolullah and some on delivering revelations to
Almighty Allah has given them great powers; they can
do tasks which even thousands of people cannot
accomplish. Among them four angels are most glorious.


They are Gibraeel , Mikaeel , Israfeel  and

Izraeel  .
 Question: Can Angels be seen?
A: They are not visible to us but for whom Allah
wishes, they can see them. Prophets see them and
talk to them. Dead also see angels in grave and all
other people whom Allah wishes, can see them.
 Question: Only one angel is assigned to a man
who writes his deeds for his lifetime or there are
A: There are different angels for writing good
deeds and evil deeds and [similarly there are]
different angles for day and night.
 Question: In total how many angels are there?
A: They are many; we don't know the exact


Taqdeer - The Destiny

Whatever happens in the world and whatever people do,
good or bad, takes place as per the eternal knowledge of
Almighty Allah. Whatever is going to happen [in future]
is in the knowledge of Allah and is in written with him.
 Question: Is a man compelled to act as per his
A: No. Allah has given power to man to act good
or bad. Whatever he does with his power is
[already] in written with Allah.

Death and Grave

The age of every person is defined, it neither lessens nor
increases. When his life time completes, the angel of
death takes his soul.
At the time of death, person sees angels on his right and
left and till where his eye sight reaches, he sees angels
everywhere. Angels of blessings are with Muslim and
angels of torments are with Kafir. The soul of a Muslim

is taken with respect by angels and soul of a Kafir is

taken with disdain.
The places for souls are defined at different locations.
There is different place for pious and different place for
evil people. But wherever soul is, its connection with
body remains. Any pain to body hurts the soul. They see
people visiting their graves and they hear their voices.
After death, soul is not born again by transferring to
another body. This is a nonsense view which is called
Separation of soul from body is death but after death it
doesn't perish. After burying, the grave presses the dead.
When people return after burying, the dead hear the
sounds of their shoes. After which two angels come to
him, ripping the ground. Their faces are dreadful and
eyes are blue and black. One is called Munkir and other
Nakeer. They make the dead sit and ask him the
 Who is your Lord?
 What is your religion?

 Pointing towards Prophet  they ask what do

you used to say about him.
A Muslim answers: My lord is Allah, my religion is
Islam and he is prophet of Allah . Angels will say:
We knew you would answer this; then his grave is made
wide and it is illuminated. An announcer announces: My
servant told the truth. Roll heavenly carpet for him, dress
him in heavenly dress and open the door towards
heavens. The doors are opened from which the wind and
the fragrance of heaven flow and angels ask him to take
A kafir cannot answer these questions. for each question
he says : I don't know. An announcer from sky says; He
is a liar, roll the carpet of fire for him, dress him in fire
and open the doors of hell from which the heat and
flames comes out. Angels are assigned on him who hit
him with huge iron hammers and torture him.
 Question: Who believe in Aawagon?
A: Hindu


 Question: Does grave presses every dead?

A: Prophets are exception other than them grave
presses all Muslims as well as all kafirs. But
Muslims are pressed by love like a mother presses
her baby to chest with love and Kafirs are pressed
strongly such that their ribs move from one side
to other.
 Question: Are there any people who will not be
questioned in grave?
A: Yes. The people who have been exempted [as
narrated in hadith] like Prophets and people who
die on Friday and in Ramadan.
 Question: The torment of grave will only be on
Kafir or on Muslim too?
A: Kafirs will always be tormented but some
Muslims will also face the torment. The torment
is lessened by charity, prayers, recitation of
Quran and other means of sending sawaab by
Muslim and by the grace of Allah the torment is


lifted. According to some scholars the torment is

taken off from the grave of Muslims as soon as
night of Jumuah arrives.
 Question: The dead who are not buried are also
A: Yes, whether the dead is buried or not or it is
eaten by animal in every case he is questioned
and if he deserves punishment then he is
The Judgment
Just like everything has an age after which it perishes
similarly there is an age of the universe in the knowledge
of Allah. After that age it will perish, Earth, skies,
humans and animals, no one will remain. It is called the
Hour (Qiyamah). Just like before death, signs like
intense illness, harshness of dying and removal of soul






commencement of the final hour (Qiyamah).



Signs of Qiyamah
Before commencement of final hour, the knowledge will
be taken away from people. Scholars will not be available
and ignorance will prevail. There will be increase in
wickedness and shamelessness. The population of
women will become more than men. Other than main
antichrist there will be thirty other antichrists, everyone
among them will claim to be Prophet even though the
Prophet-hood is complete on Prophet Muhammad .
Among them few antichrists have passed like Musailima
Kazzab, Aswad Unsi, Mirza Ali Muhammad Bab, Mirza
Ali Hussain Bahaullah and remaining other will also
indeed come.
There will be excess of money. Arabia will have
harvesting fields, orchards and rivers. Holding onto
religion will be difficult. The time will pass very quickly.
People will find it difficult to pay Zakat. People will
study [religion] for worldly gains. Men will obey women.
Disobedience of parents will prevail. Drinking of wine
will be common. Non-eligible will be made leaders. The

treasure of gold will be uncovered from River Euphrates

(Nahr-e-Furat). Earth will throw out it deposits. Trust
will be considered booty. Noises will rise from Masjids.
Transgressors will lead. Rebellions will be respected.
There will be prevalence of songs and music. People will
swear upon people of past generations. The tip of lash
and shoelaces will talk. Antichrist, Daabbatul Ard and
Yajooj Majooj will emerge. Imam Mahdi will appear and
Prophet Isa will descend on earth. Sun will rise from
west and the doors of forgiveness will be closed.
 Question: Who is Antichrist (Dajjal)? Explain its
A: Antichrist is the name of one eyed liar. He
will have one eye and ( kafir) will be written
on his forehead. Every Muslim will be able to
read it but Kafirs will not be able to see it. He
would wander whole earth for 40 days but will
not be able to enter Mecca and Medina. First day
of his 40 days will be of 1 year duration, second
day will be a month long, third will be a week


long and remaining days will be of usual

Antichrist will claim to be God and there will be
a garden and fire with him, whom he will call
heaven and hell. People who would believe in
him, he will put them in his heaven which will be
fire in reality and People who would reject him,
he would place them in his hell which will be a
place of comfort in reality. He will show many
miracles. He will grow plants from ground and
make the rain fall from sky. He will raise the
One pious Muslim will look at him, on which his
army will ask: You don't believe in our God?
The pious Muslim will answer: Proofs of my lord
are not hidden.
They will catch him and take him to Dajjal.
After looking at Dajjal he will say: O People! He
is the Dajjal about whom Prophet informed us.


He will be beaten on Dajjals order.

Dajjal will ask him: You dont believe in me?
He will say: You are one-eyed liar.
On Dajjal's order his body will be cut from head
to toe in two parts and Dajjal will walk between
these two pieces.
Then he will say: Standup! The pious man will
get well and standup. Then Dajjal will ask him
(again): Do you believe me (now)?
He will say: Now my vision has strengthened. O
People! This Dajjal will not be able to do this
with anyone after me. Then Dajjal will try to
catch and kill him but will not be able to do so.
The Dajjal will catch his hands and legs and put
him in his fire, people will think that it is in fire,
but in reality he will be in comfort.


 Question: What is Daabbat ul-Ard?

A: Daabbat ul-Ard is an animal with strange face
which will emerge from mountain of Safa and
will travel all the cities in extremely fast speed.
He will talk with eloquence and will make a mark
on all people. He will mark a luminous line with
the stick of Moosa on forehead of believers and
with the ring of Suleman he will put a black mark
on forehead of kafirs.
 Q: Who are Yajooj and Majooj?
A: They are troublesome group from offspring of
Yafs bin Nooh. They are very large in population.
They cause feud on earth. They used to emerge
during the time of harvest and will not leave any
food grain. They even used to eat humans. They
would eat animals, snakes and spiders. Sikandar
Zil Qarnain stopped their emergence and trapped
them by erecting iron wall around them. After
the descend of Isa, when he would take Muslims
to mountain of Toor by the order of Allah after


killing Dajjal, at that moment they will break the

wall and come out and will cause feud on earth.
Allah will destroy them by the prayer of Isa.
 Q: Describe about Imam Mahdi ?
A: Imam Mahdi is the deputy of Allah. He will
be from the progeny of Prophet and will be
Hasani Syed. When disbelief will spread in whole
world and Islam will shrink to Haramain
Sharifain. Auliya and Abdal will migrate there. In
the month of Ramadan, Abdals will be doing
tawaf of Kaaba and its then Auliyah will
recognize him and insist him to take bayah. He
will refuse. A voice from no-where will say: He is
the deputy of Allah, Mahdi listen his orders and
obey him. People will give bayah on his hands
and he will go to Shaam with Muslims. His time
will be the time of blessings, goodness and earth
will be filled with justice and fairness.


 Q: Briefly describe about descend of Prophet Isa

 to earth.
A: When tribulation of Dajjal would reach its
peak and he will enter Syria after travelling whole
world, at that time Isa would descend down on
the east minaret of Damascuss grand mosque as
a just ruler per Mohammadan Shariah and a
reviver. His fragrance will reach till where his
sight would reach and by his fragrance Dajjal
would start melting and would run away. He will
kill Dajjal at a place called Lud near Bait ulMaqdis.
His era will be of goodness and blessings. Wealth
will be in abundance. Earth will throw out its
wealth. People will not remain interested in
wealth and money. Jews, Christians and all other
false religions will be destroyed by him. In his era
only one religion will prevail, al-Islam. All
kuffars will accept Islam and whole world would
be Ahlus Sunnah. Peace and order will be so good


that a lion and a goat will graze together.

Children will play with snakes. There will not be
any sign of hatred and jealousy.
The time when he will descend, the salah of Fajr
would be starting. Imam Mahdi would request
him to lead the Salah but he will ask Imam
Mahdi to lead and would offer Salah behind him.
It is in a narration that by knowing the honor
and attributes of Prophet and respect and honor
of his ummah Isa prayed to be a part ummah of
Muhammed. Almighty Allah

accepted his

prayers and made him survive so long that he will

descend as leader in ummah of Muhammad 
during final times of the world.

After the

descend he will live for many years. He will get

married, die and will be buried next to Prophet
Muhammed .
 Q: describe rising of sun from west and closure of
doors of repentance before Qiyamah.

A: Everyday sun does prostration to Almighty

and asks for the permission. When permission is
granted it rises from. Near Qiyamah when
Dabbat ul-Ard will emerge, like always sun would
seek permission to rise but permission would not
be granted and it will be ordered to go back.
Then sun will rise from west and return after
reaching mid of sky and will set in east. After this
it will rise as usual from west. Immediately after
sunrise from west the door of repentance will be
closed. Then anyone accepting Iman will not be
 Q: When will Qiyamah take place?
A: Exact knowledge of this is with Almighty
Allah. We know that when these (above
mentioned) signs would take place and there
would not remain any believer on earth then
Israfeel by the order of Almighty will blow the
trumpet. Its sound will be very feeble initially but
will rise slowly. People will hear its sound, would


fall down and die. Earth, sky and whole universe

will be destroyed. Then whenever Almighty
would wish he would order Israfeel  to blow
the trumpet again. After blowing everything will
be created as it were before, dead will rise from
graves and will be brought to ground of Mahshar
with their book of deeds in their hands. They will
wait for their reward or punishment. Sun will be
very near to heads, around a mile away. Brain
would boil because of extreme heat. People will
sweat profusely, some will have sweat till their
ankles, some till their knees, some till their neck
and some will have sweat till their mouth, like
rein. It will be as per condition and deeds of the
person and sweat will be very stinky.
A long period will pass in this situation. It will a
day of 50000 years and half of it will pass in this


People will look for intercessor who can help

them and would wait for judgment to start soon.
People will reach out to all Prophets but objective
wouldn't be fulfilled. At last they will come to
our Prophet  and request for intercession.
Prophet  will say 'I'm for this cause' and would
prostrate in the court of Almighty Allah.
Almighty Allah would say: O Muhammad !
Raise you head, tell me and I will listen, ask me and
I will provide, intercede and I will accept.
One intercession of Prophet  is for all the
people of Mahshar who will be seeking help due
to extreme fear and long period. They would seek
that the judgment and their verdict is passed soon
for them.
Then judgment will start. Deeds will be weighed
in Meezan. The book of deeds will in the hand of
people. Persons own hands, legs and body parts


would testify against him. The part of land where

an act was done would also be ready to testify.
That will be a strange situation without any
friend and no one to console. Neither son will be
of any help to father nor father would be able to
help son.
The deeds are being questioned. Whatever was
done during lifetime is present. He can neither
reject any sin (which he did) nor can he get any







helplessness the Prophet will come to rescue and

will intercede for his followers and seekers.
Intercession of Prophet  will be of many
types. Some will inter heavens without any
judgment due to his intercession. Some who
deserve hell will be rescued and those sinful
believers, who are in hell, will be taken out of it
due to Prophet's intercession. The people of


heaven will also get benefited and their ranks

would be raised due to his intercession.
All other Prophets, Companions, Martyrs,
Scholars and Awliyah will intercede for their
followers. People would ask scholars to recall the
relationship they had with them in the world. If
someone would have given water for wudu to a
scholar in world, he would make the scholar
remember this act of him and request for his
intercession and they would intercede.
 Question: The scene of Mahshar which is
described, like boiling of brains due to closeness
to sun, suffering due to discharge of stinky sweat
and extreme long duration of this event etc., is
applicable for all the people or there are servants
of Almighty who are exempted from these?
Answer: None of this will be experienced by
Prophets, pious and righteous. By the blessings
of Almighty they will be saved from these


calamities and distresses. The 50000 years day on

which even a morsel of food or a gulp of water or
a breeze of air will not be available and over that,
there will be burning by sun's heat from top and
hotness of earth from bottom and the fire of
hunger from within. Necks will hang down due
to thirst, body will experience pain due to
standing for years and there will be heart
breakage due to extreme fear. Eyes would be
looking up and all the parts of the body would be
shivering. This long day would be less and easier
than time of a Fard Salah for these special
servants by blessings of Almighty.
The Judgment
The Judgment is true. Deeds of people will be judged.
Meezan (divine balance) will be established and deeds
will be weighed. All good and bad deeds, all words and
actions and all the deeds of disbelievers and believers will
be weighed. There will be some people who will go to
paradise without any judgment. Everyone will be given


his book of Deeds (Nama-e-Aamal) which was written

by his Angels. The book of deed will in right hand for
pious and in left hand for sinners.
Siraat - The Bridge
There is a bridge over hell which is called Siraat. It is
finer than a hair and sharper than a sword. Everyone has
to pass over it. This is the only way to paradise. While
passing bridge, there will be different condition for
different peoples. People will experience ease or difficulty
according to their status. Some will pass over it like flash
of light, at one instance they will be here and at the other
end, the next moment. Some will pass [over it] like
winds, some like fast horse, some will pass slowly, some
will pass stumbling and some will fall into hell. It will be
a time of anguish for disbelievers when they will not be
able to pass the bridge and fall into hell. They will see
believers passing the bridge like a flash or fly [over it]
like wind or running [over it] like a fast horse..


There are 10 companions of Prophet who were promised
paradise on this world itself; they are called Ashra-eMubashsharah. Four among them are rightly guided
caliphs whose description just passed. Others are :
Hazrat Talha, Hazrat Zubair, Hazrat Abdur Rahman bin
Auf, Hazrat Saad bin Abi Waqas, Hazrat Saeed bin
Zubair, Hazrat Abu Ubaydah bin Jarrah (Allah is pleased
with them).
In Ahadith there are other companions also who are
promised paradise. It is reported about Hazrat Fatimah
that she is the leader of the women in heaven. Regarding
Imam Hasan  and Imam Hussain  it is reported
that they are leaders of young men in heaven. Similarly
the companions of Badar and Bait ul Ridwan are also
promised paradise.
Imamat - The Leadership
It is necessary to have a Leader for Muslims who can
issue orders and give punishments as per divine law,


maintain the army, collect sadaqat, Overcome thieves,

looters and attackers, establish Jumuah and Eidain,
resolve the issues of Muslims, Accept the witnesses in
court, do marriage of helpless and orphaned people, who
do not have any guardian and act on the things which
cannot be done by everyone.
It is must for the leader to be physically present and he
shouldn't be hidden else he will not be able to do the acts
which require him. It is also necessary that he should be
Quraishi, leadership of anyone other than Quraishi is not
valid. It is necessary for Imam to be Muslim, man, free,
intellectual, mature and should be able to dispose the
issues of Muslims by his solutions, glory and power that
is he should be politically placed and should be able to
introduce divine rulings, protect the territories of
Muslim land, do justice between tyrant and oppressed by
his knowledge, justice, bravery and courage.
All the companions of Prophet are pious and righteous.
It is must to mention them with respect, love and honor.
It is extreme misery and deviance to have wrong beliefs


and to speak ill about any of them. The group which has
made cursing of Sahaba their religion and consider their
hatred as virtue are extremely wretched and faithless.
Sahaba have high glory, hurting them hurts the Prophet
. No wali or Ghous or Qutub can reach the status of
any Sahabi. All companions are Jannati. Angels will
welcome them on the Day of Judgment.
Auliyah Allah the friends of Allah
The group of people who are accepted by Allah, who
know about his essence and attributes, who are
committed to his obedience and worship, avoid sins and
who are given special closeness to Allah by his grace, are
called Auliyah Allah.
They do strange miracles like travelling from east to west
in seconds, walking on water, flying in air, talking to
objects and animals, removing calamities, knowledge of
situations happening at far places.
Miracles of Auliyah are actually the miracles of the
Prophet whom they follow. Love of Auliya is blessings in


both the worlds and a cause of Almightys pleasure. Its

because of their blessings that Allah fulfills the
requirements and needs of people. Creatures benefit
from their supplications. Blessings are received by
visiting their graves and participating in their Urs.








After death, the dead benefits from Sadqah, Khairaat,

recitation of Quran, Zikr-e-Ilaahi and supplications.
Virtues of these acts are received by them; that is the
reason that Fatiha and Gyarveen etc. is prevalent in
Muslims from past and these acts are proved from Sahih
Ahadith. A Person who rejects these acts is a deviant.
May Allah keep us alive on complete faith and take us
away on it. May he make us love his beloveds and
protect us from his enemies.

16 April 2015

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